Brackets and Corbels
Brackets and Corbels
PB05 Brackets and Corbels Height 15-3/4” Width 4” Projection 14” PB05b PB06 Height 15-3/4” Width 8” Projection 14” Height 18” Width 20” Projection 5-1/2” PB09 Height 18” Width 5-1/2” Projection 9” These large brackets were supplied as part of the historic restoration project on the Peck Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan. PB10 Height 18” Width 6” Projection 10” DB01 DB01a PB11 Height 8” Width 5-1/2 ” Projection 5-3/4” Height 8” Width 3-1/2” Projection 5-1/2” Height 16” Width 4” Projection 10-7/8” PB20 DB09 Height 7-1/2” Width 5-1/2” Projection 3-1/4” Height 6-1/4” Width 4-3/4” Projection 5” PB12 Height 9-1/2” Width 4” Projection 7” PB35 Height 10” Width 3” Projection 5-1/2” PB08 Height 11” Width 3” Projection 5-1/2” PB08a CB15 Height 7” Width 6” Projection 10” PB07 Height 9” Width 4” Projection 9” Height 10” Width 6” Projection 7” CB16 Height 3” Width 2” Projection 1-3/4” DB04 PB16 8-1/8” X 5” X 24”long Height 30” Width 6” Projection 30” DB04a - 18” long DB04b - 30” long DB04c - 36” long DB04d - 42” long DB02 DB03 Height 6” Width 4-1/2” Projection 10-1/4” Height 2-1/8” Width 4-1/2” Projection 5” CB722 Height 7-1/4” Width 3” Projection 5-3/4” page 46 DB05 DB10 Height 4” Width 5-3/4” Projection 18” Height 3-1/2” Width 3-1/2” Projection 7” PB03 Height 11-3/4” Width 2 ” Projection 9-3/4” PB31a PB4a Height 16-1/2” Width 5-3/4” Projection 8” Height 12” Width 12” Projection 4” PB4b Height 22” Width 5-3/4” Projection 11-1/4” PB31b Height 18” Width 4” Projection 18” CB10 Height 35-7/8” Width 11-1/8” Projection 19-1/2” CB09a Height 19” Width 8-1/8” Projection 21-1/2” CB11 CB09b Height 27” Width 8-1/8” Projection 21-1/2” Height 12” Width 11” Projection 18” Brackets and Corbels PB31 Height 22” Width 22” Projections 3-5/8” PB41 PB33 PB40 Height 25” Width 6-1/2” Projection 20-1/2” Height 18” Projection 36” Width 3” Height 41-3/4” Width 7-1/2” Projection 18” PB48 Height 25” Projection 13” Width 2” CB43 Height 10” Projection 16” Width 5” CB03 CB04 CB05 Height 9” Width 6” Projection 22” Height 5-1/2” Width 7-1/4” Projection 10-1/4” Height 8” Width 7-1/2” Projection 9” CB01 Height 10” Width 4” Projection 5-1/4” CB01a CB17 CB18 Height 15” Width 5-1/4” Projection 8” CB20 Height 10” Width 12” Projection 10” Height 6-1/2” Width 4” Projection 13-1/4” Height 11” Width 6” Projection 10” SB01 Height 4-1/2” Width 2-1/2” Projection 3-1/2” SB01a Height 10” Width 4” Projection 5-1/8” page PB37 Height 5-1/4” Width 3” Projection 27-3/4” 47 Brackets and Corbels PB32 Height 19” Width 4” Projection 15” PB32b Height 19” Width 4” Projection 15” These brackets, fascia, and frieze molding were supplied as part of the historic restoration and addition on the Holland, Michigan City Hall Building PB02 Height 14” Width 3-1/2” Projection 14” PB32c Height 19” Width 4” Projection 15” PB02b PB30 PB30b Height 16” Width 10” Thickness 2-3/4” Height 20” Width 10” Thickness 2-3/4” Height 24” Width 4” Projection 24” PB02c Height 36” Width 5” Projection 36” PB21 Height 30” Width 6” Projection 30” PB02d Height 30” Width 4-1/2” Projection 30” PB42a PB42b VB13 Height 24” Projection 24” Width 4” Height 36” Projection 41-3/4” Width 4” Height 16” Width 2-3/4” Projection 16” VB13d Height 12” Width 2-3/4” Projection 12” VB13a Height 24” Width 2-3/4” Projection 24” VB13b VB13c Height 36” Width 3-1/2” Projection 36” Height 44” Width 3-1/2” Projection 44” PB38 PB50 Height 12” Width 4” Projection 12” PB36 VB14 Height 88” Projection 36” Thickness 6” page 48 Height 30” Projection 30” Width 3-1/2” VB14a VB14e Height 18” Projection 18” Width 3-1/2” Height 24” Projection 24” Width 3-1/2” VB14b VB14f