rust - Porsche 356 Registry
rust - Porsche 356 Registry
INDEX INDEX HAVE A PORSCHE CHRISTMAS I Here are some suggestions for a present that will really make someone'sChristmos as happy as driving a Porsche on a mountain road: Porsche wotch. Swiss made. Porsche crest on facia.Sw~ssmade .................................................................. $24.95 Dragor tire gauge ........................................................................... $1 2.95 G r e e n d r ~ l l c a r c o v e r356.91 . 1 , 912.914 ......................................... $42.95 Sisal floor mots. all models ......................................................... $27.95 Mohn ski racks.allmodels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31 9 5 M a g w h e e l locks. black or chrome 519.95 .................................... Metrfc socket set 3 1 8 drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522.50 Metric open end wrench set ...... ............................... $22.50 Potsche tote bog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519.95 Porschegarment bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519.95 Porsche bra-all models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542.95 F ~ r e e x t ~ n g u i s h e. r . . . . . . ........................................ Slim line Zippo Porsche lighter.. . . . . . . . Sl4.95 ................................ 59.95 The ultimategift l o r lor a real Porsche enthusiast [Over 550.00) Porsche design orlina wotch, Koni shocks. Alarm unitBosch loglite k i t Tires and wheelsPerlormancecomponents i e . . Swaybars,GiftCertificate Orders shipped UPSCOD unless payment received with order. California residents add 6 % sales tax 3 6 6 3 ROSECRANS STREET. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 (714) 2 2 5 - 9 3 7 3 INDEX index memo trom the --'keyser' FEATURES Rust ... Pete Schroeder . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Snow Goose ...Colonel Rogers, Ill . . . . . . . . 3 Domestic Hassei ... Kim Merrick . . . . . . . . . . 4 EDITOR As you have noticed on thls month's mailing label, there is a new format. The information contained on the first line indicates the volume and the numberof the issue that your subscription started with, according to ourrecords. For example, if the number 2-1 appears on your mailing labe,, this . . means that your subscription started with Volume 2. n u m b e r l . October 1975. and will exoire with 2-6 (volume 2, number 6, August 1976). As you will note, we are not operating on a calendar year renewal system. The staggered renewals enable us to bettercope with the renewalsas they come due. If there are any questions on your subscription, please contact Bill Durland, Membership Chairman. DEPARTMENTS Of interest ...letters & other miscellany . . . . . 4 Technical ...Vic Skirmants, editor . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reviews ...Rick Foster, editor . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Historical ...Jim Perrin, historian . . . . . . . . . . 8 ForSale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 .. Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 credits COVER: Peter Vandine, San Francisco, Cal. GRAPHICS & TYPES: Shinn Graphics, Westerville, Ohio I am pleased to announce that the position of Historian has been filled by Jim Perrin. The full job description will beannounced at a later date as it becomes defined. The intentions now are for Jim to write articles of historical interest (see centerfold on the356 evolution in this issue). Jim is a member of the Society of Automotive Historians and has beer: driving Porsches since 1959, when he purchased a 1953 1500Super Coupe as his first car. Jim's cars include a restored 1958 1600 Super Speedster and an original 1964 SC GT Coupe. The 356 REGISTRY is the publication of the 356 REGISTRY, an Organization oriented exclusively to the interests, needs and unique probiems of the 356 Porsche owner and enthusiast. Our goal is to help in the preservation and perpetuation of the vintage 356 Pois~he. (A 356 is defined as the similar body style series Porsche from the 1948 prototype through and including the 1965 356C models.) The 356 REGISTRY is the central forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences and information . thiswill enable ail to share the 356 experience of one another without one to one correspondences. Any interest in Xeroxing the NLA 'A' Workshop manual? Or any other NLA printed REGISTRY? If there is any grass-roots interest, let me know and I'll pass the info on to the member who expressed an inwrest in such an undertaking. Anyone else interested in helping with such an operation? The 356 REGISTRY is a non-affliated. independent and non-profit organizaton, by and for the members. Membeishp dues, $10. U S . fundslyear. P~tblisherand editor: Jerry Keyser, 2525 English Rd,. P.O. Box 7845, Columbus, Oh. 43207, (614) 443-9709. Tech editor: Vic Skirmants. 27244 Ryan, Warren. Mich. 48092. Membership Chairman: Bili Durland. 99 Roundhill Rd., Greenwich, C o n n 06830. Review editor: Rick Foster. 6218 Frederck Rd., Catonsuille. Md. 27228. Historian: Jim P e r m 2041 Wiiawick Dr.. Columbus. Oh. 43229. 16141882-7625. 1st 356 Holiday Chairman: Bob Gummow, RR No. 1. Box 291, Rockton. ill. 61072. Speaking of grass-roofs movements, there has been an extraordinary amount of interest in a delegation going to Germany in the Spring for the German PORSCHE 356 VERElNlGUNG meet. Maybe, just maybe, there will be enough going to investigate a charter flight ... comments? Contributions are welcome. Ail submittals should be typed or printed, preferabledouble spaced. Color photos generally do not reproducewell: artworkshauid havegood contrast. if you require thereturnof anythngsubmitted. please includea self addressed and stamped envelope. The right to edit or refuse publication is resewed; not responsible far errorsoromissions. Ail COPY must be received by the first of the month in which it is to amear. The 356 REGISTRY is a bi-monthlv oublication. mailing an or about the 15th of the even numberid months: This issue: press runof 5W copies A lot of YOU have indicated that you have some pretty definite ideas on where the 2nd 356 Holiday should be. To solve the mystery of why the 1st 356 Holiday was in Rockford, Illinois: because Bob Gummow, the volunteer Holiday Chairman lives ~ 1 ~ there! Jim Perrin, Historian, is already at work on a presentation for the next Holiday ...Jim is planning some real surprises! 