Synaptic Rigamortis Inc fact sheet


Synaptic Rigamortis Inc fact sheet
Synaptic Rigamortis Inc
Transforming complexity into elegance
Synaptic Rigamortis Inc is a consulting and
solutions company dedicated to the success of our
clients through the application of contemporary
t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d p r a c t i c e s . We c o m b i n e
exceptional talent, domain expertise, cutting edge
technology, and agile development methodologies
to help our customers transform their most complex
challenges into elegant solutions.
Synaptic Rigamortis provides consulting services in
three primary areas:
• Software Engineering
• Modeling & Simulation
• Research & Development
Software Engineering
Open source software and Agile development
methodologies are the core of our software
engineering philosophy.
Synaptic Rigamortis provides software engineering
services to government organizations. Our
engineers have extensive experience developing
software solutions for the defense industry in the
areas of modeling & simulation and research &
development support.
We t a k e a u n i q u e a p p r o a c h t o s o f t w a r e
development for our government clients. We employ
Agile Software Development Methodologies and all
software we develop for our government clients is
published as open source software. Publishing the
software as open source has several advantages to
the government the most important is elimination of
vendor lock in.
Synaptic Rigamortis embraces Agile Methodologies
as the best approach to software development in a
dynamic environment. Agile Methodologies include
a family of software development project
management practices. These practices enable
delivery of a working product at all stages of
Modeling & Simulation
Our engineers have extensive experience designing
and implementing simulation systems.
We have experience across a wide variety of
simulation disciplines and technologies including
Aggregate and platform level simulation
development, High Level Architecture, Distributed
Interactive Simulation, and Web-enabling large
scale simulation systems.
Research & Development
Our engineers have supported DOD research and
development projects for the Naval Postgraduate
School, Army TRADOC Analysis Center, Joint
Warfighting Center, and other organizations.
Smart Grid Software Development
Currently supporting software development projects
for Southern California Edison SmartConnect Smart
Grid project.
Synaptic Rigamortis Inc is a certified minority
business enterprise (NMSDC & CPUC),
disadvantage business enterprise (CUPC - CA
DOT), and veteran owned business (VA).
Synaptic Rigamortis Inc is a Native American owned
California Corporation.
Synaptic Rigamortis Inc.
499 Casanova Avenue
Monterey, California 93940
[email protected]