Mecosta Truck Operators Map - Mecosta County Road Commission
Mecosta Truck Operators Map - Mecosta County Road Commission
MecOsta cOunty RECOMMENDED FOR TRAVEL WHITE PINE TRAIL Mecosta County Truck Operators’ Map AA MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION Mecosta County Road Commission ROADS ALL-SEASON MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION All-Season Roads RR AA BR BR AA RR RRRR BR AAAA RR RR RRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR BR AA RRRRRRRRR AAA RRRRRRR AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AA RRR AAAA BR RRRRRRRRR BR AA AAA AAA AAAAAA BR This document is for informational purposes only and these roads are subject to change without notice. This document does not give permission to travel the Mecosta County Road Commissions primary or local roads. RRRR RRRR RRR A RR RR AAAAAAAAAAAAA LL RRRR AAAAA AAAAAAAA BR AAAA AA A ROADS ALL-SEASON State Roads: (Mecosta County Has NO Permitting Jurisdiction) AAAA RRRRRRRRRRRRR AA RR BR Northland Drive, South County Line to North County Line MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION US-131, South County Line to North County LinePermitting Jurisdiction) State Roads: (Mecosta County Has NO ROADS ALL-SEASON M-66, South County Line to North County Line Northland Drive, South County Line to North County Line M-20, Newcosta to US-131, and US-131 to Costabella US-131, South County Line to North County Line TH (M-20 IS RESTRICTED FROM THE BIG RAPIDS CITY LIMITS TO 9 MILE AND 70 AVE.) M-66, South County Line to North County Line State Roads: (Mecosta County Has NO Permitting Jurisdiction) Perry Street, US-131 to Northland Dr. M-20, Newcosta to US-131, andLine US-131 to Costabella Northland Drive, South County to North County Line TH 19 (M-20 Mile Road, US-131 to Northland RESTRICTED THE BIG Dr. RAPIDS US-131,ISSouth CountyFROM Line to North CountyCITY LineLIMITS TO 9 MILE AND 70 AVE.) Perry Street, US-131Line to Northland Dr. M-66, SouthACounty to North County (A) Class Roads (Excluding StateLine Roads): 19 Mile Road, US-131 to Northland Dr. (A) Class A Roads (Excluding State Roads): M-20, Newcosta to US-131, and US-131 tofrom Costabella Pierce, Northland Drive to 100thth and 100th Pierce to Buchanan TH (M-20Northland IS RESTRICTED THE and BIG RAPIDS CITYPierce LIMITS TO 9 MILE AND 70 AVE.) Pierce, DriveFROM to 100 100th from to Buchanan Monroe, M-66 to 45th Perry Street, to(Excluding Northland Dr.State Roads): Monroe, M-66 to 45th (A) Class AUS-131 Roads Jefferson, US-131 to Northland Dr. th 19 Mile Road, US-131 to Jefferson, US-131 to Northland Pierce, Northland Drive toNorthland 100 andDr. 100th from Pierce to Buchanan 8 Mile, US-131 to Northland Dr. Dr. 8 Mile, US-131 Northland Dr. Monroe, M-66 toto19 45th 220th 18 to Mile th Ave., Ave., 18 to 19 Mile 220 Jefferson, US-131 to Northland (A) Class A Roads (Excluding 215th Ave., Perry to Winter CreekDr. State Roads): th th Ave., Perry to 15 Mile 215 8 Mile, US-131 to Northland Dr. Pierce, Northland Drive to 100 and 100th from Pierce to Buchanan 230th Jefferson to Tyler th Ave., th Ave., Jefferson to Tyler 230 Ave., 18 to to 90th 19 Mile 