FlightPro Whitepaper


FlightPro Whitepaper
The document provides an overview of Ocean Software’s Operations and Training Management System FlightPro®. FlightPro® is currently deployed in eleven countries including Australia, the United Kingdom, the
United States and Canada. FlightPro® is a complete, proven solution covering the end-to-end operations
management processes of Military Flying Squadrons, Groups, Wings and Commands. In use since 1994 and
continuously upgraded and enhanced, FlightPro® allows our growing international User group to Optimize
their Operations through Improved Safety, Increased Efficiency and Best Practice Delivered.
Property of Ocean Software
General Release
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
FLIGHTPRO® SYSTEM OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 5
SCHEDULING & TASKING .......................................................................................................................................... 8
ACCREDITATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
SECURITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
RELEASES AND TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 19
SYLLABUS INTEGRATION ................................................................................................................................................... 15
COURSE-BOARDS – SCHEDULING FROM COURSES ................................................................................................................. 15
CATEGORIES OF ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................................................ 16
DEFAULT CARDS ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
COURSES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
INSTRUCTOR ACCESS ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
WRITE-UPS/DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................................................................................... 16
COURSE PROGRESSION REVIEW......................................................................................................................................... 17
COMPUTER BASED TRAINING MATERIAL ACCESS .................................................................................................................. 17
REPORTING .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
HUMAN FACTORS ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
ACCREDITATION AND SECURITY ............................................................................................................................. 18
TBMCS/ATO TASKING INTEGRATION................................................................................................................................ 11
TASKING HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................... 12
ELECTRONIC AUTHORIZATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
WORKFLOWS................................................................................................................................................................. 12
CONFIGURATION REQUESTS.............................................................................................................................................. 12
MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
FLIGHT FOLDERS AND FLIGHT DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................... 13
REPORTING ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
WING AND HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONAL VIEWS ................................................................................................................ 13
TRAINING MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 14
SCHEDULING PANE ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
SCHEDULING BY PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................................. 10
SCHEDULING BY ASSET..................................................................................................................................................... 10
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 11
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................ 6
PERSONNEL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CATEGORIZATION SCHEMES (DUTY ROLES) ............................................................................................................................ 6
READINESS DATA.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
CURRENCY AND QUALIFICATION INTEGRATION ....................................................................................................................... 6
LOGBOOKS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ASSET TYPES.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
HOURS CODES ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
REPORTING / STATISTICS .................................................................................................................................................... 7
RELEASE MANAGEMENT & OVERALL IT ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................................................... 19
FUTURE CAPABILITY DIRECTION ......................................................................................................................................... 20
SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Property of Ocean Software
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Ocean Software’s Operations and Training Management System FlightPro® is a comprehensive
Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product that provides clients the tools they need to ensure their
Operations are Optimized. FlightPro® is a complete, proven solution covering the end-to-end
operations management processes of Military Flying Squadrons, Groups, Wings and Commands.
These processes include but are not limited to tasking, scheduling, conflict resolution, training and
learning management, competency tracking, flying hours management and a full suite of operational
FlightPro®’s underlying strength has arisen from our consistent focus on the end User requirements
and the ground-up involvement of Squadron personnel since day one. We maintain this approach
today with Users continuing to influence ongoing product evolution and improvement. It is this
concept, its benefits and ease of operation that propelled FlightPro® to become the leader in its field.
FlightPro® delivers considerable Return on Investment (ROI) as it is the only COTS system with the
capability to enterprise manage both front line operations and school house training in a single
Using FlightPro®, Ocean Software is well versed at solving the common challenges experienced by
Military operators. Among the typical challenges include legacy systems that are stove piped, nonportable and do not integrate. Legacy systems also have a limited conflict management capability,
are prone to human error and can be costly to maintain. Linked to this is the inability to achieve true
interoperability and effective communication across all stakeholders. Obsolescence and support
issues are common place, compounded by staff posting cycles removing access to key staff who are
familiar with the bespoke nature of legacy systems. Common however is the need to achieve greater
efficiency and to do more with the same or less resources.
Ocean Software and FlightPro® are able to overcome these challenges and ensure Operations are
Optimized, via the following three key elements:
Improve Safety
FlightPro® is able to form an integral part of a Safety Management System and Quality
Management System by providing invaluable data to ensure compliance with standards.
FlightPro® is unique as it couples the dynamic needs of flying operations management
together with critical tracking and management of qualifications and currencies, thereby
guaranteeing that only qualified and current crews are assigned to missions.
A comprehensive database of activity and outcomes provides a powerful management tool
to conduct detailed analysis of performance trends supporting improved decision-making
and safety.
