Sands Directory 1865, Advertisements
Sands Directory 1865, Advertisements
& „•>„ ff'' ,Ti t& ^ % P ^ Impoi'ilfii of Jra-st-fes PARK STREET, SYDNEY, Coods, BY APPOINTMENT TO SO, KIKT G Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency tho GOVERNOR and LADY YOUNG His Excellency Sir GEORGE and LADY BOWEN. His Excellency Sir WILLIAM and LADY DENISON. TTie Excellency Cohwd GORE and Mrs V.HOWN. T h e O F F I C E R S of II.M.S.S Ol'pllOUs narrier Miranda/^ The O F F I C E R S of n.M. Royal Artillery 12th Regiment 77th Regiment Fawn if 11 th Regiment ft Polorus ft Oilleei's and Gentlemen of the NjVcv \ ; [ounted Rifles ?t Volunteer Artillery Cordelia and H.M.H. Herald : 'N.S.W. Volunteer Rilles. Iris. >) H s Honor tin OIIiEF JUSTICE rind LADY STEPHEN. The Hon. tho President and MemSir Charles Nicholson, Bart. bers of Council ,, Diurie] and Lady Cooper The Hon. tho Speaker and Members „ W. and Lady Manning of Assembly. „ II. W . and Lady Parker „ E. W. Pottinger, Part. V j ) • His Excellency Sir George F . Bowen, K.G.C.G.M., S T R E E T SYDNEY: J J 18-44. k t *w ~^J^"^J0"^J^^.^^^"!. a I *? > -<ikj? •*&& ^ L ^ ^ i S r '^J^ ESTABLISHED, n> IP ^ ^ • ^ ^ r -^J0" GOVE'itNOIl OV QUEENSLAND, The late Governor-General Sir Charles F i t z r o y and Family, C. J. La Trobe, Esq., late Governor of Victoria, Sir George Grey, Governor of New Zealand, Sir Samuel Osborne Gibbes, Baronet, 1 If ft And under the[distinguished patronage of tho Honorable tho Presidents and Members of tho Executive and Legislative Councils; The Honorable the Members of tho Legislative Assembly; His Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, Chief Justice of the Supremo Court; The Honorable the Attorney and Solicitor Generals ; Sir Charles Nicholson, Dart.; Sir Daniel Cooper; Sir William Montagu Manning; The French. Russian, Swiss, Italian, Brazilian, end other Consuls ; All the leading Members of the Bar; Tho Church, The Army and Navy, and tho Mercantile Community in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Now Zealand, and Tasmania, and nil iclto vulno a r/ood Jilting sliirt. SMITH'S SIITRT MANUFACTORY was the first establishment of the hind opened in the Australian Colonies, and has been the chief cause of tho benolieial change., produced in this most Essential Article of Dress. . I I I WW m n% SMITHS mmwm iiiifi ^WTTPP r Stand pre-einin^at forfitto any in the known World! And they have boon iif public favour for upwards of Twenty Years. I. ) Special attention given to written Orders from Gentlemen ivho may not find it convenient to visit Sydney. Directions for Self-measurement sent Free. Profession; and MERINO, SILK, AND ITALIAN GAUZE UNDER VESTS AND DRAWERS, SILK AND CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, BRACES, TIES, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, &c. The F i r s t F A M I L I E S of the Colony. Dressing Gowns and Mourning Robes made to order. TJioii' Honors the J u d g e s ; the Heads of the Clerical, Legal, and Medical ;^Qt^^^r,- ALL J&C3H& ANGUS <t ROBERTSON, 83 CASTLEREAOH ST., S»DNE» I E^fi L ^''l* * CLERGYMEN'S SURPLICES, STOLES, BANDS, &c, O FT H E VEBY BEST DKSCRIPTION. ±J&r^J&^J&^&^j&^.^r<&.j&^.&~^ £T*& U*7^s. &T&.&^J?~<t^jP^.&^-* I TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS & OTHERS. "K — SANDS patent fcijrt ^ioit(}iuHi|i f tjws,- SYDNEY DIRECTORY With the necessary bench andjunctions, for Drainage and Conveyance of Water, $;c. " TEBBA GOTTA CHIMNEY TOPS, In Gothic and Designs, from drawings by tho most eminent Architects. f j FOR Fniiici'WnciiCjniid Cnrton I'iei'rc]TrusscN, Centres, M o u l d i n g s * a nill i l ( i r n a n i c i i l x rc(|uiMite i'or i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r D e c o r a t i o n * . 1865. < ONTATXTXfi I STREET, SUBURBAN, ALPHABETICAL, AND TRADE I I DIRECTORY, TOGETHER WITH A I MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY OF USEFUL INFORMATION. MARBLE A N D ENAMELLED SLATE CHIMNEY PIECES, !l Jtf ALIi THE NEWEST D E S I G N S , f? KEENE'S PATENT SUITABLE FOB COTTAGE MARBLE FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. CEMENT, DIRECT FROM $ . . TUB MANSION. Manufacturer. > : Evoiy description of material required by Architects, Builders, Contractois, and othors. Portland Cemont, all tho best brands; quality, quantity, and coudition guarantood. Plastor of Paris, English and Amorican, ox" latest arrivals. Load Piping,. Shoot Load, Galvanized Iron, Bangor Slates, Slato Slabs, Slato Baths, Yorkshire Flagging,.Black and "White Marble Flooring., Blasting Powder, Fuso, Firo Lumps, Firo Bricks, and Olay Oven Tiles.' W. W. BUCKLAND, . Sgtnug: JOHN SANDS, 302, GEORGE STREET. I j fH c I b 0 u r n c: SANDS AND McDOTJGALL, 10 AND 48 COLLINS STREET WEST. 18 6 5. i;%«pfr S:AN"i>S* FOR , . - , , > - .- 1865. CONTAINING '. w ; ISTREET, SUBURBAN, ALPHABETICAL, AID TRADE v i I ; ; DIRECTORY, 1_ TOOETHEB WITH A i I > MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY OF USEFUL INFORMATION. FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. V iU ', •*> 1 '*>' •s- £!$. 'iii " <• ' * *\ * £gbn«g: '•I*--. ^ w ' - JOHN SANDS, 392, GEORGE STREET. H\ «?' ~j i **$ T"? u **)" '.-ill . ?#*,-.* .SANDS AND'MODWGALL, SATs ,-yj'- V'»«.'i •* li*>. - *,."$••/* **" * \» * f » " - *":' ;*.l • . ,"2':ffl116oatne':c •'it ^•*' '^'i- - I**.,'- ''M*• 46 AND 48 COLLINS STREET WEST. 18 6 5. J&KH&si H •'?**%&&. .i TABLE OE CONTENTS. STREET DIRECTORY 8UBURBAN DIRECTORY .. .' ,' " ALPHABETICAL DmEOTORY .'.' .' " TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL .. '. ' BANKS, INSURANCE, AND OTHER COMPANffiS " " " " ARTISTIC, LITERARY, SOIENTIPIO, AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS MASONIC I N S T I T U T I O N S . . " " , l •"J S 38n " "" ^IUITOUUUUHS,, GOVERNMENT AND OFfllOIALDIREOTORY ECCLESIASTICAL DIRECTORY.. LEGAL DIRECTORY .. ,. " " MEDICAL DIREOTORY .. MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY.. '. COLONIAL DIREOTORY aso " " " " " '. lit ,- 400 402 *' " *0' ? 410 4 8 BttHCZYt rilllfTBD BY P. OTTNNINGnAME, "" STR.BBT. 184, Till STREET DIREOTORY. Abattoir-road, Pyrmont , Aborcrombie-lano ., Abercrombie-plaoe.. Adelaide-place .. ,, Albort-plaoo ., ,, Albert-street (Circular—quay , Albert-street (Maoloay-stroet) Albion-lane ,, ., , Albion-stroet .... ., Albion-street Ltttlo , < , AUrod-sfcreot (Pyrmont) , Alfred-street . . . . Ann-street (Bourke-Btreot) ', Ann-Btreet (Riloy-Btreet , Ann's-lano Argyle-place Argylo-Btreot it Arthur-street •• 4. Athlone-placo Bank-street Barker-lane Barker-street Barraok-Btreet Bathurst-street Bay-street (Woo^u, Bay-street (Glebe) Bedford-street .. , .. Belgrave-terrace (Forbes-street) l'AQB 17 Bolvoir-stroot ,. ,. 17 Bent-street 17 Borwiok-kno .. ., 17 Bottington-streot .. 17 Blight-street 18 Bloomfleld-Btreet .. 18 Bloomflold-streot LlitUo 18 Botany-road 18 Botany-streot .. .. 10 Bourke-strcet ,, 10 Bourke-streot Little .'.' 19 (Pyrmont) 19 Bowman-street Bridge-street ., ,' ,, ,, ., \\ ., id Briabano-street (South Hoad-road) id Bnsbane-Btreet (Parramatta-Btreet) 19 Brougham-place 20 Brougham-atreot .. ,, 20 Broughton-street ... ,-, 20 Brown Boor-lano ., Brown»B-lane ,. 20 Buokingham-Btreet .. \\ 21 Buddnghom-Btroet Little 21 BurnelT-lane .. .. 21 Burrapore-street 21 Burton-lane ... .. ,/ 22 Burton-street ,. ,, ,, 23 23 Cambridge-street 61 Campbell-place ,. . .. ,, ,, PAGE 23 . 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 26 25 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 81 31 32 CONTENTS. 4 PAOK Campboll-Btreet Campbell-street Lowor Curlton Torraoo (Wynynrd-squaro) Castloroagh-stroot Cristlereagh-Btreot north Cnstloroagh-strect soutli Cecil-placo Chambers-street Ohapol-lano Charlos-lano Oharles-Bircot fFrancis-ntroct).. OharloB-fitrtot (Parramatta-strcot) Oharloe-stroot (Bay-street) Oharlotto-plnco Ohippon-stroct Chowno-streot (Pyrmont) Ohuroh-hUl Ohurch-streot Churoh-streot (Pyrmont) Claronco-lano Olareneo-stroot Cleveland-street Clydo-streot Collego-streot Collego-streot (DovonBbiro-stroot) Goleson's-placo (Pyrmont) Collins-stroot Coopor-stroot ffilizaboth-stroot) Coonor-stroot (Abercrombio-placo) Corlu-strcot Oraigend-torraco .. Crescent-strcot ., ., Crown-lane (Yurong-stroot) . . Grown-lano (Campbell-street) .. Orown-rond Crown-stroot Oumborland-streot .. .. Dalo-stroot Dalton-lano Darlinghurst-road Davy-stroot Donham-streot Devonshiro-Btroot Dixon-stroot east Dixon-stroet west Domain-torraco Dowling-street Druitt-street Duke-stroot Duncan-Btreet ., ,. Earl-steoot East-atroet Edward-lane Edward-place Edward-street Edward-street (Pyrmont) Elizabeth-streot Elizabeth-Btreet Little Elizabeth-street North Elizabeth-street (Pyrmont) ErsMne-street . . .. Essex-lane .. .. .. .. t .. . .. .. .. ., ,. .. .. 33 Essox-streot .. 34 Exoter-place 130 Ferry-lano .. .. .. .. 34 .. 37 Fitzroy-street (Riloy-strcot) .. .. 38 Fitzroy-stroot (Botany-road) .. 38 Flood's-lano •. .. .. 38 Forbos-streot .. ... .. * ., 38 Fort-street Lower 38 Fort-strcot Uppor .. 39 Fostor-strcot 39 Fostor-streot Littlo .. .. .. 39 Fovoaux-streot .. 39 Francis-strcot 40 ., .. .. .. 40 Gas-lane .. ,. .. .. 40 George-street .. 40 George-streot Littlo 40 Gippa-streot 41 Gipps-streot Littlo 41 Globe-strcot 43 Gloucostor-strcot 43 Qordon-stroot .. .. .. .. 43 Goulbum-stroot .. 44 Groon's-placo 44 Gresham-street 44 44 Hamilton-street 44 Harnett-stroet 44 Harrington-street 44 Harris-stroot 46 Harris-stroot (Pyrmont) .. .. 45 Harvoy-stroot (Pyrmont) .. ,. 45 Hay-street 45 Honrietta-street 45 High Holborn-stroot 48 Hill-street fMacquarie-street) .. : Hill-street (Bourke-street) .. .. 49 Holt-street .. .. .. 60 Hosking-place .. .. .. '.. .. SO Hnnter-Btreet ., .. .. 60 Hutohinson-lane.. 50 Hutohinson-streot (Albion-street) .. .. 51 Hntohinson-streot (George-street) 51 Hyde Park-terrace (Liverpool-street) ... 62 52 James-street 62 Jamison-street .. ... .. .. 53 Jenkins-street 64 John-street 54 John-street (Pyrmont) John-street Little (Pyrmont) . . .. .. ... .. 56 Johnson-street .. .. .. •• •• 66 Judge-street •• •• 55 Junotion-lano .. ' .. 56 Junotion-street 56 .. •• •• 66 Kensington-street .. ...-•• •• 56 Kent-street ,. 58 King-street 58 Langley's-lane t 58 68 Lansdowne-street 59 iLime-streot CONTENTS. rAOE 69 59 59 60 GO 60 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 71 71 71 71 71 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 88 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 °JJ °" 80 |°, °* 8 * jjjj °jj °6 1MOK Linden-place .. . . . . Liverpool-Inne .. .. .. Liverpool-street Lloyds'-court (George-streot) .. Long's-lane .. .. .. Lyons'-terrace (Livorpool-strcct) Mnolcay-streot Mnclcay-street Littlo Mncquarie-place .. .. .. Mncqunrie-slreet North Macqunrie-streot South .. .. Maidon-lano Margaret-place Margaret-streot Manan-streot (Pyrmont) .. Markets Markets, Now Market-lane .. .. Market-buildings (Gcorgo-strcot) Markot-stalls (York-street) .. Markot-Btroot Marlborough-strcet Marshall-street .. •.. .. Mary-atroet May-streot Middle-street Milos-stroot Mill-street (Pyrmont) .. .. Millor's-road Mooro's-road .. .. .. Mort's-passago (Goorgo-stroet) Mount-street (Pyrmont) .. Munn-streot Murray-street (Pyrmont) .. Napoleon-atrcet Nowtown-road Nichols-stroot Norton-street Norton-street (Littlo) Norton-street (Lowor) .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. O'Connoll-streot Orwell-stroot Palmor-atreet .. .. Paradiso-place Park-atroet .. Parker-street Parramatta-atroot Phillip-street Pine-street Pitt-street Point-street (Pyrmont) Pottingor-strect Prinees-road Princes-street Pyrmont-street (Pyrmont) Qnoen's-placo Queen-street . . . . .. .. .. .. , Railway-place .. .. .. .. 5 PAGE Rialto Terrace (William-street, uppe* South) .. .. .. .. 128 Richmond-terrace 108 Rilcy-plnco 108 Riloy-strcet 109 Robin Hood-lane .. ..'*.. Ill Rose-street .. .. .. .. HI HI 89 Rutland-street ., Ill 89 Ryder-street 89 Samuel-street HI 89 Sarah Ann-street .. .. .. H I 90 Scales-street 112 91 Shelley-street .. 112 91 Shepherd-street.. • 112 91 Short-street H2 91 Smith-street H2 91 Smithors-Btroot H2 92 South Hoad-road HS 92 Spring-street H4 69 Stanloy-lano 114 131 Stanley-streot 114: 92 Steam Mill-stroot 115 93 Stcphon-sircet 115 94 Surry-stroot H6 94 Susnn-lnno 115 94 Sussex-street 115 94 Swan-stroet 118 94 Syrott's-lano 118 94 95 Taylor's-lano 119 95 Thomson-street 119 65 95 119 95 Ultimo 119 95 Ultimo-road TJltirao-streot 119 .. 120 96 Union-street (Erskine-stroot).. .. 120 96 Union-street (Cleveland-street) .. .. 120 96 Union-street (Pyrmont) 120 96 Umvin-street .. 96 120 96 Valentine'a-lnno Victoria-place 121 ' 121 97 Victoria-street .. .. 121 97 Victoria-Btreot(Orown-Btroot).. Victoria-street (George-streot) .. 122 .. .. .. 122 97 Victoria Terrace 99 99 Walton's-lano 122 99 Washington-street 122 99 Waterloo-place .. 122 101 Waterloo-street 123 102 Wattlo-atreet 123 102 AVay Torraoo, Pyrmont .. .. 123 106 Wellington-street 123 106 Wontworth-plaoo 123 106 Wentworth-streot 124 106 West-street 124 107 Wharf-street 124 WbarveB, &o 124 108 William-lane 126 126 108 William-streot Will inm-streot East 127 .. 127 1 0 8 Williara-Btreet Upper North .. 86 86 87 64 89 88 6 CONTENTS. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE William-streot Upper South .. Wilmot-stroot Wilton-lane "Wilton-place Wilton-street Windmill-street Wood's-lano Woollooinooloo-fltroot .. .. .. .. 128 128 128 128 128 128 12D 129 Woolloomooloo-lauo Wylde-street Wynyard-lane Wynyard-square Wynyard-stroot 129 130 180 130 130 York-streot Yurong-strcot 131 132 SUBURBAN D I R E C T O R Y . I'AGE PAGE Balniaiu t Bondi 133 • Newtown 137 North Shore • Oamperdown « Chippendale f Coogoe 159 • O'Connell Town 169 137 t Paddington 137 • Petersham 159 187 •f Randiviok t Bedfern, including Waterloo 159 t Boso Bay t Bushoutter'B Bay 144 •Stanmoro 159 Waterloo (Bedfern) t Watson's Bay 14.9 t Waverloy 159 Woollahra * Western Suburbs. f Darling-Point • Darlington t Double Bay .. .. ,. • Snmoro Globe, including Bishopthorpo ., •Kingston Manly, or Now Brighton .. ,, • Marriokvillo t Eastern Suburbs. ALPHABETICAL .. ., .. .. .. .. •• , .. .. .. .. .. 167 172 169 802 210 218 220 227 240 ). J. 240 .1 •• •1 K L M -244 248 265 169 160 159 137 169 .. 137 I52 I37 I37 169 152 137 187 187 DIRECTORY. PAGE mines in A B ,. C v D .. E ., F >, G >, < H .. I 7 PAGE N 0 P Q R S T U V W Y " , t •• *i« •, # .. .. .. •• .. •• ,, «a 278 276 278 286 286 293 307 313 313 314 325 326 TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL. PAGE Accountants ,. ,. .. .. Accountant Book Manufacturers .. iErated Water Manufacturers (Sco Ginger Beer Manufacturers) , . Agents (see Brokers) Agricultural Imploraent Sellers .. Architects and Surveyors .. .. Artists ... Attorneys, Conveyancers and Notaries (See Legal Directory) .. Auctioneers Aurists (Soo Oculists) Bakers Ballastmen Barbers (Seo Hairdressors, <fco.) .. Barristers (Seo Legal Directory) ., Basketmakcrs Bellhangors and Looksmiths ., .. Billiard Table Makers Biscuit Manufacturers Blacking Makers Blacksmiths Blind Makers , .. Board and Lodging Houses ., .. Boatbuildors (Soo Ship and Boatbuilders) , Boilormakers Bonded Stores Bono Mill . . . ., .. .. Bonnotmakers (See Dressmakers, &o.) Bookbindors , .. Booksellers and Stationers .. .. Boot and Shoo Makers .. .. Bottle Dealer .. Brassfiiiishors (See Gasfitterfl, &c.) , . Brassfounders ,. Braziers (See Coppersmiths, &o.) . . Browors ., Bricklayers Brickmakers Brokors, Shipping, Estate, and General Agonts Builders, Carpenters, and Joiners ., Butchers Cab, Coach, and Omnibus Proprietor? Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers . . Candle and Soap Makers .. ,. Cap Makors (See Hatters, &o.) .. Carpenters and Joiners (seo Builders, &o.) Carriers and Carriers'Agents.. .. Carvers, Gilders, and Picture frame makers (Oheniists and Druggists ., .. Chimney Cleaners China, Earthonwaro.awlGHftsaPOftlerfl 327 Chiropodist 827 Churn Manufacturer Circulating Librarios . . .. <. 348 Civil Engineers .. .. .. .. 333 Clockmakers (See Jewellers, &Q.) . • 827 Cloth Manufacturer .. .. .. 327 Clothiors and Outfitters .. .. 327 Coach Builders .. Coal Merchants 402 Coffeo Eoastors 328 Collectors and Commission Agonts .. 363 Comb and Brush Makers .. .. Confectioners and Pastrycooks ,. 828 Contractors 329 Oonvoyancers (See Legal Directory).. 351 Coopers .. .. 402 Coppersmiths and Braziers .. .. 329 Cordial Manufacturers .. .. 329 Cork Cutter 329 Corn and Hay Factors 1 329 Curriers (Soo Tanners) 329 Curiosity Dealer 329 Custom-house Agonts (See Brokers).. 329 Cutlers .. 330 Dairies , 368 Dealers 331 Decorators (Soo Painters, &c.) ,. 331 Dentists 372 Die Sinkers and Medallists . . .. 345 Drapors and Haberdashers . . .. 331 Dray Proprietors 331 Dressmakers and Milliners ., .. 331 Druggists (See Chemists, &o.) .. 372 Dyers and Scourers .. .. '.'. 348 332 Eating-houses (See Bestaurants, &0.) 841 Electro-platers .. 832 Engineers .. 332 Engravers and Lithographers.. .. 333 Estato Agonts (Soo Brokers, &o.) ., PAGE 872 872 872 889 361 372 339 339 840 840 840 841 841 341 402 841 841 341 872 341 869 872 338 842 842 842 863 843 843 843 844 845 888 346 866 846 845 346 833 333 Fancy Dealers .. 846 334 Farriers .. 846. 385 Follmongors 846 Flour Morchants and Millers.. ,. 346 337 French-polishers 846 837 Fruiterers and Greengrocers . . .. 847 838 Furnituro Dealers 347 352 Galvanized Ironworkers ., .. 847 .884 Gardeners and .Seedsmen ., . • 348 .838 Gasmetor Maker .. .. ., 372 Gassfitters and Brassfounders .. 348 338 Gilders (Soo Carvers, &o.) .. .. 388 838 Gingerboor and iErated Water Manur 339 facturers ,, 848 339 Glass-blowor .. ,, .. ..372 8 PAGE 383 TAQE Qlass-stainor Glass merchants ., Glaziers (Seo Painters) Grocors .. .. .. Gunsmiths .. .. .. .. .. .. 372 348 303 348 351 Hairdressers and Perfumers .. .. Harness Makers (See Saddlors, &0.).. Hatters and Capmakers .. .. Herbalists Horse dealors & Livory Stable-koepers Hotels and Public Housos .. .. 351 366 352 362 352 352 Importers and Merchants Ironfoundors Ironmongers .. 358 360 360 Jewellers, Watch, and Clock Makers Joiners (See Builders) 361 334 Labour and Registry Offices .. .. Ladder and Barrow Maker . . .. Lamp and Oil Sellers Laundresses .. ,, .. .. Law Stationers Leather Cutters and Sellors .. .. Lime and Cement Merchants .. Lithographers (Seo Engravers) .. LiveryStablo-keepers (Seellorso Dealors) LookBmiths(SeeBellbangers).. .. Lodging-houses (Seo Board and Lodging-houses 361 372 360 360 360 360 360 346 352 329 Machine Rulers Machinists and Agricultural Implement Makers Mangle Maker Map Colourer Marino Surveyors .. ., .. Masons, Stonecutters, &c Mast, Block, and Pump Makers ,, Match Importer Mathematical Instrument Makers , . Mattress Makcrs&Bedding Warehouses Modical Galvanists Merchants (Seo Importers, &c.) .. Midwivos and Nursos Millers (Seo Flour Merchants) ,. Millinors (Seo Drossmakers, &c.) ,. Modellers and Figuro Makers ,. Musio Sellers and Musical Instrument Makers Muslin Stampers 360 .. News Agents .. News Papor Proprietors .. Nightmon Notaries (Seo Logal Directory) Nurserymen (Seo Gardeners) Nurses (See Midwivos) .. Oculists and Auiists Oil and Colourmen Oilskin Makor .. .. .. .. 330 Opticians Organ Builders Outfitters (Hoe Clothiers) .9 GENERAL INDEX. CONTENTS. .. 363 339 Painters, Plumbers, Glaziers, &c. . . Paper-bag Maker Pastrycooks (Seo Confeotioncrs, &c. ,. Pawnbrokers Perfumers (see Hairdressers) .. Photographors Phrenologists Plastorers Plumbers (Seo Painters, &c.) .. Pottors Poulterers Printers and Publishers .. .. Produce Merchants Professors and Teachers .. .. Publishers (seo Printers) ,. .. 363 372 341 364 351 364 372 365 3G3 365 365 365 365 365 366 Quarrymon 3<> G .. Registry Offices (Seo Labour and Registry Offices) .. .. .. Restaurants, Coffee Houses, and Refreshment Rooms .. .. Ropo Makor Saddlers and Harness Makers .. Sail, Tent, and Tarpaulin Makers . . Saw and Moulding Mills .. .. Schoolmasters and Mistresses .. Scourers (seo Dyers, &c.) .. .. Seal Engravers Seedsmen (see Gardeners, &o.) .. Shinglers and Slaters ,. .• Ship and Boat Builders .. .. Ship Chandlers Shirt Makers Soap Makers (Soo Candle and Soap Makers) Stationers (Seo Booksollors) .. .. Staymaker .. . . . . .. Stevedores .. Sugar Refiner Surgical Instrument Makor .. Surveyors (.see Architects) .. .. 360 372 372 861 361 3G2 362 362 362 372 358 362 346 345 Tailors 362 Tanners and Curriers .. .. Taxidermist .. 362 Toachcrs (Seo Professors, Ac.) 372 Tout Makers (Seo Rail, Tent, and Tarpaulin Makers) 3G2 Ticket Wi iters 363 Timber Merchants .. .. 363 Tin and Zinc Workers 402 Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturers . . 348 Tobacconists 362 Tool Makers Turners .. 363 Type Founders and Importers 363 .. 372 Umbrella and Parasol Makers 361 360 360 360 367 307 367 345 372 348 868 368 368 368 338 331 372 368 372 372 327 308 369 372 365 367 372 369 369 370 370 372 370 870 370 PAGE PAGK Undertakers •. .. .. Upholsterers (See Cabinetmakers) Veterinary Surgeons Warehousemen, .. .. .. Watchmakers (Seo Jewollors, &c.) Wrights and Scales Manufacturer ., Wheelwrights 370 Whipmnkers 337 Whitesmiths (Seo Blacksmiths) .. .. Wino and Spirit Merchants .. 370 Wire Workers Wood Carvers (Seo Carvers & Gilders) 370 Wool Brokers (See Brokers, &o.) .. .. .. .. 301 Wool Pressors .. 372 Zinc Workers (Seo Tin and Zinc Workers .. 871 371 329 371 371 338 333 372 3 gg GENERAL INDEX. Acclimatisation Society Adelaide .. Admirality, Court Vico Affidavits, Commissioners for.. Agra and Mastorman's Bank.. Agricultural Society of New SouthWales Allianco Assurance Company .. Alliance British & Foreign Lifo & Firo Assuranoe Co. .. .. Architect, Colonial Artillery, Royal Asylum, Benevolent ,, Lunatic Atlas Building Society Attorneys, Country .. .. .. Attorneys, Sydney Auditor Goneral Australasia Bank of Australasian Firo, Life, & Marino Insurance Co Australian Agricultural Company .. „ Allianco Assurance Company „ Club... „ Freemason's Hall Company „ Gas-light Company .. ,, General Assuranco Company „ Jockey Club .. .. „ Joint Stock Bank .. .. ,, Medical Library ,. .. ,, Museum . . .. .. „ Mutual Provident Society „ Paper Company ,. .. „ Steam Navigation Company „ Union Benefit Socioty ,. „ Volunteer Firo Co. No. 1.. Austrian Lloyd's Steam Company ., Banks Balmain Municipality of .. .. Baptists . .. Barristers Barristers' Admission Board ., .. Benevolent Asylum Bethel Union PAGE 380 411 402 405 373 380 374 374 398 393 380 393 378 404 404 398 373 374 377 374 378 377 377 374 379 373 380 380 374 377 Bible Socioty, Auxiliary, N.S.W. Board ol National Education .. Book Hawking Society, N.S.W. Botanical Gardens .. British Nation Lifo Assurance Association Building Societies Bulli Coal Mining Company .. Bush Missionary Society Cadiangullong Consolidated Copp Mining Co Comotory Co., Church of England Central Polico Offico Chamber of Commorco.. Chief Secretary Church, Congregational „ of England „ of England Cemetery Co. „ of England Teachers' Association „ Presbyterian .. „ Primitive Mothodist „ Roman Catholic „ Society .. „ Unitarian „ Wesloyan Methodist Churchmen's Institute. City Bank, T h o . . „ Mission Chapel „ Turncocks .. Civil Departments Claims to Grants of Laud Clarence & Richmond River S. N. Co, Clerks of tho Peace Clubs Coal Company, Bulli „ Minmi.. „ Nowcastlo Wallsond „ Osborno Wallsond „ Waratah Coal Fields & Coal Mines, Examinor Cockatoo Island, Ponal Establishment Oollogo, St. John's 370 380 379 370 373 408 401 403 „ St. Mary's, " / Lyndhurst 403 D .*l'» „ St. Paul's 380 383 Colonial Architect n PAOK 382 392 382 397 374 378 877 382 377 378 392 377 392 401 399 378 399 401 401 399 380 401 401 390 374 401 379 392 402 370 403 378 377 377 377 378 378 397 393 383 883 , 383 398 10 l'AOE Colonial Directory „ Lifo Assuranco Company . „ Insurance Company ot Vi toria „ Sugar Refining Company , Oook, Municipality ot Co-operative Society ,. .. Commefrcial Banking Company Commissariat Department _ .. Commissioners for Affidavits.. Congregational Church .. Consuls Coppor Mining Co., Cadiangullong, „ Peak Downs „ Peak Downs, Now Corporation of the City of Sydney Crown Lands Offico Crown Law Offices ,, Prosecutors Customs Darlinghurst Gaol Darlington, Municipality of .. Deaf and Dumb Institution .. .. Deeds Branch Office Denominational School Board ,. Destituto Children's Relief Society .. Diocesan Society Diatillories and Refineries ,, District Courts „ Registrars Domains Dry Dock, Fitzroy Ebcnezor Chapels Ecclesiastical Electric Telograph Emigration Officor and Health Officor English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank Entomological Society of Now South Wales .. Equity Department European Assuranco Society,, Exchange Company, Sydney Executivo Council Eye and Ear Institution, Sydney Femalo Refugo Society, Sydney ,, School of Industry Fire Establishments Fitzroy Dry Dock „ Ironworks Company Forostor's, Anciont Order of .. Free Church of England „ Trade Association Gaol, Darlinghurst Gardens, Botanical General Post Office ., Glebe, Municipality of. Government .. „ Printer ., Grammar Sohool. GENERAL INDEX. GENERAL INDEX. ,, 410 Harbour Department 375 Harbours and Rivers, Department of Health Officor and Emigration Officor 374 Hobrows .. .. .. ,, .. 377 Homo, Tho .. 408 „ Visiting and Relief Society .. 383 Hospital, St. Vincent's 373 Hunter River Now S. N. Co 393 Hyde Park Improvement Committee 405 401 IHawarra Steam Navigation Company 398 Immigration, Department of .. 377 Imperial Fire Insurance Company ,. 378 Infirmary & Dispensary .. .. 378 Insolvency Department .. .. •108 Inspector-General of Polico .. .. 397 Insuranco Companies .. 403 ,, Fire Brigade .. 402 Internal Communication 395 Investment and Building Societies .. Ironworks Company, Fitzroy.. 393 408 Jockey Club, Australian 3811 392 Judges, District Court 381 382 Land Titles Offico .. ., 383 Lands, Department of .. 395 Law Institute of Now South Wales .. 402 „ Offices, Crown 392 Logal Directory 397 Legislative Assembly „ Assembly, Ofiicors of 398 „ Council „ Council, Officers of .. 401 399 Livorpool & London & Globe Insuranco Company 398 395 London and Lancashire Firo and Life Insurance Companies ., ,. 373 London Charterod Bank of Australia.. Lunatic Asylum 381 Lyndhurst Collego, St. Mary's 402 375 Magazines .. .. ,, 378 M agistrates 389 Marino Assuranco Oflico, Metcalfe's .. 383 Marrickvillo, Municipality of Masonic 384 Mastor in Equity's Department 381 Medical Board of New South Wales .. 379 „ Directory 398 „ Library, Australian 377 Metcalfe's Marino Assuranco Offico .. 387 Military Establishments 399 „ Store Department .. ' 382 Minmi Coal Company Mint, Branch of the Royal 393 Missionary Society, Auxiliary to tho 397 London .. .. ., 395 Money Order Offico 408 Moruya Silver Mining Company 389 Municipal Directory 395 Museum, Australian 881 Mutual Provident Sooiety PAGE Naval Brigade Navigation Board ., .. .. Netherlands India Firo and Marine Insuranco Company . . . .. Nowcastlo Wallsoud Coal Company., Now South Wales, Bank of .. .. „ Building Societies „ Marino Assuranco Company .. .. .. .. Newtown, Municipality of .. .. Now Zealand „ Insuranco Company . . Notaries, Public North British & Mercantile Insuranco Company Northern Firo & Lifo Assuranco Co... Observatory Oddfellows, Independent Order of .. Oriental Bank Corporation .. .. Osborne Wallsond Coal Company .. Pacific Firo and Marino Insuranco Co. Paddiugton, Municipality of .. Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Company .. .. Parliament of Now South Walus . Peace Society of Now South Wales .. Peak Downs Copper Mining Company „ „ „ Now Peel River Laud and Mineral Co. .. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. .. Philharmonic Society, Sydnoy .. Philosophical Society of N. S. AValos PhcDnix Building Society ., ., Police, Inspector-General of .. „ Offico, Central .. .. „ Offico, Water Post Offico, General Presbyterian Church .. .. Primitivo Methodist Church .. Printer, Government .. .. .. Public Works Office Pyrmont Bridgo Company ,. .. Quoonsland „ Stoain Navigation Co. Ragged and Industrial Schools Randwick, Municipality of .. Redfern, Municipality of .. Registrar-General Religious Tract and Book Society Roads Department Roman Catholic Church .. Royal Artillery „ Firo and Lifo Insuranco Co. „ Sydnoy Yacht Squadron Sailors' Home, Sydnoy .. Savings' Bank School Board, Denominational „ of Arts, Sydney Mechanics' „ of Industry, Femalo ,, Sydnoy Grammar .. Schools, Ragged and Industrial ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. ., ,, 394 Sheriff's Department .. 39G Shipping Master's Department .. Silver Mining Company, Moruya .. 375 Smyth's Sydnoy Marino Assuranco 377 Offico 373 Society, Acclimatisation .. .. 878 „ Agricultural, of N. S. Walos „ Australian Mutual Provident 375 „ Australian Union Benofit 408 ,, Auxiliary to tho London Mis 413 sionary 375 „ Book Hawking, N. S. W. 405 „ Bush Missionary „ Entomological, of N. S.Wales 375 ,, European Assuranco 375 ,, Destituto Children's Relief „ Church 393 „ Homo Visiting and Roliof 387 „ Peaco of Now South Wales .374 ,, Philosophical of Now South 378 Walos 475 „ Keligious Tract and Book 408 „ Sydnoy Co-operative ., „ Sydnoy Diocesan 370 „ Sydnoy Female Refugo 389 ,, Sydnoy Pliilharmonio 382 ,, Trade Protection 378 Southern Insurance Company 378 Statistical Offico 378 Steam Navigation Board 370 ,, Companies .. 385 St. John's College 381 St. Mary's Collego 378 St. Paul's Collego 392 St. Vincent's Hospital.. 392 Sugar Refining Company 393 Supremo Court 395 „ Offices 401 Surveyor General Department of 401 Sydnoy Bethel Union 395 „ Church of England Cometery 397 Company 378 „ C'o-operativo Socioty .. „ Diocesan Society ., 415 „ Exchange Company ., ,, Eyo and Ear Institution 377 „ Infirmary and Dispensary 381 ,, Insuranco Company .. , 409 „ Mechanics School of Arts 409 „ University of .. 392 ,, Volunteer Firo Company, No 382 ., .. ., 398 Tasmania 899 Telegraph, Electric ,, 393 Tcmpcranco Allianco.. Protection Society 375 Trade Treasury, Tho 379 Trust & Agency Company of Anstralasia 385 Union Bank of Australia 374 ,, Building Socioty 381 „ Club 384 Unitarian Church 381 United Firo & Marino Insuranco Co, 384 Universal Marine Insuranco Co, 381 University of Sydnoy . . ., 11 VA.QE 402 396 377 378 12 UENEBAL INDEX. I Vaccine Department Vice Admiralty Court.. .. .. Victoria ' .. .. . „ Club „ Fire & Marine Insurance Co. „ Life & General Insuranco Co. Volunteer Club Volunteers, Now South Wales .. PAGE I 393 402 410 879 876 376 379 394 Waratah Coal Company Waterloo Municipality of Water Police Office Wavorloy Municipality of Wesloyan Methodist Church Western Australia Woollahra Municipality of Yacht Squadron, Royal Sydney ALMANAC AND GENERAL CALENDAR FOR J ALMANAC FOR 1865. ALMANAC FOR 1865. 1ST MoNTn.] JANUARY. [31 MOON'S DAYS. PHASES. D. •rf J BEUAEEABLE EVENTS. * t* 1 a ^ 4 t 6 I 9 IO IX 13 »3 ;g 16 17 i8 19 so 31 23 91 94 95 36 3 SO 3° 3» 11. M Oirenmdales,—First after Christmas S M Queensland Electorates fro., i860 Tu W Th AT..?. W. Con. Act. proclaimed, 1843 F Epiphany.—Twelfth D a y S Q First after Epiphany. wall born, I8GJ [Duke of Com- C. of G. H o p e tkn. from D u t c h , 180G M Tu W Th First English Parliament, 1305 Sef: of Vic. from N.S. IV., 1851 !•' Leichhardt (lis. li. Mackenzie, 1845 S Seeead after Epiphany 0 yirst Theatre in Sydney, 1796 M Tu Secession of Georgia fin. Union, 1861 W Earthquake felt at Sydney, 1831 Th F Wellington, N.Z., founded, 184a S Thirl after Epiphany 0 M Lablachc died, 1858 Tu La Perousc anc. Botany Bay, 1788 W Princess R o y a l married, 1858 Th Foundation of the Colony of Nc-.u [South Wales, Governor Bligh deposed, 1808 Feurth aftor Epiphany 0 M Charles I. executed, 1648 Tu Great Eastern launched, 1858 F S 1788 FEBRUARY. 2ND MONTH.] [28 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 G 6 G 6 <• 6 G a x o o 59 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 53 96 Vfi io|6 11 6 13 0 5. 5i 50 49 48 F i r s t Qunrtcr F u l l Moon ... Lnst Quarter N o w Moon ... Apogco Perigee H W i 3 3 tG 7 8 9 IO II ia >3 '4 X5 lfi 18 10 ao ai 33 33 »4 11 =7 s8 w First general muster of colony, 1810 Th F Anti-transportation Agitation, 1851 Sivau River discovered, 1697 S Fifth after Epiphany B M Order of victoria Cross instd., 185G Tu "Orpheus" wrecked, 18G3 [portation, 1839 W Th Public Meeting in fa-or of TransQueen Victoria married, 1840 K Cass' Straits discovered, 1797 S Q M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu Eeptnageslna.—Goldd. N.S. IV., 1851 Cap. Cook killed Tasmania at 0:vhyee, founded, 1779 1804 Luther died, 154G Boxagoelma Suspension of Governor Bligh, 1808 Cato-strcct Conspirators arres., 1820 Louis Phillippc deposed, 1848 II. M. It 47 O 32 9 9 10 10 11 11 0 1 1 3 3 5 6 >' 5 a 5! 34 53 a4 3 5i 47 5° >6 30 Oulnqnageslnu 7 9 8 51 Shrove Tuesday. 9 4X 10 36 3(> p.m. 0 p.m. 0 p.m. 7 Kttchi'ti.—Saw F r e n c h b e a n s , turnips, spinach, c a r r o t s , cauliflowers, parsnips, beans, r a d i s h e s , parsley, rhulmrb. F o r Into crops—pens, lettuce, p u m p k i n s , m e lon?, cucumbers. P l a n t brocoll, celery, cabbages, potatoes. Hints.—Turn up v a c a n t g r o u n d ready for re-cropping In w e t w e a t h e r ; stir soil deeply between g r o w i n g crops j choose s t o u t cnbbngo plants for e n d u r i n g d r o u g h t . Flower Keep beds clean; w e e d a n d witter well. Carefully a t t e n d to dnhlins; stake, prune mid tie itji early planted ones, and rem o v e superfluous shoots; d i g up nnd store bulbs as soon ns leaves nro withered. Hem o v e d e l l c n t o p l n n t s from scorching nilddny sun. L a y cnrnatlonB a n d climbers. Roses m a y bo propngntcd b y layers nnd c u t t i n g s in c l o u d y w e a t h e r . Orchard.— Loosen g r o u n d ; t h i n superfluous fruit, orange trees, &c. Field Break up l a n d for w h e a t , a n d Btlr u p t h a t previously ploughed ; s o w barley for green crop on rich soil; s o w Swedish t u r n i p s , m a n g e l wurzcl, &c., nnd s o r g h u m snecharatum In rows t h r c o feet npnrt, each p l a n t a foot d i s t a n t . P u t tobacco a t tho end of t l i o m o n t l i . Witty/cirri.-Contlnuo p r u n i n g whero s a p docs n o t H o w ; remove shoots and d e s t r o y weeds. MOON'S DAYS. PHASED. 11. :s 11 11 11 *i .12 in 7 VI 211 0 8 II. M 6 48 6 47 Apogco Perigee 11 20 6 Kitchen.—Plant nnd BOW ncnrly t h e same as J a n u a r y . P l a n t largely of e a r l y p o t a t o e s ; t r a n s p l a n t o n i o n s , snlnds, enrrots, e a r l y peas for frame, niuts.—Clcnn side s h o o t s from a s p a r a g u s ; thin y o u n g plants, n n d c o n t i n u e t o storo roots n n d b u l b s ; select strong branches of celery for p l a n t i n g in t r e n c h e s ; carefully a t tend t o cucumbers. Flower.—-Thin out, stake, nnd a t t e n d t o d n h l i n s ; p l a n t o u t stocks, s w e e t wllllnin n n d other perennial n n d biennial flowers In c l o u d y w e a t h e r ; w a t e r ; r e m o v e decayed blooms. Orchard Weed nnd loosen soil; nttend t o fruit trees. Field S o w Capo barley, t u r n i p s , nil sorts, &c. P i c k hops, c u t tobacco, commenco p l o u g h i n g for crops. VIncyard.—Weed and loosen s o i l ; elenn v i n e s from useless t e n d r i l s a n d s h o o t s ; continuo b a g g i n g g r a p e s ; throw s u n l i g h t n n d nir on branches. a .7 6 46 G 45 G 44 6 43 G 43 G 41 G 40 G 39 G 38 6 37 636 6 35 6 34 G 33 G 33 G 31 G 30 G ag 6 28 G 37 G 36 6 35 6 34 6 33 6 33 MARCH. 3RD MONTH.] 7 10 1t t 9 3 I6 I9 a £ W Ash Wednesday.—fit. David Th Emperor N i c h o l a s died, 1855 F Russian Serfs emancipated, 18G1 S aM A. Lincoln inaug. Prcs. U. S., 18G1 Qnidnpislma.—Flrtt In Lent Jirst Newspaper pub, in A us., 1803 Tu W Melbourne Th IO F II S 12 S M »1 Tu 14 W X5 iG Th F S ID B 30 M 91 Tu 33 W •3 Th F 34 K B M Tu 99 W HO Th 3X F \l n u n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. 0 n.m. 0 p.m. named, 1837 Island settlement founded, C1790 Prince Imperial of France b o m , 1856 St. Patrick Princess Louisa born, 1848 Third In Lost.—Lucknow captured [from the rebels, 1858 Sir Isaac N e w t o n died, 1737 Queen Elizabeth died, 1603 APRIL. Fifth In Lost [1804 Martial Law proclaimed in Sydney, British Museum established, 1753 First Census Queensland taken, 1861 Bank N.S. W. established, 1817 S Palm Sunday S S M Tu W Th F S B M Tu W Th F S B G Annunciation.—Lady Say Fovth is Lest War declared against Russia, 1854, [and P e a c e proclaimed, 1856 [1831 yirst Steamer launched in Sydney,, Napoleon 1st abdicated, 1814 Vaccination introduced, 179G Capitulation o f Fort Sumter, 18G1 Qood Friday.—Princess Beatrice born, [>8S7 Easter Sunday Great Fight between Savers and [Hccnan, i860 Lord Byron died, 1824 Napoleon 3rd born, 1808 Burke and Wills arrived Caofer's [Creek, 1861 First after Easter.—Si Qeergo's Say Oliver Cromwell born, 1599 Bank of England founded, 1694 Treaty of P e a c e with Russia ratified [at Paris, 185G S^jeead after Castor. It. M G 33 6 31 G 30 G 19 6 17 G iG Gij 46 47 6 « 3 48 G 13 49 6 11 50 G 10 5' 5» 53 54 55 56 G 6 3 Boesnd is Lent Norfolk B M Tu W Th F S M Tu W Th F 10 58 [i 46 o 18 Prince of W a l e s married, 18G3 EEUABEABLE EVENTS. s [31 DAYS, BEBABKABLE EVENTS. s & — 4TH MONTH.] M. F i r s t Qunrtcr F u l l Moon ... Lnst Qunrtcr N e w Moon ... M EEIIAP.EABLE EVENTS. O fc= / 4 1 sa- D. rrf •rf M. 1 48 a.m. i) fi n.m. 0 42 p . m . il. 0 12 20 27 17 10 11 44 35 3 G o 5 59 5 58 5 57 5 56 5 55 5 54 5 53 5 53 5 5i 5 SO HOOK'S PHASES. F i r s t Quarter F u l l Moon ... L n s t Qunrtcr N o w Moon ... Apogco Perlgco D . I I . M. 4 10 24 p . m . 12 8 47 p . m . 20 10 41 p . m . 27 i) 33 p . m . lil 0 o n o o n 27 10 0 a.m. A'ifcJicn.—Sow llcttuco, t u r n i p s , brocoll, carrots, boons, o n i o n s ; p l a n t potatoes, brocoll, cauliflower, c e l e r y , lottuco, eschalots, liorso-rndlBU r h u b a r b . Hints. —Provldo for w i n t e r crops. Cnbbngo nnd Bplnach t o bo elenred o f all Incumbrances, n n d g r o u n d loosened. T u r n i p s t o g r o w BIX i n c h e s n p n r t ; t h i n thOBO s o w n lnst m o n t h . Gather r i p e n i n g Bocd daily. M a n u r e , dig, and t r e n c h v n c n n t ground. H o r s e r a d i s h a n d r h u b n r b t o bo put into dccply-dug ground Floivcr.— P l n n t Cape b u l b s , also d n h l i n s nnd Into nnnunls for s u c c e s s i o n ; p l n n t o u t e a r l y (lowering p l a n t s , ns ranunculuses, a n e mones, crocuses, & c ; a l l o w nil p l a n t s a free c u r r e n t of nir, b u t p r o t e c t from scorching s u n . Lnto In m o n t h propagnto pinks by c u t t i n g s In l i g h t s a n d y Boll, i n a dry sheltered plnco. Orchard.—Weed nnd loosen s o i l ; t h i n o r n n g o trees. I n m o i s t w e a t h e r p l a n t o u t strawberries. Field.—Plant potatoes e n r l y t h l m n o n l h . S o w Cnpo bnrloy, tares, &&, for s p r i n g food, also w h e a t , lnangorjwurr.ol, & c ; b u t if h o t w e a t h e r , e n d o f m o n t h preferred. S o w bnrloy for g r e e n crouj collect seeds o f sorghum a n d other m i l l e t s ; c u t n n d house tobacco. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter F u l l Moon ... Lnst Quarter N o w Moon ... Apogco Perlgco D. 3 11 10 2G 0 2-1 II. 11 2 9 0 2 8 M. 24 82 25 18 0 0 a.m. p.m. n.m. n.m. p.m. p.m. Kitchen,—Sow early p e a s , lottuco, onions, t u r n i p s , radish, b e n n s , cabbages, cucumbers (for frnmo c r o p s ) , s n v o y , s n g o seeds, b r o c o l l , cnullllowcrs (for'succession). P l n n t oullnnr horlis. Hints Enrth u p c e l e r y j thin parsnips, carrots, n n d t u r n i p s ; dross p o t a t o b e d ; c o l l e c t nnd storo p u m p k i n s ; d i g nnd t r e n c h boforo w o t w e n t h c r sets i n . Flcnccr.— Rcmovo r u b b i s h . Reason for p l a n t i n g bulbous r o o t s requiring d r y ground; t i e u p nnd s l n k o c h r y s a n t h e m u m * , p r u n o g e r a n i u m s , re-pot and s t n r t fuchsias, p l a n t o u t e n r n n t l o n s , h y a c i n t h s , capers, camellias, a n d climbers; plnco cnnicllias In cool d r y s i t u a t i o n s t o flower; propaguto h e r b a c e o u s plants; r c - p l n n t dnlsics for e d g i n g s . Period for punBlcs nnd violets. Orchard.—Commenco plnntlng ornngo, l o q u n t , nnd o t h e r evergreens; p l a n t raspberry, gooseberry, s t r a w b e r r y , currants. I n pruning raspberries, t h e old s t e m s H i n t produced f r u i t thlB s u m mer m u s t bo tnken out. Field.—Saw w h e a t , b a r l e y , field lieans, pons, Tnrtnrinn onts for liny, potato o a t s for c o r n , clover, l u c e r n e , nil k i n d s of grass seeds for p a s t u r e , fodder, or l i n y ; h a r v e s t sorghum n n d o t h e r m i l l e t s nnd preserve stalks. M n l z o crop n o w (it for p u l l i n g . ALMANAC FOR 1866. 5TII MONTH.] MAY. [31 ALMANAC FOR 1866. UOON'E PEASES. DAYS, M. 0 turn. 28 a.m. 44 p.m. IA n.m. T), l» 3 BEMAEEABLE EVENTS. II. M H. M [Phillip met, 1851 Z/w/ Council N.S. IV. and Port France dec. war aenst. Austria, 1859 Clocks Intro, into England, 13G4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 41 6 41 6 43 643 6 44 5 1 5 6 45 5 1 4 6 46 513 64; 5 " 64I 5 11 648 5 649 6 50 55 6 51 5 6 5a 6 53 5 6 53 5 6 54 5 6 55 5 656 5 5 s 5; 5 J3 83 First Steamer in Port Jackson, 1831 Third after Easter Gold Rush to Bathurst, 1851 Garibaldi & Volntrs, Ian. at Marsala, Sepoy Mutiny M i a , 1857. [i860 British Governmentgives ftrmissim Ifor formation of Vol. Rifle Corps Fourth oftor Easter [1859 10 II It il •5 lO Sir fohn Voting installed as [Governor, 1861 Buonaparte pro. Emperor, 1804 Burnt Burnt A fines dis., 1844 Bogatlon Binary 5 1 6 59 5 o 6 59 5 o 7 o 4 59 +5 7 45 7 4 58 4 57 4 57 4 56 4 55 [Population, 266,000 Census ofjV.S.IV., 1857—Total Queen V ictoria born, 1818 Aaeenalen Day—Holy Tirawiay [dians, i860 Palermo captured by the GaribalFlrst after Ascension. First Immigrant 6TII d a 1 a 1S MoNTn.] i Is Th F S S M Tn W Ship arrived, 1831 JUNE. I ll 3 [30 DAYS A I. BEMABKABLE EVENTS. Sydney Synagogue opened, 1844 Whit Stmdjy.—Pcateeott Count Cavour died, 1861 Sydney Chamber of Commerce [established, 1826 Til Cattle boiled down for tallow, 1843 9 F Gold discovered at Tnron, 1851 10 S 11 S Trinity Snn4ay 13 M Sir C. Fits Roy, Governor, 1851 11 Tu Ice inch thick at Melbourne, 1853 14 W IS Th Corpus Ohristi 16 F B [1815 D First after Trinity.—Battle of Waterloo, 19 M 30 Tu Accession of Queen Victoria, 1838 21 W Proclamation 23 Th Tremendous Fire in Toolcy-strect— [Braidwood killed 23 F John Baptist S St. S Soeoni after Trinity 3f) M George IV. died 1830 27 Tu 2» W Coronation of Queen Victoria, 1838 20 Th Burke, the Explorer died, 1861 30 F 6 2 2 8 II. M It.M 7 4 4 55 4 54 4 54 4 53 4 53 4 53 4 53 4 5» 4 52 4 52 4 5» 4 52 4 53 4 53 4 52 4 53 4 52 4 52 4 52 4 52 4 53 4 53 4 52 4 52 4 53 4 52 4 53 4 53 4 53 4 53 First Quarter Full Moon ... Last Quarter New Moon ... 3 11 18 25 Apogee Perigee 7 2 22 10 0 tun. 0 p.m. 4 3 t BEUABSABLE EVENTS. £ 1 A I 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 H u \l 10 20 31 32 23 24 25 2b S S M Tu W Th F S 8 M Tu W Th F b B M Tu W Th F b S M Tu W 38 38 31 MOON'S PEASES. D. H. ... 1 0 ... 9 7 ... 10 9 !3 Apogee Terlgeo... ... 8 19 7 2 II. 20 40 58 2 Thirl after Trinity Mel. University founded, 1854 American Independence pro., 1776 Evacuation of Crimea, 1856 Archdeacon Cmvpcr died, 1858 Gold discovered at Pyrenees, 1851 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 Fourth after Trinity 16 [1845 17 Nca Squalling Regulations issued, 18 Cawnporc Massacre, 1857 '9 First Leg. Council, N.S.IK, 1829 20 Bastille destroyed, 1789 21 23 Fifth after Trinity. 23 24 South-west Coast of Australia ?1 discovered, 1632 36 Robbery of M'lvor Escort, 1853 Battle of Bull's Run, 1861 28 Sixth after Trinity i t t Newspaper pub. in London, 1588 Small Pox first appeared in [Sydney, 1836 F First Overland Mail arrived, 1852 b S BaTenth after Trinity M Revolution at Paris, 1830 8TH MONTH.] p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 0 p.m. 0 a.m. Kitchen.—Sow peas, beans, brocoll, cabbage, salad, Bplnnch, cauliflower, radish, pnrslov. onions, lettuce, mustardcress, rhubarb, &e. Transplant ns last month, with strawberries, artichokes, onions, &c. Hints.—Earth np peas and beans If forward; trench n n d m a n u r o ; plnnt, thin, and earth up crops. Floivcr. —Plant fuchsias, geraniums, nnd cactus cuttings, Capo bulbs, flowering slnubs, ornamental trees, herbaceous plants, hedglngs, and lwrdcra; treat fuchsias hyacinths, geraniums, lilllos,nnd dnhlia roots as In April nnd May. Orchard.— Transplant all kinds of ovcrgreen and decldcoiiB. fruit-trees, strawberries, &c. Plnnt cuttings. Deep digging nnd manuring. Prune with knlfo nnd saw. FlcliU—Sow spring barley; nlso white clover nnd rye-grass on land t h a t oats hnvo been grown on. IHnts. — Stir fallow ground, and brenk u p vacant spots. Prcparo ground for pens, maize, and turnips. Roll oats where necessary; drain wet, heavy soils. 1 1 1 4 31 2 3 4 5 0 8 AUGUST. 11. g 1! U 1 £ M. II. M 3 ft Hi en H;M 8 7 7 4 54 3 SO 7 7 4 54 1 40 7 7 4 54 4 34 7 6 4 54 s 40 7 6 4 55 6 20 7 S 4 IS 7 7 7 R 4 55 50 7 5 4 5<J 30 7 4 4 56 9 14 7 4 4 sG 10 S 7 3 4 sG 10 48 7 3 4 S6 IX 28 7 3 4 S7 0 7 2 4 57 0 7 2 4 5« I 47 7 2 4 58 2 4b 7 1 4 SO 3 19 7 I 4 59 4 12 4 59 S 30 7 0 5 0 6 3S 7 0 S 0 7 34 6 59 5 0 8 28 6 si! 5 1 f. sB 5 1 9 9 6 S7 5 2 10 31 6 S 7 S 3 f. U rfi 11 44 6 ,SS 1 4 0 12 6 54 5 5 0 S3 « I 34 C 5 3 5s 7 I '4 REUABEABLE EVENTS. MOON'S PEASES. l), 11. 21. 1 11 45 a.m. u 0 32 a.m. 10 2 3 1 a . m . 20 4 34 a.m. 31 5 13 n.m. First Quarter Full Moon Lust Quarter New Moon First Quarter Apogee Perigco Apogee I) D. Prospect If ill Settlement made, 1791 9 10 Hawkesbury great floods began, 180811 12 Bligh (ith Governor) arrived, 1806 13 Eighth after Trinity.-"/frf;«//<»" 14 [wrecked, 1859 15 Colonial Tobacco first advertised for 16 [sale, 1822 17 V.D.L. taken up by the British, 1803 18 Catherine H a y e s died, 1861 19 Mel. first lighted with Gas, 1857 20 Ninth aftsr Trinity 21 22 Gold discovered at Otago, N.Z., =3 [18G1 24 25 Sydney Commonage granted, 1811 26 "Royal George" sunk at Spithcad, 27 Tenth after Trinity L1782 28 Ship "Dunbar" wrecked, 1857 © I First sod of Mel. and Essendon 2 [Rail, turned by Sir H. Ilarkty 3 River Murray navigated, 1853 4 5 Eleventh after Trinity 6 F S S S7 M 28 Tu %. P. Fawkner encamped Mel., 1835 8 29 W Torres Straits discovered, 1606 9 Th 10 Jesg a II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 II 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 " 0 0 1 2 2 A in L M. 11. M II. M 4 6 G 52 5 8 54 6 5 1 5 9 48 G 505 10 50 5 11 35 %%5 12 27 6 47 5 13 15 6 46 5 14 4 6 45 5 15 5 6 6 44 5 1 6 39 G 4 3 3 '.42 52 6 41 44 6 40 5 ' 9 5 20 29 28 6 $ S 21 5 22 6 37 33 8 63O 5 23 »6 6 35 5 =4 45 6 34 5 25 38 6 33 5 26 22 6 32 5 27 5 28 1 6 31 5 29 44 6 30 5 30 6 39 16 3 G 28 5 31 5 3» 6 37 39 1 Gs6 5 33 5 34 6 25 38 13 6 24 5 36 6 23 5 3G 0 6 22 5 37 44 5 38 Wl 1 1 0 p.m. 11 li 0 a.m. 29 8 0 a.m. Kitchen.