General Membership Meeting
General Membership Meeting
Volume 25 - Issue 03 General Membership Meeting March 31, Tuesday Hudson House 1616 Crest View Dr, Hudson “Consumer Identity Theft” Presented by Cherie Link March 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE RICH COOKE, BRUCE LENZEN DESIGN BUILD, PRESIDENT SCVHBA Wow, I cannot believe how fast this year seems to be moving. With the Home Show behind us and the Tour of Homes underway, this is a busy time of year for your committee members. Please join me in thanking them for all their time and effort to produce these great events. March 4th will be business day in Madison which gives us as an association the opportunity to check–in with our legislators to see what changes are on the horizon politically. I look forward to a report back as there seems to be some new policies on the table that can impact our members. Again, don’t forget to get out and support our members with Homes in the Tour this month. ~Rich Sign up Today! Inside this issue of The Valley Voice Page 3 Pages 4-6 Committee Reports Milwaukee Brewers vs Minnesota Twins Page 7 Advertise in our Newsletter Page 8 Baseball Game Registration Page 9 GMM Registration Page 10 St Croix Valley HBA Target Field Renewing & New Members June 7, Sunday, 1:10 pm March 2015 Calendar The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 1 PO Box 654 Hudson, WI 54016 Phone: 715-796-5377 Fax: 888-788-4402 [email protected] Mission Statement The St Croix Valley Home Builders Association, a network of professional builders and associates, provides resources and opportunities to our members to promote quality construction and positive relationships between members and the communities we serve. Code of Ethics The members of SCVHBA shall subscribe to the following Code of Ethics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Members shall conduct business affairs with professionalism and skill. Members shall keep honesty as the guiding policy. All housing shall be built to meet or exceed the minimum standards of the industry as defined by state and local codes. Members shall comply with both the spirit and letter of business contracts. Members shall not obtain any business through fraudulent means, knowing acts of omission or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability. Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which could reflect discredit or disrepute to any part of the building industry and/or the Association. Members obtaining construction payouts shall promptly pay creditors and not use the funds for other purposes. Members shall support and abide by the decisions of the Board of Directors in promoting and enforcing this Code of Ethics. Members shall refrain from any harmful activity during general membership meetings and/or committee meetings, otherwise the proper authorities will be notified and they may escort the member off of the premises. Please update your records to our correct mailing address. Thank you! St Croix Valley HBA PO Box 654 Hudson, WI 54016 2014 SCVHBA OFFICERS President Rich Cooke, Bruce Lenzen Design Build Vice President Tim Tryba, Arrow Building Center Secretary/Treasurer Tami Kuchera, Lund Builders Past President Mike Dockendorf, Cameron Homes SCVHBA DIRECTORS Don Anderson, Anderson Heating Alex Lindus, Lindus Construction Scott McCormack, McCormack Classic Construction Mike Stevens, Derrick Homes, Inc Casey Weiss, Black Hawk Garage Door SCVHBA PAST PRESIDENTS Mike Dockendorf Ron Derrick Todd Kuchera Scott McCormack Ron Schumacher Bill Derrick, Sr Kevin Lindus Al Lingen Tim Tryba Gary Verhasselt WBA (STATE) DIRECTORS Life: Bill Derrick, Sr, Ron Derrick, Kevin Lindus Rich Cooke, Mike Dockendorf, Scott McCormack NAHB (NATIONAL) DIRECTORS Bill Derrick, Sr, Ron Derrick Scott McCormack (alternate) SCVHBA COMMITTEE CHAIRS Public Policy Alden Pearson, Acumen Legal Advisors Education Tami Kuchera, Lund Builders Golf Outing Grant Dockendorf, Cameron Homes Home Show Dennis Luxem, Lakes Gas Member Services Steph McCormack, McCormack Classic Construction Tour of Homes The “Valley Voice” is the official monthly newsletter of the St Croix Valley Home Builders Association. Articles and advertising in the Valley Voice will be reviewed for consideration if received by the 20th of the month prior to the noted publication month. SCVHBA does not endorse or indicate approval of any advertiser or product and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of its information. The opinions expressed in the articles are not necessarily the opinions of the SCVHBA. Wisconsin Builders Association 660 John Nolen Dr, Ste 320 Madison, WI 53713 888-285-9066 St Croix Valley HBA Mike