12.17.09 Section A - Southside Sentinel


12.17.09 Section A - Southside Sentinel
Serving Middlesex County and adjacent areas of the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck since 1896
Urbanna, Virginia 23175 • December 17, 2009
Vol. 115, No. 38
Two Sections • 75¢
Arrests made
in store robbery
Warrants issued
for more suspects
by Tom Chillemi
Two weeks after Big John’s Convenience Store at Church View was
robbed on November 15, Middlesex
Sheriff’s Office investigators had
arrested a suspect, reported sheriff
Guy L. Abbott this week.
Another suspect in the robbery was
arrested on Monday, December 14,
said Captain M.E. Sampson, a sheriff’s office investigator.
There still are outstanding warrants
for two more suspects, who remain
at large, in connection with the Big
John’s robbery or recent burglaries,
said Captain Sampson.
The first suspect apprehended was
Anthony Detroin Goins, 25, of Locust
Hill, who was arrested November 30
and charged with robbery, conspiracy
to commit a robbery, and wearing a
mask in a public place, said Captain
Goins also has been charged with
two counts of breaking-and-entering
with intent to commit a felony for his
part in two alleged daytime residential
burglaries in Saluda between October
27 and 28, said Captain Sampson.
The investigation of the Middlesex
crimes also led to charges being filed
against Goins in Gloucester, where he
remains in jail.
Court records show that Goins
faces six felony charges in Gloucester
County, including two counts of robbing a residence, grand larceny, possession of a gun, entering a house to
commit a felony, and using a firearm
in commission of a felony.
Charges against Goins were filed by
a Gloucester Sheriff’s Office investigator on November 30.
On December 14, Jerome Wright,
40, of Newport News was charged in
Middlesex with robbery and conspiracy to commit robbery of Big John’s
Store, said Captain Sampson. He was
arrested by Newport News police.
Wright also was arrested on December 3 and charged in connection with
the Goins’ alleged October 28 residential burglary in Saluda.
Preliminary hearings for Goins and
Wright are set for Monday, December
21, at 1 p.m. in Middlesex General
District Court.
The arrests are the result of a joint
effort by Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
investigators P.T. Lyons Jr. and C.B.
Sibley, who worked with a Gloucester
Sheriff’s Office investigator and the
Newport News police, noted Captain
Deltaville Christmas tradition
Sentinel has early
deadline next week
The Southside Sentinel has early
news and advertising deadlines for
next week’s issue due to the Christmas holiday. The Sentinel will be
published one day earlier next week
on Wednesday, December 23.
The display ad deadline for the
December 23 issue is 10 a.m. on
Monday, December 21 (email to
[email protected]; fax to 7585896; or call 758-2328).
The news and classified ad
deadlines are at noon on Monday,
December 21. Email news to
[email protected] and classifieds to classifi[email protected],
or fax 758-5896 or call 758-2328.
Early submission of advertising and news items will be greatly
The December 23 issue will be
the last Southside Sentinel of 2009.
The first Sentinel of 2010 will be
published on January 7, 2010.
The Sentinel office will be closed
from noon on Wednesday, December 23, through Sunday, January
3, for the holidays. The Sentinel
office will re-open for business at
8:30 a.m. on Monday, January 4.
The staff of the Southside Sentinel wishes all of its readers a
Merry Christmas and prosperous
New Year.
The annual Jackson Creek Cruise is one highlight of the Deltaville Christmas season. Part of the event’s
charm is a hay wagon ride to the tour boat. Above, visitors admire the decorated home of Chuck and
Carol Walsh and family on Lovers Lane as they head to the dock.
(Photo by Tom Chillemi)
High county land values
mean less state money
by Larry S. Chowning
The 2007 figures used to determine
composite indexes for the next two
years for each county in Virginia have
been released, and Middlesex’s total
real estate values are the fourth highest in the area and its composite index
is the third highest.
Middlesex’s composite index, which
determines the county’s ability to fund
its own school expenses and other
aspects of local government, will
increase from .6786 to .7431.
This increase means county taxpayers will pay about 74 cents of every
dollar that is spent toward local school
operating expenses, and will have to
come up with an additional $300,000
next year to cover the lost state revenue.
The fair market value of a county’s
real estate is the main factor used in
determining a composite index, and
Middlesex has considerable “high
value” waterfront property that continues to cause the county’s composite
index to increase.
Middlesex is a much smaller county
in square miles than adjacent Essex
County, yet Middlesex’s “true value
of property” is nearly $1 billion more
than Essex. Middlesex’s assessed real
estate values total $2.996 billion com-
School board wants
higher teacher salaries
by Larry S. Chowning
Festive feline
56525 10561
In side
“Peanut Fuzzball Smith” is a curious cat. She especially likes to explore
the Christmas tree in the home of Eric and Stephanie Smith of Urbanna.
Peanut belongs to the Smiths’ children, Emilie and Adam. The rescued
cat is only 6 months old and was recently found near the Remlik home of
Stephanie’s parents, Irma and Otis Ryman, by the Rymans’ dog Cookie.
Peanut will certainly liven things up at the Smith house this Christmas.
Arts & Leisure ........ A6
Business Director y .. B4
Calendar ............... A4
Church .................. A8
Classifieds ............. B4
School .................. B3
Social ................... A5
Sports .................. B1
Some members of the Middlesex
County School Board let it be known
Monday that they will ask for pay raises
for county teachers during upcoming
talks on the 2010-11 (FY11) school
Middlesex Elementary School principal Jeannie White Duke and St. Clare
Walker principal and assistant school
superintendent James Lane said top
budget priorities at their schools are
to increase teacher salaries to keep the
present teaching staff intact.
“We have a good teaching staff at
MES,” said Duke. “We don’t want to
lose our teachers to other divisions
over salaries.”
School board member Richard
Shores said he wants school teachers
to get at least a 3% raise this year in
an effort to “catch up” for not giving
raises last year.
School board member Lee Walton
said there will be no catch-up because
Middlesex teacher salaries are already
behind many neighboring school divisions. “We are talking about cost-ofliving increases because the cost of
living continues to go up for everyone.”
Walton noted that other school divi-
“We are talking
about cost-of-living
increases because
the cost of living
continues to go
up for everyone.”
—Lee Walton
sions probably will not give huge salary
increases in these hard economic times,
but some Middlesex teachers may opt
to accept jobs elsewhere because their
current salaries are so much lower than
what they would receive in many other
school divisions.
School board member Elliott Reed
said, “I’d love to give teachers a 5%
raise this year, but it’s not realistic to
even consider it. I feel this board will
do everything it can to get teacher
salaries up, and I hope the board of
supervisors will support us.”
Shores showed some frustration
toward the board of supervisors. He
indicated that every year when the
pared with $2.059 billion for Essex.
Middlesex’s last composite index
was figured on $2.378 billion of true
value of real estate, so in two years
the value has increased over $600 million.
Gloucester, Lancaster, Mathews,
Northumberland and Middlesex counties are all near the mouths of rivers
that lead into the Chesapeake Bay.
Land values in these counties are
higher than in Essex and King and
Queen, which are further upriver.
Northumberland’s composite index
is based on about $4.33 billion worth
of true property value; Gloucester
is based on $4.67 billion; Lancaster,
$3.68 billion; Mathews, $2.11 billion;
and King and Queen, $1.07 billion.
Northumberland and Lancaster
composite indexes are set at the highest level allowed—.8000. This means
these counties must pay 80 cents out
of every dollar toward financing its
own school system and some other
governmental agencies.
Middlesex has the third highest
composite index in the area at .7431.
Mathews is at .5883; Essex .4869;
King and Queen .4404; and Gloucester
Also used in compiling a county’s
(See Composite, page A2)
of rape cases
Kilmarnock Police Chief Mike
Bedell reported Tuesday that the
investigation into capturing the serial
rapist who recently attacked two
Kilmarnock women has led to a very
strong suspect.
Bedell said that although he feels
confident the investigation is on the
right track, authorities are still looking into other suspects and have taken
DNA swabs from multiple persons.
“Until someone is charged, we have
to naturally assume a suspect is still
(See Salaries, page A2)
(See Cases, page A2)
A2 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va. • Dec. 17, 2009
one woman’s opinion
sert. One must ever be flexible in life.
Thoughts at Christmas, Part 2
Later, in the wee hours of the morning,
Urbanna, Va.— As the clock ticks nearer to
Christmas, our thoughts turn to family. We want Joseph’s temperature spiked to 104 and the chilmost at Christmas to be with our children. A son dren rushed him to Lewisburg Hospital. “He
lives in Ripley, West Virginia, and our daugh- has the 36-hour bug,” they reported on return,
ter lives in Baltimore. We celebrate the holiday which meant he would be sick until it was time
to check out on Sunday.
with both families.
We woke up the next morning to a beautiful
It had to be an early Christmas with Wake
and Lori this year because they are expect- snowfall. I mean real snow, West Virginia snow,
ing another baby at Christmas. We met at the not the powdery dustings we usually have in
Greenbrier Hotel last weekend for an early cel- Tidewater Virginia. By the end of the day we had
seven inches on the ground. We trudged over to
The Greenbrier, sometimes called “the crown the hotel for a round of bowling in the morning,
jewel of West Virginia,” is under new manage- baby-sat Joseph in the afternoon while the chilment. The south entrance was blocked off by a dren enjoyed some fun at the spa, and returned
massive construction project, an underground for afternoon tea and a violin concert. Joseph
was too sick to go out for dinner
casino, which is being built to
that night so we ordered it delivattract more guests. A massive
ered to the cottage.
crane hovered over the area
That night the 80-foot-plus
like some monstrous bird and
Christmas tree in front of the
we were directed to the north
Greenbrier was officially turned
entrance for check in.
on and all 28,000 white lights
Wake and Lori have a 2-yeartwinkled in the snow as Santa
old so we decided to stay in a
arrived in a horse-drawn wagon
cottage so if Joseph wanted to
through the snow to greet the
run and shriek, he would not
huge crowd that had assembled
disturb anyone. We checked
for Christmas carols. Guests
into “Baltimore Cottage” and
and natives stood together in
we were quite happy to be furjoyous song. It was very nice,
ther away from the construction
except Joseph missed the entire
taking place on the front lawn.
Oh good, a fireplace had
The next morning Joseph was
already been laid for us. How
feeling better so we walked to
perfect to rock and chat with
by Mary
the main dining room for breakmy grandson in front of a roarWakefield Buxton
fast. The 6,500-acre grounds
ing fire.
were blanketed in snow and,
It was roaring all right. The
damper was closed and the cottage immedi- with the sun out and the baby smiling, the world
ately filled with choking smoke, which set off was bright and beautiful.
After breakfast Joseph positioned himself
the fire alarm and brought two fire trucks with
sirens screaming to our front door. After setting at the dining room window to watch the crane
up several fans and opening windows, we were lowering pipes to workmen while bulldozers
soon able to get back into the cottage to con- and dump trucks roared by. He was perfectly
content. If we had known that all the baby
tinue our visit.
All went well that afternoon. We enjoyed wanted was to watch work at a construction site,
shopping in the hotel’s lovely arcade and had we could have stayed home and saved a lot of
tea with a pianist playing classical music. Later money.
We drove home on Sunday in the winter wonwe tried the new “Prime 44 West” steak house
named after West Virginia University’s two-time derland. By Charlottesville the snow was a mere
All-American, Gold Medal Olympian and NBA dusting and by Richmond it was totally gone.
We look forward to being with my daughter’s
great, Jerry West, who lives in the area.
But halfway through dinner Joseph threw up. family soon. Meanwhile, sweet memories of a
Of course, every grandparent expects such an flush-cheeked baby and wild, wonderful, snowy
event at a formal meal with a baby. Off they West Virginia fill my pen. (continued next week)
went while we sat to finish dinner. Lori had ©2009
ordered a birthday cake as my son was turning
Signed copies of Mary’s new book, “Middlesex
40 this month, but the waitress hastily changed
the birthday cake to a happy anniversary cake. Memories” are available at bookstores and the
“Happy anniversary, dear,” I said as we ate des- Southside Sentinel.
letters to the editor
Get the ball rolling Homeowners
on Tier III for
in LDR zones
Urbanna Creek
could be at risk
To the Editor:
I read with anger and disappointment in the December 3
Southside Sentinel the fact that
the Middlesex Board of Supervisors took no action on recommending Tier III status for
Urbanna Creek.
