Lateral Effect: Calculation and Parameters
Lateral Effect: Calculation and Parameters
Lateral Effect: Calculation and Parameters Wetland Delineation Course Joel Peterson, PhD, PE Board of Water and Soil Resources Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biosystems & Biological Engineering, University of MN Credits Greg Larson, BWSR Dr. Gary Sands, U of M Outline Historical Background Definitions Analytical tools (the equations) Limitations of data and predictions Improving the accuracy of predictions Guidance A complicated subject! To better understand this topic, I suggest: -A primer on drainage principles, including 1. Soil water movement (Darcy’s Law) 2. Design of drainage systems 3. Basic groundwater hydrology Drainage starts with Darcy French Sanitation Engineer performed experiments on sand columns Flow out depends on: Conductivity Length of Tube Head Differential Cross Section Q = Ks A (H1 – H2) / L Why doesn’t drainage end with Darcy? Flow lines converge near the drain/ditch Loss of energy for flow Must account for this energy loss R. Cooke Add a mass conservation term Flow out of system is a constant, with constant recharge Results in the Hooghoudt Equation (1940) Assumes horizontal flow lines Hydraulic Gradient = water surface slope Dupuit-Forchheimer The equations The early ones were steady-state; later ones were nonsteady state Non-steady state preferred in this part of country as a water table rises and falls due to rainfall and ET In some cases, all equations provide similar results— but usually not. Is the difference significant? It depends. Equations for determining Scope and Effect Ellipse Hooghoudt van Schilfgaarde Kirkham Programs such as Hydrocad are good for modeling ditch flow, but do not address water flow through the adjacent soil profile. In short, they are not a suitable surrogate for drainage equations! Ellipse equation Steady state (assumes the drain steadily removes rain or irrigation that falls at a constant rate) Assumes: Homogeneity of soils, parallel evenly spaced drains, impermeable layer, constant rainfall rate, functioning outlet Limitations: Not applicable where Kh > Kv , non-homogeneous soils, lacks a time factor, cannot deal with surface water Hooghoudt equation Steady state, K calculated separately for layers, depth to impermeable barrier modified to “effective depth” - de de provides correct results to account for flow convergence Assumes: homogeneity, parallel evenly spaced drains, impermeable layer, constant recharge rate Limitations: non-homogeneous, lacks a time factor, cannot deal with surface water or water flow above water table Hooghoudt Equation m 2r h d de S IMPERMEABLE LAYER 4Km(m + 2d e ) S = q 2 q = rainfall rate or drainage coefficient Hooghoudt Equation 4Km(m + 2de ) q= 2 S de = πS ∞ S 2 πnd 8 ln ( ) + 16 ∑ lncoth( ) π r0 S n =1 ≈ πS ∞ S 8 ln ( )+8 ∑ π r0 n = 1,3,5,.... 4e − 4nπd S n (1 − e − 4nπd S ) Kirkham’s equation Based on Potential Theory Deals with ponded water Used in conjunction with Ellipse, Hooghoudt, or van Schilfgaarde Handles removal of ponded water through subsurface tile system with no surface intakes Sensitive to depth of ponded water and may need to consider ET Kirkham’s equation 4πK(t + b − r) q= gS tan(π (2d − r ) / 4h) g = 2 ln tan( d / 4 h ) π cosh(πmS / 2h) + cos(πr / 2h) cosh(πmS / 2h) + cos(π (2d − r ) / 2h) + 2∑ ln • ln cosh(πmS / 2h) − cos(π (2d − r ) / 2h) − cosh( π mS / 2 h ) cos( π r / 2 h ) m =1 ∞ Kirkham’s equation t b 2r h d S IMPERMEABLE LAYER 4πK(t + b − r) q= gS van Schilfgaarde Equation Non-steady-state Requires drainable porosity Includes a parameter for time Drain cannot rest on an impermeable layer Uses “equivalent depth” which is computed from (D) and (d) – same as Hooghoudt Surface water must be removed Used where a drain or ditch passes through a wetland Suggested for use in Minnesota van Schilfgaarde Equation Falling Water Table m0 m 2r h d de S IMPERMEABLE LAYER dA = π(m-dm)S/2-π πmS/2 = -π πdmS/2 m-dm m 2r h S d IMPERMEABLE LAYER 4Km(m + 2de ) q= 2 S π dm q=− f 2 dt van Schilfgaarde Equation 9Kd e (t − t 0 ) m 0 (m + 2d e ) S = ln f m(m0 + 2d e ) 2 S – drain spacing, or S/2 = lateral effect K – Saturated hydraulic conductivity t – time to drop water table from m0 to m f – drainable porosity m0 – initial water table height above drain m – water table height after time t de – effective depth from drain to impermeable layer −1 Calculating Lateral Effect Web site: Ellipse, Hooghoudt, van Schilfgaarde, or Kirkham’s equations Need soils and ditch/drain details NRCS in Minnesota and North Dakota use a proprietary program called “ND Drain” My remarks focus on the Web site version Ditch Dimensions (See EFH Chp 19, MN Supplement m0 – initial water table height above drain – assume saturation at the soil surface at t = 0. Therefore, the depth from the soil surface to the bottom of the drain m – water table height after time t above drain d – depth of drain below ground surface (for ditch, to water surface) D – depth from ground surface to impermeable layer, use 10 ft if unknown de – effective depth from drain to impermeable layer, program will calculate based on above Hydraulic Conductivity The rate at which water moves through a