FlightPro® provides a granular training management system allowing a ‘recruitment to
retirement’ history of an individual linked to competency, currency and qualifications.
FlightPro®’s database provides a repository of training and event accomplishments by
individual, squadron, wing and command, allowing accident investigation teams the ability
to pinpoint deficiencies and identify corrective action to immediately reduce future
FlightPro® allows configuration of key operational business rules and combines them with
a granular conflict management system, alerting scheduling and operations staff to
potential issues in advance of them happening. Further it provides a simple to use, drag
and drop interface to resolve the highlighted issues as they arise.
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Increase Efficiency
FlightPro® significantly improves operating efficiencies by providing an extensive suite of
real-time graphical tools and interfaces for real time visibility of all activity, assets and
personnel. This allows operations staff and command to maintain discipline over the
control of assets and at the same time drive down costs.
FlightPro® is a single integrated system with information being entered once, therefore
eliminating data transposition errors and providing a single authoritative source for key
operational data.
Where other systems fail to get the acceptance of the end user, FlightPro® succeeds by
providing an environment that directly reflects a comprehensive understanding of the end
user’s daily management requirements.
FlightPro® facilitates the full spectrum of tasks required to manage flying operations
including scheduling, conflict resolution, currency and qualification tracking, student and
operational aircrew assessment and progress, status boards, controlled document
management, executive reporting facilities and deployment activities.
Traditional labor intensive, time consuming activities and administrative processes, such as
squadron flying hour returns, record keeping and defaulter identification are automated
within FlightPro®.
Single data entry and automation of processes releases specialist staff back to operations.
Best Practice Delivered
Since its introduction in 1993, Ocean Software has continually added new functionality in
response to the needs of our global customer base. Our knowledge of the common daily
practices of military operators and the hands-on approach by our technicians and Subject
Matter Experts assists Ocean Software to ensure that this one product can suit the needs
of flying organizations, operational and training, across the globe.
FlightPro® provides a career military personnel and platform operations management
solution from recruitment to retirement.
FlightPro® is designed to support all missions and platform types allowing a single toolset
to be used across the force.
The FlightPro® proprietary real time messaging layer ensures accurate and timely
situational awareness of the unit’s flying program and personnel commitments.
FlightPro® delivers key information to assist in making time critical decisions.
Predefined and documented interfaces (APIs) allow for seamless integration between
mission critical systems and agencies.
The innovative visual information approach of the product allows operators of FlightPro®
to conduct all aspects of the operational planning and daily execution cycle with limited
need for a keyboard. A mouse or touch screen is often all that is needed to take full
advantage of the tremendous power of the product.
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General Release
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FlightPro® consists of an integrated system that includes an Operations Scheduling interface, Currency
and Qualification management suite and a Training management suite. The FlightPro® Scheduling
interface ensures Scheduling, tasking and optimization of assets, people, courses, tasks and events is
achieved using highly graphical user interface in the form of a number of linked intelligent electronic
whiteboards. The FlightPro® Currency and Qualification interface stores and shows Currency and
Qualification data very clearly and flexibly; and it integrates the current data directly into the planning
process views. The FlightPro® Training Management suite allows multiple syllabi, covering multiple
courses and multiple platforms to integrate for maximizing available simulators/aircraft, best utilizing
classrooms, and ensuring students and instructors alike are available and qualified/current for their
scheduled lessons in the air or on the ground. Syllabus deviations are reduced; utility rates of
manpower and equipment are maximized.
While FlightPro® is deployed at the Unit/Squadron locations; it also facilitates situational awareness
and operational reporting for Wings and Command. When installed as an enterprise wide solution,
the product is divided into central and regional functions with an associated topology and multiple
database design to reduce network dependency. FlightPro® centrally manages all key data to ensure
the consistency of the records and definitions used by the individual units, Wings and Command that
make up the enterprise. This centralized approach ensures that all records created in the field are
using the same baseline data decreasing both system training costs and future cost of integration.
Benefits of this architecture include single electronic flying history of units, assets, and individuals
from recruitment to retirement, with complete visibility and access to any courses and events that an
individual has ever undertaken, and a command aggregated view of all personnel and asset
operational readiness data. The central database facilitates group level reporting of overall or ‘whole
of service’ effectiveness. It provides ease of enterprise reporting, including but not limited to visibility
of flying hour expenditure across units and fleets. The following diagram illustrates the key
components of a FlightPro® Enterprise Architecture. This foundation architecture also allows for
autonomous deployed operations with full data sync upon return.
Figure 1 - FlightPro® System Notional Architecture
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What follows is a description, by function of the key areas commonly used across both operations and
training management. Whether it’s command oversight across multiple units or a stand-alone unit,
the functions below illustrate the flexibility of the system.
