Winterfest - Great News Publishing
Winterfest - Great News Publishing
JANUARY 2015 YoUR officiAl commUNitY NewsletteR Focus on glamorgan ViBRANt, cARiNG, coNNecteD Winterfest January 24th Glamorgan C U S TO M E R S AT I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D We specialize in Kitchen, Bathroom & Basement Renovations ·· Flooring ·· Tile ·· Doors ·· Cabinets·&·Counters FREE ESTIMATES 403.256.9282 NO JOB TOO SMALL Name Age Contact Course Sienna 12 403-240-1128 Yes Kiera 12 403-922-6067 Yes Brooke 12 403-212-1014 Yes Paige 12 403-241-0487 Yes Faith 13 403-618-6040 Yes Sam 13 403-287-3740 Yes Polina 13 587-296-1650 Yes Chiara 14 403-246-8364 Yes Kaitlynn 14 403-874-4034 Yes Sarah 14 403-702-5549 Yes Emma 14 403-220-1537 Yes Mackenzie 14 403-805-6223 Yes Henry 14 403-719-8282 Yes Olivia 15 403-246-0203 Yes Second-guessing your investments? Makayla 15 403-455-4057 Yes Nia 16 403-991-8045 Yes Abigail 17 705-706-4338 No Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio Christoph 23 587-998-6172 Yes Michelle 30 403-923-5111 Yes RBC Dominion Securities Inc. If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 Salma 37 403-252-5052 Yes Jonahley 50 403-837-6348 Yes Linda 59 587-892-9731 No Calling All BABysitters > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Enroll free at and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at [email protected] Calling All PArents Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. Visit and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at Glamorgan Community Association 4207-41 Ave. SW Calgary, AB T3E 1G2 Phone: 403.246.8218 | Fax: 403.240.1394 [email protected] | Community Membership 5 Glamorgan Real Estate Update 7 Glamorgan Greats! 9 Pub Night 12 Creating your Design Style 16 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 [email protected] | Great News PublishiNG has beeN Proudly serviNG GlamorGaN commuNity for 3 years! FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 3 youR commuNiTy coNNEcTioNS (S) denotes Separate (FR) denotes French Immersion Glenbrook (K-6) A.E. Cross (7-9) Central Memorial (10-12) Westgate (K-5) FR, SP Bishop Pinkham (6-9) FR Western Canada (10-12) FR Glamorgan (K-7) Fairview (Gr. 8) Henry Wise Wood (9-12) St. Andrew (K-6) (S) 403.777.8320 403.777.7410 403.243.8880 403.777.8420 403.777.7840 403.228.5363 403.777.8120 403.777.7900 403.253.2261 403.500.2031 St. Gregory (6-9) (S) Bishop Carroll (10-12) (S) St. Mary’s(10-12) (S) Holy Name (K-6) FR (S) St. Michael (7-9) FR (S) St. Thomas Aquinas (K-5) (S) École de la Source K-9 FR Ste-Marguerite-Bourgeoys K-12 FR (S) École de la Rose sauvage 10-12 FR All Boys Program (K-6) 403.500.2048 403.500.2056 403.500.2024 403.500.2006 403.500.2021 403.500.2027 403.255.6724 403.240.2007 403.230.3112 403.777.8400 Abundant Life Church Connections Christian Church Glamorgan Church of God Knox Presbyterian Church 403.246.1804 403.242.3164 403.242.1921 403.242.1808 St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church Woodcliff United Church 403.249.4818 Signal Hill Library Councillor Richard Pootmans MLA Christine Cusanelli MLA Gordon Dirks MP Joan Crockatt [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] North Glenmore Park Weaselhead Natural Park Glamorgan Off Leash Park 7305 Crowchild Tr. SW Corner of 66 Ave. & 37 St. SW 4015 – 37th Street SW 403-249-3121 403.260.2600 403.268.1035 403.246.4794 403.252.0346 403.292.6666 Glamorgan community memberships expired august 31st Memberships can be purchased at the Glamorgan Community Association office. 4207 41 Avenue SW or mailed with payment to the same address. Memberships can be purchased online at! 4 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities mEmBERSHiP 4207 - 41 Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 1G2 Phone: 403-246-8218 • Fax: 403-240-1394 Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10:0am – 4:30pm Office is Closed Mondays Website: • email: [email protected] Board MeMBers President Beryl Ostrom Vice President Kevin Hawes Secretary Robin Matrai Treasurer Keith Pacey Director at Large Dale Wilson Director at Large Sara Haney Liaisons Calgary Police Service Community Resource Office 403-567-6200 Community Recreation Coordinator – Kirsten Pilger 403-476-7149 CoMMunity