November 2, 2014 All Souls` Day


November 2, 2014 All Souls` Day
Saint Patrick Parish
Saint Hedwig Parish
Serving the East Bayfront of Erie since 1837
Daily Mass 8 AM
Saturday Vigil Mass 5 PM
Saturday Vigil Mass 4 PM
Sunday 8 AM & 10:30 AM
Monsignor Henry Kriegel, Pastor
Saint Patrick Parish
130 East Fourth Street
Erie, PA 16507
454-8085 FAX 459-8685
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9AM-Noon,
1 PM - 4PM; Friday 9AM - Noon
Today is the Feast of All Souls. Yesterday we
celebrated the Feast of All Saints. Our first reading is the ever comforting excerpt from the Book
of Wisdom. It is one of my favorite passages in
Scripture, so much so that I don’t even need to
look at the text to proclaim it. Listen carefully to
this reading. It brings incredible comfort to those
who are saying farewell to a loved one and it
should comfort all of us in the knowledge that
those who have gone before us to the grave are
in the hand of God and “no torment shall touch
Our second reading is from the Letter of Paul to
the Romans. We often say “If you do this, I will
love you,” but Paul reminds us that is not God’s
way. In sending the greatest gift of all, his Son
who would die for us, God set no conditions. His
love is given freely; all we need do is accept it.
God did not wait for us to clean up our act of get
it all together before saving us. No, God took the
initiative and completely transformed us. God
reached into our unworthiness and made us worthy. The “hope” of which Paul speaks is assured.
We need not bite our nails or worry. Christ gave
his life for us even when we were still steeped in
sin and wholly unworthy.
Today’s Gospel follows the Bread of Life discourse that comes on the heels of various signs
performed by Jesus such as the multiplication of
the loaves and fishes. The miracles drew crowds
to him, but he chastised them, saying that they
sought him out not for himself but for his miracles. All this led him to assert that he is the
Bread of Life and that those who come to him will
neither hunger nor thirst. Then we continue with
today’s reading declaring that he rejects no one
who comes to him because those who come to
him were sent by the Father. We need to understand the words “anyone who comes to me” as
referring to those who have faith in him. Jesus
Saint Hedwig Parish
521 East Third Street
Erie, PA 16507
454-6232 FAX 454-8096
[email protected]
Office Hours: Wednesday 8AM—3:30PM
then adds that his only agenda is to do God’s will.
In him we see the paradigm of Christian humility
for he, the Divine Son, submits his will entirely to
the will of his Father. Embedded in this text are
three key ideas: (1) a call to faith in Jesus via his
miracles, his teachings; (2) the mystery of the
resurrection which is promised all believers; and
(3) Jesus’ hope filled assertion that God desires
all human beings to come to eternal life.
I hope you like the format of the bulletin. We have
such beautiful churches that we may as well enjoy some of their beauty.
Today is the Feast of All Souls, a moment to particularly remember the deceased. A listing of all
deceased family members, etc. whom you wish
remembered in Masses during November is included in today’s bulletin. These people will be
remembered in every Mass offered at both parishes during the month.
Bishop Persico has directed all pastors, deacons,
school principals, head of Religious Education as
well as representatives from the Parish Council
and the Finance Council to attend a meeting on
the Pastoral Planning Process for the diocese.
The agenda for the meeting will include a detailed
explanation of the process, including its steps and
schedule; clarification of the directions and assumptions for planning; explanation of expectations from parishes and schools; plans for regional listening sessions; conversation around hopes,
fears and issues that need attention; and an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and
give advice to make the process better. Once that
meeting is concluded, I will do everything I can to
try to explain to you what is happening.
All of our parishes are now in the process of compiling detailed information on our membership,
ie., how many members are under the age of 5,
ages 5-14, 15-17, 18-20, 21-34, 35-49, 50-64 and
over the age of 64. We also have to break down
From the Pastor’s Desk continued………
the ethnicity of the parish into White, Black, Hispanic, Vietnamese, Korean, etc. In addition, we
have to give detailed information on staff and
their work; on the parish plant, any property we
own, fundraising and how that is done. All of this
information is going to Meitler Associates in
Hales Corners, Wisconsin, who are assisting the
diocese in this process. Once again, I will try to
keep you appraised as things progress.
Once this initial meeting is over, we should know
a time-table for the process.
We all know that some of this conversation is not
pleasant and will most likely result in the closing
or merger of parishes and schools, but we have
to face the hard facts that our numbers are down
dramatically and the number of priests has fallen
sharply. There are now only 108 of us and 70 of
us are over the age of 60. That sentence alone is
a frightening statistic. We should have bitten the
bullet on these issues 20 years ago, but we failed
to do that.
Remember that if you attend Mass at a parish
other than your own, you can give your envelope
and on Monday it will be mailed to your parish.
