Winter/Spring 2016 - Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp


Winter/Spring 2016 - Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp
Winter/Spring 2016
Summer 2016!
Therefore, be imitators of God, as
beloved children, and live in love,
as Christ loved us.
–Ephesians 5:1-2
The warm days of summer are
coming quickly as are the
exceptional summer programs
offered at Flathead Lutheran
Bible Camp!
We are eager to welcome your
family to experience our 2016
summer theme, “Living Like
Jesus.” We are called to follow and live like Jesus, which is
not always easy! We are called to be active disciples, watching Jesus, listening, learning, and of course, doing.
Jesus tells us that we must take up our cross and be followers
through love and service. In 2016, campers will learn to trust
in God’s promises as we feed, forgive, love, serve, and pray,
the “Living Like Jesus” way!
Summer brochures and program descriptions are available
online at, or you may request a printed copy by
contacting the office at (406) 752-6602 or [email protected].
New for 2016! FLBC is now using Campwise® online
registration software to better serve our campers and families! This software guarantees a safe and secure registration
process and an updated user interface for simplicity. We
hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions about online or
paper registration forms, please contact our Registrar, Andrew
Meyer, at [email protected]. He is happy to lend a helping
hand! We hope to see you this summer!
God bless,
Rev. Nathan Clements, Associate Director
Strategic Planning
Committee, Carrie
Aageson, David Baker,
Jason Shearer, Jay
Bates, Jen Asselstine,
Joel Skindlov, John
Mundinger, Linden
Wendle, Mark
Mohorcich, Nathan
Clements, Margie
Fiedler, Patsi Morton,
Peter Metcalf, and
Sheryl Saverud
Strategic Plan Adopted
In January the Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp Board of
Directors unanimously adopted our new, updated Strategic Plan for the next five years. What an exciting way
to begin 2016! The plan calls for creative and visionary
steps to make FLBC’s ministry stronger, bolder, and more
resourceful to congregations and other partners in ministry. Below are some highlights from our Mission and Vision
What is our Mission?
To experience Christ’s grace through meaningful relationships, shared adventures, and purposeful service.
What is our Vision?
Flathead Lutheran Outdoor Ministries is a regional cornerstone for year-round transformational ministry. This ministry
offers diverse summer camping adventures, a variety of yearround retreat experiences, and serves as a resource to congregations and communities.
Imagine FLBC’s ministry as a three-legged stool, with Bible
Camp, Renewal, and Outreach as the points of contact.
e any Jesus-like
Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp: “If we want to se
ly look around
qualities, we need on
Summer Camp
good place to
Wilderness Adventures
us, and FLBC is a
rectors to the
Servant Adventures
start. From the di
cooks to the
Leadership Development
counselors to the
e the characcampers, we can se
at transform
Flathead Lutheran Renewal
teristic of Jesus th
Diane…a Gran
Formational Community
Flathead Lutheran Outreach Ministry:
Congregational Support
Day Camps and Retreats in Communities
Partnerships with Community Organizations and Schools
Resource to Congregations for Year-Round Youth Ministry
Thank you Strategic Planning Committee, Board of Directors,
staff, and camp supporters for your dedicated and prayerful
work envisioning our ministry in Christ’s name as we continue
to grow into the future!
November 17th, 2015
A Storm for the Record Books!
It had been windy all day on the lake. The trees were in
perpetual movement, and the waves coming off the lake were
sending spray clear over our dock. The staff were gathered in
the camp office about to attend a movie together, when the
building suddenly shook. As we looked out the window, not
only did we see a large flash as one of our transformers blew,
but we noticed that our beautiful Douglas Fir that graced our
office with shade had fallen on our office! As we peered out
the window, we could see that at least 5 large trees had fallen
in the main part of camp! We quickly retreated to a safer
place to wait out the storm. In the morning, the first view of
the damage came into view. Our nature center, camp office,
Hagen Hall, Cockrell Center, and canteen all had trees that
had struck them. The power was out, and downed branches
littered the camp. Later we discovered that our high ropes
course actually received the most damage. It was a mess!