One of the fundamental building blocks of the resource information within FlightPro® is the definition
of the Organizational Structure.
This definition spans from the highest-level branches to the functional Unit or Squadron. Each
intermediate branch is defined between the highest to lowest and represented as a standard
Microsoft Windows tree view allowing easy access and navigation.
Personnel records are the most universally used data definition in FlightPro®. These records may
either be entered on an ad-hoc basis or imported from an integrated HR system. Some integration
activity is typically required to facilitate this data exchange though the interface is well documented.
All personnel records are centrally defined and distributed to the field databases to ensure data
integrity. FlightPro® provides a Posting module where individuals can be Posted to Units with effect
from nominated dates. Field-level installations of FlightPro® process the various posting instructions
when they become valid by moving personnel records into and out of Units.
Within FlightPro® a duty role (pilot, co-pilot, engineer, etc.) for a particular asset type, is termed a
scheme, i.e. a co-pilot on a C-130. Each scheme can have a different categorization, such as A2
instructor pilot and each person can hold one or many schemes.
While FlightPro® gathers records for each individual; data is aggregated
centrally to form part of an enterprise-wide reporting and operational
readiness database. The categorization schemes can be used to define
readiness and currency. At Unit level, these central definitions can be
used to form combinations of revalidation rules, make groupings for data
entry and cross validation, form associations with tasks as pre-requisites
and establish conflict rules.
FlightPro® does far more than simply store and show Currency and
Qualification data though it does show these essential views very clearly
and flexibly. FlightPro® integrates the current data directly into the
planning and scheduling process views. FlightPro® can show those skills or
qualifications required for a specific task as well as all of the Unit
personnel who hold them at a specific time. Capability shortfalls can be
seen, upgrades planned for and extensions or exemptions granted against
specific missions with full visibility to executives and authorizing officers. All information necessary to
update the individuals’ Currency and Categorization scheme information along with the optional
creation of logbook records can be achieved using the Mission Outcome screen.
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FlightPro® has been enhanced to include formalized electronic workflow links to Currency and
Qualifications to allow a full electronic record of those key high value items such as Instrument Rating
Tests or Upgrades. These workflows also allow for multi-stage approvals, supporting Maintenance
Technician authorizations.
Each specialization defined to the product (e.g. pilot, air combat officer, fighter controller, maintainer,
loadmaster, etc.) may have a unique logbook format. For each individual, they may readily access and
report on their logbook for scheduled events and ad hoc flying.
While FlightPro® can maintain an electronic logbook, the product also allows the User to export the
records to MS Excel should individuals wish to maintain separate complete lists of flying.
Asset type records form the anchor point for many areas of data, statistical records and application
functionality. For example, at Unit level, it is on an Asset Type basis that the Electronic Mission
Authorization functionality is enabled or disabled, and also time remaining until next maintenance
check on the asset and its sub-systems. Basic turn around, configuration items, user statuses / flags,
calendars of operation, availability, registrations, time calculations, positions, user assignments and
more may be configured independently against individual asset types. This allows each Asset Type to
be configured to support that particularly platform’s requirements business requirements.
Hours codes are used to categories and report on the hours used against different operational or
training mission types. A critical part of the process for measuring and reporting hours accounted for
by cost centers (departments) is the definition of consistent Hours Codes. These codes are used
across all accounting processes within FlightPro® and comprise one of the base parameters and
grouping mechanisms for reporting. This reporting is of great value as it allows user defined billing
codes (asset type, squadron, flying activity, ground activity, supported agency, client etc.) so accurate
awareness of cost can be measured or billing administration to be processed.
Where other FlightPro® clients have outsourced their flying operations, all of the accounting records
required for contractual arrangements are sourced from the Hours Code reporting. For example
hours codes can be sub categorized (Billable, non-billable, etc.), ability to nominate hours used
against student, course and country if required and ability to split taxi / frame time.
Reporting within the FlightPro® enterprise is achieved either by using
records that have been aggregated centrally (i.e. readiness reporting
across currency and qualification information) or by using records that
exist across multiple databases (i.e. flying hours per unit). The central
database is configured to know the network locations of all field
databases and as such can be used as reference to produce aggregated
reports that span all FlightPro® databases.
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In FlightPro®, Scheduling, tasking and optimization of assets, people, courses, tasks and events is
achieved using a highly graphical user interface in the form of linked intelligent electronic
whiteboards. All whiteboards may be used concurrently as each one will update its information
display in real-time as the changes occur. The fundamental activities being scheduled through
FlightPro® are typically missions, simulators, and ground activities such as briefings, classroom
lectures and examinations both written and electronic. Missions may comprise individual sorties or
collections of sorties in groups.
