Thunderbolt 4WD - RC-Car
Thunderbolt 4WD - RC-Car
Instruction Manual 1:5 SCALE 4WD OFF-ROAD BUGGY ● Length.................................750mm ● Width...................................460mm ● Height..................................300mm ● Wheelbase(F/R)...................520mm ● Tread(Front).........................458mm ● Tread(Rear)..........................460mm ● Wheel Diameter........φ172*W80mm ● Gear Rate.................................8.4:1 ● Weight..................................12000g ● Engine.....................................28CC ITEM NO.:053420 ●Massive 22MM aluminum shock body and independent suspension. ●Steel differential gear set and transmission gear. ●Full metal gear 15kg servo. ●High efficiency shaft draive style 4WD system. ●28CC gasoline engine. ●Eull ball bearing system. ●High capacity 600CC fuel Tank. ●Front universal shaft included. The contents are subject to change without notice due to product improvements and pecification changes. Steering Trimmer Antenna Throttle trimmer Throttle Rate Adjuster Crystal mount Brake Rate Adjuster Power switch Steering Wheel Throttle Reverse Nicad Battery Charging Connector Steering Wheel speed control trogger Steering Rate Adjuster Battery cover Transmitter Shock Absorber Assembly 054410 054409 054408 054408 054410 054410 054410 054410 054410 054410 054408 054410 054410 054410 054410 054410 054410 054408 054406 Front Shock Absorber Fully filled shock absorber oil ② M4 054407 Reor Shock Absorber ① Sφ8.0×7.6 φ10×φ4.2×1 φ9.5×φ6×2.4 φ9.7×φ5.7 Diff Case Assembly 054077 Filled with lubricate oil after put into gear set 960026 150004 054078 φ20×φ8.1×0.1 054077 054078 φ16×φ5.1×0.1 960026 054078 M3×6L φ5×42 Rear Section Assembliy One 152107 960013 150020 054434 960013 054425 150021 φ5.0 M5×15 054426 M5×5 φ6×55 054047 054039 054058 960011 960011 054058 054082 054043 054039 M4×8 054052 054047 M5×5 φ12×10.1×0.3T Rear Seection Assemby two 054054 054413 910067 054035 910074 910114 054038 150059 054041 054083 054041 M5 Sφ10×13.5 054061 M4×16 054404 M5×28 M5×30 M5×95 54mm φ10×φ5.1×1.0 Rear Seection Assemby three 054033 054033 M4 φ13×φ4.1×2.0T M4×21 910206 M4×32 Front Section Assembly One φ3×17.5 φ5×17.5 Sφ12 054051 054053 054433 960013 950006 054427 960013 054414 150021 054051 054415 054042 M5×5 054415 12mm φ8×φ5×6.0T φ12×φ8.1×1.0T M5×13 Front Section Assembly Two 054412 910067 054431 054044 910067 M3×12 M4×16 054431 054411 054033 054033 054034 054414 φ13×φ4.0×2.0T φ5.0 054038 M4×16 054035 920008 054040 M4×21 M4×32 M5×35 054424 054426 054040 054426 910199 M5×95 Turning Servo Assenbuy 054067 910036 910166 054020 910036 054021 920003 910166 M3 φ6.8×9L M3×8 M3×25 40mm M4×12 Throttle Servo Assembly Battery Case Assembly 083071 054022 054022 910166 910166 30103 054066 30132 054068 054067 M3×20 M3×8 M4×12 M3 054068 φ1.0×19L φ1.0×60L M2×10 Completed Center Diff Assembly 054030 054029 054027 054028 910166 054030 054028 054031 054027 054023 054081 054080 054026 (4Pcs) 054026 910206 054025 M3×3 054024 M4×12 M4×8 M3×12 M4×21 φ16×φ12.2×0.3T Engine Assembly 40140B 054084 920008 150034 054017 960012 054013 150034 054018 910115 054045 960011 910116 960011 054019 054014 M5×43 M5×5 054045 φ11×φ8 M6×41 M5 054014 φ12×10.1×0.8T φ12×10.1×4.0T 054070 Bumper Ser Assembly 054011 054012 960008 960008 960003 054009 054009 054428 054008 920006 920003 960008 920006 920003 960008 M3 M4 054012 φ10×φ6×3T 