OACC support staff agenda flyer


OACC support staff agenda flyer
2012 OACC Support Staff Conference
Oklahoma Community Colleges: Opening Doors for Success
Wednesday October 3, 2012
Keynote Speaker: Dondi Scumaci
9:00-9:30 am
9:30-10:30 am
Dondi Scumaci, Finding and Managing your
High Performance Zone
10:30-10:45 am
10:45-11:45 am
Tangela Ekhoff,
Lunch/ Shopping
Keynote Speaker: Tangela Ekhoff
Tangela Ekhoff,
Dondi Scumaci, Optimism Rules
3:00– 3:15pm
Wrap up
Reed Conference Center
5800 Will Rogers Road
Midwest City, OK 73110
Dondi Scumaci
Featured Speaker
Dondi Scumaci is an International Performance
Consultant and author- an expert in leadership
development, professional development, performance
management and world class service.
She is known for high energy on the platform and for
the dramatic results her workshops and keynotes
inspire. Dondi’s events are designed to deliver solid,
actionable disciplines. Her seminars and addresses
have made a positive, lasting impact of corporations
and women’s organizations around the world.
Dondi’s two published books, Designed for Success
and Ready, Set, Grow…, are available now. Her third
book, Career Moves is newly released.
Latest News from Dondi Scumaci
Dondi has:
 Been a featured speaker for the Society of
Women Engineers.
 Been selected as a contributing author for
Best Life Design.
 Appeared frequently on television and is a
guest on over ten radio shows monthly.
 Become a thought leader and mentoring
champion. Her product Mentoring in-a-box is
used within large organizations, making her
an advisor for mentoring communities around
the world.
 Been the Keynote speaker for the Designed
for Success Woman’s Conference in Nairobi,
Kenya, and has spoken on four continents.
Tangela Ekhoff
Featured Speaker
Tangela Ekhoff a writer, speaker, and recovering stand-up
comic. She is also a copywriter, writing coach, creative,
consultant, script collaborator, comedic co-creator, word
muse, idea instigator, and storytelling SUPERNOVA for
hire. Long story short, she sells words and ideas. I sue my
funny to make you money. I am the Rain Man of creative
ideas- if Rain Man had social skills and Spanx.
Tangela Ekhoff has a B.S and M. Ed. from Auburn
University. She has worked as an elementary school teacher,
a publicist, and even as a maid during Ye Olde Great
Recession. Tangela wrote and performed The Recession
Maid Me Do It, her one-woman show about her adventures
in toilet scrubbing. She performed stand-up comedy in her
home state of Alabama, and also in New York City and LA.
After moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tangela won her way
into the finals of The Funniest Comic in Tulsa.
OACC 2012 Support Staff Conference Registration
Phone__________ Email________________________
Special Dietary Needs___________________________
Registration $55
Method of Payment
Payment by credit card may be processed at registration or
contact Rose State Cashier’s office, 405-733-7303No refunds
or cancellations accepted. Substitutions will be allowed at
Purchase Order
Credit Card
(Visa or MasterCard)
Send Payment to:
OACC, FEI# 56-2556232
C/O Gary Davidson
Rose State College
6420 S.E. 15th St.
Midwest City, Ok 73110