aCtivities Adult Fitness Linda Court 403-931-7539 Block Parent Coordinator Vacant Brownie, Guides & Sparks Leanne Armstrong 403-265-7774 Calgary Minor Softball Assn John Keith 403-266-9559 Children’s Centre Director Heather Eastgaard 403-217-6677 Dashing Dishes Nydia Hefflick 403-471-1395 Gaming Manager Lana Stephen 403-246-0791 Girl Guide Centre 403-283-8348 Glamorgan Community ECS Louise Hardy 403-242-8694 Karate Todd Johnson 403-850-1845 Outdoor Soccer Beth Richardson 403-246-8218 Paddle Tennis Patti MacPhee 403-240-3173 Trails West Hockey Jim Moriarty 403-246-3757 Triwest Soccer Gerry Conaty 403-240-1014 Youth Bowling Council Shirley Hession 403-242-9933 staff General Manager Bonnie St. Pierre 403-246-8218 Asst. General Manager Sara Polzen 403-246-8218 Board Meetings are held on the 3 Thursday of each month. Community members are welcome to attend. Call 403-246-8218 for more information. rd Volunteering.... Good for the Soul COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM Downloadable version at Downloadable version at Enclose this form along with your membership fee & drop-off or mail to: Enclose this form along with your membership fee & drop-off or GLAMORGAN COMMUNITY CENTRE mail to: 4207 – 41 Ave SW Calgary AB T3E 1G2 GLAMORGAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Note: Do not send–cash through mail. Make payable to 4207 41 Ave SWtheCalgary AB cheque T3E 1G2 Association” Note: Do not send“Glamorgan cash throughCommunity the mail. Make cheque payable to “Glamorgan Community Association” Memberships can also be purchased online at Please choose your desired type and length of membership: Membership Type 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Resident Family $20 $50 $75 Resident Adult $10 $25 $40 Resident Senior Associate * $7 $15 $25 $20 $50 $75 * Choose if you do not reside within the Glamorgan Community Boundaries Please list the member(s) of your household to be included on this membership: A/Y = Adult or Youth First Name Last Name A/Y Address: Postal Code: Primary Phone #: Alternate Phone #: Primary E-mail: Total Amount Enclosed: Receipt # Yes, I would like to receive information by email from the Glamorgan Community Association FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 5 GLAMORGAN CHILDREN’S CENTRE – Before & After School Care Program. Supervised Lunch Program. Call 403-217-6677 for info. KARATE & KICKBOXING – Tue & Thur from 6 – 7pm. Call Todd at 403-850-1845 with the Provincial Martial Arts Assn. commuNiTy PRoGRAmS ADULT FITNESS – Adult Fitness – Mon, Wed, Fri Mornings. Call Linda at 403-931-7539. BROWNIES / GUIDES / SPARKS – Programs are offered Tuesdays at the community hall. Please call 403-283-8348. CANADIAN CALLINETICS – Body Sculpting exercise program Mon, Wed mornings and Wed evenings. Call Rhonda at 403-681-3439. DASHING DISHES – Tasty Meals in no time!! Come to a Dashing Dishes session and you will assemble 8 or 12 delicious entrees in 2 hours that you can take home (entrees feed 4-5 people)! Call 403-471-1395 for more information. SIGNAL HILL LIBRARY – There is something for everyone at the Library! Mon to Thur 10:00 am – 9:00pm, Fri and Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm. Sundays 12:00-5:00pm. 403-221-2000. WEST CENTRAL COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE – Your SW Resource for: Parenting classes, Toy Lending, Crafts, Counseling, Computer Assistance, Best Beginnings, Clothing Exchange and much more. Located at 3507 17th Ave SW. Call 403-543-0555 or ADULT LINE DANCING - For more information please contact Sue at 403-249-5741 or email:[email protected]. REvIvE LIFESTYLE FITNESS – classes Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday [email protected] or call 403-681-9826. FIRST STEP FITNESS – classes Monday, Wednesday and Saturday [email protected] or call 403-463-2908. ZUMBA – Thursday nights information available at www. Mark your calendars January 6 Seniors Corner January 9 Pub Night January 24 Winterfest GRASSROOTS HOCKEY 2015 - Grassroots Hockey will be running again this year from January 7th to February 28th. Grassroots Hockey is a traditional ‘pond hockey’ style league that is played on outdoor ice. The program is run for the following age groups: 4-5 year olds – Wednesday from 5:45-6:30pm 