Once again, a reminder that, starting today, the
only weekend Mass at St. Hedwig’s is the Saturday evening 4 PM Vigil Mass. There is no Sunday morning Mass. There is an 8 AM and a 10:30
AM Mass each Sunday at St. Patrick’s. Saturday
vigil Masses cannot be celebrated earlier than
4:30 PM, but Bishop Persico has given a temporary indult to St. Hedwig’s Parish to celebrate the
Vigil Mass at 4 PM. The reason being that people
would not go into that neighborhood after dark
during the winter months.
An ironworker nonchalantly walked the narrow
beam fifteen floors above the city sidewalk.
Though strong winds were blowing and a heavy
rain was falling, he exhibited no fear whatever.
When he came down to the sidewalk, a man who
had been watching him from the ground said, “I
was really impressed watching you up there. You
were so calm. How do you do it?” “Well, as a mater of fact,” he replied, “it’s nothing. I used to
drive a school bus until my nerves gave out.”
Saint Hedwig News
Our Sanctuary Lamp burns this week In Loving
Memory of Jeanette Borowy requested by Leo J. &
Teresa M. Brugger.
Our Lady’s Shrine Lamp burns In Loving Memory of
William Hayes requested by Eugene & Laura
St. Joseph Shrine Lamp burns In Loving Memory of
Richard Moskel requested by Janice & family.
Please remember in your prayers those in the hospital, nursing care, the military and the homebound.
Our offertory for last week was $1,251.00. Thank you
and God bless.
We warmly welcome Theodore Tecza to our parish
Masses celebrated at Priest Retirement Home
Frank Olszewski (Frank & Kathleen Olszewski),
Hattie Gleba (Mark & Rosemary Durfee), Jane Filipkowski (Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tripodi), Joseph
Prochowski (D. Dombkowski), John Gorski (Rose
Niedzwiecki), Hedwig Lynch (St. Hedwig Rosary Society), Chet Loncki (Ms. Theresa Sheesley).
Election Day Bake Sale
Sponsored by St. Hedwig Rosary Society
will be held this Tuesday, November 4. We
are asking the ladies and men, who are
able, to donate their special baked goods.
We will also raffle two boxes of bakery items which
are $1 each or 6 for $5. Tickets will be sold this
weekend in the vestibule. The polls will be open from
7am until 8pm.
Kitchen Open - Third Street Polish Falcons
The kitchen will be open on Tuesday, Election Day
from 11am until 5pm serving pierogis, czarnina,
chicken soup and more….
St. Hedwig Ministry Schedule
November 8
4:00 PM
Jim Gorski
Jim Gorski
Ron Helminski
Yvonne & Portia
Pray the
We Remember Them
In the rising of the sun and in its going down, we remember them.
In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of the winter, we remember them.
In the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.
In the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer, we remember them.
In the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn, we remember them.
In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them.
When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them.
When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them.
So long as we live, they, too shall live,
for they are now a part of them, as we remember them.
Rosh Hashanah
From Saint Hedwig’s, we remember…
Genevieve Gorski
Jeanette Borowy
Diane Winiecki
Gerard Winiecki
From Saint Patrick’s, we remember…
Joseph J. Higgins
Janet Pamula
Charles R. Stritzinger
Norma Clement
John Bobango, Jr.
Thomas McDonald
William J. Scully
Donald DeDionisio
John F. Burroughs
James Fessler
Marilyn Wayland
Daniel Bedner
Debra Ann Donnelly
Catherine Quick
Sally Genck
Ron Slayton
Norma Jean Kreidinger
William McShane
Barbara McGill
Dwayne Trautman
Mary Jean Cioccio
Mary Ann Fessler
Richard Holmes
Charles Burger
Barbara Narducci
Irma Lyden
Charles Genck
Robert P. Herzog
All Souls Day Memorials - St. Hedwig’s 2014
Received from… ................................... In Memory Of…
Pam Agostini………………………………… .. John and Helen Mikotowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bargielski .................... Helen Bargielski, Casimir Bargielski, Emil Waida, Clara Waida,
..................................................................... John Bargielski
Mrs. Evelyn Belczyk ..................................... John J. & Gert Balcerzak, John F. & Alois Balcerzak,
..................................................................... Robert A. Belczyk
Ms. Sandra Belczyk ..................................... Robert A. Belczyk, Dorothy Witkowski, Peter Nyari,
..................................................................... Gertrude Balcerzak
Florence Biletnikoff....................................... Gramma Gool, Martha & Tony Yushkiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Blum ................................. Stanley & Helen Kurpiewski , Delores Blum
David Borowy ............................................... Joseph & Mary Borowy, Stanley Kilgoski
Ms. Christine Buszek ................................... Frank, Anna, & Pat Buszek
Mrs. Irene Bukowski ..................................... Edward Bukowski, Deceased Bukowski & Belczyk families
Corrine J. Cassa .......................................... Rita & Thomas Byrne, Tom Byrne, Ed Santos, James Lane
Dolores Dombkowski ................................... Richard Dombkowski, Boleslaw & Stefania Tyczkowski ,
..................................................................... Mary L. & Clarence Zielinski, the Stanley Dombkowski family
Helen Dombrowski ....................................... Alexander & Stefania Dombrowski, John, Josephine, Stella, Alyce,
