shotts - Coalfields Regeneration Trust
shotts - Coalfields Regeneration Trust
SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 Shotts Getting Better Together CONTENTS Community Views Main Strategies & Priorities 4 Our Community Now 8 Our Vision for the Future 6 9 11 Action Making it Happen 14 INTRODUCTION This Community Action Plan summarises community views about: • Shotts now • the vision for the future of Shotts • the issues that matter most to the community • our priorities for projects and action The plan will be our guide for what we, as a community, try to make happen over the next 5 years. SHOTTS COMMUNITY FUTURES STEERING GROUP The preparation of the Action Plan has been guided by a local steering group set up by Shotts Getting Better Together to bring together representatives from a wide range of local organisations. The Group included representatives from Shape Up Shotts; Shotts Community Council; Shotts History Group; local schools; churches; parent councils; Gala Day; local businesses; Shotts YMCA; Mornay and Nithsdale Tenants and Residents Association; Wishaw, Murdostoun and Fortissat Community Forum; North Lanarkshire Councillors and officers; and Shotts Getting Better Together. LOCAL PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SAY The Action Plan has been informed by extensive community engagement carried out over a four month period from November 2012 to March 2013. The process involved: • stakeholder interviews and meetings – with different groups and individuals representing all aspects of the community • a community views survey • preparing a community profile detailing facts and figures about the community • a Community Futures Event 365 community views survey forms were returned from our sample survey which aimed to reach out to 1,000 households 20 stakeholder meetings and interviews were held with local groups, businesses, and support organisations 250 people attended the community futures event Thanks to everyone who took part. OUR COMMUNITY NOW We have summarised below some of the main facts and figures from the Community Profile. LOCATION SCHOOLS & NURSERIES The town of Shotts stands in an upland location a little to the north of the line of the main A71 road through North Lanarkshire and just over two miles south of the M8 motorway. It is at the heart of the Central Belt – half way between Glasgow and Edinburgh. The town comprises several elements, with Shotts and Dykehead lying to the north of the South Calder Water and Stane, Springhill and Torbothie to its south. Nurseries POPULATION & HOUSING COMMUNITY FACILITIES, ACTIVITIES The town has a population of just over 8,200. There are around 3,500 houses in the area. There are higher percentages of council housing and lower levels of owner occupation in the area than for North Lanarkshire Council as a whole although there is still a gap in provision of larger social housing. Facilities A wide range of facilities are available for community use and include the Community Centre, Leisure Centre, Church Halls, YMCA, Shotts Getting Better Together, Schools, and other small halls used by local groups. EMPLOYMENT & THE LOCAL ECONOMY There are a large number of local groups active within the community Large local businesses include Shotts Prison, Healthcare Environmental, Davidsons Animal Feeds, Bells Food Group, Cooper Brothers and the Shotts Car Auction. Given its central location there are also opportunities to access employment in other parts of the central belt but transport is sometimes an issue for those without cars. There are a variety of local shops, a good new pharmacy, several banks, and a hotel, restaurant and pubs. 4 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 Shotts Nursery Centre, St. Patrick’s, Stane Primary Schools St. Patrick’s, Dykehead, Stane High Schools Calderhead High School, St. Aidan’s (Wishaw) Groups and Activities Churches Calderhead Church, Shotts E.U. Congregational Church, St. Patrick’s Church, Kirk o’ Shotts, Baptist Church, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mission Hall and Salvation Army HEALTH SERVICES CULTURE & HERITAGE GPs and Primary Care Our living culture includes Shotts Health Centre, Rosehall GP Surgery Local Bands (Shotts and Dykehead Flute Band, St. Patricks Silver Band, House of Edgar Pipe Band); and local events (Gala Day, and Highland Games). Hospitals The nearest hospital is in Wishaw ENVIRONMENT Shotts is in a rural setting surrounded by moorland and forestry with the remains of coal mining pit bings and the industrial past still shaping the landscape. Its high elevation lends the area to windfarm development and a number of proposals are being put forward for expansion of existing and new sites. Our historic past includes: • Links to the Covenanters • Industrial Heritage – iron foundries, cotton mill, brick works, coal mining, diesel engines manufacturing, Timpo Toys INDICATORS OF DEPRIVATION Statistics for the town reveal that some residents experience multiple deprivation. Four of the 11 datazones (small neighbourhoods of around 700 – 750 population) within the area are in the bottom 20% of all datazones in Scotland. SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 5 COMMUNITY VIEWS: LIKES Findings from the Community Views Survey. LIKE % OF RESPONSES Community spirit Community facilities, organisations, events Access to public services Location Environment and outdoor recreation Local shops and amenities Nature of community Heritage and history 33 29 20 20 13 13 6 3 WHAT PEOPLE SAID It’s a small knit close community. People will help each other in difficult times. Proper community where you are known and people take care of each other. The facilities we use and hope to keep. One of the few remaining places which clings on to its gala day. I like that Shotts has a scout group because the kids don’t have a lot of places to go. I like the new school. Springhill playgroup is great. Good nurseries for children pre-school. Good groups and healthy living centre. Library – great staff, brilliant with kids, Bookbug group. It is in a rural location, but has decent motorway links to Glasgow and Edinburgh, with a main rail line running through. I like the parks and open spaces. The swing park in Springhill is very enjoyable for the kids. There’s plenty of places to go walking and exploring; all the wooded areas, hills, bings and fields etc. Surrounding land has a great scenic view and walking area. I liked Stane Gardens but they need something done. Good selection of shops e.g. butcher’s, co-op. All the amenities are good for a small community. It is small but a decent size. I love that it still feels like a village. Small, semi-rural. I like the history that Shotts has. The town’s history is evident as you walk around it. It has heritage and pride. 6 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 COMMUNITY VIEWS: DISLIKES DISLIKE % OF RESPONSES Lack of community facilities and organisation 47 Local economy 43 Open spaces and recreation facilities 23 Lack of public transport 12 Roads/traffic/parking 8 Overlooked/neglected6 Community safety and anti-social behaviour 5 WHAT PEOPLE SAID There is nothing to do for children you always need to travel somewhere. Shotts Baths are shocking I can only guess there is no funds available. Dated facilities. The Scout hall was burned down, I find that very sad as I know a lot of kids that loved the place. All the empty buildings. Not enough shops we could have at least another supermarket. It has become run down in recent years with virtually no industry. There is no sense of a town centre. The town has seen no noticeable signs of council commercial development to prevent the steady closure of shops and businesses throughout the last 50 years. Loads of potential for business and expansion but not being used. It could have more community facilities and places to go. A sorry sight is the Mansy football park. In the Dykehead area there is not a decent play area for children. Hardly any parks or flowers. Lack of safe places for kids to play on bikes, skateboards, roller skates. Stane Gardens being shut off for so long. We need better public transport, especially at night and on Sundays. No disabled access/exit from Shotts Railway Station. Parking on main street where car parks are available is terrible. I don’t like that we are overlooked by the powers that be when it comes to spending money to regenerate the town we are like the poor cousins to the surrounding towns. Anti-social activities of teenagers hanging around in groups in the streets. Drug addiction seems to be very high and visible in areas such as the town centre. SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 7 SHOTTS: A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE This statement has been prepared to summarise the main aspirations for the future as expressed by local people and organisations. We would like Shotts to be… MODERN attractive clean DLY FRIEN Y L L A T N E M N ENVIRO D E T C E N N O C WELL d e t a t n e i r o child n o i t a r o t Res s e i t i l i c a f r e t t e b culture t er transpor bett thriving PRIDE 8 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 A DISTINCT, MODERN AND ATTRACTIVE TOWN CENTRE THAT SERVES AS A HUB FOR THE WIDER AREA • Welcoming clean and tidy and environmentally friendly town • A more modern community with things to attract visitors and pull the community even closer • A cleaner more up to date Shotts with facilities that people would like to come into Shotts for WELL CONNECTED TO SERVICES, JOBS & FACILITIES IN THE CENTRAL BELT • Thriving community with better transport links • Access to jobs and housing so our young people would stay here • Higher population due to better access to facilities and amenities • More business investors by 2020 A PLACE THAT STILL CELEBRATES ITS HERITAGE & MAKES THE MOST OF ITS RURAL ENVIRONMENT • Keeping alive the culture of the place – a pride in the town and the surrounding countryside • Dedicated cycle and walking routes • Restoration of our old buildings and landmarks • Tapping into renewable energy and our surrounding resources A STRONG & CONFIDENT COMMUNITY WITH A CLEAR VISION OF ITS FUTURE • A supportive community minded town • A bright town confident in its future and the future of its young people • Child orientated so that kids grow up with enough activities MAIN STRATEGIES & PRIORITIES These are the main strategies and priorities the community has identified and will work towards achieving in partnership with public agencies and other supporters. LOCAL ECONOMY & TOWN CENTRE There is a strong feeling that Shotts has missed out on town regeneration and is in need of a boost to improve the fabric of the town centre – tackling such issues as CCTV, parking, streetscape, derelict buildings and empty shops and unkempt open spaces. Main priorities It is also felt that more could be done to promote Shotts, support local businesses and attract inward investment. Shotts now has a good infrastructure of schools, transport, parking, health and care services and with its central location is a great business base. However this is thought not to be widely known or promoted and there is work to be done to raise the profile of the area. 3. Retain public services in Shotts Main priorities 1. Town centre regeneration 2. Support existing businesses, promote the area and attract inward investment 3. Enhance roads, infrastructure and environment ACCESS TO TRANSPORT & SERVICES There have been recent additions to the bus service and the train service which now runs on a Sunday. However there is still a need to improve transport, particularly in the evenings and weekends. A specific requirement is the need to improve access to the Edinburgh platform for disabled users as access is still only by steps. Community transport already plays a vital part in helping Shotts groups and residents access facilities and jobs outwith the area. This needs to continue and be developed further. There is currently concern that Shotts may lose some of the services that it has. It has already lost the Job Centre and the fear is that North Lanarkshire Council services may be cut back (one stop shop, library, leisure centre, community centre) and that the police service will be reduced. The community would like to see these services retained as much as is possible. They are felt to be particularly needed in a community that is ‘cut off’ and feels itself a bit isolated from other towns. 1. Improve public transport 2. Continue to support and develop community transport 4. Develop support services for vulnerable groups (e.g. young, parents, elderly) HOUSING, ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE There is thought to be a need to encourage further house building and an increased population in Shotts over the next 5 years. The message is that - Shotts has the infrastructure to cope with development - and could benefit from housing development if it is carefully carried out in consultation with the community. An outstanding weakness however is the roads that lead in and out of Shotts connecting it with the M8 and the A71. It would be good to improve these access roads and their surrounding environment – which ‘create a poor impression of what you are coming into’. The community want to become more actively involved in decision making on land use around Shotts and to look at our role in it. Exploring the potential to have e.g. our own Wind Turbine, and/or reap community benefit funding from any future development (windfarms, open cast mining etc) is high on the agenda. The community would like to see improvements that help to reduce the community’s own use of energy and carbon – and reduce our high cost of living. Main priorities 1. Improve access roads in and out of Shotts 2. Encourage and support a mix of housing development 3. Community involvement and benefit from development (windfarms, planning gain, open cast mining, planting for wood fuel etc.) 4. Encourage carbon reduction and renewable energy use for residents and businesses SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 9 MAIN STRATEGIES & PRIORITIES COMMUNITY & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES & ACTIVITIES ENVIRONMENT & HERITAGE The community would like to see improvements to the Community Centre and Leisure Centre that would help encourage their use. They would like to see the Community Cinema reinstated and more done to promote the Leisure Centre. Both buildings could do with being refurbished to make them more attractive. Pricing structure is also an issue – hikes in prices are seen as responsible for driving groups away from the Community Centre, while people would like to see a ‘local user’ rate for use of the Leisure Centre. There is a real need to improve the quality of the environment – this requires improving the surrounding landscape (pit bings, forests and paths), making the parks and open spaces in Shotts more attractive and user friendly, and carrying out town enhancement projects. As well as making the community more attractive this theme is about creating