6-8 year olds – Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm 9-11 year olds – Wednesday from 7:30-8:30pm 12-14 year olds – Thursday from 7:00-8:00pm **Note – not all programs above may be offered in your community, however, you can sign up for the program you want in a neighbouring community if you want to. Registration and information can be found online at soccer reGistratioN U4 to U10 Outdoor Soccer Registration Online February 1st and in person February 11th 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 6 Do you have a program to offer or want to see a program come to our community? Contact Sara Polzen our assistant General Manager. like us on facebook The Glamorgan Community Association is now on Facebook! "Like" us so you can be kept up to date on what’s going on in Glamorgan! january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Glamorgan Real Estate Update Last 12 Months Glamorgan MLS Real Estate Sale Price Update Average Asking Price Average Sold Price November 2014 $553,675 $536,750 October 2014 $578,783 $583,500 September 2014 $653,450 $646,750 August 2014 $578,233 $560,666 July 2014 $560,372 $557,544 June 2014 $588,250 $583,750 May 2014 $582,540 $582,300 GaMes, activities & craFts. April 2014 $555,811 $567,000 March 2014 $541,022 $537,888 February 2014 $619,560 $617,760 DRESS WARMLY We will be here regardless of weather! Bring your skates! The rink will be open. January 2014 $499,900 $489,380 December 2013 $504,900 $488,000 Last 12 Months Glamorgan MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Update No. New Properties No. Properties Sold November 2014 5 4 October 2014 8 6 September 2014 2 4 August 2014 4 3 July 2014 7 9 June 2014 9 6 May 2014 10 5 April 2014 9 9 March 2014 10 9 February 2014 3 5 January 2014 4 5 December 2013 4 2 Total 75 67 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit Winterfest January 24, 2015 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Free adMission! CONCESSiON OPEN! Hot chocolate, Hot Dogs, Chilli And More! Donations to the Calgary Food Bank will be gratefully accepted. Thank you to Jamie Salomons for taking on the Coordinator position for this event!!! if you would like to volunteer to help out please contact the office. .ca an org lam yg @m info FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 7 BoSToN PizzA Bounce Back Program The first Tuesday of every month 1 – 3 pm 4207 - 41 Avenue SW Phone: 403-246-8218 Fax: 403-240-1394 Email: [email protected] Website: RicHmoND RoAD LocATioN Every time you eat at Boston Pizza Richmond Road let your server know that you support the Glamorgan Community Association and your server will stamp your receipt for you. Drop your stamped receipt off in the Community Association mailbox (by the front doors). Boston Pizza will give the Glamorgan Community Association 10% back of the receipt total! Come out and enjoy an afternoon with your neighbours! Different activities each month Each event $5 per person. includes light lunch and refreshments. For more information contact the Glamorgan Community Association - JANUARY 6 FEATURING HARMONICA TABLEAU McLAWS LAW Ê Ê Ê Experienced, cost effective and practical advice, representation and counsel to meet your legal needs Ê Ê Ê insurance disputes - estate probate - small business wills - personal directives - powers of attorney employment issues - general litigation ◊ Peter B. McLaws Barrister & Solicitor (403) 710-3712 403-850-1845Ê Ê 8 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Written by two longtime Glamorgan residents who wish to remain anonymous boNNy houstoN in 1982, while she was employed as a lab technician at the University of Saskatchewan, Bonny Houston decided to take a summer course in glass blowing at Sheridan College outside Toronto; it was a lifechanging event. As Bonny says, “i was smitten by hot glass”. Ever since, she has studied and worked as a glass artist, continuously refining her art. After her studies in Japan at the Tokyo Glass Art institute, and apprenticing to a glass blower in Kumamoto, Bonny studied at the Alberta College of Art and Design here in Calgary, and at Red Deer College. the sense of community. i have fabulous neighbours and we take care of each other. The other day my neighbour Brian took