..................................................................... Pinky, Stanley & Walter Dombrowski, Isabelle & Robert Dombrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Domowicz ...................... The Domowicz Family, The Kimmeth Family, The Lawson Family
Mrs. Helen Dubowski ................................... The Dubowski Family, The Patora Family
Dan & Terri Dyleski ..................................... Stan & Bernice Budney, Walter, Mark & Jeremy Dyleski
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fuller............................. Mr. & Mrs. John Zdunski ,Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fuller, Edwin Klan,
..................................................................... Mr. & Mrs. Edward Klan, David Rychel
Peggy Gausman .......................................... Eugene Cieri, Mary Cieri, Hope Riker, Shawn Wilson
Jim Gorski .................................................... John Gorski, Genevieve Gorski, Tim Kujan, Gorski family,
..................................................................... Mielnik family
Jim & Nancy Griffey ..................................... Earl & Dorothea Mozur Griffey
Nancy & Jim Griffey ..................................... Salvatore & William Reichel Gemelli
Cynthia Gutowski ......................................... John Gutowski, Steven Gutowski, Eleanor Szewczyk
Mrs. Florence Heibel .................................... Pete & Robert Heibel, William & Helen Schmitt
Mr. Leonard Heid ......................................... Loved ones
Roland & Jeanne Henderson ....................... Sophie & Joseph Kowalewski, Howard & Annabel Henderson,
..................................................................... The Szewczyk Family, The Kowalewski Family, Joyce Joint,
..................................................................... Theresa Shreve, Jennie Pazdziesz
Joe & Angie Hoderny ................................... John (Skinny) Skrzyp, Katherine & Norbert Bargielski,
..................................................................... Helen & Ignatius Hoderny
Mrs. Catherine Jankowski ............................ Alfred Jankowski, Ignacy & Bernice Szymula, Clara Czernek,
..................................................................... Walter & Julia Jankowski, Ceal Knickerbocker, Edward Szymula
Daniel & Diane Jarzomski ............................ Deceased members of The Jarzomski family, The Rock family
Barbara Juchno ............................................ Amanda & The Juchno Family, The Kantorowski Family,
..................................................................... The Showers Family, Anna Simanowski
Theresa Juchno ........................................... Chester Juchno, Amanda Juchno, the Juchno Family,
..................................................................... The Kantorowski Family,
Dr. John C. Kalata ........................................ M. Mercedes Kalata (wife)
Mrs. Helen Klan ........................................... Helen Rychel, Margaret Klan, David Rychel, John and Jean Zdunski
Mrs. Nellie Kozlowski ................................... Victoria Kalata, John Kalata Sr, Agnes Therese Kalata,
..................................................................... Walter Kalata
Mrs. Verna Krineski ...................................... Joe Krineski
Krysiak family ............................................... Thomas Krysiak
Katie Kurpiewski.......................................... Carol Kurpiewski, Helen Kurpiewski, Stanley Kurpiewski
Tom Kurpiewski & family .............................. Carol Kurpiewski, Stanley & Helen Kurpiewski,
..................................................................... Albert & Mary Skibicki
Lipinski family............................................... Stanley S. Lipinski
All Souls Day Memorials St. Hedwig’s 2014
Received From ................................................... In Memory Of……
Mrs. Regina Loncki ...................................... Chester Loncki, The Loncki family, The Mielnik family
Charlotte Mabie ........................................... Mickey Mabie, Rome & Anna Mabie, Norm Mabie, Chuck Mabie,
.................................................................... Elizabeth Foley, Maurice Foley, Charles & Charlene Foley
Chris & Mary Ellen Magoc............................ Stephen Joseph Magoc
Dorothy Mielnik ............................................ The Mielnik family
Irene Mielnik ................................................ Ted Mielnik, The Wieczorek family, The Mielnik family,
.................................................................... Josephine Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mielnik ........................... Mielnik families, Bal families, Pawlak families, Menosky families
Don Moehler ................................................ John Moehler, Martha Moehler, Chester Moehler, Russell Moehler
Janice Moskel .............................................. Husband, Richard Moskel, Stanley & Elinor Kwiatkowski,
.................................................................... Metro & Anna Moskel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Niedzwiecki ........................ Niedzwiecki and Szymanski families
Rose Niedzwiecki......................................... Robert Niedzwiecki, Robert Thomas Niedzwiecki,
.................................................................... The Stawniak family, The McShane family
Mrs. Charlotte Niewolak ............................... The Prochowski family, the Niewolak family
Edward Nowosielski ..................................... Theresa Nowosielski, David Nowosielski, Jeffrey Nowosielski,
