BIND ON EQUIP - Show notes - Episode 104, November 30th 2010


BIND ON EQUIP - Show notes - Episode 104, November 30th 2010
BIND ON EQUIP - Show notes - Episode 104, November 30th 2010.
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Welcome to this episode of BOE, proudly brought to you by Oni- POH member,
I'd like to introduce my co host The Wych, and my other cohost the delightful
I'm Wemb, and this is my week....
Wembs week.
went for a coffee and shopping with Temp
very different dynamic between us, i was quite keen to get into present
shopping, Temp not so much.
maybe because i have a list from the kids this year.
as mentioned i have also had a go at internet shopping and picked up first
item from the post office.
next year i plan to have it all sewn up and ordered from the start of Nov.
(sponsor bumper)
Hi Gang,
Rhorann here - been ages since I've dipped my toes into WoW - just a lot of preexpansion blues (and too many women to chase - just wish I could catch em).
With the launch almost upon us I thought I might grab a game card and jump
back onboard with POH
Been keepin in touch through the podcast and it has been my only wow contact
for the last 3 months - thank god for podcasts.
Hoping to catch up with you all again real soon (as soon as I can drag my lazy
arse to pick up a game card) and let the cataclysm begin.
BTW: I was at Young & Jacksons on Sunday and noticed that Jimmi Hocking is
playing there this Sunday 28th Nov - haven't seen him live for years. If you are
thinking of dropping in there let me know I live just down the road (in the City)
so will probably be there so would be cool to catch up.
Cheers and see you all very soon.
Rhorann (the old bastard)
Temps week
Telstra rant
Work is winding up
Very relaxing weekend
Got out the christmas tree and tested all of our lights.
Wemb dragged me into JB Hi Fi ... I hate that place.
(sponsor bumper)
Wemb, Wych and the gorgeous Tempest;
It's not you, it's me.
My time in the guild was short-lived, but everyone made me feel at home
and I had a great time... but friend in RL are organising a guild on my
home server, and after serious debate, I decided that their raid
schedule is better for me.
You guys are great; I'll still be listening to your podcast religiously
(subscribed for a month now and listened to 44 episodes!); if we on
Barthilas ever decide to move to Jub-Jub, I'll drop in and say hi :) You
guys are the greatest! Can't wait to hear your guild's successes in
Cataclysm's guilds.
Left all my stuff in the guild bank, better than just deleting it.
From Morduus (the real Batman)
Wych's week
Another week of fun & insanity - I'm sure I've done stuff but it's kind of a blur.
Had the morning to myself on Saturday so I went out got some bacon & real
coffee, got home cranked up the tv & amp and played the MTV Iron Maiden
"Some where back in time" tour special - it was awesome!
(sponsor bumper)
I've bought the app, now I'm waiting for spectacular content. Failing that,
mediocre will do. Love the show, and I'm hoping you'll add an iPad version of
the app soon.
Ahzreghal- returning member of PoH
(news or specific topics -add any current topics of discussion required)
Moonkin Hatchling and Lil' Ragnaros Now Available
We're pleased to announce that the two recently revealed in-game pets, Lil'
Ragnaros and the Moonkin Hatchling, are now available in the Pet Store section
of the online Blizzard Store at a price of $10 each.
Lil' Ragnaros, the Tiniest Firelord
Ragnaros, the dread master of all fire elementals, will return in Cataclysm to
avenge his defeat in Molten Core. And what better way to head into battle than
with a miniature version of the firelord himself following at your beck and call?
Lil' Ragnaros, just like his full-scale namesake, burns with constant fury (not to
mention flames that serve as a handy cooking fire) and comes equipped with the
legendary hammer Sulfuras. And as a being of pure elemental fire, he has no
need to walk from place to place -- he just submerges into the magma below the
world's surface when you start walking and reemerges when you stop.
Moonkin Hatchling Charity Pet -- For the Children!