it upon himself to sprinkle sand on an icy patch at the far end of the alley from his house – that embodies the whole spirit of Glamorgan. i can count on them and they can count on me.” She also appreciates that she has “eyereach” (a term i’d never heard before, which Bonny explained as the ability to see open vistas, as we do in the Prairies), able to look out her front window onto green space, with the mountains visible on a clear day. Bonny has been working as a glass artist full time since 1987. She rented a space in inglewood, but had bigger aspirations: “First thing they tell you when you study glass is that you won’t be able to eat off it (as a living), but i decided to prove them wrong. i had this dream to build my own studio.” in 1997, fellow artist and bird carver Suzie Rod told her of a house for sale in her neighbourhood of Glamorgan – Bonny says “it was meant to be”. in 2004 she opened the studio in her garage, an airy space full of the tools of her trade, with playful artwork on the garage doors, painted by former neighbour Dean Stanton (whose work you can see on the gym wall of Sunalta School as you pass on Crowchild Trail). in her yard, glass ornaments hang from the tree, and precious bits of colour from glass pieces are scattered in the gardens. Bonny shares her home with her mini SchnauzerBoston cross, Qloe. She enjoys playing tennis in the nearby outdoor courts, though she insists “it’s just for fun. Whoever laughs the most, wins!” She also makes good use of the Glamorgan skating rink. in the quieter winter months, Bonny loves to travel, and she has journeyed extensively throughout Asia and Mexico. Bonny’s work is colourful, fluid and often whimsical – my personal favourites were the extravagant fish and snails – and encompasses a wide range of objects such as ball ornaments, goblets and bowls. Her work is exhibited from Victoria to Charlottetown, and locally particularly at the Stephen Lowe Gallery. Bonny grew up on a mixed farm in Lacadena, Saskatchewan, between Kindersley and Swift Current, and compares living in Glamorgan to growing up in Saskatchewan. She enthusiastically tells me how much she loves living here: “i love Glamorgan! i really enjoy Bonny is a committed member of the glass art community, locally and internationally. She regularly attends conferences and workshops, and generously shares her knowledge through teaching, stating that “i am not the kind of person who keeps secrets – it’s hard enough (to master glass blowing).” When asked to name an artist she admires, she mentioned Oiva Toikka, a Finnish glass artist whom she met while studying in Japan. “He is very creative, a true artist. He works not only in glass, but has also created costumes for the opera, for example.” Bonny tells me that she had done a variety of jobs previously and came late to the glass world. She is open, passionate, and a wonderful example of the wisdom of following your bliss! _____________________________________________ Do you know an individual that you would like to see in this feature? Contact Loretta Biasutti at [email protected] | 403-249-5945 or drop off a suggestion at the community centre. We need your input! FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 9 GLAMORGAN OUTDOOR SOCCER 2015 AGE GROUPS: _____ U-4 _____ U - 6 ______ U - 8 _____ U10 Born in 2011 or 2012 Born in 2009 or 2010 Born in 2007 or 2008 Born in 2005 or 2006 Please bring 3 cheques: FEES: $40.00 $65.00 $65.00 $100.00 FOR FOR FOR FOR UUUU- 4 6 8 10 AGE GROUP AGE GROUP AGE GROUP AGE GROUP one for registration fee /community membership fee, one post-dated cheque for $150.00 as a security deposit for your bingo OR a $100 cheque to be deposited in lieu of a bingo commitment; and another post-dated cheque for $50 for the uniform deposit. (Last two which will be held and returned to you upon completion of your bingo commitment and return of the uniform). REGISTRATION FORM Child’s First Name: _________________________ Child’s Last Name: __________________________ Date of Birth: DD ____ MM ______ YY ______ Male: ________ Female: _______ Address: ______________________________________ PC: _____________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Cell #: _____________________________ Parent’s Names: ________________________________Email: __________________________________ Alternate Contact: _____________________________ Alt Contact Phone #: ______________________ Medical Concerns: ______________________________________________________________________ If yes, how long: ________ seasons Played Organized Soccer Before?