We are happy we did not have to clean up alone. Supporters and friends of FLBC were out the very next weekend
to help clean up branches, cut up downed trees, and spend
hours upon hours chipping wood. Over the course of 2 days,
we were able to get the majority of the main part of camp
cleared of trees. Thankfully no retreats were canceled because
of the storm! We are so grateful to be surrounded by volunteers who love and care for FLBC and are willing to give up
their time to keep camp safe and beautiful. Thank you to all
our volunteers! Join us for the Thrivent Memorial Day Family
Work Retreat in May to continue with clean-up and other projects! Remember, all ages come to this retreat for free!
Montana Tax Credit? What is
If you are a Montana taxpayer this wonderful law established
in 1997 is to encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to make lasting investments with non-profits. Through
this unique tax credit incentive a Montana taxpayer receives a
reduction on the taxes owed, up to $10,000 per year, by making a qualified charitable contribution through an approved
plan to a qualified endowment. By offsetting a portion of the
Montana income tax, the tax credit means that every $5,000
gift really only “cost” the donor $3,000, and this is before the
benefit of the federal deduction. For more information please
contact Margie Fiedler at the camp office.
Thanks to All who Helped SB 270
Pass into Law!
Montana Senate Bill 270 was signed into law by Governor
Steve Bullock in 2015, ensuring that Flathead Lutheran Bible
Camp and others throughout the state will continue to provide
quality summer camping experiences and year-round retreats
as it has since 1943! Thank you to all camp supporters who
communicated your support of SB 270 to our elected officials,
and thank you Governor Bullock for your support of residential
youth camps in Montana!
FLBC supporters thank Governor Steve Bullock during the
2015 Thrivent Memorial Day Family Work Retreat.
Ed Thampke presents Governor Steve
Bullock with a Thank You card on
behalf of FLBC supporters.
e bottom of
“Thank you from th
rd work and
my heart for your ha
g our kiddos
dedication to fillin
d. Having the
with the word of Go
VBS brought
FLBC staff at our
us energy.
so much contagio
thank you!
Thank you Thank you
Day camp pa
Our First Ever Harvest
Festival was a Success!
Thank you!
We are so thankful to all those who donated to, attended
and prayed for the success of the Harvest Festival in October.
We welcomed over 160 people for our Friday evening Harvest
Dinner, beautifully prepared by our Food Service Coordinator,
Mike Wright. Our evening was capped off with an incredible
& lively auction, including amazing items such as a sunset sail
on Flathead Lake, a weekend stay at the Cockrell’s cabin just
down the shore from FLBC, and beautiful home decor made
from wood salvaged from FLBC property. Auction guests
were invited to become FLBC Partners as well as to support
counselors’ salaries, and ultimately more than $9,400 was
raised for camperships. The weekend continued with worship, community meals
and lots of activities for people of all ages. Over 30 people
participated in a 5k trail run or 1 mile fun run on Saturday
morning while many others took a wagon ride with Cecil Noble
of Artemis Acres around camp. Crafts and games for the
younger crowd continued all day, under the beautiful October sun. A silent auction including awesome donations from
many area churches was open all day Saturday, as well. In
total the camp netted over $20,000 to support our mission of
never turning anyone away from camp for financial reasons,
adult or child.
Many thanks to the planning committee (Susan Stadler,
Linden Wendle, Jana Pursell, and FLBC staff), headed by Jennifer Rogge. We couldn’t have done it without you! d the Bible
“My son really enjoye
lor made it
Study. His counse
ite a lot."
fun and he learned qu
For Kids Today, the Power of
Camp will Mean:
Spiritual Growth
Camp shows kids they are
loved by God and can go
home changed forever!
“My girls came back from camp
raving about all the fun they
had. The music and the camper
led worship was the best. It was
so good for kids to see youth
A mom
A mom
Change Lives with a Few Sentences!
By including a charitable gift to FLBC (called a bequest) in
your will or living trust, you can make a plan today to support
this ministry beyond your lifetime! Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Language for your will or trust: “I give________________________ (amount, percentage, property, etc.) to Flathead Lutheran
Bible Camp, office located at 603 S. Main St., Kalispell, MT 59901, to be used for (ex., sending kids to camp, facility improvements,
for the permanent endowment). FLBC tax ID number: 81-6013705
Talk to your advisor, or contact the FLBC office for information on Charitable Gift annuities, (gifts to camp that pay you an income during your life); life insurance gifts, life estate gifts and much more!
