2008 Annual Report


2008 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
Board of Directors
Kathleen Kunkler
Morgan Stanley
Through comprehensive housing
solutions,SAVE, Inc. empowers
those living with or at risk for HIV/
AIDS to lead healthy stable lives
with personal dignity
SAVE, Inc.
By the Numbers
almost 700 families assisted every month
We spend around$280,000in direct assistance - every month
SAVE owns and operates 9
residential facilities, providing75
units of housing in midtown
Kansas City
SAVE has invested over3.4 million
in ubran renewal dollars in midtown
We know that 60%of all those
infected with HIV will need some
form of housing assistance. SAVE
is constantly striving to meet the
need in Kansas City
Greg Tobey
Children International
Kirk Isenhour
JP Morgan
Bob Theis
Samuel Rodgers
Community Health Center
Lauren Aaronson, PhD
University of Kansas
School of Nursing
R. Christopher Abele
Jim Dobbie
State Street
Katie Heschmeyer
Reese and Nichols
Mary Lou Kegler
Community Volunteer
David Lohrentz
JKLA, Inc.
Steven M. Scott
Bank Midwest
Christopher Smith
Eppright Law Offices
Mistie Stevens
Kami Thomas, PhD
Bloch School of
Business - UMKC
Andrea Umbreit
Smiles Change Lives
Zori Rodríguez
Friends of SAVE,
SAVE has long been a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, a refuge for those with nowhere else to go. This advocacy
stems from our founding, a lesson well learned from the altruists who
saw a need in the community and sprung to action. SAVE, Inc. was
founded as a final stop for those dying from the opportunistic infections
that accompany AIDS, a place to die with dignity and understanding.
SAVE, Inc. is now a place of life, a place to find health, happiness and
a future. As a direct result of the
efforts of so many in our local and
global community; SAVE is no longer
just a place for goodbyes but a place
of healing. It has been a remarkable journey, we have fought this
pandemic in the cities and towns of
our 15 county service area for well
over twenty years – but the fight is
far from over.
HIV is not abating, it is not a disease
of yesterday, it is here now and if we
hope for a better tomorrow we must
act today. Both locally and nationally
we are seeing a rise in new infections; primarily in people under the
age of 25, African Americans, minority woman, young men who have sex
with men, and those living in poverty.
This is the next generation of HIV.
Young people becoming infected
before they can vote, spending the
rest of their lives fighting discrimination, poverty, a broken healthcare
system, and their own immune
systems. These trends are a frightening reality, HIV is creeping back
into the lives of young Americans - it
is time for us to rise to action. Again
we must be the voice for those in
need; we must be at the vanguard of
a renewed effort to curb AIDS.
HIV is sometimes a forgotten plague
in the US, a disease of another
continent, of another era. We must
remind our neighbors, friends, city
council members, congress persons,
and senators that this is not the
case. In fact, to receive US AIDS
funding (PEPFAR) foreign nations
must have a national plan to combat
HIV/AIDS, yet the United States has
no such plan. There is a moment in
this country, an opportunity to remake the future of this disease, but
this effort will require advocates to
spread the message; from the culde-sacs of Prairie Village to Jefferson City and on to Washington.
Ringing the bell, alerting our community to the crises is a part of the
solution, an integral step. Yet we
must also continue to actively fight
HIV in our community everyday.
Housing is a fundamental and potent
weapon in this struggle. Supportive Housing has been proven to not
only reduce the deadly force of HIV
(lower viral counts, higher T cell
counts, decreased fatalities) but to
also reduce risk factors for transmission – preventing the spread of HIV.
For almost five years now we have
known through research and scientific evaluation that housing is the most
urgent, unmet need for those living
with HIV, and we now have proof that
housing is a powerful intervention in
fighting this disease. We have been
given the information and the impe-
tus to act. Now we must answer.
I firmly believe that we can fight
back this resurgent foe, but the
time is now.
We are so grateful for your support
over the past year, so much has
been accomplished and so much
remains to be done. But, with
your support, SAVE will be there
to serve as a safety net, a home,
and a place of new beginnings for
those living with or at risk for HIV/
AIDS in Kansas City. On behalf of
our staff and the nearly 700 individuals we serve – thank you. You
are the heart of SAVE, Inc.!
