China probates, M-Z This list contains details of all the probates
China probates, M-Z This list contains details of all the probates
China probates, M‐Z This list contains details of all the probates granted through the British Supreme Court for China at Shanghai, from 1857 to 1941. It contains the names of the deceased, the year probate was granted, and the number of the file containing that probate at The National Archives, London. You will have to contact The National Archives if you want to view the file, and we have placed this list here solely as a tool for helping you locate details of deaths in China. Use the Search function within Acrobat to look for surnames. Surnames M‐Z Piece number Name FO 917/421 Maberley, Edward Grafton FO 917/1260 MacAllister, Alexander FO 917/415 Macallum, Tom A. FO 917/2936 MacArthur, Archibald FO 917/996 MacArthur, Arthur Dugald FO 917/2173 MacArthur, Colin Edward FO 917/798 MacArthur, James FO 917/2399 MacArthur, John FO 917/3693 Macartney, Thomas Lamont FO 917/689 MacCallum, Alexander FO 917/3783 MacDonald, Elsa Anna Iole FO 917/3221 MacDonald, Ian Dempster FO 917/2850 MacDonald, Mary Sun FO 917/1207 MacDonald, Thomas FO 917/416 MacDonald, Thomas Johnstone FO 917/417 MacDonald, Thomas Johnstone FO 917/3418 MacDonald, William FO 917/1261 MacDougall, Reginald Campbell FO 917/2084 MacEwen, Alexander Palmer FO 917/94 Macfarlane, Malcolm FO 917/3222 MacGowan, Arthur Symon FO 917/2085 MacGowan, Eva Spicer FO 917/2010 MacGregor, Alexander John Lindsay FO 917/3857 MacGregor, Anne FO 917/3858 MacGregor, Archibald FO 917/1819 MacGregor, John FO 917/614 MacGregor, John FO 917/2400 MacGregor, Robert FO 917/2086 MacGregor, Roderick FO 917/3694 MacHaffie, David FO 917/3695 MacIntosh, Ewen Date 1887 1907 1887 1929 1902 1920 1898 1923 1937 1895 1938 1932 1928 1906 1887 1887 1934 1907 1919 1871 1932 1919 1918 1939 1939 1916 1893 1923 1919 1937 1937 Piece number Name FO 917/359 Mack, Robert FO 917/738 Mackay, Alexander Maclean FO 917/148 Mackay, George FO 917/1208 Mackay, James FO 917/1209 Mackay, James FO 917/473 Mackay, John FO 917/1210 Mackechnie, Andrew FO 917/474 Mackenzie, David FO 917/1060 Mackenzie, Donald Hugh FO 917/1909 Mackenzie, Edward James FO 917/2759 Mackenzie, EleanOr Agnes Maud FO 917/1820 Mackenzie, James FO 917/799 MacKenzie, James FO 917/1747 Mackenzie, John Grant FO 917/449 MacKenzie, John Kenneth FO 917/135 Mackenzie, Kenneth Ross FO 917/690 Mackenzie, Margaret FO 917/2238 Mackenzie, Murdo Alexander FO 917/3603 MacKenzie, Murdo Campbell FO 917/576 Mackenzie, Robert FO 917/81 Mackenzie, William FO 917/2586 Mackenzie, William Whitehead FO 917/2011 Mackie, James FO 917/418 MacKillop, John FO 917/2239 MacKinnon, Henrietta Ella FO 917/15 MacKinnon, John FO 917/1748 MacKinnon, John Bernard Anthony FO 917/1910 MacKinnon, John Bernard Anthony FO 917/2012 MacKinnon, Thomas Campbell FO 917/1594 Maclean, Alexander McBride FO 917/2087 MacLean, Lena FO 917/1595 Maclean, Louisa Beatrice FO 917/2401 Maclean, Neil FO 917/1821 Maclean, Peter FO 917/2240 Maclean, Sophia Lucinda FO 917/3018 MacLennan, Donald FO 917/1822 MacLennan, Flora May FO 917/3604 MacLennan, John FO 917/2241 MacLeod, Neil FO 917/2013 MacLeod, Neil FO 917/577 Macown, Thomas Date 1885 1896 1874 1906 1906 1889 1906 1889 1903 1917 1927 1916 1898 1915 1888 1873 1895 1921 1936 1892 1870 1925 1918 1887 1921 1865 1915 1917 1918 1913 1919 1913 1923 1916 1921 1930 1916 1936 1921 1918 1892 Piece number Name FO 917/3325 MacPhail, Thomas FO 917/210 MacPherson, A. FO 917/419 MacPherson, Duncan FO 917/1823 MacQueen, Thomas Maclean FO 917/308 Macquire, John FO 917/1527 Macrae, Hector John FO 917/3859 Macray, Herbert Alfred FO 917/2683 MacTavish, Hector FO 917/578 MacTavish, James William FO 917/165 MacVicar, Charles Young FO 917/2402 Madar, Omar Abdool FO 917/3223 Madar, Zainas FO 917/2938 Magill, James FO 917/2939 Magill, James FO 917/3019 Magill, James FO 917/3605 Maguire, Charles Robert FO 917/3419 Maguire, Fanny FO 917/894 Maher, James FO 917/3224 Mahomed, Aboo Saleh FO 917/422 Mahomed, Dina FO 917/3606 Mahon, William FO 917/1824 Main, David FO 917/3420 Main, David Duncan FO 917/3326 Main, Jessie Ritchie FO 917/2684 Main, Omotto FO 917/136 Main, Thomas Burgess FO 917/1211 Maitland, Andrew Wright FO 917/2321 Maitland, Francis FO 917/1262 Maitland, Francis John FO 917/579 Maitland, John FO 917/3696 Major, Anna Margaret FO 917/1333 Major, Ernest FO 917/1825 Major, Frederick FO 917/74 Major, John FO 917/3129 Makujina, Nariosung Burjorjie FO 917/3511 Malcolm, Allan Scouller FO 917/246 Malcolm, J. FO 917/47 Malcolm, Thomas FO 917/1472 Malcolm, Thomas Henry FO 917/1379 Malcolm, William Hodgson FO 917/3327 Male‐Trew, George Harry Date 1933 1878 1887 1916 1883 1912 1939 1926 1892 1875 1923 1932 1929 1929 1930 1936 1934 1900 1932 1887 1936 1916 1934 1933 1926 1873 1906 1922 1907 1892 1937 1908 1916 1869 1931 1935 1880 1867 1911 1909 1933 Piece number Name FO 917/2587 Mallison, Mary Elizabeth Plinston FO 917/1911 Manger, Alfred Thomas FO 917/3923 Manley, John Gilpin FO 917/1473 Manley, John Thomas FO 917/2014 Manley, Mary FO 917/1161 Mann, Frederick FO 917/194 Mann, Henry FO 917/2508 Mann, Phyllis May FO 917/841 Manning, Harry Cranmer FO 917/2403 Mansfield, Augusta Loetitia Hester FO 917/2509 Mansfield, Edward Dillon FO 917/1531 Mansfield, Florence Mary FO 917/1912 Mansfield, Francis Emily FO 917/2242 Mansfield, Jesse George FO 917/1474 Mansfield, Jesse John FO 917/580 Mansfield, Marie Therese L. FO 917/1475 Mansfield, Robert William FO 917/2322 Manson, Sir Patrick FO 917/2404 Manthie, John Ludwig FO 917/2088 Mardenborough, Rhodale Despenser FO 917/2510 Markham, Harry FO 917/95 Markham, John FO 917/2940 Marks, Samuel FO 917/1263 Markwick, Anna Francisco FO 917/1334 Markwick, Richard FO 917/615 Markwick, Richard FO 917/2323 Marriott, Helen Lina FO 917/450 Marsden, Robert Conde FO 917/3225 Marsh, Mary Alice FO 917/1599 Marshall, Alexander Webster FO 917/3512 Marshall, Angus MacPherson FO 917/3020 Marshall, Charles William FO 917/2324 Marshall, Elizabeth Louisa FO 917/2760 Marshall, Ernest Julian FO 917/1662 Marshall, Francis Julian FO 917/3130 Marshall, Francis Lemon FO 917/3131 Marshall, Francis Lemon FO 917/2325 Marshall, Peter FO 917/1264 Marsh‐Browne, Hannah Elizabeth FO 917/2405 Marsh‐Pringle, John Dunbar FO 917/1335 Martin, Annie Date 1925 1917 1940 1911 1918 1905 1877 1924 1899 1923 1924 1912 1917 1921 1911 1892 1911 1922 1923 1919 1924 1871 1929 1907 1908 1893 1922 1888 1932 1913 1935 1930 1922 1927 1914 1931 1931 1922 1907 1923 1908 Piece number Name FO 917/1265 Martin, David FO 917/616 Martin, Fairly Russell FO 917/1476 Martin, Grace Ethel FO 917/1749 Martin, James FO 917/195 Martin, James Patrick FO 917/3784 Martin, Jean Mclean FO 917/3328 Martin, Lydia Rosalie FO 917/1750 Martin, Philip Henry FO 917/3132 Martin, Reginald Barrington FO 917/96 Martin, William FO 917/2761 Martin, William FO 917/3021 Martin, William John FO 917/3860 Mason, Annie Genevieve FO 917/3924 Massey, Emmeline Sarah FO 917/2511 Master, Godfrey Cornewall Chester FO 917/544 Matchitt, Henry FO 917/3330 Mather, Comrie McKenzie FO 917/3331 Mather, Percy Cunningham FO 917/3697 Matheson, George FO 917/1751 Mathias, Hugh FO 917/2588 Matthews, Albert James FO 917/1477 Matthews, George Augustus FO 917/3607 Maucan, Robert Buchanan FO 917/3698 Mauchan, Janey Helena Bruce FO 917/1826 Maxwell, Charles Lionel FO 917/3329 Maxwell, Francis Aubert FO 917/1827 Maxwell, Noel FO 917/3421 May, Caroline Mary Neville FO 917/3022 May, Esme Maude FO 917/1163 May, Frederick Nevill FO 917/2406 May, George Howard FO 917/2326 May, Sir Francis Henry FO 917/2941 Mayers, Frederick John FO 917/211 Mayers, William Samuel FO 917/137 Mayhew, Edgar Walter FO 917/2243 McAdam, Harry James FO 917/3861 McAlister, Charles Somerville FO 917/3699 McAll, Percy Lonsdale FO 917/2015 McAllum, Campbell Alexander FO 917/2408 McArthur, James FO 917/2512 McBain, Cecile Marie Date 1907 1893 1911 1915 1877 1938 1933 1915 1931 1871 1927 1930 1939 1940 1924 1891 1933 1933 1937 1915 1925 1911 1936 1937 1916 1933 1916 1934 1930 1905 1923 1922 1929 1878 1873 1921 1939 1937 1918 1923 1924 Piece number Name FO 917/1112 McBain, George FO 917/2016 McBain, George Brown Sievwright FO 917/1162 McCallum, Frederick Castle FO 917/2327 McCandlish, Niven Kerr FO 917/1328 McCann, Henry Edward FO 917/475 McCarthy, Jeremiah FO 917/1468 McCarthy, John FO 917/451 McChlery, John FO 917/309 McClatchie, Henry Parkes FO 917/358 McClatchie, Thomas FO 917/2089 McCloy, Thomas FO 917/227 McColl, John Smith FO 917/3133 McConaghy, Robert Allen FO 917/3226 McCormack, David FO 917/2851 McCracken, James FO 917/420 McCullock, Alexander FO 917/3979 McDermott, Dennis FO 917/2409 McDermott, Terence FO 917/1329 McDonnell, Daniel Andrew FO 917/2244 McDougal, Daniel FO 917/2589 McDowell, John FO 917/2410 McDowell, John Lloyd FO 917/1529 McElligott, Humphrey Francis FO 917/2762 McEwan, Alexander FO 917/739 McEwen, James Painter FO 917/3422 McEwen, Ning Soo FO 917/2174 McFarlane, Sewell Samuel FO 917/3785 McGarva, Gilbert FO 917/1913 McGhee, Harry FO 917/2852 McGill, Jane FO 917/2411 McGilliviary, Colin Campbell FO 917/1528 McGown, John FO 917/2090 McGregor, Alexander FO 917/1596 