054010 φ10×φ4×12h 18mm 18mm φ9×φ4×4.5L M3×25 Rou Cage Assembly 054420 054419 054432 054418 054432 054416 054417 054416 054416 φ1.0×18 M3×6 M4×20 Rear Section Assembly 054423 054430 054422 910209 054063 054430 910209 054062 910172 M4x6 M4x16 M5x16 M4x12 Center Diff Mount Assembly 054061 054060 910067 M4x16 Fuel Tank Mount Assembly 150052 M4 M4x12 M4x10 φ2.9x1.8 H8xM4x24L 054065 054064 054065 054065(4pcs) Engine Mount Assembly 910208 M5x20 Completed Radio Mount Assembly M4×12 M3×15 M4×16 910166 054068 910059 910067 Roll Cage Mount Assembly 910111 920006 054416 910067 910067 M4×17 M4 M4×16 M4×25 Tire Mount Assembly φ17xφ6.1x1.0T M6 φ31xφ28x4.0T 054403 054403 054402 054402 054401 (总成) 950007 920009 Roll Cage Tail Assembliy 150063 054405 150063 054421 φ2.0x35 053420 Explode Chart 054421 054420 054419 054432 054033 150052 920009 150063 950007 054419 910111 054084 40140B 054416 054041 054417 054047 960026 150004 054082 960026 054052 960011 054047 960011 920006 152107 960013 054425 150020 910206 960013 150021 054014 054061 054060 910166 054044 910166 920003 054033 054412 054033 910067 054067 054045 054411 054043 960011 054040 054038 054039 054082 960011 054040 054422 054067 910036 910166 054025 054024 054423 910166 054021 054020 054416 054431 054034 054047 910067 960026 054058 054034 054027 054011 960008 054012 054410 960003 054408 054051 054027 054030 054410 960008 054010 054410 054410 054427 054403 910199 054410 054053 054051 920006 054051 054402 960013 150021 054028 054011 054403 054408 960013 910206 054433 950006 054030 920006 150004 054430 920008 054428 054029 054428 054427 054063 054023 054009 054039 960026 054042 054415 054047 054058 054081 054080 960026 054025 054024 054028 054408 054430 054408 054414 054035 960026 054026 150004 054026 054410 054409 054068 054052 054410 950007 920009 054022 054062 910116 054070 910116 054065 30103 054066 30132 054423 054434 054426 054408 910206 054023 910115 054045 960011 054022 960011 054065 054018 054068 960012 054043 054013 054041 150034 054058 054017 054019 054033 150034 920008 054404 054017 150059 960012 054083 054039 054068 920006 910067 910114 150059 054058 054054 910074 054038 054061 054413 054033 054039 054064 920008 054418 054035 054065 083071 054408 054409 054424 910166 950007 054031 910206 054426 054426 920009 054410 053420(SMT)PARTS LIST(1) 054401-Wheel unit 2Sets 054402-Tire unit 2Sets 054403-Wheel rim unit 2Sets 054404-Rear upper Pull ing Rod Ball Head 054405-Car body 5pcs 054406-Front shock absorber unit 054407-Rear shock absorber unit 2set 2sets 054409-Front/ rear shock absorber spring 1set 054410-Shock Absorber Maintenance 1set x2 1sets 054408-Front/Rear shock absorber 2set body w/ cap 054411-Front tower 1Pcs 054412-Front shock tower 054415-Ball end for holder C 2set 054416-Front Roll cage 1Pcs x4 x4 x4 x2 x2 x2 x4 x4 x4 x4 054413-Rear hinge pin brace 1Pc x4 x4 x4 x8 x8 054414-Front upper susp arm 1Set 2Sets M4×25×2pcs M4×20×2pcs 054417-Mid Roll cage-A 1Pc 054418-Mid Roll cage-B 1Set M4×20×2pcs 054421-Tail 1Pc 054422-Chassis 054419-Rear Roll cage 1Set M4×20×4pcs 1Pc 054423-Side Board M4×6×6pcs 054420-Upper cover 1Pc M3×6×4pcs 1set 054424-Front lower Susp arm M5×15×2pcs 2Pcs 053420(SMT)PARTS LIST(2) 054425-Rear lower susp arm 2Pcs 054426-Lower susp hingpin 4Sets 054427-Drive shaft 2Sets 054428-Tie rod & ball end steering 1Sets φ5*8pcs M5×15×2pcs 054430-Bumper 054429-Decal 1Pc