G. EASON EIGE 2021 Old Town Road Albuquerque, New Mexico
G. EASON EIGE 2021 Old Town Road Albuquerque, New Mexico
VITAE G. EASON EIGE 2021 Old Town Road Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104 (w) 505.243.0414 EDUCATION Winterthur Summer Institute Participant, 1978 Parsons College, Teaching Certification, 1970 Kansas City Art Institute, BFA, 1969 Student at Kansas City Art Institute Student years at the Kansas City Art Institute POSITIONS Salesperson, Collection Advisor, Andrews Pueblo Pottery & Art Gallery, Albuquerque, NM, 1998-2011 Independent Curator, Appraiser, New Orleans, LA, 1996-1998 Senior Curator, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV, 1994-1996 Chief Curator, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV, 1976-1994 Curator of Education, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV, 1975-1976 Director, Central Iowa Art Association, Marshalltown, IA PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL ABROAD Fourteen Trips to Mexico, 2001-2013 Lunch with two banditos in Guadalajara! A Flea Market in Mexico City Lavish entry to a Puebla home Wrestler masks for sale Juror, British Artists in Glass, Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead, England, 1990 Juror, International Glass Exhibition, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan (Tokyo and Kyoto), 1988 International Glass Conference in Japan, Tsumagoi, 1985 Independent Study, England, Scotland, 1982 LECTURES “Navajo and Pueblo Jewelry 1870-Present”, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, 2010 Speaker for the American Glass Rally, Portland, OR, 2011 Banquet Speaker for Milk Glass Collector’s Society Convention, Overland Park, KS, 1996 “Steamboat Glass,” The National Glass Seminar, New Orleans, LA, 1995 Banquet Speaker for Early American Pattern Glass Society Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, PA, 1995 Banquet Speaker for Antique and Art Glass Salt Shaker Society Convention, Wheeling, WV, 1994 Banquet Speaker for The National Fenton Glass Society, Marietta, OH, 1994 Banquet Speaker for the American Glass Rally, Portland, OR,1994 “Uranium Glass,” Kent State University Museum, Kent, OH, 1993 “Glass Production in Central City, WV”, Central City Historical Society, 1993 “The Glass of West Virginia,” Cabell Wayne Historical Society, Huntington, WV, 1993 “West Virginia Glass,” Museum in the Community, Hurricane, WV, 1992 “Midwestern Pressed Pattern Glass of the 1850’s,” Pittsburg Chapter, National Early American Glass Club, 1992 “Toward a Collecting Philosophy: Illustrations from the Huntington Museum of Art, “ West Virginia Glass Gathering, A Regional Glass History Conference, 1992 “The Folk of Appalachia,” Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, FL, 1991 “Identifying Glass of Nineteenth Century Wheeling,” National Early American Glass Club Annual Conference, Wheeling, WV, 1991 “Crosscurrents in Design – British and American Nineteenth Century Pressed Glass,” Staffordshire Polytechnic Institute, Stafford, UK, 1990 “Lesser-known Paperweight Makers in the Ohio Valley,” Paperweight Collector’s Seminar, Wheaton Village, Millville, NJ, 1990 “Glass is Required Reading,” Strong Museum, Rochester, NY, 1990 “West Virginia Glassmakers,” Kanawha Valley Historical and Preservation Society, Charleston, WV, 1989 “New American Glass in the Collection of the Huntington Museum of Art,” Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass, Chicago, IL, 1989 “The Sincerest Form,” (pressed glass in cut glass patterns), American Cut Glass Association, New Orleans, LA, 1989 “Glass of the Ohio River Valley,” Glass Collector’s Club of Toledo, OH, 1987 “Analysis of the Art Glass Market Opportunities,” the Eighteenth Annual Hand Glass Symposium, the Society for Glass Science and Practices, Oglebay Park, Wheeling, WV, 1987 “Two Ohio Valley Factories: Fostoria and Imperial,” Twenty-seventh Seminar on glass, 1987 “Cut Glass of the Ohio Valley, The Early Period,” American Cut Glass Association Eighth Annual Convention, Dallas, TX, 1986 “The Economics of Necessity: Glass of the Ohio River Valley,” New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA, 1986 “Late Nineteenth Century Pressed Glass of the Ohio Valley,” Oberlin Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, OH, 1986 “Studio Glass: The Paperweights That Were Never Made,” Museum of American Glass, Wheaton Village, Millville, NJ, 1986 “Artists in Glass Factories,” Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorators Seminar, Washington, D.C., 1984 “Glass Pressing in West Virginia Factories, 1900-1950,” and “Pressed Glass from West Virginia Factories, 1900-1950,” Pressed Glass Seminar, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY, 1983 “Duncan’s Neighboring Competitor’s Annual Meeting of the Duncan Glass Collectors of America,” Washington, PA, 1982 “Glass of the Ohio Valley,” Sandwich Seminar, The Glass Museum, Sandwich Historical Society, Sandwich, MA, 1981 “A Century of Glass Making in West Virginia,” Tenth National Conference of the Glass Arts Society, 1980 “New American Glass,” Annual Meeting, Cincinnati Early American Glass Club, 1979 EXHIBITIONS In the Grand Manner: Silver and Portraits of Great Britain, February 28,1996 – permanent installation Allure of the East: Selections from the Touma Family Collection, June 25 – August 20, 1995 c Milk Glass: Arsenic and Old Lacy Edge Plates, June 12 – October 29, 1995 By the People: 19th and 20th Century Art of the Fold and Self-Taught, July 3 – October 30, 194? That Wonderful Riverboat Glass, July 4 – October31, 1993 The Form of the Fifties, July 4 – October 31, 1993 West Virginia glass, May 16, 1933 – June 26, 1994 Four Decades of Collecting (Fortieth anniversary), January 24 – November 31, 1993 Icons: Sacred Images: November 15, 1992 – January 24, 1993 Art Glass from the Wilbur Myers Collection, February 9, 1992 – May 2,1998 Made in America, 200 Years of Folk Art in America, January 26 – November 1, 1992 The Touma Family Gift, December 1, 1991 – March 15, 1992 The Janet Humphrey Bequest, August 18 – November 10, 1991 Cameo Glass, The Pilgrim Glass Corporation, November 1, 1990 – January 13, 1991 American Prints and Glass Sculpture, November 4, 1990 – January 12, 1991 The Old World, September 16, 1990- January 27, 1991 Victorian Pattern Glass in color, June10 – October 21, 1990 Ohio Valley Glass, The First One Hundred Years, May 27 – July 29, 1990 Wings of the Butterfly, January 14 – February 25, 1990 O, Appalachia! Folk Artists of the Southern Mountains, December 3, 1989 – February 25, 1990 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Fred di Frenzi, David Hopper, Richard Jolley, Susan Shapiro, September 17 – November 5, 1989 The Louise Elkins Sinkler Collection of Nineteenth Century American Pressed Glass, May 21 – September 4, 1989 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Paul Stankard, Ginny Fuffner, November 6, 1988 – January 22, 1989 Glass of the Ohio Valley: Major Developments 1800-1950, July 17 – October 30, 1988 Geraldine Sakall, Recent Paintings and Drawings, Jun 5 – July 10, 1988 Richard Basil Mock: Mock of the Times, December 20, 1987 – January18, 1988 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Hand Murta Adams, Stephen Dale Edwards, Stephen Nelson, James Watkins, September 13 – November 11, 1987 Cartoon Art: The Michael Reynolds Collection, November 27 – December 31, 1986 New American Glass: Focus 2 West Virginia, June 15 – November 9, 1986 (Seventy artists selected from submissions) The Glass of Albert Gallatin and Baltasar Kramer, August 18 – October 8, 1985 The John Chafin Collection of Mt. Washington Art Glass, January 20 – February 24, 1985 Happy Birthday, Donald Duck, December 2, 1984 – January 13, 1985 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Stephen Dee Edwards, William Carlson, Jay Musler and Valerie Arbor, October 21 – November 25, 1984 Paintings of the Barbizon School, September 1 – October 10, 1984 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Nyoka Baker, Henry Halem, David R. Huchthausen and Robert Kehlmann, January 15 – February 26, 1984 The Great North American Kerosene Lamp Exhibition and Forum, July 24 – November 13, 1983 Made in America: 1775-1875, long term installation, 1983-1990 Kimono: The Traditional Dress of Japan, January 16 – February 28, 1983 Reverend Herman Hayes and M. A. Booth, May 18 – June 19, 1983 Thirty Years of Collecting, (Thirtieth Anniversary) November 7 – 28, 1982 Two Blenko Workmen, November 1 – 28, 1982 Bronzes and Tapestries from the Permanent Collection, December 14, 1981 – January 11, 1982 The Old World, December 6, 1981 – January 4, 1982 Contemporary Ceramics: A Response to Wedgwood, October 25 – November 30, 1981 Roberto Moretti Glass Sculpture, September 13 – October 11, 1981 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Howard Ben Tre, Marvin Lipofsky, Richard marquis and Karla Trinkley, July 12 – August 31, 1981 Drawings