The article stated, “Tier III
status is designed to prevent
permanent or long-term degradation of certain waterways.”
Mr. Culley’s comparison of
Urbanna Creek with Ragged
Island Creek near the City
of Suffolk is absolutely and
totally irrelevant. His mentioning that Ragged Island Creek
is the only tidal tributary designated Tier III in the region is
also pointless.
Quoting from the Sentinel,
“Culley indicated that if the
county wanted to combine
sewage treatment plants with
Urbanna and the regional jail
in the future, the Tier III status
could jeopardize such a plan.”
He’s exactly right. The reason
Urbanna requested Tier III
status is to prevent what Mr.
Culley seems to want to do.
A different article in the Dec.
3 Sentinel stated, “Morgan
(Delegate Harvey Morgan)
warned the county that Virginia
has not done its part in cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and
the EPA has said it is going to
come in and tell us how to do it.
It’s going to be expensive.”
It seems to me, that in light
of this warning, the board of
supervisors would be jumping
on the bandwagon to prevent
any increase in sewage—treated
or raw—to be emptied into
Urbanna Creek or any waters
in Middlesex.
I am asking Middlesex supervisors to get the ball rolling by:
(1) inviting David C. Whitehurst of the DEQ to come to a
board meeting and give a talk
on Tier III status; (2) hold a
public hearing on the matter;
(3) vote on granting Tier III
(Continued from page A1)
status; and (4) study alternate
methods of treating and/or getcomposite index is adjusted front land values. Much of this enrollment of 739. Mathews ting rid of sewage.
gross income, taxable sales tax, land involves second homes of has a population of 9,249, and a
Gary Thimsen
school population, and total people who live permanently school enrollment of 1,280.
in other areas. Thus, the county
The composite index is figAdjusted income
shows a low year-around popu- ured by the state every two years.
Middlesex’s gross adjusted lation and a low school popula- It will be re-evaluated in 2011, Grown weary
income is about $266 mil- tion.
and current 2009 figures will be
lion; Lancaster is $366 milPopulation
used in the formula. Since there of chasing
lion; Gloucester, $886 million;
Middlesex’s population is will be no reassessment of real imaginary gods
million; about 10,235 and its public estate before the re-evaluation,
To the Editor:
King and Queen, $132 mil- school population is about Middlesex taxpayers probably
This letter is in response to
lion; Essex, $208 million; and 1,251. When the county’s will be strapped with high comNorthumberland, $302 million. low population is figured in posite index figures for several the Letters to the Editor in last
week’s Sentinel.
Gross adjusted incomes are with high real estate values, it years to come.
Rudolf Bultmann briefly
figured from permanent resi- appears that the county is quite
came out of retirement in Gerdents of a county and “out-of- wealthy. Using composite index
many in 1958 at the personal
state non-resident” property figures, Middlesex is considrequest of Dr. Beck, his colowners.
ered the 13th wealthiest of VirThe gross adjusted incomes ginia’s 96 counties.
(Continued from page A1) league and the head of the
Religion Department at Syraof Middlesex property owners
The population and public
who live in other counties in school enrollment of a county school budget process comes cuse University, to lecture for
Virginia are only included in the impacts its composite index. along and things are cut from the one semester there on a subcounty in which they reside.
Lancaster is like Middlesex budget, supervisors try to dodge ject of his choice. He selected
Paul’s letter to the “ecclesia tou
Taxable sales
in that it has a small popu- responsibility for the cuts.
Middlesex’s taxable sales are lation (11,593) and small
“Supervisors say we give theou” in Rome (to the “faithabout $84 million. Lancaster, school enrollment (1,335). the school board a lump sum ful” there, now called the letter
$159 million; Gloucester, $372 Northumberland is similar with of money and school officials to the Romans).
I was 19, out of high school
million; Mathews, $40 mil- a population of 13,316 and a decide what is cut—not the
lion; King and Queen, $15 mil- school enrollment of 1,430.
supervisors,” said Shores. “It’s just one year, still ineligible to
lion; Essex, $191 million; and
Gloucester and Essex have a false statement. We can’t take vote, and had not yet begun
Northumberland, $67 million.
larger school enrollments, money for books and put it religious studies, having just
Real estate values
which help to lower their com- into salaries. If we don’t have transferred from the School of
Real estate values are the posite indexes. Gloucester has enough funds to run the school Architecture. Why Dr. Beck
number one factor in determin- a population of 35,960, and a buses, we can’t put it into sala- offered me one of the last (of
ing a county’s composite index, school enrollment of 5,910. ries. Do not applaud the super- 25) slots still available for the
gross income is second, and Essex has a population of visors when they say it’s not event, I’ll never know. Surrounding me in the room were
taxable retail sales third, said 10,683, and a school enroll- their fault.”
school superintendent Rusty ment of 1,608.
Board chairperson Beth Hurd luminaries of every cast, who
King and Queen has a popu- said she feels teacher salaries had come to honor and pay
Middlesex has high water- lation of 6,939 and a school have been a top priority for homage to a man whose name
many years, but added that she I’d never even heard before.
During the course of his lecis concerned about other areas
as well. “We have gone many tures, Bultmann was occasionyears without new things,” she ally asked to tell of his research
said. “We have not kept up with into the Jesus of history. In
buying new school buses each doing so once, he alluded, in
Published in the Interest of the Territory
year and we have not kept up very broken English, to “The
Quest For The Historical
with advances in technology.
Lying South of the Rappahannock River
“It doesn’t make good finan- Jesus.” Around me were nuns
cial sense to think that we can from Chicago, priests, rabbis,
buy 10 school buses in one an Orthodox prelate and mulyear,” Hurd said. “We can’t tiple scholars, many of whom
Frederick A. Gaskins, President and Publisher
afford it. We used to buy two nodded in agreement while
Elizabeth Lee C. Gaskins, Secretary/Treasurer
buses a year, but we haven’t murmuring, “yes,” “outstandJohn Thomas Hardin, Editor
done that since I’ve been on ing,” “ground-breaking.” So, I
the board. At some point, all assumed Bultmann had written
Staff: Larry S. Chowning and Tom Chillemi, General Assignment Reportthis is going to reach a breaking the book.
After five more years, I
ers; Deborah Haynes, Advertising Manager; Maeghaen Goss and Wendy
School superintendent Rusty myself had grown weary of
Payne, Advertising Representatives; Julie H. Burwood, Art Director; Joe
Fairheart said the school sys- chasing imaginary, ineffectual
Gaskins, Graphic Designer; Connie G. Walton, Compositor; Peggy Baughan,
tem’s top priorities are to gods from one superstitious
Circulation and Classified Manager; Geanie Longest, Customer Accounts
“enhance and maintain student culture to another. So, in 1964,
Manager; and Mike G. Kucera, Multimedia Manager.
achievement”; to encourage I began what turned out to be
The Southside Sentinel (USPS 504-080) is published each Thursday exthe present workforce to stay my life’s work of 27 years as
through giving raises and other an L.A. County Children’s Procept Christmas week. Periodicals postage paid at Urbanna, Va. 23175.
incentives; to make the entire tective Services Worker, rarely
Subscriptions: $24 per year in Middle Peninsula Counties and $30 per
organization more efficient; and thinking of religion or of Dr.
year elsewhere.
prioritize any issues concerning Bultmann
Phone, Fax and Email: Phone: (804) 758-2328; Fax: (804) 758-5896;
Even so, I have saved, in a
school safety.
Editorial: [email protected]; Advertising: [email protected]; Classifieds:
Fairheart informed the school file cabinet upstairs, a meager
classifi[email protected]; Subscriptions: [email protected] and
board that Middlesex County’s sophomore thesis titled simply,
website: www.ssentinel.com.
composite index has increased, “Romans.” Now, 52 years later,
which means the county will I still can’t bring myself to
Postmaster: Send address changes to Southside Sentinel, P.O. Box 549, Urbanna, Va. 23175
lose about $300,000 in state aid throw it away.
Jerry Johnson
to schools in FY11 (see related
Pluck, Perseverance and Progress
story, page A1).
Composite index . . .
Salaries . . .
To the Editor:
Want something fishy in
your backyard? Residential
and waterfront homeowners,
you may be at risk.
Do you live in a Low Density Rural (LDR) district in
Middlesex County? There is an
LDR zoning ordinance amendment in the works.
your next door neighbor could
be a seafood processing plant,
a commercial fishing pier or
a contractor’s storage yard.
This ordinance amendment
adds uses for shellfish, finfish,
aquaculture products, packing
and storage plants and uses for
other types of facilities for the
grading, packing, processing
and marketing of something.
What’s the “something” and
what other types of facilities?
Your private road could be
opened to public use for access
to commercial or recreational
fishing piers. This use could
permit public and commercial
use of your private road. A free
ride for some—expensive road
maintenance to you.
This amendment could allow
non-compatible uses in rural
residential areas, subdivisions
and waterfront neighborhoods.
Want to live next to a cement
brick or stone manufacturer, or
a mulch recycling or a disposal
facility, or some other type of
disposal use? What type of disposal facility? For what use?
This amendment could allow
industrial and commercial uses
in your community’s “backyard.”
Help protect your property
values and neighborhoods.
Stop these types of non-compatible uses from happening.
Don’t wait, please read this
amendment now.
I didn’t think this could
happen in our subdivision
either, but it could. Don’t let
this happen in our county.
Call your supervisor and
planning commissioner(s) and
help stop these changes.
The next Middlesex Planning Commission meeting
could be soon. See a copy of
the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment online at www.
Diane Bennett
Citizens must
get behind
new candidates
To the Editor:
When I read in the Southside
Sentinel that county supervisor Kenneth Wayne Williams
wondered where new money
would be coming from to run
Middlesex County, I wondered
where he was for the last five
years. His reluctance to vote for
the Rosegill project and Gene
Ruark’s Healy’s Mill project
resulted in a loss to the county
of upwards of $5 million (yes,
$5 million) in new taxes. He did
support spending $7 or $8 million on a new courthouse, and
$700,000 repairing the middle
school roof when $150,000
would have done it.
This county cannot and will
not support elected officials
who do not have their constituents’ interests as their foremost agenda. Witness the last
election where voters removed
a member of the board who
decided it was more important
to spend meeting time criticizing the sheriff for attempting to
save money on car repairs with
no plan on how to cover the
costs he was absorbing.
The cronyism, personal
vendettas and lack of planning exhibited by others on the
board should provide momentum for their replacement in the
next election. Hopefully, citizens of this county who have a
vested interest in its fiscal solvency and believe planning is a
worthy endeavor will run. And
hopefully, the citizens of this
county—the voters—will get
behind them and elect two new
members who have a non-selfserving vision for Middlesex
Jeanne Johansen
Proud to have
been selected
To the Editor:
Thank you for bestowing
such a wonderful honor on
us as grand marshals for the
Urbanna Christmas Parade. We
thank all the people for their
congratulatory telephone calls
and notes. We were so proud
to have been selected for this
great honor.
Thanks to the Town of
Urbanna, Mayor Beatrice
Taylor, parade chairman Lois
Jean Brooks, the Southside
Sentinel, and Tom Chillemi.
Rejoice in
May God bless you all. You all
the struggle
have blessed our life with this
wonderful time as grand marTo the Editor:
It is very easy to say, “I Kenneth and Jeannine Rowe
believe in Jesus,” but without
the work to back it up – saying
it means nothing.