porous medium-soil. It is abbreviated as “k” Sometimes called Ksat to denote saturated flow through a porous medium. Permeability also is used interchangeably Mathematically there is a difference; for our purposes, use of one or the other is not an issue. All other factors equal, a higher K = a greater le. NRCS uses mid-point of the range of K values as a compromise. The COE has used the lower end of the range. What is correct? Saturated Conductivity (K) Where to get values: Web Soil Survey Published values for texture Pedotransfer function It’s not that scary Field Measurement K Soil Survey Listed multiple places Use from map unit description for MN What value to use? Based on textural class TextureClass Ks (cm /da y) Ks (in /hr ) Clay 14.757 0.242 C loam 8.185 0.134 Loam 12.050 0.198 L Sand 105.196 1.726 Sand 642.688 10.543 S Clay 11.350 0.186 SCL 13.183 0.216 S loam 38.282 0.628 Silt 43.752 0.718 Si Clay 9.616 0.158 Si C L 11.117 0.182 Si Loam 18.239 0.299 Based on Schaap, M.G., 2000 Soil Survey Results provide more sitespecific information, by layer Pedotransfer Functions Mainly statistical relationships based on thousands of data p0ints to relate easy-to-measure variables to hard-to-measure variables Download from : Use %sand, %clay 2.00 in/hr Modify w/ & org matter and %gravel Will also help with drainable porosity 2.29 in/hr 2.00 in/hr 2.29 in/hr Rosetta Pedotransfer function /docs.htm?docid=8953 USDA-ARS Salinity Lab Hierarchical Neural Network Model Based on 2,085 data points Methodology that NRCS uses How to use Rosetta After download and install Open a new database Select Hierarchical ANN How to use Rosetta, cont For each soil layer, enter the sand, silt, clay, bd Click the SSCBD option button Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density How to use Rosetta, cont Now predict parameters for current record Ksat calculated Given in log units Ksat = 10^(log10(Ks)) Ksat = 42.8 cm/day Calculate for other layers Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density Enter the K values into the Calculator Layer thickness from web soil survey That was easy Basics of Drainable Porosity (f) The volume of water drained per volume of soil, FOR A GIVEN MATRIC POTENTIAL From Saturation to Field Capacity (gravity drainage ~ 24 hrs) f = depth drained water (hw) / total depth (ht) Example: If f = 0.10 (10%) and we drain 2 feet (24 inches), what is depth water? = f * ht = 0.10 * 24” = 2.4 inches SAT FIELD CAP Water States by Soil Texture The most difficult to obtain input. Peat and muck soils have values such as 0.238 and 0.280. Clay/silt/loam soils have values of 0.02 to 0.07. MUUF files are not supported by the NRCS and the website [NRCS National Climate Data Center] for calculating them has been taken down. Drainable porosity data are being developed. Drainable Porosity Where to get values: Published values for texture Pedo-transfer function Field Measurement Some Typical Values Soil Texture Field Capacity (% by vol.) Wilting Point (% by vol.) Drainable Porosity (% by vol.) clays, clay loams, silty clays 30-50% 15-24% 3-11% well structured loams 20-30% 8-17% 10-15% sandy 10-30% 3-10% 18-35% From Sands ( ( ) (USBR, 1993) Can we be more specific? Yes! But….it’s complicated Depends on site characteristics (head) in addition to soil Need to know the amount of water drained in the soil column – how to estimate? As we’ve seen, depends on the soil/water characteristic curve Estimates of Soil Moisture The soil/water curve has been described by van Genuchten (VG) θ ( h) = θ r + θs − θr [1 + (αh) ] n 1−1 / n θ (h) = volumetric water content (cm/cm) θ s = water content at saturation (cm/cm) θ r = residual water content (cm/cm) α = inverse of air entry suction (1/cm) h = suction head (cm) n = a measure of pore size distribution How to use VG? We’ve seen how to enter data into Rosetta to get Ksat Now use Rosetta output to calculate ‘f’ in Excel Prepare Inputs θ (h) = θ r + θs −θr [1 + (α h ) ] n 1− 1 / n θ (h) θs θr α = volumetric water content (cm/cm) h n = suction head (cm) = water content at saturation (cm/cm) = residual water content (cm/cm) = inverse of air entry suction (1/cm) = a measure of pore size distribution Alpha = 10^(log10alpha) n = 10^(log10n) Calculate water drained Breakdown soil into depth increments Head is total depth – midpoint depth Calculate water content using VG Water removed (D) is (theta_s – water)*layer thickness content in layer Paste down for entire soil depth Estimate Drainable Porosity (f) Sum water drained over entire soil profile Divide total water drained by soil profile depth One wrinkle We need to enter different VG parameters for water drained by soil layer HELP! Spreadsheet tool that we just used available on BWSR website: Time (t) The time for the water table to drop from mo to m in days Engineering Field Handbook, Part 650, Chp 19, MN Supplement provides additional guidance • Important note: 14 days is policy from the NFSAM (current edition). Regionalization of the Manual will prescribe a 14 day hydrology standard for sites that have been hydrologically modified. Surface Roughness (s) Use s = 0.1 in (EFH 19, MN Supp) Small amount of water on surface, held by soil particles, but not depressional