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s%‘ ! IV. i, V WEATHER - QUOTE Min. Mm . Preo 0.00 0.00 ""II ,v — ® ^ * f ? '. s s d » guniW' \ i ----„JL The evil that me do lives —after themr---- '—: , , B T'0.00 “ 0.00 The good is. often interred* with their bones. ' . —Shakespeare 0.00 tfvS » -'■ 0.00 12 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN,^THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1968 SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 PER YEAR 7c Per Copy TT Serving Will Begin Sunday Noon on Site mmunity Two Concerts Scheduled by School Bands .« -: / The Summer Grade and Junior bandsi-wiM* p a re n t' t h r t r ^ concert -this_Eriday .eveining,:July 25, at 7:30 p.m; in front Of the Municipal Building, The_ Grade Rand will play the Recreation Program following numbers: “Circus Days March,” “Abide With Me,” “AnDances Prove Popular dantino W altz”- and “Steamroller f*4* March.” . . With Young People solos^wilLb'e played W ^ v d by■Incidental Attendance for* the fourth week the .following menders; Linda of ~the Chelsea Recreation Council / ' miij unitv a <W3v» Vf iiiiniii .ARenWahl. I ariO'"FaistrWilliam If anytime in the Clrelsea Tgrea, program activities from Monday berudl, Penny Eisenbelser, dart* as well as any visitor from south through Friday, July 14-18, was nets; Robert Brooks, Scott Smith, 1,153. • Approximately 200 of ’this ern Michigan or northern Ohio andRaymond Seitz, and David Dietle^ number a ttended the. Friday night Indiana, fails to get a fair share cornets, Timmy Grove and Harice' in the gymnasium at Chel- of barbecued chicken at the Chela a e 8 s^ trumboiie3;R6y~Egncj____ 3S Garry Seitz; .saxophones; Cindy TJLLAGE“CREWS, Uttdet the direction of Homer Nixon, tiiMHHiip iw waaRWW i Hnfley, HHMkIJj flutes. ilU W Ui The Friday n ig h t-dances -'have superfntehdent of Chelsea Electric aita^wygig f-Dgyartwetit, are~ achumm^anri-Carol be the fault of committee _ proved popular with the younger won't “Here Comes the Parade March,” members who have planned every ftuUlHng 30-foot light poles for the _new_ street the children-as well as .with the teen “MoonlightMelody^-^WaltzFesti' to assure the- best' possible downtown area. They had Just finished'raising the poie for the age group, Director Alan Conlin detail val” and “Salute to the Team service. stated. March” will be the numbers played light on East Middle street in front of the Palmer building when than 150 volunteer workers A number of swimmers are of More by the Junior Band. the community be on hand the Shove photograph was taken. An eight-foot arm at the top working on requirements- for -Red- to a s s is t in the will _ The following students will-play project. of the pole arching out over the street holds a 400-watt mercury Cross swimming certificates and incidental solos: Carol Mayer, The original estimate of_ 2,000 many will complete -the require-, dinners.has been increased to o,000 iipor bulb which gives several times the light-of an ordinary bulb. Christfne Tarasow. Susan Schroen, menta Friday-' gTtd~- Pamela TCnshmaul, r1arir>At;. i:lightjtalefcgn^Ea8t_ the past week s s reportg of ticket■Rose Ann Zahn, Mike Baize, Victor sales were received.. Rolland in the downtown area are already in place. Yesterday afternoon P ark s, and Gordon Baum an. eo r Spaulding is general ticket chair 'IBelTrst Mdtrf h im i polCfl w m a e f in place at the New York' nets. man and will also serve «s ^trouble LITTER BAG PROJECT^-Chelsi*' Jayceea the, rig h t More than 2,000-of-the litter bags Central Railroad tracks. The new lights will extend from!^hi“ The ebneert climaxes the sumshootei^ at- the barbecue. trielu-to Orchard-street and-will be--put:in operation as soon-'aF- A picnic is beirtg-planned for neyt -President.John Popovich-(centerl is. shown_Jn._the. have been dist rlhuted-by-Chelsea - J ayceeB UB_a. "Thomas B ust/ general chairman" above photograph as h« pred^nted_Dne of the Jay- _ civic project. -They ask all motoristsjtoJteep one in for the project^ said yesterday that, tnatallation is enm ptetad.— -------- -------------------------------—— mer rehearsals' for both groups Wednesday fop1 members of. both cees’ “litter,baga” to Roy A. Russell (left), Water- .their car and use it for discards which might orthree-pouna birds are being used, groups. assuring- -g enerous ' halves f or-.each Recrestion Area park manager. J. Y>.Murg, II, dinar!lybe; throwri out =of=«ar--w 1 ndows^clutter ing' - --The m e 'Uireisea-senror Chetsea-Sentof"Band uana is ig play individual d in n er. T h e s e a r e la rg e r ' Ivh............ ing its last summer concert Friday, Utter.bag project chairman for the Jayceea is at road sides/ servings, than are customarily Aug. 1. '■ served at barbecues., Chelsea Jayceps are sponsoring Sharon Smysor was the an A representative of Michigan a project of distributing moTS than State .University, a barbecue nouncer for last Tweek'r^Si 2000J‘litter -bags” throughout the racialist, w ill he p resent, to an p arconcert. ' 1---- — "Waterloo* Tlecreatiori Area as "a" Ise broiling operation on the pittA junior high school curriculum civic project aimed at helping to doftT. harbAPiiA pi».« ' 1 -dtbulti— miiiifii wvuuy otim vyntim vvts* plemer|ted7-byr ■Wirt A vj I ■ I I I I I I ‘ Henry E . Ortbri „ ___________ -weekly- meetings since. Apr il 2. fuihjwmg~airpy of educa tion; , . . charge of the pits Sunday, and andlast week submitted the follow —Theaim -of-the-C helsea -school "Mrs/ Howard Flintoft died at charge through all gas siatlons Everett Van Riper has been as kg report, . system is to encourage the. child to Chelsea Baptist church will have and stores in outlying locations. signed to be responsible for having p.m. Sunday at-Mercy- hospi^,.,-.n Cadillac, of injuries- received a daily v ac atio n .-B ib le school ,a t Everyone who drives i b asked-to -the barbecue pitB set up and ready The curriculum Committee rec- row intellectually to hia or her ullest potential, to the end that in an automobile accident which the church on Wilkinson street, carry one of the bags in the car to go Sunday morning. 'the^ehiio-'-will' use the intellect in tarred «t 1:1£ a.m, as she and beginning Monday, July 28, and and use it for the purpose of deA -large, bell, formerly used to and three pi of their continuing through Friday, Aug. poslting waste paper, paper cups h wise arid Useful manner. Oppor____ *1intoft __________ree Seven persons were injured in ilrlvw uf v ail. 1. Classes Will be held from 2 p.m. tunities and assistance shall be" an automobile accident whLh occhildren w ere enroute to their cot and any other discards which' often Rapids and now until 4 p.m. tage at Torch Lake. furnished in developing a physic curred at .11:15 p.m. Saturday at are thrown -out . of car w.lndqws, owned by Glen Lehr, will be Charles Michael of the Rural cluttering roadsides, picnic and mounted on,a truck which wH4~be ally, socially and morally accepted the intersection of US-12 and Flintoft suffered a compound code-ofvalues.--------- v----------- --- -M-92. -------------:------fracture of his right legrfractured .Bible. Mission, w ilL he_imZcharge.. camp site's. driven a rouhd the ^streets nf-CheL. _ Friday evening, Aug. 1, an ribs and other injuries arid 12-yeair1, To encourage the maximum ; According to reports of the mis Jacees have had the bags printed seri Sunday morning to remind —FHnt<rft— sustained achievement program . will be held with an appropriate-mesBage,-stat- people of the barbecue.- in tellectual growth of the -childr hap, ,-a car driven by J oseph ::A^ cracked ribs, a cut on his head at the church. The exercises will ing its purpose. Serving will start at 12 o’clock proficiency in, the use and under- Brody, 20, of Oak Park, headed and various bruises. The „ two begin at 7:30 p.m. standing of written and spoken south on Mi92, wpnt through a During the past week the Jay- noon and continue throughout the ose in need of.transportation cees-^raaented Ghelseais^rqcently-- ^afternoon^and^evening as^long-as ounger ^children,- iKimr^-9,,and English, mathematics, science and stop sign* and rammed the-sidej)f Jill, 5, weta" treated for .may call GR 9-6241,-according,=to retired ■police 7fchicken halves are available' for the basis of his American heritage a car eastbound^on US-12 and minor injuries;----- •--;•/...... ~ an announcement by the pastor, with a check for ?25 as a tribute sale. Rev. David-Wood........ for his service with the police de-J— Large -numbers : The Flintofts,_older son, Peter, the embers Martin. B. Miller/Civil Defimre the extent of hja individual oapa- of 1416 Arbor View Blyd. Both" - of—the-Sunday school partment. "cars_ weTe_ demolished. be -accomodated at one time ’a t ' EttttyT ,15. was concluding a two-weeks’ -director for zone VI, which inand those who attend Bible school Thompson and Brody, suffered Tuesday night, July 29, Jaycees tables in the recently-constructed 2. To further encourage the mscholarship at Interlochen Music will cludes the Chelsea area, said the hold a joint picnic at Dextei^- are again taking their annual building on the Community FairCamp ana they planned to pick Huron llsilted number of reports he had tellectual- development of■the stu cuts, bruises and possible internal park Saturday . afternoon, baseball trip to Briggs- Stadium. grounds.injuries while Miss Eata Freeman, dent the following shall be conhim up there on Sunday. Jeffrey Aug. 2^7 received from residents of the com will meet at * the Ticket sales are open to men other 18, of Detroit, a—passenger— in Arrangements—have also been had returned Haturday from. Boy Church at They munity Indicate t hat-air raid siren aidered essential. 2 :p,BL Brody’s car-^had— ear— lacerations. . ... . . , . . . . . . than-Jayeee-membera-and-anyone com pleted-for—swift- serviee—on(a) Good study habits and prac Icout-camp, ' — r —— _ coverage is not whaFit should he in -.Charles Michael is-also-scheduled ’interested may ■contact'-- Robert' carry H ourordersr Otners-^who—suffered—cuts -and L ™ _0C0a' The same re8ljfj8 W€re tices.Flintoft and Jeffrey were reas a guest speaker at the July 27 that<b) Rapid and comprehensive bruises' were —Thompson’s™Wife, reported^ from all areas of the MRS. HOWARD FLINTOFT moved Sunday —afternoon S t .morning worship seryice a t. the Vanderkelen. ri—. -----to „ .— maximum-effieieney-for fast^servIrma, and the Thompsons’ three. s te s t-o f :resdiw -AJoseph Mef (^pit^r.Ann-Arhoiy "etrefeea" B aptiif chatch^ __ n^r^antt (c) Good ~SpHhirg'~gml legible children, Patricl , . ndunk- ing ia flsHUrfid. Jamea Daniels, servindicated table_chairman, and Jack MerTerry Ann 10 months old. penmanship. . _ tank” at -the. Chelsea '■Community. •apparently neither suffered seri . Miller said that people of the )le chairman,-are- in charge 4 d ^ ^ p eech._<publi£__aaMklng), F i r e Department ous internal injuries. ~S lnity h'ave-not yet r e-: 3. Experience in p r a c t i c i n g Mr. and' Mrs. PauI 'TY Niehaus of the serving committee. ' has been anrattraction at the fair The accident occurred on M-66, Answers Two Calls It was indicated this week that t e a ah w,|lct^ r they heard the wholesome physical and mental returned Sunday night ,from a for several years .____ ‘ In tw(Kweek vacatiori:_trip through habits of health .shall be furnished It was also announced that the -poat card- gjyjng-name and address aceola county,_Mrs, Flintoft was . Chelsea out Jaycees Auxiliary- wHl operate a to picnic in the area, will,stop a_t_ the southeastnrn part of the .coun. . . firemeu-were-called .. ., . . wd a, brief message is all .th a tls b y f , v ing the family station wagon the fairgrounds for carry-out dintry going as far south as Sarasota, f 10—physical education. —— necessary._If more convenient, On a straight stretch of highway o F f f r ^ " 8 thC Pfl8t week-becau3e- -refreshment-stand-at the-fair. ners to De eaten at nearby picnic . Fla.i and making their headquar (b) hygiene. te le way telephone him, he said. Roy A. Russell has taken over grounds. ■ ters in Florida at Clearwater. En* The first call-was at 4:55 p.m. _ ■. . (c) competitive sports. -duties here as. park manager of Miller was scheduled to attend route they visited Mrs. Gilbert „ , ucta Baptist Young People (d) dances and games. the Waterloo Recreation Area, 'chicken barbecue 'include. M. J. ' . , * meeting of Civil Defense direc4. Social attitudes which are de Clark, formerly of Chelsea, who succeeding Paul Rearick, who . has right hand lane and crashed head- property on Buchanan street where mr -Anderson, publicity; H. T. Moore, now lives at Toccoa, Ga., Mr. and. a tree caught fire from burning Name New Officers Anw ^ , County Building in sirable and which shall_be., eiu. Mrs. Jaine.s Park nt DuncdinrFla.-, been~4ransferred~4o Marquetta-Iin. on into the FHntoft-vehicler-Stahi grass:— - - ■ - ------— 1 — .......... .. ....... “ *• cashltai Ferd Mcrkel; chicken takgArbor lo«t A m uamam A Arbor hmt night to report courngcd are: the Upper ~Peninsula_:aa^asalstant' was reported in- aerioua-coriditla Monday—after noon,-just-before _ “Young,^>eoplei-of—the Chelsea, outs ; Cha ricsT ^ c a ster-t suppHesf an_IIoyt,. nd-.M• -and ■overage In this men nntl to ’ ( 11) goodmanners;---------------regional supervisor. ■ at Mercy hospital, Cadillac. the:_Civil__ Defense alert was Baptist church elected officers .a t _H.. E_Ortbring,__iarbecue" -pits hear reports from other *,1 'mi. n.infl OVu„u™. the „ „ firemen were called a meeting held Wednesday eve- Everett Van Riper, pit installa Rearick was manager in the Mrs. Flintoft was the former sounded, Waterloo Area the past two years. Anna Natalie Schneider, more fa to the Evangelical United Brethren ning naming Carroll Clark, Jr., tion; Harvey Fischer, electrical; Russell originally started parks miliarly known as Anrie. She was church property at Waterloo be- president. and George Heydlauff, equipment. f i ■ s .r1 -Also-elccled were'Snndnr"Pickic=" MV3.""Jack Bradblvry ■^ ' ’geri'erAl' ork—in-■tho"i"Wn4eries i"Aw> iin a ilaugliiei' Of the late-Oai'at "Dr •»r ‘"U" gt'irg y f lre. sillier, vice -pres Ulen t; St cl 1(i I <ewis, chairman of the menu committee. 1946 ns park ranger under Carl and Mary Lambert-Schneider. Her. Mrs. Faye Palmer returned home secretary; Geiie Ledford, treaH- Assistiiig her ns'sHb-cluiinnen are Van Weldon, manager at that father was the founder of Schneid time. Van Weldon died on Me er’s Store, now operated jointly by Friday from an extended fiti"1 ” 1 urer ami morial Day of this year, Russell Flintoft and Carl Schneider, Mrs. San' Francisco, Calif Flintoft’s twin brother. She was said. . present, hot S i n c e -------. „ . ginal Waterloo Area assignment, South Main street, Sept. .11, Russell was park manager of the She ' graduated from Chelsea Yankee Springs Recreation Area High school with the class of 1932 at H astings^------: rand-frofn-tho He and his wife arc living in gan in 1936;- She taught school T": the manager's residence on Mc for several years a t Hartland and Clure road- and since-coming-here Grand Blanc. June 1 have attended the Congre The Flintofts were married a t gational church. They are mem St. Paul's church here on Dec, 27, bers of the Presbyterian church at 1940.... _ ....._______________L..... .. Soiitfi^Lyoh. Mrs. Flintoft had been a mem The new assistant manager of ber of- St., Paul’s senior choir for tho Waterloo Area is James Hem, more than 25 years. She was a n 1968 graduate of Michigan State life-long member of tho church and University.-: He'is mwqrled and. the a member of St, Paul’s Womon’s father of two children,.' The family Guild. She served as president of is living In an apartment at the the Women’s Guild during 1956 Area headquarters._____ andl957.Sh^wALalaQ.a_m fimhct|i ' Thomas Grogg, former assistant of the- Chelsea Child Study , club. manager, loft Juno 15 to become Surviving, in addition to her manager of Burt Lake State Park husband ana children, Peter, Jefat-jndlan^.Blvor. ■ ____ ireyv^K lm juutJiiary-Jill.-ere-her two brothers, Carl of Chelsea, and Paul of Traverse City, .1 lain: Donald Doll, second vice-commander; RRy 4-H Service Club Funeral services were held at Font nml Auxiliary off!Lutovsky, commander; Keith l^yU n, past com- Will -Meet Thursday y.i7 o’clock yesterday afternoon at uni.. Joint ceromonioR ceromoniea new held w SatttN i„ <,r1° * n8t*lled at joint n .l|lBthcr. seriha~Staffaia-Funeral -Home^with8Mb Uk? J(*ht at the Legion Home at Cavqriauffh minder and o^icer*. In ad^i^e~ "W a8hm w ~ -C 8nnty-“ '4 ;tf tho Rev, P, H, Grabowski offlciatjMUWulivt.V.’ I. Service will -hold J U next JriaatlBE . Ingr Burial to o k -p iBCe tn - Orik .. Vvmh\VM* 6{ lh* on Thursday evening, Jul}/ 81 a t Grove cemetery. tlte ,n|d«Hation of Auxiliary officer^ Mrs. Leon Shutes, senior viceMJrcsidcntj Mra. Hitda 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and ^ r,8we'l as Installing officer. The 'l»k, Mrs. Leonard Burmoistef. ;Tho p y -' ; Hall, junior vice-president; .Mm f c” „ e ’ Burmeister farm ia located on Mr, add Mrs. Charles Ritter and Uted »* 16th District ritual team offic* ■L fir., chaplain; Mrs. Grant Sch°° Stoinbach road just off Pleasant daughters, Megs and CeCe, return p V ' ^ ■ it. MeKnn 1, of officers of Herbert J. Lake road. Drinks arid potato ed Friday from a threo-weok vaca *fe a«C *ost N°* 31, Shown In tho photograph eol™ bc«r«; P*“! .chips Mil b«r furnished, however, tion trip during which they visited Auiiiu ° of thoHfricors of both the Post and who at.tond are to brmg the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. (.tnton,) , mI Mr,. Klm« “ » » > " “ 'J'1'* .'J’J J j thoso ^ ax|ll ^ fi*AiM fdn. n*>n 4ten fAlfAwttlff their own hot-dogs and buns. Be Charles Ritter, Sr„ at Pittsburg, cause. at., the coming _of tho Wftfm- R a n -^ T h ^ Alao spent. ^ m p time MYSTERY FARM .NO. U . will be quickly course, the o^ner may claim li beautiful mounted mm% . everyone beesuso w this a t Bella sta Resort in Arkansas recognised by tu nearly of the photo of the ferm hy eallin* at The Standard - f t ti , hmlM tit,t tirc'.lilont! Mr,. fi.f ,ho-n, Br8 Rn-.. KiMorUn; RIch.Td K(Tn.- giuests o f ™r; M meeting wfir be of great import dlatirictlve. modern dairy barn. We welcome > Oorton. prwM m i, , „ d M„ . Hw' r' h - ---• your Office by Saturday. Tub members GlicK. and a t N o te M ^ as g u M t^ , ririept „All See?|ta Club calls'If you can make the identification, and of Phsto«»riL^ ‘^kloh j^osi officers of Mir. anAldrsi ^ud iferiilli. »» ■ wmvuin appearing eei|| in the aW urgedvfo a t t e n d . 1 * *ph’ Elton Gucnther, chap- Sehtaleyt executive board meiaberi. Proceeds To Pay For Wiring New Fair Building Jaycee Litter Available Curriculum Study Group ;o School Bo: •edi: Saturday Crash at US-12 Intersection l wo-Car Crash Claims Life s. Howard Flintoft • h . B a p tist C hurch m B ible School ^ Siren Test Shows ‘Poor’ Roy Russel] Park Manager of Waterloo Area IS JMtot M Krtllta Hlr* 1 ‘“-T'TTt-2 U- P A G E TW O A m Arbor Trust Made Agent for f i t A Home Loans Farm Management Tour Scheduled Today Nehr Alba BOTTLED . and H EATIN G ^AS SERVICE Today* (Thursday), fa rih e rs o f th ls a r c a may combine a vaca band winners in state music tion trip to the northern part of the competition, the “Northland Dixie state with the 1958 state farm Stampers." management tour scheduled to take The Walker farm is widely place in Kalkaska anj2 Antrim known as a highly successful 1,100 -countlea-ln- the- northwest-portion acre,; highwoiume fa m b u a in e s a of the lower peninsula. developed from unproductive1 soil Unique work-tested methods of into some of the most productive soil building on the Orville Walker in Michigan. A soil building profarm near Alba are . expected to ram known . as the “w iik«r prove expectally Interesting to uickie" was carried out, result visitors from the lower p art of the ing in yields of 400-800'hushels of state. The farm la-located on US- potatoes without irrigation. Other 131, one-half mile north of Alba*specialized crops are also included. ________________________ A chicken barbecue will be served The tour of the Waiker farm, there at 12 o'clock by 4-H club beginning at 2:45 p.m. will include members of Antrim and Kalkaska a demonstration of mechanics Counties, under the direction of stone picking; one of the . most Grand Traverse. County Extension modern potato handling set-ups in M ichiganja complete farm shop John A. Hannah, president of trial plots on potato varieties an< Michigan .State University, will test plots with the use of gibberelspeak at the noon program a t the lie acid as a growth s tim u la te ? ^ aiker farm and Mrs. walkfer,will potatoes-. proyide .organ music during . the The farm also has’ annunder lunch Jiour. _ . : ■ ____ ground sprinkling system;,a* sani Also"featured “at ther noon pro tary garbage disposal system eon gram will be the Antrim county sisting. of a dry well; beautifu lawn and flower garden; and _____ n farm home which-wt open for the ladies to visit. * -A — FLAMEGAS « j ★ * A T H U B 3 D A ¥ ^ ,i m - v - .r m u r n iA N THE CHELSEA SMM s u Appointment of the Ann Arbor Trust Company as an “Authorized Agent" o f the Federal Housing day by Earl H. Cress, president. Administration was announced to day by Karl H rU reM i president. The appointment covers Wash tenaw county exclusive of Ann Arbor. Pittsfield^ Vpsiianti and Superior townships. T hese- i m i w ilr continue to come under the a t rect jurisdiction of the Detroit F1IA office. —— . As an Authorised Agent, the Ann Arbor Trust Company is per mitted to make FHA insured home mortgage loans without prior ap proyal of the FHA district office Under this a m S .u ia a a n j a » SAFI CLEAN _ DEPENDABLE Worden's Flamegas 422! Csdor LakeOrivi Phone GR 9-5961 Flamegas Ypsilonfi 5025 Carpenter Road (US-231 Phan* YaiilontJ HU 2 -4 5 2 2 . He Deserves Your Promotion N O H IN A T E WILLIAM F. ACER, Jr far : PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Present First Assistant Prosecutor VOTE REPUBLICAN -August 5, 1958 Pinckney Soldi*, O f Regimental Rifie TeS& fidwaSf'L. E g e K S ^ r i T ^ Mrs, Robert L, E g e K ,? / ; m ° team a N S H f l E S ’S e p rived . . E u re p e ^ h |% J n l& rived—in December. 'mBr farm er In civilian life. HVi*,1 J e i m y j a with him m SUBSCRIBE TODAY , praisers.and Jnspector»r U xasaax- TQ THE CHKLSEASTANlHBnp plained. •.' ~ A “Tha-Value in being made an Authorized-Agent ia^tnat we can offer so much faster service on FHA loans for our customers," he aid, v~ Cress indicated th at generally a commitment can be ■issued In a sea xrom .gate oi app]Ucatton. v ~v-; r-'k-*’ Ttre=Ann^A rbor TWst Company REASONABLE RATES in 1935 was the first local lending institution to become an Approved Mortgagee under • tW f U n S Housing Administration, T ill .Dirt - Block Dirt Sovttt - Stone - Qrovil EXCAVATING— MYSTERY FARM NO. 13, the home of WrT and the remodeling done by the family since the a .m .a t the Victor J. Woodhams farm ,, located, one mile east of and Mrs. Albert Woods, proved to be difficult for picture was taken. US-131, 11 miles south of Ka] many because of the changes In M-92 relocation kaska. —---- —------- ' ------------- » * On the Woodhams farm will be Profit Chelseo 9-3522 Bummer, fall, and winter may seen demonstration plots of getting be seasons, but spring is a miral falfa stands, corn variety plots, or Dexter HA 6-8650 ad*. bulk handling of milk, the transi tion—f rom stanchion type n to on expanded—total farm operation, an- excellent dairy herd Swim for Health The July 17 “mystery ’farm" and an outstanding example of picture^provcdTiiffieuff to iUentify part of_a aao-acre farm nwnwLhy. success in raising dairy heifers fo t 6 -jand Recreationbecause it is no longer on the main! Frederick a nd Sarah Bollea^Parts herd—expo neion—and—replacement cattle. road since^fe-Iocation of M-92 of it were~aoid.-off—thr north of -Chelsea and-because-re- years,-the present Wdods pro’perty Your bolttry, thok —The7l958lour wilHbe of interest cent remodeling has changed the having been owned successively by to ail farmers of the state, es is, oftir our depandBy Earle F. Zeigler pecially. those interested in rapid outside appearance of the house Saron W. S hafer 1863-1876; Mich University of .Michigan ablorochorging! and garage. rebuilding qjf run-down soil.ael Timmons, 1876-1895; Catherine (Water Safety Committee— Designated as “Mystery Farm' Timmons, 1895*1900; . and Mary of the American Red Cross) We'll put your old battery back into No. 13,; it was first identified by Rogers Corners Herdsmen There is probably no finer sport the- present-ownerr-himself, Albert Murphy, 1900-1910,. 'championship ready tc -^Cither, owners-itstedincludeJohn’ d 7 recreation than Woods“ 2018(rT«-92.'7pra" ’SP! Win County4-H Club “ . for health ,avan 40 ybu’ many months of peppy starts, I swimming. It is one of the few which appears In -front of the F. Runciman and Henry and Chris dependable service. ■ Softball Tournament tina -W inters."" " ' ;ypes of "physical recreation that house in the photograph, is , now he • whole family lari enjoy-- to Woods,-hasbeen employed at the •Woods* drlv ew ay ib the re- Chelsea Products company the gether—f rom the" toddler to grand- locate’d. again the Winners of the 4-H club pa-with highway. PURE OIL PRODUCTS pastt 10 yeears. He has a goodhis arthritis softball tournament- held July 13, . Alum inum awning a, and new, size/ d-garae; fiird pastures a Swimming=the- various" strokes siding Tvave also changed-the- ap=it -was—announced^this^^^week^isjr few cows on the remainder of the Emil Fimbjnger, Washtenaw coun- exercises all the large muscle pearance of the house. property. Mrs. Woods is employed roups of the body and improves ty 4-H club leader, Albert . Woods and his wife. ~~ The Rogers Corners Herdsmen the citculo-reapiratory efficiency of Napcy., have. owned_thfi_house-.and a t Central Fibre P roducts. are led’ by—Leroy and Robert the_fndividual as well. TIMS . BATT1RIBS soY,firL.a«rfia-i)f land surrounding ItJ-.AQ-. addition tor -Mr. and MYs, Hellor “the past i4 years; : Woods, .-the^ family inejudes two Even people wiUt-phyaical-hafidl^ -for— PHONEGR_5-74.11 CHELSEA^ MICH, The team’s next step_ia_com- caps can enjoy- this healthful.exer They purchased it from the daughters, ’" ”Evelyn and “Dorls, and teams from- ; other cise w ithout-fear-of-strain 'or re ^ r m ^ -^ s ^ M ic h a^ ^ a p p lw ^ n ow an eight-year-old son. Robert. _ Others-who identified t he Wanda counties In this district.— ■- - ■ TTjury.