The main whiteboard used for operational daily planning is known as a ‘Pane.’ Panes provide the
backdrop for all events that are scheduled both locally and remotely, including records created and
gathered on deployment. Events may be forward planned on a Pane, far into the future, if required.
FlightPro® can provide a seamless integration of broad future and precise immediate planning
without the traditional segregation of such views.
When planned flights are completed, only the data elements that differ from planned need to be
changed to record actual outcomes; only minimal additional data entry is needed with no re-keying.
Flights and detachments will often be operating from ‘away from home’ sites. Depending on the
security profiles implemented and hardware provision, panes can be viewed across all locations.
Interaction can occur across the network and Units can readily see, and interact with if authorized,
other Unit’s programs. Combined views can be created if required to assist conflict resolution.
Flight Strips are User
definable formats
Events freely arranged by time
and row to suit unit
operations management style
Briefing events
for groups of
Sticky notes for
Secondary duty
Textural notations available
(also within a Mission Strip)
Figure 2 - Typical Scheduling Pane
All events scheduled against a Pane are represented in the form of a “Strip”. Strips may be of multiple
types including Missions, Briefings, Sticky Notes, Groupings, Tasks and personnel commitments. The
format of data displayed on the Strip is highly flexible and tailorable by the User.
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The following Strip is provided as an intentionally
Example Multi-Engine
Positions / Personnel
Any Qty. Red indicates a
required currency not held.
Planned / Actual Times
Departure Location
Conflict Summary
Green, Yellow, Red
depending upon statuses
Important Workflows
Colour coded statuses.
Eg Diplomatic Clearance
Authorisation State
Indicates status of
electronic authorisation
Planned / Actual Duration
Task / Hours Code
User Statuses
User definable additional
status indicators. E.g. Is
the Asset Ready?
Intra Sortie Tasks
Pictorial of important sortie tasking information.
Can be configured to show planned / actual
Asset Type / Reg
Colour denotes
ABP & Mission ID
Key fields from tasking if
received / assigned
Destination Location
Route Information
Figure 3 - Example Multi-Engine/Multi-Crew Style Strip
In FlightPro®, the Strip represents the basic building block. A common single take-off to landing Sortie
would be represented as a single Strip. Collections of Strips may be grouped to provide meaningful
collections such as Formation Groups and Sortie Groups (e.g. Asset away for multiple trips to satisfy
an overall task).
The visual aspect of the Strip may comprise many different data elements combined in a manner that
is meaningful to the nature of the operation being undertaken. For example, a Strip for a transport
squadron may look significantly different from a Strip for a fighter squadron. FlightPro® ensures that
there is considerable flexibility offered with regards to the layouts, combinations and choices of
information that may be displayed on a Strip.
Readily accessible behind the client selected visual Strip representation are many areas of additional
information. These areas include:
General Details
Flight Folder
Task History
Ops Log
Event Outcome
Figure 4 - Additional Available Information to the Displayed Strip
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A critical process for resource allocation is to organize available personnel and their currencies/
qualifications. FlightPro® supports this style of management by providing a By Person Board.
The Board provides rapid re-crewing of individuals or formed crews by allowing the User to literally
drag and drop individual commitments between parties without changing scheduled timings.
Currency related conflicts, turnaround times, crew duty times and briefing times are all managed and
where necessary, alerts are shown. The following screenshot illustrates a typical By Person view of
scheduled activities:
Combinations of
individuals. Authorized
Users may inspect other
units for qualified
personnel if required.
Summary of User
nominated currency,
qualification, recent flying
records, etc.
Summary of scheduled
events for individuals
including personal
commitments and
secondary duties
Figure 5 - Schedule "By Person" View
FlightPro® also allows the scheduled Strips to be displayed anchored against the appropriate asset
types and asset registrations, organized by time. Pre and post event time allocation can be
automatically allocated in accordance with client business rules (e.g. aircraft turn around). The User
can manipulate the events by drag dropping them onto replacement assets as required. Scheduled
maintenance activities may be lodged against assets and be displayed as commitments on the board.
Maintenance items such as inspection dates, hours limits and configuration can be tracked and
displayed, including the option to show projected the status against planned tasking.
Combinations of Assets in
use by Unit & status.
Parking position, asset
subsystem and current
Tasks both flying and
Includes conflict alerting.
Maintenance status by
hours and date.
Maintenance event
Figure 6 - Schedule "By Asset" View
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Operational flying units and upgrade training units have applied the powerful course and training
record management capability native to FlightPro® extensively for operational flying training, course
flying training and a multitude of ground based training activities.
Crews as well as individuals are supported for structured currency and qualification management.
