High Desert - Daily Press
High Desert - Daily Press
Rate Card 2010 Effective January 1, 2010 Rate Card 2014 Effective January 1, 2014 To ensure that you reach your specific target audience and with the highest reach possible in the High A variety of publications ensures that Desert market, Freedom High To ensure thattarget you reach yourbyDesert you reach your audience offers a variety of publications specificyou target audience and with the bringing the highest penetration highest in reach possible in the High possible the High Desert Desert market, Freedom High Desert offers a variety of publications Daily Press (Source: CBC) Daily Press (Source: ABC) Servingthe theVictor VictorValley Valleyand and the the High High Desert, Desert, the Daily Serving Daily Press Press theflagship flagshipnewspaper newspaperoof Desert. is isthe f FFreedom reedom HHigh igh D esert. PaidCCirculation: Paid irculation: 225,059 1,012 ABC) wweekdays, eekdays, Daily (Source: 28,256Press Sundays (combined with Desert Dispatch) 28,772 S undays ( combined with DHigh esert Dispatch) Serving theReadership: Victor Valley79,687 and the Desert, the Sundays Daily Press Estimated weekdays, 82,366 Estimated R eadership: 6 7,238 w eekdays, Sundays is the flagship newspaper of Freedom High92,070 Desert. Paid Circulation: 25,059 weekdays, 28,256Dispatch Sundays (combined with Desert (Source: CBC) Desert Dispatch (Source: ABC)Desert Dispatch) Estimated Readership: weekdays, 82,366 Sundays Forclose closeto to 100years, years,t79,687 theDDesert For 100 he esert DDispatch ispatch hhas as served the Barstow area with relevant local news. served the Barstow area with relevant local news. Paid Circulation: 3,259 weekdays, Paid Circulation: 2,612 weekdays, Desert Dispatch (Source: with ABC)Daily Press) 28,256 Sundays (combined 28,772 S undays ( combined w ith Daily Press)has served For close to 100 years, the Desert Dispatch Estimated Readership: 10,364 weekdays, 82,366 Sundays Estimated R eadership: 8 ,358 w eekdays, 92,070 Sundays the Barstow area with Coverage relevant local news. Supplemental Market (Tuesdays): Supplemental Market Coverage (Tuesdays): Paid Circulation: 3,259 weekdays, +3%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 28,256 Sundays with Daily Press) Circulation: 8,258 (combined • Estimated Readership: 26,425 Estimated Readership: 10,364 weekdays, 82,366 Sundays Supplemental Market Coverage (Tuesdays): Hesperia Star Hesperia Star +3%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 Publishedevery everyTTuesday, Hesperia Published uesday, tthe he H esperia Star Star is is aa free free newspaper that is focused solely on the city of Hesperia. newspaper that is focused solely on the city of Hesperia. Cir%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 Circulation: 7,280 • Estimated Readership: 55,296 Hesperia 1Star Published every Tuesday, the Hesperia Star is a free newspaper that is focused solely on the city of Hesperia. ElEl Mojave Mojave Cir%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 Targeting theSSpanish market, Ell M Mojave Targeting the panish sspeaking peaking m arket, E ojave is is published published every Saturday and distributed free across the High Desert. every Saturday and distributed free across the High Desert. Circulation:10,500 10,50:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 1,500 Circulation: • Estimated Readership: 33,600 El Mojave Targeting the Spanish speaking market, El Mojave is published Lucerne Valley Leader every Saturday and distributed free across the High Desert. Lucerne Valley Leader The Lucerne VValley alley LLeader eader iis s m ailed tto o ssubscribers ubscribers every every Wednesday Circulation: The Lucerne10,50:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 1,500 mailed Wednesday delivers local news relevant to tValley. he Lucerne Valley. and deliversand local news relevant to the Lucerne #+&+3%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 Paid Circulation: 1,500 • Estimated Readership: 4,500 Lucerne Valley Leader Total Total MMarket arket CCoverage: overage: 44,500 ,500 HInsertions ouseholds The Lucerne Valley Leader is mailed to subscribers every Wednesday and delivers local news relevant to the Lucerne Valley. Review #+&+3%6.