GF Technical Data
GF Technical Data - Tel. +39 0434 572757 GREEN FRAME Technical Data 227 GF Technical Data 0 70 60 0 44 28 28 90 ° 1900 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME Free Unit Reference Example P.230 Approximate Dimension P.236 F F P.246 Connector Strength Data P.252 Assembly Method P.266 Frame / Connector Compatible Table P.275 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Frame Strength Data 228 GF-N 28 mm GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data GREEN FRAME Free Unit Reference Example Index - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment 229 GF Technical Data Free Unit Reference Example Work Table Type 2 External Size W700×D600×H1900 Component 60 0 Frame Type 90 ° 0 70 1900 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME Name Green Frame Green Frame L Slot Connector Type Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Inner Type R 45° Multi Connector Inner Type Free Connector Inner Type Panel Type Conductive Board T17 Antistatic Board T17 Board Holder Foot Connector M12 Conductive Resin Type Foot Ø 75 Caster E Conductive Wheel Component Ø 75 Caster Brake E Conductive - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Others Hanger Light 20W Stay Fix Hinge Flat Bar Frame Guard Inner Cap L Slot Connector Piece Double Connector Others 230 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.236 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm Clean Booth Type 1 GF-G External Size W2500×D1500×H2200 43 mm Component 00 Name Green Frame Frame Type Green Frame G Green Frame L Slot 25 15 00 2200 Connector Type Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Inner Type G PET T5 Panel Panel Aluminum Composite Sheet T3 Others Foot Adjuster M16 Component Foot Connector M16G Others Door A Inner Cap Hinge Handle Clean Fan Unit Flat Bar Others GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment External Size W750×D500×H1972 Clean Booth Type 9 0 50 Component 75 Index Name Green Frame 0 Frame Type Green Frame L Slot Connector Type E Multi Connector Outer Type Point Connector Cross Connector Free Connector Outer Type PVC Antistatic Clear T5 Panel Panel Board Holder Conductive Board 1972 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Foot Component Others Small Diameter Adjuster M12 (Stainless) Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Inner Cap Part Holder L Slot Connector Piece Clean Fan Unit Frame Guard Others 231 GF Technical Data Free Unit Reference Example Frame Type 1 0 72 External Size W900×D720×H833.5 90 Component Name Frame Type Green Frame Connector Type Multi Connector Inner Type 0 Panel Type Aluminum Composite Sheet T3 Panel Hold (for T3) Work Board T16.5 Board Holder Foot Component Adjuster M12 Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Others Inner Cap Hinge Inner Handle Catch for Frame Others 833.5 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME Door A Door B External Size W800×D600×H1337 Frame Type 4 80 1337 0 60 232 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Component Name Frame Type Green Frame Multi Connector Inner Type Connector Multi Connector Outer Type Type Free Connector Inner Type Panel Type Board Holder Foot Foot Connector M8 Component Foot M8 Inner Cap Others Double Connector Others 0 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.236 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm Rack Type 2 GF-G External Size W400×D410×H830 Component 40 0 41 0 Frame Type Connector Type Panel Type 830 Foot Component Others 43 mm Name Green Frame Green Frame L Slot Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type Aluminum Composite Sheet T3 Work Board T16.5 Others Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Ø 75 Caster With Brake Frame Guard Single Saddle Slide Rail 360HD Others GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Slide Door A Home Use Slide Door A Technical Data Slide Door A Dealer Delivery Environment Rack Type 5 45 0 External Size W1800×D450×H1400 Component 00 18 Green Frame Frame Type Green Frame W Multi Connector Inner Type Connector Multi Connector Outer Type Type Multi Connector Inner Type R Panel Type Foot Component Work Board T16.5 Board Holder Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Ø 75 Caster Ø 75 Caster With Brake Inner Cap Others 1400 Others - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Index Name 233 GF Technical Data Free Unit Reference Example Rack Type 6 External Size W2732×D456×H1215 Component Frame Type 6 45 Connector Type Foot Component Name Green Frame Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type Angle Connector Outer Type Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Adjuster M12 1215 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME 27 32 External Size W506×D1928×H1446 Shooter Type 4 Component Frame Type Connector Type Foot Component 50 6 28 19 Others Foot Connector M12 Resin Type Adjuster M12-50A Corocon 3620P50 Corocon Hook A Corocon Hook D Others - Tel. +39 0434 572757 (4 09 .8 ) 1446 7 Name Green Frame Multi Connector Inner Type Free Connector Inner Type 234 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.236 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm Shooter Type 5 External Size W420×D11796×H1373 Component Name Green Frame Frame Type Green Frame F35 Multi Connector Outer Type Connector Angle Connector Outer Type Type Free Connector Inner Type 0 1373 1273 42 Foot Component Foot Connector M12 Adjuster M12 Others Corocon 3620P50 Corocon Hook Inner Cap GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample 17 96 Application Home Use Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Index 235 236 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Aluminum Pipe Structural GF-N 28 mm GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data GREEN FRAME Technical Data Approximate Dimension of Frame Dealer Delivery Environment Index - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Unit Module 237 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data Approximate Dimension of Frame A: Frame Outside Dimension ※ Precaution: Outside Dimension of Frame will be different if use Outer Type Connector. �: Frame Dimension Frame on Grip Side Frame on Insert Side GF-N Connector Connector ・Multi Connector Outer Type ・Multi Connector Outer Type W Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T ・Multi Connector Inner Type ・Multi Connector Inner Type R ・Multi Connector Long Inner Type 44 28 44 28 GF-N �= A−(44×2) 28 �= A−(44×2) 28 59 43 59 43 28 GF-G 28 �= A−(59×2) �= A−(59×2) 43 43 Connector ・Angle Connector Outer Type ・Angle Connector Outer Type E Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide 30.5 28 ・Angle Connector Inner Type ・Angle Connector Outer Type DX ・Angle Connector Outer Type DX 3 Way ・Green Frame ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame F 35 ・Green Frame F50 ・Green Frame Slide ・Green Frame P100 44 28 44 28 28 28 Angle Connector Outer Type Angle Connector Outer Type E �= A−(30.5×2) �= A−(44×2) Connector ・Free Connector Outer Type ・Free Connector Outer Type V-M Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T 28 �= A−(44×2) ・Free Connector Outer Type ・Free Connector Outer Type V-M ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide ・Green Frame ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame F 35 ・Green Frame F50 ・Green Frame Slide ・Green Frame P100 X 26 Y 26 . 