Motion encoding and analysis
Motion encoding and analysis
Motion encoding and analysis Institute for f Biomedical d l Engineering University and ETH Zurich Switzerland 3D Tagging Tagging preparation 3D Tagging Tagging*)) *) A. Rutz, S. Ryf 3D Tagging Maximum relative contraction (2nd principal strain) Healthy subject anterior Rutz AK et al. MRM 2008 Posterior infarction lateral anterior lateral Diffusion Tensor Mapping – In-vivo 1. Local Look 2. Bipolar p Diffusion encoding g M P S RF o 90 3. Respiratory selfself-gating Gamper U et al. MRM 2007 180o Diffusion Tensor Mapping – In-vivo In--vivo human heart In Gamper U et al. MRM 2007 o o o o o o Resolution 2.2 x 2.2 x 6 mm3 Trigger delay ~70% end systole TR = 2 R-R Intervals TE = 67 ms b = 350 s/mm2 NSA ~ 15 images Velocity encoding – aortic valve flow MRI + CFD Native valve Artificial valve Navier-Stokes Navier Stokes + ALE + Finite element solver Leuprecht A, et al. Biorheology 2002 Valvular flow and shear stresses Native valve Leuprecht A, et al. Biorheology 2002 Artificial valve Multi-directional velocity encoding Navigated, retrospectively triggered 3D phase-contrast* ECG HP NAV HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP NAV vy Comp +Vx +Vy +Vz vx vz Multi-directional flow visualization GTFlow by GyroTools Ltd, Ltd Switzerland Acknowledgements University and ETH Zurich x x x x Andrea Rutz Urs Gamper Jochen von Spiczak Peter Boesiger GyroTools Ltd x Gerard Crelier Funding SEP,, ETH Zurich S u c KTI/CTI Philips Medical Systems