Friday April 22 Saturday April 23
Friday April 22 Saturday April 23
Friday April 22 8am - 3pm & Saturday April 23 8am - 3pm GS HE TL SG EX AN FR HH XD DESCRIPTION KEY = Guy Stuff = Hunting Equipment = Tools = Sporting Goods = Exercise Equipment = Antiques = Furniture = Household Items = Christmas Décor CR PR TY BI BB TC GC BC AC MU = = = = = = = = = = Craft Supplies Perennial Plants Toys Baby Items Baby Clothes Toddler Clothes Girls Clothes Boys Clothes Adult Clothes Multi Family PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING ON GRASS OR LAWNS SHADY LN TS AER T # ¬ ¬ ! DAFFODIL DR PEONIES DR # ¬ ¬ ! FIEL D DR N D ER I DG SR EN WY EL N T TR U GR LM HO N EC LN -A IR TS I GH T CR L LA AR ER YS CT FO X T RL YS EA WA Y # AD RO SB R ND YC T ¬ « ET GLO RY MA RD 41 § ¨ ¦ GLO RO RQ RY NI S UI S I EW BAE RI VE DW OA BR X WA Y AD RO SB R CI AY TEN FO RO SB D SR ES CC DA VA HL AN RD AS TEN S AD WA Y IN D WY EN GR LM KV BAE RD RD WY WY O EN B U RD HO EN GR LM HO RA ST RD PAR CO US TR RY ST CRE EK GLO ON RK BEN ID WY NE WY RD SO N N RI T LN SPI EL EL MA RD WY RY WA U S ONE IDA ST ST LL IE D ST A IED ALL I EW UB WA DA D ER D ER D LN I DG SR RC I DG ER D SR I DG D ER TE KV LN ASHW A ER OC US DR AS SR D ER AV ASH I DG GLO LAB PAR BE I DG ST DR SR AI N # ¬ ¬ ! CR SAND ACRES DR LOS T ON WA U RD I DG WM SPRING GRANT ST BEN # D SR CT RY MM CT # # VER § ¨ ¦ # SR LN ITY MM CO RA OD IT Y LN DO N YL MA GRANT ST NT WA U CO AV S DR R CO AC R E OD RA WR GLO SAN D AN D SI L VE LN FER N AI N # NO CT KEN BER # # BLU EJAY LN # # OD DR D AN RL KE PA C WM # T OTT OC # MA SHORT RD CI AI N WM LAYDEN DR AV IE L # # # ASH DR # # # K AIN # ¬ « D WM HI P # # NO TIM BE # # RS # 3,000 Feet # CO RL N # # TN E # # # # # PAR # # # # # # # # # # # # # HE D # # # # BEL # # # R LN # # EN R # RD # # # H AN S # # RY EL RL E MA # # # # # # GLO # CANTE D KR OC BC BA # # # # # # # # # # # ¬ « # # # # # # # # # # # RT HR # # O RR WY AM LS AD SH # # # # # # # # # # # AD # # # # # SH YL N R L AN # # µ KW # NORTH RD # ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ! OO # # # # # § ¨ ¦ # # # # # YL N RN DO D DR # D PACK E # BA DR RD IN T PO UT H SO ¬ « # # # # # HR RT H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 village rummage sale.mxd # # ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ! # # D NO Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] BR OO ¬ DD ¬ ! R ME SA ¬ D ¬ ¬ R 41 ! ¬ BR ¬ 0 1,000 2,000 ! ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ OO ¬ ! ! CA KW MO ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NT OO ! ! ME RR ¬ ¬ ¬ E ¬ ! S DD R ! IS A ¬ LED BU ¬ AV DR ! R R VI N ¬ YR ¬ ME ! AS ¬ D ¬ SA ! T DR ¬ ¬ ¬ VIEW LN ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ! ! ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ SH ! ¬ E ¬ ¬ ¬ RW !! VI E ! ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ OO WL ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ¬ ! NO DD BR ¬ N ! ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ UC R ¬ ¬ ! RT ! PA ! EL H RK ¬ N ¬ ! ¬ VI E RD ¬ R ID ! ¬ ¬ ! WL MY GE RTL NV ¬ ¬ ¬ DR ¬ ! DA ¬ ! EL ¬ I EW ¬ EC ¬ ¬ ¬ ! I ! ! S N H YL LN OL ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ! N ! N ¬ BO ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ RVA PO ¬ MIK !! ¬ ¬ ¬ RT ¬ EM NS ¬ ! ¬ ¬! ¬! ¬ ST ¬ MO ! T ! ¬ CC ¬ CO ! RR ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ AR ¬ ¬ ! RM ¬ ! ¬ IS ¬ ! ¬ TH ! BO ! AV IE R ¬ ¬ YW M ! NO RVA ¬ ¬ ¬ M A ¬ ¬ ¬ RD ¬ ! ! RV OR ! ¬ RTH Y ! NS E R ¬ ¬ LL E ¬ IS A ¬ T RD ! ! ¬ ¬ V LN ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ BO ! ¬ ! ! RVA ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ! M NA MO ¬ M ¬ ¬ ¬! ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ V RR ¬ ! ¬ ! ! C O AN O R AN C E ¬ ! ! IS A MO LL RM ¬ ¬ PL LIDA ¬ ¬ V N ! ! HI C IE ¬ ¬ ¬ L ¬ R ! CA N ! ¬ AN RD ¬ ! RO CT ¬ LE ¬ ¬ ¬ CAL AW ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ! ¬ ! LN ¬ CO ! AY DR ! BAY WIL MM W PA ¬ ¬ ¬ L AN ¬ ! AN ! LA R UL S ¬ 172 ¬ ¬ D CH DC ¬ ON R ! VAN ! D R ! ¬ A ¬ P L E D E T D ILY R AV ¬ AC H RO ¬ ! WIL I DG DR EA SSU AN LA R V SR CO MA ¬ OR DE ¬ ! DD MM CH V R SO R AN ID L ¬ ¬ ND ! CH ¬ NO ¬ WIL ! A R E P R A L A ¬ A V CH AR ¬ CH ¬ AN D ¬ ! PO ! ID L D VO ¬ E ¬ ¬ ¬ ND DR ER ! ! ¬ ND N ¬ ERO AV SO ! AL E ND ¬ ¬ SA ! DR WIL ¬ R AV ¬ ¬ ! ¬! ¬ LA R ¬ RUS ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ! D ¬ T IC P ! ¬ DR BO ILG ¬ WY ! SA R ¬ R IM ¬ ! ¬ AV ¬ W ! Y PI L N T GR C A H U C M D IM R E ¬ ¬ WY ¬ ¬ ! ! HIAWATHA CI E PILGR IM WY 172 KEN D ¬ POLO RUN TE ¬ HA ! R ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NS ! ¬ ! ! P EN ILG MA CI R R IM RI N ¬ RD CL E ¬ PLY ! AL WY HA MR DR N NS ¬ OC ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ! EN KT RD E? ¬ ! ¬ ¬ ¬ V ! AN ¬ ¬ DE ! RP ¬ FINCH LN HA ¬ ! ER GLO CI R NS RE ¬ ¬ EN CL E BE PH NW GR R AV 172 ¬ ! ¬ OE ¬ ¬ DR ! Y ! IFF N I X D H AN IT H S EN WY SL DOVE R N LN RD ¬ ¬ ! WAUBE LN WAUBE LN CI R 41 H AN CL E S EN ¬ ¬ ! DR RD ¬ ¬ ¬ ! ¬ ! WA UB EL ¬ PAR ¬ T ! N KV AS IE 172 Sale Site Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8 CT HILLTO P DR RT HR LEY L NO ASH KP -2016146 SALE SITES R PA # ¬ ¬ ! Ashwaubenon VILLAGE-WIDE RUMMAGE SALE - April 22 & 23, 2016 - 2250 Crary St - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,BC 3 Family Moving Sale! DESCRIPTION KEY EX = Exercise Equipment CR = Guy Stuff AN = Antiques PR = Hunting Equipment FR = Furniture TY = Tools HH = Household Items BI = Sporting Goods XD = Christmas Décor BB - PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING Y ST 4 S AS HL 5 « ¬ 3 ¬ « D U T TO N AV ST RL Y EA AY T AG E F RO N Fort Howard Park S B R AN D LET TE Y ST COL RD AY DW OA ST TER « ¬ ¬ « 8 Park BR 7 « ¬ 9 S MAG N OL « ¬ CEN IA L N 6 CO RM I ER AV C O L L E T T E AV CRA R D AV S AS H LAN M O R R I S AV VA N R O S SU M AV S AS HL RD TC = Toddler Clothes GC = Girls Clothes BC = Boys Clothes AC = Adult Clothes MU = Multi Family LAWNS - BOSA R AV ST CO RM I ER - Fri & Sat OAK LA W N AV RD L I DA L N 2 « ¬ AN D ) " AV = Craft Supplies = Perennial Plants = Toys = Baby Items = Baby Clothes ON GRASS OR « ¬ CRA R AV Park MO RR IS 2245 S Broadway AN,FR,TY,CR,XD C O T TA G E G R O V E A V B O RVA N AV B O R VA N S T 1 9. µ GS HE TL SG 2249 S Broadway - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,TLHE,SG, Antique travel trunk,clawfoot tub,2004 Wide Glide Harley Davidson. Harley parts,tractor turf tires,pickup truck parts. DW Please match point number with the listing on the map 8. CENTER ST SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# SAT. ONLY " )# 6. 2118 Crary St - Fri & Sat HH,TY,XD,BI,AC,BB,TC,BC Kids clothes 3 months-3 years, toddler toys,mens clothes,womens clothes S-L, womens shoes 7-9 2279 Magnolia Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY Cleaning out the basement.1980s toys, HO train cars,rails,etc. Pfaltzgraff Winterberry assortment. OA 485 Morris Av - Fri & Sat HH,TL,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Tons of clothes.A whole bunch of kid toys. Lots of name brand clothes. 7. E A R LY Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 1 village rummage sale.mxd 3. 5. 508 Oak Lawn Av - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC Girls clothes size 3 months-3T, craft items. 540 Morris Av - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TY,MU,BI,AC,BB Adult clothes 3X,girls clothes-M-L. D OV E S T 2. 4. 673 Morris Av - Sat HH,FR,EX,AC,GC Household misc.,wall hangings, books. COL LA ER C T 1. AREA 1 ELMVIEW DR 2016 1065 Valley View Rd - Fri & Sat HH,FR,EX,TY,BI,AC,TC,BC Entertainment center,desk,toddler toys & clothes,puzzles & much,much more. Too much to list. 8. DR 3 2 ¬ ¬ VA L L E Y V I E W R D 11 10 ¬ 15. 17. 4 6 ¬ 5 9 8 AP RI L L N 12 AL IC E DR ECHO LN 24 ¬ Park LN 15 AV 23 22 21 ¬¬¬¬ 25 26. 1179 Alice Dr - Fri & Sat HH,CR,XD,MU,BI,AC Books,collectibles,house plants, fabric,household misc.Multi-family. 1185 Alice Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,AC Clearing out sale! Something for everyone! Stop by to check it out! 1199 Alice Dr - Fri & Sat HH,AC Downsizing.Tons of books,Danielle Steele. Household items too numerous to mention. Cheap 1261 Echo Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,BI,BB,TC,SG,AC,MU Fishing Items,Plants,Baby Swings,High Chairs,Toys,Boys&Girls Clothes Birth-4T, Womens Clothes Lrg-Plus Size,Mary Kay 1210 Echo Ln - Fri & Sat GS,CR,BB,TC,GC,BC New fabric,craft items and supplies.Salt & paper shaker collection.Children's clothes 1110 Echo Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,CR,XD,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Bethany United Methodist Church spring rummage sale.Proceeds go to missions. After 12:30,everything that fits into a bag for $3.00! DR B LU E R I D G E D R VA L L E Y V I E W R D ¬ ¬ RD ¬ 25. 