____Yes or No_____ Would like to play with friend(s) please provide name: ____________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Positions: Coach FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Assistant Coach Community Membership #: ____________________ Extra Bingo Fees paid by: Cheque __________ (record receipt #) Cash _____________(record receipt #) Deposits: Bingo ____________(record receipt #) Uniforms____________(record receipt #) Wind Up Party Picture Day Name of Volunteer *LATE FEE APPLIED AFTER March 31, 2015 Important Outdoor Soccer Details: <<<< BRING 3 Cheques: >>>> 1 -$150 for Bingo Deposit (Postdated for Bingo Date) or $100 for IN LIEU OF BINGO COMMITMENT (Dated Today) 2 - $50 for Uniform Deposit (Postdated for June 30, 2015) 3 - Registration fees and Community Membership *Please note: U10 $300 Bingo Deposit Cheque and 2 Bingo commitments OR $200 IN LIEU OF BINGO 10 Make cheques payable to: Glamorgan Community Assn LATE REGISTRATION FEE: We will be enforcing a late registration fee of $25 for each late registrant. Sorry no exceptions so please send your registration in by mail if you are unable to attend in person or call the office at 246-8218 to make alternate registration arrangements. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities the Glamorgan community association would like to thank south centre volkswagen for donating a $1000 stay and ski Package as well as the use of a new vw toureg for a weekend to the volunteer appreciation under the big top Party! thanks also to alderman richard Pootmans and richmond road boston Pizza for donating prizes for the party. Canis Fabularis is a full service pet grooming facility that focuses on the comfort of your pet. We take the time to achieve the right style for your pet while maintaining a low stress atmosphere. New Year’s Special: GET 20% OFF YOUR PET’S FIRST HAIRCUT IN 2015! (VALID FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 2015) 403-719-0754 148, 3715-51 St SW, Calgary, T3E 6V2 We are located at the back of the Tail Blazers in Glenbrook Plaza FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 11 organized retail crime A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities Building Safe Communities Program Have you ever wondered about the too good to be true deal that you see on Kijiji or eBay? Did you know that for every $100 you spend on merchandise that $20 of it goes into loss prevention measures related to theft? Organized retail crime (ORC) is ‘professional’ shoplifting done by organized groups of people. Did you know that ORC is the fastest growing method of how criminal enterprises generate revenue to continue illicit activities in North America. Want to learn more? Partners in Crime Prevention Workshop: Organized Retail Crime (ORC) How does ORC affect you and your community? Learn what you can do as consumer, and what programs are available to you a business owner from Cst. Sampson and Cst. Critchley of the Calgary Police Service Crime Prevention Unit. Date: Tuesday January 13, 2015 Location: Bridgeland Riverside Association 917 Centre Ave NE Community Time: 7pm-9pm Cost: FREE for all Calgarians GlamorGan Community assoCiation presents PUB NIGHT friday, January 9tH 7pM to MidnigHt in tHe seMinar rooM — CasH Bar — Babysitting service until 10:30 pm. 3 years and up $5 per family in the glamshack - CasH onLy enjoy an evening out with your friends, meet new neighbours and kick back! We can’t wait to see you! Register at workshops-events/ Event Listing: March 15-17, 2015 – Visit Earth Science for Society (ESfS) at the Big Four Building, Stampede Park for a free, family-friendly, hands-on geoscience exhibition. includes talks at the Geo-Theatre on Sunday. 