2nd 356 Holiday Chairman, where are you? Biii Brittain, Williamsport, Pa., REGISTRY member and editor of the 356 Corner, a regular coiumn in his PCA region's newsletter, DER SPRECHER, has again given theREGlSTRY mention in his column. Thanks Bill! We need the exposure! If any of you are in a position to give us a plug, whether it be to a stranger you meet at your Porsche garage or a write-up in your PCA newsletter, please do it. The REGISTRY will be better because of it. Regarding the subject of correspondence, please understand some of our constraints. The REGISTRY does not have any full time employees or any paid parttime people. Everything except the printing and delivery of your REGISTRY is 100% volunteer. Your letters are wiihout doubt very important but please don't be too disturbed if it takes some time for a reply or action to be taken. We are trying. I am encouraged by the response that was generated by the pleas for restoration-type articles. Four members indicated that they will try to contribute on a regular basis. Three of. the volunteers are into restoration for a livelihood, the other has done extensive work on his own collection and wants t o approach the problem from a poor man's viewpoint. (Good!) Now don't let usdown, you guys. All of us have been following, I'm sure, the dizzying upward spiral of 356 prices. This Includes prices of parts and accessories. Those of you that are looking to buy another 356 have probably had to regroup"(just ask me!) after seeing how much you have to pay for even cars that really have problems. Some particularly nice cars are going for double their original new sticker prices! And I heard of a supposedly exceptional Speedster that was recently forsale for $12,500!!! The REGISTRY has had some fallout of members for this very reason, even though we haven't been around that long (see letter, Of Interest section). I do not see any changes in the price situation, short or long term. One consolation, however, is that the investment you have in your 356 is better than money in the bank. Your investment will continue to appreciatefasterthan our double digit inflation. The only other investment that I can think of that will approach this rate of return is in real estate. INDEX U n l ~ k ereal estate, 356's seem to be a very liquid asset. Rumor is that collectors of other more exotic automobiles are being priced out of their cars also and are getting very interested in 356 Porsches as a currently low priced collectable. This will be another demand pressure on prices. Hang on ~fyou can! In closing, let me remind you that when you patronize our advertisers please mention the 356 REGIS TRY! feature rust pete schroeder Rusting Porsches are always a tragic signt. Surface rust is unsightly but structural rust eats out the heart of your car and will eventually kill it. The most vulnerable part of an old 356 is underneath the front of the car. The braces and panels under there define the position of the front torsion bar housing tubes which locate and keep the suspension in proper position. If these members become severely rusted they could easily become distorted, putting the front suspension out of alignment. There are even horror stories of suspension completely collapsing. i know of one shop in the area that will even refuse to road t e s t a car if it gets bad up there. The accompanying diagram shows the location of the critical parts of the 356 in the front end. Thearrows show where you areapt to find the most rust. Rusted out battery boxes and floor pans are very common in older cars. This condition is relatively easy to handle from the top of the car. Hat panels can be welded or brazed in place from the inside. Don't neglect these areas because much of the rigidity of the body depends on the stability of these thin walled box sections. The important areas are underneath your car. Here's the way t o goabout finding the rust on your car. Jack up the front of the car and crawl under and start poking around with an ail purpose rust detector. My favorite is a small screwdriver. Most chassis members and panels are firm. Some are even still covered with undercoating. They give a nice solid thunk when struck vigorously. But beware of the crunch, a sure sign of cancerous rust. don't be timid. Dig around and watch gaping holes appear as the flakes of "what used to be" come tumbling out. This is a sure sign of a bad case. This kind of rust is a nasty because it is so INDEX capable of giving a lady the respect she deserved! hard to deal with, Bspecially in the nooks and crevices - those out of the way places. Water lies in there, gets trapped behind undercoating and rots your car away. Some replacement pieces are still available through Porsche-Audi, but fabricating your own from 20-24 guage sheet metal steel is quite adequate. The only rememdy is to dig out the flakey rust and then cut back the area t o firm strong panel or brace. The new pieces must then be welded or brazed in to regain the strength of the original section. Welding underneath is a particularly unpleasant job. Undercoating is a tarlike substance which liquifies and burns at anything approaching welding temperatures. While burning it gives off thick clouds of acrid, choking smoke. Welding in cramped quarters underneath is the most unpleasant job I've ever done on my car. In fact, it is so unpleasant that it is difficult to find a commercial shop willing t o do it. Nevertheless you must get this done if you want t o have any chance of saving your beloved car. It was love at first smell. How else t o describe what I felt as I sat there spellbound by the aroma of oil and rubber, wool and (what I took to be) leather. Further inspection revealed that the car had obviously known love. After checking the gas and oil and topping up the brake fluid, I was off for an awakening motoring experience. What most impressed me was the way the car went about its work. I drove for several hours through the Fox River Valley on that brilliantly sunny spring afternoon with each mile adding to my conviction that i must have the car. So what if it ran on 3cylindersand the brakes were bad; it had 4 new Semperits and gorgeous chrome wheels. So the kingpins were worn and the tach didn't work; the interior was original, unripped and spotless. An earnest money deposit, a few days of convincing