2403. Exploring the Ethics of Isolation and Quarantine: A Visit with
2403. Exploring the Ethics of Isolation and Quarantine: A Visit with
KAW Exploring the Ethics of Isolation and Quarantine: A Visit with Typhoid Mary Directed by Performance by Brandon D. Higdem Kristin A. Watkins, MBA Costumes by Facilitated by Lynette B. Latchford Kristine Sanger, BS, MT(ASCP) There are no financial disclosures KAW KAW KAW MARY MALLON GEORGE SOPER JOSEPHINE BAKER WILLARD PARKER HOSPITAL NORTH BROTHER ISLAND SLOANE MATERNITY HOSPITAL KAW 1. Heymann DL. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. American Public Health Association. 2004. 2. Wikipedia – Typhoid Fever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_fever. Accessed 3/2/2009. 3. Wikipedia – Mary Mallon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon. Accessed 3/2/2009. 4. Soper G. The work of a chronic germ distributor. JAMA 1907;48:2019. 5. Baker SJ. Fighting for Life. MacMillan Company, New York. 1939. p. 72 – 77. 6. Aronson, SM. The Civil Rights of Mary Mallon. Rhode Island Medicine. 78(11) 311-2. Nov 1995. 7. 8. Kraut AM. Silent Travelers. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 1994. Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. 9. St. Germain M. A Plague of Angels. Samuel French, Inc. 2006. 10. Bourdain, Anthony. Typhoid Mary: an Urban Historical. Bloomsbury, New York. 2001. 11. Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. 12. Nova, In Her Own Words. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/letter.html. Accessed 1/21/2008. 13. Mason WP. "Typhoid MARY." Science 1909;30: 117-8. 14. NOVA. The most dangerous woman in America. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/MARY.html. 15. Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. 16. “Typhoid Mary Buried; Nine Persons Attend Mass for Her at Church in Bronx.” New York Times. Nov 13, 1938. 17. Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. Accessed 1/21/2008. KAW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Library: Original photo – Watkins K. 3/18/2009. Typhoid Map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fievre_typhoide.png. Accessed 3/18/09. Mary Mallon: Bourdain, Anthony. Typhoid Mary: an Urban Historical. Bloomsbury, New York. 2001. George Soper: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/alumni/Magazine/Spring2004/publichealth.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Mansion: http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2097264220054002000UxKjde. Accessed 3/18/09. Cook: http://www.heartpunchstudio.com/pages/Recent%20Projects.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Mary and skillet: http://images.art.com/images/products/regular/12381000/12381299.jpg. Accessed 3/18/09. S Josephine Baker: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminal_mind/forensics/typhoid_mary/6.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Caged immigrant: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/phs_history/21.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Brownstone: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wallyg/180653743/in/set-72157600863301109/. Accessed 3/18/09. Keystone cops: http://www.gopusanj.com/wordpress/?p=1682. Accessed 3/18/09. Bacilli: http://wanderlustandlipstick.com/blogs/kristengill/category/uncategorized/. Accessed 3/18/09. Willard Parker Hospital: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchdetail.cfm?trg=1&strucID=692518&imageID=805172&word= Willard%20Parker%20Hospital%20(New%20York%2C%20N.Y.)%20-%20To%201899&s=3¬word=&d=&c=&f=2&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&total=1&num=0&img s=12&pNum=&pos=1. Accessed 3/18/09. North Brother Island: http://www.opacity.us/image5978_patterns.htm. Accessed 3/18/09. Broken window: http://www.curatormagazine.com/alissawilkinson/broken-windows-and-internet-civility/. Accessed 3/18/09. Microscope: http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/museum/index.php?state=browse&start_entry=75&num_results=25&order_by=id &order=ASC. Accessed 3/18/09. Bacilli: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/health/medical_notes/4134567.stm. Accessed 3/18/09. KAW 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Microbes: http://office.microsoft.com/enus/clipart/results.aspx?qu=virus&sc=20&AxInstalled=copy&DownloadAssetId=MPj04387380000&DownloadExte nsion=jpg&c=0. Accessed 3/18/09. Surgery: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/arj/v1/n1/louis-pasteurs-views. Accessed 3/18/09. Brownstone: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wallyg/180653743/in/set-72157600863301109/. Accessed 3/18/09. Maid with germs: http://teachingamericanhistorymd.net/000001/000000/000164/html/t164.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Cook: Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. Going to heaven: http://www.vintagealohagallery.com/omo/penthouse.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Mary’s cottage: Courtesy of NYC Municipal Archives; http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/credits.html#photo. Accessed 3/18/09. NY American spread: June 20, 1909. Mary’s letter: Courtesy of New York County Clerk Archives. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/letter.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Typhoid Fever notice: http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/VC/B/B/H/S/. Accessed 3/18/09. Street: http://history.sandiego.edu/GEN/soc/shoppingcenter4.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Laundry: http://www.wolverhamptonarchives.dial.pipex.com/local_women_work_2.htm. Accessed 3/1/2008. Bacilli: http://ci.vbi.vt.edu/pathinfo/pathogens/enterica_2.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Cook: Leavitt JW. Typhoid MARY Captive to the Public’s Health. Beacon Press, Boston. 1996. Sloane Maternity Hospital: http://teachingamericanhistorymd.net/000001/000000/000164/html/t164.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Mary’s cottage: Courtesy of NYC Municipal Archives; http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/credits.html#photo. Accessed 3/18/09. Mary’s gravestone: http://delmardustpan.blogspot.com/2007_11_01_archive.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Typhoid Mary and Reaper: Image 2203608849_8eceaf4d77.jpg. Accessed 3/14/08. KAW 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Mary and skillet: http://images.art.com/images/products/regular/12381000/12381299.jpg. Accessed 3/18/09. Skeleton with shield: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/typhoid/quarantine.html. Accessed 3/18/09. Today I caught the Plague: www.myspace.com/todayicaughttheplague. Accessed 3/1/2008. Germ circle: Tomes N. The Gospel of Germs. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 1998. SARS ballet: Duffin J, Sweetman A. SARS in Context. McGill-Queen’s University Press, London. 2006. Award winning photograph by Vincent Yu, Associated Press. KAW KAW