Dockendorf, Cameron Homes The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition National Assoc of Home Builders 1201 15th St, NW Washington, DC 20005 800-368-5242 Page 2 NEW MEMBERS Posel Construction, Inc - Rich Posel If there is a valid reason why any of this organization listed above should not be considered for membership, please submit a dated and signed written notification to the HBA office within 10 business days. to our renewing members! Carpet Center, Inc Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services Creative Home Construction Royal Credit Union Environmental Stoneworks St Croix Electric Cooperative Hiawatha National Bank Valley Custom Homes, Inc Jerry’s Floor Store Wausau New Horizon Homes, Inc St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 3 EDUCATION REPORT by Committee Chair, Tami Kuchera, Lund Builders The Education Committee is planning their March meeting for the 17th at the Key’s Cafe in Hudson at 9:00 AM. We will be discussing feedback on our January GMM meeting as well as evaluating strategies for moving forward in 2015. We are looking to organize and develop a concise plan on how we can work with educators, builders and construction professionals to integrate the next generation in the construction industry. We welcome ideas and any SCVHBA member who is interested in joining us! Respectfully, Tami Kuchera Education Committee Tami Kuchera, Chair Deb Flettre Scott McCormack Mike Stevens Bill Gautsche of Pella Windows receiving his 20 year Anniversary Award Don Miller of WBA Insurance Services spoke about the importance of a variety of insurance & sub-contractor contracts during our General Membership Meeting on February 24. MEMBER SERVICES REPORT by Committee Chair, Steph McCormack, McCormack Classic Construction Our association seems to have its own version of March Madness, this month, currently in full swing! I hope everyone gets a chance to find time to visit all the featured models in our Tour of Homes. Along with the Tour, and everything else keeping us busy, we hope you'll all attend our Monthly General Membership Meeting about identity theft! Please consider checking out all the upcoming events we have planned, some need earlier RSVPs than normal, especially the Brewers/Twins game. See you all March 31st! Member Services Committee Steph McCormack, Chair Deb Flettre Tami Kuchera Scott McCormack St Croix Valley HBA Mary Beth Peterson Brian McQuade Casey Weiss Shane Wiseman The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 4 TOUR OF HOMES REPORT by Committee Chair, Mike Dockendorf, Cameron Homes, Inc The Spring Tour started this past Saturday with much anticipation. There are a total of 13 homes in the tour this spring, same as last year. All of the homes are in St Croix County, from New Richmond, Baldwin to River Falls. Our signage is in St Croix Falls to Ellsworth. The guidebooks are being inserted in most of the local papers and if you would like some to distribute at your place of business, just let us know. We are trying to have them available at many grocery stores and other businesses. If you have a suggestion for a location, please let us know. ~Mike Tour of Homes Committee Mike Dockendorf, Chair Rich Cooke Mary Ellner Al Lingen Cherie Link Scott McCormack Mike Stevens THANK YOU TO OUR COMMITTEE & SPONSORS! St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 5 We request your assistance with ideas for our 2016 Home Show. Please use the below link. Thank you, your response is very much appreciated! Home Show Committee Dennis Luxem, Chair Mike Derrick Mary Ellner Tim Nelson Stephanie Reardon Kathy Shultz Thank you to our Helping Hammers volunteers who painted Big Brothers Big Sisters new office space! Associated Bank, Jason Swenson First National Community Bank, Julie Dodge Lakes Gas, Dennis Luxem Lund Builders, Tami Kuchera McCormack Classic Construction, Scott McCormack St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 6 Bonnie McCormack, Executive Officer PO Box 654 Hudson, WI 54016 Phone 715-796-5377 Fax 888-788-4402 Email [email protected] Web ADVERTISE in our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER By advertising in the Valley Voice, you’re reaching professionals who are directly involved in the building trade. By advertising here, you are letting other members know you are a partner, making for a great networking and marketing tool. The association has been working hard at providing our members with the best benefits and opportunities to assist in their investment and we believe this is just one of the many “perks” that is available. If you wish to place a yearly advertisement, please complete and return this form with