BH Electronics, Inc. • Italian • Bakery • Kitchen • Chinese
BH Electronics, Inc. • Italian • Bakery • Kitchen • Chinese
• Italian • Bakery • Kitchen • Chinese Friday, May 13, 2016 Published for customers of Hy-Vee Food Store, Marshall, Minnesota 56258 NOTICE: The Senior LinkAge Line® is a statewide service of the Minnesota Board on Aging & is provided locally through 6 area agencies on aging. MNRAAA is sponsoring educational presentationsMarshall-Lyon County Public Library, 201 C St., 1:30-3:30pm & Minneota Public Library, 103 N. Jefferson St., 10am-noon, class size is limited. Ph. 800-333-2433 to register. Call for assistance or® to chat live w/Senior LinkAge Line® specialist. ATTENTION TO HY-VEE CUSTOMERS/TRADER READERS: Submit your ads only by dropping off at Hy-Vee or online at index.php/trader before 7 am Mondays. No phone calls please. We reserve the right to edit or decline word advertisements that do not follow guidelines. The Trader is offered for personal advertisements and notices as a service provided by Hy-Vee for Hy-Vee customers. It is not meant for business advertisers. If you are a business and wish to advertise in the Trader please call 507-537-1551 and ask for sales or email [email protected] and someone will contact you. Ads are printed on space available basis only. NOTICE: Would the person who bought the Jingle All the Way dog & book at my garage sale please call, I have the CD that goes with it. Ph. 532-5944. NOTICE: When submitting an ad for the Hy-Vee Trader the submission form must be completed, with NAME & PHONE NUMBER if these are not on the submitted form they will not be published in the Hy-Vee Trader. NOTICE: Modern Woodmen Chapters 7962 & 10397 participating in food drive May 24-25, noon5pm, drop off 1 non-perishable food item at the office located at 917 W. Main St., Marshall, all items collected go to the Kitchen Table food shelf, Marshall, do not need to be a member to participate. Ph. 530-7426. NOTICE: Larry & Julie Vlaminck open house farewell party, Sun., May 15, 2-4pm, Christ United Presbyterian Church, corner of 4th & Lyon St., Marshall, stop by to wish Larry & Julie good luck as they move to Sioux Falls. NOTICE: Are you "Tough Enough To Wear Pink"? T-shirts now available at Hy-Vee & Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care's office, $10/shirt. Local businesses contact Bette directly to order & sign up for area parades. Get photo taken with the Lockwood truck, showing you are "Tough Enough". All proceeds remain in our community, helping cancer patients & their families. Ph. 337-0080. It Takes A Community! NOTICE: Baked potato bar, Sun., May 15, 11am1pm, KirPatrick's Pub & Grill, Balaton, freewill offering for moving Burchard School to Balaton. NOTICE: Several volunteer opportunities for monthly Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution held the first Thurs. of each month at National Guard Armory, opportunities begin at 3pm, bring friends, family or work groups, info on how you can help email [email protected], info on program LLC. 040116t79615ep NOTICE: Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution, first Thursday of every month June 2, 4:30-6pm, National Guard Armory, 500 Timmerman Dr., Marshall, $20 cash donation no checks/credit/ debit/EBT Cards accepted receive abundance of grocery items, bring 2 laundry or tote baskets, hosted by Holy Redeemer Church in partnership Western Community Action, email: [email protected]. 