McGregor, Douglas Edmond FO 917/1597 McGregor, Douglas Edmund FO 917/228 McGuffie, N.A. FO 917/270 McIlwraith, R. FO 917/2245 McInnes, Donald FO 917/1061 McInnes, Ernest Alfred FO 917/2412 McIntosh, Laura Kathleen FO 917/3227 McIntosh, Robert Foster Date 1904 1918 1905 1922 1908 1889 1911 1888 1883 1885 1919 1879 1931 1932 1928 1887 1941 1923 1908 1921 1925 1923 1912 1927 1896 1934 1920 1938 1917 1928 1923 1912 1919 1913 1913 1879 1881 1921 1903 1923 1932 Piece number Name FO 917/2763 McIntosh, William FO 917/1417 McIntyre, Daniel Edmund FO 917/958 McIntyre, Sarah Ann FO 917/3700 McIntyre, Thomas Kinlock FO 917/1828 McIntyre, William Richmond FO 917/286 McKane, George FO 917/2853 McKay, Donald FO 917/2854 McKean, Edward FO 917/2413 McKean, Samuel Houston FO 917/1469 McKechnie, John FO 917/3608 McKee, Florence Annie FO 917/840 McKelvie, Andrew FO 917/1330 McKendrick, Charles Duncan FO 917/3228 McKenna, Henry Calvert FO 917/82 McKenzie, Charles Allen FO 917/3023 McKenzie, John Alexander FO 917/768 McKenzie, Ronald John Charles FO 917/1418 McKie, James FO 917/3134 McKinley, Sidney Edgar FO 917/1598 McKinnon, James FO 917/2246 McKinnon, William Malcolm FO 917/2937 McLaren, Duncan FO 917/1212 McLavy, Martha Edith FO 917/1331 McLean, Percy Alexander FO 917/2685 McLean, Roderick FO 917/1332 McLean, Thomas FO 917/3514 McLeish, Nella Eva FO 917/3513 McLeish, Nellie Austin FO 917/1663 McLeish, Rachel Small FO 917/1213 McLeish, Stewart Munn FO 917/1470 McLelland, Thomas FO 917/3024 McLellen, Hannah FO 917/1471 McLeod, Alexander FO 917/1530 McLeod, Susan Margaret FO 917/3332 McLorn, George FO 917/3423 McLure, Alexander FO 917/2855 McLure, Andrew Johnstone FO 917/2686 McMahon, John FO 917/2175 McMahon, Patrick Francis FO 917/245 McMillan, J. FO 917/3925 McMurdo, George Date 1927 1910 1901 1937 1916 1882 1928 1928 1923 1911 1936 1899 1908 1932 1870 1930 1897 1910 1931 1913 1921 1929 1906 1908 1926 1908 1935 1935 1914 1906 1911 1930 1911 1912 1933 1934 1928 1926 1920 1880 1940 Piece number Name FO 917/1062 McMurray, David FO 917/1829 McMurray, Janet Angus FO 917/1214 McMurray, Thomas FO 917/1664 McNair, Matthew FO 917/1215 McNaughton, John FO 917/3515 McNeil, Duncan FO 917/3333 McOwan, Kathleen Rosa FO 917/895 McPhail, John FO 917/2687 McPhail, Malcolm FO 917/3516 McPherson, John FO 917/1914 McPherson, Peter FO 917/1063 McQueen, Robert FO 917/2091 Mead, James Henry Moore FO 917/1064 Meade, Harry Edmund FO 917/2407 Meadie, Christina FO 917/545 Meadows, Cheviot FO 917/166 Meadows, John Armstrong Taylor FO 917/138 Meadows, Robert FO 917/2764 Measor, Ernest Anthony FO 917/2590 Meathrel, John Wakeham FO 917/2942 Mehta, Dhunjisha Dorabji FO 917/452 Mehta, Diubai Darubje FO 917/2856 Mehta, Merwanji Nanabhoy FO 917/2857 Meikle, John FO 917/337 Meldrum, Arthur FO 917/16 Melliss, Alexander McHaffie FO 917/2513 Mellows, Chiko FO 917/2858 Mellows, Thomas FO 917/2943 Mennell, John Williamson FO 917/476 Menzies, Adam Blyth FO 917/1065 Menzies, David FO 917/3609 Merrell, Sydney John FO 917/1419 Merrilies, Emma Elizabeth FO 917/2414 Merrison, George William FO 917/477 Merritt, Charles FO 917/338 Mesny, John FO 917/2092 Mesny, Wenkao William FO 917/3229 Messer, John Fordyce FO 917/1420 Meugens, Minna Amanda FO 917/3025 Meyer, Sir Menassah FO 917/1915 Michael, Isaac Raymond Date 1903 1916 1906 1914 1906 1935 1933 1900 1926 1935 1917 1903 1919 1903 1923 1891 1875 1873 1927 1925 1929 1888 1928 1928 1884 1865 1924 1928 1929 1889 1903 1936 1910 1923 1889 1884 1919 1932 1910 1930 1917 Piece number Name FO 917/3026 Middleton, Osborne FO 917/2176 Middleton, Salome Elizabeth FO 917/3786 Middleton, Willie Blyth Osborne FO 917/3027 Midwood, Leonard FO 917/1421 Millar, Andrew Eckford FO 917/3517 Millar, Henry FO 917/1216 Miller, Andrew FO 917/1066 Miller, Arthur Richard FO 917/2859 Miller, Charles FO 917/2765 Miller, Elizabeth Hannah FO 917/247 Miller, H. FO 917/271 Miller, Henry Brougham FO 917/1600 Miller, Henry Philip FO 917/1422 Miller, James FO 917/740 Miller, John Irwin FO 917/2688 Miller, Peter Alexander FO 917/229 Miller, Rowley FO 917/230 Miller, William FO 917/1830 Milles, Charles William FO 917/3424 Milles, Elizabeth Murray FO 917/1665 Milles, Walter Jennings FO 917/1666 Milligan, Elizabeth FO 917/2328 Milligan, Sarah Ann FO 917/3230 Mills, Arthur Henry FO 917/1916 Mills, Emily Elizabeth FO 917/83 Mills, Henry FO 917/1380 Milne, Alexander FO 917/2766 Milne, Christine Wylie FO 917/97 Milne, Francis Montgomery FO 917/3518 Milne, Isabella Brown FO 917/3926 Milne, William John FO 917/287 Milson, Louis Albert FO 917/3028 Milsum, Doris Muriel FO 917/3135 Milton, Manning FO 917/2093 Ming, Chan Kai FO 917/3787 Ming, Chan Shu FO 917/3788 Minty, Sidney Joseph FO 917/1336 Mislin, Rose FO 917/1266 Mitchell, Alexander FO 917/3980 Mitchell, David McConnell FO 917/1917 Mitchell, Isabel D. Date 1930 1920 1938 1930 1910 1935 1906 1903 1928 1927 1880 1881 1913 1910 1896 1926 1879 1879 1916 1934 1914 1914 1922 1932 1917 1870 1909 1927 1871 1935 1940 1882 1930 1931 1919 1938 1938 1908 1907 1941 1917 Piece number Name FO 917/896 Mitchell, John FO 917/2860 Mitchell, John FO 917/478 Mitchell, Simon FO 917/3425 Mitchell, Thomas Edgar FO 917/1478 Mitchell, William FO 917/997 Mitchie, Alexander FO 917/3136 Moalem, Joseph Joseph FO 917/360 Mody, Pestonjee Cursetjee FO 917/1479 Mody, Sir Homusjee Nowrojee FO 917/581 Moffat, John FO 917/897 Moffatt, William Robert Charles FO 917/3519 Mogra, Edulgi Rustomji FO 917/2017 Molloy, Henry Edmund FO 917/2415 Monk, Albert Victor FO 917/2861 Monkman, Edwin FO 917/959 Monsarrat, Frederick Gearing FO 917/1067 Montgomery, Percy Hugh Seymour FO 917/310 Monument, Henry FO 917/2416 Moodie, Thomas FO 917/2247 Moody, Frederick Archibald FO 917/3334 Moon, Henry William FO 917/3029 Mooney, Agowi Li FO 917/3610 Mooney, Austin James FO 917/3426 Moorcroft, George FO 917/617 Moore, Andrew FO 917/2689 Moore, Emily Maria FO 917/1068 Moore, Lewis FO 917/1601 Moore, Marion Bruce Kilgour FO 917/1480 Moore, Philomena Atah FO 917/1481 Moore, Sarah FO 917/691 Moore, Walcott George FO 917/1918 Moore, William FO 917/2591 Moore, William FO 917/1069 Moorehead, Robert Bradshaw FO 917/3611 Moorhead, Lily FO 917/2862 Moorhead, Robert Bradshaw FO 917/898 Moorhouse, Joseph FO 917/2945 Moosa, Flora Joseph FO 917/3927 Moran, Euphrasia FO 917/1423 Moran, John FO 917/1752 Moran, Thomas Date 1900 1928 1889 1934 1911 1902 1931 1885 1911 1892 1900 1935 1918 1923 1928 1901 1903 1883 1923 1921 1933 1930 1936 1934 1893 1926 1903 1913 1911 1911 1895 1917 1925 1903 1936 1928 1900 1929 1940 1910 1915 Piece number Name FO 917/1267 Morgan, Frank Arthur FO 917/2944 Morgan, George FO 917/3862 Morgan, George Joseph William FO 917/2417 Morgan, James Ernest FO 917/2690 Morgan, John Henry FO 917/1113 Morgan, Joseph FO 917/1753 Morgan, Joseph FO 917/1754 Morgan, Joseph FO 917/1667 Morgan, Mary Eliza Anne FO 917/3701 Morgan, Mrs. Joseph FO 917/139 Morice, John Warden FO 917/3612 Morling, Charles Robert FO 917/3789 Morling, William Alfred FO 917/3981 Morphew, George FO 917/2094 Morris, Alfred George FO 917/2248 Morris, Charles FO 917/769 Morris, Charles Henry FO 917/2095 Morris, Henry FO 917/2863 Morris, Henry John FO 917/1755 Morris, John FO 917/2018 Morris, John FO 917/741 Morris, Samuel John FO 917/2592 Morris, Una FO 917/1164 Morrison, Gabriel James FO 917/3613 Morrison, Henry Davies FO 917/3790 Morrison, Hugh Alexander FO 917/1831 Morrison, James Hutchinson FO 917/800 Morrison, Margaret FO 917/2019 Morrison, Roderick Dugald FO 917/1070 Morrison, William FO 917/1668 Morrison, William Campbell FO 917/510 Morriss, Edward FO 917/3232 Morriss, Edward Horne FO 917/3137 Morriss, Una FO 917/1268 Morrow, Robert John FO 917/2864 Mortimore, Richard Howard FO 917/3614 Morton, Albert Hedley FO 917/618 Mosely, John Alexander FO 917/3030 Moses, Moses Joseph FO 917/3231 Moses, Remah FO 917/1114 Moss, Charles Stanley Date 1907 1929 1939 1923 1926 1904 1915 1915 1914 1937 1873 1936 1938 1941 1919 1921 1897 1919 1928 1915 1918 1896 1925 1905 1936 1938 1916 1898 1918 1903 1914 1890 1932 1931 1907 1928 1936 1893 1930 1932 1904 Piece number Name FO 917/1532 Moss, John William FO 917/3233 Mothersill, Edgar James FO 917/2865 Mottram, John FO 917/960 Moule, Adelaide Mary FO 917/1269 Moule, Charles Frederick FO 917/1533 Moule, George Evans FO 917/3615 Moullin, Louisa Caroline Mary Roe FO 917/311 Moulls, John FO 917/3031 Moutrie, Maria Annie FO 917/1270 Moutrie, Sydenham FO 917/511 Moxham, William Edwin FO 917/998 Mudie, John FO 917/801 Muirhead, David FO 917/899 Muirhead, Maria Jane FO 917/900 Muirhead, William FO 917/1919 Muller, Frank FO 917/388 Mullins, David FO 917/3791 Mumford, Alfred FO 917/3335 Mungall, Peter FO 917/1602 Munro, William Paul FO 917/2767 Murat, William McNiven FO 917/2249 Murdoch, William FO 917/1920 Murdock, Thomas Plunkett FO 917/2329 Murgatroyd, Joe FO 917/2866 Murphino, Austin FO 917/3427 Murphy, James Joseph FO 917/2867 Murphy, John Arthur FO 917/2418 Murphy, John Dennis FO 917/1271 Murphy, Sarah Ellen FO 917/2593 Murray, Agnes FO 917/2768 Murray, Barbara Montgomery FO 917/3863 Murray, Charles Salmond FO 917/2020 Murray, Duncan FO 917/2021 Murray, Duncan FO 917/3702 Murray, Elizabeth Okatsa FO 917/288 Murray, George