If you are interested in joining
SAVE’s advocacy efforts on behalf
of those we serve, visit our new
website at www.SAVEINCKC.org
and click on the “Advocacy” toolbar.
Zori Rodríguez
Chief Executive Officer
SAVE, Inc.
60% of those living with HIV/AIDS will need
some form of housing assistance.
From its very inception, SAVE, Inc. has been the very embodiment of community
and compassion in action. SAVE was born out of crisis; a crushing need for understanding and care for those afflicted by AIDS and a group of volunteers who were
moved to action. SAVE, Inc. has grown
from the first AIDS-specific hospice in
Missouri (8 beds) to an organization
that houses almost 700 individuals
and families every month. This growth
is an expression of the altruism that
pervades Kansas City. The munificent
individuals, corporations, and foundations listed in the pages that follow are
the forces that have allowed SAVE to
exponentially expand to meet the need
in our community, and the personifica-
tion of what makes Kansas City the
quintessential “home”town. Truly,
what more profound statement can be
made of our values, by housing our
neighbors we strengthen our community. SAVE was founded because too
many of those dying from HIV/AIDS
were left homeless, penniless, and
alone. SAVE, Inc. was the right thing
to do. Yet, the power of SAVE’s services are so much more than just support for those fighting HIV, it is a key
to stopping the spread. We now know
that housing is a key to preventing the
spread of HIV.
After years of research, concrete evidence has arisen that codifies the reality that supportive housing for those
living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS is not
only essential to living with the disease
but also a key intervention in preventing its transmission. By providing
stable housing we can; reduce the risk
of exposure and transmission, improve
access to medical care, and subsequently improve medical outcomes.
In fact, housing has been proven to
be the lynch pin to not only ensuring
entry into medical care (and Antiviral
Therapy), but also in preventing those
infected from falling out of treatment
and improving medical adherence. In
short, as a result of supportive housing and its impact on healthcare, we
find drastically lower viral loads in
those people stably housed. Thus, we
reduce mortality and the likelihood of
als into exaggerated risk of violence,
drug addiction, and transaction sex –
forcing people into impossible choices,
where mere survival trumps fear of HIV.
Housing is a structural intervention
that has an independent, casual role in
HIV prevention.
These realities have led science to a
realization that many of us have known
for decades, that HIV transmission is
not necessarily a result of a “risky perWe now have proof of the reality that
SAVE, Inc. and our clients have been
son” but a risky situation, a symptom
living for over twenty
of environment rather
Stable housing reduces
years. Housing is the
than just an individual.
risk factors. Housing prekey to survival, preFor years many followed
vents the spread of HIV.
vention, and dignity.
the conceit that behavior
Housing can change
followed the individual
the future for our clients, our cominstead of behavior being a byproduct
munity, and the next generation. Your
of the situation. Supportive houssupport can decimate HIV’s corrosive,
ing has proven these assumptions to
insidious threat. Together, we can stop
be erroneous. We can prevent risky
behaviors and thus HIV transmission
by providing supportive housing.
Research has found that homelessness
drives risk behaviors, forcing individu-
of all new infections
occur in people
under the age of 25
This is the story of one of SAVE’s clients.
Due to the stigma that still haunts those
affected by HIV, names have been altered*
e waited in a small room for what seemed like
an eternity; the dull hum of the waiting room
and sounds of shuffling feet echoing in his ears.
He waited until the door opened. He waited until
the answer came and everything came crashing
down. The wait was over. He was HIV positive. It
was the day before his 18th birthday.
amal* discovered he was HIV positive on the
eve of adulthood. He was diagnosed with fullblown AIDS before he turned twenty-one. It is
nearly impossible to understand the tumult and
seismic shifts he endured during this brief period
where life dealt him blow after blow and hope
faded dimmer by the hour. Yet when you look into
his eyes and listen to him speak hopelessness or
resignation is far from what you find. Jamal is
planning for the future, crafting a better tomorrow
indicative of the promise his youth possesses.
