142_jhsekh_part c_2ins
142_jhsekh_part c_2ins
(Part - C) (sMit - st) Bank Register for Maintenance of Day to Day Accounts by Contesting Candidates 49511AtMt74 'tad f41147W1lit Name of the Candidate : Zit J13-10 : Constituency from which contested : c-4-wr rem-41t s Date of Declaration of Result : Wit : Name and address of Election Agent : l(S,(9-9 ctL Page No.- 77 CtirstAill 77Z:fP=PartY;:f any -A&M 4(LY 1")491444-7 fri ltg (-141/11 fe-e I11 2, /14, 6iv.57)ver ,(07 1q, as (2414 • P-45-k aka Stu a il•pf-tt tfi-oisy/ty Name of the Bank : m-rt : Branch Address: vrtvIta foga: s Account No. : ,_1,(14--A-L-1 eANJI-11 t12,tiQ / 8a4A4(__ 4.44 - 9) c) 6, 9 Od (From the date of nomination to the date of declaration of result of election, bo dates inclusive) (ac•ii-431-f tnis ors.tr4 mas Ireliver cirriqm es-ft-4 51111. \bg aSlf:411 4N) DEPOSIT (GiA ) Date zfftat Name and address of person/ PartY/ association/ body/ any other from whom the amount received/ deposited in Bank m tit •,11 o., wgr'41 -di al zitql (.41c•It Tdt Nris Cg zr4fn\sirt oft?: at arms win cweirt 2cf+14, 101. WR ,s flarr4t Cash /Cheque No., Bank name and Branch ..,17 / cbAs 4j1c44 2 3 1 Balance Trafk4 zr2f PAYMENT (1r-.45) Amount zit* 'IRgt.1 Cheque No. tsz Name of payee mr45-4 • Nature of Expenditure *05-.4 M5R Amount wEvf-4 . .f.ting Remarks, if any -glr-41 - ,iftqtrss Any expense mentioned in coloumn 7 of this table and not mentioned in coloumn 2 of table of Pa rt-A should be clarified a l rlf4LE9.ttslresrleff*s k445.m •k- 1 (.451c-ft 4-45ink-t A5-ar grit t-ca-4 153rt 1 KFM-1 aqttglilt1i 4,11c\I .rkr4 I 114 'Et Mldist t'll 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ri iti ) 01,0A) .izre14'-; 1 Iihr, :,1 tv N rt) AD Cii--eA4- 1066;A) V-1(4116 1 ow ; k r-raAivrEQ-- 2- oaAo ' Certified that this is a true account kept by me/my election agent under Section 77 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (Cetificate to be furnished after the date of declaration of result) astir AzeLsil ot,7R thf:ifint titan *To Infillai (vtvii•tzt 7a1 orastm ) ser ckR Val zif3sITG4To51/ wrirta144f)4alstt It filt\t Ata) Signature of the candidate nr4b-IrriF4 (Part - C) Bank Register for Maintenance of Day to Day Accounts by Contesting Candidates Page No.- 78 fkFra Trwrl am; (Afs44 DEPOSIT (sT-110 Date ziftrvi Name and address of person/ party/ association/ body/ any other from whom the amount received/ deposited in Bank Wof Ift71 41 Tir4f C45IC4t Tdi C4C15 C4 zr419ttelll c5tr.ilt T 4intf 1741 CFsGIII 3 t.titk. wit two MTI t 4,-11 za5IC•ii 4Ir4, 1 2 Cash /Cheque No., Bank name and Branch RIN I 05-45 4ii 44 Cheque No. Amount CD<P Ufa Name of payee Nature of Amount Wictrit MTi Expenditure - r4f-4 9tfrittl Any expense mentioned in coloumn e 7 of this table and not mentioned in and coloumn 2 of table of Part-A should be clarified her CUT-4014. ct ilt?1.4 I:1 Card t-tt '05 TIM as-zr .k't .4-.4z5-4 Mft A M-4 3-11-114 -Mlzt 3 Remarks, if any 117Pft, 16t 9ftuti Balance zr-4l34-4 ztv3 PAYMENT Ord-6) wet turit arft . ztk-t alttFattdriaws -ml 5 4 o a ,0 1 clali1)-6 .4 6 .. 12A/0-- 7 (1c>471"vv 8 - v-rveA-e/- f --e,v_,ti. 9 10 / um NI -" A ---- 41-- • Certified that this is a true account kept by me/my election agent under Section 77 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (Cetificate to be furnished after the date of declaration of result). zi•3.•4, kfT41 s5i1+110 4,1N/ `5111114 WA. 4Cari; 1 fk711"4 41fmrtfN (.1:3r913111ri CitP1.114 9ra face tea) tri41%.1 analA-174 tlt.W 9-2°11 -121-1<17 6idlti-) ) Signature of the candidate nto