2014 Lwanga Fall Newsletter
2014 Lwanga Fall Newsletter
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE 2 CONTINUED ST. LOUIS ECONOMIC 2 DEVELOPMENT YOUNG ADULT RETREAT FAREWELL MESSAGE 3 4-5 CORLISS COX TESTIMONIAL DINNER 6 THE ST. CHARLES LWANGA SPIRIT 4746 CARTER AVENUE, SUITE 100, ST. LOUIS, MO 63115 PHONE: 314.367.7929 FAX: 314.367.4134 KEEPING THE SPIRIT AND COURAGE OF THE MARTYRS ALIVE IN OUR DAILY LIVES VOLU ME 32, I SSUE 2 FAL L 2014 Our M ission S tatement 7 The St. Charles Lwanga Center’s Mission is to promote Christian spiritual formation and leadership development within the African American Catholic Community and for all who collaborate with them in accordance with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in the tradition of the Catholic Church. MLK WEEKEND 8 Message from the Executive Director HOT SPRINGS WEEKEND 9 SAVE THE DATE DINNER & AUCTION INFORMATION CONTRIBUTORS 10 MESSAGE ANNUAL APPEAL LETTER 11 ONGOING & UPCOMING 12 EVENTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Cunningham Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church Mary Elizabeth Grimes Cathedral Basilica Leslie Doyle Fontbonne University Mary A. Fitch Our Lady of the Holy Cross Church Sharon Cooney Smith St. Alphonsus Liguori “Rock” Church Eva Moore Most Holy Trinity Church Lynn Squires, Board President St. Augustine Church Barbara Hancock St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist Church Lillian Blackshear Summers St. Matthew the Apostle Church Helen Gill St. Nicholas Church Augustus Lewis Sts. Teresa and Bridget Church Ophelia Wilson, Board Secretary Visitation/St. Ann’s Shrine Church AT L A R G E M E M B E R S Tom Cummins Thad Hollie Ingrid Clark-Jackson, Board Vice President Very Rev. Richard Potts, C.Ss.R., Dean Rev. Arthur J. Cavitt, Executive Director G r eet ings to you. There is a familiar adage from Yiddish wit, “Man plans. God laughs”. When we published the previous edition of our newsletter earlier this year, there were several things that were not on my planning graph. Among them is that by the time you read this, I will have moved from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Ferguson and assumed the appointment of pastor at St. Nicholas in downtown St. Louis. Both are sponsoring parishes of the St. Charles Lwanga Center. During my years at Blessed Teresa, God displayed a myriad of blessings. I am grateful to Him and to the people of the parish for those experiences at a particular period of longing in my life. The vocational calling for my presence at St. Nicholas became amplified when I came to know that the parish has been serving the archdiocese since the 1860s. Instituted in the predominant neighborhood of German Americans, the parish was transferred to the care of the African American apostolate in the 1920s. The present contemporary church complex dates to 1960. St. Nicholas is a locus for Roman Catholic spirituality, primed with potential for a downtown renaissance. I invite you to come and worship. Be a participant in our potentiality. Monday through Friday we celebrate the Eucharist at 12:15 p.m. Masses on Sunday mornings are 8:15 and 10:30. Make no mistake about it . Archbishop Robert J. Carlson has affirmed that I remain the Executive Director of the St. Charles Lwanga Center. Much continues to happen with us as you will see in this issue, including the letter on page 11. Our staff member Mrs. Corliss Cox will be retiring in December. Yet, we intend to maintain our vibrant and necessary youth ministry. Before I moved to Ferguson we were blessed to have Blessed Teresa of Calcutta join us as a P AGE 2 Executive Director’s Message....continued from page 1 “...we proclaim, what God ordains, God maintains! That is our holy refrain.” sponsoring parish. We are now welcoming Fontbonne University as a sponsoring organization. Also signaling a new era for the St. Charles Lwanga Center is the request by the Archbishop for us to commence a study on solutions to violence in the home and in the community. Preparatory work has already begun. We are planning the th 39 Annual Archdiocesan Celebration for the Dr. Mar- tin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday Weekend in January. Concurrently, we’ve resumed our meetings for the 32nd Annual Testimonial Dinner and Auction to be held in April. We hope you are able to be present at these festivities as we thank you for your support of the St. Charles Lwanga Center. It is clear that the Center is in a mode of adaptation given the appointments, anticipated personnel changes and project assignments that have been entrusted to us. We greatly appreciate your belief in us. Let us all continue to pray for keen insight and right judgment in alignment with God’s will. As we continue this vital mission we proclaim, what God ordains, God