5 Y .5 31.5 31.5 X � 238 31.5 .5 �= (X−31.5)2 + (Y−31.5)2 −26.5×2 26 31.5 26 .5 � �= (X−31.5)2 + (Y−31.5)2 −26.5×2 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Frame on Grip Side ・Green Frame F50 ・Green Frame Slide ・Green Frame P100 ・Green Frame ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame F35 ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.236 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Approximate Dimension of Frame 28 mm Connector ・Free Connector Outer Type H-F ・Free Connector Outer Type H-M ・Free Connector Inner Type H-F ・Free Connector Inner Type H-M Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T ・Green Frame ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame F35 ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide 26.5 30.5 GF-G 43 mm ・Green Frame F50 ・Green Frame Slide ・Green Frame P100 GF-S 19 mm 26.5 31.5 GF Jig Panel Board 45° Connector Outer Type Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T 45° Connector Inner Type ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide X ・Green Frame F50 ・Green Frame Slide (Green Frame P100) ・Green Frame (Green Frame W) ・Green Frame F35 7.7 28 X 5.4 20 20 .5 .4 28 28 Home Use X X � Technical Data � 20 .5 �=(X−7.7)× 2 −41 �=(X−5.4)× 2 −40.8 GF-G Connector Connector Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame G ・Green Frame G L Slot ・Green Frame Hard ・Multi Connector Type G ・Green Frame G Rack Beam ・Green Frame G Rack Beam W ・Green Frame G ・Green Frame G W ・Green Frame P150 63 63 43 GF-G Frame on Grip Side Dealer Delivery Environment Index ・Multi Connector Type G ・Multi Connector Type GM ・Multi Connector Type GH 43 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 GF Unit GF Sample Application 28 Connector 43 �= A−(63×2) 43 48 63 28 GF-N 28 43 Connector ・Angle Connector Outer Type G Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame G ・Green Frame G L Slot ・Green Frame Hard G �= A−(63×2) �= A−(48×2) 43 �= A−(48×2) ・Green Frame G Rack Beam ・Green Frame G Rack Beam W 47 43 43 �= A−(47×2) 239 GF Technical Data Approximate Dimension of Frame Connector ・Free Connector Inner Type G ・45° Connector Outer Type G Green Frame ・Green Frame G ・Green Frame G W ・Green Frame P150 ・Green Frame G ・Green Frame G L Slot ・Green Frame Hard G 43 X 43 ・Green Frame G Rack Beam ・Green Frame G Rack Beam W X .6 28 X 33 Y .6 43 13.3 43 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME � � .6 �= 33 43 (X−43) 2 + (Y−43) 2 − 67.2 �= (X−13.3) x 2−57.2 GF-S Connector Connector ・Multi Connector Outer Type S ・Multi Connector Inner Type ・Multi Connector Inner Type S Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame S ・Green Frame SS Slot ・Green Frame S 31.5 19 31.5 19 19 19 �= A− (31.5x2) 19 �= A− (31.5x2) 19 Connector ・GF-GFS Connector Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame S ・Green Frame SS Slot 40 28 GF-N �= A− (40x2) 19 55 43 GF-G 19 GF-SF Connector �= A− (55×2) Palette Connector Connector ・GF-SF Connector Connector ・Palette Connector Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame G Frame on Insert Side ・Green Frame ・Green Frame L Slot ・Green Frame T X ・Green Frame W ・Green Frame Hard ・Green Frame Slide 30.5 28 28 GF-SF Connector GF SF Frame 240 In Case of GF-N : X = 25 In Case of GF-G : X = 29 �= A− (30.5x2) - Tel. +39 0434 572757 28 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Approximate Dimension of Board Installation Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 Please refer to P 271 for detail of Installation Method. ■ Using Board Holder For GF-N : P56 For GF-G : P113 43 mm E D C GF-S 19 mm C F Upper Screw 28 mm GF-G A D GF-N GF Jig B Lower Screw Truss Tapping Screw M4 Panel Board F Truss Tapping Screw M4 GF Unit GF Sample Board Size C GF-N (28 mm) A×B GF-G (43 mm) A×B Application D E 37.5 more than 50 mm more than 500 mm more than 50 mm less than 200 mm 53 more than 80 mm more than 500 mm more than 80 mm less than 200 mm F Home Use A ■ Using Board Holder F P56 E Technical Data C Dealer Delivery Environment Index F B C 33 D 17 Board Size C D E F Multi Connector Outer Type (A−66) x (B−66) 33 1 A− (68x2) B− (68x2) Multi Connector Inner Type (A−66) x (B−66) 33 1 A− (45x2) B− (45x2) Approximate dimension is in case of drilling a screw on Board Holder F (27.5) 4.5 cut E (F) (21.5) 5 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Consolidated Connector 30 (10.5) 300≦X≦500 241 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data Approximate Dimension of Panel Installation Please refer to P 271 for detail of Installation Method. ■ Using Panel Board GF-N : P56 GF-S : P120 C B D A Panel Board Size Frame Board Size Connector C D Multi Connector Outer Type (A−7) × (B−7) A−80 B−7 Multi Connector Inner Type (A−7) × (B−7) A−34 B−2 Multi Connector Outer Type S (A−6) × (B−6) A−55 B−6 Multi Connector Inner Type S (A−6) × (B−6) A−27.4 B−2 GF-N (28 mm) GF-N (19 mm) ■ Using Plate Connector GF-N : P57 GF-S : P120 C F B φ7 F C D E D A Board Size D E F more than 500 mm more than 50 mm less than 200 mm 14 A×B 14 more than 80 mm more than 500 mm more than 80 mm less than 200 mm GF-S (19 mm) A×B 14 more than 40 mm more than 500 mm more than 40 mm less than 200 mm 3.5 If use Multi Connector (Outer Type), then the process above is required 3.5 A×B GF-G (43 mm) 26.5 GF-N (28 mm) more than 50 mm 40 242 C 3.5 26.5 If use Multi Connector (Outer Type), then the process above is required There is a possibility to drop the plate. Cover all 4 direction of frame. - Tel. +39 0434 572757 C Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Approximate Dimension of Panel Installation Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 Please refer to P 271 for detail of Installation Method. ■ Using Panel Side Hold P57 Panel Side Hold Base Panel Side Hold Outer (t=3) GF-N 28 mm GF-G 43 mm Multi Connector Outer (Inner) GF-S Panel Panel Side Hold Outer (t=3) Panel Side Hold Base b' Panel Size Y=B-43 Panel (t=3) Outside Dimension B Panel Side Hold Outer (t=3) b 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board Panel Side Hold Base GF Unit Panel Size X=A-43 Outside Dimension A GF Sample Application Type of Connector Panel Side Hold Outer (t=3) (b) Panel Side Hold Base (b’) Multi Connector Outer Type b= B−57 b’= B−136 Multi Connector Inner Type b= B−57 b’= B−90 ■ Using Board Holder GF-N:P56 Home Use Technical Data GF-G:P113 D M5 D C M5 Outer Connector Thin Plate E Dealer Delivery Environment Inner Connector Thick Type Index C Frame Guard F Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type