---If-theaaidefect8-are-remedlable, swimming edn do a lot to The Kappler family had owned the place la s t week are Mrs. Frank Vi»el, Dean Clark", Mrs. Harry Bur farm since 1912.-improve- such conditions. Purchased from the U.- S. nett, Mrs. Wavron Porath, Paul For these reasons we would en One Minute courage everyone to learn how t<J Government at $3.50 per acre in Bollinger, Mrs. John Dvorak, Clin ton Schultz. George Xleis, Anton 20x20x1 ______L6x20xJL swim, well through your school^ 1838, the property originally was Nielsen, Allen - Broea. EflELER TRUCKING Mystery Farm Is Home of ter Safety Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woods Rarin' To o..T FURNACE DUST FILTERS PRIMARY T rT h e Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thaf o^GeneroUPrimory Eiection will be hetd iirthe TOWNSHIP OF SYLVAN (Precinct- No. I a n d 2 ) STATE OF M IC H IGAN Sylvan-TowiisItip^HaR ±L “Within soi<|l T ow nship on Tuesday, August 5, 1958 For the- Purpose of Placing in Nomination by All Political — - Parties ParticipatingTherein, Candidates for the ~ — b-— ----- -'iJiizFollowing -Officeu, v i z — STATE Governor, Lieutenant Governor i8NGRESStONAL~ e"'ted Representative LEGISLATIVE in Congress SPORTS (jIII7 [g gram. All these organizations em ploy leaders who are qualified Red 1. What National League. team Cross, instructors. replaced Milwaukee'oh July 14 In Even though you think you are the first place?' poorly co-ordinated, practice at 2. Who won the recent Insurance swimming will eventually anrpriaa Open golf luunitsy. In^ Coftnecti- you, Swimrhihg Is different than cut? ’ many other sports which require 3. For whom does Bob Hazel continual_ response—to-new situ play baseball? ations. People with the greatest 4. Who, is Red Smiib? ______^tTetrgthT^nd E. What manager recently de endui^nde _will undoubtedly be fended his Major League club come "the outstanding swimmers against “play boy” charges? after long practice. Even though -----(Answers on page-l-l->-^----- "yoLL_may_haye—only—lalrco-orO ination, you c an -lea rn ’-the motor pattern necessary-for a-particular stroke with practice. Strength and endurance can-be" developed by various types of muscular effort Involving intensity and continued exertion. If you try it, you will at its fin< raeif—developing into—a r otty fair ‘ “ he premluma-you^pny—are~towr thedividefrd»-are--very-Hgh^ UPHOLSTERING In snite of his loVe for diri f-tha pig is still our most efficient moat producer, A healthy pig will pro* GREGORY. MICH. duco 100 lbs, Of meat (75 per cent iiKiilde) for. a feed cost of 813.50. -Sovinos up to 6 ^ % -orrrebulTdJna” 'NexV'-eomes—hroiiers, at a feed coat of $15.00 per 100 pounds, restyling <jrid reupholsferlng J u r(02- nor- cent—usahlc-)—la m b r-n r ntture. $17.00,pp.r hundred (54 per cent edible, then- steers a t $21.00 per A_SHOEUL_DRIVE_TO-GREGOR-Y- hundred pounds (CO" por, cent ediblo). (Assuming feed costs" a t »S A BIG SAVINGS TO YOU! nnt’i average) • 200 M a i n S frnnt Phone ALpino 6-2800 B r o n z e g lo State Senator, Representative Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk * Coun ty -Treos ur e r r Register^>f-p e e ds, Dr ai rr^| Commissioner,, Coroners, Surveyor, and sueh other Offi cers as are elected at that- time. And for the J*urpoifl—oLFlocing In NominoHon, Candidates es participating in a Non-Partizdn FrimoiyElection for the Following Offices, vix: Notice Relative to Opening and Closing oi Rolls elec tio n l a w , a c t n e , p. a , 1954 SECTIO N 7 2 0 , On the day of any election the polls shall b» , opohed at 7 o'clock in the'forenoon, and shall bo continuously open Willard J. Maxey, Jr., 28-yearold—intake-officer-and supervisor in the juvenile division of probate court, was promoted July 8 byProbate Judge John W. Conljn to the position of "county juyenite di- • ---- ■' 1" ------ --r~ He ia -the son of Willard J. Maxey, Sr., state social welfare director. The appointment_.was approved the same day by the Board of Supervisors. , ' Maxey, who has been with the division dnc^Februarv.^ succeeda FARRELL Prompt, reliable service by a local (irm-you know'you can depend on, FREE ESTIMATES BOLLINGER IN D U STRIA L AND GEN ERAL SH EET Sanitation Service METAL WORK 115 ~ WEST MIDDLE STREET— CHELSEA Ucemcd by MIeh. Health Dept. Phone GR 9-59,71 Chelsea,. Mich. PHONE GReenwood 9-2011 DOUBT ABOUT t t th d iend_of-Julv mt_profeasorJn social-work a t iho University of Buffalo. ----- BAtMERS BUSY BEAVER 4-H, CLUB — The Regular meeting was_held ,at the home of Norma Hudson^July 12. The clu b ‘discussed entering tho stockbridge~Fre© Fairr~Afterwiird they enjoyed a hayride and a—hot-dog-roast-^at -the -home :of Terry. Schoonover. Mrs.- Schoonover had a flow r meeting last Sunday. ; - The club tour will be Aug. 10 for a picnic dhmbr-and swimming. There was a foods meetingf Mon. Standard Want Ads Bring Results, p day.,.. July Ulv ’ ' Ingrid LiberSki is spending this week id Detroit. w ® B ir c h , Foods judging will be held Tuesdayr Ju ly -2ftr Severfll-fflris-wUi^ t . fendT A foods meeting will be held July 28. Clarice Cook and Murilyp Liebeck, State Service Club members worked during Club week. A t the Stockbriqgc^rec'Fait'th e - :tduh-hadr3Q^ontrieff:for^wintflrTAnd summer projects. There were IS -projeota-rontered^-Thr-clutrrhas~18 mmbers. We had 22 A's, I I B’s, and 8 C's. Dianne Reynolds, reporter. LOOWT H ftP Q O — ■ J A IM E R 'S SRAf<z s w v ic e , REPAIRING V <f% G R 9 5I3I*»140 W.MlDDlF»«r.HFKFA ' (POL1T1CAL ADVERTISEMENT) THERE IS NO SMSimiTE FOR YURS LOCAL EXPERIENCE READY MIX C IR C U IT CO U RT COM M ISSIONERS ‘ And Also To Vote on tho Followfrtg County Propotai: -"Shalt the provisions of Act No. 181 of the Public Acts of 1953, providing for the abolition of the office of Cor oner and the creation of the office of County Medical ExQmincr, b^" ’ W illard M axey, Jr., SEPTIO TANK C ounty CI E A H I N O Juvenile D irector - - — for^Tomorrow's-KHcheit MTV Wm I6 x 2 5 x f You’re not drooming in this kitchtm T . . it’s a dream come true! The subtle soft ness and rich oharm of the beautiful BRONZlEGLOW BIRCH provide a warm ‘'family" atxnoepher^ Imagine thia kit cheninyoMriiemQ!_________ _______ Radio eleot Ge o r g e RSEN Dispatched Trucks M AN CH ESTER ____ PHONE ,.pj esonr .ond--in-..hne ot the ..poll«.-ot—ths- 4 >o w - presc ribed fo r tlio closing thereof sholi be ollowed to-vote. ......... -.... --------- -------- — ........ * '- THE POLLS of said election will ba open at 7 o'clock a.m. and will remoln open until 8 o'clock p.m. of laid day of election. — r t. RICHARD KERN, Sylvan Township Clerk ^ ^Sheriff*si*lh^Htnan* ^ergeani ***** Cwtotn in YOUR C o m In and look at our display of "drowncoms-trus” SCHElRICH BRONZEGLOW BIRCH KITCHENS! Free MtimstM , . . no obU$atloii. MANCHESTER READY M IX CO. COLP1 209 e. Ltborty St., Ann Atbor 1 MACOiltl Phoof NO 8-6128 K H B m ^ ^are^ f Con*i<forate Law Enforcement at Mini* __ rnum Expense to Taxpayitera. VOTE - PRIMARY - AUfittST i 1AY. JU L Y t o , THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN A report of the Health Commit 4 committee meetings a t $66.80. tee meeting of July 8, 1968, was Total $88.40. ^m dT e- eend it tonal a p t ointment of R usseir^ughes, $1^.38 plus 2 County Medical Examiner and de committee meetings at $82.88. To partmental approval of fee and tal $49,76. 1 mileage schedule for work of ex -C harles Kern, $16.26 plus 1 comaminer and report by Dr, Otto X. mittee meeting a t $16.26. Total ' Engelke on the histoplasmosis and $82.52. readinwhich he expressed his ap. sented to Board Chairman Scheel tuberculosis testing program- of . Sylvester Leonard, $17.88 plus TaeadaXi 9,000 children.. 2 committee meetings at $( nreclation to-Ohairmatr Scheel for morning SESSION th« approximately that the his attendance and participation in a Certlf cate certifying Sup. Sterling, supported by. Sup. T o taljf49.72. 'elloeis freer— .... Gallup, mdved the adoption of the the discussion ofTnetropofitan avi Henry Leutheuser, $16,26. Director, Col. Ger- report, Carried. A list of Dej M. f g S S r i S n S ation problems. Samuel Ellsworth L i n d s l e y , aid Miller, ____ j^ ^ jS o ld - a tth 9 ..p p u ii Medleal-Exami nere-wa s s u bm $L7,62-plus—1- committee- meetin "Civil D e f e n s e * r‘ " «wCcH h ! City of Ann Arbor, Stlkworth, moved that the com- County. by Dr. Otto K. Engelke. at $17.52. Total $85.04. jjgSjS, Si Tuesday^ the .8th day Robert H. Marsh, $16.26 plus 2 Supi-Sterling, supported by Sup" munication_be-reeeived~end filed; ■“ Notification .. — . from" Edward W. — committee meetings at $82.52. To Carried. Leonard, moved tne adoption of Kane, Secretary of the State Tax $48.78. , rfTi f m . S wa» «Hed M .td e r A reportsof the Sheriff's Com Annool^k"1 V m10 filing. '.Of ■taX the list of Deputy Medical Exam talCarl E. Mast( $16.08 plus 1 com iners fo r. Washtenaw County as mittee meeting of June 27th, 19B8. Ypsilanti and Salem presented to the Health Committee mittee meeting at $16.68. Total “ .- A B S E N T : Sup.. was read relative to the inventory Townshipsby was -of-the~Boardby Dr. O tto K . En $88.-fl6r orted" by'Sup: gelke, Director o f th e Health- De- rElmer^Rr-Mayerr $lT.66- p lu s~ r i t the comtrtun- artment. Carried. (On file in the committee meeting at $17.66. To tal $35,32._____ ,____ and filed. Car- ounty Clerk's office)— Bey* Samuel A, Morgan, $15.70. ^ f f lr ywifwV"lnvocation. which had been established in the A communication from* John W; A_ report of the Legislative vj Emory L. Mulholland, $17.84 XcowmunicaUonjfrora U w rencj •Sheriff's Department: and the Conlln, Judge of Probate, was read Committee meeting of July 2,1958, 8 committee meetings at $4 was read re public hearing, on Board direetthat a formal County s ', nd Maude M. Thomas was rei Total $67.16. re resignation of Mr. Prank any aerial or roadsid purchasing procedure be immedi Hodges, Juvenile Court Director petition for annexation of p ro p Clayton H. Parr, $18.50 plus 8 ately established for providing mis and appointment of Mr. W. J. erty located in Pittsfield Town committee meetings nt $62.00. Toinyolving- Kimberly Hills and -tat-$7O.50r— . -------— by cellaneous items to County—pris -Maxey, Jr., to fill position, effec ship. ^n^Sincworth, su . . . Orchard Crest Subdivisions; re* John W. Rae, $15.14. including complete records tive August 1, 1988. Suftoffnian, moved that the card oners, view of sample “set-back ordin- Elaine Ivey Rice, $15.14. for adequate inventory and cash Sup. ^ /p f f ed to the Road Committee.. control. . Dana, supported by Sup. lance” .prepared -by the Jn .George \L; Rbbins, $16.26. ly in , moved that the communica county Highway Commission, for ThurTow E. Sanford, $17.38 g i f Bae, supported by ^ u p , m n^°r« AuoiU* ^ 0r^et^. • tion be received and filed. Carried. adoption by the various local units . j l l v v ' ™ove£ the adoption An opinion from the Assistant of government ^ f a c ilita te high- 2 committee meetings a t $£ of the renprt.—Carried. TotaL-$52rl4r--------.----------Prosecuting; Attorney .William P. Sup. Siikworth gave an oral re Ager, J rH - re establishment and way planning in the metropolitan Edwin F. Schaible, ,$16.54 port on4 some of the items listed maintenance of the_PortageLake area^and review of resolution from 3 committee meetings at * i l 'S S 'K M En-Schedule l^ o rth e Inventory Re Marquette County re public wel Total '$64.62w “ level,. was road. .TO..htAnaw County) be received "port Raihtenaw fare aid. ‘ . > Wiiliam I. Scheel. •816.68 plus 7 of the Washtenaw County Slip, Gallup, supported- by Bup. * Sup;—Shepherd, * supported-^by committee ... Sd filed. CarrUd. Sheriff's Department submlttcd’Ott' Marsn, at 8116T6; move ^that1 the in, moved *’ Opinion ~ ‘ * *be Sup. Leonard, moved tne adoption TotaL.8l33.44 June 5 th ri9 6 g Sjjj. . W111,vf f PT Ptf f 'i h u byn3BSulu. hff“ Dr,aincom m ittbe ofuve report. Carried. - - —rWr. It. Ji Hanlay of th ikl Frankiin—J— Shepherdr $ 1 ^ 0 ' f f S ^ t h e Lapeer County modities . Distribution Section of for guidance. Carried. ,. Sup. Sanford, supported by Sup; plus 2 committee meetings at Sup. Mulholland, supported by Leonard, moved tne adoption of $31.40. Total $47.80. E d of, Supervisors (favoring the Michigan State Department of Klochen Music participation in Administration gave a report on S up,.H off man moved that the the June report of the Roads and Don M. Sijikworth, $16.26 plus Z Mackinac Bridge dedication the Surplus Food Distribution County.. Administrator be ■ .Bridges -Committee. Carried. (On 2-com m itteem eetings—a t —$38.52,quested to compile a report of all file in the County Clerk’s office) Total $48.78.____ ____ erraram and favoring the reatora* Program. F o f a BO-BO matching formula John G. Sterling, $17.24 plus. 4 Sup. Leonard, supported by Sup. of the action taken by this Board, A report of the Ways and W*een State, and County Wei- Mulholland, moved to. adjourn un relative to the Portage Lake lake Means Committee meeting of June committee meetings at $66.72; To level project, up to the present 8. 1958,' was read-recommending tal $83,96, coats) be received and filed. til .1 :8 0 j.pj»u_Cflrrl * And that .the County "Drain salary rates for Juvenile Court „ Freeman E. Weber, $16.40 v plus Carried. , AFTERNOON SESSION Commissioner be asked to com632,80, ”“A communicationDirector—and Agaociatu~Planner j. ■ c o.tnP^!'^ l . e meetings a t The meeting was called to order pile a report listing alTof his activ classification; approval for filling Total $49.20. pummell, Director of the Second ities relative to the subject mat vacancies in Probation Dept.. , , Theodore S, Weber, $16.26. by Chairman Scheel. Congressional District of Michigan Roll Call—ABSENT— Sups. Ed- ter, Carried. Curt H. Will. $15.14 plus 2 Comftffiriilpg, Association, notifying County Building Operations and w ard W. Frederlckt~Rand,- peaIy, A recommendation of the Agri Health Pept.T ~ authorization 0.28. Total Hi, Board of a meeting Uthc to mittee meetings at bolter —5. euUurol C o m m itte e ^ a a^ a d -rec ^ Admr. to TU purchase typewriter for $45.42., Second and—Shcth-'Gongi Communications from G. S. Mc ommending_ approval of appoint ----” " Division ..............of the •— ‘ Sup. Bauer, supported by Sup; Districts of Michigan Townships Juvenile Probate Association in Ann Arbor, Michi- Intyre; Director Michigan Depart ment of Mr. Emil Fimbinger as Court; approval for establishment Marsin, moved-the. adoption of the epor Carried. pui, on July 16th,-1968, was read. m e n t o f Agriculture, were - read Washtenaw C o u n t y Extension of a . salary grade for Medical report! the Board of Supervisors 4-H Club work. Sut Will, su by Sup. Technogolist - m Health Dept.; Sup. Sterling, supported by Sup. notifying Washtenaw County has been Sup. Lindsley, supported by Sup. schedule - for- budget-review pro Heinfnger, moved tbatJthe Minutes Rice, moved that the communlca- that moved tne adoption of the cedure and discussTonrof request request of be approved as read. Carried. tionbe received and filed. Carried. designated a modified -certified : -Rice, recommendatltm. - Carried SeeteL^Welf are — Dk'ectoi* ~K comirmnicatton^rom Edmonil Sup. Lindsloy, supported by Sup. Mr. Don Johnson-introduced Mr. to employ an addi Kern, moved to adjourn until Tuesf, DeVIno, Prosecuting Attorney, Bauer, moved that tne communi- Emil Fimbinger as. Washtenaw thorization tional person for position of ea- day_A ugusLJ.2th,-1958,-at-10:30---------------------------. ... . C rto reaiLire- meeting in Atlantic catiOns be received and filed, County^Extension Agent, 4-H’Club tabli8hlng the welfare service^pro a.m. 'or at the call of the Chair. -City.-••... " , work, ‘to the BoariL — — gram of the County Civil Defense Carried. ried. : ^ ! ^ : ■ . . ~~ Sup, Sanford, supported by Sup. Dr. J. H. Campbell, District The Annual Report- of the Co- effort. ‘ . WiUiam I. Scheel, Chairman. Shepnerd, moved that authoriza- Veterinarian for the State Depart- ordinated activities of the WashSup-M arsh, supported, by—Sup. Luella- M.- Smith,-Clerk. lion be"givehTto' Edmond F.^De- ment"df Agriculture appeared be tenaw- County Health Departments Freorftan Weber,-moved-the adop Vine, Prosecuting Attorney^to a t fore the Board relative to the bru and the City Health Departments tion of the report ^.Carried, . tend the Nationals Association of cellosis control program in Wash and - Visiting Nurse—Association A -‘report of the^Welfare Com-County-and Prosecuting Attorneys, tenaw County and on behalf of the of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, was mittee meeting” of July 1. "I9BB7 meeting in Atlantic City from Department- of- Agriculture pre- presented. ‘ .• wan.^-read_re__Demonst.ration-ReJuly27th thru the OOth|1958^Car=or search Project: _ communication ried; •............. . ..... , ^ __ ------ FIN AN Cl M i- REPORT-OF TH E -WASHTEN AW COUNTY from Ypsilanti Salvation Army . Ac o m m u n ic a tio n . from. Delos. - - — " . HEALTH-DEPARTMENT—-'------- — — rdisting=assistance—given- families Hamlin, C hairm an o f the Oakland and diacUBsince "Ja n u a ry l, J a n u a r y D e c e m b e p ^ l x l S S ? ^ — — County B o a Y d T jfS u p e rv iso rs, Was Balance January 1, 1957 8 9,281.11 sion regarding the subject of Sur-^ plus Foods. Receipts: v , Sup. Mulholland, supported by County .......... ................ ..-8135,866.41 Sqp,. Harrington, moved the adopL th e o d v a n t State Funds ..................... 1 5,628.50 tion of the report. Carried. ~~~~ T itle-VI (Federal) ~ ---------- - 17.153^8: Sup. Muihollund, supported by 3,762.39M aternar& Child Health (Federal) a UT 0 M A Sup. Sterling, moved that authori 5,544.28 Maternal & Child Health (Federal) 4,457.94 zation be granted to call a special Cancer (Federal) .......... ........... I• f i r ed h e a 9,162.55 meeting of the Welfare Committee .Tuberculosis. Subsidy (State Spec. Study) with the Welfare Board, the Wel1,775.60 T. F. Home Care (State Spec. Study)fare Director, the Coun^ 2,773.76 ” ty Admttfc .Eolio.i ”, ‘ istrato r-an d Civil Defense -Expanded T. B. Case findingA (; S AVI NG Dl rector. Carried. . 4,519.41 (State Spec. Study) . . . Home .Care Reimbursement. : A' report of the County Co L060J)0 (State Spec. Study) ordinating Z o n i n g Committee 5,443.72 Ypsilanti V. N. A. meeting of July 7, 1958, was read 1,602.08 Ann, Arbor V. N. A.' relative to rezoning of prjo 'acre - 437.50tic 2'4—of L'odr[ of property in Se“ction Trailer Park 582.68 nan Townsnip; rezoning of certain lots Ypsilanti City Reimbursement ■...... ■.-50-L55- 8200,260.45 ITT —Salem—Heights— ignts Subdivision J' Ypallanti- V. N.-A. ReimbursemewtoL Salem Town!________ shipH; ^rezoninir= __________ 8209,641.56 -piiroperiy—in -Section 21 -of—Soie4 Township and rezoning of property Disbursements: 8153,249.61 in SectionJ 101_ of ^Ypsilanti^TownSalaries ..i15,430.54 ship. Use of Car 3,808.40 Office Supply & Expense Sup. Freeman Weber, supported 1,066,64 Scientific Supplies & Equipment by Beach, moved the adoption of ' 2 ,888.88 Yprilanti Office Maintenance the report. . Carried. . , , — ------------426.10 Insurance ........... _•...... ......Sup._Heiningoiy :---L696.-75_T^-B.^X-rfrys-and-Soryrce=rr -Supr-^-Leonard^. mi -2iL49J50T^lntihg._And_Pukljcationsrinmmlttflft nn Wnlfare, the -Com=430^58^ =ArborMainteharice of Equlphientyi^ -mitteo nn—Waya- and—Mea ns—andl R0NG S e* * t 5.64 Maintenance of Equipment.-^. rp ilan ti epense Accbunx quested-by the Board of Super— 421.22: Traininar Account [ visors to meet and attem p t. .to. _ 8,934.-41— WINTER AIR-CONDITIONER Office Equipment work' out a means to use Surplus . 86T00 Professional Dues -Foods—Services within,-th.e—avaiU 188:87 Advertising able funds of our County. Carried.' 677.87 Postage „ ......... .'........... $187,255.48— The-—Chairman authorized—the 631.88 Phone - Ann Arbor ----------- T Ways and Means Committee to Plus 22,286.08 meet with the Welfare Committee _ Unexpended Funds , and tho Welfare—Commission to • ■■ $209,541.561study the Civil -Defense program Financial Report covers only funds in custody^f Waah^naw County.. in the Welfare Department as well as the Surplus Foods program. lable-for-A -Separate rep o rtsare avallable-for-Ann A report of Equalization ComHqui these two citu “ r ■ ..... . “ renciesis of tnesa mitter"*meeting or- June 25, 1958, 1* "--_ 8UbrtiiLtcu» ^ Resnectfi -HERBERT E. HEPBURN waa read relative to_the selection Bike, M.P.H., Directo OttoKv " * ^o " u‘ n w n ^ iihM.D., 4J8 McKinley Streei ! ■ Washtenaw l^ H Department of tho law firm of Hooper and stsidence Phone OR 5*5848 oum. Hoffman, moved, the adoption of Blashfield to represeht the County Sun. Sterling, supported, by Sup in^tiie Detroit Edison appeal and 8hoP .P-h0flt GR..&»5641 the annuaTYeport; Ccirrioa (gftmpiAiw report on file in the County review by oommmee oi previous Clerk’s office.) computations made and discussion of method for approach to prob lem of an equitable ‘fin lieu of County, taxes!: figurQ -M r to the property kknown as illaga ON THIS POWIMUI-3RANO NEW Sup. Will, suupported by Sup. Gallup,-moved tho acceptance of lings PAGE THREE 7 Board of Supervisors S rw K T X&: ........ >r< ♦t Are you neglecting yourself? . ■' .■ .......•..----- ---- -- ---- ---- ----- - '• M a n y m o th e rs a re so busy looking^efter fchftlr fnnoiiifta t h a t th e y o fte n n eglect M ilk , you see, h elp s re b u ild b o d y tissues a s th e y w ear ou t. H e lp s y o u feel rinmiflftlvflfl. A re y o u liK T tha tT lD o you7 m o re v igorous an d a ler t . M ilk keeps for example, give your, children plenty nf milk hut neglect drink enough lymrnmHr-Vmi ahmiM Hrinlc at Iftasirthree gtesses of milk a day—especially if yoii*re over thirty-five. your skin smooth and free of premature wrinkles. Even givea your hair m o re sheen. ThatjB-why^ yOU—feel youn look younger . . . when you drink' more milk. P R O D U C E R S OWNED ilH S f AND A S S O C I A T I O N OPERATED BY 15,800 DAIRY FARMERS New Fall Back-To - School Merchandise Arri ving' Daily We must clear Summer Items To Make Room! ___ Selected Dresses .25% to 50% off Summer Purses ,- - .- ..i- 3 3 l/3% off CHELSEA SHEET METAL ^omeri^s Coats cmcUJuits -,50% off -Selected Slouses___ _ '■ i ■ ■ ■* Girl’s Spring Coats - ___ - - 5 0 % off Men’s Dress Straw Hats , , , .^0% off ~ , -50%~off Selected teirl’s Dresses ---- — ----.>-,---25% to 50% off Selected Sun-Step Footwear - J/> off Selected Heel Hugger Shoes --$5*00 Summer Skirts ........ ............... J/z off Selected Connie Shoes___,--,$4,00 Selected Men’s Shoes . . . ____ Vz off BIG tho MOOfl 404-0 IAIY ACTION tW IVn HO!« Ciii» m *w fi«*1 ^ MM* with 7*piece ••$ o f c h in in g tool# kt«M OMWNAI WAI M M I ( .. ___Powerful % h.p. motor P»P«jr dttat bag • light • ghTeT ’ATTMR«4*An« ..... IMtWM . Msmsfr.. Wnyl awTvel hoae • clip-on tool* gnnirnntecd K n . . ,_ A -y ^ t ..FRIGID PRODLJSR,w ^ONtr Mcx C arried. KLUMPP BROS. -G R A V EL CO. 4950 Lovelaiui Road Ue»K«NM^UlM Phene Chelae* UK 9-8711 or GR 5*754) SUaee See Live demonirrailon in our store at once or PHONE GR 9-6651 FOR 10 D A Y HOME T R IA L! report. The report of the Per1 Diem Committee was read. George F. Bauer, $17.80 plus 1 committee meeting at $17.80. Total -$35.60. .-w ■ ..... . E. Leigh Beach, $16.68 plus 2 committee meetings at $33,86. To? tal $60.04. Ruth M. Dana, $16.14. ____ Edward W. Frederick, $15.56. Erwin L. Frederick, $15.84. Arthur W. Gallup, $15.14. Robert W. Harrington, $16.70 plus 1 committee meeting at $15.70. Total $81;40. ^ n h e t h Holnlngof, $15.14. Maurice J. Hoffman, $17.1Q plus t*. CONCRETE SAND PILL DIRT TOP DIRT BULLDOZING-------- M .60% r>ff Selected Jew elry Price ’.V o Among the New Arrivals . . . Girls* Back-to-School Dresses and Skirts... New Fall Poll Parrot Shoes for Boys and Girls . . . New Backto-School Dresses for Sub-Teens and Misses. . . New Wash Frocks . . . New Blouses. -C-‘ jQ b m l F rid a y T h u rs d a y E w n ln g A fta m o o n Where Quality Merchandise Is Modestly> Priced! | ■PfP pa o je roim m. mi THE CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN % ^anbarb SfBSS' Winner of Deneral Excellence Award by Mich. P its* A u ’n., 1951*19631 ----Walter P .L e o n a n t^ E d ito r a ix iP u b ^ S‘<',1 ... .......^ R o c k e t R esearch ’& k e k e h e * Mh Im Published every Thoraday morning at 106 Kart Middle I Street* Cbetaee, Web., and entered a t second dues matter at the poetoffioe at Oielaea. Mich* under the act of’| March 8, 1679. ■ M .% ' fill; fJ m T t***«l >7«Tas- & g«c« or womep,^ a ywher» -l-y a a r _____12.50 RETURN-POSTAG&GUARANTEED“ 7 0 United Nations Observers Report ‘No Mass Infiltraiion, in Lebanon " ^ e ^ trrT ^ n e W lD a g H a m m a rs IU B ltW lH rU n ltH N ^ % iOu^s lStdpVsh Diursday, July 22* 1954 w i3 » a k Former United States Senator, According to o headline in a Blair Moody died Tuesday at U. of local paper, four teachers were re M. hospital Ann Arbor. He had cently hired for * near-by school. become ill while campaigning for , It seems to me somebody picket election as the Democratic candi- Junior Rlg^mg„F^j0J!S^*LS_ [.the wrong. wor?i, that time. Are date_ier-aenal;ar, _ _ teachers professional people or are The newly-form ed Episcopal they hired help? Or to put it Mission which holds Sunday eve another way. " I s teaching a trade ning at the S,------R. fiooker » meetings .......---------------or a profession ?” home at Crooked Lake, decided at There are hundreds of so-callec a meeting Wednesday evening at 24 Y ea rs A g o . . . ..-’ofcaafous today, ranging all~tiu the home of Mr. and Mn(i E, W« ThUrsd«y( Juty 26, W i/T ' way from social workers to pub Eaton, to name tho congregation Sea Scouts Dudley u. llicity agenter There was a time, ‘'SkBarnabas-EpiscopaHdissiori;” according to the dictionary, when Miss Nance Robertson is. leaving the three .learned professions wore tomorrow to begin a trip to her theology, law, and medicine. former home at Jedburgh, Scot* h ."!SJ u55, land. Henry Schumacher left Thura* and John T h i e r ^ What sets a profession apart day to spend the aummer w tth hta Msday irfterno'on on rcroiM Ifrom other occupations ? daughters, Dorothy and Doris, near Great Lakes. They I should say a profession requires Brainerd, ”Minn. * panied by Skipper^nif*1 advanced education including both "--Jr""* Bcbneider and MatT CoowrTni general and specialized knowledge. Eaton. The American L e S s J A man might bo a good welder sors the Sea Scouts; P pon’ without knowing anything except 1 4 Y e a r s A g o . . . welding, but ff man who knew Thursday, July 27, I944tAmerican Legion Post No n nothing but law. wouldn't be much the following officsil of a lawyer. ( 1 Thursday evening: Edward S B W' .' ' A?"