Course structures can be applied to individual members of a crew or the crew as a whole and multiple
course events can be completed in conjunction with actual operational sorties. This powerful
capability means that aircrew in operational roles where frames or hours cannot be readily allocated
for pure training, are still fully supported.
The following diagram illustrates an operational tasking life cycle and is described in the pages that
ATO Reader
HR import & update
Strip detail reporting
Cat Schemes
Tasking Mgt
Multiple APIs
OL Tasking
Mgt Boards
Planned Activities
Personnel / Assets
Operation Management
Reporting / Stats
Resolve Conflicts
Trg Management
Task Results
Status Board
Task Execution
Daily Tools
CBT Access
Mission Details
Flight Folder
Figure 7 - Operational Tasking Life Cycle
FlightPro® is engineered to integrate the Tasking outputs from external systems such as the Theatre
Battle Management Core Systems (TBMCS), United States Message Text Format (USMTF) Air Tasking
Orders (ATO) or bespoke tasking systems within the normal daily Operations Management function of
the Unit, or can act as a tasking system in its own right.
When integrated with an external tasking system, FlightPro® accepts tasks via a ‘To Do’ list and
automatically creates mission strips on the Scheduling Pane, optionally binding these events to the
parent tasking system. Each task message may consist of multiple internal tasks for each Sortie
including on/off station information, specific objectives etc. This integration capability interfacing
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with tightly managed Currency and Categorization Schemes and Readiness Data ensures FlightPro®
addresses the majority of Unit operational requirements. Straight out of the box, FlightPro® delivers a
comprehensive integrated capability.
FlightPro® provides not only a user friendly graphical interface through which Tasking can be viewed
and processed, it also stores a full history of actioned/cancelled tasks within the database utilizing a
client’s configured status codes. This database provides a unique business intelligence repository
allowing accurate near real time reporting on the status of assets, people and unit performance.
This functionality allows the Strip to go through the following ‘states’ as set by the User - Awaiting
Authorization, Awaiting Captains Release, Awaiting Captains Return, Awaiting Data Lockdown and
Awaiting Data Unlock. If used, each transition from one state to another requires an appropriate
individuals’ password. FlightPro® records a log of all the state transitions for auditing purposes. These
Authorization states can be renamed to fit client business needs and the choice of which states to use
is configured by the User.
FlightPro® supports the means to create named sequences of steps that may be required to be
performed. These steps may be configured to need individual passwords in order to complete them.
Workflow types and the status can be displayed directly on the Strip. This very powerful facility allows
an operator to see the completion status of all the processes for a Strip ‘at a glance’ and is commonly
used to manage both sensitive and administrative processes of approval within a Unit including premission checklist, maintenance test flight authorization, special missions, etc.
Aircraft standard configurations can be set up for each asset type that can, in turn, be set as a
requirement for a specific task or mission. Flight strips can be configured to show such requirements
and their assigned asset status, fitted or not. Fuel, stores, floor fit, avionics etc. can be addressed as
part of this functionality. FlightPro® supports the means to define common combinations or specific
sub systems (e.g. Long nav flight = drop tanks, away kit, nav pack, etc.).
In addition to individual systems, the User may also free-form type a request into a text facility and/or
use a complex confirmation form managed through the Documents area described below, optionally
managed by a Workflow as described above.
In a training environment, configuration requirements can be determined in advance and drawn
directly from the syllabus (e.g. classroom with projector, Part Task Trainer (PTT), aircraft Instrument
Flying (IF) hood etc.).
Maintainers can have their own view of the programmed tasking specifically configured to provide
the data they require. They can allocate available assets to the units. Security configuration provides
the ability to limit maintenance access / rights to the Unit’s live schedule, whilst allowing ability to
assign assets to missions and few configuration requirements.
FlightPro® is also able to be custom integrated with external maintenance systems if required.
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All pre and post flight documentation can be linked to a mission strip. This allows ready access during
the planning phase to relevant planning documentation through the ‘flight folder’ and avoids any
duplication of data within FlightPro®. Examples may include diplomatic clearances, catering orders,
accommodation bookings, complex configuration requests, etc.
FlightPro® also provides Knowledge Base functionality where Unit Instructions, Aircrew Information
Folder (AIF) and planning requirements are provided to ensure individual have read appropriate
documents. Specific items can have controlled access and/or be connected to pre-flight checklists.
FlightPro® also supports hyperlinks directly from the planned mission events to external document
systems should that be required.
FlightPro® uses the reporting capability within MS SQL Server Reporting which allows highly dynamic
customized reports to be produced. This functionality can be launched via the FlightPro® interface via
custom menus allowing clients that freedom to add/edit reporting as needed. Security settings of the
User preparing the report are considered.