my wife ("it's like putting money in the bank, honey!"), an unforgettable financing ordeal that left me raped and bleeding on the doorsteps of The Friendly Usurer Finance Company-and she was mine. Assuming that the new pieces are welded in the next step is most important. Stop the new rust. You do this by followirig the same procedure I outlined a couple of months ago for surface rust. Generally, cosmetics don't account for much underneath where parts are not readily visible. So feel free to slosh on the rustoleum paint. If you can get the surfaces really clean try an epoxy paint. That stuff is impervious to water, road chemicals, and damn near anything. I've tried it and have been very pleased. Sure there have been heartaches. The maintenance is never ending. But, believe me, it is a labor of love amply repaid in the sense of closeness I feel with the machine. Something that I have yet to determine is why the car has such appeal for women and children. Of course I enjoy the attention of the foxy young ladies who just can't get over the "dynamite old Porsche", but best of all is the rapt wonder of the kids. Rubbing the oddly curvaceous flanks of the Goose, they are like city kids touching a horse for the first time. Since buying the Porsche, I've also acquired an Alfa GTV. The Alfa is quicker, quieter and quite exciting in its own high-strung way. But if, as they say, todrivean Alfa is to drive a legend, I know that t o drive an 'A' Coupe is to drive a work of art. Perhaps this is understood on a gut level by those women and kids who haven't the slightest interest in cars as cars but who are fascinated by the 'A'. (This article originally appeared in the PCA Potamac Region newsletter, DER VORGANGER, August 1975.) SNOW GOOSE, Colonel Rogers, Ill,Chicago Two and a half yearsago I was rather halfheartedly looking for a good 911 of 66-67 vintage. Something to replace my faithful but familiar 66 Volvo 122-S. A promising ad lured me out to Elgin, Illinois where a now defunct Alfa dealer had a couple of 911's and a 356 C. As I was about t o leave, having decided that ail were too soft around the edges for the prices he was asking, he told me he had a "classic" Porsche if i cared to see it. With growing curiosity I followed him out of the lot, through his showroom and into a curtained inner sanctum at the rear of the building. There she set--a beautiful 356 A Coupe protected from the elements and shielded from all except those whom he felt 3 With winter approaching I have put ner up on jack stands and have begun in earnest the slow but rewarding work of restoration. This was prompted by the appalling appearance of some half dozenodd 356's which I saw at a recent parts swaplmeet here in Chicago. I am determined that my Porsche and I shall grow older together and that each INDEX Original bucket seats with the little slots to keep your butt cool, and get this-the latest thingpthese seats are mounted on sophisticated, lightweight. far-out-design hinged strips of that miracle material, WOOD. INTERNATIONAL Motoring Shop Fouroriginal (well, n o t quite) breast type hub caps. I sure will hate to lose those! Black glaspar fibreglas hard top, ideal for parking with your girlfriend on Beaucatcher, where birds are numerous. Original quick-response 23" diameter steering wheel autographed by the late great racing driver, Count Von Der Rudverwig--his scratchy but unmistakable signature etched in the rim with blood, from the one and only 12,529-mile Gran Prix Road Race of Bohemia in 1931. Specializing In 4 Cylinder Porsche Replacement Parts Accessories Racing Equipment Custom Engine Bldg. No need to publish any pictures here, since no film could recapture the fascinating, almost erotic attraction this car possesses. Anyway, if YOU saw the pictures, they would be unbelievable. If you see thecar, i t is unbelievable. A L L WORK DONE ON PREMISES 708 Broadway Massapequa- L.1.N.Y (516) 799-1430 You ask me what I'll take for it? Why do stupid money matters always have to spoil everything! How do I know--depends on whether some nut will make an offer good enough. ( T h ~ sarticle origir8ay appeared in the TORQUE OF THE TOWN, the Highlands Sports Car Club newsletter. Ashevilie. N.C. For more details on the car, please see For Sale section, ed.) succeeding year will find her at least in ever finer condition. (See photo on page 16) FOR SALE-DOMESTIC HASSLE CREATES DUMB SITUATION of interest K i m Merrick, Asheville, N.C. (letters and other miscellany) "Nobody's Lady," 1955 Speedster. She's a cream puff, never raced, never recked, only rusty. This fabuious mechanical creation, the ultimate design of Herr Doktor lngenieur Ferdinand Porsche, was originally owned by one of Hitler's mistresses and has since belonged to 28 different owners (the car, not the mistress). The soft-bound book, PORSCHE, THE FIRST DECADE, 1949-1959, by Walter Spielberger, is still available. While published in 1960, Blutmans, 315 S. Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 621-5697, still has a few copies left at $15. ea plus postage. It is the original edition. All the trick goodies you've always dreamed of: 16" diameter X 2" wide wheels on which the original 11th owner mounted 5.00 - 16 Michelins -very rare -- only to be found nowadays on the south end of a 1949 Harley Davidson; bu~npers already removed in 1955E. so you won't have to do this; curved windshield (cool, Man!); a 1500 cc. wild 48 HP air-cooled pushrod mill (overhaulsd by previous owner). Believe me, she's a bomb! "...For the movie buff: in both NIGHT MOVES and GONE IN 60 SECONDS, both shot in LA, 356 Porsches show up, but with only supporting roles ... you have to be alert t o see them. More prominent 356's appear in JANIS, AMERICAN GRAFFITI, BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR, SHAMPOO and the aged HARPER, still seen occasionaly on the late night movie." Contributor requests anonymity(!) 