Height 36” Projection 36” Width 3-1/2” Height 20” Projection 20” Width 4” Height 22” Projection 22” Width 3-1/2” VB14c VB14f VB14d Height 42” Projection 42” Width 3-1/2” Height 20” Projection 20” Width 3-1/2” Height 12” Projection 12” Width 2-7/8” PB34 PB39 Height 32” Width 7” Projection 26” Height 18” Projection 18” Width 3-1/2” PB44 Height 30” Width 8” Projection 14” CB06 LVB01 VB09 Height 26” Width 30” Thickness 1-1/2” Height 21” Width 17” Thickness 1” PB19 PB25 Height 15” Height 10” Width 11” Width 1” Projection 10” Thickness 3-1/2” Height 14” Width 1-1/2” Projection 14” VB40 Height 36” Width 24” PB26 VB10 PB01 Height 16” Width 12-1/4” Thickness 1” Height 16” Width 16” Thickness 1” Height 14” Width 11-1/2” Thickness 1-1/4” Brackets and Corbels PB49 Height 36” Width 36” Thickness 3” LVB02 Height 26” Width 32” VBDF VBHB Height 18” Width 18” Thickness 1” Height 14-1/2” Width 18” VB18 VB07 Height 32” Width 25” Thickness 1” Height 14-1/2” Width 14-1/2” Thickness 1” PB13 Height 6” Width 1” Projection 8” PB15 VB42 VB02 Height 15-1/4” Width 10-3/4” Thickness 3/4” Height 12” Width 10” Thickness 3/4” VB01 VB08 Height 18-1/4” Width 17” Thickness 1” Height 18” Width 18” Thickness 1” Height 9-1/2” Width 1” Projection 13-3/4” PB17 Height 13-3/4” Width 12” Thickness 1” page 49 Brackets and Corbels VB15 Height 24-3/4” Width 24” Thickness 3-3/4” VB11T VB17b Height 12” Width 32” Thickness 1” VB16 Height 21” Width 18-1/2” Thickness 3-3/4” VB04 VB03 Height 15” Width 34-1/2” Thickness 1” Height 11” Width 24” Thickness 1” VB20 VB15b Height 24-3/4” Width 24” Thickness 3-3/4” Height 7-5/8” Width 23-3/4” Thickness 3/4” VB16b 50 VB17 Height 10” Width 30” Thickness 1” Height 48” Width 30” Thickness 3” VB41 VB06 Height 16” Width 16” Thickness 1” Height 21-1/4” Width 21-1/4” Thickness 1” VB05 Height 21” Width 18-1/2” Thickness 3-3/4” page VB11 Height 48” Width 30” Thickness 1” Height 11” Width 36” Thickness 1” CB708 Height 10-1/2” Width 6-1/4” Projection 2-1/2” CB41 CB40 CB734 CB13 Height 14” Projection 18” Thickness 4” Height 24” Projection 8-1/2” Thickness 5” Height 28-1/2” Width 7-5/8” Projection 7-5/8” Height 10-1/4” Width 9-1/2” Projection 4-1/2” Height 12-1/4” Width 5-1/4” Projection 3-1/4” Height 18” Width 3-3/4” Projection 9-1/8” CB735 CB12 Height 11-5/8” Width 6-7/8” Projection 5-7/16” Height 9-1/2” Width 10” Projection 5” CB710 Height 3-3/4” Width 3-1/8” Projection 1-3/4” CB717 Height 16-1/4” Width 10” Projection 4-1/4” CB718 CB721 Height 10-1/8” Width 5-5/16” Projection 2” Height 12” Width 6-7/8” Projection 6” CB709 Height 6-3/4” Width 4-1/2” Projection 2-3/4” CB711 CB731 CB713 CB726 Height 8-5/8 ” Width 3-5/8” Projection 2-3/4” Height 11-3/4” Width 4-1/2” Projection 2-3/4” Height 12-1/2” Width 4-1/2” Projection 4-1/4” Height 5” Width 3” Projection 1-3/8” CB729 Brackets and Corbels CB733 CB730 Height 5-1/2” Width 4” Projection 2-5/8” CB725 CB727 CB715 Height 12-1/2” Width 5-3/4” Projection 5-3/4” Height 5-1/2” Width 4-5/8” Projection 2-7/8” Height 9” Width 7-1/2” Projection 3-1/2” CB 728 CB707 CB705 Height 10-3/4” Width 7-1/4” Projection 3-1/2” Height 14-3/4” Width 10” Projection 4-1/2” CB07 Height 17-1/8” Width 13” Projection 10” Height 11 Width 9-3/4 Projection 7-3/4 CB07a Height 12-3/4” Width 9-1/2” Projection 5-3/4” CB702 CB02 CB14 Height 10-1/4” Width 6-3/4” Projection 5” Height 11” Width 5-1/2” Projection 5-1/2” Height 15-1/2” Width 8” Thickness 5” CB08 Height 12” Width 8-3/4” Projection 6” CB706 CB701 CB08a Height 7-1/2” Width 7-1/2” Projection 3-1/4” Height 8” Width 4-3/4” Projection 3-1/2” Height 16-3/4” Width 11-1/2” Projection 9-3/4” page 51
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