Jesus taught us to pray that Outstanding job
the Father’s kingdom will
To the Editor:
come; that His will will be
We owe the Urbanna Town
done on this earth, just as it is Decorating Committee a debt
done in heaven. Disciples of of gratitude. They have done
Jesus work toward the king- an outstanding job of dressing
up our charming town for the
And what does God’s king- Christmas season. Thanks for a
dom mean? Does it mean that job well done!
we will be bound by the laws
Peg Davis
that God supposedly gave to
Urbanna Harbour
the ancient Hebrews in the
Old Testament? That adulterers and homosexuals will be
stoned to death? That we will
not be allowed to eat crabs and
oysters, or wear cloth made of (Continued from page A1)
different kinds of fibers?
That does not sound like out there,” he said. “The lab is
going through the evidence we
God’s kingdom to me.
In God’s kingdom, ignorance, recovered at the crime scene
poverty, tribalism and war will right now. In cases involving
be so rare we’ll be horrified DNA it can take three to six
when they occur. Suffering will months, but with the help of
be minimized. God’s kingdom our elected officials, the lab put
will include everybody in the a higher priority on it and we
world, and it will have liberty should get the results sooner.”
Since questioning the susand justice for all.
Jesus’ prayer is the liberal’s pects, police have not received
any more calls about disturgreat commission.
We don’t have to wait for bances such as early morning
Jesus to come again. Jesus is knocks on back doors or ringamong us now. When we are at ing of doorbells. There have
our best, his spirit is our spirit; been no other sexual assaults
his hands are our hands. Even since the Nov. 28 and Dec. 1
many nonbelievers—and many attacks, Bedell noted.
The police chief urged resiliberals are nonbelievers—are
doing the work, and their hands dents to continue to take precautions with safety and security
are Jesus’ hands too.
Many Christians work dili- by keeping doors looked and
gently in their communities— outside lights on.
“Lancaster sheriff’s departbut what is wrong with us
working as a country—as the ment investigator Joanie Kent
American people—toward the has been instrumental in this
investigation. We continue to
goal that Jesus prayed for?
Yes, besides its great victo- follow tips. We won’t put it to
ries, liberalism has contradic- rest until we catch somebody,”
tions and failures. For these Bedell said.
Sheriff’s deputies from
perhaps we can be forgiven.
impious Lancaster, Richmond, Essex
legions of privilege are ranked and Northumberland counties
and waiting—just as they were continue to participate in the
investigation and patrol neigh2000 years ago.
Rejoice in the struggle. borhoods, said Bedell.
Middlesex deputies assisted
Onward, Christian soldiers.
Earl Simpson with tracking dogs after each
Wake attack, he said.
Cases . . .
Dec. 17, 2009 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va.• A3
sheriff’s report
School officials, family members and friends attended a reception Monday to honor longtime school board member Jim
Goforth (center, holding clock) of Hartfield.
(Photo by Tom Hardin)
Goforth honored for 14 years
of county school board service
by Tom Hardin
School officials, family members and friends gathered at the
Cooks Corner Office Complex
meeting room Monday to honor
a man who has served the children of the Middlesex County
School System for 28 years,
the last 14 as a member of the
county school board.
Jim Goforth began his career
with the Middlesex County
Schools in 1978 as assistant
superintendent of schools. He
served as superintendent of
schools from 1984 to 1991.
In 1995, after Middlesex
County adopted a law requiring the election of school board
members, Goforth was in the
inaugural class of elected board
members along with Nancy
Jackson, Buddy Moore, Martha
Lowe and Wayne Jessie. He
was re-elected three times.
Garland Harrow of Deltaville
defeated Goforth in the 2009
election and will take office on
January 1, 2010.
At Monday’s reception,
Middlesex School Superintendent Rusty Fairheart praised
Goforth’s commitment to
“serving children” for 43 years
as a teacher, administrator and
school board member. “He was
uniquely qualified as a school
board member and truly an
asset to me,” said Fairheart. “He
provided me with guidance and
sound advice and truly will be
missed by the faculty, staff and
students. We have been blessed
to have him as a school board
Fellow board member Dr.
Richard Shores described
Goforth as a “true friend. If
you want to set a guideline as
to what a school board member
should be, he is it.”
Shores said he didn’t think
teachers realized how Goforth
led the battle over the years to
increase their salaries and to
use any surpluses to help them
with medical insurance costs.
“Jim is a true supporter of
the school system. We will miss
him, and I will always seek his
advice,” said Shores.
School board chair Beth Hurd
said, “Jim has contributed more
to my understanding of what a
good school board member
should be than anyone else. He
was very good with budget and
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personnel items. It’s unusual to
find someone with his kind of
talent and experience to serve
on the board.
“He always took a problem
and tried to find a positive
solution,” continued Hurd. “He
rarely missed a board meeting
and was a good role model for
the other board members.”
An emotional Goforth told
those at the reception he had a
difficult time deciding whether
to run for re-election this year
but “I truly wanted to be here
to serve with Rusty [Fairheart].
He is going to do a great job.”
Goforth said his “heart will
always be with the school division.”
Goforth was presented with
an engraved clock in recognition of his 14 years on the
school board.
Middlesex County Sheriff
Guy L. Abbott reports that 429
calls for service were documented between November 30
and December 13, 2009. Some
of the incidents investigated
and arrests made were:
On January 26, 2005, a
Deltaville resident notified the
sheriff’s office that her home
had been broken into and that
her purse was missing. The
documentation of this incident remained in the records
management system at the
Middlesex Sheriff’s Office,
albeit, inactive, until Deputy
Norman Sibley received a
phone call from a man in Chesterfield County on December 9,
2009. The man told Sibley that
while he had been in Hartfield
the day before cleaning leaves
and other debris from a culvert pipe in a residential area
of Hartfield, he noticed that
something was still clogging
the pipe. When the man was
able to pull out the obstruction,
he discovered that the “clog”
was in fact a lady’s purse. Surprisingly, its contents, mostly
still intact, included a drivers
license, credit cards and other
items. The man mailed the
contents to Sibley who, in the
meantime, requested a research
of database records that dis-
closed the original victim’s
information and details of the
contents that were in the purse
when she last had possession of
it. The victim of the 2005 purse
theft was notified on Monday
about the recovery of her property. Coincidentally, it turns
out the victim of this crime was
one of Deputy Sibley’s seventhgrade school teachers.
William Alonza “Billy” Cauthorn Jr., 45, of Sandston, was
arrested in Henrico on December 7 after having been in fugitive status with Middlesex on a
felony capias since July 2008.
Cauthorn was convicted of
felony driving after having been
declared a habitual offender in
Middlesex Circuit Court in
2002. Cauthorn failed to meet
the conditions set by the court
to maintain his suspended sentence status. He was transferred
from Henrico to the Middle
Peninsula Regional Security
Center in Saluda where he
awaits arraignment on this
most recent court action.
A Healy’s Road resident
reported that a laptop computer
had been taken from his home
between December 10 and 12,
2009. There were no signs of
forced entry to the premises
and the incident is under investigation.
Christmas Friends to deliver gifts Saturday
Volunteers of Christmas
Friends Inc. will deliver hundreds of gifts to the less fortunate of Middlesex County
during the morning of Saturday, December 19.
The fleet of delivery vehicles
is nearly complete. One pick-up
truck is still needed to deliver
bicycles, and one more van is
needed on a stand-by basis in
case it is needed. To volunteer
to drive your vehicle for delivery, please call the Sentinel at
Gift wrapping had to be
extended to Sunday due to the
large number of people being
served this year. The number of
recipients increased from 280
last year to about 300 this holiday season. Those receiving
gifts should make sure someone is home to accept the gifts
this Saturday morning between
8:30 a.m. and noon.
Christmas Friends president
Fred Gaskins thanked all the
wrappers, shoppers and volunteers for their work.
Christmas Friends secretary
and shopping director Bettie
Lee Gaskins said the most
shoppers in the 23-year history
of Christmas Friends have participated this year.
So far this season, $28,900
has been spent by Christmas
Friends shoppers, said Mrs.
The fund-raising goal for
Christmas Friends is $25,000,
the same as last year.
The community responded
$32,939.82 last year, which
has enabled Christmas Friends
to increase the amount allotted
for gifts this year by an average
of 15% per recipient.
Since its creation in 1986, a
key ingredient to the success of
Christmas Friends has been its
partnership with the Middlesex
County Department of Social
Services, which carefully
screens all applicants for eligibility. Applicants must meet
strict income guidelines.
All funds donated to Christmas Friends go directly to help
the needy children and disabled or low-income elderly of
Middlesex. All workers are volunteers and there are no administrative fees. Supplies such as
boxes, wrapping paper, tape,
copying paper, envelopes and
delivery bags are all donated
and volunteers supply storage
space, vans and fuel to assist
with the big delivery job.
Now in its 24th year, Christmas Friends is a 501(c)(3)
organization. Tax-deductible
donations may be made payable to Christmas Friends Inc.,
c/o Southside Sentinel, P.O.
Box 549, Urbanna, VA 23175.
Contributors will be recognized as Christmas Friends and
their donations will be listed in
the Sentinel. Contributors who
wish to remain anonymous
should request that their donations be listed as such. Memorial contributions will also be
call Geanie Longest at the
Southside Sentinel at 758-2328
or email her at [email protected].
Donations for week five
totaled $6,815, which brings
the 2009 total to $20,239.
Recent Christmas Friends
contributors include:
In memory of Jim by
Martha Engard, $50.
Rappahannock Civic Club
Inc., $100.
In memory of Sudie and
Walter Palmer Jr. from Peggy
and Walter Palmer, $100.
In memory of Richard
Taylor Armstrong by Alice,
David, Carol, Donna and
Clay, $100.
In honor of Allen and Frances Krowe from Doug and Vel
Gray, $100.
In memory of John E. Hunt
by Chuck and Stephanie
Hunt, $100.
In honor of our teachers
and class members—Spirit
of Love Sunday School Class
Harmony Grove Baptist
Church, $100.
Jack and Helen Tarran,
In honor of Ryan Payne by
Mike and Janet Winebarger,
Bob and Chris Scherrer,
Neena and Richard Rodgers, $100.
In memory of Elise H.
by Norma T. and Dottie B.,
In memory of Justin Wyatt
by grandparents Kenny and
Bernice Wyatt, $50.
In memory of Cody Carlton, Chris Elbourne and
Caleb Garnett by Grandad
and Grandmom, $250.
Forest Chapel Methodist
Church Men, $50.
In memory of Al Willett by
Don and Judy Richwine, $25.
Anonymous, $25.
In honor of family and
friends and in memory
of loved ones by John A.
Vaughan, $100.
Paxton, $50.
Cyndy’s Bynn, $600.
In memory of our parents
by Basil and Beth Hurst, $50.
Alan and Frances Miller,
Martha Oliver $25.
In memory of Abby by
Nancy Muldowney, $50.
Phil and Shirley Allan,
In memory of Bill and Pete
Forrer by Susan F. Williams,
Emory and Karen Minter,
In loving memory of C.
Herbert Brown—love, the
Hopper family, $100.
In honor of Maureen and
Jerry Wilson by Grammee,
In honor of Chuck and
Stephanie Hunt and family
by Grammee, $25.
Urbanna Family Practice,
In memory of Darrell
Meade by Sue Meade, $50.
Anonymous, $100.
Anonymous, $25.
In memory of Rufus by
Louise, $100.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Rappahannock,
In memory of Gilbert Olsen
by Marilyn Olsen, $25.
Herbert and Patricia Perkinson, $100.
Anonymous, $150.
Diane and Page Basheer,
In memory of Larry and
Barbara Shores, $200.
Forest Chapel United
Methodist Church, $50.
Anonymous, $200.
In memory of my parents
In memory of Cody CarlDeward C. and Ruby H. ton by Mom and Dad, $200.
Apsley by Lloyd C. Apsley,
Lions Club of Middlesex
County Inc., $1,000.
Betty Page Bristow (right) of Cyndy’s Bynn in Urbanna presents a donation to Christmas Friends secretary Bettie Lee
Gaskins. Cyndy’s Bynn donated 10 percent of all sales made
December 7-12 to the local giving program.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. AF&AM, $500.
Charles Garland by Don and
Total collected this week
Polly Van Benschoten, $50.
In memory of James L.
Previous balance $13,424.
Harris, $100.