—Sow spinach, carrots, turnips, parsnips, celery, cabbngo, cauliflower, pens, beans .onions, leeks, lettuce, parsley, niiiBtard-crees, and herljs of nil s o r t s ; for succession, cauliflower and brocoll. Plnnt nsparngus, cnbbnge, brocoll, lettuce, leeks, rhubarb, artichokes, and nil herbs. Floiccr.—Plant and reinovo shrubs, roses, &c ; plant hyacinths, anemones, ranunculuses, tulips, nnd all Cnpobulbs. Trentlillles.fuchslas, mid dahlia roots as In April nnd May. Orchard.—Plant vines, bananas, apple, pear, (pd'aco, peach, orango, lime, nprlcot, pomegranate, gooseberry, currant, and raspberry. Prune gooseberry, currant, nnd raspberry bushes. i>'(cld— Field peas and beans may still bo sown; also clover, lucerne, and nil kind of seeds for pastures. Hints.—Plough for tobacco, maize, potatoes, onions, nnd nil kinds of root crops. Weed driUed crops. Winter plovghinv should never 60 neglected. [31 DAYS. Is Tu W Th F S 0 0 7 M 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th F li 12 S 13 S 14 M 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 F S S M 21 Tu 22 W s a E? •I z 2 3 4 23 24 25 =0 |, 8 2 'Hi First Quarter Full Moon ... Last Quarter New Moon ... [31 DAYS. D. X 3 Kitchen.—Sow and plant ns i n April. Transplant horse-radish, ctchnlots, rhubarb, leeks, asparagus &c. Hints— Save cabbago and onions for seed; dig up and storo carrots and potatoes; dig. trench, and manure all vacant ground. J7oiccr,—As In April. Tako up, dry, and storo dahlia roots; transplant nullvO shrubs; tuko up and. keep d r y , Miles nnd such bulbs. Plnnt flowering shrubs and herbneeous plants of nil kinds. Orchard.—Oranges, loqnats, and evergreens, as In April j plant n u t , apple, pear, ehorry, mulberry, ollvo, nlmond, quince, plum, nnd apricot trees; manure fruit trees; trench and prcparo now ground; for those trees, bono dust and guano have been found profitable. Field—Bow wheat, barloy, & c ; pull turnips and all root crops t h a t are ready, nnd store to protect them from weather. JULY. 7TH MONTH.] MOON'S PHASES. I). Full Moon Last Quarter New Moon First Quarter 7 14 21 20 Perigee Apogee 10 20 11. M. 8 7 C 9 U p.m. 47 a.m. 22 p.m. 61 p.m. 6 1 0 n.m. 0 KMc/icn.—Sow beet, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, melons, brocoll, cabbage, &c.,as Inst month, with addition of spring vegetables. Plant potatoes, cauliflower, rhubarb, artichokes. Hints—Earth-up asparagus; clean nnd loosen soil, notour.—Sow annuals; transplant lilies, anemones, flowering shrubs, roses, mangollas, camellias, carnations, primroses, &e., &c. Finish planting trees and shrubs. Orchard.—Plnnt banana, citron, lime, orange, lemon, guava, fig, apple, lotpiat, and every description of hardy fruit trees. Field.—Bow rye, beans, peas, vetches, carrots, parsnips; in lato districts, wheat,barloy, and oats. Hints.—Sow tobacco in seed bods nnd protect from frost; sow sorghum sacchnratum In seed beds for planting out; when BIX inches high, transplant into rows three feet apart, caclt plant .a foot distant. Prepnro ground for mnizo and summer-growing crops. Cut and dress hops, solect for planting good Bets, not less than two oyes. ALMANAC FOR 1865. 9TH MONTH.] SEPTEMBER. F S S II. II. M II. M 6 6 22 5 3 8 6 2 5 39 6 20 5 4° 6 19 5 4 ' G17 5 42 6 16 5 43 6.5 6 14 55 44 45 6:3 6 1 55 446 l 6 10 5 48 5 49 5 5° S 51 5 5* 5 53 5 54 5 55 5 56 5 57 58 59 59 55 i o 5 5! 5 57 5 56 5 55 5 54 5 53 5 5» Court of Requests first opened, 1824 Twelfth after Trinity M Royal British Dank failed, 1856 Tu Sydney Bethel Union started, 1822 W Th Arrival ofHunter find Gov.) 1795 F S Port Curtis gold rush begins, 1854 19 0 Thirtoonth after Trinity.—Sevastopol M [taken,1855 Tu Arrival of King (yd Gov.) 1800 W Tli Duke of Wellington died, 1852 F Sir J. Druncl died, 1859 S D Fourteenth after Trinity M Wills, the explorer, buried by Tu [I/mvitt, 18G1 W Battle of the Alma, 1854 Th F Kennedy left Sydney on last cxpeS [ditiou, 1848 S Fifteenth after Trinity M Countiesproclaimed in V.D.L., 1804 Tu W [1800 Th Governor Hunter left for England, F St. lllchiol :83c S Hobson anchored in Hobson's Bay, 10TH MONTH.] 4 •rf 3 Js H OCTOBER. BBMABEABLE EVENTS. l Sixteenth after Trinity 9 Fearful storm at Adelaide, 1854 Prince of Wales Theatre burnt, [i860 Sir T. Mitchell died, 185s Names of Sydney Streets pro[claimed, 1810 S At T Tu 4 W S Th 6 V S 0 9 M 10 Tu II W 12 Th F '3 S S 16 M »7 Tu 18 W Th »9 20 F 21 S 22 0 =3 M =4 Tu as W 26 Th 27 F 28 S 29 S 30 M 3i Tu i It Full Moon Last Quurtcr Now Moon ... First Quarter Perigee Apogee If II. M, U.M l(. M 4 32 5 50 6 6 Seventeenth after Trinity.—Cmvpcr Eighteenth after Trinity Vic.'' rV«« Exhibition opened, 1854 Siege of Sebaslopol commenced, [1854 Baltic of Trafalgar, 1E05 nineteenth after Trinity "Catherine Adamson" wrecked, 1857 Fort Macquarie completed, 1803 Battle of Balaklava, 1854 Captain Cook born, 1723 [1842 Shock of Earthquake over colony. Twentieth after Trinity " u 5 4]1 5 4 G 5 47 f 9 7 5 46 6 10 8 5 45 6 11 8 32 5 44 6 12 9 5 10 18 43 6 . 3 11 3 5 42 6 11 49 5 41 6 0 39 5 40 6 6 1 40 5 3] 6 18 2 52 5 3l 6 18 4 14 5 3 6 6 19 5 3> 5 35 6 20 6 15 5 34 6 20 6 52 5 33 6 21 2 3 8 3 5 3= 6 21 3> 6 22 8 39 55 30 6 23 9 9 53 5 2S 6 23 6 10 28 5 26 24 10 53 5 =7 6 25 11 27 5 26 6 26 5 =5 6 27 5 34 6 28 5 =3 6 28 5 22 6 29 5 => 6 30 5 20 6 30 c M. 57 2 SO fil 0 0 D. 6 12 20 28 7 22 p.m. p.m. u.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon ... Lnst Quarter Now Moon . . First Qunrtcr 6 12 20 28 II. 8 1 2 1 rcrlgeo Apogeo 5 1U 4 5 NOVEMBER. 11TH MONTH.] Kitchen.—Sow pens, beniiB, cucumbers, lettuco, cabbage, turnips, brocoli, leeks, onions, melons, pumpkins, vegetable marrow, radish, splnacb, parsley, capsicums, tomatos. l'lnnt as August, with thyme, marjoram, garlic, eschalots, lettuco, cnbbago, parsley, and herbs. Hints.—Dress nspnragtiB and artlchoko beds; weed, water, and pulvcrlso Boll. Noiccr.—Contlnuo planting lilies, crinlums, and other bulbs, dahlias (in rich soil); weed and water; protect blooming flowers from boisterous weather and mid-day heat. Orchard.—Sow all sorts of melons. Orango, lemon, nnd all kinds of evergreens may bo transplanted, b u t do not keep them out or ground longer than necessary. Hints.—Watch anil remove Insects nnd keep ground clean. Flcld.-Sow malzo, millet, cotton, pumpkins; sorghum In bods or Holds, for after planting tho Bocd Is Improved by being steeped 11 few hours In wntcr previous t o sowing. Hints.—Sow thrco cotton seeds In a hole, etch holo four feet, apart, when six Inches high tnko out two weakest, leaving strongest 0110 remaining In each hole. Weed and loosen soil; If dry weather, Irrigate. [31 DAYS, [Ministry resigned, 1863 Liberty of the Press allowed, 1824 University opened, 1852 [1859 Robt. Stephenson, engineer, died, Martin Mftiistryformed, 18G3 [Infiiinaty laid, 1811 Foundation Stone of Sydney j MOON'S PHASES. [30 DAYS, A ItEMARZABLS EVENTS. ALMANAC FOR 1866. M. 30 a.m. 27 a.m. 32 n.m. 55 a.m. 0 p.m. 0 p.m. Kitchen.—Sow as Scptcmbor for lato crop, with celery, endive; plant arrowroot, ginger, tannine, yams, sweet potatoes, garlic Hints.—Weed and water; mako mushroom beds, plant tho spawn and cover with straw. Flower.— Sow bnlsnnis and tender annuals, blennlnls, perennials, stocks, a n d mignloncttcs. Plant dahlias; -shado recent transplants; treat tulips and other bulbs as In May. Orchard.—Weed nnd loosen surface of soil; look carefully after newly-budded trees; cut off all superfluous stono fruit; comincnco to pruno and thin out orango trees, Field.—Sow tobacco In .seed beds, Swedish turnips, mangel wurzel, water, and other melons, carrots, and everything as lost month; plant potatoes. Hints.—Protect tobacco from frost with boughs. Water if necessary- Sunflower nnd flax may bo grown this month. Vineyard.— Itemovo barren roots nnd nil useless tendrils from vines. Weed nnd loosen surfneo soil; put down stakes when required nnd destroy caterpillars. 4 •d ft .* » is W Th 3 F S S b M Tu 7 W a 9 Th IO F II S 12 S '3 M »4 Tu IS W 16 Th F S 19 S 20 M 21 Tu 22 W »3 Th F 24 S S M 27 28 Tu W 29 Th 30 S* S Telegraph completed between Lon [don and Paris, 1852 t Twenty-lint after Trinity.—Battle of \l S t Is F S 3 S 4 M S Tu 6 W 7 Th 8 V S S II M 13 Tu '3 W ' 4 Th IS F 16 S S 17 18 M Tu 19 20 W 31 Th 22 F S S M 3,S 36 Tu W 37 38 Th 29 F S 8 I 3 iS n 11 , II. M It. M >5 5° i s 1; 6 33 $ 33 16 6 34 14 [Inkermann, 1854 Gov. Sir T. Brisbane arrived, 1821 Mason & Slidell seized board' Trent,' »9 Prince of Wales bom, 1841 [1861 Windsor Bridge completed, 1813 '3 First whale fishing attempted, 1791 Outbreak at Ballarat about License [Fees, 1854 Agitation in Mel. on convicts, 1854 Sydney Free Grammar School [formed, 1825 Twenty-third after Trinity 45 6 50 456 «5' 4 55 6 53 4 54 6 53 4 53 4 s* « 5 3 4 5i $ 5 4 4 5° <5 55 4 49 6 5 6 Sydney Tanks excavated, 1791 Van Ditmen's Land discovered, [1642 Twenty-fourth after Trinity Great Flood at Melbourne, 1849 St. Andrew EEUAEEABLE EVENTS. First Civic Election in Melbourne, [1842 First in Advent Sir T. Brisbane left for [1825 England, Lady Mary Fitz Roy killed, 1847 Windsor named, 1810 [claimed, 1859 Second in Ad7Cnt.—Queensland proTasman discd. N. Zealand, 1642 Prince Albert died, 1861 [Creek, i860 Burke and Wills left Cooper's Third in Advent Rogers, the poet, died, 1855 So. Carolina seceded from U.S., i860 St. Thomas St. Philip's Church finished, 1850 Fourth In Advent Christmas Day St. Stephen [of Macquarie (s'h Gov.), 1809 Lord Macaulay died, 1859.—Arrival Syd. Ex. andElcc. a Bt. SDvester. Tel. opud., 1857 1% l 4 5 8 6 49 [1826 Melbourne new Parliament opened, DECEMBER. Hi 9 37 5 5 5 6 39 5 6 40 5 6 40 5 5 6 43 5 5 5 644 5 o 645 4 59 6 46 Twenty-second after Trinity 12TH MONTH.] H 4 SMASHABLE EVENTS. J 3 MOON'S PHASES. [30 DAYS. [31 DAYS. H II. 6 7 98 9 10 11 0 0 X 3 3 4 5 b 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 ix 8 M. U.M II. M 35 4 4 8 • 48 4 47 10 4 4 47 66 S 88 50 4 4 £ 6 S59 4" 4 46 6 59 1 5 4 45 6 59 4 4 45 5<> I 45 77 oo 45 4 45 7 1 3 ' 4 44 59 4 44 57 4 44 49 4 44 3° 4 43 5 4 43 40 4 43 34 4 43 ° 4 43 41 4 43 11 4 43 so 4 44 41 4 44 25 4 44 12 4 44 6 4 45 4 46 4 4<> 4 4<> 4 4] 4 4l ill M. 8 p.m. CO p.m. 0 6 p.m. 1 i p.m. n. :> n 10 3 D. Full Moon .., Lnst Quarter Now Moon ... First Quarter 18 20 Petigco Apogee is a 4 10 0 a.m. 0 p.m. Kitchen, — Sow pumpkins, cauliflowers, vegotablo marrow, endive, lettuco, Bplnach, celery, pens, rhubarb. Hints.—If dry, wood and water well, and shade cucumbers. Protect tender plants from coldjwlnds. Flower.—Plnnt dnhllns. When tulips, hyacinths, nnd othor bulbs havo done flowering, tnko up nnd dry. Propagato carnations by layers; clear flower bordors, shrubberies, and walks from weeds nnd dead leaves. Orchard.—Hcniovo all useless shoots from fruit-trees. Hints.—Clean ground around tobacco; plough nnd thin vacant ground, tto bops, and rcmovo useless shoots. Seed nnd buckwheat may bo sown at ond of month. Top-drccs nnd manuro pastures. Vineyard,—Iteinovo usolcss shoots and tlc-up vinos; expose bunches to tho sun, MOON'S FEASES. I). 11. Full Moon ... :i 4 Last Quarter 10 10 New Moon ... 11 2 First Quarter 2S 10 Fci'lgco Apogeo Perlgoo '1 13 29 2 1 1 M. 49 18 so 30 n.m n.m p.m 0 p.m 0 0 p.m. Kitchen. — Sow ns In Octohor nnd November. P l a n t potatoes, celory In trenches to bleach, (earthing It up gradually), eschalots, cabbages, and cauliflowers. Hints.—Mulch, hoo, fork, nnd wntcr all crops; plnnt out In dull weather; prepare for next month's crops. Flower.—enmo as Octohor nnd November. Plnnt hardy annuals nnd dahlias for succession. Orchard.—Weed, bud, nnd otherwlso nttond to fruit-trees as In October nnd Novombor. Sccuro trees planted In autumn, t o provent their being Bhaken with tho wind. Field.— Sow lnst crop of Swcdo turnips; sow nnd plant ns October nnd November. Hints. Hay harvest should bo completed this month. AVhon Swcdo turnips aro In rough leaf, roll and hoo thorn, leaving tho plants at least sixteen Indies a p a r t ; clear away usolcss loaves and Buckors of potato-plants; clean nnd earth-up potato and inaizo cropB. •^?r",-,» , ,# ,„.,»..,:-K^mr«^<.,,, r-y. -*-.-*„« h* w'^^^m i^^prjs^t^t - i i ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN THEIR m O P E R PLACES. Baptist* Son, late Baptist, John, Gardeners and Seedsmen, 15 & 17, Markets, and Bourke-street, Bedfern Campbell, John, & Co., late Anderson, Campbell, & Co., Oommission Merchants, Commercial Wharf Clarke and Kayner, late Bayner, John, Oommission Agents, Victoria Wharf Cook, Thomas, Point Piper Koad, Wpollahro , — Dowling, P. J., 19, Botany-Btreot Hall & Vickory,,late Scott, Charles, & Co,, Ironmonger, 399,,George-street •., ; Lamb, J. de V., late Lamb, Parbury, & (3o,, Bridge-atreet ' Nott, Bondolph, 684, George-street; p.r., Edgeoliff-road, Wooliahra Parbnry, Brothors, Merchants, Spring-street, late Lamb, Parbary, & Co7 22, Bridgo-Btreet Sledo, GeorgePonkivil,late Want&l51ade,'Solicitor, 142,Pittitreet •-' .Want &Want, lato Want & Blade, Solicitors, 142, Ptyt-street ''fi SYDNEY DIRECTORY. REMOVALS. Boag, Bev. B., from 167 to 269, Elizabeth-street. Campbell, Malcolm M., Commission Agent, from 239 Sussex-street to Pitt-streot North, Chapman, Edward, & Go. Merchants, from 90 Claronco-Btreet to 66 Pitt-street, Dlokio£ Norton^Misses, from 17 Hantor-stroot to 76 Elizaboth-stroot. Hinton Brothers, Saddlers, from 74 King-street to 411 George-street. Hutchinson, Thomas S., Tobaooonist, from 85 to 173 South Head Koad. JPunph Offioe, from 2, Hunter-.street, to 233, Pitt-stroot. ii? HL*-V'"' SYDNEY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY, 186 STREET DIRECTORY. Abattoir-road, Pyrmont, Morrison, William, pattern-makor Qraharao, John, carpenter Steadman, John, quarryman Hcaly, John, blacksmith Brankston, Archibald, ongineor JlatclifTo, Joseph, cartor Frasor, James Putt, Thomas Ingram, Thomas Morrison, John, pattern-makor Reid, Gcorgo, waterman Abercrombie-lane. OITGoorgo-Btreot North. Kennedy, John, stonotnason Reynolds, John Wood, George, sawyer Mahonoy, Mrs. Matthews, William Sere Bank-street. 106 Goodey, Thomas B„ millor . 108 Smith, Henry Robinson, inspector of sugar works 124 Dotvling, Patrick 126 Goodey's Flour Mill Here Cleveland-street. Abororombie-place, West Sido Hero Parramatta-strect. ST. BENEDICT'S ROMAN OATUOLIC CHUBCII ST. BENEDICT'S SCHOOL 89 01 93 95 97 99 Abercrombie-placo, East Sido FarramaUa-strcct to Clovclnud-strcct. 2 6 8 10 12 22 78 80 82 84 Reynolds, Honry—Australian Inn, Alexander, Lewis Anderson, John, carcaso-butcbor Burrows, John, teacher Williams, Chas. , Bryen^ John, brick merohant Wells, Geo., produce stores Jlere .Cooper-street. Brandon, Wm. Niohols, Wm., clorlc Galdor, James, builder Sutherland, John, builder Sere Tegg's-row. Vacant land . . '' Here Wattle-street. Leonard, James, Royal ,Oa!f Crano, Christopher Armstrong, Robert Patrick Pilling, Thomas, bootmaker Burke, Joseph Richards, James Here Cecil-place. Vacant land - Here Cleveland-street. Adelaide-placo oiryrotorioo-sti-oct Grovillo, Alexander Sompill, Robert Albert-place, North. Side OITCrown-strcot, oust side. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 10 Turner, Josoph, oxcavator Young, Qeorgo Mason Hogan, Patrick Kefiocut, Andrew.. Gain, Thomas Mercer,-Andrew , Jones, William ' . . Martin,' Alfred, brioklayor . 18 Alb Albert-place, South Side Here Crown-slrct'.. 1 Dymond, John Mason 3 Bingham, Alfred, bricklayer 6 Hoanoy, Jamos, drayman 7 Briloy, John, bricklayer 9 Hunter, William, carpenter 11 Bell, William, bakor STREET Alb Williams, Thomas, ongino drivor McQuin, Poter Smith, Mrs. Charlotte Reynolds, Mrs., needlewoman Here Kent-street. Gcorgc-strcct to Kont-strcot, EUzaboth-streot to IIutchlnson-Btrcet. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Albion-street, South Side, Hero Elizabeth-street. Vacant land Here Riley-street. 185 0'Hear, James, baker DIREfMRY. 187 Hughos, Patriok, baker 196 Jackson, William, currier Here Crown-strctt. 223 MoCraokon, John, clerk 233 Bryan, Daniel, cab proprietor 247 Thompson, William, clork 249 Bennett, John Here Bourke-street. 251 Brown, John, clork 253 Kioly, John N. 255 Horsloy, Charles Honry 267 O'Noil, Thomas, confectioner 259 LumBdaino, Henry, chief inspector of distillorios Here Nichols-street. Hill, Georgo Here Hutchinton-slrect. Albion-street, N o r t h Side Solwyn, Frederick J., tailor Fox, W. O., tailor A l b e r t - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Hodgos, Samuel, painter , (OIUOULAH QUAY.) Hargraves, George, moulder ritt-stroot to Mncquarlc-stroot. Manning, Richard, millwright Vacant land O'Noil, Maurico, confectioner Circular Quay Kenny, Alex., fronch polisbor Richardson and Wronch's store Milligan, Aloxander, ongineor Vacant land McKovcr, Jamos Here Phillip-street. „'C Gurnett, Goorgo Donnelly, Patrick— Clarke's Family Giles, Samuol, joiner Hotel McGregor, Duncan, chandler 0. Newton Brs.' & Co., storo Murry, Joseph, carpenter Boggis, Qeorgo, storekeeper Pcarco, Jamos, ironmouldcr Here Macquarie-street. Steward, William Honson, Robert, bricklayor A l b e r t - s t r e e t , South Side Cooper, Alfred (CIRCULAR QUAY.) Here Mary-street. Here PUt-strcct. 46 May, Georgo, onrpontor Rolfe, William Howard, timber yard "Wiseman, Thomas Honry, onginoer and 48 Jennings, John, carpeuter G2 McOormick, Edward, storoman ship smith 54 Bailoff, John Leo and Purcoll, coal moichants CO Leader, Nicholas, clork Here Arbitration-street. Nash and Bramwell, custom houso 58 Finn, James, printer Heto Macquarie-street South. agents Brown, Catherine—Paragon Hotel 60 Gont, G. B., painter Here Oastlereagh-strect. 64 Andrews, Goorgo AVilliam Bayloy, Marshall, custom houso agont 66 Allerton, JainoB, carpenter CUSTOM HOUSE 68 Turtington, Robort SUT-EMNTENDENT OP PLL0T8 70 Cooper, Joseph, builder HARBOUR MABTER'S OFFICE 72 Huntington, Jamos, olork STEAM NAVIGATION OFFICE 74 Croft, William, clork PILOT BOARD 76 Bass, Thos., tailor Here Elizabeth street. 78 Mills, John Durham and Irwin, produco storos 102 Parkor, Jamos Graham, Jamos, wool broker 101 Brazendon, Thos. Atkinson, Jamos H., wool merchant 106 Hall, Mrs, M. A. Mort, T. S., and Co., wool merchants 110 Graham, Goorgo, joiner Ebswortli, Octavius Bailiff, auctionoor Here Riley-street. here Phillip-street, Rudd, John, plasterer WATER POLICE OFTIOE Frazor, John Here Macquarie-street. Chapman, Honry, clork Here Crown-street. Albert-street Vacant land Victorla-Btroet to MoLeay-Btreot. Here Bourhe-street. Egloton, John, coachman 266 Lowis, Mrs. Anno Allon, Lowis, olork 258 Maiden, Emanuel 260 Steward, Richard, van proprietor Here Macleay-street. 262 King, Rev. Hulton Here Hutehinson-strcet. Albion-lane Ashworth, George, cook Holmes, Thomas, butoher Bunting, Robert, whitesmith Brooks, George, cabinet maker Strahan,Mrft ' " ' " ••'• Alb Arg Alfred-street, P y r m o n t , [West Side Hero Harvie-streei. MoDougall, Allan, boiler-maker Monson, Peter, marinor Hodgo, Joseph, shipwright McOready, Robort, builder Here Bowman-street. Ann's-lane OJt Crown-Btrcot South. Bantick, Daniel, gardonor Gorman, Samuel, skoomakcr Maisoy, Samuol, carter Ann-street Bourke-streot to ITorbes-stroot. Albion-street L i t t l e , N o r t h Side James, John, carpenter Osborno, Charles, collector Freeman, Edward, codchbuildor Nowlan, Owen, contractor Smlth-streot to Klley-street. 42 Ushor, Mrs. Sarah • 44 Laurie, John Millor 46 Harrison, Thomas McKay, Georgo, olork 48 .Cunningham, John, H. M. Customs Here Ililey-sireet. Albion-street L i t t l e , South Side Here Smith-street. 21 Shannon, William 23 Fleming, William 27 Goorgo, John, Ioather-drossor 29 Spry, Edwin, blacksmith 31 Crawford, John 33 Graham, John, boiler-maker Here Riley-street. ,2S Alfred-street, N o r t h Side I'otboB-strcot to Dowllng-strect. 10 12 14 16 18 7 13 16 17 19 21 O'Oounell, Potor—Royal Yacht Hotel Best, James P., teacher Parker, Edward Thomas, olork Thomson, William, clerk Gant, Honry, carpontor Turbit, Honry, buildor Here Dowling-slrcet. Alfred-street, S o u t h Side Here Forbes-street. Bottomloy, William—Bottomley's Hotel Dwyor, William, watchman Swift, Mrs. McKeown, Jamos Baker Howard, Patrick Martin, Potor, Bhoemakcr Honry, William, ongino-drivcr Here Howling-street. Alfred-street, P y r m o n t , E a s t Side Uarvlc-strcet to Bowman-street. MoOready, Thomas, shipwright McOready, William, stonemason Here Bowman-street. is A n n - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side OiTRUoy-strcot. 68 Olivo, Josoph, engineer Gill, John, printer 70 Loo, Isaac, bakor 72 Manning, John, bakor 74 Drawbridge, Jamos, shoomakor 76 Holloway, Jamos, bakor 78 Hill, John, tailor SO Abbott, Charles Potor, storoman 82 Mackay, David, buildor Ann-street, S o u t h Side Here Riley-street. 46 Dolanoy, John, clerk 43 Cain, Ohristophor, printer 41 Billorwoll, John, accountant 39 Blundoll, AVilliam, compositor 37 Dolanoy, Josoph William, clork 35 Beattio, William, bootmaker 33 Staunton,JJamcs, dairyman 31 Skinnor, Georgo, mastor marinor A r gyle-place Kont-strcot to Fort-stroot, Lower 7 0 5 4 3 2 Jobson, James, butoher Luck, Josoph, carpontor Courtnay, William Ashton, Susannah, dealer Murphy, Mrs. Sarah, board.-houso Wron, James, stevedore McCarthy, Patrick Outkbert, John Thomas Davis, Charles, shipwright Morriman, Jas., shipowner _, Vandervord, James, master mariner Whitehoad,Mrs., teacher Wostgartb, William . Burns, Honry, mastor mariner 20 Arg STREET Britcher, Charles Loowe, Louis Hurst, James, merchant Wangenheim, Gustavuu Bligh, Richard Here Fort-street Lower. Popporoll, WiIliam,Jlrayman Bray, James Clark, Thomas Hill, William, bricklayer Here Bourkc-sfrcet. Athlone-place, E a s t Side Parramatta-Btreot to Ultlmo-strcot. Byrne, Thomas Watkins, Thomas Here lane. Maxwell, John, baker Mookin, William, shoomakcr Sadleir, William Georgo, dealer Follow, William Fuller, David, groom Kilkolly, John Kinahan, Jamos Child, Thomas, cabinet-maker O'Connor, John Here Otoen-slreel. Lohman, Francis King, Edward McKeown, William, blacksmith Spcnla, Francis, mariner Byrno, John, painter Here Ultimo-street. A r g y l e - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Mooro's-road to Circular Quay. 1 Forest, John—Whalers'Anna 3 May, William— Gladstone Hotel Sounders, Ohas. John—Lord NehonHolel Here Kent-street. HOLY TMNITY CHURCH Here Argyle-cut. Ives, Isaac Ellis (Argylo sfcoros) AROYLE BONDED AND FREE STORES Here George-street New. Nelson and Egan, shipsmiths Lookhart, William—Marine Hotel Here George-street. Vacant land Here Circular]Quay. 1 6 7 9 11 13 15 25 27 29 A r g y l e - s t r e e t , S o u t h Side Unwln-Btroot to Circular Quay. Lowo, Benjamin, groeor Galo, Elara, butcher Norris, William—Royal Oak Here Miller's-road. Olancy, Matthow, dealor Francis, William Williams, William, doalor llcddio, John, oilskin-maker Smail, Alexander, bakor Johnson, Christian Stowart, Ninian, grocer Haggett, John, linbordasbcr Huntor, Mrs. Agnes Ruddom, Henry, grocer Here Rent-street. Vaoant land Here Cambridge-street. RolFoy, Thomas, grocer Hayes, Henry, plumber Bradsbaw, Thomas, raarinor Wolsh, Nicholns, cooper Oraig, Georgo, sailmakcr Moore, Edward— Custom House Hotel Here Harrington-street. Mooro, Ann—Argyle Hotel Hutohinson, Alexander, plasterer Myors, Albort, grocer Here George-street. , Athlone-place, West Side Here Parramatla-street. ST. BARNABAS' Cnonon Jones, James, horse doalor Wagg, Georgo, bollliangor Dean, William Thomas Sboppard, William 10 Moyos, Henry, wheelwright 12 Hornby, John, plumber 14 Peterson, John Thomas, waterman 1G Goddard, Henry, dealer Here Athlonc-strcct. 18 Deo, Thomas, butcher 20 Webb, Thomas 22 Macelvoguc, John, cabman 24 Moore, John, shoemaker 26 Gloeson, Jamos, shoemaker 28 Johnson, James, stonemason 30 Rcdford, Joseph, painter 32 Bell, Stanncrs—Hand and Heart 44 Haydock, William, mariner Here Owen-street. 46 Hoskin, Joseph, carpenter 48 Fleming, Michael, sboomakor Here Ullimo-strect. GOVERNMENT STORES Here Circular Quay. Arthurs-treet Crown-street to Bourkc-strcot. Smith, William Patison, Aloxaudor Lylo t)nooy, Georgo Henry, bricklayer Madigan, James, bricklayer Simpson, Bonjamin Ban 5 7 9 11 13 B a n k - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Botany-strcot to Aborcromblo-strcct. Jones, William David— Crown Inn Smith, Georgo Rose, William, stonemason Vaughan, Georgo, compositor Lover, Francis, plasterer Merc Chipptn-sireet. O'Brien, Martha, fjrooor Roso, Samuel, ongino-drivor Ban DIRECTORY. 15 Evans, Thomas, grocer 17 May, Thomas 19 Smith, George, cooper 21 Lander, Jeremiah, stonemason 23 Dunn, James, baker 25 Smith, Maria, dealer 27 Loveridgo, Edwin, stonemason 29 Hcrbort, James, dealor 31 Brown, Georgo, bricklayer 33 Taylor, William, brewer 35 Mancoll, George, doalor Here Waterloo-street. 37 Ronnie, John, butcher 39 Brown, Thomas, ironmoulder 41 Flynn, Poter Thomas 43 Oats, Edward, engineer 45 Mackay, Eliza R. Here Abercrombie-street. Bank-street, South Side Here Botany-street. Groy, William, surgeon and accoucheur Morris, Charles Edward„brokor Olissold, Alfred Morris, William, onginoor Connyngham, Patrick, wbeolwrigbt Here Chippen-street. 18 Dudley, George, butcher 20 Hanks, William, cabinet-maker 22 Dorset, Josoph, engineer 24 Fowings, John, bootmaker 26 Sutton, George—Chippendale Hotel Here Middle-street. 23 Gross, Charles, bakor 30 Dudley, George, butcher 32 McLeod, Donald, onginoor 34 Dibloy, William, drayman 30 Collins, James, ironmonger 40 Shirley, William— Limerick Arms litre Dale-street. Sproulcs, Thomas, dealer Staploton, John, groeor Parker, Michael— Wheelwrights' Arms Unwin, Thos. James, clerk" Here Abercrombie-slreet. 6 8 10 12 14 Barker-lane Off Barker-street 1 Lee, Bridgot, groengrooor Olark, Josoph, mariner Caldwell, John Burns, John, boiler-maker Greonloy, William, mariner 11 Blundoll, Frances, laundress 13 Flotchor, Jacob 15 Hobbs, William, shoomakcr 10 Leslie, John 8 Jeffries, Joel, woavor 6 Brown, William 4 Cole, Peter, fireman 2 Toomey, James, boiler-maker Bat 2i B a r k e r - s t r e e t , ' E a s t Side Barker's Wharf to Batlmrst-streot 5 Dent, George, timber-yard 7 Fitzgerald, Thomas Russell's Iron-yard Here Thomas-street. 9 Walsh, John, mariner Here Steam Mill-street 11 Harkness, John—The Coasters' Arms 13 Jordan, Edward, ironmonger 15 Elliott, John, mariner 17 Johnson, William 19 Embloy, William, sawyer Here Barker-lane. Russell's Foundry Here Bathurst-street. Barker-street, West Side Here Barker's Wharf, RUBSOH, P. N. and Co.—Sydnoy Foundry Hartley, John, engineer Johnston, William, sawyer Wearne, Josoph (millor) Mclsaacs, Dougal, coal and wood merchant Dont, Georgo, coal and wood merchant Here Bathurst-street. B a r r a c k - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Olareoco-stroot to Gcorgo-strcet. Munro, Jamos—Italian Hotel 2 McBurney, Robert, bootmaker . 4 Moonoy, Richard, tailor 6 Jonos, Mrs., groongrooor Here York-street. 8 Rochester, Georgo, merchant 10 Caird, Paterson, and Co., merchants 12 Haydon, Alfred, and Co., merchants 14 Beauobamp, Honry Horron, merchant 16,18, and 20 Keep, John, ironmonger COMMERCIAL BANK Here George-street. Barrack-street, South Side Here Clarence-street. 7 Turner, John Bond, hairdresser 9 Rowen, John, tailor Fonn, William—Hope Tavern Here York-street. Symonds, Samuel, woollon draper PARCELS DELIVERY COMPANY 11 Dawson, Matthew, ohronometor makor SAVINGS BANK Jonos, David, and Co., drapors Here George-street. B a t h u r s t - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Darling Harbour to ElUabetb-streot. 2 Jolly, Wm. and Co., timber merchants Here Washington-lane. 4 Findlay, William, ongincor 6 Davison, Mrs., dealer Whittoll, Honry Rawes, coal and wood morohant 22 Bat STREET Here James-lane. Harrison, Charles, butchor Maddox, Elijah, pastrycook Collins, Edward, sawyer Watt, George, engineer Riley, Walter, printor Clarke, Patrick Taylor, William, compositor Barton, Frederick, drayman Gogarty, Patrick Smith, Georgo, earpentor Here Sussex-street. Eeenan, John—Lighthouse Hotel 56 Logan, John, baker 58 Kimber, Walter, oysterman 60 Brown, Julia, fruiterer G2 Grocott, Alonzo, printor 62 Davies, Daniel, printer G8 Hinscb, Miss, dressmaker 70 Cann, lira., machino-ruler and bookbinder 72 Gregory, Caroline, dealer Here Kent-street. 22 24 26 28 - 40 42 44 50 62 51 BAPTIST CHAPEL LYCEUM SCHOOL SAINT ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHUROU SAINT ANDREW'B CATHEDRAL Here Qeorge-sireet. Kelly, James—Emu Inn Davison, Georgo William, dealer Courjay, Thomas, tobacconist Barr, Samuol, gonoral dealer Elliott, Jamos E., agent Hughes): Edward, saddlor Joseph, Sarah—Edinburgh Castle Here Pitt-street. Wright, J,ohm painter nud glazier Alexander, GqOfrpy, chjropodist WLpllgyj Johndoftorj, pawnbroker. Scanlop, Miphaol Gibson, Ifrsi.greengrocor Walpolo, William, butcher Here Cistl'creagh-street. McKone.John <amcs— Curriers' Arms Eastway, Elias Mere Elizabeth-street. Bjtf 33 Goodwin, Elijah, potatoo dealer 35 Brighton, James, sawyer 87 Cavillc, Thomas, tailor Here Duncan-street. 39 Davis, Hugh, commission agent 41 Strange, William, compositor 43 Summers, Francis, boarding-house 45 Tolano, Raphael 47 Starling, John, clerk Murphy, Cornolius, coal&wood merchant Cohen, Enooli, baker Hughes, John—Robert Burns Hotel Here Sussex, street. Yeend, J. J.—Sir Walter Scott Hotel Harknoss, John, brass and boll founder 67 Ainslo, John, mariner 69 Gardiner, Henry, shoemaker 71 Marshall, Charles 73 McPhorson, Dongal, grocer Here Kent-street. Cartor, John Malcolm—Yfollongong Hotel 75 Wardley, Misses, ladies' school 77 Aitken, Bey. T., preshyterian ministor 79 Elias, Mrs. Harriet Baker, Thomas, timber morobant Woldon, Patrick, doalor SYDNEY FIRE BRIGADE ENGINE STATION Bown, T. J., plumber and gasfitter 93 Bowden, John, painter Reynolds, Charles—Kangaroo Inn Here Oeorge-strect. 101 Bown, Thomas J., brass-foundor and 84 pump-maker 86 Douglas, William, saddler Plummcr, Thomas, bootmaker Partridge, Jamos, galvauised-ironworkor 107 Hyman, Mrs. Jano 90 Jones, James, wino and spirit merchant 92 Gibson, Pfjroy, whitesmith and boll94 hangar' 90 109 Balls, Robert, tailor 111 Halloran, John, grocer Here Pitt-street. 115 McDormott, Patrick John, coachhuildcr 100 117 Clare, Mrs. Maria 119 Dott, Mrs., grocer 121 Davis, John, butcher Bathurst-street;, South Side 123 Lano, William, hairdresser Here Darling Harbour. Green, Thomas Hyndos, coal and wood 125 Hannam, David 127 Gill, Georgo, groongrocer merchant 129 Hurloy, Jamos, grocer Phillips, Samuol, boilor-makor 131 Larkin, Jnuo, fruiterer Mather, Joseph, engineer Here Castlercagh-slrcct. Here Barker-street. Hinchy, Wm. F.— Cherry Tree Inn Phillips and Co., coal & wood morchants Wilson, Watson, painter 11 Williams, Thomas, mariner Here Elizabeth -street. 13 Morgan, George, turnor 15 Kcenun, Thomas, boiler-maker B a y - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side 17 Rarasoy, Homy, drayman rolmcr-stroet to I'orboa-Btroct, 19 Crawford, Mrs. Eliznboth, Bchopl Thomas, Mary—Domain Hotel Kolly, Win. Spencer—Friendship Hotel Boswoll, Thomas Karl, William—Sir William Wallace Hotel Turton, James, plastoror 25 Cullon, Ann, grocer ' Smco, William Randolph 27 Balday, Ann, grocer 31 Bissland, Mrs. OHvor, Thos. Jewoll, clerk 78 82 Bay DIRECTORY Brady, John Here Bourke-slrcel. 12 King, John Gogerly, John, mariner Here Forbes-street. CIIALMEB'S CHURCH Hancock, Bonjamin, butchor Here Buckingham-street. Vacant land Here Bloomfield-strect Little. Pago, Georgo, grocery and provision storo Here Elizabeth-street. Here ralmer-street. Brown, Edward Sharp, Jonathan Billing, Henry Carroll, Michael, clerk Here Bourhe-strect. 13 Green, Mark P., cooper Here Charles-lane. 15 Harmor, William, builder 17 Laurence, Charles A., clerk 19 Fishor, Henry 21 Milligan, Josoph, joiner Here Charles-street. Vacant Here Forbes-street. 1 3 5 7 B a y - s t r e e t , W e s t Side (In Glebo Suburbs.) 2J Bedford-street Castlerongh-stroot South to Elizabeth-street. Bay-street, South Side B a y - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Parramatta-Ktreot to Blackwattlo Bay. Jackson, Jamos Woolrich—Huntsman's Inn 2 Howard, Jonathan, omnibus proprietor Mullins, Patrick 3 Mooncy, Edward, tailor 4 Hoowarth, James, bootmaker G Railton, Georgo, grocer Pearce, Samuel Here lane. Kennedy, Edward, butchor 8 Hayes, John 9 Scudmore, John, bootmaker 10 Elms, Thos. William, butcher 11 Loudon, John, grocer 12 Campbell, Jns., doalor 14 Lossing, Charles 15 Barrott, Honry, fancy cabinetmaker 16 Turner, Goorge, butcher 17 Crowley, John, butchor 18 Wood, Jas., dealer Laing, John Jas. McGurrcn, Thos. Nuth, James, seedsman Dunn, Richnrd, grocor Crow, Samuel Mackon, Thos., butchor Hendry, John, engineer Hills, William, earpentor Burrows, Joseph, drayman Hire Chambers-street. Walton, John, wool-broker Addison, Robert, painter Walton, Robort, wool-broltor Norton, Wocltcs.butclior Molly, John, soap and candlo maker Here Blackwattle Bay. Ber Bedford-stroet, South Side Here Castlercagh-slrcct South. Kain, James," Cloveland Houso •' School Here Buckingham-street. Vacant land Here Bloomjield-street, Little. Vacant land Here Elizabeth-street. Belvoir-street Elizabeth-street to Wilton-street. Harrison, John Humo, Thomas, stonemason Hume, Robort, currior Simon, Robert, stonemason , Spenco, Peter, stonemason Bucklnnd, Thomas, "Belvoir Houso" B e n t - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Spring-street to Jrncquarlo-stroot. Vacant land Here Phillip-street. AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY Elliott, P. J., librarian Here Macquarie-street. Bent-street, South Side Here Spring-street. 3 Palmer, Charles, storokoopor Here O'Connell-slreet. AUSTRALIAN Oi.un OFFICE OP THE HEALTH OPPIOER Here Bligh-strcet. UNION CLUD 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 29 Here Phillip-street. Hobson, James, reportor Canny, Honry B., compositor Asselin, Joseph William McShorry, Thomas, tailor Rice, Mrs. Mary, greongrocor ** Hill, Richard, J.P. Ruttor, John Yates, Burgoon Murray, Stuart Here Maequarie-slrcet. Berwick-lane, N o r t h Side J'almor-slrcct to Bourko-streot Crabb, Mrs. Mary— Victoria Inn 4 Erwin, Alox. 6 Bones, Goorgo B., miller 8 Nostcr, Mrs. Eliza flcre'Bourke-strecU 24 19 21 23 25 27 Ber STREET 35 Bowmaker, Michael, shinglor 37 Woodcock, Edward, painter and glazier 39 O'Neil, Edward Here Bourke-street Little. Berwick-lane, South Side Here Palmer-street. Keely, Martin Woods, Henry Heavy, Donis, watchman O'Eeofe, Dennis King, Qoorgo, carpenter Here Bourke-street. Bloomfleld-street Little, East Side Off Campbell-street. 16 Brown, Robort, carpontor 14 Williams, James, carpenter Bettington-street, North. Side Smith's Wharf to Mooro'8-roail. Vacant land Here Orown-ilreet. Manning, Charles, drayman Briscoo, Gcorgo, drayman Here Moore'i-road. Bloomneld-street Little, "West Side Here Campbell-street. I Carrick, W. H., painter and glazier 3 Ollifl'o, Thomas, engineer 5 Lang, Robert, mason 7 Ruglass, Alfred 9 Black, Thomas, carpontor 11 Finnimoro, John Thomas, clerk 13 Robinson, George, carpontor 15 Ickison, Maurico 17 West, James, cutler 19 Cragg, R., commission agent 21 Taylor, John Honry, painter 23 Waters, Benjamin, painter Bettington-street, South Side Here Smith's Wiarf. Cairs, Robort, ballastman Johnson, Petor, mariner Wilding, Philip, shipwright Russell, James, marinor Naylor, Charles, marinor Kay, Robert, mariner Here Union-street. Botany-road, East Side I'arramatta-streot to Cleveland-street. BRANCH BANK OP NEW SOOTU WALES WESLEYAN CHAPEL RAILWAY RMDQB Bligh-street, East Sido Bent-street to Hunter-street Here Cleveland-street UNION CLUB 2 Thomson, Buchan, livery stables 4 & 6 Lunn, James, steam coiTeo mills 8 Grcor, James, solicitor Greor, John, agent Here Hunter-street. 8 7 9 17 19 Botany-road, West Side Here Parramatta-strect. LETTER RECEIVER Bligh-street, "West Side Here Bent-street. Swan, L., plumber and gasfitter Murray, Miss Margaret, boarding houso Pennington, Wm. G., solicitor Phillips, Georgo Ycomans, Mrs. TUIIKISH BATHS 37 Thomson, Buchan, horse repository SO Sinclair, James Smythe, James E., surgeon-dentist Here Hunter-street. Bloomfleld-street , Crown-street to Bourko-strcct Littlo. 13 Small, James, compositor 1C Brown, William 17 Bennett, John 19 Ironside, Frederick, printer 21 Hoivloy, John, carpontor 28 Silk, John 25 Brown, Thomas 27 Hughes, Edward, shoemaker 29 Hilton, John, painter 31 Mullins, James, painter 83 Orr, Robert, lomonado-maker * Bot Bot Kosten, Frederick—Railway Family Hotel Here Union-street. 3 Roland, John, painter 5 Barker, William, blacksmith 7 Baird, John 9 Mciloy, George Richard, blacksmith II Owen, Gcorgo, engineer 19 Cornwcll, Samuel, brower 21 Hirst, Henry 23 Bartram, William, toy shop 25 Go'old, Stcphon Stiles, painter & glazier Aitkcn, John, surgeon Shorlock, John B. Kirk, Thomas, drayman Scott, John Campbell, clerk 35 Primroso, George—Terminus Hotel 27 Lamont, Georgo 89 Coombc, George, storekeeper 41 Berwick, Thomas 43 Locke, Unniol 45. Ahearn, David, whoolwright 47 Clingau, Goorge, market-gardener 49 Outtrim, Danicl,ongincor(Kont Cottage) Here Wellington-street. Swinfield, John, tinsmith 65 Filmer, John, grocer 67 White, John Stephens, plumber 69 Vaughan, Honry Wilkinson, fancy chair maker DIRECTORY 69 Vangban, Henry, fancy chair maker 71 Vaughon, William Henry, fancy obi maker 73 Downs, Bridget 75 Kelly, Patrick, dealer 77 Cook, Charles 79 Downs, John 81 Hart, Honry, grocer Here Queen-street. 83 & 85 Beaumont and Waller, builders 87 Hall, George, architect and survoyor 89 Jones, William David— Crown Inn Here Bank-street. 91 Blanchard, William, contractor 93 Abbot, Thomas, clerk 95 Rodwell, — 97 Shute, Honry 99 Priestly, Honry 101 & 103 Hamilton, John, chemist 105 Jenkins, William James, surgeon 107 Moss, William, pawnbroker 109 Moon, William, pastrycook 111 & 113 Cantry, Cornelius,grocer Berry, Thomas—Stirling Castle. Here Cleveland-street. Botany-street, East Side 8outb Head Iioatl to Doirling-strcct. Aitken, Georgo, grocor 4 Moran, Mrs. Catherine 6 Jones, Mrs. Mary O. 8 Mooro, John, painter 12 Piper, Mrs. Mary Anno 14 Richards, William, tanner 16 Norman, Thomas, shoomakor 18 & 20 Peat, Clement, pawnbroker Here Taylor's-lane 40 Robberds, John, cab proprietor WESLEYAN SCHOOL 86 88 90 92 94 96 11 13 23 25 27 29 33 85 37 39 39 41 43 Iredalo, Thos. Richardson Dalton. Richard Ackroyd, Georgo b\, clerk Smith, Mrs. Flood, Edward, J.P, Priestly, Samuel, commission agent Here Bowling-street. Botany-street, "West Side Here South Head Road. Kelly, William— Victoria Inn Nowcombo, Honry, clerk Holloway, Thomas, dealer Mayno, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Catherino, professor < music Graves, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Maria Bonn, William, wnrdsmnn D'Arcy, Michael Chapman, Edward, painter Laywood, Mrs. Bell, Thomas, clerk Lewis, Henry H„ clerk Bradridge, Wm., architect and surveyo 45 47 49 51 55 57 59 68 65 67 69 71 75 77 79 81 83 85 Bou 25 Malonoy, Mrs. Ellen Garard, Joseph, painter Thomson, Mrs. Louisa Horley, Henry, carpontor Horloy, Mrs., ladies' school McKenery, Daniol, clerk Quinn, Edward, letter-carrier Here Short-street. Ohallinor, James Salior, John, teachor Whithors, Joseph William Gowous, William Shcldrick, John, baker Brown, Miohaol Georgo—Lord High Admiral Inn Here Hill-street. Grant, Alexander, auctioneer Holt, Mrs. MoKenzio, Arthur Mitchell, Joseph W., clerk Mcintosh, Mrs. Ellen Douglass, Sidney, Sec. Trade Protoction Society ST, MionAEL's CHURCH 95 Chatilcld, Honry, master mariner 99 Willoiighby, John B.t clerk 101 Cunnccn, James Augustino 103 Bonbow, George Frederick 105 Downing, Robert 107 Rowland, Isaiah 109 Brooks, Thomas, cngineor i l l Burno, Mrs. Isabolla Jnno 113 Clark, Robort S., accountant 115 Board, William Gregory Here Dowling-strect. Bourke-streot, E a s t Side. Woolloomooloo Bay to Cloveland-strcet. GAS Co.'s BRANCH GASOMETER 2 Edwards, John A„ clerk Here Bay-street. 4 Mooney, Austin, letter-carrior, G.P.O. 8 Clinton, James 10 Scurrnh, Samuol, cooper 12 Shcttlo, William, cabinet-maker 20 Williams, Samuel W., blacksmith 22 Nyo, Sarah 24 Dohcrty, John, dairyman 26 Clancy, Patrick, dairyman 28 Hall, Middlcton , 38 Lindsay, William 0., joiner 40 Davis, Michael 42 Miller, Mrs. Mary Ann 44 Petchell, John 46 Humfrcys, Thomas, bricklayer Here Junction-lane. 48 Anderson, Mrs. Eliza, grocer Whelan, James—Bewdrop Inn Here Woolloomooloo-street. Sothorn, Wm. S.—Freemasons' Retreat 52 Montagu, Henry N., teacher 60 Spooner, Charles 62 Palfrey, Philip, grocer 61 Linklator, William, master-mariner 26 Bou STfi^p G6 Miller, Samuel, mariner G8 Lardnor, John, mason 70 Morton, Miss Eliza 82 Grogan, Potor, dealer 84 Cordoaux, Mrs. Ann 8G Tobin, Mrs.— Volunteer Hotel Here Corfu-street. 88 Rowling, John, commission agent < 90 Earl, Jobn 92 Wallaco, James, stonemason Here William-slane. Vacant land. Sere William-street. Donaldson, John, monumontal mason Here Ann-street. 12G Dale, Mrs. A. 128 Davis, E. J., compositor 130 Byrno, Mrs. Ann, dressmaker 132 Holmes, Mrs. 184 Thomson, Hon. E. Deas, O.B., M.L.O. " Borham Hall." Here Liverpool-street. Vacant land.' Here Burton-street. Receiving Polico Station, Darlinghnrst Here South Head iload. Kelly, William—Victoria Inn 840 Lindsay, Gcorgo, dealer 342 Mutton, Daniol, storokooper 344 Winn, Mrs. Mary 340 Patterson, John, shipwright 348 Smith, J'homas 360 Muir, James, bookbinder 852 Haokct, Michael, van proprietor 354 Walkor, Frederick William, tinsmith 3C6 Smith, John, carpontcr 858 Aylwartl, Horatio, clork 360 Parker, Eustace Parker, William 3G2 Bowmakor, James, slator 364 Patomostor, Georgo, doalor 3G6 Minty, James, carpontcr 868 Wilkinson, James, tailor 870 Mullen, Michael, tailor 372 Worthington, Georgo, joiner 374 Mathows, John, soap boiler 37G Barry, Mrs. Sophia 378 Joffnos, Mrs. Eliza, monthly nurso 382 MoMahon, Michael 384 Edgwick, Frederick, cab proprietor 38G Oollins, Thomas, road contractor Here Short-street. 392 Freoman, Thomas, clerk 894 Thompson, Mrs. J. 0. WKSLEYAN CHAPEL 89G Rabono, Rov. Stophon 398 West, Georgo, surgeon Here Hill-street. 4C0 Shiolds, William, grocer 402 Darling, Rov. David 404 Adams, Alexandor, schoolmastor 40G Carroll, Laurence 408 Ransomo, Ricbard, engraver 410 Swift Here Albion-street. Bou 414 Nowland, Edward, bootmaker 41G Boavor, Henry 444 Teakle, Charles 44G Bell, Miss 448 Hill, William , 450 Rayner, John 452 Hardy, John 464 Illidgc, Georgo, clerk 45G Morgan, John F. 458 Aldorson, William Henry 460 M'Noil, Archibald, butcher Here Fitzroy-street. 462 Phillips, Francis—Sportsman's Arms Regan, James ^98 M'Koown. Thomas ' §,g O'Kcefo, Daniel [$ E Smithcrs, Thomas , / E"1 49G Siddins, Mrs. 50G Hurst, Rov. George 608 Hill, Mrs. Mary, grocor 610 Woodman, John, wheolwright 512 Taylor, Henry Charlos, pointer 614 White, Thomas, carpontor 616 Harvoy, William, doalor 618 Chclton, Henry, shoemaker 520 Ball, Mrs. Johanna Robloy, Robert," Sumpter Lodge " 604 Schweiglor, John David, gardonor Brown, Mrs. William " Wimbleton Hall" G52 Jones, Mrs. Samuel " Barkham Lodge " Law, I)., grocer and post-oiHco Here Cleveland-street. Bourke-street, West Side. Here Woolloomooloo Bay. 15 Russell, Albort, electro-plater and gilder Here Bay-street. 17 Jonos, Mrs. J., school 19 Gardoner, John, drapor 21 Wilkinson, John, grocer 23 Wallis, Nathaniol, builder 25 ?•• 27 Ferrington, Thomas W., carpenter 29 Russell, Mrs. Jnno 85 Sims, David, tailor Here Junction-street. 37 Bodman, Honry, grocor 39 Lonorgan, William 45 Bivgot, Thomas, clork 47 Griffiths, Mrs. Elizabeth 51 Richards, Thomas, builder 63 Barnes, William, clerk 65 Brown, Mrs. William Here Junction-lane. Vacant Here Woolloomooloo-sireet. St. Kilda Houso Here St. Kilda-lanc. 79 Anderson, Miss Barbara, dress maker 81 Smyth, William, tido waiter 83 Bondon, Robort, baker 85 Neill, James, farrier 87 Burnoy, Robert, storoman 89 Jonos, Joseph, tailor 93 Oatloy, Jamos 95 Walkor, Robort Cooper, clork Bou DIRECTORY Bou 27 97 Clarko, Mrs. 849 Kippax, William, poultoror 99 Holmes, William, clerk Here Campbell-street. 101 Solomon, Philip, clerk 351 Holroyd, Mrs. Sarah, draper 103 Rowley, John, jun., coach builder 353 Hovoy, Peter 105 Topham, Miss Emily, ladies' school 355 Pulman, Mrs. Maria, boarding-houso 107 Park, Charlton, clerk ' 357 Mooro, Isaac, grocor 109 Dalgarno, Mrs. Silks, John, farrier I l l Bockc,- Cecil A., surgeon 359 Aylward, Jano—Pelican Hotel 116 Gibson, Mrs. CONGBEaATIONAt. OUCBOII 117 Robinson, Ralph, roaster mariner 361 North, John Britty 119 Crano, Mrs. Harriet 3G3 Brcnnand, Thomas S., clerk Here Spenoe's-lane. 365 Evans, Miss Maryann, milliner and Vacant land dressmaker. Here William-street. 367 Woodward, Francis M'Cormack, Thomas, drapor 369 Buzaeott, Walter S. Here Barnett's-lane. 371 Johnson, Rev. Thomas, Cpngrogational 129 Stoolo, Rov. Robort Church 131 Shoppard, Edward, joiner 373 Grattan.'T., clork 133 Cameron, James 375 Smith, Charlos, painter 185 Cordnor, William J., professor of rausio3 377 Peters, Edith, grocer 137 McCauley, John 379 Vandbrvord, Kemp, mastor marinor 189 Fostor, Jacob 383 Lov6, William 141 Drake, John, clork 385 Dowsott, Sam., roporlor') 143 Snngstor, John, draftsman 387 Robinson, Rov. Edwin V Jcsmond-plnco 146 Piokoring, Charles 889 Pearson, Mrs. J 147 Wyatt, Frederick 391 M'Culloch, Androw Hardio, solicitor 149 Olarkson, David William, tailor Here Albion-street.' 151 Donaldson, John, monumental mason 413 Woodward, William fi., butchor 153 Swyny, George 417 Gough, Jas., saddlor and harness maker 155 Jonos, Mrs. Elizabeth 419 Loo, Frederick, brokor 167 Lloyd, Mrs., school 425 Warren, Alexandor, clork 159 Weir, John, butchor 427 Moody, Richard, chiof clerk, railway 161 Flower, Alfred, jowollor office ' Here Sutton-lane. 429 Finn, Denis Vacant land 431 Murphy, Folix, grocor Here Stanley-street. Here Fitzroy and Fovcaux streets. Vacant land 453 Hirst, Georgo R., woolbrokor Here O'Brien's-lane. 457 Brindloy, Edwin, clerk 1G3 Summorbell, William, master marinor 481 Wiggins, Charles 167 Sutton, James, slator 489 Purcell, Mrs. Eliza 1G9 Rowley, Ricbard, compositor 491 O'Brion, Georgo, dray proprietor Here Berwick-lane. 493 Flood, Mrs. 171 M'Donald, Qoorgo, shoemaker 495 Curtis, William 0. 173 Smith, Charles, blacksmith Here Arthur-street. Here Liverpool-street. 555 Osbonrn, John, shinglor and slator Vacant land Here Victoria'street. Here Burton-street. 