12 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities i wanted to give a sincere thank-you to Bonnie and Sara and the Board for all their efforts to put on a wonderful Volunteer Appreciation party each year. Not that the volunteers give their time for this reason, but it is sure great to be recognized. And since we are all “can-do” kind of folks, what better than to have an evening of fun activities – Thank You. -A grateful volunteer Glamshack volunteers Needed!!! Currently we only have enough volunteers to keep the GlamShack concession open 7 hours per week. Glamshack thank you Thanks to Kim Parzen for taking on the GlamShack Coordinator position again this winter! We appreciate all of your hard work. in the past we have had the Shack open for almost 35 hours per week. This leaves many choices for shifts. it’s an incredible opportunity to spend time with family or friends. Please give us a call in the office 403-246-8218 or email [email protected] for more information. March is March is Celebrating Senior Pets Always Welcoming NewPets Clients to Month! Celebrating Senior Month! Ask us about our our Veterinary Practice! Ask us about our great promotion! great promotion! 403-246-1774 403-246-1774 Glamorgan Shopping Centre Glamorgan Shopping Centre FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 13 Get involved with role mothers! What is Role Mothers? Role Mothers is designed to celebrate and encourage Calgary moms who find the time to give back to the communities in which they live while teaching their children the importance of giving along the way. Whether it’s a small gesture or a massive undertaking, we hope to inspire a community of caring and encourage others, moms and charities alike, to get involved. We invite moms to post their stories of goodwill on our Facebook page wall, share with us via Twitter or email. Glamorgan Bakery 3919 Richmond Road SW 403-242-2800 Our Specialties • Cheese Buns • Birthday Cakes • Pizza Buns Open Monday to Saturday 8 am - 6 pm Attention Calgary property owners How to get involved… To create a true community, Role Mothers has a dedicated Facebook page. You can access this at: www.facebook. com/RoleMothers. Follow us on Twitter @RoleMothers. For individuals and groups that do not use Facebook, a version of the site can still be accessed at: www. Our website includes a calendar for charities to include their family friendly volunteer opportunities and events free of cost. On the Assessment Search website you can access: ❯ detailed information about your own property(s). ❯ real estate market sales information used to prepare assessments. ❯ summary information on other properties for comparison. On Jan. 5, 2015, The City of Calgary will mail the 2015 property assessment notices. Your notice contains important information, including your Access Code to register for the Assessment Search website. First-time users will need to complete a two-step registration process: 1. Create a City of Calgary myID account. 2. Link your property assessment to your myID account. When you receive your 2015 assessment notice in January, go to and sign in with your myID. Enter the Roll Number and Access Code displayed on your notice. | 403-268-2888 Onward/ Increase online services for citizens. 14 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 2014-2361ÊCRPÊCommunityÊNewsletterÊAds Publication:ÊGreatÊNewsÊPublishingÊÊ Section:ÊNewsletterÊPublications Size:Ê6"ÊxÊ3.625"ÊÊ Prints:ÊÊBW Ê Designer:ÊÊD.ÊBlais CSA:ÊÊJ.ÊWong P/A:ÊÊÊM.ÊZielinski 2014-2361 For more information, visit Assessment Search – getting started SOR E MOUTH ? TAKE THIS TEST ARE YOUR DENTURES… Loose? Cracked or worn? Over 5 years old? In your pocket? Missing teeth? Making your gums sore? update from silvera for seniors Silvera for Seniors is preparing to move forward with a site plan for the development of the land adjacent to their Westview facility. The planning team looks forward to initiating dialogue with the adjacent neighbours and the larger community early in the new year. if you have questions or would like to be on a contact list for regular updates on the project please contact us at [email protected] and your request will be forwarded to the team. Contact our clinic today to learn more about our Supreme Signature Service, We welcome your call #75 – 1935 37 Street SW 403.228.5311 Brain Games Created by M.McComish 1 New Year s Eve song 3 Frozen water 4 Famous Snowman 6 Popular Canadian sport played on ice 7 What you wear around your neck 8 