#5+10:45+/#5'&'#&'34*+2 Review Review Review is isddistributed istributed for free on Tuesdays to Total Market Coverage: Insertions Review for free Review is distributed for4,500 freeon on non-subscribers i n V ictorville a nd Adelanto. Tuesdays in Victorville the Victor Valley. Tuesdays to to non-subscribers nonsubscribers in and Adelanto Supplemental MMarket arket CCoverage: overage: 119,190 1,196 • Estimated Readership: Supplemental Supplemental Market Coverage: 11,231 Review 35,827 Review is distributed for free on Tuesdays to non-subscribers in the Victor Valley. Apple Valley Review Apple Valley Review Supplemental Market Coverage: 19,190 Publishedevery everyTuesday, Tuesday,AApple isaa free newspaper Published pple VValley alley RReview eview is focused on the Apple Valley community. free newspaper focused on the Apple Valley community. #IRCULATIONs%STIMATED2EADERSHIP Circulation: 17,100 • Estimated Readership: 54,720 HESPERIA HESPERIA HIGH DESERT HIGH DESERT A p p l e Va l l e y - R e v i e w. c o m RATE CONTRACT RATECONTRACT CONTRACT RATE REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 Flex Program Flex Program $300 - $999 ................ 34% $300 - $999 ................ 34% 1k - 5k ........................ 36% 1k 5k ........................ 5k - 10k ......................36% 42% 5k - 10k ...................... 10k - 20k ....................42% 43% 10k 20k -- 20k 30k.................... ....................43% 44% $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ 20k 30k -- 30k 40k.................... ....................44% 46% $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 30k 40k -- 40k 60k.................... ....................46% 48% *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 40k '<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ 60k -- 60k 80k.................... ....................48% 50% '<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ 60k .................... 80k -- 80k 100k ..................50% 53% 80k - 100k .................. Requirement: 100k - 150k ................53% 55% Requirement: 100k ":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 150k -- 150k 200k................ ................55% 57% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 150k 200k -- 200k 250k................ ................57% 59% 200k - 250k ................ 59% 250k+ ......................... 60% 250k+ ......................... 60% Repeat Program $.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 Repeat $.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 $300 - Program $999 ................ 53% /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 $300 - $999 ................ 53% 1k - 5k ........................ 55% /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 1k - 5k ........................ 55% 5k 10k ...................... 59% Requirement: 5k - 10k ...................... 59% Requirement: 10k - 20k .................... 60% 10k - 20k .................... 60% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 20k - 30k .................... 61% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 20k - 30k .................... 61% 30k - 40k .................... 62% 30k - 40k .................... 62% 40k - 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 40k - 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 60k - 80k .................... 65% +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Review, Apple Valley Review). 60k - 80k .................... 65% +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Review, Apple Valley Review). 80k - 100k .................. 67% A - 100k .................. 67% A 54 675@ 54 675@957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 80k 100k -- 150k 150k................ ................69% 69% '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 100k '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 150k 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 200k -- 250k 250k................ ................71% 71% '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 200k '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ ......................... 71% 250k+ ......................... 71% Flex Flex Program Program Repeat Repeat Program Program A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@ A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@+**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 +**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 FREQUENCY FREQUENCY BASED BASED CONTRACTS CONTRACTS &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 Choose Between 3 3 month month contract contract 6 6 month month contract contract 12 12 month month contract !53(553(5 !53(553(5 69% 69% 70.5% 70.5% 71.5% 59% 59% 61% 61% 63% 63% Weekly 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Frequency Requirement: Requirement: ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. Rates based per column inch inch as as follows follows Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> Retail:!AAA53(5 A&++12> Classifi Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> ed:!AAA53(5 A&++12> DP = Daily Press • DD = Desert Dispatch • Combo = DP+DD • = Classified & Retail Ad Size = Hesperia Star, Lucerne Valley Leader, El Mojave, Review, Apple Valley Review * = Super Tuesday • Weekly 2'88/@ +**#/?