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Hi everyone!
So only a couple of weeks until the concert! Are you getting excited? I certainly am! If
you’re feeling a little nervous because you’ve never performed in a concert before,
there are a few tips inside that are sure to help you out. Missed out on camp or didn’t
stay for the whole thing? Find out what everyone got up to! And feeling a little down
about no PUCS over the break? Well guess what, we have some activities planned!
Read on to find out more!
Make sure to tell your friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues, gym partners….
etc. about what is sure to be a fabulous concert!
See you all soon!
Emily (Dischord Editor)|[email protected]
What Happens on Camp!
Ahhh, PUCS camp. A weekend away from the chaos of our ordinary lives of working too
hard and sleeping too little.
...or is it?
As per the usual camp routine, a group of us rocked up to Eagle’s Nest on Friday as the
sun was setting (or well after it had set), dumped all our gear in the dining room, and
began the arduous task of doing absolutely nothing into the wee hours of the morning.
There was karaoke and silly dancing, a game of poker with matchsticks (there were no
chips), and a loud rendition of the entire ‘Les Mis’ soundtrack before dragging all our
bags down to our rooms to call it a night.
(continued on page 2…)
Sunday May 19 - Perth Modern School Auditorium
90 Roberts Rd SUBIACO
Call time 2pm
Saturday May 26 - Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre
48 Canning Road KALAMUNDA
Call time 2:30pm
$23 Standard/$18 Concession
Camp (continued…)
Saturday was much as it always is: rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal. Well done to
everyone for persevering - particularly through the tricky sections of Janger! The
improvement was amazing on camp, and the pieces are still improving since then keep up the fantastic work everyone!
Saturday dinner was extremely humorous and rather loud, with several interesting
renditions of other songs from all over the world - the less folky ones - followed by
games of Sherlock Cluedo, more singing - this time from the PUCS and IV songbooks,
and another sing through of ‘Les Mis’.
Sunday morning came much too soon for many of us - partly due to the lack of sleep,
but mostly because it meant we had to go home, completely knackered and losing
our voices, and finish whatever we were meant to be doing that weekend. Another
camp has been and gone - and high hopes for second semester's camp!
Huge, huge, huge thanks to everyone who helped on camp! I cannot stress enough
how much more smoothly camp runs when so many people are generous with their
time and talents! Thank you especially to Sarah for organising food (yay!), Catherine
and Jane for the soup (also yay!), and everyone on committee for helping with all the
organising! Thank you to those who gave lifts to fellow PUCSters - you guys are
Monica (President)|[email protected]
Entertainment Books!
Thanks to all of you who have been putting in your orders for this year’s Perth Entertainment Books. For every book sold
we are making $13 to go towards the choir. Please keep the orders coming so that we can reach (and hopefully pass) our
target of 40 books sold. We have sold 16 so far. So talk to and forward on the Entertainment Book PUCSannounce email
to friends, family, work mates etc. It’s all for a great cause!
I went to the book launch on Friday 3rd May and picked up our books. The books are now available to you. I will be
bringing them to our rehearsal nights. The book is chokka block of great deals and I heard at the launch that during the
year Emirates will be offering some deals to people who have registered their Entertainment Book on line – so that is very
exciting news! Also, the accommodation deals are better offers than Wotif.com! So don’t miss out!
See me or email me if you have any queries.
Philippa (Fundraising Officer)|[email protected]
Dress Rehearsal
#1– Perth Mod
Dress Rehearsal
#2—Perth Mod
Perth Mod
Call time 2pm
Dress Rehearsal
Rehearsal in
Call time 2:30pm
Want to stay in touch during the break?
We have a few exciting events in the pipeline over the winter break,
including a workshop one weekend in mid to late July (with some rehearsals
beforehand to get to know the music better). We are also planning a social
event a week or so after the 2nd concert. Keep an eye on PUCSannounce for
more information!
Quotes Corner
It sort of comes out ‘nih-yee.’—Jon P.
