Waste Planning - Governo dos Açores
Waste Planning - Governo dos Açores
Waste Prevention and Management Azores Presented by: Ana Marisa Goulart Direcção Regional do Ambiente dos Açores Environmental Department of Azorean Government October 13, 2009 Foto de Hugo Marques Objectives j 9 Introduction 9 Waste policy and strategies 9 Waste planning 9 Waste management 9 Waste regulation 9 Waste inspection 9 Environmental E i t l education d ti and d trainee t i 9 Projects to the future 9 Conclusion Introduction 9 Isolated from the mainland 9 Portuguese P t archipelago hi l 9 About 250.000 250 000 inhabitants Atlantic Ocean http://acoresdesonho.no.sapo.pt 9 Autonomic Region of Portugal 9 Regional government and parliament 9 Ultraperipheric Region of the EU Introduction 600 km Vila do Corvo Santa Cruz da Graciosa Santa Cruz das Flores L j d Lajes das Fl Flores Praia da Vitória Velas Angra do Heroísmo São Roque Horta Madalena Calheta Lajes do Pico Ribeira Grande Nordeste P t Delgada Ponta D l d Povoação Lagoa V. F. do Campo Vila do Porto Introduction WM is coming g from from… … Introduction WM is arriving g to… Introduction Foto de André Vieira Foto de Hugo Marques Foto de Hugo Marques Foto de Hugo Marques Preserve Natural Beauty of the Azores Waste Policy and Strategies Directive 2006/12/EC, 5th of April Directive 91/689/CEE, 12th of December DLR 20/2007/A, 23th of August DLR 10/2008/A, 12th of May Define rules on waste regulation and management in Azores Strategic Plan for Wastes in Azores (PEGRA) DLR 40/2008/A, 25th of August Defines the economic, financial, enforcement and penalties regulation about waste management in Azores Waste Policy and Strategies Use of Sewage g Sludge g in Agriculture g Directive nº 286/278/CEE, 12th June D Decreto t L Legislativo i l ti Regional R i l nºº 16/2005/A 16/2005/A, 20th off June J Portaria nº 26/2006, 23rd of March Sewage sludge has valuable properties in agriculture agronomic To use sewage sludge T l d i agriculture in i lt i is necessary an autorization issued by the DRA Fonte: fotos.sapo.pt/e3iLbgwqfwO2g7GRbRmm/s320x240 Waste Policy and Strategies Waste transportation Portaria nº 74/2009, 14th September All waste types, incluiding construction and demolition waste and medical waste Exclusion: vegetal biomass 9 Who is authorized to transport waste 9 Conditions applied to waste transportation 9 New waste transportion document that is free Waste Policy and Strategies Waste transportation Portaria nº 74/2009, 14th September Waste transportation document is not apllied to municipal waste transportation Waste Policy and Strategies Financial support to maritime transport of Portaria nº 58/2009, 13 July waste th Maritime waste transportation between Azores islands and from Azores to Portuguese mainland i l d Waste management operators Waste types in Appendix I Metal waste, end of life vehicles, chemical waste, paper/cardboard and non packadge plastic waste 2nd semester of 2009 and 2010 Waste Planning The conception Th ti and d iimplementation l t ti off planning l i managementt programs in Azores are established in two plans: Plager.Gov g Resolution nº 131/2006, 6th October Resolution nº n 59/2007, 59/2007 14th June PEGRA DLR 10/2008/A, 12th May Waste Planning Plager.Gov 9 A plan that defines general rules for waste management in regional g departments p of the Government 9 The aim of this plan is to encourage the waste prevention and source reduction, recycling, p y g composting p g and elimination 9 Governmental departments have an operational plan that set of practical rules according to their reality Resolution R l ti nºº 59/2007 59/2007, 14th off J June - Best B t practices ti guide id Defines best practices applied to waste management in all Azorean Governmental departments in order to improve their environmental performance Waste Planning PEGRA DLR nº 10/2008/A,12th May Operational plan 2007-2013 Municipal waste, waste industrial waste, waste medical waste, agricultural waste and forestry waste Define strategy to waste management in Azores based on waste prevention and reduction and on definition of waste treatment, valorization and elimination Recovery of economic value of the waste Waste Management Waste management operators g p 16 15 14 14 12 11 10 8 6 4 4 2 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 Figure 1 - Number of licences issued by the DRA between 2006 and 2009 Waste Management Waste management g operators p 13% 18% 69% Disposal Recovery temporary storage Figure 2 - Percentage P t off the th licence li process, completed l t d and d underway d i the in th DRA, DRA for f operation of waste management (disposal, recovery and temporary storage) Waste Management Bi di Biodiesel l Selective S l ti waste t collection W t tires Waste ti retread t d Packaging