It was a bright, sunny Sunday in the Jumble


It was a bright, sunny Sunday in the Jumble
It was a bright, sunny Sunday in the Jumble
Jungle wn by the lae sat enriea i and
her friends, Mj Mney, Ellen Elehant and Tysn Tiger They were wai#ng fr $ergie
$iraffe, their swimming teacher t cme and
teach them hw t swim This was their first
swimming lessn and they were very, very
Finally $ergie $iraffe arrived ling cler than ever with
his brwn fluffy hair, neatly cmbed bac, his ruby red tshirt and his lile white whistle #ed arund his tall nec
“Oay ids! Welcme t yur first swimming lessn!” he exclaimed “This wee we will be learning hw t d the dggy addle” he said rudly
Everyne was wrried abut the dggy addle, in case they
culdn4t d it, everyne exect enriea that was
Everyne struggled with the dggy addle,
but enriea thught she culd d the dggy
addle and she thught she was beer than
her friends enriea then swam t the end
f the lae, shwing ff and rancing abut in
her lile, in, flral swimsuit
$ergie $iraffe and the thers called
“8me bac enriea!” they cried, but enriea nas#ly relied
“N, I dn4t need yur silly swimming lessns! I can d it all by myself!”
8me Bac
N! I dn4t
need yur silly
enriea swam and swam She swum s much that she
had almst swum ne whle length! On her way t the
ther end f the lae, mssy green, scaly crcdiles
grwled at her
“a-a enriea! =u can4t swim!”
enriea nw realised why she shuldn4t cme dwn t
the dee end withut suervisin
enriea began t cry because she realised that she
culdn4t swim at all, she wasn4t beer than the thers, in
fact if anything they were beer than her enriea culd
hear her friends at the site end f the lae; they were
being raised and alauded by $ergie $iraffe This made
enriea cry even mre
Suddenly Mj Mney sed enriea crying e turned t
Ellen Elehant and Tysn Tiger and said
“Ellen! Tysn! Buicly! Cet4s g see what is the maer with
her!” Ellen Elehant sted t thin abut what Mj had
“Why shuld I g and hel her aDer she was s rude t me?”
she thught t herself, but Ellen remembered f hw her
mther was always telling her hw tw wrngs never made a
right! S she jined Mj and Tysn as they swiDly swam t
the site end f the lae, t find ut what was the maer
with their friend
Why shuld I
hel her!?
As Mj Mney, Ellen Elehant and Tysn Tiger swam they
had abslutely n bther with the dggy addle because they
had listened t the teacher In fact they were such gd swimmers that the astnished crcdiles ran away as quicly as
they culd t get ut f their way!
“enriea, enriea!” ased her friends “What seems t
be the rblem?,”
“I can4t swim and every ne f yu can!” she sbbed
“Well, enriea, I thin that yu have learned a very valuable life lessn tday =u shuld always listen t an adult
when they are seaing!” exlained Ellen,
“I have! I have!” enriea tld her friends as she dried her
“n4t wrry,” said Tysn Tiger “We will teach yu hw t
enriea, what
seems t be the
“Just liD yur arm lie this, enriea!” exlained Mj,
“And then dr it bac int the water, lie this!”
demnstrated Ellen,
“And then reeat it again!” smiled Tysn Tiger
They all felt very leased with themselves because they
were wring tgether t hel a friend
And reeat again!
CiD yur arm lie
r it bac in
When enriea reached the end f the l with the hel
f her friends, they all alauded her!
“Well dne!” said Mj rudly,
“Fantas#c!” screeched Ellen,
“Amazing” rared Tysn,
“I can4t than yu enugh! =u are true friends!” said enriea as they all came tgether fr a big, warm gru hug!
That was when $ergie $iraffe galled ver e was cmletely un-aware f what had been haening!
enriea and her friends exlained t $ergie $iraffe what
had haened and hw they had all wred tgether t get
enriea t the end f the lae $ergie $iraffe was insired
by their stry and awarded them with gld medals fr shwing excellent effrts in teamwr enriea and her friends
then swam t the end f the lae and bac again, shwing f
their sills and shiny, new, gld medals t the nasty, jealus
enriea i and her friends Mj
Mney, Ellen Elehant and Tysn Tiger are
ging fr their first swimming lessn Will
they learn hw t wr tgether r will
enriea be the centre f aen#n?
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