B Upper Screw Lower Screw φ7 F T Nut S T Nut S - Tel. +39 0434 572757 A Board Size C D E F GF-N (28 mm) A×B 37.5 more than 50 mm more than 50 mm more than 50 mm less than 200 mm GF-G (43 mm) A×B 53 more than 80 mm more than 50 mm more than 80 mm less than 200 mm 243 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data Approximate Dimension of Corocon Installment / Corocon Load Capacity P (Coro Pitch) L B B Coro No. of Pieces : Corocon Dimension Fulcrum A L Uniform Distribution of Load P: Cutting Unit (mm) Corocon Length (mm) Corocon Hook A/B Corocon 3323P37 Corocon 3323P37 Conductivity Corocon Hook (Aluminum) 37 296~2960 Corocon Wide 37 296~2960 50 300~3000 Corocon Corocon Hook Corocon Wide Hook A/B Corocon Hook A/B Corocon 3620P50 Corocon 3620P50 Conductivity Corocon Hook (Aluminum) Aluminum Corocon 3520P50 Aluminum Corocon 2920P30 Aluminum Corocon 1425P15 Aluminum Corocon Wide P20 Corocon Hook A/B Hook for Aluminum Corocon (Aluminum) 50 150~3000 Corocon Hook A/B Hook for Aluminum Corocon (Aluminum) Corocon Hook A/B Hook for Aluminum Corocon (Aluminum) Corocon Wide Hook A/B Hook for Aluminum Corocon Wide (Aluminum) 30 15 20 150~3000 150~3000 120~3000 Corocon Wide Hook A/B Aluminum Corocon Wide P40 Small Pitch Corocon Hook for Aluminum Corocon Wide (Aluminum) For End of Small Pitch Corocon Aluminum Roller Corocon − B (mm) 31~59 50~85 31~59 31~59 50~85 31~59 33~51 31~59 33~51 31~59 33~51 31~59 33~51 31~59 ※1 Corocon Load Capacity Spread the weight equally on to 2 pcs of Horizontal Corocon Load deflection is 2/1000 mm of length (ℓ mm). F: Approx. Load Capacity of Corocon (N)※1 F2: Approx. Load/1 Corocon (kg) 1000 mm 2000 mm 3000 mm 700 220 100 1200 360 170 710 240 110 365 110 50 365 110 50 365 110 50 460 135 60 460 135 60 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 40 120~3000 15 300~2000 36~47 100 30 − 5 50 300~3000 − 850 250 115 10 33~51 20 Approximate Dimension of Corocon If hanging value of Corocon Hook is more than 30 mm, the Corocon Length (Pxn) =A-2B. 710 N Corocon Strength Please set reinforcement frame under Corocon including load on Corocon. 1000 mm ● How to install Frame Assist 240 N 2000 mm Slider Connector 710 N 710 N 1000 mm 1000 mm ↓ ↓ ← ※Increase load by provide fulcrum in the middle of long plate. Corocon Hook D 244 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Fulcrum Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Approximate Dimension of Door Panel 28 mm In case of Door Panel GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm Hinge P-L or Hinge P-R GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Single swing door (Frame inside dimension -5) Double swing door (Frame inside dimension÷2-5) Technical Data Multi Connector Outer Type 2-φ3.6 For plate with magnet catch limit installation B Dealer Delivery Environment 23 50 G 4-φ7 (For Hinge installation) Index Multi Connector Inner Type 20 2-φ7 For Handle installation 90 A 14 50 H φ3.6 For Magnet catch plate installation 70 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 C 23 A B C With Outer Frame G Inside dimension -9 14 20 With Outer Frame H Inside dimension -4 16 22 245 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 GREEN FRAME Technical Data 246 Frame Strength Data Aluminum Pipe Structural Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Frame Strength Data (GF-N) 28 mm F Recommended Load: Deflection in the middle of frame is 5/1000 of frame length. Critical Load: It's a load when the Frame start to deform. Calculating Formula ◆Recommended Load L: Frame Length 㱐: Deflection Condition: 1. Fix both end of frame and add concentrated load as the direction of arrow. 2. Frame length is an inside dimension including connector. FL3 δ= 48EI ◆Critical Load ※If it excess the recommended load, please keep it lower than 80% of critical load. ※If the slide load of connector is smaller than recommended load and critical load, fill in the slide load of connector. ( in blue) δ= FL 4Z ■ Green Frame GFF-000 F GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 779 1162 1000 5 195 581 Panel Board GF Unit ■ Green Frame L Slot GFF-004 F (Horizontal) Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1300 1400 1000 5 334 994 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 799 1344 1000 5 200 672 Lower T Slot F Home Use (Vertical) Side T Slot Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index ■ Green Frame T GFF-017 F GF Sample Application Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1155 1600 1000 5 289 861 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1350 1600 1000 5 338 1008 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1552 2310 1000 5 388 1155 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 2000 2000 1000 5 1958 2000 ■ Green Frame Hard GFF-019 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F ■ Green Frame W GFF-003 F F (Horizontal) (Vertical) 247 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data Frame Strength Data (GF-N) ■ Green Frame F35 GFF-014 (Horizontal) F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1600 1600 1000 5 283 770 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1600 1600 1000 5 507 868 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1540 1540 1000 5 511 770 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1600 1600 1000 5 430 966 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 987 1414 1000 5 247 707 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1558 2310 1000 5 390 1155 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3200 3200 1000 5 3200 3200 F (Vertical) ■ Green Frame F50 GFF-005 (Horizontal) F F (Vertical) ■ Green Frame Slide GFF-006 F ■ Green Frame P100 GFF-001 (Horizontal) F (Vertical) 248 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Frame Strength Data (GF-N / G-G) 28 mm ■ Green Frame P100 (Light Weight) GFF-002 GF-G (Horizontal) F F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1552 2310 1000 5 388 1155 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig (Vertical) Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3200 3200 1000 5 3200 3200 Panel Board GF Unit ■ Green Frame G GFF-200 F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 851 1652 GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data ■ Green Frame G Slot GFF-205 (Horizontal) F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 972 1800 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 875 1701 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 1542 1800 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 766 1449 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 888 1722 Side T Slot F Dealer Delivery Environment Index (Vertical) Lower T Slot - Tel. +39 0434 572757 ■ Green Frame G Hard GFF-209 F ■ Green Frame G Rack Beam GFF-206 (Horizontal) F Upper Dent F (Vertical) Side Dent 249 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data Frame Strength Data (GF-G) ■ Green Frame GW GFF-207 (Horizontal) F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 1800 1800 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 1800 1800 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 811 1575 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 1800 1800 1000 5 877 1554 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3600 3600 1000 5 1705 3304 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3600 3600 1000 5 3600 3600 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3600 3600 1000 5 1705 3304 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 3600 3600 1000 5 3600 3600 Side F (Vertical) Vertical ■ Green Frame G Rack Beam W GFF-208 (Horizontal) F Upper Dent F (Vertical) Side Dent ■ Green Frame G P150 GFF-201 (Horizontal) F (Vertical) ■ Green Frame G P150 (Light Weight) GFF-202 (Horizontal) F F 250 (Vertical) - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Frame Strength Data (GF-S) 28 mm ■ Green Frame S GFF-400 F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 175 200 1000 5 44 196 GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig ■ Green Frame S SS Slot GFF-401 (Horizontal) F Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 257 300 1000 5 64 282 Frame Length (mm) Allowable Deflection (mm) 5/1000 Recommended Load (N) Critical Load (N) 500 2.5 133 252 1000 5 33 126 Side T Slot Panel Board GF Unit (Vertical) F GF Sample Application Home Use Lower T Slot Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Index 251 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Green Frame Technical Data 252 Connector Strength Data Aluminum Pipe Structural Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N Connector Strength Data (GF-N) Tightening Torque for Connector 15 N・m 28 mm Condition : Apply load where the arrow shows in the drawing. Slide Load : Allowable Load on shift direction. Pull-out Load : Allowable Load on pulling direction of Connector. Compression Load : Allowable Load on direction of compression. Moment Load : GF-G Allowable Moment for distance of length (L) from where connector is connected. M (Moment) =F (Force) ×L (Length) 43 mm GF-S 19 mm ■ Multi Connector Outer Type GFJ-000 Slide Load (N) 800 GF jig Pull-out Load (N) F 420 F Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 110 55 200 55 28 300 37 18 500 22 11 Allowable Moment (N・m) 11 5.5 Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application ■ Multi Connector Inner Type GFJ-200 Slide Load (N) 800 Pull-out Load (N) 420 Moment Load Vertical F F Horizontal F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 90 60 200 45 30 300 30 20 500 18 12 Allowable Moment (N・m) 9 6 ■ Multi Connector Inner Type R GFJ-207 Slide Load (N) 800 Home Use Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index Pull-out Load (N) 420 Moment Load Vertical F F F Horizontal F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 90 60 200 45 30 300 30 20 500 18 12 Allowable Moment (N・m) 9 6 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 ■ Multi Connector Long Inner Type GFJ-215 Slide Load (N) 3000 Pull-out Load (N) F 600 F Moment Load Vertical L Horizontal F F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 330 120 200 165 60 300 110 40 500 66 24 Allowable Moment (N・m) 33 12 ■ Angle Connector Outer Type GFJ-005 Pull-out Load (N) 170 Moment Load Vertical F Horizontal F F L L Allowable Load(N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 400 200 200 200 100 300 133 67 500 80 40 Allowable Moment (N・m) 40 20 253 GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-N) ■ Angle Connector Outer Type E GFJ-010 Pull-out Load (N) 210 Moment Load Vertical F Horizontal F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 600 200 200 300 100 300 200 67 500 120 40 Allowable Moment (N・m) 60 20 ■ Angle Connector Inner Type GFJ-204 Pull-out Load (N) 280 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F F L L ■ Free Connector Outer Type GFJ-002/ Free Connector Outer Type V-M GFJ-B01 Slide Load (N) 700 Pull-out Load (N) 390 Slide Load (N) F 130 65 200 65 33 300 43 22 500 26 13 Allowable Moment (N・m) 13 6.5 800 Pull-out Load (N) 170 F ■ Free Connector Inner Type H-F GFJ-B04/ Free Connector Inner Type H-M GFJ-B06 Pull-out Load (N) 390 Slide Load (N) F F Horizontal 100 F ■ Free Connector Outer Type H-F GFJ-B00/ Free Connector Outer Type H-M GFJ-A81 700 Vertical ■ Free Connector Inner Type GFJ-202/ Free Connector Inner Type V-M GFJ-B07 F Slide Load (N) Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) 800 Pull-out Load (N) 170 F F ■ Multi Connector Outer Type W GFJ-012 Slide Load (N) 1000 Pull-out Load (N) 450 Moment Load Vertical F F F Horizontal F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 500 230 200 250 115 300 167 77 500 100 46 Allowable Moment (N・m) 50 23 ■ 45° Connect Outer Type GFJ-007 Slide Load (N) F 254 700 Pull-out Load (N) F 260 Moment Load L F Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 165 200 83 300 55 500 33 Allowable Moment (N・m) 16.5 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ 45° Connector Inner Type GFJ-220 Slide Load (N) 600 Pull-out Load(N) F 275 Moment Load F F L GF-G Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 116 200 58 300 39 500 23 Allowable Moment (N・m) 11.6 GF-S 19 mm GF jig ■ Point Connector (Drawing shows Multi Connector Outer Type) GFJ-A15 Slide Load (N) 1400 43 mm Panel Board Length L (mm) Moment Load F F L Allowable Load (N) Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Inner Type 100 1200 1200 200 600 600 300 400 400 500 240 240 Allowable Moment (N・m) 120 120 GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use ■ Cross Connector GFJ-A11 Slide Load (N) 900 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 100 65 200 50 33 300 33 22 500 20 13 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10 6.5 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index ■ Cross Connector Rotate GFJ-B08 Slide Load (N) 250 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F ■ Double Connector C Kit GFJ-A45 Slide Load (N) 300 Moment Load (N) 400 Moment Load Allowable Moment (N・m) 8 Apply on the Side F F F L Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 85 200 43 300 28 500 17 Allowable Moment (N・m) 8.5 Apply on the Side ■ Double Connector P15 GFJ-A95 Slide Load (N) F 300 Moment Load (N) 400 Moment Load Allowable Moment (N・m) 8 Apply on the Side F F L Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) Apply on the Side 100 72 200 36 300 24 500 14 Allowable Moment (N・m) 7.2 255 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-N) ■ Double Connector GFJ-A42 Slide Load (N) 300 Moment Load (N) 400 Moment Load Allowable Moment (N・m) 8 Apply on the Side F F F L Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 85 200 43 300 28 500 17 Allowable Moment (N・m) 8.5 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) Apply on the Side ■ Bridge Connector GFJ-A00 Slide Load (N) 900 Vertical Horizontal F F Allowable Load (N) F Allowable Moment (N・m) ■ Straight Connector GFJ-A17 Vertical Horizontal 180 140 Moment Load F L 16 12.5 100 85 200 43 300 28 500 17 Allowable Moment (N・m) 8.5 ※Tightening Torque : 12N・m Pull-out Load (N) 1000 Moment Load Cantilever Both Ends F L F F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Cantilever Both Ends 100 130 800 200 65 400 300 43 267 500 26 160 Allowable Moment (N・m) 13 80 Straight Joint GFJ-A46 18 Moment Load Cantilever Both Ends F F F L L ※Please do not use this direction. It is a Reference Value. ■ Pipe Holder GFA-001 Slide Load (N) Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Cantilever Both Ends 100 100 800 200 50 400 300 33 267 500 20 160 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10 80 ※Value when using Resin Pipe φ28. 