FO 917/180 Murray, Henry FO 917/1071 Murray, James Cameron FO 917/2868 Murray, John FO 917/3032 Murray, Maude Adelaide FO 917/2022 Murray, Thomas Date 1912 1932 1928 1901 1907 1912 1936 1883 1930 1907 1890 1902 1898 1900 1900 1917 1886 1938 1933 1913 1927 1921 1917 1922 1928 1934 1928 1923 1907 1925 1927 1939 1918 1918 1937 1882 1876 1903 1928 1930 1918 Piece number Name FO 917/3336 Murray, William Bernard FO 917/1482 Murray, William Charles FO 917/2250 Murray, William Duncan FO 917/3982 Murrily, John FO 917/2330 Mursie, Mirris FO 917/3864 Musgrove, Frederick Alexander FO 917/1115 Mutter, Matthew FO 917/479 Myburg, Alexander FO 917/3337 Nairn, William Martin FO 917/1337 Napier, Hon. Cecil Scott FO 917/3428 Nayler, Kate Ellen FO 917/3865 Nazer, Alice Mary FO 917/901 Nazer, John Stewart FO 917/2331 Nazer, Stewart St. Clair FO 917/999 Neave, Jeanne Ann Stratton FO 917/3033 Neeson, John Walter Scott FO 917/3983 Neil, Bessie Dixon FO 917/3703 Neil, James FO 917/2332 Neild, John Arthur FO 917/1832 Neilson, William FO 917/2514 Nelson, Greville Thomas FO 917/1272 Nelson, Robert Henry Alexander Evans FO 917/902 Nesbitt, John Edward FO 917/3034 Nettleton, Edith FO 917/1273 Newall, John Pearson FO 917/3792 Newberry, Frederick George William FO 917/2515 Newburgh, Arthur Robert Carnac FO 917/3138 Newcomb, Archibald Carter FO 917/3984 Newman, Kenneth Edward FO 917/1072 Newson, Frederick Walter FO 917/657 Newson, John FO 917/3234 Ngon‐Tang, Chi FO 917/1338 Nicholas, John Christopher FO 917/903 Nicholls, Mary Amelia FO 917/692 Nicholls, Thomas FO 917/231 Nichols, Robert FO 917/1534 Nicholson, Christopher FO 917/3429 Nicholson, Frances Isabella Maxwell FO 917/1165 Nicholson, Samuel FO 917/3520 Nicholson, William Edward FO 917/3521 Nimmo, Thomas Date 1933 1911 1921 1941 1922 1939 1904 1889 1933 1908 1934 1939 1900 1922 1902 1930 1941 1937 1922 1916 1924 1907 1900 1930 1907 1938 1924 1931 1941 1903 1894 1932 1908 1900 1895 1879 1912 1934 1905 1935 1935 Piece number Name FO 917/2177 Nind, Lucy Russell Pitt FO 917/3793 Ninnes, James Lander FO 917/2516 Nissim, David Meyer FO 917/2594 Nissim, Mattook FO 917/2419 Nissim, Sassoon Ezra FO 917/2946 Niven, Annie Jane FO 917/1535 Niven, Annie Lang FO 917/167 Niven, Hugh Lang FO 917/2869 Nixon, Theodore Clement FO 917/961 Noble, George Edward FO 917/2251 Noel, Charles Godfrey FO 917/1483 Noel, George Washington FO 917/1833 Noel, Mary Jane FO 917/3235 Norman, Charles William FO 917/2870 Norman, Edmund Golledge FO 917/3616 Norman, Thomas FO 917/3928 North‐Szgetvary, Louis Edward FO 917/3929 Nott, Sanny FO 917/1424 Nusserwangee, Hormustee FO 917/2595 Oat, Rev. John FO 917/3139 Oatway, Florence Emily FO 917/802 O'Brien, Henry FO 917/48 O'Callagan, Bartholomew FO 917/1073 O'Dowd, Joseph Humphries FO 917/3035 O'Driscoll, John Alexander FO 917/3338 O'Dwyer, Anthony FO 917/3236 Officer, Samuel Murray FO 917/3866 Offor, John Ashby FO 917/658 Ogle, Grace Maria FO 917/582 Ogle, Robert Graham FO 917/3985 O'Hara, William Ernest FO 917/2420 O'Hare, Thomas FO 917/2517 Oldham, William FO 917/181 Oliver, Elihu Henry FO 917/2947 Oliver, Josephine D'Arcy FO 917/2252 Olney, Susie Kilvington FO 917/2421 Olsen, Rolf Thorkild FO 917/2518 O'Mahony, Jose Ernest FO 917/212 O'Malley, Alleyn Bernard FO 917/1756 Oppé, Henry Sigismund FO 917/2596 Oram, Frederick Edward Date 1920 1938 1924 1925 1923 1929 1912 1875 1928 1901 1921 1911 1916 1932 1928 1936 1940 1940 1910 1925 1931 1898 1867 1903 1930 1933 1932 1939 1894 1892 1941 1923 1924 1876 1929 1921 1923 1924 1878 1915 1925 Piece number Name FO 917/453 Ord, John Wallace FO 917/423 Osborn, Edward FO 917/2178 Osborne, James Henry FO 917/3704 Osborne, John Hall FO 917/1757 Osborne, William John FO 917/2597 Osborne, William McCreedy FO 917/1217 O'Shaughnessy, William Cooke FO 917/2096 O'Shea, Frances FO 917/1536 O'Shea, Henry David FO 917/2871 O'Sullivan, Dudley Leonard FO 917/770 Otley, Alfred James FO 917/583 Ottaway, Edward Finch FO 917/1339 Ottaway, Elizabeth Dinah FO 917/196 Ottosen, John Mark FO 917/1603 Outerbridge, Arthur William FO 917/1669 Owen, George FO 917/742 Oxenham, Edward Lavington FO 917/2598 Oxley, Edward Hayes FO 917/2333 Padkin, Douglas Hugh FO 917/3140 Page, Edney FO 917/1166 Page, Florence Elizabeth FO 917/339 Page, Francis Mitchell FO 917/289 Page, John Kelsey FO 917/3617 Paget, Thomas Gordon FO 917/803 Paine, Edward Charles FO 917/743 Paine, Emily FO 917/1537 Paine, George FO 917/2334 Pak, Lau Chu FO 917/962 Palamountain, Bennet FO 917/842 Palisser, James FO 917/112 Pallant, Benjamin FO 917/1538 Palm, John Lloyd Elliott FO 917/843 Palmer, Alexander George FO 917/1539 Palmer, Charles Henry FO 917/1921 Palmer, Elizabeth Jane FO 917/2769 Palmer, Ernest Richard FO 917/1604 Palmer, May Hao FO 917/113 Palmer, Samuel Thomas FO 917/3618 Palmer‐Baker, William FO 917/2253 Pang, Sim Kye FO 917/1540 Papps, Henrietta Mary Date 1888 1887 1920 1937 1915 1925 1906 1919 1912 1928 1897 1892 1908 1877 1913 1914 1896 1925 1922 1931 1905 1884 1882 1936 1898 1896 1912 1922 1901 1899 1872 1912 1899 1912 1917 1927 1913 1872 1936 1921 1912 Piece number Name FO 917/2599 Pardon, Walter FO 917/3705 Parke, Alexander Pringle FO 917/3706 Parker, Annie Maud FO 917/2519 Parker, James Henry Partridge FO 917/2254 Parkes, Harry Rutherford FO 917/361 Parkes, Sir Harry Smith FO 917/1758 Parkhill, Harold Dunbar FO 917/248 Parkhill, J. FO 917/693 Parkhill, Samuel FO 917/2600 Parkin, Walter Reginald FO 917/2255 Parkinson, Robert James FO 917/3986 Parr, William FO 917/3794 Parr, William Randal McDonnell FO 917/2422 Parramore, Emily FO 917/2423 Parrott, Albert George FO 917/2601 Parry, John FO 917/197 Parry, Samuel FO 917/3619 Parsons, Alice FO 917/3430 Parsons, Charles Thomas FO 917/3987 Parsons, Edward Ernest FO 917/1922 Parsons, Kenneth Templeton Jerrard FO 917/2179 Parsons, Olive Mary Estelle Jane FO 917/198 Partridge, Dan FO 917/114 Passmore, William L. FO 917/844 Patch, Henry Dowell FO 917/2872 Patel, Sorabji Rustomji FO 917/2335 Paterson, Allan FO 917/232 Paterson, David FO 917/2023 Paterson, John FO 917/1670 Paterson, William FO 917/3795 Paterson, William James FO 917/1834 Paton, James Robert FO 917/1835 Paton, William FO 917/1759 Patterson, Wilfred Lawson FO 917/2873 Paul, William James FO 917/1274 Paxton, William Forrester FO 917/1116 Peachey, Gilbert Peverel FO 917/3707 Peacock, George William FO 917/2602 Pearce, Harry Lewis FO 917/2424 Pearce, Joseph Jocelyn FO 917/424 Pearce, Richard Date 1925 1937 1937 1924 1921 1885 1915 1880 1895 1925 1921 1941 1938 1923 1923 1925 1877 1936 1934 1941 1917 1920 1877 1872 1899 1928 1922 1879 1918 1914 1938 1916 1916 1915 1928 1907 1904 1937 1925 1923 1887 Piece number Name FO 917/2874 Pearce, Sir Edward Charles FO 917/3522 Pearce, Stanley Edward FO 917/3339 Pearce, William FO 917/1275 Pearse, David Francis FO 917/2025 Pearson, Charles Edward FO 917/771 Pearson, Mary Jane FO 917/1760 Pearson, Robert FO 917/3237 Pearson, Susan Newlands FO 917/213 Pearson, Walter FO 917/3238 Pedan, Robert FO 917/2770 Peebles, Catherine FO 917/904 Peebles, George FO 917/2603 Peet, Lily FO 917/3796 Pemberton, Florence Mary FO 917/98 Pemberton, Henry Guy FO 917/3930 Pemberton, Sidney Charles FO 917/2026 Pemberton, Thomas FO 917/1761 Penestan, Eliza FO 917/1218 Penfold, Charles FO 917/1484 Penniall, John FO 917/1836 Pentony, John FO 917/3036 Peppercorn, Barbara FO 917/2875 Peppercorn, Harold FO 917/619 Percival, William Spencer FO 917/2771 Percy, Thomas Rogers FO 917/2425 Pereira, George Edward FO 917/3708 Perindorge, Louise Marguerite de FO 917/2772 Perindorge, Piera Paul Gaston de FO 917/362 Perkis, Albert Edmeade FO 917/1762 Perrott, Edward Simcocks FO 917/3709 Perrott, Edyth Caroline FO 917/2097 Perrott, Gryffth Henry FO 917/3710 Perrott, Mary FO 917/3523 Perry, Alfred James FO 917/3524 Perry, Flora FO 917/2773 Perry, Isaac Samuel FO 917/3141 Perry, Mary FO 917/3867 Perry, Matilda Shukury FO 917/1605 Perry, Moses Samuel FO 917/3711 Perry, Samuel Shukury FO 917/3239 Perry, Sarah Date 1928 1935 1933 1907 1918 1897 1915 1932 1878 1932 1927 1900 1925 1938 1871 1940 1918 1915 1906 1911 1916 1930 1928 1893 1927 1923 1937 1927 1885 1915 1937 1919 1937 1935 1935 1927 1931 1939 1913 1937 1932 Piece number Name Date FO 917/1425 Peters, Charles Alfred 1910 FO 917/546 Peters, Elizabeth 1891 FO 917/199 Peterson, John 1877 FO 917/2024 Peterson, John 1918 FO 917/2256 Petigura, Phuozsha Jamsetti 1921 FO 917/3712 Petre, Henry Reginald 1937 FO 917/3931 Petre, Thomas 1940 FO 917/2520 Petrie, Litty 1924 FO 917/2099 Petroni, Charles Louis Marie 1919 FO 917/3431 Pett, Edith Isobel 1934 FO 917/3932 Pett, Montague William 1940 FO 917/620 Pettit, Maria 1893 FO 917/3620 Pettitt, Arthur Edward 1936 FO 917/3037 Peyton‐Jones, Jeremy 1930 FO 917/2426 Philippo, Sidney Allen 1923 FO 917/3142 Phillipps, Robert Cecil 1931 FO 917/2098 Phillips, Percival Henry 1919 FO 917/1074 Phillips, Robert 1903 FO 917/168 Phillips, Stuart Tanquerdy Lionel 1875 FO 917/1541 Phillips, Thomas Arthur Jones Stradling 1912 FO 917/963 Phipps, Arthur Leckonby 1901 FO 917/845 Phipps, Herbert Gould 1899 FO 917/1117 Phipps, Mildred 1904 FO 917/1671 Pickering, Catherine Eliza 1914 FO 917/3038 Pickwoad, Edith Hermoine 1930 FO 917/3240 Pickwoad, Edwin Hay 