Shinzo Kenji Kiyoshi shoichi NISHIBAYASHI SAKATA YAMURA
Shinzo Kenji Kiyoshi shoichi NISHIBAYASHI SAKATA YAMURA
CONCRETE LIBRARY OF JSCE NO. 5, AUGUST 1985 STUDY ON FATIGUE OF CONCRETE UNDER VARIABLE REPETITIVE COMPRESSIVE LOADING (Rearrangement in English of papers in Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan, Vol. 31, No. 350, Nov. 1982 and Vol. 32, No. 353, Feb. 1983) ;:;:§:§;§:-' _ j:1:;'i-1' _.;;:-:!:I:?:I:?:I;I:i -1-1+:-' .-.-t-:-:-:-:-:-:~:1:3:!:I:I;l.f-l:1 . . ‘ 1§1:7§'<i:'§ 55515351fIfIfIfZ§¢?:¢:1:3:i:21:1;E-if-5if-53535531535355:*1 . -:;:;r§' _:§:§:§;I"I'1:}:§:§:I:§:1:I"~1 -f §:_I; , 5 : ' . 1-. 1:1-l -I;:;:¢' . ':-:':~:1' ;-;-r>‘?‘<I:-'- - -I, V, .;:~; ;_;;— -;, :;:.».-_';;,.,jt_{'f: ~.-.;-,,,;;-_. I. :;:-:‘ ._; iz*‘1-*1:;5’ ‘E 5-:5I *1“' - 25"" 1- 5?":;{i§I‘?§' I:':;':i:§. :I:' ':4_';I;. :;:;:§:§'j§:2¢:-:1 :' .1:_:j:<._ §:;. jg‘ ff-i.;:§ E §:f'I ;:;;; . -:-5;-;:;:;.;.__,___ -$51: :1_.I;'-I-'1 \:;:;:;:;;';>§};:-:: '§:1:?:1;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:§:-"'5:-'1'1"""1":1:1:1:I:I:I:I;-/ -:;:;~ ';;.;;-':'= . 1; ; .11-:11=I€1E:5;:5:55:3:;;;5;=:=:rrQ%=E=ErE=2=S=%.¢==2- ’:'{.:::::E:E>E:::::‘§:‘:.:I _:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:>:-:-:-:-:¢:~:~:‘:‘.-:-:1:I:I-'-:~'-:-' .1.:»:':':?:I:1:-;I>I11¢-I-I .. -.-: 5;f.I-LI; ii "=5-€=E=E=E=E=E5=" -:1;---1-</r-1; ~€I'?E5jI§5I~I1:5§5§5§5E5§3 ¢%=:ilif:§:f:l:i:?:1:3:i:5:1:i:3:-:I_I;J:i'2'3.1} 2i.=%ziz%s¥25zi§52i;%s%&f=%;: :z‘s:;<=1:»_ . ' '. . . :5 xi:'"31?'3:1:f:;:§:3:?:1:1:3:1:i.._._ s?;=;izizi2:2i:%z£22521? :' ,; ;»=§122:2:z:;:;: .;.&-:: :s: ~11 , »,é7:1:=-,'s:- ‘~=:z:z:¢:=:1-&=;.=;e»s:z:;:s:~;.; : "j;;;;g;5;f;j;;;;:;:;;;s=;==:a=~ 2 5 1- "iii;;s§;:¥§;:E;‘;E§:E::f 1 "“‘5i5i5i ¥§%§~ . .5/.-' . ,' -’:'. J15‘! .-427:1 ':_;.‘ > .iE1:?§7§":."' i515' '1-;:2: '1'./-:-':¢:1:3:I:1:5§-"I1"" -5 .E»,:;f.‘{::A,;-::;,.f_: 2/ ../ F a%%%%%%flwmu%%%%%% . 1 ,;f3E§E£E5§" '9 '2-. ";1:é¢E=E=>'1;2>':./¢’{£4’/-'-;-%=- Shinzo NISHIBAYASHI “£=5=31I;?:' ',4.,’:; '<¢:1:r¢;=:1.4.?.¢£=;-.’<I-/:<E:£=;=2:¢:E=E1€r?11' 1 Kenji SAKATA Kiyoshi YAMURA shoichi INOUE SYNOPSIS Experimental research on the behaviour of concrete subjected to variable repetitive loads is described. Constant-amplitude fatigue tests, two— and three-stage fatigue tests and variable load fatigue tests are performed. Fatigue lives are evaluated by Miner sum (M) and the distributions of M and M (mean value of M) are discussed. The applicability of Miner's hypothesis to fatigue of concrete is also examined. S. Nishibayashi is a professor of civil engineering at Tottori University, Tottori, Japan. He recieved his Doctor of Engineering Degree from Kyoto University in 1968. His research interests cover fatigue properties of concrete and concrete members, durability of concrete, the properties of superplasicized concrete and alkali-aggregate reaction. He was awarded a JSCE prize(Yoshida Prize) in 1969 for a study of the properties of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete. Also, he and his coauthors received an award for this paper from JSMS in 1989. Dr. Nishibayashi is a member of ACI, JSCE, JSMS, and JCI. K. Sakata is an associate professor of civil engineering at Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. He received his Doctor of Engineering Degree from Kyoto University in 1976. His reseach interests include problems concerning prediction of shrinkage and creep of concrete and fatigue properties of concrete. He is a member of JSCE, JCI, and JSMS. K. Yamura is an associate professor of civil engineering at Tottori University. He recieved his Doctor of Engineering Degree from Kyoto University in 1980. His research interests include dynamic behaviours of reinforced concrete members, durability of concrete, and fatigue properties of concrete. He is a member of JSCE, JSMS, JCI, and ACI. S. Inoue is a lecture of civil engineering at Tottori University. He recieved his Master of Engineering Degree from Gifu University in 1975. His research interests include the properties of fatigue of concrete and concrete members. He is a member of JSCE, JSMS, and JCI.