He is hopeful because he has a place to begin, a
place to heal, a place he can call home. Jamal is
one of the well over 600 individuals that SAVE, Inc.
houses every month. His story is not easy to tell
or to hear. Yet what becomes clear is that for the
first time in too long, Jamal is choosing his path
rather than just waiting for life to dictate his next
move. He can live a life of dignity – and dignity
starts at home…
fter I found out, I wasn’t sure what to do, so
for awhile I didn’t do much. I got kicked out of
my house. I was stupid, hung out with the wrong
people, and got into trouble…I messed it up. I
couldn’t stay right.” Jamal spent months couch
surfing or sleeping wherever he could – his body
paid the price. Forced in and out of hospitals and
desperately trying to regain his health, Jamal realized he needed to bring his life under control. “I
stopped hanging out with the people I had been,
really tried to fix my life. I figured better late than
never. Then I got a home through SAVE, everything
changed.” SAVE gave Jamal another lease on life.
“I met Lisa [Elmer, a SAVE Housing Specialist], she
changed my life.”
THE NEXT GENERATION. SAVE will evolve along with the disease, ever
triving to better serve our clients and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS
ow Jamal’s health has stabilized. He returned to school and earned his high school
diploma. “I was able to get back to school ‘cause I had a place of my own, I could
choose the people I let into my life.” Jamal now plans to further his education and
become an IT specialist. “SAVE is the reason I can do anything, I couldn’t afford any
of this [housing or school] without them.” Yet SAVE is much more than just housing
support. “Lisa is always there for me, she’s the person I bounce ideas off of, she cares.
You never know about people, but I know Lisa cares and is there.”
amal’s story is difficult, the fact that someone so young will struggle with the complications, rigors, and setbacks that AIDS delivers is devastating. Sadly, we can’t
alter the past, but we can change the future. By providing a home to Jamal, we know
that we can help improve his health, prevent transmission, and allow him to live a life he
chooses, a life of hope and dignity. Housing is the change that so many are waiting for.
No Place
Like Home
Gift of Dignity
Paul K. Shumaker
Gift of Courage
American Inn
Gift of Hope
Lauren Aaronson, Ph.D.
Daniel Altnether, D.D.S.
and David Paschke
Jerry Amato
Mark D. Anderson
Kirk Baruth
Dr. Chuck Beggs
Neal Brees
Robert L. Claassen, D.D.S.
Corbett Family Charitable Gift Fund
Chuck Crane
Sue Crumpton
Gordon E. Davies and
Michael A. Malone
Jenifer Degen
Mark Dreiling
Carol Ducak
Melissa Eichman
Tom Emery
Rudy R. Esquivel
Jodi Faustlin
Craig Gaskill and
Greg Tobey
Keith Grahl and Harry Anderson
Steve Greer
Ken Hagenback
Les Harrell and Family
Loren Hendrix
Tracy Hennrich and
Matt Zammar
Janice C. Kreamer
Kathleen Kunkler
Katie Heschmeyer
Deborah Holmes
Kirk Isenhour and
Doug Anning
Jolie L. Justus
Bob Lewis, D.D.S. and
Gary Morgan
John Long Lordi-Marker Family
Aaron Martin
Derek McCracken
Janet McGraw
Metzler Bros. Insurance
C. Stephen Metzler
Sharon Meyers
Blaine Proctor
Gene Pulliam
Kris Purvis
Carl and Kristy Reincke
Doug and Linda Robertson
Dr. Michelle Robin
Bob and Charlotte Ronan
Kevin Ryan
Steven M. Scott
Dr. Daniel J. Shead
Jeff Spangler
Matthew Stretz and
Stewart Smith
Steve Stroade
Brian Theis
Curt W. Thomas
Jeff Wagner and Charlie Leap
Herbert Warmbrodt, Jr. and
Tina Sprinkle
Brian Weide
Kevin Westrope
Rhonda Wickham
Rochelle Wilson
Gordon Wood
It is with deep appreciation that we recognize the following individuals, corporations,
government agencies, and foundations that graciously supported our mission during the
2008 fiscal year (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008).
$500,000 and above
City of Kansas City, Missouri
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
$50,000 - $499,999
AIDS Service Foundation of
Greater Kansas City
$10,000 - $49,999
American Inn
Bank of America Charitable
Kyle L. Danner
Jackson County Tax Levy
Lordi Marker Family Foundation
Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
PlattForm Advertising
State Street
$5,000 - $9,999
Carol R. Ducak
Tracy Hennrich and Matt Zammar
Katie Heschmeyer – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Jewish Heritage Foundation
of Greater Kansas City
John Long
Sharon J. Meyers
Blaine Proctor
Doug and Linda Robertson
Bob and Charlotte Ronan
Kevin M. Ryan
Christopher R. Smith
Brian Weide
Rochelle Wilson
$1,000 - $4,999
Chris Abele – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Jerry Amato – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Mark Andrews
Bank Midwest
Cris Barnes – In Memory of
Terry Mahaffey
Chuck Beggs
Tom Bertoncin and Todd Hesher
Boomerang – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Steve Bough – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Neal Brees
Central States Beverage
Robert L. Claassen, D.D.S.