507-423-6274 GARAGE SALE: 2896 Hwy 59 N., behind Car’s Limited, Fri., May 13, 8am-5pm, Sat., May 14, 8am-4pm, household items, 2 microwaves, baby swing Joey by Bruno, Scooter lift, bedslide for pickup box, 8’ shop lights fixtures with T8 bulbs. Cottonwood, MN We’re proud of our people and our community ® NOTICE: Free Citizenship, ESL, computer &GED classes. Located in the Government Center these classes are free for everyone. For more information Ph. 537-7049. GARAGE SALE: 800 Elizabeth St., Fri., May 13, 4-7pm, Sat., May14, 9am-1pm, swimming pool, girls clothing 7/8-14/16, jr. women’s, full size bookcase headboard, misc. BH Electronics, Inc. 604 Michigan Road • Marshall, MN • Phone 507-532-3211 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT 040816t79277lr MLS Sedation (IV & Oral) • Laser Dentistry • Implants Clear Correct Invisible Braces • ZOOM! Whitening Emergency Appointments • Flexible Financing Most Major Dental Plans Accepted • Family Friendly Flat Screen TVs in patient rooms Call Today 507-532-2233 NEW 304 W. Lyon St • Marshall, MN PATIENT L! IA EC SP 042216t79490dp 040816t79289lr 040116t79614ep Buying or Selling Your Home? Contact Us! View all our listings at: 507-537-4321 • 800 E Main St. Marshall Serving Southwest MN & Southeast SD GARAGE/BAKE SALE: 110 E., Redwood, Marshall, May 12-14, 7am-5:30pm, Hostas, yard cart, Bakelite, Noratake Mystery 84 china, Nippon, Royal Ruby, Pyrex, couches, tables, chairs, dressers, depression glass, tools, drill press, smoker, wood bench, swing, computer desk, toys & more. 411 W. Main • Marshall • 532-4401 GARAGE SALE: W 5th St. S., Cottonwood, Sat., May 14, 7:30am-noon, 15 baby items, jumper, bouncer, carseat w/base, floor gym, misc baby toys, girls clothes, 0-2T, apt size freezer, coffee table, misc household items/decor, some women's clothes. RUMMAGE SALE: 801 Elaine Ave., Sat., May 14, 8 am-1pm, many misc items, come check it out. GARAGE SALE: Ghent, 301 W. McQuestion St., Fri., May 13, 3-8 p.m. Sat., May 14, 7am-7pm, multi-family, wooden doll house, steel wheels, kids items, vintage items, log rocking chair, horse saddles & misc. GARAGE SALE: 210 S. Whitney St., Sat., May 14, 8am-4pm, household sale including couch & matching love seat, foyer table w/matching mirror, metal hutches, bedspreads & bedding, pictures, ladies left handed golf club set, much more. RUMMAGE SALE: Hendricks, 6 mi. S. 1.4 E of Hendricks, Hendricks city wide rummage sales, Sat., May 14, 8am-4pm, plant sale, new crafts, veggie, flowers, herbs, Bullers. Ph. 275-3089. YARD SALE: 105 Lindsay Dr., Cottonwood, Fri., 4-7pm, Sat., 7:30am-noon, infant-12 year, toys, mens, womens, girls, boys, infant-toddler boys & girls clothes, purses, puzzles, crafts, bedding, household, elliptical, other misc items, everything priced to sell. WANTED: Small breed puppy, example Shih Tzu, PeekaPoo or Maltese. Ph. 320-444-6462. FOR SALE: 18’ tilt bed car trailer, like new, used twice, $3,750; JD 1065 trailer, $950. Ph. 530-0823. FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Taurus 171,000 mi., new tires & brakes, $1,500 or BO; 1998 Suzuki RM 125, new top end last spring, new heavy duty moose racing clutch, $1,000. Ph. 828-8387. FOR SALE: Iphone 4, everything works, $60. Ph. 651-357-3152. FOR SALE: 1987 Harley Davidson Flhtc Electra Glide, new items put on - coil, plugs, plug wires, true dual exhaust, tires, rear brake, carb, oil pump & primary chain tensioner, very good condition, cash, firm, 42,500 mi. Ph. 329-3582. FOR SALE: Boat lift, 2000 lb., 105” inside measure, new 12 volt motor assist w/full canopy. Ph. 640-0681. FOR SALE: Box of paperback Western books. Ph. 763-3149. FOR SALE: 3 Osborne hog feeders; pine lumber; dog eared fencing; galvanized pipe. Ph. 626-5700 or 342-5416. FOR SALE: 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee 318 5.2 liter motor, 190,000 mi., 2 new tires, new water pump & fuel pump, $1,000 or BO. Ph. 651-263-3778. FOR SALE: Duck calls, handmade, wood from Africa, $25/ea. Ph. 537-0473. 