M4×16×3pcs 054008-Steering draglink 1Pc 054012-Steering bellcrank set 1set 1Pc 054009-Steering bushing set 1set 054013-Gear(43T)w/Rubber ring 1 Set 054019-Engine mount-A 1Pc 054432-Body pin 6Pcs M3×12×1pc ISOHM5*5 *2pcs 054018-Engine mount-B 054431-Roll Cage Frame 1Pc 054010-Steering post 2Pcs 054014-Gear(37T)w/Rubber ring 1 Set 054011-Servo saver post w/spring 1set 054017-Flywheel fixed holder 1set 054021-Single servo horn 1set ISOHM5*5 *2pcs 054020-Tie rod & ball end set steering 1set M3*10 *1pc 054022-Twin servo horn 1Set 054023-Brake disc set 1Set 054024-Center diff.mount 2Pcs 054025-Brake drive stub 2Pcs 053420(SMT)PARTS LIST(3) 054026-Center diff.bevel gear(57T) 1set M4*8L *4pcs 054030-Throttle steering holder 1Set 054027-Brake shaft set 1set ISOHM4*4 *2pcs 054031-Diff.brace 1Pc 054028-Brake rod set 3Sets 054029-Throttle rod set 1Set ISOHM3*3 *9pcs 054033-Upper ball head for shodk absorber 4sets 054034-Upper susp Hing pin w/ e-clip 2sets M4*32 *4pcs 054035-Bulkhead screw pin 1Pc 054038-Lower susp shaft 1Pc 054039-Diff.gear box 1set M4*20 *2pcs 054041-Rear hinge pin brace 1Set 054042-M8*40 Upper front Turn Buckle 2pcs M4*16 *2pcs 2Pcs 1Set M4*16 *2pcs 054044-Front arm mount 1Pc ISOHM5*5 *4pcs 054045-Center diff.erential bevel gear(16T) 1set stub 054053-C hub carrier 054054-Rear susp mount 1Set 054043-Driver cup 054040-Front Hinge pin brace 2Pcs 054051-Steering arm 1Set 1Set 054058-Diff.ring(44T) 2Pcs TPF4*8L 4pcs 054052-Pinion bevel gear(16T) 2Pcs 30103-Receiver switch 1pc 053420(SMT)PARTSLIST(4) 054060-Dogbone center front 2Set 054061-Dogbone center rear 2Set 054062-Rear center brace 1Set 054063-Front center brace M4*12 2pcs M4*12 2pcs 054064-Fuel pipe set 1Set 054065-Fuel tank unit 1Set 1set 054066-Battery 1Pc 054067-Servo mount 1Set M4*12 4pcs M4*10 4pcs 054068-Battery case 054084-Exhaust pipe 1Set 1Set 054070-Gear cap 1Set 054077-Diff.erential gear set 1Set 054078-Diff.erential gear box 1Set 150004-Diff.erential gear unit 1Set 150020-Hub rear 1set 150021-Wheel rim joint 2set ISOHM5*5 x2pcs 150024-Aluminum washer 4pcs 150034-Flywheel 1set 150052-Oil tube fixing clip x4 150059-Ball head holder B 4pcs 150063-Body pln 6pcs x2 stub x3 1set 30132-15Kg servo 2pcs 083071-Antenna tube w/cap 1pc x4 1Set 053420(SMT)PARTS LIST(5) 920003-Locknut M3 6pcs 920006-Locknut M4 6pcs 920008-Locknut M5 6pcs 920009-Locknut M6 6pcs 930005-E-clip Φ4 6pcs 930003-E-clip Φ5 6pcs 960008-Bearing 6*10*3 6pcs 960011-Bearing 10*19*7 6pcs 960012-Bearing 10*22*6 6pcs 960013-Bearing 8*22*7 6pcs 960026-Bearing 12*24*6 6pcs 054080-Washer 16*12.2*0.3T 6pcs 054081-Washer 16*12.2*0.6T 6pcs 054082-Washer 12*10.1*0.3T 6pcs 054083-Washer 10*5.1*1.0T 6pcs 950006-Washer 12*8.1*1T 6pcs 950007-Washer 17*6.1*1T 6pcs 910059-Flat head screw M3*15 6pcs 910067--Flat head screw M4*16 6pcs 910074-Flat head screw M5*30 6pcs 910114-Cap screw M5*28 6pcs 910115-Cap screw M5*43 6pcs 910116-Cap screw M6*41 910166-Button head screw TT4*12 6pcs 6pcs 053420(SMT)PARTS LIST(6) 910172-Flat head screw M4*12 910199-Cap screw M5*35 6pcs 910204-Round head screwPT4*20 6pcs 910206-Round head screw M4*21 6pcs 054433-Front wheel Axec spacer 8*11*6T 2pcs 6pcs 910208-Flat head screw M5*20 054434-Rear wheec Axel spacer 8*11*9.5T 2pcs 6pcs 910036-Fiat head screw ISO3*25 910209-Flat head screw M5*16 6pcs 910205-Button head screw PT5*28 6pcs 6pcs
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