Contract Furnishings
Tracey Cramer and Brock Boyd
Gary Crispell and Donald Shepoka
Sue Crumpton
Mark Dreiling
Kevin Dunn – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Melissa Eichman
Tom Emery – In Memory of
Laurel F. Keller
Rudy R. Esquivel
Tracey Estes
Dan Fellin
Fleishman-Hillard Inc.
Craig Gaskill and Greg Tobey
Keith Grahl and Harry Anderson
Ben Guenther and Al Roush – In
Memory of Laurel F. Keller
HCA Midwest Health System
Loren Hendrix – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Deborah Holmes – In
Honor of Mark Anderson
Kirk Isenhour and Doug Anning
Denise Johnson and Kathy Kennedy
Jolie L. Justus
Richard G. Keller
Tom and Janice Kreamer
Kathleen Kunkler – In Honor of Christopher Smith; In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Elmer and Jo Ann Liveley – In Memory of Dan Liveley
Robert McCormack and Andy Smith
Derek McCracken – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Janet McGraw
Metzler Bros. Insurance
C. Stephen Metzler and
Brian Williams – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Chris Molinsky – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
J.C. Nichols and B.E. Nichols – In Honor of Mark Anderson
Mark W. Plautz and Rob Bair
Gene Pulliam
Dr. Michelle Robin and
Crystal Jenkins
James Rodewald and Michael Siemer – In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Jose R. Rodriguez, D.D.S.
Sara Rowden and Michael Gardner
Rodney D. Schwatken and
Dennis Goodwin – In Honor of Mark Anderson
Mark Schweizer and Thomas Pham
Steven M. Scott
Dr. Daniel J. Shead
Paul Shumaker – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Bob Slothower and Michael Penner
Jeff Spangler and Ceton Van Meter – In Honor of Mark Anderson
Matthew Stretz and Stewart Smith – In Honor of Christopher Smith
Steve Stroade
Brian Theis
Curtis W. Thomas
Robert Tietze and Terry Cooper
United Way of Greater Kansas City
Herbert Warmbrodt and
Tina Sprinkle
Phyllis Washington
Mike Stellern
Bob Theis and Craig Kimsey
Stephanie Ulsh
John J. Vadeboncoeur
Gregory Valentine
Leo S. Walters
Frank and Helen Wewers
Mara Whitaker and
William Fruehwirth
$500 - $999
Peter Ackrill – In Memory of
Peter Kaufman
Mark D. Anderson – In Honor of
Christopher Smith; In Memory
of Laurel F. Keller
Kirk Baruth – In Honor of
$250 - $499
Mark Anderson
Lauren S. Aaronson, Ph.D. – In Kenny Beall
Honor of Mark Anderson
Jeff Bell
Ann Abercrombie
Cheryl Bisbee
Gary D. Adams
Paul and Jackie Brady – In Honor Ted Aguilar
of John Schwartz
America’s Charities
Center of Life Chiropractic, Dr. Andrews McMeel
Aaron T. McDonald
Universal Foundation
Robert J. Cody
Robert Curren
Larry Bailey and Kurt Krieger
Ronald G. Deskin
Steve Bower, Dogs World
Chris Dischler and John Schwartz
of Fun – In Honor of
Doyle R. Dreiling and Jim Coakley
Mark Anderson
Chris Engeman and Justin Wiser – Jeffrey W. Brandon and
In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Neil Baker
Margaret A. Evans, Ph.D.