opportunities for outdoor activities, healthy living, and supporting the local economy. Other existing premises that need upgraded include the Scout Hut and this has become an urgent priority since it was recently burnt down. On a more positive note the new High School will provide community facilities and there is an opportunity to work with the school to develop community access and use. There are numerous football pitches all either unusable or of a relatively low quality – there needs to be a rationalisation of those and support to improve the most strategic ones. There is likely to be a new 3g and grass pitches at the school and a new grass pitch on the site of the old ash pitch at the top of Stane Gardens but there is still seen to be a need to develop other options. Main priorities 1. Develop and improve existing buildings 2. Encourage use and activities in existing buildings 3. Improve football pitches 4. Develop more activities for young people Improvements should include better and more play areas in different parts of our spread out community (the consultation suggested play facilities were needed in Dykehead and Torbothie and even some small scale provision in the houses beside Shotts Prison). Improvements to Stane Gardens are welcomed – and it is hoped that the gardens could provide a much needed focal point – a ‘family park’. The need for including community allotments in the development of open spaces was also identified. The community would like to see the development of a good local path network both within Shotts itself and out into the countryside and to neighbouring communities. This can largely be achieved by improving and promoting what is already there – but it still means there is significant work to be done. There is a real opportunity to enhance environmental improvements by incorporating features that help to remind us of our industrial heritage (statues, murals, interpretation panels) and help to give us a sense of place. Equally there is a need to continue to support our ‘living culture’ by keeping alive our traditions of music and events such as the Gala Day and Highland Games. Main priorities 1. Town and surrounds environmental improvements 2. Develop open spaces and parks 3. Develop and improve the local footpath network 4. Make more of local heritage and support local cultural groups and events 10 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 ACTION A guide to the first steps to be taken over the next 12 months. THEME 1: LOCAL ECONOMY & TOWN CENTRE PRIORITY 1 Town centre regeneration • Develop package of improvement measures for the Town Centre that include CCTV, parking, strategy for empty shops, street furniture, planting and floral displays, information panels and signage • Develop environmental and heritage programme of improvements (see Theme 2) that contributes to the above measures Action by Local traders, North Lanarkshire Council, Shape Up Shotts PRIORITY 2 Support existing businesses, promote the town and attract inward investment. • Assist local businesses to work together • Help them to explore the possibility of establishing a Business Improvement District • Design promotional material and carry out promotional campaign to attract companies to Shotts Action by PRIORITY 3 Local businesses, North Lanarkshire Council and Scottish Government Enhance roads, infrastructure and environment • See initiatives described in other themes which will all help to contribute to the local economy EARLY ACTION New statue at Dykehead Cross THEME 2: ACCESS TO TRANSPORT & SERVICES PRIORITY 1 Improve public transport • Lobby for improvements to existing bus service to cover gaps in evenings and weekends • Improve access to the Edinburgh platform at the Shotts Train Station • Ensure that there is a continuation of the new Sunday Rail Service Action by Shotts Community Council, Network Rail, North Lanarkshire Council, Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority (SPTA) PRIORITY 2 Continue to support and develop community transport • Maintain existing community transport services • Increase service with new vehicle Action by PRIORITY 3 Shotts Getting Better Together, North Lanarkshire Council Retain public services in Shotts • Try to retain the existing services in Shotts working closely with the community Action by PRIORITY 4 North Lanarkshire Council, Police, Shotts Community Council Develop support services for vulnerable groups (e.g. young, parents, elderly) • Work with schools, nursery centre, Shotts Getting Better Together to develop services Action by Shotts Getting Better Together, local schools, Shotts Nursery Centre, Sheltered Home, Day Care Centre EARLY ACTION Coalfields Regeneration Trust – Seedcorn Fund has helped to fund: Shotts Getting Better Together to expand their Community Transport Service; St. Patrick’s Furniture Project to purchase a new van; Mornay and Nithsdale Tenants and Residents Association for resources and materials for activities SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 11 