Disc stack centrifuges
Disc stack centrifuges
FLOTTWEG DISC STACK CENTRIFUGES Innovative liquid-solid separation Separation principles Mixtures of immiscible liquids, Fw. In a viscous fluid, the par- This equation shows the such as water, oil and solids, ticles reach a terminal velocity significant parameters which can be separated by gravity if also known as the settling or influence the terminal velocity: the components have different buoyant velocity depending densities. Solid or “spherical” on the density of the particle Particle diameter d: particles (such as oil droplets – larger or smaller than the The terminal velocity increases in water or water droplets in oil) viscous fluid. With assumed with the square of the particle are influenced by three differ- laminar flow the resulting diameter. Large particle diam- ent forces (Fig.1). The gravity terminal velocity is given with eters result in higher terminal Fg interacts with the buoyant the Stokes Law (Fig. 2). velocity. force Fa and the frictional force Fa FI Fw d d2⋅ (Δρ) Vg = ⋅g 18 ⋅ η s Fg Particle influenced by three different forces (Fig.1) Terminal velocity Vg (Fig.2) Difference in density ⌬: It is important to regard the dis- Increasing difference in the tance between the particle and density of particle and solid the bottom/surface to estimate results in higher terminal the time of the sedimentation/ velocity. flotation. The separation is finished when all of the particles Dynamic viscosity : have sedimented (trub residues Decreasing dynamic viscosity in juice production) or floated in the fluid results in higher (oil droplets in water). terminal velocity. 2 The separation process in the disc stack centrifuge Imagine a continuous system This can be avoided by inser- Liquid/liquid separation such area. The centrifugal force of for solid/liquid separation at ting plates to reduce the dis- as the separation of water a centrifuge (up to 16000 x g) a high flow rate. If the feeding tance to the bottom (h Æ h1). and oil, works on the same strongly increases the effect of speed is high, some particles More clarification area is pro- principles (Fig. 6). this clarifying area. will not reach the bottom and vided (Fig. 4). This will work will flow away with the liquid. until the system clogs. The disc stack of the separator The geometric surface of the divides the product stream into discs (clarifying area) and the By using inclined plates the thin layers. The separation itself centrifugal force result in the solids will slide to the tank happens in the space between “equivalent clarifying area”. bottom (Fig. 5). two discs. A high number of This factor shows the discs result in a large clarifying capability of a separator. The separation process is incomplete (Fig.3) h W2 h1 (Fig.3) (Fig.4) (Fig.5) (Fig.6) Clarification (Fig.7) Separation d2⋅ (Δρ) Vg = ⋅ rϖ 2 18 ⋅ η (Fig.8) 3 Disc stack centrifuges in process technology Self-cleaning disc stack cen- than for e. g. in a decanter. There is a wide range for the trifuges for liquid/solid separa- Hence disc stack centrifuges application of disc stack cen- tion are essential in many tech- are predestined for processes trifuges. You find them in every nical processes. The rotation which require high separation branch of industry – like the speed of disc stack centrifuges efficiency or the separation of food and beverage, animal and is much higher than most other micro particles. Even mixtures vegetable fats and oils, chem- centrifuges in industry. The of liquid phases with very small istry, pharmacy and biotech- centrifugal force in a disc stack difference in density can be nology, mineral oil products, bowl is apparently stronger separated. energy production, and environmental protection. Oil Water Oil Water Water Solids Solids Solids Sedimentation in a test-tube – clarification, purification, concentration Separators are essentially liquid phase with lower density, Hence to these basic pro- designed for three basic pro- (e.g. water droplets from min- cess operations FLOTTWEG cess operations: eral oil). The separation of solids SEPARATORS are designed at the same time is possible. as Clarifiers, Purifiers and Clarification Concentrator variants. Finely dispersed particles are Concentration separated from a fluid (e.g. Separation of a liquid with low- trub solids in juice) er density from a continuous liquid phase with high density, 4 Purification (e.g. essential oil from water). Separation of a liquid with high- The separation of solids at the er density from a continuous same time is possible. Advantages of self cleaning disc stack centrifuges Compared to other centri- Compact design, small foot- Liquid-liquid separation of Easy to operate and control fuges and filter systems, self print, yet high flow rates fluids with minor difference in through continuous and auto- cleaning disc stack