Fear of snow 10 A tree that stays green all year 13 What water does in winter 15 Time off from school or work 16 Colour of the snow 17 In winter, days are shortest and the ___ are longest 2 No two are alike 3 Ice house 5 2015 is this Chinese Year 6 What a bear does in 11 Hand warmers winter 12 Winter activity on ice 8 Snowman s nose 14 All snowflakes have 9 A cold bear this many sides Across: 2.snowflakes 3.igloo 5.sheep 6.hibernate 8.carrot 9.polar 11.gloves 12.skating 14.six Down: 1.auldlangsyne 4.frosty 7.scarf 8.chionophobia 10.evergreen 13.freeze 15.vacation 16.white 17.nights FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 15 Creating Your Design Style intermingle. Style categories are usually developed by historians in an attempt to organize history. So, by calling our style of today contemporary, it really means, present day or what is popular now. So anything goes! The following are a few styles of the past that have impacted history: by Judy Curran With so many styles out there to choose from, how does one really find out what their individual style is? I hear the term Contemporary often, when I ask people their style. However, this really is not a style as of yet, it is a trend that most people are following, but you may notice that there is no set rule for this style. Contemporary refers to our current styles being created today. The term style generally refers to a segment of design history that is typical of an individual, a period, or a philosophy of design. It may also refer to a particular culture or region. Since there is no real stopping point between styles, designs from one region may influence others, and therefore styles Egyptian, Greek , Roman, Renaissance , Baroque , Rococco – Louis XV, Neoclassic – Louis XVI , Empire, Provincial, Chinese, Hispanic, African, Japanese, English, American styles, Victorian Era, Traditional Revivals, Early Modernism, and Modern styles. A designer studies these styles and uses them to create current design styles. Therefore to find your personal style, you will need to know what period(s) of history you like the best, and there may be a few that appeal to you. Discover what type of feeling you want to bring to your space, be it formal or informal. Sometimes a colour or a fabric helps you discover that feeling. Then feel free to put them together, remembering the rules of design: harmony, scale, etc. Judy Curran is a Calgary Interior Decorator/Designer. HAPPY NEW YEAR GLAMORGAN RESIDENTS! D SOL Call Nancy Ball 403-510-6000 WWW. NANCYBALL 16 232 GLAMORGAN PL SW . CA “Nancy was suggestive without being overpowering, her staging suggestions were excellent and she got us 2 offers on day 1 before we were on the MLS. We sold for over $10,000 more than list price! Her extensive experience showed through on many occasions. We can’t thank Nancy enough for the awesome job she did with the sale and helping us find a great home.” - Ryan & Erin Bernier CIR Director's Platinum Award Club Top 10 Producer for 2014 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities BuSiNESS cLASSiFiEDS for Business Classified ad rates Call great news publishing at 403 263-3044 or [email protected] NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Glamorgan. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-2557938. "Showering you with great service." RIGHTWAY PLUMBING AND HEATING: Has been happily serving the Glamorgan area with quality work, happy clients and fair pricing, with second generation experience, there is no job we can’t handle. Furnaces $3185, water heaters $715, bathroom renos and gas lines also! installed with great warranties. Call 403-968-6630. CLEANING SERvICES: Excellent references. insured and WCB coverage. Weekly, bi-weekly Reasonable prices. For free estimates call Mary at 403-471-8721. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: info@ NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again!, 403-269-2707. TUTOR DOCTOR - STRUGGLING IN SCHOOL? Your local Tutor Doctor specializes in affordable oneon-one tutoring in your home. Free Consultation. Call Now! Tutor Doctor at 403-640-2223 or DOUBLE DIAMOND PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: A 24 hour residential service company. As qualified journeyman plumbers, we are here to address any issues for you. We are your neighbourhood plumbing and heating experts - call us first and let our service shine! Call 403-875-0166 or Email: [email protected]. www. K2 BOOKEEPING Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized business. Eight years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737. BOOKKEEPING TAX PREPARATION PAYROLL GST: i can help you with all your tax needs -- Business and Personal Contractors and Retail. Current and late filers are welcome. i have 20 years of experience and my rates are reasonable. References are available upon request. Please call Jill: 403-510-1665 or email: [email protected]. TREES NEED PRUNING, REMOvAL, REPAIR? INSECTS OR DISEASE A PROBLEM? Fall/Winter/ Spring (the dormant seasons) are excellent times to have your trees/shrubs serviced by an established (est. 1995), professional tree service. Our goal is to educate and provide practical options. Call - The Yardist Ltd. Tree & Spray Service - 403-242-3332. LOOKING FOR AN ADMIN JOB? Great News Publishing is seeking a F/T Customer Service Representative (Admin/inside Sales) to sell advertising, invoice, A/R and various administrative duties. Must have 2-3 years of office administration experience, a polite and upbeat disposition and enjoy working in a team environment. Sales and accounting experience with QuickBooks is an asset and will be given preference. Forward resume and cover letter to [email protected]. $14/hour and benefits after three months of employment. FOCUS ON GLAMORGAN january 2 0 1 5 17 Community AnnounceMents Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact [email protected] Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit Need Income Tax help? FINANCIAL REPORTING PAYROLL SOLUTIONS TAX PREPARATION PEACE OF MIND We are accepting new clients and appreciate referrals Daniela H. Barber, CMA 403-220-1570 [email protected] PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES 2808 B-41 Street SW Calgary AB T3E 3k8 What is the best thing that happened to you this week? Published by: Proudly serving Glamorgan for 3 years! Pantone DS: 289 C 100% Pantone DS: 286 C 100% ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 365,000 HOUSEHOLDS 50% Pantone DS: 286CALGARY C ACROSS 132 COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 18 I [email protected] ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 1.800.332.1414 Poison Centre - Alberta 403.944.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 HOSPITALS / URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care Health Centre 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Seniors’ Resource - SeniorConnect 403.266.6200 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Gamblers Anonymous 403.237.0654 Need-a-doctor DiScLAimER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of Great News Publishing and the Glamorgan Community Association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. Great News Publishing and the Glamorgan Community Association do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities HUMANA MEDICAL CLINIC the family clinic with the human touch WHERE NEW PATIENTS AND WALK-INS ARE WELCOME HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Open 7 Days a Week Humana’s clinics are CLOSED on Statutory & Civic Holidays ========================================================== DALHOUSIE STATION PH: (403) 202-8888 #183, 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS WOMEN’S IUD CLINIC NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY SHORT WAITING IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT CALL 403-202-8888 Dr Sanjeeve Sockanathan MRCGP Dr Umaru Ahmadu-Alli MD Dr Jane Flynn MD Dr Oluwaseun Oyeniran MD, MRCGP Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD GLENBROOK PLAZA PH: (403) 686-6967 #136, 3715 - 51 Street SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 6V2 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Dr. A.A. (Tayo) Alawiye Dr. Victor Fadayomi Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD WESTERN CORPORATE BUSINESS CENTRE Suite 5100 Suncor Energy Centre West Tower 150 6 Ave SW SKY CUBES 51ST Floor | 403.269.4147 Up to 100 Cubicles Available Plug & Play with Immediate Occupancy Reception & Meeting Rooms