* V ' , | commander; Floyd Rows Next, a--; professional person places service abave salary : so that SUney Schenk’. a doctor will work as hard frn ouva .tftrili. GarlMeiyei,.ii,mnce officer" la poor child as ms^wouhLAoscuae. JKUliam • Rademacher; historian* |a rich one. c ll^ ? 5 S Thirdr a professional person is O H a ra ,,Amrtwng sergeant-at-arms. recognized as being a responsible After seven years’ as superin. (person. He earns blame or credit in d en t and matron of the & (for hia own decisions, because he dist Home, Dr. and Mrs. W iffj Subscription Ratea (Payable in Advance}: \ - — „ In Michigan:.......... ................. .. OUtMdeMicWgin:------One Year------------ -— 42.60 One Year '■ ____ -88.00 . . . ......... ;$j.75 SlaM onths 41.50 Six Months _ Single Copies .8 .10 I .07 Single Copiea .,’j/*.'■*',7■,/' >' 4 Y ea rs A g o ... i t Hired Help NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES . Weekly Newapaper Representatives, Inc., 404 Fifth Avenue, New York 18, New York__Trie.; BRyant 9*7800. i i,'vv, 1*^1 ---- „...... tions, has issued statements about his visit to Lebanon, and] that of his assistants that we think are not only unfortunate | but incomplete and inaccurate. In th e first place, the United Nations Observation Group j h as reported t o the Security Councjl th a t it was unable to] confirm charges of Syrian infiltration. H am m arskjold’s an? — nouncementf-eont^ning^ ffluoh tho some information, stated -th a t-tifere wa s no-evidence-of-*'mass -infiitrationT^ (These statem ents were, of course, made before President Eisem howerjordered the Marines into Lebanon.) (doesn’t have any foreman over him I to take the blame or praise. If ho is to_ be held personally I responsible, then ha must be grant*' t ea the- independence-to-deciae 'and Jaot according—to—his—own^-best judgment. of the official government_of Lebanon, charges which laid the blame on Syria for widespread interference in Lebanese r affairs; The governm ent-at Beirut also c .K n rfw tK n t Sygjgs: arm s and munitions are flowing freely'across^the^border to rebels in Lebanon. This brings us back to teaching. Th<» flssininp part fha. TT^f^-J ................................................................. mu............................................................................ nmiinniitiiiiHiinif.i niiintunHm»(mmi<immw[ii | 'I m iy s e lf^ lm liB ve’ t h a t - t e a o t ilTS]g'-i? profeasioni-fact t h a t th e -U ^ N, observers adm jt Llm,v_woiv> nnt aiinw^HIf H a teacher’s ___________ _ . to go intoTcertain rebel-held areas on the border. In other j- — — (■fits him to be responsible, then he *has the right to- be independent. -words, the value of the report is absolutely worthless,-be* f By Elmer E.,^White, Secretary, Michigan-Pres* Association And if he is“to be independent, he cause the rebels allowed th e U. N, representatives to ........ ......................... .................... ......... „„„„„ can’t have anybody bossing him Sentiment is Stready beginning district—-they /would keep control only where they wished them to go. Democrats feel t his grants^un- but himself. to jell^on the issue of a conatitu- -e^-itfe-product; _^ual—representation to the ru ral 7 And if i t ' isn’t proper—for—a intendent and Mm / e P. gSJJf will officiate as matron. 3 4 Y e a r o A t t O i T== Thursday, July 24, 1 9 2 F .Fire, smoketo cause extensive damage to the Freeman department 'store, corner of-M ain and Park streets, late Tuesday night. ^ The fire was dis. covered by Mrs. Lorenz Bag night telephone-operator for iflefi. igan Bell Telephone Co. which has Democrats would like a new con* Republican areas.. They-delight in teacher to have a boss, then it LT. LAWRENCE-C. DIETLE - its office on the second floor oi the proper .-torspeak—of __““hiring ----- „ stitution, -b u t ------- ^tatin g “ th at“ th F minority Demo- isn-’t--proper Completes Bombardier Training building. They feel the method of select crats in the legjglntnyn ^epreflent _____ You can hire a farm —hand. or a housemaid;; in those, occupaThe Revi John B. Oliver, 84, ing delegates, with the Senate in more people and .obtained more Aviation Cadet Lawrence C. ik( Dietle has been commissioned a superannuated minister o flK W control of Republicans, would be votes than the majority Republ!= Hpns .it is the "boas” who makes uridesirable. They would like like a cans. .....; ' _____ __ the decisions. But you can't '‘hire” second lieutenant—in.- the Army troit Conference, recently accepted .-----— _..ey would method of dominating the new con Republicans fear th at some of a doctor or a clergyman, because Air Forces after completing bom -as^a—member of the Methodist stitution by changing the way the most cherished of the present a professional man has to know bardier. training-at Carlsbad Army Home,^ and Mrs. Ethel Reason, W, .also-a-r esiden tlhererw ere marri«r delegates -ar,©--chosen.constituiton’s amendments would enough to :make his own decisions. -A ir_FieIdin^N ew —Mexico. ^ --viaim, Vlt HI? 1*1 Moritz Brueckner. son of the a t the Home : Wednesday, Oleta allured or dropped from whatA board of education ought, to. Rov, and Mrs.- M. w . Brueckner Hutzel played tlie wedding music./ ' of sweeping election victories ever .new document the convention find th e beat—avBiTablgzttrRfthaVg and a veteran -.of campaigns, in . Foster brothers ^ Grass' Lake/ tne past 10 years, that they con- drafted. ----stitute-- vmr-l the srefi-.-i--—--------------------1 .real- 'majOTity. ■Republicans would like to keep [and administrators and let them North. Africa, Sicily, Salerno, and who own the homestead farm make their own decisions, I t ’s put- the Anzio beachhead, has been Sylvan, haVe.-:men_at work-clear.' The blocked enabling legisla* the "balanced legislature” ana ting the-PAPt-. bafnrfrthFhdfBo-if-ft ing t h e - 1958 —gegslonr-ar- juQSb-lead era-of Tbotn--parites^wanb ing up the wreckage of the bam guing that some fairer method to retain-the basic tenets of state nOn-professional citizen tries*’to. ,e is stttioned in Italy as com tha t was hlown-down-in-Juna-and tell a professional teacher how to pany commander, of—a “ tank- “de7 plan to have a new barn 'built at should Be devised. Democrats fa civil service. stroyer battalion. vored choosing delegates according ^ Recognizing its faults which, teach.. once. . they agree, can be corrected, neieanfc—-Malcolm Novess—iff At- a recent annual school meetto House districts. Alligators ate crpHitodwitv; uiL publicly, wants tr> to ™vsiwa parly pun/uuivwarns in r —, -----«»Mationed. atran-Eighth AAF Cnw . ing-inDisfer.-Nor-4r-Sylvan- Center, The argument goes back to tha •thgr turn-to th^pW ‘r1941-0ra whent ^ h - | Il[t^~i??6re-* tHnaTis:t ban any anim- posite Station i n , England as •ah Fred Hafley was elected director 1952_ constitutional amendment vn . . _ .i. j .• * 1 AL V ilim an beings n a in n a A v/iA n*M4 al> Arnfll* other human„ excepted, instrutor in chemical warfare. to succeed C. F. Fahrner who held which created the “balanced legis nical 'experts and stenographers of course, ' were hired fo r their political ties In the 34 Years Ago column .the office for 27 years. lature.” . In theory, the Senate Was to be piuF not their talents. given 34 seats based on area and ';oSW16 of the,-farm groups woiik M abolish the amepdmen the House 110 seats based on pop which legalized the sale of oleo ulation. margerine, . feeling it severely ' However, the amendment kept damaged agriculture and the sale the~moiety clause, a headache for -of -butter ____ —7----popular parties since govenments Th®, public, too, has a greai; Were firs t invented. It yorks this -stake in the November decttoiron way: ■ the- issue of rail ‘h e^tate is divided into 110 dis- tional convention. tricts according to population. Any. Many of the major reforms have district with one more citizen than been initiated by popular petition, the minimum required is given the civil service amendment, for ' instance.’ Difficult _and—uncertain Tproce7 rduresiremaini howeve new constitution can be develop and finally drafted and pu t into effect, he. convention- wAt-oMtendst-five-months—rif-on » MICHIGAN' M IR R O R ^ I undem tm K ldfcU m m arskjold’sTtionai^onvM tion" for Michigan • a » 1 VM/\ wa 4than n n n f/\n ikn Wa / ama 4L ; imore fourw ntAM manthH-before thea • «*«. =,».•■ i, . , ,, was no.-evidenee-now ofNovember election. . I infiltration, when he adm itted himself he was not, allowed.]—The issue kocs^ it- tiiy-banof to go into certain border areas held by the rebels. How Iautomatically but tlTe re3u)tsace -- — I much less certain could he possibly know w hether there w a s -a n y ^ e v id e n e e l™ ,^ ’^ if he was not allowed’jto exam ine'the evidence or the situa-1 constitutionai.' convontionWtheCnext : tion wh ere tlie~eviderice m i g h t ~ e x i s t ^ year to-rewiteTthe-bssic^law of fare May Prevent Drowning Tragedy write was in IflOS. _It_has_heen_changed-by-amendl merit {53 times since then, Dozena Vacation sw im Republicans are split on "the isexperience of other years, approximately 3,500. fives will su of whether to .call a ^conven be lost by accidental drowning during these next few months* tion,.... .. ' . This represents only about half of the total number nf ppnpte .fine side of the party—suspected' t o -ho the majority—hftK drdwned- e ach veai\- bu t.they, a tf Pfnmlpd"lHln amendments can be voted to make summer m onths. the desirable streamlining changes. -This, would ..retain the-basic 1908 The annual death tolFm th e United States from drowning document under whifcn Michigan g ro w s la rg er each yea r. M ore than one-half o f those “dying lives but add features ta fit it -to in this m anner are young persons under 24 years of age, modern society. On the other hand, Paul D, Bagthe largest single age group being youths between 15 and 16 well, the Republican candidate-for . . . y e a r s . _ — ....... '■ ' — -- ^ -— • governor,-is using a 1908 Oldsmobile in his campaign to dramatize Every vacationist should be careful this summffi', A the need for a new- constitullo perio d o f re s t a n d re la x a tio n from w ork i s finPj nnH n opes«^ryj Still othe ... because by using the but carelessness should not rob you of th e pleasure. To different present method of selecting dele* "Ven t i i ^ t Qo^fai^in-the^water or -to take chances in a sw ift gates to a ' constitutional conventinnMirren t “m eans-r-unning- th e risk of drowning. Please 136 carefu l/ ■ ■■..... MERKEL HOME FURNISHINGS A T TH IS REPORT. OP-CONDITION OF. -Sa. f A % ■Mo of ChfTtBca7 ~Wa3htenaw Cbunty. Michigan. ___________________ i m i ^ l l l U U l l l l U U U U U 4 W , « , < M I H H , » H I I I I H I i l l l l l , I I , U t l l l l H I I I I H H i l l i l l H I I I I I I I I i l , <111,111111,I I M t l T m t t l T l I H I i n i l l l l l l l l l l Juhe ”2?, !958,"'a StaUi banking Institution organized and operate m m . n u n , ........ i i i i i i ' i ' n i i i i i i n i n i i i i i i i i i i n i n i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i n i u j i i i i i i i i j m m m l l n i n i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i m , i , i ing"under the-baBktng jaws of lilia State~and a member of the F^ripral. ■DEARKdaerve System, ruonsned in accordance with a call made by the The fellers up a t 4;he countty-by the Federal—Reserve Bank of this store Saturday night was brag- diana w< District. FihK about what fine gardens trade them beads back fer the ASSETS t hey,got this, year .1 1 had to-just country^ D ollars Ots, set and listen on account of me Bub taking it year after year I Cash, balances with other-banks, including reserve bal not having no garden _ thla ya<uv ancfi, and rash items in progosa of collection .. ...- .:",$2.1G2:167.1>3 —My—garden-Tools—stay over at reekpri we still; g o t the' greatest country on earth. If we could git United States-GovernmenL obligations,- direct arid guaran Ed Doolittle’s house anyhow and p: down a bit there wouldn’t teed ...... 2.767.448.44 I —just-figgered I’d -le t-E d -p ld h t birices >e no doubt about it. I went to -Obiigations-ofS . 1 - . .. . . , ......................... ...........929,166.23 garden fei* me this year. Fer -tc.. •town Saturday, to do a little shopOther bonds, notes.and debentures........... ....4, .......... 4 . 89,207,40 my one thing, it’ll save his chickens a pin ' and when I got home my Federal Reserve bank stock ___ _______________ ___ ' 12,000.00 heap of extra walking. Hia chickthoqk— had—bee n - 1washed—4n..... „„. I^ans-flnd-di3counts.44ncluding439.-12~oveH rafteh " ens—sleep ■pre tty sound betweetv W blood .or~tHe~Iatnb. I bought andflxturca — —2J>0- 4T-prmr-ahd l and last y e a r ! me a pair of shoes and 1 want to tried-To-git my-seedsin-the-ground tell you-one—thing; The—old—hidjr -TOTAL—A-SSETS.. $87745,047.05 while they was asleep but it didn’t that lived in a shoe couldn’t make Work so good. They had insomnia it . today. A. shoe- big enough to LIABILITIES that night, h61d her fam f * “ Demand dot ort Knox. tio n s ... ................. .................... .......................................... .................. $2,965,751.20 chickens, they got a good high Yours truly, . school education, at least they can Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora Uncle Lew. ,__ ______ read, which is better’n Johnny tions .... ....................... ......... .......... 3,554,451.69 -Depoaita_Qf-_United-Statea-Oevernm«nt-“r/rn 277;658;03 can-doi—I-uged-to-stick the ~emntv —— scud piuikage on a pole to show Dopooito-of Staten and'-pnlltlcal subdivisi o n s ...951,415.43 Other deposits (certified and oilicors' checks, etc,) ........ 8,781.55 what kind of seed was planted in "each—fiow. Them, chickens \vouId pTek-oOt-t -^ T O T A L D E P O S IT S oGst seedrfer eating OthCr liabilities ............ 52,270.93 and leave the rest of ’em alone^ ilnac’ package one year i stuck a spinach TOTAL LIABILITIES up on ever pole and it was two •" T ........$7,820,328.83 weeks afore Ed’s chickens got CAPITAL ACCOUNTS hungry enough to bother my gar C apital*_______ .......... ..................................................... $ 200,000.00 den. Surplus ........ .....: 9W,'r?8*0 9 — Well, from w h a t-I-rea d -in -th e “Untl tvldccl"T)rofiTs 274,718.22 papers, is still mighty 'Reserves ..... ..... -5MOO.OO complicated, especially in' Wash’ TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS <*This bank’s capital consists of Common stock with —r4f- r. iK..7c :< te -:/: .«<ift' v.'ii* ■. . . teiiiJS L --- > s. ' , SSi4s^v __ V - r*- ■'V i " ■ - lia^1. . - calmTg of a entton- and" an o th er "for “ arid against_thfl_final_constitution Bible Verse To Study Full •*twin*!*• •OtMtnriHF" . . . And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and theTrspearsihtoprriringhooks/ _1, WhereJs_the_above- quotation ,J^ k ere versed? • #. No button*! No bumps! No lump*! Smart, durable, decorator cover •■■Crutriproof, pre»bullf borden* • Tru-balariCecolIsfor firm iupport is the sSme idea re the quotation ? —.• •• ■ 4* Who was Joel? (Answers on page 9) • Vented sides—strong handles • Matching box spring $38.88 Model at GIANT Savings, tool ington. Some Congressman from 824,718.22 Georgia said yesterday that the country was In such a bad fix we $8,645,047.05 couldn’t even give it back to the Indians...He . .says they -wouldn’t havo it. i MEMORANDA----------Ho might be right. There’s a vAseeta pledged 'or- iv8signti’d"to" 'secunrilTsbiltttcs'‘and" foi1 big differened betweeh going out other purposes------------------ -— ;.... ________ ____ ___ .$ 650,000.00 and shooting a. buffalo fer _yo_ur - Deposits of tho State of-Michigan (included in Deposits of '--------^ meat arid taking a five dollar bill States and political sub<livisions mentioned above) ..... 8,17$. 12 to town and gitting a pork chop. when a Indian- sauaw wanted ......L.P4U_l. .ELMann,Jixeciitive.,Vjce=Prcsident.and..Cashier-jOf,the above- And to go tfbriio- riraeo- she just put a named bank, hereby ^certify that the above statement is thie to the little red mud on her face, stuck a best of my knowledge and beliof. ’ feather iri her hair an4 strapped ... ............... .............. PAUL E, M ANN..................... her papoose on her back and took Correct—Attest: off. Now she’s got to ut red asm H Q H A I P L D - ............... paftrtTTTT------- ---------____ WKHF JOHN P. KEUSCH toenails, git a queer looking con F. W. M E R K E L ___ __ ' traption on her head and a baby i , Directors * sittef for her papoose. And when the Indians got tired of their State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss: Chief they just grunted a few Swo^n to and subscribed before me this 80 day of June, 1958. times and got a new one. They C. J, Mayer; Notary .Public didn't have to wear no buttons, in My commission expires May 2o* 1961. their coat lapel and listen to no ■ .. total dMH’ value of $200,000.00........... .. tipn must , b e . submitted to the voters, at another election. -la ter LOW PRICE ■On-the-go kid$ need lots of milk. Children now playing , “full timeM need a . drink that’s delicious, refreshing,’ packed full olenergy and pep. You'll find it in Weinberg milk . . . either regular or chocolate. Phone today for regular home delivery or pick up a t your favorite store. Golden Sleep "Deluxe Mattress features ordinarily found In $ea!y*» hloher JM I or twin «lte. Box iprlno oho S49.9A m iG i H'.: QUALITY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Old US-12 Phone GR 5-5771 .in . .................. i $ GOLDEN VALVES SALSI ■ ■ ........... Merkel Home Furnishings ! ^ .o c n /L Y . JULY 24, 18IH THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA* MICHIGAN — ............ .......................................................... ......... t l l t j< ll l ll l l! MMWillu | |U i |J u l H | i i | l |ttt H i PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Van Dyke, Her mother, Mrs. Alex Grives returned homi with theip. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hogan and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, Ar,, and family, were also guests. Proctor, . /ta » p/ //,!««(About Pepth Wo AU K w * Cathondhy C^«ppm fcnr. ‘ ..... . of ___ at _the home Mrs. Hogan Hogan's with with their thatr son' non and and daughter-in mother while she. was away. ' taw, ““ f.............. ....... ... «........ . Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Proctor, ItH lIH lU M IIH M IlM lH IH IH H llM | 'Mrs. Zeta Mclntee and grand UNADILLA Lester of Howell. Mr. and Mrs'. Mr. and Mrs. George Young en children, Pat and Michael,., were idrB, Herbert Rank, with Mr. guests of Frances Me* and Mrs. Charles Btdwell of JackPerry Cooper, of Ann Arbor, Mrs. tertained on Sunday their daugh Thursday .Mrs. Clyde -Purchase has charge Intee. ■ and Mra* ter, Mrs. Frank Kelly and family, Mrs. W. C. Boyce spent last week son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles i, ? of the ice cream social to be held Salisbury at Parma Sunday, Sune Hop. from Wayne; also Mr. and Mre. day-afternoon-viaitorr-at-the-Rank home were Mrs. Carrie Rank's V , *iav,mn: mnKiey Mr, and Mrs, Harold Lesov of M‘ rtro' M ,r nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ann Arbor, spent Wednesday v* Lansing, spent Saturday eve* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Masterson Frank .Gross, of Sharon township , afternoon with JMr. and Mrs. PlcLttlth Mr‘ and Mrfl>' Howefd troit. spent from Saturday until Monday and on Wednesday, Donald Rank Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abott of .at-Higgins Lake. They also saw Howard Pickett.____ tiiy ta W * Mr. _ ai\d Mrs.-Perry Cooper of of.Plym buth^wji.a^iM ergyeBl rasa Lake; and Mr. and Mrs. The MIsses Bita_Teachout, JoArbor, attended church here Clarence Gates of Howard City, 4he^ew-Mackinac-bridge. anne Barnum and Lucille Cooper Ann Mrs. Thomas Masterson Bpent Sunday .morning and spent the were Saturday, callers of Mr, and Wednesday and Thursday* w ith e r afternoon visiting friends.. — Mrs. Donald Beeman and family. and family, Mrs. Burt Who Knom Ansusen . • Mrs, Jack Richards of Mr. and Mrs! Donald Beeman daughter .■ _ * Saturday callers of ftr. and Mrs. rwJ*uan" Dierkes of Acres. Detroit, spent Saturday with her and family were Sunday evening Mrs, MaryWest 1. In Northwest Africa, extend S. P. Hadley were Mrs. Pearle parents, Clark and son, Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cor* guests of the-tatter’s parents. Mr. were Tuesday evening guests of ing from Morocco to. Tunisia, Marshall and Mrs. Luada Marshall; Ser. ....... and Mrs. .Russell Stoker and rpm* her sister and "brother-in-law, Mr. 2. Failure of the President, to also Mrs. Georgia Webb of Cali „ „ „ „ „ visitors viaiM,rfl were Mr. MI, Jerome, was a ily. and Mrs. Clarence Bott of Batteese sign a bill within ten days of its fornia. Sunday Fairbrother,-who has- been, Lake. pagsage by Congress, If Congress .n d Jr^-S tew ard BaMhu»,of-A™ Wrf L S f p f S t . ^Afternoon inFred University hospital the past two Mr. ,and Mrs. Deco-Wilcox-of has, in the^-meantime,) adjourned. hilltop plumbinb callers were Mr. and Mrs. Claude weeks, was to submit to. surgery Millville, were- -Wednesday, after3..700-odd milcis. ' Callers of Mrs. Myme Rose and Teachout, and Mrs. Breton on Monday morning, this week. noon cailers/of Mrs. Mary Clark 4. Woodrow Wilson^-at the Ver BOB SHEARS Delores Reno the past week were Clarke and Mr.. Mrs. Mand Coons. A fine afternoon was_apent ait and- son, Dean, sailles peace conference in 1910. 201S. Mflht St. Pli. OR 5-7201 Mrs. Georgia Webb, of California. the school, on Sunday for a picjiic Mrs. Mary Clark and son. Dean, 5. In Pennsylvania. ----- ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowersox ana dinner with members and friends were Thursday evening callers ox - 6. For Cecil John Rhodes,' emU daughter of. Cement City, Mrs. WATERLOO honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Dale her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. nent Britisher. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Remtschler Ferris: and children. Following the LaVerne Balmer, ,"m- Mason. 7; Beginning on Aug. 6, 1946. iillrfllMta were Sunday, afternoon callers of dinner, games were —played- by - Jacob Crockett of Beaverton, 8. The U. S., Great Britian and their cousins; Mr. -and Mrs. Harold children and adults. Then ice cream spent Saturday night and Sunday Russia. ?v. ' QQlWTfl/l Binen in Ann Arhnr, Mr and Mss, ivy ii1 aaugi1 "ef Henry Iv daughter ■with his slsiBi anu b m tmr-ln-1HW7 ■Oi-Maey 'fiofll wl\m 1 Slt"n,/y Jmy Marsh awrence Hashley in Dexter and Youth Fellowship?. ;of - b o t h Mr. and Mrs.. Floyd Balmer. His VIII ana Katherine of Aragon. Fred Fairbrother. who has been a churches gathered at Clear Lake mother, Mrs. P. G. Crockett, who 10. The late James V. Forrelftal. patient at U. of M, hospital for for an outing on Sunday after had spent the past two weeks here, noon,' Miss June LeVan accom returned home with him/ the past few weeks. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Carty panied the group from the Village Mr. and Mrs, Vaynard Close of TO THE CHELSEA STANDARD! and son, Kenneth, spent from' F rt church. Tecumseh, spent _the_week-end with Curly "Eggs" 'Em In day until. Sunday with relatives The Rev. and" Mrs. Dale Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Austin Balmer. and friends, Mr. and-.Mrs. 'Don are entertaining her mother, Mrs. Potter and . family of Delaware, Miles Stout of Lansing. O., and. Mr.. and Mrs.- "Robert Wilbur Pluck has returned from SAhEM-SReVE FOR TOP PRtCES W e ll,^ v e=^ d ^ dgtv^«ln__ wiihczCuatomet s anA^yov deago. and family, in -F rementr —Sundayevenin g -callers of^-Mir FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK restaurants, drlva-In t t t l i w, how I love to talk!” 0«_ They also visited other points. Mr, and Mrs., Frank Brown of and. Mrs.-Harold McDonald were "Ada, 0., are spending several days' Mr. and Mrs. George. Prinzing_.andof interest. Comlgn to the, jdve-ln hanks. How a ffrtve-te Eton where II sit, I’ll so along with .their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, -famlly.--— _ — - Mr. and Mrs. Pete Carty and — 1 entry. It .was lottltobk, w ith Gariy's wlfe—^because Howell Livestock son spent last Wednesday with Wilbur Pluck* Sunday supper guests of Mr. the Rev. and Mrs, Harold Mann -durly^Rice-and his Missus .there's nothing like good talk and Mrs; Jlprman Reed were Mr. Auction and fa m ily in ftTn^rnp -have-gold- eggs retall at-theta between good neighbors, espe. LYNDON^ -t—----- :• and Mrs. Bill Robbins and son. Mias June LeVan spent the We hove buyen for all kind* of. daily when there*! a health*. place for some time. "But all_______ Mr. aiid-Mry Austin Bott and -—Sunday -evening p e a ts1 of -Mr.Week-end with her parents, Mr. livestock'. Sote every Monday that running back and forth," difference of opinions. Now you and Mrs. Bill LeVan. / Hon, -Lt, Duane C. Bott, wete and Mrs. Oscar Kalmbach were Mr. and Mrs, Janies Gaunt and exclaims Mrs. Rice* "it-fairly might like some cider ta help Dan and Ida' EuwftKffg twecal re- Saturday evening supperguests-of Phone 1089 Howell wow you out.” — - —the-oonvetkatlon along—I hapcent callers■ of ’their aunt Mrs. Mr. ana Mrs. ajor Hyslop, of children. Harbor. Miss Jeanine : Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, - Far Any Information liCn Pen to prefer a glass of beer. As Laura Barber, and Milton Barber Benton Hyslop of Benton Harbor, spent the Sr;, were Sunday dinner guests of ‘Sowe,set aside one ro o m er i iong M we sgree on oar right to and—family. • — -thMJg busings. We enlarged a i* ^ e « what does it matterT Mr. and Mrs; -Wfflt5r^ohrie of week-end with Mr^and-Mcs-Austiiu ' t window about car height, and Francisco,; spent an" evening—last Bott. • Mr. and Mrtf. Austin Bott had week with their son and daughter* a delicious ham dinner.-in circled the driveway past it. It's honor tndaw, Mr. and Mrs. Welton~ Bohtte. "efficient—but I t cuts *vlslting’ of their son, Lt, J)uane C. Bott.' Miss Kay Carty, of Chelsea, Guoato wcro Mr.~and Mrs. George spent Sunday afternoon and eve- Bott and children, of Stockbridge, ning with her parents, Mr. and Norman Copyright, 1958; United States Brewers Foundation Bott and children and Mrs. Kenneth Carty. _s/_ and Delois Bott. Mr. and Mrs. John Dykemaster Adelbert Lt. Duane C. . Bott leaves on of-Jack8on, ond-Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Tuesday assistant duty in bur Beeman and Gordon spent Hannibal,--for Mo. