2015 September Newsletter - Hillsborough County Dental Association


2015 September Newsletter - Hillsborough County Dental Association
Volume 14, Issue 1
September 2015
Executive Council
Dr. Sebastian J. Castellano
(813) 878-0300
[email protected]
President Elect
Dr. Matthew T. Waite
(813) 344-4867
[email protected]
First Vice President
Dr. David A. Beach
(813) 907-8751
[email protected]
Dr. Mark Abdoney
(813) 873-2447
[email protected]
Council Member
Dr. Wendy Churchill
(813) 964-8585
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Dr. Beatriz Totzke
(813) 814-4000
[email protected]
Established 1950
Celebrating Over 60 Years
of Excellence
Inside this issue:
Lifetime Achievement Award
Officers Installed
Peer Review
Meeting Dates
Dental News
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Hillsborough County Dental Association, I
would like to thank Dr. Beatriz Totzke for her service as
president over the last year. She, along with the Executive
Committee, has managed some very challenging issues as
well as routine daily business providing all of us with the
great leadership Hillsborough County Dental Association
has come to expect.
This past summer, we took a survey of our members. The survey provided some
valuable information and helped us identify areas of improvement for our
membership. One identified item was that most members felt we needed more
time for fellowship at our meetings and wanted the meetings to be streamlined
so that we can get to our speaker on time.
As a result of this survey, my first goal will be to make the meetings more
efficient. I have reorganized our meeting format and will try to limit time spent
on announcements.
My second goal will be to keep members up to date on current national, state,
and local trends which might affect your practice or how you should perform
dentistry. Just last week, I received an email from Marsha Cebulla, an ADA
communications coordinator, titled “Key Messages and FAQ-CODA.” The
Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) voted to implement a process of
accreditation for dental therapy education programs. They plan to award
accreditation to a program by January 20, 2017. I believe this will have an
adverse impact on our profession. Through emails, newsletters, and our
meetings, I will continue to keep you informed as this issue progresses.
Lastly, I would like to continue to expand our website as I see this is an excellent
resource for disseminating information. I would welcome any suggestions on
what information you find useful.
I am extremely honored, humbled, and proud to serve as President of the
Hillsborough County Dental Association this year. I look forward to helping
maintain the integrity of our association.
Sebastian J. Castellano, DDS
Page 2
HCDA General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel
4200 Jim Walter Boulevard, Tampa
6:15 pm - Social
7:00 pm - Meeting & Dinner
The Affordable Care Act:
How it Affects Your Dental Practice
William G. Cummings, CPA
President, Concierge Financial Organization
Remember to RSVP by September 22
Call HCDA at 813-447-3452, email [email protected] or go to hcdafla.com
The following applicant will be considered for membership in the HCDA: Dr. Rebecca Benedict
Don't forget to visit and support our meeting sponsors.
Lisa Millman-Nodal
SVP, Business Banking
[email protected]
T: 813.864.1966
C: 813.997.9288
Tom Menendez
VP, Branch Manager & Lending
[email protected]
Morgan Stanley
Corey E. McLaughlin
Vice President
Commercial Relationship Mgr.
[email protected]
Stephen Fluharty, Senior Vice
President, Market Director
[email protected]
Kennie Taylor
[email protected]
Damaris Gonzalez
Business Banking Relationship Manager
[email protected]
Volume 14,
Page 3
Don't forget to visit and support our meeting exhibitors.
Carr Healthcare Realty
Ken Jorgenson
[email protected]
Lighthouse Dental Laboratory of Tampa
Carlos Bencomo
[email protected]
May Meeting Recap
Dr. Leonard Britten was awarded the 2015 HCDA Lifetime Achievement Award for his
outstanding leadership, dedication, and devoted service to the dental profession
and the association at the May 26 general membership meeting.
Dr. Britten holds active membership in and supports a wide variety of professional
organizations. He served as president of HCDA as well as chairing the Peer Review
Committee, and spent 27 years as an FDA Delegate from Hillsborough County.
In addition, he is Past President of the Hillsborough County Dental Research Clinic.
A Tampa native, he graduated from the University of South Florida and received a
D.D.S from Emory University.
Dr. Britten is a fellow of the Pierre Fuchard Academy, a member of the American College of Dentists, International
College of Dentists, West Coast District Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, American Dental Association
and Florida Academy of Dental Practice Administration.
He currently serves as Vice Chair of the Florida Board of Dentistry, Assistant Dental Exam Supervisor for the Florida
Department of Health and team dentist for the USF Athletic Department. Congratulations Dr. Britten!