An Off-the-Shelf suite of reports are also provided, comprising a range of commonly used and/or freeform operational and training related reports.
There is almost no limit to the data mining and report generation possible within FlightPro®. Past
data is retained so historical data can be easily retrieved.
Wings, Groups and Commands can view required information. For
example, a Wing may desire to participate or even manage a Group
Forward Planning view or Simulators supporting multiple Squadrons, but
leave the Squadrons to run their own planning panes and categorization
schemes. Whatever the business process, FlightPro® can support it.
A higher HQ may extract their own Reports and draw aggregated data
across multiple Units, Hours Codes and Asset types as well as for
individual Units. It can also see readiness data across individuals, Units and Wing allowing KPI
assessment, dash board development and a single point of truth for a force.
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FlightPro® was originally conceived to address the needs of aviation training management and excels
at this task. In addition to basic and advanced aviation courses, the strong focus on training record
management has also been used extensively by operational flying units for continuation training,
upgrade courses, workups and test flying management. The functionality is very flexible, supporting
all types and levels of training management including simply event tracking, standard assessment
sheets, strength & weaknesses assessment and competency based assessment configurations.
The following diagram represents a typical aviation upgrade training system intended to provide a
pipeline of students transitioning from one training status or qualification to another. It could
represent ab-initio training programs, advanced jet training, or an upgrade course(s) for enhanced
qualifications such as a flight lead or instructor course.
Figure 8 - FlightPro® Training Management System
FlightPro® provides a career Military personnel and platform operations management solution from
recruitment to retirement. All training records for individuals are maintained in the data repository.
Subject to security, it is possible for personnel to inspect training records from a person’s past, even if
those records reside at a unit residing at another geographic location. By default, students only see
their own records, specifically those records that have been released for viewing by authorized
personnel e.g. the assessors, instructors and/or supervisors involved.
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The syllabus is the starting point of the course. As a definition, it may nominate its type, hours code
defaults, primary asset types, workflow usage, signature blocks and learning content launch. Within
the syllabus may be multiple phases / subjects. For each of these scoring ranges, types, asset overuse
percentages, grade headings, sequences and comment defaults may be established. Each syllabus
may consist of one or more events. Events are created and aligned in an ideal sequence or logical
progression order. Events have a range of information managed against them, including duration,
types (e.g. solo, dual), indicators (e.g. scored, flights, night, etc.). Also particular currency prerequisites can be created for the student, instructor and/or formation members. Pre requisites may
be nominated that can be simple (i.e. event #1 should occur before event #2) or time based (i.e. If the
student completes Sim ride #1 then they have ‘n’ days (e.g. 10) before they must do the next real
flight). The list of configuration items available is extensive and driven by client requests after nearly
20 years of operation.
Figure 9 - Course Boards
For course management purposes, Units traditionally maintain an X-Board to track individual
progress. On the board, Units post the syllabus events across the board with students down the side.
As each event is completed, it would be ‘x’d on the board to reflect progress, usually with additional
details like a date and/or assessor.
The FlightPro® X-Board can track multiple course types and instances of courses along with all the
students present. FlightPro® also provides visibility of instructors who have previously taught
students, incomplete workflow activities, student scores, mission outcomes associated with the
events and any breaches to pre-requisite events during the scheduling process.
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Within each phase, it is possible to define common or unique areas of assessment and competencies.
In a traditional pilot training example these may be maneuver level (e.g. Climb, Landings, etc.). It is
also, optionally, possible to define lists of strengths and weaknesses that may be assigned by the
instructor when conducting student assessments (e.g. Airmanship, Lookout, etc.). Over the
progression of the course and the phases of the course, these may be plotted on a graph and often
serve to influence the student ‘streaming’ process.
FlightPro® allows the default syllabus to be configured to reflect the
intent of each sortie. Each maneuver may be nominated with default
scores and priorities on an event-by-event basis. If competency based
training assessment is being enforced, then the competency phases may
also be nominated (e.g. experience, teach, practice, assess, etc.).
Implementation can be as granular or high level as desired, all of which
may be configured by the client.
FlightPro® allows as many courses to exist concurrently as are required by the unit. Courses may
overlap or be run end to end as required. Each course may have multiple ‘students’ assigned and a
student may be on multiple courses if needed. Currently running and prospective courses may be
examined for resource or timing issues. Planned execution of a course may be adjusted to minimize
resource issues and the plan communicated to the scheduling personnel. Integration with the
Currency and Qualification suite allows FlightPro® to ‘award’ qualifications as a result of successful
training outcomes.
When instructors need to access a student’s progress information
either to conduct a write-up or review before a flight, several
methods are provided. Instructors are presented with a list of missed
write-ups in the last 30 days each time they log into FlightPro® to
prompt completion. A simple double click will immediately provide
access to the student result entry screen.