maintains! That is our holy refrain. Fr. Art Delivers Keynote for SLEDP “...Fr.Cavitt ‘brought an impromptu church to the event’.” O n September 4, 2014, our Executive Director, Fr. Art Cavitt delivered the keynote address at the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership Annual Meeting and Luncheon. Held at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel, the event was emceed by Mr. Art Holliday of KSDK-TV. In attendance were Mayor Francis Slay and outgoing St. Louis County Executive, Charlie Dooley. The Partnership’s mission is the de- velopment of diversified business and employment opportunities to enhance the quality of life for the St. Louis region. Mr. Denny Coleman, Chief Executive Officer of the group expressed appreciation of Fr. Art’s participation, noting “As a parish priest based in Ferguson, his words were rousing and meaningful.” HECTV (St. Louis Home of Education and Culture) filmed the event commenting, that Fr. Cavitt “brought an impromptu church to the event.” The speech was posted on You Tube, and for a limited time, it can be viewed on the Lwanga Center’s web page at http://www.archstl.org/ lwangacenter. V OLUME T 32, ISSUE 2 P AGE A Creation of the Young Adult Component he St. Charles Lwanga Center has a history of serving the youth of the St. Louis metropolitan area for the past seventeen years. Youth targeted have been primarily junior and senior high ages with the exception of a few recent high school graduates. In addition, there seems to have been those faithful few who remained connected to the Center even beyond their college years. It has been our practice to embrace those young adults and encourage them to serve as mentors on whatever programs we were offering at the present time. The thought of offering a separate ministry solely for recent high school graduates to continue their growth had often come to mind but because of timing, funding or staffing it was not given the serious consideration it deserved until June of 2013. that familiar conversation once again arose. It was that concern for a special something targeted especially for our young adults. Many had proven to be faithful to the Lwanga Center’s mission and were deserving of this consideration. At that time knowing we could no longer shun the issue, the decision was made to extend our support and remain present in the lives of our young adults as they maneuver through these crucial years. Immediately a series of conversations took place with our youth minister core team within the North City Deanery. Unanimously the team concurred and committed to the need and the enactment of the young adult component especially since during these years churches are experiencing a high absentee rate of young adult participation. While sitting with Fr. Art during my annual performance evaluation The Young Adult Component was launched in January 2014 with a Day of Reflection. Since young adults are in such varied phases of their lives, it was determined a Day of Reflection would be held in January and an overnight retreat in July/August of each year. Most importantly we want to serve all whether in school, working, parenting or MIA (those just trying to figure it out) to assure them that God is there every step of the way. The freedom many yearned for came with major responsibilities and was more complex than anticipated. Below is a photo taken during our 1st Annual Young Adult Retreat on the weekend of August 1-2, 2014. Participants were ages 19 – 24 years old. We encourage all to submit the name(s) of any young adult in your home or parish to join us in future young adult activities. If we don’t recruit them…something else will. “...The freedom many yearned for came with major responsibilities and was more complex than anticipated” T HE ST. CHA RLES LW ANGA SP IRIT 3 P AGE A 4 A FAREWELL MESSAGE from Corliss Cox, CSJA nyone who has journeyed with the St. Charles Lwanga Center over the years is aware of our commitment to the youth of the metropolitan area. Evidence of that has been displayed in numerous articles written in our newsletters. This commitment has not been taken lackadaisically nor has been accomplished without the collaboration and support of many who share our same passion for our youth. O ver seventeen years ago I joined the staff of the Lwanga Center. Prior to that time the youth ministry component was nonexistent. Mrs. Gloria Green, Executive Director at that time, stepping out on faith and no dollars to accompany it asked me to consider assisting them in creation of a youth component for the Center. With no initial plan of action parishes were polled and visited to identify the needs and desires for their youth. Aside from a minimal amount of youth related activities in a few North City Deanery parishes there was a void in spiritual