Annual Meeting Set For December 13 at SEBA Central Frank
Annual Meeting Set For December 13 at SEBA Central Frank
Annual Meeting Set For December 13 at SEBA Central The Southeastern Bluegrass Association will hold its 2015 annual meeting on Sunday, December 13 at 1:00pm at Emory Presbyterian Church. The church is located at 1886 North Decatur Road in Atlanta. Our meeting rooms will be in a building separate from the main sanctuary – we'll have a SEBA banner set up to guide first-time attendees to the correct location. Frank Hamilton Folk School Opens in Atlanta – by Rebecca Lawson There is a new opportunity to learn string instruments in the folk style in Atlanta. The Frank Hamilton Folk School is opening this fall. The location is the Epworth United Methodist Church in Candler Park. One of the main business items will be to elect new officers. If you have an interest in running for office, please contact Dan Daniel or Danette Kellner on or before October 15 to get your name on the ballot. Bylaws require that we post the ballot in the newsletter by November – hence the October 15 deadline to meet production & printing deadlines. In addition to elections, the meeting will feature networking opportunities, officer reports, and awards. Jam sessions will follow and run until about 6pm. Stay tuned for more details as they emerge. Mr Hamilton is the founder of the very successful Old Town Folk School in Chicago. This school has been around since 1957 and has a very large student population. The venture in Atlanta will be backed by Hamilton's business partner Robert Bakert. He has also formed an association with the Atlanta friends of folk music. We hope to also form an active relationship with SEBA. While they will be teaching mostly folk style it is only a short hop to bluegrass and old time. This looks like a great new learning opportunity for new and novice players and we are definitely going to keep a close watch. If you want more information there is a very good City Lights (WABE) online at . Page 2 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN S E B A B r e a k d o w n & P U B L I C AT I O N S Breakdown Editor: Mike Wood Contributors to this month's issue: Dan Daniel Rebecca Lawson Joe Matteson Danette Kellner Mike Wood Michael Hughes 2015 SEBA Board of Directors Chairman of the Board Secretary President/CEO Chapters Chair Dan Daniel 770 900-7472 Danette Kellner 678 445-7020 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer/Finance Membership Committee Chair Don Simons 770 650-8975 [email protected] Education Committee Rebecca Lawson 678 592-4334 [email protected] Publications Committee Painter Dickson Lester 678 836-4391 [email protected] From the Editor's Desk It's October and we're officially into the fall season. Turning leaves and ruminations about the traditional harvest time will soon give way to the Holiday Season. As part of those annual festivities, I hope you remember the SEBA annual meeting which is scheduled for Sunday, December 13 at Emory Presbyterian Church. Please note that we have a short deadline for officer nominations (October 15). In my short tenure at SEBA, I haven't seen any contested elections yet. Maybe we need some hard-fought contests to liven things up a bit. Anyway, please contact Dan Daniel or Danette Kellner on or before the 15th if you'd like to run for office. Meanwhile, thanks to you all for your support. Mike Wood Breakdown Editor Until next month keep posting those events at Mike Wood 678-492-0253 [email protected] SEBA depends on Creative Printing for your printed copies of The SEBA Breakdown. Call or visit them Today for a quote! The SEBA Breakdown is a monthly production of: The Southeastern Bluegrass Association, Inc P.O. Box 20286, Atlanta, GA 30325. Copyright 2015, All rights reserved Address for all memberships, subscriptions and submissions to: SEBA's Po Box or email us at [email protected] Deadline for all submissions is the 1st of each month. SEBA's Mission Statement The Southeastern Bluegrass Association (SEBA) is a nonprofit organization consisting of members, fans, bands, promoters, businesses, vendors, musicians, and friends of bluegrass music. Working together to reach a common goal: The preservation and promotion of Bluegrass Music, bringing it to the Community through performers, instructors, jam sessions, venues and events and providing information to all through our publications, the Award Winning SEBA Breakdown and the SEBA websites. Please copy & use the SEBA logo. Link us.. We support SEBA On you r w eb site i n you r em ai l or on you r F ac eb