1932 FO 917/3241 Pickwoad, Juni Henriette Rose d'Amour Florence Cecil 1932 FO 917/2027 Pickwoad, Lilla Laura 1918 FO 917/312 Pickwood, Janet 1883 FO 917/3933 Picozzi, Romolo Guiseppi 1940 FO 917/2336 Piens, Charles 1922 FO 917/2337 Pierce, Leonard George 1922 FO 917/905 Pigott, Emily Jessie 1900 FO 917/906 Pigott, Thomas Wellesley 1900 FO 917/907 Pigott, William Wellesley 1900 FO 917/2948 Pike, Evan Vaughan 1929 FO 917/3039 Pilcher, John Forest 1930 FO 917/1167 Pilcher, Kate Lilian 1905 FO 917/1485 Pillow, James Bath 1911 FO 917/3340 Pillow, William Henry 1933 FO 917/3934 Pinching, Herbert Charles 1940 Piece number Name FO 917/621 Pirie, William FO 917/908 Pirkis, Elizabeth FO 917/2604 Pitcairn, Francis Bernard FO 917/2180 Pitt, Jane FO 917/512 Place, Edward William FO 917/2257 Plant, Alice Sophia FO 917/2258 Plant, Samuel Cornell FO 917/3621 Platt, Winfrid Alured FO 917/2028 Playfair, George William Forbes FO 917/3341 Po, Leung Yan FO 917/2774 Po, Tsoi Kung FO 917/3040 Poate, Walter FO 917/1763 Poignard, Chiyo FO 917/1923 Pollard, Herbert Edward FO 917/1764 Pollard, Samuel FO 917/1381 Pollock, Margaret FO 917/1219 Pollock, William FO 917/964 Pomeroy, Samuel Wyllys Wyllys FO 917/2427 Pond, Alice Fanny FO 917/1426 Pool, Henry Harvey FO 917/454 Pooujabhoy, Dharamsey FO 917/3041 Pope, Amy Catherine FO 917/3432 Porcher, Frederick Milnes FO 917/1606 Porter, Alfred Michael John FO 917/659 Porter, Bertha Elizabeth FO 917/1924 Porter, Evelyn Edward FO 917/115 Porter, Francis FO 917/272 Porter, James FO 917/1427 Porter, John Cornelius FO 917/1542 Porter, Stephen FO 917/3525 Porterfield, George William FO 917/2428 Potter, Agnes FO 917/3143 Potter, Henry Edward FO 917/389 Potter, William FO 917/1837 Potter, William John FO 917/2181 Potter, William Mosley FO 917/3713 Potts, George Hutton FO 917/744 Powell, John Ward FO 917/3797 Powell, Sidney John FO 917/3144 Power, James Otway Blennerhasset FO 917/480 Poynter, Joseph James Date 1893 1900 1925 1920 1890 1921 1921 1936 1918 1933 1927 1930 1915 1917 1915 1909 1906 1901 1923 1910 1888 1930 1934 1913 1894 1917 1872 1881 1910 1912 1935 1923 1931 1886 1916 1920 1937 1896 1938 1931 1889 Piece number Name FO 917/3714 Pratt, Dame Edith Violet FO 917/1543 Pratt, Harry George Warren FO 917/2100 Pratt, Lucy Margaret FO 917/2691 Pratt, Sidney Walter FO 917/1276 Prebble, Albert Edward FO 917/846 Prentice, Alexander FO 917/3526 Prentice, Jane Ann FO 917/2605 Prentice, John FO 917/3527 Preston, Arthur Montagu FO 917/1486 Preston, Thomas FO 917/772 Price, Alexander FO 917/1000 Price, James FO 917/745 Price, James FO 917/3935 Price, Rachel FO 917/99 Price, Samuel FO 917/2259 Price, Thomas Hugh FO 917/1925 Price, William Harold FO 917/2775 Priest, Fany FO 917/2949 Priestwood, John George FO 917/273 Primrose, J.A. FO 917/965 Primrose, Peter Brown FO 917/3242 Prince, Eric Arnhold FO 917/1926 Pringle, Florence Eugene FO 917/1927 Pringle, Florence Eugene FO 917/2101 Pringle, John FO 917/1220 Prior, William Reginald FO 917/2182 Pritchard, Harry FO 917/3715 Pritchard, Kwei Ch'in FO 917/2776 Prosser, John Forbes FO 917/804 Pugh, Edgar William FO 917/1340 Pugh, William FO 917/1001 Pullan, Charles Arthur FO 917/547 Pullen, Henry FO 917/2338 Purcell, Charles Harris FO 917/1428 Purcell, Pierce Harris FO 917/1168 Purkis, Frederick Albert FO 917/3798 Pyke, Richard Lionel FO 917/1075 Pym, Erskine Travers FO 917/3622 Quayle, James Alfred FO 917/1002 Quayle, Philip Henry FO 917/1003 Quelch, Charles Berwick Date 1937 1912 1919 1926 1907 1899 1935 1925 1935 1911 1897 1902 1896 1940 1871 1921 1917 1927 1929 1881 1901 1932 1917 1917 1919 1906 1920 1937 1927 1898 1908 1902 1891 1922 1910 1905 1938 1903 1936 1902 1902 Piece number Name FO 917/1544 Quelch, Edward FO 917/1118 Quelch, Emma FO 917/2950 Quesne, Arnold Richard FO 917/1341 Quick, J.C. FO 917/847 Quillish, Ann FO 917/3433 Quincey, Anna Magdalene FO 917/2429 Quincey, William FO 917/1487 Quinton, George Frederick FO 917/340 Rae, Thomas Frederick FO 917/3623 Raeburn, Sophia FO 917/481 Raeside, Thomas FO 917/84 Railton, James FO 917/513 Ramsay, Hugh Francis FO 917/2606 Ramsay, John FO 917/3042 Ramsay, John Harris FO 917/2607 Ramsay, William George FO 917/622 Ramsey, Eliza Carr FO 917/3528 Ramsey, Ella Mary FO 917/1277 Randle, Annie FO 917/3145 Randle, Mary FO 917/2692 Randle, William FO 917/200 Rangan, William FO 917/1004 Raphael, Raphael Sidra FO 917/3434 Raschid, Abdul FO 917/2521 Ratcliff, Joseph FO 917/3243 Rawling, Francis Champion FO 917/548 Rawlinson, John Charles FO 917/2260 Rawlinson, William James FO 917/313 Rawson, Tom Holdsworth FO 917/2951 Rawsthorne, Frederick William FO 917/2339 Raymond, Habibas FO 917/1928 Rayner, Samuel FO 917/1929 Rea, Catherine Louisa FO 917/1930 Rea, Catherine Louisa FO 917/2029 Rea, George Booth FO 917/3799 Rea, Kathleen FO 917/1931 Read, Gladys Edith FO 917/3244 Read, Mabel Agnes FO 917/746 Redfern, Frederick Arthur FO 917/1429 Redmond, Edwin FO 917/2608 Reed, Charles Date 1912 1904 1929 1908 1899 1934 1923 1911 1884 1936 1889 1870 1890 1925 1930 1925 1893 1935 1907 1931 1926 1877 1902 1934 1924 1932 1891 1921 1883 1929 1922 1917 1917 1917 1918 1938 1917 1932 1896 1910 1925 Piece number Name FO 917/848 Reed, John FO 917/909 Reed, Joseph FO 917/75 Reeks, Sarah Ann FO 917/1382 Rees, William FO 917/2522 Rees, William Hopkyn FO 917/274 Reeve, Robert FO 917/455 Reeves, George FO 917/290 Reid, Arthur Grant FO 917/910 Reid, Arthur McKim FO 917/1383 Reid, David FO 917/2953 Reid, Edgmouth Usher FO 917/2952 Reid, Edward Mortimore FO 917/3529 Reid, Eric FO 917/1169 Reid, Frank Baird FO 917/2876 Reid, John Paton FO 917/2340 Reid, John Rintoul FO 917/3435 Reid, Lilias FO 917/3043 Reid, Margaret Dare FO 917/2183 Reid, Neil Brodie FO 917/3530 Reilley, Peter Calder Wood FO 917/1221 Reilly, Fitz Edmund FO 917/623 Reiss, Caroline FO 917/1 Reiss, Leopold FO 917/2523 Reith, Andrew Murray FO 917/3044 Remedios, Antonio Maria Place FO 917/2777 Remedios, Carlos Maria Place FO 917/2609 Remedios, Jorge Callaço Dos FO 917/2261 Remedios, Jose Maria FO 917/1932 Remediost, Francisco Paulo Place FO 917/1430 Rennick, Nicholas FO 917/60 Rennie, David Field FO 917/805 Rennie, Gertrude Anne Elphinstone FO 917/3436 Rennie, Mary Ann FO 917/1170 Rennie, Sir Richard Temple FO 917/1545 Rennie, Thomas FO 917/3146 Renny, Richard Chabert FO 917/3045 Rentiers, John Baptist FO 917/17 Reuben, Isaac FO 917/1171 Rex, Alfred Beilby FO 917/2778 Rex, Mary Jane FO 917/2524 Reynell, Alfred Exe Date 1899 1900 1869 1909 1924 1881 1888 1882 1900 1909 1929 1929 1935 1905 1928 1922 1934 1930 1920 1935 1906 1893 1857 1924 1930 1927 1925 1921 1917 1910 1868 1898 1934 1905 1912 1931 1930 1865 1905 1927 1924 Piece number Name FO 917/911 Reynell, Sydney FO 917/3624 Reynolds, Agnes Rose FO 917/3147 Reynolds, Charles Joseph FO 917/314 Reynolds, Edward Andrew FO 917/1342 Reynolds, Ellen FO 917/1488 Reynolds, James FO 917/2030 Reynolds, Joan Arthur FO 917/3936 Reynolds, Lilian Florence FO 917/482 Reynolds, Mary Eliza FO 917/3625 Reynolds, Reginald Philip Neri FO 917/584 Riach, John FO 917/2430 Ribeiro, Jose Francisco FO 917/2779 Rich, Richard Frederick FO 917/2102 Richard, Timothy FO 917/2103 Richard, Timothy FO 917/4 Richards, Charles Lenox FO 917/1431 Richards, Edward FO 917/2877 Richards, Ernest Caldwell FO 917/1838 Richards, Lewis Hodge FO 917/61 Richards, Peter Felix FO 917/849 Richards, William Llewellyn FO 917/3342 Richardson, George Arthur FO 917/201 Richeson, John FO 917/3868 Rickerby, John FO 917/2525 Riddle, William George Langham FO 917/2693 Rielly, Catherine FO 917/2780 Riley, Frank Basil FO 917/1489 Ringer, Beverley Stewart FO 917/1278 Ringer, Frederick FO 917/3937 Ringer, Frederick Erasmus Edward FO 917/912 Ringer, John Melanethow FO 917/2610 Risk, Martin FO 917/2954 Rist, Lloyd Robert FO 917/2104 Ritchie, John FO 917/390 Rivington, Charles FO 917/1343 Roach, James Bain FO 917/1607 Robb, James Mackie FO 917/2781 Robb, Mary Hodge Pithie FO 917/1608 Roberts, Albert Edward FO 917/1609 Roberts, Emily FO 917/661 Roberts, Frederick Charles Date 1900 1936 1931 1883 1908 1911 1918 1940 1889 1936 1892 1923 1927 1919 1919 1862 1910 1928 1916 1868 1899 1933 1877 1939 1924 1926 1927 1911 1907 1940 1900 1925 1929 1919 1886 1908 1913 1927 1913 1913 1894 Piece number Name FO 917/2341 Roberts, Isaac FO 917/3938 Roberts, John Herber FO 917/2262 Roberts, Mary FO 917/1546 Roberts, Mary Jane FO 917/3151 Roberts, Nora Lilian FO 917/662 Roberts, Owen Lloyd FO 917/2263 Roberts, Richard Thomas FO 917/2782 Roberts, Samuel Scrutton FO 917/275 Roberts, T. FO 917/3046 Roberts, Tom FO 917/3148 Roberts, Walter Darrell FO 917/1933 Roberts, William FO 917/2611 Roberts, William John FO 917/1547 Robertson, Albert Bedington FO 917/2783 Robertson, Charles Albert FO 917/660 Robertson, Edward Newton FO 917/3869 Robertson, Elizabeth Strathairn FO 917/1839 Robertson, Herbert Rennie FO 917/3152 Robertson, Horace George FO 917/2784 Robertson, Horatio John FO 917/2785 Robertson, Horatio John FO 917/3437 Robertson, Mary Bell FO 917/3047 Robertson, Randal Walker FO 917/3245 Robertson, Thomas FO 917/806 Robertson, William FO 917/3800 Robertson, William Beddie FO 917/116 Robinson, Charles FO 917/966 Robinson, Edward FO 917/585 Robinson, Henry Arthur