The googly-eyed Moonkin Hatchling, which comes in unique Horde and
Alliance versions, will occasionally plant flowers at your feet, and happily
/dances with any willing partners. Like last year's Pandaren Monk, the Moonkin
Hatchling has a soft spot for helping children. For every Moonkin Hatchling
adopted from November 29 through December 31, 2010, Blizzard
Entertainment will donate 50% of the $10 purchase price to the Make-A-Wish
Thanks to the support of all the World of Warcraft players out there who
purchased the Pandaren Monk last year, we were able to donate more than $1.1
million to Make-A-Wish this past February. We’re looking forward to making
another big contribution to this great cause on behalf of the World of Warcraft
community following the close of this year’s promotion.
To learn more about the Pet Store, please visit the Pet Store FAQ, and for more
information about the Make-A-Wish Foundation® in the U.S. visit and outside the U.S. visit
Season 9 - PvP Armor Sets Final Preview
Wych: Why can't the Hunter T11 be like this - it's WAY cooler!
Cataclysm Level Flow Map
I love the new notice boards that tell you where to go quest next ... they are
Dead mines
Shadowfang Keep
Strat Dead & Strat live
*New quest givers inside the instances as well
Hunters have gone insane for the new pet families & skins
Yes the shattering happened.
Crazy Train.
Last Thursday night, Wemb and my lag was so bad that we both just logged out
and watched TV. So how did they go Wych?
Monday night was Halion, one wipe then we took her/him down. That was
awesome. Then we did the weekly and VoA cause we actually had it!
Hopefully this Thursday we will take down the LK for the second time and get
the rest of the team their titles.
Other Raids.
I have been very busy with raids, we did Sarth 3D - grats Ashayo on your drake.
5 manned Kara, which was crazy easy except for ... would you believe Chess! I
raided Ulduar with Paranoid - and for the first time I got to see the Iron Council,
General Vizax? and Yogg. I don't know how anyone did this at level with just
out of Naxx gear! Raided with Ironman, we were short people and started late
and then Nym had a kid issue to deal with so finished early, but still completed
the first 4 bosses.
Started doing some heroics to build rep for Bilgewater (goblin).
Pants On Head Guild.
Guild Status: 451 toons, 12 accounts - clearly still borked. There has been a lot
more guild activity this week, a lot more numbers even at low times as people
really start to gear up for Cata.
GRATS to the following toons on hitting 80 (and I have probably missed some
due to guild check not working)
Gromsla (Grim)
Pija (Teo)
There has been SEVERAL noob moments this week ..
Kealar - got stuck in a lava filled ditch between northern and southern barrens
and was unable to die or get out.
Ashayo ... cause while I was on follow decided to willingly and knowingly
jump into the ditch between Badland and Loch Modan - FYI there is no way
out ... I should know better, it is not the first hole he has lead me into!!
The Paranoid raid team, minus Rubb who all did the weekly and then took a
portal to Org instead of Dalaran to hand it in.
but the winner ...
Rubb who was giving the Paranoid group some tips and pointers on how the
Yogg encounter goes in Ulduar, he mentioned the green pillars around the room
and not wanting to be rude, I thought he meant the rocks or the round areas that
are around the room. After about 20 wipes ... ok not that many but it felt like a
LOT, Rubb suddenly says ...wait a minute ... where are the guardians ... we
were doing it in HARD mode without the guardians ... which if you have ever
seen them standing on those circles in the room, one would wonder how he
missed it!
RANT: Now I know he won't hear it, but if you manage to stumble into the boe
channel by accident and don't actually know anything about the podcast, don't
make yourself a pest when you don't get an invite. Don't create other toons and
use the small amount of knowledge that you have gained from sitting in there to
sucker your way in. Don't waste MY time. Oh and secondly don't tell me you
are ready for the quiz and then while I stop my game to help you out, you keep
questing and can't be arsed to bother answering me! DON'T WASTE MY TIME!