040116t79617ep 1160 County Road 63 P.O. Box 382 Balaton, MN 56115 (507) 734-6381 Fax: (507) 734-6107 FOR SALE: Patio set, glass top, 4 chairs & umbrella, used 1 yr., stored in original box. Ph. 401-9587. FILL YOUR CART. FOR SALE: Crickets, mice, mealworms, super worms, free delivery, Marshall area. Ph. 532-5235. FOR SALE: Large Keurig 2.0 7002 water reservoir, 9 brew sizes, next to new w/box, $65; West Bend bread & dough maker, w/directions, $15. Ph. 530-8399. GIVEAWAY: Rhubarb plants. Ph. 428-3224. FOR SALE: Leather sued Out Brook tan coat, size L, like new, $75; black painted cream can, $40; 2 wood fence posts, $5/ea.; old Pontiac hub cap, 1950s, $50; 2 brand new toast ovens in original box, $40/ea.; antique wire animal cage, 24”x18”x12”, $20; white octagon 31”x31” w/white square window pane in glass, $50. Ph. 532-9229. 2 FUEL YOUR CAR. 123115t77050lb FOR SALE: 950 head permitted cattle farm located 5 mi. N. of Marshall on Hwy. 59, 10.76 acres, building site houses 5BR 3BA home w/hot tub & pool, 40x45 & 60x96 shop w/in-floor heat/wood boiler heat w/fuel oil furnace option, 3 hydro-swing drs., 2 other machine sheds w/hydro drs., bedding shed, hay shed, cemented pads for loading feed, treating facility, grain bins, much more. Ph. 530-7308. FOR SALE: Complete set of ladies’ right hand golf clubs, 1-3-5 woods, 3-thru pitching wedge irons, putter, bag, new condition. Ph. 532-6535. FOR SALE/TRADE: Restore, mud logger body, put on 4x4 frame, needs repair, stored inside many years, 1993 Chev S10, 4 cyl., AT, PS, BL visor, sport rims, new rubber rear, used no oil, great figure #8, $550 firm or trade for guns. Ph. 487-5030. WANTED: Used Rochester 2 barrel carburetor with big bowls, I can overhaul. Ph. 828-3332. FOR SALE: Cub Cadet shredder/chipper, 11hp, will chip up to 3” diameter, used 3 times, $675. Ph. 612-269-9294. WANTED: Looking for goat does or doelings, even bottle goats as long as they are females, greatly prefer Boer or Boer X. Ph. 616-6105. FOR SALE: Glock 21 Gen 4 in 45acp, band new, never fired, includes 3 mags 2 standard & 1 high capacity, will include box of ammo, $525 or BO. Ph. 829-1569. LOST: Hooded brown work coat w/large set of keys in pocket, lost in Market Street Mall parking lot on May 1. Ph. 829-4692. FOR SALE: Small landscape blocks, about 120 crimson color & about 120 gray, $1/ea. Ph. 532-6739. WANTED: Any junk cars & trucks, pay cash & haul away. Ph. 320-226-5842. FOR SALE: 1997 Viking popup camper, good condition, sleeps 6 w/awning, 2 way fridge, furnace & cook stove, queen & double beds, $2,000. Ph. 532-3837. FOR SALE: 250A International tractor, hydrostatic, new tires on the back, heavy front end will lift round bales, point on back, good working tractor, very handy, have book, comes w/snowblower serial #2340126B100310-x-250PL, $7250; FOR RENT: Room to board 2 horses, $160/ea. horse per month. Ph. 828-3260. FOR SALE: 2000 GMC 1500 V6 5 spd., 2WD, good work truck, rebuilt rear end & full tune up, 143,000 mi., rusty but reliable, clutch is stiff but works well, $1,500. Ph. 320-269-1480. FOR SALE: Walk-in cedar cooler, 8x6, selling as is, compressor has not been ran in yrs., wood structure in good shape except for 1 wall, super cool door, make offer. Ph. 828-4391. FOR SALE: 1 male ball python, almost yr. old, already weighs 600g, butter fire morph, extremely friendly, good eater, $400 firm. Ph. 828-0548. WANTED: Mallard seed sign. Ph. 430-0629. WANTED: Full-time construction labor job, willing to work 50 hrs./week or more as needed, hardworking, able to start immediately. Ph. 476-7092. FOR SALE: 1997 Yamaha Wave Runner 760 w/trailer, starts but needs overhaul or engine work, trailer, $450. Ph. 442-5529 or 920-6590. THE HY-VEE FUEL SAVER & PERKS™ REWARDS PROGRAM! SIGN UP TODAY! FOR SALE: 2008 Adly Jet 50 Hammerhead moped, red, excellent condition, new battery, 1,700 mi., $625 or BO. Ph. 227-9512. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent FOR SALE: Garage door, 18x8, beige, great shape, $750. Ph. 296-4459. FOR SALE: 16" Texas brand rope saddle, $250; 16" Rocking R rope saddle, $650; 15" Hereford rope saddle, $350; 15" Silver Royal saddle, $300; 15" Hereford trail saddle, $300; several 10-12" pony saddles, $150-250; youth saddles, $150-250; other tack. Ph. 828-7356. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford Ranger XLT, new tires, bed liner, fender molds, running boards, rear sliding window, ext. cab, body good shape, V6, 4x4. Ph. 828-3353. WANTED: Pickup tail gates, Chevy, Ford, Studebaker, etc., old wood egg crates, wood pop cases, wood ladders, Coke, Schmidt, Grain Belt & Hamms beer signs, farm signs, RR cross buck sign. Ph. 320-226-2409. GIVEAWAY: Black lab cross, 8 months old, shots upto date. Ph. 828-0712. WILL DO: Apartment or house cleaning, weekly, biweekly, monthly, Marshall area. Ph. 337-0071. WILL DO: Power washing, painting farm sites, residental houses, steel & concrete in Marshall area. Ph. 218-579-0610. FOR SALE: 3 year old ewe sheep for butcher, bad leg, $125. Ph. 828-0722. FOR SALE: Roosters, $10/ea. Ph. 530-0656. FOR SALE: 14’ Starcraft fiber glass boat w/windshield & seat cushions, 40hp Johnson motor, all in very nice condition w/Shoreland’r trailer, $650. Ph. 320-226-4411. FOR SALE: Uses rebuilt Electrolux uprights & canisters, bags & parts; WILL DO: Repairs on vacuums. Ph. 532-3103. FOR SALE: 3 adult bikes, Hoover vacuum cleaner, push mower & many bicycle tires, Danby microwave unit. Ph. 532-3897. FOR SALE: 2010 Chrysler Town & Country van, super clean, non-smoker, loaded all power options, 4.0l motor, trailer hitch, heated leather seats front & back, newer tires, 76,000 mi., does have rebuilt title, $11,995. Ph. 859-5000, days or 828-9556. FOR SALE: New completely accessorized Schwinn Meredian 26” 3 wheel bicycle, has lights. gel seat, basket, step thru design, swept back handle bars & much more. Ph. 247-5228. FOR SALE: 1996 Yamaha Virago 1100, custom paint job, all chromed out w/33,000 mi., great bike, $2,500 or BO. Ph. 215-0908. FOR SALE: Large cement garden bench, 4’x18”; decorative working cement fountain for your yard, 4’x5’. Ph. 537-1284. FOR SALE: Acreage, by owner, 3 bedroom 2 bathhome w/attached garage on 6.85 acres, 20x50 storage building, many updates inside & out, near Russell, $150,000. Ph. 828-4268. FOR SALE: Minn-Kota power drive V-2, 12 volt w/auto pilot, bowmount foot control or handheld control trolling motor, 5 years old. Ph. 760-0110. FOR SALE: 2000 Designer by Jayco, 32’ 5th wheel camper, 2 slide outs, queen size bed, pull out couch, $12,000. Ph. 829-7881. WANTED: Good farm dog border collie or german shepherd; junk vehicles any condition running or not. Ph. 423-6604. WANTED: Vehicles in any condition to be used for fire department training w/jaws of life. Ph. 320-979-7071. 010116t75549ll FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy Avalanche, 327,000 mi., rebuilt transmission, motor has been gone through, $3,000; 2003 Dodge Durango, 157,000 mi., 360 motor in good condition, w/3rd row seating, $4,000. Ph. 605-690-8469. FOR SALE: Large plate glass window openings 9’5”x3’8”, make reasonable offer; New garage window rough opening 30”x21”, $30; Four old dining room chairs w/padded seats, $25; 4’ pull behind rake, $300. Ph. 865-4628. FOR SALE: 2 TV sets, one w/stand, $10/ea. Ph. 476-0310. FOR SALE: 1999 Larson 186 Runabout 4.3 V6, w/stereo & ski/wakeboard pole & trailer, $6,000. Ph. 530-6453. FOR SALE: Winter hardy perennials, potted up and ready to transplant; Asters, Goldenrod, Campanula, Prunela, Hostas, herbs & more. Ph. 532-9540. FOR SALE: Air conditioners. Ph. 476-3033. FOR SALE: JD Model A tractor 1948 model, new rear tires, side delivery rakes on steel; several older JD plows; new and used lumber. Ph. 532-6120. FOR SALE: 1983 Honda Night Hawk 550 cc w/windshield, backrest & luggage rack, good tires, seat & throttle lock, shaft drive, 20,900 mi., $1,200 or BO. Ph. 626-4007. GIVEAWAY: Miniature horse stallion, 3 years old, gray/roan color. Ph. 829-3420. FOR RENT: 1 BR fully furnished timeshare for 7 nights in Branson, MO, $500. Ph. 320-269-7606. WANTED: Used chest freezer, doesn’t have to work, just for storage, 57”x28”. Ph. 423-6420. FOR SALE: Lift for zero turn mower, $125, firm. Ph. 828-4506. FOR SALE: 1998 Harley Sportster, w/1200 kit, big tank, w/paint job, saddle bags, windshield, new tires, nice condition, $3,500; VW Beattle, $2,800; 125cc dirt bike, $625; 2x4 four wheeler, $750; 1986 Monte Carlo SS, 305 motor, 38,000 actual miles, $10,500. Ph. 223-5126 or 829-0211. FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Impala, silver w/gray interior, 121,000 mi., $4,850; Crosely window air conditioner, $65. Ph. 828-4675. CARR PROPERTIES FOR SALE: AcornChair Stair-lift, like new, pink & cream; beautiful maple buffet, carved & very ornate w/claw feet, $295 or BO; small lift chair, like new, microfiber, sage, $300 or BO. Ph. 532-6382. James Carr (507) 532-2291 WANTED: Water tank that fits in a pickup truck box. Ph. 859-2583. Lindsey Paulson Leasing Agent (507) 829-6582 FOR SALE: Used Frigidaire refrigerator, good working condition, bisque, $50. Ph. 532-4555. WANTED: Boys clothes, 3T-4T. Ph. 530-3923. Office: 1601 Hwy 59 North, P.O. Box 1215, Marshall, MN 56258 040816t80126lr FOR SALE: Corelle dishes set for 8 & Emrel stainless cookware; twin electric bed; taking orders for Guinea Keets day old, $3, 1 week old $5 & up depend on age. Ph. 223-7547. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENTALS FOR SALE: 2 swivel rockers, burgundy, very good condition. Ph. 342-5253. GIVEAWAY: 3 kittens to a good home. Ph. 626-4471. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent 3 FOR RENT: Vacation cabin, Lake Minnewaska, Starbuck, MN, excellent swimming beach, fishing, playground, marina restaurant, $450/wk, possible sale, CD available, consider older working tractor in trade for rent. Ph. 829-2096. FOR SALE: Lots of girl clothes infant-toddler size clothes sizes 0-3T’s will sell by the bag, boxes or separate, also infant toy items, all things are in excellent condition, selling cheap, can bring to Marshall. Ph. 829-3624. FOR SALE: 4 bedroom, 2 bath house w/vinyl siding, new windows attached double garage, hot water heat, new shingles, Russell, $70,000. Ph. 828-5130. WANTED: To buy 2 bedroom home, in or within 10 miles of marshall. Ph. 476-5247. FOR SALE: 48’ steel dock w/bench seat & deck wood decking, you pick up located at Lake Shetek, $500. Ph. 530-2940. FOR SALE: 8 sets of 12 Bridgestone golf balls, great condition, $5/per pack. Ph. 605-675-9635. FOR SALE: 2002 Honda Goldwing 1800, 80,000 mi., nice condition with all the add ons, $6200; Round oak table w/6 chairs &3 leaves, $135. Ph. 530-5245. FOR SALE: Luverne bed rails fits Ford 6'x6' box, years 2004-2013, $100; mirror extensions for Ford years 2004-2007, $50 Ph. 227-3207. WANTED: Buying silver, private party looking for silver coins or bars & old farm or gas signs, cash. Ph. 320-894-5778. FOR SALE: Baby crib, mattress & matching dresser, lighter wood, good condition, $90. Ph. 734-2069. WANTED: 264 cal rifle brass 25 or more what have you; FOR SALE: Gym storage lockers 6’x6’ with 36 doors about 1 cubic foot each, keys for each and master key to open any, nice shape, $200. Ph. 530-8500. FOR SALE: 2002 Dodge 1 ton extended cab, 4x4, dually pickup, v10, auto. Ph. 828-4622. FOR SALE: Round hay bales, plastic twine, 1,000 lbs avg., stored inside, grass hay, will help load onto your trailer. Ph. 828-3719. FOR SALE: Play Station 1 steering wheel & gas pedals, $10 or BO. Ph. 929-0284. FOR SALE: 2001 Terry Lite Travel Trailer 26’ with slide out queen bed, new microwave $6,500 or BO. Ph. 836-6433. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom condo on pro golf course in Branson, many amenities for the whole family, 2 night minimum. Ph. 825-2240 or 820-2432. WANTED: Overhead garage door springs, not tension style, but the older stretch type. Ph. 828-0318. FOR SALE: Kia Sportage $3200; Ford F150 $3500, both in great condition. Ph. 530-5293. FOR SALE: Chihuahua puppies, first shots given, different sizes & colors, home raised. Ph. 363-2870. FOR SALE: AIWA 75 watt 3 disc cd player/cassette tuner, very nice & sounds great, $60 or BO. Ph. 401-7804. FOR SALE: 2003 HD Deuce, black, 23,500 mi., very clean, newer battery and tires, no dings or scratches, 95 cubic inch, $8,500. Ph. 627-3134. FOR SALE: 1996 16" Sylvan Troller, 40 hp oil injected Evinrude motor, 18 gallon built in gas tank, Lowrance elite 4 fish locator, trolling motor, new starter battery, good trolling motor battery, rod locker, live well, bilge pump, water ready, and lifetime license on the trailer, $3,500. Ph. 865-1598. 1 Bedroom Apartments Available Rent is income based and our residents are 62 and older or disabled Call 507-532-4029 123115t77519lp WILL DO Lawn mowing in Marshall $20-30. Ph. 532-2699 FOR SALE: Foos ball table, very good, heavy duty, like new. Ph. 368-4335. FOR SALE: Adult Schwinn 3 wheel bike, 1 year old, hardly used, basket on back, $200. Ph. 423-5152. FOR SALE: Used chest freezer, 35"x21", works well, lid does not stay open on its own, $40. Ph. 829-2217. WILL DO: Lawn mowing in marshall only, call for responsible rates. Ph. 829-7891. FOR SALE: 1993 Chevy Ext cab pickup, 4x4 167,000 mi., like new tires, $4,000 or BO; Homemade 24' tandem axle trailer 6500 per axle 4' bever tail 20' bed, made out of 54' trailer house frame, $4,000 or BO. Ph. 829-1968. WANTED: 12ga over under shotgun in good shape, & reasonable price. Ph. 828-8076. FOR SALE: MSI GTX 970 in like new condition with box. Used lightly for less than a year and never over clocked $260 call 507-401-7538 FOR SALE: 2 new grass bags that attaches to push mowers, 2 lawn fertilizer spreaders used twice, a homemade lawn sprayer has a pump great for a grove, new 3 step swimming pool ladder, box of western DVDs some never open, electric heavy duty fencing, kids air hockey table, infant car seat, pink infant or toddler highback car seat, pink baby bouncer seat. selling things cheap. Ph. 828-5215. FOR SALE: 2002 HD fatboy, lots of chrome, 12,000 miles, very clean call 507-368-4335 or 605-690-3893. or email [email protected] FOR SALE: Pair of roll-in rubber dock wheels ready for a 1.25 inch OD axle, both hold air and do not leak, $20. Ph. 627 5292. FOR SALE: Beginner safe trail mare, Melody is a 16 year old Appaloosa, 16H, super sweet, 100% healthy, hard hoogs, been horse camping many times, $4,000. Ph. 476-3755. FOR SALE: 3 roosters 1 year old, $10/ea.; WANTED: Boat oars, doesn't have to be good shape, anything will work. Ph. 626-4228. WILL DO: Nanny/babysitting in your home, experienced, CPR certified, enjoy being with children. Ph. 532-3361. FOR SALE: 2012 JD UVA Gator 550, 4x4, 94 hours, top, very good condition, $7,900. Ph. 320-841-0703. FOR SALE: 1951 JD B good condition $1,750; 1985 HD, good condition, $6,250. Ph. 430-2381. FOR SALE: 1998 Jayco, 1203 Cascade Heritage pop up camper, queen beds each end, on board water tank, sink, heat, fridge, AC, manual roll out awning, propane tank, battery, very clean, $3,800 or BO. Ph. 829-0247. 4 FOR SALE: $96 Shopko gift card, selling for $90; New flat screen TV, 32”, $175. Ph. 993-5645. FOR SALE: 10" ryobi Mitre Saw, $75 or BO; 10 Ryobi table saw, $125 or BO; Ryobi band saw, $65 or BO. Ph. 430-2700. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent FOR SALE: 4 year old Whirlpool Duet front load 10 cycle washing machine, pewter, & 4 year old, white, Admiral, HD, super capacity, 5 cycle, 3 temperature electric dryer, $300/pair. Ph. 605-359-0855. FOR SALE:1983 Crestliner Fish Hawk 50 HP engine, depth finder, accessories, trailer, boat cover, $4000; Large drawer safe fire resistant, $50. Ph. 828-2212. FOR SALE: 2006 Buick Lucerne CXL, 108,750 mi., $7,000 but negotiable; 2000 StarCraft Pop-up camper w/slideout, dinette & other extras, $3,000 but negotiable. Both prices lowered. Ph. 476-2323 or 829-0173. FOR SALE: Ducks Unlimited 12ga shotgun; 1979 Weatherby Patrician, never fired, comes in original DU hardcase, beautiful engraving, $700. Ph. 829-0351. FOR SALE: Stihl 026 chainsaw w/18" bar, 2 spare chains, manual and bar/chain oil. Starts easily and runs & cuts great, $110; Tasco 800x60 Luminova telescope w/many accessories, like new, $45. Ph. 337-4839. FOR SALE: 7 acre farm site, Wood Lake 4 bedroom home, new roof, detached 2 car garage, metal shed, wood shed, 6 out buildings, $120,000 cd with half down. Email: [email protected] or Ph. 476-8839. FOR SALE: 1998 HD Fatboy 95th Anniversary Edition, Screaming Eagle stage 3, hyper-charger, detachable windshield & backrest, python exhaust pipes, lots of chrome accessories, like new condition, 5,800 mi., $10,500. Ph. 829-3694. FOR SALE: Int'l 1950 M, runs excellent, tires like new, $1,250. Ph. 401-7034. FOR SALE: 2005 Black Victory Hammer 100ci engine, 21,000 mi., lots of extras, windshield, after market exhaust, bags, stage 1 chip, luggage rack & back rest, K&N filter, $6,700 or BO. Ph. 320-444-1140. FOR SALE: 1967 GTO 93,600 mi., 400 AT fac air, 2nd owner, original, $22,500. Ph. 829-2337. FOR SALE: 5 bedroom home on south side of Lake Cottonwood, 3 car garage, maint free 16x16 deck, Heat and Glo fireplace, new shingles 2 years ago, steel siding with all Anderson perma shield crank out window, walking distance from the Cottonwood Country Club clubhouse. Ph. 423-5162 or 651-9552903. WILL DO: Windows computer virus removal service, Windows computer updates, General computer maintenance, & perform Mac computer maintenance. Ph. 829-1949. FOR SALE: .270 710 Remington Rifle w/Bushnell custom 3-9x40 brand new scope, quite a bit of use, $250; Weatherby PA-08 12 ga., also seen good use but in decent shape, $210. Ph. 616-6105. 532-6971 MINNEOTA 040116t78803dl $40 SIGN ON BONUS An Independent Insurance Agency Main Office: 800 E. Main - POBox 270 Marshall, MN [email protected] 300 Front St. Russell, MN 507-823-4391 110 N. 3rd St. Hanley Falls, MN 507-768-3494 Enviro Pump–Plus 040116t79618ep Town &Country Agency 330 2nd Ave. WoodLake, MN 507-485-3111 “Where you need us… When you need us.” Min.3 E. Lyon St., E 3rd St., Century Dr. Min.5 N. Adams St., N. Jefferson St., W. 4th St. Min.7 E. Lyon St. N. Eisenhower St. N. Wilson Call 537-1551 for details New & Bigger Sizes Available 5 x 10 to 10 x 35 email: [email protected] • 1410 South Saratoga, Marshall, MN • ROAD IS NOW OPEN - Hwy. 23 & Saratoga FOR SALE: 2006 Featherlite 4 horse slant horse trailer w/dressing room, tack room, saddle rack, detachable feed corners, spare tire, gooseneck, very good condition, $15,000. Ph/txt. 626-0121, pictures available. •Septic Tank Pumping •Portable Toilet Service 040116t79616ep Marshall Mini Storage FOR SALE: 2009 Ford Expedition XLT, white tan leather interior, good condition, 117,00 mi., new tires, solid vehicle. Ph. 227-4764. Carriers Needed In FOR SALE: Grass hay round bales. Ph. 828-4622. FOR SALE: Wood play ground tower, slide, swings, $50; Metal chop saw w/stand, $75. Ph. 828-6860. FOR SALE: 16' Lund fishing boat, $2,900; 1990, 40hp Merc Classic, heavy duty shorelander trailer, all in great shape. Ph. 461-4428. FOR SALE: B & H 12 row ridge till 3-" cultivator. Ph. 530-1423. FOR SALE: Vintage kitchen cupboard, $200; Large bird cage on stand, $50; Lazy Boy recliner, $50. Ph. 763-3213. FOR SALE: 2005 Keystone Cougar 5th wheel camper, 1 large slide, sleeps 8, new Goodyear tires, stored inside, excellent condition, very clean, 4, plus queen size bed, pull out sofa, lots of