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hopkins andf Leigh Beeman-and Mr,-and-Mrs, children attended the Dickerson Donald Beeman and family. ' reunion Sunday at Clark's Lake, ■Jeannie and Susie Parker spent near-Jackson several days of last week witn Mrs. Alfred Juergens and son, friends— -Michael, and daughter, Alice,-of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coulter and Lima, called Sunday afternoon on family,' of Detroit, spent Saturday Mrs. John. O'Connor. -night1and Sunday at the Gorton1 -Mfs^-WW—DeBrvne- and daughtersrPatty-ajnd-Betty, of Whitmore -Mr. and Mrs! William Barber Laker,were^Sunday guests of her entertained their granddaughters mother, Mrs. Will Otto. from Ann Arbor, Sunday ^after > Dinah Sue Wolfe and friend of noon. Fairport. 0.r are' apending this Dan and Ida—Emmons attended week with the former’s grand the Jackson county employee pic parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Deatnic on Saturday afternoon at Pleas rick. ant Lake and on Thursday night Mrs. Laurence Noah spent Sun were guests of Mr.'and Mrs. Gott day with her mother, Mrs. F. G, lieb Rothman . 'Widmayei, in Manchesterr-1— t a The Qualified Electors: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mollonknph Mrs. Eva Stofer returned.home irma, :spent Sun~ds^~evening with the - latter’s ’mother, -Mrs. with Mrs. Lee~Ferguson, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mary Rentschler. ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barton at That a General Primary Election will be held in the Mr/ and Mrs. Harold Schauer tended the funeral, Saturday, of and sons -spent Saturday night his cousin. Dr. Clare Strait^ in -withMr.and-Mrs-.-LowellScripteF Detroit. They^ako^ called on the and family, -at-C avanaugh—L ake,|latter’s—s iste ta n d —brother-in-law, —v- «yeu tfclik of botHedgoJ/ thtok of R U R A L C O R R E S P O N D EN C E A MI6HTY COMPLETE FOOD... u ■a a e„pA«h?!5- SHaUME- — 1D o n 9t s a y b r e a d . . . sa y CREAM O f H E iC — B . /fleet; Your hens will work morr^i^ductively . . . X ^ o r e profttsbly for you when you give. __them _feeds .specially x" their vigor and vital ity and promote maxi mum egg yields. Our well-haianced poultryfeeds, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, FARMERS , wiH =pay- o ff -h an d -- -somely to- you in bet ter results. S u P P h CO L ANTON NIELSEN - SEEVS, PEEPS, F tn T IU Z E R PA/RY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT ■PH ONE GR 5-S5UJ ELECTION TOWNSHIPUE LIMA {Precinct No. 1) STATE OF MICHIGAN At; I I Within *oid Township on 7195T For the Purpose of Plocing in Nominotlon by AII Political Forties Portidpoting Therein, Condidotei for the,__ FoUowlngOfficet^jfixj Governor, Lieutenant Governor United Stotet -SflnatQL Representative in congrats CONGRESSIONAL legislative State Senator, Representative COUNTY Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk' CountY Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Prdn commissioner, Coroners, Surveyor,^ond such other Offifl> Preselected et that time. ... ...... el 6.00-16 Tube Type -11.9S * 7.10-15 Tube Typo 14.85* 7^60-15 Tube Type 16.25* the Purpose of Placing in Nomination, ,, Candidates participating In a Nan-PortiM" PFimary: ^ E,e«Hon for the Folloiring Offices, vi*?..... ...... ^CIRCUIT C O U R T COM M ISSIONERS *PluS ta x a n d recappiabre tTro ' A»d AIm To Vole on Hi* FoIIowIbs County Proposal: ★ Of iocJhe provisions'bf Act No. 181 of the Public Acts ^ ^ 5 3 , providing for thb obotition of the office of CorEyI ? n d the creation o f the office of County Medical _ominer, be adopted by this County?" _ _ _ _ _ _ ELECTION LAW, ACT 116, P. A. 1954 Open 7:30. ».m. to 5:30 p.m. SECTiON 720. Go the day of any •Uctlon the polls sholl be umii°o ^ 0 C' 0C^ In iho forenoon, ond shall be continuously open jO-ClocX4h tht) afterriann n nd no. lor^hlEV fiO L ^ ° nd *n line ot the polls a t the hour prescribed for the 9 thereof sholl be ollowed to vote. . . pOLL$ of said election will be open at 7 •m, end will remain open until 8 o'clock p.m. of said *9 ® F election, a R*LPH ST0FFER, Lima Township Clerk •It.. '• i ■ • Made with Firestone’s exclusive Rubber-X . . . to give you extra long mileage ★ Seven sturdy non-skid, tread rlbe . <e --S/F S afoty Fortlflod oord body for extra §afety. . . long life Ar Rugged shoulders and side walls . . . *• ' j, - V »: y VC, iii, ^ _ * f J . r m , < '» ;iU » i..i;iiili ' n ~r v .i.’i v i /a v . Phone GR 9-3881 On Old US-12 Just off S. vt0ln St. MARTIN STIINBACH, bWNER H tjK R Y ... S A L E ENDS JU LY 140 W«K Middl* 4™ 11 i f 1 ' " h \ * P h o n * G r 5 -5 1 3 1 I !fi ' .X PAGE s n THURSDAY. .TTTI V W A N T ADS WANT ADS WANT AD S FOR SALE—Registered beagle pups, 4 months and 10 months ... l ist in g s w a n t e d old. ELECTRIC Reuben - Leaser. Phone OR >10. Raul 9-8611. MOTORS l i f t mmp hoiiM#»*f»jmuL*ad other WANTED—Woman to care fpr real estate with y Rewinding and Repairs. h small children and do Residential, Commercial and housework. No Saturdays. Refer A. H. Pommerening ences required. Call GR 9-6662 Industrial Wiring. ’ r /- , •• Phon« OR 9-6491 after 7 p.m. . *■ ■ Licensed Contractor. . 49tf LEON LIVESTOCK FOR SALE — 12 . JMMISSIONCO. STEWAR9-€LE€-TRfC -—Also-have fryer* for sale; one GR 9-4744. •8 Located on M-60, Napoleon, Mich Phone GR 9-5916 ....: - ■. - ............. 44tf CAN TAKE CARE of one or two AUCTION^ FOR SALE—House at 321 Nort more steady ironings; also, odd Every Monday, 8:00 p.m. street. For information phone one*, shirts and some-ruffled cur Btavers for all Unde of livestock 18tf tains. Clara Wellhoff,, 768 So. Dalry eattle tested saRrday. Main., Phone GR 9r3981. -8 State approved to handle Bangs WANTED—Hay. Second cutting preferred;- will pay top price. ------- Ccwt,----------Richard Powers. Phone GR 9-1046. Fbr Pickup Service, call Napoleon. SHEET METAL 3 tf ratone 6-4201 , KEyi ........ W AN T ADS W AN TAD S W ANTAD S FOR RENT—Furnished 6 -room house for couple or two men. Children^ cannot be accommodated. Phone GR 6-6841. 8 FARM U lA N raH S'O U W PfeD : ERAL LAND BANK. Long term, 5 per cent loans. 'Conveni ent payments allowing special menta at any time without poi charge. Cali NOrmandy 8-746 write: Robert Hal), Sec.-Treas., Na< jWonal Farm .Loan . Association, 2221 Jackson Ave„ Ann Arbor Mich, __ __84tf FOUND—Small i female beagle. Color,'white, brown and black. Phone Phillip Bdham.JGIL.5-7811: FOR SALE — Red Raspberries. Ready July 15 and after. Place orders now. ClfiVence Lehman; 16907 Cavanaugh Lake Rd, Phone Vilt y-tfuvw _______^ GR 9-3598. 8 FOR RENT—Small, modern, 2bedroom, furnished cottage at 1244 Cavanaugh Lake. $56 per month. — 8 SLENDERIZE the easy way. In ches guaranteed. Slim W Trim Salon. -For -fuli- detaUs -can GR 9-1772. ■. . -5 ICE CREAM SOCIAL Thursday, July 81 at St. Mary’s School Grounds (or gym, rain or shine). Serving begins 6 p.m. Chelsea ketmac^Dinnerware by Brookpark. Knights Kmgnta of colt Columbus. Several sets and open stock pieces. X F i S e M T FOR" RENT—First 80% off; v floor, -Stove and refrigerator furnished; also, um of washer and dryer. Phone GR 9-1891. ' 48tf MERKEL CLEARANCE / Home Furnishings Moving—HQU||ng TRUCKING OF Alt. KINDS ^Burnett Brothers Pbor, GR 9.U 81 or GE8.7, U Mtf SPRED 8 FOR SALE—Quantity of hay. F SATIN 88tf Phone GR 6-6971. The Wonder Paint FASHIONED Tent Revival! Authorized Service OLD GA 8-4080. Corner M-92 and Old 12, 7:80 ..4 ihtly_excePt Menday. Assembl, ___ PfeoaajQRMftlL m UALI! _ 2 lot, j,, « * ! of God. All Faiths welcome. 8 -8 For Lawson, Power Products and WANTED—Trucking f o r . NapolReo engines. Lawn mower eon Auction • on Mondays and Chelsea Lumber Co. WE SELL AND INSTALL sharpening and repair a spe Wednesdays to Jackson. Phone 16tf cialty. / GR 9-6463. . 2 tf PAINTING and_Intertar Decorat MOEUSUhl ^ WORK Tom and Alloa moors. Gall OfclN and DALE * D ig g in g Gas or Oil Furnaces Chelsea Hardware Sand-Gravel-Black Dirt ORing. 9-8691 after 6 n.». »aitf FOR SALE HFSELSCHWERDT GAS apd OIL FURNACES GR 9-6311 84 tf T(J GIVE A WAY—6 male do puppies; INSTALLED ------------471* . “wits, old. 127 W Summit. - fQLSeptic Tanks— — BAVETROUGHING — FEMALE HELP WANTED—Toy 2-year-old 3-bedroom' home. Ful ----------------- and--------------- BULLDOZING DIGGING ■ — *■ no de • basement, g; gaB heat, large lot. Phone GR 6-8140. And Qrain Fields FOR SALE—2 pairs lined traverse demonstration. No-calls, For Free Estimates, Call GR 9-4461 living room drapes, one fits pic ljveries and. no investment, Phone Conversion Burners BASEMENTS DITCHING Several homes in Chelsea ture window. White background Ypsilanti HUnter 3-4906 or write With the addition of our hew power JOHN W. STEELE ' G am bles with design of coral and green R. Spalding, 1427 Jay, Ypsilanti. 3 .digging equipment we are aoS Before You Buy—See Us. „ predominating. Phone GR 5-7111. Real 'buys in building sites. able to offer-you complete eeri!J We can save you money. Rental Equipment C. Trinkle& Son i. ' Septic tanks fronTSOO gaT to 2 FLOOR SANDER KERN REAL ESTATE Hilltop Plumbing ROOM FOR RENT—Gentleman Phono GR 9-2070 or GR 9-5918 __________ ------ 88 tf FLOOR EDGER, preferred, 124 Lineolm-atreet. latfbn ava a^® .f°r prompt inatzi. 622 South o u th Ma. M a JiH 3 tn ""AW NG a e l ec tr ic a l FLOOR POLISHER Phone'QR 9-302L Itf —Phone C h e ls e a - G R 9IIAWP'BANDERS---------- _ , . . ; --------------------------mumwim WANTED—Girl to hrip ’ UBby-Trtt Average-40 founds. ounds. Duroc and ;for 374-year-old rgW. Mrs. John <’ORp-TKACTORS and equipment. Authorized Dealer for Mor-Sun ome week-ends or WAL(f f l » « ER H lttT £ ? f lumbing Brooks. Pnont.GR 9-3816., . 3 after 4"p.m. week-days.'"Howard ^ B e c o m e He represents net one but eeveral^lniurance companies; iso New Holland machinery one a « fB0B SHEARS Furnaces and Air Conditioners Sales and service. Cobb & Schreer, he con be importial in picking the best compqny for your irjsli—' Wahl, 7900 Clear Lake Rd. -8 Rent thia new, modem equipment 201S. Main Phone GR 5-7201 Stockbridge. Phone ULysses 1-4525. 201 South Main St. Chelsea, Mieb. DUTCH BOY vidual needs. ^ —" ' PAINTING,. paper banging and bv hour or day. _________________________41tf Phone GR 5-7201 rtUUSIS FOR SALE—'409~South carpenter work. G. G. Ho ^ Becauty he's o prefetiional insurance men, not -Just a salesman/, ICE CREAM SOCIAL TbUradej. Main street. For ■.information ___________________ 29tf Phone days. GR 6-6581; evenings. BRIGHT WHITE he keeps'up with new types of insurance coverage and Makes GAMBLES July 31 at St. Mary's'Skliooi FOR RENT—S ra-a 14 first-floor phone GR 9-4552. 52S Gregory ALpine 6-2148. 44tf Grounds (or gym, rain or shine). apartment with^ private entrance certain your insurance Is up to date. _ -lig N. Main g .CARPENTER and-Cement W ork . _ -HOUSE PAINT FOR SALE—Combination sink and Serving—begins—5; p;m. Chelsea and bath. Stove, Refrigerator and “"H^wpdeling, basements. «, Phone Chelsea. GR 9-2811 gtcouse'He it independent, you con count on him to assist you drainboard. Phone GR 9-7681. Itf mights’ of Columbus rages, -4rivewaysf etc, PhonV'Sr' :eat furnished,-Phone GR 5-4851.--4 Whiter-------- with your elolrrt when you -suffer _g •loss - a nd~to~ represent your ^ IOZING AND M A R S H 9-4854 evenings. -- -r - _— 42tf -Longer lasting .SALE—3 -b ed ro o m year interest to the fullest ot oTT times. ~ PLOWING. Tom Merkel.’ Phone FOR We N eed'U sed C ars! l H | S S ig , Easier to apply B-L-A C K RASPBERRIEF^ around home at Cavanaugh GR 9-7621.’ *^tf ,ake. Self-Cleaning .Suitable for two. AH utilities in- . ready. Czapla’s Orchard, 1811 Phone GR 9-3982. 4Itf Covers more area eluded. References. .Phone GR Rank road. Phone GR 9-64fi8. 3tj I’OR; RENT—2-bedroom modern goats no, more, the year to get that new car? 9-2821. ; g if BUSINESS house. ; partly furnished. . Elec-Buy . a 1958 Ford now and got a “LOST—Red leatner bill fold con;ricity included. Cor. US-12 and — — --- "IN S U R A N C E > O K E V ER T NEE D T “ an kww/Vfilts __ OPPORTIIRTTV' wt uni^iiiin____ ; ___ taining imnortant photographs Does Your bam Need BR05 -Clear-Lake road.~~Phone GR 9-55 115 PARKSTREET - C HILSiA; MtCWSAKand driver's license. Please.return . Painting? _ 48tf PHONES: OFFICE GR 5^7.131; RES. GR 5-4201 This is your opportunity to h'ave to Rebecca Slane, 206 North St. A-1 USED CAR i’OR SALE—Electric brooder, fiye Phone GR 9-3041. ' ‘ .3 a ^business of your own or to Arrange now at Merkel-Bros.-tier, like new. Phone GR 9-6378. CENTER add to your present business. Old Frigidaire - Narge - Highest quality paint, excellent — Sltf and reliable company is^establish-, work; AH jobs guaranteed. Free —APPLIANCES CLOGGED COTTAGE FOR "RENT- at 13956" 1956 FORD-Mwirtline-2'DoorrGrey,' ing a" bottle. gas aealer" I n . this eetimAtes. . North Territorial road. Stove Would make' a good car Jo r that area. SEWER and refrigerator furnished. Phone 7 'vacation.. -Washers- - -Dryers Ranges 3 GR 5-5768. 4 Freezers -_ -------eratort Refrigerators Merkel Bros. Hdwe, Write Box JU24 ■ c/o THe Chelsea Standard Built-in Kitchen Units Reynold Sewerv. 5,OR_S_ALE3^195niehry J’.- Phone 1955 FORD Customline . ^Doo^ Phone GR 6-5711 CDuiincliott and tr a n q u ility -Chelsea Michigan GR 9-1242. 4 -V-8 . -Blue, with radio and heater. 87tf for -full information. - —-Service- - - - FOR SALE—Year old, 3-bedroom 1954 FORD Ranch Wagon -in ex We Clean Sewers Without Digging ” ZFNITH home, by owner. 1177 Grass 7-ROOM HOUSE cellent condition. Don't miss this FOR QUICK SALE—Small, modLake Rd. Phone Grass-Lake 5643. 3 Bveryhody Is Im pressed with ik e Drains Cleaned Electrically one. The moBt wanted car on ern home on corner lot. See TV__-_Radios - Hi-Fi - FREE ESTIMATES —— FOR-RENT==Uppertroo TTwo blocks east pf Main street. "the ropd today. this one. Fhone GR 9-768T; Kern 2-YEAR GUARANTEE bath ... apartment._All utilities Full basement with oil heat. Real Estate. ■47tf Phone Ann-Arbor NO 2-5277 possessed hy eveiy fan ersl we dlseeh also, stove and refriger FLOOR COVERING . 1964 FORD Mainline 2-Door V-8 , “Sewer Cleaning Is Our Business- furnished]" Good value at $12,000. ARE YOU WORRIED about'"fiator. Private entrance. Phone GR and with a beautiful blue finish. Has rhsthsv W sosts mush or little. Uaw ... nances, family problems; ill Not.a sideline'?— — 88 tf “ 7895.. ------ ----- — ihealth or spiritual uncertainty? Complete Household Furnishings A. POMMERENING radio and heater. dsfly tai Its Impressive Jjfatty and WATKINS-PRODUGTO^ffecIc . ur-needs -can~be met-and~your BROKER \ 1965 CHEVROLET 6100 2-ton your supplies and place your NEW FLOOR SANDER-Rent it" Ire a u ty Is s e m p s ts a t p ro lssslo n a l problems answered. Come. Join truck with 2 -speed' rear axle, orders before the first of every by the hour— Phone GR 9-5491 God's people and listen to Evangel MEABON'S prsparatloa and careful planning, g with^rour Watkins repre power take-off. 8.25^20 10 -ply month 2tf ist James Weaver, Nightly at sentative, William Stark. FINKBE1NER LUMBER CO. tirea. Ready for work TV, Furn. Cr App), jFOR SALE—2 -famlly apartment .accom pantsd hy th e th o u g h tfu l------ - i 7:30 except Monday,—Under—the Phone GR 9-3881 16tf ■tent corner of . M-92 and Old 12. house with gqrage; (Completely .05 N. M'ain Phone GR 5-51191 'personal attendance that helps hrla| SEE OR CALL: Assembly of God, 3 Itf furnished) . Priced right for Im - Lyle Chriswell comforting tranquility. FOR. SALE—-Perry E. Noah estate mediate sale..rBoth rented, Phone George Palmer Now h the Time To Place Your Order for or Dave Atkinson GR5 t 4801. . . ___52t farm, 13484 North Territorial LARGE BRICK ■ ■ , 1■ ’ ■ ' t 1 ; “ j road, including lake frontage and Thurst store building. Within % mile of July Vl “at s't.'/J5fnry'8,,USchdof Open Edenlngs by Appolhtraent DWELLING Inverness golf course; Paul F. Grounds (or gym,-rain or shine). Niehaus, administrator. Phone GR Serving begins 5 p.m. CheUea Palmer Motpr Sales . and ■■■■■■ One of Chelsea's 9-6641. 4 Knights of Columbus. _____ 4 ' INC. ■ SIX ROOM HO FOR RENT WANTED —- Professional private New Phone Number—OR 6-3271 Finest Homes at—3653.. Jaco road;—Contact duty nursing. Phone-&R-&^48 l 7 Washtenaw County’s Oldest owner at 811 Center St., Jackson. -4 Ford Dealer - Since 1911 — ........ . 3 1 '■ , ' 3 Funeral Directors Has 4 bedrooms; 2 ceramic tiled PAINTING, carpenter work and APPLES FOR. SALE—1575 Pierce BUDGET FUEL baths, sewing room, cedar closet, aper hanging. Phone GR for Three Generations road. Phone GR 9-6981. * 8 tf storage roo.m,_ and 5 closets op -8 OIL COSTS WANTED-Giri for Keneral office. ■ “MORE COAL FROM MOORE"_____ DIAL GR 9-2911 ——: . •.......... ..... . —i-,—;-—-------- -—s--second-floor. l6’x24,—living room work. Phone GR 6-3341. iiM t i i ii n i m M i u n i n i i M i m n m ii i m i i H M M iiiM m n i i M m i n m i n i m i n m n i i 4m i i m i i i i i m m i m i i u u i i n n i ^ g | ilT G p la C G ^ p R n G lc d d G li W it h No need for big mid-winter ‘ fuel REAL ESTATE book shelves and window w»>iitFdin, bills when our convenienVHeStlng fCARD OI ing room, -kitchen—'W Budget Plan leta you pay In -spaee^entrance hall,- de .............. _1—acres.—Good 6 - Oil even equal monthly amounts. Call We wish to express our thanks lavatory j 2 closets- and storage room brick home with bath and today thiB easy common and appreciation fo? the many space on first floor. Full base- full basement. 2 -car. garage and sense about wav to pay for the. kindnesses shown our loved one orient has finished iiiubiivu reoroation mtivwuuii room i uum other buildingo. Large orchard ioncy can -wi irep iaee/Haundry-roomr^ur- with variety of iruitr S il k gthoughtful S . expre 5l ed in so many pace room,—fruit-cellar^— * ■ )llar- •lavatory One-fourth down.-..... ways by, r e l a t i v e s , . WHOLE OR CUT UP and storage room. friends neighbc ------ and — neighbors following LARGE JAR MAXWELL HOIKF — Other features are oak floors Duplex. One apartment hiuf 4 hnd her-death, We caPflciallv -CalL —throughout, Amleis’crn windows, rooms1 with bath and urTB-hfllfi tnanx the American Legion Aux• • • .# llr*" small greenhouse, hotwater gas iliary. for the use of the hospital • • 1 McLoughlin-OilSales bed, fired heating„ system, gas water the Staffan Funeral Home for heater, asbestos lifetime presset ath'.'Hardwood floors down. 2 -car INC. courtesies extended the family ant shingle. roof, tile hallway floor garage. On deep J o t ..____ ____ Dexter HA 6-2881—orthe Rev. M. W^Brueekner for his c o lle c t attached 2-car brick garage (heatcomforting words. We Will always . . . jed), all carpets on first floor^out-: 2-apaftmeht_home—at lake.-Each -26tf -remember—with gratitude—everyside entrance to basement ------- and1 rec - has 2 bedrooms, Oil heat. Nice FOR SALE—Fryers! Call Chelsea^rthlng that was done for her and GIANT size f . , reation room, and exceptionally large landscaped lot.-' GR 9-2469. 62tf for us at this time. . well landscaped lot. Price_i$ right. YOUR ..INVITATION to-enjoy ^ —- The-Family-bf Terms considered. Immediate.pos Lake front building lots. 7— 8 0 - GOUNT—NORTHERN singing, preaching, praying; in t ~ Mrs. Fred Bollinger. session. Located one .block from God’s .out-of-doors; Join the 1-LB. CAN CAMPBELL'S Main Street in downtown Chelsea MINNIE SCRIPTER, BROKER many great _ who have nlranriy attended CARD OF THANKS Chelsea Phone~ GR 9-2789 great terit meetings at -the Our thanks, and appreciation ar If-no answer call~GR 5-4311, the cornbr"bf7iL92 ^and Old 12. Nightly extendea to our friends aha nelghA. H. Pommerening 2 tf except Mondays 7:80 p.m.. As- bors who were so kind to us during “Broker FOR SALE—Frygrs. $1.25 each. scmbly of God; - 3 our recent horeavement; the ladies 14490 Old US 12 East Live. Morgan Each. 8427 Jacob FOR RENT—Furnished a p a r t- of Salem1Grove church and Cava Phone GReenwood 9-5491 mw/h Lake Grange members their kindness; and all who son FOR RteNT—Upstairs furnished COTTAGE FOR RENT on Lake apartment. 3* rooms - and bath. ties furnished. Call at 418 Madison the beautiful cards and flowers between 9 n.m. and 4 p.m. or phone Michigan, 2 miles north of Man Private entrance. 237 Railroad NO 6-5801. Groceries, M eats, Frozen Foods 3 tf and did so many thoughtful things istee. Modern conveniences. Phone street. . 2 tf FOR SALE—Boy’s 24-inch bicycle, for us. Wo are deeply grateful Saline 243M PHONE GR 5:4211 — WE DELIVER Frank Gieske — Piano. reasonable. in good coneiditlon.- Phono GR _-----------Mrs. qnd family. .FOR SAUE-^-20— cur-ftr-freezerf-in WANTED Phone GR 5-4675. ' 3 0-4357. good condition. Call at 413 MadIp-.m; "or 1 PERSONALS ■ phonc NO 6-5801, 3tf --■J anet Millnr, dftUghtet- of Df: and ARE^YOU SHORT OF_CASH? Mrs. Charles Miller,* i8 spending Then ask about our ' this week at Killarney Lutheran PIT in the Irish Hills. She- was 118-A CR E FARM with modern 4-bedroom house in awarded tho weok’s stay thore as LAV-AWAY PLAN excellent condition. Two large bams, other buildrfil in a contest conducted bv -— ingsr-Creek watered-pasture. Price: $28,000, port 1. Pick out. any item you want. --- down;............... .... ;.. — ----- T-------...... — ................• • S Tho Millers at2. Pay a small deposit.Dexter * ^ Lutheran church in TW O -APARTM EN T HOUSE. Large lot. Well located. JA| z — Two car garage. Both apartments now rented; Ex Viola Holderman has been 3. Wo will atoro the item for you. cellent Income. ‘ past three weeks hero m 4. You make n smnll payment SL h » ?* Mildred THREE-BEDROOM HOME. Washington street Ex per and she of and-?1her sister, HopMrs each week, or every other week. » Charles Carty, have called on a cellent condition. 1 Vi baths. Gas furnace. Garage, S^Whem^tKe -easy - payments-are [ TW O^STORY“4-bedrwrnmbdem” h d u s e .T w ^ ---- ----------neighbors. Mrs. Holdorman has ♦ST,90 TO♦«■ LAoirf completed, the merchandise Mb - ANDUP. I sa 7B to sa*a. ptete baths, Full basement. Two-car garage. Cor .yours. i . : . .......... ■ g g /P ^ S tinm a t S u a r t y <INC, FID. TAX) IINR, FFD. TAX) ner lot. One block from business district. Price — ^^T27500;‘ Ver7-Teasonobte^own“pQyment: : '~ MERKEL BROS. Hardware Homo Furnishings 105-A CRE FARM, fair house with bath and furnace. fite time pieces of fine quatity and modern a signs ..............................17 Guests, from Sunday until TuosGood hip-roof barn. 20 acres muck now. In corn. day of Mr. and Mrs, Lester B Rob 2Mi ACRE TRUCK GARDEN—8 at very moderate prices. We are glad to show them. Price with troctor and tools, $21,000. $6,000 down. !druom.2^oVbUjo>m^2-ca^-ga* Assigned-guarantee with *FAtT11*^w&lc1 rage; recreation and poultry build ings, privileges on chain of lakes, in Dexter School District. $9,850, $1,000 down. J. R. Hayncr, Broker. 408 W. Main St., phono Brighton AC 9-7841. Open Sundays. 8 . JEWELER a n d OPTOMETRIST R* D. M ILLER , lo ca l R ep n ien h iH vi p » ’ the. R«v. and Mrs FOR SALE—4-bedroom brick coS' W k RK 0bAln,K 'of the Methodist lonlal with full basement; Office: 15775 Cavanaugh Lake Road " W h e n G im ond Gold A n Folriv Sold" breezeway; ao,x281'- garage. On — m -m ----------Chetoeo, Mlehlgon largo lot near school. Call during IO Z U M M td d te S I. P1kmi« G R 9 < « 7 2 l noon hour or after 9 p.m. Phone Rhone: OR O d ltt OR 9-8528. — > ..— 62tf w-'0-1296. ----------- g-*•** Whyan INDEPENDENT T man tan serve you basil S A . D. M A Y E R FURNACE CLEANING I STAFFAl t Funeral Ho M o o re C o a l C o m p a n y Butter Litchfield Butter lb. 63c 11 • • • • • • i!. 73c . . 2 for 25c HINDERER'S MARKET - T O R SA LE — IHICII1S .V M rcr.rnR,o'h'!= WALTER 70c STROUT REALTY ■n,v. JULY 24, 1988 THE CHEL&BA STAND ), CHELSEA, MICHIGAN page Se v e n The Rev. H. J. Meppelink is a wveJth“» ln th» Applications Accepted patient at Foote hospital, Jackson# seventh as ^the '40Ur-.run8. Americans’ defense Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heininger where he underwent an emergency collapsed. Homer Nixon pitched Until Aug. 12 for of Toledo, O., were Sunday guests appendectomy Friday and a hernia even in defeat, allows of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heininger. operation yesterday, ing Milan but two hits until the Rural Carrier Position Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinlan and i Mr. ana Mrs. Herbert Howell I u. of last week’s recrea* L fejven% .Nixon doubled in An examination for Rural. Car? Mrs. T; L. Smith of Detroit, spent and family of Jackson, spent Sun Monday, the Chelsea National’s '**!•'^ third“and=drove^inKen La™ fW M il Midget league saw v The Washtenaw County Chap rier for the post office at Chelsea, Sunday here as guests of the day here with Mrs. Howell’s be developed as we learn these ill _ —_ _A. V. _ . J _ _ of the National Foundation for |t win their «r»t game game with Saline was postponed wJodWi°K h£dj 8i ngJed and Rich mwill be . open for acceptance of a ter * Misses Margaret and Anne Miller. mother, Mrs. Emma Seitz. things, ana is subject, of course, to Because pf rain, On Wednesday infantile Paralysis, now known as ^ tt!£Son 8-2, over the Vanlications until Au ig. 12, the T " the willingness of the people of f t f o h S i i * i ; i ,ui • b "n ‘Rlemenschneider end the Natloijals lost to Manchester, the National Foundation, lookB Ci v i l Service Commission an> forward each had two 0-5. Gerry Rings and Dave Mc with keen anticipation to Washtenaw county 'to give suffi | nounped iivuiiVOV today.» " ------ -Laughlin both poled triples for the participation in its_ broad new cient financial support for the pro Ii» Mc£ t t g e r a . White was written. ,h^lLh_ program,-Mr^Joseph.Cox, i. Applicants must».take_a must9.take a writt gram. _ _ _______________ _ Chelsea team._T_he_deffiat_dr.opped r test-ror^his-positionr' Thejnntlust Chapter Chairman said today. "Our research program, ~aa was the. league-leading Nationals into fiw sfi"S* i. have resided within the delive .............— ................ — ivery :j Returning. irom. Detroit, where explained at the .telecast, already a firat-placa^tie with the Willow of—the office for one year im volunteer leaders of the National la begfnning to pursue new loads, BK.'SSbT “ 4i T * ? * 6- Run Nationals. f e J S s - w i 8. Y»nk» 0. 