Board of Education Meeting Agenda July 1, 2015 Robinson
Board of Education Meeting Agenda July 1, 2015 Robinson
Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas The mission of the Manhattan-Ogden School District is to education each student to be a contributing citizen in a changing, diverse society. Board of Education Meeting Agenda July 1, 2015 Robinson Education Center Kirmser Conference Room 2031 Poyntz Avenue 6:30 p.m. Est. Time 6:30 6:45 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Regular Business Meeting Roll Call Adoption of Agenda (A) (A=Action Item, D=Discussion Item, I=Information Item) Pledge of Allegiance Election of Board Officers 4.1 President At the first meeting of the Board of Education in July each year, the Board shall elect a President, who shall be a member of the Board of Education. The President shall serve for a term of one year and until his/her successor is elected and qualified. (A2) 4.2 Vice President At the first meeting of the Board of Education in July each year, the Board shall elect a Vice President, who shall be a member of the Board of Education. The Vice President shall serve for a term of one year and until his/her successor is elected and qualified. (A2) Special Recognition 5.1 UCEA Excellence in Educational Leadership Award – Bob Shannon Recognition of Visitors and Citizen Comments Consent Agenda (A2) 7.1 Minutes 7.1.1 June 24, 2015 (page 5) 7.1.2 June 3, 2015 – amended (page 15) 7.2 Consideration of Bills (page 20) 7.3 Financial Reports – May 2015 7.3.1 Clerk’s Report (page 22) 7.3.2 Treasurer’s Report (page 23) 7.3.3 Activity Report (page 25) 7.4 Human Resources Report (page 30) 7.5 Annual Duty Appointments 7.5.1 Designation of Presiding Board Member in Absence of President and Vice President In the event that both the President and the Vice President are absent from a meeting and a quorum is in attendance, the remaining members shall select a member to act in the capacity of president. 7.5.2 Appointment of Clerk The Board is required to appoint a Clerk who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall not be a member of the Board and shall not be the same person as the Treasurer or the Superintendent. Administration recommends Diane Denison be appointed to continue as Clerk. 7.5.3 Appointment of Deputy Clerk 1 JULY 1, 2015 AGENDA PAGE 2 The Board of Education may appoint a Deputy Clerk who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and may serve in the event the Clerk of the Board is unable to fulfill his/her duties. Administration recommends Shondra Gilliam be appointed as Deputy Clerk. 7.5.4 Appointment of Treasurer The Board is required to appoint a Treasurer who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall not be a member of the Board and shall not be the same person as the Superintendent or the Clerk. Administration recommends Lew Faust be appointed to continue as Treasurer. 7.5.5 Appointment of Deputy Treasurer The Board of Education may appoint a Deputy Treasurer who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and may serve in the event the Treasurer is unable to fulfill his/her duties. The Deputy Treasurer must be bonded and have his/her signature on file with the State. Administration recommends Jill Tatum be appointed to continue as Deputy Treasurer. 7.5.6 Appointment of Legal Counsel The statutes permit the Board to appoint legal counsel. Administration recommends Mr. Richard Seaton’s appointment and he has indicated a willingness to continue providing legal counsel for the Board. 7.5.7 Appointment of Freedom of Information Officer The Board is required to appoint a Freedom of Information Officer. Administration recommends the Director of Communications & School Safety be appointed to continue in this capacity. 7.5.8 Appointment of Representative for Federal Programs It is required that the Board appoint the Superintendent or another district employee as the official representative for district programs. The representative’s signature is required on all reporting and applications for federal funds. (Vocational Education, Title I, PL 874, Consolidated Plan Grants, etc.) Administration recommends the Superintendent be appointed to serve as the district’s representative for federal programs. 7.5.9 Appointment of Officer to Approve Payment in Advance of Board Meeting K.S.A. 12-105(b) authorizes claims against a municipality which provide for a discount for early payment or for the assessment of a penalty for late payment may be authorized to be paid in advance. The Board of Education may designate and authorize an officer or employee to pay such claim(s) made against the district in advance of the presentation and authorization of the bill(s). Administration recommends the Director of Business Services be appointed to serve in this capacity. 7.5.10 Appointment of Representative for Food Service Program Administration recommends the Director of Food Service be appointed to serve as the district’s representative for administering the food service program for USD 383 and to continue as hearing officer for free and reduced price meal application appeals. 7.5.11 Designation of KPERS Representative for USD 383 The district is required to appoint a district representative for KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System). Administration recommends that the Director of Human Resources be appointed to continue in this capacity. 7.5.12 Designation of Administrators to Report Truancy The Board is required by K.S.A. 72-1113 to designate a person or persons to report truancy. Administration recommends that the Manhattan High School, Anthony Middle School and Eisenhower Middle School principals and their assistants be designated to report truant secondary students to the county attorney; and that elementary school principals and their assistants be designated to report truant elementary students to the Department of Children and Families office. 2 JULY 1, 2015 AGENDA 7.6 PAGE 3 7.5.13 Designation of Section 504 Coordinator/ADA Compliance Officer Administration recommends the Executive Director of Special Services be appointed to serve as the Section 504 Coordinator/ADA Compliance Officer. 7.5.14 Designation of Affirmative Action Chairperson/Title IX Coordinator Administration recommends the Director of Human Resources be appointed to continue serving as the Affirmative Action Committee Chairperson and Title IX Coordinator. 7.5.15 Designation of Impact Aid Representative Administration recommends the Director of Business Services be appointed to continue serving as the Impact Aid Representative. 7.5.16 Designation of Coordinator for Homeless Children Duties Administration recommends that the Executive Director of Special Services be appointed to continue serving as the coordinator for homeless children duties as prescribed by the No Child Left Behind Act. 7.5.17 Appointment of Student Due Process Hearing Officers Building principals, assistant principals and licensed district level administrators are authorized to conduct hearings for student suspensions and expulsions. Annual Organization Matters 7.6.1 Resolution 1516-1 Establishment of Time and Place of Regular Meetings (page 32) 7.6.2 Reaffirmation of District Vision, Mission and Goals (page 33) 7.6.3 Adoption of Official Depositors for USD 383 District Funds Pursuant to K.S.A. 9-1401, the following financial institutions are designated as eligible depositories of public money belong to and under the control of the Board of Education of Unified School District #383: Bank of the Flint Hills Capitol Federal Central National Bank Commerce Bank Community First National Bank Core First Bank & Trust ESB Financial Farmers State Bank Fort Riley National Bank Intrust Bank Kansas State Bank Landmark National Bank New Century Bank Peoples Exchange Bank Sunflower Bank UMB Bank United Bank and Trust State of Kansas Pooled Money Investment Board 7.6.4 Resolution 1516-2 Authorization of Petty Cash Funds (page 34) 7.6.5 Authorization to Establish Activity Funds Resolution 1516-3 Manhattan High School (page 36) Resolution 1516-4 Anthony Middle School (page 38) Resolution 1516-5 Eisenhower Middle School (page 39) 7.6.6 Resolution 1516-6 Authorization to Establish Purchasing Cards (page 40) 7.6.7 Resolution 1516-7 Rescind Policy Statements Found in Past Board Minutes (page 42) KASB recommends the following Resolution should be adopted rescinding policy statements found in Board minutes. 7.6.8 Adoption of 1,116 Hour Calendar Option (page 43) 7.6.9 Notice of Non-Discrimination (page 44) The Board is required by regulations to reaffirm its position of nondiscrimination for Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and ADA/Section 505. The document has been revised to update addresses and phone numbers for inquiry. 7.6.10 Official Newspaper Designation Administration recommends the Board re-affirm The Manhattan Mercury as the designated official newspaper for school notices and continue to be so until the Board takes action otherwise. 