890 Morris Av - Fri & Sat MU,SG,TL,FR,EX,TY,AC,BI,XD,HH BR O O KW O O D MO RR IS 24. 2093 S Ridge Rd - Fri & Sat FR,TY,XD,MU Current Avon products,sports memorabilia, womans clothing including plus sizes,mens clothing,seasonal décorations, crafts, figurines & much,much more. 7 ¬ Park C A N T E R B U RY - Fri & Sat 1295 Morris Av - Fri & Sat HH,EX,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Double stainless steel new sink. ¬¬ ¬ MA R LE E B LU E R I D G E D R LN 1 ¬ 1080 Canterbury Rd GS,HH,AC,GC 16. 1135 Valley View Rd - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,TY,CR,XD,MU,AC,GC,BC Boombox,Walkman,Pokemon,Funko,Wii games,AmericanGirl,movies,clothes,games, toys,dresser,misc.Multi. Too much to list. BR O O KW O O D 14. 23. 937 Watermolen Av - Fri & Sat HH,TY,XD,AC,GC Motorcycle,jointer,computer accessories, camera,baseball cards,projector, books, partylite items,board games,small appliances, outdoor wall light,wall décor. 14 13 ¬ " ) ¬ C A N T E R B U RY 26 ¬ µ RD ECHO LN 16 ¬ SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# # SAT. ONLY ) STADIUM " DR Please match point number with the listing on the map Park MO RR IS AV DU C H ATE AU L N 19 ¬ ¬ W AT E R M O L E N AV 20 17 ¬ 18 ¬ S O N E I DA S T 7. 22. 1123 Canterbury Rd - Sat HH,FR,TY,SG,XD,GC,BC Clothes,girls 10-12 and 14,boys 7/8, womens M-XL,mens XXL.Toys,leather sleeper sofa.Something for everyone! - Fri & Sat KASSNER DR 1134 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat GS,HH,SC,BI,BB,TC,GC 21. 930 Watermolen Av HH,TL,TY,CR LN 13. 1189 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TY,MU,AC,GC,BC Huge rummage sale.Furniture,clothes,kids items,bikes,electronics.Too much to list! 6. 2064 Orrie Ln - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,FR,EX,TL,TY,SG,PR,MU Dishes,linens,paintings,reasonable perennial plants,herbs,books,skis,golfballs, skates,50s-80s toys & records,stones, music stands, décorations,more! 2131 Kassner Dr - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,TY,MU,AC,TC Two households downsized.Cleaning out the storage.Many high quality items. BARBERRY 12. 1204 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,AC,GC,BC Curtains,full,queen,king bedding,winter coats,area rug,mens sweaters,shirts. Girls 10-14,boys 8-12,womens 8-12, womens' shoes 7 1/2-8. 5. 1325 Valley View Rd - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,BB,TC,GC,BC Children clothing,furniture. LN 4. MARLEE Park 1210 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,TC,GC,BC Bassinet,china cabinet,play kitchen, toddler bedding,stroller,patio pillows, boys bike,tons of kids clothes and shoes! ARG O N NE ST Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 2 village rummage sale.mxd 3. 11. 20. S R ID GE RD 1265 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,CR,MU,AC,GC,BC Holiday décor.Designer apparel. 19. 1261 Valley View Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,XD,AC Snowblower,grill,microwave stand,recliner. OR R IE 2. 10. 18. TR U E L N 1326 Blue Ridge Dr - Fri & Sat HH,XD,MU,BI,BB,GC Multi family sale.Baby Clothes,womens' clothes and shoes.Christmas décor, household items 1167 Valley View Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TL Vintage items,tools,kitchen,fishing lures, jewelry,coins.Many new.Hundreds of items just 50 cents each. ORRIE LN 1. 9. TR U E L N AREA 2 2016 10 12 17 SAN DRA LN 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1044 Marvelle Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,MU,BI,AC,BC Creative crafts.Huge sale. 977 Rasmussen Pl HH,FR,CR,SG,XD,AC - Fri & Sat 980 Mancel Ln - Fri HH,FR,TL Moving sale!Lawn mower,grill, yard equipment. 1215 Cormier Rd - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TL,TY,CR,SG,XD,MU,AC,GC Multi-family.Lefthanded golf clubs. 1170 Schauer Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,SG,XD,MU,BI,AC 1139 Schauer Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,SG,MU,AC,TC,GC,BC Name brand boys & girls clothing. Books,toys,DVDs,and much more. Something for everyone! LI N 12. 13. 14. 