'V f t 6 mediately preceding the closing Foundation...of -this'- area^attended and, our professional education. Phont GR 5-4141 on On Monday( the Chelsea Ameri- .L.J® ..R®:n. parson _ contributed «»<« date ot of ini. the examination, In ad- a closed-circuit telecast at which rogram is expanding." __ p f f . ’fe.b. « “lh lM«g» ^8-'.A^douMeFrto 4itiQB^thay^muat-have^-reached Basil* O’Confldif; president, outlined ' ' J' " , xare—in—arthritis• and -— — —or —— — the attack. their 18th birthday on the closing the new objectives of the organize birth defects is much like that for date for acceptance of applications* ttoh -supportbd “Bjr-the March of imstrpollor-Mrsr-Cox-polnted-’Oufcr GR 5-514T There is iio maximum age limit- *Dimes, Mrs. Cox called the widened "There are no epidemics," she Friendship Renewal .However, Mvi Wty persons fT I.V A IW T V I* W lf w «« who have passed of the National ^Founda said, "but the patients are with age of 70 may be* considered purposes tion “an new concept in us all the time, and new ones oc After 50»year^Absence the only for temporary renewable ap the healthexciting cur at a more or less predictable field.” pointments of one year. rate. In polio,'the threat of epi io5dSl.n ? eutler was .surprised The National Foundation, while Complete information about the demics hung over _a community last Thursday by a caller he_had ^xamlnatlon-requirflments~and~incontinuing- its- wi n ni n g fight every-summer, and no one-could CHILSIA 214 L MIDDLE ST, not seen foiufiO years. Mr. and igainst^polio,plans toexpand!?! structionB for filing applications predict the number of cases. New Mrs. Bert. Gerken of Stockton, may be obtained at the Chelsea include a wide range cases of arthritis and birth defects Calif., passing through while visit- post-office. Application-^forttnr 1th --problerna* ■Initial uew- occur all year'around,.year in arid " If ing relatives north of'Here, stopped must be filed with the U. S. -----Civil ?°ajs will be arthritis ,and birth year out We must do something ---------------- the whose home on ----W aBhinfftonaefects (congenital malforma for these patients continuously, Service Commission, Washington Specialising in Ah, Mam street was purchased tions). Virus research and investi just as we now do for post-pplios. in October, 1906, from Mrs. Ger- 25,_ D. C. and must be received or gations of disorders of the central This is a real challenge to volun postmarked not later than the HOT ROAST BEEF SAN DW ICH ES ken s Parents, the late Mr. and nervous system will be expanded. teers. I feel certain that the peo Mrs^Jlahjon Griffith^The Grif closing date. -Made from chafe*iteer beef. “Our^chapter "will continue- to ple of Washtenaw county will re fiths sold out and mpved to California to benefit their health but Mrs,-Winifred Coffron and Mrs. meet its obligations to polio pa- spond to it enthusiastically." Mr. Griffith died soon ftftOr------- Donovun Sweeny spent-fronr~Mon- tionts in Washtenaw county for as. AtSOi-Meali - Ffeh Fry Every Friday. Griffith c^me^back^for a visi^'day:=untll Thursday ofriastrweeic -long -as -they- need aBsistance^ i Report. . r MrB. ~ Dorothy Schaible at‘ Mrs. Cox said. “Mr. O’Connor made about .33 years ago, Beutler said. with ......... it very dear that this is our pri (Continued from page one) Grand Rapids* —^ „ ^ 'G e r k e n , the former Golden mary responsibility. But the idea Griffith., was six years old when (b) respect of property, of a voluntary asBOciation dedithe family moved, but remembered .Mrs, Inez' Johnston, with her cated-^to— (c) respectful attitude toward improvement of man’s thaBeutler house a r her bid home. son, Charles, of—Lockport, N. Y., health, ready and able to move in intellectual a c c o m p 1i s hments, 1-LB. PKjG. , The same day, Beutler had left Monday after spending a week whatever teachers, school and society. direction scientific disanother caller, Clayton Alger of here at the home of her sis a".. Koverie8-lead-iVnot-confined- to -a —5. A. high code of moral values Napoleon, whom-he^also had not brother-in-law, Mr. and-Mrs, Ray single disease, is a t remendous must be attained to develop a seen for 50 years. Thomas. ___ - -challenire7~^~ —~ worthy individual.', — _ _ -SHEDD3: “The flexible force which the Na For the JunTor High school the tional foundation will now be following curriculum' is 'recom come, is the result of 20 years of mended: English; social studies, pioneering and achievement by science,' mathematics, physical LARGE _ _ __ ■__ ' ■ scientists, and laymen throughout education and health required for all -7th. and 8th grade students; the nation. It -will, be a privilege n A i m to heip,iauncn tms new program." ami spelling, penmanship and read- Financial support for the new ing to be required by students who program will bo sought through the need the course (to be determined LARGE CAN _ . ICE CO LD HOME-GROWN traditional March of Dimes in Jan- by__a test).uary, Mrs. Cox emphasized, adding Electives recommended are art, . _ TOM ATOES ___ W ATERM ELONS that additional responsibilities un shop, band, chorus, home economics, doubtedly will m6an additional business-training and typing. need for -funds in Washtenaw r=iThe-foltowing—wefe-alsd- recomtra ve rse C ity B la c k Sw eet C h erries, mended for consideration by the county, as elsewhere. . . “We must prepare - this January boHrdT5fredueatloD: T coming in Frid ay financial commitU. 1. No study halls for 7th and ments,” she declared. “We shall 8th graders. FOOD M A RKET not attempt to...move into the- new 2. Three types of diplomas: acaRED AND BLACK RASPBERRIES areas of patient-aid-over night, A demic_.jjumlrlaude... acadjamic+_and. DIAL GIL 9-^331 WE DELIVER ‘ great deal of study and Work is generwlr"'............4 Digging Our 3. Classes for the slow learner. ahead for those of us in the chap Home-Made ter, preparing to deal with the new 4. Accelerated classes for the IRISH- COBBLER * iroblems of arthritis and birth de^ -better-pupils; ' ' BAKED GOODS— 5. Letter grades in the 5th and ecTs. O’Connor indicated that pre POTATOES every ddy_ ,except Monday cise information about these two 6th grades. area8-tis not yet-available; one of 6. _Six-period day -in the junior Fresh^Cut Glads and Snapdragons - Cut Dotlythe firstnnm thing! our chapter must nigh school. -IO ^ . I*. i, ‘V ,— a m*j*g,tm 3 !■U i|C ,.L—a b-c , _ __ ....___ Q IS 1ivoTn floWtlmRiiy 11 ■. tients ther^ are; what, facilities we were, approved by the curriculum ' r giving them care’and; th committee consisting of? Gordon —AUTO— availability of qualified : profes- Gary, chairman; Jack D. Musser, SERVICE secretary; Mrs. John Keusch, Mrs. sional workers to ao the job. Plans A. D. Mayer, Mrs. Kent Walworth, are being made at,national headPhone NO S-9002 6393 Jackson Road •fj—Qnrl mm Chandlervimnmpry William if inimn ■P/idniYin. quartera- to* cher, George Prinzing, N. H. information. "Our patient aid program for Miles, and Dr. J. V. Fisher, Charles children through 18 who nave arth Lane, Charles S. Cameron, and ritis and certain birth defects will Arthur. Schmunk, ex-officib mem bers. Polio Foundation Expands Scope of Avtivities illow Run for League Lead nous ateStts wea».i*- sylvan coffee shop WILL RE-OPEN TUESDAY, JULY 29 BURGHARDT FUNERAL HOME DORCAS KI NSEY Kraft Carmels . . . . 29c Salad Dressing . . qt. 41c START Y O U R GUN L A Y - A W A Y NOW! SW EET CO RN --1 Head Lettuce .72 for 27c Hawaiian Punch . . . . 32c K U S T E R E R ’S :-a J PERSONAL NOTES Kiwanis Club Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hofhanesian were Mr. arid Hears Report on John Mrs. John. Manoulian and family Their son,- Alex, who' International Meet ofhadDearborn, spent two weeks as the guest When hunting- season opens you.can have the gun you've always dreamed about and not have to worry about digging up the cash. 1) 2) 3) 4) Pick out the gurv you wont ' ■ ^ Moke o-5% Deposit. We will store the -gun for you. .You make a small payment each week, or every other w d e k . -------- __________________ L . 5rwhen .the payments are completed, the gun is of Mr. and Mrs. Hofhanesian, retuimed-home-^witlFthejn; Thursday callers at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas_ were Mrv and Mrs. _Fred_Collis and sons n, nd-Mrfl_Lina Davis,—The latter -isa ,sister of ~Mr; Thomas and the ion. reports given at the convention. M t 'D tH1 ‘ era-are cousins. All are from Included was the-stfifementrt hTO T .Utica, . . . N. Y. Also callers -there more than 2,000 Boy Scout troops were-Mr. •Thomas’ were supported-last—yearnbY ter-in-law, Mr., and Mrs. William wanls clubs; also, that more than 000r000_wn~s rai sed_by_Kiwanl s -Thomas-of-Detroit.----— -------- ^ Mr. and -Mrs. Don Labo and ub3 last-Tyear for ^community daughter, Sharon, of Flint, spent projects ■ojeots. -Anton—Nielsen-9—and—Kiwanis President James Daniels. reportat Monday’s Kiwanis club meeting on the Kiwanis International ,convenrion ^agp, yours, ■ t JfOUfAY NO. INTERESTOR SERVICE CHARGE! w ,rg. MASTER CHAMP COMB PADLOCK 1 $ ” .•You can’t ’hide your window “Wwjrom onybotty. Have they wcked, curled or sagged out of ^fpo-theyhave that unattraclj>°k" ? These things hapm i * ! ™ shades of substitute ffln«rtab1-but not to CLOTH winp]^t .^ 68.'.Come and see our coni* A > m st ro n g ex c elo n ■ -^Economical_£x tralong-WoorJ ng.—,Cao-.l?c ^ iu e _ 131 __ instaJ ledlbyerdnyOppr'—eVien Yherbo se me nt. per tile \Easy *o keep clean. Spatter, straight grain, Corkstyle* and Wbodtorie. 9“ x 9“ tiles. *t. m. square Foot ^he Methodist church, inlluded a Chrysler Corp. film, _‘Whieels Acroaa Afrlefl>,,~5hown by William Rich. Kiwanis-guests -a t , the meeting included Herman • Brower and George Elliott of Ypsilanti, and John W. Rae of Ann—Arbor ___ Were- Paul 'Lan caster, George Petersen and Ernest -Young^ja -representative. JiL-Cksa-.j ' rooms, Inc; '' ^ ; STONE - F IL L D IRT Baiamant Digging • Bulldpilng Cranp Work • Beach Building FREE E S T I MA T E S BOB FITZSIMMONS . windowshades—made with L E "!' .®0>dblc base Of firmly ih*fo?*wton *abrfc — window •tn SSn?.1 8tayear ytrlm »orl8P and •wght-hanging after year. j ^ 3 -8ta rtra r~ ^ |6 5 SCOUT NEWS ANY i. PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT as*-"- ’r* Gallon WITH NO SANPIN0. JUST R0U ON t COAT OP Stable hote— Joein t r0f, cr<?ck or peel. Eaiy 0r couplings, INIUlOUt • K 0RAHB with The ready mixed oil plaitlcpaint Creates that beautiful Wa blind (a G-E bulbs lot «v«ry h i} purpose In tha horns. k ttp S p s ra STIPPLE PAINT p*ll«ht,ul «t«*. te wiW patMtn Atvon SlIPP'* anl weilmbU fistih - r e!|l!u Gny lEii"” mfw Wii»P«*b Bulb* on H *nd. S to ttV p M iy only $5.50 per gal. smooth texture decoration TROOP 76—_________________ ' Boy scout Troop 76 met at the South Elementary school Tuesday at 7 p.m. The mooting was called to order by Tom Eisenbeiscr. ...Opening ceremony was held by Joe Horst, . Mr.— Kntdrerbtrcker— explained what the troop will do at camp next week Be nt Dr. Pnpo’s office for medi cal check-up Friday, July 25 at 9 al chcck-u; a.m. sharp. Meet at the South Elefnehtary school,- Sunday, July 27, at 1 p.m. with- your—equipment—to^ go—lo. camp. The next scout meeting will be Aug. 6. ( Roger Pritchnrd. scribc.— Dona In a slntplo manriar** With a paint brush It’s an tasy <4^ . pet gel. IN N EW EST M O TEL T H I CH ELSEA A REA pointing process Motel mmfiU eW d*U* 0 tN I« * l® UlCT^It NORTH LAKE Phone Chelsea GR 9-5701 Way-ToCtsarr A Clogged Css Line . ■ ■ One thing surei nothing like this-can happen here! Everything aboutr-a- c*pr; our men know how- Fo tla RIGHT.- Their experience and skill add up to the' kind-of-Efiimdng-lQnd_TeROlr_work ..that, will keep, your car rolling smoothly, safely, economically. Try Alber Motor Sales, Inc. DF S Q m — PLYMOUTH 2 9 5 S O U T H M A IN S T R E E T C H E L S E A , M IC H . (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) CHRISTMAN STATE SENATOR Thirty-Third District Washtenaw County * REPU BLICA N EXPERIENCE - RESPECT Ensures Important Committee Assignments “Rest Under the Ooks" 7 Miles V^ett of CheltM on U S-12 Phone GR M I 4 2 ...... Rm MV.HM. VOTE at PRIMARY ELECTION V... .. ..4 PAGE EIGHT m m P A Y . jm v ^ t.® v if; IIP ': -’y 0l; i f e ■aid mortgage will be forcctawd by a eal* g a sr at pubile auction to the highest bidder A true copy. Ju d w «t Pn or trapete in i t He says he’s fol-lwill be shot in London, but they'l For years perishable onions have Anna Douvitsas, at the South, entrano# to tlm County lowing the Vionnut line, which fuse a double for Deborah, spelled trouble for farmers. VioHiwdlsor ^ ^ s m a e h a r , Attornsya 2S!"U".S? Y fS A l^ S iS t follows the lines of a woman’s lent price swings brought on by a C M sea, Mlehlgsa. July 10-24 building . £ 3 . Ih , ClKult tttirt ,o> i s body and flatters it. I Jane’Russell is sitting out her few greedy . speculators ‘ ito; drove j i r a s a w County of Washtenaw la held, of the r t MORTGAGE SALE „ , — , . . . . j unemployment, but with pay. She prices down m to almost nothing long prior to such having. ■ premise* deeerlbed in said mortgage or to Clifton Webb, wearin, old-fash- - Eva Gabor, when she sells her gets f 1,000 weekly from Howan enough to->• line the cpockets of a Default having been made in the U m a much thereof as may be necessary to pay JOHN W. CONLIN. tbe amount due ** aforeaaJd, on said and oon^UoM of a tortaln ^ ^hon aVnh e m A true copy: ioned knickers for “V _ ____ New York apartment, will buy a Hughes, and has three more pic* ftW r" rators,” Pannyi ‘ then shot th them Judge of Probate. mortgage, with the Interest thereon made by ROBERT OLBEBG and . flll Anna DouviUaa. packer! ” says: “This is my answer home in Bel-Air, just like heir sis- tures to make for him. . .' 1Onions simply do not Register OLDERG, husband and wife, of thaV hlas* seven (7) per oent per annum, and Probate. to women’s sacks. Personally “ ............. ter, Zsa Zsa. ji Her husband, Bob Waterfield. lend themselves to futures tradh John P. ofKeuaeh, d ooete, chargee charge* and expense*, Inelui Including of Chelsea, Washtenaw County. Michigan, legal amount due i i attorney fee* allowed by law, and alio the don’t understand why men ever has gone back to coaching the and both houses of Congress w c o l Chelsea, Michigan. Attorney Julyl7-81 mortgage with , h f l i S T V i any LBum. or jujns. which may ha psdd by Leslie Caron is certainly a lucky Los Angeles Rams gave them up; they’re so comfort P?r cent nixed this in passing -the legis tb# under ORDER APPOINTING TIM BFOR able.’’ . il! She and Cecil Beaton became Interest m w e precuse*, w uch aald nremlation. The Senate amended the HEARING CLAIMS AND DETERleea-ara deseribed aa feUowei - — riends when he designed the] __... On the “Anne Frank” seVShel to include .penalties and .............. -MINING-HEIRS.— ---------. Ail that oertaln piece or parctf of land - ■-Rumors are thaiIn the “Reluc f elothes anddecorfor ey Wintew put fiTa will to Tony 1 am confident, . . after ____ this ____ .pro ... • No. 44119 tant Debutante,” Kay Kendal Now she’s having a second baby, | Franciosa in Rome, and after talk- vision received. H o u s e an* Suta-of-Michlgaa.-Tha-Drobato..,1Court for L ... County of WMbUaaw. steals it from Rex Harrison. and Cecil is decorating a nursery ing to him at length, left the phone Proval, that the President. will sign th« In th» Matter of tba KeUta of EZRA day of December 1958, la" Liber 788 of Lot No. 18. Sorenceh Subdlvlaloo, being fo$ her; an unusual activity and a Jin tears the measure into law. A. FELDKAMP. a/k /a EZRA FELD- Washtenaw County Reoorda on-Pase 878, a part of the Village of Cheltoft.inth* sure sign of a devoted friend. Decaaied. .. Intereatlngly snough, the in KAMP. 8outh*ast quarter of Section. 19. also At a ttwion of MM C O urtr^ld on tba in the >Mt one-half of the Northwest dividual who can claim a 'major 17th day of July A.D. 1988. . „ „ DEX TER Quarter of Section 18, Town I South, Federal Saving* and Loan Asaociation df T>itck”Widraark“ was stTdelighi&ull share of credit for pushing through ,Present, Honorabia John W>. Conlin, Detroit, a eorpwatjoo'««t»U«. w d « the in “Tunnel of Love,” MGM is look Judge of Probata. the bill to protect growers of One Day Only Home Owner* Loan Act o f. 1988 of the appearing to the Court that the tiro# United ing for another comedy for him. of America, luid repordadw aromatic bulb is a gentleman with forIt presentation of claim* against said the 1st State* 2 to S pun. By Senator Charles E. Potter 54, Waahtenaw .County Racowir ^ day of May 1987. in the Ofttoe AS an aromatic name—Jack Rose of estate should be limited, and that a ttma of the Register Deed* for said County known at, 588 Arthur 8U*et, Cl Frank Sinatra’s ' co-star in| The latest news from East Lansing, Secretary of the and place be appointed to receive, exam of Washtenaw* inofLiber W e d . J u ly of Waahtenaw UCcordJng to the “Some Came Running” for MGM Washington of special Interest National Onion Association. Onion ine and adjort winnAIras and demands County Records on Faso788400, Dated at Chrises, Mtehlgan, the 18th on which against said deceased by and before aald mortgage there i* claUaed to be due girded to Uber uP0V will be Shirley MacLalne. j day of May 1988. to Michigan. INew High School a t the farmers owe Jack a tremendous Court; and that the legal hair* of said date of this noU«, for principal tha aum F IF ------------There will be another girl for] debt of gratitude for the long deceased entitled to Inherit the eetate of f TOrtoaa . Tboueand. Raven Huwlred LO, OA^A^^ATT^f ^F^B ^O lT r «toy Of hffir 1958^’ *•«“! him to make love to. Arthur Ken- A POWER-MAD Egyptian Hit- Ilours of work be put in at the -which sald-deceased died Belied should b r oSevenW’Ffva and 89/100 Dollar* (118,adjudicated and determined. . nedy also is in the picture, which I " ' E SENDLEY * tw ether with interest a t the rata Capitol. it is Ordered, That all of the creditors 775.59), Kr MAM A S & ^ ^ a J sev*n. (7>p*r oent per annum from ^•W illiam J . RademaChiar, Attorney for Vincent? Minelli will direct. 1 °ame^can intem ta in of said deceased are required to preaent of 1st d ly o f Ftbruary 1957, to date, plus .Assignee of Mortgagee. their claims in writing and under oath AND WE STILL BLAME THE as provided’ by Statute, to said Court at any and all unpaid taxes and inaurano*. Business Address t Jerry Lewis wants Rufus Blair $1® aov«r For many years, the said Probate Office, and to serve a copy And no' ault or proceedings a t law or 115 Park Street „ Assignee of Mortgagee ^tt0rWcf« for a three-month stint on his »ve>r tiansmitters of SCHOOLS: M*y28-Augl4 Business equity having been instituted to recover Chelsea, Michigan American people have spent more thereof either by registered or certified in Address: nataWa i vhifu Hnu tux now ones Present picture, “The n*i*vJ«*dW Cairo and six the debt .eeeured by .eald. mortoag* or any mail or by peraonal aervlce upon-Norman m Park S t r e e t ----ueiBll®[ bought from: Czechoslovakia, Nas- Jnoney on cigarettes each year, Feldfcamp the fiduciary of said estate part thereof, now therefore, by virtue of _ / . MORTGAGE 8ALB M..w . ■ nan on all education of their chil whose address Is 8887 HashtCy Rd., Chel the power of sale contained in said mort- Default having been made In the tarnu Chelsea, Michigan er is broadcasting inflammatory dren. oy‘ ]ser'is condlttona or a oertaln mortgage mad* sea, Michigan, on or before thd 1st day gageV *nd-pursuant-to-tbest*tuteH n-thr and oison through -the—NUo i-NUo -delta, by JAMES F. HA8SAN and HELEN L. ' Because the English press is be- Ef om™ S ;," ,g ss of Oetober A. D. 1958, at 9:80 o'clock In State of : Michigan, lit aueh case madynand HA BSA N r-5M^fcsme-~Strg8tr~Vni *ge~ or t(F hoooflu Vo«« RfAh.l the forenoon, said time an d -place belqg in* beastly 4toa nnnA«nti DeEorah'Kerr, Met-1 No,. 48601 the 2lit_day o f August 1958: at Chelsea, County of Washtenaw, &UU of hereby appointed for the^xaminatlon and Thursday, 4 0 -o ‘ckKikr-a'P>i¥-Eastern-Standard-Timtr ^adjustment of alt claims ana demandr jn . Syria and -Lebanon, a nearIn W ensw r against said deceased, and for the adjud said mortgage will be foreeloeed by a safe revolution in Jordan, and his latest ication and determination of the h e ir1at at public auction to the highest bidder thrust has toppled the government law. of said deceased, at the time of bis at the South entrance to the County Owners Loan Act of 1988 of the United of Ameriea, of ■DetroltT Wayne t>.7 S " 01 ■■ll °»t to. death entitled to inherit the eetate of Building In the City of Ann Arbor. Wash, States of Iraq, keystone of the democratic ............. tenaw County, Michigan, that being , the Countwhich the deceased died seised. ORDER APPOINTING TIME 15th _ ___ ____ . __ ______ ' Baghdad Pact alliance. It is Further Ordered, That public no building where the Ciroult-Court^for - the FOR HEARING CLAIMS, If s u c c e s s f u l , the Nassertice thereof b o ,given by publication of a County of Washtenaw is held, of the the Of/ioe of t^e' Reglster o f ' Deeda” for No, 44058 described in said mortgage by so the .County of Waahtenaw and State of DOORS OPEN A T 8 »4$ P.M. KhrushchOv effort will dupe miU State of Michigan, The Probate Court for copy of this order onto each week for premises much thereof aa may be neoessary to pay Michigan on the 8rd J a y ^ .b f Demfeber trator -of said estate, prajlar three successive weeks previous to aald the County of Washtenaw, | lions of poverty-stricken illiterates CONT. SUNDAY PROM 3 P.M. day of hearing. In The Chelsea Standard, the amount , due sis aforesaid,, on said 1958, Jn Lltoy 748 of Washtenaw. County- final mwount^be -s llo w s f^ ^ T r: n ^ her.MaUer, of the Arab world, who yearn for w NOTT, Deceajwd.<>rth« *rtato of MINNIE a newspaper printed and circulated in said mortgage with the Interest thereon at Records on Page 420, which said mortgage M tate: 'asslgnad to the seven (7) per cent per annum, and, all was thereafter .day, o f April entitled themtot_ ^ i t L V ! 0htg ibread and a sense of personal At a session of said Court, held on County. OHN W -60NLJM — ^ a U ^ , chargesw W— Its. erWi--------: — 1 r ■ ' ‘ ^ te -G ^ -o n -Ju ly -H o :^ ,, ^ ^orth^-into -buyiny - Comm THURS.-PRi.-SAT. The attorney fees: allowed by law, and alio and Loan Association -of Detroit, a. cor Judge of ProbateT Present, ^Honorable John W. Conlin, ^ “ true copy: [ On the day that happens,-a giant Judge-of-Probate;----poration existing under the Home Owners anyrium ror-ssm s, whlch-may be-pald-by 'Anna^Bouvitsasr1 — ,d. (I t isi Ordered, that -notice therwrf I --------- * necessary .to protect its Loan Act of 1988 of the United State* ol' givenJULY 24-25-26---- | pendulum will have swung against Notice is Hereby .Given,' That all .cred' -A,n^n™ the undersigned; Register of Probate. by publication of , Interest in 4he premises. Which said pr pram, America: and recorded on the le t day of Jack Becker, Attorney, itors of said deceased are required to conaeouUvely” the free world. No one likes the present ises are deMribed as follows i M«y 1987, in the Office of the Register of “ T, 810 Ann*Arbor Trust Bldg. their claims in writing and under J—ACTION PACKED HITS! of, hearinpr. In The ^ l a t c u s ACT* thought of sending American fight oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy Ann Arbor, Mich. July24.Aug7 .AIL th at tortain; pleoa o r pwrcel of land Deeds for_said .County of Washtenaw, situate^ln-toe Vlllage of Chelses, County In Liber 782 of Washtenaw Oounty’ Rec- copy of this notice served u»: ing men to the -seething danger thereof upon Ruth ^.Hubbard of—184 N - _.OBDER-FOR PUBLICATION M-G-Mwawf* iirds qn-Pfas 400. on which martyy t -fchown party In lntoi^.Ht tt hl> Isa -Summlt-Stri—Ypsllantl. Mtcfatnan. fld u cg rrl I area,' but we muster ‘ ^ i Sale or M u ilu ife 'sf Real isaiate, ■deiorlbed as follows, to wit: -GLENN SHJMEVto be, due at. the date of thie of y ld wtete, m J t t o r auch claims vriH certified, Or mi OIPHANTS Nasser’s activity, even though in be,heard by said Court, at the Probate . No*,. ,;48823’l:ii' ' . Lot No, 10, Sorenson Subdivision, being notice, for prlneipa] the sum of Thirteen ary.m allhy/WlBtered, (with proof of mrillng).-'«L FORD - MacU IN E ’ • Eighty-Two — •■ a part of the Village of Cbelsoa, In the Thousand "^our Four Hun Hundrad and Ps^so^ol, service, temally inspired, is aggression in Office October. I, 1958, at 9:80 A.M. State of Michigan, The Probate Court for :at leaBt foirtwn (li^ the. County of Waahtenaw* Southeast quarter - o f the. Southwest 02/100 Dollars (813.482.02rto«thar w tthj WORLDS FSCST It is Ordered, That . notice thereof be the truest sense. Internal aggres given They called him the Quarter o f Section .12, also in the interest at -thcerate of seven (7) per oent by publication of a copy hereof for JOHN W, CONLIN, sion of this type is every bit as three weeks consecutively previous to said « " A ! K i S ' !* w BERTHA East one-half of tho Northwest quarter !*£ annum from the 1st day of December A true copy. *S0WERSAli.TW0 ■ Judge of PreUtt STRANGERWITH A GlIfiL. At a session of said Court, held on of Section 18, Town 2 South; Range 8 dangerous as overthrow by~armed 958, plus any and all unpaid taxea and Anns Douvitsas, d«y of hearing, in The Chelsto Standard, H0HT WWE s-Cui«u»S«o»» . , ^ East: Washtenaw County, Michigan, Insurance. • , ' r.~ and that th ^ fiduciary cause a copy of this July.-10. J1988. *- forcer Register- of Probate. Present, Honorable John W. _ Conlin, akoM CTROCOIO* according to the plat thereof, as reAnd no. suit or procsW ffifr a f ’la v r d r Heiidto, 4k' Radema’eher, Attorneys. A? this is written, United State* r i n t e ^ a f h t f c o r d e d tn U b e r l2 o f P la ts ,p a g e - 6 4 i— l,?^3ui.V'-havin3 Le® n !5sU * ute4 to recover Chelsea; MrcfiTgah.---yj, Notice Is Hereby- Given, That all perWashtenaw County Records. Also Marines Lebanon;7 registeredannes are moving into Lebanon --------—"--------------or cert Iffed m ail, . return re the debt secured by said mortgage or any sons Interested in said estate are directed, known as, 619 Arthur Street, Chelsea, part thereof, now therefore, by virtue of « * ceipt demanded, at least fourteen (14) IBritish ritish paratroopers from Cyprus days .MORTGAGE SALE Michigan, . . the power of sale contained. In said mortXq. such hearlng,-« r*. by pcnonal to appear before said Probate Court on Default having been made In thij are re. landing in Jordan, and French serviceprior Dated at Chelsea. Michigan, the Huh at least five (5) - days prior to such August 8, 1958, at 9 :80 A.M. to -show day of Hay 1058 troops-reportedly^are-heading^for ■hearing. i tat* of Michigan, in such ease made and made by EDSON 8. TAYLOR and MILD to James C. Hendley, Executor of said provided, JOHN W. CONLIN, the east^h^™MyditeiTanean. Ih FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND . - notice .. .is hereby given that on RED TAYLOR, husband .imd estate, to sell or mortgage the interest of GofbAdaMAdhihsOOe true’ copy: ----------------------------ROIT, Thursday, sday,the.2Ist the,21st day of August 186$. at Village of Chelsea, County of Wuh Judge of -Probate. LOAN ASSOCIATION---------OF DETL____ [New York, the United Nations Js AAnna said estate in certainreal estate ■ described Douvitsas ■ clock, n.m., Eastern Standard Time, naw, State 'o f Michigan, Mortgager, _ Assignee of Mortgagee In bis petition, - fo r the purpose - of dis HENDLEY A RADEMACHER debating xthe possibility' of dis Register of Probate. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale Idnyrln Federal Sftvlnya_arH T y tribution : *■ ____ " . , Gemuend A Barnes, Attorney. a t publlg auction to the highest bidder' elation of Detroit, a corporstlon -riri/il patching a UN force to the Middle Address: Webber, Bldg., Wliliuu J, Rademacher, Attorneys- for It is Ordereo. m at notice thereof be ByAssignee AHCOALOCOKP1CTUNM » t,.tb e South, entrance to th* County under the - Home Owners I«sn Art of Mortgagee^ | East. ; ' •; Ionia, Michigan. RniMiny tr, .h f <TUy -I* Ann~ Arhnr , Wash „ ■4092-oMhe-Unltwf-etater-orAfflirt^ tridress: Sponsored By the ANega*Pn^s,la#.Ks#eiB—«rt^eae»4s» _ •nionisnt in our tenaw County, Michigan, that bring the Detroit, Wiurne County, Michigan, V< 115 Park Street day: of. hearing.~ Jn The Chelsea Standard, ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR history, we can be sure that PreBiMay22-Augt4 building where the Circuit Court for the g u m , dated the Uth day ci Dscei and that the .petitioner cause a copy of Chelsea, Michigan HEARING CLAIMS AND DETER County of Waahtenaw is held, of the 1956, and recorded in the Office «I CARTOON-: "GUIDED MUSCLE' i dent Eisenhower did not order KIW ANIS CLUB this notice to bq served upon each known MINING HEIRS. premises described in said mortgage or so Register of Deeds for the County oi Wi MORTGAGE SALE party in interest at hi* last known adtroop movements off-the-cuff. The muoh thereof ss may be necessary to-psy tenaw and State-of M ic h ig a n oir^jw ■ No. 44104 .dreaa- by registered or certlftecLmalh-rctunr andcond the amount i' due as aforesaid, <m nla S S rtay ot-A>ec*mber—195i^ln-Iiber^tt1. democractes— realize-^ail— too_ _ _of D e x te r__ W mortgage with the intoreat-tberJon a t Washtenaw 'County Records cn Peg* ill,1 'th rth in edge of danger on which SUN.-MON.-Tt aonal WILLIAM R. -THOMAS and MABLB seven (7) per cent per annum,- and all which said mortgage was thereafter os t' IRENE THOMAS, husband, and wife, 618 MWir:C T ; : g . w : a pther-treadr^One“ Slip; one Frush LIAM C. PRITCHARD, JULY 27-28-29 Waltlngton , Street, Villag*_of Chelsea, legal costs, charges and ,expensef^Jncluding {JMth. dky o f .April"l9&lr-BM|gntd td-Ri. Deceased, such hearing. of armed forces in this day of At a geaalnn nt said Court,-held-on-the fees allowed by~law, and also Federal Savings' and Loan Auoclstlos < -JOHN^WrCONLINr^ County of -Waahtenawr State of-|ilcfil|nrar the-attorneyP u r c h a s e Y our -atomic _ and hydrogen weapons, 15th day of July A.D, 1958, Ajudge - ‘ of- . -Probate. ■ Mortgagor, to Lincoln Federal 8avlngs and any sum, or sums, which may be paid by Detroit, a W poratlon. cxlBUng under 1 A true copy: the undersigned, necessary to protect It* Home Owners Loah Act of 1989 of I PreBent, Honorable John W. -Conlin, Anrfa Douvitsas Loan Association of, Detroit, a corporation could result in ther annihilation or Judge interest in the psemlaca, Which aald preny United Otates uf Anrartea, and wcsrieil of Probata. oxlstlng under th e1 Huina Owroye L04ft Register of P robate, T ic k e ts B e fo re ■the human racer on tha 1st day of May. 1967, In H appearing to the Court that tHe time Hendley 4k Rademacher.,Aitorney*. Act of 1988 of the UniteaC States of Amer- 1sea are described as follows: “A lp h s t certairTplece Or parcel of land | of the Register of Deeds for sstd County oil The JJn ited_Btatefl ....... ^ _ ■for. presentation—of u .-,. .. . claims . . ja ltm said -Chelsea, Michigan Julyl7-81 fc*. of.Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, “Ituato In the Village of Chelsea, County Washtenaw, In Liber 782 of ffsehtenwl should be limited,, and that a time ' Mortgagee, dated the 16th day of October C lreus-D aycalculated rlah to protect Ameri estate plaoe be appointed to. receive, exam 1958, and recorded in tho Office of the of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and County Records Page 400, on which n»rtORDER APPOINTING TIME can Uvea and interests and the and described as follows, to .wit: gage, there ts claimed to be due st the and adjust - all claims and demands Register of Deeds for the County of Wash FOR HEARING CLAIMS. Lot No, 68 Sorensen Subdivision bring ,date of thla notice,-for principal the ium| best we can hope to achieve tor ine against said deceased- by and ‘before tenaw and State of Michigan bn the 8rd Hackney Hardware • part of the Village of Chaise*, In - l» f Thirteen Thousand Sevsn RnsdreH leg Of the time being: is a stalemate in Court ; and -that tKe legal-heirs of M lchlga^ Tie^probate Court for day of December 1968, in Liber 786 of the SE 14 of the of Section 12, } Fifty-Six and 28/100 Dollars <$19,768.28),I entitled to inhei inherit the estate '’state' Washtenaw County Records on Page 428, Tie Dexter Leader the County of Waahtenaw, the Middle East. Any other con deceased, also In the E % of the NW M of together .with interest a( the rate of seveal of which said deceased died, seised should which said mortgage waa thereafter on In the Matter of the Estate of ALICE Section 18, Town 2, South, Range 8 (7) per- cent per annum from the IrtJ sequence is-too frightening to^cdlt be adjudicated and determined. : the 28th day of April 1957, assigned to stroit— JEdi»on—-L. STAEBLER, Mentally Incompetent. day’s ! January igsTrto^tfsle. pIug any i I t sla Ordered. Jhat_all_of-th*-oreditorB -Eaflt.W ashtcnaw —County; * r MlebIgan,— template^ In the meantime,-inero- of sald deceased are required to present —At-*“0«sstorrof 8aId C6urt, held on July -Firrt-Federat'8*vings-*nd-Eb*h-As8oc[atlbh according to the plat thereof, as re [all unpaid taxes and Insurance; of Detroit, a corporation existing under the Kennedy^Agiency— 10, 2968. bers of Congress of both political EXTRA! WALT DISNEY'S corded in Liber 12 of Plate, page 6 4 ./ And no suit orproceedings st la* or| their- claims In writing and under oath Homo Owners Loan Act of 1988 of the Present, Honorable John W. Contin, parties are rallying around the as provided by statute, t o . paid C ourt. at Judge of Probate,Washtenaw County Records, In equity having been Instituted to recoytfl United State* o f America, and-recorded on Technicolor special • and help the Kiwanis Club a t Chelsea, Michigan, the 18th the afebt secured by snld mortgage or anyI President jn a show of support said Probate Office, and to serve a copy Notice ts -Hereby Given, That all cred the 1st day of May 1857, In the Office of dayDatod of May 1068. ,p*rt thereof, now therefore, by virtue oil thereof either by registered or certified itors of said mentally Incompetent are re the Register .-of Deeds for said County of which I am confident reflects the mail earn a larger percentage. AND DISNEY'S CARTOON or by personal service upon, Nellie the power of sale imnukied In Mld.toort-r to present their claims In writing Washtenaw In; Liber 7B2 of Washtenaw feeling of all Americans, a s a W. Pritchard, the fiduciary bf said es- quired age, and pursuant to the statute is and under oath, to said Churl, and to serve County Records on Pag* 400, oh" whfc¥ s - ■M. ic •.,'VaV'V.?•[ :M>- 1-iV-■ if -‘S - I > . ||f j p r Washington Report N i l l praykM , nuUwi Is h e ^ y »lv>sn th at cu Thursday, the l i s t dsur of Auauat 1958. at 10 a ’*i«*lr, a,w., M u a Dtsuidard n a n , given by publication of ft copy hereof for tfcroo week*. roiweeuUvely previous to **« Ttay-of-bearing, in The Ohslaea Standard; and that tba petitioner cause a w r of Orry-Kelly b u signed to do tbo ro bas decided to make most of vicumuea victimised by ruthless commodity oy rutmess >thes for Marilyn Monrod's pic- “ The Blessing" in Hollywood in it Legal Notices ____6. _______ i i f tate -whcSb—addreaa .Is 1187-’Chelsea-Maq-1 a eowr'thergof upon Harvey G, Staebler of mortgage there is ciaimrit to he due at tat* of Mfehlgan, in such esse made i Chester Rd., Chelsea, Michigan, on or 89 E, Croes St„ Ypsllantl,...Michigan, the date of this notice, "tor principal the HENDLEY . provided, notice Is - he reby-glvott-thst oil WUllatq J. Rodemadieri Attorney for. Thursday, the 21st day of August llM ul of said estate, ana that such sum of Thirteen Thousand One Hundred ByAssignee-of. 10 o’clock, a.m,. Ewtem^Standard Tjaftf ,fiduciary Mortgagee rialma .willjbe heard by **ld Court a t the Seventy—and 1 9 /m Dollars (818,170,18). Business Address ] —,v------ : t- - - — seven 115 Park-Street „ at public auction to the highest (7),per cent per annum from the 1st day of 9:80 A.M M*y22-Augl4 a t .the _ South . entrance to—the CSS® It is Ordered, That notice thereof be October- 1957, plus_any_ and_all unpaid Chelsea, Michigan ‘ Building In the City of Ann Arbor. WtjK ____ ___ te^cs and Insurance,___________ given by _________ pubHcatton. of „a copy hereof, tor 4Aon=of- t.he heir at law -of sald—deceased :thrc*-weeke~consecutively-previous to sold T- ^ n^,.no, suit-or—proceedlngs-at law ^or , jMpRTGAGESALE tenaw County, Mlchlgnn, that bring l*J at the time of hlB death entitled to iru- 1day Default having been made In the termi building where' the Circuit Court for ttsl ’ of- •hearing^ • - In equity having been Instituted to recover in The Chelsea Standard, herlt the estate of which the deceased and. that ° V -SRS^JiL * certain mortgage Counter of Waahtenaw is held, e( WI tqe fiduciary cause a copy of this the debt secured by said mortgage or any premises described In said mortgage « » | died seised. part thereof, now therefore, by virtue bf BsBIBb notice to be served upon each known party /A. i B 8 i » » N , a i « J S f mush thereof- ** It is Further Ordered, That public no- Jn Jntorest at hls last known address by the power of sale contain^ u wort. tlce thereof be glven~by publlcatlnn rif a of Cbef*«7 Wa*htonaw the amodht due as aforesaid, on *"1 rislersd or certified mail, return re- efir*. . lo th* statute in the r L $ S Michigan, copy of, tms order once each week for Mortgagor, to Lin- mortgage with the Interest thereon a{ pt demanded, at least fourteen (14) days S tateof Michigan, in suoh ease mad* and Hire* successive -weeks previous to aald prior ftt §*vlne8~*n,d Loan-Association wveft (7) per certT per Bruium, *sr», such hearing, or by personal provided, notice is hereby given that on day of hearing, in Tho Cheleea-Standard, service toat least Is ............ ... days prior to such d **- 81at day of August 1958, at ? L Dw ^ M’ r f ‘d ^ a t l o n . axisUng under l*g«l oosterdharges and expenses, Isehrtiw five (5) a newspaper printed and circulated in hearing. 2 4w»®« f«ten Act of 1988 o f the attorney fees allowed by law, iri *w 10J. eioctf. a.m., Eastern Standard Time, said County. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sate WayYe t ^ i r r t ^ ^ ,-°,‘- — *•***-’ °* Driroit, any sum, or aums, which may be pw V JOHN W. CONUN, -JOHN W. CONLIN, at public auction to th , u . t a , the undeu lgwed. necononi-)- to Judea of Pmhatn. Judge of Probate, InterMt j n the premises. WJdchjsjd pr®’ -€HIUCA= S * Jh * Mtranoe to the County the ibt Anna /Douvitsas ed ... v.,„ vmce oi ug itcgister c 1ms ar* deeorlbed as follows: , . Register of Probate. Julyl7-81 Building in the City of Ann Arbor, WashRegister! o f Jlrobato, July 17-81 i ll ilsak nasAaln nlnisA OP' Difttl Oi 1 -County, Michigan, that being, „ ORDER FOR PUBLICATION— — bulldlng-where the Circuit Court for the — ORDER-FOB PUBLICATION— County of Washtenaw j* h*M, of th» j-FftlDAr-mrd SATURDAY Notice of Hearing—Appointment Of Sale or Mortgage nf Rj,»I Administrator and Determinatlon of Heirs. p beWIsee-oeacrtbed In said mortgage or to naw uounty Records-oiTTag# 548, w SlS described as follows, , t e wit: f JULY 25-26 ---- ^ -------------No. 48746 . ' „ No. 44099 much thereof aa may be neoeSaJy to w taid mortgage was thereafter on tiie 26th State of iMichlgan. The Probate-Court'for .State of Mlcblgah, The Probate Court for the ^amount. due ^aa aforesaid, on aald M IH-: — - the County of Washtenaw. —— ------- mortgage -with the interest thereon at tho Southeast % of th* the County tit Washtenaw ."---------M of Section 12; also In .th* ***** In the Matter of the Estate of EMAN , J " the ^ ^ r ert the Estate of WIL- seven (7) per cent per. annum, and ail LIAM J, WAL1GORA, Deceased. of the Northwest one-gunrisr cf S*«w ]{£at « >8li‘ charges and expenses, Including tt« i UEL F, WACKER, Deceased. , -ta In color, with Glenn For<j. At a session of aald-CourL-held-on-the thfi_attqmQy. fees aUow*d by-law, and4teoIS,---mnSn—5 Town 2 SlniUH. South, Rartgt I- "*7 --, At a session of said CourL_h*l • 1st day of In 1st day of July A, D. 1968; any sum, or sums, which may be paid by Washtenaw County, Mlchlgio. July 10, 19581 , Present, Honorable John W. Conlin, the undersigned, necessary to protect its I t Ing to the plat thereoi, as Present, Honorable John -W, Conlin, -terof W WcihUnaw Ciunw Judge- of Probate. r or WAshtonaw* in Xlb©r 782 of ProbateSUNDAY and MONDAY judge Cqun_ty Recorda on Page 400, on w h r Notice Js Hereby Given, That tho petiNotice le Hereby Given, That all perjons_inteiaBt«d_Jn_flald_JStai4jre=dlj»otoJ **’ Itgora-praylngrrtha t ___■ ___JULY 27-2Sto appear before said Probate Court on th e . administration of said ■estate be 'it - m i, inousana rour Hundied day-Of: May-1?B8_.. 6, 1968, at 9:80 A.M. to show granted to William J. Rademacher or to Alfred Hitchcock's Thriller August cause why a license should not be granted some other suitable person : and that the and 70/100 Dollar* (118,452/f0), FIRST FEDERAL . ■”5 ftogether with w >a n a s s o c ia ^ o ^ o^ d^ intereat at the rate of aiven Lot No, 67, > Sorensen Subdivision, to Ajfred D. Mayer, Executor of aald 'heirs of said-deceased b* determined, will being a part of th* Vf’’- - estate, to sell or mortgage the interest b* heard at the Probate CCurt on July </>.>•«; oent por annum from the i*Td5? sea, In the Southeast 4k“RA.pEMACH^ - ^ of in certain real estate de 80, 1958, at 9:80 A.M.; plut *nv *nA-aft- -HENDLEY ■ \ It ie Ordered. That_notlo» tKsr*oDy William J: Redewachef, AiUrilff scribed in his petition, for the purpose of James Stewnrf kTim Kjr,y^(/n ■■paylmi Rlven by publio*tlon o f a copy hereof for debt# and legkClM'r • ; “^ e N o rth v m t M of^'ctio n "°-*u!* Of Proceeding* at law or Assignee of Mortgagee aT.TV-.e 80Uth» K*T\R6 3 £|l|t. having been instituted to recover Business Address: It Id Ordered, That notice thereof be three weeks eonseeuttvriy previous to said day of hewing, in,The Chelsea Standard, ‘h* Mourod by Mid mortgage « any 116 Washtenaw County Michigan, acem-dPark Street Mult-AVli •and that tho petitioner- cause-a-copy of Ing^ to the plat thereof, a i rdcorditT part-thereofr now therefore, by virtue of Chelsea; Michigan this notice to b« served upon each known t e n a w * P*** s *‘ Wax?, party- a t - hl* last known addrest-by-rega* 518 Istereu. q r. certified mail, - return receipt Dated d emandedrat' least fourteen^ 14) daya prior to such hearing, or by personal service at day of May 1958^*"’ M'Ch,Mn’ th# ™ least, fourteen (14) days prior to such fJRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANn hearing, LOAN ASSOCIATION OF DETROIT, . 4 JOHN W. CONLIN, A truo_ copy,________ Judge of Probate. HENDLEY...» .6588 JackwH. Road, Awn Aifeor—Phone NOrmatidv 8-7081 Anna Douvitsas, . Register Of Probate. Hendlay * Rademacher, Attorneya Businas. Address: Chelsea, Michigan, Julyl0-24 116 Park Street Chelsea^ Michigan __ __May22-Augi4 „ ORDER FOR PUBLICATIONNMfce of Hearing—Appointment of M ortgage sale ' Administrator and Deterailnatlen of Heir*. n® boon mado in the term* No. 44098 gage modi State of Michigan. The Probate Court for OLGA E the County of Waahtenaw. >f the Vll ° L the Eetet* of JOHN In Cinemascope and Color, In Color. <ounty, Mich J. MEINEL. SR., Deceased. WJfh Robert Taylor With Don Taylor At a session of said Court, held on the li«.- iif TS»'*S^SK" 1st day of July A. D. 1958. end Julia London. and (Hanna Segale. . Present, Honorable John W. Contin, Judge of . Probate. : . ALSO: CARTOONS Notice 1* Hereby Given, That tho peti tion of John J. Mclnel, Jr., praying that the administration of said estate' be granted to John ,J. Mrinel, Jr„ or to »tne other suitable person: and that the Beginning July 8, until further notice,. the Villo9« helrp of said deceased be determined, will be heard at th* Probate Court on July Treosurer will be In the Public Works ■pffice_gt-tw80. 1968, at 9:80 A.M. | th ero * T t* r.V K asth o ffif Municipal Building on Tuesdays and Fridays from It is- O r d e ^ ; That Ttotic* thereof he to First Federal 8aviS« m 7 ,' In Clnairiascopa: and Color. given by publication of a copy heroof ksslgned Loan Association of D*trotr With QJann Ford for three week* conaecutlvelyprevlous io 9 a.m, to 12:30 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 5 ^or * e Wfllf Richard Conte, tion existing undsr the ilim t <jSrWr** aald d a r of hearing, in The Cheltea Loan Aet of 1088 of the UnliSd and Van Heflin; Jo VanFioot and Anthony Parking. Standard, and that tho petitioner cause a purpose of collecting village taxes, copy of this notice to bo served upon each o/ "-'r> ______ ... .... ALSO: CARTOON known party In Interest at his last known of Deeds for said Counlv 4u? nddrqss1 hy registered or certified mall: return receipt demanded, at least four- THE HOMELY ONION, held the before the 24th-day of September A.D, attention of the Senate recently 1958, at 9:80 o’clock in the forenoon, eaiq and place being hereby amooIntjA' fn* /When my bill to outlaw trqriing. time me examination and adjustment of all m onion futures passed -swiftly by claims and demands against said deceased, voice vote. I'm delighted to report and' for the adjudication and^determina- ’ c y i \f ARl D IL V A P r NOTICE L I / N T I / ^ V 1 THEATRE THE SHEEPMAN To fhe qualified electors of the : S<. 1 Villdg© of CheIse0, Stafre o f MfcHigan - - --NQTICE^IS HEREBY GIVEN, thaf * _ SPECIAL ELECTION _ ■ wULbe held in thw ------- VILLAGE OF CHELSEA 1 *, ■ . . . . 1 ....... _ in th4 County of Washtenaw, Michigan "" I ’L’- - on- Tuesday, Aug. 5,1958 frdnT7:00 o'clock [ii the forenoon until 8:00^o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of: (1) Voting on the question of whether or not the Village of Chelsea shall i.. incorporate as the City of Chelsea; (2) Election of nine~ charter commission * ^ s = — members to draft q city charter for said C ify o f Chelsea, if the proposal to so incorporate is approved. J s ? -- "*”• “VERTIflO”— “ DRIVE-IN THEATRE Friday and Saturday/ July 25-26 “SADDLE THE „ WIND” “LOVE SLAVES OF THE AMAZONS” ARE DUE and Suodoy and Mondoy, July 27-28 “THIS ANQBY AOE” “3:10 TO YUMA” Tues., W ed. ond Thurs., July 29-30-31 “DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS” “HORROR OF DRAGULA” (ADVERTISEMENT) STOPJ M A T ITCHf IN JUST 15 MINUTES. Your Itch MUST ntap or your 48c back At any drufr ntoro. Ap*.. ply fTCII-ME-NOT to deaden Itch, burning In mlnnten, speed healing, For externally ennaed “ * rrCH'MK*NOT today DRUG STORE. 'aiSa,-8Vii,s«s Sys-Hgi 62/109 Dollar* (Il8ri52 82) nJ l y:S W0 «n<* interest at the m * 0“ e ^ n ^ f t wlth per annum from the let ,!®r Mnl 1057, to date, Plus nnv °.fn JftnuM' -■ tnsCB and Insnianco. V Rnd n 1 "Dpatri ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ARE NOW DUE A . R IK ER VILLAGE TREASURER yv- JULY 34> 1958 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA. MTflHIB.K WWM Ml^************i*********—*•*»«»— _ !8 at St. Mary’i School Grounds mOur Churches MIIHIIIIIIIUIMIIIIHHI (or Gymnosium—Roliror Shinol) <WHHHWIIWIWW<IIWHHIUIH>1MI|E|IIWWIIIIIMIIIIMI|>I)III CHURCH k'J & P RTH l a k e - - METHODIST CHURCH THURSDAY, JULY31 COUNTRY STORE and FISH POND ■ ■ ■ ■ • * • • r < lce.8:8° a,m,""Early worship serv1. Where are the Atlas Moun a.m.-t-Worsbip service. tains? ■10:45 a.m.—Sunday school. , 2. What is a "pocket veto?” 3. How long is the New York ^^....NORTH SHARON COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH waterfront? 4. Name the first U. S. Presi T^e.Rev. Richard Doot, Pastor dent to attend an international Sylvaivand Washburn Roads conference abroad. —- — Sunday,July 27— 5. In what state is Vulley 10:00 a.m.—Sunday schooL -Forge-?--------------— -------------- ~ ^11:00 Aim^W orship ‘service, 6. For whom is the African ■-7:80 p.m—Evening service. state o f Rhodesia- named ? - - — , Midweek ^prayer meeting serv- -,, 7. When was the Potsdam Con ices at 7:45 p.m, Wednesdays. ference held? 8. What iiations were represent GREGORY BAPTIST CHURCH ed at the Potsdam Conference? 9;. Who was the first woman .Pastor after 1800 A.D. to rule England In Sunday, July 27— her own right? v v 10:00 a.m.—Morning worship, -10. Who was Secretary of the 11:15 a.m.—Sunday school, Navy when Franklin D. Roosevelt Oi45 p.m.—Training Union. idled? 8:00 p,m.—Evening worship. (Answers on page five) (frftea Knights off Columbus (POLITICAL ADVB&nSSMBNTj WHO K N O W S? ? S y Bejill;02 U!LC*l,“ '' P“ “ ' ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH The R«y. p. H. Grabowsti, Pastor No services during the n&Bfop'a Sunday, July 2 7 Sm*U"'AS r l,T "V be ice ^ * ' ain,'"”^ ar*y worship serv.9:80 a.m.—Sunday school. auring t Serving Bogins ot 5 p.m f f i4S—Regular w o r s h i p mer. u M Mra. oU A kiWUti ■■- -jS'MSsd-- aenrlci ■dea ■who .... ^wlU^ have ave his ad address at Vacation Sundays have been set iLUjrbes, for Aug. 10, J7 and 2 4 r -------j ^ t W S -HAMBURGERS - HOME-MADE CAKf ASSEMBLY OP GOD CHAPEL ICE CREAM-^COFFEE - SOFT-DRINKS " ST, MARY’S m 116% South Main S tm t _ CATHOLIC CHURCH* Tlie Rev. H. J. Meppellnk, Viator ALSO ****** The Rev. Pr. Lee Laige, Pastor Sunday, July 2 7 * wr Sunday, July 27— v ii iftft a,ra!“-Sunday school, 7:00—First Mass. 1i.'on a,nJi—Morning worship. 9:00 a.m,—Second Mass. . M° Evangelistic service on building site on CHELSEA BAPTIST CHURCH >— Sponsored By — at%S(v'1n « Eaat’ conUnulng j f Wilkinson Street at 7.30 p.m, eachkand« night .except The Rev. David A. Wood. Paator :er: The Rev, James Weaver’ of-Dal*as|TT e^sV,^ame8{ ® ^ ^ ^ —. ---- SALEM GROVE" ’ a8, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. METHODIST CHURCH 11:00 a.m.—Regular w o r s h i p M US-12 at Notten Road. ST. BARNABAS Chelsea, Mich. service. The Rev, Louis Calster, Pastor ^E P IS C O P A L CHURCH 6:30 p.m.—Young people's meet- Sunday, July 27— , ™S™Sev* W CockrdH, Vicar in£p« Thursday, July 24— 10:15 a.m.—Sunday school. 7:80 p.m.—Evening a e r v i o e . 11:15 a.m.—Worship service. .—Wc " | . .7:45 p.m.—Women’s Guild-meet- _ Piayermeetiny-at^7:80"V.w; T^rtK e-'hom e o~f M w r^W am ch Wednesday. __ __ J.Eal.................... ily, -Half Moon Lake, OF CHRIST, Daily Vacation Bible school FIRST CHURCH idaj July_25r= Friday, SCIENTIST Monday, - July....28:, through ■Friday. 1888 -Washtenaw Ave., Ann Feast of-St. •James: Arbor Aug. l, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Program 7:30 p.m.—Holy Communion. ~ _ 7^30-p.m—F riday^A u^ t. - ——— Sunday, Ju ly 2 7— _^ . Sunday, July 27— T “ 9:80. a.m.—Sunday school. Puts you into o nearly new 3-bed room 10:00 a.m.-—Morning Prayer and' Sunday-school and T3ib]er~school 11:00 a.m.—Morning se r vi ce * ‘ picnic Saturday, Aug. 2, at Dexter sermon. Lesson-sermon’ theme.: VYe shall ranch home in Chelsea. Inoludeg fi Huron Park. Meet at church ch at know the truth, and the truth shall 2_ Pjm [CHURCH OF CHRIST make you free.’’ John 8:82. nancing costs. A ll titles insured. -Cor^-North— Main -and East Middle UNADILLA Sunday, July 27— PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bible Vers&Answers, , . 10 a.m.—Sunday schooL ------- (Unadilla) ‘ 11 a.m.—Worship service. 1. Isaiah 2:4. The Rev. WilHara-Yauch. Paswr- ~2. .Inal 8:10, -ITO'P-METHi&DIST-CHURCH3. Isaiah. The RevrUrDrTCirrde. Pastor----- ^19i00;^M°rning-worBhipT SUNDAY, JU L Y 27 A N D AUG. 3 4. One of the minor pro 11:00 a.m.—Sunday school. Sunday, .July 2-7— phots. • 10:00 a.m.—Worship service. 10:00 a.m.—Nursery, kindergar GALILEAN BAPTIST MISSION READING SPEED, ten and-primary department Sun Lima Center-HaHi-Lima-Center The Rev. W. Winobronnor, Paster -Dfive-west-ofv OkEXIS-1-2Philadelphia—JThe i r v e r a gu day school classes: Chelsoo Sunday, July ,27— American can’t read a bit faster 11:10 a.m.—Junior department to "Open" sign at Wilkinson St., turn right to open 10 tOO a.m.—Sunday school. now than he could in the sixth Sunday school classes. " " " 11:00 a.m.—Worship service. yrhde. an expert in the field da Monday, July 28— -homes,———^ ----- — — — — —7:80 p.m.—Evening s e r v i c e . dared recently. This statement 8:00 p.m.—Joint meeting ; of Workers-Coriference and Commis Midweek services each Wednes- -was-made by Dr. Nila Bantom Smith, director -of- the reading sion on Education - in -the social day at 8 p.m. clinic at New York University. center. ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL" When he finishes grade. school ----R E AND REFORMED CHURCH the average child can read about METHODIST HOME CHAP^lT _ v (Rogers Comers) _ The Rev. J^ Weiaa^Paator 336 ANN ST., AKIN ARBOR Thg'irav. e .->o.i The Rev. G. P. Mtamord, Uhaplaiir ■«-*‘J® L' D avisrPw tor Sunday, July 27— Sunday, July 27 5-2013 NO 3>9902 NO 2-3249 No service because of pastor’s 8 a.m.—Worship service. vacation, — according to Dr. Benton Smith. ST- JOHN’S EVANGEMCAfr AND REFORMED CHURCH (Fruncluuo) The Rev. E. O.-Davis; Pastor Sunday, July 27-— No service because of the pas’ : 'ion.—. r '... - ■C? h * Gp £ Gr $ } t0 l i A h P A G E NUflff y HERE ARE In 4 moRthi N O T , ONLY BRITISH EMFIRE: The-min is always shining on. some part of North America— (clouds excepted). When the sun drops out of sight at Attu, in the Aleutians, it is visible from New- IMM YojundlandU_____ Sheriff BOB U LU E has without spending an extra dime of tdxpoyers' money, given us twice as much-round-the-clock protection oll‘ over ^ sh T eh S w County. Vote for BOB L IL L IE at the Primaries, August 5 815** D O W N OPEN H O USE DIRECTIONS HAROLD J. McKERCHER A LT O R , BETHEL EVANGELICAL AND : REEORMEI ' Freedom Township The Rev. T. W. MeRael. Pastor Sunday, July 27 ^-W 10 a.m.—Worship aorvicc; 11 a.m.—Sunday school. Following the. services the Adult Fellowship and Youth Fellowship members and their families will have a'picnic at Clear Lake. rGuestsj will be foreign students from* Ann [ Arbor. ..'