3 JULY 1, 2015 AGENDA 7.7 7.8 7.9 6:55 PAGE 4 7.6.11 Resolution 1516-8 Waiver of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 2015-2016 (page 45) 7.6.12 Resolution 1516-9 Establishing Home Rule by Board of Education (page 46) 7.6.13 District Organizational Chart 2015-2016 (page 47) Memberships 7.7.1 KASB Membership (page 48) 7.7.2 KASB Legal Assistance Fund (page 51) Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rate (page 55) Destruction of District Financial Records (page 57) 7.0 Reports 7.1 Spoken 7.1.1 Superintendent 7.1.2 NEA-Manhattan-Ogden 7.1.3 Board of Education 8.0 Old Business 8.1 Health Insurance 2015-16 (A) (Larry Doll) 8.2 Budget Planning 2015-16 (Budget Steering Committee Recommendations) (D) (Lew Faust, Larry Doll) 10.0 New Business 11.0 Next Regular Meeting Items – July 15, 2015 11.1 Budget Development 2015-16 11.2 Head Start Federal Report 11.3 Classified Handbooks 11.4 Food Service Annual Report 11.5 Bid – Warehouse Paper Bid 11.6 Bid – Lee Elementary Storm Drainage 12.0 Future Meeting Items 12.1 Legislative Policies & Positions – Chamber of Commerce 12.2 Diversity Topics 12.3 ACT/SAT Test Preparation 12.4 District Facilities 12.5 District Salary & Wage Study 12.6 Board Policy IIBF – Acceptable Use Guidelines 12.7 Miller Ranch Property 12.8 Riley County Needs Assessment 12.9 Role of the Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation 12.10 Innovative Schools Status 12.11 Programs Shared with KSU College of Education 13.0 Meeting & Events 13.1 Board of Education Regular Meeting – Wednesday, July 15, 6:30 p.m., Robinson Education Center 13.2 Board of Education Regular Meeting – Wednesday, August 5, 6:30 p.m., Robinson Education Center 13.3 Board of Education Regular Meeting – Wednesday, August 19, 6:30 p.m., Robinson Education Center 14.0 Executive Session 14.1 Negotiations 15.0 Adjourn 4 ITEM 7.1.1 Board of Education Meeting Manhattan-Ogden Unified School District 383 Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 6:15 p.m. Minutes – Regular Meeting Robinson Education Center – Manhattan, Kansas 1.0 Roll Call Members present: Members absent: Colburn, Dave Edie, Darell Estabrook, Aaron Herrman, Curt Hudgins, Pat Fliter, Leah (President – presiding) Denison, Diane (Clerk) Rozell, Marcia Also present were Superintendent Robert Shannon, Associate Superintendent Robert Seymour, District administrators and staff, community members, students and media. 2.0 Adoption of Agenda Edie moved to remove Item 14.1 Executive Session – Negotiations and approve the amended agenda. Colburn seconded. Motion passed 6/0. 3.0 Budget Hearing – Republication of 2014-15 Budget President Fliter opened the floor to public comments on the 2014-15 budget. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comments. Colburn moved to approve the amendments as published for the following funds in the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 2014-15 budget: General and Special Education. Herrman seconded. Motion passed 6/0. 4.0 Pledge of Allegiance 5.0 Special Recognition None 6.0 Recognition of Visitors and Citizen Comments None 7.0 Consent Agenda President Fliter reviewed Consent Agenda items. Edie moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Colburn seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 6/0. 7.1 Approved Minutes – June 3, 2015 5 JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 2 Rozell (upon arrival at 6:35 p.m.) amended Item 8.2 Student Fees & Textbook Rental 2015-16 to also remove workbook from Fee Sheet. 7.2 Approved Payment of Bills in the amount of 808,321.56. 7.3 Approved Financial Reports – April 2015 7.3.1 Clerk’s Report 7.3.2 Treasurer’s Report 7.3.3 Activity Report 7.4 Approved Human Resources Report EMPLOYMENT PARAEDUCATORS, TUTORS, AIDES Amandra Campbell, Paraeducator, Manhattan High School Andrea Moyer, Paraeducator, Amanda Arnold Elementary School Olivia Bennett, Paraeducator, Manhattan Catholic School and Flint Hills Susan Gerth, Paraeducator, Manhattan High School Jennifer Wege, Paraeducator, Manhattan High School PROGRAM LEADER Kaisetta Johnson, Ogden Elementary School Tabatha Hall, Ogden Elementary School Molly Buchanan, Ogden Elementary School FILMMAKERS SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHER Timothy Tarkelly, Eisenhower Middle School Samantha Hindle, Bluemont Elementary School MAINTENANCE Andrew Simonds, Substitute Custodian Tiarra Harris, Substitute Custodian LIBRARY/MEDIA SPECIALISTS Amanda Fox, Lee Elementary School ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Katherine Grote, Lee Elementary School Calista Speake, Ogden Elementary School Paige LaFever, Ogden Elementary School SECONDARY TEACHERS Emily Yeager, Language Arts, Eisenhower Middle School Chelsea Barten, Language Arts, Anthony Middle School Andrew VonSeggern, 8th Grade Math, Eisenhower Middle School SUMMER BLAST TEACHERS Elyssa Gavin, Bergman Elementary Grant Stucky, Bergman Elementary Bonnie Bailey, Bergman Elementary FLINT HILLS SUMMER FUN CAMP Roxanne Hawkins, Paraeducator, Bluemont Elementary School SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS Erica McMillon, IRC, Marlatt Elementary School Teresa Lower, Early Childhood, Ogden Elementary School Rachael Hoeme, Resource, Amanda Arnold Elementary ASSISTANT CROSS COUNTRY COACH Hailey Donley, Manhattan High School VOCAL MUSIC TEACHER Debra Lebbin, Bergman Elementary Caitlin Lamb, Amanda Arnold Elementary OFFICE PROFFESSIONAL Luz Marina Hairgrove, District Registrar, Robinson Education Center Jessica Gerit, Administrative Assistant, Maintenance RESIGNATIONS James Alberto Amanda Leonard Michael Yearwood Madison Book Tate Lofton Kara Ray Carrie Hewins Hayley Cady Patricia Anaya Carmen Burchett Lily Ma Robin Edmunds Barbara Bonhotal Matthew Gerdes Ja’Lynn Montgomery Sarah Kough Susana Arroyo-Velez Stephania Nelson Haley Slusser Barbara Holste Crystal Bridges Willie Stockton 6 $9.00/hour $10.00/hour $8.00/hour $9.00/hour $9.20/hour $10.00/hour $14.00/hour $9.50/hour $14.00/hour $14.00/hour $7.65/hour $7.65/hour $41.370 $37,885 $43,095 $36,100 $38,440 $40,535 $36,100 $18.00/hour $18.00/hour $18.00/hour $10.00/hour $44, 015 $46,145 $43,095 $2,345 $33,500 $36,100 $9.70/hour $10.00/hour Karl Hetland Rebecca Frampton Arielle Jarrell Devin Donnell Holly Bycroft Lyric Klein David Rader Samantha Boxberger Nicole Martin Luke Stramel Lesly Alcantar JUNE 24, 2015 7.5 MINUTES Desert Johnson Chrystal Chaput TERMINATIONS Sophia Crawford Richard Pavelka James Dunnigan Alexis Towns Derek Hobling Kathy Rodriguez Approved Donations & Grants $1,222.36 cash donation from Sunflower Bank to the following schools for classroom supplies: Bluemont Elementary $124.20 Frank Bergman Elementary $309.50 This brings the total from Sunflower Bank to $2,208.46. 8.0 PAGE 3 Northview Elementary Ogden Elementary $445.10 $343.56 $467 cash donation to Ogden Elementary from LifeTouch for student and office supplies. This brings the total from LifeTouch to $1,742.49. $596 cash donation to Frank Bergman Elementary from the Frank Bergman Elementary PTO for the fifth grade field trip to Rock Springs. $5,838.77 cash donation to Frank Bergman Elementary from the Frank Bergman Elementary PTO to purchase laptop computers and a charging station for the school. $2,250 cash donation to Ogden Elementary from the Ogden Elementary PTO for field trips and classroom supplies. $1,100 cash donation to Frank Bergman Elementary from the Frank Bergman Elementary PTO to update the software for the Bergman Reading Counts Home Reading Program. $856 cash donation to Lee Elementary School from the Lee Elementary PTO for field trip transportation. 7.6 Approved Proposal to Name Bishop Stadium Field 7.7 Approved CDA Positions – College Hill Preschool 7.8 Approved School Starting and Ending Times 2015-16 7.9 Approved Adult Learning Center/Open Door Handbook Adoption Reports 8.1 Spoken 8.1.1 Superintendent Dr. Shannon commented on: New requirement from legislature to report fund balances monthly to KSDE, and Dr. Seymour’s last Board of Education meeting Superintendent’s District Annual Report Dr. Shannon presented the District Operations and Accomplishments in 2014-15 report. Rozell arrived at 6:34 p.m. 8.1.2 NEA-Manhattan-Ogden James Neff, President of NEA-Manhattan-Ogden, commented on: Planning of New Teacher Luncheon, Giving testimony to maintain teacher licensure on July 14 to Coalition of Innovative School Districts, and Thanked Dr. Seymour from the teachers. 8.1.3 Board of Education Herrman commented on the KASB Summer Advocacy meeting, June 25. Hudgins congratulated the Adult Education staff for a great graduation, commented on the Juneteenth Parade, and thanked all in involved with STEM. 7 JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 4 Board members thanked Dr. Seymour for his 36 years of service to the District and Board. 8.2 Written 8.2.1 Health Services Annual Report The Board acknowledged the Health Services Annual Report. 8.2.2 Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation Annual Report Jim Morrison, President of Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation, presented the Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation Annual Report. Discussion. 8.2.3 Warehouse Annual Report The Board acknowledged the Warehouse Annual Report. 8.2.4 Manhattan Alternative High School Annual Report The Board acknowledged the Manhattan Alternative High School Annual Report. 8.2.5 Manhattan High School Athletic & Activities Participation Annual Report The Board acknowledged the Manhattan High School Athletic & Activities Participation Annual Report. 