ACTION THEME 3: HOUSING, ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE PRIORITY 1 Improving access roads and other key roads • Seek solution to the access onto the A71 • Develop agreed proposal for a new access road from the M8 or for improvements to Benhar Road at the railway bridge • Upgrade Kirk Road in order to improve access to the Church, Community Centre, Shotts Getting Better Together, and Victoria Park Action by North Lanarkshire Council, Shotts Community Council, Calderhead Erskine Parish Church, Shotts Getting Better Together PRIORITY 2 Encourage and support a mix of housing development • Review all housing proposals for Shotts over the next 10 years • Identify key sites for housing development • Work with planners and developers to ensure there is a community voice in the development of proposals and promotion of Shotts for inward housing development Action by Shotts Community Council, North Lanarkshire Council PRIORITY 3 Community involvement and benefit from developments (windfarms, open cast mining, housing, planting for wood fuel) • Concerted and joint effort to understand future development proposals and the potential role and benefits for the community 12 Action by Shotts Community Council, North Lanarkshire Council PRIORITY 4 Encourage carbon reduction and renewable energy use for local residents and businesses Action by Shotts Community Council, Shotts Getting Better Together, local businesses SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 ACTION THEME 4: COMMUNITY & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, ACTIVITIES & EVENTS PRIORITY 1 Develop and improve existing buildings • Support the development of a new Scout Hut • Develop Community Centre to make it more attractive • Upgrade the Leisure Centre including looking at how the swimming pool can be improved/ developed • Support other groups that own properties to maintain their buildings or to work together to rationalise the use of a number of different places Action by Scouts, North Lanarkshire Council and possibly wider community initiative to explore the potential for asset transfer? PRIORITY 2 Encourage use of existing and new facilities • Work with the High School to develop community access to the school’s facilities • Look at introducing a locals rate for use of the Leisure Centre • Encourage continued use and activities in the Community Centre e.g. bring back the community cinema, look at charging rates for local groups Action by North Lanarkshire Council, North Lanarkshire Leisure, Schools, community groups PRIORITY 3 Develop and improve sports pitches • Continue to upgrade local pitches in line with community and sports teams needs • Explore the potential for the community’s role in owning and managing pitches (asset transfer) Action by PRIORITY 4 Local football teams (including Shotts Bon Accord, YMCA, North Lanarkshire Council and possibly wider community initiative to explore the potential for asset transfer Continued and expanded support for young people • North Lanarkshire Council, Learning and Leisure, Community Learning and Development (CLD) will work with the steering group and other local CLD providers to map existing youth activities and youth work provision in the area. CLD can then support the steering group, utilising skills and energy from ‘Pulse’ (the Wishaw and Shotts Youth Forum) to identify ongoing need for further provision in the Shotts area • Once any unmet need for youth work has been identified, CLD will work with the steering group and other partners to identify suitable ways to attempt to meet this need Action by Shotts Getting Better Together, local schools, churches, North Lanarkshire Council, uniformed groups, sports groups, local bands, boxing club EARLY ACTION Coalfields Regeneration Trust – Seedcorn Fund has helped to fund: Springhill Amateur Boxing Club to improve their facilities and equipment; Shotts Scout Group to purchase equipment and marquee; Play equipment for Shotts Groundforce Committee; Play equipment for Springhill Mothers and Toddlers; Play equipment for Shotts Toddler Group SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 13 ACTION THEME 5: ENVIRONMENT & HERITAGE PRIORITY 1 Town and surrounds environmental improvements • Identify, design and carry out environmental improvements e.g. Dykehead Cross that make a contribution to the appearance and functioning of the town • Explore the potential to develop a significant outdoor recreation country/water park at The Voe • Look at ways of either taking away the Pit Bings or incorporating them into plans for outdoor recreation. Consideration should also be given to retaining a pit bing as a heritage site • Work with Forestry Commission, Central Scotland Forest Trust, and other landowners to improve the surrounding environment in a way that would benefit the residents of Shotts and contribute to the local economy Action by Shape Up Shotts, Forestry Commission Scotland, Central Scotland Forest Trust, North Lanarkshire Council PRIORITY 2 Develop open spaces, parks