opportunities for African American Catholic teens. While this was not always the case in other deaneries, Mrs. Green sought a change for the youth of the North City Deanery. O ur youth ministry has primarily targeted middle and senior high youth. We all knew that youth are usually social which is great but that is only one of the seven components of youth ministry. Oftentimes this can and has been the stifling or downfall of a group. It was imperative in the stabilizing of the Lwanga’s youth component that there was a balance. In order to achieve this balance there have been sponsored picnics, skating, hayrides and game nights. In addition we have also sponsored retreats, service projects, leadership and evangelization conferences, sacramental training, cultural, academic and spiritual development events as well. Throughout the years lifetime relationships have been formed beyond the boundaries of the North City Deaneries. It may have occurred during the mission trip to Camden, MS., at the Romans 8 Diversity Retreat in New Haven, MO, on one of two intergenerational Freedom Excursions to the National Underground Freedom Museum in Cincinnati, OH, throughout the KUJENGA Youth Leadership Conferences, or while preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. These and countless other youth related activities have been instrumental in relationships that have been sustained between youth, young adults and adults. Had not Mrs. Green’s vision become a reality so many of our mustard seeds might not have had the opportunity to reach their full potential for a lack of being planted on a solid foundation of mentoring, nurturing and an extra dose of tough love. A s we maintain those ongoing bonds and relationships that continue with folks who are now well beyond high school we have recognized a void in the serving of our young adult population. Our immediate target is the 19 – 25 year olds. As with the natural progression of life we have addressed that void with the creation of a young adult component. Not wanting to reinvent the wheel we utilized the method that worked over seventeen years ago. We brainstormed our source, the core of young adults connected to the Center to identify their needs, desires and everyday struggles in living as Christians in today’s society. How can they be acknowledged and accepted as viable members and voices within the Church. By the grace of God, and the Tabitha Grant sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, our Young Adult Component has become a reality. In January 2014 a core group of seven young adults attended a Day of Reflection and our 1 st Annual Young Adult Retreat was held in August 2014 in which 16 young adults and four adults attended. V OLUME 32, ISSUE 2 P AGE A Farewell Message from Corliss Cox, CSJA...cont.. I have laughed, cried, scolded, ranted, rolled my eyes a few times, praised and prayed more times than there are stars in the sky while serving as the St. Charles Lwanga Center’s Youth Ministry/Special Coordinator. During my tenure I have been encouraged and supported by three executive directors. Countless parents/guardians and parishes have entrusted me with their youth. The North City Deanery has formulated a core group of youth ministers that orchestrates as a unified unit. Collectively we share our time, talents and treasures for one common goal…OUR YOUTH. Together we celebrate our accomplishments and jointly we stand in our failures. To say that these are my brothers and sisters would be an understatement. Each relationship has been unique and each has accepted me in spite of my faults and shortcomings. In November 1985 I was clueless as to God’s plan for me thinking the Ujima Youth Program would be a three month gig for me until my son started daycare. Here I sit almost 30 years later sharing of an endeavor in which I will be eternally grateful and announcing my RETIREMENT as of December 31, 2014 for those of you who may have missed the memo. M y heartfelt appreciation goes to all I have encountered throughout my journey. Every turn, roadblock, yield, merger and most importantly STOP has provided me the direction needed to fulfill God’s plan for me at the St. Charles Lwanga Center. I depart fully aware from WHOM my blessings (each of you) came. So, don’t think of me as riding off into the sunset, but instead, just getting off of the horse. THANK YOU ALL! 2014 KUJENGA XIII YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE GROUP PHOTO CORLISS COX WITH THE 2014 LWANGA LEGEND HONOREES JARYN BRYANT & BRENT ANDERSON T HE ST. CHA RLES LW ANGA SP IRIT 5 P AGE 6 Te s t i m o n i a l D i n n e r & A u c t i o n V OLUME 32, ISSUE 2 P AGE WANT TO SUPPORT THE AUCTION? TICKETS TO CON CERTS OR SPORTING EVENTS TRIPS OR GETAWAYS AUTOGRAPHED SPORTS MEMORABILIA FLAT SCREEN TV OR DVD PLAYER