8.2.6 2014-15 Graduates Adult Learning Center As of June 11, 2015, a total of 5 individuals who were enrolled in the Adult Learning Center (ALC) in 2014-15 passed the rigorous GED test and received their Kansas High School diploma issued by the Kansas Board of Regents. Jose Alcantor Autumn Gibson Ignacio Robles Yasmin Limonard Codey Patrick Manhattan Alternative High School The following 85 students have fulfilled the requirements to graduate from Manhattan Alternative High School at Flint Hills Job Corps Center during the 2014-15 school year through June 17, 2015. Rustin Allen Andrew Bailey ShawnAnthony Bennett Gregory Campbell Hollyn Creal Devante Dilley Joseph Dunlap Haas Lucas Frazier Carlee Greene Naryha Gwinn Sterling Haworth Austyn Herman Marvin Howard Kenneth Jones, Jr. Esmeralda Lee Jesus Martinez-Hernandez Barry McNeilis Tobias Miller Jonathan Mothershed Carsila Nelson Jazmine Oliver Nathaniel Porrata 8 Dan Amon Darla Jean Baker Jessica Brown Brett Carmichael Montreal Davis Chinese Doe Colodina Dusengimana John Gaver Tre'Shon Grey Dezzarae Harris Joy Hayes Ezra Hill Damante Huff Dakota Kucera Zebulon Limbocker Gertrude Mboma Robert Mecillas Ashley Morckel Antonio Munoz Shanell Newsom Sa'Mone Pascascio Austin Reed Sarah Badders Janay Banks Mark Burgess, Jr. Israel Chaves Adarius Davis Collene Dreaming Bear Travis Elfert Amanda Green Shawna Gusman Gunnar Harris Jamie Henriquez Jaun'Nae Horta Cory Jacobs Jackie Lax Nakia Marine Cullen McGraw Celia Meza Afton Mothershed Jericah Nauert Zacharia Niygiraimbabazi DeahVion Peoples Yeidy Rios-Mejias JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES RaSheen Rolf Monroe Seck Matthew Stakley Michael Steere Timothy Vigo Libby Watson Deo Wisdom PAGE 5 Deyana Scott Skylar Sherrill Mason Standifer Syida Sutton Ja'Vahna Walls Tayleon Williams Shukuru Bugandwa Sebastien Anna Smith Kaytreuna Staves Adam Thompson Ibrahima Wane Haley Wing Manhattan High School The following 381 students have fulfilled the requirements to graduate from Manhattan High School by the end of the 2014-15 school year. Mid-year graduates are included. Nadal Abudayyeh Camden James Adams Jessica L. Adams Nicolas J. Adams Samantha L. Adams Saud Hijji Alanazi Yasameen Aqeel Albasri Idaliss Lydiany Algarin Ibrahim M. Al-Shtewi Jordan M. Anderson Yujiene Paraiso Andrada Alexandria Regan Andrade Daniel Fadi Aramouni Oriana N'She' Arcenezux April Dawn Ascher Amandine Mary Audretsch Hunter K. B. Bagby Ryan Scott Baker Matthew Robert Ball Caroline R. Ballard Sydney Grace Bannister Hannah Barnette Audrey C. Barton Trevor Austin Bashaw Kristen LouAnne Batson Rachel Elizabeth Beach Rita I. Bedros Reid A. Beer Charlotte Elizabeth Benjamin Gage Dayton Benne Elizabeth Joyce Marie Bennett Glenn Kris Bennett Justin M. Bishop Madison Brice Bishop Makenzie Bishop Isaac James Blankenau Connor Allyn Bliss Donovan M. Bloom Molly Katherine Bollman Emily Claire Bonnichsen Michael James Bowers Tyler Boyd Brennan Brien Brenner James Douglas Britt Jeremy David Broadwater Breana Marie Brooks Hunter Dylan Browning Ben Andrew Broxterman Jeannette Brumley 9 Hope Marie Bryant Victoria Evelyn Buckles Kaitlyn Lea Bussmann Jaden Andrew Cady Madian Abimael Cantu Kyla Jo Caricato Lauren Elizabeth Carlson Spencer Carlson Rebekah Elizabeth Carter Drew Thomas Casper Adam Michael Challacombe Whitney Gustava Charlson Diana Christina Chilton Chayanon Shane Chuwonganant Benjamiin James Clark Draven S. Clark Kiersten P. Clark Nicholas Noah Clark Nicholas Patrick Clark Shayton Ranae' Clark Stormie Rose Clemens Dustin Jacob Clinkinbeard Duncan Josef Clotfelter Justin Eric Coleman Alexia Tate Colston Yester R. Contreras Danielle Ann Cook Eric Cortez Brian W. Coughlin Emily A. Cox Lindsey Elaine Cragg Haleigh L. Cross Johnathan S. Crowder Breckin Tully Cubie Jack R. Cunningham, V Elassia Mariah Cunningham-Younger Matthew R. Custer Tyler Jon-Michael Daveline Christian K. Davis Jodie Lea Davis Kathy Davoudi Jacob Allen Denney Eric Louis Deters Tyler J. Devin Sachin Ratra DeYoung Shyanne Kay Dickey Cole Dillon Jordan C. Disberger Krista N. Dix JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES Katie Dixon Karl Drown John Henry Dyer Shon Michael Eakes Tameira Tashay Edwards Taylor D. Efurd Amarachi Andrea Ehie Kathrine Mae Eimer Taylor Ekart Alyssa C. Ekwurzel Wylan James Ellis James David Enright, II Anthony William Epperson Reid Marshall Erdwien Amir Esmaeily Julia Anne Evans Rosemarie Cora Ewers Reshan Khalid Fadul Dakota Lee Finn Lauren Elizabeth Fischer Molly Ferguson Fiser Christopher William Fisher Marcus P. Fisher Sean A. Fisher Dakel C. Flesher Jesse Flores Darian Irene Foga-Frehn Kelli Ann Forrest Esteban Julian Foster Piper Jane Fowler Madeleine Fox Kristen Elise Fraley Garrett James Francis Ryan Christine Francis Estefani Yadica Franco Oliver Patrick Stevens Franko Kaden Michael Frasier Alyssa Morgan Frey Alyssa J. Friesen Taryn Rachel Gaines Shiana Rose Gallagher Kayla Marie Gamble Samantha Nicole Gameros Neel Reddy Ganta Jay Wesley Garber Kevin Ramon Garcia Roxanne Krehbiel Gehring Payton Gehrt Damian Gerace Abby Githens Justin Andrew Gittle Haley Renee Gordon Benaiah David Gorman D'Angelo Gray Nysha Ce'erase Nicole Green Courtney Denise Roshell Grice William Leon Grogan Dylan Joseph Gros Rose E. Gruenbacher Rolando Guevara Austin Lee Gwinner 10 PAGE 6 Lindsey Nikole Hageman Cyra Marie Hainey Miranda Kathleen Hairgrove Dartanian K. Hall Dalton Michael Hansen Ian Hart Michael J. Hartman Isahbo Hide'Ko Hatch Siera Marie Haug Trevor C. Hayden Xavier Hughes Hayden Cameron Paul Hayes David Joseph Hazelwood Haley B. Heaton Brandon L. Hershberger Andrew William Hodges Katelin Taylor Hoefler Alyson Mae Holloway Ashley Nicole Horie Shaylyn Marie Hubbell Nicholas James Huey Adam Daniel Hupp Katherine S. Hwang Ernesto Ibarra Alexander M. Ireton Emma Christine Irvine Daniel Israel Izquierdo Gage M. Jackson Kylie Samantha James Lance Robert Jarvis Lakesha Mae Johnson Noah M. Johnson Arkeyshianna Jones Levi Taylor Jones Taylor Nicholas Jones Jennifer Jordan Michael Jorden Melissa Winna Joslin-Lemire Mattias G. H. Kermer Solesmi N. Khan Jason J. Kildow, Jr. Kali Lynn Killingsworth Aireauna E. King Julian Elise Kiracofe Alexandra Jade Klein Tristen D. Kleinbeck Frances Ann Knackendoffel Isaiah G. Koppes Ayla Shallae LaMaster Maria L. Lampkin Leah Gloria Landry Marisa T. Lang Gavin Blair Larson Adam Phillip Lease Cinthia Denisse Lechuga-Ochoa Isaac Samuel Leon Cierra Lesperance Stephen Samuel Levesque Benjamin Quentin Lindsey Shane Thomas Linenberger Jessica Marie Lloyd JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES Samantha Lowe Alexander D. Lund John M. Lynch Taryn J. Lynch Katie O. Mack Matalyn Mary Mahan Sydni Ann Maley Michael F. Malmquist Tyler Lee Mann Josh B. Manning Joel Timothy Marienau Christopher D. Martin Courtney Elizabeth Massey Pierson James McAtee Kendall Rayvyn McBrayer Kelsey Lynn McCarthy Kylie Ann McCarthy Keirra Lasha McDonald Michael Joseph Melgares George H. Melhem Shaun D. Messer William Wayne Michaels Danielle Helen Miller Makenzie Cleo Miller Meycelle A. Miller Julia Nicole Minnich Christina M. Minton Benjamin C. Moberly Madison Sue Monaco Jonathan Moreno Jace D. Morganfield Andrew P. Morton Dalen Michael Musick Cameron David Myers-Bowman Fawwaz Maher Naeem Casey Gene Nelson Kolbie Nettles Madison D. Newman Megan Leeanne Ochoa Jake Riley Olson Samantha S. Osburn Simon Luis Palomino Allyssa Pariona Emily G. Park Haili Michelle Patterson August Alonzo Pease Ali Grace Peil Dheepthi Maragatham Perumal Ramasamy Artury Maxiel Avila Pichardo Cecilia H. Potts-Moore Alex Poulson Josh A. Reidy Anthony Renteria Kimberly Ann Ribecca Kurtis Hayes Rich Tanaivas DeSean Richardson John Robert Riforgiate Flora Elisabeth Riley Kendrick D. Rivera Dominick Roberts Savannah Rayline Roberts 11 PAGE 7 John Kenneth Rockey Mary Jane Romig Colton Roque-Gaschler Madison Elizabeth Ross Baili I. Rowe Brooke Annalyn Sullivan Rowe Emma Anna-Marie Rowley Essence Renee Rush Gabriel Nathaniel Saber Hasan Harith Mohammed Saleem Zachary Tarek Salem Hortencia Sanchez-Quirino Chengzang Peter Sang Taylor Nancy Schalles Cameron J. Schleiger Christian J. Schleiger Hannah Suzanne Schmidt Noah Michael Schnee Steiner A. Schneweis Kelsey D. Schroll Tara Jean Schroller Mariah Dawn Scipio Joseph Andrew Sell Jeremy W.S. Selman Mike J. Settembrino Jacob L. Shepard Brendan J. Silva Garrett K. Silva Hannah K. Silva Chandler Mason Simar Rachel Angel Simental Jazzi Monique Small Keith Allen Smith Kierstin Shae Smith Robin Lynn Smith Rober Cameron Smith Kelsey N. Snider Mary Kinsley Snyder Synne Elisabeth H. Sorgjerd Geri Lynn Speaks Elizabeth Morgan Spooner Amanda Spradling Thomas Conner Stanley Jade Elaine Steadham Luke Austin Stegman Carleigh Stein Teodora Ann Stein Jesse Steinbring Alex Renee Stenberg Jacob Samuel Steward Kelli Stockton Nathan Michael Strange Alliyah Angela Strickland Blaine Austin Stroble Eris M. Swager Brittney Michelle Sweitzer Sybria L. Sykes Darrion Martez Taylor Juoniah A. Taylor Patrick Karl Taylor Savannah Mae Thaemert JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 8 Rylee Sue Thompson Patricia Jean Thomson Trayneshia Tolliver Taylor Lee Torres Joseph Anthony Trujillo Whitney Jean Trundle Grant Davide Urban Madison Leigh Urban Justin Van Dyke Kiera G. Vars Christian D. Vidana Joseph K. Vipond Colton M. Wagner Kevin Anthony Wall Michael Anthony Walter James J. Walters Aja'nique D. Watkins Marlin Jean Watson Megan Eve Weathers Andrew Robert West Kyle James Weston Brittany Elizabeth Wheeler Derrik Williams Jessie Malik Williams Nechelle N. Williams Cecily Lynn Willox Madeline Kay Wilson Krystyn Nicole Winiecki Christian Wood Ja'chel Wood William Wright Luge Wuri Carol Wynn XinXin Yao Katrina Ernestine Yau Malik Yearwood Angel Zelazny Lisa H. Zhu Casey A. Zoeller Manhattan Open Door The following 17 Open Door students completed the requirements needed to receive their Manhattan High School Diploma in 2014-15. Zachary Almquist Whitney Brown D’Asia Deas Stephanie Gebhardt Kristie Peters Liam Whitmore Carson Bailes Eric Carlson Marco Flores Jonathon Graham Destiny Sanchez Megan Wyrick Lacey Bavier Bruce Council Jr. Cecilia Garcia Ahkeem Jackson Ronshea Sheff Manhattan Virtual Academy The following 35 students have fulfilled the requirements to graduate from Manhattan Virtual Academy by the end of the 2014-15 school year. Nathan Adcock Christina Borst Joe Danielson Cameron Hefner Whitney Hornbostel Rachel Kovar Jessica McCurdy Grace Mitchell Kevin Reed Samantha Senne Everett Southwick Samual Widboom 9.0 Sasha Armstrong James Carpenter Rontay Etier Theresa Hegstrom Rebekah Hurley Alexys Kyle Maxine McGill Alexandria Pierce Benjamin Regenold Jacob Showalter Anneliese Spence Jacob Williams Cody Bonczkowski Jayden Coolidge Bryan Hauerwas Brent Hoover Morgan Jones Cooper Martin Nathan McKee Helen Portzer Paden Roberts Heaven Snyder Caitlin Tickle Old Business 9.1 Budget Planning 2015-16 (Budget Steering Committee Recommendations) Lew Faust, Director of Business Services, presented information regarding potential nonpersonnel cuts from the Budget Advisory Steering Committee worksheet. Discussion. 