Untitled - Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church


Untitled - Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
George Aitken, by Martha, James & Michael
Donna Ahrendsen, by Mark & Cathy Ahrendsen
Jim and Jackie Allen, our parents, by Barbara & Richard Grambow
Phil & Rob Albright, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. B. P. Albright, Sr., by Jane & Tom Robinson
Elmer A. Anderson, by Leslie & Bruce Lobaugh
Eddie Austin, by Joan Austin, Dan Morgan, Emilie & Tempe
Marie Austin, by Joan Austin, Dan Morgan, Emilie & Tempe
Edward and Anne Baker, by Carol & Jim Sledge
Eleanor Beasore, by Pat McIntire
Rev. William Crompton Bennett, by Ann & Bill Kirkland
Rev. William Bennett, by Pat McIntire
Kathleen Bishop, by Judi & Randy Bishop
Flo Bivens, by Dutton & Lang Moore
Florence “Flo” Bivins, by Phyllis Hunnicutt Cagle
Lib Boyd, by Pat McIntire
Daniel Franklin Cagle, by Phyllis Hunnicutt Cagle
Marian Collings, by Suzy Ward
H. C. Cranford, Jr. by Susan Ross & Tom Hadzor
Ralph Crossman, by Jacksie Crossman
Bernard and Alberta Crowe, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Caroline & Arthur Rogers
Etheline Cupp, by Steve & Marlene Edwards
Maurice Denjean & John Yova, our fathers and grandfathers,
by Steve & Frederique Yova
Elisabeth Denjean and Olivia Yova, our mothers and grandmothers,
by Steve & Frederique Yova
Florence M. Dillon, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Robert J. Dillon, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Bill Drummond, by Lisa & Kaytlyn Drummond & Cortney & Trentin Morgan
Bill Drummond, by The George Mathis Class
Bill Drummond, by Lynette & Jeff Williams
Joanna Dupree, by Ruth & Jim Petrea
Bill Faulkner, by Anders & Joanna Hall
Ann Ferguson, by Jean Findlay
James Foster, by Dee Foster
Dr. Blaine R. Garner, by Mark & Denise Garner
Marjorie N. Garner, by Mark & Denise Garner
Olive B. & Chandler Grambow, our parents, by Richard & Barbara Grambow
Elizabeth C. Grier, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Maxine G. Hadzor, by Tom Hadzor & Susan Ross
Paul W. Hadzor, by Tom Hadzor & Susan Ross
Frances Hall, by Anders & Joanna Hall
Brian and Elizabeth Hey, by Jean Findlay
Helen B. Higgins, by Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Whitehurst
Allison Hoof, by Lloyd & Eileen Humphrey
Sarah Humphrey, by Lloyd & Eileen Humphrey
Reginald Gray Hunnicutt, by Phyllis Hunnicutt Cagle
Matthew M. Johnson, by Judy & Sunny Wooden
Wade O. Johnson, by Ann F. Johnson
Wade O. Johnson, by Sara J. Williams
Wade O. Johnson, by Carolyn J. Andrews
Macie Webster Johnston, by Corlis Johnston Wood
Helon and Buck Kirkland, by Ann & Bill Kirkland
Lawrence and Augusta Kirkland, by Ann & Bill Kirkland
Lawrence and Eva Kirkland, by Ann & Bill Kirkland
Manfred Knobel, by Robin Knobel
Nelda LaBorde, by The George Mathis Class
Nelda LaBorde, by Bible Breakfast Bunch
Nelda LaBorde, by Al & Lisa Joyner
Nelda LaBorde, by Marion Pierce
Nelda LaBorde, by Phyllis Hunnicutt Cagle
Nelda LaBorde, by Billie Venable Sessoms
Marie Elizabeth Lobaugh, by Leslie & Bruce Lobaugh
Jeffery Lodge, by The Lodge Family
Stella McGrath, by The Lodge Family
Don McIntire, by Pat McIntire
Gertrude Miller, by Annette Marra
Rev. Wilson Nesbitt, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Mrs. E. Newman, by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Russell
Lucille and Pete Petrea, by Ruth & Jim Petrea
Beth Pierce, by Paul & Marion Pierce
Ed and Judy Pierce, by Paul & Marion Pierce
Helen S. and L. Norris Post, by The Carstens Family
Betty Y. Powell, by Caroline and Arthur Rogers
Charlotte and Ted Reedy, by Peggy S. Waters
Richard W. and Verna Dare Riggins, by Rich & Mary Lee Brown
E. T. Rollins, Jr., by Frances Rollins
Bobby Ross, Jr., by Bobby & Harriett Ross
Bobby Ross, Jr., by Susan Ross & Tom Hadzor
Linda Ross-Thaxton, by Bobby & Harriett Ross
Linda Ross-Thaxton, by Susan Ross & Tom Hadzor
Mrs. E. Russell, by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Russell
The Saints of George Watts Class, by George Watts Sunday School
Martha Haus Sessoms, by Marion Pierce
Charles and Loudetta Sledge, by Carol & Jim Sledge
Doris Swain Swartz, by Dutton & Lang Moore
John A. Tobias, by Mark & Denise Garner
Mary Prather Venable, by Marion Pierce
Calvin Ward, by Suzy Ward
Marvin R. Waters, by Peggy S. Waters
Marvin Waters, by Phyllis Hunnicutt Cagle
Doris Welty, by Annette Marra
Katherine C. Wilson, by All who love and miss her
Thomas Larry Wood, by Corlis J. Wood, Howard Wood & Charlene Foley
Kelly Elizabeth Yowell, by Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Yowell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Yowell, by Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Yowell
Anna, Walker, Blair & Gray, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Gayle and Pauline Ahrendsen, by Mark & Cathy Ahrendsen