Lou Ann Nowosielski.................................... Daniel Nowosielski, Jeffrey Nowosielski, Mary & Adam Nowosielski,
.................................................................... Edward & Mary Miller, Mary & John Fuller, Mary T. & Ed Miller,
.................................................................... Kraus Families, Mary Ciecierski
Ray and Gemma Nowosielski ...................... Norberto Jagorin, Daniel Nowosielski, Jeffrey Nowosielski
Wife Pauline Osmer ..................................... Robert “Bob” Osmer
Daughter Pauline Osmer.............................. Emily & Paul Malinowski
Pauline Osmer ............................................. Jim Bonty, Kathy Dougherty
Theresa Paluh ............................................. Victoria & Walter Bubrzyk, Sylvia & Mike Bubrzyk
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pentz ................................. Miedy & Rose Plizga, Bernard & Teofila Donikowski,
.................................................................... Samuel Donikowski
Harriet Purzycki ........................................... Grandparents (Purzycki & Radomski), Mike Purzycki,
.................................................................... Felicia Purzycki, Bro. Ramon Purzycki C.S.C., Stanley Purzycki,
.................................................................... Peter Purzycki, Robert Purzycki, Raymond Purzycki
Pamela McCormick & Russ Robison............ Our loving father, Robbie Robison
Roderic Showers ......................................... Bonnie Showers Clulow, H. Irene Showers, Ryan Showers,
.................................................................... Amanda Juchno
Dino & Emily Sorbara................................... Deceased loved ones
Mrs. Genevieve Sulecki ............................... Richard Sulecki, Regina & Leo Lipinski Kormanic, The Bolla family,
.................................................................... The Sulecki family
Mrs. Irene Szymanski .................................. The Wanat family
Ken & Cindy Tome ....................................... Ken & Angie Tome
The Torbic family ......................................... Bernard & Jane Kutz, Adam & Mary Nowosielski, Frank Chesny,
.................................................................... George & Mary Torbic
Delphine M. Trambley .................................. Mr. & Mrs. E. Respecki, “Red” Respecki, G. Crynock, C. Trambley,
.................................................................... Fr. J. Barr
Al Wedzik ..................................................... Deceased loved ones
Pat Wernicki................................................. Joseph, Sophie, Peter & Paul Wernicki
Mrs. Rose Wesolowski ................................. Shelly Hinkle & deceased family
Mr. & Mrs. David Widomski .......................... Ted & Jean Widomski, Vittorio & Maria Snidarich, Julia Anysz,
.................................................................... Barbara Laneve, Jeff Nowosielski
Helen Zielinski ............................................. Peter Zielinski, Peter & Frances Michalski, Edward, Joseph, Frank,
.................................................................... Benny, John, Stanley, Mary Michalski, Peter & Josephine Zielinski,
.................................................................... The Zielinski family
Thomas & Sharon Zielinski .......................... Peter J. Zielinski, Raymond E. Ruffley Sr., Rose M. Ruffley,
.................................................................... Raymond E. Ruffley Jr.
Saint Patrick News
Offertory Collection
Online Giving
Total Income
$ 7,068.00
$ 7,935.00
Thank you for your generosity!
We continue to thank those who make special donations to our parish and we pray for those people in
whose honor the donations were made:
The Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of James L.
McCarthy from wife, Mary.
The Food Pantry Truck is sponsored this week in
memory of Deceased Family Members from Kathy
Donations to the Food Pantry:
In memory of Dr.Lawrence Brockmyer from Dr. &
Mrs. Forrest Mischler.
In memory of Emilio Guida from Elisa Guida.
In memory of Alfred Sokolowski from Frances
Also donations from Kathleen Horan, Jane & Leo
Fitzgibbon, Judy & Phillip Kelly, Maggie McMahon
Collins and Cynthia & John Purvis.
Ministry Schedule
Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 5:00 pm
Lector: Jay Habas
Eucharistic Ministers:
HOST: Ray Fiorelli, Chris Sanner, Lynne Long
CUP: Patty Dailey, Yvonne Gersims
Greeters: Tom & Linda Brunner
Altar Servers: Addie Owen Babinsack
Ushers: Chris Lampe, Rob Oligeri, Phil Rewers
Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 10:30 am
Lector: Ed Smith
Eucharistic Ministers:
HOST: Colleen Welch, Patty Jackson, Tim Scully
CUP: Mary Kearney, Michele Wheaton
Greeters: Marlene Golab, Mary Alice Hartwell
Altar Servers: Ryan Jubulis
Ushers: Dave Taccone, Tom Welch,
Jim Wehan, Paul Baczun
Offertory Counters: Michele Wheaton, Tim Torrey,
Susan Merski, Mary Frick
Let us Welcome
Bennett David Pennock son of
Eric and Stephanie (English) Pennock
Patrick William Smerker and
Daniel Harris Smerker sons of
Randall & Christine (English) Smerker
Gianna Estelle Rotella daughter of
Brian & Kathryn (Stiles) Rotella
who will be baptized after 10:30 Mass on
Sunday, November 2, 2014
MINISTER SCHEDULES for November have
been mailed and/or emailed . There are extra
copies in the Trinity Gift Shop. Hard to believe
but we will be starting the schedule for December
and for Christmas. Please let us know your
availability for the month and in particular, for
Christmas. Thank you for your ministry!