9.2 General Obligation Bond Refinance, Sale & Disclosure Lew Faust presented information regarding the refinancing opportunity of Series 2009A Bonds. Discussion No action was taken. President Fliter recessed the meeting at 7:47 p.m. President Fliter reconvened the meeting at 7:56 p.m. 12 JUNE 24, 2015 10.0 MINUTES PAGE 9 New Business 10.1 Health Insurance 2015-16 Larry Doll, Director of Human Resources, updated the Board on the current status of health insurance for the 2015-16 contract year. Discussion. No action was taken. 10.2 Bid – Transportation Fuel Containment Facility Doug Messer, Director of Transportation, and Matthew Kohls of BG Consultants presented the recommended bid for the Transportation Fuel Containment Facility. Edie moved to approve the low as specified bid from Cheney Construction of Manhattan, KS in the amount of $190,622 for the construction of a new fuel containment facility for the Transportation Department. Rozell seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 10.3 Bid – Radio Repeater Doug Messer presented the recommended bid for the third radio repeater. Herrman moved to approve the proposal for the Kenwood Radio Nexedge repeater from KaComm, Inc. of Manhattan, KS in the amount of $19,403.66. Rozell seconded President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 10.4 Head Start Bus Doug Messer and Andy Hutchinson, Director of Head Start, presented the recommended bid for a new Head Start bus. Discussion. Herrman moved to give final approval to the proposal to purchase a conventional 65 passenger bus from Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. of Nixa, MO in the amount of $102,641. Edie seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 10.5 Board Member Interest in Officer Positions President Fliter opened a discussion for Board members to express their interest in officer positions for 2015-16. Rozell expressed interest in serving as President. Edie expressed interest in serving as Vice President. Estabrook expressed interest in serving as Vice President. 10.6 Year-End Budget Transfers Lew Faust presented proposed transfers to the year-end budget. Discussion. Colburn moved to give final approval to the recommendation that the Board of Education authorize year-end transfers of the balance of remaining budget authority for 2014-15 from the General Fund to Contingency Reserve, and from the Supplemental General 13 JUNE 24, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 10 Fund to Special Education. Actual transfer values are to be reported to the Board at a subsequent meeting. Edie seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 11.0 Next Regular Meeting Items – July 1, 2015 Items were reviewed. 12.0 Future Meeting Items Items were reviewed. 13.0 Meeting & Events Meetings and events were reviewed. 14.0 Executive Session 14.1 Negotiations Removed with adoption of agenda. 15.0 Adjourn Edie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Rozell seconded. Motion passed 7/0. Respectfully submitted, Diane L. Denison, Clerk USD 383 Board of Education 14 ITEM 7.1.2 CORRECTED – PAGE 4 Item 8.2 - to include the removal of “workbook” from Math In Focus in the motion made. Board of Education Meeting Manhattan-Ogden Unified School District 383 Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 5:30 p.m. Clerk Minutes – Regular Meeting Robinson Education Center – Manhattan, Kansas 1.0 Roll Call Members present: 6-24-15 Colburn, Dave Edie, Darell Estabrook, Aaron Herrman, Curt Hudgins, Pat Rozell, Marcia Fliter, Leah (President – presiding) Denison, Diane (Clerk) Also present were Superintendent Robert Shannon, Associate Superintendent Robert Seymour, district administrators and staff, community members, students and media. 2.0 Adoption of Agenda Colburn moved to remove Item 9.5 Health Insurance and approve the amended agenda. Herrman seconded. Motion passed 7/0. 3.0 Pledge of Allegiance 4.0 Special Recognition 4.1 The MHS Forensics Team was recognized as the Kansas 6A State Champions. The team is coached by Shawn Rafferty. 5.0 Recognition of Visitors and Citizen Comments None 6.0 Consent Agenda President Fliter reviewed Consent Agenda items. Colburn moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Edie seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 6.1 Approved Minutes – May 20, 2015 6.2 Approved Payment of Bills in the Amount of $357,564.63. 6.3 Approved the Human Resources Report EMPLOYMENT PARAEDUCATORS, TUTORS, AIDES Hayley Cady, Lunchroom/playground Supervisor, Bergman Elementary Colbi Brooks, Paraeducator, Manhattan West Campus FLINT HILLS SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM Avis Padgham, Paraeducator, Bluemont Elementary School Shelby Ringering, Paraeducator, Bluemont Elementary School Carrie Force, Teacher, Bluemont Elementary School 15 $7.25/hour $9.00/hour $10.00/hour $10.00/hour $18.00/hour June 3, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 2 Mikayla Jackson Barth, Paraeducator, Bluemont Elementary School ELEMENTARY TEACHER Elizabeth Post, Northview Elementary School Emily Reese, Bluemont Elementary School Allex Dysart, Woodrow Wilson Elementary School SECONDARY SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER Kent Hildebrand, Anthony Middle School MAINTENANCE Christopher Fisher, Substitute Custodian Lee Moore, Substitute Custodian Jason Heikes, Substitute Custodian RETIREMENTS Diana Rothlisberger Pamela Clark $10.00/hour $36,100 $36,100 $36,685 $41,370 $7.65/hour 7.65/hour $7.65/hour Jeanetta Arceneaux John Richard Katelyn Provenzano Ellen Gordon Cheryl Rodriguez Paula Prescott Amanda Morgan Kirby Younger Dustin Schmitz Emilie Liebe Matthew Barnes Tamali Mondal Jenniver Walters Anastasia Baker Marlis McClellan Laura Vallejo Kailee Altman Samantha Cox Shayla Bates Kriste Lambotte Jesse Peters Chandrea Pugh Victoria Fiedler Brenna Hogan Brandy Clemens Willie Stockton Morgan Shoemaker Jake Mosburg Amanda Owens Kayle Campbell Brook Disney Paige Dixon Noemi Guerrero Christian Garcia Arreola Hillary Hendricks Amanda Johnson Janell Farrell Angela Gilmore Paula Prescott Madelaine Winkler Ciara Smith Tomas Lambotte Bailee Howland Anne Sisley Alice Huey Kara Ray LEAVE OF ABSENCE Usha Reddi RESIGNATIONS Divion Archibald Kathy Johnson Samual Aistrup Robin Hoover Morgan Schuman Cara Olson Tanner Gard Luz Hairgrove Cassandra LeRoy Lindsay McGrath Maygen Burgess Lindsay Staab Erynn Burke Elizabeth Post Haley Robertson Victoria Newell Alyssa Strain KaNeasha Wallace-Garvin Jessica Nelson Caroline White Abby Reynolds Shokouh Nassri TERMINATIONS Susan Sanders 6.4 Approved Donations $800 cash donation to Bluemont Elementary from the Bluemont Elementary PTO to purchase books for the library. $1,200 cash donation to Manhattan High School from the MHS Music Support Group for performing arts – drama, choir, orchestra, and band class supplies $986.10 cash donation from Sunflower Bank to the following schools for classroom supplies: Lee Elementary $347.95 Theodore Roosevelt Elementary $283.70 Woodrow Wilson Elementary $247.95 Adult Learning Center $106.50 $7,280 cash donation to Head Start from the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation to support a summer enrichment program with personnel, supplies, and transportation costs. $1,275.49 cash donation from LifeTouch to the following schools to support educational programs: Theodore Roosevelt Elementary $656.08 Woodrow Wilson Elementary $619.41 $2,000 cash grant to USD 383 from the Kansas Center for Safe and Prepared Schools to purchase additional flashlights and batteries for safety buckets at the middle, elementary, and preschool levels. 6.5 Approved School Meal Prices 2015-2016 6.6 Approved MHS Oracle Curriculum Purchase 6.7 Approved Board Policy JDC – Probation 16 June 3, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 3 JDC Probation (See JCDBB and JDD) Any punishment, suspension or expulsion, may be deferred by the superintendent, principal or designee. The student involved may be placed on probation for a set period of time. The punishment, suspension or e xpulsion, shall remain deferred so long as the student meets the conditions of the probation. If a student is placed on probation, written notification shall be sent to the student’s parent or guardian. Any decisions on probation for students found to be in violation shall be handled by the superintendent, principal, or designee. A student placed on probation shall be given a written list of the terms and conditions of the probation. The student shall sign a statement that: the terms and conditions have been explained, the student understands the conditions, the student agrees to abide by the conditions, and failure to abide by the conditions may be reason to reinstate the original punishment. Approved: 5/05; Revised: 6/15 7.0 8.0 6.8 Approved Purchase of Wing Mower 6.9 Approved Head Start & Early Head Start May Report 6.10 Approved Laptops and Cart Purchase – Frank Bergman Elementary Reports 7.1 Spoken 7.1.1 Superintendent Dr. Shannon commented on: Local option budget (LOB) election results, State furloughs will not affect the district, Budget workshops dates are currently unscheduled, and Dr. Seymour’s retirement reception, Friday, June 5. 