ook p ag e you c an help g et t he w ord ou t that SEB A i s here to help ev eryon e in the blu eg rass mu si c c om m u ni ty. Page 3 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN From the President's Desk It is with great sadness that I report the passing of a very active member of SEBA and the Bluegrass Community. Mr John Stockard passed away at his home in Dahlonega Sunday morning, September 6, surrounded by his family and his dog, Cindy. John had a long interesting life. After he graduated from UNC, he spent a term in the US Army, during the Korean War. He then married Jane, and they had three daughters, Kathryn, Dorothy, and Barbara. John then became the art director for WTVD in Durham, North Carolina. While his children were young, he was the art director for the extension office at Kansas State University. When his daughters were grown, he and Jane moved to Georgia. The first years in Georgia he spent as a master wood carver, and had pieces in major art galleries in the United States. While traveling to art shows, he found his true passion, music. He built and played musical instruments for twenty plus years. Many of those years were spent building mountain dulcimers. He also built several guitars, and the occasional experimental instrument. All of his instruments were a labor of love. He truly put a piece of his soul in each one. They were cherished by every person that was lucky enough to own one. He loved to see each instrument developing day by day into something that will take on a life of its own, sing, and give others the joy of music. He also loved his family and friends, nature, animals, and RC planes. John had a passion for life like none other. Always seeing beauty around him, he was a never-ending optimist. He’ll be terribly missed by every life he touched. As well as his wife, Jane, and his three daughters, Kathryn, Dorothy, and Barbara, he is also survived by five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. John served SEBA as the VP of the Dahlonega Chapter and worked very hard to promote Bluegrass Music. A Memorial Jam and covered dish supper is scheduled in Johns honor, please bring a covered dish of your choice along with a story or memory of John to share. See details below. In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to the pulmonary fibrosis foundation or your local no kill animal shelter. Online condolences may be expressed at Dan Daniel President and CEO Southeastern Bluegrass Association Page 4 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Letter to the Editor Joe Matteson shared memories of John Stockard in email messages to the editor on September 15. In addition to the memorial information that Dan Daniel also conveys in his letter this month, Joe also submitted a few words and photos: John was in charge of the Dahlonega SEBA chapter for a couple of years, until his health started failing earlier this year. He still attended meetings when he could. He made some of the finest dulcimers around as well as other instruments. He was very involved in Dahlonega's music scene over the years. He was a dear friend to many and will be missed by all. The Dappled Grays perform at the Red Light Cafe in August, 2015 Page 5 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN “SEBA's Take Along Sharing & Information Page” We hope you find this feature helpful. Thanks for supporting SEBA. S t a rt y o u r o w n S E BA c h a p t e r o r J a m S i t e C o n t a c t [email protected] To view or post Festivals go to For all other events go to YOUR SEBA CHAPTERS, VICE PRESIDENTS, LOCATIONS, MEETINGS & TIMES F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n g o t o w w w. s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g SEBA is proud to announce our newest chartered chapter: SEBA Americus, GA. Congratulations to our new VP Debra Sykes! SEBA DAHLONEGA, GA VP Joe Matteson 706-319-2045 [email protected] Click for Map United Community Bank, 206 Morrison Memorial Parkway, Dahlonega, GA 30533 3rd Sun 2 - 5p 5pm SEBA Colum lumbus bus, GA SEBA Americus, GA SEBA Rab Rabun (Clayton Clayton,GA) VP Debra Sykes 229-874-1234 VP Dean English 706 782-9852 [email protected] Click for Map Click for Map Brickyard Plantation Golf Club & RV Park 1619 US Highway 280 Americus, GA 31709 1st Saturday 6 – 8pm 8pm Blueridge Music Store 629 Duggan Hill Rd. Clayton, GA 30525 1st Saturday 12pm - 3pm SEBA Stable (Ba (Ballplay/G llplay/Gadsden, AL) SEBA Macon County, NC VP Dan Nelson 256 490-4360 [email protected] Click for Map 191 Thornton Lakes Road Ballplay, AL 35903 3rd Saturda Saturday 