Alone during the Holidays? Not everyone looks forward to the upcoming holiday season. If you are widowed, divorced or separated, and find it difficult adjusting to single life, you are cordially invited to attend
a special event, “Coping With Life Alone during the
Holidays”, hosted by Catholic Charities’ Transitions
Ministry. Please join us on Sunday, November 23rd
at St. Mark Catholic Center, 429 East Grandview
Blvd. in Erie from 2pm – 4pm. A brief program, discussion and short prayer service will be offered, followed by light refreshments. Please RSVP by Thursday November 20th by calling (814) 824-1265, or by
email at: [email protected] . There is no cost
for this program; a goodwill offering will be accepted.
Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments
Online Safety Tips for Parents & Kids: CyberTipline
Fights Internet Crimes against Children - The National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other government
agencies all work together to fight Internet crimes
against children. They’ve established a
“CyberTipline,” a reporting mechanism for cases of
child sexual exploitation including child pornography,
online enticement of children for sex acts, child victims of prostitution, and unsolicited obscene material
sent to a child. Reports may be made 24 hours a day,
seven days a week - online at
or by calling (800) 843-5678. To see what the Diocese of Erie is doing to help create safe environments, check out
All Souls Day Memorials – St. Patrick’s 2014
Received from…
In Memory Of…
Angela Abbato ................................................................ John J. Abbato, Dom & Army Raymond, Alice Libertore,
........................................................................................ Anne & Pete Bechtos, Maria & John Abbato, Joe Corsale
Isabelle Abbato ............................................................... Emelio & Angeline Abbato, Mary Sciarrilli, Rose & Nell Cimino,
........................................................................................ Patsy & Isabelle Raymond, Anne, Frank, Judy & Patricia Zemanek,
........................................................................................ Lottie & Frank Stumpo, Marsha, Dick, Shawn & Ted Wilson
Patty Abbato ................................................................... Louis P. Abbato, Mary & John Ferl, Randy Ferl,
........................................................................................ Joe & Evelyn Raymond, Connie & Joe Kopcznski
Stella Abbato................................................................... Bertha & Vincent Orelski, Jennie & Jack Pelkowski,
........................................................................................ Josephine & Angelo Lapaglia, Joe & Irene Orelski,
........................................................................................ Leo & Emma Orelski, James Orelski
Kathleen Agresti Brown & Charles D. Agresti ............... Atty. Joseph & Rita Agresti, Robert D. Agresti
Eric & Lisa Albright ....................................................... Norman & Dorothy Albright, Ruth Cassandra
Judy Alstadt .................................................................... Donald M. Alstadt, Helen, Kenneth, Julia Carlovy, Ellen & Sylvester Carlow II,
........................................................................................ Laura & Charles Bohen, Jeanne & Reinhold Alstadt, Anne McCluskey
Jane & Mike Angelotti .................................................... The Lashinger & Angelotti Families
Mary Lynn Angelotti ....................................................... Edward Angelotti, Katheryn Angelotti, Ronald Angelotti, Richard Eccher,
........................................................................................ John Batkiewicz
Chuck & Carole Arnold .................................................. Helen Arnold, Lee & Mary Goss
Mary Anne Ashworth ...................................................... Ashworth & Wilkinson Families
Eileen & Paul Balczun .................................................... Anna & Ricky Collins, Helen & Edward Balczun, Rosemary Balczun,
........................................................................................ James Hayes Sr., James Hayes Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Becker ................................................. Frank & Creszensia Becker, Harold Freed, Grace Hoyt, Isivan Sander
Mark & Monica Bloomstine ........................................... Jack Dillon, Nick Caccavo
Bob & Diane Boeh .......................................................... Albert J. Boeh, Isabel Boeh, Robert F. Dudenhofer
Brunner Family............................................................... Bud & Marilyn Wayland, Gil & Helen Brunner
Daughter, Karen ............................................................. Chester Bukowski
Peter & Patti Callan ....................................................... Howard & Ruth Callan, Virginia Adams
Tom Capozziello ............................................................. Joseph Magliocco, John Trocki
Ryan Carey & Maureen Barber-Carey........................... Barber & Pfadt Families, JoAnne Barber McCormick,
........................................................................................ Diane & Gerry Winecki
Carney Family ................................................................ William J. and Jane Ward Carney
William J. Carney ........................................................... William J. & Jane M. Ward Carney, James J. & Margaret Sheehan Ward,
........................................................................................ William J. & Lillian Carney McDonald, Dr. Bertha M. Weber
Carol Cicero ................................................................... Raymond, Pearl & Jimmy Cicero
Julie Cicero..................................................................... Joseph J. Cicero, Joseph & Anna Cicero, John & Mary Custer,
........................................................................................ Robert Custer
Dario & Donna Cipriani ................................................ Alfred J. Sokolowski