LAPTOP, KINDLE, IPAD OR TABLET E AT N DO HANDBAGS , JEWELRY OR ACCESS ORIES PU RC H BICY CLES OR SCOOTERS AS E WINE & SPIRITS GIFT CERTIFICATES ( GROCERY STORE, SPA, DEPARTMENT STORE OR RESTAURANT) WII, PLAY STATION OR VIDEO GAMES ADS – PURCHAS E SPACE PROMOTING A BUSINESS OR CONVEYIN G A PERSONAL MESSAGE ATTEND – START ARRAN GING YOUR TABLE OF FRIENDS AND FAMILY 50/50 RAFFLE – PURCHASE TICKETS ONLY 500 TICKE TS WIL L BE SOLD YOU NEED NOT BE P RESENT TO WIN Contact Margaret Washington at (314.367.7929) for an AUCTION donation form and to purchase ADS & TICKETS AD & TICKET INFORMATION RESERVED TABLES DEADLINE – APRIL 3, 2015 TICKET DEADLINE – APRIL 10, 2015 DINNER TICKETS @ $60.00 each FULL TABLES (SEATS 10) @ $600.00 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS @ $10.00 CASH DONATION (in lieu of tickets or ad) ADS - DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION - MARCH 19, 2015 FULL PAGE - Back Outside Cover (1)…………....... $300.00 FULL PAGE - Center Gold Pages (Limited)…………$150.00 HALF PAGE……………………………..........................$55.00 PATRON (one name, Mr. & Mrs. or “in memory of”) …….$10.00 ELECTRONIC and CAMERA-READY ADS FULL PAGE - Inside Covers (2)…..... $250.00 FULL PAGE – Regular…………..…..$100.00 QUARTER PAGE………..………...….$30.00 IN HOUSE LAYOUT….….$10.00 EXTRA - Email ads to [email protected] PLEASE MAIL AND MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ST. CHARLES LWANGA CENTER 4746 CARTER AVENUE, Ste. 100, ST.LOUIS, MO 63115-2238 T HE ST. CHA RLES LW ANGA SP IRIT 7 P AGE 8 Archdiocesan Celebration During MLK Weekend We value your presence and support! WE LOOK FOR WA R D TO O UR TI M E TOG ETH ER DUR I NG TH IS FAI TH FI LLED CELEB R A TI ON OF PEA CE A ND J USTI CE I N OUR LOCA L CH UR CH . WELCOME FONTBONNE UNIVERSITY! The St. Charles Lwanga Center welcomes Fontbonne University our most recent sponsoring organization Dr. J. Michael Pressimone University President Ms. Leslie Doyle Director of Service, Diversity and Social Justice University Representative on the Lwanga Center Board of Directors We look forward to years of collaboration! V OLUME 32, ISSUE 2 P AGE 9 HOT SPRINGS SPA & RETREAT PACKAGE COST WITH BATH & MASSAGE Relax Your Body and Calm Your Mind & Spirit With A Faith-Filled Therapeutic Experience at the ARLINGTON RESORT HOTEL & SPA Hot Springs, Arkansas $365 (DBL Occupancy) May 29 – May 31, 2015 $480.00 (Single Occupancy) A SPIRITUAL RETREAT FOR THOSE NEEDING A TIME FOR —————————- REFLECTION AND FELLOWSHIP WHILE PARTAKING OF WITHOUT BATH & MASSAGE THE MINERAL WATER WHIRLPOOL AND MASSAGE $300.00 PACKAGE INCLUDES MOTO R C OAC H T RA N S P O RTAT IO N 2 nights at the Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa Baggage handling, taxes 2 continental breakfasts Whirlpool Bath & Massage (DBL Occupancy) $415.00 (Single Occupancy) MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE! Contact the office for more details T HE ST. CHA RLES Reservations are on a first come first served basis. A Non-Refundable deposit of $125 per person due on or before February 6, 2015. Final Payment of $125 (DBL) or $180 (SNGL) due on or before March 6th or April 6th, 2015. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUND OF PAYMENTS AFTER APRIL 16, 2015 Contact Corliss Cox or Gladys Mansfield for additional information at 314-367-7929 Mail Payments to 4746 Carter Ave, Suite 100 — St. Louis, MO 63115-2238 LW ANGA SP IRIT P AGE 10 T I M E T , T A L E N T , A N D T R E A S U R E C O N T R I B U T O R S he St. Charles Lwanga Center extends a heart-felt “THANK YOU” to all of our contributing individuals, parishes, organizations and schools. Your gifts continue to make the activities of the Lwanga Center possible. We value your presence and support of the events sponsored by the Center throughout the year. You are all a part of the larger mission to keep building the Body of Christ. Your time, talent and treasures are truly appreciated! Indeed, may the peace of Christ be continually with you! I N M E M O R Y O U R D E P A R T E D C O N T R I B U T O R S APRIL 2014 (through the publication of this issue) O F M r. Ivan James Jr. joined St. Elizabeth, MOJTB Catholic Church after the merger of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Mr. James passed on October 11, 2014. M rs. Beatrice Blackshear was a member of St. Matthew the Apostle Catholic Church. Mrs. Blackshear passed on October 3, 2014. M rs. Marceline James joined St. Elizabeth, MOJTB Catholic Church after the merger of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Mrs. James passed on September 11, 2014. M r. Samuel Miller joined St. Elizabeth, MOJTB Catholic Church after the T HE ST. CHA RLES LW ANGA SP IRIT merger of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Mr. Miller passed on August 10, 2014. M rs. Marie Stanton Bingham was a member of St. Elizabeth, MOJTB Catholic Church. Mrs. Bingham passed on June 13, 2014. M s. Johnnie Bea Lyons was a member of Our Lady of the Holy Cross Catholic Church. Ms. Lyons passed on April 18, 2014. M r. & Mrs. Jerome & Ruth Allen were members of St. Elizabeth, MOJTB Catholic Church. She passed in July 2013 and he on May 8, 2014. They were jointly funeralized on August 9, 2014. 