+ Classified Ad Sizes in Red "+9'/2*#/?+ Daily eader •• E El l M Mojave ojave •• R Review eview •• A Apple pple VValley alley RReview eview Daily Press ress •• D Desert esert D Dispatch ispatch •• Hesperia Star • Lucerne Valley Leader P ! ! !# #" !# #" /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@ 4*+7)53 /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@4*+7)53 RATE CONTRACT MARKET MARKET REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 Flex Program $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* '<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ Requirement: ":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 Repeat Program Flex Program $300 - $999 ................ 34% 1k - 5k ........................ 36% 5k - 10k ...................... 42% 10k - 20k .................... 43% 20k - 30k .................... 44% 30k - 40k .................... 46% 40k - 60k .................... 48% 60k - 80k .................... 50% 80k - 100k .................. 53% 100k - 150k ................ 55% 150k - 200k ................ 57% 200k - 250k ................ 59% 250k+ ......................... 60% Repeat Program $300 - $999 ................ 53% 1k - 5k ........................ 55% 5k - 10k ...................... 59% Requirement: 10k - 20k .................... 60% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 20k - 30k .................... 61% 30k - 40k .................... 62% 40k - 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 60k - 80k .................... 65% +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Review, Apple Valley Review). A 54 675@957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 80k - 100k .................. 67% 100k - 150k ................ 69% '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 200k - 250k ................ 71% '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ ......................... 71% $.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@+**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 FREQUENCY BASED CONTRACTS &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 Choose Between !53(553(5 70.5% 71.5% 61% 63% 6 %" +0"./00" +! #.""35/ $0"35/ 0, ,10%".+ )&#,.+& +! ,/ +$")"/ -.,2&!" &$% 3 month contract 69% 59% 45% "/".01/&+"//"/!"/&."!%&$%2,)1*"0.##& +!0,1.&/*"4-,/1." 6 month contract 12 month contract 45% 45% 6 %" & 0,. ))"5 *.("0 /".2"! 5 0%" &)5 ."// ,+!501.!5 +! ,+ 1+!5 5 0%" ."// &/-0 %&+ )1!"/0%" &0&"/,#&Frequency 0,.2&))""/-".&--)"))"5+!0%"/1..,1+!&+$ ,**1+&0&"/,# Requirement: !")+0,")"+!)"1 ".+"))"5.,.+!"%")+&+,+&))/+!.&$%03,,! ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. 6 %" ./0,3 *.("0 ." /".2"! 5based 0%" "/".0 &/-0 %as ,+!501.!5 +! ,+ 1+!5 5 0%" Rates per column inch follows Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> ."// &/-0 % &+ )1!"/ 0%" &05 ,# ./0,3 +! &0/ /1..,1+!&+$ ,**1+&0&"/ ,# $$"00 &+()"5 Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> "3"..5-.&+$/".*, "+9'/2*#/?+ 2'88/@+**#/?+ Daily Press • Desert Dispatch • Hesperia Star • Lucerne Valley Leader • El Mojave • Review • Apple Valley Review &)5."//6"/".0&/-0 %6"/-".&0.6),'2"61 " . + " ) ) " 5 " ! " . 6 " 2 & " 3 ! !# #" ! !# #" /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@4*+7)53 &$%"/".0 ,*6&$%"/".0,/ ,*6&$%"/".010,&+!". ,*6&$%"/".0./&05 ,*6&$%"/".0,+0"/0 ,*6&$%"/".0,1/"&+!". ,* RATE CONTRACT DAILY PRESS DAILY PRESS REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS Located in the heart of Southern California, the fast-growing High Desert Flex Program &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 market is a thriving combination of small town living and the largest retail $300 - $999 ................ 34% shopping area between San Bernardino and Las Vegas. Economical land >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 1k - 5k ........................ 36% and housing costs are currently fueling growth and expansion, which 5k - 10k ...................... 42% 10k - 20k .................... 43% explains why the High Desert is one of the top 10 fastest growing Gender 20k - 30k .................... 44% communities in California. With 2009 total population for Adelanto, Apple $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ Male . . . .................... . . . . . . . . .46% 49% 30k -. 40k valley, Hesperia, Victorville, Phelan, Pinion Hills, Helendale, and Oro *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 40k - 60k Female . . .................... . . . . . . . . .48% 51% Grande estimated at 377,477, this represents an increase of more than '<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ 60k - 80k .................... 