Laura Chandley .............................................................. Patrick Chandley
Hubert Cioccio ............................................................... Mary Jean Cioccio
Kevin & Margaret Cohick .............................................. Margaret DeBias, John F. DeBias
Rodger & Jeannie Confer ............................................... Kenneth Confer, John & Bess Bujnowski, Ray Szymanski
Nancy Crunk ................................................................... Gaylord Karle, Grace Karle, Albert Crunk
Donna & Michael Cummings ......................................... Donald J. Andrews, John & Kathleen Cummings
Mary Ellen Demyanovich ............................................... Dr. & Mrs. Donald Williams, Billy Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Diefenbach ......................................... Mrs. Kathryn Diefenbach, Mrs. Iona Laird, Gervase Rigard,
........................................................................................ Thomas Diefenbach
Jean Driscoll................................................................... Mary Driscoll, Elizabeth Murray, Betty Frank, Ruth Cooney,
........................................................................................ James Driscoll
Mary Duncan .................................................................. Mary L. Duncan, James G. Duncan, Peter Linwood
Tom & Sue Elliott ........................................................... Vernon & Alice Elliott, Charles & Virginia Hiegel
Judy Emling .................................................................... Emling & Flanagan Families
Richard E. Filippi Family ............................................... Ines Filippi, Art & Ann Hinchberger
Leo & Jane Fitzgibbon ................................................... Nancy Gallagher, Robert Adamczyk, James Fitzgibbon, William Lacy,
........................................................................................ Paul Dursi, Lucille Peterson, Clarence Peterson
Paul Francis ................................................................... Parents, Paul & Monica Francis, grandparents John & Jannett Duckett
Fred & Theresa Gabler .................................................. Clyde & Alice Garity, Fred & Dorothy Gabler, Sarah Miniaci, Gina Garity
All Souls Day Memorials St. Patrick’s 2014
Received From ............................................................... In Memory Of….
Betty Gama ..................................................................... Mr. & Mrs. Walter Weber, Virginia & Audrey Weber, Gertrude Recker
........................................................................................ Shirley & Walter Jr. Weber, Marcie Fabin, Andrew Gama
Tom Golab ...................................................................... Golab Family & Mr. & Mrs. S. Arasimowicz
JoElla & Larry Gorgacz ................................................. Stanley & Madeline Gorgacz, Tom & Rose Casey,
........................................................................................ Dom & Francesca D’Andrea, Mike & Connie Tonkowicz
Tim & Karen Grode ........................................................ Jean Grode, Theresa Chulick, Laura Corsi
Carol & Jay Habas ......................................................... Bill Whipple, Sr., Bill Whipple, Jr., Mary Whipple
John R. Hartigan & Family ............................................ Bev Hartigan
Donna Haskins................................................................ Alan J. Haskins
Jim & Aimee Herdzik & Family ...................................... Ron Costello, Roger Scolio, Josephine Herdzik, Chet Herdzik
Bob Herzog & Betsy Frank ............................................. Robert P. Herzog, Marjorie A. Herzog, Betty Flanagan
Bob & Maggie Herzog .................................................... Jeff Rouch
Bob S. Herzog ................................................................. Jim Flanagan, Jack Flanagan, William Flanagan
Dave & Joni Heubel........................................................ Tom & Mildred Heubel, Edward Heubel
Dolly Higgins .................................................................. Joseph C. Higgins, Joseph J. Higgins, Margaret M. Higgins
Tom & Sheila Higgins ..................................................... Joseph D. Sullivan, Jane R. Sullivan, Joseph C. Higgins,
........................................................................................ Joseph J. Higgins, Richard Higgins, Margaret Higgins
Janet Holmes & Children ............................................... Richard Holmes
Joanne Homicz ................................................................ Ronald Homicz, Beulah Foley Buchner
Bill & Patty Jackson ....................................................... Lois Dahlkemper, Deborah A. Dahlkemper, Rita B. & John C. Jackson,
........................................................................................ John Jackson, Eddie & Clara M. Hanlin, Joseph S. & Fern Dahlkemper
Christina Katen ............................................................... Carmela Pauek, Lucille Overstreet, George Gritzer
Philip Katen .................................................................... Allen Katen, Rita Katen, Lola Katen
Kearney Family............................................................... Hugh Kearney, Patricia Trapp
Ken & Theresa Kierzek ................................................... Darrell Kierzek (55) - passed away July 14, 2014
Cathy & Pat Kloecker ..................................................... Mr. & Mrs. Francis V. Kloecker Sr., Francis Kloecker Jr.,
........................................................................................ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diefenbach, William Diefenbach, Mrs. Agnes Riley,
........................................................................................ Mr. & Mrs. Lisle Britten, Mr. Jack McAndrew, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Selke
........................................................................................ James Patrick Kloecker Jr.