Past President Dr. Jack Longmire swore in HCDA’s 2015-16 Executive Council members:
PresidentDr. Sebastian Castellano
President ElectDr. Matthew Waite
Vice PresidentDr. David Beach
Secretary/Treasurer-Dr. Mark Abdoney, Council Member-Dr. Wendy Churchill, and Past President-Dr. Beatriz
Meeting Locations Sought
The Executive Council has been asked to move the general membership meeting locations around the county. In
order to do so, we need members’ help to find locations to accommodate our meeting needs which include our
vendor table set-up and good quality, reasonably priced dinners for 85 participants. If you have any suggestions,
please contact the HCDA office at 813-447-3452. We will be happy to follow up with meeting details for any
suggested properties.
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Peer Review: An Invaluable Benefit of Membership
Dr. Tom Reinhart, HCDA Peer Review Chair
here are many tangible benefits
to being an FDA member. But
one significant benefit that
members don’t always think of is
Peer Review (PR). This free service can
literally save a dentist costly legal fees
and malpractice suits. It can even spare a
member from disciplinary action by the
Board of Dentistry (BOD).
PR is basically a mediation process. Only
cases involving problems with actual
examinations and treatment are eligible
for consideration. Usually a patient calls
the WCDDA office with a complaint about
a dental outcome. The secretary will
decide if the complaint qualifies for the
PR process. If it does, a questionnaire is
mailed to the patient and they send the
completed form back to the WCDDA. The
PR chair of the affiliate dental association
(HCDA in our local area) then receives the
questionnaire and begins to investigate
the case. First, the chair contacts both the
patient and dentist involved in an attempt
to resolve the issue. Usually the issue involves refunding fees paid for dental
work. In a majority of the cases, the
dentist and patient will be in agreement
with the amount to be refunded. This is
the simplest and most direct way that the
process works.
an examiner. When the patient is
of the committee. Conversely, sometimes
dismissed the dentist can explain his/her the patient refuses to accept the
side of the dispute, and then the comrecommended settlement, which might
mittee arrives at a recommendation. In
include additional remuneration for
this example, the PR committee would
revising some of the procedures. In the
likely determine that 2 of the restorations case of a stalemate the patient is notified
met the standard of care and 2 did not.
in writing, and it is up to him/her whether
Therefore, the patient should be entitled to take the complaint to another
to a refund for only 2 of the restorations authority.
and not all 4. If the dentist accepts the
When a case is resolved, the PR chair files
recommendation of the PR committee,
an Administrative Record (summary) with
the chair then phones the patient and
the WCDDA. It is important to note that
explains the committee’s findings in layall progress notes, x-rays, study models,
persons’ terms, as well
etc. used in a case are
as an itemization of
either returned to the
the amount to be reThis free service
dentist or destroyed (if
funded. The patient
the dentist doesn’t
usually understands
can literally save a
want them back). The
and accepts the
only item retained
conclusions of the
as a record of the case
committee and the
fees and
is the Administrative
refund amount. If part
Record, and this gets
malpractice suits.
of the fee was paid by
destroyed after 18
dental insurance, the
months. All PR cases
dentist involved would
are reviewed and resolved in strict
also refund the appropriate amount to
confidence. The PR committee members
the insurance carrier.
handle cases as if they were the dentists
Refunds are not made directly to the
who had the complaint filed against them.
complainant. The dentist sends a paper
Attorneys never participate in the PR
check for the refund amount to the
WCDDA office. The WCDDA then sends
Examples of cases that are ineligible for
a “release of liability” form to the
the PR program are:
complainant. Once the patient signs this
form and sends it back to the WCDDA, a
 Cases in litigation
refund check is cut by the WCDDA and
 Cases involving the BOD
sent to the patient. The dentist then
receives the signed original release of
 Disputes over fees
liability form and keeps it as a part of the
 Cases where the complainant posted
patient’s record. No records generated
a negative review of the dentist on
by the PR process can be used against the
dentist in a subsequent malpractice lawsuit, even if mediation failed to provide a
 Treatment that occurred more than
refund to the patient (which happens
12 months before the patient’s last
occasionally). Also, in the unlikely event of
appointment with the dentist
a patient suing the dentist in civil court,
 Cases involving non-FDA members
the release of liability form would be
presented to the judge, who would then
 Cases where the original treatment
be inclined to dismiss the case.
has been altered by 1 or more
Sometimes the dentist involved refuses to
Sometimes if there are multiple concerns
involved in a case, the PR Committee has
to be called up to examine the patient.