Ruth Brant
Jodi Faustlin
R. Keith Brumley – In Honor of Susan Fitzpatrick
Mark Anderson
Doug Gamble
Scott F. Butterfield
Scott D. Wilmarth and
Cafe Trio
Brian Gilbreath – In Honor of
Randy Coffey
Mark Anderson
Bob C. Corbett
Edwin F. Gladbach and
Marcia Corbett
Kevin O’Brien – In Honor of
Lynn Crawford, D.D.S. and Mark Anderson
Stefani Brancato
Beth Gottstein
Dawn Dana
Lewis Gowin and Larry Rodgers
Nancy Day and Pat Jesaitis
Heartland Combined
Daniel Devine and
Federal Campaign
Michele Chollet
Richard C. Hill
Jim Dobbie
Norman Holst
Ron Eggleson and Rick Roberts
Dr. Darren E. Killen
Judy and Bart Eisfelder – In Kindred Hospital
Honor of Mark Anderson
Kevin Kinkead – In Honor of
Robert Ellis
Mark Anderson
Peter Engelman
Michael Lintecum
Marcus D. Findley
Dennis Marker and Susan Lordi – James Fontenot
In Honor of Mark Anderson
Great American Barbecue
Kirby McCullough and
Jim Harlow and Don Maish
Dan Auman
Mark Hays
Tom Mitchell
Healthcare Strategic Initiatives Sean and Joyce Patterson
– In Honor of Mark Anderson
Larry Pollard and
John Hodges
Patrick Kappelmann
Hollyday Aesthetics
Ronald A. Ratti
Wayne and Nancy Ifft –
Saint Andrew Christian Church –
In Honor of Mark Anderson
In Honor of Mark Anderson
Greg and Nancy Lear – In Jeff Shearin
Honor of Mark Anderson
Colt McArthur and Brent Peterson
Teresa McDaniels and Jeff Wewers
Ken Millsap and Jay Wilson
Paul Monteil and Chris Hernandez
Jeannette M. Mormino – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Sarah L. Morris
Steve and Kim Nelson
Bob Novellano
Peoples Bank
Jim and Pamela Perilstein
Jose Pineda
Julie L. Quirin – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Red Door Event and Design
Greg Reeves and Jim Shellhammer
– In Honor of Larry Rodgers
Craig and Deb Ritter
Saint Luke’s Health System
Helen Schaag and Andy Sugnet
– In Memory of Dennis Schaag
Tina Schaefer
Sloane Simmons and
Harl Van Deursen – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Dale and Andrea Smith
Deb Stephens – In Memory of
John Bush
Rick Thaemert
Kami Thomas, Ph.D. and
James Spence – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Bruce Thurman – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Andrea and Jeff Umbreit
Katie Van Luchene
Lee Vandenbos
Robert Vollmert
Paul Weigel
Ward Wheeler
David Wiley
Michael Witt and Mark Cagle
Joseph A. Zaiotti and Donald Beasy
$1 - $249
John Abraham
Cynthia S. Adler
Rodger Palmer and Joan Aitken
Dale Allen and George Granzow –
In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Tracey Allen-Ehrhart and
Dave Ehrhart
Mithra Amaran
Douglas Anderson
Jeanne Anderson – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Peter Anderson
Reid Anderson
Tamara J. Anfang
Joseph Anson and Richard Sharp
– In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
J.W. Arnold
Kansas City Athenaeum
Cynthia Austin
Memory of Kenny Cochell
Peter and Carol Bachhuber
Michael Cole
Lisa A. Bailey and Vonda Consani
Lori R. Colvin – In Honor of William W. and Betty Baker
Mark Anderson
Gary and Debra Ballard
Chris Constant – In Honor
Brad Banning
of Jeff Wagner
Neal Bartalos
Thomas Conwell
Lisa J. Tallman and Regina Bartlett
Doug Coonrod
Margo J. Bartling
Kathleen Cooper and
Terry Batt
Richard Bond – In Honor
Bob Batterson, M.D. and Todd Green
of Mark Anderson
Meredith L. Bechtel – In Memory of Bonita Copridge
David R. Lynch
John Corbaley and
Randall Becker and Judith Black
Jim Dronberger
Robert G. Beckers
Robert P. and Alice Corbett – Evelyn Benjes
In Honor of Bob C. Corbett
Charles M. Berlau
Chris Covert
Brad and Emily Berryman
Gregory R. Cox
Dean Bezdek
Margaret Cox
James Biel
David Crichton
Paula N. Biggins
Greg Cusack
Susan and Douglas Borge
Anne and Bill Damico
Jonathan Bowyer
Andrew S. Daniel – In Honor Reverend James Brandt, Ph.D.