Ann Kolodziejczak........................................................... Max & Tessie Kolodziejczak, Antonio & Mary Kolodziejczak,
........................................................................................ Mitchell, Max & Anthony Kolodziejczak,
........................................................................................ John & Marcella Majczyk, Richard & Marsha Wilson,
........................................................................................ Ted & Shawn Wilson, Ralph & Carolyn Maloney, Ed & Shirley Polaski,
........................................................................................ Deceased Relatives of Kolodziejczak & Majczyk Families
Alyssa Kozik .................................................................... Joseph Kozik Sr., Wayne Gruber
Barb & BJ Lechner ......................................................... Deceased Members of the Rodeno & Lechner Families
David & Lynn Little ........................................................ Frank W. Slurkanich, John (Jack) R. Little, “Uncle Tony” Leone,
........................................................................................ Rosemary McCloskey
Lynne Long ..................................................................... Vincent, Mary, Richard Wegner, Wegner Family, Griswold Family,
........................................................................................ Pankratz Family, Zink & Voreck Families, Sr. M. Theophilus
Mary Lee & Dan Lynch .................................................. Patrick, Timothy & Michael Lynch, Jack & Rita McGraw,
........................................................................................ Roy & Julia Lynch, Luke McGraw
Kathleen MacMurdy ....................................................... the George MacMurdy Family & the William Van Wert Family
Mannino Family .............................................................. the McCarthy & Finucane Families, M. Joseph & Kathleen O’Connor,
........................................................................................ Dwayne & Karen Trautman, John P. Mannino
Wm & Kathy Masek & Family ........................................ Edw A Masek Sr., Elizabeth Sonntag, Wm & Helen Shade
........................................................................................ Jos & Anna Masek, Phil Sonntag, Wm & Mary Sonntag,
........................................................................................ James & Marie McNulty, Louise McNulty
Kathy McCabe ................................................................ sister, Mary Ann Gooley, sister, Patricia Wells, Mom & Dad
Mary McCarthy............................................................... James McCarthy, Dr. Angelina Fabrizi
Bert & Graig McCune .................................................... Doris Mullin, Betty Demmer, John & Winnie McCune, Joe Mullin,
........................................................................................ Ed Betker, Mary Ann McCormick, Joe McClellan, Barb McCormick
Ron & Patty Merski ........................................................ Theresa Merski, Anthony Merski, Richard Reichel, Gertrude Kraus,
........................................................................................ Norbert Kraus, David Hallman, Lisa Gallagher
Messina Family ............................................................... Mary J. Messina, Joseph Messina, Cecilia Messina, Irene Kolanowski,
........................................................................................ Bernard Kolanowski, Paul A. Messina, Paolo Messina,
........................................................................................ Josephine Messina, John Turano, Louise Turano
Diane Morosky & Family ............................................... Robert Hannon Schultz, Mark Alan Benzel, Margaret Jane Connolly,
........................................................................................ Sr. Kathryn Connolly, Dorothy Connolly
John & Irene Nemergut .................................................. Edith Winiarczyk, Edward Winiarczyk, Mary Nemergut, Steve Nemergut,
........................................................................................ Mary Ann Dodick, Frank Dodick, Barbara Winiarczyk
All Souls Day Memorials St. Patrick’s 2014
page 3
Received From ............................................................... In Memory Of….
Mike & Lynn Nies ........................................................... Trish Hardner, Anthony, Jeffrey, & Therese Nies
Barrie Jones Nolan ......................................................... Betty Jones, Barbara Jones Poulx
Don & Maryann Nucerino .............................................. Grace-Marie Reiser, John Reiser, Rose Nucerino, Lucian Nucerino
Jeff O’Hara, Marie O’Hara Spak Colver and
Sheila O’Hara Kennerknecht .......................................... John & Cora O’Hara, Joseph Spak, Kevin O’Hara
Greg & Nancy Orlando Family ...................................... Geraldine Ciacchini, Dr. Quentin R. Orlando
Kathleen B. Pae .............................................................. Brindlinger Family, Blackburn Family, Shandorf Family,
........................................................................................ Mary & Matt Blackburn
Ryan & Sarah Palm ........................................................ Richard F. Mogel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pastore ............................................