567 Trayto, Mrs. 273 Schroder, Mrs. Harriott 569 Smith, Fredoriok, dairyman 275 Augardo, Charles Joseph, collector 589 Whittoll, Honry R., coal merchant 279 Mills, John, bootmaker 609 Pawloy, Mrs. Goorgo 287 Parish, Robert J., builder 613-15 Pawloy, Henry, tannor and currier 289 Carpenter, Uni, builder G15 Pawloy, Mrs. W. 291 Goudard, Mrs. Ann Here Cleveland-street. 293 Copp, John, stpnomason 295 Ohalinor, John, blacksmith Bourke-street Little,, East Side. 299 Phillip, William, stockbroker Off Campbell-street 831 M'Mcncmcy, James, plumber 2 Bovin, Samuel, paintor 333 Robinson, Josoph, gardoner 8 Goddard, Honry, stonemason Here James-street. 4 Smith, Honry, cabinot maker Chalinor, John, smithy 5 Mulquoonoy, Dennis, van proprietor Here South Head Road. 7 Rostus, Matthias, carpenter Faris, Josoph— Queen's Arms 8 Thompson, William, oarponter 841 Lukcr, Gcorgo, flour mills 9 Edney, William, schoolmaster 343 Gallachor, Mrs. 10 Harrington, Goorgo, coachman 846 & 347 Clegg, James, shoemaker 11 Johnson, J., bootmaker 28 84 Oleovo, John Kingdon, wino a n d spirit merchant Hire Pitt-street and Macquarie-place. Vacant land Here Castlereagh-streei. Vacant land Here Elizabeth-street. Vncand land Here Phillip-street. Bourke-street Little, W e s t Side. Here Camvbell-street. Kiss, Georgo, cab proprietor Whito, James, Bhoemakor Bowman-street Pyrmont, North Side. Walker, Alexander, shipwright Futtman, Goorge Aitkonhead, Robert, coppersmith Horbort, Richard, plumper M'Critchy, William, shipwrigbt Barnes, John, onginoor Hire Harm-street. M'Cormack, John, quarryman Here Alfred-street. M'Cnlgin, John, cartor AUDITOR-GENERAL'S 5 7 9 Bowman-street, South. Side, Livingston, William, waterman Hawkins, Henry, carpontor Watson, Mrs. Charlotto Lees, Henry, shipwrigbt Here Harris-street. Dalgloisb, Robert, engineer Here Alfred-street. Cummins, Michael, quarryman O'Brien, Martin 11 13 15 Goorco-strcct to Macquarlo-atrcct. Bath, Charles—St. John's Tavern 2 Bath, Cbarlos, wino and spirit morobant Frorichs, Burcbard, Bromen Consul 4 Royling, Frederick, tailor (5 Groth, H. H y „ painter and paporhanger 8 Grovillo and Bird, telegraphic and advertising agents 10 Craddock, Mrs. Jane, rogistry office 11 Dolissa, S. A., optician, oculist, and aurist 14 Sogbors, Frangois, tailor 1G Parsons, Henry— Bengal Arms Here passage. 18 PrHchard, Joseph, bootmaker 20 Blake, John, fruiteror 22 Lamb, Farbury, and Co., merchants 24 COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING COMPANY 28 Stroot, Thomas Chester, watch and clock maker 30 Joske, Adolpb, wino and spirit merchant 82 Woolcott, William Prout, liouso agont Banss, A. H. J., accountant Eldred, W. H„ Lloyd's agent <£ ALLIANCE Walkor, William, M.L.O. ROYAL SYDNEY YACUT ASSURANCE Bridge-street, South Side. Here Qeorgt-strett. Cohen-, Moritz D., tobacconist Goldinjr, Henry, tailor Zuccam, Emilio, & Co., glass and cabinet dopot Sly, Josopb, pawnbroker Reason, \V. 0. W., matlross maker Motcalfo, Michael, merchant Mctcalfo, John Bell, and Co., merchants METCALFE'S MARINE ASSURANCE OFFICE. B r i d g e - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side, AUSTRALIAN COMPANY OFFICE Here Macqttarie-street. 1 3 g> Va ~ SQUADRON, >& Howell, G. H . , s e c o Holland, Frederick Wm., surveyor p and architect ,a Williams, Benjamin, pianoforto « maker W Beames, Walter 17 19 Bri Bri STREET Boii Wall, William Sheridan, taxidormiBt Cubitt, Arthur, nowspapor agent Cubitt, Fredorick, wood engraver Reading and Wellbank, printers and stationers Mason, Brothors, importers of glass and carthonwaro Molison and Black, shipbrokors Raymond, R. P., and Co., stock and station agonts Here Hamilton-street, Brown, Robort—Exchange Hotel Here Pitt-street. LETTER RECEIVES CnAMBBit OF COMMERCE CADIANGULLONO CONSOLIDATED COPPER MININO COMPANY B U L L I COAL MINING COMPANY WABATAH COAL MINING COMPANY NEWCASTLE WALLSKND COMPANY Spain, William, notary public a McKonzio, W. H . 0 . , commission g agent 3 Mackenzio, W. H. sonr., accountant o and average stater ># Halo, Thomas, coal broker *, Pollard, E . H. j» Bogie, J . W., avorago stater g Sawkins, Thomas & , gonoral agent to Spain and Roxburgh, solicitors and notaries public •Norie, W. F., marino survoyor Macdonald, James, custom-houso agont Murnin, Michael Egan, merchant . Here Qresham-street. SURVEYOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE Here Castlereagh-street. COLONIAL SECRETARY'S O F F I C E Here Elhabeth-street. Vacant land DIRECTORY. Here Phillip-street. Vacant land Here Macquarie-strcet. 1 2 3 4 Brisbane-street, East Side OffParramatta-Btrcot. 15 17 19 21 Hanmon, Georgo Wright, Georgo Hoaro, Edward, milkman Richards, John B r i s b a n e - s t r e e t , "West Side Here Parramatta-street. Ryan, John, greengrocer 2 Bassott, Robert, mariner 4 McOaffory, Catherine 6 Goddard, Mary 8 Tinos, Robert, wood-doalor 10 Dupain, Hypolito, cook 20 Brennor, James 32 Shannon, Michaol 96 Ryan, Daniol, cabman 38 Doyle, John, carpontor 40 Ferguson, Thomas Richardson, John Flynn, John, sugar works Carter, William, fireman McGarvio, Bridget Blott, Samuel B r i s b a n e - s t r e e t , E a s t Side South Head Road to lllll-strect. 2 McKcllor, Mrs. Jcssio, boarding-liouso 4 Emanuel, Mrs. M. G James, Benjamin, buildor 8 Scanlon, John, van proprietor 10 Lyons, P., inspector of polico 14 Oliver, Robort, iron-raouldor 1G Maboney, Jeremiah, dealer 18 Holborrow, Thomas, drayman 20 Hoard, Gregory, builder Plofott, Augustus Crawford, Georgo 54 McDonald, John, tailor 66 Ford, Goorge, slater 68 Joseph, Joel, timber merchant CO Palmer, Thomas James, grocer 68 Lintern, Honry, mason Here Hill-street. B r i s b a n e - s t r e e t , "West Side Here South Head Road. Joseph, Joel, timber yard 9 Badcook, William, clerk 11 Hollander, Andrew S. 13 Simmons, Charles, buildor 15 Morrison, Alexander, blacksmith 17 Morrison, Georgo, wheelwright 19 Allum, George, bricklayer 21 Emanuel, J., dentist 23 Graham, John, coach-buildor Here Goulburtt-strcet. H\lPflane. 29 Finn, Anthony ) May, Charles, draper \ SwissTorraco Fidgeon, Rev. Nathaniel, J Upton, Georgo—Native Home Inn Here Hill-street. Brougham Place, North S i d e . Pitt-strcot to Cnstloroagh-Btroct. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 23 25 Leo, William MoDonougb, Patrick Murray, Michael, shoomokor Johnson, William Murphy, Mrs. Ellon Desmond, John, grooor Danagbcr, David, onginoor Black, Mrs. Elizaboth Mann, Mrs, Eliza Wallaco, Robert, bootmaker Huntor, Mrs. JanetOtto, Georgo, mariner Powell, John BIytbo, gunmakor Here Castlereagh-street. Brougham Place, South Side Here Pitt-street. Stewart, Mary Molloy, Patrick Davlin, John, fronoh polishor Eulor, Nicholas, coopor Carter, Henry Davlin, John, doaler Ross, Rbodcriok Lake Thomas, froncli-polishor Addy, William Knapp, Jacob, bootmaker Kross, Potor, gardener MoGowan, James, painter Arohor, Henry, t u m o r Frangani, John, bootmaker Brown, Charles H., dealer Fotohor, Josopb Riely, J , H., tailor Here Castlcreagh-slreet. Brougham Street, East Side Woolloomooloo Bay to Burton-stroot. 22 24 26 28 106 108 112 114 118 120 122 124 126 O D D FELLOWS' HALL. Here Bro 178 Yates, James, boat-builder Ellon, Thomas Cowcll. T. H. Ray, Roubon, tumor Jones, Charles, onginccr Haigh, Barton, clerk Edgecomb, John, carpontor Hamilton, Robort, blacksmith Livcrraorc, James, drayman Staploton, Mrs. Mary, dressmaker Coady, John McRao, John, drapor McLardy, Duncan St. Clair, lithograpbio writor Walkor, Thomas Pitman, Rov. Charles, congregational minister Jackson, Wm. Marshall ft Bird 180 MoOreagh, Francis, shoemaker 182 Parfitt, Wm. A. 184 Burdokin, Bossloy, J.P. 188 Williams, John Alfred . 190 Windoyer, Walter H. 192 MoBain, Alexander, dray proprietor 194 Williams, Parcel!, clerk 196 Brown, Alexander, cahmari 198 Smith, Phillip, cabman Here William-street. Vacant land Sere Darlinghurst Road. 800 Cullum, Wm. H., gardenor and florist Honslcy, Robert 304 Bobinson, Francis, clork 306 O'Brien, Florence 312 Spilsbury, Goorge James, compositor 314 Valentino, Robert, carpenter 316 Audsley, W. 322 Hamilton, James, produce agent 324 MoOonvillo, Edward, ongincor 326 Lawrence, William Here Liverpool-street Halmarick, Honry — Royal Sovereign Hotel • 342 Sandors, John, painter and glazier 846 Brown, David, warehouseman 348 D'Aroy.Michaol Here BUrloh-strett. B r o u g h a m s - t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Woolloomooloo Bay. Vacant land Sere Harnett'street. 173 Howell, Mrs. Annie 175 Fitzpatrick, Mrs. 177 Norton, Thomas, brokor and commission agent 199 McCaffrey, Corraaok Hommings, rotor, tailor Roddy, John—Woolloomooloo Inn Here William-street. Vacant land Here Liverpool-street. Vacant land Here Burton-street. B r o u g h t c n - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side IUloy-stroot ,to Crown-streot 2 Heanoy, Bobort 4 Oogblan^John, clerk 8 Packor, Paul Here Crown-street. 3 5 7 9 Buc STRBfif B r o u g h t o n . s t r e e t , South. Side Here Riley-street. Smith, Robert, slater Easy, Alfred Moonoy, Patrick Doan, William, carpenter and joiner Here Crown-sireet. B r o w n B e a r - l a n e , N o r t h Side Ilarrlngton-utrect to Georgo-atreot. Collier, Thomas, boarding-houso O'Brion, Elias Byrnes, Dennis, soap and candlo manufacturer Crowdon, Samuol, carpenter Here Qeorgc.slreet, B r o w n B e a r - l a n e , S o u t h Side Here Harrington-street. Ross, Daniel, commission agent Malonoy, James, boilcr-makor Oloary, George, oiariner Here Qeorgc-street. Brown's-lane Off Ooulb'urri-6trcot. 1 3 5 7 9 11 Thompson, Wm., inspector of nuisances Cottroll, Edward, painter Neavos, William, uird-fancior Crosby, James, tailor Redin, John P., contractor Maomastor, Hugh, cabinet-makor Stoneham, Henry, barber 12 Steed, John 13 Miller, John, engineer Brown, John, master-marinor 15 Cullon, Richard Henry, blacksmith 10 Brown, Thomas, sheriff's officer Totter, Charles, sup. of Government printing-office Clark, William Truoman, James Kent, Robert B u c k i n g h a m - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Uovoaibiro-ntroot to Clovoland-stroct Vacant land Here Rutland-street. 26 Ryo, JameB Androw 28 Davoy, Sarah 30 Hill, John, engineer 34 Offord, John Edward, saddler 88 Stewart, Robert, storekeeper 40 Vanderborgh, Charles, butcher 42 Roovo, Edward 44 EIHB, William, draper B0 Hadley, William 52 ManBiield, Samuol W. 6"4 Laoy, Wm., boiloMnakor Here Bedford-street. 62 Wilson, Edward G. 64 Williams, Honry Chaa., clork 66 Vowles, Isaac, gardener 68 Clark, Matthow John, traveller 70 Elliott, William, grocor 80 Korr, James, tailor 82 Woolacott, Thomas, stonemason 84 Carrick, Martin 86 Connelly, Bartholomew 88 Dillon, Michael, drayman 90 Hay, James, stonemason 92 Gulliok, William Ransom Buc 94 McGovisk, Patrick, storoman 96 McLaughlin, Irvino, drayman Hire Belvoir-strcet. 100 Scott, William 102 Fitzpatrick, Michael, soap-boiler Adams, Thomas Mark, cab proprietor Here Cleveland-street. B u c k i n g h a m - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Devonshire-street. Vacant land Here Rutland-street. 23 Warner, Joseph, drapor 25 Rabono, Stophon G., clork 27 Fletcher, Lydia 29 Fisher, Thomas 31 Cope William, drapor 33 Gnndrod, Mrs. Mary 35 Shortland, Richard, dray proprietor 37 Morris, Bonjamin, gasflttcr 41 Buckley, William, carpenter and joiner 47 Beckshawo, William, storekeeper 51 Hancock, Benjamin, butcher Here Bedford-street. KoaloJ James, boarding-school Tree, James, drayman Here Belvoir-strcet. 127 Cuttriss, Oharlos B. 129 Sharp, James 131 Lotz, Mrs. Louisa 133 Higgs, John 135 Macfio, John 137 Palmor, John, draper . 139 Higgs, Honry, saddlor Here Cleveland-street. B u c k i n g h a m - s t r e e t L i t t l e , E a s t Side DovonsMre-Btrcot to Clovolonil-streot. Vacant land Here Rutland-street. Vacant land Here Bedford-street. McCarthy, Michael Little, James McDiarniid, John, painter Here Belvoir-strcet. Vacant land Here Cleveland-street. B u c k i n g h a m - s t r e e t L i t t l e , W e s t Side Here Devonshire-street. Vacant land Here Rutland-street. Vacant land Here Bedford-street. 7 Shaunossy, James 9 Bailoy, Mrs. Anno 11 Blaokwall, Mrs. 21 Fisher, John, drayman 23 Fraser, Donald, stonemason Here Belvoir-sireet. Vacant land Here Cleveland-street. Bur 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 3 6 7 9 Burnell-lane, E a s t Side Clmpfl-lano to Llrcrpool-lanc. Donison, Mrs. Williamson, John, blacksmith Gill, Charles, mason Scully, James, labourer Cox, John, ongineor on railway Parsons, William, carter Here Liverpool-lane. Burnoll-lane, W e s t Side Here Chapel-lane. Duffy, Janios, dairyman Nichols, Jamos, carter McMullcn, William, typc-fouudor Macgoveru, Richard, shoemaker Maughan, William, butohor Here Liverpool-lane. Burraporo-stroet, E a s t Side Woollooinooloo-strcot to WllUam-lano 2 Smith, James, carpontor and joiner 4 Dostcroyx, Joseph, carponter C Smith and Bonnott, builders 14 Norton, James, plastoror 16 Doylo, Miohaol 18 Hawkins, Robert, mason 20 Davitt, John, mason 22 Garrahoo, Patrick Here Corfu-street and William-lane. B u r r a p o r e - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Woolloomooloo-street. 1 Milan, Charles, comedian 5 Griffiths, William, carvor 7 McLean, Daniol, gingor-bcer makor Here Corfu-street and William-lane. B u r t o n - l a n e , E a s t Side Off Burton-street 2 Hinchy, James, chandlor Long, George, joiner 4 Hickoy, John, ironfoundor 6 Pringlo, William, shoomakor 8 Mcintosh, Edward, stoker 10 Whitty, Thomas, storekeeper 12 Bradford, Upton, ironmoufder 14 Bradford, David, brassfounder B u r t o n - l a n e , W e s t Side Here Burton-street. 3 Kollett, Charles, mastor-marinor Molntyro, William, tannor 7 Silvor, Antonio Clayton, John B u r t o n - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Hiloy-strcot to VIotorla-streot. 22 24 26 28 Smith, Mrs. Mary Brown, John, master-mariner Grosvenor, Diehard, musician Walker, James, musician Here Burton-street Little, 31 32 Gam Bur 32 Watson, Mrs. Mary Here Crown-street. Pagos, Lucien—Old Australian Inn Sere Burton-lane. 42 O'Hcar, Edward, foncor JTere Langley's-lane. 44 Donaldson, Mrs. Elizaboth 46 Gibson, William 48 Howitt, A d a m , blacksmith Thornton, Frederick, grocer Here Palmer-street. Vacant land Here Bourke-street. 92 Darby, A n t h o n y 94 D n g g a n , Edward, butcher 96 Burns, Patrick 98 Bourko, Stephen, tide-waiter 100 Bourko, J o h n , tailor 102 Payno, George 104 Bush, Christian, sboomaker 10G Hartman, Christian, boot-closer 108 Green, T h o m a s , carpentor JTere Forbes-street. 140 Cook, Edward, drapor 142 Swannell, Christian, Mrs. Here Bowling-street. Hicks, T h o m a s , general dealer Here Darlinghurst-road. Vacant land Here Victoria-street. Burton-street, South Sido Htre Riley-ttrcct. 3 Vickery, M i s s Maria, dressmaker 5 Piol, John, builder 7 Mannix, L o t , tailor Here Burton-lane. 9 Smith, Gcorgo, letter-carrier 11 Vickory, Mrs., drossmnkor 13 Batoman, Gcorgo, clerk 15 Mansell, Josopb, storomnn 17 Marquis, Thos., lottcr-cnrriur 19 McAnally, James Here Crown-street. 21 Olds, Jamos, blacksmith 2 3 Davidson, Sirs. Esther 28 Aston, William, engineer 27 Wishart, Jamos, mason 29 Sowtcr, Thomas, doalcr 31 Byrne, Dominick, sbinglor and slater Here Langley's-lane. 83 Christie, John, painter and glazier Here Palmer-street. 51 Slado, J o h n James, lithograpbio printci: 53 Gordon, James, auctioneer 55 Sherwood, Thomas Here Oordcn-street. 67 Hazelton, Alfred, photographic artist 61 W e l s h m a n , James, tailor 63 Watson, Goorgo, grocor 65 Hiddilston, Mrs. Mary A n n 67 Voyrot, Oyrillo 69 Watson, Goorgo 71 Evans, Mrs., ladies' school Here Vacant land Here Bourke-street. Forbes-street. DAELiNonunsT GAOL Here Darlinghurst-road. Vacant Land Here Victoria-street. Cambridge-street, East Side. Argylo-strcetto Essex-stroot. Roffoy, Thomas, grocor Blaokloy, Samuel, bootmaker 4 Murphy, William, blacksmith 6 Donnelly, George, sailmaker 10 Colo, William 12 Green, John 14 Watts, Emanuol, waterman 10 Bubio, Henry 18 Day, Josopb, mariner 20 Hyndcs, Jamos 22 Tweedy, Edward, quarry man 24 Hong, John, Chinese-merchant 28 Lawrcnco, Henry 30 Jonos, Edward—North Country Lad Inn 82 E g a n , William, carpenter Ryan, James, bootmaker M a n n , James, shipping-dork H o g a n , Jamos Ballard, Edward, musician Here Brown Bear-lane. Barbos, John, mariner Lowis, John, waterman Coilo, Christopher Here. Essex-street. Cambridge-street, W e s t Side. Here Argyle-street. Holloway, Frederick, storekeeper 5 ltoylanco, John, waterman 7 Drivor, William 9 Parrel), James, waterman 11 Smith, William, plastorcr ltl Murray, Thomas, grocor 15 Buloy, Francis, mariner 17 Lord, Edward 19 Hobbs, Joaopli, stonemason 21 Wilson, Androw, mariner 23 Leo, James 25 Cary, Jamos 27 Prior, Gcorgo 29 lianahan, Margarot 81 Hyndcs, Patrick Here Brown Bear-lane. 33 Stephens, James 35 Riley Phillip Doylo, John, stonemason M'Donald, William, mariner King, John, waterman Ayro, Lowis Davison, William, shipwright Here Essex-street. Campbell-place, North. Side. RUoy-Blrect to Crown-street, 2 Cross, Samuel, tailor Cain 4 Jonos, Charles, cabinet-maker 6 Tipping, William G., printer Toohey, John Perkes, Frodorick 8 Tromain, Edward 10 Loo, George, book-binder Here Crown-street. DIRECTORY Cam 33 Here Macquarie-street South. 84 Callaway, Richard, saddler 86 Dallow, John 88 Proctor, Mrs. 98 Dunn, J o h n , mariner 100 Jacobs, Eleazor 102 Dent, Henry, clerk 106 H e a v e n , John, painter Campbell Place, South Side. 108 Cosgrove, James, compositor 110 List. William J. Here Riley-street. 112 Burns, Samuol 3 Leahy, Michael, blacksmith 114 Byrnes, Thomas 5 Bolster, Alexander, compositor 116 Boll, Isaac, cahinot-makor 7 Skinner, Richard, cabinet-maker 118 M'Mullon, Michael, coach-paintor Here Crown-street. 120 King, Michaol, turner 122 Glass, Goorgo, butcher Campbell Street, North Side. 124 Boon, James, upholsteror Ocorge-strwt to Hourko-stroct. 126 M'Carthy, H u g h 2 Evans, Leonard, butcher 128 Allen, Benjamin, carpenter 4 Thompson, John— The Picton Arms. 130 Loist, Frederick, builder 6 Smith, Frank, commission-agent 132 Sunners, Bonjamin, saddlor and harness8 Glasson, Stophon— Wheelwrights' Hotel maker 10 Glasson. Stophon, wheelwright & black- 134 Fry, Richard, buildor smith 136 Ramsay, John, plasterer 16 Hawkins, Richard, furniturodcalor. 138 Orchard, William, mason 18 Brennan, James, butcher 140 Ellis, Mrs Sophia, uoedlowoman 20 Loseby, Richard— The Pack Horse. 146 Kensott, Francis J. 22 Stanley, Charles, mason 148 Edgely, John, buildor 24 Hopkins, Thomas 150 Riedy, Martin M'Mullon & Cooko, coach-factory 152 Wolsh, W m . , dealer Here Pitt-street. Here Riley Street. 26 Stnbbs, Mrs. Annie 1 M'Quiston, Roborf, plasterer V g «S 28 Harper, Mrs. F. 2 Greonslado, James, gasfittor I £ jj 30 Malcolm, John O., merchant 3 Sullivan, Thomas, tailor °B 32 Stanley, William, professor of ruusio 4 Stephens,-Mrs. Mary A n n '(S^ 34 Isaacs, Jacob, general dealer 6 Williams, David, storoman 36 Coffey, Mrs. Margarot, noedle-woman 164 Healy, Michael, cartor 38 Black. James A., inspector of polico 166 Richardson, Edward H . 40 Wright. Mrs. A. Sheridan, John—Sheridan's Family Hotel 42 Sweeting, George, general dealer Here Crown Street, St. Goorgo, John The Oolden Fleece 170 T h o m a s , Charles H., grocor Here Cistlereagh-streel. 172 Halliday, Mrs. Susan Graham, Francis, grocer 174 Hall, John, carpenter Potter. William— The Albion Hotel 176 Cayley, Joseph, bootmaker Here Market-lane and Elizabeth-street. 178 Ironside, James Rice, Henry 0 . , butcher ~] 44 Holmes, Thomas, butcher g 180 Thomas, Mrs. Mary Here Denham-street. 46 Sutton, Thomas W . , painter ^ 48 Morgan, Lewis, sbinglor and slater "2 ISRAELITES' SANOTUAHY SO Lyons, Henry J., npnolsterer J»j!j 184 Roid, Frederick M., clork 52 Cartwright, Sirs. Margaret o- 186 Humby, John Charles, clork 54 Shipman, Mrs. Elizabeth | 188 Taylor, Augustus B. 66 Crockett, Mrs. Esther O 190 Phonna, Robert, clork 68 Brandon, Win. H., butcher J Here Bourke Street. Here Foster-itreet. 64 Bennett, John, tailor Campbell Street, South Side. 66 Baigent. John Here Qeorge-street. 66 Labowitzky, Mrs. Elizabeth HAYMARKET 70 Croke, Daniel 72 Patterson, Peter, baker Here Pitt-street. ' 7 4 O'Connor, John, tinsmith. Vaoantland Cohen, Lewis Here Castlereagh-street. Terry, Mrs., dressmaker 76 Baynes, Joshua, butcher ROMAN CATHOLIC C B A P B I I Yard, John—Fosterville Hotel Here Elitabeth-street, H Cam STREET Gas 171 Riomonschneider, Carl F . Jossott, Jas.—The Cheshire Cheese Fletchor, Honry, teacher 47 Lynch, Patrick 173 Worsloy, Samuel J., saddler 49 Pacey, William J., engineer 175 Luker, Georgo 51 Franklin, Robert 177 Hayes, Wm. J., compositor 57 Casliin, Richard, boot-cloacr 179 Brown, Mrs. 69 Hand, Patrick, mason 181 M'Konny, Mrs. Sarah, ladies' school 61 Ashor, Henry, dealor 183 Callaghan, Samuel 63 Shaw, John, dealer o Sere Bourke-strcet Little, 65 Bedford, Itiohard, plastoror 185 Nicholl, Charles, clerk Here Foster-street. 187 Brotchord, Gooffroy, shoomakor 69 Isaacs, Aaron Holroyd, Mrs., haberdasher and draper 71 Manning, Edward Here Bourke-sireet. 73 Sheppard, John 75 Thompson, Robert Campbell Street Lower, North. Side. Here Mary-street, Riley-street to East-street. 77 Bnrford, Charles 14 Ferguson, Jamos, carpontor 87 Romford, Oliver, dealer 10 Marsh, James, cabinot-mnker 89 Huxloy, Mrs. Susan 18 Dowling, Mrs. Sere.Macquaric-strcel South. 20 Keating, Patrick, plumber 95 Byrom, Cornolius, tailor 22 Binnis, Michaol 97 Ward, Charles, paintor 24 Franklin, Robort, carpontor Poarco, William, carpenter 26 Noblo, Jobn, clerk 99 Cunningham, John, grocer Byrnes, Mrs. Oatliorino 101 Fabor, Mrs. Elizabeth, nocdlowoiuau 30 Gow, James, photographic artist 103 StovcBon, Thomas, master marinor 40 Cox, Honry 105 Gallaway, James, carpenter H'.re East-street. 107 M'Orca, William, carpenter and joiner Here Smith-street. Campbell Street Lower, South Side. 109 Johnston, Charles, grocer and drapor 121 Hides, David, painter and glazier Sere Riley-street. litre Samuel-street. 1 Elyard, Charles, collector 125 White, John W„ baker 2 Morrison, Goorgo, clork 127 Dolan, John, tailor 5 Watson, Richard A., compositor 129 Phillips, Joshua, mastor marinor 7 Phillips, Charles, ongineor 181 Flowers, Mrs. Louisa 9 Drury, Bryan, -watchman 183 Hoaloy, Francis 11 Drury, Martin, bootmaker 135 Williams, Patrick, shipwright 13 Spittle, John, shipwright 137 Kembor, Goorgo, grocor 15 Munro, Goorgo, cabinot-makor Kombor, Mrs._, midwifo 17 Eados, James, drapor 189 Holland, David, ironmouldor 19 Culbort, Jamos, doalor 145 Allum, John 21 McSparran, Georgo, carpontor <& joinor 147 JohnBon, Wm., drayman 23 Daly, Jobn Gilmore & Brown, butchers 25 Green, Honry, compositor 149 Brown, Walter, musical instrument 27 Davis, Edward, blacksmith makor 29 Raynor, William, reporter 161 Smith, Mary—Tradesman's Arms 81 Wakefiold, Goorgo, carpenter & joinor 153 Payne, Samuel Lodgo, grocer 33 Durham, Goorgo, clork 155 Tighc, James, butchor 85 M'Orackon, Thomas, printer Here Little Riley-street. 37 Davis, Wm., sawyer 157 Coultor, Aloxandor, butchor ; 89 Thorburn, William, bakor 169 Coulter, William, (jrocor 41 Oansdoll, Thomas E., carpontor 161 Smith, Honry M., ironmonger 48 Shophord, Goorgo 163 Thorn, John—Warwick Tavern 45 Riokards, William, storeman Sere Riley-street. 47 Thomas,. Mrs. Wator EoBervoir 49 Cain, Mathow Sere Crown-street. 51 Desland, Charles, carpontor Reid, Nathaniel—Surry SilVs Hotel Sere East-street. Slattory, Mrs. Bridget, dressmaker Sere Bloomfield-sireet Little. Oastlereagh Street, East Side. Mulling, James Huntor-strcot to Hay-street, Smith, James 122 Rogers, Richard, veterinary Burgeon 165 Pottit, Edward, bricklayer 124 Gribben, John, farrier 176 Innis, Mrs. Mary 126 Perry and Co., Burgeons 169 Davis, Samuel, dealer 128 Hoods, Mrs. Sophia, boarding house Sere Sm^am-ttrtet. l Cas 134 VOLUNTEER CLUB 136 VIOTOBIA. CLUB DIRECTORY QW ^ 274 Goldsmith, Leopold, butcher 276 Btark, Richard 138 Marshal], Mrs. M. A., boarding house 278 Swadling, John, farrior 140 Flower, Miss JVIaryJAnn, ladios' semiStovonson, Isaac, grocor nary Sere Park-street, 148 Egan, Daniel 290 Riley, Cornelius, hay and QQrn'dealor 150 Connor, George 292 Aaron, Isaac, surgeon 152 Beal, Henry and Adam, carpenters 294 & 29G Elder, William, boarding-house 156 Palmer, Ralph, coach builder 298 Dinncon, Jamos, grocor 160 Battloy, Jamos, butchor 300 Vonrey, Michaol, undortakor 102 Wncoy, 0., inodoller 302 Norris, Mrs. Isaac, Jemonado And cor' 166 <fc 168 Hinz, Louis, carpontor and joinor dial manufactory 170 Watson, Thomas 304 Rood and Co., tobacco, snuff, and cigar 174 Blake, Honry, grocor and fruiterer manufactory 176 Palmer, William Honry, paintor and 300 Bates, Thomas decorator 308 Warron, Oharlos, (surgeon 178 Miillor, F. A.—European Hotel 310 Wright, Thomas, hay and corn dealer 180 Bradley, Jamos Octavius, auctionoor and 312 Wintor, Goorgo, mattrass makor valuator 31G M'Noilly, Aloxandor, paintor and glazier 182 Cunningham, Jamos— Commercial Sotel 820 M'Kono, John J,— Curriers' Arms Sere King-street, Here Bathunt-street. Hampton, John—Hampton's Metropoli- 322 Hinchoy, William F.—Cherry Tree Inn tan Sotel 324 Nicholson, Mrs. Margaret, groongiocor 184 Lovoll, John, oystor doalor 828 Vaughan, Honry E„ agent 186 Adams, Robort H,, fruiterer 328 Shophord, Joseph, contractor 188 Maxwell, John, tailor 330 Dawson, Petor, storokoopor Zufall, L., boot and shoo makor 332 Kidney, Miss Mary Ann, drossmakor 190 Grogan, John, grocor 334 Thibbotts, Augustus A., schoolmaster 192 Potrio, Adam, bootmaker Clare, John, bricklayer 194 Smart, Mrs, Ann, grocor 340 Bird, Charles, mariner ST. JAMES SCHOOL 342 Connolly, John, storeman 198 Triggs, Goorgo, coach maker 344 Wright, Charles Thomas, bakor 200 Barns, William, doalor 848 Kay, Miss Mary, drossmakor 204 Ohallis, James, drayman 350 White, Richard, cab proprietor 208 Tannor, Robert; bootmaker 352 Hunter, Edward, paintor and paper 210 Woolfo, Wallaco, butchor hanger Sere Market-street. 354 M'Kow, Thomas William, shoemakor 212 Shalvoy, Michael— Olobe Tavern 356 Bonsor, Richard, bakor 214 Bcrnasconi, John, carver and gilder 858 Kelly, William, doalor 216 Forsytho, John, contractor 860 Walsh, James, plasterer 218 Pollagroni, Petor, modeller 362 Crow, Thomas, musioian 220 Duncan, John Ferguson, tailor Morris, William 222 Portor, William, chimney cleanor Pickup, William, chaircanor 224 King, William, pianoforte makor 866 Gough, Josoph, shoemaker 22G BELL'S LIFE OFFICE Pongolly, Thomas, plasterer and slater 228 Wilson, Davidson, paintor 368 Lontz, George Augustus Froderiok, ar230 Sanford, Honry, cabman chitect and builder 232 Jacques, Mrs. Ellon, drossmakcr 370 Solomon, Mrs. Abraham, boarding-house Jones, Alfrod, ornamontal plastoror Sere Liverpool-street, Here Court. Hubert, Honry—Willow Tree Inn 234 Kttin, Joseph, carpenter 882 Jacobs, Morris 230 Kain, John, cabman ' 384 Ryan, Michaol, grocor 238 Cann, Mrs. Oarolino, dressmaker 380 Shying, William 240 Scott, Cathorino, greengrocer Joffreys, Jonathan/butcher Here Lane. 888 Brown, Goorgo, galvanized iron worker 246 Thompson, Eliza—Sydney Arms 390 Onslow, Simon, wheelwright 248 Jackman, William 892 Dawson, Thomas, accountant 250 Anderson, John, boarding-house 894 Ohandler, William, grocer 252 Josephson, Manuel Franois 396 Ryan, Owen, cartor 254 Jenner, Samuel 398 Quinn, William, turner 256 Lyons, Jteoac 400 Orowder, Samuel, carpontor 262 Connor, James, doalor 402 Farrow, George, livery stable keeper 268 Oaks, Jamos 404 Bossloy, John Brown 270 Tabor, Thomas 408 Wheeler, Nathaniel, baker 272 Smith, Robort 410 Scott, John, fireman 36 Cas STREET Gas 179 Loneban, Andrew, cabinet makor and upholsterer 181 Murray, Morris, shingler 187 Cooper, William, plumber and gasfitter Markham, Joseph "* Albraicbt, John, mariner Garrick's Downey, Toronco Buildings, Donohoe, John Barry, John, bootmaker J Hutchinson, Alexander, baker 191 Hurford, Henry Robort, and Co., pianoforte warehouse 193 Vaughan, Henry, agent Carmody, James, shoemaker Whittaker, James \ Johnson, John, mariner f Circus Baird, James ( Court. Laroux, John, cook / 197 Oelrich, Peter, cabinet maker 199 Plynn, Eugene, clork 201 Lindsay, Richard Martin, broker 203 Isaacs, Samuel, cabinet maker 205 M'Kean, James, seedsman 207 Riley, Michael, tailor 209 Whitley, Thomas, tailor 211 Fitzsimmons, John, cngravor Gastlereagh Street, West Side. Madden, John, agont Here Hunter-street. 213 Farroll, W. T., grocer 121 Roberts, Alfred, surgeon Here Market-street. 123 Henfroy, William G., lemonade and corGordon, Mrs.—Travellers' Rest dial manufacturer 125 M'Cnrthy, Son, and Donovan, solicitors 215 Harvey, John, oyster dealor Clark, Mrs. Mavy, fruiterer Msurer, 0. F., turner 217 Ellison, James, tailor Here Iloski'ig-place. 219 Gilhooley, James Charles, surgeon 133 Macfarlane, Hon. John, M.D., M.L.O. 221 Dobson, John Spencer, boarding-house 135 Hanson, Mrs. J. S. 223 Wcstrop, Thomas, surgeon 137 Egan, Mylcs, surgeon 139 Moflitt, Andrew S. D., physician and 225 Bourko, Jamos, bootmaker 227 Clcary, Richard, bootmaker surgeon Ilowor, Richard J., tailor 141 Smith, John, solicitor 231 Ledger, Henry, saddler 143 Cauipboll, David, grocer 233 Irish, Charles, tailor 145 Ford, Mary Ann, bonrding-liouso 235 James, Honry Devinc, pawnbroker Ronno, John—Wheat Sheaf Inn Pottio, John, veterinary surgeon Harris, William, agent ~] 8 Barsanto, Dnmatro, modeller A 237 Farr, AVilliam, boarding-house Stevens, William, storomnn I ? 239 Davison, James, carcase butcber Coohlin, Daniel, boot closer | o 241 Lane, Mrs., private boarding bouso Higgs, Samuel, storoman * "" • Sunnnors, Joso])h, mariner "3 Lynch, Peter, brass finisher Powell, Stratford James J t>* Welsh, John J., comedian 149 M'Beath, David, surveyor mid architect 151 Starkey, William and John, lomonado 243 Conway, Lowis, jeweller 245 Atkinson, Charles, clerk and gingcr-beor manufacturers 247 Burford, Charles Henry, comedian 15.5 Hanson, William Burt and Co., Horso Bazaar Stallwood, Roubon 257 Palsor, Henry 109 Dunsmuro and Stallbrd, solicitors 259 & 261 Vial, William, coach maker Hero Brougham-place, 267 & 269 Holt,' William, coach maker 1C1 Spring, James, baker Cargo, William, black and white smith 163 Thomas, Richard— Queen's Hotel 271 Joel, Caroline 1G5 Taylor's Bowling aud Rifle Saloon 273 Clark, James, Froncb polisher 167 Maskell, James, gonoral dealar u75 Benson, John, pawnbroker 196 Colo, James— Optra House Hotel Mosos, Elias—Mosa' Family Hotel PIUNCE op WALES THEATRE Here Park-street. 173 Geo, Edwin—Moutpelier Hotel Jeffries, William, dealor Here King-street. 283 Van Heckereu, Abraham, Dr. 175 Keamoy, Denis—Colonnade Hotd 285 Lees, Mrs, Caroline, grooor 177 Fay, John, gardener 412 Hinchcy, Patriok, butcber Here Ooulburn-slreet. 414 Hogan, Edmund, grocer and draper 416 Coopor, Alfred, collector 418 Ploraer, Mrs. Peter 420 Gold, Sophia, greengrocer 422 Ferguson, Daniel, carpenter 424 Mitcholl, Mrs. Scroll, midwifo 426 Jones, Thomas, boj'ermakcr 428 Moon, Henry 430 Adams, Robort, weaver 432 Tln-uchley, Thomas, accountant 434 Brock, Robort, locker H. M. 0. 430 Levy, Benjamin 438 Herbert, Richard, butcber 440 Lockroy, Richard . 442 Jones, "John, blacksmith 444 Cook, Edward, basketmakor 446 Pbibhs, Mrs. Ann, boarding bouso Samuels, Morris, crockery doalor Grabani, Francis, grocer Here Campbell-street. Vacant land Here Hay-street. Cas DIRECTORY 287 Hart, Isaac, boarding house 289 M'Gill, William, storekeeper Wallis, Miss Hannah, millinor Wilson, J . A., surgeon 291 Andrews, William, plasterer Brown, Henry, station master Cannon, John 295 Morallis, Francis, bottle doalor 297 M'Namarra, Roderick, dealer Purcell, Richard, oyster dealor 299 Gannon, John, drayman ST. GBOBQE'S CHUBOH (ProBbytorian) Cas 37 Coulling, Jamos Here Court. 391 Kool, William 393 Howitt, Jamos, blacksmith 395 Benton, Goorgo, galvanized iron worker 397 Groves, Edward, confectioner 399 Phillips, John, draper Dabbs, Mrs., monthly nurso "| .g Sheon, Michael V a Hillebrand, William, cook J <§ 403 Berry, James, oyster dealer 405 Rao, William, oarpontor 407 Marsh, Mrs. Christian, teacher 409 Haswoll, Nathan, potato dealor Jackson, Fredoriok, oyster.doalor Quinn, William 413 Blain, Rev. Robort Here Qoulburn-slreet. Higgins, Johanna— Yorkshire'Stingo 419 Mooro, Androw, professor of music Carroll, Walter John, surgoon 425 Huntington, William, plasterer 429 Howell, Potor 431 Lewis, William, rigger 437 Davis, Mark Watson, Goorgo, piano forte tuner fa t>o Bryant, Honry, tailor Chandlor, Mrs. Eleanor, teacher Hayos, David, saddlor Mitcholl, Hugh, stonemason St. George, John—Qolden^Fleece Chidgoy, Thomas, shoemakor Canbam, John, blacksmith 305 Strettles, Thomas, sen., dairyman 307 Strottlos, Thomas, moulder 309 Wisoman, Charles, tailor 311 Ayling, Thomas, grocer Here Bathurst-itreet, Midgley, William, coacb maker 321 Michie, T., veterinary surgoon 325 Eastway, Richard 327 Belford, Charles L., compositor Banks, Alexander, baker Pole, Dominick, dealor 329 Fox, Alcanzor, tailor Thompson, John, butcber Nestor, Thomas, Bell, Jamos, slater 337 Jagolman, Josoph, dealer 389 Irons, David, grocer 341 Cloary, Bobort, fireman 345 Mooro, Frederick M., compositor LBTTEB REOEIVEU 347 Hamilton, Mrs. Dorothy, boarding bouse Here Campbell-street. M'Inorney, Francis, baker 1 H_:H,>„ Vacant land Grace, Charles, builder \B B J ' Here Hay-street. Johnson, Timothy, dealer J 1 J u , l d i n 8 s 349 Smith, Thomas Castlereagh-street North, East Side. Loram, OharleB, sailmaker Albert-street, Circular Qimy, to Bent-strcot. 351 Heather, Mrs. E. SS5 Bannister, Thomas Ford, II.T. and Co., custom houso agenti 357 Bowd, Tristram, butcher Here passage. 359 Hankin, James, grocer Staloy, Paul—Kingston Family Hotel Aitkin, John, shoemaker Buckland, William W., merchant w Jones, Charles "fe » 5 fco 10 Black, Aloxandor, wino and spirit merMuroutt, James, musician 5 a chant • . 2 "& 12 Wobster, Alexander S., merchant Mario It, James, dealer Berriman, William, mariner 14 Smitli Brothers and Co., merchants Foster, Jamos 16 Bligh. Harbottlc and Co., merchants Lewis, Thomas, coach trimmor Here Bridge-street, 361 Underwood, Thomas, machinist COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE 365 Lartor, George, coacb buildor Here Bent-street. 367 Driscoll, Mrs, Johanna 369 Carter, William, coach makor Castlereagh-street, North-west Side. 871 Palmer, James, grocer 373 Dewberry, J., carpenter and joiner Here Albertstrcet, Circular Quay. 376 Steelo, Alfred—Dungate Inn • Brown, Catherine—Paragon Hotel Here Liverpool-street. Gcdye, McCrca and Co,, custom houso 379 Roberts, William, solicitor agonts 377 M'Cure, Rev. John Bunyan MELBOURNE & NEWCASTLE MINMI "1 § BAPTIST CHAPEL 387 Pacoy, William, painter 389 Ramsden, John, denier Harrold, John, coach paintor COAL COMPANY J o& Moss, Goo., custom houso agent J> a 9 Giffard and Bros,, oustom houso 1 l ? agents J to Cha 38 Cha Motcalf, Powell and Oo., custom"! ^ house agents a Gaston, Nathaniel, merchant J| Owen and Oo., Samuel 3 Manning, John E., agont for Bel- '* Iambi Ooal Company >g Buttrey, John Armltage, morohant J Dibbs, Thome, and Co. a . Cohen, David, custom houso agent § Wolfen, WilHam, merchant (Oon- g snl for Norway and Sweden) . J rj King, Robert, coal merchant Sere Macauarie-place. Tromlett, William, carpenter Allan, Reuben Gross, Eli, blacksmith Tighe, James Wothorn, Ann Rossberry, John McGuffin, Samuel, fireman Kitson, William Giles, onginoor Hendorson, Jamos Here Black Wattle Creek. Here Bay-street. Long, WilHam Ryan, Michael, quarryman Giles, Henry, carpenter Sutton, Henry Bridgoman, Goorgo, dyer Shugg, John Ournow, stonemason Goddon, Vinis O'Brien, Michael Fagar, John, mariner Power, Pierce, butohor Robinson, Edward, ongino fittor Llewellon, Thomas, shmglor Walker, William, engineer Mere Black Wattle Creek. Sere Bridge-street. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE Here Bent-street. Castleieagh-streetj South, East Side. Sere Devonshire-street. 14 Wilks, Annie— Cricketers' Arm 16 Bradley, James, grocer 18 Hitchgrass, William 20 Chidloy, Benjamin 22 Frost, Thomas 24-Lenehan, Miss 26 Evans, Leonard, butohor 28 Cottam, Thomas, painter 8ff Lambden, Oharlos, carpenter Here Rutland-street CHALMEB'S CHUBOH Here Bedford-street. Watkihs, William, builder 138 Treeve, Misses, ladies' school Here Cleveland-street. Oastlereagh-street South, W e s t Side. Here Devonshire-street. Cleveland'Paddocks NifciOKAi-SCHOOL, Joha Saunders Jonus, principal Here Oleveland-street. Ceoil-plaoe. Off Aboreromble-placc. Carter, Henry Bruce, Harry, clerk Foster, Henry, compositor Stephens, Henry, boofcmakor Warren, RichardWatfon, Thomas Chandler, William, market gardenor Stack, Lawrenco Graydon, James Warren, Peter Fhypers, Jamos Watson, John Davis Henry Chambers-street, North Side. Off Bay-street. Glebe. Fenwlck, William, engineer Beaumont; Henry, stonemason Goodman, diaries, miller 1 8 5 25 27 31 39 41 Chambers-street, South Side. OBEttSK DIRECTORY Cha STBMT Chapel-lane, North Side, Charles-street. East Side. Frnncls-streot to Llvorpool-strcet. Verdau, John B.—College Hotel 2 Brookes, Henry, musician 4 East, Thomas 6 Robertson, Lewis, draftsman 8 Stockham, Henry, joiner 10 Breozo, Robort, carpentor 12 Thame, Richard H., grocer 14 Hickoy, Patrick, grocer 16 Dovine, John, bootmaker 18 Prior, William, storoman 20 Bray, Phillip, tailor 22 Hall, Jamos Here Scales-street. 24 Oolraine, Daniel, cab proprietor Here Liverpool-street. Mloy-stroot to Fulmer-strcot. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Power, Maurice Gellatly, David, mason Ward, Jamos, bootmaker Buchanan, T., grocer Here Crown-street. Williams, Thomas, builder Proctor, Thomas, saddler Boulton, Charles, mariner Stephenson, Samuol, horse doalor Wilson, Frederick, mason Here Palmer-street. Chapel-lane, South Side. Here Riley-street, 1 Thomas, John, plasterer Charles-lane, "West Side. Here Bay-street. Shcohy, John, mason Edwards, Charles, clerk Norton, Stephen, carpenter Ward, Thomas M'Guiro, Mrs. Ann, laundress Riley, Ohristopher, shoemaker Morton, Joseph, waterman M'Keough, Mathew Sere Junction-street. 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 28 25 27 29 Charles-street, W e s t Side. Sere Francis-street. Aulbery, William, dealer Dixon, John, carpentor Donnis, John, coach painter Goldsmith, Joseph Williams, Patrick Moody, Thomas, tin and copporsmitu Simpson, Henry Roach, Michael, storeman Davis, Robert, painter Here Scales-street. Dignam, William, ooaoh builder Aulbory, Francis, blacksmith Quirk, Thomas, tailor Vieira, John— Cottage of Content Here Liverpool-street. METIIODIBT OHAFET, Here Crown-street, Collins, W., mariner John«on, J., storeman Wishart, Christopher, fireman Wilkinson, James E. Sere Wood's-lant. 13 Lamb, Thomas, dairyman Sere Palmer-street. 8 5 7 11 Charles-lane, East Side. Bay-street to Junction-street, 2 14 24 88 40 Gates, Mrs. Ellen, school Nichols, Charles Berry, Robert, cabinet maker Sullivan, Patrick Dillon, James Sere Junction-street. Charles-street, East Side. Off Bay-street. 2 Dooson, Benjamin 4 Bell, Jamos, gardenor 14 M'Qeo, Dennis, shinglor and slater 16 Hilton, Allan, waterman 18 Nichols, John 20 Troutbon, Jamos, butcher 24 Harris, Jamos, storeman 26 Gryp, Vaudor, mariner 28 Hodnott, John, carpenter 30 Esperson, Peter, shipwright 34 Wilkinson, Thomas, blacksmith 86 Brown, John 38 Bromloy, Mrs. Jano 40 Heaton, John R., carpenter and joiner Sere Junciion-strtet. Cha 39 Charles-street, W e s t Side. Hire Bay-strtct. 1 Milligan, Josoph, joiner 7 Harrnor, William, builder 9 Washington, Patrick 11 Billings, Henry, carpenter 15 .Williams, WilHam, dray proprietor 17' Nurcombo, Edward, grainer 19 Greatbead, Edward, saddler 21 Dimond, John, bootmaker 23 March, Oharlos, storoman 25 Smeal, James, boat builder 27 Chapman, Georgo, compositor 31 Burns, Patrick 33 Williamson, Mrs. Barbara 35 Evans, Henry R. J., cabinet maker 87 Ncthorcut, Wm., gardenor Here Junction-street. Charles Street, East Side. Off rarrnmatta-stroot. 1 3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 81 33 35 87 39 Smith, Mrs., midwifo Battho, Thomas, painter Foulis, Mrs. Loggoat, John Roberts, Lowis, mariner Oox, Jamos, general dealer O'Brien, Robert, wheelwright Miron, Mrs. Stoolc, Wm., butcher. Pendorgast, Wm. Hallinan, Patrick, carter Halloran, Jamos, quarryman Hischin, Eliza O'Grady, Margaret Mongen, Daniel, carpontor Lyons, Mrs. Panmont, James, butcher M'Namara, Thomas.'.bootmakor Saunders, Henry, tailor Charles Street, W e s t Side. Sere Parramatta-slreet. Oluno, Matthew—Clare Castle Inn 8 Kirwan, William 10 Ooughlan, Ellen, dressmaker 12 Solomon, Solomon, ropemakor 14 Gallase, Charles, shoemaker 16 Pierce, John 18 O'Grady, Edmund 20 Connors, Michael, tailor 22 Cullon, John, stonemason 24 M'Manomy, James, grocor 26 Knox, Andrew, shoemaker 28 M'Grado, Hugh, shoemaker 30 Larkin, Jamos Charlotte Place, North Side. Kent-street to Gcorgc-fltreot. Vacant land Sere Clarence-lane and Prince''s-ttreet. Coleman, James, ironmonger Cowan, John, grocor Lawrenco, Edward- 40 Chi STREET? Chu Bullivant, Charles James—Three Crowns Ohowne-street, P y r m o n t , N o r t h Side Here Cumberland-street. Johnson, John, fisherman Ferguson, George , Smith, Joseph, letter-carrier Bastable, Charles, engineer Chownc, Thomas William, shipwright Bastablo, Miss Mary, dressmaker Chowne, Thomas, shipwright Jackson, Frederick, engineer Cleeve, Edward, stonemason Here Oloucester-streel. Anderson, James, shipwright S i l N T PATBICK'S OnOROH AND SCHOOL Brown, Alexander, ironworks Evan, Mrs., teacher Huck, Richard, clerk, St. Patrick's P y r m o n t , S o u t h Side D'oylo, James, millinery establishment Ohowne-street, McCroady. John, carpenter Here Harrington-street. Read, David, boiler-maker SYDNEY RAO BRIGADE Duncan. James, engineer Wilson, William McStraviek, James, turner Houlgate, Arthur, furniture dealer Chowne, William E., shipwright Lawson, James, commission agent Cromack, George, coal merchant Learmonth, Dickinson, and Co., merTi'-mey, John, quarryman chants Vaughan, Mrs., school Moodie, David T., butchor Kenny, William Here Qeorge-slreet. Grant, William, boiler-maker Ferguson, Thomas, boiler-maker Nelson, Robert, boiler-maker Charlotte Place, South Side Here Kent-street, Church Hill Vacant land Charlotte-place to Jamison-street. ST. PiiiLLir's SonooL 17 Bover, Pierro, merchant Here Church-hill. Eichlor, Charles F., M. D. 15 M'Ksy, Charles, M.D. Deane, Edward, professor of music Casey, W. P., boardingbouse LYONS BUILDINGS. Here Qeorge-slreet. Chippen-street, East Side Here Queen-street. Morrison, James, painter Sharman, John 13 Muir, James, miller 15 Mcintosh, Alexander, carpenter 17 Warman, Thomas 19 Swinfiold, James, oyatorman Here Dank-street. 28 Doyle, Jane 25 Phillips, William 29 Darence, Richard, bricklayer 31 Rowley, Charles, mariner Fisher, James, blacksmith Moffitt, John, carpontor. Milford, George, commission agent Here Cleveland-street, Church-street Hllcy-strcct to Crown-street, Tompson, Charles Dunago, Jame>:, box maker Smith, John, schoolmaster Here Crown-street. Church-street, Pyrmont, North Side MlU-strcot to Horrls-strcot Dunsmore, Robert, grocer Moore, Thomas, quarryman Wobbor, John Breckt ell, William, engineer Llowollcn, William, mariner Lawson, Mrs. Ann ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S Cnunon Here Point-street. , Goldsmith, 0., grocer Here Harris-street. Church-street, Pyrmont, South Side Ohippen-street, 'West Side Here Queen-street. Vacant land Here Henrietta-street. 2 Craig, John 4 Dudley, George 6 Reynolds, James, blacksmith 8.Finigan, Lawrenco 12 Griffin, Mary 16 Williams, Jrihios, drayman 18 Dickenson, Joseph, carponter 20 MoQuire, Patrick, cab proprietor Here Cleveland-street, Here Mill-street. M'Claren, Alexander, carpontor Anderson, Alexander, drayman Craig, David • Here Point-street. Buckley, James, blacksmith Hewett, James, tinsmith Sutton, William H. Pugh, Benjamin Farkhill. Thomas, stonemason Ikin, Mrs. Eliza Laing, Charles, engineer Smith, James, quarryman Cla DIllECTOftY 41 Hail, Mrs. Sarah, lodging house Adlen, Samuel, dealer Healoy, Thomas—Morpeth Hotel Clarence-lane, E a s t Side Fitzpatriok, Mrs. Bridget, general aoftlor Charlotte-place to Margaret-place. Grogan, Patrick, boarding house Read, John George, storeman Reitz, John Bardvvoll, William Honry, carpenter and Coxhead, John, shoemaker joiner Bath, John 130 Twohig, Androw, tailor Orr, James, carter 132 Erwin, James Williams, Frederick, boiler maker 134 M'Geo, Miohael, corn dealor Spicer, John, storoman 138 Taylor, George, grocer Toms, Frederick, grocer M'Donogh, Jamos— CornstaIk Inn Here Margaret-place. Here King-street. 140 Mortimer, Cornelius, commission agent Clarence-lane, West Side 142 Bradloy, John, commission agent Here Charlotte-place. 144 Jolley, John, storeman House, Thomas, mariner 146 Dunn, Edward, tobacco twister Dibdon, Frederick, waterman 148 Barley, Henry, cook Maclean, John 150 Dyer, Goorgo Thomas, tailor Maefadden, Lachlan 152 Hayes, John, printer Riley, James 154 Goodwin, Mrs. Ann, boardingbouse Wakefield, George 156 Murphy, Peter, carponter Martin, William, bootcloser 168 Flynn, James, lodging houso Long, Charles, dealer 160 White, John James, paintor Orr, Adam, steward^ 162 & 164 Bonnet, Samuel, tailor Matthews, James, shipwright 166 Hicks, John, dyer Thomas, John, mariner 168 Williams, John Smith, James 1 172 Walker, Mrs. Harriet, school Haughton, Arthur, mariner Blaxland's salt and lime store Green, John, tailor 170 Martins, Sarah, dress maker Tier, James, baker 178 Grimes, Thomas Donovan, James 180 Church, John, marinor Bulger, Michael, mariner 182 Hatfield, John, horso dealer Cullen, Patrick—Lamb Inn 184 Chard, John, tailor Here Margaret-place, 186 Cooto, Joseph 192 Quinlan, Mrs., boarding houso Clarence-street, East Side liellcy, John Charlotte-place to Drultt-ctrcot. Wicks, Charles, boarding houso 194 M'Coy, John, oysterman ST. PHILLIP'S Cnuiion 196 Cotter, James, ironmonger Here Jamison-sirect. 198 Kcayes, William, groeer Vacant land Armstrong, John, iron stores Here Margaret-place. Holloway, James—Blue Lion Johnson, John, coopor Here Market-street. Reid, Honry R. 208 Noon, William, boarding house Church, Brothers, merchants 210 Johnson, Georgo, butcher Parkes, Henry, and Co., importers 212 Snowdon, Joseph, stonemason Freeman, Stephen, commission agent Davey and Hunter, boot and shoo 214 Blacker, Georgo, stonemason 216 Dixon, Edward, tailor warehouso Thome, Charles, wine & spirit merchant 218 Hasmott, Meer, cook 220 Hawkcn, Nicholas, clerk Here Erskine-street. 