FUTURAMA NEWS YEAR IN REVIEW Futurama celebrates another


FUTURAMA NEWS YEAR IN REVIEW Futurama celebrates another
FutUrama News
Galileo Academy of Science & Technology
May 2012
Issue 3
Futurama celebrates another exciting, fun filled year!
Featuring our favorite moments from the people who
know best, the students!
Te c h C l u b
“I have been able to gain a more comprehensive understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering, and
have established closer relationships with my motivated,
intelligent peers.”-Ian Eigl
“Team Lion’s robot demolished the competition at Pioneers in Engineering at UC Berkeley. We won the first
place award of Competition Champions.”
- Andy Wong
Bridge Club
“Learning to play bridge is fascinating. The game is full of
clever subtleties and brilliant design. It’s great for learning to be innovative and creative.”- Brandon Wong
“Winning!”- Justin Wong
“Winning a six level contract, pretty impressive for a
newbie.”-Terry Cho
Night School
“In my science class I have learned more about the environment and being more aware about my
body and how my surroundings affect me and others.”-Patrick Pereira
“We had fun interactive activities that not only allowed us to learn more but develop public
speaking skills as well.”- Tiffany Cooper
Cooking Class
“I learned to cook foods I’ve never heard of before. I also
met a few people there who are really nice to me.”
-Cammy Huynh
“My accomplishment is that I can now cook healthy food!
And I know a lot of different cooking techniques.”
- Shirley Mei
“I improved on my footwork and power moves and I
accomplished coin-drops. My proudest moment was when I
appeared in some G-house TV commercials.”-Garland Tu
“I was able to achieve many new moves. I was able to
conquer fears such as stage fright and being in front of
people. “- Andy Situ
“We have two great teachers who helped us with our
shows and built us up to the b-boys we are today.”Raymond Wong
Garage Band
“We learned about music equipment and how to change guitar strings. We created our own
songs.”-Huiling Wu
“The talent show was our proudest moment because it allowed our skills to be shown to the whole
school.”-Shun Trenholm
Check out our website at www.galileoweb.org/futurama !
DJ Class
“My favorite times were when
we DJed for dances and at lunch
-Harosh Summan
“My goal was to learn as much
as possible about DJing and I
think I have. I’ve made some
cash too.”
-Kevin Valencia
Ko r e a n C l a s s
“I learned many Korean words. As a ChineseAmerican I felt proud that I learned another
language besides Chinese and English.”Michelle Jin
“Learning how to say simple things such as
hello and goodbye made me feel proud,
accomplished and happy.”-Kimberly Lee
Build On
“I felt like I got out of my comfort zone so much
this year by becoming co-president and taking
on more responsibility. My proudest moment is
seeing many people involved.”- Shelley Ta
“This year Laura and I are going to Africa to
help build a school. This is a very exciting
moment for the club. We are looking forward
to sharing what we learn from the trip with the
rest of the group and school.”- Timothy Zhong
Check out our website at www.galileoweb.org/futurama !
Hip Hop
“My dance teacher Emerson made me realize how
much I love to dance. I go because I love the
people who go to class; they make me feel like I’m
important and wanted. My proudest moment is
every time we laugh together.”-Tatiana Rodrigues
“I like hip hop club because we created a family
type environment and we learn different
choreography everyday. We improve and get
better every practice.”- Christian Arada
F a m i l i e s i n Tr a n s i t i o n
“Before I entered the FIT program I didn’t
really know how to talk to a person I
didn’t know, but after I joined I have
learned how to talk to people. Also, I got a
lot of help from tutors for my
homework.”- Jacky Leung
“I meet friends here and learn a lot here.”Angel Lei
Aquarium Club
“I like this club because I love working with water
and fish. My personal favorite fish of freshwater is
the Black piranha. It’s my favorite because I just love
the fish that rip the flesh of other fish, sound pretty
harsh but that’s nature.”-Victor Noriega
“The proudest moment was when we created the 55
gallon tank. We started from scratch and now it is
overflowing with life. The plants are very healthy and
the fish seem very happy. We have created the
perfect environment for them.”-Justin Horng
Check out our website at www.galileoweb.org/futurama !
Mahjong Club
“As founder and president I was able to create a
club where people can learn Chinese culture. “
-Joshua Hee
“My proudest moment of this club was when I
won an amazing hand that I never ever thought I
would get.”
-Kevin Lee
M r. L e e ’s S p o t
Dear Friends of Futurama,
It’s with great sadness that Futurama will be closing for we did not receive funding for next year.
Futurama was one of seven high schools in San Francisco that did not receive funding from the
California Department of Education. While I’m deeply sadden by this, I’m grateful to have run an
after school program for a great school. The teachers and administration of Galileo have supported
Futurama and me every step of the way. “Thank You”
I would like to thank every student that ever participated in Futurama or even just stopped by for a
snack. The Futurama staff and I, leave Galileo knowing time here was well spent making positive
impacts on students. The fun times working with students and creating programs for them will be
memories I will always cherish.
Check out our website at www.galileoweb.org/futurama !