4 INDEX Leonard (NBC) Probst told his New School "Conversations" class that Robert Redford left a totally wrecked Porsche in Paul Newman's driveway as a birthday gift. Newman hired five men to compact it into a small block and gave it back to Redford. "With receipt of the anniversary issue, it occurs to me that things seem t o be progressing in fine shape and should continue to improve. Thus--back issues of the REGISTRY will someday be scarce and in demand as new members are scrambling to put together complete collections ...just as we have seen happen with PANO'S and CHRISTO'S. The early issues of P A N 0 are pretty lousy, but just try and obtain them and you will know what I mean ..." Bob Thorson, New York City ...I think you need to limit ads to one insertion. My experience has been that the parts usually sell after the first time and it's a lot of hassle answering questions and apoligizing after the second time the ad appears." Al Zim, Euless, Texas [Well said, good idea and i s n o w new policy for member ads. See details under a d information, ed.] " "I though some of your readers might enjoy knowing about a particular road in Georgia where the true Porsche feels right at home. The enclosed photo shows my red SC Coupe parked along the side of a truly unique and beautiful mountain road in North Georgia. "Sorry, Jerry, but I seem to have lost interest in the Porsche cause. It's almost a lost cause. For a fellow on a budget, prices have become prohibitive. I have recently purchased a new Saab 99LE, and it seems to suit my purposes more than an old 356 would. Take a ride in one and you'll know what I mean. By the way my Chicago Saab Club has lots more to offer at '12 the price." Bradley Powell, Savannah, Ga. Route 356 is only 19 miles long, but it offers the Porsche driver an exciting driving experience through a curvey mountain road into Helen, Georgia which is a Bavarian styled village copied after many of the small towns of Porsche's homeland of Germany. If you can use your imagination a little, it makes you feel like you have just left Stuttgart after picking up your brand new 356 SC, and you with your best girl are driving into the mountains of Bavaria for a nostalgic holiday. "...Has anyone discussed tires? From my limited racing and driving experience, I have found them to be most important. If it has not already been done. I would like to see this subject explored." John McCoy. Andover. Mass. Come and join us - - - - in a 356 Porsche!!!" Charles Sanders, Monroe, Georgia " . . I would like to hear from 356 owners in the West-Central Ohio area who are interested in autocrossing. There is a very good series in Dayton which encourages team entry. Mine has been the only 356s regularly entered and I have donevery well, but I would like to organize a team. Can you help meout?" Pat Ertel, 120% Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 5 INDEX "...need help from the advertisers by offering a member discount ...l seriously doubt that most members are wealthy collectors, but are rather average people who enjoy the class of 356's and hope to preserve some." Lee Herskowitz, Philadelphia and types ...clusters and piles of parts and a lot of picture taking, milling, happy people. Terrific! Interested in interaction of 356 REGISTRY MEMBERS? Here's what some of our members did in the Northeast to promote it on a local level: "Here's how two recent Swap Meets in the Northeast were originated, publicized and the results. Organizing a swap meet turned out to be as difficult as asking friends over for a beer! Simply decide when & where ...and add a touch of publicity. The most difficult ordeal is cleaning and polishing those precious 356 goodies that you're willing t o part with. The meet was decided upon one Friday afternoon while shoo talkina with Joe Rvba and Charles Re. Exactly what h a i t o be done seemed (and was) uncomplicated. Our primary concern was the unpredictability of late autumn weather ...the sooner the safer! The 'when' would be nine days away, Sunday, Nov. 2nd with a rain date for the 9th. After considering and rejecting several sites, such as State Parks, it was agreed that a large shopping center would be ideal. Since the stores would be closed on Sunday, using a portion of the deserted parking area would inconvenience no one. The 'where' would be the Cross County Shopping Plaza in Yonkers, N.Y ...acres of smooth blacktop parking with easy access to major interstate thruways. Charles had an announcement of the meet placed in The New York Times racing and sports car events section of that Sunday's edition. An 8% x 11 flyer was quickly prepared, 90 copies Xeroxed, folded letter style, stapled, addressed, stamped and into the post office. 75 copies went to REGISTRY members in the four state area of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts; the remainder went to Porsche dealers and foreign auto parts stores cost, $15.00! After a week of dismal rain, that Sunday dawned clear a n d mild. Even though the weather was promising, I'll admit to a great deal of apprehension as I turned off the thruway into the Shopping plaza! What a beautiful sight!; a congested aray of lovely 356 Porsches--all colors All afternoon new 356's would zoom into the area, and whileall eyesappraised it, slowly parade once around the perimeter o f the meet before selecting a parking place. Some interested strangers showed up too. A few 911's pulled in, most proclaiming that his real pride and joy was a 356 restoration project in his garage! Every now and then an envious Triumph or MGB would prowl around our flanks. Oblivious to the outside attention, the enthusiasts were busy bargaining and chatting and pouring through parts. A lot of restoration information was exchanged-tips on repair sources, etc. Amidst all this was Bill Durland, talking up the REGISTRY and passing out applications to non-members. One 356 A owner removed his nerf bars, cheerfully gave them away on the spot, and bolted on a ding-free set of newly acquired bumpers. Another was seen fondling a ratty pair of Speedster seats and trying to figure out how to stuff them in his Cabriolet for the ride home! The meet was such a success that it was decided to do it again on the 16th (two weeks away) with a rain date for the 23rd. This time 400 flyers were off-set printed and mailed not only t o REGISTRY members but also to PCA members of Northern New Jersey, Connecticut Valley and Metro New York. (Joe received these mailing lists from PCA chapter presidents.) The weather turned out to be not as mild as for the previous meet but we still had a gratifying turnout anyway. The stellar attractions were still the 356's, especially Joe's newly purchased red Spyder, but a great many 900 types showed up also. INDEX [Ed's note: Carl is forwarding the basic artwork for the flyer to m e for the use o f anyone who wishes to initiate such a meet.] Several semi professional parts dealers were