waste sorting Waste Management Vehicle dismantling g and recycling Anaerobic digestion Landfill Waste Management Briquettes Industry Waste Management Waste management g operators p www.residuos www.residuosid -azores.org Waste Management Selective waste collection and exportation Corvo Graciosa Se ec e waste Selective as e co collection ec o (glass) Without waste exportation Flores São Jorge Terceira l ll Selective waste collection (paper/cardbord, glass, plastic and metal) Sorting plant Waste exportation São Miguel Selective waste collection (paper/cardbord, glass, plastic l i and d metal) l) Sorting plant Waste exportation Faial Selective waste collection ( (paper/cardbord, glass and / db d l d plastic) Sorting plant Waste exportation Waste exportation Pico Selective waste collection (paper/cardbord and glass) Paper/cardbord sorting plant Waste exportation Santa Maria Santa Maria Selective waste collection (paper/cardbord, glass, plastic and metal) Wi h Without waste exportation i Waste Management Selective waste collection and exportation Tonnes in 2008 Waste Types Tires Entities St. Maria S. Miguel Terceira Graciosa S. Jorge Pico Faial Flores Corvo Valorpneu Packaging waste Paper Cardboard Glass Total 369 - 4.066,8 3.240,3 - - 277,1 411.4 - - 7.996 - 2.166,2 1.292,2 - - 210,8 305,4 - - 3.975 - 1.262 1652,6 - - 66,3 90 - - 3.071 Pl ti Plastics - 229 8 229,8 170 5 170,5 - - 0 16 1 16,1 - - 416 Wood - 383,3 115,6 - - 0 0 - - 499 Metal - 25,6 9,5 - - 0 0 - - 35 SPV Waste oil Sogilub 215 WEEE Amb3E 499 Waste Management Waste Streams Integrated Management Systems Waste Management Waste management solutions Azorean Regional Government is: Building waste facilities in Graciosa and Flores Developing projects to build waste facilities in Corvo, Pico, São Jorge and Santa Maria 9 Storing S off the different ff separated wastes, including hazardous wastes; 9 Transfer station to move the waste to another island or to the mainland; 9 Composting unity for organic valorization Waste Regulation DLR nº 40/2008/A, 25th August Taxes 9 Waste management taxes 9 Waste regulation taxes 9 Ecocerv To encourage the utilization of reusable packaging of alcoholic l h li beer b A penalization tax for the non-reusable beer bottles and cans € 0,10 per individual packaging with capacity ≤ than 0,25 l Waste Regulation DLR nº 40/2008/A, 25th August Environmental Regional Fund of Azores Taxes E Ecocerv Penalties Environment R i Regional lF Fund d of Azores Projects j Cleaning up old sites of waste disposal Prevention environmental i t l damage Actually, there are different projects promoted by the Fund, developed with g entities participation such as universities and laboratories. external regional Waste Regulation DLR nº 40/2008/A, 25th August Entity for the Regulation of Water and Waste Services (ERSARA) Public water supply Wastewater treatment Waste management ERSARA Responsible for the definition of quality service criteria and monitoring it i goals l on waste t managementt systems t Waste Inspection In the environemntal sector, sector the inspection action in Azores is done by: 9 Regional Inspectorate for the Environment (IRA) Police forces 9 Environmental E i t l protection t ti service i ffrom N National ti lG Guard d (SEPNA - Serviço de Protecção da Natureza e do Ambiente da Guarda Nacional Republicana) 9 Public Security Police (PSP – Polícia de Segurança Pública) Environmental Education d i and d Trainee i The Environmental Department promotes in all islands training courses and environmental education actions on waste prevention and management 9 International I t ti l workshop k h about b t waste t managementt in i islands 9Eco-Management 9E M t and d Audit A dit Scheme S h (EMAS) and d Local L l Agenda 21 with the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) 9 Divulgation of integrated waste stream managing systems with the responsible entities Projects to the to the Future Regional Information System on Waste (SRIR) 2010 Waste registry maps SIRER Sistema Integrado de Registo Electrónico de Resíduos SIRAPA Sistema Integrado de Registo da APA SRIR Sistema Regional de Informação sobre b Resíduos SRIR regulation is being established in a regional law Conclusion 9 Elaboration of regional g legislation g 9 Conception and implementation of planning management programs 9 Conception of integrated waste facilities 9 Execution of regulatory instruments Protection of environment and human health Reach a sustainable development in Azores Thank you for your for your attention Direcção Regional do Ambiente dos Açores Direcção de Serviços de Resíduos Ana Marisa Goulart [email protected] [email protected] id d @ t www.residuos--azores.org www.residuos Rua Cônsul Dabney – Colónia Alemã 9900 – 014 Horta Telefone 292 207 300 Fax 292 391 568