50% 17% since 2000. There are 118,879 households in this area, and the 80k - 100k .................. 53% Age 100k - 150k ................ 55% estimated median household incomeRequirement: is $54,394. Demographics Flex Program Source: Claritas 2009 Pop-Facts Site Reports ":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 150k -. 200k 18-34 . . . ................. . . . . . . 57% 25% 200k - 250k ................ 59% 35-49 . . . . . . . . . . 60% 19% 250k+. ......................... 50-64 . . . . . . . . . . . 15% Program 65Repeat or Over. . . . . . . 53% 11% $300 - $999................. Image WithinRepeat Market Program $.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 % Market Approval 56 Contains Useful Advertising /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 1k - 5k ........................ 55% 5k - 10k ...................... 59% Requirement: Education Best Source For Local News 10k - 20k .................... 60% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 College Graduate + .61% 19% 20k - 30k .................... % Market Approval Regular Daily Newspaper 30k - College 40k .................... Some . . . . . .62% 29% 40k - 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 Market % High School or Less 52% 60k - 80k .................... 65% Approval Cares About The Community +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Review, Apple Valley Review). A 54 675@957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 80k - 100k .................. 67% 100k - 150k ................ 69% '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 Household Income 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 $75k More................ . . . . . .71% 31% 200kor- 250k '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ $50k or ......................... More . . . . . .71% 42% A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@ Da +**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 Ma Dir Da We Ra Ye Int Te l l e d i i e e l g e ly ly o r $30k - $49k. . . . . . . . 30% vis io c 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 kly az Pa Pr ine w Pa t Ma net ion Pa es pe s g i s l p rs Less than $30k . . . . . 34% es ers 66 % Market Approval 62 60 Media Source Sales/Special OffersBASED 56% 11% 3% 3% 1% FREQUENCY CONTRACTS 1% 0% 14% Source: Claritas 2009 9% Entertainment 56% 7% 1% 6% 5% 0% 1% 1% 22% &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 Employment $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 55% 11% 3% 1% 0% 0% 1% 1% 28% 2% 1%Between 15% 9% Choose Clothing/Accessories 52% 8% 0% 11% 0% Groceries 9% 3% 2% 0% Real Estate 51% 51% 9% contract 4% 2% 0% 3 month 0% 0% 34% 1% 2% 69% 3% 27% !53(553(5 1% Readership 59% 45% 61% Past Week 45% .......... 63% 45% 6 month 70.5% 50% 9% contract 2% 8% 1% 2% 4% 17% 7% contract 71.5% Home Improvement 12 49%month 6% 2% 7% 1% 0% 7% 16% 9% Major Appliances 48% 9% 4% 7% Frequency 1% 0% 6% 11% 14% Requirement: Sunday . . . . . . Sporting Goods 47% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. 8% 3% 5% 2% 2% 4% 10% 18% Furniture/Home 63% 45% Sunday Circulation - 37,091 Used Vehicles Places to Eat Electronics New Vehicle 46% 9% 8% 8% 2% 1% 3% 2% 22% 43% 8% 3% 7% 0% 1% 3% 16% 17% 41% 7% 3% 8% 3% 0% 1% 4% Rates based per column inch as follows Daily. . . . . . . . . Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> 45% 4% 3% 9% 1% 0% 20% 10% 8% Daily Circulation - 30,917 Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> "+9'/2*#/?+ 31% 46% The Daily Press reaches 63% of 2'88/@+**#/?+market adults during a 5-day period Daily D9ispatch H(esperia S,tar eader ( 0P 3 ?ress ! 8 ,• 9D9esert @, , 8 : 0 •9 7 :*/@ 9 7• ,L8ucerne 0 ( # : (V 8 alley @3L 6 1 ( <•, E @l M ojave ; * , 8 5• ,Review & ( 3 3 , ?• Apple , ( +V , alley 8 @ "R ,eview <0,= ! ! !# #" !# #" /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@ 4*+7)53 0./,9,8:*64@0./,9,8:6)9*64@0./,9,8:;:605+,8*64@0./,9,8:&(890:?*64@0./,9,8:65:,9:*64@0./,9,8:6;9eFinder.com RATE CONTRACT DESERTDISPATCH DISPATCH DESERT REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS 8,*<.-27<1.1.*:<8/<1.83*>..;.:<<12;9:80:.;;2>.6*:4.<2;*9*:< Flex Program &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 $300 - $999 ................ 34% 8/<1.5*:0.;<,866.:,2*5,.7<.:+.<?..7$*7.:7*:-278*7-*;'.0*; >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 1k - 5k ........................ 36% ;186.<8<1.&$:6@ *<287*5%:*27270.7<.:*:27.8:9;802;<2,; 5k - 10k ...................... 42% *;. $; 85-;<87. ..9 $9*,. .<?8:4 =:5270<87 8:<1.:7 10k - 20k .................... 43% $*7<* . #*25:8*- )*:-; *7- /*,<8:@ 8=<5.