Annual Report 2013-14


Annual Report 2013-14
A n n u a l
Risen Christ Catholic School
R e p o r t
Serving low income
and immigrant K-8
students in a faithbased environment
in the Powderhorn
Park neighborhood
of south central
Risen Christ Catholic School:
Making a Difference
Where we are . . .
Risen Christ delivers a high quality
Catholic education in a safe and nurturing
environment to over 300 students in south
central Minneapolis. Considering that more
than 90 percent of the students qualify for
free or reduced lunch and over 60 percent of
the students are English learners, fulfilling
the mission of Risen Christ is no easy task. Yet, we are closing
the educational achievement gap for our students and making a
difference in the lives of the children and their families.
. . . Where we are going . . .
We’ve been able to accomplish much in the last year to help close
the achievement gap. Educationally, through the hard work of
the faculty and staff, Risen Christ achieved its educational goals
—over 70 percent of the students were proficient or made more
than a year’s academic growth in the school year. Financially, the
school operated on a balanced budget—a budget that is half the
budget of comparable public institutions. Finally, through our dual
immersion program commencing in August 2014, we will build on
our strengths to create the best possible learning environment for
our students.
Risen Christ cannot exist without the dedication of its faculty, staff,
volunteers and benefactors. On behalf of the Board of Directors,
thank you for your time, talent and support. Your generosity makes
a difference in the lives of our students and community.
. . . I m a g i n e t h e Po s s i b i l i t i e s.
Chair of the Board of Directors
John Banovetz – Chair
Global Business Director
Industrial Adhesives and Tapes
Division, 3M
Frank Miley
Director of Development
Cretin-Derham Hall HS
Andy Bauer
Vice President and CFO
Miller Milling
Bonnie O’Connor
VP, Professional Services (retired)
Fairview-University Medical
Arthur G Boylan
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Deborah A Organ, LICSW, DMin
Pastoral Associate
Holy Rosary Parish
Rev Joseph Gillespie, OP
Canonical Administrator, Pastor
Church of St Albert the Great
Kelly Regan
Vice President of Marketing
Premier Banks
Bill Hanley
Lowry Hill Law Offices
Rev Leo Schneider
Church of the Holy Name
Bill Hettling
International Business Development
Asia Pacific and Canada, 3M
Rev Jim Spahn, OP
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Sue Huber, PhD
Executive Vice President, Provost
University of St Thomas
Peter Spokes
VP, Corporate
Responsibility (retired)
Wells Fargo
Maria Lara
Family Liaison
Andersen Family Resource Center
Deacon Carl Valdez
Church of the IncarnationSagrado Corazón de Jesús
Bill Makens
Royal Concrete Products, Inc
Rev Joseph Williams
Church of St Stephen
John McCarty
St Paul Development Corp
Hope and Opportunity
e often like to say that Risen Christ
School provides hope and opportunity
to children living in poverty, but how
Mission Statement
Risen Christ
Catholic School
do we really quantify that? Although
our standardized test scores give us a good indication
Risen Christ Catholic School
that we are narrowing the achievement gap, I believe
is committed to developing
the best way to quantify a concept such as hope is to
hear from the students themselves:
the spiritual, academic, social,
physical and leadership gifts of
“When I entered Risen Christ in the fifth grade, I wasn’t where I was supposed to
all of our children. We promote
be academically. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to be. I used to think passing was
collaboration with families
passing and I didn’t strive for greatness, but Risen Christ helped me find my way;
they really push you because they know what you’re capable of. They aren’t just
and the community in order
building academic excellence here; they are building character.” . . . “I have grown
to affirm and embrace our
so much over the past four years. I now get grades I can be proud of. I now have an
cultural diversity within a safe,
academic foundation that will take me far in life.” — Jazmine
“. . . it is very important to put God first before anything else. That is, by far, one of
academically challenging and
Christian learning environment.
the most important lessons I’ve learned at Risen Christ Catholic School. It is not all
my effort that has gotten me this far. If it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t be where I am
today.” . . . “All my teachers here at Risen Christ School have taught me so much
academically, but they have also taught me many life lessons that will stick with me
for the rest of my life.” — Efrata
Both Jazmine and Efrata, children of immigrant parents, graduated from Risen Christ School
this year and are attending DeLaSalle High School on full scholarships in the fall of 2014.
They are what hope looks like, and they, along with their schoolmates, are the reason
I am so deeply grateful to our teachers, staff, volunteers and you, our benefactors, for
ensuring that Risen Christ School remain a steadfast source of hope and opportunity for
God’s children here in the heart of Minneapolis. Thank you.
A Banner Year for Students
ost students enter Risen Christ Catholic School performing at least two years below
grade level. We are very excited this year that 70 percent of all students, K-8, either
achieved proficiency or made more than one year’s growth in the three key academic
areas of reading, math and language arts, as measured by the MAP (Measures of
Academic Progress) assessments from NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association).
We have been striving to meet this goal for three years. From a historical perspective, culturally
and linguistically diverse students score lower than their English-speaking peers on standardized
tests. Through the combined efforts of teachers, students, families and volunteers, the goal was
met. Teachers targeted their instruction to meet students’ specific language and academic needs.
Students applied themselves in reaching their goals. Parents supported students by bringing them
to special programming and encouraging students to demonstrate their knowledge on the tests.
Volunteers provided support in mastering skills or by enriching the curriculum.
During the 2013-2014 school year, an award-winning program—E3 (Eat, Educate,
Exercise) was implemented for our students. Through a grant awarded to St. Mary’s
Health Clinics (SMHC) from United Way’s “Healthy Behaviors” initiative, SMHC
and Risen Christ School partnered to reduce the risk of childhood obesity
and Type II diabetes in low-income children by promoting physical
activity and healthy eating habits in a supportive environment.
We are very excited
this year that 70 percent of
all students either achieved
proficiency or made more
than one year’s growth in
the three key academic
areas of reading, math and
language arts.
The E3 program provides opportunities throughout
the school day for students to engage in fitness activities
and learn about nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices.
This was a banner year for student achievement and
engagement. It makes all of us very proud.
We Know These Things About You
Director of Advancement
t Risen Christ, you work with us so that our students become
Risen Christ students
educated, ethical, moral and successful leaders. You know that
invite you to come
education is an essential way out of poverty. You support our
Discover Risen Christ.
academically rigorous curriculum, along with our faith-based
Meet students and
approach to educating the whole child.
school leadership
over lunch, followed
You are a critical element in sustaining the school for the children.
by a student-led tour.
You provide the financial resources to make everything work harmoniously
toward the goal of closing the achievement gap for at-risk students.
Discover Risen Christ
Your commitment is invaluable.
When we think of you, we see you as a stalwart, a friend and our inspiration.
We are grateful for your caring and generous support of the children.
We understand that your giving is a reflection of your values.
During the 2013-2014 fiscal year, you gave $925,000, an all-time record,
and close to $50,000 over our goal. Your financial gifts made up 42 percent
11:30 am - 12:45 pm
Nov 19, 2014; Jan 14, Feb 18,
Mar 18, Apr 15 or May 20, 2015
For information, please contact the
Advancement Department:
of our income—an extraordinary, but fundamental task in serving children
living in poverty.