attracted this time even drove up from Maryland with avan stuffed full of exceptional 356 goodies. Many more cars were for sale this time; the bidding became frantic for a nice Speedster driven down from Vermont. TO recap our experience and as a guide to those wishing to initiate a swap and show meet, here's what we learned: (1) Inviting PCA members insures a greater turnout. It also uncovers those 356 owners that are not REGISTRY members. Request mailing lists from local PCA chapters. Make sure that your datedoesn't conflict with their activities. (2) Select a Sunday at least two weeks in advance of the mailing of flyers ...and stipulate an alternate rain-date. (3) Select a convenient shopping center parking lot where no stores are open on Sunday. You should inquire about receiving permission for its use. (Even though you're orderly and intend to leave no mess, prior permission could avert embarrasment if not total disaster!) (4) Clean parts sell faster than dirty nfferings. (5) Flyers should go to foreign auto parts stores, requesting that they display it. (6) Quick off-set printing is available almost universally; the price and quality are better than Xeroxing in quantities of at least 100. (7) Try the local news media for a "human interest" publicity story. (8) Try your local Porsche dealer to co-sponsor the event. They may show up because of the 900 crowd. It's worth a try. In any case, you'll discover that the 356 will be the center of attraction." Carl Berry, Bethel, Connecticut technical VIC SKIRMANTS, Editor Further tips from our members: From Brett Johnson, Indianapolis, IN. On fixing crazed dash knobs; a light wet sanding with #400 paper followed by rubbing compound and polishing compound works. (Definitely sounds safer than dipping in lacquer thinner). VW clutch discs are i n t e r ~ h a n ~ e a bwith k Porsche. (Use the heavy duty spring-center type for best results). Paul Spurgas, 16-D Wissahickon Garden Apts., Philadelphia, PA., 19144, has the following information: He has made new covers for his seats and would be willing to supply a pattern for reupholsterlng. If your glovebox rattles; most hardware stores carry rubber bumpers that have a nail implanted in them. C l i p o f f the nail and glue them on. 7 Continued on page 10 INDEX EVOLUTION L Speedsters (1954-1955) : 7 Speedsters (1956-1958*) - Conve C (19! l i I *Small series 1959 GT pushrod Speedsters Prototype Roadster Coupes Cabriolets (Alloy bodies) Coupes Cabriolets (Steel bodies) .. 1 I coupes Cabriolets (1956-1959) This chart, EVOLUTION OF THE 356, was prepared by Jim Perrin to chart runs from the 1946 prototype roadster(now in the Porsche fact1 (3561356A1356B1356C) and body style. In addition, the chart specifif for example, started in the fall of 1955.) The chart shown is edition I Roadster, S9OGTISCGT coupes, Carreras, etc. A future edition Of thl INDEX OF THE 356 Jim Perrln, Historian Edition I, December '75 r .. .. Hardtop (1961) I . : Hardtop (1962) Coupes Cabriolets (1962-1963) Coupes Cabriolets (1960-1961) r I show . .. . the mobei progression from the 1948 356 series Porsche. The ory museum) through the 19641.1965 356 C series. It shows the series es the model year of production. (The 1956 model year of production. I and does not illustrate limited production cars such as the America e chart will include these modelq. .. : Coupes Cabriolets (1964-1965) INDEX Continuedfrom page 7 The following is an excellent article submitted by Vic Zeller, 88 Gaffney Rd., S. Dartmouth, Mass. 02748: sharply (kinks), throw it away. The center line is a little too long, but there is room up front to arch it out of the way. Tape both ends of the center line before inserting it from the rear. Other sources of lines are American auto parts stores. Most of them here i n Massachusetts now carry metric lines. Ask for 3/16 inch metricthreaded lines. Bundy-flex is a common brand. The Bundy-flex lines with blue-green fittings fit fine, but the ones with maroonish-brown fittings are too loose. Be careful. Different brands may have different colors. Bring in a wheel cylinder or rubberhose and check the fit.. The American lines come in different lengths than VW such as 6",I T , 20", 3 0 , 3 6 , 60" and maybe others. Different lengths can be joined with a fitting called a UNION. I have bought the rubber lines under a BENDIX listing. They turned out to be Schaeffer or ATE German lines and cost $6 each. Some mail order catalogs ask $14.50 for the same thing! If some of you are so far out that you can't find any of these, drop me a note. REPLACING BRAKE LlNES 356 A BRAKE LlNES If your Zenith carbs are leaKing at the top, a little bit of the new Permatex Form-a-Gasket works nicely. (Don't use just any of the available silicone sealants, most of them swell up in contact with gasoline. Just ask me-- Vic.) Paul also mentions that Hell-coil has inserts available for the carburetor body in case the top hold-down screws have been stripped out. From DER SPRECHER, Central Pa. PCA regional newsletter, 1958-65 A, B, C replacement tail light assemblies are available from J.C. Whitney & Co. at $13.50 each. This is the whole thing; brackets, lens, sockets, chrome rims, rubber gasket, and is original equipment. Look for parts no. L88-2532N and R88-2533T. by Vic Zeller Left Last week I replaced ALL the brakes lines in my 1956 Speedster for about $34. 1 bought the lines at a local store that specializes in VW parts. This store is not one of the nationally advertised foreign auto parts stores that has high prices. All the lines I bought are VW lines, and I asked for them by LENGTH. I measured all the original lines, and bought the closest size which was larger. Lines too long can be bent out of the way, but short lines cannot be stretched! Some of the numbers on the invoice were illegible, but you can tell what to buy from their lengths. Quantity 3 2 1 1 1 length 12% " 15" 25%" 7 feet (about) 15" rubber Front Right steel 15" rubber part number 113611781 D 31161t701A front rubber line front right steel line VW centertunnel line Tee fitting 113611755T 113611701 rear rubber line 113611724B rear steel lines The rubber lines are ATE German original. Notes: B and C models have a different rear line arrangement. Bend the lines yourself using your thumbs. All bends must besmooth. If a line bends John Moyer's '51 Cabriolet, "oldest award. Labor Dav ,0 Porsche" INDEX reviews by Rick Foster Hey, doesn't