from the refined women`s-specific frame geometries
from the refined women`s-specific frame geometries
women’s – – s ’ n wome n tai n u o M ght, that fit just ri ts n e n o p m o c en’s ughtful nondale Wom etries, to tho n a m C o , e d g te e c e m p a cific fr e ride. and ex women’s-spe your love of th d the ordinary d e n e e ir n c p fi s s n re in a e tr to th t a From ission phics th h a simple m it w colors and gra , g n e in n m n o w tu s to men, by igned for wo s e d re a s e ik b ELITE ROAD For the racer Built for the ROAD e. ade for any rid tm long ride, bu sion and full Hardtail helmet an Don the aero d. serious spee / urban recreation n in equal measure. in all of us. in ion mounta ens p s u S Full s. of possibilitie Full suspen endurance /T T TRIATHLON d get ready for nfidence bility and co Fitness, fun and functio , capa Performance rd. come standa 121 s ’ en m o W O V E x i S Superadvanced women’s road race OAD women’s r – road – elite The mostever made. machine me try and subli EVO e m o e g c ifi c rSix n-spe ith its wome th and comfort the Supe W . n e m o w r d fo treng , re-engineere d unmatched stiffness,s O V E ix rS e p Su t an athery weigh mall to tall. fe f o e c n la a b for racers s y d a re is ’s n Wome sizes 44, 48, 51, 54, 56cm VO Hi- MOD E ix S er p u S ED Women’s R llo wGram SiS Cr ankset: Ho yrium SL S WT S lset: Ma vic Ks ee Wh ) n (01 rbo s los Hi-MOD Ca , Gre y, Pearl -G men’s , BallisTec ite, Spark le Sil ver perSi x EV O Wo : Carbon w/ Wh Fr ameset: Su D 22 Colors RE AM SR p: K / C1 Grou Cock pit: FS A SL- L2 w/SpideRin g, 50/3 4 SuperSix EVO Women’s dura-ace Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon Wheelset: Shimano RS81 Carbon Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C1 Women’s Group: Shimano Dura Ace 9000 Colors: Carbon w/ Black, Iris, Grey, Pearl - Matte (01) 123 OAD women’s r – road – elite SuperSix EVO Women’s Ultegra Di2 SuperSix EVO Women’s 2 RED SuperSix EVO Women’s 3 Ultegra Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon, Di2 Wheelset: Fulcrum Racing 5 Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Shimano Ultegra Di2 6870 Group: Cannondale C1 Women’s Colors: Magnesium White w/ Super Sparkle Silver, Pearl - Gloss (01) Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Mavic Ksyrium Equipe S WTS Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C1/C2 Women’s Group: SRAM RED 22 Colors: Carbon w/ Ruby Red, Silver, Pearl - Matte (01) Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: FSA Energy Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C1/C2 Women’s Group: Shimano Ultegra 6800 Colors: Jet Black w/ Bright Purple, Coral, Pearl -Matte (01) SuperSix EVO Women’s 4 Ultegra SuperSix EVO Women’s 5 105 SuperSix EVO Women’s 6 105 Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Mavic Aksium WTS Crankset: FSA SL-K Light Carbon BB30, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C2 Women’s Group: Shimano Ultegra 6800 Colors: Magnesium White w/ Grey, Cucumber, Pearl - Gloss (01) Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Shimano RS11 Crankset: FSA Gossamer Pro, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 Colors: Ruby Red w/ Sparkle Silver, White, Pearl - Gloss (01) Frameset: SuperSix EVO Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Shimano R501 Crankset: FSA Gossamer, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 / Tiagra Colors: Jet Black w/ Turquoise, Linen, Pearl - Gloss (01) 125 s ’ en m o W 0 1 D CAAus Metal. OAD women’s r – road – elite Precio Alloy martFormed S t h ig -l ra lt its u ce friend. With