15. DESCRIPTION KEY EX = Exercise Equipment CR = Guy Stuff AN = Antiques PR = Hunting Equipment FR = Furniture TY = Tools HH = Household Items BI = Sporting Goods XD = Christmas Décor BB - PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING 1118 Schauer Ln - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,MU,AC,BB,TC,GC Flute,pond,china. 16. 2324 Hock St - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TL,TY,AC,BB 17. Tools,electronics,cosmetics,glassware, shoes,purses,bassinet,exersaucer,swing, toys,Graco carseat,maternity,jewelry, antiques, mens,junior,women,baby clothes. 1161 Sharie Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,AC,GC,BC Bookshelf,accent chairs,mens suit coats, lawnmower,daybed,kitchen items & other quality home items. 1161 Sandra Ln - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,FR,EX,TL,TY,MU,BI,AC,TC,GC,BC Desk,queen sheet,Oreck vacuum, puzzles,Corelle dishes,handmade baby cradle,dining room set,wrought iron rails,Fiestaware,books. BAY A R E A P L 20 ¬ P I LG GS HE TL SG 19 $ + 41 § ¦ ¨ 2221 Patty Ln - Sat TY,BI,AC,BB,TC,BC Ladies clothes.Lots of boy stuff.Priced to sell! 1130 Marvelle Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,EX,TY,BI,BB,TC Weight machine. AN DE RSO N DR Y 5. 2233 Marlee Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC 3 boat motors,vintage & new toys,stylish womens clothes.Large variety of items. 2173 Patty Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC Girls infanct-2T,boys infant-18 months, walkers,swings,nursery items,books WI LLA RD DR School A LN 18 E 14 ¬ ¬ ¬¬¬ G SH AR I E LN RD 13 11 W 4. BA R B E R R Y L N S R IDG E RD TR U E L N ¬ ¬ ¬ S C H AU E R L N RD M 3. MA N CEL LN RI 2. 2224 Carstensen Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,PR,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Over 4 families!Come check us out! 8 CO RM I ER 15 16 1. 7 $ +¬ MA N O R PL RD ¬ SE N P L ID µ DR S R 9 ¬ OR LA ND O DR S CO RM I ER Park LG Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 3 village rummage sale.mxd OR LA ND O PI Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] Please match point number with the listing on the map School 2 C AN TE R L N SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# SAT. ONLY " )# 41 § ¦ ¨ N O VA L N 6 ¬ Park HO CK ST LN 1 MA RV ELL E LN 20 ¬ RASMU EN ) ¬ ¬ " ¬ OR R IE L N NS 3 5 D O R OT H Y L N TE 4 ¬ PATTY LN RS Park MA R LEE LN AREA 3 TR U E L N ¬ CA 2016 W AT E R M O L E N 24 18. 18. 20. R IM WY = Craft Supplies TC = Toddler Clothes = Perennial Plants GC = Girls Clothes = Toys BC = Boys Clothes = Baby Items AC = Adult Clothes = Baby Clothes MU = Multi Family ON GRASS OR LAWNS - 1139 Sandra Ln - Fri & Sat HH,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Reasonable Prices!Highchair,pack&play, girls size 0-4T,womens dress clothes, leather jackets and so much more! 1134 Sandra Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,CR,XD,MU,AC,TC,GC,BC Girls clothes size 10-juniors,adult womens M-2X,electric fireplace/heater,Scentsy, Hurley clothing.Much,much more. - Fri & Sat 2404 Lina Ln HH,PR,XD,MU,AC 1031 Anderson Dr - Fri HH,EX,AC,XD,GC,BC,AN,SG,MU Woodside Senior Communities Benefit Alzheimer's Walk;Brat Barn,Baked Goods. 2475 Bay Area Pl GS,HH,TL Portable garage. - Fri & Sat 2. 1342 Cormier Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,CR,XD,MU,AC,GC,BC Bikes,DVDs,VHS,books,youth to adult modern jeans,shoes,dishes,bedding, youth air hockey table. Fri. & Sat. 8. 2372 Cedar Ridge - Fri HH,TY,XD,AC Cookbooks,lots of toys.Cleaning out the garage! 9. 2436 LaRue Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TY,MU,BI,BB,GC,BC Huge Sale!Done having Babies. Bouncers,exersaucers,highchair,kids clothes & toys.Couch,loveseat,table & chairs, Mustang parts,printer,fishing stuff. 2209 Hilltop Dr - Fri & Sat HH,XD,MU,AC,TC Uniform scrubs,craft items. 4. 1402 Emir St - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,FR,EX,TY,SG,XD,MU,AC Chaise loungers,stools,kitchen table, dressers,desks,cedar chest, glassware, dish sets,pottery,pictures, Avon,CDs, kitchenware,candles.New items. 5. 1357 Emir St AN,HH,FR,XD, 6. 10. 1348 Orlando Dr - Fri & Sat AN,HH,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC Snowblower,oak table,depression glass,Gymboree. BA LS AM WY 1 CAREFREE 3 2356 LaRue Ln - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,TL,HE,SG,XD,MU,AC New carpet remnants,collectibles, Packer items,entertainment center, jewelry,meat smoker. 