Some of you are mentors to our 7th and 8th graders in our Imagine the
Advancement Committee Members
Possibilities program. You made our fourth year wonderfully successful.
Bonnie O’Connor, Chair
Others of you celebrated our students at the 18th annual Gala For the Children.
Fairview University Medical Center (retired)
It was a great evening because of you! Many individuals and groups contributed
Arthur Boylan - Stinson Leonard Street LLP
in important and wonderful ways.
James DeLong - Community of Peace School
Craig Erickson - Erickson & Wessman, PA
By any standard, you are impressive! You make an immense impact on the lives
Linda Ewing - Cincinnatus, Inc
of the children and families of Risen Christ. Our joyous prayer for you is one of
Rev Joseph Gillespie - Church of St Albert the Great
thanksgiving for all you make possible.
Bill Makens - Royal Concrete Products, Inc
¡Con nuestro más profundo agradecimiento!
Frank Miley - Cretin-Derham Hall High School
Kathleen Strombeck - Northern Trust
Poverty, Language and Possibility
overty and language are two areas that have a profound impact
on Risen Christ School. The effects these two realities have in the
classroom are something that you can probably imagine—and
they were the underlying factors in the decision to become a dual
language immersion school. What you may not know is that they also
have an impact on the school’s finances.
Director of Finance and Operations
Risen Christ School
certainly fits the
profile of a school
that educates
children in poverty.
Three different states that conducted studies on the cost to educate students in
poverty came to the same conclusion: the cost to educate children in poverty is
at least twice that of the cost of educating “regular” students.
With almost 95 percent of our students qualifying for free or
reduced school lunch, Risen Christ School certainly fits the
profile of a school that educates children in poverty. We also
have the added reality of two-thirds of our students living
in homes where Spanish or another language is the primary
language spoken.
In 2013-2014, the cost to educate a student at Risen Christ
School was $7,125. For the state of Minnesota in the 20092010 school year (the most recent year with statewide public school numbers),
the cost to educate was $10,685. In Minneapolis, it was even higher.
Those numbers are a testament to the incredible work the teachers and
leadership do here at Risen Christ School with limited resources. They also
make me wonder what those same teachers could do with significantly more
resources available to them.
Thank you for your generous support of Risen Christ School; we will continue to
use wisely the funds you donate to create infinite possibilities for our students.
The figures on this page are meant to show, in a simplified manner, the inflow
and outflow of cash during the fiscal year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014.
Risen Christ School conducts an annual audit of its financial statements;
that audit is available for review in the school’s business office.
Volunteers Impact Students’ Lives
Director of Volunteers
his year marked the 15th anniversary of a formal volunteer program at
Risen Christ Catholic School (RCCS). In that time we have been fortunate
to go from a few dedicated volunteers to hundreds of volunteers dedicated
to impacting the lives of our students and school.
Many of the over 200 Risen Christ volunteers are tutors—giving of their time
to directly support, guide and encourage students at every grade level in all subjects.
Their skills, dedication and patience enable students to meet and rise above the
challenges they face.
A highlight was the addition of a volunteer middle school art teacher—a talented
artist who shared her skills and passion with our students. They had lessons in contour
and figure drawing, used various art mediums and had an opportunity to learn about
printmaking. At year-end, students said this class enabled them to express themselves,
taught them new things and was fun.
IN 2013-2014:
• The number of volunteers increased by 25%
• Over 42% of RCCS volunteers have been
volunteering for 3+ years
We have been
fortunate to go from
a few dedicated
volunteers to hundreds
of volunteers
dedicated to impacting
the lives of our
students and school.
• Approximately 6000 hours logged—the
Independent Sector of Washington, D.C.
equates that to $135,000
• The E3 (Eat, Educate, Exercise) program created
Our humble beginnings have
new volunteer opportunities
blossomed into a successful
• The Friday Backpack program relies completely
volunteer program, which
on volunteers—each Friday, volunteers fill
continues to grow and develop
backpacks with food to support and nourish
as the needs of the students
our families over the weekend
and school grow.
We are blessed!
Risen Christ Catholic School
gratefully acknowledges
You gave generously
Anonymous (36)
Lynn Abrahamsen
Sharon Abrahamsen
Ann Aeschliman
Mary Alberts
Linda and Al Alexander
Kathleen and Michael Amato
Deb Anderson *
Jessica Anderson
Sheilah Anderson *
Stacey and Corey Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews *
Pat and Paul Archambault
Rosalinda Armendariz
Sharon Arvold
Jill and Kerry Audette *
Pat and Tim Babineau
Tom Backen
Jo and Gordy Bailey *
Cindy and John Banovetz *
Eileen and Lewis Barbe *
Mary Hogan Bard
and Bill Bard
Barb Barnes
Dorothy Barnes-Griswold
Teresa Barrett
MaryEllen Barry
James Barton
Basilica Landmark
Linda and Andy Bauer *
Marie and Tim Becker
Paul Behr *
Benilde-St Margaret’s
School *
Bob Benson
Liz and Forrest Bentley
Joan Koerber Berg
Mary Lisa Berg
Patti and Steven Bernstein
all gifts received.
Each gift is important.
Every dollar counts.