this 356 REGISTRY just keep getting better and better? The "anniversary" issue was just great and if Jerry Keyser can continue to round up volunteers, this club can really go places. Well let's see, nobody seemed to mind too much when I reviewed a VW shop manual in this column, so maybe this time I'll get away with reviewing a Porsche Club of America publication. The matter of rival clubs aside (and I hope that's not really a concern for anyone) this is a fine source of information concerning the 356 series Porsche. The book is called Up-Fixin der Porsche and there are three volumes available. Each one is a collection of technical articles that originally appeared in Porsche Panorama, the PCA's monthly magazine. Volume I covers such articles as published from 1956 through 1960, Volume II hits 1961 through 1966, and Volume Ill compiles the 1967 through 1972 articies. Within each volume, all contemporary and previous models receive some attention, although the newer cars are treated most thoroughly. Thusvolume Ill has a number of useful articles on various 356 models, even though the 911/912/914 series receives the most coverage. You can order them from Bill McHenry, Chesapeake Region PCA, 11 Hickory Meadows Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030 for $4.00 each. I'm told that you do not have to be a PCA member to order. Now that you know h o w to get these books, let's see if you actually want them. The articles deal mainly with maintenance and modification of contemporary models. Some repair work is also covered, but the main assumption is that you have a Porsche in good working orderto begin with. For example, while the articles will offer excellent techniques for rust prevention, they don't go into the difficulties of restoring rusted bodywork. However, these articles offer more in the way of inside tips and learned-it-the-hard-way knowledge than any other source that I know of. A few examples chosen at random will give you a feel for the nature of the articles: Tuning the Porsche, Decambering the Rear Wheels, A Clutch Cable Repair. Windshield Wipers and Motors, VWPorsche Interchangeable Parts, Auxilliary Instrument Installation (oil pressure and ammeter), Rare-Earth Oil Filtration F o r t h e Porsche (I wonder what ever happened to that?), Replacing Worn ,, Valve Guides, Better Lubrication Of Kingpins Without Extra Fittings, Personalizing a Super 90 Throttle Idle-Arm Fix, etc, etC, etc. Believe me, there i s more neat information in these books than anyone in their right mind would want to know! The articies in each volume are grouped into sections covering major topics such as the engine, transmission, body, and electrical system. I haven't begun t o describe the contents completely, nor would I ever be able to, given the extensiveamount of material. Suffice it to say that for all the obscure details and tricks (like how to get into your trunk or engine compartment after the cable has snapped) the Up-Fixin der Porsche Series is hard to beat. if you're unsure which volume to get, order all three and err on the safe side! The other review in this issue was suggested (among several others) by loyal member John Carapiet of San Francisco. H e mentioned Volume 9 Number 2 of Automobile Quarterly, which is a special issue dedicated to Porsches. This issue contains a biography of Herr Professor Doktor lngenieur Ferdinand Porsche and several articles o n the cars bearing h i s name. Most of the emphasis is on the Porsche racing cars and their competition history, but the production models are also treated, including a beautiful color picture of each model from the 356 t o the 914. Of special note is the portfolio of paintings of competition Porsches in action by Walter Gotschke - they're just beautiful and I wish i could get full-sizs prints of a couple of them. Lo and behold, some of them apparently were available as prints, including my favorite painting of Von Trips sliding his Porsche RS "Berg" (hillclimb model) around a turn. I'll check into the current availability of these prints and report back. The Porsche articles all make interesting reading and there are other sections as well. including one on the Mercedes 540K. I can recommend this issue to any 356 enthusiast, and especially to those who are keen on Porsche's involvment in competition. It can be obtained from Automobile Quarterly, 245 West Main Street, Kutztown, Pennsylvania19530 for$7.95. John Carapiet also mentioned an intriguing sounding book titled Porsche: The First Decade which he describes as an in-depth presentation on the 356 and 550 Porsches (1949-1959). Unfortunately, his source reference (Blutman's in San Francisco) seems t o have disappeared. If any of YOU members out there know of a current address on Blutman's, oranother source for this book, I'd appreciate the information. i would also welcome references and suggestions concerning other , INDEX Signals, Tail Lights, Tinted Windshields and more. Write for details. All ltems FOB Long Beach, California. 356 Ltd, P.O. Box 4144, Long Beach, CA 90804 Phone: 213-430-4864 POST O F F I C E BOX 3 1 7 8 L O N G BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90803 Door seal, Cpe. (R or L) 15.00 ea. Door seal, all oFen cars 6.00 door Rub. against crank wind. outside 1 .OO ea. Rub leading edgeof door 2.50 ea. - 3 5 6 8 i C strips guard to bumber 2.00 Step-plate rub. (R or L) 7.00ea. Profile rub, top of step 4.00 ea. Spare tire strap 9.50 Insert fordeco. underdoor (orig. wide type358lA 8.00 Bumberdeco. insert and base (356BiC) F o r R Speedster top seal 8.50 10.00 Porsche 356 books. While I've already run across enough to require five years of reviewing, who knows what exciting 356 material is lurking right around the corner? Until next time, faithful readers, keep up the reading, riding, and wrenching! [Ed's note: See o f Interest for Blutman's address.] , tor sate J commercial 1954 Coupe in mint condition. 