< ;<8:.; %1. *:;<8? *:.*; Gender 20k - 30k .................... 44% $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ :.;8=:,.; ,86. <80.<1.: <8 ,:.*<. * -2>.:;. 6*:4.< /=55 8/ .7-5.;; 30k - 40k .................... 46% *5. *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 40k - 60k .................... 48% 98;;2+252<2.;%1..;.:<2;9*<,19:8=-5@;.:>.;<1.+=;27.;;5.*-.:;8/ .6*5. 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Daily Press =:72<=:. %2:.=<8$=9952.; 7<.:<*276.7< #.*5;<*<. 3 month contract 69% 6 month contract 70.5% 12 month contract 71.5% #.*-.:;129 59% 45% 61%"*;<(..4 45% 63% 45% Rates based per column inch as follows *25@ Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> 2:,=5*<28787-*@$*<=:-*@ 58<1270,,.;;8:2.; Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> "+9'/2*#/?+ The Desert Dispatch reaches 70% of market adults during a 5-day period 2'88/@+**#/?+ * 2 5 @ " :. ; ; A . ; . : < 2 ; 9 * < , 1 A . ; 9 . : 2 * $ < * : A 5 8 3 * > . A = , . : 7 . '* 5 5 . @ . * - . : A # . > 2 . ? 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Open 12 24 36 48 72 96 120 ..................132 67% A 54 675@957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 80k - 100k 100k - 150k ................ 69% Rate Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 200k - 250k ................ 71% $05.3,:/,,; '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ ......................... 71% Sunday Press Dispatch add $1 perRequirement: thousand to full rates above 6A6505.693,::;/(5-<339<5/64,+,30=,9@8<(5;0;0,:-69$<5+(@:694(169/630+(@: ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@ $;+ %() +**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 $;+ %() $;+ %() $;+ %() FREQUENCY BASED CONTRACTS $;+ %() &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 $;+ %() $;+ %()$.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 $;+ %() Choose Between (9.,979,7905;:>033),*/(9.,+(5(++0;065(37,9;/6<:(5+-69,=,9@(++0;065(3:;(5+(9+7(.,:69(++0;065(3;()7(.,: !53(553(5 3 month contract 69% 59% 45% Daily Press/Desert 6 Dispatch/Review/Hesperia Star month contract 70.5% 61% 45% 55<(3*65;9(*;:(9,9,8<09,+;69,*,0=,-9,8<,5*@+0:*6<5;:-69;605:,9;065:6:;:(9,7,9;/6<:(5+)(:,+65 12 month contract 71.5% 63% 45% (;6;(3(46<5;+0:;90)<;,+ Frequency Requirement: Full run:"9,7905;:05:,9;,+05;6(33/64,+,30=,9@*670,:(03@"9,::69,:,9;0:7(;*/69#,=0,>73<:(335,>::;(5+*670,:>0339,*,0=,;/,-<339<5 9(;,:<339<505:,9;:05;/,(03@"9,::69,:,9;0:7(;*/>0339,*,0=,(+0:*6<5;65#,=0,>9(;,>/,57<9*/(:05.;/,-<339<56-#,=0,>"9,7905;: ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. ;/(;(9,A65,++656;05*3<+,5,>::;(5+*670,: Multiple Insert Discount:+=,9;0:,9:05:,9;05.4<3;073,79,7905;:65;/,:(3,+(@05;/,:(4,7<)30*(;0658<(30-@-69(+0:*6<5;6--;/,*6:;6-;/e (++0;065(370,*,:0504<470,*,:698<(5;0;0,:6-3,::;/(5;/,70,*,9(;,(7730,: Rates based per column inch as follows Reservation deadline for preprints:>69205.+(@:79069;67<)30*(;065 Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> Deliveries:**,7;,+65+(@;/96<./90+(@(4;674;6%/,(03@"9,::"(92=,5<,&0*;69=033,(039664*65;(*; Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> "9,7905;:4<:;),+,30=,9,+(;3,(:;>69205.+(@:79069;67<)30*(;065"9,7905;9(;,:(9,8<6;,+)(:,+65;/,:(;0:-(*;69@+,30=,9@6- ;/,70,*,:;6;/,(03@"9,::36*(;065+,30=,9,+65:20+:6905*6<5;,+)<5+3,:69)6?,:>0;/8<(5;0;0,:*3,(93@4(92,+656<;:0+,3379,7905;:;/(; ,?*,,+ 05*/,:)@ 05*/,:053,5.;/4<:;),8<(9;,9-63+,+"9,7905;:3,::;/(505*/,:)@05*/,:4(@56;),(**,7;,+73,(:,796=0+, (:(473,(:7,*0(3/(5+305.*/(9.,4(@(773@0./;>,0./;69:30*2:;6*2(5+/(3->9(7:05*9,(:,:7603(.,9(;, "+9'/2*#/?+ 2'88/@+**#/?+ Daily H alley A,pple R=eview ( 0 3P @ress " 9 ,•: D : esert B ,D :ispatch , 9 ; 0 :•7 ( ;esperia * / B S ,tar : 7 •, L 9 0ucerne ( $ ; ( 9V B 3 L eader 6 1 ( = ,• E B l M <ojave * , 9 5 •, R &eview ( 3 3 , @ • ( + ,V 9 alley B#, 0,> ! ! !# #" !# #" /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@ 4*+7)53 0./,:,9;*64B0./,:,9;6):*64B0./,:,9;<;605+,9*64B0./,:,9;&(9:0;@*64B0./,:,9;65;,:;*64B0./,:,9;6<:,05+,9*64 RATE CONTRACT Terms and Billing sideways type) are subject to pre-approval by the Publisher. K ;; 03E4AC8B8=6 8B 0224?C43 >= 0 20B7F8C72>?G 10B8B D=;4BB 0 K">20;A0C4B0??;GC>03E4AC8B4ABF8C7?4A<0=4=CA4C08;;>20C8>=B credit account has been established with the Publisher. within the San Bernardino/Riverside Counties. Multiple signature, K ;; 8=E>824B 0A4 3D4 0=3 ?0G01;4 D?>= A4248?C 34;8=@D4=2G wholesale or distributor ads do not qualify for local rates. charge of 1½% per month will be applied to accounts thirty days K ;2>7>; 0=3 C>1022> 03E4AC8B4<4=CB 0A4 0224?C43 F74= 8= REVENUE BASED or more in arrears (liquidatedCONTRACTS damages under California Civil Code accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Section 1671 (b) imposition of which does not imply or constitute K A443>< 867 4B4AC 20==>C 6D0A0=C44 ?