Jeanne and Dick Berry
Heidi Berzck and Jack Zeta
Frank Bielinski, Sr
Sue and John Bielinski
Nancy and John Bierbaum
Sue and Al Bill
Caroline and Clarence Birk
Tara and Neil Bizily
Michael Bjordahl
Vicki and Paul Blum *
Dodie and Jerry Bock *
Marcia Boehnlein
Norrine Bohman *
Ed Bohrer *
Nancy and Don Bolke *
David Bolke
Karen and Terry Bonertz
Tonia and Mike Borkan *
Patricia Borre
Rachel and Patrick Borzi
Nancy Botnen
Eileen and Tim Bradley
Rev John F Brandes *
Katie and Tim Bratland
Angie and Casey Breen
Lorraine Breitenbucher †
Regina and Helmut Breuer *
Janet and Gene Briggs *
Gerald Brown *
Meg and Jim Brudney
Betsy Buckley and
Dennis McGrath
Building Systems
Solutions, Inc
Mary T Buley *
Susan and Leo Bulger *
Burdick Family Fund *
Kathleen Burke-Scheffler *
Cathy and Matt Burley
Jim Burnett *
Laurie and Tom Burns *
Mary Burns and
Stephen Kurachek
Elizabeth Johnson Butler
Kay and Tom Butler
Mary Bydlon
Anna Marie Byrne *
Kristine and Mike Callaghan
Adriana Camarillo
and Javier Ramos
Jeanne and Dave Campbell
Therese and Scott Campbell
Pat and Marty Campion *
Rosemary and Rodney Cantin
Eileen and Joseph Capecchi *
Lenore Capko
Jenny Carlier and
Andrew Blake
Donna Carlson *
Susan and Governor
Arne Carlson *
Alberta and Jay Carroll *
Mary Anne Carter
Robert Carter
Ellen and Ron Carvatt
Lisa Cathelyn
Catholic Eldercare *
Catholic United Financial
Phyllis and Bill Cavanagh *
Cheryl Chapman
Katherine and Jack
Chapuran *
Charity, Inc
Jeanne and Raymond
David Cherne
Mary and Steve Cherne
Antoinette and Larry Cheslik
WG Christianson
Foundation *
Charlie Christolon
Church of St Patrick-Edina *
Claddagh Coffee Café
Patrick Clancy
Diane and Annis Clark
Iona Clark
Patricia and Larry Clemens *
Jane Clifford
Kathie and Paul Clifford
Rev Ron Clubb
Carol Colloton
Molly and Clem Commers *
Karen and Milt Conrath
Dana Cook
Joan and Ron Cornwell *
Corporate Incentives
of America, Inc
Judy Corrao
Claudia Correa and
Carlos Benito *
Corval Group
Cathy Cory
Martin Costello
Barbara Cracraft
Susan Cracraft and
Brent Pederson
Craig-Hallum Capital
Group LLC
Lucia and Stoddard Crane
Joseph Craven
Cretin-Derham Hall *
Cristo Rey Jesuit
High School *
Mary Culhane
Joy Cunningham *
Jean and James Curran
Pat Curran
Madeline Cushman and Lehan Johnson
Christi and Michael R Dady *
Judy Dahill
Kathy Dahl
Beth Dahlman and
Dan Nejfelt
Hazel Dahlman *
Helen and Steve Dahlman *
Janet and George Dahlman *
Jim Dahlman *
Annamarie Daley and Galen Bruer *
Kathleen and Joseph Daly *
Pat and Tom Daly *
Damon Farber Associates
Susan and William Davern *
Kate and Brett Davies *
Marian and Thomas Delaney, Jr
DeLaSalle High School
Annie and James DeLong *
D B DeLong *
Mary Berg DeLong
Jane and Scott Deming
Sandy and Jack Dempsey
Toni de Rosier and Jerry Hertel
Robert J Devereaux *
Shannon and John Devine
Amy and Mike Dickson
Gertrude Dieckmann *
Kathy and Kevin Dillon
Daking Divine
Susan and John Doherty
Betty Nell and Tom Dolan *
Mary Ann Dols
Dominican Community
St Albert The Great Fathers and Brothers *
Beth and Mike Domler
Tom Donnelly
Catherine and David Dooley *
Diane Doppler
Mary and Ernie Dorn, III *
Judith and Willard Dornfeld
Meg and Tim Dornfeld *
Margaret Anne Douville *
David DuBois
Clement Duffy *
Heidi and Jeff Duffy
Jean Dunn *
Ann Dunn-Foley
and Tom Foley
Cynthia and Gregg Dyste, MD
Denise and David Eckerman *
Colleen and Mike Eckman
Toni and Ed Egan *
Arnie Eide
Vincent Eilers *
Beth and Bob Elfstrand
Mari and Robert Elliott
Carol and Dale Emmel
Kate and Tom Emmel
Elizabeth and Gregory Engel
Mary Kate and Stephen
Engel Family Fund of the
St Paul Foundation *
* Consecutive Giving, 5 Years
Erickson & Wessman, PA *
Diane and Craig Erickson *
Mary and Alan Erickson *
Roberta Erickson
Joan Erpenbach
Jake Esch
Marcelo Estrella
Jerry Evans
Mary Everson *
Linda and Doug Ewing
Suzanne and Art Fasoli
Sheila Cracraft Fehler
and Dan Fehler *
Carly and Patrick Felicetta
Jane and Jim Fennell *
Tom Fidiam and Bob Flory
Tara and Scott Finne
Judy and Jerry Finnerty *
First Catholic Slovak
Ladies Association *
Peggy Fitzgerald *
John Fitzpatrick *
Chris Flaherty *
Flaherty Family Foundation
Toni and Dennis Flaherty
Terri and Mark Fleischhacker
Trish and Tom Flock-Johnson
Eugene Floersch
Tessa Floersch *
Cristina Flood-Urdangarin
Archbishop Emeritus
Harry J Flynn *
Lloyd Flynn
Rose and Frank Fondell
Jeanne and Edward Forbes *
Alice Foreman
Amy Forliti and Darrell Baggenstoss
Deanna Forliti
Elaine Forliti
Jane Forliti
Rev John Forliti *
Kathy and Dick Forliti
Sandy Forliti
Stephanie and Tom Forliti
Toni and Larry Forsland
Amy Forstner and Mark Nedoroski
Jennifer and Graham Foster
Joe Fox
Joy and Brian Fragodt
George and Bennie Frost *
Paula Gabay
Marilyn and Thomas Gahm
† Rest in Peace
Jeff Gardner
Azeta Garthune
Megan Gavin
Rosie Gavin
Joe Geelan
Annette F George *
Liz and Jim Georgioff
Mary Ellen Gevelinger, OP
Rhonda and Robert Gibbs
Sarah and Patrick Gibbs
Betts and Don † Giefer Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation *
Mary Ann Gilbertson *
Gill Brothers
Mary Helen and Richard Gill *
Rev Joe Gillespie, OP
Gilligan Foundation *
Nancy Gilliland
Roni and Alan Gingold *
Rich Gladhill *
James Glatzmaier *
Virginia and George Gleeson
Colleen and John Glover *
Good Ground Press *
Kevin Gormley
Denis Grande
Jackie and Don Grant *
Great Clips, Inc
Kathleen Grendahl
Joan and MC Gresser *
Terry and John Griep *
Rev Pat Griffin *
Griffiths Foundation *
Jo and Curt Groth
Sengdara and Nicholas Grue
Grupo Avance LLC
Mary Guernsey *
Rick Gunn
Milissa and Gary Gustafson
Lidi and Vidal Guzman
Dick Hall
Kathryn and Joseph Hamel, MD *
Sue and Pat Hamilton
Pat and Terry Hammink
Annemarie Hansen
Robyn Hanson and Ben Murray *
Judy Hardebeck and Bill Cherne, Jr *
Jean and Jim Hare
Mary Jo Harlan *
Carolyn Byrne Hartmann *
Mary and Bob Harvey
Julie and Mike Hasslinger
Tom Hatton
Robert Hauer, Jr
Marie and Joe Hauser *
John Healey
Janelle Heikkila