12pm till when wheneever.. VP Jay Baird 828-200-1932 Macon County Heritage Center 51 Cowee School Drive Cowee, NC 28734 Click for Map 3rd Saturday 12pm till 3:30pm SEBA Midd Middle Geo Georgia Blu Bluegrass Macon Ga SEBA JACK JACKSONVIL VILLE, LE, FL VP Joe Choo VP Andy Gilbert 706-561-9675 [email protected] Click for Map Lake Pines RV Park & Campground 6404 Garrett Road Columbus, Georgia 31820 VP Ronnie Davis 904-813-1761 [email protected] [email protected] Click for Map Click for Map Young America Music School (YAMS) 6361 Zebulon Rd, Macon, GA 31220 2nd Sunday 2 – 5p 5pm New Day/Time The last Sunday of every month. SEBA Jonesboro, Jonesboro, GA Edgewood Heights Baptist Church 4011 Gilmore St. Jax., Fl. 32205 2nd Sat of each Month from 4 to 8 P SEBA WINDER, GA SEBA MARIETT ARIETTA GA VP Dan Daniel 770-900-7472 3rd Wed 6 to 9 pm VP Scott & Lizabeth Weber 770-207-9223 [email protected] Click for Map St. Anthony's Episcopal Church 174 St. Anthony's Dr Winder, GA 30680 1st Sunda Sunday 3pm -6p -6pm SEBA CENTRAL (Atlan (Atlanta Met Metro) SEBA TAG (Ch (Chattan tanooga, TN) Walter Stark 404 315-6161 [email protected] Click for Map Emory Presbyterian Church 1886 N. Decatur Rd Atlanta, GA 30307 2nd Sunday 3 - 6pm VP Carson Madewell 423-624-3063 SEBATAG@ s e b a b l u e g r a s s . o r g Click for Map Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 7407 Bonny Oaks Drive,Chattanooga, TN. 37421 3rd Sunday 2 -5pm VP Bill Turpin 770-314-3889 [email protected] Real 2 Reel Recording Studio 7815 Old Morrow Road Jonesboro, GA [email protected] Click for Map Woodstock Community Church 237 Rope Mill Road Woodstock, Georgia. 30188 4th Sunday 1:30 – 4:30pm New Day More chapters are in the works. Watch this space for details. GREAT NEW SEBA JAMSITE LOCATIONS AND MORE TO COME Get YOUR favorite jam site officially supported by SEBA Bill's Music Shop & Pickin' Parlor Australian Bakery Lone Star Barbecue Pickers Paradise 48 South Park Sq NE Marietta, 2212 State Park Road Hwy 59 and Hwy 31 GA Santee, SC 29142 Stapleton, AL 36578 710 Meeting St West 30060 251-937-0511 Phone: 803-854-2000 Columbia, SC 678 797-6222 contact 29169 (803) 796-6477 [email protected] pickersparadisemusicstore@gm Every [email protected] Every 1st and 3rd Friday of each Friday Night 7:30 PM 3rd Thursday 7 - 10pm Tuesday Night 7 – 9 pm month P l e a s e c h e c k o r c a l l b e f o r e y o u g o. The Old Tucker Fountain 2329 Main Street, Tucker, GA 30084 [email protected] Wednesday Night 6-8pm Thanks for patronizing our supporters Page 6 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN Let's keep posting those events at Your Monthly guide to … Little Roy Lewis & Lizzy Long endorse joining SEBA SEBA Membership Request & Suggestion Form Ye s c I want to Join SEBA & get the Monthly issue of The Breakdown with Internet Access, Member Directory & FREE Want Ads. Fill in & mail form or on line at DATE _______________________ I'M A NEW MEMBER c MEMBER RENEWAL c DONATION ONLY c MEMBER UPDATE c Economy Electronic Memberships (E-memberships are for access to the SEBA Breakdown newsletter, in color on line. For Internet access only. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply ) E-MEMBER $15 c E-FAMILYMEMBER $20 c PROFESSIONAL E--MEBERSHIP w/WebPage $25 BAND&ENTERTAINERS c MUSICINSTRUCTORS c BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c Regular SEBA Memberships (Receive one copy of the Black & White printed version of the SEBA Breakdown newsletter by US Mail & on line color version. FREE Want Ads & all other benefits apply) INDIVIDUAL SEBA MEMBERSHIP $20 c FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $25 c SEBA PROFESSIONAL MEBERSHIPS w/ Web Page $35 BAND & ENTERTAINERS c MUSIC INSTRUCTORS c BUSINESS c INDIVIDUAL c NameYourNew “SEBAPro“ Web Page Pro Page Name_______________________________ ___________________________________________ Your Web Site Address ___________________________________________ YourName_____________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City,State,Zip ___________________________________________ Email____ ______________________________ _______________ Phone #________________________________________________ To apply on line go to What is the closest SEBA chapter to you? _______________________________________ SEE this issue or our web site for current locations. I want a SEBA chapter near me. c Where ?