Total collected to date
Urbanna Lodge No. 83 $20,239.
50% off Christmas Items
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A4 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va. • Dec. 17, 2009
DCA calendars have arrived Democrats
The Deltaville Community
Association (DCA) 2010 calendars have arrived from the
publisher and are ready to be
picked up. There are a few
extra available at NAPA and
Nauti Nell’s.
The 2010 calendar marks the
34th year of DCA sponsorship.
meeting set
Most costs for the calendar are
underwritten by the ads purchased by local stores, shops and
marinas. “They appreciate your
business–mention that you saw
their ad on your DCA calendar!”
The Middlesex County Demsaid a DCA spokesperson.
ocratic Committee invites all
For more information, call members, families and friends
Theresa at 776-6992.
to its end-of-the-year meetingtonight, December 17, at the
Cooks Corner Office Complex,
three miles east of Saluda. The
meet and greet will begin at
EVB Bank, Henley’s, and 6:30 p.m. and meeting agenda
Long and Foster.
will follow at 7 p.m.
All toys will be donated to
Committee reorganization and
Middlesex County Social Ser- 2010 plans will be discussed.
vices and will be distributed Volunteers are always needed.
locally. The drive ends Decem- Anyone interested in becomber 18. Contact Steve Larson ing a member of the Middlesex
at 758-4393 for more informa- County Democratic Committee
is cordially invited to attend.
Toys For Tots drive continues
Middle Peninsula Detachment 1317 of the Marine
Corps League is sponsoring the Toys For Tots drive
in Middlesex County. Toys
can be dropped off at the following locations: Coffman’s,
Curves, Hurd’s, Dollar General, Metrocast, Great Value,
December 18. 758-4393
December 19
œ“«ÕÌiÀÊ1ÃiÀà meet the third
Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at Rappahannock
Westminster-Canterbury in Irvington. 438-4339
December 21
UÊ œÀÀˆÃÊÀˆ`}iÊ>˜iÊ
œÃÕÀiÊiV°Ê£{q£™ 9 a.m.
– 3:30 p.m. motorists may be restricted to one lane.
œÕViÃÌiÀÊ>“ˆÞʜˆ`>Þʈ}…Ìà The Schlemmer family of Gloucester is anticipating having over
10,000 holiday lights this year. The Schlemmer home is
in Gloucester County near Woods Cross Roads at 8586
Poplar Springs Drive. Call (757) 897-9053 for more information.
UÊ 7ˆ˜ÌiÀÊ œÌ…iÃÊ ÀˆÛi St. Clare Walker Middle
School Builders Club and PTO are organizing a winter
clothes drive to collect new or gently used hats, scarves,
gloves and coats to be distributed this winter. Bring
items to the middle school and leave them in one of the
donation boxes.
UÊ 1ÀL>˜˜>Ê /œÜ˜Ê œÕ˜Vˆ will hold its annual holiday reception and monthly meeting on the second floor
of the town hall. The public is invited to the reception,
which begins at 6 p.m., and to stay for the regular meeting that follows at 7 p.m.
December 21 – January 4
UÊ ˆ``iÃiÝÊ œÕ˜ÌÞÊ *ÕLˆVÊ -V…œœÃ close for
winter break.
December 22
UÊ ,>««>…>˜˜œVŽÊ ,ˆÛiÀÊ ,>ˆÀœ>`iÀà meet at 10
a.m. the fourth Tuesday of the month on the second
floor in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Power Squadron
building on Ball Park Road in Deltaville. 776-7250
Uʈ``iÃiÝÊ*œiÌà meet the fourth Tuesday of the
month at 10:30 a.m. at the Middlesex County Public
Library in Urbanna.
Uʜœ`Ê>˜ŽÊ at Rappahannock Civic Club on Rt. 33
near Hartfield is open for people to pick up fresh vegetables 9 to 10 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. 758-2910
ÕLÊ-VœÕÌÊ*>VŽÊÎÇä hold its monthly Pack Meeting the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the
YMCA in Hartfield.
UÊ /…iÊ ˆÃ̜ÀÞÊ œvÊ *ÕLˆVÊ `ÕV>̈œ˜Ê ˆ˜Ê
ˆ``iÃiÝÊ œÕ˜ÌÞÊ Ý…ˆLˆÌ will remain open
December 24
at the Middlesex County Museum annex in Saluda
through December.
UÊ >ÞÊ }ˆ˜}½ÃÊ â…iˆ“iÀ½ÃÊ >Ài}ˆÛiÀÊ -Õ««œÀÌÊ
ÀœÕ«Êmeets the fourth Thursday of the month at 1:30
>ÃÃʜvÊÓäää is planning a 10-year reunion.
p.m. at Port Town Village Apartments in Urbanna. 7582386
Email [email protected] for more information.
UÊ ˆ``iÃiÝÊ œÕ˜ÌÞÊ i“œVÀ>̈VÊ œ““ˆÌÌii
Uʈ``iÃiÝʘˆ“>Ê7iv>ÀiÊi>}Õi needs volunteers to help with various issues regarding the county’s
abandoned animals. Email [email protected] for more information.
meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
at the Cooks Corner Office Complex. Everyone is welcome to attend.
œ““ˆÃȜ˜ meets the fourth
Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in the town hall.
>ÃÃià sponsored by Middle Peninsula RACE
are being held at Middlesex High School. 769-1151
December 17
ÀˆÌˆµÕiÊÀœÕ« meets the
third Thursday of the month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in
Warsaw at the Roadhouse Cafe, Main Street and Route
3 bypass. [email protected]
iÌÌiÀÃÊ̜Ê->˜Ì> The Southside Sentinel will publish “Letters to Santa” from local children in its special
“Christmas Greetings” section in the December 23
issue. Letters must be emailed to the Sentinel office no
later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 17—earlier if
possible—in order to appear in the special section. Letters should include the child’s first and last name, age,
and community of residence. Email Letters to Santa to
[email protected]
December 24–January 1
UÊ-œÕ̅È`iÊ-i˜Ìˆ˜i closed
December 26
UʏÕi}À>ÃÃÊ>˜`à in concert the fourth Saturday of
the month at 7 p.m. at Freeshade Community Center in
Syringa. 693-6286
UÊ ˆ``iÃiÝÊ œÕ˜ÌÞÊ i“œVÀ>̈VÊ œ““ˆÌÌii
meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month at the
Cooks Corner Government Complex on Rt. 33 near
Saluda. www.midcodems.org
December 18
January 3, 2010
Peninsula Detachment 1317 of Marine Corps League.
Toys can be dropped off at Coffman’s on the Coast,
Curves, Hurd’s, Dollar General, Metrocast and Deltaville
Market. Toys will be donated to Middlesex County
Social Services and distributed locally. The drive ends
Weekly Events
UÊ -̜ÀÞÊ œÕÀ for 2–5 year olds Thursdays at 10:30
a.m. at Middlesex County Public Library, Urbanna
Branch. 758-5717
UÊ-]Ê/Àœœ«ÊÎ{£ meets at 7 p.m. every Thursday at
Christ Church Parish Hall in Saluda. 776-7445
ÕLÊ-VœÕÌÊ*>VŽÊ›Î£{ meets every other Thursday at 7 p m. at Hermitage Baptist Church in Church
View. 758-3058
UÊ /…iÊ 7iLiœÃ den of Cub Scout Pack 370 meet
every Friday after school at the home of Den Leader
Keith Billings. 758-2606
UÊÀˆ`>ÞÊ ˆ}…ÌÃʈ˜Ê1ÀL>˜˜> All local musicians and
poets are invited to perform or recite every Friday
night from 5 to 9 p.m. at Cross Street Coffee, 51
Cross St., Urbanna.
ÕLʜvʈ``iÃiÝ meets at 6 p.m. every
Monday at the United Methodist Church in Urbanna.
UÊ iÀœLˆVÊ ˆVŽLœÝˆ˜} every Monday at 6:15 p.m.
in Urbanna at Port Town Village Apartments in the
œÀÊ >˜Ê iÝ«>˜`i`Ê ÛiÀȜ˜Ê œvÊ œÕÀÊ Vœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞÊ
Community Room. 815-9587
UÊ ˆ˜}œ every Monday at 7 p.m. at the Deltaville
Rescue Squad.
UÊ œÞÊ -VœÕÌÊ /Àœœ«Ê ÎÇä meets every Monday at 7
p.m. at the YMCA in Hartfield. 758-2606
Lay w !
ÕLÊmeets every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. for
breakfast at the Pilot House Restaurant in Topping.
ÕL meets the second and fourth Tuesday
of the month at 7 p.m. at the Beacon in Topping.
UÊ œÞÊ *œˆ˜ÌÊ >À`i˜iÀ`à meet every Wednesday
from 9 a.m.–noon (weather permitting). 776-7200
UÊ-̜ÀÞʜÕÀÊfor 3–5 year olds, Wednesdays at 9:30
a.m. at Lower United Methodist Church. 758-5717
UʘˆÌÌiÀÃÊÀœÕ«Êmeets Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at
Urbanna United Methodist Church.
UÊÀˆivÊ>˜`ʜÃÃÊ-Õ««œÀÌÊÀœÕ«Ã] offered by Riverside Walter Reed Hospice, meets Wednesdays
from 3 to 4:30 in building D, office 7566 (across
from ER). Participants must sign up ahead of time.
Uʈ˜}œ sponsored by the Rappahannock Civic Club
“Community Boosters” Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at
8215 General Puller Highway near Harmony Village.
“>ˆÊ ޜÕÀÊ iÛi˜ÌÊ ÌœÊ i`ˆÌœÀJÃÃi˜Ìˆ˜i°Vœ“Ê LÞÊ
Àˆ`>ÞÊ vœÀÊ Vœ˜Ãˆ`iÀ>̈œ˜°Ê *i>ÃiÊ Žii«Ê ޜÕÀÊ iÛi˜ÌÊ
In Stock and available now
for Christmas delivery!
W.F. Booth &
Custom Interiors
UʏVœ…œˆVÃʘœ˜Þ“œÕÃÊopen 12-and-12 meeting,
5:30 p.m. at Zoar Baptist Church. 776-7629
UÊ "«i˜Ê ˆŽiÊ vÌiÀ˜œœ˜ÃÊ vœÀÊ 7ÀˆÌiÀà 2 to 4 p.m.
the first Sunday of every month at the Bay School in
Mathews. 725-1278
UʜÞÊ> 7 p.m. at Indian Creek Yacht and Country
invites all members, families and friends to its end-ofthe-year meeting at the Cooks Corner Office Complex.
The meet and greet will begin at 6:30 p.m. and meeting
agenda will follow at 7 p.m.
/œÞÃÊ vœÀÊ /œÌÃÊ ÀˆÛi sponsored by the Middle
We Deliver at
Christmas time remind you of anyone?
December 28
Club. The Holly Ball Committee is pleased that these
young ladies and their families are dedicated to a time
honored tradition, to preserving this philanthropic
legacy, and standing solidly behind the Foundation’s
mission of giving back to its neighboring communities
in the Northern Neck and Tidewater area.
UÊ ˆ``iÃiÝÊ œÕ˜ÌÞÊ i“œVÀ>̈VÊ œ““ˆÌÌii
and Joy
Our services include:
Home Decorating Consultation
Furniture for any Decor
Floor Coverings
Main St.
Window Treatments
Mon.-Sat. 9 am-5 pm
Dec. 17, 2009 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va.• A5
at the library
by Sherry B. Inabinet
Executive Director
The library staff and board sends our sincerest sympathy to the families of Martha (Marty)
Hawksworth and Ray Toms. For many years
Marty was a faithful volunteer at the library
and she served on the Friends of the
Deltaville Library Board, including
the position of president. I always
appreciated the professional and
friendly manner in which she
handled library business. Also,
my favorite spring sporty hat is
one of Marty’s creations.