Pat Helin
Joanne Hense-Honsa and Peter Honsa *
Kathleen and John Herrick *
Judy and Bill Hettling
Glenn Higgins
Pat Higgins *
Highland Bank
Florence Hill
Mary Sherman Hill and Larry Hill
Molly Byron Hill and Jeffrey Hill *
Julie Hinz
Geraldine R Hoch
Marlene and Ronald Hoch
Frances M Hoffman *
Sandy Hoffman and Jim Breitenbucher
Kenneth F Holley *
Patty and Tom Holloran
Molly and Michael Holmes *
Holy Family Catholic High School
Holy Name Council of Catholic Women *
Holy Name Society of Holy Rosary Church
Veronica and John Holz
Heidi and Carl Horsch, Jr
Peggy and Edward Howard
Kathryn Hoy and Joseph Kurimay
Rev Lawrence Hubbard *
Dr Sue and John Huber *
Joyce and Robert Humboldt
Bernice and Clarence Hynes
Incarnation Church/
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
Independent Packing Services, Inc
Inst. for Human & Org. Development
J Foundation
Regina and Perry Jacobson
Sue and Rich Jacobson
Becky and Greg Jaeger
Jane and Paul Jaeger
Mandi Jamison
Peg and Gary Janisch *
Pauline Martin Jensen *
Mary and Gary Jeub *
Dave Johnson
Jamie Johnson
Linda and Dennis Johnson
Marcus Johnson
Maureen Johnson and James Arms
Valerie Johnson
Renee and Larry Jordan
Tad Jude
Diana Juettner
Rita and Richard Juettner *
Kathy and David Jungquist Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Rose and Jerome Jungquist *
Marge and Ed Kadlec
Becky and Joe Kalaidis
Julia and Bill Kallenberg
Evelyn and Norbert Kappes *
Kathleen and James Karges *
Ellen and Joseph Keady
Catherine and James Keane
Leslie and Thomas Keane, Jr, MD
Lynn Keillor
Laurel and Glenn Keitel
Dianna and Jack Kelly
Margaret Kelly
Terri and Bob Kemmerer
Jean and R Paul Kennedy *
Mary and Miles Kennedy
Sue and Joe Kenney
Joan and Tim Kenny
Kent Family Charitable Trust *
Madonna and Cy Kerber
Pamela and Thomas Keul
Jerome Kiffmeyer
Bob Kirchoff
Michelle and Dan Klamm
Val and Pat Klett
Janet and Ron Klimisch
Maggie Klimisch *
Char and Gary Klopp
Dan Klos
Lucy Klos *
Gloria Klosterman Estate
Michele and Jim Kluck
Katie and Stephan Knaeble
Kathy Knight
Patty and Alex Knopeck
Julianne and Edward Kocourek
Monica Kocourek
Beth Koepke
Paul Kokesh *
Koffi Kolibe-Gnamikou
Margaret and Robert Koop
Kopp Family Foundation *
Mary and Kevin Kosel *
Adam Kowles
Mary Kowles
Kathy and Bill Kozlak
Chris Kraft and Nelson Capes *
George & Mary Kremer Foundation *
Colleen and Gerald Kritzeck *
Carl Kroening
Sally and Mark Kronholm *
Carol and Thomas Kulikowski
Susie Kuller
Marie Kunze
Rev Steve LaCanne
Roxanne and Timothy Lackas *
Patricia Lalley
Mae and Hal Lance
Landmark Corporation of St Paul
Phyllis Langfield
Jim Lanser
Maria Lara
Martin Larson
Mary Kate and Wes Laseski *
Rev Kenneth LaVan *
LDA Minnesota *
Kay and Bill Leahy, Jr
William Leahy, III
John Leddy *
Joanne Lee *
Mary Gerry and Tom Lee Family Foundation of the St Paul Foundation *
Dorothy Leigh
Nicole and Braden Leimer
Doris LeMieux
Adam Lenhart
Kathy and Al Lenzmeier *
Mary Anne and Larry Lewis *
Julie and Gary L’Herault *
Liberty Diversified International
Barb and Barry Lieske
Paula Lindgren
Sue and Eric Locher, MD
Kara Lockridge
Sally Lofte
Del and Paul Longen
Lorenz Bus Service, Inc
Julie Luers
Mary Ann and Roger Lutgen
Mary Kay and Martin Luther
Liz and Larry Lutton *
Nancy Mace
Rosalie Maher
Rev Ambrose Mahon *
Diana and Bill Makens *
Pat and Jack Mallow *
Rev John Malone
Bri Malrick
Sandie Mangel
Sheila Manley *
Judy and Bob Mannella *
Annette Margarit
Anna and Sarnan Mark
Markoe House Jesuit Community-Minneapolis
Don Martin *
Carole and William Martino
Christine Matimba
Sharon and Bill Maus, MD
Steve May
Ted May
Terry and Al Mazig
Maggie and Paul McCarrick *
Edward McCarthy
Amanda and Charlie McCarty
Becky and Stephen McCarty
Linda and John McCarty
Linda and Pat McCarty
Molly McCarty
Josanne and Tom McCarver
LaVerne and Steve McCloskey
Gail and David McCollum *
Greg McDonald
Malcolm McDonald
Kathleen McDonough and Melanie Ruda *
Nancy Waters O’Donnell McDonough *
Heather McEnerney
Andrea and Larry McGough
McGough Companies *
Patricia and Robert McGuire *
Jean and Ray McInerny
Becky McKenzie
Dan McKenzie, Jr
Pat McMullen
Doug McMurray
Bill McReavy, Jr
Jewel and Oliver Medlock
Sarah Meier
Lucia Mendez
Barb and Ralph Menk *
Judy Meyer *
Becca Mijal and Ben Drewelow
Kathy and Frank Miley
Mary Jane Miley
Drs Mary Z and Timothy Miley *
Sarah and Ken Miller
Joan Miltenberger *
Minnesota Counseling & Couples Center, LLC
Ann M and Bud Moll *
Rev Raymond Monsour *
Debbie Montgomery
Cheryl Curtis Moore and Steven Moore, MD
Matt Moore
Robert E Moore
Catherine Morneau and William Crichton
Virginia and Robert Morris *
Mortenson Family Foundation
Shelly and Joel Moryn
Faith Moselle
Kathy and Joe Mucha *
Virginia Mulcahy *
Marina Munoz-Lyon and Michael Lyon
James Munster *
Brett Murdock
Fran Rusciano Murnane *
Biz and Francis Murphy
Krista and Paul Myhre *
John Myser
Sue and Dominique Najjar
Melissa and Pat Nault
Jane and Terrence Nayes
Richelle and Jim Nelson *
Ann and George Nemanich, MD
Carol and Michael Nemanich *
Kathy and David Nesset
Claudia Neuberger
Diane Nunberg
Margaret Nystrom
Rev Michael O’Connell *
Bonnie O’Connor and Ron Hopfensperger *
Prudence O’Connor
Celeste and Mike O’Donnell *
Corliss and Kevin O’Donnell
Micki O’Flynn
Mary Kay and Terry O’Loughlin *
Lu and Jim O’Meara
Brenda and Mike O’Neil *
Theresa and John O’Neill
Kathleen and Ed Ogrin *
Dorothy Ollmann
Ann and Jim Olson
Jacob Olson
Carolyn and Frank Ondrey
Deb Organ
Sonia L Ortega-Duran
Peg and Greg Palen
Peggy and Richard Palen
Stephanie and Joe Palen *
Kathy Palen-Geske and Jim Geske *
Connie and Phil Paquette
Parsons Electric
Mona and Rick Patterson
Pax Christi Catholic Community *
Nancy and Richard Peacha
Elisa and Tom Peltola, MD
Lisa and Henry Perez
Mary and John Periolat
Nancy and Richard Perrine
Jennifer Peters
Marilynn and Rodney Peters
Greg Peterson
Mary Ann and Steve Peterson
Barbara and Richard Petschauer