280 Vertical F Horizontal F Allowable Load (N) F Allowable Moment (N・m) Vertical Horizontal 290 370 Moment Load F L 23.2 30.8 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 100 200 50 300 33 500 20 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) ■ Parallel Holder GFJ-A47 Slide Load (N) F 960 500 Moment Load (N・m) Moment Load Apply on the Side F F L 256 100 180 200 90 300 60 500 36 Allowable Moment (N・m) 18 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Pull-out Load (N) Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ Parallel Holder HS GFJ-A49 Slide Load (N) 1370 Moment Load (N) 560 Moment Load Allowable Moment (N・m) 20 Apply on the Side F F F L ■ L Slot Connector Piece GFA-601 ※When using Multi Connector Outer Type. Tightening Torque for L Slot Connector Piece Slide Load (N) F 200 Pull-out Load (N) F L Slot Connector Piece Moment Load 130 Vertical F GFL Slot Horizontal L Slot Connector Piece L F L L Slot Connector Piece GFL Slot L Slot Connector Piece GFL Slot GFL Slot GF-G Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 350 200 175 300 116 500 70 Allowable Moment (N・m) 35 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF jig 5N・m Panel Board Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 50 20 200 25 10 300 17 7 500 10 4 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5 2 GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use ■ Stand Connector GFJ-A36 Slide Load (N) 600 Pull-out Load (N) F F 2-Hexagon Socket Flat Head Cap Screw M6 2-Hexagon Socket Flat Head Cap Screw M6 SF Moment Load 240 Vertical F Horizontal L F 2-Hexagon Socket Flat Head Cap Screw M6 SF SF 2-Hexagon Socket Flat Head Cap Screw M6 L SF Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 700 500 200 350 250 300 233 167 500 140 100 Allowable Moment (N・m) 70 50 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index ■ Foot Connector M12 Resin Type GFN-E02-T (Resin Type) GFN-E17 (Conductive Resin Type) Resin Compression Load (N) Conductive Resin 1250 500 Resin Pull-out Load (N) Conductive Resin F Moment Load F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Resin 100 620 600 200 310 300 300 207 200 500 124 120 Allowable Moment (N・m) 62 60 Conductive Resin - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F 120 120 257 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-N ) ■ Foot Connector M8 GFN-E01 Compression Load (N) 1200 Pull-out Load (N) 39 Moment Load F Load Capacity (N) 100 50 200 25 300 17 500 10 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) ■ Adjuster Caster Connector B GFN-C09 1900 Slide Load (N) 900 Moment Load F F F ■ Palette Connector GFJ-A13 Load Capacity (N) Allowable Load (N) F L F ■ Adjuster Caster Connector A GFN-C08 Length L (mm) 100 470 200 235 300 157 500 94 Allowable Moment (N・m) 47 L ■ Pipe Stand A GFN-E15 Moment Load 3250 Moment of Frame 200 L L Allowable Load (N) Frame Single 100 F F F Length L (mm) Single ※In case of using Steel Plate and apply load in the middle. 850 1250 300 833 500 500 Allowable Moment (N・m) 250 85 Moment Load Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 400 200 200 300 133 500 80 Allowable Moment (N・m) 40 F L ■ Board Holder GFJ-A22 Slide Load (N) ■ Board Holder F GFF-A01 250 Moment Load (N) 260 Allowable Moment (N・m) 13 F F ■ Hinge Connector GFJ-A04-T Moment Load L F 400 F ■ Hinge Connector L GFJ-A07 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 180 200 90 300 500 Allowable Moment (N・m) 258 Load Capacity (N) Moment Load Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 180 200 90 60 300 60 36 500 36 18 Allowable Moment (N・m) 18 L F - Tel. +39 0434 572757 ■ Base Stand GFN-E08 Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ Hinge Connector Hard GFJ-A88 Moment Load L ■ Rotary Connector GFJ-A94 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 640 200 320 300 213 500 128 Allowable Moment (N・m) 64 F Radial Thrust 750 F F GF-S GF jig ■ GF Slider P-F GFJ-A41 Slide Properties (Bottom Load) 10 43 mm 19 mm ■ GF Slider F-F GFJ-A38 Slide Properties (Using 2 pcs) (N) GF-G 450 Slide Properties (Top Load) 40 F 20 Panel Board Moment Load (N) 110 Allowable Moment (N・m) 2.2 GF Unit F F GF Sample Application F ■ Hinge Connector Stopper GFJ-A09 Home Use ※Tightening Torque 1.5N・m Slide Load (N) ■ Hinge Connector Stopper Hard GFJ-A61 350 Slide Load (N) 750 F F Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index ■ Resin Idler GFA-A30 ■ Steel Idler GFW-239 Load Capacity (N) 30 Load Capacity (N) F - Tel. +39 0434 572757 ■ φ48 Idler GFW-263 200 Load Capacity (N) ■ Anti-back for Conveyor GFK-N05 F 200 F ■ Hinge FL/R GFP-005/GFP-007 4.5 150 F Load Capacity (N) F Allowable Moment (N・m) Load Capacity (N) ■ Elevation Lock GFK-N06 200 ■ Hinge PL/R GFP-000/GFP-004 300 F F Load Capacity (N) ■ Slot Roller L40 Light SFA-809 ■ GF Detachable Hinge L/R GFP-012/GFP-013 Allowable Moment (N・m) F 4.5 Allowable Moment (N・m) 3 F 259 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-N) ■ Connector Piece Compact GFJ-B09 Slide Load (N) 260 ■ For the side of Connector Piece Compact GFJ-B18 Moment Load (N) 500 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5.75 F Slide Load (N) Moment Load (N) 500 Allowable Moment (N・m) 6 F Moment Load (N) 500 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5.75 F ■ Part Holder GFA-000 ※Tightening Torque 10.8 (N・m) ※Tightening Torque 10.8 (N・m) 410 260 F F ■ Connector Piece GFJ-A31 Slide Load (N) Slide Load (N) 230 Moment Load (N) 260 Allowable Moment (N・m) 8 F F ■ SS Slot Assist GFQ-017 F ■ Off-set Connector GFJ-A35 Slide Load (N) 250 F Slide Load (N) Both Ends Support 195 Because GF strength is less than Off-set Connector, Allowable Load will refer to Frame Strength Data. F F 2-Hexagon Socket Cap Screw M5 SF ■ Double Saddle GFJ-A27 Allowable Moment Load (N・m) Allowable Moment Load (N・m) 1 ■ Tool Bracket GFH-003 6.5 Slide Load (N) 340 Allowable Moment (N・m) F F L F ■ Impact Holder Kit Vertical Type GFK-802 440 F F L ■ Impact Holder Kit Side Type GFK-803 Repeating Load (N) Repeating Load (N) Repeating Load : 60,000 cycles (Load 14N : Using Impact Weight in the test) 400 Repeating Load : 60,000 cycles (Load 14N : Using Impact Weight in the test) F ※ Please check the fastening once ever y 10,000 cycles during the repeating use.If it's