Ray Toms was the first treasurer of the Friends of the Deltaville
Library and continued to serve in that
position until two years ago. His records were
always accurate and up-to-date. Ray also
helped us put together shelving units. Around
2000, the Bedford Library gave our library
some shelving units and paperback racks. My
husband and I traveled to Bedford to retrieve
shelving but failed to load a key part of the
base. Ray felt that was just a good excuse for
him to make a pleasure trip to Bedford! For
many years, Ray’s wife Pat volunteered at both
our Deltaville Branch and the Nearly New
Thrift Shop.
We shall miss both of these wonderful volunteers who demonstrated their love of libraries
both by volunteering and supporting us monetarily.
Christmas will be here before we know it!
Both branches of the library will be closed from
12:30 p.m. on December 23 through December
25. We will reopen at 10 a.m. on December 26
and then be closed December 31 and January 1.
No items are due on any of the days that we are
closed. Please remember that with a pin number
you may renew your library materials online or
you may call any time during working hours to
renew items.
On Tuesday, December 29, at 10:30 a.m.,
Ginger Inabinet will present a children’s winterthemed program/party at the Urbanna Branch
for preschool and kindergarten age
children. Then on Wednesday,
December 30, at 10:30 a.m.
she will present a program
for grades 1-5. Books, music,
crafts and refreshments will
be a part of each program. It
will be helpful to know how
many children we can expect,
so please call 758-5717 if your
child plans to attend.
Do you have basic computer, Microsoft
word, email, or internet questions? Ginger
will be available at Urbanna on Tuesday,
December 29, from 1 to 5 p.m. to help you
with your individual computer problems. She
will be available at Deltaville on Wednesday,
December 30, from 1 to 5 p.m. to answer similar questions.
The U.S. Census Bureau will conduct two
more test dates at the Deltaville Branch for
people who are seeking 2010 Census jobs.
Test dates are Tuesday, December 22, at 5:30
p.m. and Wednesday, December 30, at 10 a.m.
Appointments are encouraged for the testing;
walk-ins are accommodated if space allows.
Proper documentation must be brought the day
of testing. For more information, call 1-866861-2010, visit www.2010censusjobs.gov, or
pick up a brochure at the library.
Remember to tell us about your favorite books
and authors.
Happy reading.
poet’s corner
So Very Long Ago
Why is beauty to be found in every earthly thing?
The simple, giddy laughter of a child, playing on a swing,
Dancing mountain grass or the babbling of a brook below,
A sandy sunset or silver moonlight on a freshly fallen snow.
Is it of itself a pretty thing or our seeing that makes it so?
Perhaps it is because our Maker gave us eyes to see such things
So very long ago.
How does the silent rainbow or a songbird’s happy melody
Always seem to stir our heart because it is so lovely?
Someone’s thankful tears of joy from another’s quiet, helping hand,
The crispy crackle of a cheery fire just because it is so grand,
Or even the scrawly crayon sticks of a child’s first family art.
Perhaps it is because the Master wrote such things upon our heart
So very long ago.
Yet beware distracting dust that surely blurs our view
Because we’ve grown too busy to undo
And just be still before it chokes life’s music resting on the Soul.
So we must daily dust with care and ever wonder toward that starry bowl
Or lose that lovely sight and harden into the cold of lonely night.
For to wonder of beauty is to enrich our Soul with glorious light
And move the heart of Man to dance and sing and laugh, as He once did,
So very long ago.
—Archie Soucek
Locks of Love
Mackenzie Dize, 5, of Wake
recently cut her hair for
Locks of Love at Hair by
Sarah in Hartfield. She is the
daughter of Luke and Susan
Tree seedling store now open Hands Across
Virginians looking to plant
Virginians who are interested in Middlesex
trees on their land in the spring purchasing tree seedlings can visit
will have to go no farther the VDOF website at www.dof. meets Sunday
than their computer. The Vir- virginia.gov and order from the
ginia Department of Forestry
(VDOF) opened its online tree
seedling store recently.
This year, VDOF has expanded
the quantities of its offerings.
Seedlings are now available in
bundles of 10 and 25; previously,
the smallest quantity of bare-root
seedlings available was 50.
The VDOF’s two tree nurseries grow and sell 24 million
tree seedlings each year.
more than 40 species available.
The online store also includes
information to help landowners
choose the right species, as well
as pricing and shipping details. A
seedling price guide, with a mailin order form, is also available at
any VDOF office.
For more information, or to
place an order over the phone,
call the Augusta Forestry
Center at 540-363-7000.
The monthly meeting for
Hands Across Middlesex will
be this Sunday, December 20,
at 3:30 p.m. at Forest Chapel
United Methodist Church on
Route 614 near Warner. Going
north from the traffic light
in Saluda, turn left off Route
17. Going south from Warner
and Church View, turn right
off Route 17. The public is
Blood drive
set for Jan. 5
An American Red Cross
blood drive will be held Tuesday, January 5, at Saluda Baptist Church from 1 to 7 p.m. All
blood donors will receive a free
Emeril oven mitt and recipe
cards while supplies last.
“Remember to drink plenty
of water, eat a good meal,
and bring a photo ID. See
Lodge donation
you there,” said a blood drive
Urbanna Masonic Lodge No. 83 recently made a donation spokesperson.
to the Middlesex County Public Library. Above, from left,
are library board president Llew Samuel, library executive
director Sherry Inabinet, and Lance Shores and Steve Mahr
of Urbanna Masonic Lodge.
(Photo by Larry Chowning)
Free health clinic still hopes
to raise needed funds for 2009
With just two weeks left in
the year, the Northern Neck
Free Health Clinic is struggling
to meet its 2009 budget and is
appealing to the community for
any help it can give.
The clinic remains about
$200,000 short of the $1.2 million needed this year to provide
medical, dental and pharmaceutical care to those in need.
As usual for this area, many
have responded as best they
are able to the request for
donations, and the clinic and
its patients are deeply grateful. “We hope those faithful
donors who have supported us
over the years will continue
to do so, and consider making
any year-end donations earlier
than usual,” said clinic foundation board president Dexter
C. Rumsey III, Esq. “We also
hope new donors will join us
in our efforts to provide health
and hope to those less fortunate
than ourselves.”
The economic hard times
have resulted in a greater
demand for services, as more
people have become unemployed, endured a reduction
in hours, and lost their health
insurance coverage, said clinic
board president William B.
Graham Jr. At the same time,
donations have declined along
with the economy, and the
clinic has been left to meet the
greater demand on reduced
As a reflection of the overall
picture, the board of directors
recently approved a muchreduced budget for 2010. This
lower budget could impact the
clinic’s ability to provide services at the current level, but
every effort will be expended
to try and maintain existing
service levels.
”The clinic is here to bridge
the gaps in healthcare, but this
year we need to bridge the gap
in funding to make it happen,”
said executive director Jean
Nelson. “We’re blessed to live
in a caring community, and the
patients themselves contribute
about 10 percent of the funds
needed. Raising that amount
now would go a long way
toward getting us through the
All contributions, which
result in five to six times their
value in services, are most
welcome and may be sent
to the Northern Neck Free
Health Clinic, P.O. Box 1694,
Kilmarnock, VA 22482, or
through its website at www.
for Beginners’
class offered
The Northern Neck Beekeepers Club, in partnership
with the Virginia Cooperative Extension, is offering an
8-week basic course in beekeeping beginning January
25, 2010. The class will meet
every Monday at 7 p.m. at
the Northumberland County
Library in Heathsville.
Participants will learn
everything needed to begin
keeping bees, and the class
will conclude in time for participants to start their new
hives in the spring of 2010.
They will also receive free
shipping on supplies from
a beekeeping supply company and can order their first
package(s) of bees with the
assistance of the class instructors.
include Mike Church, Ed
Johnson, Jim Schmalz, Garner
Yates and Ted Munns. The
total cost of the class is $100
per set of educational materials (family/friends may share
the set).
Pre-registration for the
class is required. To register or receive more information, contact Extension Agent
Matt Lewis at 580-5694 or
[email protected], or email
Margaret Peill at maggiep1@
Education foundation plans
student environment forum
The Lancaster County Virginia Education
Foundation Inc. will host a student forum for
high school students in The Chesapeake Bay
Governor’s School, Christchurch School,
Mathews High School, Middlesex High School,
Northumberland and Lancaster.
The event will be held at Lancaster High
School January 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Student applications are available at the guidance counseling center of each of the high
Participants will receive a certificate for attendance and will feature achievements earned,
said Jamie Alga. Just for attendance, students
will be invited to an exclusive party with free
skating and food at the new Kilmarnock Bowling Center.
Chesapeake Bank is underwriting a free
book, “Naked Economics” by Charles Whelan.
Student participation certificates will note the
reading of this resource.
The forum features several noted speakers
on issues of the economy, health care reform,
terrorism, and scarce resources (our growing
dependency on foreign oil and water purity).
Dr. Edward Milner, chairman of the Department of Economics at Virginia Commonwealth
University, will present the economics session.
Robin Clark from the University of Maryland’s
School of Law will speak on terrorism. Dr.
James McGrath, Ethyl Distinguished professor
at Virginia Tech, will present scarce resource
Under the theme of today’s leaders motivating
tomorrow’s leaders, speakers will interact with
student participants, said Alga. One outstanding male and one outstanding female participant will be recognized with monetary awards
during the seminar.
Students have multiple opportunities to build
their college resume with the seminar, explained
Alga. They may submit research papers in each
topical area for monetary awards (scholarships)
and regional press releases.
Pets ’N Things
Holly & Eric Miller
on the birth of their son
December 15, 2009
5 lbs., 8 oz.
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arts & leisure
Queen Abigail Leigh Robbins to
preside over the 114th Holly Ball
Queen Abigail Leigh Robbins is preparing to preside
over the seasonal festivities
celebrating the 114th Holly
Ball. The Holly Ball, the
Northern Neck’s oldest traditional Yuletide event, originated in 1895 and began
operating as the fund-raising
arm of the Tidewater Foundation in the 1950s. The Tidewater Foundation anticipates the
proceeds of the 2009 Holly
Ball will have a far-reaching
impact on the Northern Neck
and Middle Peninsula communities, as it disperses funds
to a diverse group of their
As reigning Holly Ball
Queen, Miss Robbins will
act as the official hostess of
the Tidewater Foundation’s
gala fundraiser. The Robbins
family has chosen Congressman Robert Wittman to serve
as the orator of the 114th
Holly Ball.
The celebratory events
leading up to the Holly Ball
are steeped in tradition and
preserve the legacy of the
Tidewater Foundation’s philanthropic mission. The invitational Queen’s Ball, hosted
by reigning Queen Robbins
and her parents, was held on
Friday, November 27, at Festival Hall in Reedville for the
debutantes, their dates and
special guests.
The custom of crowning
a Holly Ball queen originates from a flight of fancy
at the first Holly Ball. John
Armistead Palmer, host of
the holiday dance, was so
impressed by the conviviality
of the company and the spirit
of the season that he pinned a
sprig of holly in the hair of one
of the attendees, proclaiming,
“I crown thee, Queen Cora,
Empress of the Holly Realm!”
The dance was such a success
that it became an annual event
each year featuring the coronation of a queen.
In the early days of the
Holly Ball, queens were gifted
each year with ownership of a
magnificent and old holly tree,
once standing on Good Luck
Road. While the tree still
stood, newly crowned queens
often visited the tree after the
ball with their escorts to carve
their initials. This beautiful feat of nature succumbed
to a storm in the 1950s, and
modern queens commemorate the experience using less
spectacular means.
Miss Abigail Leigh Robbins
is the 114th young woman
to be honored as Holly Ball
Queen. She is a student at
Longwood University and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Stoneham Robbins of White
The Holly Ball will be held
on Monday, December 28, at
Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club in Kilmarnock at 7
p.m. The presentation of debutantes will begin at 8 p.m.
with a grand processional and
will be followed by an oratory
and a figure, or dance pattern,
of colonial origins performed
by the debutantes and their
escorts. At 9 p.m., guests pay
tribute to former debutantes.
Anticipation continues to
build until 10 p.m. when the
new queen, chosen by all in
attendance, will be crowned
by the orator, Congressman
Wittman. Dancing music by
the “Kings of Swing” continues until midnight.