220Mile, Monroe, M-66 45th 17 110th th 17 Mile, 110th to 90th Ave., Perry toto 15Northland Mile 215 Jefferson, US-131 16 Mile, Big Rapids City Limits toDr. th 16 Mile, BigJefferson Rapids City Limits to130th 130th Ave., to Tyler 230 8 Mile, US-131 to Northland Dr. 20 Mile, Northland Dr. (Old 131) totoParis th 20 Mile, Northland Dr. (Old 131) ParisSawmill Sawmill 17 110th to 19 90th Ave., 18 to Mile 220 thMile, 95th Ave., Eisenhower to 1 Mile thAve., Eisenhower to 1 Mile 95 16 Mile, Big Rapids CityMile Limits to 130th Ave., Perry to 15 215 Jackson Rd., M-66 th Jackson Rd., M-66to toCostabella Costabella 20 Mile, Northland Dr. (Old 131) to Paris Sawmill Ave., Jefferson to Tyler 230 Meceola Rd., Northland Drive West th Meceola Rd., Northland Drive West0.5 0.5Miles Miles Ave., Eisenhower to 1 Mile 95 17 Mile, 110th to 90th th 18 Mile 220th Ave. to Northland Drive Ave. toLimits Northland Drive 18 Mile Rd., Rd., 220 Jackson Rd., M-66 to Costabella 16 Big Rapids City to 130th thMile, 90th Ave., 9 Mile to 11 Mile Ave., 9 Mile to 11 Mile 90 Meceola Rd., Northland Drive West 0.5 Miles 20 Northland Dr. (Old 131) to Paris Sawmill thMile, 70th Ave., 7 Mile Mile thto 9 Ave., 7 9 Mile Mile 70 to1Northland Drive 18thMile Rd., 220 toAve. Ave., Eisenhower to Mile 95 19 thMile Road (Newcosta - US-131) 9 Mile to 11 Mile 90 Ave.,Rd., Jackson M-66 to Costabella 15 Mile Road (West County Line - US-131) th Ave., 7 Mile to 9 Mile 70 (R) No Commercial Meceola Rd., Northland Trucks: Drive West 0.5 Miles 9 Mile th - M-20) th Road (90th to22 Northland 18 Rd.,Woodward 220 230Mile Ave., Mile Rd.Drive 9Ave., Mile to 11th Mile 90th Ave., toTrucks: 220th Ave. Woodward 230 (R) No Commercial th thAve., Mile to 9 Mile 70 Ave., to 220th 230 Ave.,7Woodward Woodward to 17 22 Mile Mile thRd. Rd. th Dr. to th 13 Mile Rd., Northland Ave. Woodward Ave., 230 to 220 190 th Ave., 13 Mile to 15Mile MileRd. Rd. 215 Ave., Woodward 17 220thNo (R) Commercial Trucks: th county line th 17 Mile Rd., Northland Dr. to west 13 Mile Rd., Northland Dr. to 190 230 Ave., Woodward to 22 Mile Rd. th th th th to 215th Ave. 14 Rd.,Ave., 205 Ave. Mile Rd. to220 15 Mile Rd. 215Mile to Ave. Woodward 230 th Ave., 13 th Ave., 13 Mile Rd. to 15 Mile Rd. 220 17 Mile Rd., Northland Dr. to west county line 220th Ave., Woodward to 17 Mile Rd. th Rd. to 12 Mile th thRd. Ave., 13 Mile 205 14 Mile Rd., 205 Ave. to 215 Ave. 13 th Northland Dr. to 190 Rd. to 12 Mile Rd. 190 Ave., 14 13 Mile Mile Rd. 220 215th Ave., th Rd. to 15 Mile th th Ave. to 130 Ave. (50 Ton 16 Mile Rd., 120 Ave., 13 Mile Rd. to 12 Mile 205 17 Mile Rd., Northland Dr. tothwestRd. county lineMaximum Weight) th th th Ave. to 80 thAve. 13 Mile Rd., 150 Ave., Mile Rd. to 12 Rd. 190 14 Mile Rd.,14 205 215 Ave. th Ave. th Mile thAve. to 60 Ave. th th 13 Mile Rd., 75 Ave. to 130 Ave. 16 Mile Rd., 120 Rd. 15 Mile Rd. 220 Ave., 13 Mile th th (50 Ton Maximum Weight) thAve. (M-66)thto 40 Avenue th Hoover Rd., 30 Ave. to 80 Ave. 13 Mile Rd., 150 Rd. 12thMile Rd. 205 Ave., 13 Mile th th Ave. th Rd., 230th Ave. to 180 4 Ave. 13Mile Rd.,14 75Mile Ave., Rd.toto60 12 Ave. Mile Rd. 190 thMile thth Rd. to 15 Mile th Rd. Ave., 14 Mile 95 40th Avenue Hoover 30th Ave. Ave.