>B8C8>=8=6 >5 0=G any agreement to forbear collection of a delinquent account.) advertisements. We will do our Flex best Program to honor requests. Orders &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 $300 $999 ................ 34% KA443><8674B4AC<0G0C0=GC8<40=30C8CBB>;438B2A4C8>= cannot be accepted on a position or -omit basis. Paid premium >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 1k 5k ........................ 36% (1) require payment with an order in the form of cash, cashier’s positions are available at the option of the Publisher at an 5k - 10k ...................... 42% check, or certified funds, (2) require immediate payment in full or additional charge from 15% to 100% over and above the regular 10k - 20k .................... 43% any outstanding balance, (3) refuse to accept advertising until all space and color rates. Advertising ordered for a specific position 20k - 30k .................... 44% past $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ due payments are made, (4) refuse to publish advertising, that is unavailable or unacceptable to the Publisher will run R.O.P. 30k - 40k .................... 46% (5) refuse to accept advertising from accounts 30 or more days in at regular rates. *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 40k - 60k .................... 48% arrears, (6) require all or any'<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ of the above. K3E4AC8B4<4=CBB8<D;0C8=6=4FB2>?GB70;;70E4C74F>A3sI&083 60k - 80k .................... 50% K22DA02G8=?D1;8B78=64E4AG03E4AC8B4<4=C8B02>=BC0=C6>0;>5 3E4AC8B4<4=CL03C74C>?>5C74038=<8=8<D<?>8=CCG?4 80k - 100k .................. 53% Freedom High Desert. When errors occur, Freedom High Desert K3B<40BDA8=6>E4A8=274B344?5>A1A>03B744C?064B>A Requirement: 100k - 150k ................ 55% will not be liable":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 for damages for any errors occurred and then for inches deep (for tabloid pages) 150k will be-charged for the full57% depth 200k ................ only that portion of the ad rendered valueless by the error. When of the page. 200k - 250k ................ 59% ad proofs are furnished, approval or receipt will be considered 250k+ ......................... 60% designation that the advertisement is error free unless reported Ad Cancellations & Late Ads Repeat Program by proof$.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 deadline as noted. K8B?;0G03B>A34A430=3C74=20=24;;43145>A4B?0243403;8=41G $300 - $999for ................ 53% the advertiser or their agency shall be charged any composition /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 1k 5k ........................ 55%or Policies & Conditions work performed at a rate of $40 per hour. Space reservations 5k 10k ...................... 59% K*74&D1;8B74AA4B4AE4BC74A867CC>A4E8B403E4AC8B8=6A0C4BD?>= ads cancelled after the space and copy deadline, including those Requirement: 10k -camera 20k .................... 60% 30 days notice; all contracts are accepted subject to this policy. cancelled due to the failure to deliver ready materials on ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 20k - 30k .................... 61% K &D1;8B74A A4B4AE4B C74 A867C C> 438C 0;C4A >A A45DB4 0=G time, may be charged for late cancellation at the rate of $7 per 30k -or40k .................... 62% advertisement. column inch. Advertisements placed ordered after published 40k 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 K ">20; 03E4AC8B8=6 A0C4B 0A4 =>C 2><<8BB8>=01;4 C> 064=284B >A deadlines cannot typically be accepted, however, when Freedom 60k - 80k +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Review, Apple Valleycan Review). others. High Desert accept such late orders, a .................... late charge of 65% $2 per 80k - 100k .................. 67% A 54 675@ 957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 K I*A82:L >A I5A40:L CG?>6A0?7820; 03B BD27 0B D?B8343>F= >A column inch may apply. Flex Program Repeat Program 100k - 150k ................ 69% '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 200k - 250k ................ 71% Electronic/Digital Ad Submission Deadlines '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ ......................... 71% All A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@ electronic/digital ads should be submitted in accordance with Publication Day ........................... Space and Copy Deadline +**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 the following specifi cations for quality assurance purposes: Sunday ............................................................ 