222 O'Connor, James 78 Miller, Robert, grocer 224 Hill, Thomas, engineer 80 Tidswoll, Wilson, and Co., merchants 226 Johnson, Thomas 82 Rabono, Feez, and Co., merchants FRRRMASONS' HALL 88 Dangar, Gilchrist, and Co., merchants 90 & f2 Chapman, Edward, and Co., mer- 234 Leggatt, Mrs. Susan Loggatt, Thomas chants 235 Martin, Mrs. Mary Ann 94 Thorno, Qeorgo, merchant 96 Sapsford, Newman, bookbinder and 240 Williams, John, tailor 244 Burns, William, general dealer machine-ruler M'Kellar, Poter, grocer 98 Smart, Robert, glass-blower Here Broughlon-lant. Munro, James—Italian Hotel Here Barrack-street. 246 Kilpatrick, Bernard, bootmaker 114 Bland, Joseph 1248 Bohn, Francis Sim, Robert, shipwright Here Harris-street. 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 Cla 42 Cla STREET Gohdo, Augustus, pianoforte makor Holland, Andrew, carver and ongraver Buckland, Jamos, turner and toymakor Barou, James, grocer Daly, Thomas, boarding houso Drury, James, cab proprietor and boarding house 161 Kordonberg, Frederick, carpontor and joinor Mahony, Ann—Crispin Arms Trueman, Georgo, butcher Pollard, William Henry, blaoksmith Clarence-street, W e s t Side. 163 McGill, Joseph, carpontor Here Charlotte-place. 173 Hickey, Miss, dross and mantle makor 15 Whiting, Georgo Robert 179 Boll, James, shoemaker 17 Bellamy, Francis, surgeon 183- Hilton, JamoB, wood turner 19 Gordon, Richard Harry 185 Kirwin, Michael, coachman 21 Farley, Mrs., boarding houso 187 Spinks, Josoph— While JIart Inn 23 Specrs, William, merchant Here King-street. 25 Mayo, Alfred 189 Borrctt, Jeremiah, grocer 27 Field, Charles, commission agent 191 Aiken, Henry William, cabinetmaker 29 Myors, Henry 193 Aiken, Mrs. 31 Lockerby, Androw S3 Woolford, Richard, monumental mason 195 Forrest, John, boarding houso 197 Bovorley, Henry, blaoksmith 49 Oarrer, Mrs., boarding houso 199 Kolly, James 51 Douglas, Alexander, tailor and drapor 201 Hurley, John, coachmaker 53 Tarros, Aloxander, builder 203 Ireland, Honry William 55 Mogor, Jamos, butcher 205 Mortimer, OorneliuB, commission agent 57 Buist, George, pianoforte maker 207 Drowory, John—Welcome Home Inn 59 Tcdd, Jamos, grocer 211 Lanco, Alfred, gasfittor 61 Langstcr, Robert, marinor . Here lane. 63 Rpicor, John, storokeopor 213 Clark, Mrs. 65 Finnis, William, bootmakor 215 Barry, James, tailor 67 Harris, Mary, dressmaker 219 Dunn, Edward, tailor 69 Partridges, Samuel 223 Gouldstone, Hyam, tailor 71 Bcoles, William, general store 225 Sowtor, Francis, corn dcalor Here Margaret-street. 227 Davis, John IS Oottle, John Bickos—Burwood Hotel 229 Lees, James, carpenter and joiner 77 McOluor, David, boarding house 231 Gilhuly, Dorainiok 79 Grovor, William, boarding houso 233 Crighton, Charles, brassfoundor 81 Abrahams, Maurice, general dealer 235 Watnough, John, baker 83 Sampson, Mrs. 237 Grinder, Frederick, turner 85 Sutherland, Wm., ongravor 87 Trimble, Androw, soap and candle ma- 239 Brown, John, engineer 241 Mitchell, Charles, shoomaker nufactory 243 Higgins, Mrs. 91 Aull, William, bakor 245 Sexton, Edmund 93 Campboll, Mrs., groeor 247 Batos, William 95 Chiverton, Charles, mariner Here Market-street. 97 Manor, Patriok, boarding houso 99 Chamberlain, Phillip, carpontor and 249 Armstrong, John, ironmonger 253 Payno, William, carpenter joinor 257 Smith, William, tailor 101 Lawley, Edward Henry Lacoy, William, bootclosor 109 and 111 Peters, Thomas, pawnbroker 259 Tossimond, Christopher, genoral doalor 113 Hill, Matthow, bootmakor 261 Solomon, Mark— Old Ship Inn Here Erskine-street. 263 Carroll Thomas, boarding houso 121 Wells, William— Wynyard Hotel 265 Wolton, Mrs., lodging houso 123 Hicks, William, green grocer 267 Cunninghamo, Peter 125 Abbott, Jamos 269 Madden, Mrs. 127 Hampson, Konrick, gasfittor 271 Wall, Thomas, printer 129 Douob, Oharlos. oonfectionor 273 Morris, William Drew, painter 133 Farroll, Jamos, ironmonger 275 Watt, Alexander, carpenter and joiner 135 Taylor, William, shoemaker 277 O'Conuor, Miss, school 141 Oaulfleld, Joseph, butcher 279 Sims, Richard, clerk 143 Sullivan, John, tailor 281 Maddox, Henry, mariner 145 Taylor, Joseph, boarding houso 283 MiUington, Robert, tailor 147 O'ghanneBsy, John, bootmakor 250 Kilpatrick, Mrs. 262 Mortimer, Joremiah . Here lane. 251 Lawless, Mrs. 256 M'Orory, John, milkman 258 O'Dowd, Mrs. Elizabeth 260 Bryon, Wilkinson Simpson 262 Newton, Thomas Bradbury, tailor 264 Gagen, James, cooper litre Druilt-ttrecl. 149 151 153 155 157 159 Cla Cly DIRECTORY 285 287 289 293 Lawless, Michaol O'Brien, Arthur, gonoral dealer Stevens, Georgo Spiller, Michaol, shoomakor Bonus, William, baker Creman, Timothy, olork ' Hawkins, William Walter, ohemist 295 Stewart, William, nnilmakor 297 Eloy, James Here Dntitt-street. Clyde-street, W e s t Side Here Miller's Road. Harto, Timothy—Captain Cook Inn Hooper, William Hughes, John Willgay, Robert, marinor Dixon, John, shpiwright Clasper, William Burko, Michaol Brown, Mary Ann, grooor Young, Charles, bricklayer Josoph, George, marinor Lewis, Georgo, cook . Brown, Robort, marinor Watson, Thomas, shipwright Marshall, Daniel Anderson, John, mariner Edon, Alfred, mariner Hero CuthberCt Wharf. Newtown Road to Dowllng-strcot. 261 260 259 258 257 260 265 254 Butler, Benjamin Here Abercrombie-street. Lavott, John, tailor Docksoy,'William, oarponter Here Hale-street. Joyco, Thomas, coachmaker Mere Middle-street. Kirkham, Robert, stonemason Hobbs, Charles, draper Watson, William Whito, Henry Marshall, Jamos, grocer Here Chippen-street. Mogridge, Mark, tripo man Walker, jamos, ongineor Walkloy, Ann Berry, Thomas— Stirling Cattle Here Botany-road. SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH Stophon, Rev. Alfred H., M.A. Clovoland, Paddock Bickford, Rev. James Here Castlereagh-slreet, Troovo, Missos, ladies' school " Sunbury House'' Slade, John, carpontor Here Buckingham-street. 400 Bayley, Rev. Phillip 402 Barkor, William 0. 404 Horning, William, clerk Here Buckingham-street Little. Vacant land Here Elizabeth-sit set. Vacant land Here Union-street. Vacant land Here Crown-street. Vacant land Here Bourke-streeU Vacant land Here Dowling-street, Cleveland-street, South Side (In JRodfcm Suburb.) Clyde-street, E a s t Side Miller's Iload to Cuthbcrt's Wharf. Hogan, Maria, grocer Foran, Daniel, shoomakor Guaidiron, David, mariner Henderson, Mrs. 48 Begg, James BaTderstone, Thomas Vernon, Goorgo Lawson, Mrs. Riley, Peter, boarding house HardroBS, Honry Malonry, John Gallocher, Cathorino, laundress Longford, Wm. & ThomaB, boat builders Here Cuthbert's Wharf, Cleveland-street, N o r t h Side 262 Col College-street, E a s t Side. Domain to Llvorpool-otrcot. ST. MABT'B ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL ST. MART'S SCHOOL Here Woolloomooloo-street. Vacant land Here William-street. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SIDNEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 28 30 6 5 4, 3 2 1 Here Stanley-street Skottowe, Nicholas Jones, Phillip Sydney, M.D. Simmons, Isaac Jones, Richard Jones, David Graham, Rov. J., congregational minister Here Francis-street. Mooro, Mrs. Mary Alliband, Joseph, compositor Duigan, T. R,, surgeon Sheahan, Mrs. Bridget, boardinghouso I -H <p Ellis, Eyro G. '* § Wyatt, Joseph Till, John, master mariner FortcBOUO, Goorgo, surgeon Weokes, Elias 0, Here Liverpool-street. College-street, West Side. (Hyde Park) 44 Coo STREET 79 77 75 73 71 69 Collins-street, N o r t h Side niley-streot to Crown-street. Oatlund, Adolph Proderiek, carpenter Here Riley-lane Murray, John Pawley, Roland, tanner Share, Mrs. Hardy, Robert, furniture dealer Here Norton-street. Yaoant land Here Crown-strut. Cooper-street, South Side 72 70 68 66 64 62 68 66 54 52 Collins-street, South. Side Here Riley-street. Vacant land Here Oroten-street, Elliott, Alexander, Exohango Hotel Taylor, Edward, draper M'Coy, Richard, plasterer Buttray, Miss E., ladies' school 20 22 21 26 28 80 82 74 76 78 80 82 "" C o o p e r - s t r e e t , North. S i d e Eliiabeth-stroct to Rlloy-street Carrick, Thomas, cartor Dillon, Patrick Jones, Solomon Drioks, Ohristian, painter and glazier Oldham, James, shoemaker Here Holt-street, Newsham, John, olerk Baigent, Catherine Here Waterloo-street. Hadden, Morton, dairyman Holroyd, Michael, commission agent Sunners, Thomas, engineer Harris, James, clerk Lambley, Jas. L.— Lacey's Family Hotel Here Elizabeth-street Little. Vacant land Here Riley-ttreet. Cooper-street, South. Side Here Elizabeth-ilrcet. 8 Morris, James, mariner Cooper-street, N o r t h Side Off Aborcromble-placc. Brisbane distillery Roonoy, Peter Marsh, William, bricklayer Popo, William, blacksmith Goddard, James, carpenter Martin, Mrs. Raine, Robert, clerk Here Abercrombie-place, Vacant land. Kent brewery 1 2 8 6 Brisbane distillery Michael, John, carter Mercer, William, carpenter Hughes, Thomas, clerk Shipman, Luke Enox, Michaol Anthony Jeffress, William Green, Bridget Telly, Patrick Knowles, William Ralico, James Shann, James Vacant land Here Abercrombie-place, Walsh, Patrick, tailor Kelley, Edward Taylor, James, butcher Fielding, Francis, ^engineer Doyle, George Connor, John, cooper Higgins, Jamos, blacksmith Vacant land Kent brewory 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 84 Crown-lane, West Side 1 13 15 27 31 38 Here Yurong-lane. Walsh, James, printer O'Gready, James, tailor Winklo, Thomas, carpenter Donohey, James Welsh, Henry Coburn, Henry, carpenter Here Stanley-lane. Corfu-street. Bonrko street to Forbes-street, Kingston, John Harris, Henry, shoemaker Low, David, builder King, John, clerk Crown-lane Off Campbell-street. Aubin, John, master mariner Jenkins, William, baker Fallon, John Here Denham-street. Shea, Michaol, builder Ward, James, printor Here Ryder-street. Oraigend Terrace. Oft Wlllam-streot TJppor,south. Telford, Archibald, mason Sbeoren, John, stonemason Sheeron, James, stonemason Fotheringham, John D. Crown-road, East Side Off Bottlngton-street. Troomoy, John, sawyer Hurley, Charles Baptist, John 45 Crown-road, W e s t Side. Here Bettington-slreet. McDonald, Peter, painter Howoll, David, mariner Stewart, Thomas, shipowner Muttid, William Hixson, Francis, R.N. Orinsby, Charles Turner, John Entwistlo Moriarty, Edward O., " Spencer Lodge" Here Prince's-street. Murphy, Patrick, grocer Woods, AVilliam, master marinor Dowling, Thomas, grocer Vacant land Here Prince's-street, Crown-lane, East Side Yurong-lano to Stanlcy-lano. Heller, John, musician Graham, James, tailor Konolly, Patrick, shoemaker Crober, William Dixon, Josoph Androws, David, shoemaker Vinson, Edward, cabiuotmaker McDonald, Daniel Serge, Thomas, cabinetmaker O'Brien, Patrick, butcher Norton, Thomas, dealer Kondall, James Noble, James, farrier Lord, George, drayman Brunton, Robert Farroll, Jamos, drayman Here Stanley-lane. Cro Tompkins, Jacob, mariner Bell, Jamos, shipsmith Moroll, Gustavo Crescent-street South Side. Ooleson's-place, P y r m o n t Oft Mount-street LongstafF, John Drake, Mrs. Waddall, Jamoa, engineer Rosevear, William, quarryman Middleton, Benjamin, blacksmith 14 18 20 22 DIRECTORY Crescent-street, N o r t h Side Kont-strcot to I'rincos-streot. Tait, John, butchor Pierce, Gideon Ellison, Peter, mariner Whitton, Alfred, carpenter Fusscll, James, publisher Here Kent-street. 5 Brewster, William, blacksmith 7 M'Geary, Peter, stonemason Here Holt-strut, 9 Jacobs, George, collector 11 Pearson, David, fronch polisher 13 Clyde, Isaac, coachmakor Here Waterloo-street. 15 Rich, Oharles, Rev. Here Riley-sireet. College-street. Off Dovonshlre-stroet. M'Call, Robert, stonemason Hampton, George, stonemason Booth, John, general dealer Wright, George Watson, George Crook Moore, James "Walsh, Patrick William, musician Smitb, Oharles Williams, William Honry, dealer 10 Cro Gra 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 68 60 62 66 68 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 96 98 156 168 160 102 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 Crown-street, East Side Domain to Clovoland-stroct Vacant land Here Woolloomooloo-slreet. Robertson, Jamos—Shamrock Hotel Barton, Richard, butcher Here Turner-lane. Davis, John, drayman Moore, Thomas, blacksmith Beaver, Thomas, jowoller Williams, John, boot-closer Magnor, Thomas and Son, bootmakers Green, John George, interpreter Sice, Richard, whitesmith Hill, William, olerk Mills, John, clicker Nowlan, John, grocor McGrogor, Peter, clerk Here Johnston-lane. Johnson, Honry, shoomaker Gray, Arohibald Brandon, John, draper MoMahon, Michael Curtis, George H. Toohoy, Mrs. William Childs, William Mulhall, Georgo, watormau Gough, Richard, joiner Hynes, Mrs. Norab, dealer Here Robimon-lane. Hourigan, John—Sir John Young Hotel Here William-street. Partridge, Henry, grooor Lucas, Richard Here Stanley-street. Roberts, Thomas, tailor Thomas, Richard P., joinor Here Chapel-lane. Rowan, Edward MoMahon, Luke, storoman Dowling, Martin, gardenor Moore, Edward, bootmaker Malone, Henry, carpenter McPhail, David. Fletohor, Georgo Oassin, James, hakor McDonald,John ; Dawe, Wm., baker ' Bender, Jacob, tailor 46 Cro STREET Gro 308 Blyth, James, marinor 182 Brown, James 310 Thomas, 0. H., grooer 184 Malion, Alexander, bakor Here Campbell-street. Beid, Nathaniel 0.—Surry Wis Hotel 186 Hordorn, Thomas, cabinetmaker 316 Shado, Thomas, clerk 188 O'Brien, Dennis 334 Graco, H.' 190 Graco, Charles, bootmaker 336 Dilling, John, oarponter 192 Doolan, William 338 Frazer, John 194 Hoins, William P., grocer 3G6 Muddle, William, clerk 196 HoinB, Mary—Dungannon Castle 368 Morris, 0. J. litre Liverpool-lane. 372 Callaghan, Francis, plasterer 198 Corbitt, Oharlos, plumber 200 Butobor, Samuel, painter und paper- 374 McCloud, Colin, clork 376 MoKonzio, William H. hanger 378 Ewer, Jaraos G. 202 Wookes, Mrs. Esthor 380 Modloy, Frederick E. 204 Jones, John A., compositor Braithwaito, Edmund, surgeon 206 Brady, Lawronco 382 Tebbatt, Edward J., commorcial travellor Mere Liverpool-street. 384 Miller, John 208 Littlowood, John, doalor Here Albion-street. 210 Palmer, Thomas, whoolwright 398 Ebsworth, James E. 212 Watkins, William, plasterer 400 Ball, William Here King's-lane. 402 Boss, Joseph C. 214 Androws, Mrs. E. B. 404 O'Sullivan, Daniel, doalor 216 Foster, Oharlos, minor 406 Styles, Goorgo, soda-water manufacturer 220 Malay, Donnis 408 Baird, Alexander, tin-plato worker 222 Larramo, Mrs. Elizabotb Here Albert-place. 226 Davis, David, commorcial traveller 410 Bishop, William, blacksmith 228 Hunt, Mrs. Louisa, drossmakor 418 Armstrong, Eobert 230 Farmer, Georgo Here Filzroy-slreet. 232 Ross, Mrs. Ellen 231 Tall, John 420 Adelgois, Charles—Dolphin'Jloltl Pages, Lucien— The Old Australian Inn 122 Salt, Jamos, butcher Here Barton-street. 424 Shoohy, Mrs. Harriet Olds, J., blaoksmith 428 Gosnoy, Nicholas, cabinetmaker 240 Kioly, John, bootmaker Here Foveaux-street. 242 Ohantrill, William Henry, sawyer Vacant land 244 Lansbury, William, frenoh polisher Here Collins-street. 246 Palmor, Edward, storoman 452 Elliott, Alexander—Exchange Hotel 248 Komish, Joseph 454 Porry, Julius 250 Kedditt, Jamos 456 Evolcigh, William 252 McOonnell, James 458 Henry, Edward J., accountant 254 Hughes, Alfred 256 Hammond, Joseph, oarpentor and joinor 460 Fishor, Frederick Here Church-street. 258 Inglis, W,, tailor 260 Monteith, William G., oabinotmakor Vacant land 262 Smith, William, tailor Here Victoria-street and Davy-street. 264 Cover, William, butobor 528 Bluck, Jamos—Bluck's Family Hotel Terroy, James, grooer 530 Howie, William, painter Here South Head Road. 542 Walsh, John, butcher Mathioson, Androw, confectioner 544 McCann, Eleanor, haberdasher 546 Anderson, David 272 Carroll, John, bakor Bantick, Daniol, gardener 274 Wbitton, Goorgo Gorman, Samuol, shoomakor 276 Saunders, Walter Maisoy, Samuel, carter 278 Davis, William, oabinetmakor 590 .Richardson, John, tanner 280 McLaughlin, Daniel 692 Ey an, Mrs. Jane 282 Linforth, Mrs. Mary Anne 594 Holdon, William 284 Watt, Aloxandor 69G Hughos, Joseph H.,*bootmaker 286 Soamor, Walter, warehouseman 698 Green, Thomas H. 288 Pearco, Adam 0. Summer1 Brown, John, gardonor 290 Waters, Eobert, grainor and writor field's 2 Lacy, John 292 Gould, Joseph Cottages, 3 Flynn, John 294 Armitage, William, carpenter and joiner 4 Mander, James, shoemaker ! 296 Molineaux, Froderick, Boboolmaster | 602 Williams, Mrs. L. 298 Coss, J., painter and paperhanger I 604 Beattio, Jamos, shipwright 300 & 302 Sainty, John, dealer 606 Sainty, Charles, dealer 804 Pimm, William, butoher 608 Boland, Lauronco 806 King, Mrs. Susanna Cro DIRECTORY Gro 47 127 Shoppoe, Thomas 129 Phelps, Mrs. J., strawbonnet oleaner Pholps, James, plastoror 133 Boilings, Mrs., midwifo 135 Curran, Mrs. Mary, grocor Crown-street, W e s t Side 137 Groonwood, Goorgo Here Domain. 139 Servico, James, baker Jessop, Edward Jamos, bakor 141 Martin, Eichard, cartor Here Woolloomooloo-street. 143 Goldspring, Ebenozor Honry, coach 23 Heanoy, James, bootmaker painter 25 Bartlott, Anthony 145 Piko, Josoph, stonemason 27 Bath, John, cabman 147 Barnes, John, bill poster 29 Disprove John, milkman 149 M'Donald 31 Diolil, Joseph, cabinot-nuvkor 151 Eobinson, Arthur, butcher 33 Honnington, George, storoman Here Liverpool-lane, Here Broughton-slrcet, 155 Farmer, Jonathan & Phillip, dairymen 35 Beaumont Ebonczer Here Liverpool-street. 37 Howartb, James 159 Eoborts, John W., grocor 89 Eudd, Thomas E. 161 Head, John, butcher 41 Wiloy, David 165 Whitty, James, grocer 43 Stono, Edward, compositor Here King's-lane. 45 Williams, Samuel, commorcial travollor Vacant land 47 & 49 Iliffo, William, grocer Hero Burton-street. 51 M'Gill, Walter, sculptor 195 Francis, William, gardener 53 Thomas, Edmund, artist 197 Barr, Mrs. Cathormo 55 Lauronco, Thomas 199 Magovnoy, Thomas, buildor Anderson, Eobert, upholstoror 201 Winning, Eobert, saddler Here Campbell-place. 203 Nolson, William, boot-olosor 65 Marlow, Goorgo, cooper 205 Smith, Georgo, sailmakor 67 Taylor, John, chandlor Thompson, W. A.—I'orcsters' Hotel 69 Crompton, William Ponn, pawnbroker Here Hill's-lane and William-street. Here South Head Road. Bolleraey, John— Woolloomooloo Royal M'Laughlin, Bernard—Union Inn Hotel Here Riley-lane Arnold, Josoph, blacksmith 207 Hancox, Samuol Here Yurong-lanc. 209 Lander, Jonas, solicitor 71 Eiddlo, James, sawyer 213 Kriogsman, Casper Eodolph, professor 73 Fonton, Mrs. J. of musio 75 Eix, Bobort, grocer 215 Eowohl, Ferdinand, olork 77 Flanagan, Mrs. Mary, laundress 217 Marwiok, John, olork 79 Ward, Thomas Here Qoulburn-strcet, 81 Hardy, Eobort.'upkolstcror 247 Elliott, Edward G. 83 Williams, Richard, engineer 249 Canvin, Mrs., haberdashor and draper 85 Kcogh, Anthony Shoridan, John—Sheridan's Family Hotel 87 Quouling, William Honry, clork Here Campbell-street. 89 Bourke, Miss, millinor WATEB EESEKVOIB 91 WaTd, Patrick Here Oipps-street. 93 Malonoy, Patrick, cab propriotor 257 Duguid, Lcslio 95 Coghlan, William, plastorer 259 Wcokes, Charles J. , 99 Noake, Isaac, joinor 261 Goold, Samuol 103 Proctor, Charles, drayman 263 Solomons, Julien E. Here Stanley-lane. 265 Wilson, Eobort 107 Slator, James, minor 267 Glostor, Miss, ladios' sobool Baily, E. J. & Co., butchers 269 Eyan, Thomas Here Stanley-street. 271 Mortimer, Benjamin M. Long, Stephen— Oily Arms 273 Konyon, Georgo Buohanan, William, grocor 275 Pick, Vosey, clerk Here Chapel-lane. 279 Elyy, Philmer PBIMITIVB METHODIST GiurEL 281 O'Connor, Thomas 115 Anderson, Mrs. Joannetto 289 Cooper, Leonard, clerk 117 Bonos, Mrs. Elizabeth 291 Nowcombo, Mrs. 119 Mayos, Oharlos 293 Porter, William, commission-agent 121 Blaok, John, storekeeper 295 Alderdico, James, compositor ' 123 Austin, William 125 Josolin, William Joseph, warehouseman 297 Douglas, Mrs. 612 O'Connor, Cornelius 614 Boom, John, tailor Here Cleveland-street. 48 Cum STREET 299 Chapman, Henry jlere Albion-ttreet. 831 Murphy, William, solicitor 333 Uthor, Reuben Here Filzroy-strcet. 341 Frost, Mrs., ladies' school 345 Campbell, Robert 347 Mulholland, John Here Fovcaux-slrcct. 361 Brindley, Robert 363 Little, Lindsay, draper 365 Simmons, James, grocor 367 Mention, Mrs. 371 Summons, James 373 Garbutt, John, tnilor 375 Graham, Mrs. Elizabeth 377 Webb, Enoch, builder 379 Campbell, Mrs. Jane 331 Welch, Daniol, compositor 383 Toby, Thomas W., master mariner 387 Edmondson, Georgo, carpenter Here Collins-street. 417 Gurncr, Mrs. Esther 419 Miscom, Lewis 421 Green, William 423 Trusoott, Chas. 425 Butcher, Robort, clerk 427 Wilson, Thomas, draymau 429 Pert, Robert, stonemason Here Church-street. 435 Thompson, Aloxander 437 Feris, Thomas Here Davy-street. Vacant land Here Victoria-street. 1 Dyson, Charles -N 2 Knibbs, John H., clerk J «, . 8 Goflrey, Alexander, clerk La"| 4 Stoward, Thomas jS £ 5 Dartnell, Edward, Rhoomnker £g 6 Thomas, Mrs. Sophia -' 451 Oliver, Nathan, compositor 453 Mctenlf, Miss Ellon, ladies' school 455 Jesson, John, carpenter 457 Ekhardt, John, tailor 459 Macey, Samuel, drnyraau 461 Hanly, Andrew Here Devonshire-street. Vacant land Here Miles-street. 521 Johnson, Mrs. Mary Ann 525 Glenn, James, carpenter 627 TJrquhart, John 529 Hogarty, Patrick, grocer Here Landsdownc-slreel. 631 May, William, carpentor 533 Crawford, Goorge, ship carpenter Here Cleveland-street. C u m b e r l a n d - s t r e e t , H a s t Side Fort-street t/owor to Charlolto-placc. 18 Johnson, David, accountant 22 Barton, William 26 Outlor, Prodoriok 23 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Cam O'Riloy, William Baker, William, architect Woolloy, Mrs. Thos., "Olarondon Houso" Myles, Mrs. L. " Milton Houso" Cook, Francis W., shipowner Cope, Mrs., " Astor House" Felton, Thomas Ward, Mrs. Cathorino Mary, ladies' school 44 Chapman, George R., clork 46 Baptist, John 48 Chatham, John 50 Allerdice, Georgo 54 Richards, William, waterman 66 Huson, John 58 Scully, Patrick, drayman GO Crowe, John, grocer 62 Adams, George, marinor 64 Lawrence, Cornelius P. 66 Graham, Mrs., lodging house 68 Staunton, Peter, grocer 70 Callaghan, Daniel shipwright 72 Harris, James, boatman 74 Bninbridgo, Goorgo, master mariner Hero Bridge over Argyle-street. 92 McAuley, William—Hai'py Vale Inn 94 Bowdon, Richard, shoemaker 96 Cnhill, Daniel, shipwright 102 Gilson, Thomas 104 Molloy, John 106 Uhde, Louis and Co., butchers 108 Barker, William, pawnbroker 110 Robertson, John, shipwright 112 Hoscman, John Berry, Robort—Bakers' Arms Here Berrys'-lane. llfi Kooshan, John, baker 118 ODonnoll, John 122 Nichols, Luckridgo 124 McNamarra. Timothy 126 Lipscombo, Mrs. Emma, school 128 Mustow, Frederick, shoemaker 130 Co?:, John 136 Sullivan, Mrs. Alico Here Long's-lane. 140 Taylor, Andrew, shipwright 142 Burrows, John II., dealer 141 Davis, Thomas, lumper 146 Kelly, William, stonecutter McDonald, Edward T.—Forth and Clyde Here Essex-lane. Rochester, Eleanor—Erin-go-bragh Hotel 152 Mclnernoy, Thomas 154 Fitzpatrick, Mrs. H., dealer 156 Bridges, Thomas, shoomakor 158 Smith, Thomas', carpenter 160 Coleman, Thomas, genoral dealor 162 "Williamson, Mrs. 164 Blue, William 166 Rostron, George 168 McNamarra, John 172 Kay, Francis 174 Miller, William Richard, boarding house Here Essex-strut. 182 Mortimer, Henry, butoher Cum DIRECTORY. 184 Ford, Poter mariner 186 Kelly, Charles Drewell, Robert 188 Harding, Henry 190 Girvan, John 192 Galbraith, John, pipolayer 194 McNamarra, Michael, quarryman 196 Rees, John 198 Doyle, Gerald, bootmaker 200 Silly, Henry 202 Thomas, William 204 Dower, Edward 206 McCallum, Mrs. Ann, boarding houso 208 and 210 Ward, Alfred Haynes, cooper 214 Damon, John Edward, mariner 216 McGregor, William 218 Dwyor, Phillip, stevedore 224 Meeks, John, bricklayer 226 Craddook, Miss, dressmaker 228 Power, James, wheelwright Here Charlotte-place. Dal 49 141 Johnson, John, coopor 147 O'Toole, Laurence Here Essex-lane. 153 Doyle, James, grocor 155 Knnppctt, Benjamin 157 StovoiiB, Charles POLICE STATION 167 Cain, Patrick 171 Marl, John 173 Henry, Mrs. Bridget Watson, Robert and Samuel, grocers Here Essex-street. M'Cutchoon, Charlos—Coach and Hones Maher, Mrs. Catherine, greengrocor 185 Baragry, Denis, baker 187 M'I'eako, James 193 O'Shaugnossy, James, cab proprietor 195 O'Shaugnossy, Timothy, cab proprietor 197 Brown, Georgo, mariner 199 Russoll, James Mizon, John, compositor 201 Burns, John 203 Rao, Ann, straw bonnet maker Cumberland-street, W e s t Side 205 Alcook, Mrs. Ann Here Fort-street Lower. 207 Connor, William, butchor I Trood, Mrs. Ann 211 Davis, William, stonemason Mitcholl, Hon. James. M.D., M.L.O. 213 Doyle, Stephen, papor-banger & glazier Bugle,William Leo "Cumberland Lodgo" 215 Welsh, Mrs. Cathorino Magner, Michael 217 Tiornoy, James, drayman 39 Boll, Edward, city engineer Bullivant, Charles James—Three Crowni 41 Cazaly, James William, accountant Here Charlotte-place. 43 Gordon, Hugh, drayman 45 Murdon, John • Bale-street, E a s t Side 47 Flood, Martin, cabman Bank-strcot to Cleveland-street. 53 Woodloy, Edward, ongincor Shorloy, William—Limerick Races 55 Pashloy, Bridget Henry, John, draymnn 69 Kelly, Thomas Sarah Stovens, Richard— Glenmorc Cottage Inn 86 Garnhnin, Caiman, Joseph 65 Beney, Goorgo 10 Manwaring, Thomas, brower 67 Beney, Spoucer, block makor 12 Hagorty, James 69 Cleary, Mis. Bridget, boarding houso 14 Mnoro, James, plasterer 71 Hill, James 16 Marks, Henry 78 Appel, Frederick, tinsmith 18 Hoydon, Frank, jeweller 75 Bowker, John 20 Buckle, Elizaboth, sempstress 77 "Wndo, Luko, sailmaker 22 Finley, John 79 Monaghan, Jeremiah 24 Muir, William, storeman 81 King, Dorothy, grocer 26 Qrulmm, William, drayman 83 Pinkerton. James, butcher and bakor 28 Sargeant, William, stone mason 85 Watt. William, tailor 30 Rolf'o, Edward, shoemaker Here b'idgo over Argyle-street. 32 Doghorty John 87 Hill, John, butcher Here Cleveland-street. 89 Maxwell, Leonard 91 Ellory, Henry M., mariner Dale-street, "West Side 101 Pernio, John, shipwright Jlere Bank-street. 103 French, James Tomson, John 105 Kolecher, Michael 1 & 3 Childs, Charles, baker 107 Kelly, Georgo, painter and glazier 6 O'Noil, Henry, ironmonger 109 Daly, Matthew, cab proprietor Dale, William, basket makor 125 Lloyd, William Here Shepherd's-lane. 127 Mahan, John 129 Noil, Jchn 9 Roid, William 131 Dawes, Joseph 11 M'Namarra, John 133 Foster, Thomas, conpor 13 Bowden, John 135 Bolton, Mrs.' Elizabeth 10 Muir. William • • 137 Barolay, George 17 Haiatt, John P 50 Bar 19 21 23 25 STREET Robinson, Needham Worsloy, William Jackson, Samuel M'Knight, John Here Cleveland-street. D a l t o n - l a n e , E a s t Side Off Parainntta-gtrceti Hanloy, Edward—Oolden Anchor 5 Chapman, William, quarryman 9 Kolley, Michael 11 Oonlan, Patrick 13 Morloy, James, brickmaker 15 Burns, Thomas 17 Groom, Josoph K., whcolwright 19 White, William, carter 21 Carroll, John, drayman 23 Holland, James, butcher 25 Purooll, Phillip, drayman D a l t o n - l a n e , W e s t Side Here Paramatta-street. Taylor, Henry, tnonumontal mason Donohoo, Mary Lowo, Goorgo Hugh, stonomason Moodey, William 10 Owen, David, dealer 18 Drinkwator, Mrs. SO Quinn, Patrick, cabman 22 Orowloy, Hanorn, midwifo 24 Murphy, Charles, coopor 26 Harris, John, shoemaker 28 Salvage, JamoB, shoomakor 30 Coopor, John, carpontor 32 Hickey, Daniel D a r l i n g h u r s t - r o a d , H a s t Side Maolcay-strost to South Head-road. Maoloay, William S., " Elizabeth Bay " Moore, Henry, " Bamoluth'' Newton, Christopher, " Roslyn Hall'' Keid, J, B. \ Todd, John j Roslyn Young, John j Torraco M'Intyro, Rev. William / Lowin, Edward Here William-street Upper, North Vacant land Here William-street Upper, South. Peisloy, William, '• Biohmond House" Brown, William, farrior 12 Perks, Frederick 14 Oorrie, Charles P. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH AND SCHOOL Here Brougham-street. Lane, Samuol, buildor Hero Liverpool-street. Vacant land. Here Burton-street. TEMPERANCE HALL FEMALE HOME—Bourko, Hiss Mary J., matron Cook, William SACRED HEAET CHArBL Hero South Head Road. D a r l i n g h u r s t - r o a d , "West Side Here Macleay-strcet, 1 Harbottlo, William, " Chovorell" 21 Simpson, Goorgo 23 Fitzgorald, Hon. Robert, M.L.O. 25 Maxwoll, Alexander Charles 27 Richards, Thomas 29 Rawack, Leopold 31 King, Robert 33 Salomon, Mrs. II. 35 Blackstono, John 37 Russoll, William Fairwetkor 39 Nolan, Mrs. Ann 41 Otto, Mrs. 43 Steins, Mrs. 45 Tohin, Michael 47 Bonsuson, Samuol Lovy 49 Keolo, Charles Here William-street Billyard, William Wlialoy Walker, Phillip Woodhouso, Ronort 1 c . Tn\,,,<a Raymond, Robert Peel \ Tn-raco Nicholson, John j lorracoMitchell, Francis Here Brougham-street, Mackaen, David Aloxander, linguist "St. John's cottago'' Here Liverpool-street. • Pakes, John, house paintor Here Burton-street. DABLINGHURST GAOL I Dev Den Here South Head Road. Davy-street Rlloy-Btrcct to Crown-strcot. Massoy, John, bootmakor Murphy, John, baker Heaven, William Walter, toachor Here Crown-street. D e n h a m - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Off Crown-lano. 2 Fallan, John 4 Brown, Mrs. Cathorino C Lcnohan, Mrs. Ann 8 Hassott, Thomas, shoomakor 10 Pogg, Froderick Hero Campbell-street, 22 Boulten, William, miller 24 Nownham, Fredoriok J., bakor 26 Woolridgo, Robert, bakor 28 Gall, Charles, draper 30 Nowman, Nicholas 32 Ley, Jainos, carter Here Bloomfield-street. 34 Drew, Standish W., coaoh painter 86 EyleB, William, carpenter 38 Sullivan, Charles, ooaohman 40 Bamago, Andrew, compositor DIRECTORY. 42 M'Donald, Donald 44 Hutchinson. Thomas, builder 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 D e n h a m - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Croion-lane. Walkor, Matthew Harris, Frodoriok Goorge, mariner Newell, Josoph, tailor Costeloo, Michaol, bricklayer Hotten, Ilonry, joiner Jonos, John, fronch polisher O'Shoa, Mrs., grocor Here TaggarV s-lanc. M'Mullon, Joseph, carter Cullon, Mrs. Margarot Here Cavipbcll-strect. Tigho, John Abbott, Samuol, blacksmith Coad, John, plnstoror Doghorty, Dennis Caffroy, Edward, mason Burridgo, John, blacksmith Here Bloomfield-street. Wagg, Georgo, bricklayer Buchanan, Peter, printer Smith, J. B., mastor mariuor 178 180 184 188 190 Dis M'Donald, Maloolm M. Patorson, Charles James, storekeeper Smith, William Snow, Charles Win., Watchmaker //.^N'.lWI-'-'-Q Here Marlborough-street. Elliott, John, engineer Hoanoy, Henry, tailor Smith, Sarah, genoral dealer ' Uere Crown-street. Devonshire-street, S o u t h Side Here Qcorge-street. RAILWAY TEBMINUS Clovoland Paddocks Here Castlercagh-street South. Vacant land Here Buckingham-street. LETTER RECEIVER Hero Elizabeth-street. King, AVilliam, doalor Hall, Stephen, soda water manufacturer Binks, James Frcdorick, produeb morchant 37 Swan, John, engineer 39 Schofiold, John, dooler 41 Watts, William, oarvor and gilder Hand, Honry, clork Devonshire-street, N o r t h Side Butt, William, land and house agent Baker, Georgo Frodoriok, olork ' Georgo-strect to Crown-strcot. Pringle, Jamos, bakor BENEVOLENT ASYLUM M'Kay, Sarah, dressmaker PRESBYTERIAN CEMETERY Fletcher, John, carver ROMAN OATUOLIO CEMETERY Quinn, JamoB Hickey, John, sexton Candisb, Goorgo QUAKEBB' CEMETERY Rodgors, Mary, drossmakor Simons, Josoph, soxtou M'Kollcr, John CONGREGATIONAL CEMETEBY Here Waterloo-street. Baker, G„ soxton 103 Scott, Robert, carpontor JEWISH CEMETERY 105 Baldock, Lewis, tumor Levi, Aaron Aloxandor, rabbi 107 Mulholland, John Here Randle-street. Here Lane. 36 Stephons, Josoph, printor Quinton, Ann, dairy 34 Nelson, Thomas, optician Rooko, Mary, grocer 32 Wilkinson, Edmund Sharpo, storokoopor Here College-street; 30 Adamson, Georgo, carpontor Vacant land 28 Michaol, George, carpenter Here,. 26 Vaughan. Charles, millor 161 Steel, Aloxandor—Jioyaf Arm, 24 Tibboy, William, teacher 163 Collier, Christopher, grocor 22 Farquhar, William, ongino driver 165 Aylward, William—Prince Alfred Hotel 20 Brooko, Samuel 167 Dalling, Ann 18 Wobstor, William, engine drivor 169 Trivott, Francis Thomas, dork 16 Smithwick, Potor, M.D. Kerr, Sarah 14 Bcatson, William, earcaso butcher Trusoott, Elizabeth Evans, James, dealer Duko, Sophia L., boarding-houso Here Elizabeth-street. Here Marlborough-street. Blair, W. Vacant land Kay, Thomas, grocer Here High Holborn-slreet. Martin, Emanuel, horsobreaker Vacant land Sanson, John—Madeira Inn Here Crown-street, Here Holt-street. Smith, Thomas, butcher D i x o n - s t r e e t E a s t , E a s t Side Osborno, Biohard, greengrocer Dlxon-stroot wwt, to Hay-Btreot, 118 Hart, Thomas, builder Griffiths, Thomas, grocer Haloy, Thomas, surveyor Here Riley-street. Kimbor, Biohard, dealer 52 Dom STREET Shaw, James Alexander Bloomfield, Charles William, compositor Saundorson, John, c'nginoer Mooney, Thomas, laborer Short, William, produce dealer Forrest, David, timber yard Parkinson, Arthur, engineer Oonnell, Cornelius, blacksmith Sere Qoulburn-street. itobertson, Edward, labourer Fisher, ObarlcB, shoemakor Bowledge, George Payne, William J. Dell, Elizaboth Here Mill-street. Vacant land Here Say-street. Dixon-street East, W e s t Side Here Bitcon-slreet west. Boyd, John, doalor Swoonoy, Michael Boonoy, Peter Bbearson, John, blacksmith Brown, William, painter Allen, W. B., soap and candlo works Here Qoulburn-slrect. Wills, John, marinor Bolton, Edward, doalor Taylor, William, coach paintor Wyld, Thomas Mulholland, Jamos, quarryman Qallaohor, Patrick Here Mill-street. Vacant land Sere Say-street. 1 2 3 4 6 fi 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 Dow Boucher, James, gardener Allpress, Philip, carpenter Styles, Stephen Searlo, William Arthur Coombcs, Richard, storeman Sullivan, James, cooper Evans, Daniel Knight, William, drayman Elrio, David Coates Griffiths, Lewis Carey, Thomas, tailor Crimpston, Alfred Doyle, Dennis, quarryman Dowling-street, East Side. Woolloomolo Bay to South Hoad Road. Elliott, P. J. and Co., coal and wood wharf Nott Bandolp, saw mill CABDIFF COAL COMPANY Sere Quay-street. Meachor, Charles—Dowling-street Sottl £2 Murphy, Peter—New Wharf Inn 24 Ourtz, Edward W., engine turner 20 Pratt, William, mastor mariner 28 Broflio, John, grocer 30 Nolan, John, tailor 36 Byrne", Edward, dealer 38 Cunningham, Samuel, tailor 40 Burke, Thomas 62 Bolus, George, saddler 64 Masters, Robort, timber yard 68 O'Brien, Patrick, grocer 60 Churchill, James, butcher 62 Hill, Bichard—Yorkshire Arms 70 Smith, Robort, grocer 72 Hastie, Charles, baker 74 Stonnor, Georgo, carpenter 76 Carter, James Dixon-street West, W e s t Side 78 Jackson, Judith, giocer and drapor Off Livorpool-strcot. Davis, William Sere Stephen-street. Carter, Georgo, olork 82 Smith, Isaiah, bootmaker MoLoun, Edward, tinsmith 86 Latimer, Jamos Korsoy, Caleb, limoburner 88 Punch, Mrs. Stokos, Georgo, coach painter 90 Stack, Franois, shoemaker 92 Walker, William, oabinotmakcr White, Jamos, marinor 94 McDonough, Mrs., school Thompson, Adam 106 Stanley, John F., goldlappe'r Buokleton, Bobert, sawyer 112 Cohen, Francis Newman, Charles, butoher 114 Hunt, Vore Ella, Alfred 116 Macdonald, Henry, bailiff Mylan, Andrew 118 Lambert, Mrs. Baymond, Peter, omnibus proprietor 120 Watts, Jamos Maughan, Edward Baymond and Nisson, soap and oandlo 122 Haywood, Walter, mastor marinor works 128 Davis, John, draper Allen, W. B., soap and candle works 130 Chapman, Mrs. 132 Cracknell, Froderiok Domain-terrace 134 Marshall, James, grocor 136 Ikin, Henry Off Macquario-Btroot, North. WEBLETAN CnArEL Casey, Thomas, tide waiter Ainswortb, William, plasterer Davies, Joseph May 194 Doherty, Patrick, dairyman Anglos, GuBtavo 196 Dinon.Mrs. Doylo, Matthow, onginoor 198 Prootor, Henry, carpenter Byan, Michael, gauger Sere William-street. Slattory, William Dow DIRECTORY 300 Grouse, Mrs. Sere Liverpool-street. 308 Haydon, Rev. Thomas 310 Hicks, Thomas, dealer Sere Burton-street. Vacant land Sere Barlinghurst Road. Vacant land Sere South Scad Road. Druitt-street, North Side Dowling-street, West Side. Sere Woolloomooloo Bay. 1 Cronan, Samuel, shipwright 3 Middenway, Garrett H., printer 6 Winott, Joseph, cabinot-makcr 7 Hubner, Henry, mariner 9 Hunt, Mrs. 13 Fairfax, Wm., timbor-yard and joiner 19 Board, Joseph, greengrocer 21 Griffon, Michael 29 Keogh, Patrick Sere Alfred-street. 81 Williams, Charlos Henry 33 Garrett, William, shoemaker 35 White, John, carpenter. Sere Stephen-street, 41 Shea Phillip 43 Pines, Frederick Murray, Denis— White Swan 61 Miller, John S3 White, Francis, musician 65 Hunt, James, greengrocer 57 Clark, Henry William, butchor Hoakins, Mrs. 71 Williams, Walter 79 Baylis, Samuel, wheelwright 61 Lane, John Sere Wbolloomooloo-lane. Halstenberg, Ohas.—Revolving Battery Inn 99 Gibbs, John, musician 115 Taggart, Mrs. E. F. Thurlow, Joseph G. 121 Bennett, Edward 123 Plunkott, William E. 133 Neill, James, carpenter 185 Cooper, Jamos, contractor Sere William-street. 301 Cornish, Edward B., J.P. Here Liverpool street. Wolshman, John Lazarus, Jamos, clerk Wing, William, compositor Isboster, William, tailor Warner, John, draper Buzacott, Mrs. Palmer, Charles Johnson, Bichard 313 Beit, Henry 315 Slade, Joseph, builder Here Burton-street. fl Sere Barlinghurst road. Vacant land 53 Sere South Sead-road. Vacant land Sere Botany-street. O'Connor, John, stonemason Sere Fitzroy-street. Mali in, Thomas, general dealor M'Cabe, Patrick, dairyman . Here Cleveland-street. DABLINOHURST GAOL DABLINGIIUBST GAOL Dm DarllnR Harbour to Georgo-atreot. Roberts, Henry L., coal wharf Hogg, Jamos.-hmo and coal wharf 20 Samson, Jane Ann 22 Watson, Josoph, buildor 24 Brooksbank, William, blacksmith 26 Foster, William, Hancock, John—Sops and Anchor Sere Sussex-street. 28 Taylor, Thomas, shoomakor 30 Smith, Petor, grocor 32 Howell, Thomas Bead, painter Sere lane. 36 Slamaker, William, bootmaker 38 Oartor, James 40 Dwyer, Josoph, butchor 42 Jacobs, Charles, ironmoulder 44 Barkor, Mary Ann, grocer Sere Kent-street. Croagh, Eliza—Brisbane Inn Cameron, Eneas, storekeeper Here Clarence-street. 60 Hunt, Josoph, Bawyer 62 Murphy, Charlos, brassfoundor Leicester, Chamney—Police Office Sottl Sere Tork-street. CENTBAL POLICE STATION Here Oeorgt-street. Druitt-street, South Side Sere Barling Sarbour. Dcarin, Thomas Browning, Paoiflo coal and timber morchant Wharf. Nelson, William, sawmills 6 Owens, Michael, drayman 4 Murphy, Samuel, sawyor 3 Ball, Johanna, dressmaker 2 Hutton, William, marinor 1 Spears, John, mariner Gibson, Jamos Nowton, James, printer Adams, James Townsend, William, marinor Boutoll, William Wilson, William, painter 13 Bobinson, William, marinor 15 Lattimer, William, mariner 17 Habigall, Mary Ann Cunningham, James, wood-carvor Whitchurch, Georgo, drayman 19 Barnett, Joseph, general dealor 21 Gale, Jamos 23 Turner, Thomas 25 Levy, Henry, butcher 27 Sprow, Bobert, drayman <64 Dak STREET Edw Dun 182 Olarko, Francis, accountant 29 Buchanan, John, woodman 184 Bedstone, Jamos, painter 31 Rogerson, William, compositor Here William-street. 35 Smith, Alfred Dolohery, Jeromiah, butcher D u k e - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Sussex-street Here Woolloomooloo Bay. Hoighway, George, grocer Elliott, P. J. aud Co., coal merchants 37 Gibbs, Jane Nott, Randolph, saw-mills 39 Limor, Johanna, boarding-houso Here Quay-street. 41 Taylor, Thomas, baker 43 Dermody, Edward, shoemaker 1 Foloy, Timothy 45 Hook, Henry, watchman 5 Deden, Charles 47 Smith, John 7 Bloico, Edward, storekeeper Here JDmilt-lane, 9 Holmes, William 49 Salmon, Thomas Armitngo, commission 11 O'Brion, Michael, glazier 13 Shoohy, Michael, mason agont 15 Bedford, John, master-mariner 51 Kottlo.Johnlcke, J.P. 11 Wilkins, Ernest, cabinotmakor Here Kent-street. 19 Anderson, Froderick, cabinetmaker Schrutama, Henry, lodging-house 21 Greonlces, John, mastor mariner 57 Hilder, H., boot-closor 23 Staincr, William 59 Thornback, Elizabeth, tniloress 25 Roborts, Charlos, mason 61 Anderson, David, cabinetmaker 27 Hiscee, George 68 Hogarty, Alexandra Victoria 65 Arthur, Frederick and Edward, coach- 29 Morland, Mrs. Jano 47 Padbury, Honry, schoolmaster builders 49 Wood, William W., tailor OLD BuniAL-anODND 51 Hartigan, John Here Qeorge-slreeU 53 Wholow, Edward 55 Maokoy, John, shoemaker D u k e - s t r e e t , Hast Side 57 Condon, Dennis Woolloomooloo Bay to WiUiam-strcot. 01 Roso, Henry, ongincor MANLY BEAOII AND WATSON'S BAT 63 Skinnor, John, packing-caso maker STEAMERS' PICK 65 Honry, Gcorgo, carpontor CARDIFF COAL DEPOT Here Sydney-place. Oallaghan, John Patrick, collector 5 Bradshaw, AVilliam, cabinetmaker 67 Chute, Francis 4 Brown Samuel, iishormn.ii 69 Hourigan, Bartholomow 6 Ackroyd, William, fronoh polisher 83 Townsend, Adolphus, paporhongor 8 Hope, Thomas 87 Forbesch, John, bootmaker 10 AVoir, David 89 Long, John 91 O'Moara, William J., carpontor Here Harnett-strcct. 97 Sullivan, Matthew 20 Hellings, Richard, mariner 99 Benson, Mrs. Sarah 22 Pantlin, Henry, doalor 105 JPaiconor, John, glass-stainor 24 Bullook, Daniol 107 Kilpatrick, F. 26 Sheohy, Daniol, shipwright 109 Robertson, Mrs. Charles 28 Veutoman, Francis, bricklayer 121 Dunn, Mrs. Cathorino 60 Gould, Josoph 123 Hart, Michael 68 Jarvis, John, quarrymnn 125 Hildorhront, Hanco J. 70 Morris, AVilliam, carpenter 127 McGuirc, Michaol 72 Kaluoy, Potor, marinor 129 Hicks, John, wheelwright 74 McKenzio, James, sawyer WESLEYAN CHAPEL • 70 Foley, Thomas 186 Perry, Robert, baker 78 Melvillo, Janios, cabinotraakor 188 Davidson, Francis B. 80 Godfrey, James Here William-street. 82 Batz, rotor, gardpnor 86 Tilloy, Josoph, gardonor D u n c a n - s t r e e t , E a s t Side 88 Williams, Charles Off Bathurst-stroot. 90 Doylo, Jamos, carpentor Smith, William, contractor Here Sydney-place. Here Barker-lane, 98 Wilkindingo, Frodoriok, cabinotmakor Hayes, Samuol, marinor 100 Court, James Knight, AVilliam, boiler maker 102 White, Honry, carpenter Phillips, Charles Froderick, engineer 104 Crofts, John Lahy, John, tailor 106 McOann, Miohaol Borry, AVilliam, weaver 108 Watts, Thomas, mason Hannah, Alexander Here Steam Mill-street. DIRECTORY. Barker and Co., millers Ebswortb, O. B., cloth factciy Duncan-street, W e s t Side Here Bathurst-street. Hunter, Anderson, engineer Here Barker-lane. Hawkins, James, miller Balsor, Oonroyd, musician Prendorgast, John Summer, Henry, drayman O'Connoll, John, bootmaker Here Edward-lane, 20 Kolly, John, tailor 22 Litton, Jamos, mason Here Qoulburn-street, Off Victoria- streot. East-street IUU-strcot to Fostcr-strcot Little. 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 Butler, Charles, french polisher O'Brien, John, Haken, Goorgo,'carpontor Keeblo, William, compositor Hughes, Edward Taylor, John H., paintor Osborno, Thomas, drayman Dent, Georgo, ship-joinor Here Foster-street Little, 1 .3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Pyrmont Boy to Unlon-Btroot Sargoant, AVilliam Henry, clerk Huntor, Potor, engineer Olive, Henry—Pyrmont Bridge Hotel Hero Union street, Edward-Btrcct to Rllcy-strcet. 1 3 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 11 13 E d w a r d - l a n e , S o u t h Side Here Edward-street. Coffoy, Michaol Hartshorn, Godfrey, tailor Hillyard, AVilliam, dealer Kirby, Mrs. Robocca Roberts, AVilliam Here Riky-slrect. Edward-place Edward-street to Edward-lane. Sullivan, Daniel, tailor Moggridge, AVilliam, ironmonger Everitt, Alfred, bricklayer Nowton, John, compositor Paton, Robert, upholsterer Olivo, James Here}Edward-lane, E d w a r d - s t r e e t , E a s t Side E d w a r d - s t r e e t , P y r m o n t , W e s t Side Here Pyrmont Bay. Hurloy, John D., mastor mariner Oharlwood, Daniel, woolbroker Hiokoy, Denis, painter and glazier Loaghy, Thomas, blacksmith Woodbridge, Georgo, draper Here Union-street, 76 78 86 88 90 92 94 96 Switson, Richard Hedges, John, bricklayer Oraddock, Edward, -waterman Crouch, Thomas, plasterer Nealo, James, waterman E l i z a b e t h - s t r e e t , E a s t Side IIunter-Btreot to Oloroland-streot. Solomon, John "E.—Sir Maurice O'Conntll Hotel Thomson, Buchan Gribbon, Brothers, farriors Roborts, Mary Hare, Mrs., ladios' school Halo, Thomas Thomas, John Barton, Georgo Bernard, barrister AVilson, Mrs. James, AVm., machinist and oloctrioian 98 THE HOME South Hoad-road to Goulburn-Btreot. 2 4 6 8 10 E d w a r d - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here South Head Road. Aptod, John—Pelican Hotel. Triggs, Georgo, whoolwright Jonos, David, compositor Downos, Francis, paintor Horn, AVilliam Quaylo, John, carpontor Coghlan, John Law, Thomas, poultorer Eld, AVilliam, carpenter Clancy, Rodtnond, bootmaker Cummins, John, •wheelwright Jonos, John AVilliam, printer Honry, John, shoemaker Here Edward-lane. Fonnolly, Michaol, horse doalor Here Qoulburn-street, E d w a r d - s t r e e t , P y r m o n t , E a s t Side E d w a r d - l a n e , N o r t h Side 2 Stump, Samuol 4 Korr, Francis C AVilks, AVilliam Here Rilty-slreet, 55 1!2 14 16 18 Earl-street Pago, William, bootmaker Nelly, Thomas, carpentor and joiner Inglis, John, gardener Austin, James, quarryman Poulton, Edward, cabinetmaker Turner, Thomas, builder Eli 102 104 106 108 AVatson, Mrs. Elizabotk Knapp, John and Edward, surveyors Hubert, Honriotta Chauncoy, Mrs., ladies' school Pater son, Jano, boarding-houso Friend, AValtor Richard, watchmaker 56 Eli STREET 110 Cooko, Mrs. Deano & Dcano, solicitors Bonbow, Gonrge Frederick, solicitor Faucett, Peter, Q.O., solicitor Oroor, James, solicitor Eli Eli | 476 Blair, William Here Devonshire-street. LETTEII RECEIVER King, William, general dealer GIG Brenand, Launcclot MOSB, Moses 520 Jacob, Matilda—Strawberry Hill Inn 122 Banbury Robert 624 Francis, Henry, civil ongineer 124 Cooper, Henry Wall Troy, Timothy— Welcome Home Inn Allen, Bowden, & Allen, solicitors Here Sarah Ann-street, 126 Readott, Wood, solicitor 538 Dawson, John 128 Uoak, Anthony, solicitor 540 DuMoulin, Peter Nicholas, accountant Brownrigg, William Meadows, snrvoyor 542 M'Neill, Aloxandcr, bootmaker Warrington, John Fred., law stationor Graham, John, drayman -i ^ Eiss, John, horse dealer Artingstall, John, painter a Lindsay, Joseph—Three Tuns Tavern Copley, William I •? Here King-street. Shinnick, Mary Ann, nurse f 2 NEWSPAPER RECEIVER Creswell, Ann, needlewoman "o REOISTUAR GENKRAL'S OFFICE Smith, Thomas, painter and glazier J W LANDS TITLES OFFICE 542 Gilroy, James, jun., builder Here St. James Road. 544 Gilroy, James, senior, builder HYDE PARK. 648 Burnett, John Here Park-street. 550 Bourne, James, warehouseman HYDE PARK Here Jielvoir-street. OBELISK Murphy, James, J. P. Here Liverpool-street. Stonham, Henry, cabinet maker 146 Slater, Josiah, collector Rose, Francis Thomas, civil engineer 141 Davies, Thomas Long, bootmaker Banks, Robert 160 Pullin, William, painter Here Clevcland-tlreet. Stewart, James Here lane. Elizabeth-street, West Side Lee, Goorgo, wood tumor Here Hunter-street. Everitt, Henry J.