The Archies


The Archies
September 25th 2015
Issue 1
The Archies
Our regular look at life with The Archies
Hope and Valiente off to school
This week Hope and Valiente be-
Angela Laws will continue to spon-
gan a new adventure. Physically
sor them while they are being
rehabilitated from debilitating and fostered by Claire Waldron in the
cruel treatment, now exactly two
small village of Cacin in Granada.
years since they arrived at ARCH,
Claire is confident that she can
they are ready to move on. Hope
turn Valiente into a "happy confi-
is her usual sunny self, but Va-
dent pony", and we hope she can
liente has serious behaviour prob-
work her magic on him, for he
lems stemming from his (very
certainly isn’t happy at present.
justified) fear of humans and the
pain they have inflicted on him.
Claire uses connection training
and anyone interested can learn
As all ARCH volunteers know, he
about her techniques at
has learned that attack is the best
form of defence, and most of us
have been on the wrong end of his
She works closely with animal
behaviourists and plans to run
flying hooves.
Hope and Valiente arrive in Cacin.
courses in animal behaviour from
and effort into turning our much
her stable in Cacin, which will of
loved "monster" into a contented
course involve Valiente's participa- small equine.
Thanks also to Angela Laws who
We wish her all the best with this
has always believed in his rehabili-
new challenge and are very grate-
tation and continues to sponsor
ful that she is willing to put time
them through thick and thin.
Tickled Pink
Meet the Volunteers
It seems like no time ago that Comanche
Tracey Lawrie
arrived at ARCH, malnourished and dehydrated, having been left tied in a field
following the death of his owner.
Now, in not much more than two months,
he is a happy, healthy looking animal,
who seems to like nothing more than to
be tickled (below).
Now that’s how to make a horse smile.
Tracey was born in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Her parents had friends who lived
in the New Forest, and for as long as she
can remember, her and her sister were
packed off to their stables for the entire
six weeks summer holiday, to act as unpaid stable hands, a fabulous experience.
Tracey joined the military at 18 and got
posted to Berlin where she joined the
British Berlin Saddle club. She competed
regularly in both Show jumping and Cross
She left the military after 22 years and
moved to Spain, where she got involved
in Arch two years ago after a chance
meeting with Jill in her local venta.
Tracey at work up at the ARCH stables
Dates for the diary
October 3rd:
Fundraiser at Venta Miralmonte.
December 11th:
Christmas event at
Venta Pedro Lucena