Thrivent Members!
If you have Choice Dollars remaining from 2015, you have
until March 31st, 2016 to direct your funds! Remember, it’s
your choice! Go to and search for “Thrivent Choice,” or call (800) 847-4836 to make your choice
known. We have heard that close to 1 million Choice Dollars
were NOT distributed last year. Help us change that! And,
THANKS for encouraging your friends and family members
who may have Choice Dollars to make FLBC their choice!
THANKS to all who have already supported the camp with
projects such as new docks, a pontoon boat, helping children
go to camp, storm damage repair, and much more! And of
course, thank you Thrivent Financial!
ly spends four
The average child on
g outside…..
minutes a day playin
e they could
come to camp, wher
ing and learnspend a week play
n… 10,080
ing in God’s creatio
mp and
ristian Ca
Quote from Ch ce Association
Volunteer at FLBC
Our work at FLBC could not be completed without the incredible work of all the volunteers that generously give their time and
talents to this ministry. From helping Sonia in the office, to splitting wood at camp with Shane, to supporting our summer staff
during the camp season, there is something for everyone to help with! Volunteers are needed during the summer season to serve
as pastors of the week, camp nurse, camp grandparents or as general adult volunteers. Our summer volunteers are asked to lead
a “Discovery Time” activity where they can share a passion, talent or skill of theirs with our campers. Anything from photography
to making sun catchers to reading stories with our youngest campers, Discovery Times provide a unique opportunity for volunteers and campers to get to know one another. Volunteers provide yet another community of supportive adults for our campers
to engage with. We encourage you to think about how you can be a part of FLBC this summer, and visit our website to download
the 2016 volunteer application today!
e was
ey got to experienc
“For my kids, what th
therare not the only Lu
the fact that they
n be
, that Christians ca
ans in North America
almost any se
found everywhere in
n center to the M
ing out from our urba
wed them to hear, se
Mountains also allo
esence of the Lord wi
bustion engines. No
electronics or com
c games, no inte
phone, no electroni
t of heaven on earth.
cars…Yes, it is a bi
Diego, CA
Pastor John,
Memorial Gifts
September, 2015 through January, 2016
We praise and thank God for your gifts that will be a lasting, living memorial, and will live in perpetuity through the laughs, love,
and faith of the children who experience God’s grace at camp.
Dan Allen
Jim & Carol Fleharty
Glen Aasheim
Pr. Kathie Aasheim
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Margie Fiedler
Duane Bitney
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Margie Fiedler
Velma Bohnsack
Nate & Anne Schularick
C. Byron
Pr. Steve Nelson & Colleen Walker-Nelson
Pr. Fred Dommer
Marvin & Brenda Fretheim
Karl & Roberta Ratzburg
Raymond Dommer
Karl & Roberta Ratzburg
Pr. Gerald Ebelt
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Jerry & Janet Flodin
Gerald Edward Ebelt Estate
Margie Fiedler
Pat & Joelene Goodover
Charles & Diane Griffith
Health Information Exchange of Montana
Richard & Marilyn Hermstad
Karen Kennah
Pr. Paul & Beth Mittermaier
Morrison Maierle Inc.