FO 917/3626 Robinson, Walter George Vaughan FO 917/182 Robison, John Springfield FO 917/149 Robson, Frederick Abercombie Hope FO 917/2612 Robson, George FO 917/315 Robson, John FO 917/3531 Robson, John Kelsall FO 917/1765 Robson, Thomas James Ernest Stanley FO 917/3246 Roby, Ernest Vincent FO 917/3343 Rodgers, Herbert Austin FO 917/34 Rodney, John FO 917/663 Rodway, Thomas Henry FO 917/3716 Roebuck, Harold Date 1922 1940 1921 1912 1931 1894 1921 1927 1881 1930 1931 1917 1925 1912 1927 1894 1939 1916 1931 1927 1927 1934 1930 1932 1898 1938 1872 1901 1892 1936 1876 1874 1925 1883 1935 1915 1932 1933 1866 1894 1937 Piece number Name FO 917/1344 Rogers, Frederick Robert FO 917/100 Rogers, John FO 917/1432 Rogers, Mary Ann FO 917/807 Rogers, Walter Turner FO 917/363 Rogerson, Jesse Montgomery FO 917/202 Roggers, George FO 917/1119 Rollo, George FO 917/183 Rolls, John FO 917/2526 Roloff, Anna Margareta FO 917/747 Rome, Graham FO 917/3939 Roope, Edith FO 917/3247 Roope, William James Browcher FO 917/391 Roper, Alfred FO 917/101 Roper, James FO 917/3149 Rose, John Latham FO 917/2031 Ross, Alexander FO 917/3150 Ross, Alexander FO 917/2342 Ross, Andrew Cockburn FO 917/2613 Ross, Chan Sekina FO 917/2105 Ross, Charles Henderson FO 917/2527 Ross, Charles Henry John FO 917/2786 Ross, Craigie FO 917/3940 Ross, Douglas Alexander FO 917/2694 Ross, Eric Muro FO 917/3344 Ross, Francis George FO 917/2343 Ross, James FO 917/341 Ross, John FO 917/2528 Ross, John FO 917/1384 Ross, Kenneth Mackenzie FO 917/316 Rothwell, Thomas FO 917/2529 Rouse, Edward Henry FO 917/3717 Row, Lizzie FO 917/1840 Rowand, Alexander Gardner FO 917/664 Rowe, Alfred FO 917/549 Rowe, Charles FO 917/3438 Rowe, John Langlands FO 917/550 Rowland, Edwin John Ogilvie FO 917/2184 Rowley, James FO 917/3988 Rowsell, Nellie FO 917/3718 Rowson, Hector Charles FO 917/1345 Roxborough, Hugh Date 1908 1871 1910 1898 1885 1877 1904 1876 1924 1896 1940 1932 1886 1871 1931 1918 1931 1922 1925 1919 1924 1927 1940 1926 1933 1922 1884 1924 1909 1883 1924 1937 1916 1894 1891 1934 1891 1920 1941 1937 1908 Piece number Name FO 917/3248 Rozario, Leondra Joseph FO 917/3345 Rozario, Lillyan Marie FO 917/1346 Rudland, Ebenezer FO 917/3801 Rudland, Florence Mary FO 917/2431 Rudland, Mary FO 917/1490 Rudland, William David FO 917/2344 Rush, James FO 917/2432 Russell, Alexander FO 917/3532 Russell, James Shearer FO 917/117 Russell, Matthew Battersby FO 917/1934 Russell, Samuel Marcus FO 917/694 Russell, Thomas FO 917/1172 Russell, William FO 917/233 Russell, William Armstrong FO 917/808 Russell, William Burrows FO 917/3941 Rutherford, Hermione Bayne FO 917/3802 Rutherford, Ronald Oliver FO 917/2433 Rutherford, William James Mecune FO 917/249 Ryder, R. FO 917/2878 Ryles, John FO 917/2695 Rynach, James Henry FO 917/2530 Sachse, Georgina Ada FO 917/3533 Sadrowsky, Mary John FO 917/551 Sage, Henry FO 917/2264 Saies, Alfred William FO 917/2955 Sale, Edward Ordish FO 917/2879 Sale, George FO 917/3153 Salmon, Ezekiel FO 917/3534 Salmon, Jacob Ezra FO 917/3719 Sampson, Frederick Albert FO 917/1076 Sampson, H.W. FO 917/850 Sampson, Jane Ann FO 917/1610 Samson, Jossoss FO 917/18 Samson, Robert FO 917/2696 Samson, Sara FO 917/3870 Sandbach, Andrew Edward FO 917/2531 Sandercock, Leslie FO 917/1347 Sanders, Augustine FO 917/1766 Sanders, Edmund Duckworth FO 917/1120 Sanders, Leonard Smith FO 917/1935 Sanders, Mary Charlotte Date 1932 1933 1908 1938 1923 1911 1922 1923 1935 1872 1917 1895 1905 1879 1898 1940 1938 1923 1880 1928 1926 1924 1935 1891 1921 1929 1928 1931 1935 1937 1903 1899 1913 1865 1926 1939 1924 1908 1915 1904 1917 Piece number Name FO 917/3535 Sanderson, James Ross FO 917/2106 Sandstedt, Edmund Wilfrid FO 917/3439 Sanford, Jack FO 917/1611 Sang, Lam Sin FO 917/1841 Sangar, Pestonjee Merwanjee FO 917/392 Sangster, Thomas FO 917/3048 Sargeant, John William FO 917/695 Sassoon, Alfred FO 917/1548 Sassoon, Arthur Abraham David FO 917/3803 Sassoon, David Elias FO 917/2107 Sassoon, Flora FO 917/3627 Sassoon, Flora FO 917/483 Sassoon, Frederick FO 917/1936 Sassoon, Frederick David FO 917/1767 Sassoon, Hamo FO 917/2434 Sassoon, Hector William FO 917/2032 Sassoon, Joseph Sassoon FO 917/3346 Sassoon, Reginald Ellice FO 917/1173 Sassoon, Reuben David FO 917/2532 Sassoon, Ronald Edward FO 917/49 Sassoon, Sassoon David FO 917/1549 Sassoon, Sir Edward FO 917/1842 Sassoon, Sir Jacob Elias FO 917/3440 Saunders, Alexander Reid FO 917/586 Saunders, Frederick George FO 917/2787 Saunders, Harold Osman FO 917/2108 Saunders, Mary Anne FO 917/2265 Saunders, Peter Allison FO 917/587 Saunders, William FO 917/215 Savage, Henry Kyle Gillespie FO 917/967 Sawyer, Frederick Herbert FO 917/3249 Sayer, Kelly FO 917/665 Sayle, Eliza FO 917/317 Sayle, Robert FO 917/514 Sayle, Thomas Henry FO 917/1937 Sayle, Thomas Radcliffe FO 917/456 Sayle, William James FO 917/3536 Scarlett, James Thomas FO 917/1005 Schauer, Konstantine Otto Herman FO 917/2435 Schlee, Henry FO 917/3942 Schlee, Margaret Gracey Date 1935 1919 1934 1913 1916 1886 1930 1895 1912 1938 1919 1936 1889 1917 1915 1923 1918 1933 1905 1924 1867 1912 1916 1934 1892 1927 1919 1921 1892 1878 1901 1932 1894 1883 1890 1917 1888 1935 1902 1923 1940 Piece number Name FO 917/1843 Schmidt, Herbert William Degetan FO 917/2697 Schooler, Charles FO 917/774 Schware, Gustav Christian FO 917/2033 Scollay, Thomas FO 917/2185 Scotson, James FO 917/3250 Scott, Arthur Robert FO 917/2109 Scott, Augusta Mary FO 917/666 Scott, Christina Janet Hamilton FO 917/3441 Scott, Donald Cameron FO 917/1222 Scott, George David FO 917/2186 Scott, James Alfred FO 917/1348 Scott, James Lidderdale FO 917/624 Scott, John Wentworth FO 917/2110 Scott, Lavinia FO 917/3871 Scott, Lindley Marcroft FO 917/1673 Scott, Marjory FO 917/809 Scott, Mrs. J.A. FO 917/1674 Scott, Robert FO 917/748 Scott, Robert FO 917/1938 Scott, Walter FO 917/1768 Scougall, Alexander FO 917/2788 Scrimshaw, Hubert Charles FO 917/3943 Scrymgeour, John FO 917/3944 Seater, Charles John FO 917/2034 Sebastian, Skinner Raymond FO 917/1769 Seddon, James FO 917/1121 Seldon, Minnie Alberta FO 917/2880 Sellar, Ann FO 917/2436 Sellar, June Hutchison FO 917/2187 Sellar, Thomas Hutchison FO 917/696 Seng, Lim Yam FO 917/3442 Sennett, Henry FO 917/552 Sentance, William Valentine FO 917/2789 Sethna, Burjajic FO 917/3049 Sethna, Edulji Cawasji FO 917/2188 Sethna, Rustomji Kuverji FO 917/2345 Setna, Hormusji Coverji FO 917/3050 Settle, Annie FO 917/3154 Settle, Harry Armstrong FO 917/2956 Seymour, Sir Edward Hobart FO 917/291 Shadgett, John Date 1916 1926 1897 1918 1920 1932 1919 1894 1934 1906 1920 1908 1893 1919 1939 1914 1898 1914 1896 1917 1915 1927 1940 1940 1918 1915 1904 1928 1923 1920 1895 1934 1891 1927 1930 1920 1922 1930 1931 1929 1882 Piece number Name FO 917/3251 Shaker, Abdul FO 917/1077 Shan, Chen Him FO 917/3537 Shan, Chew Chuk FO 917/3155 Shan, Fung Ping FO 917/1280 Shang, Ng Hing FO 917/2437 Shang, Ng Tak FO 917/1550 Sharnhorst, George Daniel FO 917/3872 Sharp, Charles Stewart FO 917/515 Sharp, Frederick FO 917/457 Sharp, John FO 917/553 Sharp, William Forbes FO 917/1939 Sharples, Ernest William FO 917/2438 Sharples, John FO 917/3051 Shaw, Augusta Elizabeth FO 917/3538 Shaw, David MacGregor FO 917/3539 Shaw, David MacGregor FO 917/3443 Shaw, Ellen Ohsea FO 917/2266 Shaw, Lawrence Drew FO 917/3052 Shaw, Rachel FO 917/1675 Shaw, Randle Walker FO 917/697 Shaw, Thomas FO 917/2111 Shea‐Lawlor, Francis Bernard FO 917/1491 Shearer, Archibald FO 917/3444 Shearer, Jeanne FO 917/2614 Shekleton, Mary Ellen FO 917/2189 Shekury, Gabriel Hai Isaac FO 917/2881 Shellim, Edward FO 917/3053 Shepherd, Colin FO 917/318 Sheppard, Edward FO 917/3252 Sheppard, Francis William FO 917/2615 Sheridan, Charles Brinsley FO 917/2790 Sheridan, John Augustine FO 917/3628 Sheridan, John James FO 917/3989 Sherriff, Alfred William FO 917/968 Shevill, George FO 917/1349 Shewan, Arthur FO 917/3445 Shewan, Robert George FO 917/425 Shewell, Robert Percy FO 917/2616 Shi, Lo Cheuk FO 917/3253 Shilton, Florence Emily FO 917/234 Shindler, G.T. Date 1932 1903 1935 1931 1907 1923 1912 1939 1890 1888 1891 1917 1923 1930 1935 1935 1934 1921 1930 1914 1895 1919 1911 1934 1925 1920 1928 1930 1883 1932 1925 1927 1936 1941 1901 1908 1934 1887 1925 1932 1879 Piece number Name FO 917/1006 Shipway, Frederick Joseph FO 917/3254 Shirvington, Sidney FO 917/3804 Shoppee, William Joseph Collett FO 917/775 Short, William Henry FO 917/1940 Shorto, Martin Hubert FO 917/3156 Shroff, Motabhoy Bejonjee FO 917/3157 Shroff, Motabhoy Bejonjee FO 917/1122 Sibbald, Francis Clunie FO 917/118 Sibbald, William Lee FO 917/2267 Sidford, John Vere FO 917/810 Sigh, Nata FO 917/3720 Silberman, Isodor FO 917/3721 Sills, Alfred FO 917/319 Silva, Guldino Silverio Simoes do FO 917/320 Silverthorne, Alfred FO 917/321 Silverthorne, Mary Ann FO 917/322 Sim, Alexander FO 917/426 Sim, Charles P. FO 917/1174 Simmonds, James Henry FO 917/3629 Simmons, George FO 917/3630 Simmons, George Ernest FO 917/969 Simmons, William Anthony FO 917/1281 Simoes, Casimiro Pereira FO 917/3347 Simoes, Megelina Miriam FO 917/2190 Simons, Ernest Bertram FO 917/1941 Simpson, Annie FO 917/3054 Simpson, Bertram Lenox FO 917/2112 Simpson, Caroline Elsie Anne FO 917/2882 