The committee is composed of a group
volunteers who are general dentists and
specialists. Usually no more than 3
committee members are needed to
examine a complainant. A simple case
example would be where a dentist
completes a quadrant of 4 two-surface
restorations, and 2 of them have overhangs that result in painful gingiva and
the patient’s inability to floss. The patient
might be asking for a full refund of the
fees paid. At a mutually agreed upon
office location the PR dentists individually
examine the patient. The dentist involved
can be present in the office where the
exams are taking place, but he/she is not grant a refund, despite recommendations
Continued on page 9
Page 6
Thank you to Renewing Members
Thank you to the following dentists who have renewed their membership for 2015-16 in the Hillsborough County
Dental Association. Renewals include all payments received by August 31.
Patrick Abbey
Mark Abdoney
Michael Abdoney
Jeff Abril
Matt Ahrens
Bashar Al Khouri
David Alfano
Luis Alicea
Francisco Arevalo
Ziad Abou Assi
David Beach
Pedro Belaunzaran
Josh Belof
William Belton
John Birchfield
Kelley Borders
Leonard Britten
Nick Britten
Lou Brown, Jr.
David Bruck
Terry Buckenheimer
Chris Bulnes
Juliet Bulnes
Lori Burchell
Dana Busciglio
John Busciglio
Derek Busciglio
Jeff Bynum
Natalie Carr
John Carter
Nelson Castellano
Sebastian Castellano
Louis Cerillo
John Cherry
Wendy Churchill
Gerald Copeland
Wesley Cowan
Amy Creech-Gionis
Stephen Cwikla
Matt DeDominico
Ralph DeDominico
Alina de la Torre
Frank Delgado
Richard DeMarsh
Dennis Demirjian
Vincent DeNitto
Luis Denizard
Randall Diez
Chris Donato
Joseph Dotson
Sharon Durrett
Jason Edwards
Melva Ely
Mark Farina
Randy Feldman
Thomas Frankfurth
Fernando Galeano
Sean Gassett
Eric Geist
Maureen Georgy-Palso
Michael Geric
William Geyer
James Gift
Mauricio Giraldo
Matthew Giunta
Max Goodarzi
Amanda Goodman
Mark Goodnight
Andrea Gordillo
Nathan Graddy
Christine Grant
James Green
Theodore Grellner
Leslie Hernandez
Mark Holmes
Dina Howell
Adam Hunt
Greg Imhoff
Geoff Jackson
Greg Jacobs
Felix Jimenez
Matthew Johnson
Patrick Johnson
Christian Kamaris
Mukesh Kapadia
Nick Kavouklis
Terry Kelly
Jennifer Kernagis
Richard Kernagis
Stephen Krist
Sivathanu Kumar
Jose Lazaro
Robin Lesser
Barry Levine
Rudolph Liddell
John Longmire
Angel Lopez
Christina Martin
Caitilin Martini
Michael Mason
Brent Mayer
Gail McDonald
Clayton McEntire
Leigh McIlwain
Mike McIlwain
Michael McNeill
Kevin Melker
Mark Mellman
Kevin Monteleone
Charles Moore
Karen Morelli
Howell Morrison
Frederick Muenchinger
Timothy Muscaro
Paul Nestor
Craig Oldham
Michael Orrantia
Robert Orta
Anala Panchumarti
Kirk Parrott
Theodore Peters
Thai Pham
Guillermo Porro
Angela Rasmussen
Richard Rasmussen, Jr.
Richard Rasmussen, III
John Raulerson
Raymond Reid
Robert Reid
Thomas Reinhart
Barry Ries
Gil Rivera
William Robinson
Michael Rowe
Lesley Rudolph
Michael Ruelf
Gustavo Ruiz de Castilla
Emma Rushing
Tim Russin
Larry Saylor
Sanford Schwartz
Gary Selby
Steven Shwer
Douglas Smiley
Greg Stepanski
Jessica Stilley
Lauren Strahan
Rob Taglione
Michael Tesmer
Bryan Thatcher
Dorothy Theogene
Jack Thigpen
Blake Thompson
Angela Tomlinson
Beatriz Totzke
Mark Tucker
Eric Turke
Maria Upshaw
Ernesto Valiente
Brian Van Aelst
Christopher Waite
Matthew Waite
William Wang
Bruce Waterman
Kurt Weber
Harold Welch
Brian Wells
Merrell Williams
James Wilson
Julie Worthington
Ron Yarbrough
Paul Zaritsky
Stephen Zuknick
2015-16 HCDA Meeting Dates
September 29, 2015
November 17, 2015
December 4, 2015
January 26, 2016
March 29, 2016
May 24, 2016
HCDA General Membership Meeting, Renaissance Hotel at International Plaza
HCDA General Membership Meeting, Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club
HCDA Holiday Party, The Tampa Club
HCDA General Membership Meeting, Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club
HCDA General Membership Meeting, Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club
HCDA General Membership Meeting, The Tampa Yacht and Country Club
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Condolences to Family and Friends
Dr. Norman John Castellano passed away July 13, 2015. Norman grew up in Brandon and was a long-time resident
of both Brandon and Tampa. After completing his undergraduate degree at USF, he earned a Master’s of Science
Degree in Animal Nutrition and completed his academia by obtaining his Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the
University of Florida. He began a successful dental practice in Tampa and became a team dentist for the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers. Donations in Norman's name can be made to the Moffitt Cancer Center by calling (888) 663-3488.