your CAMERA READY AD (preferred electronically) and payment. Your ad will be published in full color and placed on a page with available space in the newsletter; which is published on the website and sent directly to all members of the association for countless numbers of people to view each day. All advertisements (yearly or inserts) must be received by the 20th of the month to ensure inclusion in the next month’s issue. AD SIZE SIZE Business card, will scan current card ¼-page ½-page Full page Inserts: One-sided Flyers / Notices, one time insertion Company Name Address Phone Ad Size Fax or Insert 3 5/8” x 4 7/8” 7 ½” x 4 7/8” 7 ½” x 10” Any Size 1-3 MONTHS 12 MONTHS $50 $75 $150 $300 $75 $150 $300 $600 $50/month Contact Person City, State, Zip Email Amount Enclosed _ METHOD OF PAYMENT (due at the time of submitting advertisement ) Check made payable to: St Croix Valley Home Builders Association (SCVHBA) Visa / MasterCard (circle which type of card) Card Number Name on Card Address on Card St Croix Valley HBA Expiration Date Signature The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 7 Take me out to the ballgame, Take me out to the crowd, Buy me some peanuts & crackerjack, I don’t care if I never get back. Join us at Target Field to watch the Milwaukee Brewers vs Minnesota Twins June 7, Sunday, 1:10 pm Cost: Cash/Check $30 per Ticket Credit Card $32 per Ticket Phone 715-796-5377 Fax 888-788-4402 E-mail [email protected] _______ people will attend the Baseball Game on June 7, 2015, for a total of $____________ Company Name: Individual Name(s) ____________________________ / _______________________________ / / Charge my credit card: / Name on Credit Card: Credit Card Number: Billing Address: Expiration Date: City, State, Zip Code: Sec Code: Signature: Mail your registration & check to: St Croix Valley HBA, PO Box 654, Hudson, WI 54016 NOTE: All pre-registered members who do not attend will be charged for the event and/or will not receive a refund. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 8 General Membership Meeting March 31, Tuesday Hudson House 1616 Crest View Dr, Hudson Consumer Identity Theft Cash $18 Credit Card $20 At the Door $25 Presented by Cherie Link, My Happy Place Cherie Link has been teaching continuing education classes for insurance agents for over 10 years and the topic of identity theft is one that has affected so many people. 5:00 pm Registration/Networking 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Program Your identity can be threatened in many ways, from a hard copy piece of paper or electronically and can be unintentional or intentional. Learn ways to guard your identity and discover some resources to keep your information secure. Table Tops are a fun & easy way to present able our members your product! Simply bring brochures, samples & a $25 gift card. ops If interested, please email Bonnie at [email protected]. Phone 715-796-5377 Fax 888-788-4402 E-mail [email protected] _______ people will attend the GMM on March 31, 2015, for a total of $____________ Company Name: Individual Name(s) ____________________________ / _______________________________ / / Charge my credit card: / Name on Credit Card: Credit Card Number: Billing Address: Expiration Date: City, State, Zip Code: Sec Code: Signature: Mail your registration & check to: St Croix Valley HBA, PO Box 654, Hudson, WI 54016 NOTE: All pre-registered members who do not attend will be charged for the event and/or will not receive a refund. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 9 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12-6pm Models Open 9am Member Services Comm Mtg Key’s Café WBA Conference Kalahari, WI Dells 12-6pm Models Open 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 12-6pm Models Open 12-6pm Models Open Friday Saturday 5 6 7 12 13 14 WBA Conference Kalahari, WI Dells WBA Conference Kalahari, WI Dells 12-6pm Models Open 12-6pm Models Open 10am Congressman Sean Duffy Mtg CVHBA, Eau Claire 15 12-6pm Models Open Business Day in Madison Thursday St Croix Valley HBA 9am Education Comm Mtg Key’s Café 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 8:30am Board of Directors Mtg McCormack Classic Construction 5pm General Membership Mtg at Hudson House 12-6pm Models Open 12-6pm Models Open UPCOMING EVENTS April 23, Thursday - WBA Board & Members Meeting April 28, Tuesday - PAC Auction May 26, Tuesday - Family Night & Bowling June 7, Sunday - Baseball Game The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 10 Thank You for Advertising with St Croix Valley HBA! St Croix Valley HBA The Valley Voice March 2015 Edition Page 11
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