Pr. Wayne & Georgia Pris
Shirley Thomas
Kathleen Zwanziger
Pr. Mark Egertson Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Marilyn Erickson
Lowell & Donna Anderson
Jim & Pam Cornelius
Margie Fiedler
Dr. Greg & Susie Rice
Maurice Fladstol & camp founders
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
David & Linda Rice
Ted Fowler
Marvin & Brenda Fretheim
Richard & Debra Steinbacher
Emily Greenup
Ruth Pettigrew
Sheila Svennungsen
Molly Grosvold
Anaconda High School
Bobby & Barbara Andreozzi
Judy Barber
Joan Becknell
Fred Bjorklund
Stan & Karen Bolin
Bart Bonney
Jim & Rose Browning
Paul & Donna Conrad
Lauren & Evelyn Damschen
Don, Mark, Mike with Skill Built Truss
Joann Eck
Leonard & Susan Eik
Bernard & Charmaine Everett
Margie Fiedler
Molly Grosvold (continued)
Clarence & Sharon Forsman
Moreni Francey
Patrick & Marcy Gallagher
Georgetown Village Homeowner’s
John & Mary Ellen Gillin
Michael & Andrea Greene
William & Michele Hall
Steven & Karlene Haxby
Hope Lutheran Trust Fund, Anaconda
Jackie & Nancy Ivankovich
John & Hendrika Janosko
Terry & Susan Lanes
William & Linda Masella
Myra Moreni
William Nicholls
Rick & Sandy Parker
Steven Peters
Tim & Kathy Riddle
James Davis & Teri Robison
Mark Rule & Company
Karen Schellin
James & Joy Schill
Todd Schmidt
Robert & Martha Sestrich
Marilyn St. Pierre
Joseph Thompson
Kurt & Lynn Unger
Richard & Karen Vaughn
JoAni Williams
Cindy Hoverson
David & Donna Kloker
Vernon Johnson Bob & Shirley Anderson
Allan & Bev Aronson
Peter & Lisa Boveng
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Richard & Diane Dolven
Margie Fiedler
Thelma Johnson
Mark & Deborah Lassise
Marsha Lehman
Joanne Mahoney
Jim & Kirsten Purdy
Beverly Gilman & Wade Rademacher
Wayne & Sheryl Saverud
Dr. Ellis & Sandra Sowell
Anne Taylor
Aase Veseth
Eli Kindred
Dave & Mary Dickson
Merv & Tolly Eriksson
Jim & Carol Fleharty
Diane Lindsay
Allan & Bev Aronson
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Dick Lindsay
Wade & Carol Mason
Blake Stout & Diane Morton
Patsi & Doug Morton
Steve & Elaine Olson
Dr. Wally & Diane Wilder
Lois Marks
Dennis & Ann Hill
Alan & Laurel Petersen
Arnold & Doris Petersen
Janice & Richard Peterson Tstee
Eunice Nelson
Pr. Steve Nelson & Colleen Walker-Nelson
Zion Lutheran Trust
Paul & Eunice Nelson
Pr. Steve Nelson & Colleen Walker-Nelson
Gwen Porter Sally Porter
Beatrice & Auggie Sampson
Dennis & Linda Moore
Alma Seidel
Keith & Marlene Donoven
Homer & Betty Wheeler
Dr. Jeremy & Gae Lewis
Norman Wick
Dave & Carrie Wick
Rev. Rodney & Pauline Kvamme Pr. William & Geri Olsen
Rev. Rudy Ramseth
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Robert Rathbun
Charles & Lauri Chvilicek
Wilma Walker
Pr. Steve Nelson & Colleen Walker-Nelson
Sue Wynhoff
Pr. William & Geri Olsen
ick Hermstad
A Note from D
elt. He was
memory of Gerald Eb
ier HikEnclo
ally set up the Glac
one of th
68-69 or so.
ram, back in about 19
ing part of the prog
fore he died.
it briefly with him be
e, was the
or in Havre at the tim
the initial Glacier Ba
third of
nderful time
years. We had a wo
Trips for a couple of
ence pastors.
th the Havre Confer
living in Lakeview wi
n program
erence wrote their ow
er. We
In th
help put it all togeth
and the
have great memories
. Richard Herm
Why is Camp Important?
Greetings, friends of Flathead Lutheran Bible
Camp! With our summer season approaching
quickly, one cannot help but get excited about
what is coming in the summer of 2016. Nathan
and I have spent days on end hiring our summer
staff. It has been a blessing hearing our upcoming staff’s joys, fears and excitement about the
call they will be entering into serving youth and
fostering faith. One question which many of
your new staff asks is, “Why do you think camp
is important?” and through the hiring and interviewing process I have had a great deal of time to ponder this
question. I think camp is important because:
Camp is an environment of growth for young kids.
They are given the chance to ask questions, hear answers,
struggle and develop in their own personal faith in a community of believers.
Camp is FUN! Kids come not only to learn and grow, but
to play, yell, run, jump and laugh.
Camp is safe. Our campers are encouraged to be nothing but themselves and to share their own fears and doubts.
Judgement is not a part of camp and kids leave feeling loved.
Camp is an example of how to live. A camper’s week at
camp is spent living in a community of people who
look out for one another, lift each other up in hardship and hold one another accountable.