and play areas • Complete improvements to Stane Gardens and work towards its development as a ‘family park’ for all • Identify other open spaces that require environmental improvements and a prioritised programme of work • Look to develop existing play provision (e.g.picnic benches beside play area in Brandy Park; and new/improved provision in Dykehead, Torbothie, and the Burns Road/Byron Road area Action by PRIORITY 3 Shape Up Shotts, Schools, Nurseries, North Lanarkshire Council Develop and improve the local paths network • Identify key paths to improve within Shotts that will help connect up ‘neighbourhoods’ with each other and with services and facilities and provide good and safe pedestrian and cycling routes • Identify paths out into the countryside and to other communities that could be the basis of a wider paths network and requirements for improvements, new links, signage and promotion Action by Shape Up Shotts, local schools, Forestry Commission Scotland, Central Scotland Forest Trust PRIORITY 4 Make more of the local heritage and support local cultural activities and events • Support proposals to incorporate heritage features (statues, sillhouettes, memorials) and interpretation – into environmental and town centre improvements • Support local bands and other living culture • Retain and support local Gala Day and Highland Games Action by Shape Up Shotts, Shotts History Society, Shotts Gala Day and Highland Games Committees, local bands EARLY ACTION Coalfields Regeneration Trust – Seedcorn Fund has helped to fund: Shape Up Shotts to develop a town heritage interpretation and environment improvements programme of projects; Dykehead Amateurs Flute Band for equipment; Shotts Operatic Society to develop a Children’s Community Arts Programme; Shotts St. Patricks Brass Band to help establish a Junior Band 14 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 MAKING IT HAPPEN WORKING TOGETHER FOR SHOTTS The Steering Group for this Action Plan has brought together a number of local organisations and interests that are keen to keep working together to implement this plan. They will continue to meet regularly as the Shotts Community Futures Partnership – but will look at whether this needs to be formalised as a Development Trust – in due course. WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP The projects listed here will need to be progressed with the support of a wide range of partners including North Lanarkshire Council, NHS Lanarkshire North CHP, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire Service, HMP Shotts, Forestry Commission Scotland, Central Scotland Forest Trust, Network Rail and prospective developers. ACTION GROUPS As a practical way of taking things forward we will be setting up a number of small Action Groups to lead on each aspect of this Plan. If you want to be involved in any of them please get in touch with the contacts below. They will all operate under the umbrella of the Shotts Community Futures Partnership. CONTACT For general information about this Action Plan, the Shotts Community Futures Partnership or to take part in one of the Action Groups: Email us at [email protected] OR contact us through: June Vallance Getting Better Together Shotts Healthy Living Centre Tel: 01501 825800 SHOTTS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2018 15 This Community Action Plan sets out the priorities for the development of Shotts over the next 5 years as determined by the community through an extensive process of community engagement carried out over a four month period in late 2012– early 2013. THE PLAN CONTAINS • A summary of our Community Profile • Our main likes and dislikes as identified in our Community Views Household Survey • Our Vision Statement for the Future of Shotts • The main themes and priorities for action • Information on how you can stay in touch and get involved The Plan is for the whole community and is jointly owned by all the organisations and individuals that took part in its preparation. We will be working together to ensure its implementation over the next 5 years. Coalfields Community Futures Programme Shotts has been able to prepare this Community Action Plan thanks to funding provided through the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s Community Futures Programme. The programme provided specialist community action planning advice and support from the Small Town and Rural Development Group, a Seedcorn Fund of £50K for ‘early action’ projects and guidance on participatory budgeting and project development from CRT staff. For more information on the Coalfields Community Futures Programme contact: Coalfields Regeneration Trust or Small Town and Rural Development Group North Lanarkshire Council provided Community Learning and Development Staff support and additional financial assistance. Thanks to all our funders and supporters and to all those who gave their time voluntarily and shared their views and knowledge about Shotts.
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