Your game time is NOT more valuable than mine. YOU are not more important
than the officers you are dicking around.
Wemb: toying with the idea of rolling a warlock for our rox the horde project if
i get the dps assignment. Do you think we should be exempt from the major
roles we got last time? ie:wych doesn't have to tank, i dont have to heal? or is it
just bad luck?
World events.
I spent a lot of time, a LOT of time doing Pilgrims Bounty on two toons that are
both working on Long Strange Trip. It was a HUGE effort but thanks to Wemb
and Ashayo for not giving up and keeping at it because this year it was nigh on
FUCKING impossible.
If you are going to put level 85 elite guards (and sometimes level 90) around
your cities and start zones, don't make it impossible to get to the tables ) and in
future (fires etc) to do the world events. Darnassus ... Ashayo and I tried
swimming from near the new Alli town ... fatigue ... and sometimes when you
are running back to your body, you get fatigue as a ghost and redie and find
yourself back at the graveyard. Then we tried getting a boat from Stormwind ...
level 85 guards and level 85 sharks in the water!! Again fucking impossible.
Although Ashayo and I managed to do it this way because we both had toons
with stealth ... However wemb and I could not as my priest cannot stealth. In the
end we found that if you took a water walking potion and did not stop from the
near the new Alli town in Darkshore, and ran straight to Rut'heran Village you
could make it ... getting to the tables on the other side however proved difficult.
Then it was a boat ride to Exodar which was ok, but included giving the guards
a very wide berth to get in there. I spent 200g on each toon in repairs just to get
to Darnassus, not to mention how long it took. No horde city is like this and it is
unfair the way it is.
Love T:)
Wemb: feels a bit strange two weeks out from Cataclysm when looking at gear
that drops. Why take an off spec piece or any piece for that matter when it will
be replaced by a green inside the next four weeks?
I think that all your gear should be stripped from you when a new expansion
comes out and everyone should start decked out in white gear for their level.
How very sociallist of me!
Justice/Honor points.
Wemb: like all the new race tabards. just wish i understood what good they will
do for me! I still say that all the different factions should be in different little
towns and camps and you should earn rep by having your hearth set there.
Wych: It's been fun to get rep again - even if everyone else is doing it as well. I
was getting rep in Strat dead!
Wemb: as mentioned i got the pilgrim achievement and proclaimed that it has
now been a somewhat challenging, partially bizarre trip thus far.
Wych: Got "The Patient" - I only wait like The Batman - in preperation to deal
2 fisted justice!
A big shout out to JabutiMaster or Zodiaco a fire mage on the Warsong server
and all the Brazillian players. Thanks for listening and I hope you are still
enjoying the show.
Shout out to our mate Hyp - glad you got the swag mate, hopefully Cypher will
get his soon as well!
Until next week, i'm wemb and you're not. Try not to take it personally.
Search your heart, it knows the truth, I would not lie to you.
I fell into a ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
and it burns, burns, burns the ring of fire
the ring of fire
You know, Jimi the Human Hocking is such a cool cat, that when we
approached him and asked if we could use his tunes for our show, he said
"sure thing". We are stoked and would love it if you would check out his
site for more info
We also make use of music from Mevio's Music Alley, and trust us, there
are some cracking tracks there. you should head over and check it out at
We play wow on an oceannic server called Jubei'thos. If you want to
hang with us or make it your home, there are cool kids from all over the
planet there 24/7. /join BOE, and say hey, i listen to the podcast, i want to
join Pants On Head guild, quiz me up!
Follow "thewych" "tempeste" and "wemb" on Twitter. Check out our
website at
Drop us a line at [email protected] Leave us a review on Itunes,
Pants on head, has officers who are hosts of Cable Wasteland, The
Addicted & Ctrl Alt Wow.
Not only does BoE an iPhone App, we have applied for an Android app & to be
listed on the Blackberry RIM Podcast Directory - We're sharing the love!