Ni! - Chorister.
(Rehearsing ‘Linden Lea’) We have to be careful around the
apple tree.—Jon P.
I think PUCS needs to go in for tanning.—Flick C.
On your r’s.—Jon P.
(After an argument over the pronunciation of ‘.gif’) It’s
the .gif that keeps on giving.—Ben L.
Altos back down? Never! - Michelle J.
Look at all the PUCS I give!—Monica G.
Hear something witty or funny during rehearsal? Send it to
[email protected] (no ’in-jokes’ or derogatory phrases please).
Have any happy snaps
of PUCS events?
Send them to
[email protected]!
DOs & DON’Ts for a Great Concert
Slightly freaking out about where to go and what to do in the upcoming concert? Never fear, remember these tips and you
will be sure to look like a superstar on the day!
1. Right place at the right time—this will make your concert experience memorable for the right reasons. Perth Modern
School (cnr Thomas St & Roberts Rd in Subiaco) is opposite Princess Margaret Hospital and there’s parking on the
grounds or on the street. If you park on the street, check the signs to make sure you can stay there long enough and not
get a friendly letter from the council. Jon seems nice and smiley, but will become Conductor Crankypants if half the
choir has to move their cars midway through the concert!
2. Wear the right clothes—on the day, concert dress is a black top (with sleeves at least to the elbows), black bottoms
(long pants for men, long pants or skirt or shorter skirt with opaque black tights for women), black shoes and a plain
coloured scarf (non-patterned and non-woollen). Don’t wear any fragrances as it may irritate some nearby noses, but
deodorant is a plus. Pick comfortable shoes that you’ll be able to stand up on stage in. Definitely not the right time to
test run those 13”stilettos, basses. Not there’s anything wrong with that; though feel free to let us know where you got
3. Remember to bring music—our fantastically organised librarian Ben will organise black folders for us to put our music
in (look out for them during dress rehearsal), or you can bring your own if you have one. Make sure it’s plain black so
we look as similar as possible.
4. Watch Jon—the truth is, those pencil markings and all those funny words, it’s a super special secret code that Jon can
read! He’ll make sure you’re in time, and that you sing loud enough.
5. Smile!—This will be a fantastic concert with a fantastic sound, and we need to match that with our faces. 60 people on
stage wearing black could look like a funeral procession. Not exactly concert material! Unless you are singing a funeral
anthem. Happened last year. True story.
6. If you make a mistake, see Tip 5—the best thing to do is look confident, listen to those around you, and come back in
when you’re ready. If you look like you know what you’re doing, that’s what the audience will think. If you give away
your “uh-oh” face, everyone in the audience will know something went wrong. Everyone.
7. Perth Mod is NOT G5—it’s an amazing place to sing and has a great sound, but it’ll definitely be different from what
you’re familiar with in G5. We’ll have two rehearsals at Perth Mod and one at KPAC so that you’ll come out of it
feeling confident. At those rehearsals, we’ll give directions on how to get on and off stage; where to stand, etc… don’t
worry, you’re in good hands.
8. On concert day, there’s mics on stage—this means extra caution when walking on and off, and minimise extra noises
we don’t want appearing on the recording. This includes tapping your foot to keep time, swearing under your breath,
screaming hello to mum & dad in the audience, or loud page turns. The secret to a quiet page turn is to turn early and
calmly when possible, or when the music gets real loud, or hold the bottom and gently turn.
9. Water and food—make sure you eat beforehand and have plenty of water. We won’t be bringing water on stage as
accidental spillage might short circuit electronics.
10.Bring lots of family & friends!—They will love it and there’s nothing better than a packed house whilst belting out
fantastic music with a big choir. Let’s fill the venue all the way to the back!
Concert Manager—Julian
Social Secretary—Flick
Camp Officer—Sarah
Dischord Editor—Emily
Fresher Rep—Haylee
Immediate Past President – Lucy
Section Leaders