13. DR 4 CT EMIR ST 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ 6 ORLAND O D R 7 RD 1395 Bruce Ln - Fri & Sat FR,TY,MU,AC,HH Over 40 custom made reclaimed distressed cedar tables.Different sizes, colors. Indoors, outdoors.Just in time for summer enjoyment. 1360 Bruce Ln - Fri & Sat MU,AN,HH,FR,CR,TL,GS,SG Lawn aerator, four Hamm's Bear mirrors,RV equipment,LEGOS. 1360 Lindale Ln HH,TL,TY,MU,BI - Fri & Sat 1408 Lindale Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,EX,TL,HE,CR 3 families.Moped,snow blower,sport clothing, puzzles,books,DVDs. 1453 Lindale Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY Kids & adult clothing,toys. 1446 Glen Rd - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,BC First sale for two households after death of parents and having children. Lots of quality items. 1367 Glen Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TL,TY,CR,SG,XD,MU,AC 2407 Ingold Ct - Sat Multi family.Everything priced to go! 1354 Buffalo St - Fri & Sat HH,TY,BI,AC,TC,BC Heath Kit organ, puzzles,womens clothes. 2452 Doney St - Fri & Sat HH,FR,XD,AC Household,recliner,clothes. R RI DG E KI MBERLY ST 1394 Bruce Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,GC,BC Kids clothes,furniture,etc. Don't miss this one! RD LN DONE Y ST 1400 Bruce Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Twin boys clothes up to 24 months, girls clothes up to 4T,mens and women's clothes,shoes,toys DA E LN LO ROSEDALE S T 1311 View Ln - Fri & Sat HH,CR,SG,XD,MU,AC,GC,BC Books,DVDs,chain link fence, dog kennel, puzzles,kids wetsuits, teen- adult clothes. H CE RU LE SA NTA BA RB AR A DR BALSAM WY RT LA 8 26. CT A FA NORTH RD 25 ¬ 24 " ) 10 LD N F T 11 BA O U S 13 GO LE B 26 ¬ DR IN 23 ¬ BUF FALO ST ¬¬ ¬ ¬¬ $ + 12 GL EN RD 20. 25. NO 19 LINDALE L N 19. D 17 18. R 14 18 KU 22 16 17. H 20 ¬¬ VI EW L N ¬¬ ¬ ¬¬ ¬ BRUCE L N 21 15 16. 24. RT VI EW L N 15. 23. NO CORMI ER 14. 2331 LaRue Ln - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,FR,TL,TY,SG,AC 21. Sterling jewelry,frames, bronze statues, pedal cars,baby crafts,antiques,homemade items,knives, ,guns,books,furniture,& more. 22. EMINENCE ST ¬¬ HI LLTO P 2359 LaRue Ln - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,TY,CR,MU,AC,BB,GC,BC Multiple family sale.Lots of girls & boys clothes infant to 12.Toys,games,books. Priced to sell!!! 12. ¬§ 41 ¦ ¨ RIDGE CREST TR 2 ¬ 2363 LaRue Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,SG,XD,GC,BC Big Sale.Cleaning out the house. Lots of stuff,esp. kids things. 11. - Fri & Sat ME SA DR BASSWOOD ST Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 4 village rummage sale.mxd 1361 Mesa Dr - Fri & Sat AN,G,HH,FR,TL Ladders,steam cleaner,dressers, endtable, couch, loveseat,recliner. 2170 Hilltop Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,XD,BI,AC,B,BC Tons of baby stuff & boys clothes NB-18 mths.Open Saturday until 10 a.m. only. 3. Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] 7. SANTA BARBARA DR 1. 2016 AREA 4 9 ¬ GE RHARDT LN 41 § ¦ ¨ µ SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# SAT. ONLY " )# Please match point number with the listing on the map DESCRIPTION KEY EX = Exercise Equipment CR = Guy Stuff AN = Antiques PR = Hunting Equipment FR = Furniture TY = Tools HH = Household Items BI = Sporting Goods XD = Christmas Décor BB - PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING HI LLTO P ¬" ) BRUCE L N LINDALE L N GL EN RD BUFFALO ST PORT ST = Craft Supplies TC = Toddler Clothes = Perennial Plants GC = Girls Clothes = Toys BC = Boys Clothes = Baby Items AC = Adult Clothes = Baby Clothes MU = Multi Family ON GRASS OR LAWNS - 18 " ) ¬ « 172 VI EW B 15 ¬ 16 PESHTI GO ST 14 ¬ DR BA LS AM WY Park 12 11 SH ADY LN µ RD VI EW LN BALSAM WY BRUCE L N 13 " ) ¬ RD X ¬ ¬ BASSWOOD ST VI EW L N TH Park CORMI ER SH ADY LN LEDVINA CI RD NO R 7 SH ADY LN DR 10 LN BR AD BURY L N LE AV ES 5 ME SA DR ¬ ¬ ST JO HN S DR Please match point number with the listing on the map ME SA DR SHERWOOD DR KEY WY SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# SAT. ONLY " )# LEDVINA ST ¬ EW MORRIS AV ¬ DE W LN ¬ VI AU TU MN Park - Fri & Sat CI S COURT N CO UR LAND DR LAND T DR Y W NO SI IS ¬ 9 2 T BR ADB UR Y C 6 4 2166 S Courtland Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Plus size clothes.Name brand clothes. Cleaning out kids closets! 