of Larry Rodgers
Jacques Bredius
Shonda Darris
Sheila Brock
Caroline C. and Patrick
Wilbur Brown
Davidson – In Memory
Michael Bruce
of James Bryder
Suzie Buchman
JoAnn Davis – In Memory
Holly and Kraig Buckendahl –
of Lester Aaronson
In Honor of Mark Anderson
Richard G. Dawson
Wilbur C. Buckheit
Terry Day
Alex J. and Debbie Buhayar –
Penny Deets
In Honor of Christopher Smith
Jenifer Degen and
Brian Burchfiel
Ann Kennedy
Amelia Burke – In Memory of
Anne Kolarik and
Lester Aaronson
Brenda DeGroot
Shelly Busby
Suzanne Dell-St. Clair
William A. Buschling
Erin Dennihan
Marc Callahan
Jacquelyn Dennihan
Peter Callan
Russ Derringer
Jonathan Callison
Robert Di Raimo
Michael Carroll
Brett D. Dietrich
Joyce Carter
Jason Dischler
Elizabeth Carttar
Dean Dixon
Michael Catcott
Jeffrey A. Dixon
Kate Cavanaugh
Nancy Dixon
Faye Cazzell – In Honor of
Jeremy Dobbie
Christopher Smith
Dennis Dobson
Jeff Chaikin
Frank and Loretta Donnici Jim Chestnut
– In Honor of
Joe Christian – In Honor of
Christopher Smith
Larry Rodgers
Michael Donnici
Kirby Christianson
Anna M. Doran
Dr. Tom Christie
Tom Doyle
Renee Christopherson
Christopher Dress
Andre’ du Broc and
Karen Clark and Theresa Root
Dan Briardy
Sarah J. Clark
Denise Dugan and
Roger Clemons and Nicholas Parrilli
Steve Siebers – In Honor
Eric Cloud
of Mark Anderson
Liza Clouse and Trasi Sharp
Tim Dummer
Dr. Diane Cobb
Robert and Nancy Dunsford
Donald and Mary Cochell – In
Dan Dwyer
John Early
Andrew Edson
Mike Enos
Elaine and Frank D. Eppright
– In Honor of
Christopher Smith
Robin Evans
Charles Everson and Jay Wolf
Clayton Farrell
Joshua Farrell
Vincent Feehan
Joseph Finch
Connie Fischer
John and Elizabeth Fischer
John T. Fischer
Ryan Fischer
Rick Fisher
Stephanie Flage-Holt
Dan L. Flannery
Alex H. Flemington and
Kevin Walker
Sr. Kevin Marie Flynn – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
William T. and Elaine Foley – In Memory of Lester Aaronson
Pamela Folken
Charlotte Folsom – In Honor of Mark Anderson
Janie and Gary Foltz – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
William and Susan J. Ford
Randy Fortuna
Emily Fowler
Grant Fritch and Robb Traylor –
In Honor of Ceton Van Meter
Cindy and Jack Garfinkle – In Memory of Kip Weiner
Miriam Garvey – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
William Gerue
Marianne Getchell
Eileen Gibbs
James Gilligan – In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Matt Givan
Phil Glynn
Shirley Gomerdinger – In
Memory of Lester Aaronson
Christy Gondring
Pedro Gonzalez
Matt and Marcy Good – In
Memory of Karl Cropsey
Rosemary Gordon
Helen E. Gramly – In Memory
of Lester Aaronson
Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
Dee Ann Gregory – In Memory
of Bob Gregory
James F. Gregory and
John Mayers
Randall R. Griffey
Ron Griffin
Sharon Grimes
Brian Grubb
John Hale
Willis and Katherine Hallman
John Hanson
David Hardin
Ron Harmon
Les Harrell and Family
Brenda Harris
Janel Harrison
Cindy Hawdon
Will Hayes – In Memory of
Gary Radcliffe
Ross Haynes
Karen Heath
Ryan R. Dowis and Jeremy Hegle
Hamilton Henderson
George and Sue Hendon
Katie Hendrickson
Dee Henry
Criss Hensley – In Memory of
Jo Hensley
Shelby Herrick
Clint Herron and Ron McKeown
Christie Hill
Carol Hintz
Randy Hite
Aralyn Hoffman – In Memory of
Lester Aaronson
Jeffrey Hollender
Loren E. Holtz
Jeanne Holverstott
Charity F. Hope
Todd Hopkins and Dellas Baldelli –
In Honor of Jeff Wagner
Daniel J. Hubbard
Richard and Susan Huddleston – In Memory of Shelly Huddleston
Greg Hugeback
Tim Hughs – In Honor of Mark
Anderson; In Honor of Larry Rodgers
Dr. Perry E. Hundley, D.D.S.