2 0 1 4 A N N UA L C H R I S T M A S A P P E A L ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS St. Charles Lwanga Center 4746 Carter Avenue, Ste. 100 St. Louis, Missouri 63115 P AGE 11 314.367.7929 f) 314.367.4134 [email protected] November 6, 2014 Dear Friend of the St. Charles Lwanga Center: In another banner year, we remain appreciative of your on-going support. Your belief in the Center and financial assistance are essential in helping to support our mission. The Annual Catholic Appeal has provided generous support. Yet, it is necessary to generate additional funds to cover our annual operational budget. Once again the Center continues an extremely active year. Here are some of the highlights to share with you: Coordinated the 38th Annual Archdiocesan Dr. Martin Luther King National Holiday Weekend Celebration Honored a record-breaking 33 high school students with the 2014 Model of Justice Award Presented 7 Habits for Effective Pre-Teens at the Gift of Mary Center, operated by the Missionaries of Charity Celebrated 36 years of service by the St. Charles Lwanga Center Saluted community honorees at the 31st Annual Testimonial Dinner Sponsored the KUJENGA XIII Youth Leadership Conference at Fontbonne University Sponsored our first Young Adult “Day of Reflection” in January Hosted the 1st annual Young Adult Retreat at St. Louis University with 20 participants 21 teens received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 12, 2014 Continued our weekly Bible Study with Leviticus, and as of this writing, Deuteronomy Continued our weekend marriage preparation workshops. We now present four weekends Provided continuous pastoral care on site, in homes and healthcare facilities, along with ministry of consolation Continued our liturgical evangelization with Mass at St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist Church Extended our evangelization efforts in the fulfillment of liturgical engagements by presiding at schools throughout St. Louis Metropolitan area Presented our annual in-house Crossroads Retreat and a tailored retreat day and day of reflection for Visitation Academy and the Ladies of Faith of St. Augustine Parish, respectively Requested by Archbishop Carlson to begin a study on solutions to violence in the home and wider community in an inspired response to the events this summer in Ferguson, Missouri Welcomed Fontbonne University as a sponsoring organization along with a new board member We ask for your continual generosity to help the mission of building up the Body of Christ in our environs and beyond. Please visit our website at www.archstl.org/lwangacenter to make an on-line tax-deductible gift or contact the office and we will send you a donation envelope. We thank you for your contribution. We welcome your calls, letters, and visits. May the peace of Christ be with you, Reverend Arthur Cavitt T HE ST. CHA RLES LW ANGA SP IRIT NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 2369 Archdiocese of St. Louis 4746 Carter Avenue, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63115 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED L W A N G A O N G O I NG & U P C O MI NG E VE N T S NEWSLETTER If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, please contact Margaret Washington — [email protected] MONTHLY MASS First Wednesday of the month at St. Elizabeth, MOJB Church 8:15 a.m. Fr. Art Cavitt, Celebrant All are welcome. MARRIAGE PREP WEEKEND February 27-28, 2015 $150 per couple BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. through December 4, 2014 Fr. Art Cavitt facilitates “The Book of Deuteronomy”. KUJENGA XIV African American Catholic Youth Leadership Conference July 2015 at Fontbonne University CROSSROADS RETREAT Saturday, December 6, 2014 at the St. Charles Lwanaga Center 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION One-day retreat for busy people November 14, 2014 $25.00 per person Jan 9, March 13, May 8, July 10, 2015 Includes materials and meals All meetings held on Please call the Center to let us know Fridays at 5:00 p.m. you will attend. ST A F F Spirit of the Martyrs Reverend Arthur J. Cavitt Executive Director Mrs. Tracey Dickerson Business Manager Mrs. Corliss J. Cox, CSJA Senior Youth Ministry Special Events Coordinator Mrs. Margaret Washington Administrative Assistant Ministry of Consolation Coordinator 314.367.7929 Email: [email protected] www.archstl.org / lwangacenter