Simpson, Charles John FO 917/1385 Simpson, Charles Lennox FO 917/1942 Simpson, Claire Lenox FO 917/2439 Simpson, Henry FO 917/2698 Simpson, Isabel Lenox FO 917/1770 Simpson, James FO 917/140 Simpson, John FO 917/588 Simpson, Kate Stuart FO 917/1771 Simpson, Sidney FO 917/1282 Simpson, Steven FO 917/1943 Simpson, Thomas FO 917/1612 Simpson, William FO 917/776 Sinclair, David Neilson Date 1902 1932 1938 1897 1917 1931 1931 1904 1872 1921 1898 1937 1937 1883 1883 1883 1883 1887 1905 1936 1936 1901 1907 1933 1920 1917 1930 1919 1928 1909 1917 1923 1926 1915 1873 1892 1915 1907 1917 1913 1897 Piece number Name FO 917/1772 Sinclair, Finlay FO 917/2440 Sinclair, George Gordon FO 917/913 Sinclair, Neil FO 917/3350 Sinclair, Neil FO 917/2346 Sinclair, William FO 917/323 Sinclair, William FO 917/2113 Singer, Julian William Francis FO 917/914 Singh, Amer FO 917/3631 Singh, Bhama FO 917/3348 Singh, Bhan FO 917/1433 Singh, Bhola FO 917/915 Singh, Dalup FO 917/3540 Singh, Gurbakash FO 917/3632 Singh, Harnam FO 917/3722 Singh, Indar FO 917/698 Singh, Jhaba FO 917/3256 Singh, Karam FO 917/3255 Singh, Kartar FO 917/3055 Singh, Kehr FO 917/3257 Singh, Kirpa FO 917/3258 Singh, Magar FO 917/484 Singh, Malagar FO 917/2699 Singh, Mangal FO 917/3633 Singh, Megh FO 917/916 Singh, Polah FO 917/3158 Singh, Pritam FO 917/3349 Singh, Ran FO 917/516 Singh, Sohan FO 917/3541 Singh, Wariam FO 917/917 Skeets, Henry Ingle FO 917/3634 Skeffington‐Smyth, Terence George Randal FO 917/3805 Skinner, Charles Arthur Lowday FO 917/1007 Skinner, George Lowday FO 917/517 Skinner, James Jones FO 917/1008 Skinner, Marianne FO 917/811 Skinner, William Hugh L. FO 917/3945 Skinner, William Stirling FO 917/1434 Skottowe, Edmund Bellinger FO 917/3635 Slater, Eric Murray FO 917/2268 Slee, Edwin Alexander FO 917/1223 Sleeman, Henry Date 1915 1923 1900 1933 1922 1883 1919 1900 1936 1933 1910 1900 1935 1936 1937 1895 1932 1932 1930 1932 1932 1889 1926 1936 1900 1931 1933 1890 1935 1900 1936 1938 1902 1890 1902 1898 1940 1910 1936 1921 1906 Piece number Name FO 917/1009 Sleeman, Thomas Joseph FO 917/2791 Slichter, Morris Samuel FO 917/625 Slight, Robert Marshall FO 917/518 Sloan, James FO 917/2114 Sloan, Robert John FO 917/1944 Sloss, Ada Hannah FO 917/1492 Sloss, William FO 917/2441 Sly, Edward Arthur Henry FO 917/36 Sly, Edward Austin FO 917/3446 Smallbones, John Arthur FO 917/1078 Smart, Bridget FO 917/3990 Smart, Cecil FO 917/1613 Smart, Francis Gray FO 917/3806 Smart, John Douglas FO 917/2269 Smeaton, Thomas Gibb FO 917/1123 Smedley, Anna Maria FO 917/1079 Smedley, John FO 917/1080 Smith, Agnes McGraw FO 917/1551 Smith, Aimie Guy FO 917/918 Smith, Albert FO 917/749 Smith, Alexander FO 917/3807 Smith, Alfred Brooke FO 917/1614 Smith, Annie Constance FO 917/1435 Smith, Bertram Robert FO 917/3159 Smith, Charles Vincent FO 917/2270 Smith, Daniel Wanes FO 917/2617 Smith, David FO 917/3873 Smith, David FO 917/2442 Smith, Donald FO 917/519 Smith, Edmond John FO 917/3636 Smith, Edmund Burt FO 917/2191 Smith, Eulalie Gustavine Louise FO 917/554 Smith, George FO 917/1224 Smith, Harry FO 917/1945 Smith, Herbert Sutton FO 917/1225 Smith, Hugh Gibson FO 917/1350 Smith, Irounie Eulalie Findlay FO 917/393 Smith, James FO 917/667 Smith, James FO 917/1283 Smith, James Henry FO 917/37 Smith, James Hewett Date 1902 1927 1893 1890 1919 1917 1911 1923 1866 1934 1903 1941 1913 1938 1921 1904 1903 1903 1912 1900 1896 1938 1913 1910 1931 1921 1925 1939 1923 1890 1936 1920 1891 1906 1917 1906 1908 1886 1894 1907 1866 Piece number Name FO 917/2347 Smith, James Miller FO 917/2035 Smith, James Ross FO 917/2957 Smith, Jessie Hendrie FO 917/1081 Smith, John FO 917/589 Smith, John Caldecott FO 917/2883 Smith, John Langford FO 917/2618 Smith, Joseph Barnard FO 917/2792 Smith, Leonard Satchwell FO 917/919 Smith, Margaret Montgomery FO 917/2271 Smith, Michael Andrew FO 917/1284 Smith, Peter Eaddie FO 917/851 Smith, Robert Lawrie FO 917/292 Smith, Robert Stuart FO 917/1124 Smith, Stuart FO 917/324 Smith, Thomas FO 917/2793 Smith, Vivian Findlay FO 917/38 Smith, William FO 917/2533 Smith, William FO 917/3351 Smith, William Gordon Corbett FO 917/3808 Smith, William Henry FO 917/2700 Smith, William Kellie FO 917/102 Smithdale, William FO 917/1436 Smithers, Thomas James FO 917/50 Smyth, Edwin FO 917/1226 Smyth, James Hunter FO 917/1552 Smyth, Michael FO 917/427 Sneyd, John FO 917/2348 Snodgrass, John FO 917/3542 Snow, Gilbert Willoughby FO 917/1125 Snowden, John FO 917/699 Soden, Richard Fred FO 917/1773 Solly, Emma Elizabeth FO 917/1676 Solly, William John FO 917/1677 Solly, William John FO 917/1285 Solomon, Habeba Sassoon FO 917/1493 Solomon, Raphael Jacob Joseph FO 917/1494 Solomon, Raphael Jacob Joseph FO 917/2794 Somekh, Bension Aaron FO 917/2884 Somekh, David Silman FO 917/2443 Sommerville, Alexander McDougall FO 917/428 Somner, Bertram Stuart Date 1922 1918 1929 1903 1892 1928 1925 1927 1900 1921 1907 1899 1882 1904 1883 1927 1866 1924 1933 1938 1926 1871 1910 1867 1906 1912 1887 1922 1935 1904 1895 1915 1914 1914 1907 1911 1911 1927 1928 1923 1887 Piece number Name FO 917/668 Song, Thomas William FO 917/3543 Soothill, William Edward FO 917/1126 Soper, Edward Robert James FO 917/1286 Sorabjee, Nusser Wanjee FO 917/1774 Souter, Helen Lovett FO 917/520 Souter, William M. FO 917/169 Southwell, Robert Elliot FO 917/2885 Sowden, Lily Anna FO 917/364 Speed, George FO 917/521 Spence, William Donald FO 917/203 Spencer, Arthur W. FO 917/3160 Spiers, Ernestina Antonietta Elizabeth FO 917/3260 Spink, Gabriel John FO 917/2192 Spooner, Florence FO 917/1553 Spooner, Sidney FO 917/2036 Spottiswoode, Thomas William FO 917/3874 Sproat, Margaret Frances FO 917/343 Squires, Robert Newton FO 917/1672 St. Aubyn, Edward FO 917/342 St. Croix, Edith de FO 917/35 St. Croix, Ernest Henry de FO 917/1279 St. Croix, G.C. de FO 917/773 St. Croix, William de FO 917/3161 Stabb, Sir Newton John FO 917/750 Stackwood, John William FO 917/1554 Staff, Henry Robert FO 917/3875 Staley, Ernest William FO 917/1844 Stalker, William Sivewright FO 917/2193 Standley, Alice Margaret FO 917/590 Stanford, Benjamin Robert FO 917/39 Stanford, George FO 917/2958 Stanford, John William FO 917/2037 Stanion, William Knibb FO 917/3162 Stanley, Arthur FO 917/555 Starkey, Reginald D. FO 917/1678 Starling, Horace Cecil FO 917/3637 Stedman, Leslie FO 917/1775 Steele, Thomas FO 917/2194 Steele, Thomas Henry FO 917/3056 Stenhouse, John FO 917/344 Stent, George Carter Date 1894 1935 1904 1907 1915 1890 1875 1928 1885 1890 1877 1931 1932 1920 1912 1918 1939 1884 1914 1884 1866 1907 1897 1931 1896 1912 1939 1916 1920 1892 1866 1929 1918 1931 1891 1914 1936 1915 1920 1930 1884 Piece number Name FO 917/2534 Stephen, Alexander Gordon FO 917/2272 Stephen, Robert Little FO 917/2619 Stephens, Matthew John Denman FO 917/1615 Stevens, Marion Theresa FO 917/458 Stevens, Thomas Friar FO 917/3809 Stevenson, Colin Campbell FO 917/1386 Stevenson, John FO 917/2038 Stevenson, John Whiteford FO 917/1127 Stevenson, William Francis FO 917/1128 Stevenson, William Francis FO 917/2273 Stewart, Albert Ashbury FO 917/3946 Stewart, Allan Brown FO 917/3352 Stewart, Charles Duncan FO 917/170 Stewart, Duncan FO 917/2959 Stewart, George Edward FO 917/1845 Stewart, George Leslie FO 917/1946 Stewart, Henry Benn FO 917/2701 Stewart, James FO 917/1846 Stewart, James Robert FO 917/1287 Stewart, John Alexander FO 917/1555 Stewart, Mary Ann FO 917/2886 Stewart, Rosanna Mary Caroline Deakin FO 917/3544 Stewart, Walter Miller FO 917/345 Stickler, Francis Miles FO 917/1776 Stockhanse, Arthur Aldebert FO 917/2960 Stocks, Edith Ellen FO 917/3447 Stoddart, Annie Louise FO 917/3545 Stokes, Alfred Parker FO 917/3638 Stokes, Ernest Clement FO 917/1495 Stokes, Frank FO 917/700 Stokes, Russell FO 917/2795 Stone, Arthur Albert FO 917/1082 Stone, Frederick George Shillito FO 917/2039 Stooke, John Ash FO 917/3810 Stooke, Matilda Selina FO 917/1947 Stopp, Hariet Christian FO 917/485 Stott, George FO 917/2040 Stout, Maria Louisa FO 917/3947 Stranak, Morris Williams FO 917/852 Strang, Chrissie Guy FO 917/1679 Strang, James David Nisbett Date 1924 1921 1925 1913 1888 1938 1909 1918 1904 1904 1921 1940 1933 1875 1929 1916 1917 1926 1916 1907 1912 1928 1935 1884 1915 1929 1934 1935 1936 1911 1895 1927 1903 1918 1938 1917 1889 1918 1940 1899 1914 Piece number Name FO 917/2796 Strange, Charles Frederick FO 917/3991 Strangman, Annie Saikao FO 917/3948 Strangman, Richard Hedley FO 917/325 Strickson, Josiah William FO 917/3546 Stringer, Harold FO 917/3547 Strong, William Sjogron FO 917/1227 Stroud, Walter Gordon FO 917/2444 Stuart, William FO 917/1948 Stubbs, Herbert FO 917/2620 Stubbs, Thomas Philip FO 917/429 Sturman, John Henry FO 917/1556 Such, Herbert John FO 917/3261 Sudka, Jacob Abraham FO 917/3639 Sugden, Edith Lilian FO 917/2349 Sullivan, Frederick Alfred FO 917/3353 Sullivan, James FO 917/701 Sun, Tseng Lai FO 917/2961 Surplice, Frederick Robert Charles FO 917/2962 Surrey, Rose Joyce FO 917/3057 Sutherland, Alexander FO 917/2274 Sutherland, Hugh FO 917/184 Sutherland, Hugh FO 917/3992 Sutherland, Margaret Milne FO 917/3058 Sutter, William FO 917/1083 Sutton, Henry George FO 917/2115 Swallow, Robert FO 917/3811 Swallow, Robert William FO 