—Crown Inn Clark, John professor of dancing Here (rmtlburn-street. Norton and Barker, solicitors Wooler, Samuel Gl Grittou, William, agent 186 & 188 Adams, Francis Graham, George William, solicitor 190 Haubery, Margaret Button, Edmund, solicitor 192 Prentice, Mary, dress makor 63 Broadhurst, Edward, Q.O., barrister 194 Marshall, James, moulder leoton, Thomas, solicitor 196 Fowler, Thomas 65 Johnson, Miss, preparatory school for 198 Scoltoek, James, whitesmith young gentlemen 200 Fenhellam, Henry, butcher 67 Jewell, Maurico 202 Wubb, Mrs. Mary 69 Cowan, Moss, merchant 204 Hennessey, John, marblo mason 71 Y'lUiigo, Robert, druggist 208 Jackson, Richard, dealer 73 Cooper, Edward, tarpaulin makor 212 Horsfiold, John, painter 75 Eoucart, Louis, M.D. Here Market-lane and Campbell-street. 77 Hurt, James, solicitor 230 Jessott, James—Cheshire Cheese Inn 79 Rose, John, saddler 232 Richards, Mrs., dress maker 85 Jones, Joseph, oabman 234 Brown, Arthur, grocer 87 Nixon, John Henry, accountant 236 Callanan, James, bootmakor 89 Butler, Edward, barrister 240 Lincoln, William, butcher Ellis, Eyre Goulburn, solicitor Here lane. 91 Forster, Robert Henry M., solicitor 256 Yeomans, John 93 Kouyon, George, law stationer Here John-street. Castle, Alfred \VM solicitor 260 Chapman, James Maidmont 97 Yeomans, Richard, solicitor 262 Grovillo, William Charles Oliver, Alexander, barrister Here Albion-street. 99 Windoyor, William O. Hughes, Mrs. Terry, "Albion House" Dalley, William Bede, barrister Rudd, Isaac \ Albion Milford, Herman, barrister Fox, George, van proprietor / Cottages Dilintley and Chapman, solicitors Here Cooper-street. 103 Cary, Henry, Judge of the Western Dis464 Jager, Joseph trict Court 466 Buwyer, George, grocer Cary, William, barrister, Surrogate of 468 Rigby, John Thomas, storoman the Admiralty Court 472 Aarons, Joseph 103 Colqukoun, George, solicitor DIRECTORY 105 Whitehead, Charles John, law stationer Clark, William, professor of dancing Gannon, James, commission agent 107 Long, Charles Heather, estate agent 109 JosephBon, Emma 111 Josephson, Isaac John 115 Driver, Richard, jun., solicitor Here King street. 117 Long, W. A., barristor Martin, James, Q.O., barrister Powell, Edmund, barristor 119 Forbes, David G., barrister Rogers, Frank E., banister Innes, James Goorgo Long, barrister Mackcchnio, Edmund Augustus, solicitor Stephen, Matthew Henry, barristor 121 Sheppard, Edmund, barrister Manning, Hon. Sir William Montagu, Q.C., M.L.C., banister Simpson, George Bowen, barristor 123 Norton, William, barrister Wilkinson, William Hatton, barrister Lee, Edward, barrister Isaacs, Robert Mcintosh, barrister 125 Gordon. Alexander, barristor Owen, William, barrister Poll, Morris Birbeck, barrister Darvall, John Bayley, barrister Campbell, Charles, barrister 129 McCabe, James SAINT JAMES'S MODEL SCHOOL 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 Chirko, Charles William, teacher Abrahams, Charles Hemming, William, law stationer White, Louisa, dressmaker Hume, James, architect Mortimer, Henry Lawrence — Albion Hotel Here Market street. Riley, Maria, dealer Kelley, William Hughes. John Rogers, Edward, solicitor 149 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE OFFICE OF DETECTIVE POLICE FORCE 151 Scott, John, tailor 153 Lowe, Andrew, cabinet maker 155 Moore, William G. 157 Solomon, John 159 Boag, Rev. Robert 161 Milford, Samuel Frederick, Judgo S.C. 163 McShano, Mary Ann 173 Connor, John, bootclosor 175 Miller, Eliza 179 Lewis, Thomas, dealer 181 Jones, Humphry, tailor 1K3 Curzon, Richard Henry, tailor 185 Holland, James— Cricketers' Arms 191 Salmon, Nathaniel, dealer 193 Doran, Sarah Sempell, James, drayman "1 m Purtell, Michael, cabman ^ £P Murray, Henry, shingler f §1 2 Hendersou, Alexander g ^ Carroll, John J W Eli 67 Freeman, John, dealer "I Flood's Hughes, William Buildings Wyatt, Fred., pastrycookj 197 Flood, Thomas 199 Fair, Mary Ann Clark, John— The Bush Tavern Here Park-street. LETTER RECEIVER Poulton, Arthur, chemist Barrett, Mrs Sarah Aldorson and Sons, tanners and curriers Hardy, William Arthur, K. and F., coach builders Walker, Gcorgo, M.D. Smith, Richard Silver, ornamental writer Byrne, Maria Here Balhursl-slreet. 219 Wilson, Watson,painter and paporhanger 251 Penny, Thomas, sohoolmastor 253 Macgregor, Jamos 255 Paterson, Thomas, herbalist 257 McKone, William, cabinetmaker 259 Phillips, Louis 261 Wilkins, William, Inspector of National " Schools 267 Lilloy,Edwin John, coach manufacturer 269 Benjamin, Morris 271 Bland, William Henry, mariner 273 Jolly, Henry 275 Gleeson, Floronco, dealer 279 Hilliard, Henry Townsend. Alfred, painter Morris, Mary Goat, Henry, coach trimmer Averton, Thomas, bootmakor Morris, Sarah, laundress 231 Bradford, William, bootmaker 283 Fullerton, James Rev., L.L.D. 285 Lowther, Edward 287 Holmes, Win. Henry, commission agent 289 Croagh, Richard, school 291 I'uxley, William, builder 293 Colyer, John Gudden 295 McErnoy and Wainman 297 Purcell, Thomas, buildor Here Liverpool-street. 315 Coomber, James 317 Aclieson, Sarah, dressmaker 319 Tafl'o, William, grocor 321 Grace, William, buildor 327 Twigg, Joseph William Robert, carpenter 329 Caliaghan, John, butcher 331 Cunningham, John, bootmakor 833 Tompson, Charles 343 Henry, Joseph, general agout 345 Morris, Ann 347 Musto, Fanny, grocor Here Ooulburn-street. 351 Honry, James, compositor 353 Hunter, Charles, cabinetmaker 355 Collins, Lewis, shoemaker 357 Buchannan, George, tailor 359 Grogan, William, compositor 363 Cooke, James, confectioner 3G5 Rico, James, plumbor 209 221 223 245 247 245 247 58 Eli STREET 867 Benson, William, painter 369 Farroll, Miohael 371 Aitkin, Alexander, rlator Here Elizabeth-place. 373 Qleeson, Margaret, dressmaker 375 Abrahams, Joseph, doalor 379 (Milan, Robert 381 Ooopor, William, baker 383 Wager, Honry 885 Ward, Timothy, baker 387 Adams, Josoph, butcher 889 Potter, William— The Albion Hotel Here Gampbell-etreel. Here Bridge-street. Vacant land Here Bent-street. Elizabeth-street North, West Side Here Albert-street. HARBOUR MASTER'S OFFICE Hinchcliff, Andrew, wool morcliant Mooros, James, merchant Here Bridge-street. COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE Here Bent-street. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Elizabeth-street, Pyrmont. Harvlc-streot to Bowman-Btrcet, Dukos, Henry, fireman Brigdon, Richard Wiuden, Jamos, onginoor Here Bowman-street. Here Hay-street, Vacant land Here Carter-strict. OLD BURIAL GROUND Here lane. 451 Byrnes, Cavan, doaler 453 Ayrcs, Thomas 455 Moss, William, gold escort Here Devonshire-street. 553 Burnott, David, drayman 555 Wells, John 557 Modres, William Devenish, O.P.S. 559 Pago, George, grocer Hen Sarah Ann-street, G87 Richards, Bonjamin draper 689 Booby, Edward 091 McAuliffo, Patrick 699 Ryder, Bridget Here Belvoir-strecl. 711 Ohristison, James, carpontor Here Cleveland-street. E l i z a b e t h - s t r e e t L i t t l e , E a s t Side Off Ooopor-strect, Gloeson, John, drayman Smith, Jatnos, stonemason Handoock, Edward, carponter Miller, Jamos Roberts, John, painter Kolloy, John E l i z a b e t h - s t r e e t L i t t l e , W e s t Side Here' Cooper-street. Silccocks, Honry, fittor Clancy, Patrick, Charles, carpontor EvanB, John Thomas, clerk Swan, William, drayman Gates, Josoph, sawyer Lacoy, Mrs. Lambley, James L.—Lacey's Family Hotel E l i z a b e t h - s t r e e t N o r t h , E a s t Side Albort-stroct to JJent-Btroot. Durham and Irwin, auctioneers and wool brokers Richards, William Samuol, storekeeper Jaffrey, Thomas, onginoor Johnson, John, cooper Bnrr and Frazor, bonded stores Ers 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 E r s k i n e - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Darling Ilarbour to York-Btrcot. ViOTOItIA WlIAIlF Short, William, produco merchant Hondorson, Hannah—Clarence Hotel Here Shelley-street, Guppy, William, waterman Porter, Mrs. Spalding, Jamos ' Parr, Jamos Goodlot & Smith, Victoria saw mills Halliday & Morrison, engineers Tornon, Jamos, olork Butlin, William, boarding-houso Hendorson, Robort—The Dove Inn Here Sussex-street. LETTER RECEIVER 21 26 28 80 32 84 36 88 40 Longford, John—Blue Bell Hotel AVobb, Michael, doalor M'Oaul, Michael, doaler Logan, John, cooper Soarl, Fredoriok, butcher Smith, William—Green Dragon Inn Here Kent-street. Sherlock, Patrick—Governor Denison Kennedy, Edward, shoomakor Scard, John, butcher Smith, Patrick, pawnbrokor Mort, Henry Gcorgo, copperplate printer POLICE STATION Here Clarence-street. Miller's Buildings Here York-street. Ess 9 11 13 15 17 Higstrim, Win. Pearson, Josoph, doaler Furey, Jane, grocer Byrnes, Mary Ann, greengrocor Smith, John Thomas, grocor Here Sussex-street. 19 Stowart, William— Royal Oak 21 Carmichacl, John, baker 23 M'Donald, A., oystorman 25 Farroll, William, hairdresser 27 Fludder, Jamos Henry, fancy bazaar 31 Smith, John, waterman 33 Fitzpatrick, John, coppersmith Holmes, William, paintor and glazior Here Kent-street. Kolsoy, Charles—Queensland Hotel 39 M'Kinlay BrotborB, grocers 41 Kennedy, Edward, shoomakor 43 Griffiths, John, tailor 45 Anderson, John Scott, chemist Wells, William— Wynyard Hotel Here Clarencc-slrect. 49 Thompson & Miller, grocorB Here York-lane. 51 Wallor, John Gougb, wino]>nd spirit niorohant Here York-street. E s s e x - l a n e , N o r t h Side rrlnccs-streot to Gloucoator-strcct. Vacant land Here Cumberland-street. ' M'Donald, Edward T.—Forth and Clyde 14 Kolley, Jamos 1G Thompson, Honry 18 Murphy, Robort, clerk 20 Carolan, James, agent 22 Farron, Wm. Georgo 24 M'Clean, Alexander, shipwright 2G Halloway, William, butcher Wild, Richard—Black Dog Inn Here Gloucester-street. Essex-lane, South Side 3 5 7 11 Erskine-street, South Side Here Darling Harbour. BAMIAIN STEAMER'S WHARF Speor, William, goneral agent and coal merchant Here Lime-street. Goodlot & Smith, timber merchants Here Union-street. 5 Thomas, William, grocer 7 Williams, Alfred, mariner DIRECTORY 2 4 10 12 14 16 18 Here Princes-street. Rochester, Eleanor—Erin-yo-Bragh Hussay, Michael, bootmaker Cunningham, Catherine, drcssmakor Stajiloton, Frederick, blacksmith Halloway, William, butcher Here Gloucester-street. ' E s s e x - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side. Fort-strecl Upper to Georgo-strcct. Vacant land Here Princes-street. Clarke, Thomas Watson, R. and 8., grocers Here Cumberland-street. M'Grath, Androw, butcher M'Guiro, James, onginoor Fitzgerald, William, grocor Alexander, John, watorman Bannan, Franois Fer «& Here Gloucester-street. Bassotti. John Baptist—Hotel de France Scott, William O'Brien, William Myors, Mary, boarding-houso Lendwin, Gustavo Rudolph Burley, George Here Cambridge-street. 82 Bloxsidgo, John, tinsmith 34 Hooker, Edward Waltor, butcher Galbraith, Thomas, ooopor Taylor, John, combmaker Here George-street. 20 22 24 26 28 30 Essex-street, South Side. Here Fort-street'Upper and Princes-street. M'Cutcheon, Charles— Coach and Horses Here Cumberland-street. Mortimor, Honry, butcher Here Gloucester-street. Vacant laud Here Harrington-street. Swain, John, bootmaker Greir, Thomas, marinor Mason, William, waterman Fitzkonry, Stephen, blacksmith Stones, Elizabeth, boarding-houso Fowler, Robort, hairdresser Here George-street. E x e t e r - p l a c e , N o r t h ' Side. Markct-lano to Fostor-strcot. 2 Collins, Georgo 4 Bollard, Goorgo, onginoor G Nelson, John, bootmaker 8 Keogh, Patrick, bootmaker 10 Griffiths, Goorgo 12 Knittol, Frederick, baker 14 Elvin, Isaac, builder 10 Oummins, William, mason 18 Bourko, James, collector 20 Kearney, John 22 Troblo, John Here Foster-street, Exeter-place, South Side. Here Market-lane. Windoyor, Gcorgo Donolly, James, butchor Green, Richard, baskotmakor Shields, Thomas Hoard, William Baldwin, Thomas 9 Riches, Robort, fisherman 11 Savillo, Joseph 13 Watt, John 17 Shaw, William, wheelwright 19 Roebuck, Honry 21 Ohadwick, Thomas, butcher Here Foster-street. 1 3 5 7 E e r r y - l a n e , N o r t h Side. rottlngcr-stroet to WlndmUl-Btrcet. Farrolly's storos 60 6 . 8 10 12 Fit Farrelly, James, clerk M'Lean, Honry Simpkins, John Docksey, Frederick, jan„ engineer Mere Windmill-ttreet. Ferry-lane, South. Side. 3 5 7 9 Here Pottinger-slreet. Barnett, Charles, boat builder Bland, William, mariner Thompson, Thomas, waterman Dooksoy, Frederick, sen, Here Windmill-street. F i t z r o y - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side. ' Rlley-s'.roet to Dowllng-strcot. Vacant land Here Crown-street. 46 Armstrong, Robert 48 Oraddook, John H., drayman 60 Gaul, William, baker 62 Cobby, Mrs. Jane, laundress 54 Niebol, J. M. 66 Ellard, William, clerk 58 Welch, Daniol !>., printer CO Simpson, John, engineor 62 Bentley, Richard, shoemaker 64 Murphy, Felix, grocer Here Bourke-street. McNeil, Archibald, butohor Here Nicholi-street. Barlow, John—Pine Apple Inn 80 Neal, William 82 Brown, James, storeman 84 Phillips, John, baker 86 Muschtuen, Michael, painter 88 Deely, Lawrence, storekeeper Here Htttchinson-street. Vacant land Here Bowling-street. Fitzroy-street, South Side Here Riley-slreet. Prior, James, butcher 1 Williams, Thomas, baker 3 Robinson, Edward J., painter 5 MoEvoy, Timothy 7 Ushor, Robert, currier 9 Lee, Mrs. Sophia 11 Corbitt, Mrs. 13 Mack, George, joiner Here Norton-street Little. 15 Collie, George, collector 17 Earngoy, James Here Crown-street. Adolgeis, Charles—Dolphin Hotel 23 Oargill, John, sawyer 27 Sippe, Robert, enrpentor and joinor 29 Jenssen, Edward 31 Whitfield, Thomas S3 Parker, Matthew William 35 Clifford, Georgo, tailor SAINT MICHAEL'S SHCOOL 53 Hohnen, Charles, baker STREET Flo Here Bourke-street. Phillips, Francis—Sportsman's Arms 57 Egan, John Darney, Eugono Hassett, James Kolly, John Smith, Edwin 65 MoOarthy, Patrick Foroster, Peter Eelpiu, Patrick, mariner McGrath, John 67 McCaffroy, Edward, paintor and glazier 69 Kalaher, William 71 Clair, Mrs. Jano 73 Corrigan, Thomas, contractor 75 Dudley, Miss Sarah, grocer Here Maiden-lane 77 Sullivan, Donnis, storeman 81 Dunn, Jeremiah 83 McOabo, James Here Howling-street, F i t z r o y - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Botany-road to Junction-street Kendrigen, John Mitchell, James, carponter and joiner Hardstor, George, drayman Mather, Honry James Here Junction-street. Fizroy-street, West Side Here Botany-road. 1 Medway, Matthew, builder 2 Farr, James, bricklayer 3 Larkins, Henry 4 Brabin, John, carpenter 5 Walker, Thomas, paiutor 6 Smith, James, whoelwriglit 7 Ellis, James, cnginoer 8 Hookhin, William, plasterer 9 Martin, William, musician 10 Jones, James 11 Blay, Henry, engineer 12 Wall, John, engineer 13 Sloan, James, drayman 14 Harrington, Ann 15 Watkins, Joseph, storekeeper 16 Hill, Sarah, midwifo 17 Skolton, Thomas, hammerman 18 Oottor, John Georgo 19 Bird, Absalom William, shoemaker 20 Wood, James, commission agont 22 Shanessey, Thomas 23 Molvillo, Robert, cnginoer 24 Burnc, William, tailor Here Junction-street. Flood's-lane, N o r t h Side Off Sussex-street Wost, Thomas, mariner O'Brien, John Matthews, John, dealer Shevoil, John Samuel, mariner Peters, James Sullivan, Mark, dairyman For DIRECTORY Flood's-lane, South Side Here Sussex-street. Glooson, Jane, grocer Fitzpatrick, Bridget, dressmaker Blaze, John, bricklayor White, William, mariner Griffiths, William, butcher McNeill, —, plumbor Brace, Joseph, bootmaker Jones, Benjamin, wheelwright McQuire, John Grogan, James Winny, James, machinist Hewitt, James, plasterer Forties-street, F a s t Side Woolloomoolno Bay to Bourkc-atroot O'Connell, Peter—Royal Yacht Hotel Here Alfred-street. Bottomley, William—Boltomley's Hotel 14 Doyle, William, builder Here Stephen-street. 16 Edwards, Sydney, builder 26 Harpur, Joseph J. Wiseman, Mrs. Mary 28 Bolton, H., jeweller 80 Montefiore, Julius 32 Park, Mary 38 Moses, Ephraim, cigar maker 40 Wright, John 42 Nicollo, Mrs. Jules A., toachor of musio 44 Russell, Honry 46 Murphy, George B. 48 Corti, Peter, carpenter 50 Balbirnie, Arthur, collector 52 Todd, William, carpenter 54 Lowis, Oswald H. 56 Dunn, Henry L., pawnbroker Morris, Thomas, wood turner 58 Boll, Samuel CO Vaughan, William, baker G2 Williams, Honry 64 McFarlano, Mrs. Mary, laundress 66 Wilson, John, dealer G8 Goodwin, Wm., boarding-houso Here Woolloomooloo-lane. 70 Paton, Jamos, grocer 72 Cashman, Mrs. Ann 74 Hollinshod, Allon 76 Oranna, James, ironmonger 78 Lewis, Thomas, draftsman 80 Curtis, John 82 Jones, Charlos D,, grocer 88 Williams, Joseph, mason 90 Townsley, William, printer 92 Barrow, Mrs. Harriot 94 Lloyd, Daniel L., draper 96 Reading, James 98 McCuc, Robert, master mariner 100 Piggott, William, mariner 102 Samuel, Edward Here Samuel-street. Vacant land Here William-street. For Scully, Bernard—Imperial Hotel Walker, Mrs, L.. " Boso Hall" 158 Darloy, Mrs. B. 1C0 Hammond, Jamos, stonemason Here Friend's-lane. 1G2 Friond, Walter 164 Wells, W. O. Here Liverpool-street. 218 Molntosh, William 220 Sutor, Mrs. Emma 222 Donelan, Mrs. Ellon 8 Harpor, Mrs. Eugenic 7 Manton, Miss M. E. 6 Curtis, Rt.,Darlinghurst Academy 5 Brownrigg, William M. 4 Road, John Thomas, olerk 3 Curtis, Robert, teaohor 2 Leary, Joseph 1 Buchanan, Colin, M.D. Here Burton-street. 61 1 $ I g I S p6"1 £ 2 & J ft DABLINGHUBST GAOL Here Bourke-street. Forbes-street, West Side Here Woolloomooloo Bay. 1 Gogerley, John, master mariner Here Bay-street. 3 Talty, Joseph, bootmaker 19 Johnson, George, machine smith 35 Nowlands, Ebonozor, tailor 37 Talty, Michael 39 Baker, John, carponter 41 Griffiths, Walter Thomas, watchmaker 43 Purdio, Georgo, grocer 45 Bentloy, John, printer 47 Dalziel, William, grainor 49 Chant, Joseph, greongrocor 51 Halpin, Patrick 63 Bromley, William, dairyman Here Junction-lane. Bhodos, Mrs. Mary Ann—Rhodes'Family Hotel Here Woolloomooloo-street. 79 Logan, Frederick 0. 81 Pillar, Richard 83 Blancbard, Julian Oliarlos Blanchard, Mrs., ladies' school 85 Frooman, William G. W. 87 Mansfield, Gordon 87 Inder, Jacob, builder 89 Manton, Charles Here Corfu-street. 91 Little, Mrs. J. 93 Harwood, Charles W., profossor of musio 95 Francis, Henry Ralph Here William-lane. 99 Lewis, Henry, bootmakor Here William-street. 103 Young, Georgo 105 Hart, James 107 Campbell, Henry, bootmakor Here Ann-street. 109 Nowman, William 111 Halloran, John 03 113 115 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 For STREET Pegus, Mrs. C , ladies' school Binncss, Michael, blacksmith Armstrong, Mrs. Sarah O'Neill, Mrs. Catherine Slator, Thomas, builder Pacoy.J.S., upholsterer &french polisher Johnson, William, clerk Cunningham, Mrs. Susan Smith, Peter, carpontor and grocor Richardson, .Robert, buildor MoNaughton, James, compositor Bost, Georgo, carpontor rioming, J., tailor Wright, Mrs. Mary Hoskings, Josoph, carponter Frazor, William, compositor Lookyor, Charles MoDormott, Michael Hopburn, Charles Hardjf, John Here Liverpool-street. Vacant land Here Burton-street. DARLINQUURST POLICE STATION Here 12 14 16 28 30 82 36 40 Bourkc-strcct. Fort-street Lower, E a s t Side. Qoorgo-strcet to Argylo-strcct. Grotty, Thomas, oab proprietor Caporn, William G., superintendent of "roads Phillips, Gorard Duguid, John Ahratns, Lewis Grant, olorlc Aldridgo, Louisa Buxton, David, shipwright Sachs, Leopold, Ferdinand, Br. TRINITY Gnunan Here Argyle-street. 65 Norton, Joseph 67 Johnson, Peter, mariner 85 Punter, Martha Hayes, Richard, dealer Here Argyle-street. F o r t - s t r e e t U p p e r , E a s t Side Argylo-streot to Essox-stroot. 2 Cory,'; Maria 4 Dyor, Joseph 6 Ross, James Haldon 8 Alloyno, Haynos Gibbcs, M.D. 10 McDougall, Ncvon, carponter 12 Mattliows, David 14 Cools, Charles 16 Dunno, Davis 18 Mailer, John 20 Prineo, Charles, compositor 22 Grcenfiold, James 24 Harper, John, storomau 26 Day, Thomas, jun. 28 Samson, Martha SO Kondall, Laurence 32 Allais, William, mastor marinor 34 Ohatliold, Samuel, clork 36 Podmoro, Mary 38 Ohavasso, Mrs. Mary 40 McMohon, Toronco "Clflrovillo cottago" 58 Chalmers, John, stonemason GO Wells, Elizabeth, dressmaker 62 Campboll, John Douglas 64 Hay, Thomas, marinor Ballintino, Margaret " Roso cottago" 70 Gardnor, Charles 72 Nicol, David P., carter 74 Morgan, John 78 Bland, Georgo, clork 80 Biles, John, printor Here. Essex-strcit. Fort-street Lower, West Side. Here 5 11 13 15 17 21 23 25 27 29 31 53 55 57 61 63 Foster-street, West Side 41 43 15 47 Here Foster-street Little. Vacant land He, 'Exeter-place. Brady, Thomas Easton, James, boilormakor Murray, Patrick, carpenter Farrell, Potor, grocor Here Campbell-street. Foster-street Little, North. Side Fostor-rtrect to East-Btrcot. Sorroll, Walter, carponter Robson, John, carponter Downes, Ambroso, mason Here Macguarie-strect, South, Chandler, William Cayloy, Patrick Carloss, A., watchmaker Young, John, carpontor Taylor, Edward Charles, house decorator Harvoy, James Here East-street. ' Foster-street Little, South Side Here l<osier-street. M'Murtrio, John Here Maequarie-slrcei South. BTarvoy, John Hera East-street. Foveaux-street Bourkc-strcot to Klloy-strcct. ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL Thompson, Thomas, compositor Gibson, John, carponter Here Crown-street. Middlcton, Chas., commorcial acadomy Here Norton-street Little. McDougall, Robort Corbin, Andrew, stonemason Smith, Garrard—Oak Tavern Gifford, Goorgo, grocor Here Riley-street. Here Argyle-street. SIGNAL STATION WALKER'S WHARF MofHtt, Geo. J., signal mastor OBSERVATORY Smalloy, Georgo R., astronomor Russell, Honry 0., assistant astronomer Faulkenor, John Hagarty, Marmnduko Wills, William Oharlos, inspootor of Fort-streot National School FORT-STREET NATIONAL SCHOOL Here Essex-street. 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 46 F o s t e r - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Poster-street, Llttlo, to Campbcll-itroot, Tilly, Alfred, paintor Wallaco, William, tailor Mulcaby, Mrs. Oathorine Jones, Georgo, joinor Tuoker, Samuel, storekeeper Tombs, Robert Aspinall, Albort W., brioklayor Cook, A. DIRECTORY 48 MacGraw, Daniel, hrickmakor Here Campbell-street. Fort-street Upper, W e s t Side George-street. Willis, Morry and Co., merchants Walkor, Miss, Joanna Nathan, Alfred Sandy, Jamos Here entrance to Walker's Wharf. Bridson, Thomas V., organ buildor Still, William Cathcart Roberts, John Gifiard, Nicholas Fox, Henry T. Hurley, Georgo Agnew, Phillip Potor, Rov. Campboll, Mrs. Robort Flavollo, John Hall, Walter R. Hall, James W. Hall, Honry A. Rogors, Edward, Rev. Doyle, Edward— Old 'Whalers' Arms litre Windmill-street and Ferry-lane. Brown, John— The Hero of Waterloo Fra Fos 2 6 8 12 20 22 24 Francis-street, N o r t h Side Collego-Btreot to Itlloy-stroot. MoKellar, Robort Newcombo, Goorgo William, jun., clork Olliffo, Josoph Benjamin Haydon, Mrs. E . Deegan, Patrick, doalor Shorlock, Francis Milne, Jamos, copporsmith JUVENILE TEMPERANCE H A I L 28 84 40 42 44 Lucas, George, buildor Thompson, Richard, journalist Kearns, John, coaoh buildor Cunningham, Mrs. Mary Hough, John, turner Geo 63 46 Burgess, Jamos Honry Here Yurong-street. 60 Palmer, Honry, butchor 52 Brookman, John Cavanagh, William—Old Boomerang; Inn Here Rileu-street, Francis-street, South Side Here College-street. Clark, Robort, upholstoror Qollatly, Mrs. Margaret Robberds, Frank, clerk Williams, John, minor Whitfiold, Mrs. Amelia Powell, Walter, mastor marinor Bentzen, Alexander, storoman Frako, Mrs. Elizabeth Here Charles-street. Vordau, John B., jun.—College Hotel 19 Mason, Walter G., wood ongravor 21 Thomson, William 23 Cousins, Charles, dealer 25 Kain, Thomas, compositor " 27 Heokonborg, Henry, mastor marinor 29 Walsh, Michael, coaoh trimmor 81 Layton, Mrs. Mary H. 33 Stowart, Andrew, bootmaker Here Yurong-street. Rodgato, Richard, stoara, coffee, and spice mills Here Riley-strett. 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 Gas-lane, North Side Off Kont-stroot. Reoh, Jacob— Oas Hotel McGregor, William, shipwright Harnur, Magnus, shipwright Ambrass, Frederick William, sailmakor Ryan, Micbaol, blacksmith Here Jenkins-street. Doffendahl, William, engineer George-street, East Side Dawes Tolnt to Botany Road. DAWES BATTERY ROYAL ARTILLERY OFFICERS' QUARTERS Ward, Colonel, Hon. Edward Wolstenholmo, M.L.O. Lockwood, William, mast, block, and pump maker Robertson, Edward—Harbour View Hotel Barton, J., marinor Pile, Richard, shipbuilder Wright, Archibald, ship smith Oavanagh, Jamos Entrance to Campbell's Wharf. Campbell, Hon. John, M.L.O., luorohant MARINERS' OHDROH SAILORS' HOME Here Argyle-street. BRIOADB OFFICE COMMISSARIAT STORES Here Queen's Wharf. Pftton, Mrs. Mary— Old mitt Swan Inn 64 158 160 162 168 170 174 178 ' 180 184 186 188 190 102 Geo STREET Geo Uhdo L., and Co.. butchers 286 Mailer, John, bookseller and stationer Look and Johnson, boarding house Here Robin Hood-lane. & 164 Mitchell and Co., ship chandlers 288 O'Reilly, Francis— Oentril Washington Lane and Co., ship chandlers 290 BornBtein, Lewis, tailor and outfittor Davis, Joseph—Rose of Australia 292 Binnie, Richard, saddlers' ironmonger Hamilton, Waltor, baker 294 Bennett, T. & W„ boot & shoo warohouso O'llara. Mrs. E., butcher 296 Scrivener, E. J. outfitter Itico, Thomas, butcher 298 Lind, Gustavo, tobacconist Capper, Mrs.ft.—Princeof Wales Hotel 300 Caspar, Robert, tailor Dawson, Richard, ironfoundor 302 Deeper, Elins, hairdresser Geo, Mrs. Eliza—The Old Blue Post 304 Cripps, Thomas, jitn., confectioner Windborg, Charles, clothier 306 Cohen, J. C. and Son, watchmakers and Sutton, Joseph, coppersmith, tin and jewellers iron plato worker 308 Rico and Benson, tailors and batters 194 Ross, Adam, grocer Here Hunter-street. 196 Durford, Miss Rebecca, haberdasher 310 Turner, John—Turner's Hotel 198 O'Riley, Mrs. Bridget, boarding houso 312 Tornaghi, A. and Co., mathematical in200 Brown, Thomas— Old Folks at Home strument makers and opticians 202 Adams and Ruhrts, tobacconists 314 Beckmann, Edwin, chronometer and 204 Jennings, Thomas, ironmonger watchmaker 206 Tobias, Samuel, tobacconist 316 Smith, GeorgoH., hatter 208 Daly, William, tailor 318 Sandon, Chas. Thos., bookseller and sta210 Hasson, John tioner 212 Zuccani, E. & Co., importors 320 Macgregor, James, grocer 214 Parsons, Willian , grocer Folton, Thomas, photographer 216 Lee, Benjamin, importer O'Brien, Francis, merchant 218 Ellis, Mrs. Julia, boot & shoo warehouse 322 Scott, Henderson, and Co., merchants 220 Evans, Charlos, watchmaker 324 Porter, Edward, chemist and druggist 2:32 Duprat, Jules, tailor Do Grucby and Leigh, engravers 224 Cutler, Frederick, hairdresser Porter Brothors, photographers 226 Creigbton, Charles, pninter and plumber Harnett, Richard, broker and agent 228 Venters, F. and M., confectioners Simmons, J. & Co., produce auctioneers 230 Raymond, James, poultoror and fruiterer WOODFORD COAL COMPANY 232 Rice, Goorgo, dealer Schilsky, Henry, general importer 234 Hartzcl, William, tobacconist 326 Mylrea, Fred. Garland, general brokor 236 Griffin, William, butchor Brush and MacDonuclI, goldsmiths and 238 Short, Alfred- Crooked Billet jewellers 328 Goodes, Henry, photographor litre Queen s-place. 240 Fishor, Godliob, hay and corn dealer ITafer, Christian, jowoller 242 Walsh, Miss, fruiterer 330 Emanuel, M., dentist 244 Joseph, Alfred, pawnbroker Jones, TT., manufacturing jeweller and 240 Hicking, Samuol, boot & shoo warohouso watchmaker 245 Bath, Charlos li.—St. Joint's Tavern 332 Piddington, Wm. R., bookseller and staHere Bridge-street. tionor 250 Cohen, Moritz, tobacconist 334 Reeve, Wm., chemist and druggist 252 Jenkins, Wm. J., chemist and druggist 336 Cohen, J. G„ auctioneer 254 Cooke, Richd., boot and shoo warehouse 338 Conway, Alexander, watohmaker and 256 ShcrrifF & Downing, booksellers and jeweller stationors 340 Humphrey, Decimal, tailor 258 & 260 Peato and Hnrcourt, grocers and 342 Campbell, Jamos— Auckland Hotel wino and spirit merchants 344 Curtis, Edw., painter, paporhangor and 262 Senior, Frank, ohomist and druggist plumber Here Abrcombi'-lane. Paterson, Hugh, dontist 264 Lovick, James & Co, ironmongers 350 Stewart and Co., wino merchants 266 Adnum, Mrs. S., ironmongery and oarthYates, John, photogrnphor enwaro storo Harrison, William, broker Here Malcolm's-lane. Tickle, Josoph B., wholosalo woollen 268 McGratb, Thomas— City Wine Vaults warohouso 270 Loslio, Miss 0., fruitorer Tarring, John W., toy warohouso 272 Twemlow Brothors, jewollors 352 Tickle, William, tailor and clothior 274 and 276 Jonnings, Mrs. W., cutler Corkbill, R. B., wino merchant \m Here Hutehinson-street. Standen, James, drapor _ ( •*-g 278 Illidge, Josiah, boot and shoo warehouses Edwards, Charles, phrenologist jog 280 Gould, Mrs. Ann, boarding houso Kittler, Julius, watchmakor /i-?^ 284 Loigh, J, M. and Co, tobacconists 354 Flavello Brothors and Co., jowollers Geo DIRECTORY 356 Reading and Wellbank, booksellers and stationers 368 Smith, William—Glasgow Arms 360 Anderson, James H., musical instrument warohouso 362 Threlkold, L. E., and Co., auctioneers 364 Lloyd, G. A. & Co., merchants nnd~j East India Government agents Eagar, Geoffroy, accountant Ashdown, Archibald, accountant Rattray, Georgo, agent Levy, D. L„ solicitor _ Druitt, William, commission agont }>0 Kilminster, Goo., commission agent ROYAL Fins AND LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE 416 418 420 422 424 428 430 434 436 438 440 Geo 65 Ashdown and Co., ironmongers Way, Mrs., millinor Long, William, wino merchant Watkins and Loigh, wholesalo grocors Roilly, Richard, ironmonger Harpur, Josiah, & Co., wholosalo grocers Pugh, Edward, and Co., tailors Fugo, William— White Horse Tavern Hobblowhito, Samuol, importor Flotchor, John, boot and shoo warohouso Wright and Smith, confectionors Ponfold, Edwin Thomas, tobacconist " Rowo, Thomas, arcbitoct Cobb and Co., mail contractors ROYAL HOTEL COMPANY Newton, Christopher, Brothors, and Co., Laidley, Ireland, and Co., shipwarehousemen brokers and agonts 442 Russell, P. N., and Co., ironfounders Pile, Geo., jun., commission agent 444 Fairfax, Alfred, & Co., wholosale grocorg 366 Leipold, William, Berlin bazaar 446 Abrahams, Abraham, druggist 368 Serivenor, E. J., outfittor 448 Davies, John, draper 370 Hall, James W., watchmaker & jo woller Gedye, Hiohcns, and Co., auctioneers Hunter, William, importor 450 Priddy, Charlos F., hattor Vallaok, R. G., general brokor 452 Fry, J. \V„ and Co., tobacconists Peters, J. C, wino merchant 454 Rudd, Charles, and Co., outfitters Cook, Joseph, and Co., printers 456 Fols, Ernest T., lamp and oil warehouse 372 Frinco, Ogg, and Co., warohousomon Hayes, H., and Co.; tailors 374 Thompson, John, draper 458 Holdsworth, J. B., ironmonger S80 Hayman, Davis, tobacconist Bent, Charles, tobacconist S82 Dawson, Thomas, auctioned460 Roborts, Charlos W.—Crown and AnDavoy, J. J., architect chor Inn Rudd, Thomas E., watchmakor and Here Market-street. jeweller 462 Cooper, D., and Co., morchants 884 Harbottlo, William, oil morebant. 470 Chapman, Michael, & Co., painters, &o. GENERAL POST OFFICE 472 Lomairo, Charles, fancy repository ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH OFFICE 474 Barry, John, restaurant 390 Cbisholm, Goorge, and Co., drapers 476 Thamo, Richard, grocer 892 Freeman Brothors, photographers 478 Metcalfo and Lloyd, grooors and wino Lowis, Oswald, architect and spirit morchants Sands, John, booksollor, stationer, and 478J Walford and Sparko, wino and spirit publisher morchants 392J Wilson, Chas. A., jun,, wino merchant 480 Coatos, Mrs. T. R., earthenware storo Lackorsteon, A. A., merchant 482 Bonnott, S., and Co., grocors, and wine 394 Jennings, Mrs. W„ cutlor and spirit merchants Mayes, Charles, architect and survoyor 484 Turnor, Josoph, tailor Dunlop, J. W., consulting engineer 486 Robinson, Frodorick, R., ironmonger and Cohen, Jacob, cap manufacturer gasfittor 396 Liddoll and Blitz, photographors 488 to 492 Lcnnartz, John P.— Oraflon Arms Davis, Eleazar, fancy repository 494 Love and Son, grocors, and wine and 398 Weokes, E. C , and Co., ironmongers spirit morchants 400 FITZROV IRON WORKS COMPANY 496 Foeney, Edward, hootraakor Norton, Thomas, general broker 498 Marsden, Georgo S.—The Bull's Head Jamos, Edward, tailor 500 Mnnaghan, Jamos H., auotionoor Gillam, Joseph, cutlor 502 Sabor, Wolff, jowollor 402 Cohen Brothors, tailors and outfitters 504 McKay, Donald, rostaurant 404 Skinner, John, drapor 406 & 408 Dawson, Eagar, and Co.,*ontfitters 506 Enevor, Walter, whcolwright Chapman, Charles, coopor and drapors 508 Mann, H. S., and Co., outfitters 410 Gow, James, photographer Blitz, A., match and wax vesta dopot MoMahon, Michael, fancy repository 510 Cripps, Thomas, confoctioner THE OITT BANK 512 Mason and Carloss, watchmakers and Here King-street. jowollers 412 Marks, Abraham, clothier 514 Hancock, Walter, drapor 414 Neimke, Robert and Co., tobacconists 516 Wllkio, Georgo, baker E 66 Geo 520 622 624 526 628 5S0 532 534 STREET Hanks, John, grocer 620 Palmor, Thomas, toy bazaar Mitchell, James, confectioner 622 Clark, James, draper McKay, Donald, oating-liouso 624 Wilson, John, draper Bartlott, James, tobacconist 626 M'Crea, W. A., drapor Wickham, Thomas, butcher 628 Warren, Alfred, tailor and outfitter King, James J., tailor 630 Bofe, Alfred, boot and shoemakor Maokol, John, boot and shoo warehouse 032 Friedman, Abraham, outfitter Watt, A. J., and Co., chemists and 036 Howett, G. A., collector druggists M'Donald, John, importer 636 Boal, Charles—Simpson's Hotel 638 Fitzgerald, Patrick, draper 642 Cousons, William, tailor and outfitter Hers Park-street. 688 MaMaster, John—Swan with two necks 644 Palsor, John, hatter 540 Hurst, John, and Co,, wholesale grocers 646 Glissan, James, surgeon and accoucheur 648 Gorman, W. N., draper and wine merchants 650 Alhrton, Alexander, ironmonger 542 Phillips, Samuel, tailor and draper Here Liverpool-street. 544 Lavors, J. V., cordial and blacking maLETTER RECEIVER nufacturer 652 Leo, Tliomas—St. John's Tavern 546 Iredale, R., and Co., ironmongers 548 Pitt, 0. & 0., watohmakors and jewellers 654 Murray, George, drapor 656 Borry, J. S., ironmonger 550 Creo, Edward, and Co., linondrapers 658 Audroas, Jacob F., butcher .652 Wilson, John, outfitter 660 Levy, S. H., clothier 554 Bcanoy, James, outfitter 662 Bull, N. G., drapor 556 Cohen, Enooh, pastry-cook 664 Cable, Charles, draper 558 Oroo, E, 0,, Hnon draper 560 Moore, Jeremiah J., booksollor and 606 Warren, Solomon, outfitter 668 Dawson J., & Co,, drapers Btationer Here Swan-street. 562 Train, John, hosier and habordoshor 670 M'Phoo, Duncan, chomist and druggist 564 Gardnor, Goorgo 13., photographer 672 Clowes, Robert, hatter 568 Jinkins, John, fanoy repository 570 Cooko, William, bookseller and stationer 674 Hordofn, L. & E., drapors 676 Davis, Mrs. Mary Ann, dealer 572 Haynos, J, W., pastry cook 674 Forrostor, John, watchmaker and 678 Harvey, John, wnoolwright 082 Crawford, William, ironmonger joweller 676 Brady, John, grocor 684 Howell, John B„ drapor 678 Shorlock & Sbcard, drapers 686 Sowoll, J., & Co., importers 580 Kelly, JamoB—Emu Inn 688 Tioklo, H. C, & Co., drapers Here Dathurst-strect. 690 Mattos, Antonio F., tobaoconist 582 Olarkson & Pickoring, tailors and 692 Woissborg, Hormann, hatter drapors 694 Do Groon, Simpson, outfitter 584 Partridge, James, ironmonger 696 Gouldon, J. W., tailor 588 Campbell, Wm. B., warokousoman 698 Warren, Alfred, olothior 590 Hughes, M. A., shirt factory 700 Carter, G. L., drapor 590J M*Encroo, Mrs. E., tobacconist Here Qoulburn-street. 592 Reynolds, Miss A. M., millinor 702 Douglass, William, wholesale grocor 594 Flanagan, Edward P., booksollor and 704 Kcoalo, Georgo, cabbago-trco and pastationer nama hat manufacturer 696 Quirk, Daniel, carpentor 706 Thornton, Mrs,, fruitoror Quirk, Mrs., milliner 708 Hardtnau, Brothers, biscuit bakors 698 Hopson, Nicholas, drapor 710 Cookscdgo, T. Z,, bootmaker Hopson, Mrs., milliner 712 & 714 Moss, Isaac, tent and tarpaulin 600 Bergin, M'Encroe, & Co., wholosalo maker and clothier rocors and tobacco manufacturers 718 Soalos, Joseph—Square (J- Compass I'Nab, John, Ironmonger 720 Rothwell, John, saddler 600 Qolding, Robert, furnituro and bedding 722 Grogan, Thomas, wholesalo grocor warohouso 724 Fitzgorald, Edward, pastry cook and Here Wilmot-strett. confectioner COS Golding, Robert, furnituro and budding 726 Ryall, Mrs. J. J., drapor warohouso Ryall, John J., profossor of music 610 Modlni, G. B., cutlor 728 Smith & Johnson, soddlors 610i Hanna, Hugh, tobacconist 730 Blunt, William— Woolpacl: Inn 612 Pickering, Charles, photographer 732 Law & TinBloy, hoy and corn doalors 614 Coopor, Francis, dyer Here Campbcll-street, 616 Bond & Son, tailors HAYMABKET Here Union-street. Here Bay-street. 618 Bush, Charles, & Co., drapors 760 Lea, Mrs. Arohibald f Geo Geo 752 754 756 758 DIRECTORY Wearno, John, bakor and confectioner Dunn, John, saddlor Hordern, A., and Son, drapors Barlow, John, wholosalo grocor, wino and spirit merchant 760 Hanslow, Mrs. Eliza, undortaker 83 85 87 89 Geo 67 Shaw, Wm., surgeon Amnva), Antonio M., boarding-house Silk, John, grocer Martin, William Costin, Goorgo, hairdrosser 91 Law and Tinsley, hay and corn storo COMMERCIAL BANK (BBANOU) 93 Lockhart, William S.—Marine Hotel 764 Jenkins, B. N., butcher Here Argyle-slrcct. 766 Chard, John— White Swan 95 Fishor, Honry, and Son, merchants 768 Wilson, James, china warohouso 97 O'Brion, Mrs., dealer 770 Bonnott and Sou, ironmongers 103 Yeoman, William, paiutor 772 Playfair, Thomas, butcher 105 O'Noill and Co. 774 Moroney and Larkin, hay and corn 107 Playfair, Thomas, butchor dealers 109 Freohill, Patrick, baker Here Qipps-slrcet. 111 Corcoran, Lauronco—Shipwright's Arms 778 Dixon, Thomas, undertaker 113 MoAuloy, Tkexter Shying, Georgo, undortnkor 115 Ah Toy, oarpouterandjoinor 780 Rossini, Charles, toy bazaar 117 Gill, Goorgo, general storo 782 Busby, William, farrier 119 Hogan, John, boarding-houso 784 Chapman, Brothers, engineers 121 Norn, Hing, and Co., Chineso merchants 786 Harris, Georgo—Emerald Isle Hotel 123 McDonald, James 788 Watson, W. H., boot and shoo warchouso 125 Sullivan, Mrs. Bridgot, fruitoror 790 Hill, James, bookseller and stationer 127 Barry, Thomas, bootmakor 792 Dospointos, Michaol, importor Ross, Frodoriok, engineer 794 Weight, John, and Co., drapors 129 Martin, Michaol, tailor 796 Buck, Robert, outfitter 131 Kolly, Edmund, cooper 798 Oroploy, John, boot and shoo warohouse 133 Wholan, Mrs. Oarolino 800 Price, Edward, drapor 135 Mooro, Robert Whito—Fortune of War 802 Bayliss, Joseph 139 Gallagher, John—Patent Slip Inn CUBIST Cnuitcu Here Qlobe-street. RECEIVING POLICE STATION 141 Arscott, Edward, butoher Here Pitt-street. 145 Levi and Co., tobacoonists RAILWAY STATION 147 Kolly, Jamos, lodging liouso Cary, William, comont stores 149 Brickoll, Robort, tinsmith BBANOU BANK OJC NEW SOUTH WALES 161 Smith, Jamos, lodging houso Here Botany-road. Shoolor, Frodoriok, oyster saloon 153 Wallach Bros., clothiers George-street, West Side 155 O'Hoa, David dealer Dawes Point to Harris-street. 157 Levi, & Co., clothiors ROYAL ABTILLEBY BARRACKS 159 Ohon Atoak, Chinoso morchant WALKER'S WHARF Here Brown Bear-lane. Willis, Morry, and Co., merchants 163 Looni, Carlo—Swiss Hotel Boll, John 165 Mayors, Moses, olothior 167 Spocrin, John, pawnbroker Here Fort-street, Lower. 109 Sun Guong Chang, chineso storo 7 Allen, Honry 171 Smith, Frederick, groengrocor 9 Peek, Wm. P. 173 Anderson, Hans, oyster saloon 53 Martyn, William, morchant Taylor, James M., hairdrosser 55 Lotze and Larnoeh, merchants 175 Hilton, Robert, groongrocor Here Union-street. 177 Cantoni, Ilario, & Co., tobacconists 59 Athorden, Georgo Korr, Samuel, bootmakor 61 & 63 Collins, John, tailor 179 Hamburger, Julius, working jewollor 65 Konny, Cornelius 181 Lovoy, John, watchmaker 67 Wilson, Spencer H. 183 Wright, Joshua, outlor Nash, David 185 Barry, Robort H., bootmakor Soholtz, Charles, drayman 187 Wobbor, John, locksmith and bollJohnson, Mrs., dressmaker banger Boyd, Jamos Straw, John, tailor Kendall, Lauronco, flour mills 189 Lonnio, Lawronco, bootmakor Boll, Mrs. Mary, grocor Thomson, Alonzo, stovodoro Taylor, Jamos, combmakor 73 Moore, Bonj. Robt— Observer Tavern Here Essex-street. 76 Yoo, Woli, and Co., Chinoso storo 191 Fowler, Robert, hair dressor 77 Speerin, John—King's Head Hotel 193 Stono, Mrs. B., olothior 79 Murray, Honry, grocer 81 Norn, Wok, and Co., Ohineso merchants 195 Ross, Goorgo D., grocor 68 Geo STREET 197 199 201 203 205 Levi, & Oo„ goneral outfittors Wahli, Thomas, greengrocer Wan, Chong, carpenter Waa, Loo, cabinetmaker Sun, Guong, Lee, k Co., Chineso merchants 207 Schwoig, 0., & Co., merchants Simmons, Isaac, merchant Waoker, Moritz, tailor 211 Dinglo, George, outfitter 213 Ashow, Sam, Chinoso merchant 216 Bruce, Charles, photographer 217 Matthews, Thoodoro T., nautical instrument maker 219 Oalder, Mrs. Euphomia, outfitter 221 Tinning & Co., Chineso merchants 223 Douglas, Aloxander, draper and outfitter 225 Johnson, James, draper Jlere Charlotte-place. 227 Bell, John, Homoeopathic Pharmacy 271 273 275 277 279 Geo Loworthy, Richard, tailor Fotheringham & Mullen, auctioneers Aldis, Wm. Honry, tobacconist Hollo, J . F., tailor Wilmott, Josoph, stock and station agent Davis, Dawson A., accountant NEW SOUTH WALES TRADE PROTECTION SOCIETY Smith, Walter, & Co., tailors 281 Gordon & Gotch, news agents 283 Molony, John F., restaurant 287 Hagen, John, tumor, & fancy repository Hetzer, William, photographer 289 Kron, Ellis, tailor 291 Goldring, Lowis, musical instrument maker 293 POST-OFFIOE MONEY OEDBR OFFICE 295 Shearsby, William, tailor 297 Allan & Wigloy, ongravors and printors 299 Bogg, John 'P., grocer and tobacconist 301 Exton, John, tailor SMYTH'S SYDNEY MARINE ASSURANCE 303 Lurking, George, tailor OFFICE 305 Vickory, Ebonezor, boot and shoo wareSmyth, Samuel Hodson house Malcolm, James, marino survoyor 307 Wcthorill, John, draper Saundors, & Co., merchants 309 OFFICE OF Cnuiicn OF ENGLAND CEMEBodwoll, Thomas G., commission agent TERY COMPANY Skinnor, Thomas, morchant OFFICE OF BUILDING SOCIETIES Lyons, Samuel, J.P. Trcovo, J . It. Jeannorut, O. E., agont Cohen, Moss C., importor Berry, Aloxander Solomon, John, auctioneor Chaunoy, A., artist 311 Cookburn, Honry D., auctioneer Ford, John, brokor 313 Adgor, Jamos H., hair dresser Wooii SALES ROOM 815 Grenville, Henry, fancy bazaar 229 Henriqucs, Jouhort, & Co., merchants 317 De Josselin, Henry—Flore Australienne Sheridan, Owen, storokoopor 319 Mountcastlo, Benjamin S., hattor FBRNOH CONSULATE—Sontis, Louis, con- 321 Elvy and Co., pianoforto warohouso sul, Courtin, Charles, chancellor 323 Larmor, William, druggist 231 Harrison & Attwood, grocers 325 UNITED FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE C O . 233 Gurnor & Rohberds, solicitors COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 235 Buist, D., & Son, pianofoito warohouso Moodic, R. T., marino survoyor 239 Bradloy & Nowton, auctioneers 827 Gardiner, W. and S., warehousemen 818 BANK OF AUSTRALASIA Palmer, F, B., and Co., warehousomon Jlere Jamison-street. 329 Moroy and Prico, warehousemen 215 Lawson & Cadoll, fnrnituro doalcrs 883 Hoaro and Mackoy, drapers 247 LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA 335 Holborow, Daniol, draper 249 Joseph, S. A., morchant Jlere Wynyard-slrect. 251 NEW SOUTH WALES MARINE ASSURANCE COMPANY How, Thomson, & Co., morchants Cornish, Edward B., J.P. 253 Ohatto, Honry, & Co., auctioneers 255 Edons, Thomas, importer of plato glass 257 Young, Lark, & Bonnott, morchants Here Margaret-street. 267 Brewster, John, stock and station agent Montefioro <fc Montofloro, morchants Stophon & Stophon, solicitors Milford, Honry, solicitor Wallacb, Jamos, wool morchant Watkins, John, storokoopor 2G9 Mader, Frodoriok, hooksollor & stationer Rawnok, Leopold, hrokor Strokarok, J, G., broker Loe, Frodoriok, brokor 337 BANK OF NEW SouTn WALES 841 Preston, W. C , and Co., drapers Pitt and Sullivan, stock & station agents Barton, William, sharebrokor Wilson, George Leo, conveyancer 313 COMMERCIAL BANK Jlere Barrack-street, 845 & 347 Jones, David, and Co., drapers 349 Hamilton, John, confeotioner 851 Hodgson and Albcry, carpet warehouse 353 Lauronco, Charles, crickoting dopOt and caf6 855 Roason, William, O. W., bodding warohouso 359 Lane, Gcorgo, china warohouso 3G1 Millott, Edward, tailor SG8 Ponder, Madame, millinor Geo 365 ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, CHARTERED BANE DIRECTORY AND AUSTRALIAN Here King-street. 367 Bransgrovo, Goo.—Great Britain Hotel ROYAL MAIL BOOKING OFFICE 369 & 371 Cooks, Benjamin, boot and shoo warehouse & clothier 873 AUSTRALIAN JOINT STOCK BANK 375 Jonkins, Miss Ellon, dressmaker Viokcry, James, boot & shoo warohouso 879 Tuoker and Co., wine morchants Hirst, George It,, brokor 381 Elworthy, Goorgo, tailor 383 Maddock, Wm., booksollor and librarian 385 Simpson, William H., saddler and harness maker 387 Fesq, George, wine morchant 389 Dolo, Josoph, ironmonger 391 Gould, Josoph, china warohouso 393 Lovcrrior, Ouroior, & Co., wine merchants 395 Keop and Parsons, warehousemen 897 Callaghan & Son, boot and shoo warohouso 399 Scott, Cuarlos, and Co., ironmongers 401 Rishworth, Francis E„ auctioneor 403 Furze, Christopher, carver and gilder 405 Smith, Frederick, printer and stationer 407 Brush, John, saddler 409 Voyret and Dolaruo, watchmokois and jewellers 411 Addison, G. R., booksollor M'Mahon, Michaol, farrier Fonnor, Jamos, veterinary surgeon 413 Zions, Honry, tailor 415 Bendall, Alfred, watchmaker & jeweller 417 Beaumont and Sons, paintors Chandler and Lomor, photographors 419 & 421 Lassottor, Frederick, ironmonger 425 Eastway and Son, wire workers 427 Falser aud Oowlishaw, grocors Jlere Market-street. 