not been used over 2 weeks, please check the fastening before use. ■ Fixed Side Free Connector GFJ-A52 Moment Load (N) ※Please check the fastening once ever y 10,000 cycles during the repeating use.If it's not been used over 2 weeks, please check the fastening before use. ■ Ring Runner GFA-A06 400 Load Capacity (N) F F 260 22 10 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 ■ Single Saddle GFJ-A25 Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ GF-SF Connector S Slot Kit GFA-603 Slide Load (N) 583 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F L F L F Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical 43 mm Horizontal 100 101 41 200 51 21 300 33 14 500 20 8 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10.1 4.1 ■ GF-SF Connector L Slot Kit GFA-607 Slide Load (N) GF-G GF-S 19 mm GF jig Panel Board 852 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F L F L F Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 115 49 200 58 25 300 38 16 500 23 10 Allowable Moment (N・m) 11.5 4.9 GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use ■ GF-SF Connector S Slot G Kit GFA-605 Slide Load (N) 1331 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F L L F F Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 317 54 200 159 27 300 106 18 500 63 11 Allowable Moment (N・m) 31.7 5.4 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index ■ GF-SF Connector L Slot G Kit GFA-609 Slide Load (N) 1562 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F F Vertical Horizontal 100 281 55 200 141 28 300 94 18 500 56 11 Allowable Moment (N・m) 28.1 5.5 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) 261 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-G) Tightening Torque for Connector 25 N m ・ ■ Multi Connector Outer Type G GFJ-014 Slide Load (N) 2500 Pull-out Load (N) 690 Moment Load Vertical F F Horizontal F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 660 150 200 330 75 300 220 50 500 132 30 Allowable Moment (N・m) 66 15 ■ Multi Connector Inner Type G GFJ-209 Slide Load (N) 1700 Pull-out Load (N) 1000 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 500 300 200 250 150 300 167 100 500 100 60 Allowable Moment (N・m) 50 30 ■ Multi Connector Outer Type G-N GFJ-022 Slide Load (N) 1100 F Pull-out Load (N) 561 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 540 110 200 270 55 300 180 37 500 108 22 Allowable Moment (N・m) 54 11 ■ Multi Connector Inner Type G-N GFJ-224 1200 Pull-out Load (N) 839 Moment Load Vertical F F F Horizontal F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 410 130 200 205 65 300 137 43 500 82 26 Allowable Moment (N・m) 41 13 ■ Multi Connector Outer Type GM GFJ-028 Slide Load (N) 1150 Pull-out Load (N) 530 Moment Load Vertical F F Horizontal F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 2400 350 200 1200 175 300 799 117 500 480 70 Allowable Moment (N・m) 240 35 ■ Multi Connector Inner Type GH GFJ-031 Slide Load (N) F 1300 Pull-out Load (N) 800 Moment Load Vertical F Horizontal F F L L 262 Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 1500 250 200 750 125 300 495 83 500 300 50 Allowable Moment (N・m) 150 25 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Slide Load (N) Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ Angle Connector Outer Type G GFJ-016 Pull-out Load (N) Moment Load 260 Vertical Horizontal F F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 1700 90 200 850 45 300 567 30 500 340 18 Allowable Moment (N・m) 170 9 ■ Free Connector Inner Type G GFJ-228 Slide Load (N) 1000 GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF jig Panel Board Pull-out Load (N) 700 Moment Load F F F L Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 100 200 50 300 33 500 20 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10 GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use ■ 45° Connector Outer Type G GFJ-024 Slide Load (N) 900 Pull-out Load (N) F 600 Moment Load F L F Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 440 200 220 300 147 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment 500 88 Allowable Moment (N・m) 44 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) Index ■ Foot Connector M16G GFN-E05 Compression Load (N) 5800 Pull-out Load (N) 320 Moment Load F F L - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F 100 55 200 28 300 18 500 11 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5.5 Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) ■ Foot Connector M16GConductive GFN-E21 Compression Load (N) 1000 Pull-out Load (N) 100 Moment Load F F L F ■ Pipe Stand G GFN-E20 Pull-out Load (N) ■ Board Holder G For Outer GFJ-A33 224 F Slide Load (N) 150 F Allowable Moment (N・m) 38 19 300 13 500 8 Allowable Moment (N・m) 3.8 ■ Board Holder G For Inner GFJ-A34 8 F 100 200 Slide Load (N) 90 F Allowable Moment (N・m) 6 F L 263 Aluminum Pipe Structural Green Frame GF Technical Data Connector Strength Data (GF-S) Tightening Torque for Connector 7.4 N m ・ ■ Multi Connector Outer Type S GFJ-018 Slide Load (N) 280 Pull-out Load (N) 400 Moment Load Vertical Horizontal F F F F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 30 12 200 15 6 300 10 4 500 6 2 Allowable Moment (N・m) 3 1.2 ■ Multi Connector Inner Type S GFJ-211 Slide Load (N) 150 Pull-out Load (N) 210 Moment Load Vertical F F F Horizontal F L L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 60 18 200 30 9 300 20 6 500 12 4 Allowable Moment (N・m) 6 1.8 ■ GFS-GF Connector GFJ-020 Slide Load (N) 280 Pull-out Load (N) F 500 Moment Load Vertical F Horizontal F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical Horizontal 100 40 25 200 20 13 300 13 8 500 8 5 Allowable Moment (N・m) 4 2.5 ■ Point Connector S GFJ-A72 535 Moment Load Vertical F Horizontal F L F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Vertical 100 170 15 200 85 7.5 Horizontal 300 57 5 500 34 3 Allowable Moment (N・m) 17 1.5 ■ Double Connector S GFJ-A55 Slide Load (N) 300 Moment Load (N) 90 Moment Load Allowable Moment (N・m) 2 Apply on the Side F F F L Length L (mm) Allowable Load (N) 100 20 Apply on the Side 200 10 300 6.6 500 4 Allowable Moment (N・m) 2 ■ Straight Connector S GFJ-A89 Pull-out Load (N) 440 Moment Load Cantilever Both Ends F L 264 F F L Allowable Load (N) Length L (mm) Cantilever Both Ends 100 108 205 200 54 103 300 36 68 500 22 41 Allowable Moment (N・m) 10.8 20.5 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Slide Load (N) Approx. Frame Size Frame Strength Data Strength Data P.238 P.246 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N 28 mm ■ Foot Connector S GFN-E07 Compression Load (N) 920 Pull-out Load (N) 80 Moment Load F F F ■ Hinge Connector S GFA-A64 F L Allowable Load (N) 100 11 200 6 300 4 500 2 Allowable Moment (N・m) 1.1 Allowable Load (N) 100 52 200 26 300 17 500 10.3 Allowable Moment (N・m) 5.15 Slide Load (N) F 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF jig ■ Hinge Connector Stopper S GFA-A64 Length L (mm) Moment Load L GF-G