centrifu- Separation of finely dispersed density matic operation ges offer several advantages: particles Closed design that prevents No filter cloth, additives, or odor emission or contamination flocculants necessary of product and environment (optional) FLOTTWEG SEPARATORS in the field Typical applications* Beverage/food Chemical/pharmaceutical/ tion broth, solvents, chemical Industry/mineral oil Fruit juice, vegetable juice, biotechnical waste water Slop oil/waste oil treatment essential oil, wine/must, pectin, Whey clarification, process tea, coffee water in the starch industry, Oils and fats algae (food additives), indus- Land animal fat and fish oil, trial biotechnology/fermenta- vegetable oil, algae (biofuels), in combination with the olive oil, biodiesel FLOTTWEG TRICANTER® * more applications available upon request 5 Functional principle of a self cleaning disc stack centrifuge The product to be separated impeller (5) to be discharged. Bowl enters the inside of the bowl Depending on the process, the The bowl of a self-cleaning through a stationary inlet pipe liquid can be discharged under disc stack centrifuge consists (1) into the distributor (2). The pressure or unpressurized. of a bowl bottom (6) includ- separation takes place in the A distinction is drawn between ing the hydraulic discharge disc stack (3). The product a clarifier and a purifier version system and the bowl top. The flow is divided into multiple with a single or double impeller. solid discharge (9) is opened thin layers by the disk stack Separated solids are packed and closed by vertical sliding and a large surface area is in the solids chamber (4) and of the piston (7) and controlled created. From the disk stack, discharged periodically. by the bowl valves (8). Using the clarified liquid flows to the a hydraulic system in the bowl Feed Centrate 5 1 2 3 4 6 9 7 8 closing water opening water Cross section of a FLOTTWEG SEPARATOR (clarifier version) bottom, the separated Disc stack tor through the inlet pipe (1). A solids are discharged at The disc stack (3) consists of specially-designed distributor full speed. the discs and the distributor. ensures the smooth accelera- The purifier and concentrator tion of the product. The impact The hydraulic system of the versions are equipped with of sheer forces on the particles FLOTTWEG AC centrifuges additional separation discs (10). has to be avoided. This would enables exactly reproducible The product is introduced lead to emulsification and partial discharges as well as to the center of the distribu- therefore be counterproductive total discharges in any combination. 6 FLOTTWEG SEPARATOR bowl for the separation process. Liquid discharge There are three options for Passing the distributor through The separated liquids leave the the purifier and concentrator ged by a single impeller (5). holes at the bottom, the prod- disc stack centrifuge through version: The light phase is discharged uct enters the disc stack. the liquid discharge. The – Both separated liquids are unpressurized and leaves Through the rising channels, design varies depending on discharged by means of a through a stationary regulat- the product is fed into the whether it is a clarifier, purifier double impeller (11). ing ring. space between the discs. An or concentrator version. – The heavy phase is dischar- – The light phase is discharged by a single impeller. The heavy additional separation disc on top of the disc stack (purifier Using a clarifier version, the phase is discharged unpres- and concentrator) ensures the liquid is discharged under pres- surized and leaves through a separated or concentrated sure via a stationary impeller. stationary regulating ring. liquid to flow into the corresponding collection chamber. Feed discharge light liquid discharge heavy liquid 11 10 1 3 closing water opening water Cross section of a FLOTTWEG SEPARATOR (concentrator version) Disc stack Tri-clamp connection with screw joint Drive enabling a smooth acceleration Materials of construction steel or duplex alloys. The The required drive power is and limiting the inrush current. All product-wetted parts are sealing materials are made transmitted directly to the bowl Furthermore, there is the pos- made of stainless Cr-Ni-Steel. of perbunan (NBR) and poly- shaft using a standard three- sibility to vary the bowl speed. Depending on the require- amide. Other materials such as ments, the components of the PEEK, Viton (FKM) and EPDM bowl are made of stainless are available. phase AC motor with frequency Compared with other drive drive control via a V-ripped systems, the FLOTTWEG drive or flat belt. The motor is con- offers lower maintenance and trolled by a frequency drive increased efficiency. 