“If you are considering
a place to take high school
youth on a wilderness trip, I
would strongly recommend
FLBC. The Spirit is a work in
this camp. The moment you
arrive to the camp you feel
invited and are welcomed
with open arms the Staff is
very accommodating and
make sure you fell prepared
for the trip. Ian, the Wilderness coordinator is amazing at his
job. He makes sure that any concerns are met, and that both
the counselor and the adult leaders fell they are on the same
page. Our staff were superb, and not only lead out youth in
worship and devotion exceedingly well, but they also guided
our group safely and with great enthusiasm. I have never
experienced a stronger team in my nearly 10 year on youth
ministry. This camp is very flexible, adjust to your needs and
train you well before you leave on the experience of a lifetime
God has truly blessed our group to be able to have such an
amazing experience. Thank you to the professionalism, love,
and passion that you shared with us FLBC.”
Mike Jacobson, Sr. High Minister
Good Shepherd Lutheran,
Bismarck, ND
Camp is a gateway for future ministry.
Many of our college-aged staff have a life changing
experience at camp. I have heard time and again
how many new seminary students felt their call
into pastoral/lifelong ministry through a summer
at camp. The experiences our staff have are lifechanging not only for their campers but themselves
as well.
This will by my 4th year working at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. Camp has been a hugely important and
formative part of my own life and I cannot wait to see what
other reasons “Why camp is important?” will be added to my
list this summer! Why is camp important to you? Will you join
us this summer?!?
In peace, Ian Bartling
ult spirituality re“I attended the ad
have to say how
treat at camp and
Making new friends
much I enjoyed it.
ople was wonderful,
and meeting new pe
lightening. She had
and the speaker en
so much wisdom to
You Spoke, We Listened!
Thank you for helping us evaluate Summer 2015
Explorers – has expanded to include full-week options!
MAD Camp (Music/Art/Drama) – is for ages entering 3rd grade
through graduating seniors!
Family Camp week (July 3-8) – now also includes an Adult &
Teen Backpacking adventure!
August 14-17 – offers a half-week program for Explorers
through adults!
Gifts In Kind
These gifts were given between September, 2015 & January,
2016. Thank you, donors!
Amtrak Train Ticket - Andrew Shay
5 Books for the Nature Center - Jeff & Paulette Clements
2 New Game Books - Carol Spencer
Complete Dictionary of NT (8 volumes) &
Complete Dictionary of Bible – Pr. Robert & Janet Nilsen
Books – Pr. Michael & Karen Dismer
Chairs - Riverview Lutheran Care Center, Spokane
50 lbs Cherries - Rod & Gail Hubbard
Dock Ladder – Gayle Pedersen
Graphics and print work - Bob Thackston
Blown-up Photo - Photo Video Plus
Playing Cards - Dave Highness & Patty Hartman
1995 Montego Pontoon & Trailer - Corrine Stark
2 Quilts - Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Quilters,
Columbia Falls
2 Quilts - Redeemer Lutheran Church Quilters, Great Falls
Quilt - Eva Anseth
Quilt - Gold Hill Quilters, Butte
Quilt - St. John’s Lutheran Church Quilters, Helena
Raft - Jim Hanson
1980 PSL BT Sailboat & 1979 TRAR TL BT Trailer Michael Berry
1983 Catalina 27’ Sailboat - William Sauer
Vacuum Cleaner - Diane Titch
Variety of tools, leaf blower, cordless drill set, power drill, etc. Vince & Kim Scofield
Plus, designated financial gifts for the sound system, a
chainsaw and new plywood floors in cabins. Also, thank you
for all the gifts generously donated for the 2015 Harvest Festival auction!
We apologize if we have made errors or left any names off.
Please contact the office with corrections. Thank you!
women’s group, we
“On behalf of our
r thanks and gratiwould like to give ou
ccessful weekend.
tude for a most su
support and kindTHANK you for your
to all of us. We esness that was given
e accommodations
pecially enjoyed th
g meals that were
and the outstandin
rward to next year.
prepared. We look fo
retreat leade
Prayerfully consider a Thrivent Action team project for
FLBC. Thrivent will provide $250 in starter funds for the project in hope that it can be used to generate more. You could
organize a breakfast at your church to help send kids to camp,
or pick something off our needs list! We have so many projects, i.e. items for the LWR personal care kits we will be making this summer with campers; painting benches and tables; a
service project for our 2016 June women’s retreat; collecting
items for the art barn for the summer, and much more! The
sky is the limit! Contact our office for more ideas! Check out or contact your local Thrivent
agent to learn more!