1 Cleary, Richard, bootandshoo waro-' | houso 2 La Itocho, Madame, millinor 8 & 4 Ferguson, John, bookseller to 5 & 6 Bailey, Richard, hoot and shoo .3 warohouso S 7 & 8 Davoy and Huutor, boot and '3 shoo warohouso 9 WESLEYAN BOOK DEFOT Corbott, John, bookseller 10 Shirlow, William, boot and BIIOO warohouso 11 k 12 Cocks, Benjamin, boot and shoo warohouso JJere passage. LETTER RECEIVER MARKET SUED Here passage. CENTRAL POLICE OFFICE Delohery, Cornolius, olork OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Here Druitt-slreet, OLD BURIAL GROUND Geo 69 ST, ANDREW'S CHURCH ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Crokor, Francis, verger, St. Andrew's Church Here Bathurst-street. LETTER RECEIVER Reynolds, Charles—Kangaroo Hotel 473 Payne, Geo'rgo, eating; houso 477 Myers and Solomon, importers 479 Fox, George, and Co., commission agonts 481 Rothwell, Jas., saddler & harness maker 483 Bayliss, J „ wheelwright and blacksmith 485 Wooster, Jonathan, F., korosono lamp* oil and china dopOt 487 Bray, Jamos E,, photographer 489 Sullivan, John, umbrolla manufacturer 491 Bonnott, Josoph, cabbage-troo and pauama hat manufacturer 493 Smith, Androw, saddler and harnoss maker 495 & 497 Biddell Brothors, confectioners 499 Gardner, Goorgo, boot & shoo warohouso 501 Hoffman, Frederick, bakor 503 Rothwoll, Richard, boot and shoo warohouso 505 Dickson, Josoph, saddler Dickson, Stephen, soap and candle manufacturer Scott, David, blacking manufacturer 607 Millor, Josoph, plumber and gas fittor 609 Monti, John, watohmakor and jeweller 611 Woods, John, grocer 513 Locky, George, optician aud jeweller 615 Noble, Josoph— GoIden Gate Hotel 517 Jones, John, tailor Olliver, Frodoriok K„ wholesale grocor Here Alkion-lane. 519 Pratt, William, chemist und druggist 521 Thomson, Archibald, tobacconist 523 Calo, Richard, boot and shoo warohouso 625 & 527 Bailey, Richard, hoot and shoo warohouso, leather and grindery store 529 Kingsborough, Curran, drapor 'Poster, Jamos, nightman 531 Thomas, William, gardener 533 Gordon, Goorgo, fruiterer 635 Cusaok, Goorge, hatter 537 Rofe, James, loathor and grindery storo 539 Bornborg, Davis, toy bazaar 541 Crawford, William, general dealer 543 Wood, Jamos, tin, iron, and zinc workor Here Liverpool-street. 515 Davoron, Michaol—Plough Inn 547 Asztalos, John, hairdrossor 549 Dunn, William confectioner 651 Bosch, Siwort, painter and paporhangor 653 Daly, Richard, wholesale grocer 555 & 657 Calo, Riohard, tinsmith 559 Hullo, Edward 8., butolior 669J Enovor, William, whoolwright Leslie, William 0., MOWS agent Coloman, Jamos, boot-manufacturor 661 Reed, Cuarlos, tobacconist 663 Fny, John, groeor 665 MoRoborts, Robert— Crown Inn 70 Geo STREET Gip Geo 567 Allen, Bobort K, express booking-office 675 Harper. Bichard, butcher 069 Guy, Robert, hay and com dealer 677 Hopkins, Thomas, hay and corn dealer Here Walton's-lane. 679 Ivory, Thomas—Black Swan Inn 575 & 677 McKcown, T. and Co., wholesale 685 Macnamara, Michael—Farmers' Home Graham, S., cattle auction yards grocers, wine and spirit merchants 687 Walsh, Patrick, tailor £>79 Smith, John, cabinetmaker Ferris, Christopher—Jew's Harp Hotel 693 Smith and Johnson, saddlers Trim, Henry, tobacconist 581 Molony, Gornolius, saddler & harness 695 Bull, William, wheelwright, &c. maker North, E. J. 0., stock and produco mart 583 O'Keofo, Thos., saddler & harnossmaker Watkins, Mrs. Louisa—Bog and Buck Here Goulburn-alrcet. 697, 699, & 701 Dolby, John, boot and shoo 585 Brown, Bichard—Britannia /Irms warehouse 587 Adrain and Brown, plumbers and gas703 Parkcs, Bobort, toy bazaar fittors 705 Mills, John, wholesale grocor 589 Mahony, Dennis, fruiteror Daly, John, wheelwright 591 Nash, William, sailmaker and toy-buzaar McGarry, John 593 Watson, John, chomist and druggist •IS5 Wainwright, William, turner 595 Israel, Israel, clothier and outfitter Oarrad, William, wheelwright 597 Isaacs, John, earthenwaro storo Kirby, Jamos, wheelwright 599 Foster, Honry, watchmaker and jowollor 601 Wilson, Edwd. G., galvanised ironworker 711 Wainwright, Jordan, musical instrument maker 603 Levy, Godfroy, gonoral dcalor 713 Ayrcs, John T., boot and shoo warohouso 605 Dunnieli/F and Oo., wholesale grocors 607 Voss, Edward, tin-plate, iron and zinc 715 McCarthy, John, grocor 717 Richardson, Wm„ saddler and harnossworkor maker 611 Tigho, Bobert S., grocor 719 Creaso, Alcxandor, plumber, &c. 613 McEncroo, Thomas, tobacconist 721 Lawronco, Joseph, boot and shoo ware615 Lock, Honry, hay and corn doalor house 617 Samuol, Mark, tent and tarpaulin ware723 Field, Thomas, potter house 725 Walsh, William, bird-cago manufacturer 619 Gilligan, Michael, butcher 621 Wakoly, Wm., boot and shoo warohouso 727 Lawronco, Lowis, grocer Moaros, F. P., auctioneer C23 Brown, William, chronometer and watch Here Valentine''s-lane. maker 729 Donohoe and Son.'bakors 625 Moses, John, grocer 627 Hunt, James—Sir John Franklin Hotel 731 Isaacs, John, fruiteror 733 Fasen, Horman, haircuttor 629 Himmolhoch, Isaac, outfittor 631 Moss and Co., watchmakers, jowollors, 735 Scoltock, Jas., locksmith & bollhangor 737 Hubbard, James, wiro worker and photographers 635 Warren, Will;iam T. and Co., wholesale 739 Collier, William F., saddler and harness maker grocers 637 Peato, Thos., boot and shoo warohouso 741 Frazor, John, hat cloanor 639 O'Neill, Thomas, wholesale confectionor 743 Waddell, John and James, watchmakers and jowollors 641 Steonson, James, tailor 643 Munro, Robert, boot and shoo warehouse 745 WilliamB, William, chairmakor 645 Schrodor.W. H., and Co., photographors 747 Konnody, Frederick, outfittor East, Thomas, fruiteror Aspinall, John, hairdresser 749 McGrath, John F.— lVheatshcaf Inn 647 Paulmau, Lowis, eating-house Mearos' cattle auction yards 649 Curran, John J., wholosalo grocer 751 Robinson, Thomas, grindery store Here Hay-street. 753 Farrell, Patrick, grocer Byrno, Edward—Burrangong Hotel 755 Mason and Cnrloss, watchmakers and 651 Undo and Co., butchors jowollors 655 fioovo, Thomas P., ironmonger 757 May, Thomas, ironmonger 657 Adams, John, grocer 659 Honry, Jamos, chemist and druggist Here Cuthilts-place. Maguiro, Thomas 761 Adams, Richard, pastrycook Maguiro, Patrick 763 Saunders, Mrs. Emma, boot and shoo 661 White, Patrick, bootmaker warohouso 663 Dishington, J.—Oddfellows' Hall Botcl Here Hancock's-place. 665 Hughes, Foter, dealer 766 Saunders, George, oyster saloon 067 Allortoti, Wm., ironmonger 767 Clarke, Honry T., wkipmaker 669 Morris, Annie, boot and shoo warehouse- 769 Saundors, Wm., board and lodging houso 671 Pago, Thomas—Steam .Engine Inn 771 Hancock, Robert 773 Gorriok, John—Tower Inn Here Victoria-street. 775 Stein, John, tobacconist and confectionor 673 Barlow, John 777 Groig, Henry—Oreig's Railway Hotel Mackenzie, W.H., and Co., produco autftionoors Dyson, Duncan, carpontor 779 Field, Thomas, stoneware pottory 781 Roseby, John, stone and marble mason 781J Hoolan, Patrick, gonoral dealer 783 Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Mary Anne, dressmaker 785 Ahorno, Matthias, wheolwright 787 Eldridgo, William E. 789 Shaw, Delanoy, furniture doalor 793 Whitbroad, Goorgo, doalor 795 Hibbort, William J., bootclosor 797 Gilchrist, J., doalor 799 Wright* Alcxandor, bootmakor 801 Harrison, William H., dealer Collier, Wm., saddlorand harness makor 803 Jones, Frederick, dyer Jones, Walter, papor-bag niakor 805 Phillips, Goorgo, genoral dealer 807 Goodwin, Edward— Turon Inn Here Harris-street. George-street Little, North Side ritt-strcct to Ilunter-streot Little. Eeelo and Co., morchants Here Hamilton-street. Ryan, Jamos Ryan, Michael Bonnott, Joseph Hartman, Frederick William, marinor Augustus Omsar, Here Hunter-street Little. George-street Little, South Bide Here Pill-street. Binny, John, and Co,, merchants Here Hamilton-street. Long, Thomas Mortlock, William Cabban, Mrs., groengrocor Evorson, Honry Carbery, John, tailor Here Hunter-street Little. 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 Gipps-street Little, North Side Smith-street to Ann's-laflo. Hill, William, 2 Malone, Thomas 4 Hogan, Mrs. 6 Thomson, Aloxandor, storcman 8 Hodges, Charlos, shComakor 10 White, Arthur, tailor; 12 Kirk, Jamos, stonemason Here Riley-street. 14 Pope, Francis, plastoror 1G Patorson, Bohert, blacksmith 18 M'Grath, Frederick Jamos 20 Glassanton, Honry, marinor Here Ann's-lane. Gipps-street Little, South Side Here Smith-street. Toohoy, Michaol, dray proprietor Here Riley-street. Horn, Jamos T.—Star and Garter Hotel Here lane. 3 Davis, William 5 Browne, Gordon, stonomason 9 Hamilton, Mrs., sempstress 11 Powoll, William John, draper 13 Swootraan, Richard, carpenter and joiner 15 Gartor, John, carpofttor and joinor 17 Closo, Thomas, tailor Here Ann's-lane. Globe-street, North Side Harrington-street to George-street. Brown, Goorgo Watson, Mrs. M'Lcan, Daniel, wotorman Gallaghor, John—Patent Slip Inn Here George-street. Smith-street to Crown-street. Fontaine, John Griffiths, Charles Warner, John Bonnis, John Stewart, John, clork Graham, William, blacksmith Here Riley-street. Globe-street, South Side Here Harrington-street. RAGGED Scnooii Aiscott, Edward, butcher Hero George street. WATER BESERYOIR Gloucester-street, East Side Here Crown-street. Gipps-street ; South Side Here Smith-street. 25 Fcuton, Anthony, cabman Cummins, John, maBon 43 Warren, James, saddler Here Ililey-street. 71 Scanlon, Timothy, plasterer Rooko, William, plasterer Waters, Mrs. Jano Broadfoot, David, mason Oockroft, John, mason Thompson, William Acton, Thomas, shipwright Campbell, Goorgo TJusworth, Israol M., clork Here Crown-tlreet. Gipps-street, North Side 2 4 22 24 2G 28 Glo DIRECTORY Argylc-strcct to Clmrlotlo-itluce. 44 40 48 54 02 04 Walkor, Goorgo Hancock, Edward, mariner Wybrow, Mary Ann Bogor, Edward Wholan, John, stovedoro M'Oarthy, William, shipwright 72 JHO STKEET 66 Morchant, Wm., lodging-house 68 Riley, Mary 70 Hall, Croft Fulstow, grocor Sere Speer's-lane. 72 Oostelloo, Catherine, dress maker 74 Aaron, James 76 O'Neill, Thomas 78 M'Gregor, Patrick, grocer Here Drown Bear-lane. 94 Davis, Peter, grocer 104 M'Leod, Margarot, greengrocer 106 Smith, William Sydney, bootmaker 108 Bay, Thomas, mariner ' 110 Tait, John 114 Hurloy, Daniel 116 Burke, Patrick, drayman 118 M'Cormack, Patrick, bootmaker 120 Bassotti, J. Baptist—Hotel de France Here Essex-street. Lewis, Qeorgo Moore, Mrs. Mahuney, Thomas a Brown, Thomas to Taylor, William .3 Vincent, Jamos O'Neill, Michael • Williams, William, ongineor Ooalback, Albert Garland, James, paintor Elliott, William, shipwright 144 Donovan, Richard, shoemaker 146 Jorroll, William, map and plan colouror 148 Hennessy, Thomas 100 Lawronco, Thomas, matter mariner 162 Voitoh, Richard, compositor 164 Aird, John, tailor 166 Ryan, Mary 168 Sneddon, Isabella, boarding houso 160 Solomon, Hannah 1 Si, PATBIOK'S CIHJHOH Here Charlotte-place. Gloucester-street, West Side Here Bunker's-hill, 1 Farrolly, Patrick 8 Vaugban, Maria, boarding houso 6 Oaks, William, storoman Janory, William O'Brien, Michnol M'Brido, Dominick Diver, Targuo 7 Richards, Jamos 9 Parsonage, John, clerk 11 Macnavnara, John 18 O'Brien, Cornelius 16 Uostolloo, John, fireman 17 Ramlroy, Thomas, mariner 19 Beaver, George, mariner 21 M'Guire, Mrs. 23 Brady, Patriok, stonomason 25 Waters, Thomas, waterman 27 Harrison, Edward, waterman 29 Downey, Terence Hm ArgyU-bridge. 81 Farloy, John GlO S3 Mondiola, Anthony 35 Matthews, Daniel 37 Hayward, William, carpenter 39 Summers, Francis, stevedore 61 Grisdalo, William, cask dealer 63 Willett, John, grocer S6 Digan, Henry 67 Sullivan, Ann 69 Williams, William, mariner 61 Arnot, David 63 Hall, Henry Thomas, waterman 66 Feneley, Patrick, bootmaker 67 Murphy John, general dealer 69 Stokes, William, butcher Here Gloucester-lane. 71 Mann, Peter— Whalers' Arms. 73 Thomas, Jamos 76 Thomas, Joseph 77 Bealo, George, waterman 79 Barry, Edward, baker 81 Condell, Robert 83 Arditto, Charles 85 Rule, John 87 Lewis, Ann, boarding houso Here Long's-lane. 89 Lowis, Henry, mariner 91 Myor, Henry, butcher 93 Harpur, Richard 95 O'Brien, John, mariner 97 Saddler, Mrs. 101 Wild, Richard, grocor Wild, Richard—Black Dog Inn Here Essex-lane. 105 Halloway, William, butcher 107 May powder, Patrick 109 Cnrauer, Owen, J., soap & candle manufacturer 111 Sullivan, Humphroy, engineor 113 Coss, Augustus, mariner 119 Young, Emma, boarding houso 121 Nastor, John 123 M'Leod, Alexander, brass founder 125 Burns- Honry, waterman 127 Thompson, Austin, shoemaker Here Essex-street. 131 M'Donall, Bridget, drossmaker 133 Morris, David 135 O'Brien, Daniel 137 Tiffen, John 139 Burgess, Henry 141 Houghton, Georgo, mariner 143 Hanuan, Thomas, dealer 146 Roid, Arthur 147 Thomson, John 149 Kelleway, John, soda wator makor 151 Sullivan, John, shipbuilder 153 Dower, Mary 165 Murphy, Patrick 159 Cannis, Georgo, Sail makor 161 Baker, John, butohor 167 Slater, John 169 Williams, George 171 Boyce, William, master marinor 173 Whateley, John 176 Bastablo, Mary, dressmakor GrOtt DIRECTORY Here Charlotte-place. Gordon-street OH Burton-atroet. Goddard, Ann Smirl, William, bootmaker Simpson, William, master mariner Smart, William, bricklayor Dingwall, Honry, brass finisher Hans, Peter G o u l b u r n - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Dlxon-strcct to Crown-street. 2 4 6 8 10 12 Connors, Conway, blacksmith Magnus, Morris, dealer Dakin, William Willoughby, George, wheelwright Johnson, Mary Forster, John, shoemaker Bowman, Thomas—Coachmahr's Arms Here Sussex-street. Gogerty> Thomas, grocer 14 Fear, James, butcher 16 Swan, William, blacksmith and farrier 18 White, Samuel Aloxandor, tailor 20 Palmor, Solomon, tailor O'Keofo, Thomas, saddler and harnossmaker Here Oeorge-slreet. Carter, George L., draper 30 M'Guirk, Edward, greengrocer 32 Davidson, John, cordial manufacturer 34 Hands, Jamos, bootmaker 36 Hudson, William, painter and glazier 40 M'Laugblin, John, doaler 46 Ward, John, butcher 54 58 72 76 78 80 82 86 88 106 110 112 114 116 166 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 Gott 78 Here Brisbane-street. Ploghift, Augustus Crawford, George, engineor Gorman, Jeromiah Carlisle, John, stonomason Here Riley-street. Glading, William Henry, stonemason Glading, Daniel Barff, George William, drapor Layt, John, marblo and monumontal mason Gilchrist, Aloxandor Kelly, Michael Kelly, William, drapor O'Connoll, Daniel Lyons, Honry, bootmakor Here Crown-street. Goulburn-street, South Side Here Dixon-street. Hughes, James, bootmaker Skillback, John Lowis Honry Welsh, John, bricklayor Dunphoy, Thomas Marshall, John Jones, Mary Ann Mollineaux, James Howard, Michael Whitmoro, John Georgo, cordial maker Bruco, Edward, carpenter Codnor, Frcdorick, marinor Helcup, Stephen, bottlo dealer 17 Stedman, Honry 19 Kidd, David, moulder 21 Wright, John 23 Stedman, Jamos, grocor SYDNEY CO-OPEBATIVE BAKING CO. Here Sussex-street. Dodd, John, baker Langford, Charles—Odd Fellows' Arms Ward, James 25 Kay, Goorgo, bookbinder Turner, George—Australian Hotel 27 Charnloy, Thomas, carponter Here Pitt-street. Lillywhite, William, ginger-beer manu- 29 Vears, Thomas, sawyer 31 Morris, Mrs. facturer 33 Qninn, James, butcher Sue, Jong, wood and charcoal doaler 35 Rothwell, John M'Grath, Jamos 37 Morrison, G. and A., blacksmiths and Patton, William, stonemason wheelwrights Rowe, Elizabeth Brown, Richard—Britannia Arms Here Castlereagh-slretl. Here Qeorge-street. Ilincbey, Patrick, butcher Douglass, William, wholosalo grocor, Musto, Fanny, grocer wino and spirit merchant. Here Elizabeth-street. 43 EvanB, Robert, dealer Everett, Heury J.— Crown Inn 43 Cbatman, James Dykes, John, doaler Grant, Gordon John, commission agent 47 Scanlin, Cornelius 49 Quigley, Susan— Saint Patrick's Inn Barnett, Josbua, brassfinisher 57 Turner, Stephen, painter and glazier Gorman, John, compositor 59 O'Reilly, Michael Lloyd, Thomas, engineor Hero Durand's-alley. Ward, Thomas, saddler 61 Hardy, Thomas Eamoa, John, clerk 63 Wright, Jamos, tailor Halliday, William Foster, Richard—Sen and Chicken Hotel 65 Coffey, John 67 Sheridan, Patrick, bootmakor , Here Brown's-lane. 69 Campbell, James, tobacoo twister Vacant land 71 Holhday, George Walter, baker Here Macquarie-stmt south, Kolsey> Thomas—The SporttmanU Arms Angwin, George, blacksmith 1 3 5 7 9 11 18 15 74 G*e STREET Here Pitt-street. M'Laurin, Hugh G., grocer 73 Anderson, William, bootmaker 75 Sowoll, Mrs. Ann 77 Samuols, Henry, dealer 79 Assenheim, Isaao, dealer 81 Myers, Mark, dealer 83 Souter, Charles James 85 niggins, Mary, grocer Higgins, Johanna—Yorkshire Stingo Here Castlereagh-strcet. Hogan, Edmond, grocor and draper 93 Bedford, Margarot, midwife Henry, James, compositor Here Elizabeth-street. 99 Woollor, Samuel 103 Quinn, John 107 Hogan, Mary 109 Murray, George, draper 111 Evans, David Pointer, Joseph, plasterer Here Market-lane. Murphy, Cornelius Williams, John Tarran, Alfred 125 Ourry, James, quarryman Hardy, Oharlos Here Macquarie-street. Blonman, Thomas, hutchor 137 Tait, James, stonemason Here Brisbane-street. Vacant land Here Riley-street. 185 Batoup, Henry, grocor 187 Carney, Patriok 189 Monemy, John, mariner 191 Short, John 193 Haigh, Mrs. Samuel 197 May, William, carpontor 199 Smoo, Samuel, carpontcr 201 Waters, John, fencer 203 Leopard, John 207 Riloy, Thomas 213 Bentloy, Froderick 215 Hall, Simon, dealor Here Croton-strtet. Green's-place. OH Pnrrainatta-streot. 1 Roberts, Thomas 2 Drew, John, miller 3 Hourigan, Mrs. 4 Sawyer, Cathorino, drossmakor 6 Finn, Mrs. 6 Dunban, Jamos, shipwright 7 Lincoln, Timothy, tumor 8 Byrne, Daniol, cab proprietor 9 Fitzpatrick, Hugh, cab proprietor 1 0 Bird, John, coaohsmith . G r e s h a m - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Bridge-stroot to Bent-streot. SunvETon-GBNEKA!i's OFFICE Here Bent-street. Har G r e s h a m - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Here Bridge-street. SYDNEY EXOHANOE' Wyndham and Lindoman, Australian wine merchants Lankostor, John Dclappo Montofioro, Jacob Levi, merchant Phillips, Cohort, East Indian and colonial brokor CROWN LANDS OFFICE Here Bent-street. Hamilton-street. Bridge-street to nuntor-streot. Bayliss, w m . , stevedore and lighterman Here Hutchinson-slreet. Manning, Patrick Here Robin Hood-lane. Foy, William, tin and iron plato worker Qutton, John, compositor Jones, John, pattern maker Hopkins, Mrs. Sarah, midwifo Burton, Mrs. J., monthly nurso Hero Qeorge-strett Little Hamilton's bakery Here Hunter-street. Harnett-street. Duke-street to Brougham-atrcet Valentino, Benjamin Malloy, John, surveyor Stevenson, Bruce, clerk Here Brougham-street. H a r r i n g t o n - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Argyle-Btreet to Charlotto-placo. Moore, Mrs. Anno—Argyle Hotel Tulk, Josiak, bootmaker 10 McOraw, John Pottor, Jamos, waterman Cameron, Robert, waterman Prico, George, drayman Matthews, John, carpontor and joiner 28 Dwyor, Lawronco 30 Lord, John— Waterman's Arms Avery, Jamos Here Olobe-streel. 48 Porter, Arthur Oharlos, blacksmith 50 Butlor, William, waterman Goodwin, Bonjamin, sailmakor Here Brown Bear-lane. Vacant land Here Essex-street. 80 Swain, John, bootmakor 82 Fostor, Stephen, iron-bedstead manufacturer 8G Buckloy, Thomas, tailor 100 Borthan, Adelaide, toachor 102 MoKcnzic, Lotitia 104 MoHafllo, John 10G Lippman, Julius, contractor 108 Flotoher, John, schoolmaster 110 Fox, Elizaboth Jano, dressmaker Sido, Catherine, dressmaker Har DIRECTORY Hax 75 Browne, William, shoemaker Schultz, Oharlos, butcher ST, PmxLiF's SCHOOL. SYDNEY BAG STOBES—John Hand, supt. Here Charlotte-place. H a r r i n g t o n - s t r e e t , W e s t Side Mere Argyle-strett. 1 Bothol, William, bootmakor 3 Oraig, John, sailmakor C Kelly, John, boarding-houso 7 Riley, Thomas 9 Douglas, Jamos, mariner 11 Murray, James, plumber 13 Amoss, John, lightorman 15 Thrussoll, John Grootwood, William, shoemaker Thompson, Henry, baker Maddon, Bridget—Sailor's Return Valentine, Joshua, doalor Warhara, Denis, paintor and glazior Honson, Charlos, waterman Wcnham, Richard, shoemaker Dobbs, John Wrightfiold, John, shipwright Smith, William, tailor Framo, Gavin, quarryman Kernan, Jamos, silversmith Warno, Mrs., grocor Joso, Manuel, watorman Harrison, John, mariner Fleetwood, Edward Here Brown Bear-lane Coin, Christopher Here Essex-street. 87 Cannon, Richard, toachor 89 Smith, Georgo 91 Pottit, Henry, master marinor 93 Clarko, Joseph, gold and silver smith 95 Downs, Patrick Lawronco, Edward Mark 97 Malmgren, Thomas Oliver 99 O'Hara, John, carpenter and joinor 101 Wagner and Fooll, morchants 105 Yeak-Hi, Kow-sing, and Co., Chinose merchants 107 Cornelious, Anno, boarding-houso McEncroo, J., Von. Archdeacon Doylo, James, millinery establishment Here Charlotte-place, H a r r i s - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Off rarramattu-strcct. Goodwin, Edward—Turon Inn McKone, Felix, wheelwright Coopor, Bonjamin, sawyor Hughes, Henry, wheolwright H a r r i s - s t r e e t , "West Side Here Farramatta-tlreet. Milligan, Phillip, clerk Connor, John Qraco, Robert, cab propriotor H a r r i s - s t r e e t , Pyrmont, E a s t Side. Jones's Bay to Union-stroot 2 Ridgoway, Goorgo, shoomakor 4 Toole, Tobias 6 Mitchell, David, pattern maker 8 Beattie, Henry, shipwright Here Bowman-street. CO Goldsmith, Charles, grocor Here Churoh-street. Vacant land Here John-street. 78 Patrick, Robert, bakor 80 Lloyd, Goorgo D., drapor 82 Clayton, Josoph R,, clerk • 84 Palmer, Albort 86 Watts, Mrs. Hannah 88 Mcintosh, Mrs. Ann 94 Mulhall, William, master marinor 9C Duffy, James, bootmakor WEBLEYAN CHAPEL 102 104 10G 118 120 122 124 130 132 134 Galo, Mrs. Louisa, schoolmistress Cockshead, Josoph Williams, David, marinor King, William, firoman Shoohan, Thomas Oh ambers, Jamos, carpenter Ryan, James quarryman Hcoloy, Mrs. Ellon Downio, Aloxandor, butehor Shaw, Charles S., shipwright Stewart, William, engineer Here Union-street. H a r r i s - s t r e e t , Pyrmont, W e s t Side Here Jones's Bag. Vacant land Here Bowman-street. Wado, Georgo Craig, Goorgo, quarryman Stowart, Rooort, boiler makor Hero Barvey's-lane. Wilson, John, shoomakor McOrao, John, mariner Farrell, Jamos, drnyman Patrick, Samuol, butcher Jenkins, Oharlos, drapor Johnson, William, grocor Stubbs, Mary Ann—Lands End Hotel Here John-street. 91 Bronnau Peter— Cooper's Arms 93 Burns, Matthow 95 Ponson, Josoph, quarryman 97 Batoman, Josoph, onginoor 99 Weston, Fredorick, quarryman 101 Fairwoathor, Robert, bakor 105 Blako, Jamos, onginoor 107 Macdonald, John, mastor marinor 109 Bennett, Goorgo, mastor marinor 76 Hen 111 Bell, Bobort James, grocer 113 Quinn, Thomas, tailor 115 Lynoss, Henry, quarryman 117 Burnett, Aloxandor, fireman 119 Murray, Bobort, engineer 121 Crows, Biohard 123 Fulton, John, grocer Trasey, George, engineer 139 Davios, Mrs. Edward 141 Furs, George, mariner 143 Grounds, Thomas, bootmaker 145 Gray, John, blacksmith 147 Durrell, Jonathan, mariner 149 Buck, Thomas James 161 Fenwick, Mrs. Julia, grocor 153 Fleming, Elizabeth, Post Gffico 155 Byrno, Pcarce 175 Sinclair, Mrs. PBESBTTSKIAN CHUEOH Here Union-street, Harvey-street, Pyrmont Off Harris-street. Gunn, Donald, shipwright Isedale, William Here John-street little. Toole, Hannah, dairy STREET H i g h Holborn-street. Devonshire-street to Union-street. Wallace, James, carpenter Gritton, William Motcalf, Alfred, carponter Here Union-street. Hill-street, North Side Hocquarlc-Btrcct South, to Itlloy-street. 2 4 6 8 10 12 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Gcorge-strcot to Elizabeth-street, HAYMABKET Here Pitt-street. Vacant land Here Gastlereagh-slreet. ROMAN OATIIOLIO CHUROU Here Elizabeth-street. Hay-street, South Side Here Qeorge-street. WESLEYAN CHAPEL Solby, Robert, van proprietor Here Pitt-street. P R E S B Y T E R I A N ClIUBOII Bully, John, stonemason Ryan, John Hill-street, North Side Bourke-Btreet to Botany-street. G Downey, Edward J., bootmaker 10 Curtis, Mark, gardoner 14 Pakos, George, plasterer 16 Brown, Michael, Goorgo—Lord High Admiral Hotel Here Botany-street, Here Elizabeth-street. Henrietta-street, North Side TVatorloo-placo to Culppcn-stroct. Byan, Matthew, butohor Blake, William Britt, Charles Farnham, Margaret Here Ohippen-street. Henrietta-street, South Side Sere Waterloo-place. Moss, Bryen Worsley, James, drayman Winton, Henry Parker, William Here Ohippen-street. Barnes, Edward, joinor Stewart, Petor, builder Monaghan, Thomas, engineer Lamont, William, clerk McFherson, Mrs. Christina Donovan, John, contractor Upton, George—The Native Home Here Brisbane-street. Durnford, William, painter, &c. Vick, Thomas, storoman Moss, George Swyny, Henry Gardner, George Alcock, John Wilson, Edward Sydnoy Whittlo, Harry Here Riley-street. Hill-street, South Side Here Macquarie-strcet. south. Taubman, John, mariner Lashman, Charles, dealor Here Junction-street. Vacant land Here East-street. Vacant land Here Riley-street. Hay-street, North Side 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 19 21 Hun Hoi Hill-street, South Side Here Bourlte-street. Sheilds, William, grocor Brennan, William Cahill, Michael, bootmakor Kippax, Samuel Graham, Joseph Edwards, D., blacksmith Harris, Thomas Pontifox, John, plumber Gardner, Bichard, coaoh paintor Here Botany-street. Holt-street, East Side Oodpor-street to Devonahira-streot. 12 Strong, Joseph, cabinetmakor I 14 Addison, George B. DIRECTORY 32 34 36 40 42 Jacobs, George Bobert, collector McMahon, Francis, draper Collins, Michael, whoolwright Mahony, John, shoemakor Kelso, James, weaver Humphrey, Benjamin, tailor 44 Bothray, Edward, collector Smith, Thomas, butcher Here Devonshire-street. Holt-street, W e s t Side Here Cooper-street. 27 Martin, Emanuel 31 Biggs, Frederick, tanner 33 Harding, James 39 Lock, John R., bricklayer 41 Byatt, William Thomas, paintor 43 Brown, Edwin, carpentor 45 Martin, Thomas 47 Wbelan, John 49 Goddard, Cophas, storoman Sansom, John—Madeira Inn Here Devotishire-strcet. Hnn ™ 14 McCall, David, saddler ifc harness makor Sere Hunter-street Little. 16 & 18 Foy, William, ironmonger 20 Salisbury, Thomas, ongravor 22 Boepor, John Henry, tailor 24 Seholtz, William, hairdresser 26 Turner, Edward, bookseller, stationor, and printor 28 Hamilton, George, bakor Here Hamilton-street. 80 Wilkinson Brothers, merchants 82 Billyard and Curtis, solicitors EUROPEAN LIFE ASSURANCE AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE SOOIBTY SYDNEY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Hero Pitt-street. 36 SYDNEY MORNING HERALD OFFICE LETTER EEOEIVER Here 0' Connell-street. 38 Boardman, James—Horse and Jockey 40 Douglass, Aloxandor Wilson, printor and publisher " Atlas printing-office" 42 Trenory, Thomas Mardon, surgeon 44 Giles, Richard, butohor 46 Horsey, Sarah, greongrocer Hosking-place, North Side 48 Dahlquist, August, tailor Off Castloreagh-streot. 50 Cable, Richard 14 Noble, Elizaboth, grocor 52 Smythe, John Edward, surgeon dontist 15 Orichton, George, carter Here Bligh-street. 16 Farroll, Edmund GO Hinton, John, carpentor 17 Corbet, Francis 62 Farroll, Laurenco, greengrocor 18 Perkins, Petor, storokoopor 19 Malchow, Charles, tailor 64 Sharp, Goorgo, butohor 20 Sandford, George Sharp, William 21 Striebioh, John, tailor 66 Yoomans, Goorgo 22 Coburn, Martin, lemonado maker 68 Goodos, Oharlos William, clerk 23 Stephen, James B., billiard-table makor 70 Sharp, Georgo, butcher 24 Shcehan, John, warehouseman 72 Curtis, James 25 Molony, Matthew, clerk 80 Hilliard, Thomas, dealer 26 Symonds, Bamuol, dealor 82 Hunt and Stening, butchors 84 Williams, Thomas, bootmaker Hosking-place, South Side 86 Brown, Jamos, grocor 1 Peters, John, tailor Here Phillip-street. 2 McCarthy, Mrs. Ann 88 Smyth and Wells, grocors 3 Winchester, William, coachsmith 90 Pigott, Patrick 4 Hynes, Mrs., boarding-house 92 Clinton, Mary, boarding-houso 5 Sharp, John, butcher 94 Napior, Francis, civil engineer 6 Gattonhoff, Joseph, upholstoror 98 Lystor, Arthur 7 Pennington, Thomas 100 Smith, Bobort, solicitor 8 Poarco, John Here Macqwtrie-slrccl. 9 Mannix, John, tailor 10 Moss, George, dealer Hunter-street, South Side. 11 Millago, Charles H., whitesmith Here Qeorge-street. 12 Pap worth, Mrs. Turner, John—Skinner's Hotel 1 Nixon, Honry, tailor Hunter-street, North Side 8 Whiting, Georgo Robert, glovor Ocorgo-streot to Jracquario-Btrect. I 6 MOBS, Lewis, music-seller Bice, Walter, tuilor and hatter 2 PuNon OFFICE 7 Wilkinson, Arthur Goorgo, chemist and 4 Davis, John, restaurant druggist 6 Hogarth, Julius, jeweller 9 Jones, Frauds, watchmaker 8 Momborg, Chas., hairdresser & perfumer 11 Blau, Adolph, wholesale jeweller 10 Lowis, Sharpe Hutchinson, glover Baldwin, Edwin, photographer 12 Parrot Brothers, haberdashers 13 Kohn, Jos., & Co., gonoral morcbants 78 Hat DIRECTORY Lugg, Jamos, surgeon 15 Burrows & Co., surgeon dentists Qwist, 0. L., gold and silversmith 17 Moss, Lewis—Tavistock Hotel Diekio & Norton, Misses, dressmakers 19 Sullivan, Charles, restaurant 21 Cordon, Mrs. Eliza, milliner 28 Allording, Frederick, watchmaker 25 Durez, John Abraham, fruiterer and confectioner 27 Bertrand, Homy, surgeon dentist Palmer, James S., taxidermist Tiorney, Daniel— Currency Lass Hotel Here -Pitt-street. 8 5 7 9 11 Hutcbinson-street Jennings, Mrs. Owen, John, and Son, blacksmiths Russell, Mark, olectro-platcr 1 2 3 4 Dunn, Thomas, mariner Elgor, Alfred, draper Smith, Daniol, painter Swoony, Mrs. Hutchinson-street, East Side Albion-street to Fitzroy-strcct. 4 6 8 14 10 18 20 Flanagan, Thomas Corcoran, John Guest, Martin, cabinet maker Newcombo, William Langloy, Georgo, school Jackson, Wm. T., clerk Wakefield, Joseph, dray proprietor Here Fitzroy-sireeL Hutohinson-street West Side Hers Albion-street, 1 Barrett, Patriok Joh Off Gas-lane. 1 Davis, Henry 8 Potterson, Petor, carpenter 6 Millard, Robert, shipwright 7 Oannis, Qoorgo, sail maker 9 Gawner, George 11 Maoginlay, Mrs. 13 Thioring, John, blacksmith 15 Horloy, Oswald, blacksmith • 17 Walker, William, waterman 31 M'Keown, Humphrey, storoman Jenkins-street, W e s t Side Off Gas-lane. James-street Crown-streot to Bourke-strcot. Stovons, Mrs. M'Elroy, Matthew, cooper Here Palmer-street. Robortson, David, stonomason Arkoy, Georgo, plastorer M'Gillicuddy, John Eager, Catherine, sempstress Moore, William Charles, clerk Robinson, William Here Bourke-strect. Jamison-street, North Side Clarence-street to Qcorgo-strcot. ST. PHILLIP'S CIIBROU Here Church-hill. JAMISON-STREET ACADEMY Farroll, Thomas Dyer, Benjamin, buildor Potter and Son, blacksmiths Sholdon, Richard S., plumber Boll, William, surgeon BANK OP AUSTRALASIA Here Qeorge-strcet. Jumison-streety South Side Here Clarence-street. Roach, J. W.—Petty's Hotel Here York-street. SCOTS' CHUBOTI 1 Lang, Rev. John Dunmoro 8 Bromnor, Aloxandor, boarding houso 6 Grant, Miss Jessie, boarding houso 7 Lnyard, Albemarle, general agont 9 Afflook, Arthur, papor ruler 11 Magrano, Phillip H., commission agont 13 Lett, Mrs., boarding bouse 15 Miller, John, wine merchant 17 Brown, Alexander M., M.D. 19 Tango, Anton, morchant Austen, Georgo E„ morchant 21 Sharkey, John, lithographic printor Moore, Leopold, importor Hoppo, Joseph, importor Lawson and Cadolf, furnituro dealers Her* Qmge-ttreet. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Joh STREET Jenkins-street, East Side Here Pitt-street. UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA OR Ilutchlnson-strect. Fitzroy, John Sallott, Mrs. Reins, Wm.,.carter Mundy, William J. Evans, George, cordial manufacturer Here Filzroy-street. Gcorgo-strcot to Fltt-strcot. 31 MacDonald, Smith, and Co., merchants 87 Anderson, James H., professor of music Here Castlereagh-street. 43 Rogers, Richard, veterinary surgeon 45 Norris, William Stanley, writing master 47 Mitchell, Georgo 49 Stenhouse and Hardv, solicitors M'Konzie, Colin, solicitor CI Hutchinson, Ralph Here Elizabeth-street. 63 Solomon, John T,—Sir Maurice O'Connell Hotel 65 Curtis, James, undertaker 57 Doarcey, John, bootmakor 59 Commins, Georgo—Star Inn Here Phillip-street. Asher, Morris 61 M'Mahon, Miohaol 63 Brimmer, Augustus 18 65 Dobin, William 10 Cook, Honry, bootmaker 67 Armstrong, John 8 M'Oonnoll, James, blacksmith 2 69 & 71 Shadier, Adolph, bakor Hero Macquarie-street. Hutohinson-lane. Jam Purdy, William, wharfinger Don, Leonard, sail maker Spencer, George, boilor maker Rimmer, Hugh, millwright Savago, Honry, carpontor and joiner Black, Adam, mariner Holy, Francis, ship builder M'Kirdy, James, storoman Roborts, John Greisen, Martin, fireman Harpor, Alexander, shipwright Murphy, William Here road to Floating Bock. AUSTRALIAN GAS LIGHT Co. PANAMA, NEW ZEALAND, AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY John-street, North Side Ellzabotu-street to Foster-street. Williams, James White, Joseph, fireman 2 Wilo, Edward 4 Blackburn, John, wool sorter 6 Sullivan, Daniol 8 Daniels 10 Ahern, Thomas 12 Ashton, Henry James, carpontor 16 Sandhurst, Edward Here Foster-street. John-street, South Side Here Elizabeth-street. 1 Adams, William 3 Philips, Edward Nathan, cigar maker 5 Dwyor, Patrick 7 Corcoran, Donis, stonemasr n 9 Jones, Edward 11 Hunt, Patrick, shoomakor 13 Howitt, Eliza 15 Grogan, James, painter 17 M'Nulty, Phillip, bootmaker Here Foster-street. John-street, Pyrmont, North Side Mount-street to Darling Harbour. Lucas, Nathaniel, providoro Baldock, Joseph, tin-plate worker Gutzmer, Thomas Morton, chemist 79 Watorhouso, Charles Skues, William Stubbs, Mary Ann—Land's End Hotel Ecre Harris-street. Edmonds, Richard Trasoy, Arthur, boilor maker Parkhill, William, mason Gard, John, mariner Parkhill, John, mason Smith, Goorgo, butcher Here Pyrmont-street. M'Quoen, Peter, boiler makor Here Mill-street. Pvico, William, grocer Colloy, George, blacksmith Brooks, Alfred, waterman Bowen, David John Fairbrush, Thomas, A., sailmakor Munro, James, master marinor AUSTRALIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COM PANY'S WORKS Here Barling Harbour. John-street, Pyrmont, South Side Here Mount-street. Doodson, Honry, quarryman Kircade, William, quarryman Saunders, Charles S.—Quarryman's Arms Here Mount-street, Stevens, Catherine, grocer Bealby, Richard, carpenter Ward, Patrick, quarryman Here Mechanic-square, Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer Bronnan, Potor—Coopers' Arms Here Harris-street. Robortson, James, cnginoor French, Goorge, engineer Hannah, Mrs., drnpor Buttimor, Robert Pusoy, Mrs. Lucy Young, Daniel, sliipwright M'Farkno, Alexander, plumber Here Pyrmont-street. Day, Thomas, sonior Mutton, Isaiah, storekeeper Harvey, Samuel, ballastman Hero Darling Harbour. John-street Little, Pyrmont Scott, William, boilormakor Robinson, John Bott, Thomas, blacksmith MoDougall, Alexander Collins, Mrs. Mary Johnson-street OffBay-strett, Globe. 1 Daroy, John 2 Rornen, Miohaol 80 Jud STREET 3 Fisher, Elizaboth 4 Hudson, Gcorgo 5 Lunt, .Susan, needlewoman 6 Elliott, Robert, miller 7 Tickle, John, baker 8 Hannington, Thomas, watchman 9 Walpole, Robert, butcher 10 Lynam, John, shoemaker 11 Norman, William, horsebreakcr 12 Bendon, Josiah, candle maker 13 Fishor, William, slorcman 14 Taylor, Henry, mariner Drennar, James 61 Jessett, AVilliam, carpenter and joiner 63 Barton, — 65 Smart, Henry 67 Birch, Richard, mastor mariner 75 Itichardson, William, plasterer 77 Hydo, John 79' Monkhouso, William Here Judge-lane. Junction-lane, North. Side Minor-street to Forbes-street Gietz, Charles, stovo-fittor Christy, John Fox, James Here Bourke-strect. Vacant land Here Forbes-street. Judge-street, East Side OCT Stoplion-ttreot. 2 Harris, Stephen, carpenter and joiner 4 Lucook, Samuel 10 Foster, Joseph Charles, storekeeper Here lane. 22 Greaves, Mrs. 24 Began, John, paintor 30 Graham, James, soda-water maker 34 Quantook, Thomas, carpenter and joiner 36 Adler, Frederick, gardenor 38 Garvan, John Goopor, Joseph, glazier Here Woolloomooloo-street Little. Cooper, Miss, dressmaker 54 Lambert, Thomas, engineer 66 Bahan, Patrick Kennedy, Robert, boat-builder 72 Endicott, Thomas, stonemason 74 McGrath, Mrs., boarding-house 76 Thomas, Oharles David 78 Blako, John 80 Christian, Thomas, master mariner Here Judge-lane. Judge-street, West Side Here Stephen-street. 1 Smart, John, storokoeper 3 Punoh, Edward, carpentor and joiner 6 Williams, Franois, stonemason 7 Moss, Edward, clerk 0 Laoy, Patrick 11 Vino, William James, farrier 18 Mahony, David, tobaoco-twistcr IS Pago, Daniel, tailor 17 Windeyor, Mrs. Barton, Georgo Henry 23 Quigloy, John, marinor 25 Lees, Thomas, marinor 27 Usher, Alfred, oarpontev 38 Hamilton, Arthur 85 Downey, Stephen Here Woolloomooloo-street Little. 48 Morton, Georgo Ross, roportor 45 Molvillo, Georgo, boiler-makor 47 Gaharaty, James, shipwright 40 Fogerty, William, drapor 61 McOormaok, Michael 67 Smith, Henry Ken Junction-lane, South Side Here Palmer-street. Noble, John, stonemason Coghlan, James, engineer Here Bourke-street Fricdlander, Samuel Wm., prof, of music Here Forbes-street. Junction-street, North Side. Falmcr-stroet to Bourke-atreet. Borig, Henry, shoemaker McCrow, Mrs. Annio, needlewoman Musscll, James, mariner Here Bourke-street. . Junction-street, South Side Here Palmer-street. Milligan, Thomas, mariner Hales, Frcderiok Here Bourke-street. s Kensington-street, E a s t Side rarrnmiUtn-Btrootto Ilotany-road. Popo, William, blaoksmith Here Union-street. 6 Davis, Daniel, greongrocor 10 Shaw, Georgo, stonemason 12 Jamieson, Esther 14 Chapman, William, bootmaker Macpheraon, William, carpenter 22 Barrott, Jamos, oarponter 26 Frawley, Daniel, carpentor 28 Madden, John 30 Morgan, Michael 82 Capes, Samuol John, shoemaker 34 Jonos, Jamos, tailor 86 Peart, Thomas 88 Richards, John, carrier 40 Riokerd, Martin, tailor 42 Roche, William, whoolwright 44 Moss, Patrick, shoemaker 46 Minn, Oornolius, shoemaker 48 Long, Samuel, slater Ken DIRECTORY 50 54 68 62 64 66 68 70 Scott, George, blaoksmith Rittson, Thomas, drayman Boyle, John, stonemason Heather, Alfred Mcintosh, James Woods Joseph, carpenter Stewart, William, mariner Tildsey, Charles, drayman Here Junction-street. 72 Parker, John, grooer Here Botany-road. Kensington-street, W e s t Side Here Parramatta-street. Coman, William—California Inn Here Union-street. 1 Kelley, Charles, grocer 8 Pritchard, Hugh, mariner 5 Hnnt, Joseph 7 Roaob, Mary 9 Sext, John 11 Anderson, Martin, carpentor 13 Burns, Mrs. Anne 15 Finnucane, James 17 Going, Biohard 19 Green, Joseph, tobacco manufacturer 21 Nicholl, William, mariner 23 Therry, Sarah 25 Miller, Caroline, needlewoman 27 Hardman, Jamos 83 May, Nathan, painter 35 Glisson, Edward, bootmaker 87 Lewis, Thomas 39 Redman, Honry, railway contractor 61 Hunter, Francis 53 Rogers, John, droyman 55 Finnucane, John 67 Oollender, Thomas, stonemason 69 Brown, William, dealer 61 Anderson, Oharles—Napoleon Inn Hilder, Tildon James, clerk Gould, Thorp Benjamin, storoman Here Botany-road. Kent-street, East Side Windmill-street to Liverpool-street. 2 Hill, Edward— Old Cheshire Cheese 10 Armstrong, Robert, dray proprietor 18 Jobson, Jamos, butchor Here Argi/le-place and Argyle-street. Steole, Jeremiah DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 MoMahon, Thomas, waterman Stevens, William Cunningham, Hugh, mariner MoNerney. Michaol Holmos, William Scott, William, shoemaker Dempsey, Henry, mariner Cbitty, Mrs fay, James, stovodoro Dlas, James, compositor Cremen, Patrick, shoemaker Ken 81 88 Gambley, James, boatman 90 Kettle, John, carpenter 92 Sommerville, James, olerk 94 Manson, William 96 Oldfield, John, blacking manufacturer 102 Hence, Georgo, tailor 104 Crawford, Dawson 106 Allen, Joseph, baker 108 Murray, Arohibald, carver and gilder 110 Deal, Thomas, tailor 112 Goodwin, 8arah—Lord Rodney Hotel 114 Frauberg, Oharles, boarding house 116 Collins, William, steward 118 Hart, James 120 Tait, John, butcher Here Crescent-street. Murphy, Patrick, groeer Here Charlotte-place. 170 Payne, John, mariner 172 Sefby, John 176 Acton, John B., candlo-maker 178 MoGillan, James 182 Bruce, Oharles, shipwright 184 Britton, Mrs. T., grocer Here Margaret-place. 188 Corkan, R.-—Morpeth and Hinton Hotel 190 Lookerbio, Robert, fireman 194 Yule, John, shipwright 196 MoOlean, Hugh 198 Gardiner, William, shipwright 200 Lee, Henry, blacksmith and tool maker 204 Giltinan, Kingsmill, coonor 206 Filewood, Georgo, tinsmith 206 Abbott, Riohard 210 Smith, William, marinor 212 Courtnoy, Wm., carpenter and joiner 214 Adams, Thomas, builder 218 McDonald, Mrs, 220 West, Benjamin, oarpentor 222 MoVey, Jamos, storoman 224 Barry, William, miller Smith, Walter Thomas, dealer 226 McOamley, Edward, bootmaker 228 Briggs, Ellon, dressmaker 230 Grant, Edward 232 Shorlock, Patrick—Governor Denison Here Erskine-strtet. 234 Kolsoy, Oharles—Queensland Hotel 236 Monagban, 0., commission agent 238 Hoaley, Joremiah, commission agont 244 Johnston, Oharles, engineer 248 Fusedule, Thomas L„ dealor 262 Spiers, George, hoarding-bouse 264 Newlands, Mrs. Ann 256 Murphy, John, blaoksmith 258 Irvine, John, mariner 262 Brown, Georgo, oarpentor 264 Plnkstone, Charles, miller 266 Macbeth, Benjamin, boat-bulldor 268 Kennedy, Bridget, boarding house 270 Smith, John, shipwright 272 Redman, Georgo, manner 278 O'Brien, John, ooaoh-trlwmor t 82. Ken STREET 280 284 286 288 290 296 • 298 Blake, John, mariner Wilson, Thomas, coachman Paterson, Joseph, mariner Richards, Mrs, teaoher Edwards, James, shoemaker Cardiff, Thomas Swan, Sarah—Star of Peace Hotel Sere King-street. 800 Hopgood, Geo.—Fountain'of Friendship 304 James, John, tailor FBIHITITE METHODIST CHAPEL 806 Nash, William, compositor Plant, Edward, mariner 308 Fortier, William 810 Blrkin, Goorgo Hobson, gardoner 812 Glover. Rohert, plumber 814 Linsley, William 818 Thompson, Mrs.—Forut Flower Inn 820 Kerrigan, Daniel, machine rulor 322 Murohie, A. B., blacksmith 830 O'Neill, Patriok, tallow chandler ' 832 Horan, Peter, bootmaker 834 Chambers, Mrs., laundrosa . 336 Wilson, Mrs., dressmakor 838 Hudd, Mrs., fruiterer 840 Davison, John, shipwright 842 Horan, James, storekeeper 844 Long, John, painter and glazier 846 Hyland, Honry, sawyer 848 Black, John, fireman 860 Parton, John, shoemaker 852 Smith, Edward, cooper 854 Marley, Patriok 856 Ritohio, Alexander 860 'Williams, Phillip—Australian Inn Here Market-street. 862 Watson, James, butcher 864 MoOonbery, Andrew, mariner 866 Lonergan, John—Prince Alfred Hotel 868 Oonnory, Patriok, sawyer 870 Marow, Sarah, grocer 874 Goddard, Stephen, steward 876 Ewell, James, bootmaker 878 Aaron, Charles, pawnbroker 884 Marryat, George, butcher 888 MoOonnol), Thomas, shoemaker 890 Flnnigan, Thomas, tailor 892 O'Connor, Patrick, storekeeper 394 Edwards, John, farrier 890 Cooper, Mrs., midwife 898 Daly, John 400 Sharkoy, Patriok, stonemason 402 Moloney, Patriok. teaoher 406 Bronnan, James, bntoher 410 Danne, Richard, teaoher 419 Fraser, Alexander, shoemaker 414 Parker, Joseph, mariner 420 Barry, James, mariner 422 Oreagh, Mita—Brisbane Inn Hire Druitt-ttreet. 424 Bohnitama, Henry, boarding-houso 438 Barker, James 440 Lawrence, William, dyer and scourer 442 Wloks, Mrs,, boardtng-house Ken 444 Middleton, Mrs. Sarah 450 Dougall, Rev. John ST. ANDEEW'B PBEBBYTERIAN SCHOOL Here Bathuret-street. 468 Carter, John Til.—Wollongong Hotel 460 Baker, Mrs. Teresa, boarding-house 462 Jones, Arthur, plasterer 464 Jilks, George 466 Russell, George, engineer 468 Carlin, Fredenok, fireman 2 Flinn, John 3 Allen, Charles, vanman •to I 4 Miller, John, sailmaker 5 Bath, Charles, shoemaker 6 Mulhns, Mrs., needlewoman. 470 Brlerly, James, cabinetmaker 472 Onnninghame, Thos., painter & glazier 474 Thornton, Mrs. 476 Crump, Edward, brass founder 478 Shaw, Charles, waterman 480 Gorman, Daniel, plasterer Here Albion-lane. 498 Mahor, William, ironfitter 500 Jones, Samuel, drayman 502 MoFarlane, Robert 504 Palmer, John, tailor Here Liverpool-street. Kent-street, West Side Here Windmill-street. Anderson, John McLean, Mrs., greengrocer 7 Kermode, Thomas 0 Saunders, Charles—Lord Nelson Hotel Here Argyle-strtet. 11 Ruddom, Henry, grocer 13 Ireland, Robert, tailor 15 Walsh, William, chemist 17 Air, William, news agent 19 Newlands, William, tailor 21 Tait, John, and Co., butchers Here Milkr't-road. 35 Nathan, Mrs. 87 Kennedy, Miohaol 69 Corcoran, John, qnarryman 103 Ryan, John, teaoher 105 Fabey, Mlohael, tidewaiter 107 Stabler, George, merohant Ooates, Charles, bricklayer Bnokley, Goorgo, boatbuilder 100 Lloyd, William F. 1 Sbaw, Charles, clerk 3 Fenwiek, John, lighterman. 4 Allison, James, builder 6 Meryment, Thomas 8 Platsted, John, shipwright 0 Shell. Martin 10 Rookllffo, Francis 11 Flndlater, George 115 Christie, John 117 Deane, John LMben , 133 Hullra, Thomas, boarding-house -' Ken 127 145 , 147 149 151 163 159 DIRECTORY Ken 88 Barnes, Peter 817 Harvey, Benjamin Drysdale, Robert—Dumbarton Castle 319 Spillioy, Patrick O'Uear, John, baker 321 Donaldson, Mrs., lodging-house King, John, grocer 325 Williams, James Smith, Andrew, greengrocer 329 Foley, John, billstioker Heydon, Mrs. C., grocer 331 Downes, Dennis, painter Beoh, Jacob— Oae Hotel 333 Simpson, John, engineer 335 Williams, John, grocer Here Oas-lane. Here King-street. 161 Pite, Robert M., furniture dealer 337 Fowler, Mary Ann—Lord Nelson Inn 163 Carter, Thomas Sayer, watchmaker 843 Oasley, William L. 165 Dunn, Miss 345 Harris, William 167 Baass, Andrew Henry Julius A 347 Hurcey, William, master mariner 169 Jones, Thomas Edward 349 Kolley, William, mariner 171 Coates, William, butcher 351 Grant, John, sawyer 181 Berner, George, collector 853 Baldook,* William— Clarence and RichFletton, George, drayman mond Hotel 185 Ingles, William, painter and glazier 355 Nicholls, James, fireman 187 Reynolds, William, carpenter & joiner 361 Buck, Thomas 189 Neill, James, master mariner 863 Bosward, George, carpenter Here road. 865 Pierce. Robert, grocor 209 Richards, Robert 367 Farrell, John, stonemason 211 Farrow, James, mariner 869 Watson, George 213 Sparkes, John, drayman 371 Leary, Cornelius, shingler 215 Ward, John, blacksmith 873 Carr, Nicholas, fruiterer 217 Underbill, James, steward 376 Donovan, William, shoemakor 219 Regan, Edward, providore 379 Duffln, James 221 Conway, Andrew, cabinetmaker Livingstone, Richard, engineer Here Ritchie's-lane. 223 Davidson, George, engineer 881 M'Ginnis, James 225 Fyfo, John, engineer 883 Webster, Franols, boatman 227 Alexander, Henry, olork 885 Prlco, Frederick, drayman 229 MoVey, Mrs. Mary Ann 387 Spears, William, bntoher Here Margaret-place, 235 Raphael, Joseph Or.—Sydney and Mel-389 Hipwood, James, coppersmith 897 Stone, John, sawyer bourne Hotel 399 Peters, Thomas, mariner 239 Blaekie, Peter, engineor 401 Murphy, William—Alexandra Hotel 241 Booth, Mrs. Here Market-street. 243 Jeyes, George, grocer 408 Wortley, Robert—Alt Nations Hotel 245 Davidson, Mrs., boarding-houso Hargravos, Henry 247 Peato, George 405 O'Reilly, Thomas, shoemaker 249 Schulz, Henry 407 Prioo, Goorgo, dray proprietor , 257 Barrett, Mrs. 411 Mallon, James 259 MoAlpine, John, miner 413 Mulroy, John 261 Dowling, Patrick, greengrocer 419 Greer.ljames, lawyer 268 Manson, James, mariner Phillips, Samuel 265 Hill, Mrs., boarding-houso M'Grogor, Mrs.Sempstross 267 Baynos, William, dealer Reld, Charles 271 Gear, Henry, plasterer Carey, Cornelius, fireman 278 Smith, William— Qreen Dragon Inn 421 Yates, George, grocer Here Erskine-street. Collins, Jamoi, carpenter 276 Holmes, William H., painter & glazier North, John, shoemaker 281 Voden. Robort, mariner Braoe, Emanuel, shoomakor 283 Parrel!, John, cabman M'Shorry, John 285 Whipps, William, shoemakor 425 Lucas, William, greengrocer 887 Dunn, James 427 Davis, Isaac 289 Heado, Robort 429 Matthews, Frederick, mariner 297 Moore. James 481 Watson, George, bntoher 299 Crowther, Isaac, tailor 488 Morridon. George, ooachbnilder 801 Dunn, John, oooper 485 Brown, Goorge, dealer 803 White, James, shoemakor 439 Welsh, Thomas, fireman 805 Brown, John, te&sher 441 & 443 Smith, George, plasterer 809 Mills, William, wharfinger Here Oamden-pface. Here Wants's-lant. 811 Sponoo, reter— City Inn 449 Randall. John. Ironworker 816 Imber, William, wood turner 451 Gill, William, miner Si Kin STREET Kin 40 Sweotman, Thomas, bootmaker 453 Price, William, drayman 42 Williams, John, grocer 457 Barkor, Mrs., grocer Here Kent-street. Here Druitt-street. 