The Holly Ball Committee
wishes that everyone enjoys
the festivities but reminds
those who will be attending
that the committee does not
condone underage alcohol
usage at the ball and that the
state law concerning minimum
age limits for the consumption
of alcohol will be enforced.
This delightful Christmas
event is enjoyed by families in
the spirit of philanthropy, tradition and the holiday spirit.
All children under the age of
18 must be accompanied by a
responsible adult.
As always, the Tidewater
Foundation and Committee
of the Holly Ball are grateful
to the community for its tremendous support and enthusiastic attendance and to the
many businesses who quietly
support the ball, making many
gifts to the community possible.
For ticket information, contact Anna Ransone at (804)
rotary club news
by Fernando Atienza
Fourteen cows for America.
Okay, so what are American-owned cows doing in
Africa? Ryan Holland, writing in the December issue of
“The Rotarian,” reports on this
heartwarming story of how a
Maasai warrior, affected by
the harrowing events of 9/11,
got his tribe to send a herd of
cows to the United States as a
sign of compassion.
Holland reports on Wilson
Kimeli Naiyomah, a pre-med
student at Stanford, who witnessed the devastation while
visiting New York City. He
went back to his remote village in Kenya and shared his
firsthand account with the children and elders of his nomadic
“The Maasai are fierce
warriors but easily moved to
kindness when they hear of
suffering and injustice,” said
Deeply touched, the tribe
could only think of one gift to
send to the anguishing Americans. This one gift is sacred
and precious to them—a cow.
The cost of shipping 14 cows,
however, was prohibitive and
with the advice from the U.S.
State Department, the tribe
decided “to keep them for the
Americans, setting them apart,
and vowing never to slaughter
or sell them.”
Naiyomah’s story was the
inspiration for a recently
released and best-selling illustrated children’s book about
the tribe’s gift, “14 Cows For
America,” by Carmen Deedy.
It’s a great book to read to
your children or grandchildren
during this Christmas season.
A comment in the book states,
“There is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded,
nor a people so small they
cannot offer mighty comfort.”
(Note: The book is not at the
Deltaville Library when I
checked, but you can find it at
As for Naiyomah, he has
left his pre-med studies and,
having been awarded a Rotary
International World Peace Fel-
to publish
Santa letters;
deadline today
The Southside Sentinel will
again publish “Letters to Santa”
from local children in its special
“Christmas Greetings” section in
the December 23 issue.
Letters must be emailed, faxed
or delivered to the Sentinel office
no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday,
December 17, in order to appear
in the Christmas Greetings special section.
Letters should include the
child’s first and last name, age,
and community of residence.
Email Letters to Santa to
[email protected].
Norton Yachts
earns top
Service Award
Hunter Marine Corporation,
a sailboat manufacturer in Alachua, Florida, awarded Norton
Yachts in Deltaville with the #1
Customer Service Award for the
2009 model year.
This is the 18th consecutive year that Norton Yachts has
received this coveted award. In
addition, Norton Yachts received
recognition for Outstanding
Hunter Sales Performance by finishing the 2009 model year in the
#3 position in the world.
“In a challenging economic
environment, I am very proud of
the NYS team and what we have
Rotarians love a parade. From left are president Chauncey been able to accomplish together,”
Mann, Doc Jones, John Wake, Bonnie Davenport and Car- said NYS president Carolyn
olyn Wake in a Model T during the Urbanna Christmas Norton Schmalenberger. “The
Norton team has been blessed
with much repeat business and
therefore our employee retention
lowship, he will now pursue
rate remains as high as ever.”
studies in peace and conflict
resolution beginning JanuParenting class to
ary 2010 at the University of
Queensland, Australia. And the
be offered in K&Q
cows? They have since multiThe Middle Peninsula-Northplied and the U.S. now has 40
ern Neck Community Services
of them in Kenya. Thank you,
Board (CSB) Prevention SerMaasai people.
vices Division will sponsor the
Oyster Farming
15-week educational series titled
Harvesting oysters by “tong“Nurturing Parenting Program
ing” and dredging along the
for Parents and Their Children
Rappahannock River and its
Ages 5-11.” The classes will be
estuaries was once a major
held in King and Queen County
source of employment in the
county. During the club’s Middlesex Rotary Club pres- beginning January 25 and ending
regular Tuesday meeting on ident Chauncey Mann with May 17.
The program is designed to
December 8 at The Pilot House Becky Bigger.
increase family communicaRestaurant in Topping, Rufus
tion, cooperation, closeness
Ruark of Shores and Ruark water.
Seafood in Urbanna fielded
One of the few foods that and respect. Parents and chilquestions about this aquacul- can be eaten raw, locals have dren—meeting separately and
ture practice from interested found the Rappahannock vari- together—learn to handle feelRotarians.
ety of oysters to be very tasty, ings, communicate needs, under“We grow our oysters in particularly so in the winter stand each other better, take
charge of their own behaviors
cages on private oyster grounds months.
in the river,” said Ruark. “We
At the same meeting, Rotary and emotions, feel good about
find this advantageous because Club president Chauncey themselves, enjoy each other and
we can control the quality of Mann called Becky Bigger have fun.
The group takes place in a
our product.”
front and center and presented
Ruark also described some her with a token of appre- supportive and nurturing atmoproblems that could affect ciation for service to the club sphere, it is open to the public
the harvest –predators such during its meetings. Becky is a and it is free of charge. The proas skates and crabs, weather, longtime Pilot House Restau- gram will be held on Monday
evenings at Central High
and changes in salinity of the rant waitress.
In other news, the club par- School, 17024 The Trail, King
ticipated in the recent Urbanna and Queen Court House, from
Christmas Parade. Driving his 6 to 8:30 p.m. Dinner will be
model T, Doc Jones ferried provided each night during the
club president Chauncey Mann 15-week course.
To pre-register, visit www.
with the most senior Rotarian,
John Wake, and arguably the rvuc.com or for further informamost junior Rotarian at the tion, call 758-9398 or toll free at
event, Bonnie Davenport.
NARFE officers
Northern Neck NARFE Chapter 1823 held its annual holiday luncheon on December 1 at Westminster-Canterbury
in Irvington. After lunch, Sharon Rose, the Virginia NARFE
Area 1 vice president, installed the officers who will lead
the chapter in 2010 and 2011. Above, from left, are Virginia NARFE Area 1 Vice President Sharon Rose; first vice
president B.J. McMillan, and secretary Pat Twiford; back
row, NARFE Virginia Federation of Chapters President Bill
Martin; chapter president John Krainock and treasurer Ted
“Harvey’s Tree Service”
Alzheimer’s Association names
new regional office coordinator
Ring in the New Year at
the Steamboat Restaurant
Join your friends for an evening of fun
as we celebrate the new year.
The evening includes Hors d’oeuvres from
8:30–10:30 p.m., Entertainment provided by Treehouse
from 9–12 and a Champagne Toast at Midnight.
Members receive 2 free cart fees per couple and non-members receive 1 green fee and cart fee per couple.
Cost: $80 per couple for Members and
$100 per couple for non-members
The restaurant is also open for
regular dinner service from 6–8 p.m.
Reservation Required (804) 776-6516, ext. 2
Limited to the first 125 people, so call today!!!
The Alzheimer’s Association
has named Ellie Galloway as
its branch office coordinator
for the Middle Peninsula and
Northern Neck. She took the
post October 26.
Galloway is charged with
building awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and of the many services offered by the Alzheimer’s
Association. She will also help
foster community partnerships
and will recruit and coordinate volunteers in her area. In
addition, she is responsible for
fundraising and she will oversee the Alzheimer’s Association’s annual Memory Walk in
Most recently, Galloway
served as marketing director for
a family-owned construction
business, Red Hawk Properties, which specializes in home
renovations for seniors. Prior
to that, she was community
services coordinator and sales
counselor for Rappahannock
Westminster-Canterbury. She
(804) 642-6461 • Gloucester Point
Ellie Galloway
was also director of community
relations for Brighton Gardens
in Richmond. She also worked
at Imperial Plaza in Richmond.
Galloway can be reached at
804-695-9382. Her email is
[email protected].
Porch Rockers • Gliders
Windmills • Adirondack
Chairs • Wishing Wells
Lighthouses • Mailboxes
Wagon Wheels • Arbors
Wheelbarrows • Swings
Water Pumps • Bridges
Victorian Swings • Tables
Water troughs • A-Frames
Dec. 17, 2009 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va.• A7
Dr. Emory Lewis to retire;
Dr. Bagnall to replace him
Mary Ball Washington Museum
open house set for Saturday
Jeri Sibley, Riverside Medical
Group Practice Director for the
Tappahannock/Northern Neck
Region, recently announced the
coming retirement of Dr. Emory
Sibley reports that Dr. Lewis
informed Riverside of his desire
to retire in 2007 and Riverside
began recruitment immediately.
Riverside was able to gain a commitment from Dr. Richard Bagnall, a skilled and respected local
physician, to provide a transition
of care for patients of the Lewis
Clinic. Dr. Bagnall is a resident
of the Northern Neck and most
recently practiced at the Northern
Neck Free Clinic and Riverside
White Stone Family Practice.
Dr. Lewis participated in
the interview process with Dr.
Bagnall and wholeheartedly
endorses him as his replacement. Dr. Bagnall started seeing
patients at Bay Harbor Medical
Center in Burgess on November
2 and will begin seeing patients
at the Lewis Clinic in January.
The Bay Harbor and Lewis
Clinic practices will be merged at
the Bay Harbor office on March
1 when Dr. Lewis retires. Riverside Bay Harbor is on Route 200
about a mile from the Riverside
Lewis Clinic. The facility has
been completely renovated and
is approximately twice as large
as the Lewis Clinic facility and
can easily accommodate two
physicians and a third physician or nurse practitioner when
volume dictates the need for
future growth.
Riverside also recently added a
second physician to Dr. Michael
The Mary Ball Washington Museum and Gift Shop in
Lancaster Court House will
hold a free open house on Saturday, December 19, from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.
Visitors will have the opportunity to view the new exhibit
“Glimpses of Colonial and
Early American Life,” which
includes examples from the
museum collection of silverware, tableware, clothing,
jewelry, furniture, and other
domestic items from the 1700s
and early 1800s. This exhibit
will be open December 17-19
and January 6-29. The museum
will be closed December
20-January 5.
This Saturday will also be
the last day for visitors to see
the other featured exhibit,
“The Church in the Village:
125 Years of Trinity Episcopal,” and to holiday shop in the
museum store. New items have
been added recently to the shop
and many products are made
Chatterson’s practice in Callao.
Dr. Donna LaMarque-Ambrose
is now seeing patients at Riverside Callao Medical Arts.
In addition, Riverside opened
an Urgent Care Center in
Tappahannock on September
14. Dr. Richard Wineland, a
longtime resident of Weems, is
one of two full-time physicians
providing care at that location.
The Center is open seven days
a week, Monday through Friday,
11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday
and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Recruitment is also under way
at the Riverside White Stone
Family Practice where Riverside
plans to add another full-time
physician to join Dr. Keith Cubbage and Dr. David Nichols. Dr.
David Kemp also recently began
seeing patients at the White
Stone office three days a week to
assure patient access as recruitment continues.
“Riverside Health System is
committed to providing quality
health care to the citizens of the
Northern Neck and we are very
grateful for the years of dedicated service provided by Dr.
Lewis and his staff,” said Riverside spokesperson.
Dr. James Dudley, chairman
of the board of Riverside Medical Group stated, “We respect Dr.
Lewis’ decision to retire and have
made every effort to continue
the great service he has provided
to the community. We wish him
the very best that retirement has
to offer in the beautiful Northern
Neck area and will look forward
to the privilege of continuing to
provide care to his patients.”
lmvfd love lights
Recent white light “in
memory of ” contributions to the
Lower Middlesex Volunteer Fire
Department (LMVFD) Auxiliary Love Light Tree include:
Andrew “Doodlebug” Blake by
Marilyn Bess; Mildred and Len
Barnes by Diane and Bobby
Faulkner; Woody Tompkins
by Diane and Bobby Faulkner;
Naomi and Albert Johnson by
Diane and Bobby Faulkner;
and Anne Abele by Diane and
Tree Ser
l it y
ic e
Bobby Faulkner.