Kate Pettit
Lupe and Kurt Pfaff
Mary Louise and Arthur Pivec
Mary and Joseph Plese
Eloise and Carl Pohlad Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Mary Ann Pollard *
Kim and Karl Poncius
Pope Architects Inc
Arthur J Popehn Family Foundation *
Terese and Leonard Powell
David Prem *
Premier Bank *
Private Client Reserve at US Bank
Cheryl and Vince Prososki
Nancy and Howard Punch
Mike Qualen
Carol Anne Quest
Basilisa and Regino Quiambao *
Rita Quigley
Marcie and Juan Ramirez
Donna and Bill Ramsay *
Liz and Steve Ramsey *
Rev Phillip J Rask *
Loretta and Terry Ratajczyk *
Sr Doris Rauenhorst, OP
Terri and George Rea
Phyllis and John Reardon
Kelly Regan
Mary and Pat Regan
Gerald Regnier
Joanne and William Reiling
Gloria and Ken Reineccius
Connie and Bob Reiners
Virginia and Ron Rengel
Sue Renwick and Don Burns
Jose Reyes
Jorge Rivas Reyna
Alice Rice *
Lisa Rice
Judy Rieckhoff *
Marcia and Tom Ries
Nancy and Thomas Riley *
Mary and Peter Ritten
Elizabeth Rivera
Mary Jo and Walt Roberts *
Johanna Robles
Lois and John Rogers *
John F Rooney Family
Charitable Foundation *
Linda and Denis Rooney
Marie Rooney *
Patricia Roth
Patrick Rouen *
Eleni Roulis
Joleen and Rob Roy
Terrance Ruane *
Molly and Thomas Rubbelke
Thekla Rura-Polley and Craig Polley
Mary Russell
Karen and Jay Rusthoven *
Kevin Ryall
Troy Sabal
St Albert The Great Catholic Church *
St Catherine University
Jula and John St Marie *
Sr Mary Catherine St Martin
St Mary’s Health Clinics
Saint Mary’s University
Saint Olaf Catholic Church *
St Paul Development Corporation
Joanie and Dave St Peter
St Thomas Academy *
St Victoria Catholic Church
Marguerite Sandberg
Barbara and James Sarazin *
Haley Sarff-DeLong and
Stephen DeLong
Mary Jean and Jack Sargent
Pat and Gary Sauer
Carolyn and Del Sawyer
Carole and John Sayer *
Sayer Charitable Foundation *
Lori LeMieux Schmidt *
Joan and William Schmit
Mary and John Schmitz
Christine Scholl
Alicia Schulz
Mary Schulz
Schulze Family Foundation
Kitty and Don Schumacher
Liliane and Jack Schutz
Mary Tierney Schwaab *
Kathleen Scott
Patty Seflow
Marianne and Richard Seidenstricker
James Seiter *
Marie Herbert Seiter, CSJ
Mary and Timothy Seitz
Bonnie Sentz
Surendra Sethi, MD *
Shamrock Foundation *
Jeanne Shapiro and William Christopher Downey
Mollie Anne and Hugh Sherry
Jane Shey
Phyllis Shoemaker
Gail Shore
Kathleen and Brian Short
Sias Family *
Rosemary and Loras Sieve
Shirley and James Silgen
Shané Sisco
Sisters of St Joseph
of Carondelet St Louis Province
Joan and Bill Slattery *
Sarann and Leo † Slattery *
Jim Slowinski
Gene Smith *
Gerry and Jim Smith *
Marcia Smith
Roxanne and Gerald Smith
Diana Soller
Maureen and Tom Soller *
Lori Sonderman *
Rev Jim Spahn, OP
Mary Beth and Joel Speer
Joanne and James Spevacek *
Peter Spokes *
Michelle and Bryan Spratt
Gina and Tony Sprenger
Melissa Stadley
Kathleen and Thomas Staffa *
Ludmila and Victor Stamos *
John Stanek
Karen and David Steenson
Louis Stefanich
Steichen Charitable Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mary Jane Steinhagen
and Bob Veitch *
Mary and Ernie Stelzer
Sue and Stephen Stenbeck
Monica and Bob Stiglich
Nancy and Mike Stiller
Mary Stoick
Roseanne and George Strand
Grace and Ralph Strangis
Kathleen and Tom Strombeck
Patricia and Earl Stroshane
David J Sutton Gift Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund *
Kathleen and George Sutton
Diane Swenson
Jen and Tom Swirtz
Michael Swirtz
Molly and Greg Swirtz
Pat Swirtz *
Barb and Bob Sykora *
Marcy and Mark Syman *
Nicole and Matt Szybnski
Mary and Jan Tanghe
Target Corporation-Take Charge of Education *
Elizabeth Teefy
Gerri and Don Teefy
Rev Michael Tegeder
Susan and John Theisen *
Kathleen Thiede *
Linda and Kenneth Thielhorn
Br Robert Thomas, FSC *
Linda Cobb Thompson
Dave and Rita Thorson
Marilyn and Bill Tierney
Tiller Corporation
Gary Tilstra
Kathleen Tomlin *
Mary Ann Tompkins
Phyllis and Robert Tryon
Irma Turner
Roberta Turner *
University of St Thomas
Christine and Jeff Vaala
Pat and Remo Vagnoni *
Gretchen and Deacon Carl Valdez
Melissa Valeriano
Lawrence Valley
Victoria and Timothy Van Driessche
Barb and Chris Van Hauer
Bobbi and Dan † Vaughan
Sue and Jim Vermilya
Nancy and Fred Vescio *
Karen and Dan Vetsch
Gloria and Gerald Wahl *
Sally Wahman and Tim Carter
Lori and Tim Walker
Jan Walther *
Dorothy and Gil Ward
Washburn-McReavy *
Claudith and Gene Washington *
Patti Weber *
Mary Jean and Richard Weigel
Mimi Weinberger
Welsh Family Foundation
Carole and Ray Welter, Jr *
WEM Foundation
Patricia and Greg Wesolek *
Tillie Westermeier *
Joy and John Wetzel
Rev Bob White
Rob Wicker
James Wickham *
Lucy and Rick Wilhoit
Christina and Armand Willis
Shari Taylor Wilsey and Roger Wilsey, Sr
Michael Wilson *
Richard Wilson
C F Wiser, Jr *
Carol Wolfe
Kathy and Al Woodward *
Cari and Tod Worner
Rev Tim Wozniak *
Sally and Robert Wright
Ron Wunderlin
Debbie and Steve Yanda
Lisa and Bruce Yarbro
Pene Zarnoti
J Zavoral
Ivet Zhagui
Maddi and Dan Zydowicz
3M Foundation
Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program
Darden Restaurants Foundation
General Electric Foundation
General Mills Foundation Matching Gift Program
Macy’s Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
NRG Global Giving
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Securian Foundation Matching Gift Program
U.S. Bancorp Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program
Anonymous (1)
Rosalinda Armendariz
Jill and Kerry Audette
Cindy and John Banovetz
Nancy and Don Bolke
Regina and Helmut Breuer
Gerald Brown
Mary T Buley
Kathleen Burke-Scheffler
Katherine and Jack Chapuran
Rev Ron Clubb
Dana Cook
Cathy Cory
Annie and James DeLong
Gertrude Dieckmann
Kathy and Kevin Dillon
Mary Ann Dols
Clem Duffy
Ann Dunn-Foley and
Tom Foley
Tara and Scott Finne
Virginia and George Gleeson
Good Ground Press
Pat Helin
Pat Higgins
Mary Sherman Hill
and Larry Hill
Inst. for Human & Org.