by Earnest Shaw, July 12 – August 31, 1981 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, June 22 – September 7, 1980 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, Flora Mace, Andrew Magdanz, Thomas Patti and Mark Peiser, July 22 – September 16, 1979 Prints for Collectors, February 13 – March 6, 1977 ORGANIZED NATIONAL CIRCULATING MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS O’Applachia! Artists of the Southern Mountains, Smith Kramer Fine Arts Service, 1990-1993 New American Glass: Focus 2 West Virginia National, 1986 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia, 1980 Glass Art Society Western Association of Art Museums, San Francisco, California, 1980 Selections from the Collection of Olga Hirshhorn, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Washington, D.C., 1979 GUEST CURATOR Glass Candlesticks in the Twentieth Century, Kent State University Museum, Kent, OH, July 1991 Stretch Glass, The Jabe Tartar/Paul Smith Glass Collection, Kent State University Museum, Kent, OH, April 30 – January 30, 1989 Selections from the Jabe Tartar/Paul Smith Collection, Kent State University Museum, Kent, OH, 1985 The Kerosene Era – Lamps from the Thuro Collection, Black Creek Pioneer Village, Toronto, Ontario, 1985 JUROR Ninth Capitol Glass Invitational, The Glass Gallery, Bethesda, Maryland, 1992 British Artists in Glass, Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead, England, 1990 World Glass Now ’88 Exhibition, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan, 1988 Panelist, FY 87 Visual Arts Residency Program Panel, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, Baltimore, MD, 1987 Sculptural Glass, Glass Arts Society, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona, 1983 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia – Glass Art Society, Huntington Museum of Art, 1980 PUBLICATIONS Essays in A Spectacular Vision: the George and Susan Proskauer Collection, published 1994, University of Kentucky Art museum, Lexington, Kentucky Editor, The Glass Club Bulletin of the National Early American Glass Club, 1990-1994 Arsenic and Old Lacy Edge Plates, Glass Collector’s Digest, Vol. VIII, (1), June-July 1994 Riverboat Glass: The Layton Collection, Glass Collector’s Digest, Vol. VII, (1), June-July 1993 19th Century Glass of the Ohio Valley, Glass Collector’s Digest, Vol. IV, (1), June-July 1990 Blenko Glass, 1930-1953, co-author, published by Richardson Printing Co., 1987 New American Glass: Focus West Virginia Di Frenzi, Hopper, Jolley, Shapiro, published 1989 Paul Stankard, Ginny Ruffner, published 1988 Adams, Edwards, Nelson, Watkins, published 1987 New American Glass: Focus 2 West Virginia, published 1986 Arber, Carlson, Edwards, Musler, published 1984 Baker, Halem, Huchthausen, Kehlmann, published 1984 Glancy, Jervis/Krasnican, Kuhn, Reed, published 1982 Ben Tre, Lipofsky, Marquis, Trinkley, published 1981 Glass Art Society, 1980, published 1980 Mack, Magdanz, Patti, Peiser, published 1979 Chihuly, Dailey, Happel, Shaffer, published 1978 Exhibition Catalogue, published 1976 Glass Workshop Process, published 1976 Conference Resume, published 1976 Off-hand Glass for Production, published 1976 The Glassblowing Process, published 1976 A Century in Glassmaking in West Virginia, published 1980 ARTICLES PUBLISHED “Tong and Fort Pitt Hear, Pressed Glass Patterns of the 1850’s,” The Glass Club Bulletin of The National Early American Glass Club, Spring/Summer 1992 “John H. Hobbs’ Centennial and Goat’s Head Patterns,” The Glass Club bulletin of The National Early American Glass Club, Summer 1991 “Pilgrim’s New Cameo Glass,” Glass Collector’s Digest, November 1990 “Nineteenth Century Glass of the Ohio Valley,” Glass Collector’s Digest, June/July 1990 “Unrecorded Midwestern Pressed Glass, 1855-1860: Part II,” the Glass Club Bulletin of The National Early American Glass Club, Fall 1989 “Unrecorded Midwestern Pressed Glass, 1855-1860: Part I,” the Glass Club Bulletin of The National Early American Glass Club, Fall 1988 “New American Glass: Focus 2 West Virginia, Neues Glass, New Glass, March 1986 Introductory message for the Glass Now ’86 exhibition catalogue, 1986, Yamaha Corp., Japan “An Important Early Midwestern Cut Glass Bow,” April 1985 and “The Sheaf of Wheat,” July 1985, the Hobstar, the American Cut Glass Association Newsletter “Artists in the Glass Factories,” Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorators, Seminar Proceedings, 1984