Dorothy J. Anderson, by Leslie & Bruce Lobaugh
Mr. Todd & Dr. Sally Barbour, by Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Yowell
Virginia Barrett, by Mary Z. Martin
Russell & Maelee Barringer, by Russ Barringer
Becky Bowden, by Ann & Bill Kirkland
Nancy G. & Timothy B. Brown & Family, by parents, Richard &
Barbara Grambow
Bonnie G. & Scott S. Campbell, by parents, Richard & Barbara Grambow
Johnsye Campbell, by Chuck & Dana Campbell
Mrs. Elise Canepa, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Jennifer Cosgray, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Bob and Debbie Crowe, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Martha Aitken
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Caroline Armacost
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Ralph & Mary Gunderson
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Joanna & Anders Hall
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Caroline & Arthur Rogers
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Jim & Carol Sledge
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Whitehurst
Rev. Katie Crowe, by Bob & Barbara Yowell
Carolyn S. Dillon, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Kaytlyn Drummond and Cortney & Trentin Morgan, by Lisa Drummond
Arland W. Eyl, Jr., by Brenda Eyl
Laura, Lee, and Joanna, by Suzy Ward
Carolyn Faulkner, by Anders & Joanna Hall
Grace, Maggie and Ella Garrett, by Michael & Laura Garrett
Deirdre Gordon, by Kay Williams
Deirdre Gordon, by Benjamin & Nathan Gordon
Tommy Grimm, by Caroline Armacost
Melanie & Stephen Gunderson, by Mary & Ralph Gunderson
Four great years at TAPC, by the Kingsland Family
Latham, Stewart and Charlie Hall, by Joanna & Anders Hall
Ronald Hall, by Anders & Joanna Hall
Katie Harper, by Jane & Dan Harper
Victoria Herring, by Bible Breakfast Bunch
Vance Ross Highsmith, by Linda Highsmith
Lloyd and Eileen Humphrey, by Lloydette Hoof
Helen B. Idol, by Becky S. Bowden
Mr. Harry Jansen, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Harry Jansen, by Bob & Barbara Yowell
Judy Johnson, by Carol & Jim Sledge
Virginia Johnston, by Jeff & Sandy Johnston
Deborah G. & John S. Kotecki & Family, by parents, Richard &
Barbara Grambow
Katie, Elizabeth and Graham, by Bob & Barbara Yowell
Rev. Graham & Anne McChesney by Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Whitehurst
Rev. Graham McChesney, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Rev. Graham McChesney, by Caroline & Arthur Rogers
Graham McChesney, by Jim & Carol Sledge
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Caroline Armacost
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Ralph & Mary Gunderson
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Caroline & Arthur Rogers
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Martha Aitken
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Joanna & Anders Hall
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Jim & Carol Sledge
Rev. Elizabeth Michael, by Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Whitehurst
Mark and Lynn Murphy, by Brian & Jenni Murphy
Rev. Edward B. Newberry, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Nunley, II, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Mrs. Janet Nunley, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Anna Petrea, by Ruth & Jim Petrea
Katherine Petrea, by Ruth & Jim Petrea
Charlotte and Ted Reedy, by Peggy S. Waters
Andy and Stephanie Riley, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Ashlyn Riley, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Izzy Riley, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Tristan Riley, by Andy & Debbie Riley
Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Robins, Jr., by Jane & Tom Robinson
Katherine Sanders, by Annette Marra
Billie Venable Sessoms, by Paul & Marion Pierce
Billy Marian Sessoms, by Paul & Marion Pierce
Harper Shattuck, by Dominick & Kristen Shattuck
Marney Shattuck, by Dominick & Kristen Shattuck
Thomas and Stephen, our two sons, by Carol & Bob Shepard
Meredith and Steven Shorkey, by Jane & Tom Robinson
Mary Anne Stone, by Ellen & Anna Stone
Mike and Linda Tesh, by Jenni & Brian Murphy
Amy and Alex Tilly, by Peggy S. Waters
Corlis Johnston Wood, by Mike, Charlene, Jake & Ryan Foley
Our children and grandchildren, by Danny & Jo Deckard
Our grandchildren, by Gerry & Cammie Gibson
Our dear son, Samuel Paul Yova, by Steve & Frederique Yova
Our dear daughter, Justine Anne Yova, by Steve & Frederique Yova
The 2012 Pastor Nominating Committee, by Rev. Katie Crowe
Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, by Anders & Joanna Hall
By Clare & Sally Adkin
By Rev. Katie Crowe
By Kenneth Luker
By Doug & Sloan Nuernberger
By Jim Vanderweide
By Peggy S. Waters

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