Maureen Johnson and
James Arms
Renee and Larry Jordan
Laurel and Glenn Keitel
Jean and R Paul Kennedy
Carl Kroening
Nancy Mace
Annette Margarit
Josanne and Tom McCarver
Judy Meyer
Joan Miltenberger
Ann M and Bud Moll
Cheryl Curtis Moore and
Steven Moore, MD
Robert E Moore
Faith Moselle
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Bonnie O’Connor and
Ron Hopfensperger
† Rest in Peace
Kathleen and Ed Ogrin
Theresa and John O’Neill
Mary Ann Pollard
Rev Jim Radde, SJ
Rev Phillip J Rask
Loretta and Terry Ratajczyk
Eleni Roulis
Joleen and Rob Roy
Karen and Jay Rusthoven
Sr Mary Catherine St Martin
James Seiter
Rev Jim Spahn, OP
Karen and David Steenson
Marcy and Mark Syman
Pat and Remo Vagnoni
Lori and Tim Walker
Jan Walther
Rev John Forliti
Mary Gerry and Tom Lee
Family Foundation of the St Paul Foundation
Linda and Denis Rooney
LB Scott
Mae and Hal Lance
Lorraine Curl
Gertrude Dieckmann
Maureen Soller
Tom Soller
Marietta Cusick
Nancy Waters O’Donnell
Joanne O’Neil
Brenda and Michael O’Neil
Arlene and Chuck Garrity’s
47th anniversary
Joan and Bill Slattery
Maureen and Tom Soller’s
50th wedding anniversary
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Alice Rice
Barb and Chris Van Hauer
Deceased Relatives
Gary Tilstra
Chuck Rice
Lisa Rice
Keith Erickson
Joan and Bill Slattery
Ric Robles
Johanna Robles
Nikki Finley
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Marie and Herbert Seiter
Marie Herbert Seiter, CSJ
Delores Gladhill
Rich Gladhill
Trudy Seiter
James Seiter
Junior Gossell
Lloyd Flynn
Larry Swirtz
Sharon and William
Maus, MD
Pat Swirtz
Mina and Jed Garthune
Azeta Garthune
Rev Joe Gillespie
Deb Anderson
Kathy and Joe Daly
Judy Hardebeck
Susie Kuller
Joanne Hense-Honsa
and Peter Honsa
Michelle and Dan Klamm
Lisa and Bruce Yarbro
20th Anniversary of
Risen Christ School
Rev Phillip J Rask
All the Teachers especially Anna Marie
Byrne and Diane LaBeau,
my former teachers
Josanne and Tom McCarver
Peter and Susan Bazil
Pat and Remo Vagnoni
Helen Dahlman
Sue and Rich Jacobson
Kate Murnane Davies
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Kate Emmel
Glenn Higgins
Peter Spokes
Patricia and Thomas Holloran
Richard and Lillian
Pat and Remo Vagnoni
Kathy and Al Woodward
Beth and Mike Domler
Susan and John Theisen
Gerald Greenwood
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Kathleen Herrick
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Richard W Albright
William J Houlihan
Therese and Scott Campbell
John and Linda McCarty
Robyn Hanson and
Ben Murray
Richard Barrett
Lucy Klos
Paul Juettner
Diana Juettner
Pat McEvoy
Julie Hinz
Tim Belisle
Joanne Hense-Honsa and
Peter Honsa
Robert (Bob) Kirk
Kathleen and Brian Short
Robert McGarry’s birthday
Lorraine Breitenbucher †
Herbert C Berry
Jeanne and Dick Berry
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Kathleen and John Herrick
Duane Byrne
Carolyn Byrne Hartmann
Bonnie O’Connor
Kathy Knight
Lupe Pfaff’s 60th birthday
Joan and Bill Slattery
Frances Byrne
Jill and Kerry Audette
Maggie and Paul McCarrick
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Linda and Kenneth Thielhorn
RCCS Faculty
Fran Rusciano Murnane
John and Mary Byron
Nancy Gilliland
Alice Rice
Lisa Rice
Margaret and W Michael
Sarann and Leo † Slattery
Josh Rucker
Lloyd Flynn
Joseph (Joe) Kritzeck
Colleen and Gerald Kritzeck
John Linner, MD
Fran Rusciano Murnane
James Lynch
Patty Maas
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Margaret McCarty
Helen and Steve Dahlman
Ed McDermott
Fran Rusciano Murnane
John Meyer
Nancy and Richard Peacha
Kathryn O’Donnell
Nancy Waters O’Donnell
Len Thiede
Kathleen Thiede
Ra Thompson
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Linda Cobb Thompson
Dan Vaughan
Bobbi Vaughan
Academy of Holy Angels
Ann Aeschliman
Breck School
Brodart Books &
Library Services Edina
Church of St Patrick
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Kathy and Kevin Dillon
Edina Morningside
Rotary Club
Edina Senior Center
Kari and Mike Erpenbach
Rita Fox
Japs-Olson Company
Matt Johnson
Marge and Ed Kadlec
KC Auxilary 435/
Ladies of Columbus
Macy’s Inc. Corporate
Marbles - The Brain Store
Barbara and Ralph Menk
Jane Michaels
Noreen O’Neil
Pax Christi Catholic
Vicki and Howie Pearson
Joleen and Rob Roy
Jeffrey Saarela
Mary and Raymond
Scallen, MD
St Albert The Great
Catholic Church
St Alphonsa Fraternity
Sports Authority
Kathleen Stratton
Taylor Corporation
Dr Jonathan Twomey
Mary Wertz
Megan Beaver, Building Systems
Solutions, Inc
Patti Bernstein, Estech
Dave Bice, Bald Eagle Erectors
Betsy Buckley, What Matters Inc
Sara Carkoski, Agropur-USA
Gregg Dyste, MD, Metropolitan
Neurosurgery PA
Jerry Finnerty, Corporate
Incentives of America, Inc
Bob Kirchoff, Agropur-USA
Joel Moryn, Parsons Electric
Juan Ramirez, Marcelita’s
Rob Roy, Vinyl Art Inc
Jeff Saarela, Volunteer Work
Gary Sauer, Tiller Corporation
Jim Simon, Corval Group
Bill Slattery, Shamrock Business
Nancy Stiller, Parsons Electric
Maria Tototzintle, Tequila Digital
Lori Walker, Valspar (retired)
Sandy and Prince Wallace,
Independent Packing
Services, Inc
Tom Whitlock, Damon Farber
2014 RISEN
A La Salsa Restaurant
Acme Comedy Club
Adogo Pet Hotel