Length L (mm) Panel Board 400 GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use ■ Ring Runner S GFA-A32 Load Capacity (N) 24.5 Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index - Tel. +39 0434 572757 F 265 266 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Aluminum Pipe Structural GF-N 28 mm GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data GREEN FRAME Dealer Delivery Environment Index - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Technical Data Assembly Method Frame Connector Compatible Table 267 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data GF Assembly Method Unscrew the connector Ⓐ and insert Green Frame like to clamp the protruding of Frame Ⓑ, then tighten screw. Connector Ⓐ Frame Ⓑ ※Practically it's not necessary to remove the bolt. 90° Connection Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Outer Type W Multi Connector Outer Type G Multi Connector Outer Type G-N Multi Connector Outer Type GM/GH Multi Connector Outer Type S GFS-GF Connector Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Inner Type R Multi Connector Long Inner Type Multi Connector Inner Type G Multi Connector Inner Type S P34 P34 P35 P108 P118 Angle Connector Outer Type Angle Connector Inner Type Angle Connector Outer Type Angle Connector Outer Type E Angle Connector Outer Type G Angle Connector Inner Type Angle Connector Inner Type DX Angle Connector Inner Type DX 3 Direction P35 P35 P109 P35 P43 P43 90° Cross Connection 90° Connection Reinforcement Cross Connector Point Connector Point Connector S P39 P38 P118 GF-N Frame and GF-S Frame Connection Connect GF-G Frame to GF-N Frame GFS-GF Connector P118 Multi Connector Outer Type G-N Multi Connector Inner Type G-N Green Frame (28 mm) P108 P108 ※Use in case of the 90° Connection side-by-side. GF Frame and SF Frame Connection GF-SF Connector P98 Green Frame G (43 mm) Connect Frame in the groove of Green Frame L Slot and reinforce when using Multi Connector Outer Type. L Slot Connector Piece P42 L Slot Connector Piece Green Frame L Slot Multi Connector Green Frame L Slot 45° Connection N Series G Series 45° Connection 45° Connector Outer Type 45° Connector Outer Type G 45° Connector Inner Type 268 P38 P109 P38 L Slot Connector Piece - Tel. +39 0434 572757 P34 P38 P108 P108 P109 P118 P118 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N GF Assembly Method 28 mm Free Angle Connection 3 Dimensions Free Angle (Fix when tighten the bolt) 3 Dimension Free Angle (Also fix when tighten the bolt) Free Connector Outer Type Free Connector Inner Type Free Connector Inner Type G Free Connector Outer Type V-M Free Connector Inner Type V-M P36 P36 P109 2 Dimensions Free Angle (Also fix when tighten the bolt) Free Connector Outer Type H-F P37 Free Connector Inner Type H-F P37 Free Connector Outer Type H-M Free Connector Inner Type H-M Frame Angle Rotation Free Rotation P34 ※Rotate the Frame and fix in any angle. GF-S 19 mm GF Jig P37 P37 Panel Board GF Unit Hinge Connector Hinge Connector L Hinge Connector Hard Hinge Connector S Rotary Connector Hinge Connector Stopper Hinge Connector Stopper Hard Hinge Connector Stopper S Free Angle Cross (Parallel) Free Angle Cross Cross Connector Rotation Tool Bracket P39 43 mm P36 P36 2 Dimensions Free Angle (Fix when tighten the bolt) Multi Connector Inner Type R GF-G P59 P59 P59 P121 P59 P61 P61 P121 GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data P90 Dealer Delivery Environment Tilt Connection Example Free Connector Hinge Connector Stopper Multi Connector Inner Type R Hinge Connector Index - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Parallel Connection Double Connector Double Connector Double Connector C Kit Double Connector P15 Double Connector S Bridge Connector P40 P40 P40 P119 Pipe Holder Pipe Holder Bridge Connector P40 Parallel Holder P41 Parallel Holder Parallel Holder HS P41 P41 Tie Connection Tie Connection Straight Connector Straight Joint Straight Connector S P42 P42 P119 269 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data GF Assembly Method (Foot Component) Foot Component Installation Method Foot Connector Frame Caster Foot Connector M12 (Resin) Foot Connector M8 Foot Connector M16 G Foot Connector S P45 P45 P111 P120 Adjuster/Caster for GF-N Adjuster/Caster for GF-G Foot for GF-S P47~ P111~ P120 Each Type of Frame Caster Fixed Frame Caster Thin Spanner for Caster Stubby Wrench P49/P50/P112 P49 P126 P126 Foot Connector Thin Spanner for Caster Shaft Screw Caster Adjuster Frame Caster ② Insert Frame and lock with wrench ① Using spanner to remove wheel. ③ Using spanner to install wheel. Proper Torque for Nut : 5N·m±20% (Please fasten in the range of 4~6N·m) ● ※Frame Caster can be installed caster directly into frame. If using stubby wrench, no need to remove wheel to install frame. Free Caster Fixed Caster Free/Fixed Caster P51 ※To Install Green Frame L Slot φ75 T Nut L M8 (SFK-T11S) / Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw M8 x15 (SFB-581S) / Flat Washer M8 Small Round Type (SFB-5M8S) 4 pcs each / 1 wheel φ100/φ150 T Nut L M8 (SFK-T11S) Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw M8 x18 (SFB-589S) / Flat Washer M8 (SFB-903S) / Spring Washer M8 (SFB-934S) 4 pcs each / 1 wheel are not included. Caster Fix Caster Fix Caster Fix P52 P52 Caster Fix Caster for Caster Fix N Frame ф100 Free Caster M6 Brake or ф100 Fixed Caster M6 φ100 Free Caster M6 Brake or φ100 Fixed Caster M6 ① Install Caster Fix into Caster. ② Install Caster Fix in between ③ Turn Caster Fix 90° and fasten with bolt. Frame. Floor Lock Installation Method Hammer Lock Free Lock Floor Lock P53 P53 P54 Green Frame L Slot ST Nut Green Frame L Slot Green Frame L Slot Hammer Lock Installation Method → → Green Frame L Slot Green Frame L Slot Hammer Lock Caster Green Frame L Slot 13 (21.5) Free Lock Installation Method Green Frame Green Frame L Slot ф75 (ф100) Free Caster ф75 (ф100) Fixed Caster ※ Inside ( ) is a dimension when using ф100 Free Lock 270 ← Green Frame 2-T Nut S (M6) Free Lock Connector Caster ф75 : Install at the bottom hole. Caster ф100 : Install at the 3rd hole from the bottom. Free Lock 2-Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw M6 x 35 Flat Washer M6 - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Hammer Lock / Free Lock / Floor Lock Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 Board Dimension / Process Dimension→P241 Panel Dimension / Process Dimension→P242 GF Assembly Method (Board / Panel Installation) Board→P132 Panel→P128 Board Installation Method Board Holder Board Holder Board Holder G Inner Connector Thick Plate 43 mm In case of thick plate GF-S 19 mm Frame Guard G GF Jig Lower Screw Upper Screw Truss Tapping Screw M4 Truss Tapping Screw M4 Truss Tapping Screw M4 Truss Tapping Screw M4 Multi Connector Outer Type G Multi Connector Inner Type G Panel Board GF Unit Board Holder F Board Holder F 28 mm GF-G Outer Connector Thick Plate P56 P113 GF-N P56 GF Sample Application