99% original including radio, service manual & extra parts. Low mileage, no rust, completely restored, then garaged. New paint (original color), new original upholstery & new radial tires. Stored for 7 years. $5200/offer. Dixon Wolcott, 3129 Yukon, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 [714] 751-9255. . FOR SALE: Breaking up crashed 356 C Porsche. Engine 30,000 mile from rebuild. Trans, suspension, brakes, and hardtop in excellent condition. International Automobile Enterprises, Inc. 608 East Main Street, New Britain, CT. [2031 224-0253. - Calif. residents add 6 % sales tax, all products F.O.B. factory . New Listing of Original Porsche Showroom Literature 1948 through 1965 is now ready. Many NEW ltems and Greatly REDUCED Prices. Throw away your old listing and send a Stamped Envelope for your FREE Copy. Many Rare ltems. Add t o o r build your Porsche Literature Collection. Kenneth Lewis, 16463 Pottsburg Station, Jacksonville Florida 32216 Specials! Factory (999.182.001.36) Mag Wheel Lug Nuts $1.25 ea. Semperit Tires MI66 $40 + $1.94 FET ea (165HR-15 B-TT). Kolbenschmidt (616.103.104.00) 356 C Pist & Cyl $150. Reproduction 356 A Hood Handle $15, License Lite $50. Soon to come; Specials on 356 ABC Turn '62 $90 Coupe #210021, twin grill, new white paint, 30,000 mi, on rebuilt engine, 1500 mi. on rebuilt transmission. lnterior completely restored in original tan upholstery and oatmeal carpets. Always in California Bay Area-no rust. Complete Service records. 4th in class at Seattle Parade Concours. $6,000. Linda Foster, 895 Melville Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301 (4151 326-3646 1958 PORSCHE 356A Cabriolet #150093. Recent Restoration - immaculate throughout. Original 1600engine rebuilt, clean and strong. Top perfect; custom boot. Red lacquerlblack interior. Saphire AM-FM. Porsche chrome wheels; Goodyear radials. Abarth exhaust. New battery. Stan Sword, 807 Clarence, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Phone 13181 433-0849. '56 Speedster rolling chassis. Ex-racer, needs restoration, many street parts missing. lnterior rust behind seats, some rust in inner fender panels, all repaired. Never any exterior rust. All body panels in good shape. Would like to trade for 356 coupe in similar condition plus $. Also have Speedster tub in poor condition, perfect doors. windshield, frame, hood. $400.00. P. Ertel, 1201/2 Dayton St.. Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 [5131 767-1762. Low profile front over-rider bar for 356A. New, never used, unpitted. $40. Buyer pays shipping. J. W. Sewell. 74547 River Forest, Houston. Texas INDEX . Speedster high bow or low bow softtops. Both are in good condition and complete. '60-'62 Roadster softtop, completeand in good condition, $350. ea plus ship, or trade. 4%x15 steel wheels. chrome, but pitted, and hubcaps for C, $70. + ship. Also used gears, pistons and assort'd parts. Bruce Dean, 1723 G St., Sacramento, CA 95814 [916] 443-2764. '61 B Coupe parts car complete w l o engine. New shocks, windshield, shift-er, wheel cylinders, etc. Call or write for details. Richard S. Whitman, P.O. Box 204, Hyannis, Mass. 02601 [617] 428-9891. '58 Speedster, red lacquer, black interior-a good restored car. Asking $6,000. Also 'A' hood handles, stricker plates, front directional lense rubber & misc. doors. C. T. Heard, 601 "a"Lamberf Rd., La Habra, CA 90638 Specialists in the maintenance, modification and repair of Porsche automobiles 3109 South Popelm Road Eulesr Texas 76039 Phone (811) 267-1441 '55 Speedster d80300. All parts available (except bumpers) including (5) 16" wheels, orig. seats, windshield, gaspar fibreglas top, overhauled 1500CC eng:complete. New B type belly pan welded in with new side rails. Body needs work, $2,000. K i m Merrick, Rt #2, Box 422, Asheville, N.C. 28805. Days [704] 686-7831, nights [704] 298-3032 (4) 356 B original type hubcaps with enamel crests. NEW-still in the factory wrappers. Dealer's price $42.50 ea--will sell all four for $110 or trade for 356 mag-type wheels or ? Don Readinger, 26751 Via Linares, Mission Viejo, CA 92675 17141 586-4522 An original equipment (Moto Meter) oil temp. guage, dipstick type for 1954 and earlier 70°F to 280°F (20°C to 140°C) Works well. Also a new 1954 distributor cap 8 rotor (smooth top), Viegal speedometer, re-built front trans mount for 356 A and earlier. Wesley Minear, 8603 Cranford Ave., Sun Valley, CA 91352 '59 convertible top, complete, never used since mid-late '60's. Stored openly, but rear window finally gave up, outer skin tatty from age, inside framework 8 liner parts like new. Note: frame 644.561.005.02 fits A, B, C; liner 644.555.501.21 fits A, early B. From 61001-150000 "A" chassis, 150001 thru early "6" chassis. Outer skin same as above. Frame new will cost $406. asking $200. as is, or best offer. Dick Weiss, 6001 Virbet Dr., Cincinnati. O H 45230, Home [513] 232-0485, Bus. (5131 841-8385 1600N tach, $18.. speedometer, $15., dash mt'd VDO oil o r a m p meter, $10ea., 2-A or B oil cooler, $16. ea., 32 PBlC carb & manifold, $15., B or C glove box. $6.. A license plate light chrome, shines up, small dents, $ 1 0 , chrome luggage rack, $30. Peter T h o m ~ s o n . 71 Haverhill St.. Rowiey, Mass. 01969 [ 6 1 5 948-2225 Limited back issues of the 356 REGISTRY, $1. ea., postpaid. Fast becoming collector's items. First come, first served. Volume 1: No 1, 5 left, No 2, NLA, N o 3 , 21 left, N o 4 , 9 left, No's 5 & 6, good suppply. Volume 2, No 1, 9 left. 356 REGISTRY, P.O. Box 7845, Columbus, OH43207 . '57 Carrera Speedster GS, U82992, 1600 Carrera plain bearing eng. #92004, 40 DCM webers, all original oil lines, tank, coolers, etc., 80 liter, original oversize drum brakes, Speedster seats, side curtains, tonneau, low bow, bumpers. Write for complete list. H. Fagan, P.O. Box 15. Gainesville, FLd 32602 13 '58 356 A 1600N Coupe, complete and original. Mechanically Derfect. Needs Daint and some INDEX are in perfect showroom cond., otners are very good: ail of them are absolutely rust-free and 90-100% original. I have color pictures of most. I'll be happy to help any member to purchase one of these cars, providing buying, shipping and pick-up assistance. Time required to get cars, 2-4 weeks. The following is a partial list with indicative prices C.I.F. an East Coast port: '52 Coupe, perf. body, 2 engines$3,200.; '59Carrera1600, showroom & perf. eng. $6,500.; '61 B Cabr. wlhardtop, fantastic, ver expensive; '63 B Cabr., very good $4.500.; '6 Carrera2, showroom & new engine, $7,500.; '64 C SC, very good, $3,000 .8 3,500. Enrico Plafi, 203. E Marion. South Bend. Ind. 46601 [219] 288-6366 minor rust repair, Good interior. Blaupunkt, Koni, Michelin. $2,000. John C. Parham, 707 N. Bragg Ave., Lookout Mtn.. Tenn. 37350 [615] 821-6607 Speedster hardtop-original dealer option matching side curtains. $400. Also roll bar, offer. FOB B i l l Durland, 99 Round H i l l Greenwich, CT 06830 [203] 869-5931, eve.. 490-6716, day. plus best Rd., [212] . 