Recent white light “in honor
of ” contributions include: Edith
and Robert Faulkner by Diane
and Bobby Faulkner; and Anne
Tompkins by Diane and Bobby
A blue light donation was
received from Carolyn Bergamo.
A blue light was given in
memory of Games and Almedia
Dozier by Deborah and Richard
All phases of tree care
Free Estimates
Angelo’s Colonial Pizza
will be closed Dec. 25 – Jan. 18
and reopen January 19
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
From the Colonial Pizza Family
(804) 758-4079
Urbanna, Virginia
The íteamboat ìestaurant
Our Sunday Buffet Brunch is Back &
Better than Ever!
Sunday, December 13th
from 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Come in & enjoy the following selections
• Salad & Fruit Bar
50 years of Masonic service
Reuben Amy Sr. (third from left) was recently honored by
friends, family and lodge members for 50 years of service to
Bethlehem Star Masonic Lodge in Saluda. Family members
at the ceremony included, above from left, Freddie Amy, Dr.
Griselda Bayton, Mr. Amy and Reuben Amy Jr.
(Photo by Larry Chowning)
Bay School seeks entries
in Wearable/Fiber Art Show
The Bay School Community
Arts Center on Main Street
in Mathews invites the public
to enter its annual Wearable/
Fiber Art Show set for January
23-February 13, 2010.
Cash prizes totaling $800
will be awarded to the best
overall, the best in show in
professional fiber and jewelry,
and amateur fiber and jewelry.
Honorable mention ribbons
also will be given in the same
Wearable art includes clothing, purses, jewelry, scarves,
gloves, etc. Anything fiber is
welcome to enter, including
quilts, knitted or crocheted
pieces, hooked pieces, needlepoint, etc. All fiber pieces will
be judged against each other
as all jewelry will be judged in
the jewelry category. The judging will be based on: 1. Over-
all level of craftsmanship; 2.
Originality of design; 3. Functionality; and 4. Creative use
of materials.
On January 23 at 6:30 p.m.
there will be an awards reception. At 7 p.m., the popular
fashion show returns featuring the wearable art creations
with the public invited. The
reception/fashion show will
feature wine and gourmet
The entry fee is $25 for up
to three pieces to be judged.
Forms are due preferably by
January 5, but later forms will
be accepted. The actual artwork is due no later than January 21. To enter, call 725-1278
for an entry form.
The Bay School Community
Arts Center is a non-profit arts
educational facility and organization in Mathews.
by local artists and crafters.
There is also a large selection
of regional history books and
works by local authors. New
titles include “Chesapeake
Reflections” by J.H. Hall and
“Fight On, My Soul: A colored
doctor’s battle against disease,
discrimination, and ignorance
in rural Jim Crow Virginia,”
a biography of Dr. Morgan E.
Norris of Lancaster County
by his son Dr. James Norris.
The ever-popular “Lancaster
County: Where the River
Meets the Bay” history book
is available in hardcover and
paperback, and Ed Trexler’s
“Civil War Northern Neck” is
also in stock.
All gift shop sales support
the non-profit Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library.
Museum admission fees will
be waived for the Saturday
open house, but donations are
welcome. For more information, contact 804-462-7280 or
Online guidebook has photos
of all area historical markers
today road markers in the Northannounced the release of “Vir- ern Neck, Middle Peninsula
ginia Marker History Volume and Eastern Shore regions.
VI—Northern Neck, Middle Consisting of 216 pages, it
Peninsula and Eastern Shore includes a full page color
Region” as part of its Histori- image of each marker in Accocal Marker Collection series.
mack, Essex, Gloucester,
Neck, King and Queen, King WilMiddle Peninsula and Eastern liam, Lancaster, Mathews,
Shore region guidebook brings Middlesex,
history home, eliminating Northumberland, Richmond
the danger of slowing down and Westmoreland counties.
or pulling over on busy roads
It also includes a convenient
to read the markers,” accord- marker title, marker number,
ing to Richard Harrison, pub- gps coordinate, and geolisher,
markerhistory.com. graphic location index for easy
“For people who view and read reference at home or on the
images of historical road mark- road. The marker images are
ers online, it adds an element grouped by key historic periof convenience and enjoyment ods and arranged chronologiby removing the requirement cally within each, providing a
to be in front of a screen.”
unique regional composite of
Markerhistory.com is a pic- significant places, events and
torial guidebook to the more people that define our past and
places him on a shelf above than 190 Virginia historical have shaped who we are today.
her bed. But during the night,
Jerome explores the house
and sometimes even leaves
the house. Sometimes he can
be found in unusual places
the next morning. One time
our website www.hillsidecinema.com
he was in a poinsettia that
or call us at (804) 693-2770 or (804) 693-7766
had been delivered the day
for show schedules and times.
before. Another morning she
found him sitting on the floor
with a toy between his legs.
One day he actually went to
the school Lillie goes to. He
sat on a shelf watching the
class and Lillie wasn’t sure
that it was her elf because
another classmate has one
too. His elf has brown eyes.
Home of THE Virginia Sandwich,
But Jerome has blue eyes so
she is pretty sure Jerome was
Righteous Ribs and Bodacious Butts
there. When she got home and
looked for Jerome, he was on
the shelf over her bed. Kelly
Rt. 602 & 603 in Downtown Pinetree, Between Urbanna & Remlik
Thomas is Lillie’s teacher,
which explains how Jerome
caught a ride to school and
We will be open on Wednesday of Christmas week,
home again.
Jerry McMurtrie does
then we will be closed until mid-January for clean-up.
very little that he is “told”
to do by his loving wife.
Order your Christmas turkey now
She knows that. Have a very
happy birthday tomorrow
Pick-up Wed. or by arrangement on Tues. and Thurs.
Lynne. And Jerry didn’t “do”
it. Happy birthday to Jenny
Come by and taste our REAL adult Eggnog ice cream!
Crittenden, Margaret Luck
and Barry Coffman, who celMerry Christmas, or whatever,
ebrate birthdays this weekend.
and a Happy New Year!
Should you be looking for a
little something to do, people
Call in Orders 758-8000
are needed to take the census
and you actually get paid for
doing the job. It is usually in
your own neighborhood so
it is not like you are going
to be lost. You can pick up
applications at the Deltaville
Library. The questions you
have to answer to get the job
are easy. Not many people
have applied, so there is a
David Taylor shared the
news that CDs were made
this year of the Chesapeake
Chorale concerts. They are
on sale for $10. Another nice
Christmas present.
We are at the winter solstice and now the days start
getting longer. That is a good
“It takes a man of vision to
make a decision.”
Fair winds.
around deltaville
by T.D. Harris
another successful Christmas
Boat Tour. The weather was
chilly but Captain Crown’s
boat was closed in and warm.
His son Nat offered hot coffee
and passed out mints. Being
on the boat was rather like
being on a plane, except the
seating was more comfortable. The homes along the
creek were decorated beautifully and the “ooo’s” and
“ah’s” from everyone added
to the ambiance. Someone
even started singing Christmas carols.
Rebecca Walker and some
of her school friends put
out luminaries along Lovers
Lane down to the pier. Dylan
Perry was out helping the
girls. Rather like “killing two
birds with one stone.”
The cookies at the DCA
were delicious and the folks
that brought them go down
in my book as special folks.
In fact, all of the people who
made the cruise so successful are special and deserve
kudos. For those of you that
do not know about the DCA,
it stands for the Deltaville
Community Association and
is open to everyone. Come
to the meetings and participate in all of the activities it
sponsors. There are no dues.
It really is just a group of
people that want to be part of
doing things for Deltaville.
From the beginning, the
squad and museum owe their
start from people who were
part of the DCA. When Dr.
Felton came to Deltaville it
was because people in the
DCA thought it was time to
encourage a doctor to come
to this area. The meetings
are the third Thursday of the
month around 7 p.m.
A reminder that the DCA
calendars have arrived and
can be picked up at Nauti
Nell’s or NAPA, or you can
call the person that took your
order. There are a few left
over should you wish to give
one as a Christmas present.
Lillie Taylor has an elf
named Jerome. At night she
Pilot House
New Year’s Eve
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from the Southside Sentinel!
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(804) 758-2262
A8 • Southside Sentinel • Urbanna, Va. • Dec. 17, 2009
Musical is Sunday
at Hermitage Baptist Martha Hawksworth Charles F. Cox Sr.
Obituary listings are updated on SSentinel.com as soon as possible
The adult choir of Hermitage Baptist Church at Church
View will present the Christmas musical and simple drama,
“The Most Wonderful Time of
the Year,” on Sunday, December 20, at 7 p.m.
The setting of the story is
a small town square as the
local church gets ready for its
annual Christmas presentation.
Through the eyes of a street
vendor, several heartfelt sto-
ries are retold to communicate
just what makes this season so
special. “We are reminded that
giving is what Christmas is
about—God sending His one
and only Son to bring us a gift
we did not deserve—the free
gift of salvation,” said a church
Fellowship and refreshments
will follow. Everyone is invited
to enjoy this celebration of the
Remlik Wesleyan to present
Christmas programs Sunday
This Sunday, December 20,
Remlik Wesleyan Church will
have two Christmas programs.
At 10:45 a.m. there will be
an interactive nativity scene.
Church pastor Bill Smith will
interview Joseph, Mary, the
angels, shepherds, Wise Men,
and even the animals about
their reaction to the birth of
Jesus. Communion will follow
the Nativity.
At 6 p.m. a play titled “It’s
a Jingle Out There,” will be
presented. A family is lost in
a snowstorm and go into a
church where it is warm. It is
not a Christian family. While
hiding there, family members
listen in on the Christmas play
practice that is taking place.
They hear the story of Jesus
from his birth to the cross. It
changes their lives.
Everyone is welcome to
these two programs. Refreshments will follow the Sunday
evening program.
HGBC services
to feature
plans services bells and choir
On Sunday, December 20,
at 11 a.m., the Urbanna United
Methodist Church choir will
lead worship with a traditional,
musical worship of lessons and
On Thursday, December 24,
at 5 p.m. the public is invited
to join church members on
Christmas Eve for a candlelight
and communion worship.
Call 758-5308 for more
Christ Church
services set
All are invited to celebrate
the Nativity of Christ on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at
Christ Church Parish (Episcopal).
On Christmas Eve, December 24, a “Concert for Choir
and Organ” will begin at 10:30
p.m. Festival Solemn Midnight
Mass will begin at 11 p.m.
On Christmas Day, December 25, a quiet Service of Holy
Communion will be celebrated
at 10 a.m.
The celebrant of both services will be The Rev. Paul
Andersen, rector.
Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) is at Routes 33 and
638 adjacent to Christchurch
School. For information, call
Christmas Eve
service planned
Trinity Lutheran Church
will hold an early Christmas
Eve service at 6 p.m. in the
Middlesex Woman’s Club
building in Urbanna. All are
invited to attend.
On Sunday, December 20,
at the 11 a.m. worship service,
“The Fears Sisters”—Mary
Mercer, Evelyna Lawson and
Ann Leigh will present special
music. They will be accompanied by Evelyna’s son, David
Lawson, on the guitar.
“The Harmony Ringers,” a
three-octave bell choir, will
open the service with “Angels
We Have Heard on High” and,
later in the service, present
“Angels and Shepherds.”
At 2 p.m. Sunday, church
members and guests will go
out into the community Christmas caroling, weather permitting, and deliver fruit baskets
to shut-ins.
On Christmas Eve, Harmony
Grove will have a 5 p.m. candlelight service featuring scripture reading, singing of carols,
lighting of the “Jesus” candle,
and placing of the final figurines
by the children into the manger
scene. The chancel choir will
sing “O Holy Night.”
Glebe Landing
plans program
At 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 20, at Glebe Landing Baptist Church at Laneview, the
public is invited to experience
an unusual program for worship that brings together the
elements of Christmas Eve
worship, a Moravian love feast
(including fresh baked bread
and Wassail), and features of
multiple Advent worship services.