7.1.2 NEA-Manhattan-Ogden James Neff, President of NEA-Manhattan-Ogden, commented on: KNEA, Thank you from the teachers for supporting the LOB, and Negotiations. 7.1.3 Board of Education The Board expressed appreciation of the support for the LOB election. Fliter commented the Board will use the LOB authority responsibly. Herrman commented on the Manhattan Virtual Academy Graduation. Estabrook commented on the election bill passing for fall of odd years. Hudgins noted that the Open Door Graduation will be June 11 and the Juneteenth celebration is June 20. Edie commented on the legislature talking about cutting another 6%. Colburn stated a 6% cut could equal a $3,000,000 loss to the community. 7.1.4 Summer Programming Update Carol Adams, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, and Debora Howser, Executive Director of Special Services, presented an update of the District’s Summer Programs. Old Business 8.1 Budget Planning 2015-16 (Budget Steering Committee Recommendations) Larry Doll, Director of Human Resources, presented information regarding potential unfilled classified positions from the Budget Advisory Steering Committee worksheet. Discussion. 17 June 3, 2015 8.2 MINUTES PAGE 4 Student Fees & Textbook Rental 2015-16 Lew Faust, Director of Business Services, and Carol Adams presented the proposed changes to student fees and textbook rental for 2015-16. Discussion. Edie moved to approve the Student and Texbook Rental Fees as presented for the 201516 school year. Colburn seconded. Motion failed 3/4, with Fliter, Herrman, Hudgins, and Rozell voting “no”. Herrman moved to increase the parking permit by $25, remove “workbooks” from Math in Focus, and approve the Student and Texbook Rental Fees as presented for the 2015-16 school year. Estabrook seconded. Motion passed 4/3, with Colburn, Edie, and Hudgins voting “no”. 8.3 General Obligation Bond Refinance, Sale & Disclosure Lew Faust presented information regarding the refinancing opportunity of Series 2009A Bonds. Discussion. No action was taken. 9.0 New Business 9.1 Proposal to Name Bishop Stadium Field Greg Hoyt, MHS Principal, Mike Marsh, MHS Athletic Director, and Jeff Grantham, MHS Alum, presented the proposal to name the field at Bishop Stadium, “Lew Lane Field”. Discussion. Herrman moved to accept on first reading the naming of the playing field at Bishop Stadium as “Lew Lane Field”. Edie seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 9.2 CDA Positions – College Hill Preschool Elisabeth Nelson, Director of Early Learning Programs, presented the proposal for preschool assistant teacher and classroom support staff salary realignment to meet requirements of the Kansas Preschool Program Grant. Colburn moved to accept on first reading the proposal for an assistant teacher and classroom support staff salary scale, as presented, for those individuals employed in one of our KPP preschool classrooms beginning in the 2015-2016 school year. Edie seconded. Discussion. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 9.3 Budget Republication for FY 2014-15 Lew Faust presented the request to republish the FY 2014-15 budget. 18 June 3, 2015 MINUTES PAGE 5 Edie moved to approve the recommendation to publish the notice of hearing to be set for 6:15 p.m. on June 24, 2015, for the purpose of amending the following funds within the 2014-15 budget: General and Special Education. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 9.4 Fixed Asset Inventory – Modified Contract Lew Faust presented the request to modify the contract with Asset Services. Herrman moved to approve the modified contract with Asset Services of Merriam, KS for the fixed asset inventory services in the amount of $22,470, to be paid at a rate of $11,235 per year in FY 2016 and FY 2017. Hudgins seconded. President Fliter opened the floor to public comment. No one came forward. President Fliter closed the floor to public comment. Motion passed 7/0. 10.0 Next Regular Meeting Items – June 24, 2015 Items were reviewed. 11.0 Future Meeting Items Items were reviewed. Edie suggested “KSU College of Education’s Viewpoint of Our Interaction with the University”. Estabrook suggested “Military Relationship”. 12.0 Meeting & Events Meetings and events were reviewed. 13.0 Executive Session – Negotiations 13.1 Colburn moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes, following a short break, to discuss negotiations in order to protect the public interest in negotiating a fair and equitable contract, and to return to open session at 8:300 p.m. Herrman seconded. Motion passed 7/0. Dr. Shannon, Dr. Seymour, Lew Faust, and Larry Doll joined the Board in executive session. 14.0 Adjourn Edie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Rozell seconded. Motion passed 7/0. Respectfully submitted, Diane L. Denison, Clerk USD 383 Board of Education 19 ITEM 7.2 MANHATTAN-OGDEN USD 383 CHECK REGISTER TOTALS BY FUND July 2, 2015 FUND 12 GENERAL FUND 9,050.00 FUND 13 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 1,000.00 FUND 35 FOOD SERVICE FUND 40 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION FUND 45 MANHATTAN VIRTUAL ACADEMY 100.00 FUND 70 HEAD START 150.00 FUND 77 COLLEGE HILL PRESCHOOL 100.00 815.00 50.00 11,265.00 REPORT TOTAL 20 Report Date 06/24/15 01:36 PM Bank Check No 01 00141470 01 00141471 01 00141472 01 Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Date Vendor 100.00 07/02/15 10389 ARMENDARIZ, JIM - PETTY CASH C 2,500.00 07/02/15 8508 BAKER, JANA-PETTY CASH OR FAUST, LEW C 100.00 07/02/15 570770 BLANCK, BROOKE - PETTY CASH C 00141473 1,500.00 07/02/15 20294 C 01 00141474 50.00 07/02/15 564400 FIX-TURKOWSKI, VICKIE - PETTY CASH C 01 00141475 50.00 07/02/15 564419 FIX-TURKOWSKI, VICKIE - PETTY CASH C 01 00141476 100.00 07/02/15 570761 HOLLOWAY, DAVID - PETTY CASH C 01 00141477 4,000.00 07/02/15 23300 C 01 00141478 150.00 07/02/15 558044 HUTCHINSON, ANDY - PETTY CASH C 01 00141479 200.00 07/02/15 7101 KLINE, VICKIE - PETTY CASH C 01 00141480 100.00 07/02/15 16505 KOLE, NANCY - PETTY CASH C 01 00141481 100.00 07/02/15 1074 LIOTTA, LARRY - PETTY CASH C 01 00141482 100.00 07/02/15 21653 MARTIN, LORI - PETTY CASH C 01 00141483 300.00 07/02/15 17796 MESSER, DOUG - PETTY CASH C 01 00141484 100.00 07/02/15 570753 MORTON, CLEION - PETTY CASH C 01 00141485 100.00 07/02/15 10361 NAUERTH, DEB - PETTY CASH C 01 00141486 100.00 07/02/15 95301 NELSON, BRENT - PETTY CASH C 01 00141487 100.00 07/02/15 570788 NELSON, ELISABETH - PETTY CASH C 01 00141488 200.00 07/02/15 564397 NEWELL, TRACY - PETTY CASH C 01 00141489 300.00 07/02/15 1096 C 01 00141490 815.00 07/02/15 551996 SMITH, STEPHANIE - PETTY CASH C 01 00141491 100.00 07/02/15 20124 STITT, KATHY - PETTY CASH C 01 00141492 100.00 07/02/15 17496 TIEDE, ANDREA - PETTY CASH C Total Bank No 01 Amount UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #383 DEPT OF SCHOOLS - PETTY CASH HOYT, GREG - PETTY CASH NOLL, KEITH- PETTY CASH 11,265.00 .00 Total Hand Checks Total Computer Checks 11,265.00 Total ACH Checks .00 Total Computer Voids .00 Total Hand Voids .00 Total ACH Voids .00 Grand Total: 11,265.00 Batch Yr 16 21 Batch No 000004 Amount 11,265.00 1 ITEM 7.3.1 22 ITEM 7.3.2 23 24 ITEM 7.3.3 25 26 27 28 29 ITEM 7.4 HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA BACKGROUND July 1, 2015 The Administration recommends the following individuals for employment with USD 383: SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCE TEACHERS Rodney Robison, Manhattan High School Tiffany Stevenson, Manhattan High East Kelly Carmody, Northview Elementary $40,195 $39,895 $46,145 SECONDARY TEACHER Meghan Wilson, CAI Instructor, Manhattan Alternative High School $44, 011 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCE TEACHERS Number of Positions: 3 No. of Applicants: 20 Minority: No. Interviewed: 5 Minority: No. Recommended: 3 Minority: 1 1 0 Women/Non-Minority: Women/Non-Minority: Women/Non-Minority: 16 4 2 SECONDARY TEACHER Number of Positions: No. of Applicants: No. Interviewed: No. Recommended: 1 0 0 Women/Non-Minority: Women/Non-Minority: Women/Non-Minority: 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 Minority: Minority: Minority: BACKGROUND INFORMATION CERTIFIED STAFF Rodney Robison, Special Education Resource Teacher, has a BS degree from Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Agri-Business and a BS degree from Fort Hays State University in Business Education. His most recent experience was with Phillipsburg High school where he was an At-Risk Coordinator and business teacher for nine years. Tiffany Stevenson, Special Education Resource Teacher, has a BS from Kansas State University in Secondary Education in English and a MS from Emporia State in Special Education. Her most recent experience was with USD 475 where she taught as a 9th grade teacher for two years. Kelly Carmody, Special Education Resource Teacher, has a BS from Kansas State University in Social Science, a MS from Kansas State University in Special Education, and a MA from Pacific University in Elementary Education. Her recent experience was with Junction City Middle School as a Special Education teacher for four years. Meghan Wilson, CAI Instructor, has a BS from Tennessee Technical University in Special Education. Her most recent experience was with USD 383 as a Special Education teacher for one year. 30 Page 2 July 1, 2015 RETIREMENTS Elizabeth Koester, Financial Secretary, has submitted her letter of retirement effective July 1, 2015. Ms. Koester began her career with USD 383 in December 1994. Ms. Koester has 18 years of service to USD 383. It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept this request for retirement. Best wishes are extended to Ms. Koester. RESIGNATIONS Erika