The instructor may review a summary of scored items, create extra events as required, assign an
overall score, write overall comments and review the flight times and hours codes involved. The
student will not have access to the detail of the card until the instructor has flagged it as released and
available. Once available the student may electronically sign (if configured) and review prior to the
next event.
One of the most common screens for the instructor’s day-to-day usage of the product is the student’s
progress card data entry. It is designed for rapid data entry and provides the instructor with the
means to start the card with a default range of scores, flag items as missed, add learning elements
that were completed on an ad-hoc basis, choose from default / common student difficulties, write adhoc comments and assign strengths, weaknesses and/or competency phases.
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The instructor may choose to review the student’s progression across the phase and/or course. When
reviewing, FlightPro® will provide a detailed summary by maneuver/learning objective of how many
have been completed by the student, how long since they last did the item, what scores were
attained, comments written, below minimum performances, missed items, ad-hoc items done (e.g.
emergencies) etc.
Graphs and reports on student progress (syllabus, chronological, compared to other students, phase
by phase, etc.) are available for review. Student asset over use by percentage by phase may also be
reviewed. FlightPro® will calculate how many effective training hours each student has (removing
non-effective training time), by phase or overall, before breaching nominated limits. This is very
useful when determining if an extra event may be granted or if a progress review board may be
FlightPro® can be configured to launch external computer based training modules directly from the
User’s list of scheduled obligations. This CBT material may be independent file server based material
or content held within and managed by an LMS. FlightPro® may integrate with the client’s choice of
LMS, allowing a single User interface to delivery all training needs.
FlightPro® allows the review of student training records from any point
in the individuals training history. Subject to security, FlightPro® can
access detailed training records from any location on the network.
On demand, course managers and executives can report on any actual
course(s) progress and compare it with planned / anticipated
graduation dates. The report includes recent course performance,
performance by flight, number of events ahead or behind for the course, worst and average student
progress, etc. FlightPro® also captures detailed information about the instructor conducting the
assessment of the student. Reports include which maneuvers are favored / avoided, scoring ranges
from high to low against peers, inspection across the student pool of performance by maneuver, etc.
FlightPro® has been designed from the outset to make the job of the end user easier by simplifying
the process and minimizing interaction steps or ‘clicks’. A major strength of the product is that
FlightPro® has utilized the proven functionality of traditional planning methods and replicated and
enhanced this approach.
The success of this approach has been reflected in the minimal amount of training required for first
time Users. The Ocean Software team has had many years working directly on-site with clients at the
Squadron level at locations across the globe. This effort has resulted in an initial product and
subsequent release program that continues to satisfy both the early adopters and new clients that
install the product. Attention to the end user experience helps ensure that FlightPro® continues to
provide the right interface style and a behavior that is expected by the user base.
Where possible, FlightPro® has been configured to allow each site to adjust the behavior, and in many
instances the presented visuals, to most closely match their business processes. FlightPro® provides a
means for clients to use existing or enhanced processes without requiring them to change to suit the
software, as is so often the case with off-the-shelf products.
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At time of writing, FlightPro® has been delivered in eleven countries and is in use by seven different
military forces globally; has been implemented on commercial, classified low and classified high
networks and satisfied innumerable network accreditation processes. In each of the accreditations,
FlightPro® was deemed suitable for use on the network, and the support documentation was deemed
suitable for the purposes of understanding the application, its components, architecture, installation
and support.
In some circumstances, client specific documentation may be required for accreditation purposes.
Ocean Software has significant experience with this type of requirement and is happy to support this
request to ease the accreditation burden for the acquiring project team. This documentation may
include how the specific client will implement, how the application will reside within the specific
network limitations, how it may be deployed to the workstations and what approach to security will
be implemented.
Security may be centrally or regionally managed as required although it is common for multi-site
installations to have used a centralized approach to security across the enterprise.
FlightPro® has internal security group definitions that are used to control access to application
functionality and records. While default security groups are provided with the product to suit most
operations, these may be tailored by the client. Security groups encapsulate aspects of roles, specific
functions, menu items, preferences, data access rights, etc.
The assignment of security groups to individuals may grant or remove User-configured rights. Each
security group may contain a range of information such as Menus, Objects (i.e. the ability to select
someone other than the logged on individual or the ability to age controlled documents such as the
Flying Order Book), Options (i.e. the administrator can force a common view for all Users) and Data
(i.e. useful where there are multiple units on one site; the administrator can allow all units to view all
events they are allowed to see and/or manipulate scheduled events on.