s and dialed Women’s ra t s e b ’s n a m ture a wo s, CAAD10 is VE micro-suspension fea . d n o m ia d t u turn D SA Forget abo -riding SPEE arbon race bikes at every th o o m s , n o rs’ c constructi es competito in h ts u o it , y geometr CAAD10 Women’s 5 105 CAAD10 Women’s 6 105 Frameset: CAAD10 Women’s - SmartFormed 6069, full carbon fork Wheelset: Shimano RS11 Crankset: FSA Gossamer Pro, BB30, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 Colors: Stealth Gray w/ Linen, Coral, Pearl - Matte (01) // Jet Black w/ Turquoise, Linen, Pearl - Matte (02) Frameset: CAAD10 Women’s - SmartFormed 6069, full carbon fork Wheelset: Shimano R501 Crankset: FSA Omega, BB30, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 / Tiagra Colors: Magnesium White w/ Sparkle Silver, White, Pearl - Gloss (01) // Jet Black w/ Cucumber, Jade, Pearl - Gloss (02) sizes 44, 48, 51, 54, 56cm men’s C A AD 1 0 Wo 3 Ultegra Carbon : FS A SL-K Lig ht S Cr ankset vic Ak sium WT Ma : et ls ee n for k Wh - Glo ss (01) 6069, full car bo Iris , White, Pearl - Smart Formed rs: Jet Black w/ AD 10 Women’s ra 6800 Colo eg Ult o an Fr ameset: CA im p: Sh men’s Grou ondale C2/C 3 Wo Cock pit: Cann BB 30, 50/3 4 127 s ’ en m o W E S P A SYNSpeed. OAD women’s r road – ndurance – e Smooth CFR TEAM. , consectetur dolor sit amet m su ip lorem ut m re Lo trum tristique it. Mauris ru ulum. ib st ve adipiscing el ut ris rutrum au M es es um vestibul sizes 44, 48, 51, 54, 56cm i- MOD Synapse H Red Women’s 2 llo wG Cr ankset: Ho um Eli te S WT S et: Ma vic Ks yri ls ee Wh n ) D Carbo mond - Glo ss (01 , BallisTec Hi-MO ck w/Black Dia apse Women’s lors: Nearl y Bla Fr ameset: Syn AM RE D 22 Co SR p: ou Gr Wing /SL-K Cock pit: FS A Pro ram SiS L2 w/Sp ideRing, 50/3 4 i-MOD w Synapse H e -n ll a e th n ump led. O ad less trave BallisTec construction, b at ro e th e k a T . Explore more s like our light but tough osting geometry mean th Ride longer. equipment. rbon, feature nsion and endurance-bo a rd C a e d s n p a ta n s y ll S a and uspe l are LUS micro-s fident contro P n E o c V A d S n a g n rt ti ea omfo eed, all-day c effortless sp 129 OAD women’s r road – ndurance – e Synapse Hi-MOD Women’s Ultegra Di2 Synapse Hi-MOD Women’s 3 Ultegra Synapse Carbon Women’s 3 Ultegra Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon Wheelset: Fulcrum Racing 5 Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C1 Women’s / FSA SL-K Group: Shimano Ultegra Di2 Colors: Magnesium White w/ Sparkle Silver - Gloss (01) Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon Wheelset: Mavic Ksyrium Equipe S WTS Crankset: HollowGram Si, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C1 Women’s / FSA SL-K Group: Shimano Ultegra 6800 Colors: Carbon w/ Turquoise - Gloss (01) Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Mavic Aksium WTS Crankset: FSA SL-K Light Carbon, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C2 Women’s Group: Shimano Ultegra 6800 Colors: Magnesium White w/ Dusty Lilac - Gloss (01) 131 s ’ en m o W se p Sy“juna ke. i b road ” st right OAD women’s r road – ndurance – e The der-equipped n fe to s re tu ven to all-day ad g comfort of the alloy s e d ri d a ro t from firs ooth-ridin For anything upright position and sm e artner. commutes, th se make it your perfect p nap Women’s Sy Synapse Carbon Women’s 4 Rival Synapse Carbon Women’s 5 105 Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Fulcrum Racing 7 Crankset: FSA Energy, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C2/C3 Women’s Group: SRAM Rival Colors: Carbon w/ Jade - Gloss (01) Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Shimano RS11 Crankset: FSA Gossamer Pro, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 Colors: Dusty Lilac w/ Silver - Matte (01) // Carbon w/ Jade, Cucumber, Pearl - Gloss (02) sizes 44, 48, 51, 54, 56cm Synapse Carbon Women’s 6 105 Frameset: Synapse Women’s, BallisTec Carbon Wheelset: Shimano R501 Crankset: FSA Gossamer, BB30A, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 / Tiagra Colors: Charcoal Gray w/ Turquoise - Matte (01) omen’s Synapse W Disc 5 105 : Maddux RD 3.0 k Wheelset bon bladed for 6061 Alloy, car d ize tte (01) tim Ma Op n’s Black w/ Sil ver apse Dis c Wome Colors: Jet Fr ameset: Syn p: Shimano 105 ou Gr n’s ondale C3 Wome Cock pit: Cann et: FS Dis c Cr anks A Go ssamer, BB 30, 50/3 4 133 OAD women’s r road – ndurance – e Synapse Women’s 7 Sora Synapse Women’s 5 105 Cockpit: Cannondale C4 Women’s Group: Shimano Sora Colors: Charcoal w/ Jade - Matte (01) Frameset: Synapse Women’s - Optimized 6061 Alloy, carbon bladed fork Wheelset: Maddux RS 3.0 Speed Crankset: FSA Gossamer, BB30, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C3 Women’s Group: Shimano 105 / Tiagra Colors: Jet Black w/ Iris Blue - Gloss (01) Synapse Women’s 8 Claris Synapse Women’s 6 Tiagra Frameset: Synapse Women’s - Optimized 6061 Alloy, carbon bladed fork Wheelset: Maddux R 3.0 Crankset: FSA Vero, 50/34 Frameset: Synapse Women’s - Optimized 6061 Alloy, carbon bladed fork Wheelset: Maddux R 3.0 Crankset: FSA Vero, 50/34 Cockpit: Cannondale C4 Women’s Group: Shimano Claris Colors: Magnesium White w/ Turquoise - Gloss (01) Frameset: Synapse Women’s - Optimized 6061 Alloy, carbon bladed fork Wheelset: Maddux R 3.0 Crankset: FSA Omega, BB30, 50/34 or 50/39/30 Cockpit: Cannondale C4 Women’s Group: Shimano Tiagra Colors: Magnesium White w/ Jade, Cucumber, Pearl - Gloss (01) // Jet Black w/ Purple - Gloss (02) (not avail in triple) 135 s ’ en m o W ce i l S . Girl’s. OAD Den’s r woAm RO ANCE ROAD – – PERFORMn triathlo Fast ines design comb t h g li r e p u s ven, e. This race-pro ple, easy-to-use packag r. e ld o h rd o sim Rec inner. World smooth comfort, all in a W a n o K e m t and Multi-ti ics, perfect fi m a n y d ro e a great sizes 47, 51, 54cm en’s Slice Wom 3 Ultegra 6800 imano Ulteg ra m Group: Sh / FS A Tri Ma x Tea ss (01) se ba Glo C3 le let da Vio : Cannon Iris Blue, l car bon Ba rs : Nearl y Black w/ e Women’s , ful m 30 Colors Tea ion Vis : Fr ameset: Slic et eels rbon BB 30 Wh A SL-K Lig ht Ca Cr ankset: FS nick, track , Charisa Wer Pro triathlete r Slice. testing on he 137 ountain women’s m sion – – full suspen i ple, full throttle Ligehtx , sim . ce n orma f trail per L ht, e Lexi is a lig th , n ig s e d s t o arathon race ed single-piv m n fi m o re fr d , n g a in y anyth ometr ’s specific ge companion that’s up for n e m o w s it With ride n all-around fu d n a , le b nim ith the girls. w g in p p ri d to weeken Lexi 3 Frame: Lexi, SmartFormed Alloy, 1.5” Suspension R/F: X-Fusion 02 RL / RockShox Recon Silver, air, lockout (120mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Deore/Alivio/Alivio Wheelset: Maddux DC3.0 / Formula Brakes: Cannondale Helix 6 hydraulic Color: Jet Black w/ Turquoise, Cucumber, Pearl - Matte (01) sizes P, S, M L e xi 2 : SR RD/FD/Shift lockout (120mm) Gold, air, remote con Re / RL rch hox Mona Ma tte (01) sion R/F: RockS , Black, Pearl 1.5” Suspen c w/ White, Sil ver art Formed Alloy, lor: Dusty Lila Co 3 xir Eli Fr ame: Le xi, Sm id : Av rmula Br ak es ddux DC 3.0 / Fo Wheelset: Ma AM X9/X 7/X 7 139 women’s m – – ountain . L