Great News about IRA Rollovers!
We can all be excited about this tax code! The IRA Rollover has been made permanent! This means if you are 70 1/2
years of age or older, you can transfer up to $100,000 from
your IRA to FLBC or the non-profit/charity of your choice. An
IRA rollover is a tax-exempt distribution from your IRA, and
the amount transferred can be used to meet your required
minimum distribution! Speak with your financial advisor or
call Margie at the office for more information about this great
In Memory Of Miles Burd For The Galata Cabin
Miles’ dream was to have a cabin named “Galata” in honor of his beloved town. When
he first gave for the cabin the cost was $25,000. Today, a cabin costs approximately
$100,000! To save costs and to meet current camp needs, a duplex cabin will be built.
One side is named “Galata,” and the other side is yet to be named. The cabin will include
storage area for staff, bathrooms, and a small meeting room with kitchenette. Old Cabin
8, which is currently used for storage, will be torn down, and an outdoor camper gathering
area will be constructed in its place! These gifts were given between September, 2015 and
January, 2016.
Beth Aklestad
Bergy’s Welding
Kyle Burd & Ashanka Kananda
Lou Ann Burd
Ronald & Kim Burd
Scott and JoNell Bye
Robert & Katherine Clure
Pr. Gary & Carol Cockrell
Tim & Billiette Coolidge
Michael Dyrdahl
Margie Fiedler
James & Geraldine Freeman
Connie Fretheim
Harvey & Veanne Hawbaker
Mr. Adrian & Janet Hawks
Doug & Rita Hegland
Dexter & Janet Henry
Morris & Elizabeth Hund
Gilbert & Judy Johnston
Dan & Annette Kaldahl
Lloyd Kanning
Kyle Lindstrom
Maria’s River Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Gary Mcdermott
Susan McDonnell
Warren & Anne Mowry
Northern Telephone Cooperative Inc.
Jason Querze
Marjorie Ratti
Kevin & Kathleen Riley
Robert & Karen Riopelle
Vern & Sharen Robertson
Sanford Partial Hospitalization Staff
Steven & Julie Sparby
Linda Whittier Spellman
Mary Stoecker
Cynthia Strand
Dayrl Strong & Veanne Strong Desautel
Dr. Rock & Joanie Svennungsen
Taylor’s True Value Farm Store
James & Beth Thoreson
Brad & Nancy Tomscheck
Judy Wegge
Dale & Teri White
Robert White
Mark & Jeanne Wigen
Campers and Parents:
Why did you Choose F
“I have gone to ca
mp lots of times,
and I always lear
something new w
hile having a blas
“Because it’s a ra
dical camp”
“Its reputation”
“Because each ye
ar I come back, it’
s better than befo
“Because it's fun,
and I learn more
about the Bible”
“Because it’s a w
ay to grow in my
Christian faith”
“Cause it’s the be
st camp ever”
In Honor
What is a Living Memorial?
These gifts were given between September, 2015 & January,
2016 in honor of loved ones and friends.
Thank you, donors!
A living memorial goes on in perpetuity as it is part of the
camp forever! When you give a gift in memory of someone,
your gift allows more children to go to camp or makes an experience better for a child (improving facilities and programs).
Thanks for giving your memorial gifts to FLBC, these gifts
last long after the flowers have died! Note, we have memorial
packets for your use or if you prefer, we will send the memorial card for you. Thank you for honoring your loved ones this
Paxson T. Barker
Joel & Emily Barker
Shantel Cronk
Michelle Apodaca
Will Erickson & Lindsay Peterson
Doug & Grace Schroeder Scott
Ben & Kim Haugestuen, Logan & Luke
Ronald & Leanne Ommen
Bob & Janet Nilsen Wedding
Margie Fiedler
John & Leanne Fontaine
Ryan & Mandy Pokorny Anniversary Ryan & Mandy Pokorny
Sarah, Ryan, & Katelyn
Susan Harris
Paul Stordahl
Mark & Shirley Jennings
Maria Vachlon Jean Vachlon
d the unique priv“My husband and I ha
d in what we conilege to get marrie
ical and sacred of
sider the most mag
th have deep ties
places, FLBC. We bo
ories from attendand beautiful mem
d would like to give
ing camp as a kid an
rsary. Please use
a gift every annive
rship for someone
this toward a schola
to afford to come
who may not be able
to camp.”