Hart, Teacher, has submitted her resignation effective August 31, 2015. Ms. Hart has been with the district since August 2008. Maggie Mangas, Paraeducator, has submitted her resignation effective June 21, 2015. Ms. Mangas has been with the district since August 2014. Brooke Schultz, Paraeducator, has submitted her resignation effective June 26, 2015. Ms. Schultz has been with the district since January 2015. Melissa Poulin, Paraeducator, has submitted her resignation effective June 22, 2015. Ms. Poulin has been with the district since September 2014. Alaina Flaming, At-Risk-Aide, has submitted her resignation effective May 21, 2015. Ms. Flaming has been with the district since August 2014. Aimee McLendon, At-Risk-Aide, has submitted her resignation effective May 21, 2015. Ms. McLendon has been with the district since January 2012. Caitlin Lamb, Assistant Teacher, has submitted her resignation effective June 19, 2015. Ms. Lamb will continue working for the district as a Music Teacher. Ms. Lamb has been with the district since August 2014. It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve these resignations. TERMINATIONS Whitney Knight, Paraeducator, is recommended for termination effective April 2, 2015. Ms. Knight has been with the district since October 2014. Justin Zsuzsics, Bus Driver, is recommended for termination effective June 25, 2015. Mr. Zsuzsics has been with the district since August 2010. It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve these terminations. 31 ITEM 7.6.1 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-1 ESTABLISHMENT OF TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to K.S.A. 72-8205, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, at its regular meeting held July 1, 2015, established the following meeting schedule for regular board of education meetings to be held at Robinson Education Center during the 2015-2016 school year: July 15, 2015 August 5, 2015 August 19, 2015 September 2, 2015 September 16, 2015 October 7, 2015 October 21, 2015 November 4, 2015 November 18, 2015 December 2, 2015 December 16, 2015 January 6, 2016 January 20, 2016 February 3, 2016 February 17, 2016 March 2, 2016 March 23, 2016 April 6, 2016 April 20, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 18, 2016 June 1, 2016 June 29, 2016 July 6, 2016 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. If the established meeting is cancelled because of an emergency, within 24 hours of such cancellation, the board shall establish and give notice of the new meeting date and time. The board of education reserves the right to adjourn any regular meeting to another time and place. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ Board President ________________________________ Board Member ________________________________ Board Member ________________________________ Board Member ________________________________ Board Member ________________________________ Board Member ________________________________ Board Member Attest: __________________________ Clerk, Board of Education 32 ITEM 7.6.2 33 ITEM 7.6.4 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-2 AUTHORIZATION OF PETTY CASH FUNDS WHEREAS, The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the creation of a petty cash fund is an efficient method to pay expenses for school district purposes in emergencies; and WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the establishment of petty cash funds; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that petty cash funds are created for the purpose of making emergency type disbursements: LOCATION ADMINISTERED BY AMOUNT * PURPOSE Amanda Arnold Elementary Bluemont Elementary Frank Bergman Elementary Lee Elementary Marlatt Elementary Northview Elementary Ogden Elementary Theodore Roosevelt Elementary Woodrow Wilson Elementary Anthony Middle School Eisenhower Middle School Manhattan High School MHS East Campus MHS Sporting Events Manhattan Virtual Academy Adult Education Open Door Head Start College Hill Pre-School District Activity Education Center Food Service Maintenance Department Transportation Department Larry Liotta Kathy Stitt Lori Martin Nancy Kole Brett Nelson Cleion Morton Jim Armendariz Andrea Tiede Deb Nauerth Vickie Kline Tracy Newell Greg Hoyt David Holloway Greg Hoyt Brooke Blanck Vickie Fix-Turkowski Vickie Fix-Turkowski Andy Hutchinson Elisabeth Nelson Lew Faust Lew Faust Stephanie Smith Keith Noll Doug Messer $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 3,500.00 Activities/Athletics 100.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 815.00 Cash drawer change 300.00 300.00 * The purpose of the Petty Cash Funds in the building offices is for small necessary purchases and postage due. 34 The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the fund and shall prepare and file with the board, a statement showing all receipts and expenditures at the end of each school year. An itemized receipt shall be maintained for each expenditure. Any person authorized to administer a petty cash fund shall be bonded by the school district. Upon proper report to the board, the petty cash fund shall be replenished by payment from the appropriate fund of the school district. The petty cash fund shall not be loaned or advanced against the salary of any employee. Funds in the petty cash fund shall remain district funds but shall not be considered school money for purposes of K.S.A. 72-8202(d) and the provisions of K.S.A. 12-105(b) shall not apply. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 35 ITEM Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-3 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH MANHATTAN HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUNDS WHEREAS, The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the creation of activity funds is an efficient method to pay expenses for students activities; and WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the establishment of school activity funds; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that Manhattan High School activity funds designated as: Activity Tickets AFS Club Auto Mech Club Black Student Union Blue Notes Boys Golf Boys Tennis Cheerleading Class of 2016 Class of 2019 Crimestoppers Dance/Drill Team Earth Club FFA Football Gala Girls Basketball Girls Swimming Graduated Class Fund Heritage Panel Key Club Mentor National Honor Society Parking Permits Project Graduation Scholar Bowl Softball Student Council Teens Leading Teens Track Variety Shows Wrestling ACT Workshop America’s Got Special Talent Band Fund Raising Blue Light Journal Bowling Boys Soccer Business Club Class of 2014 Class of 2017 CNA Class Cross Country Debate F.C.A. Field Biology French Club Game Club Girls Golf Girls Tennis Graphic Arts Interpersonal Skills Life Skills Candles Music Contest Acct Needy Student Pops Recording Studio Science Olympiad Spanish Club Student to Student Testing-PLAN/PSAT Tribe Vocal Music Fundraising Advance Placement Anime Club Baseball Blue M Boys Basketball Boys Swimming Calculator Rental Class of 2015 Class of 2018 Computer Class Culinary Arts Dramatics FCCLA Fine Arts Club Freshman Orientation German Club Girls Soccer Girls Volleyball GSA Instr. Music Rental Fee Manhattan Virtual Academy Musicale Orchestra Pots of Petals SADD Season Tickets Sports Zone Summer Weight Training Thespians Ultimate Frisbee Woods Project are created for the purpose of receiving and expending funds for student activities including athletics, music, forensics, dramatics and other board approved student extra-curricular activities. The fund shall be administered by the Manhattan High School Principal. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the funds and shall prepare and file with the Board a statement showing all receipts, expenditures and balance at the end of each month and at the end of 36 each school year. Any person authorized to administer an activity fund shall be bonded by the school district. Funds in the activity fund shall remain district funds but shall not be considered school money for purposes of K.S.A. 72-8202(d) and the provisions of K.S.A. 12-105(b) shall not apply. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 37 ITEM Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-4 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH ANTHONY MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUNDS WHEREAS, The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the creation of activity funds is an efficient method to pay expenses for students activities; and WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the establishment of school activity funds; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that Susan B. Anthony Middle School activity funds designated as: Academic Competitions Band/Choir Party/Dance STUCO America’s Got Talent Dramatics Pencil Machines Yearbook Athletics-AMS KAYS Pride Club are created for the purpose of receiving and expending funds for student activities including athletics, music, forensics, dramatics and other board approved student extra-curricular activities. The fund shall be administered by the Anthony Middle School Principal. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the funds and shall prepare and file with the Board a statement showing all receipts, expenditures and balance at the end of each month and at the end of each school year. Any person authorized to administer an activity fund shall be bonded by the school district. Funds in the activity fund shall remain district funds but shall not be considered school money for purposes of K.S.A. 72-8202(d) and the provisions of K.S.A. 12-105(b) shall not apply. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 38 ITEM Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-5 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH EISENHOWER MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUNDS WHEREAS, The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the creation of activity funds is an efficient method to pay expenses for students activities; and WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the establishment of school activity funds; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School activity funds designated as: 7th Grade Green Team Band/Orchestra Eagles of Excellence Yearbook 7th Grade Silver Team Choir KAY Athletics-EMS Dramatics Party/Dance STUCO are created for the purpose of receiving and expending funds for student activities including athletics, music, forensics, dramatics and other board approved student extra-curricular activities. The fund shall be administered by the Eisenhower Middle School Principal. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the funds and shall prepare and file with the Board a statement showing all receipts, expenditures and balance at the end of each month and at the end of each school year. Any person authorized to administer an activity fund shall be bonded by the school district. Funds in the activity fund shall remain district funds but shall not be considered school money for purposes of K.S.A. 72-8202(d) and the provisions of K.S.A. 12-105(b) shall not apply. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 39 ITEM 7.6.6 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-6 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH PURCHASING CARDS WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the creation of a purchasing card program is needed to make expenditures for school district purposes. WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the establishment of purchasing cards; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that a purchasing card program is created with the purpose of expending funds for school purposes. The fund shall be administered by the Treasurer. Records shall be kept of all expenditures with receipts attached. Statements shall be prepared and filed with the Board showing all expenditures throughout the school year. The Treasurer has authority to approve, in advance, a temporary increase in an individual’s credit limit up to $500 in an urgent circumstance, when funds in the budget will cover the additional expense. A request for a temporary increase above $500 must be approved in advance by the Superintendent. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Board Policy: DJEH Purchase Cards The use of district purchase cards by staff shall be confined to necessary school business. The board shall annually prescribe limits and restrictions on the use of purchase cards. The superintendent shall monitor monthly receipts and reimbursement expenses of staff. 40 AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH PURCHASING CARDS INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED FOR 2014-15 Department Administration Amanda Arnold Bluemont Preschools Frank Bergman Lee Marlatt Northview Ogden Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Anthony MS Eisenhower MS MHS-West Communication Headstart Teaching & Learning Maintenance Transportation Food Service Special Services Library Media Human Resources Technology Parents As Teachers Purchase Card Holder Bob Shannon Eric Reid Diane Denison Tamara Dorst Shondra Gilliam Larry Liotta Jamie Pettus Sara Steenbock Kathy Stitt Elisabeth Nelson Lori Martin Sue Mountford Nancy Kole Brett Nelson Cleion Morton Jim Armendariz Andrea Tiede Deb Nauerth Vickie Kline Alicia Pecenka Tracy Newell Kari Vogt Greg Hoyt Michele Bellamy Pam Stokes Mike Marsh Heidi Rippert TBD-FACS Michele Jones Andy Hutchinson Carol Adams Jeanne Disney Lucas Shivers Diane Daniel Deanna Borg Karen Yunk Vickie Fix-Turkowski Brooke Blanck Keith Noll Matt Davis Doug Messer Jay Hartman Heather Mingo Stephanie Smith Debora Howser Roger Christian Lona Foust Lucas Loughmiller Larry Doll Mike Ribble Brandy Kirk 41 Monthly Credit Limit 15/16 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 ITEM 7.6.7 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-7 RESCIND POLICY STATEMENTS FOUND IN PAST BOARD MINUTES BE IT RESOLVED, that all policy statements found in the minutes of this Board of Education prior to June 30, 2015, be rescinded, and that the Board of Education adopt the policy manual (or written policies) as presented and recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, to govern this school district during the 2015-2016 school year, subject to periodic review, amendment, and revision by the Board of Education. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 42 ITEM 7.6.8 AE School Year AE The board shall provide a school year consisting of not less than: (1) The minimum number of statutorily required school days for students K-12, consisting of not less than 2 1/2 hours for kindergarten students and 6 hours for students in grades 1-12; or (2) The minimum number of statutorily required school hours for students in grades K -12. Virtual Schools If the board sponsors a virtual school, it shall comply with all current regulations of the Kansas State Department of Educatio n and the school district. Approved: 9/05 ©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in the district. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB. 43 ITEM 7.6.9 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas Notice of Non-Discrimination The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Executive Director of Special Services, Robinson Education Center, 2031 Poyntz Avenue., Manhattan, Kansas, 66502, 785-587-2000, has been designated to coordinate compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Director of Human Resources, Robinson Education, 2031 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas 66502, 785-587-2000, has been designated to coordinate compliance with all other non-discrimination policies. Inquiries may also be directed to: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Gateway Tower 400 State Ave., Suite 905 Kansas City, KS 66101 (800) 669-4000 Kansas Human Rights Commission 900 SW Jackson, Suite 568-S Topeka, KS 66612-1258 (785) 296-3206 United State Department of Education Office for Civil Rights One Petticoat Lane 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320 Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 268-0550 Revised 7-2-14; Reaffirmed 7-1-15 44 ITEM 7.6.11 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-8 WAIVER OF GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES WHEREAS, the Manhattan-Ogden Unified School District 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended June 30, 2016, to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to the Board of Education or the members of the general public of the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383, and WHEREAS, there are no revenue bond ordinances or resolutions, or other ordinances or resolutions of the municipality which require financial statements and financial reports to be prepared in conformity with K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) for the year ended June 30, 2016. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Manhattan-Ogden USD 383, Riley County, Kansas, in the regular meeting duly assembled this 1st day of July, 2015, that the Board of Education waives the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) as they apply to the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 for the year ended June 30, 2016. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall cause the financial statements and financial reports of the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383, Riley County, Kansas, to be prepared on the basis of cash receipts and disbursements as adjusted to show compliance with the cash basis and budget laws of this State. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 45 ITEM 7.6.12 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Manhattan, Kansas RESOLUTION 1516-9 ESTABLISHING HOME RULE BY BOARD OF EDUCATION WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, has determined that the exercise of powers granted by the legislature is of benefit to the board and local patrons; and WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the board to transact all school district business; and WHEREAS, the board intends to adopt policies that the board deems appropriate to perform its constitutional duty to maintain, develop and operate local public schools; and WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the power granted by law shall not be construed to relieve the board from any obligations to comply with state law; and WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the powers granted by law and this resolution shall not be construed to relieve any other unit of government of its duties and responsibilities prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the powers granted by law do not create any responsibility on the part of the district to assume the duties or responsibilities that are required of another unit of government; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas, that the board shall exercise the power granted by law and by this resolution. ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 383, Riley County, Kansas on the 1st day of July, 2015. ________________________________ President, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 ________________________________ Clerk, Board of Education Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 46 2015-2016 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 District Organizational Chart ITEM 7.6.13 Board of Education Superintendent of Schools Executive Director Special Services Asst. Director Special Services Director Early Learning Programs MAHS @ Job Corps Executive Director Teaching & Learning Director Secondary Education Director Manhattan Virtual Academy Coordinator Grants & Compliance Director Elementary Education Paraeducators Coordinator Parents as Teachers Office Staff Director Adult Education Director Communications & School Safety Skilled Maint. Executive Assistant Web/TV Office Staff PC Support Coordinator English for Speakers of Other Languages Aides Custodians Central Operations Office Professionals Facilities Office Staff Instr. Tech. Office Staff STEM Programs Infant/Toddler Services Library Media Specialists Director Maintenance & Facilities Network Tech. Assistant Principals Teachers Director Library & Instruc. Media Services Director Technology Principals Coordinator Data & Statistics Teachers Director Head Start Programs Assistant Superintendent Director Transportation Office Staff Media Clerks Bus Drivers Office Staff Director Human Resources Office Staff Director Food Service Kitchen Staff Mechanics Office Staff Transp. Office Staff Warehouse Staff Director Business Services Budget & Grant Accountant Purchasing Accountant Payroll Coordinators Approved 7-1-15 Office Staff * the horizontal line up of boxes is not indicative of the level of administration M:BOE AGENDAS/2015-16 BOE 47 ITEM 7.7.1 48 49 50 ITEM 7.7.2 51 52 53 54 ITEM 7.8 Date: To: From: RE: July 1, 2015 Board of Education Superintendent Robert Shannon Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rate Prepared by: Lew Faust, Director of Business Services Background Information: The following table shows the average price of regular grade conventional retail gasoline for the Midwest and the reimbursement rate per mile for USD #383 since 2002: Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 June Gas Price* $1.34 $1.52 $1.80 $2.22 $2.52 $3.06 $3.99 $2.68 $2.77 $2.71 $3.49 $3.57 $3.55 $3.69 $2.79 Reimbursement rate $0.31 $0.33 $0.33 $0.40 $0.43 $0.47 $0.47 $0.505 $0.55 $0.50 $0.51 $0.55 $0.56 $0.56 $0.57 * Information provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 and NEA Manhattan-Ogden Negotiated Agreement: Article XVII Mileage Reimbursement – The board will pay a minimum of the state rate as of July 1, per mile to teachers who are required to use their own vehicles to provide educational services to students and for approved district travel. Current Considerations: District staff utilize their own vehicles for in-district travel and for out-of district travel for various purposes. This includes administrators, traveling teachers, home visitors and classified staff. The rate for FY 2015 was $0.56 per mile. The reimbursement rate for FY 2016 will increase to $0.57 per mile, which matches the current federal mileage rate. District Goal: 5. The district will provide support of programs through existing and new resources. Board of Education Policy: GAN Travel Expenses Financial Implications: The total expenditures for mileage reimbursement for 2014-15 was approximately $61,500 at the current rate of $0.56 per mile for the following funds: General, At Risk, Vocational, Parents as Teachers, Special Education, Food Service, Bilingual Education, Adult Education and Professional Development. This figure represents mileage reimbursement for approximately 110,000 miles during the course of the year. The increased rate will result in an increased cost to the district, unless the number of miles submitted for reimbursement by employees’ decreases during the year. The increased cost for employee mileage reimbursement for 110,000 miles would be $1,200 for the fiscal year. 55 Recommendation: Administration respectfully recommends that the Board of Education give final approval (A2) to set the vehicle mileage reimbursement rate at $0.57 per mile for all miles driven for district purposes, effective July 1, 2015. Recommended Motion: “I move to give final approval to the administrative recommendation to set the vehicle mileage reimbursement rate at $0.57 per mile for all miles driven for district purposes, effective July 1, 2015.” 56 ITEM 7.9 Date: To: From: RE: July 1, 2015 Board of Education Superintendent Robert Shannon Destruction of District Financial Records Prepared by: Lew Faust, Director of Business Services Background Information: Kansas Statute 72-5369 (Appendix A) provides guidance to Kansas school districts regarding the timelines for retention and destruction of financial records. As noted in K.S.A 72-5369, the board of education may, by resolution, provide for and authorize any officer, official or employee charged with or having custody of the records to destroy said records based on the timelines as noted in the resolution. Current Considerations: Annually, the district’s business office destroys original data entry records and monthly reports, including payroll processing records, cash receipt documents and accounts payable vouchers dating five years previous. This is done annually to provide adequate space for storage of the current year’s records. The business office intends to destroy the data entry records for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, including records from prior years, if any such records have not been destroyed previously. For security and confidentiality purposes, these records will be shredded. Document Resources of Manhattan, Kansas will be performing this service for the district. District Goal: 5. The district will provide support of programs through existing and new resources. Board of Education Policy: CN Public Records Financial Implications: The total estimated cost of $225 will be funded by General Fund – Supplies-Accounting Office (account #012-82515-610-01-000-00). Recommendation: Administration respectfully recommends that the Board of Education give final approval (A2) to authorize Lew Faust, Director of Business Services and Board Treasurer, with the responsibility for destruction of the original data entry records and monthly reports, as noted above, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, including records from prior years, if any such records have not been destroyed previously. Recommended Motion: “I move to give final approval to the administrative recommendation to authorize Lew Faust, Director of Business Services and Board Treasurer, with the responsibility for destruction of the original data entry records and monthly reports, as noted above, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, including records from prior years, if any such records have not been destroyed previously.” 57 Appendix A K.S.A. 72-5369 DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICT AND JUNIOR COLLEGE RECORDS The board of education of any school district or the board of trustees of any community junior college may, by resolution, provide for and authorize any officer, official or employee charged with or having custody of the following records, documents or other papers to destroy the same at the time indicated herein, and if more than one time can be made to apply, the longer time shall apply: (a) Bookkeeping and accounting records which are original books of entry, claims, vouchers and purchase orders, five (5) years. (b) Formal audit reports, five (5) years. (c) Financial papers of any type relating to programs supported by federal funds, three (3) years or such longer time as may be required by applicable federal law. (d) All financial papers not otherwise specified in this section may be destroyed at any time after formal audit reports have been completed and filed in the appropriate offices for a period of six (6) months, and this provision shall apply to the following: Warrants, warrant checks, receipts, canceled checks, and requisitions. (e) Official bonds of surety or indemnity, five (5) years after the termination of the term of employment. (f) Insurance policies, five (5) years after the expiration of the term thereof. (g) Bonds and coupons stamped paid or canceled and returned by the state fiscal agent, six (6) months after the next following annual formal audit of the school district. History: L. 1955, ch. 335, § 1; L. 1970, ch. 282, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 372, § 1; July 1. 58 School Board Member Ethics (Board Policy BH) As a member of my local Board, I will strive to improve public education, and to that end I will: Attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings insofar as possible and become informed concerning the issues to be considered at those meetings; Recognize that I should endeavor to make policy decisions only after full discussion at publicly held Board meetings; Render all decisions based on the available facts and my independent judgment, and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups; Encourage the free expression of opinion by all Board members, and seek systematic communications between the Board and students, district staff, and all elements of the community; W ork with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent; Communicate to other Board members and the Superintendent expressions of public reaction to Board policies and school programs; Support the employment of those persons best qualified to serve as district staff; Avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest and refrain from using my Board position for personal or partisan gain; Respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged under applicable law; and Remember that the first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the public schools. ADOPTED: 5/05 59