2 Helgesen 2012-09-12 Enova ECEEE 1-115-12.pptx
2 Helgesen 2012-09-12 Enova ECEEE 1-115-12.pptx
Lessons Learnt from 10 years of Industry Energy Efficiency Program Management eceee Industrial Summer Study 2012-09-12 Per Ivar Helgesen, Enova SF Marit Sandbakk, Enova SF Enova SF Norwegian national energy agency, est. 2001 Vision: An energy-efficient and renewable Norway Enova SF Owned by Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Financed by the Energy Fund Quantified energy targets Freedom in program design 60 employees, located in Trondheim Our main tool Investment support - We support new solutions that can become competitive - Give an extra push, and lower the risk by providing support early - Concern: Applicants have incentives to overstate their goals and costs in order to maximise the financial support Granting support – to which projects? Ex post impact evaluation A project profile Start Finish Operational Research questions 1) Do energy efficiency projects in Industry deliver what they promise? 2) How soon can we know? The time span for industrial energy efficiency programs is long The figure is based on observed cancellation and completion rates for supported projects since 2002. n=337 • Many projects are still cancelled after 4 years - but have rarely received any monetary support • Most projects last 5 years or more à Administrative follow-up is necessary! The promise n=24 The whole picture n=337 How soon can we know? n=24 Comparison Industry Renewable heating Buildings Industry projects perform well! • Lower support levels (cost/benefit) • Comparable cancellation rates • Deliver the expected results • Smaller fluctuations Industry projects perform well +8% +15% +8% The projects Pulp and paper (waste heat recovery) Pulp and paper (portfolio of subprojects) Pulp and paper (waste heat recovery) Metallurgic industry (portfolio of subprojects) Pulp and paper Metallurgic industry (portfolio of subprojects) Food industry (isolation and rehabilitation of evaporators) cost/benefit ratio The support level has been increasing • The lowest hanging fruits may have been taken • The importance of barriers may change over time 1. Lack of external infratructure Total potential 100 % 27 TWh 11 TWh 2. Immature technology 3. Lack of economic interest 56% 47% 2,4TWh 6,9TWh 4. Limited funding 22% 5. Lack of consciousness and expertise 19% 0,8TWh 5,1 TWh Enova Industry Investment aid for infrastructure Aid for qualifying new technologies Developing technology Investment aid Developing markets Energy management Benchmarking Analysis Advisory services Cooperation Change of behaviour Lessons learnt • • • • • • • Do Industry projects reach their commitments? Yes – they seem to over perform by 15% Are project completion estimates more accurate than initial ex ante estimates? Yes, they are close to ex post results, and not overly optimistic How much do we lose in cancellations? 25% of the energy results - but we retain the money Are energy results definitive? No - they will fluctuate, and it is natural to expect +/- 10% How do Industry projects deliver compared with other areas? Very well Do we get quick results? No, many projects need more than 5 years to complete Are the benefits easy to trigger? The support level needed to trigger projects is increasing, we need to address the relevant barriers Thank you for your attention!