5:00 pm Wednesday 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 Monday ........................................................... 5:00 pm Wednesday Macintosh programs supported: Files will be accepted if built in Tuesday ............................................................... 5:00 pm Thursday the following programs: InDesign, QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator, Wednesday ............................................................... 5:00 pm Friday FREQUENCY BASED CONTRACTS Adobe Photoshop or PDF file. Live images incorporated into the Thursday................................................................5:00 pm Monday ad (artwork, scans, screen and printer fonts) should be grouped Friday.....................................................................5:00 pm Tuesday &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 with the final document in a separate folder or separate disk for Saturday ................................................................5:00 pm Tuesday $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 each specific ad. Color should be CMYK at 300dpi. Tuesday Review/A.V. Review.................Noon Tuesday 7 days prior TV Magazine ................................... 4:00 pm Tuesday 12 days prior Submission Guidelines: Electronic ads must be received within Friday Weekender.................................5:00 pm Friday 7 days prior the 24 hours following the normal space and copy deadlines. Saturday El Mojave ............................ 10:00 am Friday 8 days prior !53(553(5 All ads must be submitted in final form. Corrections or changes Tuesday Hesperia Star ..........................Noon Tuesday 7 days prior 3 will month contract 69% 59% 45% 10:00 am Thursday submitted after deadline incur an additional fee of $40 per Wednesday Lucerne Valley Leader ................... plate. If troubleshooting6is month necessary, contract production charges may be 70.5% 61% and late 45% All late ad insertions copy changes must be charged at $40 per hour (1/2 hour minimum). AD SEND: Ads may approved by the Advertising 12 month 63% 45% Director. be transmitted camera-ready directly tocontract Freedom High Desert via 71.5% AP AdSEND address: CAVIC Retail Display Sizes Classified Display Sizes Choose Between Frequency Requirement: 9 columns per page, 9 points between columns 6 columns per page, 9 points between columns 1 column = .............. 1 inches 1 column = .........1.58 inches Ads may also be sent via email to your advertising consultant. ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. 2 columns = ....... 2.13 inches 2 columns = .......3.25 inches 3 columns = ....... 3.25 inches 2>;D<=B8=274B Rates based per column inch as= follows 4 columns ....... 4.38 inches 4 columns = ....... 6.63 inches Mechanical Measurements Retail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> 5 columns = .......8.32 inches Printing Process: ............................ Offset with photo composition 5 columns = ......... 5.5 inches Classified:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> 6 columns = ..........10 inches Screen Requirements: ...........................................................85 line 6 columns = ....... 6.63 inches Page Width: ......................................................................10 inches 7 columns = ....... 7.75 inches Page Depth:......................................................................21 inches 8 columns = ....... 8.88 inches "+9'/2*#/?+ 2'88/@ +**#/?+ 2>;D<=B 8=274B Daily Press D4ispatch SBtar ucerne Leader 0 8 ; G & A 4 B• BD esert K4B A C 8 B •? 0HC esperia 27K4 ? 4• AL8 0 ) C 0 A V Kalley ;# > 9 0 E 4 • KEl "M Dojave 2 4 A = 4• R ,eview 0 ; ; 4 G •" A4pple 0 3 4 AValley K ( 4R Eeview 84F ! !# #" !# #" ! /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@ 4*+7)53 8674B4AC2><K8674B4AC >1B2><K8674B4ACDC>8=34A2><K8674B4AC,0AB8CG2><K8674B4AC>=C4BC2><K8674B4AC>DB4Jnder.com RATE CONTRACT Daily Press / Desert Dispatch / Hesperia Star / Lucerne Valley Leader Digital REVENUE BASED CONTRACTS Ad Submission Guidelines Flex Program File Format and Requirements: &+'7+5,,+7/4-9<5675-7'38('8+*54>5:7 $300 - $999such ................ 34% PDF files are the ONLY acceptable file format for digital ads. JPG, TIFF, EPS or native applications, as >+'72>86+4*/4-</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 1k - 5k ........................ 36% Quark, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, PageMaker, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, are not acceptable. 5k - 10k ...................... 42% 10k - 20k .................... 43% File Submission: 20k - 30k .................... 