917/430 Swift, Thomas Croydon FO 917/185 Swinhoe, John FO 917/2350 Swinton, Elizabeth Jane FO 917/1288 Sykes, Adam FO 917/459 Sykes, Adam FO 917/1129 Sykes, Alfred Arrand FO 917/2963 Sykes, Catherine Agnes FO 917/3354 Symington, John James FO 917/3723 Symons, Elizabeth Eva FO 917/1847 Symons, Eric Clarence FO 917/1848 Symons, George Treen FO 917/3163 Symons, Henry FO 917/3548 Symons, John Lowden FO 917/3164 Symons, Sylvia Rose Lenox Date 1927 1941 1940 1883 1935 1935 1906 1923 1917 1925 1887 1912 1932 1936 1922 1933 1895 1929 1929 1930 1921 1876 1941 1930 1903 1919 1938 1887 1876 1922 1907 1888 1904 1929 1933 1937 1916 1916 1931 1935 1931 Piece number Name FO 917/2887 Symons, The Very Rev. Charles John J. FO 917/2702 Taggart, Lilian Marie FO 917/3262 Tait, Elizabeth Ritchie FO 917/3549 Talbot, Star FO 917/2041 Talbot, William Edward FO 917/970 Talty, Michael Martin FO 917/1949 Tamplin, Margaret Consterdine FO 917/250 Tapp, H.N. FO 917/293 Tapp, William Handyside FO 917/1387 Tarrant, Bertram Henry FO 917/2703 Tata, Ratanji Dadahhia FO 917/1777 Tate, John George FO 917/294 Tauzaline, Ernest Valentine FO 917/3263 Tayler, Alfred Llewellyn FO 917/3993 Tayler, Lilian FO 917/2535 Taylor, Albert FO 917/1351 Taylor, Charles Smith FO 917/3355 Taylor, Christina FO 917/2116 Taylor, Christy Sebastopol FO 917/3448 Taylor, Francis Andrew FO 917/3812 Taylor, Francis Edward FO 917/1010 Taylor, Frederick John FO 917/1228 Taylor, George FO 917/2888 Taylor, Harold Charles FO 917/2704 Taylor, Harry FO 917/702 Taylor, James Alex FO 917/431 Taylor, John Thomas FO 917/853 Taylor, Margaret Cuthbertson FO 917/3356 Taylor, Mercedes Lydia FO 917/1352 Taylor, Peter FO 917/3640 Taylor, Reginald FO 917/3449 Taylor, Samuel John FO 917/1437 Taylor, Walter Charles FO 917/3724 Taylor, Webley Charles FO 917/1557 Tebb, Lewthwaite Dewar FO 917/1558 Tebbitt, Robert Theodore FO 917/626 Tebbutt, James Lewitt FO 917/3949 Teesdale, John Hermann FO 917/1849 Tennant, Louisa FO 917/2797 Terrell, Gertrude Mary FO 917/214 Thatcher, Charles Robert Date 1928 1926 1932 1935 1918 1901 1917 1880 1882 1909 1926 1915 1882 1932 1941 1924 1908 1933 1919 1934 1938 1902 1906 1928 1926 1895 1887 1899 1933 1908 1936 1934 1910 1937 1912 1912 1893 1940 1916 1927 1878 Piece number Name FO 917/3813 Theodor, Margaret Theresa FO 917/1084 Thin, George FO 917/522 Thirkell, John George FO 917/1130 Thistlewaite, Austin Richard FO 917/971 Thom, Augustus FO 917/1229 Thomas, Ernest Mortimer FO 917/3059 Thomas, Helen Strachan Lloyd FO 917/2351 Thomas, Henry FO 917/1680 Thomas, Henry Rufus Herbert FO 917/920 Thomas, Jessie Paton FO 917/346 Thomas, John Mortimer FO 917/1175 Thomas, John, Henry FO 917/2964 Thomas, Laura Mary FO 917/2965 Thomas, Laura Mary FO 917/2117 Thomas, Peter FO 917/2445 Thomas, Thomas FO 917/3876 Thompson, Alice FO 917/3060 Thompson, Arthur Eldred Cowley FO 917/591 Thompson, Augustus F. FO 917/2621 Thompson, Byworth FO 917/921 Thompson, Daird Baird FO 917/1438 Thompson, Daisy Love FO 917/2889 Thompson, Dora Annie FO 917/295 Thompson, James Francis FO 917/1616 Thompson, Robert Adrian FO 917/3994 Thompson, Robert Daniel FO 917/1085 Thompson, Samuel Beresford FO 917/19 Thompson, William FO 917/2352 Thompson, William Leonard FO 917/3950 Thomson, Charles Edward Murray FO 917/854 Thomson, Elizabeth Anderson FO 917/1778 Thomson, George Syme FO 917/1779 Thomson, Godfrey Heathcote FO 917/1780 Thomson, Godfrey Heathcote FO 917/3641 Thomson, James Cunninghame FO 917/1617 Thomson, William Byars FO 917/1230 Thorburn, John David FO 917/2446 Thorburn, Robert FO 917/812 Thorburn, Robert Forrester FO 917/3264 Thorne, Alfred FO 917/2890 Thorne, Charlton Date 1938 1903 1890 1904 1901 1906 1930 1922 1914 1900 1884 1905 1929 1929 1919 1923 1939 1930 1892 1925 1900 1910 1928 1882 1913 1941 1903 1865 1922 1940 1899 1915 1915 1915 1936 1913 1906 1923 1898 1932 1928 Piece number Name FO 917/1231 Thorne, Cornelius FO 917/365 Thorne, Joseph FO 917/556 Thorne, Samuel Thomas FO 917/3450 Thornton, Richard FO 917/669 Thow, William FO 917/235 Thrilby, W.A. FO 917/486 Thurburn, Alexander FO 917/2195 Thurburn, Annie Mary Anna FO 917/2042 Thurston, Henry Privett FO 917/1850 Thurston, Ralph Neville FO 917/3265 Tibbey, Henry MacPherson FO 917/3165 Tierney, Edward FO 917/40 Tighe, John FO 917/3451 Tilburn, Georgina Alice FO 917/1950 Tillett, Alexander FO 917/2536 Timbrell, Irene Maude Mary FO 917/3725 Timmins, Michael James FO 917/1851 Ting, Lo Kun FO 917/1618 Tipp, James Arthur FO 917/1619 Tipp, James Arthur FO 917/1852 Tisdall, Ernest Walter FO 917/3726 Tisdall, Isabella FO 917/3061 Tod, Henry FO 917/62 Tod, James FO 917/3814 Tod, Margaret FO 917/85 Todd, William George FO 917/2891 Todd, William Gold FO 917/3166 Toeg, Raymond Elias FO 917/813 Tomlin, Edwin FO 917/2196 Tompkins, Ellen FO 917/2353 Tompkins, Ephraim FO 917/20 Toms, Richard FO 917/3259 Tong, Woo Hay FO 917/2118 Toone, Emma Ruth FO 917/216 Tootal, John Broadhurst FO 917/1951 Tough, Alexander FO 917/627 Towell, Marcus Edwin FO 917/2892 Townend, Lawrencis Francis FO 917/2893 Trannack, Mary Ann FO 917/703 Trannack, Richard James FO 917/2705 Travers, John Charles Date 1906 1885 1891 1934 1894 1879 1889 1920 1918 1916 1932 1931 1866 1934 1917 1924 1937 1916 1913 1913 1916 1937 1930 1868 1938 1870 1928 1931 1898 1920 1922 1865 1932 1919 1878 1917 1893 1928 1928 1895 1926 Piece number Name FO 917/2966 Treacher, Frederick Arthur FO 917/855 Trench, Power Henry Le Poer FO 917/3062 Trevelyan, Hubert Barrington FO 917/1853 Trevitt, Frank FO 917/2798 Trevor‐Smith, Julia FO 917/3266 Trevor‐Smith, Marie Emma FO 917/3815 Trickett, Cyrus FO 917/1388 Trickett, Herbert May FO 917/1559 Tripp, Henry John Howard FO 917/2447 Tripp, Masa FO 917/2799 Trodd, Alfred Baldwin FO 917/2119 Trodd, Ann FO 917/3727 Trueman, Thomas Edwin FO 917/3167 Truman, Esme Thurston FO 917/1176 Trumm, Albert Joseph FO 917/2275 Tuck, Frederick Leopold FO 917/3168 Tucker, Henry Tudor St. George FO 917/1232 Tullock, Clement FO 917/1289 Tullock, James FO 917/1781 Tundall, Horatio Darby FO 917/1681 Turnbull, John Maclean FO 917/2967 Turner, Ernest William FO 917/704 Turner, Frances Emily FO 917/1290 Turner, Helen FO 917/2622 Turner, Irwin FO 917/3063 Turner, John Mitchell FO 917/119 Turner, John Russell FO 917/2968 Turner, Margaret Mary FO 917/2894 Turner, Mary Elizabeth FO 917/2623 Turner, Tama FO 917/1011 Turner, William FO 917/2354 Turner, William Cecil Dutton FO 917/3728 Tweedie, James FO 917/394 Tweedie, Margaret Jane FO 917/3267 Tweedie, Martha Baldwin FO 917/2895 Twentyman, James Robert FO 917/814 Twigg, Ann FO 917/3169 Twigg, Ellen Adelaide FO 917/120 Twigg, Paul O'Brien FO 917/2896 Twigg, Paul O'Brien Edward FO 917/1682 Twyman, Bertie Date 1929 1899 1930 1916 1927 1932 1938 1909 1912 1923 1927 1919 1937 1931 1905 1921 1931 1906 1907 1915 1914 1929 1895 1907 1925 1930 1872 1929 1928 1925 1902 1922 1937 1886 1932 1928 1898 1931 1872 1928 1914 Piece number Name FO 917/2355 Tyler, George FO 917/432 Tyndall, William Leeming FO 917/2537 Tyson, John Stafford FO 917/460 Udale, Daniel FO 917/972 Underwood, John James FO 917/63 Underwood, Phillip Henry FO 917/628 Upham, Henry Gooding FO 917/557 Ure, Barbara Simpson FO 917/2448 Ure, Charles William FO 917/592 Urquhart, John FO 917/558 Vale, Thomas Harold FO 917/487 Valentine, Jarvis Downman FO 917/559 Vallet, Joseph FO 917/326 Vaudrey, William Glaskett FO 917/593 Vaughan, Joseph FO 917/1353 Vaughan, Mary FO 917/2706 Veerasamy, Narainasemy FO 917/2969 Veir, John Caldwell FO 917/3951 Veir, Richard Caldwell FO 917/629 Veitch, Andrew FO 917/2970 Vergette, Robert Spencer FO 917/2356 Vernon‐Vernon, John Yardley FO 917/1782 Verrall, Isabel FO 917/3642 Viccajee, Framjee FO 917/251 Vincent, A. FO 917/236 Vincent, Edward FO 917/1620 Vincent, Henry Parham FO 917/2707 Vivian, James FO 917/2897 Vladimiroff, Alexander Konstantine FO 917/21 Wade, John Walter Wood FO 917/3643 Wadham, Harold Frederick FO 917/630 Wadman, Edwin FO 917/2449 Wadman, Hubert Perry FO 917/1177 Wadman, Susan Perry FO 917/2197 Waight, John FO 917/594 Wainewright, Robert Ernest FO 917/3550 Waite, George William FO 917/3729 Wake, George Elmslea FO 917/1233 Wake, John Ponder FO 917/2198 Walford, Ambrose Berry FO 917/1439 Walker, Alfred Date 1922 1887 1924 1888 1901 1868 1893 1891 1923 1892 1891 1889 1891 1883 1892 1908 1926 1929 1940 1893 1929 1922 1915 1936 1880 1879 1913 1926 1928 1865 1936 1893 1923 1905 1920 1892 1935 1937 1906 1920 1910 Piece number Name FO 917/1234 Walker, Archibald Craig FO 917/1496 Walker, Bathurst FO 917/1952 Walker, Edith Ann FO 917/3551 Walker, Forest Buchanan FO 917/2971 Walker, Hubert Arthur FO 917/3064 Walker, James FO 917/3995 Walker, John FO 917/670 Walker, Samuel FO 917/121 Walkinshaw, Constantine FO 917/2898 Wallace, Caroline May FO 917/3816 Wallace, Dare Frederick Alexander FO 917/3452 Wallace, Eileen Annie FO 917/2708 Wallace, Frederick Hopper FO 917/2043 Wallace, Lucy Haddon FO 917/2800 Wallace, Robert Bruce FO 917/3817 Wallace, Samuel Mendal FO 917/523 Wallace, Thomas FO 917/3877 Wallace, Thomas FO 917/1291 Wallace, William Seymour FO 917/3952 Wallas, Alexander Graham FO 917/2357 Walle, John Russell FO 917/3878 Waller, Arthur Joseph FO 917/204 Waller, Joseph Ede FO 917/1131 