Warren L. Hurst – In Memory of
Jimmie L. Gresham
Mike Jackson
Benson Jeffress
Kimberly D. Jeffries
Lou Anne Jensen
Glenda Johnson – In Memory of
Lester Aaronson
Michelle Johnson
Thomas G. Johnson
Betty J. Jones
Betty L. Sharon and Margaret Jones –
In Honor of Larry Rodgers
Newton W. Jones
Richard L. Jungck
Marty Junkins and Kim Hamilton
Brian Justice
George Kahn and Russ Baltis
Kansas City Cave Bears
Mary Lou Kegler
Keller Associates, Realtors
Laurel F. Keller
Matt Kemp
John and Elizabeth Kerr – In
Honor of Mark Anderson
Susan Kessler, D.D.S.
Sandra and Harvey Kimble – In Memory of Lester Aaronson
Bob Kimbrough
Judy King – In Memory of
Heather Doyle King
Sherry Kirby
Lana Knedlik – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Katherine L. Kochenderfer
Sarah Koehler
James Kogel
Jon Kowing
Don Krannawitter
Snookie Krumbiegel – In Memory
of Lester Aaronson
L & L Home Goods and Gifts
Jeffery Lampson
David and Mary Landers
William A. Langholz
Mr. Mark Laverentz
Donna Leap – In Honor of
Jeff Wagner
Shon Ledbetter
Craig Leonard
J. Clay Leonhard
Jim Leveling
Cynthia Levin – In Memory of
Kip Weiner
George and Mary Lewis
Lara Lewis – In Honor of
Christopher Smith
Lyla Lindholm
David K. Lohrentz
Ryan Long
Carl W. Longren – In Memory of
Robert Kearney
Karen L. MacGee – In Honor of Ceton Van Meter; In Honor of Mark Anderson
Michael Mackie
Christene Main and Kristy McKnight
Roy and Virginia Manley –
In Memory of Elsa Burgess-Flores
Jan M. Marcason – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Matt Martin and Larry Lillygren
Leah Martisko
William E. Masters
Mark Mattison
John W. Mayers
Mark McCarthy – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Francis P. McCormick
P. Alan McDermott
Robert and Jennifer McKnight –
In Honor of Christopher Smith;
In Honor of Mark Anderson
Laura McKnight
John McMahon
Sharon McNulty
Michael McRoy
Through comprehensive housing solutions,SAVE, Inc.
empowers those living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS to lead
healthy stable lives with personal dignity
Mike McTavish and
Dan Chancellor
Thomas A. Melms
Linda Mendoza
Jim Mercer
Dr. Octave and Elayne Merveille
Paul Mesner and David Luken
Ann and Mark Miller – In Memory of Lester Aaronson
Missouri Housing
Development Commission
Anthony Molle
Suzanne Monahan
Greg Morey
J. Gregory Morgan
Gary and Sarah Mounkes – In Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Nan Muchnic
Dede Mueck
John A. Mura
Alan Nelis, Jr. – In Honor of
Ceton Van Meter
Liz Newell
Laura H. Nguyen
Harold and Karen Nielsen –
In Memory of Lester Aaronson
Robert Noll
Peter Northcott
Greg Oborny
Donald Owen – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Thomas Palma
Greg Parker
Irene Pasternak
Diana and Jeffrey Patterson
Rhonda Patterson
Robert F. Pauly and
Rocky Mountain – In
Memory of Laurel F. Keller
Margaret Payton – In Memory
of Laurel F. Keller
Roxanne Pearce
Tina Perrault
Sharon Perry – In Honor
of Christopher Smith
Mark E. Persson, D.D.S.
Tim Peterson – In Honor of Mark Anderson; In Honor
of Jeff Wagner
James Pimentel and
Damon Roberts
Neil R. Price
Bill Ramsey
Rob Reeder
Ralph and Margaret Reid
Hal Reising
Dale Rensvold
Restart Inc.