Board Home Use Double Sided Tape Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Panel Installation Method Board Holder Board Holder Board Holder G M5 P56 P113 M5 M5 Board Holder G Index M5 Board Holder Outer Connector Frame Guard Multi Connector Outer Type Inner Connector Frame Guard G Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Outer Type G Board Holder G for Inner Lower Screw Board Holder G for Outer Upper Screw Multi Connector Inner Type G T Nut S - Tel. +39 0434 572757 T Nut S Panel Board Panel Board Panel Board S Plate Connector P56 P120 Plate Connector Plate Connector S P57 P120 Clamp into the protruding ※ Screw for Panel Installation is not included. Panel Board Holder Panel Board Holder Panel t=3 P57 Clamp into the protruding Panel Side Hold Outer (t=3) Panel Side Hold Base 271 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data GF Assembly Method (Moving Part) Rotation Hinge Connector Hinge Connector L Hinge Connector Hard Hinge Connector S Rotary Connector Slide P59 P59 P59 P121 P59 GF Slider Slide Connector Linear Bush Hinge Connector Hinge Connector L Hinge Connector Hard Hinge Connector S Slot Roller P60 P60 P60 P59 P59 P59 P121 P63 Slot Roller Light 40 L Stopper Hinge Connector Stopper Hinge Connector Stopper Hard Hinge Connector Stopper S Green Frame L Slot P61 P61 P121 Idler / Slot Roller Install Method Wire Component Installation Method Idler Slot Roller Wire Component Part Wire Cutter & Swager P62 P63 P65~ P126 Wire Thimble Wire Sleeve Wire Spring Installation Method Post Spring Connector Post Kit for Tension Spring Tension Spring Wire Sleeve Crimp P65 P65 P66 Wire Sleeve Cutting Eyebolt Wire Screw Shackle Eyebolt Antistatic Equipment - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Antistatic Equipment Installation Kit P63 Antistatic Rack Installation Kit P63 For Elevating Brake For Descending Brake Power Unit Installation Method Power Unit P67 ST Nut Green Frame L Slot Cross Connector Double Connector Double Connector 272 Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 Compatible Frame Connector Table P.275 GF-N GF Assembly Method (Corocon / Door / Part Installation) 28 mm Corocon Install Method GF-G 43 mm P70~ P75~ P60 P34 P39 P244 Corocon Corocon Hook Slider Connector Multi Connecter Inner R Cross Connector Corocon Dimension / Strength Data GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Frame Assist Corocon ※ Using Multi Connector Inner R to connect Pillar Frame Multi Connecter Inner R Panel Board and Frame / Frame Assist that has Corocon Hook, then adjust Frame angle to match the tilt of Corocon. Corocon Hook GF Unit Corocon Assist Frame Installation Method GF Sample Application Home Use Slider Connector Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Corocon Hook D Corocon / Corocon Wide Corocon / Aluminum Corocon Aluminum Corocon Index Door Installation Method Hinge GF Detachable Hinge Catch for Panel Catch for Frame Door Panel Dimension P82 P82 P83 P83 P245 Hinge P-L Hinge P-R Hinge F-L Hinge F-R GF Detachable Hinge Catch for Panel Catch for Frame - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Magnet Catch Magnet Catch Part Installation Method Part Holder SS Slot Assist Connector Piece P88 P88 P88 Part Holder SS Slot Assist L50 T Nut S Connector Piece Slot Hook SS (Purchase Separately) Part Holder Set Screw ! Using for Part / Equipment installation. ! Also can use with G Frame. Connector Piece 273 Aluminum Pipe Structural GREEN FRAME GF Technical Data GF Assembly Method (Fix to Wall and Floor / Impact Holder / Electric Component) How to fix to the wall / Floor Off-set Connector Single Saddle Double Saddle P89 P89 P89 Stand Connector Pipe Stand A Pipe Stand G Base Stand P46 P46 P111 P46 Base Stand Single Saddle Double Saddle Off-set Connector Stand Connector Pipe Stand A Impact Holder Installation Method Impact Holder Horizontal Type P90 Impact Holder Vertical Type P90 Impact Holder Horizontal Kit Type Impact Holder Vertical Kit Type Installation angle is changeable by 4 step of 0°, 10°, 20°, 30° by changing the location of insert pin. LED Light Installation Method P30 P127 ← Leak Plate Installation Method Conductive Item Leak Plate Ground Cable Kit Conductive Board Conductive Caster Conductive Inner Cap Conductive Foot Connector M12 Conductive Foot Connector M16 Conductive Corocon Conductive Corocon Hook 274 Ground Cable Kit Installation Method Leak Plate P95 P95 P132 P48~/P112~ P86 P45 P111 P71 P76 Leak Plate Leak Plate Ground Cable Kit Using 2 Leak Plates to take conduction inside frame like drawing shown on the left. Then using ground cable kit to take ground from any frame. - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Green Frame L Slot ST Nut Approx. Frame Size Connector Strength Data P.238 P.252 GF-N Compatible Frame/Connector Table 28 mm Compatible Frame and Connector List GF-N Frame Connector Multi Connector Outer Type Multi Connector Inner Type Multi Connector Inner Type R Multi Connector Long Inner Type Angle Connector Outer Type Angle Connector Outer Type E Angle Connector Inner Type Free Connector Outer Type Free Connector Outer Type V-M Free Connector Inner Type Free Connector Outer Type H-F Free Connector Outer Type H-M Free Connector Inner Type H-F Free Connector Inner Type H-M Multi Connector Outer Type w 45° Connector Outer Type 45° Connector Inner Type Point Connector Cross Connector Double Connector Double Connector P15 Double Connector C Kit Bridge Connector Straight Connector Straight Joint L Slot Connector Piece Multi Connector Outer Type G Multi Connector Inner Type G Angle Connector Outer Type G Multi Connector Outer G-N Multi Connector Inner G-N - Tel. +39 0434 572757 Free Connector Inner G 45° Connector Outer G Multi Connector Outer Type GM/GH Multi Connector Outer Type S Multi Connector Inner Type S GFS-GF Connector Point Connector S Straight Connector S Double Connector S Connection Green Position Frame GF-G Green Frame T Green Frame Hard Green Frame L Slot Green Frame F35 Green Frame F50 Green Frame W Green Frame Slide Green Frame P100 Green Frame G GF-S Green Green Green Green Green Green Frame G Frame G Frame G Frame G Frame G Frame G Rack Rack L Slot Hard W P150 Beam Beam W Green Frame S Green Frame S SS Slot Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Grip Side Grip Side Grip Side Grip Side Grip Side Insert Side Insert Side Insert Side ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー (○) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー (○) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー (○) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side Insert Side Grip Side ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ○ ー ー ー ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ー ー ○ ○ ー ○ GF-G 43 mm GF-S 19 mm GF Jig Panel Board GF Unit GF Sample Application Home Use Technical Data Dealer Delivery Environment Index Connector Insert Side Grip Side 275
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