All Seasons Wild Bird Store
Al Vento
Anchor Fish & Chips
Anodyne Coffeehouse
@ 43rd
Apple Jack Orchards
Jill and Kerry Audette
Thom Barry
Linda and Andy Bauer
BayView Event Center
Beaujo’s Wine Bar & Bistro
Benilde-St Margaret’s
Diane Beutz
Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano
Bluffscape Amish Tours
Nancy and Don Bolke
Borough and Parlour
Brave New Workshop
Breadsmith Artisan
Bread Bakery
Broder’s Cucina Italiana
Bryant-Lake Bowl
Burch Steak and Pizza Bar
Café 128
Café Ena
Café Latte
Calhoun Beach Club
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
Cheesecake Factory
Chicago’s Holy
Name Cathedral
Christian Family Jewelers
Chuck and Don’s
Bridget Clark
Commonweal Theatre
Conrad Hotel - Chicago
Convent of the
Visitation School
Sharis and Dan Cooley
Cottage House Inn
Curran’s Restaurant
Helen and Steve Dahlman
DeLaSalle High School
Depot Renaissance Hotel
Diamond Lake Hardware
Ellen Dischinger
Meg and Tim Dornfeld
Ann Dunn-Foley
and Tom Foley
Cynthia and Gregg
Dyste, MD
Eat Street Buddha
Edina Country Club
Edina Grill
Toni and Ed Egan
Kate and Tom Emmel
Fat Lorenzo’s
Fogo de Chao
Rev John Forliti
Four Seasons Resort
- Jackson Hole
Frame Styles - Kenwood
Galactic Pizza
Gardens of Salonica
Tim Gavin
George and the Dragon
Colleen Glover
Gold Nugget Grille
Gold’n Treasures
Good Earth Restaurant
Goose Lake Farm & Winery
Great Harvest Bread
Mary Ann and Loren Gross
Patricia Haas
Judy Hardebeck and
Bill Cherne, Jr
Hello Pizza
Lisa Hilgendorf
James J Hill House
Hilton Minneapolis
Hilton Minneapolis
Holiday Inn & Suites Duluth Downtown
Home Depot - Bloomington
Hopkins Center for the Arts
Heidi and Carl Horsch, Jr
Dr Sue and John Huber
Susan Hulbert
Ichiban Japanese
Steak House
Illusion Theater
Indianhead Food Distributors
Jax Café
Jerry’s Hardware
Jimmy’s Food & Cocktails
Marcus Johnson
Mary Ann and Wally Johnson
Jungle Theater
Keys Foshay
Maggie Klimisch
Toni and Joe Kluck
Katie Knaeble
Kowalski’s Market
- Chicago Ave
Kowalski’s Uptown Market
Chris Kraft and Nelson Capes
Diane LaBeau
Landmark Corporation
of St Paul
Landmark Theatres
Land O’Lakes Company
Lehman’s Garage
Kathy and Al Lenzmeier
Lili Salon-Spa
Linden Hills Co-Op
Longfellow Grill
Loring Kitchen & Bar
Mac’s Liquor Store
Marbles - The Brain Store
Joe Mauer - Minnesota Twins
Maynard’s Restaurant
Maggie and Paul McCarrick
McGough Companies
Mid-America Festivals/
Renaissance Festival
Sarah and Ken Miller
Minnesota Twins
Community Fund
Minnesota Vikings
Football Club
Minnesota Wild Hockey Club
Minnesota Zoo
Mixed Blood Theatre
Montage - Laguna Beach
MSP Communications
Muller Family Theatres
Murder Mystery Company
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Kate and Tim Murphy
Sue and Dominique Najjar
Nash Frame Design
Jean Nelson, CSJ
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Nye’s Polonaise
Oceanaire Seafood Room
Bonnie O’Connor and
Ron Hopfensperger
Pairings Food & Wine Market
Parasole Restaurant Holdings
Park Square Theatre
Parkway Pizza
Parsons Electric
Pat’s Tap
Diane Pawlak
Peace Coffee
Elisa and Tom Peltola, MD
Dave Peterson
Sandy and Dave Phillips
Dale Pinio
Pixie Liquors
Pizzeria Lola
Rita and Doug Podolak
LuAnn Polve
Porter Creek Hardwood Grill
Private Client Reserve
at US Bank
Punch Neapolitan Pizza
Red Cow Restaurant
Red Stag Supperclub
Rxed’s Savoy Pizza
Redstone American Grill
Red Wing Shoe Company
Rice Paper Restaurant
Rinata Restaurant
Ristorante Luci
Room and Board
Rowland Reading Foundation
Saint Paul Chamber
St Paul Saints
St Thomas Academy
Salty Tart
Salut Bar Americain - Edina
Schuler Shoes
Luis Serrat
Shedd Aquarium
SkyDeck Chicago
Joan and Bill Slattery
Maureen and Tom Soller
Sparks Restaurant
Split Rock Lighthouse
Stages Theatre Company
Starbucks Coffee Company
Julie Stevens
Sunnyside Gardens
Becky Sydeski
Barb and Bob Sykora
TC Running Co
Tender Loving Care Toys
Three Rivers Park District
Tiny Acorn Portraits
Trader Joe’s
Pat and Remo Vagnoni
Gretchen and Deacon Carl Valdez
Amelia Santaniello and
Frank Vascellaro
Vera Bradley Store
Nancy and Fred Vescio
Victor’s 1959 Café
Warners’ Stellian
Water Park of America
Water Street Inn
Wilderness Inquiry
Wok in the Park Restaurant
Wuollet Bakery
Chef Terry John Zila
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Legacy Grant, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Anonymous (1)
Mary L and John
P Byron Fund
In Honor of Father
Michael Byron
Mary and Chuck Jungmann
In Memory of Mary L
and John T Byron
Jim Byron
Rev J Michael Byron
Catholic Charities of Saint
Paul and Minneapolis
Catholic Community
Foundation Tuition
Assistance Program
General Mills Box Tops for
Education Program
Eloise and Carl Pohlad
Family Fund
Rosary Altar Society of
St Albert’s Church
US Conference of
Catholic Bishops
Church of the Holy Name
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Incarnation Catholic Church
St Albert the Great
Catholic Church
St Stephen’s Catholic Church
Anonymous (2)
William † and Corinne †
Dietrich Charitable
Fund of the Catholic
Community Foundation
Eileen and Jack Falker
Mary Ellen Gevelinger, OP
Robert Hauer, Jr
Fran Rusciano Murnane
Laurie Murphy
Mary Wertz
In Memory of Mary Moholt
Jenny and Brad Flaherty