44% $.+2+=!75-7'3-/;+8>5:9.+'(/2/9>95).'4-+9.+'*3+88'-+ Files smaller than 2MB can be submitted via email and larger files can be submitted by CD, DVD,Zip Disks or 30k - 40k .................... 46% *+8/-4'4*8/?+'85,9+4'8>5:<'4995+48:7+)549/4:5:8956 5, 3/4* 40k - 60k .................... 48% uploaded to our FTP site. '<'7+4+88'354-5:7':*/+4)+ 60k - 80k .................... 50% 80k - 100k .................. 53% General Guidelines: Requirement: 100k - 150k ................ 55% Set the page size in your layout application to match the trim size of the final ad. Contact your150k Ad Rep for the correct 57% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.957+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 - 200k ................ ad sizes. 200k - 250k ................ 59% 250k+ ......................... 60% Do not combine several ads on one page or multiple pages in one PDF file. Repeat Program $.+"+6+'9!75-7'3/8,579.+)589)548)/5:8'*;+79/8+79.'9 All fonts need to be embedded or the fonts need to be converted to outlines. $300 - $999 ................ 53% /82551/4-,57'-7+'9+7*/8)5:49 1k - 5k ........................ 55% 5k - 10k ...................... 59% Mono/grayscale advertisements should not contain any color elements before creating PDF. Requirement: 10k - 20k .................... 60% ":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++1 - 30kcolor .................... 61% Do not use custom spot colors e.g. Pantone, Toyo and Focaltone colors without converting to20k process 30k 40k .................... 62% separations. 40k - 60k .................... 64% A5497')9.52*+787+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+462')/4-'*8/4<++12>4+<86'6+78 60k - 80k +86+7/'#9'7:)+74+%'22+>+'*+7250';+, Apple Valley Review). All placed images should be cropped to finished sizeReview, and rotated within their native application such as .................... Photoshop. 65% 80k 100k .................. 67% A 54 675@957-'4/?'9/5487+)+/;+'*/8)5:49,57957+6+9/9/54854'22675*:)98 100k - 150k ................ 69% '4*5457357+7+6+9/9/548/4'<++154!53(5675*:)98 Images in your ad should have a resolution of 200 dpi for best reproduction. Lower resolution images could result in 150k - 200k ................ 70% A!+7854'2-7++9/4-8'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:4954!53(5675*:)98 blurry, lower quality reproduction. 200k - 250k ................ 71% '4*'*/8)5:4954<++12>675*:)98 250k+ ......................... 71% A"+)7:/93+49)2'88/@ +**/862'>'*87+)+/;+'*/8)5:49<.+4 Do not embed any color management profiles in your PDF. Flex Program Repeat Program 7:44/4-#:454'8'53(5 All photos, images and graphics must be in grayscale or CMYK mode, not RGB. Black type should be built from 100% Black (K) and not contain any values in the CMY channels. FREQUENCY BASED CONTRACTS 10-point type is the minimum size for reverse type on a single color background, 20-point type for 4-color &+'7+5,,+7/4-9.7++675-7'38('8+*54>5:7)5497')99+738</9.7++*53/-.+8+79 background. No reverse type on a yellow background. $.+254-+7>5:7)533/93+49/89.+357+,';57'(2+67/)/4-<+'7+'(2+955,,+7 Choose Between When using multiple color type smaller than 20 point, and registration if slightly off, the type can become unreadable. Please refrain from doing this. !53(553(5 When black type 3 is on a screened or color background, the type should overprint without a knockout. month contract 69% 59% 45% month 70.5% Overprint rules or6type on a tintcontract background of no more than 25%. 12 month contract 71.5% Transparencies should not be used. If they are, they should be flattened. 61% 63% 45% 45% Frequency Requirement: We recommend you use":49.+8'3+'*</9.57357+7+6+9/9/5486+73549. Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create your PDF from your layout application. Other programs can create PDF files, but they are less reliable than a PDF created by Distiller. Contact your ad rep or our IT department for Distiller Settings. Rates based per column inch as follows Use a reliableRetail:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> pre-flight software program to check your ad before submitting it to Daily Press. Do not rely on what is produced onClassifi a lasered:!AAA53(5A53(5A&++12> printer or your monitor as an accurate proof of the file. If ads are not sent to our specifications, we will do our best to make them press ready. We will not be responsible for the quality of ads that do not adhere to our guidelines. "+9'/2*#/?+ 2'88/@+**#/?+ Daily Press • Desert Dispatch • Hesperia Star • Lucerne Valley Leader • El Mojave • Review • Apple Valley Review ! !# #" /-.+8+79)53A/-.+8+795(8)53A/-.+8+79:95/4*+7)53A/-.+8+79%'78/9>)53A/-.+8+79549+89)53A/-.+8+795:8+@4*+7)53