.......... ........:___ __:__ ‘ To The Qualified Electors: " n6 t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n WATERLOO VILLAGE CHURCH (Evangelical United Brethren) The Rev. Dale Ferris,'Pastor Sunday, July 2710:60 a.m.—Sunday school., 11:00 a.mi—Worship service. , That a General Primary E^tion will bd held in the OF FREEDOM (Rogers Corners) Thursday, July. 24— STATE OF MICHIGAN At- social at'the parish hall. Sunday, July 27— ■ 9:00 a.m.—Sunday school. 10:15. a.m.—Wo ru lil p service i with the Rev. Ivan Hagen of Ann [ Arbor in charger Monday,- July~28=^ 7:00 p.m.—Junior choir-rehear Within said Township on 8:00 p.m.—Senior choir reheairsal. lacing in Nominatlon by AII Political PorHei Participating Therein, Candidates for the Following Offices; via: : ; :i :.. m United Stotef Senator . Representative-in-Congress S i Prosecuting Attorney,-Sheriff,-County-Clerk [Conim:..t c®untY Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Drain Un a*^nerV^0r0nert/ Surveyor, and such other OfflIZ!,01 ore elected at that time, iGuaranteed, protection against W .W .* t t . H ' H-8 Purpote af Ploelna In NttwinoHon, Dm2. *f* l>a,rrt«!poHnD In a Non-PartlMn Primary far rite Following Office*, vli: R O X M A S O N R Y PAINT COU RT CO M M ISSIO N ERS Guaranteed Protection Against Water Leakage on the Following County Proposol: Perfect for exterior stucco or matenry walls, walks, patfos and basements. Will hot blister or poet. Written guarantee. Rox Is easy to apply. Available In 5 popu lar colors and whtfgj, W]c!Uh®Provisions of Act No. 181 of the Public Acts o™iP*ruV ^ ng ^0r obolitlon of the office of Cor> ^#t,teRelativetoOpeningandGosingof Polls *Wn Wauj ' a c n o n s w , A C T ii6,p rA .i*s* or ttay of any election'the poll* shall bo •bill 8 o'cWt t -°^ forenoon, and shall be continuously open : onH i n , 0 °ftemoon and no longer. Every quollflod elector the polls at tlW h o u r prescrlbad for the ^oll be allowed to vote, ^ , Mt, wld election will be open ot 7 o'clock Ay 0f oio^|1Wn^ 11 °P®n unfil 8 o'clock p.m. of said ^ Freedom, Township Clark "UlRt Mai tninw iw k ihh »;•«****«•• . To The Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; That a General Primary Election will be4held in the HIP OF LYNDON 1 STATE OF MICHIGAN At N ,■ ■ Within said Township on TATE -Governorr-Lieutonont Governor UnitechStotes Senator— " CONGRESSIONAL Representative in Congress T O T Governor,. Lieutenant Governor 'Slw'uu0 / the Purpeie of Placing In Nomfnotfoii by All Politico! | Forties Participating Therein, Candidates for the ... Following Offices* via: for fhe CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION iesday, August 5, 195D 19581 w flF N F P A l State Senotor, Representative. I3AIINTV Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff. County Clerk llU U il 11 CountyTreasurer, Regisfer of Deeds, drain Commissioner, Coroners,.Surveyor, and such other Offi cers os ore elected ot that time. Candidates participating In a Non-Partisan Primary Election for the Following Offices, vis: C IR C U IT CO U R T CO M M ISSIO N ERS And Also To Vote on the Following County Proposol: "Shall the provisions of Act No. 181 of the Public Acts of ]953, providing for the abolition of the office of Cor oner end the creation of the office of County Medical Examiner, be adopted by this County?" Notice Relative to Opening and Closing of Polls ELECTION LAW, ACT 116, P. A. 1954 SECTION 720. On the day1of <any election the polls shall be opened a t 7 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall b e ’c ontinuously open until ;S o'clock In the afternoon and no longer. Every qualified elector present and In line ot the polls a t the hour prescribed for the ct^kss ihiiTWf shall b# allowed tor vefe. ^ ' ”— - •Heart I Y tf ' MERKEL HARDWARE ,M«- LEGISLATIVE '" ,l THE POLLS of sold olectioit will bo opan ot 7 o'clock a.m. and will remain open until 8 o'clock p.m. of sold day of election. EMMA GOODWIN; Lyndon Township Clerk M o re C o n v e n ie n c e . . . Easy to use and carry. Fits in billfold or purse. No need to carry excess-cash^ M ore *. One monthly statement^f all-service-station purchases.^Eerfect fortaiTaccounting. ~ ^ ~ —---♦.. Dudget payment' pTi'vi-' leges on tires, batteries and accessories. N o d o w n p a y m e n t N e c a r r y i n g c h a r g e s , U p t o s i x m o n t h s to p a y . Get Your Credit Card Application from your A-Plus Dealer More M otoring P le a su re ... with A-Flus. the on/y super gasoline th a t’s G U A RA N TEED to give you M ore Power, B etter Perform ance—or your money back ! See your A-PLUS dealer for complete G uar antee details—to d a y ! Fill up with Guaranteed A -PLU S and feel file Powerful difference! \ . ,.i . . . . ..... m T H E C H E L S E A STA N D A BP , C H E LS E A , M CH 1PA N a '' PA G E TEN C U w ^ fg § : ^.t Ip p ‘‘Y’nieai ike * *« dvedkflf « V W •9IVI ^ hair red!” fk'QSt*V*4*•'**■ ' ?'Y* *r>$H’r - v c> / f * |V >' ^^^IFyvT v’ m m i p :■■ ■mmmm . p A change of hair'style dr lipstick shade is refreshing. We have an excellent variety of cosmetics from which to choose, . ■ 'M r : <" ' .............. 7;.....................-v—------ Pharmacist* Call GR 5*46 II,.for free Delivery "Three Registered Phormaclsts Avoiioble 24* Hours 0 ,Doy" f , and his family. Mr. and Mr*. Ed ward Protz and son, of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Helen Csuh of the Methodlst Home Those attending the St. Thomas Luthersn church picnic, on Sunday, at Dexter-Hufon Park were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herrat and family, Arlene Zahn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Egeler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Houk and family. ■. . . Mrs. J. E. Rabley and children, Christopher, Jess*, and Jonathan, left by plane, Sunday mornings, for their norne in Lancaster, S. C., THURSDAY, jm .Vo^ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Homing spent from Friday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kalmbacb. in WORRIED O V ETp anT backs’ daughter, Mary Jane, to Royce Dean Armstrong. * //«m» ©/ Interest Aboat People You Knout • Mrs. Theodore Bruecl___ . m > has been visiting at the home of IwAmniMniimmimiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiKHWMWWwmmiMUMMiiiiiiiiMiiiM mtmiiiiiioMimimiMiiiMiiiiiiiiyiiniH | the Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Brueckner, the fourth birthday of Susan, left on Wednesday to spend a few SHARON granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. days with her parents in Columbus, Philip-Seitz of Milan, is spend* Raymond C. Jacob. Guests, also, 0. ■, ■, ing the week 1with Mr. and Mrs, were Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Jacob, Mrs. FauT Elseraan and sister, L. Dean Sodt. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Renschler and Mrs. Amanda Schiller, were # in Callers on Friday, of Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. waiter Luckhardt, Tecumseh Saturday to visit Mrs. Leeman were Mrs. Putnam Dorr arents of Mrs. Raymond Jacob, Schiller’s granddaughter, L u ccy y and~daughterr-~SaUyr -who—is.-ft I, SchiUer, wno had undergone * stewardess for TWA Airlines. appendectomy. GVacey. Mr.'arid Mrs. Paul Harbeck .were U M A ; TOW NSHIP ~'Mr'and Mrs. Stephen Protfrand j o. Saturday ^callers of the latter’s family, of Cleveland, 0., returned grandmother, Mrs.:_JoIih Leeman. Mrs. Una Wenk of Ann^Arbor to their home on Sunday after *L?no.rinF Elena Romero. Miss Mrs. Harbeck was .the former Juneje; est' Sunday 7with Mrs. Edwa: spending ;tbe past week with the Stark was a n -overnight guest of Kuhl andon Monday momini Leeman. Mr. and Mrs. Harbeck W. Klpfmiller. forraer'Borother and sister-in-law,, Kay she accompanied the Kohls an George Liptow of Ann Arbor, Mr. and Mra.Joseph Prots. have returned to their home in Miss Romero to the airport, where was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Germany. Miss Romero hoarded the plane to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McAtee are Mrs, Jack Bradbury, entertaining the former’s sister s. Miss Sheryl Klpfmiller is spend* ROGERS CORNERS return to her home in Honduras. Sunday guests' of their parents, and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ing this week in Ann Arbor as a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eiseman and the Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Brueckner, Lewis Lessingame,- of Clifton, 111., guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J, daughter, Joyce, attended the were. Mr. and M». Moritz Brueck Kipfmiller. for a few days. .Trlnklereunion, Sunday^which was ner and-family,- of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. William_Brown of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren and Livonia, were Sunday evening and family, of Chelsea, upum. letd-at- Dexter-Hurotr Park.— visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. Dean Saturday evening with Mrs. Ru* Mrs. Lydia Zahn and Mrs. Alton family, of Temperance. Last Grau, Sr., spent from Tuesday un* Thursday, the Rev. and Mm . Bruno dolph Zahn. ,\ Sodt. . ■ ..... Diane Brand is spending this Mrs. Rudolph Zahn, Roseann til Friday night visiting at Mt. Brueckner and family, of Capae, | week with her grandpai _ idparents, Mr. and ; Arlepe', attended Sunday Clemens, Port Huron and New the Rev: and Mrs. James Hunter, *Pf St, Clair, and the Rev. M. W. and Mrs. Roy Curtis of G Grass Lake. school picnic at Dexteir-Huron Park Baltimore. |.Hec-sister,-Donna, spent-last-week on-Sunday, ---- -- - Mrs. Leonard Stark and children Brueckner were guests of Mr. and there. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marshall and Mrs. Starks’ mother, Mrs. Mm ; Robert Warren of Temper, Mr. -and^Mrs.- Raymond C. Jaa and son, LeJean, of Alieni-were -Emil-Hatcheior, of Ypsilantl. were ance.--------------- • —;------— Iwefe Sunday dinner guests at the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. home of their son and -daughter Mrs. Arthur Kuh).William Staritr Iin*law, _Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Week-end ruests-of Mr. and Mrs, .Mr. and Mrs;''Ernest Horning. TOUR MILE LAKE | Jacob, Jr; The occasion'honored Joseph W. Votz were their son Arthur Rothfuss, Carl GieBke and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spiegelberg of Dexter,- were Friday evening visitors or Mm . John Fischer. 1 Mrs. Irene Birchmayer. of Ann Arbor, spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Burt Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Heydlauff and family spent Sunday in Coldwater at the homes of Mrs. Cora ■ Dolan—and Mrs, Sarah. Dreaael* house. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pettibone spent the week-end in Geddis at the home of Mrs. George Parker, where they visited the former’s mother, Mre,JEHeabeth Pettibone, <who is 99 years old. Mr. and Mrs. - Ezra Heininger -were-Sunday afternoon-viaitors-ot Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Loveland in Grass Lake. They also called on Their daughter.'MrHT^Alvin Wahr and-new^randdaughterr-Linda Osteopathic hospital, Jackson. Mrs, Donald McClyde ofJDetiw.y. was a Wednesday dinner, guest of ner sister and orother-ln-la law, m -Harvey Fjgcshec—and family.; Two nieces, Gloria and Belva Eagly, of Mt. Pleasant were also guests. If you are unable to pay your payments, debts or sea our debt management comultont and orrgnoe'for wn afford, regardless of how much or (how woy you;,can support ytxir fomlly while paying your blits i m y i _____ ice 23 NrWIftfntten St. (Over Amet'*) Ypd Ph9fle j . ij , _ T w lN I Office—"Open Friday Nights ’til 9 p.M, * Ann Arbor Offico-^342 Municipal Court Bldg, For information or oppplntmoitt phone NO 2*2535 If You Plan To Build or Romodel Your Hon, Cail U i fof . . . ----- ------FREE E S T IM A T E S on — , 0 1 BIDS PLUMBINC, WIRING and HEATING -All W ork GuoronMod-WlHi 1 Year Free Serviu— W e 5 I U FOIt - W t_ WILL SAVE YOU wpen o oays a ween, e a.m. to 9 p.m, rtiday open to 9 p.mi HILLTOP n U M B H K , HEAIMS & ELECTMCAL CONRACTMT ------------------- 2 01 SOUTH MA IN STREET Phono 6 R 5-7201 __ ______Cheltcq, Mich; Changing tim es demand better feeds IMIfMftHMIHill, r?5— ^ H e re ’s h o w n o w Surenork Super 40 can cur your feed-bill and fhorreiHime to market Mrs. Emil Thomas of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Quiattr ■Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kalmbach of Jackson, were . Sunday, .after-. noon -Callers.—of. Mr. ..and ~Mr«: ■Ohester^ Nottenr Mrs. Max' Hoppe and Mrs. Lee Hoppe and family were- Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Notten. . Ralph Loveland and' grandson, of Monroe, spent Saturday after noon and-evening .with the for mer’s mother, Mrs. Leonard Love* .land Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Notten and daughter left Monday morning on a trip to Houghton Lake and other points u f interest in northern Michigan, They will gone a week — Duane-Quiattrwho i^drivlrig a car through to Tacoma, Wash., left early Monday morning. Enroute he will visit his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs- Rob? ert Clark, of Seattle, Wash. He •— “ffso-rwriK visit’-ln^SanF-raffcraco: Calif. 1 7"1* N O S E C U R IT Y O R ENDORSERS REQUIRED We ere not o lean eempony, * 10 rsT O R T IT F R X N C IS U O 1 ^ It’s brand hew arid we have it . . . Larro SurePorlCSuper 401 It cuts yoiir feed bill, makes your : corn worth ~more. ♦. during .the , gfowing and finishing periods. Does it with less supplement per pound ^ain than aver hafrira In Larro history, r Promotes health, speeds gains nnd styes labor tod. It’s rich in SURlPORK SUPER 40 vitamins,minerals andtrtoemln* - t wtm*,. iddhuNttgrinetdprevent farakaraiitosk Provides •,extra ■ftlUTHt _ - ndUoda fortification ToF fast growth. See us for details ELEVATOR (0 . PHONE GR 9-6511 Four Mile Lake Chelsea, Mich, - Y o u 'r e M v n e y A h e a d w h tn T h e y '/e ta r r c T F e d t _____ h $250,000 Stock •ff.ri'ip*r’ PPp ^ ■is;'t,. ■■■ - .... . . : — y :■■■:' ' ; ’ . ■ POWER TONIC ’$ CARS 1 -g t P oj ^ - Y ' ji'-i.v; FRID AY, JU LY 25 • 1. .•^:Y vv . . : ----------- - U --T t M i *" r - ■r - 11• rV'"- . SuPER-M wid get the comfortable-feel of ytjuf car tiddng off today a- nigh-compression engines. I t’s SUPER-M-rmade for Midmiles with effortless ease. And if top mileage is your aim, Super-M -•— Jgggt driving, made for y o u . Marathon’s best gasoline. ^ — is really for you, with all the power you need to p u t away the miles “ Once you get the feel of S upEr-M you'll nev^'settle 'fo Toe the accelerator hard ahd feol the power of S uper -M you back in the cushion , . . there’s no lagging acceleration S u per -M, it s a real power tonic. Cruise along a turnpike l^s. push with with with a minimum amount of gasoline. , Drive in today for a power tonic; Suphr-M gaaohne. A t all Marathon stations. . , where you also find the beet buy in regular gasoline, Marathon MiLE-maker,--------‘ ~ --------- S S ilfe p &T-- ' Home of S uper-M — and MiVB-maker gasolines 1 1, Oopvltht IS6S. Thu Ohio Dll Oft iii Bj g V C a » j n o . U S ^ I l 2 B u t w e u » ^ S a l i n e ^ » n d C l i iiton TERM S furnituri Living Room Suitot Oak Bedroom Suifos 9’k121 Rugs Coder Wordrobot . -'luu-wwuy DBUI ,__ _ Hide-AwayBedi MoHrenes and Box Springs Step, End, Corner end Cocktail Tobies Unfinished Chests of — -..Drawers — ,... a * ^ * ' "Toy. of All Kindt :l4P^ -. SET YOUR SUPER-M WITH POWERTONIC AT 7] C o r n e r M -9 2 a n d O ld U S -1 2 Phone ■Y- . OR 5 -7 8 2 1 T ER M S TERM S APPLIANCES DRY GOODS Dining r Set Formica Top Clc wfocki of All Kinds , Automatic Toosforg Automatic Coffee Makers Electric Skillets Chenille BediprMdi Sheets and PillowcaMt Towel* - Ail Kindt Curtain* and OrtP*1 Table Cloth*----ChetilDc Rugs MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Lawn .Chaim, Swings, Cede 50*Ft. Garden Hom Ironing Boards . 2;,°,nd Luggage Sets 17-Jewei Watelnn, lodiei' end men’* ★ ★ * ..... ; Teblf ;------Electric Drill* Power Took ; Hand Jjj* 13- and 10-Pc. D,dl *** Mettl Vises Chain Saws H. BRENNAN, Distributor I nnmiir***“ -------- i" " ----- 1 ..... ....... . Trinkle-Staebler Reunion Held a t Dexter-Huron Park appehr to 1 indicate that employ- Conservation Dept. moot should continue to grow* • Average.- hourly— earnings - in Offers Directory o f State T h o m a s K lo b u c h a r manufacturing remained constant. 1||„,|,.^UIIUIIilWIIII*WWlM«mH»WMWIIMU«MHW MHIHWW»WlmiUIIUIM.HMIUimmi The result was that weekly wages' Forest Campgrounds W e d in A n n A r b o r rose to slightly above (88.00. This TO ATTEND CONVENTION is the highest figure ever attained Lansing—’Michigan State For Audrey Euebler, Mrs. Bertha « & S n* , Mr8' Thomas Clark in manufacturing, but is must be est Campgrounds,” a new direc This week, July 20-26, is Na Park with 50 members of , -BnaI Smith and Mrs. Hilda Grissom of Klobuchar have returned from a Huron remembered it is only an average, tory Is now. available from the Farm Safety ___ _ Week but it’s the family present from Ann Ar Visiting And this area, .will be among the group pe» to,8ker flow ing their and many Individual Industries Conservation Department’s forVR to farm families 'to use safe m of 14 members of the,Jehovah^ p £ lri?age lJu1jL P {n S t Thomas bor, Chelsea and Dexter and from praetieea JSB dayt-a year. insists have a higher weekly -earnings M^divisicffiVT ^ ------------ eS nooni with Mr. si Witnesses from the Gregory eon Catholic ^hurch^in“Anfi"AWbr“anJ s p r i n g f t t i a r o ^ r .. ........ — Richard Pfis^er, extension agrifigure. 16-pagp publication includes ley Fischer as hosts. ■ gregation who will Attend an in are making their home in Ann Youngest of those present was cultural engineering safety special How does'all of this fit into The Arpor>A _ _______ neral information on (licjbigah’s one-year-old Donald Trinkle, son ist at Michigan -State University. tarnations] -convention of Jeho» thinking on the business trend? a*44? bride U is the former Margaret of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trinkle, The state forests, tips for' campers, jig RELIEF CORNU. vah’a. Witnesses to be held JuT; “It’a a jo b for^the whole family Within the Administration it is a summary of rides governing use "" Rutledge, daughter of Vfr« ..IT .while ,W the oldest man flIf ■.V MirM,f H UMI.Hand MM 1woman TVWH i27 through Aug. 3 in New Yorl “William ““ ~ taken as good news of high order. of state lands, amT'a id *a complete comp . Ru"tie % V of‘ 623 Fourth were Archie Syler. 70, and Mrs. t u b e alert for hazards for eafe City. For example, Secretary of Com listing of all state forest camp street, Ann Arbor, and the bride Otto Stierle, 80, both of Ann Ar* Uving.” says Pflater, “They , need ★ S t RdM Corpa at the Enemployment fgonian’a to quiz themselves about hazards merce ’Weeks said that he thinks grounds. groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. bor. \ may bei found on the farm; that be fa there has been a definite turn for In addition to locations, the’ Frank .-A,. Klobuchar of 19990 Officers elected for the coming home, Sodt Family Reunion Waterloo road, \ 1 Turns ^Favorable on‘ the'highway or in recr the better in sentiment among directory ............ recreaiti for the business also indicates the type of year are Ellis Pratt of Manchester, S'T*.. >«*1 fl hour. be For her weddmgthe brid<rwaa president; Robert Trinkle, secre tipnaLflctivlty^ They^ Because of the large number .of•| businessmen and consumers, and fishing and swimming avail&ble in social watchful haza -------- for hazards that he is “more optimistic.” His g ® SSu furnished dli* Held Sunday at tary; and Joyce Eisemann, treasur pecially around—machinery and unsafe persons getting out-of school arid specific prediction Is for only slight the area. prizes were awarded er. Interested persons can obtain the .......- -- cap of .matching The 1959 reunion will be held at climbing devices/ the two most seeking jobs, June normally is the changes during the summer vaca publicatlon ucSle vlson,’ Mrs. Watson by sending a post card .commonJareasof farm work-intion period and then a fall upturn. month when unemployment reaches S & d r e - F i t z m l e r . — Sharon Town Hall lacerana-Bhe-carrie^-a-whlte orchid thaaame location the^ third Sun- jury.” to Michigan Conservation Depart Some other Administration mem its high point of the year. This yrere oiBv*.°agyt_*_w* m i ' The 86th reunion of the Sodt on a white prayer book. day in July. * ment, Forestry Division, Lansing bers believe ’me turn already has About 12,800 lives each year are ■ The bride's attendants weriT Mrs. vthe home of Mrsr^Wi-en- family was held Sunday~at Sharon 26. taken by accidents to farm resi- year, as usual, the influx into the taken place. - of Stockbridge, the date to, <pow,n Hall with 66 in attendance. Donald R. Lusk of Ann Arbor, as labor force took place. But, if June matron of honor, and Mr a. William dents. More than a million farm My own appraisal is somewhat Five ‘of those present were frpra Fantasy Helps Child residents ‘are injured, In fact, >roves-to~ be the 1958 high point more reserved. These employment Telephone Company Barrington and Richmond, 111,, and Riddle and Mrs. Richard Cobb, also farming claims more “on the job” n terms of unemployment it is the data are strong 'evidence that tb *1 the remainder were from Milan, of Ann Arbor, as bridesmaids. Develop To Face ieaths than any- other major in* most favorable news in a long time. business trend is bottoming outr Granted Rate Increase Donald R. Lusk o f Ann Arbor, f i- 'w i Lynn M arle. tw in Jackson, .AstLiArbor, Manchester lu8try, reports Ffister.:Thia points The figures for June, which re and it is difficult to believe that was best manywhile William Riddle ters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Chelsea. , SofAnn Arbor, were_bap- Oldest member present was Ben of Ann Arbor, and James -Klo iRealities-of Life----- .out the need for strong accident late to the middle of' the "month, we shall- have- mucji variation The.’ basic rate-for' residential prevention efforts among all farm have recently been released. The; either up or down over the summer. telephone service here goes up 10 Sunday st St. Thomas Cath» Sodt. 78. of J ackson, while the buchar of Cheljsea, served as juAplfi Sihoar,.fta .increase of about LB Ifris .mwdifficult to believe tUal uBiitB"ia"muiitli under the lecent 1 1 1 , Ann Arbo*^ Mrs, Ann. Aibai Wearied because CflUIVUi youngest waA w y Vbegedlrig, 1 (4 li on in the labor force. Some the turn already- has taken place Public Service Commission order, wedding breakfast was served your child . d daydreams? m is the former Shirley year-old son of Mr. ana Mrs. Lynn The theme of this year’s em 920,000 of this increase found jobs, for the economy as a whole, al granting Michigan Bell Telephone at the home of the. bride's mother “Don’t be too insistent on calling phasis is “When You Work For gin daughter of Mr, and MW. Yoegeding of Freedom township. •following the ceremony and in the Johnny out of that brown study, Safety—Safety Works for You.” and 633,000 were added to the though unquestionably a few spotB Company an incrase in revenues, r. O’Hara of Chelsea. the company announced today. are showing greater strength. A pot-luck dinner at noon was evening a rereption was held at Chances are he is rehearsing “This clearly indicates that ranks of the unemployed. (uors for Lori Ann were Mr. Mrs. Robert i Vanderkelen* followed by a program of music the Klobulhar home on Waterloo things in his imagination,” -says safety doesn’t happen—it must be This brought the unemployment Whether we shall have an up The 10 -cerit increase applies to - ' Frederick Wyatt; associate -pro planned,”, says the safety special total - to 5.4 million. It may be turn-this fall is still an opeir one-party,“" two-party, •ana- fourHiss Mary O’Hara of Ann and recitations and later there road. / Z Richard O’Hara were were games with prizes for the The bride is a graduate of Ann fessor of psychology and director ist, “Planning for greater safety difficult to understand why an in question. We may have, and cer party residential”,service. Rural children. Arbor High school and is employed of the Psychological Clinic at the on your farm may, be, the most crease in unemployment can be tainly we should have. But we .rates generally are' not affected; Jrs for Lynn Marie. ( . ' favorable.-The reason have a lpt of unsolved problems— The n.ew rate -schedule-boosts-theit at the baptism from' At the business session the fol as a "cashier at Greene^-'CIeaners, TTmveraity-'-of Michigan^ important planning that you" have considered is the increase was less than nor labor/ taxes, and so forth—about cost of one-party and-two-party -„r Arbor “Childhood and adole_s_c_ense:pro- ever doner’ were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. lowing officers were elected: How- Ann mal for-June. For those out of work which it is not certain that business service 20 cents a month.. fin ana njir sun Richard,-and1Mr. ard Sodt Of Jackson, president; The brjdegroom-,--a—graduate--of-|-yide major examples" forthe~fgand unable to—find jobs, this t le business can really recover unless | Additional d f^ to ry irstings for IMw*Robert Vanderkelen and Alton Gieske of Chelsea, vice- Chelsea High school, is employed hiearsal function of the imagina small solace. But for the economic something constructive is done to- business service are increased 25 president; Karen Spike of Milan. as a glass worker at Feiner_Glass tion,” he says. “There is -little Farm Bureau Young system as a~whole it still is guod ward solving, these" problems; fSe officiating clergyman WTO secretary; Mrs. Wilbur Maurer of and Faint Co., Ann Arbor — ------ which the . child learns without cents a month, while additional an testingJt-first in his fantasy, and People Plan Dance Manchester’, treasurer-; Mary Jo Fr. Leo Sabourin. residence listings go up 10 cents a ticipated, that the June figure 0 « . ithout working, it through, in Huber and- Shirley Sodt. entermonth. . - ■: ' |^ight--reach- -6—million. Fallingl^P O r ti (JUIZ Inmant vcemmlttee: antF^&rsr Activity -Building short " 6 f"l;lrarTjSr'. 