(M-66) to 130to Ave. (50 Ton Maximum Weight) 16 Mile Rd., 120 ththAve. to 155thAve. 8 Mile Rd., 180 4 Ave.toto180 80 Ave. 13Mile MileRd., Rd.,230 150 Ave. th th McKinley Rd., 157th tothMile Millpond Ave., 1475 Mile Rd.Ave. to 15 95 Ave. 60 Ave.Rd. Rd 13 Mile Rd., th to 155 Ave. 8 Mile Rd., to 40th Avenue Hoover Rd.,180 30 Ave. (M-66) th th (BR) Restrictions: McKinley to Millpond Ave.Ave. to 180 Ave. Rd 4 Mile Bridge Rd.,Rd., 230157th th Ave. to 15 45thMile Ave.: 63 Ton 19 Mile Rd., 30 Ave., 14 Mile Rd. to Rd. 95th th th to 20 Mile: 54 Ton (BR) Bridge Restrictions: Ave., 19 Mile 10 Ave. to 155 Ave. 8 Mile Rd., 180 (BR) Bridge Restrictions:th th Ave. to to th Ave.: 19 Mile 35th 45th 23T/31T/52T 19 Mile Rd., Rd., Costabella 10 Ave.: 60 McKinley Rd., 157th Ave. to Millpond RdTon 19 thMile Rd., 30 Ave. to 45 Ave.: 63 Ton th 10th Ave., 19 Mile to 20 Mile: 30T/49T/64T Ave., 19 Mile Rd. to Coolidge Rd.: 20 10 thAve., 19 Mile to 20 Mile: 54 Ton 41 Ton 19 Mile Rd., Costabella 23T/31T/55T Ave., toto3to10th Mile Rd.: 50 130 19 Mile Rd.,Jefferson Costabella 10thAve.: Ave.: 60Ton Ton (BR) Bridge Restrictions: th th th 20th Ave., 19 Mile Rd. to Coolidge Rd.: th th 90 Ave.29T/38T/53T Ave. to Buchanan Rd., 100 Ave., 1930 MileAve. Rd. to Coolidge 41 Ton 20 Mile 45 Ave.:Rd.: 63 Ton 19 Rd., th Ave., Jefferson to 3 Mile Rd.: 33T/38T/42T 130th Ave.,19 Jefferson to Mile: 3 Mile54 Rd.: 130 Mile to 20 Ton50 Ton 10th Ave., Buchanan Rd., 100th Ave. to 90th th th Ave.: 50 Ton (L)Mile Load Limit ofth50 Tons Ave. to Ave.60 Ton Buchanan Rd., 100 19 Rd., Costabella to 1090 Ave.: th 22 Mile Rd., 15th thAve. 30th 42T/55T/72T 16 Rd., 130Ave.: Ave. Ave., 19120 Mile Rd. totoCoolidge Rd.: 41 Ton 20thMile Buchanan Rd., 80th Ave. to 90th Ave.: 42T/55T/72T th Ave.,Limit Jefferson to 3Tons Mile Rd.: 50 Ton 130 (L) Load of 50 35thdocument Ave., is19 to 20 Mile: 42T/55T/70T This forMile informational purposes only and these th th Ave. to 90 th th Ave. roads are subject to change without notice. Buchanan Rd., 100 16 Mile Rd., 120 Ave.totoAdams: 130 Ave. This document does not give permission to travel 20T/28T/50T the Mecosta County Road Commissions primary or local roads. 20th Ave., Eisenhower (L) Load Limit of 50 Tons Permit may be required: This document is for informational purposes only and these roads are subject to change without notice. This document does not give permission to travel the Mecosta County Road Commissions primary or local roads. 16 Mile Rd., 120th Ave. to 130th Ave. This document is for informational purposes only and these roads are subject to change without notice. Road System Surface Classification Contact Mecosta County Road Commission Office This document does not give permission to travel the Mecosta County Road Commissions primary or local roads. Paved or Blacktop State Routes U.S. Trunklines Paved or Blacktop Improved County Primary 231.796.2611 Paved or Blacktop Gravel Unimproved County Local or Visit the Website at Unimproved Roads are not recommended for travel Printed by Big Rapids Printing 231.349.7485 • 231.796.8588 Your full service printing and copy center Publication Date: 03/10/2016 20