FDA Supported Legislation Re-Introduced for 2016
Rep. Travis Cummings, R-Orange Park, has introduced HB 139 for the 2016 legislative session. The legislation would
lead to the creation of "dental care access accounts," which would include state and local funds. Dentists who agree
to practice in underserved areas could use money from the accounts for such expenses as repayment of dental school
student loans and investment in dental office facilities and equipment.
Senator Don Gaetz, R-Ft. Walton Beach, has introduced the Senate companion bill which is awaiting a bill number. The
Florida Dental Association supports both these pieces of legislation.
CODA Supports Dental Therapy Model
The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) recently voted
to implement a process of accreditation for dental therapy
education programs. The commission directed the establishment
of an ad hoc committee to develop the implementation process
for accreditation of dental therapy education programs. Once
accreditation materials are fully developed and publicized,
applications for accreditation may be received by the Commission. CODA estimates the soonest a dental therapy education
program in the U.S. could be evaluated and awarded
accreditation is January 2017. Stay tuned for more information
as it becomes available.
Delegation of Duties Cheat Sheet
For a handy summary of the delegation of duties for dental
assistants and dental hygienists in Florida, use this link to the
It is password protected, so you will need to log in to see it.
Volunteer Opportunity!
Remote Area Medical (RAM) will be hosting a
completely free dental, medical, and vision
clinic in Bradenton November 21st and 22nd at
the Manatee Technical College! RAM is a 501(c)
3 nonprofit dedicated to one thing: bringing
free, quality care to the underserved. RAM
conducts mobile clinics all over the country and
provides all of the equipment: all they need are
selfless volunteers like you! Volunteer dentists,
dental hygienists, dental assistants, administrative assistants - the whole office is needed to
volunteer! Patients wait all night, often arriving
days before the clinic to line up and receive
free, no-questions-asked dental care. All you
need to do to be a part of this event is to sign
up as a volunteer at ramusa.org! If you have
any questions, please contact Lori Dengler, Volunteer Recruitment Chair for RAM Florida by
email at [email protected] or by
phone at (941) 447-5259.
Page 9
Peer Review (continued from page 5)
You can help avoid PR mediation by communicating freely with your patients. This includes discussing patient expectations, patient needs, possible complications, life expectancy of the procedures, necessity of the procedures, fees, alternate treatmentand
patient responsibilities after treatment is complete. Note that an FDA member does not have to be a member of their affiliate
dental association to be eligible for PR. As you count your benefits of FDA membership, remember that PR mediation is an invaluable tool in our cache.
Knight, L. Mediation makes sense. Today’s FDA, Nov./Dec. 2013, p 59.
Martinez, LE. Your peer review program: How it works. Today’s FDA, Nov./Dec. 2013, p 58.
Nicol, G. FDA peer review protects you while conforming to Florida law. Today’s FDA, Jan./Feb. 2014, pp 6-7.
Nicol, G. The hidden member benefit. Today’s FDA, Jan./Feb. 2012, pp 8-13.
Nicol, G. If peer review fails, can the records be used against you? Today’s FDA, Nov./Dec. 2013, p 61.
The Hillsborough County
Dental Association
is available to assist you:
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To contact the HCDA:
Phone: 813-447-3452
Fax: 407-704-3869
Email: [email protected]
Website: hcdafla.com
Michelle Stills, Executive Secretary
Newsletter Editor:
Dr. Thomas C. Reinhart
813-972-5560 • [email protected]
The HCDA Newsletter is published five times a year in September, October, January, March and May. The Editor and staff organize, print and mail to
membership. The position of the editor is elected by the Executive Council and does not have a specified term. The editorial staff holds the right to
deny ads submitted for publishing. The newsletter may publish signed articles relating to all phases of dentistry, but assumes no responsibility for
opinions expressed by the contributors. Publication in this newsletter does not imply the Hillsborough County Dental Association endorses any
products or services that are advertised. Views, editorials, news columns and/or articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of the editor,
staff, or members of the Hillsborough County Dental Association.