Mega Prospect ( TWP 101-102, Rge 9-10W6)
Mega Prospect ( TWP 101-102, Rge 9-10W6)
. Mega Prospect ( TWP 101-102, Rge 9-10W6) Taylor Hill Exploration Ltd. (“Taylor Hill”) has a 100% interest in a large block of land (26,880 acres or 42 sections), located at Twp. 101-102, Rge. 9-10W6 which has multi-zone potential. The target with the largest “potential resource” on the block is the Mississippian- Debolt Formation which could have a significant volume of oil-in-place (260 MM Bbls). In addition to the Debolt potential exists in the Muskwa for Shale gas and the Keg River for gas and light oil. (Figure 1- Mississippian Debolt) Taylor Hill sees potential for a large accumulation of medium gravity oil in the Debolt Formation which may be developed through horizontal drilling and could result in a significant oil resource. Subsurface geological mapping (see Figure 1) suggests that the Debolt could contain a major accumulation of 24 degree oil (based on an analysis in the 2-24-101-9W6 well) at a depth of 860 meters covering 20,480 acres (32 sections). The Gross Unrisked Petroleum Initially-in Place (PIIP) under Taylor Hill’s lands could be 260 Million Bbls using the Lower Debolt’s average reservoir characteristics (20% SW, 15 feet pay, 18% porosity) . (Figure 2- Debolt Log showing possible 6.0 Meters Debolt oil pay) Three wells tested free oil in the potential reservoir during the completion operations prior to acidization of the zone. It is believed that all wells were drilled with the primary objective being gas. Prior to the application of Horizontal drilling the resource may have been considered noncommercial. Recently, to the east at Haro (Twp 100-101, Rge 4-5W6), Pace has been developing 22 degree oil in the Pekisko Fm. using horizontal wells. Recent public data by Pace suggests that the company believes the PIIP is 1.16 Billion Bbls over 111 sections. They have 3-600 locations which could have rates of up to 125 Bopd and reserves of 100,000 Bbls per well . (Figure 3- 2-36-101-5w6 Pace’s Pekisko Horizontal Well production profile) Taylor Hill feels that the commercial potential for oil in the Debolt Fm. in the area could be better than in the Pekisko Fm. in the area due to: 1.) The gas cap has not been depleted. At Haro the Pekisko reservoir, where Pace is active, has produced 4.1 BCF. The Debolt at Mega has produced 3.2 BCF. 2.) The reservoir may be better quality in the Lower Debolt. The Pekisko is notorious for lateral variation. 3.) The water leg is further removed from the oil reservoir in the Debolt resulting in lower water cuts. The zone is thinner and the underlying water will not be present in a large part of the oil leg in most wellbores. Water “fingering” is less likely to occur. In addition to the Debolt, a deeper light oil prospect exists in the Keg River on the lands which requires seismic to delineate (see Figure 2) . A well located adjacent to the block located at 936-101-9w6 produced 0.2 BCF and 4,835 Bbls of oil. Additional seismic could help define the potential in the Keg River. (Figure 4- Keg River Structure w/ bubble map) Land Schedule Prospect Name Section Township Range Area Lease Area (acre's) Mega 26,880 Rights Expiry All PNG All PNG Ptn All PNG; Ptn PNG below Debolt Ptn All PNG; Ptn PNG below Debolt All PNG 08-Mar-17 19-Oct-15 19-Oct-15 19-Oct-15 08-Mar-17 (Acres's) 34 2-11; 14-21; 23 1, 2 11-15, 3, 10 5-7; 16, 18, 4, 9, 17 23-26 101 102 102 102 102 9w6 9w6 10w6 10w6 10w6 640 12,160 5,760 5,760 2,560 The land has Muskwa Shale potential for liquid rich gas potential (see Figure 3). The Muskwa is the regional equivalent of the Duvernay Fm. in the area. The Muskwa Fm. is being developed by Husky to the north at Rainbow. The Muskwa Fm. at Mega is thinner and deeper at Mega than in Husky’s area. (Figure 3- Muskwa) Infrastructure exists close by for gas discoveries. Good potential exists on the Block for the Mississippian sub cropping units within the Debolt. Taylor Hill is asking $1.0 MM ( $37.20 per acre) and a 5.0% Gorr for the entire prospect however the company will entertain alternative proposals. More information on the Mega Prospect can be viewed on the company website at or by contacting Steve Benediktson @ Ph. 403-256-5653 or Greg Johnson @ Ph. 403-630-1455.