Tom & Laurene Peterman .............................................. Dorothy Peterman, Gerald Peterman, Geraldine Gorske Peterman,
........................................................................................ Donald Peterman, Ronald Peterman, Stephen Chuzie
Tom & Pat Pianta ........................................................... William, Rita, & Connie Lasko, Louis, Irene & Annie Pianta
Maureen O’Connor-Plunkett .......................................... Thomas M. Plunkett, James O’Connor, the Cauley Fathers,
........................................................................................ The Crowley Family, John & Dorothy Garvey
Gene & Kathy Polaski .................................................... Ed & Helen Wright, Lawrence & Josephine Polaski
Randy & Cyndi Pristello ................................................. Jim & Eleanor Boris, Fred & Carmella Pristello,
........................................................................................ Deceased Relatives & Friends
Dennis & Mary Ranalli ................................................... Daniel Ranalli, Raymond & Olga Chartier
Audrey Reigel .................................................................. Arthur & Dorothy Casey, Audrey Casey, Roberta Maher
Mrs. Dorothy Rennie ....................................................... William J. Rennie, Deceased Members of the Rennie & Shoff Families
Mike & Paula Reske........................................................ Paul & Rose Kulich
Theresa Rotunda, Kevin & Mary Cuneo ......................... Victor Rotunda, John & Frances Aloiz, Fred & Lois Aloiz,
........................................................................................ Joseph & Jenny Rotunda, Gene & Patricia Cuneo
Mary Pat Schlaudecker ................................................... Sylvester & Sara Carlow, Clifford & Margaret Zilch
Tom & Aleli Schneider .................................................... Jim West, Bonita West, Joe Schneider, Luella Schneider
Neil & Susan Shea .......................................................... Theodora Shea, William Shea, Catherine Lacombe, Hermine Swienski,
........................................................................................ Edward Swienski, Russell Swienski
Meghan & Samantha Smith and
Timothy & Marianne Stevenson ...................................... Gertrude Munch, Frederick F. Munch, Craig R. Munch
Frances Jean Sokolowski ................................................ Alfred Sokolowski, Frances & John Black, Laura & John Sokolowski
........................................................................................ Mary Ann Morton
Ken & Kathy Stablein ..................................................... Bill Stablein, Baby J. Stablein
Dorothy Stadmiller ......................................................... All deceased members of the Stadmiller & Wojtasik Families
Marge Stewart................................................................. Clyde & Elenora Casey
Mark & Susan Sullivan ................................................... Raymond Sullivan, Jack & Pat Wilson, Steven Moretti
Gloria Szymanowski ....................................................... daughter, Debra Szymanowski, husband, Edward Szymanowski,
........................................................................................ Parents Vincent & Delphine Arduini, sister, Norene Miller,
........................................................................................ Grandparents, Sebastiano Corritore, Rosina Corrotore,
........................................................................................ Palmina Corritore, cousin, Dennis Bruno, uncle, Joseph Bruno
Patricia Tellers ............................................................... Helen Smolinsky, Anthony Smolinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tobin ....................................................
Timothy Torrey ............................................................... Mary Katherine Torrey, Rodney James Torrey, Sheehan Family
Mike Vehec ...................................................................... Frances (Patti) Vehec
Bobbie & Rob Vitron ...................................................... Marjorie & Robert Wenstran, Cecelia & Joseph Vitron,
Carol & Frank Vona ....................................................... Mary & Dominick Vona, Frank & Santa Vona
Dave & Kathy Wagner .................................................... Sally Wagner, Peter Reinhardt, David Reinhardt, Gary Watts
Mary G. Walker .............................................................. Thomas Andrew Walker
Jim & Kathleen Wehan ................................................... Richard & Anna Collins, Edward & Doris Wehan, Jimmy Hayes
Bill & Cindy Welsh ......................................................... Toni & Bill Welsh, Sr., Mary Ann Welsh, Teddy Weiss, Ginny Eisenberg
Robert & Patricia Wheeler ............................................. James F. Wheeler, Mary Ann Wheeler Hickock,
........................................................................................ Paul & Norma Causgrove, Kathleen Schupp, Joseph & Sandy O’Hara
Peter & Mary Wier ......................................................... Frank, Kathryn & Nina Messina, Joseph & Rose Wier
Nancy Yochim ................................................................. MK Wright, Lu Yochim, Rein Yochim, Tom Yochim
Phyllis Zack..................................................................... John & Barb Jacquel, Cathie Quick, Ed Pacey, Msgr. John Lucas
NOVEMBER 2, 2014
Nov. 1 Saturday, Vigil: All Saints Day
Nov. 2 The Commemoration of All the Faithfully
Departed (All Souls’ Day)
Nov. 3 Monday, Weekday
Nov. 4 Tuesday, Saint Charles Borromeo. Bishop
Nov. 5 Wednesday, Weekday
Nov. 6 Thursday, Weekday
Nov. 7 Friday, Weekday
Nov. 8 Saturday, Vigil:
Nov. 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
CHURCH WOMEN UNITED will celebrate World
Community Day with a prayer service on Sunday, November 2 in St. Patrick’s Church. For more information call
Gail Smith at 833-9484.
St.H=St. Hedwig, St.P=St. Patrick, HR=Holy Rosary
CP=Chapel,, PF=Polish Falcons
PR=Pascal Room, R=Rectory, CV=Convent
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Confessions - St.H
Confessions - St.P
Food Pantry - PR
A.A. - PR
Confessions - St.H
Confessions - St.P
Rel. Ed Kdg.- Gr 6 - Holy Rosary
Rel. Ed. Jr./Sr. High - Holy Rosary
Confirmation Session - Holy Rosary
A Moment of Reflection
Reading I: Wisdom 3: 1-9
Gospel: John 6: 37-40
Being connected with all departed souls is something the earliest believers celebrated as they honored
martyrs. What is clear in today’s Scriptures, is that God
loves us and desires us to be with him through eternity.
Let us pray for departed souls. Let us ask them to pray for
us. What special way do you have to remember your beloved dead?
Please call Mary Alice Hartwell at
454-5908 to have your prayer intentions
placed on our joint parish prayer wheel.
Please be assured that your prayer requests will be treated with respect and
Saint Hedwig
Saint Patrick
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