7 Lubrication Hydrohermetic hermetic seal consists of a sta- The bearings are lubricated The hydrohermetic seal option tionary disc above the impeller. using an internal oil lubrication enables hermetic feed of the The disc is dipped into the fluid system. Oil level and flow are product (clarifier version). Oxy- sealing the product from the controlled by the control system gen pick-up, foaming, or gas environment. The system is (AC1500, 2000, 2500). An oil leakage is avoided. The hydro- quite similar to a siphon. pump provides appropriate proportioning of the lubricating oil. Cross section FLOTTWEG SEPARATOR CIP Explosion proof FLOTTWEG SEPARATORS are All FLOTTWEG SEPARATORS designed according to require- are in compliance with the ments of “hygienic design”. They regulations of 94/9/EG (ATEX95). can easily be integrated into an They are suit- automatic CIP-system. able for use in explosion hazardous areas. 8 Inert gas purge unit vapors mixed with aerial oxy- to be gastight to prevent the cally used in the chemical, Inert gas purge units are nec- gen generate an explosive mix- exit of vapors into the atmo- pharmaceutical, or the mineral essary for the production of ture, the risk of explosion has sphere as well as to avoid the oil industry. It is used for all products whose vapors may to be eliminated by replacing entry of air into the system. systems which process highly contaminate the atmosphere air with an inert gas. Usually Inert gas is injected into sev- flammable organic solvents or or to prevent contact of the this operation is done using eral parts of the centrifuge in hazardous volatile components. product with the atmosphere pure nitrogen. Centrifuges and order to provide optimal purg- Inert gas units prevent the oxi- (oxidation). If centrifuges are system parts used for the pro- ing and inert gas blanketing dation of products in the food used to process media whose cessing of such materials have inside the centrifuge. and beverage industry as well Inert gas purge units are typi- as in the edible oil industry. FLOTTWEG purge gas control unit Centrifuge controls FLOTTWEG touch control – Motor protectors and ramp- All centrifuge functions and up control system using components are monitored frequency drive and operated by a programmable logic controller (PLC). – Timer for automatic solid discharge – Solid discharge controlled by turbidimeter (option) – All necessary touch and operating controls – Control of all components of the disc stack centrifuge and (optional) secondary systems The control cabinet includes: 9 Technical data* Type AC1000 Volume Solids chamber Separator motor Dimensions (Lenght × Width × Hight) AC1500 AC2000 AC2500 4 liter 14 liter 25 liter 58 liter (1.1 US gallon) (3.7 US gallon) (6.6 US gallon) (15.3 US gallon) 1,5 liter 7 liter 11,5 liter 22,5 liter (0.4 US gallon) (1.8 US gallon) (3.0 US gallon) (5.9 US gallon) 5,5 kW 18,5 kW 37 kW 55 kW (7.4 hp) (24.8 hp) (49.6 hp) (73.8 hp) 1100 × 600 × 1500 × 1000 × 2000 × 1100 × 2.100 × 1300 × 1000 (mm) 1700 (mm) 2000 (mm) 2100 (mm) 43 × 24 × 39 (inch) 59 × 39 × 67 (inch) 79 × 43 × 79 (inch) 83 × 51 × 83 (inch) Gross weight Hydraulic capacity 390 kg 1600 kg 2900 kg 3750 kg (860 lbs) (3527 lbs) (6393 lbs) (8267 lbs) 10.000 l/h 20.000 l/h 45.000 l/h 85.000 l/h (44 US gpm) (88 US gpm) (198 US gpm) (374 US gpm) * The listed figures are guidelines only FLOTTWEG SEPARATOR AC2000 gastight version in explosion-proof design 10 Customer Service is our strength – worldwide Application-based project Experienced and reliable FLOTTWEG products are planning, high-quality service engineers from our designed and manufactured manufacturing and professional customer service department in GERMANY! after-sales service are are ready to respond quickly prerequisites for customer to reduce down time. The ISO certification satisfaction. FLOTTWEG service group FLOTTWEG is ISO 9001 is also available to perform certified and manufactures its preventive maintenance. products in compliance with all current technical standards. FLOTTWEG services include: Competent advice on separa- Selection and specification of Design and construction of Preventive maintenance tion processes equipment complete process systems Customer training Tests at the Flottweg Customer-tailored automation/ Installation, commissioning, laboratory and test center control systems and process maintenance, repair, and spare Pilot tests on-site integration parts service worldwide. 11 FLOTTWEG international FLOTTWEG – headquartered On our homepage www.flottweg. in Vilsbiburg, Germany, near com under contact/service you Munich – has subsidiaries and will find your competent contact branch offices in Australia, Bra- person. zil, China, Germany (Cologne/ Leipzig), France, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, U.K., and the USA, We will support you any way we can! as well as representations in nearly all countries worldwide. PR-0004 ZK - 10 09/09 Representative:
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