Waller, Llewellyn Ede FO 917/41 Waller, William FO 917/671 Walley, John FO 917/2044 Wallis, Clare Fitzgerald FO 917/1178 Wallis, Joseph William Leonard FO 917/327 Wallis, William FO 917/296 Walsh, Arthur FO 917/217 Walsh, Frederick George FO 917/1292 Walsh, John Birchall FO 917/3357 Walsham, Percy Romilly FO 917/1854 Walter, Bertram FO 917/1293 Walter, John FO 917/3358 Walter, Maud Maria FO 917/1783 Walter, Walter Baldwin FO 917/922 Walter, William Benjamin FO 917/3644 Walters, William Basil FO 917/815 Wanderleach, Charles FO 917/1012 Wanstall, Benjamin Date 1906 1911 1917 1935 1929 1930 1941 1894 1872 1928 1938 1934 1926 1918 1927 1938 1890 1939 1907 1940 1922 1939 1877 1904 1866 1894 1918 1905 1883 1882 1878 1907 1933 1916 1907 1933 1915 1900 1936 1898 1902 Piece number Name FO 917/3453 Wanstall, Fanny Susannah FO 917/3730 Warburton, William FO 917/1179 Ward, Arthur Gordon FO 917/2045 Ward, Francis FO 917/923 Ward, George Frederick FO 917/3818 Ward, Herbert Lipson FO 917/3552 Wardrop, Robert FO 917/2358 Ware, Elizabeth Mary FO 917/1621 Ware, James FO 917/3996 Wareing, Tatiana Victor FO 917/3645 Warner, Gladys Darling Lee FO 917/1497 Warrall, Alice Mabel FO 917/631 Warren, Charles FO 917/2709 Warren, Gilbert George FO 917/3953 Warren, William Henry FO 917/2899 Warwick, Captain John FO 917/1354 Washbrook, Charlotte Emily FO 917/1440 Washbrook, William Amos FO 917/3553 Waterman, Mary Elizabeth FO 917/2046 Waterson, Frank FO 917/2624 Watkins, Alexander James William FO 917/3359 Watney, Lilian End FO 917/856 Watson, Andrew Paus FO 917/2276 Watson, Arthur FO 917/2801 Watson, Bryan FO 917/3360 Watson, Charles Joseph FO 917/924 Watson, George Best FO 917/1013 Watson, John FO 917/857 Watson, John FO 917/672 Watson, John Paton FO 917/777 Watson, Sterritt Duff FO 917/1683 Watson, William Charles Haines FO 917/76 Watt, Andrew FO 917/705 Watt, Charles FO 917/3819 Watt, Charlotte FO 917/433 Watt, James FO 917/1355 Watt, Robert Downie FO 917/3879 Wattie, James Alexander FO 917/3065 Watton, Walter George FO 917/1784 Watton, Walter Hyla Jennens FO 917/1294 Wavell, Harry Thomas Date 1934 1937 1905 1918 1900 1938 1935 1922 1913 1941 1936 1911 1893 1926 1940 1928 1908 1910 1935 1918 1925 1933 1899 1921 1927 1933 1900 1902 1899 1894 1897 1914 1869 1895 1938 1887 1908 1939 1930 1915 1907 Piece number Name FO 917/2450 Weatherston, Ida Emma FO 917/1086 Weatherston, Thomas Jeffry FO 917/347 Webb, Edward George Cole FO 917/3554 Webb, William Stanley FO 917/2120 Webster, Richard FO 917/2710 Webster, Thomas FO 917/366 Weekes, Charles Dewhurst FO 917/103 Weeks, Richard FO 917/3556 Ween, Edward FO 917/3361 Weigall, Felicity Edith FO 917/3454 Weir, Evelyn Mary FO 917/2972 Weir, Thomas FO 917/560 Welch, Edith FO 917/2802 Welch, Rosalina FO 917/395 Wellmatt, Arthur Wellesley Westmacott FO 917/328 Wells, John FO 917/3731 Wells, Matthew Edward Howey FO 917/3555 Welsford, Godfrey Clifford FO 917/1684 West, John FO 917/3997 Westnidge, Harry FO 917/3066 Wetterburn, Robert William FO 917/2277 Whaite, William Peter Milner FO 917/3268 Whamond, David FO 917/252 Wheatley, E. FO 917/2538 Wheeler, Frank Thomas FO 917/3269 Wheeler, James FO 917/2359 Wheeler, Stanley James FO 917/2047 Wheeler, Sydney FO 917/297 Wheeler, William FO 917/2121 Wheeley, Edward FO 917/2200 Wheelock, Geoffrey Marilius FO 917/2201 Wheelock, Thomas Reed FO 917/1014 Wheen, Percy FO 917/2711 Wheen, Sarah Phoebe FO 917/3170 Whistler, Edward Evans FO 917/1087 White, Augustus FO 917/1855 White, Augustus Harold FO 917/3455 White, Charles Jackson FO 917/673 White, Francis William FO 917/778 White, Frederick Grant FO 917/1015 White, John Date 1923 1903 1884 1935 1919 1926 1885 1871 1935 1933 1934 1929 1891 1927 1886 1883 1937 1935 1914 1941 1930 1921 1932 1880 1924 1932 1922 1918 1882 1919 1920 1920 1902 1926 1931 1903 1916 1934 1894 1897 1902 Piece number Name FO 917/2803 White, Kathleen Daphne FO 917/3557 White‐Cooper, Alfred Samuel Plumtree FO 917/1953 Whitfield, William FO 917/751 Whitney, Fred W. FO 917/632 Whittal, James FO 917/3171 Whittan, Charles Dempster FO 917/3456 Whittle, Elizabeth FO 917/1622 Whittle, John FO 917/3362 Whitton, William FO 917/3174 Whyte, David Strachan FO 917/253 Wickham, B.R. FO 917/1016 Wickham, Edward Provis FO 917/752 Wicks, Ronayne Claxton FO 917/22 Wiggins, Henry Hone FO 917/2539 Wilde, Spencer Charles FO 917/3732 Wildgoose, Edith FO 917/141 Wilkie, John Davidson FO 917/3954 Wilkins, Annie Louise FO 917/2360 Wilkins, Edward FO 917/3558 Wilkinson, Hiram Parkes FO 917/1954 Wilkinson, Maurice Hewson FO 917/858 Wilkinson, Rosetta Mary FO 917/2712 Wilkinson, Sir Hiram Shaw FO 917/3457 Williams, Claud Ivon FO 917/859 Williams, Edward Osborne FO 917/3559 Williams, Esme Marion FO 917/633 Williams, Frank Thomas FO 917/973 Williams, George Samuel FO 917/3880 Williams, Howell Jones FO 917/3458 Williams, Hugh Pigot FO 917/3733 Williams, John Huw FO 917/3270 Williams, Llewellyn Glyndur FO 917/2451 Williams, Mary Ann FO 917/186 Williams, Philip FO 917/561 Williams, Phillip FO 917/1088 Williams, Robert FO 917/2361 Williams, Rosine Thavenet FO 917/122 Williams, Rowland Wynne FO 917/1295 Williamson, Adam Anderson FO 917/524 Williamson, Alexander FO 917/1785 Williamson, James Date 1927 1935 1917 1896 1893 1931 1934 1913 1933 1931 1880 1902 1896 1865 1924 1937 1873 1940 1922 1935 1917 1899 1926 1934 1899 1935 1893 1901 1939 1934 1937 1932 1923 1876 1891 1903 1922 1872 1907 1890 1915 Piece number Name FO 917/753 Williamson, James Lemond FO 917/2804 Williamson, Margaret Esme FO 917/3998 Willis, Frank James FO 917/2625 Willis, George FO 917/2 Wills, Charles FO 917/2540 Wilmer, James William FO 917/2278 Wilson, Adeline Burrows FO 917/3271 Wilson, Alexander Boyter FO 917/2900 Wilson, Alexander Reid FO 917/1389 Wilson, Alexander Sievewright FO 917/1560 Wilson, Alfred FO 917/1561 Wilson, Alfred FO 917/1955 Wilson, Alfred Sidney FO 917/123 Wilson, Charles FO 917/1623 Wilson, Edward Goulding FO 917/1017 Wilson, Elizabeth FO 917/2541 Wilson, Elizabeth FO 917/2713 Wilson, Elizabeth Cox FO 917/2452 Wilson, George Cassie FO 917/3364 Wilson, Henrietta FO 917/218 Wilson, Henry FO 917/1441 Wilson, John FO 917/461 Wilson, John FO 917/754 Wilson, John FO 917/2453 Wilson, John Edmund FO 917/3363 Wilson, John George FO 917/3560 Wilson, John Palmer FO 917/3820 Wilson, Lilian Katie FO 917/3881 Wilson, Louisa FO 917/3734 Wilson, Percy James FO 917/1856 Wilson, Robert FO 917/205 Wilson, Robert FO 917/3067 Wilson, Thomas Miller FO 917/3735 Wilson, Thomas Struthers FO 917/925 Wilson, Walter FO 917/926 Wilson, William Nullar FO 917/3172 Wilson, William Samuel John FO 917/3459 Wing, Tycho FO 917/3173 Wingrove, George Christopher FO 917/706 Wise, Arthur FO 917/1089 Wishart, Daniel Hamilton Date 1896 1927 1941 1925 1857 1924 1921 1932 1928 1909 1912 1912 1917 1872 1913 1902 1924 1926 1923 1933 1878 1910 1888 1896 1923 1933 1935 1938 1939 1937 1916 1877 1930 1937 1900 1900 1931 1934 1931 1895 1903 Piece number Name FO 917/1296 Witton, George Frederick FO 917/927 Wolfenden, Robert William FO 917/1624 Wolff, Gustav Wilhelm FO 917/2973 Wolff, Marcus de Gamaches FO 917/3272 Wong‐Quincey, Patrick FO 917/2974 Wood, Andrew Faulds FO 917/1356 Wood, Arthur FO 917/3068 Wood, Arthur Prescott FO 917/1090 Wood, Gertrude Hargreaves FO 917/3882 Wood, John George FO 917/1235 Wood, Reginald Walter Heysham FO 917/3736 Wood, Richard FO 917/1685 Wood, Thomas FO 917/860 Wood, Thomas FO 917/1562 Wood, Walter Chapman FO 917/2975 Woodley, Lilias Anne FO 917/562 Woodward, Charles Frederick FO 917/2122 Woodward, Ruby Helena Selina FO 917/2542 Wooldridge, Henry Christian FO 917/51 Woolley, John FO 917/2543 Worcester, William Gilbert FO 917/2901 Work, John FO 917/2202 Wotten, William FO 917/2544 Wright, Alexander FO 917/1018 Wright, Andrew Nicholas FO 917/3561 Wright, Ethel FO 917/488 Wright, Francis Edmund FO 917/3646 Wright, Harry FO 917/348 Wright, Joseph William FO 917/861 Wright, Thomas William FO 917/171 Wright, William Trejerant FO 917/42 Wrighton, James FO 917/2123 Wrightson, Clarence Ward FO 917/2454 Wrightson, Kate Eve FO 917/2805 Wyles, Stanleigh FO 917/1956 Wyles, William Scott FO 917/1297 Wylie, Alexander FO 917/2626 Wylie, Annie FO 917/1298 Wylie, Richard Aspinall FO 917/1236 Wyon, Edward FO 917/3460 Yates, Ernest Arkell Date 1907 1900 1913 1929 1932 1929 1908 1930 1903 1939 1906 1937 1914 1899 1912 1929 1891 1919 1924 1867 1924 1928 1920 1924 1902 1935 1889 1936 1884 1899 1875 1866 1919 1923 1927 1917 1907 1925 1907 1906 1934 Piece number Name FO 917/3273 Yates, Geofrey, Edward FO 917/3274 Yean, Kum K. FO 917/2362 Yee, Lo Cheng FO 917/396 Yeo, George Jope FO 917/3275 Yin, Lo Chieng Kue FO 917/1625 Yiok, Wong Sui FO 917/462 York, George Edward FO 917/3069 Young, Alfred Ernest FO 917/124 Young, Edward FO 917/3883 Young, Frederick FO 917/1686 Young, James Murdock FO 917/1687 Young, James Murdock FO 917/2627 Young, John Ross FO 917/397 Young, Samuel FO 917/1237 Young, William Ogston Milne FO 917/3737 Youngson, Isabella Bryce FO 917/276 Youngson, Robert FO 917/779 Youngson, William FO 917/1957 Yuk, Mok Koon Date 1932 1932 1922 1886 1932 1913 1888 1930 1872 1939 1914 1914 1925 1886 1906 1937 1881 1897 1917
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