Mandy and
Need packets for “Memorial”
and “In Honor Of” gifts? Let us know!
Thank You, Rev Jim and
Sharon Engh
Pastor Jim and Sharon have been involved with FLBC for many
years. In fact Sharon’s father, the Rev. Raider Daehlin signed the
constituting documents that made FLBC a Bible Camp back in 1943,
and Jims father is on a photo when FLBC was
meeting at the Methodist camp in the early 40’s
while looking for property. As a pastor, Jim always
made camp a priority at the congregations he
served, getting as many young people to camp
as possible. Jim served on the Flathead board
several times, and served as the President of the
Board of Directors. Sharon and Jim have three
children, Jenny, Tim and Julie. All three served
on camp staff. Jenny was a program director for
two years and met her husband at camp. Julie
went into teaching, and has said she learned how
to manage kids at camp. “The best thing that
ever happened to our children was working at
camp.” FLBC has trained numerous people to
be leaders in the church and their community.
Jim and Sharon decided they wanted to make
sure the camp continues for future generations,
and have decided to make a gift of a Thrivent
Life insurance policy to the camp. They have made their gift to go to
the endowment in perpetuity. Pastor Jim serves on the endowment
committee, and has seen how the camp endowment has helped the
camp in so many ways, providing camperships to children in need,
and making needed improvements in the facilities. A lasting gift for
“We went to meet with our Thrivent Advisor, Lee Christenson. He
was easy to work with, very pleasant, and there was no rush. He had
lots of time for us, and our questions. Most people think about their
will, but the insurance policy was a handy way to do this.” We could
use the Montana endowment credit, as it’s a paid up life insurance
policy. We made FLBC the owner of the policy, so we receive a tax
deduction when the premiums are paid to the camp.”
“We are so happy to do this, knowing that the money earned in
this life time, will continue to do good for generations to come. It only
makes sense when you believe in something during your life time, to
make a gift to the cause at the end of life, and we believe in the ministry of the Bible Camp. More and more kids that come to camp have
no understating of the faith. Camp is an important outreach ministry
for our church. With well trained staff, the emphasis on learning the
Bible, and the Christ centered message…….well it is superior.”
THANKS Pastor Jim and Sharon, for furthering this ministry with
your planned gift.
d an absolutely
“My daughter ha
camp. She couldn’t
AMAZING week at
it the entire way
quit talking about
e evening. I am so
home and well into th
and your staff do
thrilled for her. You
k you so much."
an awesome job. Than
A mom
“Thank you for a very
meaningful weekend. The experience
at FLBC was wonderful. We were so
drawn into the joy
and faith and camar
aderie of all those
who are doing Go
d’s work with our
young campers and
each other.”
Family campe
Thank You Eidsvold
Lutheran Church –
Adopt-a-Cabin Program
Eidsvold Lutheran Church, Somers, has adopted Cabins 2, 9, and 13 – cabins they originally built in the 1940s for Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. We thank you for our partnership
in ministry and your generous stewardship of the camp! Marie Ostrem, now living in Shelby,
was an Eidsvold youth when they first raised $100 to construct each of these cabins. Now,
the cost to remodel each cabin ranges between $4,000-6,000! Consider adopting a cabin
through your congregation! Our goal is to update and remodel each of our 1940s-era cabins for the comfort of our campers, staff, and guests.
Thanks be to God for Amazing
Staff over These 73 Years!
“Thank you FLBC…it will be very difficult
to repay everyone for the kindness, love
and growth, or simply put, the camp’s
silly and quirky atmosphere. I mean,
I actually enjoy going to church these
days, let alone youth group. I thank the
Lord Jesus, for standing by me through
all the tough and good times.”