6 O u;O 0 i)"is-defb until the- new insighr has been lia. Clyde. Martin whose Paul Widmayeiy ice cream com at. the Washtenaw county'. Rural nitely-good news. In percentage 1. The San Francisco Giants. occurred July 19, and A. J. mittee. truly acquired and made part of his 2. Jack B urked Early^Age May Be self. Aorivmes uenter, Farm Bureau ferihs' the pi present figure is 6.8 ^ k whose birthday- wag July ;ecided-to-hold-next aponsoririg a percent of Ine labor force, Us com 3. DeU'oit~Tiggrgr .we honored at a joint party- year’s reunion at the same loca pared /with 7.2 percent a month 4. Recognized star among, sports Friday at the .home of Mr. Bright the third Sunday in July, Unusually earlier. writers. An orchestra and square' dance „ , . T out many times in fantasy before Mrs. A. J. Hale, Sr. The tion - At the close of the afternoon; Easti’iLansing.—The—child- who; ^they—can be-adequately-^takei ller-will be on hand - to -provide —The-over-all totals, however, do Sr^Fred -Haney,-of-the—Mil\ rvas rsurprise-for-Mrs. Mar-- ice cream and cake were servedr likes_ to._talk and starts Jt. at an in * reality ................................. i . how to -assert oneael:. mu8ic"from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. not...tell _a_. whole story by any kee. Braves. early age mqy have superior In LLOYD COLLINS how to take responsibility, how to There will also be round dancin means. For the first time since were Mrs. Martin and IFresent telligence.— cession started last August add-during the intermissdohH be a parenfr-ai dsTgtorAnita, Mr. and Mrs.1 .The was- "ah- increase in manu Tnragination is trial action. rb wpvich, Jr., and children, abuul '4 iucLva Iietwee.n-'IOOO' and facturing e m p l o y men t. Th e irlea PoDovkn. Sr., John P odo- 1960, according to a recent Gover- Elizabeth M. - Drews, researcher One can easily see that sin action acts will be* presented. COLONIAL MANOR MgMl. 'THU la alUibuted to tmd- psychologist a t 'Michigan Which:; has been testea oeiore Paul Steeb iS in charge of -a growth was not large, and leaves naia, fEvelyn fowe, LiitHW---Atnnrfa r heitfar ebanpa nf Hticeeqa committee, .who will sail refreah- the total well below-a-year earlier, d Mr. the warmer- climate all over- the State University: vandMrs. .Orville Mod NURSING HOME kVsister and her husband world; melting huge quantities t of Although there are no adequate than one pushed forward by im menta and Neil Stierle is in charge but the change of direction is note worthy. Further, the increase was of ticket sales. ......... Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. ice and snow from the mountains; tests for _ the very young, Dr. pulse without preparation.- -Drows reports there are several “Tt“i8 hardly-possiblirfo-undef- "Chairman of general arrange In both\ durable and nondurable iereer-and-flonj-of-Saginaw. and polar regions. -—— - ■ 236 East Middle Street gobds manufacturing. Ofthe dequalities which may indicate as- estimate the enormous importance ments is George Schnierle. PHONE GR 9-1491 cline_Ln_employhient_from_a_year -pects—of- -giftedness; of fantasy in our lives. By pro ago almost two-thirds has been m “The child’who likes to talk or tecting him at least temporarily' Upholstery shampooed in your durable goods manufacturing.. .It,is sing,-speaks in sentences-at- the from frustration, it affords him 4-H Public Sneaking own ho/ne or place of business" especially encouraging to have this age of two (although a few very a small creator’s power. Efficient Nursing-Ceresegment of the economy start to Contest Set Saturday bright children may *hot speak un- “This is the most enduring gift Day and~Nlghti “~ ~ ~til three or' four): is adept at of the imagination. Itjrives uLthe- ==-Thef=WHHhtenaw ■county annual m o v e u p w a r d i- Q f couraebiih.iB -too PHONE GReenwood 9-4372 physicalamfnrotomctivities^atran power not to depend on the mo 4-H Share the Fun Festival' and early t<raBsume that we 'BhBlDhave' 14140 Old US-12 East continuous improvement from here early ‘age—such -as sitting up at ment -and its foolish chances. It auwiiu Public Speaking contest will be wyvwuni^ vw nw vw w nm mv on, but such a turn /for-'the-betfcer five months or walking at .nine provides a. realm of images, a held Saturday evening, July 26 at adds weight to the thesis_that. at monthsi— is— intensely^—curious,-own-into which one p.m., in..Ann Arbor High school" lfeast we are beginning to bottom wants to really know- how things can always; withdraw for a respite. 8Little ' Everyone is in- out, and that is a primary essential and can follow directions and “People whose imagination is yited toTheatre. attend. There are both step for an upturn fased—live, on^ a smali patch of small acts of all kindsT ‘Equally " important with the remember mental ground, while those in large and rge group |khd two small growth of employment was an in “Any o r ail of these may indi jwhom_faiUasy_ ___= cts will -be-'selected to com- crease In the average work-week cate superior ability,” sha aaid. to rfflvfllftti into Its natural—part, -Diatrict' Eliminations, Aug. of factory production workers. As Dr. Drews points out that a child have a’ big holding at their , dis and 9. Also one boy and one of last August that stood at 40 who is.intellectually superior can posal. will be ^elected from those hours. It then started a decline be. measured quite accurately by “People with an unobstructed girl giving speeches to represent Wash which, with few exceptions, carried the time he reaches the sightn imagination are not likely to be tenaw County in the 4-H Public it to 38.3 hours in April. It went grade. She emphasizes that selec bored, and at least in one im ^peaking Contest. ' up a little in May.ana in June wfts tion should not be ba'secl on only portant respect are independent of 39.2 hours, or approximately’ one one IQ test but on as many -various others.—They may—not be--more hour above its low of two months Young Deer Visits Garden measures and observStions as pos secure, but they will be more, dif earlier. sible. , . ferentiated/ and "their lives may Of North Lake There Is evidence, reports Dr. become more spacious than those This,- is - significant because a .engthening—of the work-week—is Drews,_Lhat •adults. can_nqt_ only of less, imaginative-people” — oh the east side of North Lake, usually a forerunner of a growth maintain a . high level of intellisurprised a young—deer in her in employment. This is because -gence-but-ean-aetually-make gains. yard •Monday morning. The deer employers as a class are inclined This^is- contrary to previous wink was 'within a foot of her flower to add to the number of hours they ing that intelligence revelled off garden-^Avhen-she—first^saw hint have their employees work before t AbouT the-age ~of~16" and "began R e d u c i n g N u m b e r and as she stepped nut of the adding to the number of workers. -to™ -decline—in the 20 ’s. Jlouse_he-darted-off jnto.a nearby -The increase in_the_length-of the work-week, in other words, would Eomily. Pichic Honors M Qlub and Social Activities a r g a r e t R u tle d g e , Farm Safety Week Stresses Many The annual Trinkle-Staebler re Everyday Hazards union was held Sunday at Dexter- ------ —v-- S fe w sa a fj iw s s s tf 59* ? Z Modern Upholsteiy wmii_Cleaners SUMMER STOCK It's m arvelous! It'S .................. 20% off DRESSES . . 20% - 30% off Immunization BATHING SUITS ■ SPORTSWEAR REDUCED Of Polio C m s ~ Lansing —• Immunization continaea-tov.rgaduee^-death-H md^orift Sara Ellen ueer_|lqifr^ga^rday: ............... -nolio. the......Michigan Health reports— after spending two weeks here Department of first six months of visiting at the home of her mother, thisDuring-the year, only ten cases of ----' a "family picnlc was held in her ported,7 as ndrohe: contrast' honor—atya—gueste—from—various paralytic ‘cases :and two deaths points in this area, visited here. A the first half, of 1967. iormer roommate, Joan Thompson during Sine the polio1vaccine was .field several days tested—in—10^Michigan=countiea a steady J. C. Geer of Kenosha, Wis., spent 110954, there has beencases and the "Avcek^cnd at the-family-home.- deathsOn Thuradny evening, William Kyle of 1,127 paralytic cases and 108 Guest from Massachusetts ju f tm To Take AdvdntdgeofThese Tremendous Savings. — deaths. Last year. tho~ widespread use of polio vaccine had cut crip: cases to 121 and deaths to 12 . he ^heartening reduction in bind"/ wouM 4iiuk u n sUiJK' inches tall. BUT a billion dollars would make a stack 110 feet taller than the Washington Mon ument 8 r u t,,. (Owners John and Dorothy Barnes) (Next to Fenn’i Drag Store) ypsilanti rea ct tfo o m s c s ifv a w i t h t h o r n ! tinue only if parents make sure that thqir children receive the full three- doses of vaccine, beginning at age three months,” explains Dr. Fr"S.“Leeder, director“ox~Disease Control, Records and Statistics of the:state health department. - “If the 210,000 children who will bo born in Michigan this year are not p r o P'B r 1 y immunized,”—he. -wam3r-paralytfc polio could make a tragic return.” It is equally -important -that adults be protected, lie says, be cause the disease strikes at all ngirar There are-ample supplies of vaccine,. Dr. Leedor reports. To begin immunization against crii ding polio, he suggests seeing the amity doctor without delay or consulting: the local health depart ment. { REDUCED $r 2 .0 0 ■: 1 ♦♦ |)w» per pair ^EXCLUSIVE 11 CUBI6 FEET Bid ALL SUITS . . 20% off ■ , ’I .............- All Short Sleeve Summer Shirts . . Reduced $1.00 s iepo«rto-do6r ' freezer hoidt' ‘ 70 pounds) 4--' 10-YEAR All Summer Shoes Reduced $2.00 per pair MAUSOLEUM^ • MONUMENTS BRONZE TABLETS • MARKERS h o m o b ility BECKER i« u w m " * ^ " * w ntT H i i H w m to a m w o u h w w a i w a H io c w t l <tADi«wti O K IA t | l ANN ARBOR* MICHIGAN m SBK i “..........""v \ It's an automatio IcMnaker! An automatic defrost refrigeratorl A big freezer! All in one! Como see how a tiny jot gas —toma-ilooe all th»-work-~HO on-—again, off-again motors, nomoving parts to wear out, no noisol today's luxury features, too - —including automatic clock dofrosting; you never even empty.. the water! Ask for the Imperial (EGM-11T),—in color or white. See it on display NSW at Gas Company showrooms M G . delivers *tvf»9*e w M EM If AKKAN I I ^ . ,, , ^ -; ^4W4r service cullsl s w«rmn)y V ' ;i ! V , , '- A ^ H M ich ig a n C o n s o l ioati d G as C o m p a n y ' M i S$rfijfig-850,0W4H»tom«rB fa MieMyan '■t wmm TO PAG E TW ELV E THE V w rnunity Calendar # :4 ? ' 1: 6 fe v - ☆ Hum Must Lansing—“Vocational A? culture in th$‘ Space Ago" wil iio the theme for the~89th annua Conference of Teachers of Voca tional Agriculture at Michigan ,State ynweraity July 28-Augvl About 260 Michigan vocational agriculture teachers, superintefr donts, principals, directors of vo rational education and teachers of institutional on-farm training are expected, at Kellogg Center for is continuing, education activity, Stephen Hayden, who is the new itfo vocational agriculture -teacher and Future Farmers of America ad visor at Chelsea High school, ex pecta to attend the conference. He is a 1968 graduate of Michigan State . University—and—sueceeda Philip Smith who will be a sixth grade teacher in Chelsea schools next fall. Workshops and general sessions will feature information on pro gram planning in agricultural edu cation----— vntiuii. technoldgical “advances “Th agriculture, vocational agriculturo in-the total school program and other related tonics. Principal speakers wfll include *#*• VVIlli M AdMUm*l |! 6vOLUwllV of V4 Dr. John A.l 4Hannah, president MSU, and Dr. Lynn Bartlett, State Superintendent of\Public Instruc tion. The Statd-Department-of -Public Instruction isteuction and the Michigan As As sociation of Teachers of Vocational Vocational Agriculture will present the event in cooperation with the MSU Col"Tege of Agriculture and College of Education* ‘ * 37 Dexter., American Legion—ant Schlicht-Feldkamp 44th annual] . Auxiliary .ia pl&nnlnga Smorgas reunion-Sunday,'Aug; 3, a t'C arr bard for Sunday, Aug. 10 from 3 Park, Manchester. Pot-luck dinner] ta. till 7 p.m. at the Legion at 1 p.m. ------ — j/* yjl omer Dexter-Chelaea Road, Dex* ... * • ■ * •’ft-* -.‘ j t ter. $1.60 per plate for. adults •“*«/ nr, Dr, uerorae Jerome <jas< Casey, Dentist, of I 3 *7 * ’Cavanaugh-fcake,^; to 12 years of age. Public invited his phone has been changed to a adv5 private line, GR 6*8300. adv. 6| * *t * Manchester Knights of Columbus ice cream social Saturday. July.26r Reserve these dates. Sept. .8, 4,1 6“ and’ o, for the, Chelsea Com on the lawn of St. Mary’s church, munity Fair. -9j Manchester. Ice cream, home-made « e -« cake, harbecues, - hot dogs, light lunches) Serving begins at 5 p.m. F&AM and Eastern Star picnicl ; •- , , , advJ Thursday, “July 24x.;6:3(r p.m., at] Pierce Park. RURAL AMERICANA—-A practice fast dis Peterson has been baling it this week. The thresh Gir] Scout leaders,assistant appearing from the American scene is the one ing machine was operating on the Edward Peter leaders and committeewomen meet Gerald Bates To Appear* in shown in the above photograph with an oil pull son farm when the picture waB taken. The wheat Thursday, July .24,1:30 p.m. in the chorus rooifi. at Chelsea High Oregon Shakespeare Festival threshing outfit in operation on the kelson Peter- in this field belonged to the Nelson Petersons’ school. Guest speaker:.Fern Brown, execuiive director or Girl Scouting^ Mrs. L o r i ^ c ! ^ t e v 3 0 4 Wash-, W as^ how combine their wheat but Peterson atilt prefer* son-in-law, JRudoIph Rohde. The Nelson Peterson ugton-t£t&efci will appear in-s’ev- to cut the wheat with* his binder~and have it field Which; yielded 115 bushels of good wheat had been threshed earlier In the day. ■thseehed*by his eid-friemlj-WRHhrrbei', wli ^grounds at the parish hall. Rogers or the“six-week season beginning] the threshing outfit. The straw pile beside the %MVI'miOM IIHUI AlUgntO Co " “ * pond, *barber’ 'uly 28. As an accommodation for f machine is already greatly reduced in size since part in the ifork, orners. 'Bazaar, fish cues, hot dogs, ice cream, home tourists, the season is planned to | made cake. Serving begins 6 p.m. Ahow four plays each four days, Included are three sons, three adv. 8 rotating through Sept, 4. <— ■■■.. .... . ■ i daughters, 67 grandchildren and Mrs* Lillian R, ZoJler more than 100 great-grandchil Former Detroit Resident dren.^— ... RUMMER*JtECREATION PROGRAM Dies at Methodist Home The surviving sons and daugh ~T SIXTH WBEK^-Jl'tY J8-AIGUST 1 r ■ .. . ters are Ray Cujhane of Chelsear ,, ..... n 8, m MrerJ. Er-McKune Leo B. Culhane of Federalsburg, oft w MONDAY-FRIDAY MORNING—9:3041:30; Methodist Home since Aug. and James T. Culhane, Mbs. 14, the 1947, died there early Sunday Member of Pioneer Family Md., High School,- South School and North School playgrounds. Arts Margaret Duffey, Mrs. Lillian following a long illness, She came S’ and crafts and group SftJflCS- Directors: Audrey Haab, Marge Dies Late Friday Evening Linehart and Mrs: Agnes Bell of to the Home from Detroit where Barbecue Plans Bradbury and Judy Wagner. Jackson. - - she was a member of the 24th J. HfEdward McKune, a life • (Continued from page one) Southj Elementary Athletic Field, Midget baseball, badminton,Iin Mrs. ” r pu^j Also surviving are two sisters. Street Methodist church. She baaketball, .bean-,bagar ping -pong^ r a e a h o e g r jn f o ia tm iig g lf ,^ transferred Iter membership-brthc Mrs. Walter Wolfgang, salads; - Chelsea Methodist church after Mrs. William Yen j-Rit ' ^volleyball,- touch football, rubber darts, ring toss, miniature died late Friday, evening _«at her Nell Clark of Pinckney. .. _ coffeei] ehufflebpard. Director;-Tbruman O’Doherty. home, 221 South Main ,street, fol A son,. Gerald, died ■*July go, coming to the Horned and Mrs. Anton Nielsen, Potato ‘ -- ^ Mrs. Zoller waa borrtr Oct. T L chips. lowing a long-illness She was 84 1957 MONDAY-FRIDAY -12:45-4:30 P.M.: Funeral services were hnlri -1 f t: ycarsoid. 1872r-at-ColumbuB( O., a-daughter- Leo Bishop is to be in charge as Swimming at Groomes Beaqh, Whitmbre“Lake. Children must be Her father, ' Francis Staffan, » a.m. yesterday at St. John's of the Rev. Louis and Sarah Delkor coffee maker; Stephen Hayden, at Jeast J7 years old and' have permission Blip from parents. founded- the Staffan-Funeral-Home CMhoUfi^hurch, - Jackson. Burial Allingerj—and .was—married—to Chelsea High's new FFA_aavisor+ AdaBT"Zollerr~Apriri, 1896FUe will head a soft drink committee; -Directors MSarge-Bradburyi Thruman O’Doherty, Robert -Taylor here in-1852-and her-mother- wag took place at-JBunker-HilL died Sept; 27, 1944. the former Magdelaine Keusch, and Anton Nielsen is responsible and Allan Conklin. daughter-of-anower-pieneer-fam- H a r o ld M c D a id Survivors-are-Trhrotherr^Ai1 the ice cream _and. cake. AlHngrflr-nf-pflt.rftlt, and a qlator," orWally MONDAY-FRIDAY. 5 :80 P.M. UNTIL- HARK t ily/,. - - Grossman; “he in .Staf -Former Chelsea ResidentSouth- Elementary Afhletift Field. Snma aa .mnminp- progrnnv-ft^ cuargei parking and Robert Mrs. McKuhe was born in Mrs. Zoller's daughter, Mrs. Daniels has been assigned the led , Athletic field, but in addition, girls’ activities and Babe Ruth fan. DieA Suddenly in New York Grace Kaletsch, died Chelsea, Jan. 31, 1874. Jghe gradu ’ ' Jan. 17, 1948. chairmanship of the clean-up com League baseball- and High School^ League baseball. Directors: ated from Chelsea Hi’igh 'school in Funeral services were* .held at HdVold McDaid, formerly of Audrey Haab, Robert: Taylor-and Alan Conklin. 1898 and on May 17, 1899. in S i, Chelsea and 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Methodist mittee.— a nephew of Mrs. MONDAY, JULY 28: Mflry’fl finthnlip Home Ghapei1with the Rev. S~Dr -Recorded—music is being—supKinde and the Rev, fleor -Stan- plied by Lloyd Heydlauff and a i to J Edward MclCuneTThe^ “Babe" TTutfi League game. Chelsea Americans vs. Chelsea S address system will be set McKune House their home l" ^ * 08^ •' in W 1 ?*' * ford officiating. wen-une nouse was inetr nome after becomimr «ndHfln u--tn mrf Iora oinciating. Graves! uravei le serv- public -Nationals. up for the music and for the use rhou of Alfred D, Mayer who is to be TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MORNING: July Third street. He Was 59 years old; Evergreen cemetery, Detroit, with the official “grafttor.’-L Mrs.: McKuhe was a member of .the Rev. Karl Pa tow officiatingr Midget League baseball- g»n>Ag, ^ Mr.-McDaid was bom in Chelsea The barbecue will proceed, rain iry'a May— a son of John an<j rto has been ’ Altar Society ahtTHM-beerfacitfve Elsie 12,-1899, or shine, since provision' SPECIAL EVENTS:_____ ____ Baldwln-McDaldr-He^attand made to cover the pits. . in , various organizations of' the ed jChel8ea schools and lived" in , Friday, Aug. 1—7:30 p.m.—Dance in High School gym. RTH S church and community. She was Detroit,. Jackson. Ithaca. N. Y.. and Proceeds of the barbecue project a charter member of tho Gay-Nine — v/,, uwvre muvmg— w (hr before moving/^ ties, a group of older graduates of Corning. Nf. Y*. where he was em* v „ , electrical work In the new buildChelsea: High school and had held 'byed-'m-the-Nash-Rambler Bales py Joseph, Sundayr ing and on the fairgrounds and for offices in the organization, until office. He-had formerly traval S t Joseph’s —-1- ---- - J---sheJiecame-UL ____ ___ tho United During-World —Wa r - I - she-- w a r variduTpatta-of the . . o f Saline IS THIS Chelsea chairman for the . Red as am insurance representative. » rend, Ann Arbor. Mrs. JackowakL Wallace Wood Named urvivors are his widow, the Ta the former Audrey Knicker Top Insurance Agent jy€ros9=ar\d-also. headed" bond-drives. In’ addition to memberships in former. Louise Currier; a daughter, bocker, formerly of Chelsea, * * * Wallace Wood, Chelsea, has been Chelsea, -clubs.-and—organizations, Mrs. Juanita Allen of Jackson; two she was a member of tne Woman's sons, Delbert, with the U. S. N*vy Friday, July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. named as one of State .Mutual in the South Pacific, and Harlan of Alvin Wahr, ,at Osteopathic -hos Insurance - Company/s top ten Club of Ann Arbor. \ 'L5^r“'1 Survivors of Mrs. McKune are Mansfield, O.; four grandchildren;' pital, Jadkson, a daughter, Linda agents for the month of June ac __ Barr, Sr., Mrs. Wahr is the former Harriet cording to .th e company’s presi two sisters, Mrs. Amelia Foster of a sister, Mrs. Mene Grass Lake, and Mrs, Margaret (Lucille), of Chelsear and three Heinjnger, daughter of Mr. and dent, Holley K. Fisk._ Fenn of Chelsea; and several brothers,•Clifford of Detroit, Ray Mrs. Ezra Heininger. State Mutual is one’of the larg nieces —and nephews, including of Howell, and Leland—of—Y-pstest and oldest farm property in' s •'i Edwin Beutler and his daughter surance George L. Staffan and Mrs. Fred lanti. .............higan companies in Michigan and rick Wagner ooff .unelsea. .Chelsea. tick Funeral services will take plaqe and family, the Alvin Jedeles of is celebrating its 60th anniversary (s A brother, George P„ Staffanr ~atr2~p m. tomorrow (Friday) ~at the, Saline, were last week Sunday dln- this year. died Sept. 12, 19507“ Sinerrock Funeral Home, Mans- ner guests of-Mr.-and -Mrs; Albert Wood has been a-State Mutual Altar Society1 members .recited field, O. Fink, of Rives. agent since 1947. the Rosary at the Staffan Funeral Home at 8 o’clock Saturday evening. The parisb-lfesary-wafl-recited at 8 o'clock Sunday evenlnYr Funeral seivices were held at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Mary’s Cathplic church, of which she had been a member all -her life. The" Rev-Fr. Lee Laigo officiated. Burial took place -in Mount Olivet cemetery. S p ’J H ' ' V 1' 4-'' * IIV ii - i l M ftA Y , JULY State Agriculture Teachers Prepare ''or MSI/ Meeting •Wj M s ATT f r « 7 I t i .1 3 i .? to }} to !*14 13 to i7 to 79 ☆ Tt VN >- * KA'ANDAUU U W IIO DEATHS at rv ...... S f5 !S tlficate and pin In recognition of 1,000 hours ol( qIur«*v! ®ttr-j at the VA hospital, Ann ,Arbor^jnd Mrs. Corhu^j^},PMaIvmI a« pin nin fqr #n«» 1156 (CA hmi.a _ work at J L l , j received hours A of# volunteer held recently at the hospital. Shown in the photograoh ;■ c - Dtftd hospital. Mrs. Carty has been a volunteer worker it hospital for some time, spending each Monday there to aasll hi* pitalized veterans, writing letters, shopping for them and dni». other special services, Mrs. Joseph has put her 150 houZ! servicein since last fall when she responded-to-.MTsrS request for volunteers to assist with the work. ’ n M A YTA G H and ;r< •». i i i-. : i■ ... . ' ’ ' ) ‘i- ’ I t■ j.■.., ;J-^j, ■ £■ DESIGN NO. 611$ IMRAH BOOM I LIV IN G B e a u tifu l . at- 4" a.m. Saturday at St. Joseph-Merc^ hospital,"Shtr-Arbor. She had been a. patient there since July 7. — ^otn in_ Dexter townahip, April 21,. 1877, she was a daughter of John and Caroline Keetetf Baker. -In ^ 9 9 r« t-Bexterr-8he;waBmarried to Ja8ob Eder and they made R N ew H om e 3-bedroom rambler . . . with theTiving room opening to a protected front patio . . . separate dining area . . . thestep-saving kitchen ^ . . generous closet space and divided bath. It easily can become a reality with the help of our 4-Square Home Planning Service. The complete plans and interior details for this expertly designed home and over IfHLothers are colorfully illustrated in the Weyer haeuser 4-Square portfolio. Come in ancj see them ail. XeLua Bhow you t he economies obtained ih a professionally planned tiomerBluepriirtarare available for each design. Get More for Each Building Dollar j&H--'i',: 1 ASK US FOR MATERIAL ESTIMATES or BIDS Compare Before You~Buildl---~ml;--';11. ' ! * 1 DIAL CR 5 -3391 m 113 North Main Sfieet L. R. Heydlauff ' Phone GR 9-6651 CHELSEA LUMBER CO. “Where the Home Begini’* fl BRAND N EW r FIRST T IM E ADVERTISED ! Dies Saturday Morning At Ann Arbor' HoBpital ptiYCa -« A S I LY-VOU-C AN — BUILD THIS. Shop and Save at Mrs. Mary-E. Eder" LEARN HOW m M f: Prices Starter i ll I V I I I O ilV IT U O a u a U ^ IM rQ l C U ^ NATIONAL ttST P R IC r$ ,J S .5 S . N O W ........ Now completely restyled ..withnew squore-bnes—Bottom freezer stores oyer four_bushels of food. Automotic defrost., DoQr shatvfls- ^.yonr worronty- *399' tONAi >?*lr.eei $4.75 per week - P I payable monthly ^ l CQR.ONADO l l ciit lt. fr$ $ w Eder" died Feb. 11, Mrs._Eder__was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church. - Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. FAY ONLY 10W PRICtD—$80 below regi^or flrf. TWi "Cuvtom" model Wd| M ^ lblTd foxen Per roodi. Part freeze compartment, Umperatvre Week eontroJ, "SoftjdAlch". protect! children. “ PAYAUB MONTHIY tilt Price 329.93,,,,,.......... 2 4 9 « S tan ley B eni; throa »nn», Leonard Eder of Chelsea, and Ju lius of. Ann Arbor; nine, grand children and 14 great-grandchildreh. The Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Monday at~the -St affa neral Home an d ’funeral services took place at 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary’s church with the Rev. Fr. Lee Laige officiating. Burial was irt Mount Olivet cemetery. 5TO2KE5Ei7TY.Tr 20 tu. ft. CHEST >v;si Food Fraaxar List Prico 399f> only 29993 Si IN MrsHElizabeth Culhane Mrs, Elizabeth Jane Culhane, who had made her home with her daughterr-Mm-Agnes-Bell of Jackson, died there Sunday ffol)pwlpg several months’ illness, She Was the mother of Ray. Culhane pf ehclsca.-Shohad-UvcdinJaeksoiii the past 40 yours, v Mrs. Culhane was a daughter of Patrick and Elizabeth Jane Boylan Mclntce. According to family tradition, her fathor was one of tho ^oldlbfS in tUG compnny whifcft formed the subject for Lotigfel low’s poem, "The Charge bt the Light Brigade." She was born Janr 22, |867, at Fenton.. She lived at Pinckney for many years and was married at St. Mary’s Catholic church here in 1888 with tWr Rev. Fr., Dueghig officiating. Her husband, James Francis, died 12 years ago. Mrs, Culhane is survival by ap proximately 200 descendant^ 18 being Mi 95 ........... V I Mother of Ray Culhane Dies in Jackson a t 91 Years 1stfS CORONAD015cu. ft. 2-D00R REFRIQERATOR-FBEEZER i/-.. i <m5o via PXkWlIK PAYAIHB MONTHLY f4 \ TRADE NOW.' We’ll ALLOW MORE for YOUR OLD fREEZERII :?ZBffli5BgggB IYFi £5 j 'Lh .11 C0R0NAD015 tu. ft. I Urt Prke479.93 Store 525 pound* pf frozen foodi with. In eoty reoeM. 4 fatf freeze thelvet, 3 ,j» t con..j diipemer end ke cream bln bulff Into I the door. J-yeor food worronty, [SO tM > WEEK Otfnn PAVAMR G I A l f e L ^ !?ok', ^ MONTHIY CORONADO 20 CU. PT. UPRIOHT Storei 700 Ibe. of food M6 iq, ft, Aoof •pace. $300 food warranty, 110 pi* WIIK kVrf$:H. Its polity «t M oreo. New W.trto iu9 yourlvMd^uu^ *!ayi c<m b* orwsfled taiSiSIh a!!** w ^ a« ho biyo. * '" » it* w. ^ fluids--'protectcNWwt, pet wwk«-i»Dy«WD ***** A L W A Y S B E T T E R B U Y S AT G A M B L E S