storage Modifies drainable porosity Effective Radius (re) Effective radius considers actual open area for water to enter tile Smaller than actual Computed internally For ditch, re = 1 ft Based on DRAINMOD From EFH 19, Mn Supplement S represents the midway point between two parallel drains, thus describing the effects of two drains. Therefore, the equation will tend to overestimate the lateral effect when one ditch or drain is being considered. Input Parameter Summary Input Paramter Where to get value – in order of importance S – drain spacing, or S/2 = lateral effect calculated K – Saturated hydraulic conductivity From field measurement, Rosetta program, soil survey t – time to drop water table from m0 to m From NRCS EFH 19 Supplement f – drainable porosity From field measurement, Rosetta/spreadsheet, literature value m0 – initial water table height above drain From NRCS EFH 19 Supplement (soil surface) m – water table height after time t From NRCS EFH 19 Supplement (one ft below soil surface) de – effective depth from drain to impermeable layer Soil borings, soil survey, 10 ft (max) Essential References NRCS Fact Sheet Eng-19 Lateral Effect MN 19-57 Supplement to the EFH (4/05) Part 516 NFSAM, 4th Edition, Amend 4 Subpart B Hydrology Tools Proper Selection Is Important! Other factors to consider when selecting an equation: -single ditch or drain -pattern tile -is ponding present -drain is adjacent to the wetland versus through it (Skaggs equation should be used where drain is near the wetland) -geographic location (see MN EFH 19) Equation Selection Equation Name When to Use Ellipse n/a Hooghoudt Drainage design Kirkham Estimate time to remove ponding van Schilfgaard Drain through wetland (most cases) Skaggs Drain NEAR wetland (guidance forthcoming) University of Wisconsin Soils SS325 An extremely variable soil property! Mineral versus Organic Soils Scope and effect equations work best in mineral soils Water retention characteristics of organic soils are different The national office of NRCS has funded research to extend the applicability of scope and effect equations to organic soils Be particularly cautious when using traditional scope and effect equations in organic soils Sensitivity of inputs Ksat: a 10% increase in Ksat results in a 5% increase in LE f: a 10% increase in f results in a 5% decrease in LE Ksat and f are co-variates Time: A 10% increase in T results in a 5% increase in LE de (effective depth): a 10% change in D results in a 4% increase in LE m (the difference in predrainage water table to post drainage water table): a 10% increase results in a 15% increase in LE The effects are cumulative Current Guidance on Scope and Effect (Regional Supplements) The NRCS Web-based tool is suggested Using the Web Soil Survey and Rosetta Program are recommended to generate parameter values Their output are approximations only and may not reflect field conditions Their results should be verified by comparison with other techniques for evaluating drainage and should not overrule onsite evidence of wetland hydrology Other techniques include mapping conventions and the review of other aerial photography Suggested Strategy for Calculating the Effect of a Drain Consider goal of determination (restoration or regulation) Consider the water budget and its inputs and outputs Consider effect of diversions or adjacent drains-even those outside of project area Type, depth and size of drain Determine location of drain with respect to wetland (through or beside) Dominant soil type(s) Is ponding evident May need to break assessment into phases if complex soils or drainage scheme Determine suitable equation(s) Select input parameters Compare results against on-site findings and mapping conventions Considering the original goal and other data, determine the appropriate answer among the range of +/- feet of output May need to incorporate functional assessment Strive for consistency of inputs: do not mix and match Try to reach agreement before invoking the technical standard Improving predictions Refine the soil map; look at horizon- specific Ksat data Monitor the water table to assess drainage effect from existing ditch—calibrate input parameters Assess hydrology indicators The challenges of sites Dense glacial till (shallow impermeable layers) Ponded water (must use Kirkham) Varying ditch and tile depths (can alter several variables) Organic soil (water retention characteristics differ) Soil complexes (difficult to determine a representative soil) Regionally high water tables complicate matters Take home message All drains have some hydrologic effect S&E equations are a guide not an absolute The challenge is to determine the minimum acceptable effect The strength of S&E equations are improved with other tools such as mapping conventions Soil is VARIABLE and soil maps are an estimate A site should be viewed from a landscape perspective and assessed accordingly Do not argue over a few feet! Guidance? For many reasons, BWSR is now assuming a leadership role in refining this guidance for a broader purpose and audience The St. Paul District and BWSR funded a white paper on drainage scope and effect WEB-based applications and other tools are being planned