No sermon or homily will be
delivered, but preaching will
take place in music, drama, fellowship and silence.
The worship will conclude
by lighting the Christ candle
and receiving and sharing of
the light and leaving in silence.
“On earth peace, good will
toward men”
is the topic of this week’s
Christian Science Sentinel Program
Now airing on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Tune in Sunday, December 20 on WKWI Bay 101.7 FM
Holiday Hours:
Thursday, December 24: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Closed December 25 – December 27
Re-opening Monday, December 28 at 9 a.m.
Happy Holidays!
(804) 776-9990
Martha (Marty) Stainback
Hawksworth, 66, passed away
on December 9, 2009, at her
home in Deltaville after almost
a year-long fight with cancer.
Mrs. Hawksworth was born
on September 4, 1943, in
Brooklyn, N.Y., to the late John
Howard Stainback and the late
Mary Richmond Stainback.
She is survived by her brother,
John Howard Stainback Jr.,
and sister, Sara Tuffs, both of
Mebine, N.C.; her husband of
44 years, Tom T. Hawksworth
II, her daughter, Carolyn H.
McGuire, her husband Stacy
McGuire and their children,
Staisa, Josh, Sarah, Matthew
and Daniel of Franklin, Tenn.;
her daughter, Elizabeth M.H.
Azevedo, her husband Rev.
Dale Azevedo and their children, Jesse and Seth of Middlefield, Conn.; her daughter
Kathryn H. Black, her husband
Brian Black and their children,
Riley and Dariuz of Broken
Arrow, Okla.; and her daughter
Dr. Martha L. Hawksworth of
Southwick, Mass.
Mrs. Hawksworth graduated
from Ridgewood (N.J.) High
School in 1961 and from the
Medical College of Virginia,
School of Nursing in 1965.
On August 14, 1965, she was
married to Tom T. Hawksworth
II in Saint Theresa Catholic
Church in Gloucester. She and
her husband moved many times
throughout the U.S. and Puerto
She gave up her nursing
career to raise their four daughters. She was very involved with
their education and their wide
variety of after-school activities. Throughout all the family
relocations Marty always met
her daughters at home when
they returned from school each
day to listen to them, to encourage them and to help them.
In February 1997, the Hawksworths moved back to the
family home on Stove Point in
Deltaville. Mrs. Hawksworth
started Hawksnest Crafts, a
needlework and embroidering
business that showcased her
love and creativity in many
of the needlework crafts. She
showed her works at many
events in the local area.
She became very involved
in the community with her
volunteer work. She served on
the board of directors and as
president of the Friends of the
Deltaville Library, she worked
the Red Cross blood drives
in Deltaville, she served on
the board of directors of the
Deltaville Community Association, was a member of the
USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 62 in
Deltaville, served on the board
of directors of the Deltaville
Maritime Museum and Holly
Point Nature Park when it
started, worked at Holly Point
Nature Park as one of the
original “Gardenerds” who
were dedicated to improving and caring for the nature
park. Because of her love of
plants and flowers, she became
a Master Gardener and used
this knowledge to improve the
park. On September 12, 2009,
the park’s new greenhouse was
dedicated to her for all her
Mrs. Hawksworth was very
involved with The Church Of
The Visitation, the Roman
Catholic Church in Middlesex
County. She served on the Sacristy Committee and as head of
the Haiti Twining Project from
the inception, which worked
with Saint Michael Parish in
Boucan-Carre, Haiti. She was
especially interested in projects
that supported the children of
She lived her life by the
same qualities that drew her
into nursing. She was the
most caring, giving, forgiving
and loving person and will be
missed very much by her husband, her family and the many
friends whose lives she has
A funeral Mass was held at
The Church Of The Visitation
on Monday. Internment followed in the church cemetery.
In lieu of flowers donations
can be made to The Church Of
The Visitation Haiti Twining
Project, P.O. Box 38 Topping,
VA 23169; or to Deltaville
Maritime Museum and Holly
Point Nature Park for Marty’s
Greenhouse at P.O. Box 466,
Deltaville, VA 23043.
Elder Charles F. Cox Sr.
December 9, 2009. He served
in the U.S Navy during WWII
and later became an ordained
minister, serving as pastor
of Apostolic Faith Church in
Saluda for over 20 years.
Elder Cox is survived by his
loving wife of 53 years, Lois
Cox; two daughters, Gayzelle
(William) Taylor Sr. and Jennifer Burrell; three sons,
Charles Jr., Vernon (Elizabeth),
and Garry (Faye) Cox; seven
grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren; three greatgreat-grandchildren; and two
brothers, Bishop Lindbergh
(Mildred) and Deacon Richard
(Glena) Cox.
Homegoing services were
held at Refuge Assembly of
Yahweh in his native home,
Powhatan, on December 15
with Dr. C. Lewis Motley officiating and Elder Nezer Yarborough eulogizing.
Katherine H. Javins
Katherine “Kitty” H. Javins,
89, of Deltaville died peacefully surrounded by her family
on December 11, 2009.
of Davis L.
also was preceded in death
by a daughter,
Katherine Ann
She is survived by two daughters, Laura
F. Jones (Buck) and Billie Lee
Mills; sisters, Jane Cole and
Shirley Welch; brother, Landon
Smithers (Janie); eight grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; her long-time dear friend
R.C. “Cal” Moore; and a host
of relatives and friends.
A memorial service was held
Monday at Bristow-Faulkner
Funeral Home and Cremation
Service in Saluda.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions can be sent to the
Middlesex Volunteer Rescue
Squad, P.O. Box 98, Deltaville,
VA 23043.
Helen M. Thomas
Helen May Thomas, 96, of
Urbanna died Sunday, December 13, 2009.
She was the widow of Vernon
E. Thomas and a member
of Hyattsville Presbyterian
Church in Hyattsville, Md.
Mrs. Thomas was a graduate
of Strayer Business College in
Washington, D.C., retired manager of Hyattsville Elementary
School Cafeteria in Hyattsville,
Md., and a former employee of
National Geographic.
Survivors include a son and
daughter-in-law, Richard V. and
Lynn Thomas of Urbanna; two
grandsons, Brendan Thomas of
Palm Beach, Fla., and Justin
Thomas and wife Katharina of
Chicago, Ill.; a great grandson,
Levi Thomas; and two sisters,
Mary Anne Fitton of Bloomfield, N.J., and Ruthie White of
Atlanta, Ga.
Services will be private.
Memorials may be made to a
charity of one’s choice.
Currie Funeral Home in
Kilmarnock is in charge of
Movie to be
The Theology and the Arts
Discussion Group will discuss
the movie “Cinema Paradisio”
at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday,
December 17, at Living Water
Lutheran Church, 83 Bluff
Point Rd., Kilmarnock.
Raymond Ezra Toms Jr., 85,
of Deltaville passed away on
December 11, 2009 at his home
in Deltaville from injuries suffered in an auto accident on
December 7.
Mr. Toms was the son of Raymond E. Toms Sr. of Frederick,
Md., and Paulina Judy Toms of
Mt. Sterling, Ky. He was born
in 1924 in Montgomery, Ala.,
and grew up in Chevy Chase,
Md., where he graduated from
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High
School. Through his neighbors
in Maryland, Mr. Toms was
introduced to the sport of sailing, which became a lifelong
Mr. Toms was in his first year
at Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
now known as Virginia Tech,
when the Japanese bombed
Pearl Harbor on December 7,
1941. He tried to enlist in the
Marine Corps the next day, but
was denied entry because of his
age, 17. After completing two
years at VPI, he enlisted in the
Marines, trained as a navigator/
bombardier on B-25 Mitchell
bombers, and deployed with
VMB-443 to the South Pacific.
Stationed at Emirau in the Bismarck Archipelago, he flew
45 combat missions, primarily against Japanese bases in
Rabaul and Kavieng on the
north shore of Papua, New
Guinea. Mr. Toms was awarded
the Marine Corps Air Medal
for gallantry in battle in raids in
January and December of 1944
and 1945. Mr. Toms was rotating back to the states when the
war ended in August of 1945.
Following his discharge from
the Marines, Mr. Toms married
Patty Clif Lane of Mt. Sterling,
Ky., and returned to VPI to
complete his civil engineering
degree. Mr. Toms first found
work with Union Carbide in
Charleston, W,Va., then was
recalled to active duty in the
Marines, again as a navigator,
this time ferrying wounded and
supplies from Japan to the U.S.
After this tour of duty,
Mr. Toms began a career in
mechanical equipment sales
and service, first with Wallace
and Tiernan in Roanoke, and
then with Shultz and James in
Richmond, where he became
a vice president and received
many HVAC equipment sales
Mr. Toms ended his career
with the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps at Fort Lee,
specializing in the design and
installation of refrigeration
systems for Army commissaries all over the world.
Competitive sailing was a
passion in Mr. Toms’ life for
many years. Sailing often with
a mix of his five children aboard
his Ranger 26 “White Cap,”
he won numerous trophies
on the Chesapeake, primarily
at Fishing Bay Yacht Club in
Deltaville, but also in Hampton
and Annapolis. In retirement,
Mr. Toms participated in many
offshore sailboat deliveries,
helped a friend to launch a new
one-design sailboat class, The
Frontrunner, and traveled frequently to promote the boat. He
continued to sail competitively
into his eighties.
Mr. Toms and his wife retired
to Deltaville in 1988. From his
trophy-filled home on Jackson
Creek, he could see his sailboat
on the pier at Fishing Bay Yacht
Club. He volunteered many
hours to the club and was very
proud to have been awarded
the Matthew Fontaine Maury
Trophy in recognition of his
Mr. Toms also volunteered
many hours to the community
in Middlesex County, where
he was treasurer of the Friends
of the Library for 15 years.
He donated over 100 pints of
blood in the years he lived in
Deltaville. His grandchildren,
who lived in King William
County, were thrilled when
he played Santa in the annual
Walkerton Christmas Parade.
In retirement, Mr. and Mrs.
Toms traveled extensively to
Europe, Australia and New
Zealand. He even convinced
Mrs. Toms to raft the Colorado River with him. He also
returned to the islands where he
served in the South Pacific and
fondly remembered being feted
to a hero’s welcome dinner by
natives in Pulua. At Rabaul
harbor, he found that a target he
had tried to bomb on most missions, a radar-controlled gun
on a prominent point of land,
was still there, pointed at the
sky and surrounded by craters
from near-miss bombs.
In addition to his wife of 63
years, Patty Toms, Mr. Toms
is survived by three daughters, Sara Spoerri of Capitan, N.M., Anne Richardson
(Don) of Norfolk, and Kenney
Cobb of Richmond; two sons,
Lewis (Sandy) of Charlotte,
N.C., and Michael (MaryJo) of
Charlottesville; 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Memorial services were held
at Bristow-Faulkner Funeral
Home and Cremation Service
in Saluda on Sunday.
In lieu of flowers, the family
asks that contributions be made
to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in memory of Raymond
Christmas Eve
service set
at Clarksbury
A Christmas Eve service will
be held at Clarksbury United
Methodist Church in Hardyville
on Thursday, December 24, at
7 p.m. This will be a service of
candlelight and Holy Communion. “All are welcome as we celebrate the birth of the Messiah,”
said a church spokesperson.
at your
I feel a simple “thank you” is not sufficient in
expressing our deepest appreciation for the many wonderful acts of love and kindness shown Robert and us
during the last two years of his sickness. There is no
way I can tell you how much we appreciate the MANY,
MANY PRAYERS, phone calls, visits, transportation,
flowers, cards, the abundance of food, donations, attendance at both the visitation and funeral services and
your thoughts. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful family and many, many great friends. Each of you
holds a special place in our hearts.
Anita, Bobby, Davis Wilson and families.
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Christmas service
set at Immanuel
On Friday, December 25,
from 10 to 11 a.m., Immanuel
Baptist Church in Saluda will
have a Christmas service. All
are welcome to attend.
Raymond E. Toms Jr.
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