_______________________________ Include me in The SEBA Member Directory c M a i l y o u r F o rm & P a y m e n t t o : SEBA P. O. B o x 2 0 2 8 6 A t l a n t a, G A 3 0 3 2 5 Live & Pickin Call before you go! Oct 1~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills, [email protected], 678-451-7820 Oct 3~Sat~Pickin' on the Square in Newnan, Newnan Court House, Newnan, GA, 10:30 am to 2pm, Art Arace, [email protected] Oct 3~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, [email protected], 7709455628 Oct 4~Sun~Tucker Station String Band, The Greater Good BBQ, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Christy Hand, [email protected] Oct 6~Tue~Bluegrass Jam at Steve's Live Music, Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 6:30-close,, Jason Koornick, [email protected], 678-708-2321 Oct 7~Wed~Bluegrass Jam at Old Tucker Fountain, Old Tucker Fountain, Tucker GA, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Rebecca Lawson, [email protected] Oct 7~Wed~The Crimson Moon Open Mic, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 7pm-9pm,, Laura Mae Bain, [email protected] Oct 8~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills, [email protected], 678-451-7820 Oct 10~Sat~Ken Scoggins, Feed And Seed, Fletcher, NC,, Ken Scoggins, [email protected], 803-230-9523 Oct 10~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, [email protected], 7709455628 Oct 11~Sun~SEBA Central Jam, Emory Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA, 3pm-6pm,, Walter Stark, [email protected], 404-315-6161 Oct 13~Tue~Bluegrass Jam at Steve's Live Music, Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 6:30-close,, Jason Koornick, [email protected], 678-708-2321 Oct 13~Tue~Rochelle Jam, Jamming House, Rochelle, GA, 6:30 till 9:00 PM, Bob McGuinty, [email protected], 229-276-5852 Oct 14~Wed~Bluegrass Jam at Old Tucker Fountain, Old Tucker Fountain, Tucker GA, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Rebecca Lawson, [email protected] Oct 14~Wed~The Crimson Moon Open Mic, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 7pm-9pm,, Laura Mae Bain, [email protected] Oct 15~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills, [email protected], 678-451-7820 Oct 17~Sat~Monroe Farmers' Market Acoustic Jam, Monroe Courthouse, Monroe, GA, 9:00 AM - noon, Bill Long, [email protected] Oct 17~Sat~Pickin' on the Square in Newnan, Newnan Court House, Newnan, GA, 10:30 am to 2pm, Art Arace, [email protected] Oct 17~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, [email protected], 7709455628 Oct 18~Sun~Facing South, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 - 7 pm with Jam afterward,, Mike Soucie, [email protected], 770-934-1675 Oct 20~Tue~Bluegrass Jam at Steve's Live Music, Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 6:30-close,, Jason Koornick, [email protected], 678-708-2321 Oct 21~Wed~Bluegrass Jam at Old Tucker Fountain, Old Tucker Fountain, Tucker GA, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Rebecca Lawson, [email protected] Oct 21~Wed~The Crimson Moon Open Mic, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 7pm-9pm,, Laura Mae Bain, [email protected] Oct 22~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills, [email protected], 678-451-7820 Oct 24~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, [email protected], 7709455628 Oct 25~Sun~Hicks With Picks, Greater Good BBQ Restaurant, Tucker, GA, 6 to 8 pm,, Jeff Dore, [email protected] Oct 27~Tue~Bluegrass Jam at Steve's Live Music, Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, GA, 6:30-close,, Jason Koornick, [email protected], 678-708-2321 Oct 27~Tue~Rochelle Jam, Jamming House, Rochelle, GA, 6:30 till 9:00 PM, Bob McGuinty, [email protected], 229-276-5852 Oct 28~Wed~Bluegrass Jam at Old Tucker Fountain, Old Tucker Fountain, Tucker GA, Tucker, GA, 6pm - 8pm,, Rebecca Lawson, [email protected] Oct 28~Wed~The Crimson Moon Open Mic, The Crimson Moon, Dahlonega, GA, 7pm9pm,, Laura Mae Bain, [email protected] Oct 29~Thu~Bluegrass Thursdays - Weekly Jam, Red Light Cafe, Atlanta, GA, Jam starts at 6PM, band performance 911PM,, Ellen Mills, [email protected], 678-451-7820 Oct 29-31~Thu-Sat~BooGrass Bash, Civic Center of Anderson, Anderson, SC, 10 am - 11 pm,, Angie Stringer, [email protected], 864-934-6451 Oct 31~Sat~Weekly Jam Sessions, Everett's Music Barn, Suwanee, GA, 7pm-12am,, [email protected], 7709455628 Page 7 October 2015 The SEBA BREAKDOWN A Bluegrass Cartoon by Michael Hughes See this cartoon and other works from Michael Hughes online at this link: SEP 29-Oct 3~IBMA World of Bluegrass, [email protected]~Raleigh, NC~615-256-3222 OCT 8-11~Newell Lodge Bluegrass Festival, [email protected] ~Folkston, GA~912-496-2838 OCT 9-10~5th Annual Brickyard Music Festival, ~Americus, GA~229-942-7079 