Scott Reynolds
Tom Rice
Brian P. Richards – In Memory of Barry Kincaid
Frank and Aggie Rieger
Elinor Riley – In Memory of
Lester Aaronson
and Mary Rinke
Martha Risser
Dr. Jesse A. Roberts and
Mark Giersch
Lori Rogg
Jean Roth Jacobs
Matt Rowland
Jerry C. Roy
Randall Russell – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Mike Saal
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church
Robin Samberg
L. Sands
Ed Scanlon, Ph.D.
Clifford Schiappa
David Schlomer – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Jeffrey T. Schmitz
Gary L. Schneider – In Memory
of Bill Martin
Kevin Schneider
John and Judith Schofield
Anne Schoofs
Thomas F. Schultz – In Honor
of Mark Anderson
Patricia and Kenneth Schumacher
Alan Shelby
James Shivers
B. J. Shondell – In Honor of
Richard Manes
Randall Short
Leland and Jill Shurin
Michael Sigler
Casey Simmons
Lee Siskey
Gina Slack
Amy Smith
David R. Smith
Dwayne Smith
Dr. J. M. Smith – In Memory
of Laurel F. Keller
LeAnn Smith
Sharon Smith
Adam and Susan Spears – In Honor of Christopher Smith
Larry Spotts
Steve Springer – In Memory
of Laurel F. Keller
Aggie Stackhaus
Jarene and Lee Stanford
Frank Stapley and Alan Avey
Alan Steinlage
Kathy Stengel
Mistie Stevens
Jonetta Stewart
Deborah Stockman – In
Memory of Lester Aaronson
Josh Strodtman
Paul M. Strohfus and Bob Deck
W. Michael Sugnet
Tim Super
Scott Switzer
Randal Tallman
Darren Taylor
Roger L. Taylor
Tim Theis
Kurtis Thiel
Debra Thiele
Anthony Thompson
The Thompson Family
Cora Thompson
Gregory Thurman
Cindy and Larry Tompkins
Damian Torres-Botello
Terry and Robin Trafton
Byron Truitt
Todd Tyler and Mike Dale
Steve VanDee – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
Dr. John C. Verstraete
Matthew Wagner
Sandra E. Wagner
Jaci Walsh
Wally Walton
James Wanser
Cameron Washington
Gina L. Webb
Ken Wells
Alex Wendel
Cynthia Wendt
Hillary and Steven West –
In Honor of Jim Mercer
Kevin White – In Honor of
Mark Anderson
John W. Whiteman
M.S. Whitman
Steve and Nancy Whitmore – In
Honor of Christopher Smith
Rhonda Wickham
Paula Willett
Gervean Williams
Karen Williams
Ronald Williams
Sonia Williams
Jean Ann Wilson – In Memory
of Jerry Gilligan
Patricia L. Wilson
Steve Wilton
Bob and Sheridan Wood
Tandy Wood – In Honor of
Ceton Van Meter; In Honor of Mark Anderson
Jimmy Woodcock
Scott Woodsmall
Robert Wulfert
Sarah and John Wurth
Douglas Gray and Kevin Yates
Creighton Young
Eric Youngberg and Gary Krogh
2007-2008 Financial Statement
Public Support and Revenue
Contributions and Foundation Grants
Special Events Revenue
HUD Rental Assistance & Rental Income
Government Grants
Program Operations
Total Public Support and Revenues
Program Operating Expenses
Shelter Plus Care
Rental Assistance
Transitional Housing (Stepping Stones & McCarty II) $119,516
Permanent Housing (Gilligan & McCarty I)
Subsidized Housing (Cropsey Place, Cropsey
Terrace, King’s Court, Prairie Home)
Total Program Operating Expense
Administration and Fundraising
Total Expenses
Total Expenses Decrease in Net Assets
Total Expenses
Public Support and Revenues
Program Operating Expenses
Total Program
Operating Expense 85%
Fundraising 5%
Grants 85%
Administration 10%
Shelter Plus
Care 61%
Assistance 17%
Other 0%
Contributions and
Foundations Grants 7%
HUD Rental Assistance
and Rental Income 6%
Special Events Revenue 2%
Subsidized Housing 9%
SAVE Home 8%
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