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ 2116 N Courtland Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,CR,MU,BI,BB,TC,GC,BC Boys clothing 0-18 mths,girls clothing 0-4T. Skeins of yarn,handmade scrubbies,kid toys 2230 Ledvina Cr - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,SC,BI,AC,BC Furniture,Futon,desk,lawnspreader, baby clothes,name brand ladies clothes,sporting goods. R IE Everything household RM O C for every home. ASHL EY CT BABCOCK RD 2160 Shady Ln - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,FR,CR,SG,XD,AC,GC Huge Sale!Electronics,photo equipt.,men's business clothes,frames, crib,Hallmark orn., office supplies, kitchen items.Tons more! 1829 Cormier Rd HH,FR,MU 3 ¬ 14. 1622 Glen Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,AC,GC w/Glenna Jeans bedding. 8 GS HE TL SG TR 1591 Mesa Dr - Fri & Sat HH,EX,TY,PR,MU,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Thomas the Train Sets,Pottery Barn picnic table w/two benches.Nursery set DO RN DR 9. 13. 2370 Dew Ln - Sat HH,FR,CR,XD,MU,AC Preschool Resourse:books, games,puppets, etc. Downsizing-cleaning house. Camping items.A little of everything! PACK ERLAN D 8. 2080 Autumn Leaves Cr - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC Antique dishes & collectibles.Boys to 3T, maternity clothes.Infant/toddler toys. Men's XXL.Infant girls clothes.Reasonable prices. 18. 1567 North Rd - Sat HH,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC PA C Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] 7. 12. 2347 Shady Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,SG Beer novelties,water boating sports equipt., beds,chairs,kitchenware,misc. household & decorator items. LN 6. 17. 2436 Basswood Wy - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Something for everyone & much more. Y 5. -Cancelled- AD 4. 1492 Bradbury Ct - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,CR,SG,XD,MU,AC,GC,BC Cul-de-sac with multiple homes participating. Must see! 16. 2434 Balsam Wy - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,XD,AC,BB,GC,BC SH Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 5 village rummage sale.mxd 3. 11. 2347 Shady Ln - Sat BOOYAH Saturday Only.Ready at 10am.Bowl $3.00,Quart $6.00,Gallon $24.00.Bring own container.Support area high school students. DR 2. 1464 Bradbury Ct - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TL,XD Estate sale,dishes,glassware,china,pictures, bedding,florals,vases,loveseat,lamps,stools, lawn sleeper,gazebo,bikes,dining/living sets. AND K E RL 1. AREA 5 SMITHVILLE RD 2016 15. 2372 Balsam Wy - Fri & Sat AN,GS,HH,TLHE,SG, Antiques,collectible,military pins,fishing lures, books,tools,bike,girls clothing, Favre ornaments. 10. 1648 Cormier Rd - Fri & Sat HH,FR,CR,XD,AC Misc. household items,some furniture,craft supplies,patterns & other misc. Formal dining room set if available. 17 BUF F 26 ¬ BA RD CK PIONEER DR LE AV BR O O K DA RE MO LE P M TE 21 ¬ 17. 1432 Wexford Ln - Fri & Sat Wall curio,treadmill,clothings,rocker recliner, ottoman,glass shelf etagere, household. 19. 2900 Limerick Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TL,MU,AC Air hockey table,ice skating dresses,dorm room fridge,DVDs,coffee table,games,living room chairs,double sized mattress. S WE TM LN XF D LN CIRC LE D R 20 19 AV A YL RK 22 Park 23 LN 20. 2901 Crosshaven Av - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TL,TY,XD,MU,AC Moving sale,Precious Moments, furniture, tools,household items. 21. 2946 Foxford Dr - Fri & Sat HH,GC Variety of household items. 22. 1450 Skylark Ln - Fri & Sat Antiques,household items,toys. Adult/girls/boys clothes. 23. 2920 Circle Oaks Ln - Fri & Sat Barstools,games,rugs,videos,mirrors,books, picture frames,pictures.Girls shoes 1-3. DR OR PIONEER WE ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TH EA SK 18 17 DR CLI VE ST BA B C O N DR LE RC CI AKS O - Fri & Sat RU RD LN 15. 1475 W Marhill Rd HH,FR,XD,AC O TE FO ¬ ¬ ¬ ICK ER LIM 14. 2733 Clive St - Fri & Sat HH,TY,GC,BC Kids clothing,toys, misc. household goods. E MARHIL L RD ¬ AV 13. 1603 W Paulson Rd - Fri & Sat HH,TY,AC,GC,BC Plus electronics,movies & more! L PO 18. 