OCT 9-11~Tennessee Fall Homecoming, ~Norris, TN~865-494-7680 OCT 10~3b Music Festival: Bluegrass, Blues & BBQ, ~Union Grove, NC~7049248870 OCT 14-18~Rebecca Rose Memorial 43rd Bluegrass Festival, ~Guyton, GA~912-773-5142 OCT 16-17~Gulf Coast Bluegrass and Folk Music Festival, ~Panama City/Parker, FL~850-624-3261 OCT 17~Orange Blossom Bluegrass & Gospel Festival, [email protected]~Lathemtown (Canton), GA~404-7884464 OCT 24~Randy's Pickin' Parlor LIVE at Clermont Performing Arts Festival, ~Clermont, FL~520-308-4356 OCT 29-31~BooGrass Bash, ~Anderson, SC~864-934-6451 NOV 7~Cabbagetown Chomp & Stomp, ~Atlanta, GA~4042220644 NOV 12-14~Fall Palatka Bluegrass Festival, ~Palatka, FL~706-864-7203 NOV 20-22~Withlacoochee River Bluegrass Festival, Http:// ~Dunnellon, FL~352-318-3872 NOV 26-28~South Carolina State Bluegrass Festival, Beach, SC~706-864-7203 DEC 31-Jan 2~New Year's Bluegrass Festival, ~Jekyll Island, GA~706-864-7203 JAN 11-15~Danny Stewart's Bluegrass Cruise, ~Port Canaveral, FL~570721-2760 FEB 26-28~Everglades Bluegrass Festival, ~North Miami Beach, FL~954-868-2969 Classified Ads FREE FOR ALL SEBA MEMBERS All SEBA members with a current (non-expired) membership are eligible for 1 free want ad each membership year. Free ads for instruments or related merchandise run for 3 months - free ads for music instruction run for 6 months. After the free ad expires, members may extend the ad or purchase a new 3-month ad for a cost of $10. Effective January 19, 2015, new want ads are limited to a maximum of 50 words in length. CONTACT US [email protected] INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE or TRADE Vintage mid '60s Prestige 12-string guitar. $300 obo. Contact Dirone at [email protected]. Custom Leather Instrument Straps, Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo (Cradle or Attachment type), Dobro (Reso for all the politically correct). Handmade, custom hand carvings, hand toolings, and personalization available. Call Ken "Chief" Harper, 229 387 6047 or email:[email protected]. For Sale-- I restore Harmony and Silvertone Folk(000 size) guitars from 60's era. All solid wood X-brace and do total remake of the guitar. Cost each with a gig bag $700 to $900. Contact Natures Harmony 478-334-8667 Morris Rowell Bluegrass Etiquette Back by popular demand, here's a reprint of Chapter 10 from An Introduction to Bluegrass Jamming by Tom Barnwell. The entire, 10-chapter article is available on SEBA's main website at Here's chapter 10: If you have never approached a jam session before, you may find it a very intimidating situation. When you first come up to a jam session, particularly if you don’t make eye contact, you will mostly be ignored. This does not necessarily mean that the jammers do not want you there, but rather that they think you just want to play along. Playing along (that is playing backup appropriately and tastefully at all times) is a perfectly acceptable activity, and is great practice. In general, I always play along for a while as I size up the jam session. Many bluegrass jammers love to get involved with new people and are very friendly, but if you look like you want to be left alone, they will generally leave you alone. After you have sized up a jam session and decided how you might fit in, offer to get involved either by suggesting a song on which you can sing or play lead, or by making eye contact. If I am ignored (which can be because I am not wanted or because the other jammers don’t yet know how I can fit in), I will often jump-in one time. This means that I will step forward and take a break when I get a chance, even though I have not been invited. This immediately shows the others what I can do, and makes my offer to participate very clear. Usually, after I jump-in, I am included in the session. If I am still ignored, I go somewhere else and find a better deal. Another thing to watch out for is that after you are included in a jam session, you should not hog the session. This is all too easy to do, since often you have been waiting sooooo long and you can do sooooo much. Good jam sessions are good for everyone, so if you are having a good time, try to make sure the others are as well. This is not always possible, of course, because sometimes the available pieces simply cannot be fitted together. However, one of the most wonderful things about bluegrass is the deep sense of community and even love which is shared by the participants. Be considerate and open, and you will inevitably be welcomed to that community.
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