459 Inncs, Andrew M., shoemaker Swan, Sarah—Star of Peace Inn 461 Taylor, John, carpenter 44 Hughes, Robert, builder 469 Archibald, Robert, shipwright 46 Spinks, Joseph— White Hart Hotel 471 Monies, Thomas, boilcrmakcr Here Clarence-street. 475 Geddis, John, teachor 48 M'Donnough, Jamos—Corn Stalk Inn 481 Dunne, William, diayman 50 Wait, Henry, butcher 483 Day, Thomas John B.,commission agent 52 Bluck, Richard, boarding-houso 485 Kcogan, Thomas, bootmaker 54 Si 50 Elliss, Edward, boarding-houso 487 Baillio, Miss, dressmaker 58 Lightly, Humpbroy Josoph, hairdressor Here Union-lane. 62 Lovelock, James, grocer 489 Noalo, John, dealer Here York-street. 491 Forrior, Alexander 64 Peters, James C.— Criterion Hotel 493 Bain, Gcorgo, grocer 66 Porks, F., and Co., warehousemen 495 Loos, Charles, wheelwright 68 Peirco, Gcorgo, tailor 497 Hancock, William, denier 70 Shaw, Thomas, chemist and druggist Here Bathurst-street. 72 Perry, James, saddlo and harness-maker 499 M'Phorson, Dougal, sailinakcr 74 Hinton, Brothers, saddlers 601 Jacobs, Mrs. Fanny, laundress 76 Jackson, Joferson, hairdresser 503 Watson, Richard, candle-maker 78 Farrcll, Thos., wine and spirit merchant 505 Hughes, Frodorick, fireman Forbes, Robert, stock and station agent 509 Holloway, William, boiler-makor ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, AND AUSTRALIAN 5 l l Hardy, Provost, woavor CHARTERED BASK 5l3 Parry, Josoph, cabinct-makor Here George-street. 517 Dwycr, John, grocer THE CITY BANK 5l9 Whitty, Martin, brass-founder 80 Bovis, Charles, bootmaker 5sl Chiswick, Goorgo, sailmakor 82 Baulko, William, draper 533 Williams, Mrs. 535 Slmto, John, conch proprietor Here Dank-court. 587 Jones, John, storomnu Smith and Ethcridgo, warehousemen 539 Bronnan, Michael, blacksmith 84 Milligan. Brothers, photographers Ashdown, Edwin, wheelwright Finch, Charlo«s C, chemist and druggist 545 Hollinshed, Henry 86 Ardern and Edmondson, drapers 847 Randall, Edward, cooper 88 Halbert, John, drapor 549 Earp, John, butcher 90 Fahey, Francis, drapor Wholan, William, painter 92 & 91 Perry, Brothers, drapers 551 Pitman, Alfred, grocer 96 Donovan, Denis, tobacconist Here Liverpool-street. 98 DaviB, Eleazor, importer of funcy goods 100 Hili, John, and Co., cabinot-makors and King-street, North Side undertakers 1C2 llolliiigdalo, Edward, watchmaker and Darling Harbour toMn'cquarle-strect. jowollor Nutter, Blophon, commission agent Toogood, Alfred—Rainbow Tavern 8 Stroiton, Charles, sawyer Here Fitt-street, 10 Lapham, Honry, tailor Goold, Samuel, booksollcr and stationo 12 Barry, David, doalor Jones, John Russoll, solicitor 14 Drako, Samuol, boatman Mackenzie, John Piper, official assignoo 16 Rutherford, William, shipwright Newman, II. H., accountant Miller, Charlos— Patent Slip Inn Kvans, G., attornoy Here Sussex-street. ropplowcll, Klizaboth, confectioner Kevr, Adam—Kerr't Hold 101 Jordan, William Thomas, ticket writor 20 Wiokhain, Edward, butcher and tobacconist 22 Kolly, John Patrick, grocor Abbott, Robert Palmer, solicitor 24 Hogan, Sarah, groongrocor 20 Ooopor, Thomas Jamos W., upholstorcr 100 Colo, Henry, bookseller and stationor Russell, J„"tailor 28 Newton, Adam, baker 108 Krauss, Louis—Hamburgh Hotel 80 Dadswell, Thomas Ovcudon, importer 110 Wykcs, Norton, butcher 32 Huntor, John, carpontor nnd joiner 114 Holmos, Samuel Henry, bakor 34 Dowllng. Mrs, Ann, groongrocor U4J Burgors, Louis, restaurant 86 Barrett, John, shoemaker 110 Dolnain, Johu, tobacconist 38 Glnshaon, John, grocer Kin DIRECTORY. Kin 85 Fowler, Mary Ann—Lord Nelson Hotel Here Kent-street. Hopgood, Goo.—Fountain of Friendship Aiken, Edward, saddlo & harness maker Borrett, Jeremiah, grocor Here Clarence-streeU ' Brakes, Jamos, boarding-houso 41 Doyle, Annio, stay and dross maker 43 O'Neill, Morgan, pastry cook and confectioner 45 Cloland, Edward, shoomakcr 47 Jelfs, Jamos, turnor 49 Lord, Honry, tailor 51 Poers, J. F., ohomist 53 Roso, Josoph II., cutler Rodgors, William— Oarrick's Head Hotel Here York-street. Robinson, Joseph Ambroso—Forbes Hotel 59 Donnelly, Caroline, boarding-houso 61 Challeuer, Henry, gun maker 63 Uhde, Louis, and Co., butchers C5 Storch, Jacob G., hair dresser 67 Josoph, Alfred, jeweller and pawnbroker . 69 Whitfield, William John, gunmakor Bransgrovo, Geo.—Great Britain Hotel Here Qeorge-slreet. Marks, Abraham, outfitter 71 Weissborg, Herman, hat and cap manufacturer 73 Goulston, Hyraan, hat and cap manufacturer 77 Abrahams, C. and J,, toy bazaar 79 Samuel), Edward— Golden Fleece 83 Harris, Henry, auctioneer DIOCESAN REGISTRAR S OFFICE 85 Lissack, J, J., tobacconist 87 Lyons, Frodorick, fancy warehouse Here Macquaric-strect. 89 Bennott, Fredoriok Godin, cutler Collins, Josoph, clothier King-street, South Side. 93 Sarpy and Musgravo, drapers & olothiors Here Barling Harbour. 95 Listorand Barnett, auctioneers and comWhittingham Bros, merchants -» t v mission agents O'Dowd and Co., commis! £> _g 97 Smith, Frederick, printer and stationer sion agonts L Q £ 98 Conway, Lowis, watch maker & jeweller Anderson, Campbell, and Co., f S >- 101 Schachdol, N„ clothior flour and grain morchants J o '3 Gorus, John T., photographor 3 Graham and Mulholland, produco agonts 103 Cusack, George, hat and cap maker 9 Whitten, Goorgo, produco and commis- 105 Myers, John Henry, tobacconist sion agont ralmor, Benjamin—Liverpool Arms 11 Blow Brothors, commission agonts Here Pitt-street. Yccnd, Robt.— Yeend's Commercial Hotel Cainb, William—Elephant and Castle Here Sussex-street. 107 M'Auloy and Smith, bootmokori Voscys, Robert, produco and commission 109 Mannix Brothors, tailors agont 111 Martin, Thos., locksmith it bell-hanger 11 Shaptor, Edward, tobacconist 113 Hogan, William, newspaper agont 13 Johnson, William T., boarding-houso 115 Clark, Frodorick, hair dressor 15 Summorfiold, Henry, tailor and outfitter Fitzhardingo, William Goorgo Augustus, 17 & 19 Pritohard, William, miller & bakor solicitor 21 Duffin, Jamos, commission agont Coleman, Mrs. Hannah, umbrella and 23 Moses, Charles, dealer parasol maker 25 & 27 Dadswell, Thomas Ovonden, imFrost, William, drapor porter of boots and shoes 117 Howoll, Goorgo, tailor and drapor 29 Chalder, Thomas, leathor merchant 119 Delany, John, and Co., hoot and shoe 31 Gifllu, James, butcher warohouso 116J Marrick, David, bootmaker 118 Emerson, Richard, oyster saloon 120 Adson, Jane—Shaktpeare Hotel 122 Heath, Samuol—-Prince of Wales Shades 126 Hammon, Frederick, watchmaker and jeweller 1284 Head, Edward tobacconist 128 Hill, Charles, fruiterer Geo, Edwin—Montpelicr Hotel Here Castlereagh-strecl. Cunningham, James — Cunningham's Hotel 184 Douglas, Robert, tailor and draper 136 Woolloy, Henry, printer Driver, Richard, solicitor Here Elizabeth-street. Lindsoy, Josoph—Three Tuns 136 & 138 l'ritchard, Henry, oystor saloon 140 King, Charles Henry, tobacconist and fruiterer Smith, Goorgo, and Co., broker and agent O'Brien, Edward, broker and agent 144 Eoborts, James, gonoral agont Levin, Simeon, general agont Riley, Fredoriok—Supreme Court Hotel Here Phillip-street. 146 Josophson, Joshua Froy, J.P., barrister Thurlow, William, solicitor Humphory, Frodorick Thomas, official assignee Salomon, J. E., barrister 150 Bedford, Edward Samuel Piokard, surgoon 152 Davis, Rev. Alexander Barnard, minister of Syduoy Synagoguo 80 Laa STREET Idv M'Oallocb, Thomas Lansdowne-street, South. Side. M'Oulloch, Andrew Hardio, solicitor Here Crown-street. 121 Kirsohbaum, Albert, apothecary 2 Phillips, John J. )23;Hellyer, William, solicitor and notary 4 Towers,-John, bootmaker public 6 Phillips, John, sen., builder Weedon, Thomas Elijah, solicitor Here High Holborn-etreet. Fox, Patrick Michael, Goorge— Golden Age Hotel 125 Gapps, Eliza Fanny, servants' registry 16 Boyd, George 18 Smith, Mrs. Charlotte Kearney, Denis— Colonnade Motel 20 Beynolds, Thomas, horse dealer Here Castlereagh-ttreet. Fender, John, horse dealer LETTBB RECEIVER 22 Olelland, William, storeman Hampton, John—Metropolitan Hotel 2G Bourke, Mrs. Bridget 1S7 Austin, Oharles, oyster saloon 181 Petty, George, shoemaker Here Marlborough'tlreet. 133 Barr, Samuel, dealer Vacant land 185 Vaugkan and Son, auctioneers and cc Here Biley-ttreet. mission agents 187 Teale and Garrett, solicitors Lime-street Dadey, Frederick M„ barristor Off Ersklno-Btrcet Foster, William John, barrister Speers, William, commission agent Holroyd, Arthur T., barrister HOST'S DBT DOCK FEBRT 189 MaGuire, William, solicitor Boddam, Isaac, shipwright Smith, Bobert Burdett, solicitor Frost, William Woodcock, George, surgeon CORPORATION WHAM? Pennington, William George, solicitor NEWINOTON MEAT DEPOT Here Elizabeth-street, Graham, James, carcaso-butoher NEWSPAPER BEOKIVEB Bitohie, William H., shipwright SUPBEME COURT McKonzie, Hugh, and Co., blacksmiths INSOLVENCY COURT ST. JAMES CHURCH Here JWacguarie-tlreet. Langley'e-lane Llvorpool-streot to Jamos-atrcct. Dillon, David Handlon, Patrick Willisoroft, Frederick, sawyer Sullivan, William, tailor Ireland, Samuol, cabinet-maker Bailey, B;, engineer Ainiworth, William, engineer Gordon, Frederick, dealer Abbott, Goorge Blaokburn, Bobert, stono cutter Staploton, Samuel, dork Susans, Thomas Kevin, Oharles, cabman O'Helr, Edward Wright, William, brioklayor Dennison, Mrs., sempstress Stovens, Peter, mariner Here Jamet-ttreel. Linden-place/.East Side Off ramunatta-street. 1 Lowe, Summorville, gardener . 3 Mawley, William, painter 7 Smith, Frederick, brioklayor 9 Clark, Franois, baker 11 King, Patrick 13 Adams, John, plasterer 15 Lannon, John 17 Thompson, Bobort,'_briokloyor 19 Lannon, Miehaol Linden-place, "West Side Here Farramatta-street. Byrne, Michaol,'brioklayer ' 14 Zlos, Henry, gaidener 16 MoOabo, Edward, shoomakcr 18 Wilson, James 20 Barton, Daniel, shoemaker 28 Butter, David, blacksmith Liverpool-lane Jllley-atrcot to Palmer-stroet. Lanadowne-street, North Side Otown-itteetto Btley-rtrwt. Vacant land Bert High Holborn'ttrett Wilkinson, John B., clerk Field, George Here Matiborough-ttrtet. Vacant land 'Here Rttty-ttrtet. Bond, Thomas Hart, Thomas,',brloklayor Palmer, Joseph, butcher Dwyor, Peter, wheolwright Holns, Mary—Dungannon Cattle Law, Jamos, coaohsmith Thrustoll, Thomas MoOrow, Alexander, butohor Here Palmtr-ttmt, Li v DIRECTORY Liverpool-street, North Side Darling Harbour to Wert-street. Murphy, James and Co., coal, lime, and wood wharf 22 Koan, Francis 24 Taylor, John, turner 26 Neil, William, master mariner . 28 McGee, Joseph, master mariner 30 Carruthern, Hugh, ooaoh-trimmer 82 Bowmaker, William 34 Meddows, William, tailor 36 Owen, John, ironfounder 88 Langdon, J., plasterer 46 Keen, Edmund 48 Sloan, Alexander 60 Henry, Goorge A., mariner 52 England, Gideon, carter 54 Smith, Thomas 56 Dooksey, John, ooppersmith 58 Poole, James, painter and glazier 60 McQrath, Thomas, butohor 62 Burke, Mrs. 64 Lumsdaine, William, shoemaker 66 Bolph, William Palmer, Samson—Hand and Heart Here Sussex-street. Froeland, William—Royal Foreittr 70 Byrne, George, dealer 72 Davis, William, oonfeotioner 74 Murray, George 76 Williamson, Thomas, blacksmith 78 Bandall, James, cooper 80 Sparks, Thomas 82 Quinton, William, mariner Here Kent-street. MoOarty, Edmond, coach factory Wood, James, tinsmith Here Oeorgt-ttreet. Allerton, Alexander, ironmonger 88 King, William, teacher of dancing 90 Jaokson, Thomas, ooaoh-trimmer 92 Coleman, Henry, nightman 96 Slmmonds, Jacob, dealer 98 Barnett, Joseph, dealer 100 Miller. Mrs. Mary, lodging house MoEldowney, Andrew, coachmaker 102 Eaton, Mrs. Martha 104 Armstrong, John, surgeon 106 Oawe, Edmund Here Pitl-ttrtet, McOabe, John—North Star 112 Watson, Franois N., carpenter 116 Baker, Benjamin, wood-turner 118 Bennett, Edward, pawnbroker 120 HoOormaok, Mlohael 122 Hughes, James, locksmith 124 Oulien, Mrs. Mary Ann Steel, Alfred—Dungate Cattle Here Cattkreagh-ttretU Vacant land Here Elitakth-ttrttt. liv _^ HIDE PARK Here College-street. 136 Kirby, Frederiok, coufeotioner 138 Inman, Goorge, bootmaker 140 Hodgson, Thomas, carpenter and.joiner 142 Breakwell, Henry, plumber 144 Kirker, Alexander, pawnbroker 146 Brown, Joseph, L. B„ maBter mariner 150 Dean, Alexander, builder 1152 Sogers, George H., comedian Vieira, John— Cottage of Content Inn Here Oharlet-ttreet. 156 Ballet, John Dr. 158 Parr, David, galvanized iron worker 160 Williamson, JoBepb, clerk 162 Harley, Mrs. Catherine, midwife 164 Bennett, Thomas, engineer 166 Hayes, Thomas, miner 168 Cain, Boger 170 Treleaven, John H., carpentor 172 Hennessey, John, cabinet maker 176 Armstrong, Andrew B. Here Yurong~tlreet. Breheny, Miohael, grocer 178 Bussell, Thomas, master mariner 180 Oaldeoott, John, engineer 182 Horton, William 184 Taylor, Joseph 186 Rothwell, Thomas Here Riley-ttreet. Jessop, George, butoher 1 Murrybate, John, clerk -, 8 2 Blaokmore, Edward , g 3 Abbey, William U 4 Gadell, George I i 5 Goddard, John, builder fU ! 6 Danne, William % 7 MoOlean, Mordaunt 3 J 8 Arthur, Oharles, olerk .© Here Crown-street. 224 Watson, Joseph, builder 226 Moore, John, poller maker 228 Smith, John, dealer Here Palmer-ttrtet. 230 Tubman, Henry 232 Allen, Emor 284 Tapp, Mrs. Ann 238 Appel, Conrad, musioian MoMeill, James, mariner Here Bourhe-ttrtet. 260 Norton, Henry 268 Bird, Mrs. 270 Dwyer,John 272 Short, William Edgar, master mariner Here Thomton-ttmt, Vacant land Here Forbet-ttrett. Bae, John, commissioner of railways Here Dowling-timt. 306 Dolobery, Mils, ladies' seminary 88 IdV STREET? 308 Scott, Captain, J.P., "The Grange "• Here Darlinghurst-road. Vacant land Here Brougham-street. . 330 Merrick, Samuel, bootmaker Ross, Aloxander, grocer Here Victoria-street. 350 Duval], Francis 850J Brown, William, blacksmith 352 Rowe, Richard, builder 854 Laveriok, Robert, joiner 356 Ferguson, William, mason 858 Freeman, Patrick, gardener 860 West, Mrs. Amelia 3G2 MoMahon, Patrick, clerk 864 Wright, George, plasterer 866 Twony, Patriok, drayman 368 Bmittiers, —, clerk 370 Hopkins, William,-builder 372 Bamford, James Here Wett-tlreet. Liverpool-street, South Side Here Darling Harbour. Wilkinson Brothers & Co., saw mills Here Dixon-street. Griffiths, Thomas, grocer McFarlane and Sons, blacksmiths Obadwick and Smith, timber yard Here Sussex-street. Foylo, Stephen, wood and coal yard 7 Oreely, William 9 Turner, John, grocer Here Victoria-place. 11 Palmer, Goorgo, shoemaker 13 McFarlane, Duncan, blacksmith 15. Mangan, John 17 O'Reilly, Rev. Thomas 19 Duttonj Henry, master mariner 25 Ohadwiok and Co., timber yard 27 Dunn, H. J., cocoa nut store Daly, Abina—riough Inn Here Qeorge-street. Lee, Thomas—St. John's Tavern 83 Darlington, Joseph, ongineor 85 O'Brien, John, shoemaker 87 Fiispatrick, Philip, tailor 39 Haffleld, Henry Edmund, paintor 41 Mason, David, printor 45 Davis, F. S„ buildor 47 Thomas, Henry, china warobouse 51 Willis, Henry, shoemaker 53 Crawford, Mrs. dressmaker 55 Sales, John 57 Medcalf, Josoph, upholstcror 69 Ogilby, Mrs., Isabella Hill and Quill, wood oarvors Oram, Edward Gl Hall, Miss Clarinda, dressmaker 63 Lincoln, Mrs. Ann Here Pitt-street. Lvf Perigo, Thomas, sugar boilor BAPTIST CHAPEL 81 Bayloy, Robert, horse dealer Here Oastlereagh-street. Hubert, Henry—Willow Tree Tavern 85 Diceman, Conroyd, saddler 87 Abrahams, Joseph, dealer 89 Davis, Mark 91 Turner, John, pianoforte tuner Here Elizabeth-street. 93 Wright, Mrs. James 95 Ebswortb, Frederick 97 Stonham, David H. 99 Coot, Audley, master marinor 101 Hoathcoto, Mrs. Ellon, boarding house 103 Emanuel, Samuol 1 Neild, John 0., surgeon Hyde 2 Naegueli, Madame, school Park 3 Beilby, Edwin Thomas Terraco 4 Faucett, Peter, Q.O. 121 Forbes, Goorge 123 Moymott, Charles, surgeon 125 Woodroff, Miss Harriett 127 Kerr, Fronois 129 Manser, Alfred, dealer Here hlacquaric-strett South. 131 Beyd, Sprott, M. D. 6 Stophon, Sir Alfred, K.O.B. 4 Behsatio, John, surgeon dentist 8 Tait, John Tait, Mrs., ladies' sohool fcE 2 O'Brien, Bartholomew, M.D. 1 Harris, Mrs., ladies school Thome, Robert Here South Han* Road. Bradford, Henry W.— Blind Beggar Inn Barker, Emanuel Here Riley-sireet. Fernandcg, David - Liberty Inn 213 Dickinson, Mrs. < ary 215 B,own, Mrs. Ellen, dressmnkor 217 Landers, Joseph, bootmaker 219 Higgins, Mrs. Andrew 221 Moss, Thomas, carpentor 223 Cummins, Alexander, baker 225 Cracknel), James, gasfittor 227 Wareham, Thomas, diaper 229 Roberts, John W., grocer Here Crown-street. 231 Littlewood, John, doaler 239 Sannatt, Michael 241 Hymans, Mrs. Mary 243 Mohony, James, carpenter 245 Clmto, Alfred H., tailor 247 Taylor, Charles, musician 249 MoVeigh, Mrs. Hannah 255 O'Connor, Michael, carpentor 257 Rusdon, Francis Here Palmer-street, Vacant land Here Bourke-ttrett. Mac DIRECTORY Mac 83 Little, Miss, " Rockwall" Vacant land SAINT VINCENT'S HOSPITAL Here Forbes-street. 85 Long, William, " Tusoulum Houso 325 Thorno, John Here Albert-street. 327 Sherwin, William, surgeon 329 Houlding, John R. 87 Elyard, William 831 MaGuiro, William Here Orwell-street. 333 Drewott, John William 91 Levy, Louis AV. 835 Kennedy, Aloxander 93 Spnrke, William 343 Ford, J. Thos. 95 Wnlford, W. B. 845 Hart, James 97 Spyer, Iiawronco 847 Manton, Frederick 99 Rundlc, Jeromiah B. 349 Paterson, James 101 Joseph, Samuel A., J.P. Here Howling-street. 103 Broadhurst, Edward 351 White, Mrs. Ann 105 James, Korrison 353 Adam, John S. Here Darlinghurst-road. 859 Moore, William Rev., wesloyan roinister Here Darlinghurst-road. Macleay-street Little 369 Hudson, William, paintor WUllam-Btrcot, Upper South, to Surry-etreot. 371 Moloney, Mrs. Ann G Grogson, Richard 873 Ridloy, Rev. William 10 Gray, Isaac, painter and glazier Here Brougham-street. 12 Sheror, John, stonemason 377 Halmarick, H.—Royal Sovereign Hotel Here Surry-slreet. 379 Duncan, William, mason 381 Emerton, John, bootmaker Macquarie-place 883 Shaw, William, grocer Casllorcagh street North to Urldgo-stroot. 385 Lovatt, John 4 Buckland, AV. AV., drain and wator pipe 887 Cummins, Patrick F. depot 389 HarriBon, Thomas S. 6 Pilfold William—Royal Admiral Hotel 891 Murphy, Patrick, cab proprietor 8 Gilfillnn and Co., merchants Here Victoria-street. Nicholls Brothers and Co. Hambly, Thomas, butcher Marshall, A. A , brassfoundor McKenna, Patrick, printer 10 Kummoror, Rudolph, woolbroker Hills, Thomas, carpenter 12 AndrowB, J.AV.—Custom House Hotel D'Arrietta, Waltor, printer AGRA AND MASTERMAN'S BANK Thomas, Edmund, photographer 18 Marshall, H., pianoforte maker Frith, Thomas, pianofovto importer Here West-street. Grosvenor, F., stock & station agent liong's-ltme 20 Moyerflold and Co., merchants 22 Franck Brothers & Gans, morchants Cumberland-street to Gloucester-street. Williams, Susannah—Star Hotel Taylor, Andrew, shipwright Here Bridge-street. 1 Taylor, James Mark, hairdresser 2 Smith, John Thomas, boot-closer Macquarie-street North, East Side 3 Hickoy, Thomas Fort Jtacquarlo to Hyde Park. 4 Cuddy, Thomas FOIIT MACQUARIE 5 Cubitt, Georgo G Read, Goorge, sailmaker GOVERNMENT HOUSE 8 Wynton, James ENTRANCE TO OUTER DOMAIN BcnooL OF INDUSTRY Here Gloucester-street. Here Domain-terrace. Macleay-street, E a s t Side 4 Matthews, William, cab proprietor Wyldo-street to Darlinghurtt-road. G Duruz, James L. 140 Lamb, Mrs. Emma PnESHYTERIAN CllUROIt 162 Lamb, Walter, J.P. 12 Barnett, Honry 154 Isaacs, Robert M. LEOISLATIVE ASSEJWLY ClIAMBEnfl 160 Greonhill, Stephen LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16G Gordon, Hugh, J.P. SYDNEY INFIRMARY SYDNEY MINT Here Darlinghurst-road. DISTIHOT Coum Macleay-Btreot, W e s t Side Here Wylde-street, 81 MoDonald, Alexander CORONER'S OFFICE VACCINE INSTITUTION IMMIGRATION OFFICE 90 Mac STREET Mac Macquarie-street South, E a s t Side Livorpool-streot to Albion-street 26 Reilly, Patrick, dealer Here Hyde Park, 28 King, Samuel, builder 30 Drury, John, plumber Macquarie-street North, West Side 32 and 34 Crerar, Gilbert Here Fort Macguarie. 36 Johnson, Edward, upholsteror 38 Mason, William, printer 1 Barnctt,John 40 Eastway, George 8 Hayoa, Mrs. Catborino, laundress 42 Jones, Mrs. • VOLUNTEEB ABTILLEBY OFFICE 44 Lawler, William THE TBEASCBY 44 i Sutton, Josoph Here Bridge-street. 46 Orford, Robert OIVII, SEBVIOE OLDB 48 Yarn ton, John 353 MaoLeay, William 60 O'Carroll, Patrick, oarpenter 161 Muriel, Robert Here Qoulburn-street. 167 Blaok, John Henry 169 Eldroa, William Henry 64 Campbell, Angus, master mariner 171 Aspinall, Edward Mrs, 66 Bennett, John, builder 173 Travers, Roderick Here Hill's-lane, 175 Kemp, Mrs. Charles 90 Mclnnis, John, clerk 177 Sandeman, Alfred 92 Harris, John, grocer 179 Brereton, John Lo Gay, M.D. 98 Rogers, John George, baker 181 Lawson, Bobort 183 Hardy, Mrs. A. M., boarding house Here Foster-street Little. 185 Burnell, Honry Clay, J.P. 100 Geddes, David, engineer 187 Nathan, Charles, surgeon 102 Booney, Thomas, hawker 189 Fairfax, James Beading 104 Leonard; Mrs. Annie, dressmaker 191 Fairfax, Mrs. 0. J. 106 Blake, John, oarpenter 193 Frost, Jomos, Cornelius 108 Jeidon, Mrs. Eliza, school 110 Myers, Benjamin AUSTBALIAN LlBBABY Here Bent-street, Here Campbell-street. 195 Martin, Misses, ladies' school 112 Hare, William, saddler 197 Taylour, Lord John 114 MoOann, John, miller 199 White, Miss Frances M., boarding house 116 Loon, Michael, tailor 201 Lyons, Saul 118 Mealey, James, bootmaker 203 MoTaggart, Mrs. Isabella, boardinghouse 120 O'Mara, John, omnibus proprietor 207 Searl, Frederic B, 124 Moran, Miohael, carter 209 Fugh, Oharlos Here Albion-street, 213 Cox, Mrs. Mary Andrcwina VOLUNTEBB BOXES OFFICE COLONIAL ABOHITEOT'S OFFICE Here Hunter-street, 215 Moreton, Rov. Goorgo 217 BoborU, Honry L. 219 Edward, Mrs., boarding houso JEWS' TABERNAOLE 223 Burdekin, Mrs. M. A. 225 Dalley, John 22 r Webster, Aloxandor 229 Borncastle, Julius, surgeon 231 Glieshe, Charles, tailor 233 Orowder, William, carpentor 235 Tunsoll, Anthony 287 Toose, Henry, buildor - 239 Beoeh.Wm, Honry, chimney sweep 241 Bonfi, Madamo E. B. B. dressmaker UNITABIAN CHAPEL 247 Randolph, R. R., commission agent 249 Williams, William Jaraos. M.D. 261 Armstrong, John, surveyor 253 Fope, John CROWN LAW OFFIOEB 267 Allwood, ROY. Robert Here King-street. Macquarie-street South, W e s t Side Here Liverpool-street, Barmingbam, Patriok, printer 1 McRickard, Henry, dealer Here Broton'e-lane, 3 Rigg, Mrs. Sarah, lodging-house 5 Marsh, Mrs. Elizabeth 7 Denny, George, printer 9 Beatty, Joslan, oolloctor 11 Walker, Mrs. Rachael 15 Allan, John 17 Howitt, Adam 19 Dillon, Augustus Here Qoulburn-street, 346 Ronan, Philip, grooor Here Foster-street Little, 347 Stevons, Isaao 849 Foid, Edward, printer 851 Rubio, Edward, accountant 853 Manderson, Wm. R., marble mason 366 Laing, Jamos, bakor Max 357 Nottman, John, tinsmith Whiteside, W. G.—Freemasons' Tavern Yard, John—Fosterville Hotel Here Campbell-street, 365 Moore, William, joiner 367 Fargher, Robert, plasterer Here Albion-street, Maiden-lane Off FiUroy-Etreot MoCourti, John, storoman McOourti, Robert, wheolwright Honnessy, Dennis, gardener .Marshall, Louis Dolan, Peter, stonomason Diokio, John Purcoll, Tobias Buckley, James, cabman Mitohell, Honry, dairyman Horner, Edwin Fearnsido, survoyor Eamos, George 0., clerk Botten, Edward William, clerk Wood, James, plasterer Corrigan, Thomas, contractor Marshall, John, carpenter Thompson, John, baker Margaret-place, North Side Darling Harbour to Clarence-street. AUSTRALIAN STEAM NAVIGATION Oo. Here Sussex-street, Boddy, 'William, boarding-house A. S. N. Co.'s WOBKSHOP 14 20 22 24 13 Here Napoleon-street, Galo, Elam, butcher Here Kent-street, Britton, Teresa, grocor Gilmour, Hugh, carpenter Bogust, Mary Ann Collan, Patriok—Lamb Inn Here Olarence-slrett, ?ORY Mar 91 6 2 NOBTHEBN FiBB AND LlFB INBDBAHOB COMPANY 60 Dean, Thomas J. merchant Allardico, Archibald, merohant Irving, Clark 64 Gilchrist, Watt and Co., merchants. Bradley, Henry Burton, solicitor Here Wynyard-lane. Young, Lark & Bonnett, warehousemen Here Qeorge-street. 29 31 83 35 Margaret-street, South Side Here Clarence-street, Spillin, Daniel, cooper Deevolo, Jamos; engineer Huntor, Froderiok, draper Fennel), Charles, cooper Here Wynyard-square, Cohen, Abraham— Cohen's Family Hotel Here Wynyard-lane. Brewster, John, stock and station agent Here Qeorge-street, Marian-street, Pyrmont Fyrmont-stroct to Edward-street. Hargreaves, William, ironfounder Frasor, John Thompson, engineer Miller, John, boiler-maker Smith, Thomas Haddoll, John, mason Pollock, Hepburn Here Edward-street. Markets—Old Shed D . Off Georgo-strcet. 2 "Wright, John, fruiteror . 8 & 5 Johnston, Thomas, fruiterer 4 Kippax, W. and S., poulterers 6 & 8 South, William, poultoror' 7 Barkor, "W. J., cheesemonger 9 & 11 Doogan, Patrick, fruiterer 10 and 12 Lawrence, Edward, fruitoror Margaret-place, South Side 13 Bird, John, fruiteror Darling Harbour, 15 Gilos, William, tripe-vendor A. S. N. Co.'s WHABF AND STOBES 16 & 18 Ireland, Wm., bird fancior 14 17 and 19 Novis, William, bird fanoior Here Sussex-street. 20 &22 Bonnett, William, fruiterer MoMillan, William—McMillan's Hotel 21 Fontaino, John, choesomongor Taylor, Mary, boarding-house Raphael, J. G.—Sydney and Melbourne 23 to 30 Orawlov, D. and T., oheesnmongors 24 Thomas, William, tripe-vondor Hotel 29 & 30 Scott, James, poulterer Here Kent-street. 32 Maonamara, Peter, crockery stall Corkan, B.—Morpeth and Hinton Hotel 33 to 36 Jamos, Potor, fruiterer Cottlo, John—Durwood Hotel Markets—Old Shed 0 . Here Clarence-street, Off York-atroot. 1 & 3 Downs, J., fruit and vegetable dealer Margaret-street, North Side 2 Abbott, Nioholas, fruiterer and poulterer Clarence-street to George-ttroet. 4 Hargravo, Henry, fruitoror Vacant land 6 Towliill, Henry, greengrocer 0 Street man, John, fruitoror Em Wynyari-iquart North, 92 Mar STREET 7 Carr, William, fruiterer 8 Hnzclton, James, fruitorcr 9 Bourkc, Mrs., fruiterer 10 Warren, Mrs., seed-stall 11 Bogle, Peter, fruiterer 12 Sinneker, Thomas, fruiterer 13 Poles, Mrs., fruiterer 14 and 16 Lawless, Jlichno), fruiterer 18 Albury, William, fruiterer . 19 Cunningham, Peter, fruitorcr 21 & 23 Bcavis, Jacob, fruiterer 22 Parton, John, fruiterer 24 Hancock, John, fruitorcr 28 & SO Franks, John, fruitorer 29 Hancock, John, fruiterer 31 Alncr, Sebastian, fruiterer 33 Proctor, John, fruiterer 34 Ryan, William, fruitorer 35 Johnson, Thomas, fruitorer 36 O'Grady, James, fruitorer M a r k e t New, E a s t Side Dutrnnco Market-street. Andrews, George, fruiterer 1 Nixon, William, fruiterer 3 McKean, J. G., seedsman 5 Galvin, Daniel, cheesemonger 7 & 9 Linsley and Hicks, chcesemongor 11 Graham, Joseph, seedsman 13 Kippax, W. & S., seedsmon & poultorors 15 & 17 Baptist, John, groongrocer 19 Buckingnam, Henry, fruiteror Market New, West Side Entrance Markct-Ktrcct. Woodward, Henry, fruiterer 2 & 4 Herod, Reuben, fruiteror 0 Mortimer, Joromiah, poulteror 8 Gelding, J. "W., seedsman 10 Mortimer, Mrs., fruiterer 12 & 14 Martin, Mrs., fruiterer 16 Ireland, W. H., poulterer 18 North, John B., colonial wino depot 20 Lawless, Thomas, fruiteror 12 14 10 20 40 44 46 48 50 52 64 56 M a r k e t - l a n e , E a s t Side Goulburn-strect to Klizaboth-strcct. Humpago, ltichard, grocor Nolson, Robort, bootmaker Wood, Isaiah, bedstead maker McLean, Mrs. Sarah E. TordofT, James, dealer Mattbows, Aaron, dealor Stringer, John, blacksmith Brown, William Harris, John Smith, Ellon, dressmaker Donlnnd, Martin, bricklayer Here Exeter-place, Brown, William, butcher Lowis, Goorgo, tinsmith Patrick, Mrs., grocer Donaldson, John, quarryman Burrows, Bridget— Queenstown Inn Mar Mar Kico, Hanry, butcher Here Campbell-lane and Elizabeth-street. M a r k e t - l a n e , W e s t Side Here Goulburn-strect. Pointor, Joseph, plasterer Simpson, Thomas, plasterer Simpson, Mrs., midwifeO'Neill, Hugh, painter and glazier Lappin, James, cabman Middloton, George B., boilermakor Baker, Edward Carroll, John Here Elizabeth-street. M a r k e t - s t r e e t , N o r t h Side Fyrmont Ilrldgo to Ellzaboth-strcct. McKeown, William H., coal merchant Here Wharf-street. Vacant land Here Sussex-street. LETTER RECEIVER Connor, Trios.— Governor Bourke Hotel Spears, William, butcher 4 Abrow, Antonio F., tobacconist 6 Johnson, Robert, bootmaker 8 Sheehy, Peter Francis, chemist 10 Maddon, Michael, draper 12 Parton, John, fruiterer 14 Dallison, Thomas 16 Jackson, William, wharfinger 18 Isaac, Robert, tinsmith 20 Kavanagh, Lawronco, grocer Murphy, William—Alexandra Hotel Here Kent-street. Williams, Phillip—Australian Inn 22 Jones, John Thomas, bootmaker 21 Lynch, Patrick 28 Doyle, James, fruiterer v30 Anderson, Mrs. H., grocer Here Clarence-street. 32 Holloway, James—Blue Lion 34 Campbell, Mrs., dressmaker 38 Copoman, Georgo, chimney swoop 40 Jones, William, horse dealer Cohen, Rhauiin—Maitland Hotel Here York-street. Hill, Thomas—AW/ Gwynne 44 Clarke, David, hairdrcssor 46 Brown, Rosanna, Mrs., tobacconist 48 Slator, William James, tinsmith 50 McCoy, John, oystor saloon Vevmeosch, John, wincitspirit merchant Pnlsor and Cowlishaw, grocers Here George-street. Roberts, Chas. W.— Crown and Anchor McCoy, Thomas, oystor saloon 54 Kirby, Fred. Christophor, booksellor 56 Storum, Honry, hairdresser 58 Crogo, William, auctioned60 Pearson, John hairdresser & porfumer DIRECTORY 62 64 66 68 Mathers, William, confectioner Levy, Isaac Henry, clothier Mountcastlo, Benjamin, hattor Swyny and Son, bootmakers Emerson, Richard, oystor saloon 70 Abbey, William, bootmaker 72 Parr, Richard, tailor 74 Sadler, Edward, bootmaker Kelly, Georgo B.—Bathurst Hotel Here Pitt-street. MoCarroll, Philip, butcher 76 Cook, Mrs. F„ fruitorer 78 Young, Lake Georgo, upbolstoror 80 Hart, John, dealor 82 Brady, John, hairdrcssor O'Connell, Thomas, dealor 84 Egun, Daniel, aud Co., wino and spirit merchants 8G Hayes, John Joseph, news agent 88 Gaffnoy, Bernard, bakor 90 Reading, Mrs. W., Berlin warcliouso 92 Grocott, Mrs. Ann, stay maker Grocott, J. T., commission agent 94 Sharpo and Morton, working jowollors 96 CO-OI'EBATIVE SOCIETY'S STORES 98 Wood, Lowin, bootmaker 100 Rossitcr, Miss Jano, milliner Farrell, William Thomas, grocer Here Castlercagh-street. Wolfo, Wallace, butcher 104 Kleos, Peter, bakor 106 Mansfield, William, doaler Mortimer, Henry L.—Albion Hotel Here Elizabeth-street. M a r k e t - s t r e e t , S o u t h Side Here Pyrmont Bridge. Davis, Win. Holme, produce merchant s Cox, James, and Co., shipping agont and timber merchnnts Here Sussex-street. Sargont, William—Harbour View Inn 1 Head, John, commission agont 3 Lonohan Brothers, grocors C Groig, Peter, baker 7 Young, Robert, painter and glazier 11 Quinlan, Henry, butcher 15 Hynard, Robert, hay and corn dealer Evans,'Goorgo, cooper AVortlcy, Robert—All Nations Hotel Here Kent-street. Watson, James, butcher 23 Reeves, James, confectiouor 23 Harrison, John, grocer 27 Wholan, James, china warchouso 271 Baldock, Josoph, tinsmith 29 Armstrong, John, ironmonger Hire Clarence-street. 33 King, James, pastrycook 35 Cumming, Alexander, hairdresser 37 Hoch, Aloes, clock and watchmaker 39 Evans, William, olectro chomical bath Mar M Whito, Jamos, dealer Barker and Co., bay and corn storo Here York-street. THE MARKETS Here George-street. Cooper and Co., morcbants 43 Armitago, J. T. and Co., morcbants 45 Hawksford, James, spectacle maker 47 Hawksford, John, brass founder aud gas fitter 49 Dixson, Jamos, jeweller Borton, Edward—Borton's Hotel Here Pitt-street. Perry, John—Exhibition Hotel 67 Butler, Henry Shcffoll, shirt manufacturer 69 Noillings, William, umbrella maker 61 Holey, Thomas, bootmaker 63 Constablo and Turnor, brass finishors and gas fitters 65 Brady, William, tailor 67 Hortzhaouser, Conrad, surgical instrument maker 69 Finckh and Boekomann, manufacturing jewellers 71 Wettman, Henry, bootmaker 73 Foot, Mrs., milliner 75 Mitchell, William, confectioner Gordon, Eliza— Travellers' Rest Here Castlereagh-strcct. Slialvey, Michael— Globe Tavern 79 McCaffery, Hugh, dealor 81 Cassull, William, bootmakor 83 Rossiter, Henry, watchmaker 85 Riloy, Maria, dealer Here Elizabeth-street. M a r l b o r o u g h - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Dovey-strect to Iiansdowno-stroot. 2 Jesson, John, builder 4 Elliott, John, engineer Here Devonshire-street. Vacant land Here JIIiles-strect, 26 Holt, William 28 Morrison, Archibald, cnginoor Here Lansdowne-street. Marlborough-stroet, W e s t Side Here Davey-street. Neill, William, " Chapolton House 1 ' Here Devonshire-street. 9 Coiner, S. L. 11 Ircdalo, Launoelot 13 Quclcli, Arthur Stevens, Thomas 15 Brooks, John, warehouseman 17 Monday, Arthur, clerk Here Miles-street. Vacant land Here Lansdownc-strcct, 94 May 4 6 10 12 16 Marshall-street, E a s t Side OCT Sovenshlro-strcot, Baker, J a m e s , carpontor Olatworthy, George, dealer Joseph, Daniel, blacksmith Potts, Miss Dunlop, Robert 11 13 17 19 Marshall-street, W e s t Side Here Devonshire-street. Duncan, Frederick, boilor maker . Oallen, J o h n P . Leister, John, drayman Douglas, William, painter C 8 10 12 14 54 56 58 7 11 18 15 17 49 61 53 55 15 17 19 23 25 27 29 31 33 85 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 STKEET Mary-street, E a s t Side Campbell-street to Alblon-streot. Olay, Henry, dealer Walford, Charles W., carpontor Woolf, Henry, dealer Gipp, Daniol Coulter, George, clerk Mitchell, H u g h Livingstone John James Broomfiold, Edward Here Albion-street. M a r y - s t r e e t , "West S i d e Hero Campbell-street. Brown, William, carpontor Mathers, Henry Willocks, John, paintor Herd, William, clerk Gregory, Charles, hakor Foarce, John, coaoh painter Wade, Jamos.-carpentor Richards, William, engineer Steward, William, druggist Here Albion-street. May-street Off rarramattn-stroct, Bastard, William, blacksmith Brown, Thomas Callaghan, Daniol, greengrocer Bates, Thomas, blaoksmith Splatt, Charles Ctillon, Richard Ward, Mrs. Maud MoDonald, Tctor O'Mara, Aloxandor, carpenter Murphy, Cornelius, Btonomason Loggo, Samuel, upholstoror and polisher Leonard, Mrs. Goddnrd, Bonjamin, doalor Pearson, James, butohcr Walton, Edward, blaoksmith and whoolwriglit Terence, James Wolsh, David, blacksmith Irvin, Thomas Wannoll, Faithful, wheelwright 5 7 9 11 13 15 19 23 25 27 29 IMil Middle-street, East Side Bank-sttcot to Cleveland-street. Muir, Matthew, dealor McLaren, Robert, cooper Kempt, James, engincor Bogson, Eliza Dunn, John Morris, Mrs. Sarah Delow, Goorgo, carpenter Holloway, Thomas, greengrocer Stewart, Gordon Matthews, J a m e s , sawyer Dorman, Ann Here Cleveland-street. Middle-street, W e s t Side Here Bank-street. 2 Gray, William John, ongineor 4 Tafft, Solomon, storekeeper C Dolan, William, blacksmith 8 Iroton, George J o h n 10 Loftus, Roderick, grocor 14 Haydon, Ebonczor, tailor 20 Ovorton, John 22 McGlonn, Patrick 24 Brown, William, fireman 26 Saunders, Samuol, carpenter 28 Garthon, Henry, grocer 80 McKinnon, Donald, moulder 32 Boamon, Samuol, drayman Hero Cleveland-street. Miles-street Elloy-strcot to Crown-strcct. AVallaco, James, carpenter Brennan, Eugeno Morrington, Mrs. Holt, William Baker, Thomas Holdsworth, John Here Crown-street. Mill-street, P y r m o n t , E a s t Side Bay-streot to Jobn-stroot. Shand, John, builder Clubb, John, plasterer Flotchor, William, shipwright lladficld, John, shipwright Shaptor, William, blacksmith Hooy, James, engineer Stephens, William, boatbuildor Loos, Mrs. Louisa Sophia, sominary Burnoy, Robert, shipwright McClonnan, Donald, master mariner Paul, William, shipwright Cripps, Mrs. Sarah Gilchrist, John Here John-street. Mill-street, P y r m o n t , W e s t Side Hero Bay-street. Bay, Edgar Lawson, James, commission agont Mou Here Church-street. Dunsmoro, K., grocor Here Way-terrace. Swan, John, shipwright Boyle, Hector, mariner Buist, William, onginecr Olouston, William, shipwright Shand, Georgo, carpontor Johnson, William, joiner RawnBley, Robert, master marinor Firth, J a m e s , master mariner Boling, Thomas, boilor-makor Varloy, William, shipwright Wadsworth, Andrew, contractor Waddington, Ann, grocor Hughes, MrB. Martha Hudson, Mrs. Ellon Gordon, William, toachor Holloway, Benjamin, enginoor Here John-street. MiUer's-road, N o r t h Side Argylo-stroet to Kont-strcot. Clancy, Patrick, groongrccor Shells, Charles Leo, William, mariner Wilson, Daniel Tait, John, and Co., butcher? Here Ecnl-strcet. Miller's-road, South Side Here Argyle-slreet. Norris, William—Royal Oak Steer, John, grocor Beo, Goorgo, steward Allingham, John Here VTcnlworth-slrcct. Harte, Timothy— Captain Cook Inn Here Clyde-street. Hogan, Maria, grocor and drapor Here Kent-street, Moore's-road .Flood's Wharf to Argyle-ttrcot, Konnedy, Michaol, limobu-rner Davis, Joseph, storekeeper Mooro, Henry, merchant Towns, Robert, and Co., morchants May, William— Oladstone Hotel Here Argyle-slreet. Mount-street, P y r m o n t , E a s t Side OIT John-street. Lewis, J o h n Ackland, John, waterman Martin, Robort, boiler-makor Smith, Thomas, stonemason McDonald, Aloxandor, paintor Doodson, Edward, bakor Theak, John Stewart, Elizaboth Mar 95 Cartor, John, s a i l m a k o r Goodridge, J o h n Ross, John, quarryman Aldrod, John, engincor Payton, Thomas Ferguson, Mrs. Isabella, grocor Wicks, H e n r y Burling, J o h n Soymour, J o h n Brown, Thomas, builder Lynn, William, butchor Earnshaw, Mrs. Mary Clufif, Jamos, storekeeper McComb, Samuol, quarryman Mount-street, P y r m o n t , W e s t Side Here John-street. Saunders, Charlbs— Quarryman's Arms Here Johnson's-place. Thorp, John, mason Bollows, Edward, boilor-maker Crum, J a m e s , boiler-maker Maidmont, John, quarryman Jenkins, William, quarryman Briggs, Jamos, quarryman Britton, John, quarryman Gibson, Mrs. Elizaboth Roid, John, quarryman Bonnott, William, copporsmith Konnody, Patrick, butcher Anderson, Mrs. Jano, doalor NATIONAL SCHOOL Briggs, John, quarryman Reid, Thomas, quarryman Thomson, Mrs. Ellon Cluff, Mrs. Carroll, Folix, quarryman Quinn, John, quarryman Munn-street Off Argylo-stroot. Orook, John Jones, William, shipwright Swanson, John Scarlett, Arthur Mercio, Joromo Minors, William Oron, Charles, storoman Owen, William, shipwright Cuthbort, John, shipbuilder Murray-street, Pyrmont Darling Harbour to Union-street Smith, John, engincor Blair, John, master mariner Chapman, John A., shipwright Hickoy, Thomas G., ongineer Jonos, and Co., bono mill Short, Zacharinh K., ballastman M'Kollor, Robert, coal wharf Brown, Jaboz, commission agont Quailo, Philip, master mariner Hogarth, Julius Nutt, Edward, tinsmith 96 Nor STREET Mylos, Alexander Perry, William ballastman Here Union-street. Napoleon-street Off Margatot-placo. 1 2 3 4 Breillat, Thomas Ohaplin, flour mill Graham, Mrs. Leigh, William, clerk Hanran, Mrs. Golding, Samuel, stoker Wishart, Joseph, boat builder Pal Nor 12 Roberts, John, pastry cook 14 Gellespio, William 20 M'Auliffe, Floronco, draper 22 Ayres, John, slater 24 Pettit, David, shoemaker1 2G Orutchely, Thomas Here Collins-street. Norton-street, West Side Here toveaux-street. 7 Hall, Thomas, cooper 9 Butler, John 0., mason 11 Salmon, James, carter 13-Chaffer, Edwin, carpontor N e w t o w n - r o a d , E a s t Side 15 Chaffer, Frederick, carpenter rarraumlta-Btroet to Clovcland-strcct. 17 Campbell, James, carpontor 1 Laing, Robert, builder 19 Ingles, Miss, Carolino 2 Warren, Mi'B. 21 Dent, John, slater 3 Mauldin, William, painter and glazier 23 Wiseman, Thomas, carpontor 4 Laing, William, builder 25 Gow, John 5 Siddons, John 29 Parry, Walter W., bootcloser Poolman, Samuel 1 Cranny, Martin ") 0 31 Corbott, John 2 Siddons, Thomas, tailor | g 33 Hardy, Robert, furniture broker Here Collins-street. 3 Jones, Georgo i rg_ 4 Barnwell, Mrs. f | N o r t o n - s t r e e t L i t t l e , E a s t Side 5 Trovers, William I s Fltzroy-Btroot to rovcaux-strcot. 6 Commorford, Jamos JW 2 Bourk, John, cabman 1 Chandler, J., galvanized ironworker^ 4 Summors, Thomas, butchor 2 Welsh. Michael 0 Falin, Michael 3 Henson, Martin 4 Leo, Richard Here Foueaux-strcet. 5 Hughes, John Norton-street Iiittle, West Side G Stewart, John Here Filzroy-street. 7 Keano, Patrick 8 Toolo, Owen 1 Fitzhonry, Patrick, sawyer 9 M'Nainara, James 3 McGuiro, John, mason 10 Jull, James William 5 Hardy, Edward 11 Douglass, Jamos ,J 7 fc'orris, John, wood carvor Shepherd, Patrick L. 0., nurseryman 9 Ryan, Patrick, carpontor Here Myrtle-ftrcet. 11 Bradley, William, printor Vacant land 13 Hussoy, Mrs. Margaret 15 Colo, Mrs. Mary Ann Here Cleveland-street. 17 O'Shaughnessy, Win. J., carpontor Newtown-road, W e s t Side Hero Foveaux-street. 23 White, James, joinor 27 Edwards, Edward, whitesmith 33 McKenzie, Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer Here Collins-street. O'Connell-street, E a s t Side Bcnt-Btrcot to Huntor-streot. 2 Carew, Maria, boarding houso 4 Graham, Robert, merchant Santon, Patrick G Naylor, William, painter 8 Lockyer, Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house 10 Daniell, King and Co., morchants 12 O'Connoll, Daniel, storeman 16 Henfroy, Mrs. Charles J. 18 Alloway, Georgo H„ surgeon 20 Glover, Goorge, farrier 22 Penman, William 24 Robinson, W. H., builder Boardman, James—Horse and Jockey Here Hunter-street. O'Connell-street, W e s t Side Here Bent-street. 3 LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Moroliead and Young, merchants 11 Hunter, William 13 Doano, Mrs. 15 Hoffnung, Sigmond 17 Purkis, John 19 Bloodworth, Mrs. Maria 21 Brown and Co.'s stores 23 Ingolow, George K. 27 Dean, William, auctioneer Graham, James, produeo auctionoor Grundy, Francis Henry, survoyor Here Hunter-street. Orwell-street, N o r t h Side Vlotorla-strcct to Macloay-strcot Moore, Miss, ladies' school Thomas, James, builder Here Maclcay-slrcct. [In Wcstoni Suburbs.] 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 i Nichol's-street Albion-stvcot to 1'itzroy-atrcot. Hill, Georgo Dolphus, Albert Griffin, James Flynn, John, tobacco twister Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Slattery, John Borgin, Michaol Gritlin, John, blacksmith Here Fitzroy-slreeU N o r t o n - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Fovcaux-streot to ColUus-strcot. 6 Potts, Mrs. Elizabeth, preparatory school 8 Lawronco, Mrs. Eliza, dressmaker 10 Pryor, Thomas, gardener N o r t o n - s t r e e t Lower, E a s t Side I'ovcaux-Btrcct to Collins-street. 2 Jones, Samuel, saddler 4 Chaffer, Georgo, builder 1G Clark, Win. Honry, compositor 18 Richards, James G., tanner 20 Litchfield, Win., galvanized iron workor 26 O'Brien, James, mason 28 Liston, William, tobacco twister 30 James, Miss Jessio, dressmaker Here Collint-slreet. Norton-street Lower, West Side Here loveaux-street. 7 Hogg, Robert 9 Bailey, Robert, clerk 13 McM tutors, Hugh DIRECTORY 5 9 11 13 15 Orwell-street, South Side Here Victoria-street. Thomas, Jamos, builder Adamson, Alexander, horse-dealer Windaydin, William Dunlop, David, gardener O'Brion, Mrs., laundross Here Maclcay-street. P a l m e r - s t r e e t , E a s t Side Domain to Sonth Head Road. 2 Harrison, Mrs. Marian 4 D'Aroy, William, bootmaker G Macdonald, Duncan, printor 8 Foarnley, John, clork 10 Huntley, Mrs. Ann 12 Bannorman, Mrs. Margaret, dealer 14 Dive, Philip, olork 16 Baird, John, clork Pal 97 18 Hoeben, Jamos 20 Eckhardt, Georgo, tailor 22 Harpur, Henry, clerk 24 Haussell, William, storokoopor 26 Madden, Mrs. Elizaboth 28 Thomas, Mrs Mary—Domain Hotel Here Bay-street 32 Harpflnor, William, comb-maker 34 Cook, Samuel, blacksmith 36 Hug, Georgo, upholsterer 40 Bruce, Georgo, carpenter 42 Dawson, Mrs. Henry 44 Mahon, Lewis, storekeeper Dunn, John Here Junction-street. 46 Mallan, Franois Dunn, Richard, onginoor 48 Duigeldey, George, tailor 50 Fahy, William, gardoner 52 Atkins, Edward, Thomas 54 Kelly, Richard, clork 56 Barnes, Mrs. Susannah 58 MoNamara, Edward, drayman Here Junction-lane. 60 Murray, Cornolius O'Noilf, Mrs. Margarot, grocor Here Woolloomooloo-street. SAINT KILDA HOUSE Here St. Hilda-lane. G2 Williams, Honry, onginoor G4 Groulich, Mrs. drcssmakor GG Rafter, Thomas 08 Cathols, James, ongineor 70 Riley, Honry, carpenter Tomlins, Goorgo, ironmongor 74 Rowohl, Mrs 76 Walker, Mrs. 78 Rico, Waltor John, musician 80 Mungovacan, Mrs. James 82 Dent, Stophen, clork ,84 Nugont, Waltor, carpontor '86 Sohoidol, Frodoric, storokoopor 88 Endorsby, Charles 90 Salisbury, Josoph 92 Whitford, John 94 Butler, Jamos, cabman 102 Bradshaw, Bonjamin 104 Qrogarf, Patrick, clerk 106 Maxwell, Miss 108 Sponco, Thomas 110 Meillon, John Here Spence-lane. Hamilton, G. H., surgeon Here William-street. 112 and 114 Gray, John Thomas, plumber Here Barnett-lanc. 116 Baynos, Thomas 118 Oonnory, John 120 Layard, Louis F. 122 Roberts, Mrs. Elizaboth 124 McGregor, Alexander, tailor 126 Coar, Jeremiah, olqrk a §s Pal 180 Olulow, John, master mariner' 182 Hancock, James W. 134 Almond, WUliami'storelceepor 186 Sutton', Join; builder 188 Harrison, Williiim1 K. 140 Phillips, Rev. Solomon 142 Stevens, Thomas 144 Nelson, Nioholas. , 146 Bothroyd, George J. •„,,.-> v . . . 148 Howard, Ohas. V.) theatrical agont Here" Sutton-ldnt. 160 Chambers, William, grocer 162 Jonson, G., prdbeptor ,, . ,, 164 Leek, William James, fro'nob.1 polisher 168 Walker, Mrs. Bridget, dealer 160 Hawley, John Henry Here Slahley-sire'ei. PEESDYTEEIAN OBUBOH 162 MoGibbon, Be'v. J. 164 Thrussell, Thomas I. Here O'JBrien's'larie. Daly, John; carter 168'Hourigan, Mrs. Mary, 170 Fettey, William, master mariner 172 Little, Joseph, blacksmith':. 174 Christie, William, bookbinder 176 Oppermah, Henry, musician 178 Smith John 180 Sutton, George, builder 182 Oracknell, John , 184 Gregory, John, pastrycook 186 Hoodes, Mrs. Ann 188 Usher, Joseph, carpenter' 190 Shields, John, blacksmith 192 Moore, Joseph, brioklayer 194 Macdonald, James, grooer 196 Orabb, Mrs. Mary— Victoria Lm Hete Berwick-lane. 198 Ounninghame, Franoia 200 Hardy, Robert J.* 204 Ward, Mrs. David—lbdgihg-hbuio 206 Edwards, Benedick, acoountant Here Liverpool-street. 238 Donaldson, John, iron moulder 240 Plowman, John, coll so tor 242 Sherlook, William, ourrier 244 Sharp, Adam, dray proprietor Sere Burton-street. 278 Boney, John, painted , , 280 Williams, Samuel James; carpenter 282 Benson, William, painter 284 Oahill, Boady, slater1 286 O'Oonnell, Mrs. Morgarot 288 Montgomery, Daniel, drayman Here JTames'Slfeei. 290 Roberts, Miss, dressmaker 292 Stephens, John Goorgo, carpenter 294 Israel, Henry \, 296 Coohrane, JoUti, Jroholsterer „. Davies, J.' B.