When logging in, the product can identify the User in a range of ways, including an internal FlightPro®
User id and password, using Windows Authentication to detect the logged in User or using the logged
in User and security group membership as defined by an external LDAP server. Login images and text
may be customized as required by client administrators to suit local requirements.
The database connection may use either Windows Authentication (the connection and access rights
to SQL Server may be governed by the network identity of the User using FlightPro®), Internal Flight
Pro Account (FlightPro® will also attempt to connect to SQL Server using a specific account and
password that suits simpler implementations), or Client defined User ID / Password (an encrypted
User ID and password may be nominated for use by the product).
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All FlightPro® clients enjoy access to a routine release cycle that adds requested capabilities,
addresses known issues and upgrades the underlying technologies. This approach has allowed
different Clients, military and civil, around the world, to benefit from ideas from their aviation
colleagues. This sharing of ideas and approaches has seen many Units achieve significant efficiency
FlightPro® has a dedicated team focused purely on improving the functionality and technology
offered. The team follows Ocean Software’s ISO 9001:2008 accredited processes both for
development and customer support, and these govern the manner with which changes are made and
The team provides major product releases once to twice a year. These releases are in turn made
available to the existing client base and are implemented at the discretion of the client. Clients need
not apply every update as it is received but rather can review the detailed Release Notes from a
cost/benefits perspective and decide how they wish to proceed.
FlightPro® is built using standard Microsoft programming and database technologies. As such, it has
very simple network and computing requirements. A typical installation would comprise of a single
physical server hosting the MS SQL Database Server, File Server, Web Server, FlightPro® internal RealTime Messaging Service and the FlightPro® internal Agent Service for scheduled jobs. Local or remote
workstations then connect to this server using a client-server configuration.
When installed, it is typically implemented with a server at each geographic base where units reside
and a single physical server at each location typically meets the requirements of all local Units. That
being said, FlightPro® also supports server farm/data center delivery and ‘thin client’
The FlightPro® functionality is divided into interfaces to service the differing needs of Users:
All operations management functions including the creating and execution of schedules,
monitoring of currencies, resource commitments, real-time visibility of other units, status
boards, training scheduling, etc.
Daily Tools and Administration
Covers all normal routine functions for individual Users including monitoring the schedule,
commitments / obligations, logbooks, course progression, write-ups, executive reporting,
flying hours, etc. Also covered, subject to security, are all administrative functions; e.g.
maintaining personnel, postings, syllabi, courses, taskings, assets, etc.
Reporting (also accessible from within Programming and/or Tools)
Subject to security, allows access to a range of academic and operationally focused
reporting capabilities. FlightPro® also allows integration of bespoke reporting utilizing
custom menus through the Programming and Tools interfaces.
Replication between FlightPro® installations is handled by a scheduled job within FlightPro® and
subject to client requirements. Should there be network or environmental difficulties, replication jobs
can be run manually if required.
Documented APIs are available for the extraction or addition of information between systems. API
message formats are in XML and use web service URLs for receipt and processing.
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With the installed User base of the product increasing each year, Ocean Software receives ongoing
requests for additional capabilities. Many new capabilities are being added routinely to the baseline
product along with improvements to existing functions, and each client, old or new can take
advantage of those changes at their discretion.
FlightPro® is already used by User groups outside of traditional aircrew for both visibility of operations
other than flying and management of their own personnel currencies/qualifications and training
records. Air Traffic Controllers, maintenance crews, and many other competencies that require
scheduled personnel and management of currencies and qualifications can use FlightPro® today
without modification.
FlightPro® began life as a comprehensive Training Management System and has been successfully
delivered to military and civil clients for nearly 20 years. In 2006, Ocean Software was awarded the
contract to provide a Defence wide FlightPro® license for all manned and unmanned Military aviation
operations across Australia. The contract allowed FlightPro® to migrate from the Training
Management space into all areas of operational flying across all platform types. Building on this
success, Ocean Software has since deployed FlightPro® enterprise wide to other Air Forces including
Finland and Canada. In all cases, Ocean Software and FlightPro® was selected as a result of a full and
open competitive tender process.
Ocean Software is committed to fulfilling the needs of our global military customer base now and well
into the future and continues to lead the way in the development and delivery of critical end-to-end
operations and training management technology.
Ocean Software’s team of experienced ex-operators are able to translate the business process needs
of our customers into technology solutions that empower Air Forces globally to do more with less.
Every day, operators trust our technology to improve safety, increase efficiency and deliver greater
capability. As a core command support system at the Unit level, FlightPro® has delivered a critical
role in recent war fighting efforts and will continue far into the future.
Ocean Software is proud to serve many of the world’s Air Forces and Defense departments and would
be delighted to be of assistance to ensure your Operations are Optimized!
For further information, please contact us at:
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
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