Church of St Patrick-Edina
Holy Name Catholic Church
Pax Christi Catholic
St Albert the Great
Catholic Church
St Olaf Catholic Church
Catholic Tutor Corp
Ignation Volunteer Corp
League of Catholic Women
Notre Dame Alumni
Benilde-St Margaret’s School
Breck School
Convent of the
Visitation School
St Thomas Academy
University of St Thomas
Sonia Aamodt-Schulz ^
Elvia Agudo #
Mesias Agudo #
Bev Alderson
Emily Anderson
Joan Angellar ^
Rosalinda Armendariz ^
Kerry Audette ^
Jack Austin
Gildardo Avila #
Kate Azar
Laura Lee Badtke
Pam Baker ^
Cindy Banovetz
Eileen Barbe ~
Barbara Barnes ^
Thom Barry ~
Lee Bauers
Megan Beaver
Joan Belanger ^
Reina Benavides #
Patti Bernstein
David Bice ^
Maribel Blas #
Maria Bliss
Don Bolke ^
Nancy Bolke ^
Eileen Bradley ^
Barbara Brauer ^
Parker Breza
Betsy Buckley
Winona Buelow
Carmen Bunay #
Laurie Burns ^
Nicholas Buseman
Adriana Camarillo
Berna Cantos
Sara Carkoski
Mary Anne Carter
Emily Casey
Jack Chapuran ~
Dana Cook ~
Sheila Cracraft #
Joe Craven ^
George Dahlman ^
Marcela Dalmazzo ^
Kate Davies ^
Linda DeAnda
Cassie Derfus
Jake Donlin
Caity Dorle
Meg Dornfeld ^
Marisol Duran Gutierrez #
Cynthia Dyste
Gregg Dyste
Dorothy Earthman
Mike Eckman ^
Liz Ellenberger ^
Tom Emmel
Mary Kate Engel ^
Sandra Estrella #
Samuel Fernandez
Maria Eugenia Figueroa #
Rosa Figueroa #
Jerry Finnerty
Karen Fitzhugh
Deysi Flores #
Tom Foley ^
Liz Georgioff ^
Rich Gladhill ^
John Glover ^
Lorena Gomez Marban #
Kevin Gormley
Maddie Groat
Rosana Guastaferro
Rick Gunn
Tsion Haile #
Judy Hardebeck ^
Jim Hare
Emma Hartigan
Jeffery Hartmann
Ann Harvey ^
Raegan Hasselbring
Janelle Heikkila
Jeanne Heikkila
Neil Heikkila
Nancy Heinerscheid
Celina Robles Hernandez #
Pat Higgins ^
Molly Hill
Morgan Holle
Ron Hopfensperger
Mae Hougo
Cate Houlihan
Shannon Houska
Josephine Hughes #
Susan Hulbert
Erin Hupp
Julianne Hyatt ^
Grace Hyland
Arjena Iosifian ^
Sofia Islas #
Bob Jarvis ^
Marcus Johnson ^
Matt Johnson
Diedre Jones ~
Joanne Kamprud #
Sarah Karel
Victoria Karpeh #
VJ Kaul
Amira Kazeminy
Angelea Kelley #
Jean Kennedy ~
Mary Kennedy ^
Judy Kipka
Bob Kirchoff ^
Joan Klopp
Barb Klussendorf
Katie Knaeble ^
Andrew Koch
Paul Kokesh
Chris Kraft ^
Ryan Kuntz
Stephanie Lampman #
Arturo Leal Islas #
Brandon Leitz
Rosa Lema #
Doris LeMieux ^
Edwing Llangari
Ibone Lopez
Steve Lowther
Tanner Lydon
Mary Manos ^
Don Martin
Flor Martinez #
Reyna Yadira MartinezNazario #
Don Marxen
Kaye Mason
Darlene Mattson
Martha McCampbell ^
Paul McCarrick ^
Molly McCue
Merin McDivitt
Jewel Medlock #
Julia Mendez #
Barbara Menk ^
Connie Mertz ^
Doug Mertz ^
Bella Meschini
Carole Mickschl ^
Yolanda Mitchell #
Lily Moen
Ann Moll ^
Soledad Morantes
Diane Morri
Joel Moryn ^
Rachel Mussell
Maribel Navarrete #
Kelli Nelson #
David Nesset ^
Kathy Nesset ^
Rebecca Nguyen
Dianne Numelin ^
Ginny Ogle
Mike Ogle
Ed Ogrin ~
Terry O’Loughlin ^
John O’Neill
Theresa O’Neill ^
Ana Ojeda-Ortiz #
Ana Ortiz #
Rosa Ortiz #
David Ott ^
Sonia Paredes
Ralphine Parent
Carmen Paucar #
Juan Payan ^
Howie Pearson ^
Vicki Pearson ^
Elisa Peltola
Maribel Penafort #
Guadalupe Moran Perez #
Maria Peschard
Dale Pinio ^
Rita Podolak ~
Julie Pope
Len Powell ^
Carol Quest
Alan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez ^
Javier Ramos #
Ana Rayas
Juana Reyes #
Imelda Riera #
Maria Riera #
Abigail Riskevich
Barbara Roban
Sam Rocheford
Brigetta Roden
Fabiola Roman
Claire Rooney
Rob Roy
Jeff Saarela
Sr Mary Catherine
St Martin ^
Rosalba Sanchez #
LeAnn Sande ^
Gary Sauer
Carolyn Sayers
Margaret Schadow
Jane Schuler
Mary Scott
Phyllis Shoemaker
Jackie Sias ^
James Simon ^
Shane Sisco
Anne Skold
Rob Slater
Bill Slattery
Joan Slattery
Kate Smith
Stefan Smith
Autumn Snow
Diana Soller ^
Maureen Soller ~
Tom Soller ^
Melissa Stadley
Chuck Steier ^
Julie Stevens
Nancy Stiller ^
George Strand
Roseanne Strand
Thomas Strand
Kathleen Stratton
Meena Subramanian
Judy Sullivan
Joe Sutton ^
Leila Sutton #
Kebebush Tadesse #
Marissa Tappy ^
Martha Tenecata #
Mary Theisen ^
James Todd
Angie Topka
Maria Totozintle ^
Alyssa Trejo
Brother Joe Trout
Jane Truhlar ^
Pat Vagnoni ~
Remo Vagnoni ^
Larry Valley
Maura Vargas #
Claudia Vasquez #
Elvia Vasquez #
Ana Vigil
Erika Villa #
Carolyn Wagner
Colleen Wagner
Lori Walker
Prince Wallace ^
Sandra Wallace ^
Gabrielle Wayland
Meghan Weiss
Sharon Welter #
Mary Wertz
Thomas Whitlock ^
Joe Wilburn ^
Marian Williams
LynMarie Winninger
Thom Winninger
Nancy Wirtz
Elaine Wittman
Al Woodward
Kathy Woodward
# Risen Christ
Stephen Yanda ^
Family Member
Cassidy Yueh
^ 3-9 Years of Service
Grace Zumwinkl
~ 10+ Years of Service
U.S. Postage
Twin Cities, MN
Permit #4696
Risen Christ Catholic School
1120 East 37th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Return Service Requested
612-729-2336 (Fax)
Enrollment: 311 students, K-8
African/African Am: 13%
Asian/SE Asian:
Caucasian: 03%
We strive for accuracy.
If there is an error please contact
the Advancement Office:
Jill Audette 612-822-5329, ext. 108 or
[email protected].
Native American
Free/Reduced Lunch:
English Language Learners:
Average tuition paid per student: $750
Design by Mary Kay O’Loughlin
School photos by Jill Audette
© Risen Christ Catholic School
Per pupil cost to educate: $7,125