storage. $12,000 or BO. Ph. 401-7556. FOR SALE: Rug loom, includes manual & extras, $800, but will consider any offer. Ph. 747-3400. FOR SALE: 1997 Excel 30-5 5th wheel camper, slide, sleeps 4, 5th wheel hitch for pickup included, $3,500. Ph. 530-0123. FOR SALE: Grass hay in round bales; NIB Chicago electric power mitre saw; 1993 Oldsmobile Cutlass, needs some work. Ph. 829-1598. FOR SALE: Concert tickets, 2 great tickets to Blake Shelton in Sioux Falls on Friday, Sept., 23, 2 good tickets to Maroon 5, Lincoln Neb., Oct 4, & 3 great tickets to Justin Bieber, June 21. Ph. 605-690-8469 WANTED: Need help re-finishing our hardwood floors. Ph. 929-0056. 042816c80515es FOR SALE: Rare retro 1988 Schwinn High Sierra ATB Mountain Bike, 23" men's frame, all original, dark chrome-moly 4130 tubing, 21 speed, thumb shifters, owner's manual, extra set of new black wide smooth slick city tires, basically stored since new, $300. Ph. 530-6150. 1-800-530-9607 MPCA #573 Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent 5 FOR SALE: 1977 Schult trailer house (trailer only, does not include property), AC, no axles, sitting up on blocks, $1,500, haul trailer away, sold as is. Ph/txt. 829-5156, between 8am-8pm. FOR SALE: 2010 Sunset Trail 5th wheel camper, opposing slides, large walk through BA, outside shower, awning, ducted AC, very clean, 1 owner, non-smoking, no pets, sleeps 6, $20,000. Ph. 530-1415. FOR SALE: 2002 Harley Davidson Softail Standard (FXST), 13,700 mi., drag pipes, will include factory exhaust, Sissy Bar w/passenger backrest, hard locking saddlebags, great shape, $7,000; 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500, 22,200 mi., Harley Davidson & headlamp retrofitted, Vance & Hines long shots exhaust, other extras, $5,200. Ph. Chris at 320-808-3182. FOR SALE: 4 heavy plastic grain troughs to be mounted in corners of stalls, $5/ea.; Circle Y leather trail saddle, good condition, 16" seat, $500. Ph. 532-5022. FOR SALE: 1980 Fiat Spider 124 convertible 92,100 mi., 5 spd. standard, original owner, good condition, winter stored, $10,000. Ph. 763-3720. FOR SALE: 1995 Polaris jet ski, good runner, trailer & cover licenses to 2017, $1,000. Ph. 531-7821. WANTED: Old tractor, caterpillar, auto manuals, sales brochures, etc.; old table top tube radios. Ph. 829-9039. FOR SALE: 1997 sl700 Polaris jet ski, new starting & charging system, alum trailer & cover, $1,600; 2001 Polaris Genesis 1200 jet ski, low 104 hrs., runs & looks good, trailer & cover included, $3,800. Ph. 859-5000 days or 828-9556. FOR SALE: Daewoo Red Electric Dryer, works good, $100 or BO, laundry/dryers/dwr-we3011rr/ Ph. 532-0486. FOR SALE: 3 New England Patriots jerseys, Brady, Moss, & Laurance Maroney, all men's XL, all in good condition, 3/$20. Ph. 530-5440. FOR SALE: Marantz, Model 2226B, stereo receiver, 30 watts per channel, AM, FM, phono & aux inputs, excellent condition, audiophile quality, original manual, $100. Ph. 734-6601, leave message. FOR SALE: 2 44" diameter steel wheels for lawn ornaments, $40/ea.; Spring Field Marine, boat seat pedestal, class B taper-lock, 2 positions NIB, $40; adjustable outboard motor bracket for kicker motors up to 20HP, 5 positions, 14" vertical lift, NIB, $80. Ph. 532-4751. Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? it could be yours! WANTED: To buy or trade - commercial type sandblaster. Ph. 430-3880. Let us know how we’re doing. Contact our advertising department today at 537-1551! “Where thereʼs a helpful smile in every aisle.” See This Space? 110113t54873lb SHOP HY-VEE Your opinion is something we always want hear. Go to and click on virtual newsroom to contact us. 040116t79233dr FOR SALE: 2007 27’ Gulf Stream 5th wheel camper, loaded w/options, excellent condition, hitch included, $14,000. Ph. 320-763-7432.
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