Amari Chenault, Summer Staff
“I have been going to FLBC since I was
like 3 years old, and I’ve experienced
both kid camp and family camp through
those years. Being a camper there created the outline of my faith. Working as
a counselor there filled in those spaces
of my faith like a coloring book. Camp
gives me the courage to explore faith…
my own faith has grown stronger.”
Jake Wiersma, Summer Staff
“Camp has truly been my saving place
and the place in which I first found and
understood God’s grace. God brought
me to camp, a camp in which I came to
know a God whose grace and love for
me is free and unconditional…my journey has brought me into the light and
love of a God whose love is given for me
though the hope an grace of Jesus. I
am forever grateful for those counselors
who were a part of my journey and I feel
so blessed that God allowed me to be a small part of the journey
of each beautiful camper that was sent to me this summer.”
Jessa Pyette, Summer Staff 2015; Drama Director for MAD
Camp (Music, Art and Drama), June 26-July 1, 2016
Nathan, Kyle, and Ian recruiting 2016 summer staff!
Alumni Staff!
Please update your mailing and email addresses and the
years you worked! We want you all to come for the June
2018 75th Anniversary Party!
“When I tell people I spent the summers
during my college years working at a
camp in beautiful northwest Montana,
the reaction I typically get is, “Well that
sounds like fun!” Immediately, I can
see them imagining a summer spent at
camp, whiling away the hours canoeing
around a lake and subsisting on a diet
of hot dogs and s’mores. While my time
at camp was indeed fun, I have learned
far more than how to build a raging
campfire or weave the best friendship bracelets. My summers at
camp have been some of the most formative experiences of my
life; engaging in leadership, teamwork, and service has fostered
a deep desire to pursue a vocation as a physician.
While not immediately apparent, I have discovered numerous
parallels between working at camp and life as a physician. In Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle’s essay “The Romance of Medicine” he says
of medicine, “The moral training to keep a confidence inviolate,
to act promptly on a sudden call, to keep your head in critical
moments, to be kind yet strong—where outside of the practice
of medicine, can you get such a training as that?” Camp has
nurtured my abilities in these areas and I relish the opportunity
to enhance them in medical school and ultimately apply them to
my career as a physician.”
Anna Bahnson, Summer Staff 2011-2014
Staff are the heart and soul of summer camp!
Thanks for your care and prayers for our 2016
Summer Staff! Watch for a poster of them in our
summer newsletter.
Thank you!
St. Luke’s Lutheran
Endowment, Shelby,
Good Shepherd
Lutheran Trust
Fund, Polson,
St. Paul Lutheran
Foundation, Fairfield,
First Lutheran
Endowment, Havre,
St. Paul Lutheran
Missoula, and
Thrivent Choice for
the new fireplace
in Hagen Hall!
Non Profit Org
US Postage
Like “Flathead Lutheran Camp” on Facebook
Missoula, MT
Permit No. 536
603 South Main St, Kalispell MT 59901 Office (406) 752-6602 • Camp (406) 844-3201 • Fax (406) 752-6670 •
Plan now for Spring, Fall and
Winter Retreats!
There is still time to register for these great events.
Middle School Retreat: March 18-19, 2016
Cross Country Ski Retreat: March 18-20, 2016
Adult Spirituality Retreat: April 17-19, 2016
Mother’s Day Brunch: May 8, 2016
Thrivent Memorial Day Family Work Retreat: May 27-30, 2016
Women’s Retreat: June 3-5, 2016
Labor Day Family Camp: September 2-5, 2016
Crazy About Quilting!: November 11-13, 2016
Family Advent Retreat: December 2-4, 2016
2016 Winter/Spring Wish List
Motor Boats
Reliable Vehicles (cars, vans, and trucks, especially AWD)
Gently Used or New Furniture
Montana Nature Items & Posters
Tools (Power or Hand Tools) Chainsaws
Small Refrigerator
Good Vacuum Cleaners
(bag-less preferred)
Postage Stamps
Mountable Projector
Reams of Paper, Markers, Paint Brushes, Color Crayons
THANK YOU to everyone who has donated items to camp!
Contact the Camp Office with any questions: (406) 752-6602
or [email protected]
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2016 Partners’ Luncheon
Save the date!
All Partners of FLBC (those who give $150 or more annually) are invited to our
noon Partners’ Luncheon, June 11th, 2016 at camp. We hope to see you there!