Automatic Machine to Apply Nailheads with Prongs
Automatic Machine to Apply Nailheads with Prongs
TCH1 Automatic Machine to Apply Nailheads with Prongs Main Features: > Apply nailhead with prong on textile and leather. > Attach 190 nailheads per minute at maximum speed. > Large working area: 500 x 370 mm. > Pronged nailhead sizes: from 2 mm to 8 mm. > High quality precision. > Doesn’t need a human operator to set the nailhead. > Automatic nailhead setting. GEMfix TCH1 Super quality and precision, even with highly elaborate designs. MORE PRODUCTIVITY AND PRECISION. Quicker and reduces manual operations > Fully automatic, the only manual operation required is the replacing of the material where the pronged nailheads are applied. High quality precision > Can always repeat the same pattern exactly as in the design. Software included: Funtime > allows you to make drawings of rhinestones or rhinestuds with real images in the desired size in a fast and simple way. > includes over 30 fonts, all ready to offer you the best result on letterings, words and phrases. > includes 700 ready shapes which can be adapted, resized and special effects can be applied. > includes an Auto Trace feature that will save you a lot of time > draw whatever you want with it as if you were using a pen. Technical Specifications Type.................................................................................................. bridge mode Working area................................................................................ 500 x 370 mm Memory........................................................................................... ilimitada (pc / laptop not included) Production ( nailheads per minute ).....................................190 npm (max speed) Nailheads size............................................................................... from 2mm to 8mm Panel................................................................................................. windows pc Pressure control........................................................................... manual pneumatic regulator Dimensions (without/with box)............................................. 1080 x 780 x 1300 mm / 1200 x 800 x 1400 mm Compressor (liters per minute).............................................. 50L/min Estrada Nacional 105, Nº 211 4815-135 Lordelo, Guimarães, Portugal Tel: +351 252 820 210 [email protected]
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