1952 TYPl Coupe, #1150C, crash gear box, 1300 engine, 1 piece windshield, runs well, needs body work. $1650. or B.O., maybe trade for nearby convertible. Vic Zeller, 88 Galfney Rd., S. Dartmouth, Mass. 02748 I614 636-5370 eves 9-10 p.m. 356 arm rests, factory new old stock # 644 555 04301 and 044 01, avail. in black, beige, green, blue only. Specify right or left hand side. $10. (this is a genuin* original factory accessory for all 356/A, B, & C models. Also have a limited number of 3561356A reversing light switches, #356 62 083 31 644 613 541 00; $7.50 ea. Aii items FOB. Bob Boyd, 1821 Whitman Rd., Concord, CA 94518 [415] 686-1216 1955 (late) 1500s Continental Coupe, U54173, 65,000orig. miles. in storage for8 years. 98% o r i g new bra, car cover, orig. owner's manual. New orig. color$400. paint job (Ruby red). New Mich. XAS on new 15"chrome rims with like new crested hubcaps (I have the orig. 16"s). Completely rebuilt heads, starter, generator, new clutch, Solex carbs (C type), manifolds shrouding and oil cooler (I have the orig.'~), much more. No rust, never dented or scratched, always garaged. 2nd owner. $4400. Jim Teughinbaugh, 42 Corte Encanto, Danville, Cal 94526 I4751 837-7868 - Small selection of 356, A, & Carrera 1500 NEW parts. Send SASE for l i s t D.A. Bartletf, 86TFW. PSC Box 3773, APO N. Y. 09009 Original factory steel top for a Cabriolet. Includes all new hardware & instruction book. New black paint. B i l l Penone, 61821st St., Apt B, Huntington Beach, Cal. 92648 [714] 960-1076 '60 356B Roadster, 65% restored, paint a top like new. New Michelins, rust repaired and undercoated. New rubber seals and windshield. Strong base engine: #1-1151b, #2-1201b, #3-1201b, #4-1201b. new original type carpet. Beautiful Atna blue. Asking $3000. Patrick T. May, 2015 Briargafe Lane, Kirkwood, Mo. 63122 13141 822-4467 wanted to complete restoration of '62 Reutter Coupe need fuei pump or parts. Gas tank sender, front mat in concours cond., also '64C seat in medium blue. must be perfect! J. Paferek, 160 W. Wesffield Ave., Roseiie Park, N.J. 07204 [201] 245-7896 2 Weberx 461DA's ,lew in-the-box; original jetting, 37mm venturis. I would prefer to use them in trade for 356 engine, car or both, or 356 related parts but will sell them to good offer. John Blackwood, 5215 Milam Sf., Dallas. Tex. 75206 12141 823-4513 For 356A Coupe; bumper overriders for rear bumper with protection tube. These overriders have funnel-shaped piece which exhaust goes through. Part # 644.505.035.10, left and # 644.505.036.10, right. John Reeve. 1486 Brandon Rd., Santa Ynez, Cal93460 Parts new a used. 356 A,B,C, Carrera, 911 912, heads, new 716 trans case, gears, Carrera racing exhaust system. Llew Kinst, 14 Berwyn Rd., Muncie, ind. 47304 Buyer pays shipping. send SASE for list. I have found in Italy several beautiful 356's. Some 14 Wanted: Carrera aluminum engine compartment lid (with louvers) for Speedster-644.512.001.27. Front bumper overrlder bar for 356A. must be dent a plt free-644 505 015.01. (190mm). Spyder fender mounted rear view mirror (housing 8 mirror). Knock-off wheel "nuts" (removed turning ciockwise) 356.68121 Knock-Off wheei "nut" namepiates [Porsche & Undo stamped in center) 356.66.124. New rear window rubber seal for Hardtop 61-644.545.901.30. 1 plastic 356BlC rear window defroster duct-644572.44306 0-8000rpm mechanical tachometer-644.741.302.05. Reliable source to weld & chrome pat metal Speedster headlight "grilies." D.A. Barfieit, 86TFW. PSC Bow 3773, APO N. Y. 09009. INDEX INDEX INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE ENTERPRISES, INC. Specialized Automobile Crafts & Services I PORSCHE Under Body Rebuilding COMMERCIAL RATE SCHEDULE Compiete Or Partial Restoration Centerfold (7%"x13") $75.00 (71%" x 6%") $50.00 Full Page $30.00 Half Page (3314" ~ 6 1 % " ) Quarter Page (12 square inches) $15.00 50 word maximum ad in Commercial For Sale section $10.00 Complete Service And Maintenance . . Collision Repair Invited Also Over-The-Counter Sales Of: Longitudinals With Jacking Post Rocker Panels & Front Reinforcements 608-612 E. Main St. The above rates are for your ad ready for the camera, biack ink, per insertion. Bleed not available. Commercial For Saleads must be typed. - New Britain, Conn. (203) 224-0253 Ail preparation is available at extra cost. Submit your requirements f o r a quotation. Terms of payment: due net upon receipt of invoice. MEMBERS: Your ad(s) in For SalelWanted sections, no charge. Please try to limit your ads to 50 words or less. You are permitted unlimited insertions of your ads; however unless you advise otherwise at the time the ad is entered, the ad must be expressly renewed after it appears. Items offered for sale by members must not be connected with a commercial enterprise. These goods or services may be advertised in the Commercial section for a nominal fee (see commercial rateschedule). The right to edit or refuse publication is reserved; not responsible for errors, omissions or misrepresentations. 76 All advertising must be received by the first o f the month in which it is to appear. The 356 REGISTRY is a bi-monthly publication, mailing on or about the 15th of theeven numbered months. INDEX b F o d d a r d imported cars, inc. PORSCHESS~IW~ 1957 FLOOR PANS Now you can properly restore the rusty bottom of your 356! We now have in stock, ready to ship, reproduction floors as illustrated. Dies were made from original spare parts, insuring exact dimensions and depressions. Complete pans are supplied with seat rail and toe-board mounts. I Complete pan with mounts Front or rear half only Seat and toe-board mounts only Write or call for specific details about ordering and shipping CATALOG Our new special catalog is now ready for mailing. Included are over 50 pages of type 356 restoration items. 900 series specialty products, technical publications, gifts, and many other items to add enjoyment to your Porsche. Due to numerous requests, we are now mailing via 1st class only. Send $3.00 for your copy which includes postage of $1 .lo. 38845 MENTOR AVE. WILLOUGHBY, OH10 44094 (216) 951-1040 INDEX LAWRENCE SKOGLUNO 7 0 4 5 OLIVER AVE. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS MINN 55423
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possible, and head for Heidelberg or Stuttgart and a
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