Western Grains Research Foundation
Western Grains Research Foundation Presented by: WGRF Chairman Dr. Keith Degenhardt Presentation Overview • WGRF Overview • Wheat and Barley Check-off • Barley Funding Breakdown • DIAP Program WGRF Overview • Largest farmer funded, grains breeding research investor in Western Canada • Funds public research programs across the prairies including AAFC and University research stations. • The WGRF Board is made up of 15 producer organizations. Each producer organization has one seat and one vote, there is also one non-voting AAFC representative. WGRF Members AAFC (non-voting) AB Soft Wheat Producers Western Winter Cereal Producers Agricultural Producers of SK BC Grain Producers Canadian Canola Growers Canadian Seed Growers Canadian Wheat Board National Farmers Union Prairie Oat Growers SK Flax Commission Western Barley Growers Western Pulse Growers Western Wheat Growers Wild Rose Ag Producers Keystone Ag Producers The WGRF Board is responsible for: 1. Endowment Fund 2. Western Canada Wheat Check-off Fund 3. Western Canada Barley Check-off Fund (excluding Alberta) Wheat and Barley Check-offs •Since 1993, western Canadian farmers have been profiting with new and improved wheat and barley varieties through participation in the WGRF administered check-offs. •Check-off funds collected from Canadian Wheat Board final payments to producers: - Wheat $0.30/MT generating $4.9 million annually - Barley $0.50/MT generating $850,000 annually Wheat and Barley Check-offs • Farmers are our research partners and they impact the research objectives that are set. •90% choose to support the Wheat and Barley check-offs. •To date over 80 new Wheat varieties and over 30 barley varieties have been developed with the help of WGRF. • Goals and objectives are set at the onset of research agreements with regular reviews and annual progress reports submitted. Barley Check-offs • Check-off Funded Research: The dollars invested into the check-off are used to fund barley variety development through public breeding programs mainly in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. • Supported Research Programs: WGRF supports barley breeding programs at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Brandon, MB, and the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK. • Annual Funding: Over $600,000 per year is invested in barley breeding research. This amount comes from producers through the check-off and from the royalties received on certain varieties (which WGRF reinvests directly back into research). Barley Funding Allocation WGRF Barley DIAP • The WGRF lead Barley DIAP was submitted and approved. This proposal has several contributors: The Canadian Wheat Board, Alberta Barley Commission, Rahr Malt, and The Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI). Barley DIAP includes the following research areas: Lacombe Research Station: Agronomy/disease AAFC Brandon Breeding Research: Malt barley Food barley Small feed & forage barley component to suit Manitoba conditions WGRF Barley Funding • Breeding is a long term investment and requires reliable steady funding. We have 10-year breeding agreements with both AAFC and CDC. • The dollars WGRF invests in research is leveraged to attain additional government funds that match or sometimes double or triple the investment made by producers. • In 2005 an independent study found that WGRF’s investment in barley research returned on average $12 to $1. WGRF and the Future of Barley R&D • Under the new Growing Forward program from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, WGRF will be increasing it’s role in plant breeding by leading a Wheat Cluster and Barley DIAP. • The WGRF Endowment Fund is now operating a Directed Research Program that will become a significant funder of leading crop Research in western Canada. • WGRF believes funding research on barely traits is going to be a very important aspect of barley breeding in the future.
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WGRF Annual Report 2014 - Western Grains Research Foundation
Gerrid Gust (Chair), Bob Anderson,
Martin Moore, Jason Skotheim
Research Committee:
Keith Degenhardt (Chair), D’Arcy Hilgartner, Todd Lewis,