2827 Newcastle Av - Fri & Sat AN,HH,TL,TY,CR.SG,MU,GC Adult bike,swingset frame,kitchen table, Precious Moments,teen clothes, books, candlemaking, jewelry,housewares, PS2 games,CDs,toys,games. AVONDALE D R 15 R TE WA Please match point number with the listing on the map 16. 1444 Waterford Dr - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TL,HE,SG,XD,MU,AC Couch,dorm frig,riding lawnmower, name brand clothes, fishing equipment, new football cleats. ORC HID LN 16 DR 12. 1533 W Paulson Rd - Fri HH,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC CAROL E L N RUS TIC W Y D 11. 1518 Avondale Dr - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TL,XD,MU,AC Lots of hand tools.Womens adult clothes 2X & 3X. Misc. house items. SALE LOCATIONS FRI. & SAT. ! (# FRI. ONLY $ +# SAT. ONLY " )# W MARHI LL RD OR - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,SG,PR,MU,AC,TC,GC,BC Annual huge sale!Something for everyone! Great deals from household to children's. Lots of unique things!Don't miss this sale! µ 12 $ + XF 10. 1524 Avondale Dr ¬¬ EN 2700 Babcock Rd - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,CR,SG,XD,MU,GS,BC St. Johns Lutheran Church.Proceeds will fund a youth mission trip this July! You will have lots to choose from! W PAULSON RD 14 13 AV 1646 Orchid Ln - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,BC Plus size & big/tall clothing,children's toys, books, & more. Multi-family boys clothing too! 10 11 ¬ ¬¬ 9 Y DW OR XF WE 1475 Ponderosa Av - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,CR,XD,MU,AC,BC Misc. holiday decor,cookbooks,small kitchen appliances,tupperware,lamps,baskets,TV, home decor,kids & adult books. ORC HID L N SH 9. 1404 Ponderosa Av - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,BI,BB,GC Infant carseat,rock & play,bathtub,bouncy chair, breast pump,nursing supplies & much more.No more babies! LN OS 8. - Fri & Sat 7 6 ¬ AV PONDEROSA PIONEER 7. 2600 Brookdale Av CR,MU Crafts.Multi-family. LILY DR ¬ ¬ NEWCASTLE AV 6. 1515 Apache Av - Fri AN,HH,TY,SC,MU,AC,GC,BC Treadmill,golf bag,tons of girls,boys,adult clothing.Rollerblades,Halloween,Easter decor. Antiques furniture.Cot,bike,books,bike rack. 8 ¬ $ + APACHE AV 5 FENTON WY 5. - Fri & Sat CAROLE 4 AV PONDEROSA AV COMMANCHE APACHE AV FO Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] 4. 1621 Commanche Av FR,TY,MU,AC,HH ¬¬ AV COMMANCHE 1 ¬ MOHIC AN CT CR Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 6 village rummage sale.mxd 3. 2570 Clive St - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,AC,GC,BC Snowblower,air hockey. 3 RD 2. 1400 Mohican Ct - Fri & Sat Huge sale!Too many items to list.Brand name kids clothes,adult clothes,Coach purses, games, crafts,bikes,household items. 2 BA BC O CK 1. AREA 6 172 CLI VE ST 2016 ¬ « AREA 7 2016 1. 2689 Pioneer Dr - Sat AN,HH,FR,EX,XD,MU,AC Couch,cookbooks,brandname clothes, antiques,furniture,home decor,tools,bread machine,gardening,linens,collectibles,books, fishing rod,exercise bike. 2. 1211 Swan Ct - Fri & Sat Open until 5:30 pm!Girls 3T-10/12 youth, boys 12 mo-3T,toys,furniture,weight bench, handcrafted jewelry & decor.Multi-family! 6. 2741 Otto Ct - Fri & Sat GS,HH,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC Toy cars,baby toys,male clothing,kitchen items,bathroom, womens-some maternity, juniors,toddler bed. 1275 Carole Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,XD,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC DESCRIPTION KEY EX = Exercise Equipment CR = Guy Stuff AN = Antiques PR = Hunting Equipment FR = Furniture TY = Tools HH = Household Items BI = Sporting Goods XD = Christmas Décor BB - PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING 1 " " AVONDALE DR H 4 ¬3 ¬ CT HAR MO NY DR PIONEER CAROLE L N VI SS E RS 2 ¬ TI MB ER L N DR GS HE TL SG S WA N C AN T N D T T O KEN CT R TIMBER L N CIRC LE DR ¬9 SKYLARK LN 18 ¬ ¬ VE RC A 10 ¬ ¬ 19 ¬ B ER Y WAUBE L N 13 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CREEK D R N DR NN 17 UT ER E SU N N DOVER L WREN LN L 12 SALE LOCATIONS # FRI. & SAT. ! # FRI. ONLY $ # " SAT. ONLY " M FI NC H L N 8. 9. 2776 Otto Ct - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC Womens bike,handmade dolls,home decor, toys,vintage glassware,picture frames,oak end table,small appliances,boys clothes 1327 Circle Dr - Fri & Sat HH,EX,TY,MU,BI,BB,TC,GC Nordic Rider w/weights,vase,large wall canvas,Nordic Classic Pro-skier,2-tier water fountain,pictures,wedding table, wall-mount toilet. 