^.W^(ertb6 Hotel Sere South Bead Road. * *SwlMpiS??^ m Palmer-street, West Side Here Entrariie to Domain; Burns, Alexander,1 grocer rHere Wpolloomooloo-ttreet. . . Hodgkins, Mrs. Ann—Swan of Erin 77 Anderson, James, wood carver Here Turner-lane: 79 Barker, Mrs. Ann, dealer 81 Robinson, Joseph 83 Robins, George.... 85 Richardson, J7 M. 87 Davison, Mrs. Elizabeth 89 Stewart, James, baker 91 Dreslar, James, ooaoh trimmer 93 Sharkey, John, builder 96 Long, Aloxander Here Johnstone-ldne. 97 Bebkett, Robert 108 Lovy, Isaac, watchmaker 105 Garrick, James 107 Maokonzio, John P. 109 Turner, Mrs. Mary 111 Phillips, Hbriry, dedlei? 113 Walker, John Cotton, cohvbyanoer 115 Maughan, Henry, master marltibr' 117 Flint, John William 119 Lambert, Miohael ] 121 Fleetwood, Mrs. Mary Ann Here Robinson-lane". Robinson, Daniel—FiUroy Hotel Here William-street. Vacant land , Here Stanley-itreet and Ohapel-ldhc. 193 Furness, John, carpenter 201 McClelland, Jambs, bootmakor 203 Powell, David, grooor 206 Tibbey, Charles, tea'ohor 207 Feck, Mrs. Goorgo 209 Gorman, Morty 211 Leek, Frederick Thomas, bootolosor PHESBYTEBIAN SCHOOL 213 Hogg, James—Boomerang1 Inn 216 Finoott, Benjamin, dealei 217 Jolly, Henry, bootmakor Here Berwick-lane. 219 Graham, William 221 Wallaoe, Mrs. Catherine 223 Furness, John, oarpenter 226 Goddard, Gv, storeman 227 Delprado, James, cabinet maker 229 MoKonzio, Rhoderiok 231 Mantova, Peter, carpenter Here Liverpool-street. 263 Dillon, David, 257 Emerson, Riphard , . 269 Stock, William, warehouseman. 261 Blading, Joseph, mason 263 Kennagh, Patrick.. . 265 Ellis, William,.oarpenter. 267 Cawley, John, brass finisher 269 Cox, Benjamin, cottier 271 Robinson, Frank, olerk Plffr 273 McGuffie, Mre. S. J„ school 276 Oldham', Charles, storeman 277 Thornton, F.y grboor Here Burton-street. 279 Armstrong, Christopher 281 Haro, Miohael 283 McLaughlin', Mrs. 285 Langley, Thomas', carpenter 287 Waring, Thomas W., clerk 289 Oreig, Hugh, compositor 291 Hoarrib. Mrs. A. 293 Whomsley, John, coaohsmith 295 Downey, Ed ward, storokeepor 297 Eisen, William; professor of music' 299 Grove, Daniel, baskbt makor SOS Smith and Farrell, cabinet makers Here James-street. 293 Goultor, Jamesj storekeeper 295 Foster, Francis, boot & shoe warohouso Here South Bead Road. Paradise-place Off Holt-stract. 1 2 3 4 5 6 m DritBWoiy King, George, brioklayer Beatty, George, printer Kerr, John Hayes, Henry, bootmaker Searlo, Thomas, tailor Douglas, Henry, Coach trimmor Park-street, 1 North Side Ocorgo-street to College-street. Boalo Charles—Simpson's Hotel Carroll, Jamos, attornoy FBEEMAN'B JOUBNAL OFFICE Dolman, William, bookseller & stationor 4 Saywoll, Thomas, tobacconist C Hail, John, painter 8 Ftillam, James, shoemaker 10 Smith, Frbdorick, locksmith 12 Shaw, Samuel, tinplato worker 14 Caiman, Morris, fruiterer 16 Aitken, Thomas, ironmonger 18 Kioly, John, basket maker. 20 Walkor, John, music sollor Oookburn, H.D., duotiorieor Here Pitt-street. 26 Rossilor, "Walter, furniture dealer 28 Stone, William, ginger bee* makor 80 Wilson, Lewis, frnitOror 32 FletoherG. & P.,6olonial oven makers 84 Murphy, William,' draper 36 Smith, William, shirt maker 88 Hands, James, furniture dealor Moses Joseph—-Barley Mow Here i)aHleri(tg%itre'et. 40 Stevenson, Isaao, grooer Parsons, F, J., confeotionbr and fruitoror 42 Merrott, James Fredoriok, maritfor 44 Hume, phrenologist 46 Wilson, Thomas, ongraver Clark, John—Buth Tavern Here EUzabeth-sCreet. HYDH PABK. Here College'-sfreet. Park-street, South Side Here George-street. MoMastor, Johtf— Swan With Two' Jfoefo 6 Milgrove, Henry, turner 7 Dolohory, Cornelius", senior; house' and estate agent 9 Arundoll, Mrs; B., milliWer 11 Richardson, George, leather stoW 15 Conybor, Jainos, bookbinder 16 Broom, John, hair dresser 17 Bain, John, scale manufacturer 19 Hall, Thomas William; leather" store Wilsoni GflOfge— Volmtttr Hotel Here Pttt-street. Cookburn, H. D., anotion'oer 27 Wiley, David, basket maker 29 Boll, Henry 81 Forbes, Louisa, frufteror 33 Anidjali, Abraham, hair dressor 86 Jofforys, William, upholsterer Here Oaslhrtag'h-ttreoU 37 Riloy, Cornelius, upholateror 89 Hardman, Abel, stationer 41 Fouler, F. F.y booksollof 48 Curtis, Anthony James,-hay Aobrndoalor Poulton, Arthur, chemist and druggist! Here Elizabeth-street. HTDE PABK Here College-street. Parker-street Uay-stroet toGlppj-Btrtet. A.G.L. Co.'s BnANOri GAsctaMn Page, Goorgo Smith, James, and Cormiok, blaoks'm.'Uui Fan-ell, James Halton, SanYuef, skoomaker" Graham, S; Williamson, Henfy, blacksmith Simon, William Honry, blacksmith Smith, Riohard Chadwiok and Co., timber merchants' Here Qippt-slrecU Parramatta-street, North Sidtf Harrta-street to Bay-street. 1 Cross, Alfrod, draper 3 Berwick, Thomas, farrier 5 Goodlot and .Smith, timber moroharits 7 Rush, John Thomas, draper 11 Lonohan, Christopher Henry 13 Goo, Honry, fnnoy bazaar 16 Byrnes, Joromiali, tailor 17 Carugato, Charles, butoher. 19 Francis, Thomas, horse dealei* Here Fr^tCS-WM. 21 Hillier, John B,, draper ;'»: V !i ^^^^m^m^w:^^^^^>^ ,^^s fv«m 100 Par STREET. Par Here Athlone-plaoe. S3 Murphy, John, oil and colourman 26 Mayhow, Thos., grocer and oonfootionor 167 Halls and Stephenson, painters 169 Smith, Sarah Ann, draper Ghristison, Robert—Welcome Inn SAINT BARNABAB OHUBOH 31 Wallwork, Robert, commission agont 171 Bates, Jobn, farrier 33 Stone, Martin, bootmaker 179 Denoh, John, coaohmaker Sere Maitland-place. Ferguson, R., and Co., farriers 87 Henschkel, John, tobacconist 181 Wawr, Thomas, whoelwright 35 Valentine Brothers, confectioners 183 Baohler, Leonard, coffee and reading 39 Humphries and Allerton, drapers rooms 41 Glovor, 0. A., and Co., butchers 185 O'Brien, and Co., coaoh builders 48 Lyons, Paul, commission agents 189 Ward and Co., cigar manufacturers 45 Knight, Oharles, dealer 191 Barnet, Jannet, grocer 193 McOarroll, Philip, butcher 47 Dolman, George, shoemaker 195 Smith, John F., grocer 40 Leslie, William 0., "bookseller 5 L AndrowB, William, draper Jackson, James W.—Huntsman's Inn - 63 Moronoy, John—Hand of Friendship Inn Here Bay-street. 65 Gilligan,Timothy, dealer 67 Laundry, Samuel, warehouseman Parramatta-atreet, South, Side 61 Featt, William, bootmaker Botany-street to Nowtown-road. 63 Weber, Oharles Frederick, butcher 2 Kosten, Frederick—Railway Hotel 65 Olune, Thomas, grocer 4 French, Robert, cab proprietor 67 Fletohcr, Archibald, ironmonger 6 & 8 Dwyor, William Joseph 69. Molly, Jamos, bootmaker 10 Lookett, John, bootmaker 71 WeBthoff, Frederick, tobacconist 12 Dart, Robert, tinsmith 78 Logan, John, grocer 14 Tuttle, Mrs. Mary Ann 75 Oauill, Michael, dealer 16 Oremer, Mrs. Jessie, dealer 77 McManamey, James, grocer 18 Pope, William, farrier Kennedy Brothers, butchers Here Kensington-street. 81 Shilling, James, galvanised iron worker 83 Collins, Thomas, ironmonger 20 Coman, William— California Inn 22 Absalom, John, tinsmith MoFhail, Mrs. Jane, pastrycook 24 Manor, Daniel, hay and corn dealer 85 SimmonB, William, cooper KENT BREWERY 87 Taylor, James, butcher Tooth, R. & F. and Co., brewers 89 Harris, Samuel, surgeon 42 Mullally, James, cab proprietor 91 Warner, William, boot warehouso 46 Morgan, James, hairdresser 93 Riordan, Cornelius, baker 48 Moronoy andLnrkin, hay & corn doalors 95 Barlow, Mrs. Catherine, ironmonger 52 Bern, John, ironmonger 97 Ward, Matthew, whip-thong makor 54 Ben;in, Mrs. Margaret, grocer 99 Selby, William, draper 101 Weekes, Nioholas, chemist and druggist 56 Child. Henry George, cabinot-maker 103 Foster, H. and W., oil and oolourmon 58 Smith, Mrs. Catherine, grocer 107 Keriu, James— Orphan Boy Hotel Here Green's-place. 109 Jackson, George, butoher 60 HarriBon, William— Wellington Inn '111 MurrayrJohn Sinolair, draper 64 Ryan, Timothy, grocer 115 Kavauagh, Lawrence, grocer 66 Lee, Mm, greengrocer Sere Darling'Stmt. Here Charles-street. 117 Oonltor, Edward, commission agent 68 Olune, Matthow— Clare Castle Inn 72 Grace, Richard, dealor 119 Gilligan, Mrs. Catherine, dealer 74 Barlow, Henry, locksmith 121 Parkinson, Thomas— Victoria Inn 128 HoNanghton and Austin, blacksmiths Here Linden's-place 129 King, William, furniture doaler 76 Moronoy, Cornelius, baker 183 Whftbread, Henry Edward, ironmonger 78 Benson, John, junr., pawnbroker 80 Johnston, Jason, boot warehouso Bert Brisbane-street. 82 Hanloy, Edward— Oolden Anchor Inn 145, Ryan, John, dealor Here Daltoris-lane. 147 Olarko, Thomas, dealer 84 Taylor, Henry, monumental mason 151 Brown, William—Sportsman's Arms 86 Henrioon, J., shoomakor 153 Nosbitt, Matthow, wool washer 88 Solomon, John, butohor 155 Bastard, William, farrior . 90 Moss, William, pawnbroker Here May-street. 92 Wainwrlght, James, tanner 167 Shields, Robort, baker 94 Millikin, Josoph West, watohmakor 169 Thomas, John, grocer 96 Miller, Thomas, dealer 161 Davis, Josoph, butcher 98 Hartigan, John, grocer 165 Sinolair, John, doaler PM DIRECTORY 100 Walker, William, hay and corn dealer 102 Reynolds, Henry—Australian Inn Here Abercrombie-place. SAINT BENEDICT'S CHURCH BRISBANE DISTILLERY Femell, James, miller and corn dealor Turner, Mrs. Hannah COLONIAL SUQAB REFINING COMPANY 186 Anderson, Thomas, chairmaker 188 Hanson, John, dealer 190 Powell, Oharles Qlendower 194 Soaley, George William 198 Oollis, John, stationer 200 Holman, George, bootmaker 202 HolmeB, T., saddle and harness maker 204 Parker and Malpass, plumbers 206 Lacorda, Dominiok F. P., tobacconist 208 Masters, John, oonfeotioner Here Ncwtown-road. 124 126 128 130 132 134 186 138 140 142 Anderson, W. J., surgeon Francis, Benjamin Lotze, Edward, morohaut Cox, J. 0., surgeon fccHELQ Ieoton, Thomas, solicitor Brooks, J. W., paper ruler Chandler, Thomas, grocer Vinoy, Angelo—Lemon 'free Inn Starkey, John, cordial manufaeturer Wells, John 146 148 150 152 156 160 162 164 166 Kelliok, John, builder Green, Mrs., dressmaker Robinson, W. G., plumbor Smith, George Elliott, Henry Brown, John, fruiterer Mtiller, Oharles, M.D. Fahey, Francis, draper Bowman, E. B., surgeon Here King-street. Circular Quay to Klng-stroot. WATRB FOLIOK STATION VOLUNTEER FIBB CO., NO. 2, HOUSE ENGINE Walker, Wm, Henry, engine keeper Sere Bridge-street. 46 Martin, Mrs., boarding-house ENOINEER-IN-OHIEF FOB HABBOUBB AND, RIVERS COMMISSIONER FOB RAILWAYS PUBLIC WOBKS' OFFICE COMMISSIONER FOB ROADS ENGINBBB-IN-OHIEF FOR RAILWAYS 76 Kempster, William, cooper 78 M'Nab, Thomas, stevedore GOVBRNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Here Bent-street. 84 Rico, James, watorman 86 Riodel, Alfred, commission agont 88 Oousens, Mrs., ladies' school 90 Hunt, Robert Allen 96 Brewster, Mrs., laundress 98 Johnston, John, marinor 100 Hook Alfred, storoman 102 Stephenson, Mrs., dressmaker 104 French, William Kay, Charles, boat builder Rice, Thomas, ship-oarponter 106 Donahir, Andrew Kirsob, Emil, butcher Smyth and Wells, grocers Here Hunter-street. Asher, Morris . ' 108 Nunn, William, confectioner 110 Outolo, Oesare, professor of music 112 Houston, Mrs. William 114 Walker, Thomas, waterman 116 Wilson, Edward 118 Wiokham, John 120 Evans, Jamos Thomas, tinplato worker 122 Beaver, John,'carpenter /0-\ UNITED PRBSDYTERIAN CHOROU Phillip-street, East Side 2 Donnelly, Patriok—CfarAa'* Hotel Sere Albert-street. Phi PhiUip-street, West Side Sere Circular Quay, Ebsworth, 0. B., wool broker and auctioneer Leigh, J. M., bonded stores Sere Bridge-street. M'Gledo, Bernard, drayman M'Donald, Collin, storokoepor Sere Bent-street, 105 Prico, Henry, storeman 109 Burke, Edward P., cabinetmaker 111 Daniel, Walter—Blue Bell Tavern 118 Robinson, Oharles 116 Wood, JameB 117 Talbot, Paul 119 Harper. Ebenozor 121 Worthington. Thomas M. Willman, William Ooatos 123 Slayfordo, Mrs. 125 M'Kinchler, Patrick, tailor Brown, Jamos, grooor HereSunler-ttreel. Oommins, Georgo Hoyte—Star Inn 127 Bowman, Robert, M.D. 129 Wilcox, Mrs. 131 Newell, Georgo 135 Simpson, John, compositor 137 Riohards, John, engineer 139 Maophorson, William 141 Thompson, Georgo, baker 143 Elliott, Georgo A., builder 146 FOBS, Mrs. Ambrose 151 153 165 157 159 165 167 171 178 Oodrington, Mrs, Wilson, John B. Oollior, Noah Douglas, Wm. A., solicitor Cookburn, H. D. Oaso, George, oyster dealor O'Laughlin, Michael, storeman' Smith, Ann, dealer FurncBS, Mrs., boarding-house 1 m m m 195 DJOOEBAN BOOK REPOSITOTIY fit msMT 175 Oonnel, Bernj^djjbpemaker Sere Wentworth-place. 187 Macksfiold, John, grooer and fruiterer 189 Skolloy, John, grocer 191 M'Intosh, Alexander ' OBDJNTAL BANK EMPIRE NEWWAEEB Omens Dean, W., auctioneer SYDNEY MOBNJN? HEEALD PFF^PB Here Sunter-street, UNION BANK Raymond, John ,0. 197 Lewis, Charles, blacksmith' Riley, Frederick—Supreme Court Soffl 108 Levi, p . , and S. M.,,moroh,ants AamouraojiAi, CQLLKQB ASBPJJIATION . # Sere King-street. FBEE TBADB ASSOCIATION" Hallon, Edward, surveyor Pin,e-s1;reet MoEvoy, Edward, surveyor Oll>iy«ttlo-«troot. Loathes, O. 8., wine and spirit mqroh^njt Holder, Jasper, .omnibus proprietor 128 Glare, T.,& W., cordial niariuffto^rers" Lucas, Benjamin Pennqan, William, cabinet mojc.qr Lipsoomhe* Matthew, brewer Bono, Bftbert, printqr Finn, Patrfok, .quarryman .Edwards, Fredoriok, L„,Btatipner Witcombe, Edwin, ejwpentor ISO Ritohio, John, olerk Brown, Stephen Campbell, solioitor Pitt-Btae^V, East Side 132 Rodd, Bront Clements, solicitor 184 Reuss, F. H., archUopt and .surveyor Circular $H£y,tp iPqrOPShlre-Btrcot. James/Edward Rolfe, "William JL,-timbor murohant 82 Solfcfiewy, Importer.Qfiluiilding ma- 136 Dawson, John, solioitor Lennon (s Capo, stook and share'brokers terials 188 Fattorini «fc Co., stook A Btation agents 86 Williams, John, cooper Hilly, John, arohiteot ~ Williams, 'Hugh, accountant •Boyle, John, surveyor 38 Doar, Hqnry, tyiy and cqrn^doaler Davis, Oharlos, solioitor 40 Hornng&Ma'nson) wine and spirit mer140 Langley, W. E., pross.telegroph agent chants V '.:'•'• " Clarson, Shallard, and Oo., pnntorB ' Ferguson, 9n£ebb,andiOo., merchants 48 Earngey, James, alb and .porter atoros 142 Want audHlade, solicitors Biohordsbn and Wrench, auctioneers CO Korff, Frflderj(jk„flhjp,ohandlor Collier, Noah, auctioneer fi2 Burgess, Jaujes JJ..-*buJ,JirQkgr 144 Butts, Stephen—Metropolian 'Hotel 64 MetdU. B'iiR«iP\9tolwn(i LcftTfiRwartJi, I n .United^tales^qnsul 146 Russell, Albert, electroplato'r ' '' Berthold,'Henry, engraver' HoOfman, H., wlne,a.pd^pirit,mQrflhant Stenbeok, 0.<G.<F.,»pqpt & shoemaker 58 Lender. Frodorio G., im.par.tqr Hosking,-John 62 Kendall, William and Op„ agents Goggin, Edmund, printer 64 Dickson and Burrpwj.Vfflftr^hftRip ' 162 Bland, "William, surgeon • Munro, WjUiAffl, jiipbjteot 164 Bowden, Thomas SWueaton, auctioneer Gordon, S-JDu^qroJnpt 166 Fay ton, Samuel,,auctioneer Here Bridge-street. 158 Knight, Charles, .modioal galvanist SVDNET 'EXCHANGE 160 Bray, James, oil and oolorman 74 Duguid and Co., coal merchants Here Brougham-place. 70 Linokor, John-F., shipbroker 162 Gluo, J. O., labour agont 78 JOatton, .OsQar„merphant, Glue, J. 0., restaurant Goopor, Edw. % ami £to.,,lio.uBe,agents 164 166 YoungorandBon.ironmongors Stypmann, Louis, commission .agent 168 Pawsey,'M.,Bervants'.rogistry ofllpo Wangonhoim, G., OQmmissiQn.agent 170 Renny, Walter, oil and'colorman ' Mackenzie, vW. <H„ jun. 172 Burnott,Stophon,<hairdressqr UNIVERSAL MARINE SusnBANqEiOo. 174 Savage, Hugh, tailor'' LONDON AND LANPAsnym IFIRE-AND L « E 176 Fisbor Thomas, boot & shoe warehouse INSUUA^QB^CQ. Driver, Riohard, junr.,' splioitor * Bensusan,:8. Jj.,,morol)ftat 178 Emanuel, John; dentist ' Hyam and Co.„marohants Feok, Folix,-inuaicsoller OTAOO FIHB AND MARINE JNS.PIIAKCB.OP. Goold,* Samuel, booksqller.& stationer Mackonzio, W. II. £ Qo„vatOOk^gent8 ,Uere K\ng-st,r.ett. AUBTBAM AN MUTUAL EflpYipENT SpCURTY NEW Sonm *W.ALBS AUXILIARY JBIRPB 180 Oamb, WilliAm—JS'/epAfllKd,.0J«i<« SOCIETY 182 DlllonLJobBj^oJioitfir . • • , RsLiaioofl ffiuAor AflD.^QaK..SoojEor Canty, Jeremiah, grower ., Hiokes,*OharJe3 184 Ounninghamo, Fran^jg, pjfjnjer 100 Willis, Merry, o,nd,0o., jnorqhaats m §9010, Jfobpr{,iros,taHMiit < tSpringtaireet, 188 Edwards, Zsjm$m!w Pi* MKBSBBBar Fit 190 Drewery, Abel, oyster saloon 806 Brown,' Thomas, barpenter Lee and Riohardson,'bowling saloon 308 Shearman, Frederick, butcher 192 Blaokman, Robert Henry—italic Koiel 310 Lovely, Oharlos,'baker ''"''"" 196 Thompson and Co., wine and spirit mer- 812 Crawley, Thomas', poulterer chants • 314 Griffin, Fredoriok) hairdresser 198 Clarke, George, restaurant 316 Brown, Joshua, butcher 200 Spencer, Thomas—Shakespeare Tavern 318 Jordan, John, cabinet-maker 202 Compagnoni, Hans, oonfeotionor 322 Murray, Michael, wireworker 204 McGregor, James, grocer 324 Donohoe, Mrs. Mary) dressmaker 206 Davies, G. L. A.'—Apollo Motel 826 Jones, Edward, tailor 208 Stanford & Oo„ lamp & oil.warehouso 328 Wright, John, painter and glazier 210 Holland, Joseph, restaurant Sere Bathurst-street. 212 Vennard & Stevens,'lamp and oil ware- 830 McDormott, Patrick John, opachbuUdor house 382 SYDNEY HEBBEW SCHOOL 214 Myers and Cantor, china warohouso 334 Miohie, Thomas, veterinary surgeon 216 Spence, Mark, draper 386 White, John, tinsmith 220 Sobier, Madame, waxworks 224 Thompson, Saml., & Go., warehousemen 338 Oaproni, Antonio, modeller 840 May, Robert, baker 226 Weir, William, butcher 342 Patten) William, marble mason 228 Dean, Samuel, tobacconist Here Albert-plpce. 230 Thomas,'Henry Ellis, toy bazaar 232 McSherry, Mrs. Mary, grocer ' 352 Chapman, Goorgo Fredoriok, carpenter s 234 Pattison, John, restaurant 854 Bourke/Isaao, broker 286 Myers, Judah Philip, fishmonger 356 Dognan, John, bootmaker 238 MoOarroll, Phillip; butcher 360 MoLaughlin.Mrs. 862 Maophersbn, Richard, plastorer Serif Market-street. 880 Lostone,- Arthur, h'airdrejser '" 240 Perry, John—germ's Motel 382 Johnson, 'Wrii. R. """' ""•' 242 Joseph, Henry, pawnbroker 884 O'Donohuo, John, sawyer 244 Be\t, Mrs.M., dros|maker" 246 Martyii);Ohas.1'figrso.&'Jarriagobazaar 886 Cannon, Mrs. M. Brown, John 248 Pearson, Thomas, cahinqp-'makbr" 888 Myers and Salomon, stores 260 Drisooll, Timpthy.'live'ryfltablos 890 Fonner, James, veterinary surgeon 252 Tiremajg, Richard, cabinetmaker 892 Hoy, John, blaoksmith -"" 254 Houlgft^e, Arthur, furhlture'ldealer 394 Wilson, William, engraver 256 WpoRpr/^amubl^liprBob^zaiir 396 MoOabo, John—North Star Inn Sullivan, .Sphn^Sportepian'a Arm» 258 Smith,"H.j saddler an.d MrriesB-^Q'akor Here Liverpool-street. 260 LawrBomnor, & Co., "sqedsmen SnaAn WOBKB ArmstipngV Joseph, yotqtinar^ Burgeon 898 Haydon, Miohaol, grocer 262 Lodge, John, restaunint 400 Simmon's,' Samuel, dealer 264 Howes, WllUam, tailor 402 MoCarthy, Joseph, cabinet-maker 266 Nowlan, Jo^oph Wm.,,oab,inot-makor ,i04 Smith, Joseph *'" "'-" ' — 270 Pearson, Jredorick, cajfelnist-moker 406 Dodd, George, compositor " Burt, S. .0.,"<fe' po„ horsp baaa'ar " Myers) "Abraham, doalor' 272 Smart, David, saddler arid liarnoss-makor 408 410 Barton, John, doalor "" 274 to 278 pald,wpH/JohpVgrbcerv'''s "' Potor, oarpenter.and builder 280 Pearson,' Th'omjts,'importer i 412 Royall, Sowoll, ponry, junr. 282 Holt, William.'oarriagb ^opository 414 Oarruthers', Jobi,'clerk of markets ' ' Gibson, Jler'bef.t/hofso bazaar "" 416 Jolly, Mrs. Eliza.' "" " ^!841 Robert's, Dayld, .bppkblndor' • 418 James, William" Pratt, Richard,'photographer 430 Norfolk,' Robert £., ]iqrse,ftoji]pr 286 Fuller, Samuel,'wiridow-plirid maker 43,2 JBjpno)'Fre'deriqk, doalor Baker) James, fruitorbr Sere Ooulburn-slreet. furniture deal 288 Xucas/Joh'n, i, John,'jurnlture dealer 434 MoLaurln, Hugh G., ongineer • 292 Hebhlewhlto;' White;i, Mrsi Mary, furniture de.aler Samuel, importer 486 Green, John .William,,cOAoh.buil^er SL i,! 'cablnot-mak'pr ~ 438 Bayloy, Rpht. E„^idirigvmas^r ' 294 Sofesiter/'Wia dr.'cdbi Mite Ffirfcelftet. 4^0 Brvown, AJejcander, slater 442 Barnott, Mrs. Robecoa 296 .Cockbnrn, H. D., auctioneer 444 Mcdqa^fp, Job^nftupholstoror 298 Cohen, Miohael— Otaegiw'Arms 450 Wafson,j[pJ\h'; " 300 Stephens & Drinkwator, iron bedstead makers, '•*'>' " .^ - *, w "-" Here-OampleU-slTCtt, 302 Moon, John, surgeon Vacantland, CONaBBflATIOKAt'OnCBOn ANDjSCHOOI, -••-""Htrt-Bay-itrttt. 104 Pit PRBSBYTBBIAN STREET Pit 183 VIOTOBIA INSUBANOE COMPANY GHUBOH Mullens, Josiah, broker McClelland, William, teacher Byrnes, J. & W., stock & station agents Owen John, blacksmiths Here Hunter-slrtet. Here Carter-street. 137 Tierney, Daniel—Currency Lass Hotel MOUNTED POLICE BARRACKS 139 Bligh, Richard, stock and station agent DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL Ashlin, Spencer, commission agont HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Brees, Harold, architect SYDNEY FEMALE REFUGE Burn, Mrs. Jane, boarding-house McLorie, Captain John, inspector gene- 141 Lor rim or, Marwood, and Rome, merchants ral of police Walsh, Rev. William H. Grant, Aloxander, auctioneer BENEVOLENT ASYLUM Jay, Samuel, importer Biden, W. D., civil enginoer Here Devonshire-street. Bate, OharleB, and Co., importers Gullick, W. R., importer of printing Pitt-street, West Side materials Here Circular Quay. Moore, Charles K. Higgins, Christopher— Oriental Hotel 145 Smith, John, solicitor 5 Bird, Henry S., provision merchant Corti, Joseph, carver and gildor 7 Mitchell, and Co., ship chandlers 147 Needs, P. H„ professor of dancing 9 Wdllach Brothers, importers Phillips Brothers, merchants 17 Wynne, Biohard, importer of huilding 149 Surridgo, Mrs. Caroline materials Hoiser, Henry, bootmakor Dawson, Richard, iron founder 151 Aitkin, William, plumbor 19 Gagon, James, coopor Walker, William H., bookbinder Butchor and Down, ship joiners 153 Fowler, George, looksmith 165 Cunningham, Samuel, tailor Here Underwood-street, 159 Cunningham, Edward—.fled House Inn 21 Danaher, David, blacksmith 161 Ashton, Charles H., engraver & printer 23 Ethorington, Thomas, buildor Stuart, John, painter Mathews, John A., merchant 163 Moore, George, warehouseman 25 Maokersie, David, hair dresser Hutchinson, Ralph, wine merohant 57 Miller, Henry, dealer 165 Johnson and Johnson, solicitors 59 Beer, William, produce merchant Johnson, James William, solicitor Here Queen's-place. Mansfield, George Allen, architect AUSTRIAN. LLOYD'S AGENCY DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL BOARD Montefioro and Monteflore, oomMeredith, Edward William, solioitor misBion agents 167 Mooro, Charles, and Co., auctioneers 169 Morris, John, dealer AUSTBALIAN FLRE, LIFE, AND MA171 Beeoh, William, chimnor-sweep BINB INSURANCE COMPANY 173 Jervis, James Henry, engraver Ebsworth, Frederick, broker 175 Thornthwaite, J. 0., die-sinkor Buyers and Co., merchants Oleevo, John K., junior, winoand Here Mort's passage. spirit merchant Sberwin, John, storoman Here Bridge-street. Blako, F. A., wine merohant 177 WABATAH COAL COMPANY 77 Brown, Robert—Exchange Hotel Mort and Co., auctioneers \ am 79 Rooko, 0. H., agont Blackot, Edmund Thos., architect { ^ , 5 Ellen, Thomas, flour factor Kemp, Win. Edmund, architect I £ 8 Anderson, Charles, and Co., brokors Russell, William, solioitor / ^ (§ 81 .Rowloy and Holds worth, solicitors Thorno, James, auctioneer & shipbroker 179 King, William, pianoforte maker Ghatfield, William, stook & share broker 181 Elliott Brothers, wbolosale druggists 183 Regan, Eugone wine & spirit merchant Here Hutchinson-street. 195 Keary, John, coaoh huildor Baar, Moritz, morohant Johnson, William, bedding manufactory Beilby and Scott, morohants 197 Torrill, Samuel, watobmakor PACIFIC Finn AND MARINE INSUBANOE 199 Goddard, Charles, engraver COMPANY 208 Barr, George, fruiterer and dairyman Norio, William F., marino survoyor 205 AVright, William, grocer Poden, Magnus J., morohant 207 Tiho, John, restaurant Eeelo and Co., merchants 209 Vanghan, H. P., hair dresser Here Qeorge-slmt Little. 211 Watson, George, restaurant 213 King, William—SpreadEagle 181 Binny, John, and Co., merchants NON-VESTED NATIONAL SCHOOL I pit DIRECTORY. 215 Maxey, Hatty—Brougham Tavern 2174 Oolegate, Adnam, & Co., warehousemen Row, J. and E,, wholesale druggists 219 Reynolds, Maurice, solicitor Rolin, Thomas Bately, solioitor 221 Haigh and Brown, labour agents 223 Toogood, Alfred—Rainbow Tavern. Here King-street. 225 Palmer, Benjamin—Liverpool Arms 227 Moffitt, William, bookseller & stationer 229 Alcock Brothors, warehousemen Cohen, Bonjamin Hyam, clothier Davis, Samuel 231 Cooke, George.Cliarlos, watchmaker 238 Walkeiv James, photographer Johnson, W. J., and Co., pianoforto warehouso PUNCH OFFICE 235 Lone, Waltor, draper 237 Goulston, Jacob, outfitter 289 Browne, Hilton, and Co., produce merchants Lobb, John, bootmaker 241 Williams, Jos. Henry— Victoria Family Hotel Htf 105 343 Ritohie, Mrs. Ann 345 Oookburn, H. D., auctioneer Here Park-street. 847 Wilson, George— Volunteer Hotel 351 Penson, James A., plumber 353 Wilson, Edwin S., watchmaker 355 Thompson, R. and W., gnsfittors 857 TEMPERANCE HALL 361 363 365 367 371 375 377 379 381 385 887 889 391 VIOTOBIA THEATRE 393 247 Augustus, Edward, hair dressor 249 Bostrom, Charles ManguB, hatter 895 251 Morris and Billing, photographers 397 399 Wcekes, Mrs., mifiinor 253 Glaieter, Thomas Skelton, photographer 401 255 Oripps, Thomas, pastrycook " 257 Russell, Burgis, tailor 259 Pinhey, Wm. T,, chemist and druggist 407 261 Wobb and Co., milliners 409 263 & 265 Wilson, Robert, draper 269 & 271 Farmor, Painter, & Fopo, drapors 411 418 273 O'Donnell, Cornelius James, draper 417 275 Francis, John, draper 419 277 Moss, Moses, outfitter 279 Kelly, George, B.—Bathurst Hotel Here Market-street. 421 281 Borton, Edward—Borton's Hotel 423 283 Griffiths, Henry, fruiterer and agont 425 Cutter, John, tailor 427 285 to 293 Mooro, A., and Co., auctioneers, &o. 429 Mullins, Jamea, auctioneer 435 295 Maher, Timothy, furnituro warehouse 437 299 Norrie & Brown, chemists and druggists 439 301 O'Brien, Wm. John— Tallersall's Hotel 441 805 Aloxandor, Wm,, cabinet-maker 445 S07 Fox, Thomas, cabinet-makor 447 311 Riloy, John, cabinet-maker 313 Andrews, John, booksollor 315 Bell, Henry, butoher 449 317 Mackenzie, David, cabinet-maker 451 819 Wyatt, Brothers, ironmongers and loathor store SCHOOL OF ARTS 453 881 Wilkie, George, baker 457 338 Tideman, H. G., ohomist and druggist 385 Bennett, Christopher, fancy warehouso 459 337 <fc 339 Mooro, Thomas, cabinet-maker 461 341 Cotton, Ann, milliner 463 Leos, (jeorgo, agent' 465 Eaton, Mrs.—temperance coffee rooms Skinner, Robort Win,, bookseller Tall, John, looksmith Kennedy, J. and E., upholsterers Bailoy, Mrs. Mary, fruiterer Ayton, W. and W., painters Macintosh, John, ironmonger Andorson, John, storekeeper Moffan, Aloxander, bootmaker Murphy, Franois, marble mason Halley and Clyde, coaoh builders Dunlop, William, bootmaker Calvin, David, thermometer churnmakor Kelly, Michael, dealer Joseph, Mrs. Sarah—Edinburgh Castle Here Balhursl-street. Halloran, John, grooor Jones, Wm. H. 13., toaohor Stone, Georgo, saddler West, Henry, butohor Filewood, Jamos, tinsmith Stewart, Robert, upholsterer Mason, Henry, cabinet-maker Here Wilmot-slreet. Jones, John, plastorer Hunter, Edward, painter Fane, William, greengrocer Glissan, Jamos— Currier's Arms Quinlan, Thomas, butcher Hampton, John, grocer Here Union-lane. Cunningham, Timothy—Ovcris Hotel Ellis, Elizabeth, boording-houso Davis, Miss Isabella, boarding-houso Dillon, John, tailor Murray, James, Joiner dough, James, butcher Murray, Robort, tailor Samuol, Henry, doaler Martin, Willioin Henry, nightman Whitoman, Samuol, shoemaker Howitt, Adam, & Sons, blacksmiths Here Liverpool-street. Clarke, Joseph, grocer Kinloch, John, senr., organ builder Kinloob, John, junr.,M.A., mathematical toaohor Oatlett, Williom, M.D. DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION Pattison, Thomas, teacher Jones, James Mather, Joseph Anderson, Robort Jonos, Sarah, ladies'school m Pot Fxi Ppttingesrf^gefe I f ^ s t S i d e Here Sydney Harbour.. Barnett, Benjamin, boat-builder Fielder, Thomas * ' ' * '"' ' Hete Windmill-street. 467 Renwick/Arthur, M.D. 469 Bond, Henry " * * 471 Duggari, Joseph, dealer 478 Shying, Henry, cabinet-maker 475 Turnor, William—Australian Hotel Here fioulbum-street. 477 Kelsoy, Thonms—Sporlman's Arms 470 Robertson,'George/coaotibuildqr 489 Robertson, John, coachbuildor " 49i'Ryan,'William, fruiterer' 493 Collins, Samuel, hat and capmaker 495 Riohards, Miss Matilda, dressmaker 497 Barn'sley, '^iUiamVmillwright Here Sydney-place. 601 Gilbert & Byrne, saddlers M'Mullen & Cooke, coaohmakers Here Oampbell-streel. , Off Wlillam-strocy Upper Worth. Herdspn, J. H. Hardy, Samuel, teaoher Princes-street, E a s t Side Oardqa Wall to Crescout-strcot. HATMAKKBX " ' ' * Here Hay-street. 609 Olark, John ' ' fill Austen, Thomas, timber morckant Kippax, Georgo " ''"' -VOLUSTKEB FIBH Co., HOUSE No, 1, ENGIHE v Here ffipps'-sirett. OHBIBT OHUBOH SOBOOII Turton, Samuel; 'teacher CHRIST OHUBOH ' POLICE STATION Here Devonshire-sireit. Point-street, Pyrmont, East Side Jobnstono'sBay to Jolin-strcet. ' ' Lattin, Benjamin Ogg, Robert, shipwright Stabler, George " Knight, Testing 0., master mariner Brlolcland, John, plaoksmitk "• Stewart, John ST. BABTHOLOHBW'B OHUBOH Here Ohurehrslreet. Yaojm.t land " ' " * ' ' Here John-street. • ! j Point-street, P y r m o n t , West Side j Here Johnstgne'sBay. ; Wollbank, Isaao j STrobobk, prosper Gallagher, James, dairyman •' Here Ohureh-street. Agnew, Thomas, buildor Here John-street, Potfcpiger-street, East Side Sydnoy Harbour to Windmlil-stroot NORTH SUORH STEAM AHD.BOATFJBBBX FABBRLMT'B ffluAva " Here Ferry-lane. Barnott, Charles, boat-builder Holloway, William, sawyor Murray, Franois, mariner Bete iWinSmilMreet, Princes-road 4 Ohostor, Thomas, stevedore 6 Felton, Georgo, shipwright 8 Griffon, Thomas" 10 Moore, Mrs. Esther 12 Boulton, John, shipwright 16 Franois, David 18 Straoban, Andrew, sailmaker 20 Thomas, Thomas John, cooper 80 Cunningham, Charles, mariner 82 .Opwpn, John, dealer 34 Carnes, Kozia Here Argyle-slreet Bridge. 40 Wright, Archibald, sen., engineer 42 Wright, Arobibald,jun.;|hipsmith 44 Evans, John, drayman' ' l ' " " " 46 Lookwood, William ! 48 Benson, pharles, storeman 56 Fondam, Jacob, miner 68 Olark, Robert, shipwright 60 Magner, John, shoemaker 74 Lamb, Mrs. George 76 Thompson, Mrs. Josopli 80 Hearle, Francis, gasnttor 82 Keefo, Thomas, tailor 84 Ross, Mrs., Elizabeth 88 Jones, John, mariner 90 Kilpatriok, Franois, storeman 92 McXntyfe, James, coopor 96 Hare, Michael "~ ""'••'"' 100 Hohnah'an, Mrs., grocer 102 Moses, Myer, dealer * Here JEs>ejc-lane. 108 Swjft, Pejei, grocer '. ""• 110 Moore, JanVas, storeman 112 Swah^ThqmiMJ "" 116"A'sb,^r^bbardbng-b.puso 124 Nolson, WUliam John, shipsmith 126 Collins, James.'ihip c^rperitibr'' 128 Murphy,'John L. oustpm-hoyBpggont 180 Egan, Riobardi bl^oTtsmith 182 SQptt^Mjphjel.grbijer 134 ^Bujlo)y ybpmas, boarding-bjuge 186 Anderson^ Potor, boarding-hpuse Here Essex-street. 140 Ward, Mrs., fruiterer 142 Daloy.'John' 144 .Thorno, John, shoemaker 146 .Mackenzie, Geo. Bowman, iblaoksmith 148 Willington, Walter, carriers' agent '"' 152 Gaffney, Patriok, Jpakor - ' ^ ' P& vmmw>$z 164 Olegg, Mrfl.,.dressmaltpr 156 Drake, Thoma> H.,*:blerk 158 Robertson, Alexander" "" ' 164 Breakspear, William, grocer 166 Smalley, Robert Fletcher, .clerk 168 Murphy, James " — *. 170 Drake, Mrs. 172 Giffen, James, bootmaker 174 Weat,,(j|eorge..olerk 176 Lardner, Patriok, stonemaspn 178 Tronneat, Robert, master marinor * 180 Fischer, John N., cngraver\aHd.firintpr 182 Malonoy, John, dairy ' * 184 Brown, Thomas—Harp of Freedgtn 186 Digan, Miss, boarding hpuse " 188 Armstrong, Mrs. Ann, ,bbardingThouae 190 Coleman, James, ironmonger Herp Cresceni-str.eet. Princes-street, W e s t Side Here Garden Wall. 3 Gower, John 7 Hughes, William, ironworker 13 8tephenson,.Mark,,piRstma^er 16 Drew, Joseph, olerk 17 Curnow, Rev. William OQ W 5 iB ,T l an ',°r harlos ' ^ S ' J M ' M o r 23 Yiolletto, Mrs. 26 Haro, John, drayman 27 Willoox, William, greengrocer 29 Byrne, William, .boptmokor' 31 Ryan, Thomas ' ' Here Argyle-.street Bridge. Ashton, W. Cole—Bee Hive Inn 33 Innes, Rev.,G. A . C 35 Oheers, Mrs. 37 Furlong, 0, N. 39 SlF.1** MrS'Xsabq|la,.board,ing-houso 41 Miller, Mrs. Anne ' 43 MoOarty, James, stevedore 45 MoMahon, John H., ship carpenter 47 Flaven, William, grocer ' 49 Whitall, Henry " 61 Latta, Robert, shipwright, A3 Winoklor, Reynold F., atoroman Humphreys, Edward 67 Hilyard Henry 69 Finigan, Peter 61 Lee, W. D. 63 Brewer, Francis, printer 65 Donovan, Mrs. Ellon, laundrpss 67 Morissay, Edward 69 Jobbins,,Mrs. Sarah 71 Mawhinnew, Samuel, drayman 77 Donovan, John 79 Brennan, .Wijliap, wopl-jwessor 81 Lee, Johni watqrmap 85 Olatworthy, John,'.brassiinis|ier 87 Searlos, John Thomas, .mjjrinbr 91 Jjpaheqn, Thomas, >boqt-'olpsqr 95 Jenkins, John—Forth apdl&lyge Nowton.Will.ianij.butohgr ' 97 Fierce, Robert,;bo.ardiDg.houflO 99 O'Bhea, J,oUn,'jvjijiprgifln ,$y* m 101 Skerrett, Jamej) 103 Anderspn/Drummopd, teaoher 105 Reid, Rov. John, Majiner,jj,Ohuroh Here Essex-street. NATIONAL SCHOOL 107 109 111 118 Ohalk, William','lodging-liouso Stytho, Gilb'ort, shipwright * Pearco, Mrs. H. '• Chapman, Rpv.B. WESLETAN' OHAPBL 117 Walker, David; master mariner 119 Parkinson, Mrs. Jane, bbarding-kouso 121 Fleming, Miss Anno, boarding-houso 123 Cherry, Mrs., boarding-house ' 125 Ballantine, Androw, .watchmaker 127 Soholey, Mrs., boarding-house 129 Ohiffinoh, Georgp, watchmaker 181 Goodwjn, Andrew " 135 Malonoy, John) hay and corn store 139 Casey','Oharles ' *'*" 141 Hammond, Oharles, engineer Here Ptescent-sfreeL Pyrmont^street, Pyrmpn.t,, Eart Side .JTatqa .stated Warner, Johp, .bo'qt ai'd^JipoinaXqr Kelly, Robert, mas.tqr .mariner • Webb William Lewis, Riohard, bootmaker Johnson, William, jinginoor Nias, John, master marlnbr Brown, Aloxandor, • bngiheer Tilloy, Edward, steward Vance, William, boiler makor Hargroaves, William, ironfounder Here Marian street. Creed, William—Royal,Oak Here Union-strfet. Pyrmont-street, Pyrjnont, ,WjBBt Side Here John-street. Day, Ashor, clerk Lyons, Cliarlos H., olork Day, William ' Anderson, William, oarponter Mair, ^Harriet Smith, Oharles, mastor,mar;por Wright, William, .merchant Cox, James Cox, Honry Robert Shaw, Williatp, coopor MoAJpln, Daniel, boiler makqr Sommorville, William, pailpjajker Halliday, .Qharles,ipngii}jqr Hendry, James, .engjpoor Dunbar, John, engineer Hargravqs, TJiqmas, mpuldor Hlles, John, marinqr Pottit, James' '' Braddon, Samuol„Qngineor Nimo, Lindsay Wardrppe„JjMiopli„Waokj|jnUh 108 Que -STREET DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL Downie, Alexander, blaoksmith and •wheelwright Foreman, Joseph, mariner Shaw, John, shipwright Shaw, Frederick, shipwright Burton, William, quarry man Fearco, Thomas, Bnoemakor Moves, John, grocer Baikie, James, shipwright Storey, Thomas, engineer Here Union-street. 48 Selby, Elizabeth, teacher Thallon, James, grocer Sere Waterloo-place. Queen-street, South Side Here Botany-road. 1 Newsberry, Isaac, baker 2 Oampbell, Christopher James, dealor 8 Woarne, Charles Wesley Here Chippen-street. C Jones, John 7 Miley, Patrick 9 Gaffin, Catherine 11 Thompson, Henry 13 Moodie, James Iff McGill, Edward Here Waterloo-place. Queen's-place, North. Side Goorge-street to ritt-strcot. Short, A.—Crooked Billet Here Underwood-street. Kohn, Joseph and Co,, merchants O'Brien, William, blacksmith Levie, Charles, lumper JohnBtone, Irving, cooper ~| Chadwiek, John, pattorn-koopor a g> .Cook, JamoB, shoemaker f»:§ McGregor, Thomas, waterman g~j Mercer, John, mariner 3 Edwards, James, plumber J Oaufield, James, tailor Murray, James, storoman Sere Pitt-street. Railway-place OD DoTonihlro-street. Milroy, Henry Davis, John, marble mason Kay, James, coachmaker Price, John, miner Carter, James, stonemason Boilings, Mary Black, Alexander Jubb, Joseph, carpenter Quinn, James Whito, James, carpenter Green, Mark, hatter Bawlinson, William, marble mason Queen's-place, South Side Mere Oeorgt-street. Hanna, Edward, farrier ATJSTBAMAN PAPER COMPANY Dunn, H. J., merohant Cowan, Biohard, merchant Mason, David, and Co., printors Jones, Martin L., dealer Eiohardson, Henry, compositor Bow, J. and E., stores Mullens, J„ storos Macnab, Francis, stores 'litre Pitt-street. Queen-street, North Side Botany-road to Waterloo-place. 2 Corcoran, Eohort 4 White, Thomas, baker 20 Dalton, John 22 Mason, William, comb-maker 24 Lawson, John, fireman 26 Gibson, George 28 Easton, Mrs. 80 Sutton, Emily, ladies' nurse 82 Grioe, Oharlos, carter 84 Brico,^Villia\n,saddlor SG O'Connell, Stephen, tanner 38 YateB, John, engineer 40 Lobb, Joseph, stonemason 42 Graham, Thomas 44 Bishop, William 46 Hatton, Thomas, blaoksmith Bil I Richmond-terrace. Domain. 1 McDermott, Mrs. Eliza San Just, Edward, Spanish consul 2 Gans, Sommy Franok, Soigfricd 3 Brewster, John 6 Russell, Goorgo 6 Macnab, Francis 7 Williams, James Riley-place, North Side Crown-strcct to Mloy-stroet. 1 Desmond, Michael 3 Simmons, Samuel, confectioner C Skiff, James 7 Carroll, Dennis, carpontor Here Riley-street. Riley-place, South Side Here Crown-street. 2 Bird, Josoph, mason 4 Smith, James, ironfounder G Carroll, John 8 Dannanfelzor, Philip, cabinetmaker 10 Abray, John 12 Daverlx, Timothy, bootmaker 14 Coulter, James, dealer Here Riley-street. Ril DIRECTORY Ril 109, Riley-street, East Side 120 Bowloy, Mrs., laundress Woplloomoploo-stroet to Oloroland-streot 122 Patterson, Joseph, shoemaker Corcoran, Patriok—Australian Inn Baker, Mrs. Sarah, dross leaker 2 Shepherd, Benjamin, tailor Jossop, G., butchor 4 Skinner, Robert, sawyor Here Liverpool-street. 6 Simmons, Mrs. 124 Fernandez, David—Liberty Inn 8 Copas, George—Sir Maurice 0* Gonnell 126 Watt, Mrs. Alexander 128 Morton, Samuel Here Broughton-street. 12 Graham, Mrs. Bridget, laundress Here Riley-lane, 14 Fletcher, George 130 Bennett, G. M. 16 Bo wan, Goorgo 182 Davis, John, grocer 20 Monis, James, cabinet maker 184 Pickering, Mrs. Mary 22 Forssberg, Charles, M. E. 188 Murphy, John, printer 24 Bice, Martin, tobacco workor 140 Brett, George F„ tide-waiter 26 Strafford, William, grooor 142 Boonoy, James, ticket writer 28 Tates, Bichard Here Burton-street and South Bead Road. 30 Beaumont, Henry 32 Bursill, Miss, dress maker Arnold, William, and Oo. Here Riley-place. Here Campbell-place. 168 Coulter, James, dealor Hill, John, undertaker 160 Williams, Henry, carpontor and joinor Here HilVs-lane. 162 Thornton, Mrs. H.M. Sloper, F. E., chemist 164 Brodio, William, storoman EBENEZBB CHAPEL Here William-street. 166 Humphreys, Bev. Samuel Battle, Augustus, drapor 168 Hagan, Benjamin, stoker 34 Weir, James, baker 170 Wakeham, Andrew, draper 38 Degelo, Theodore, upholstoror 172 Powys, Bobert Owon, jun,, upholsterer Sussmiloh, 0. B., profossor of music 174 Soott, Samuol, brioklayer 40 Hill, Thomas 42 Oloary, Martin Here Goulburn-street. 4G Scott, James, fruiterer 176 Bateup, Henry, grooor 48 Woodward, George, horse dealor 178 Cox, Peter, shoemaker CO Mulanay, James, clerk 180 Foonoy, Thomas, shoemakor 62 Conlan, John, van proprietor 182 Wright, Goorgo, butchor fi8 Scott, Henry, master mariner 184 Laws, Goorgo, shoemaker GO Butlor, Jamos, toaoher 186 Wilson, John, master marinor G2 Oleary, James 188 Stubbs, William, tailor G4 Brown, Patrick, shocmakor 192 Palmor, Amos, tailor 66 Jjowis, Samuol 194 Moorohouso, AVm., plumber & gas fitter G8 Moore, John, grocer 196 Graham, William, cabinet maker 198 McOonvillo, Patriok, dairyman Here Stanley-lane. 200 Bobinson, John, leather cutter 72 Downoy, Patriok, grocer 202 Laws, Samuel, butchor and grooor 74 Champion, William, shoemaker Here Campbell-street. Here Stanley-street. WATBB BESEBVOIB 7G Taylor, John H. Here Qipps-slreet. 78 Sattlcr, Louis, slater Here Chapel-lane. 220 Vogos, William, carpontor 80 Nicholas, James, van proprietor Here Oipps-lane. 84 Miller, James, joiner and builder 222 Horn, Jamos T.Slar and Oarler Hotel 80 Palmor, William 224 McFarlano, Archibald, blaoksmith , 94 Smith, J., wood and coal vendor 226 Trovethan, William 96 MoNameo, Michael, cab proprietor 228 White, Charles, bootmaker 98 Byrnes, Michael, grocer 290 Shorring, E. G., bootmaker 100 South, William 232 Willis, Alfrod Charles, tailor 104 MoBeath, David, architeot 234 Thompson, William, grocer 106 O'Neill, James, drayman 108 Bovis, Charles Here Ann-street. Vaoant land 110 Fickard, Mrs., ladies'nurse 112 Eedy, John,' master mariner Here Albion-street. , 114 Scotland, David, commission agent 274 O'Hear, James, bakor 116 Walker, Bobert, shoemaker 276 Dogan, John, cabinet maker 118 Soanlan, Mrs. Margnrot, grooor 280 Halliday, William, bricklayer m 282 Vogan, Thomas 284 Higginsj; Jeremiah .. ^ 286 Huraffe'ss, Henry Charles, clerk' Sere Fitzroy-streeU 288 Prior, J,-, butcher i , i . u „ 290 Bell, John, dray proprietor 292 Wingrove, Jabez, brioklayer 294 Scott, Jahez, boat builder 296 Williams, James) cdr^ehteV and'joiner 298 Hutchinson, Francis, clerk 802 Phillips, Alfred, briokTayof 306 Mullen, William Lowell 808 Spier, OhaileB.tefioher 310 King, •William, stonemd'SOn' 312 Barlow, George" Wilsbire,storeimuv 811 HinWood, John, Clerk 316 Robertson, William 318 Smith, G.—Oak fliverti Htrt Fobeaux-street, , Gifford, Geprge^gnftjer 320 Cox; Jbiiatlian, binder 822 Trimble, Goorgd, dfripor 824 Kent, J., ba-wkef 826 Dohbyns, James, stdfrfm'an 836 Gorhen, J., stonemason 838 Morgan, Samu'el, ole'rk 810 AndrowB, George, bricklayer Here Collins-street. Vacant land-., Htrt Devonshire-street. Steel, Alexander^—Royal Arms Templetop, William, shoemaker Fardoe, Mrs. Sarah Blaokie, Miss, governess Kidman, J„ baker , Beattie, William, shoemaker Fenn, George, carpenter M>,-..., . Here Miles-street. Vacant land , ; . Here Cleveland-street. Riley-street, W e s t Side Here Woolloomooloo-street. 8 Kenna, Joseph 5 Higgins, Mrs., sempstress 7 Fomeroy, Mrs.,dressmaker 9 Young, Lake George, upholsterer 17 Johnston. Adam, dray proprietor 19 Welsh, William, pointer 21 Ferris,Edwarcl 23 Quin'tin, William, machine rttldr 25 Oreegau, John, drayman Here RiUy-lane. 27 Ionn, Seymour, storeman 29 Jacob, William, bribklaybr 33 Mitchell, John/dealer 85 Mahony, Bartholomew, builder 37 Teken, Mrs., greengrocer 89 O'Beirne, James/ cabinet m'akor 41 McShane, Charles, stonemason 48 Wilson, Henry; tailor . 46 Molloy,-Mrs1., b'oardltfg-h6use Hen Smedley-lane. DmS6'fe% Ril 47 Hardy, Kobert, chair and sofa makor 49 Morrison, James, chimney sweep Allen', Holeri—sir John Franklin Here William-street and 'turong-tahe, 53 Bragg, Mrs. Catherine,* butcher 55 Page, John, olork 57 Kilbourne, Edwin 59 Bradford, Percy, clerk 61 Oarrick, Thomas, bookbiridor 63 Magney, Mrs., boarding-house . 65 Carey, Edward, mariner 67 Barnes, Henry 69 Griffiths, Charles, printer 71 .Lendon, James, butcher 73 Green, William Richard, cabinet maker 75 Kose, Mrs., grocer and fruiterer 77 Williams, Henry, cooper 79 Lineno, Dennis, grocer 81 Wheeler, John W., tailor 85 Albert, Claudius—Dew Drop Inn 89 Wingfield, Charles F.— Victoria Hotel Here Stanley-lane. 91 Sheod, Francis, grocer 93 Gribble, Thomas, shoemaker Here Stanley-street. 97 Mason, John, grocer 99 Sullivan, William* sawyer Here Chapel-lane. 101 MoKenna, Patriok Francis, clerk 103 Hinton, Alfrod, clerk Oavanagb, Wm.—Oitrf Boomerang Inn Here Francis-street. Foster,' George, harness maker Here Stale-street. Vacant land Here Liverpool-street. STDNEX HIGH SCHOOL Here Burton-street and South Head Road. Bridges, Edwin, arohiteot 179 Oummings, William, lockor H.M.O. 181 MoCraro, Mrs. 183 Parker, William, ladder & barrow makor 185 Skinner, E., carpenter 187 Powys, Robert 0., sen., upholstoror 189 Oraddock, Samuel 191 LivingstOno, Alexander 198 Hellyer, Thomas Henry, clerk 196 Hellyer, "William, solicitor 197 Sullivan, William, master mariner Here Edward-ldne. 206 Drury, William, carpenter 207 Brooks, Oharlos Here Qoulburn-slreet. Vacant land Here Campbell-street, Lower. 231 Matthews; Mrs. Francos $L 233 Boles, James, carpenter 235 Duranty David, saddler 237 Sutton, John, printer 243 Pearoe, Charles 245 Egan.JHrs.M. A. >r Here Oampbell-Hreet. Thorn, John—Warwick Tavern 251 Moloney, John, blacksmith 253 Sinolair, Samuel, painter 257 Stanford; William, sen.', compositor 259 Way, John 261 Benson, Michael* tailor. , ,. 263 Ward, William B., cabinet makor 265 Evans, William, plumber 267 Ooulter,. Graham 269 Miller, William, grooer 271 Stubbins, John Here Qipps-stfiii. 275 Beaumont, Samuel, carpenter Here Anh-streei. Glondonning, Robert, carpenter Farroll, Mrs. Here Albion-street. Vacant land . Here Foveaux-street. Nash, James Sle'e, Josiah, clerk Strong, Henry William Heri Collins-street. Vacant land Here Cooper-street. •— Vaoaril land Heri Devonshire-street. King, George F., painter Here Miles-street. Vacant land Here Cleveland-street. Robin Hood-lane, Georgo-strcet to Ilamllton-streot. Degotardi, John, lithographor & printer Watson, Win., lemonade manufacturer Ward, William Malarky, Patriok Sherlook, Cathorino Cook, John. Rose-street Off Wattlo-stroct, Kemp, William Edwin, arohiteot Godbolt, James, buildpr Leistikow, Charles— White Stean Rutland-street . Costlorcagli-ntrcot to ElUaVelh'-itrcot. Lambden, Ohartes, carpenfor 4 Mooro, John Riohard, clerk Griffin, James, dWginee,r. Marshall, William, m'a¥mo\ Here Buckingham-street Little. Vacant land. Here Buckingham-street, lli Vaoantland [Here Elizabeth-street. 2 6 10 12 16 Ryder-streetj> East Side Orowii-Ianb toTajsgarttf-lano. Goloman, Joseph, builder Lynch, Timothy ThomaB,, George, brioklayer Led, William HetiryV tailor Satchel], Henry Thomas, slibomakor Here TaggarVs-tdtie.' Ryder-street, "West Side Here Cr'owri-ldne. V Oats, John, shoemaker" 8 Biggs, John 7 Holliday, Charles, moulder , 9 Orufokshank; Henry, carfe£w¥ ^ 13 Morrow, Richard D. shoemaker itefi fiiggari%idne. Samuel-street, {East Side' Campboll-stroot t<) GlppS-atWct 4 Hardy, OharldB', oarplBntbr 6 Thomas, Goorgo, carpentor 8 Sheppard, Walter, butcher 18 Meadowcroft, James, carrier 20 HobsoD, Mrs. 22 Abbott, Nioholas, dealer, 26 Whitehead, William,.taiIor 28 Hill, John, painter 32 Farroll, Bobort, plasteror 34 O'Farrell, David, clerk Here Oipps-street. Samuel-street, W e s t Side Here Campbell-street. 8 Hellmors, Frederick,' cabinet maker 5 Ash, John, paintor 7 Boulton, John, tailor 9 Ash, Robert, painter 11 Perkins, John, saddler. 13 Pearson, Joseph, u'pholsterpr 16 Pearson, Thomas, cabinetmiakbr 17 Allingham, William, cabinetmaker 19 Levey, William, cb'mposifor 1 23 Bennett, Goorgo, ironmonger 25 Langford, William 27 Gorman, Knox, tailor Here Oipps-slreel. Sarah Ann-street,- North, Side Etaboth-strcot to Wllton-atrcot. Troy, Tirtfotby— WtWfAeHome Inn 2 Sullivan/Patriok 4 Driscoll, Michael , 6 Lonorgan, Nioholas, shoemaker 8 Mason,- James, shoemaker 10 Hern, Cornelius,- carpenter 12 Kerr, Henry