1278 Skylark Ln - Fri & Sat HH,XD,MU,AC,GC,BC Bikes,DVDs,VHS,portable DVD players, Playstation,books,games,stools,teen clothes, women plus,adult/kids costumes,moped. 10. 1296 Finch St - Fri & Sat HH,TY,MU,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC,BC Train table 11. 1360 Finch Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TL,TY,AC Kitchen table,chairs,coffee tables,TV, Windows 7 computer,ping pong table, microwave.Friday and Saturday 13. 1244 Sunny Creek Dr - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TY,XD,BI,AC,BB,TC Girls & boys toddler clothes. LU 11 µ CIRC LE DR 8 7. 12. 1346 Wren Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,AC Bedding,luggage,Vera,Fiesta,table,linens, candles,cookbooks,glassware,towels, serveware,patio set,name brand clothing, pictures, Paul Hornung football. Please match point number with the listing on the map KILLDEER LN ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RD 5 DR KE O N ¬ ¬ C 7 ¬ SE = Craft Supplies TC = Toddler Clothes = Perennial Plants GC = Girls Clothes = Toys BC = Boys Clothes = Baby Items AC = Adult Clothes = Baby Clothes MU = Multi Family ON GRASS OR LAWNS - T 6 ¬ ¬ PIONEER Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 7 village rummage sale.mxd 1251 Carole Ln - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,MU,BI,BB,TC,GC,BC HUGE sale!Some of everything.Priced to sell! Tons of baby and kids clothes,toys & gear. Plus much more! 5. 1356 Carole Ln - Fri & Sat HH,TY,BI,AC,BB,TC,GC 3. Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] 4. 16 " " ¬ 15 14 WAUBE L N 14. 1229 Sunny Creek Dr - Fri & Sat 15. 2987 Vercauteren Dr - Fri & Sat Stroller,file cabinets,luggage,bouncer,carseat base,highchair,toys,outboard/trolling motors, carpets,dog crate,chairs,tables,washer/dryer AN,GS,HH,FR,TL,TY,CR,SG,SC,MU,BI,AC,TC,GC,BC 5 Family.Huge.Quality brand infant-adult clothing, lamps,sheets,bedding,books, crafts, tools.Oodles of household.Dont'miss! 16. 2981 Vercauteren Dr - Sat HH,TY,MU,BB,TC,GC Highchair,twin bed,mini refrigerator, wine rack,pictures.Girls baby, toddler & 6/7 clothes,boys clothes 3T. 17. 2935 Vercauteren Dr - Fri & Sat HH,TY,GC Girls bikes,desks,pool heaters,solar. Odds and ends 18. 2933 Vercauteren Dr - Fri & Sat GS,HH,FR,TL,TY,CR,SG,MU,AC,TC,GC,BC Beer signs. 19. 1137 Circle Dr - Fri & Sat GS,TY,XD,TC,GC,BC Kids grown up sale!Ton of kids clothes, toys, games,etc. as well as household items. AREA 8 2016 1. 2. 1 CY ES S 3522 Crocus Dr - Fri & Sat HH,FR,TY,SG Dining room table and 6 chairs. Lots of toys in great condition. 4. 1067-2 Misty Meadow Cr - Fri & Sat AN,HH,FR,XD,MU,AC,BB Needlework,framed pictures, Currier & Ives dishes,microwave, twin XL & bedding, twin headboard. 5. RD 1059 Peonies Dr - Sat HH,CR,XD Small sale.Pictures,other misc. household plus small bistro table. LA IN AV ER MA LN Park PA CK W ND DR 2 PR 3. 3429 Riverstone Ct - Fri & Sat AN,HH,TL,HE,CR,XD Fenton glass,quilting frame, saw horses, old glassware. LAYDEN DR W MA IN CO M M O DI TY AV DR R A O D R W MA IN AV Please match point number with the listing on the map -PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WALKING ON GRASS OR LAWNS- DG RI S EL DR PA G S RD CU PL TE R DG Park AY LN 5 " 4 ¬ CI RI S M CT E O CR 'S AS MI STY MEADO W L N SALE LOCATIONS # FRI. & SAT. ! # FRI. ONLY $ # SAT. ONLY " 3 ¬ SAND ACRES D R µ DESCRIPTION KEY GS = Guy Stuff HE = Hunting Equipment TL = Tools SG = Sporting Goods EX = Exercise Equipment AN = Antiques FR = Furniture HH = Household Items XD = Christmas Décor CR = Craft Supplies PR = Perennial Plants TY = Toys BI = Baby Items BB = Baby Clothes TC = Toddler Clothes GC = Girls Clothes BC = Boys Clothes AC = Adult Clothes MU = Multi Family MISTY Author: Francine Roberg,GIS Coordinator,Village of Ashwaubenon,P:920.492.2308,E:[email protected] E S AND A C FE N N D RD DO DR AN S RN RE FE PA C KE RL AN D DR Park Path: H:\arcview projects\arcgis 10 projects\park & rec\2016 village wide rummage sale\2016 AREA 8 village rummage sale.mxd RIVERSTONE CT ¬ ¬ 3401 Riverstone Ct - Fri & Sat Come and look! Reasonable offers considered. Thanks! MEADOW DAF FODIL DR PEONIES D R BLACKBERRY WINTER LN