match S ect f o g . Per iders R Tgan . Smaller ger wheels hardtail Bi specifically d e n ig s e d y tr ome els, and 29’er ge f bigger whe e o c s n e g ra a ta le n c a r v e d ndov the a try’s best sta maller riders experience s u d in e th h Wit ts s e Tango SL le th , n e m o w r fo s. compromise without the sizes S, M, T 9 Tango SL 2 1 /X 7/X 7 Shift: SR AM X9 mm) RD/FD/ ote lockout (80 rem , air , RL hox RE BA ” Fork : RockS arl - Ma tte (01) d 6061 Alloy, 1.5 Purple, Coral, Pe SL 29, Op timize r: Jet Black w/ lo Co 7 xir Fr ame: Tango Eli Av id ula Br ak es: x DC 2.0 / Form Wheelset: Ale Tango SL 29 2 Frame: Tango SL 29, Optimized 6061 Alloy, 1.5” Fork: RockShox 30 Gold, air, remote lockout (80mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano SLX/Deore/Deore Wheelset: Alex DC 3.0 / Formula Brakes: Shimano M505 hydraulic Color: Dusty Lilac w/ Grey, Silver, Pearl - Matte (01) 141 women’s m – – 9 2 o g an Toll nt. ide f n o C oll Big. R ountain hardtail R lightweight ’s le a d n o n n a ith C t is. Paired w , those smooth-rolling a th , ls e e h w r geometry wo big 29” T ’e . 9 o 2 g ’s n n a e T m to o It takes two truction and dialed-in w ns trails. aluminum co nce down the toughest da hoops let you Tango SL 29 3 Frame: Tango SL 29, Optimized 6061 Alloy, 1.5” Fork: RockShox 30 Gold, air, lockout (80mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Deore/Alivio/Alivio Wheelset: Alex DC 3.0 / C4 Brakes: Shimano M446 hydraulic Color: Nearly Black w/ Jade, Cucumber, Pearl - Matte (01) sizes S, M, T Tango SL 29 4 Frame: Tango SL 29, Optimized 6061 Alloy, 1.5” Fork: SR Suntour XCM, remote lockout (80mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Alivio/Acera/Acera Wheelset: Alex DC 4.0 / C4 Brakes: Cannondale Helix 6B hydraulic Color: Jet Black w/ Grey, Silver, Pearl - Gloss (01) // Stealth Grey w/ Rose, Tangerine, Pearl - Gloss (02) Tango 29 5 x DC 4.0 / C4 Wheelset: Ale /A ltus/A ltus : Shimano Acera ift ) Sh (02 D/ ss /F Glo RD , Pearl (80mm) ck, Spark le Sil ver remote lockout um White w/ Bla SR Suntour XC M, esi : gn rk Ma Fo // ) oy (01 6061 All ral, Pearl - Glo ss 29, Op timized ck w/ Purple, Co Fr ame: Tango Color: Jet Bla lix 6B hydraulic He le da on nn Br ak es: Ca 143 women’s m – – ountain hardtail Frame: Tango 29, Optimized 6061 Alloy Fork: SR Suntour XCT (80mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/M190/M310 Rapidfire Tango 29 6 Wheelset: Alex DC 5.0 / C4 Brakes: Promax Decipher hydraulic Color: Nearly Black w/ Iris, Violet, Pearl - Gloss (01) Tango 29 7 Wheelset: Alex DC 5.0 / C4 Brakes: Tektro Novela cable Color: Magnesium White w/ Jade, Cucumber, Black, Pearl - Gloss (01) Frame: Tango 29, Optimized 6061 Alloy Fork: SR Suntour XCT (80mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/M190/EF51 Easyfire 145 s ’ en m o W l i Tra ikes. b er p u s le affordab ountain Den’s m woAm RO NCE ROAD – – PERFORMA hardtail The gile mooth and a s , t h g li e th make ce and value ountain biking. n a rm o rf e p le m Their incredib y point into the world of tr n the perfect e Trail bikes Trail Women’s 5 Trail Women’s 6 Frame: Trail Women’s, double-butted 6061 alloy Fork: SR Suntour XCM, remote lockout (100mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Acera/Altus/Altus Wheelset: Alex DC 4.0 / C4 Brakes: Cannondale Helix 6B hydraulic Color: Magnesium White w/ Black, Sparkle Silver, Pearl - Gloss (01) Frame: Trail Women’s, double-butted 6061 alloy Fork: SR Suntour XCT (100mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/M190/M310 Rapidfire Wheelset: Alex DC 5.0 / C4 Brakes: Promax Decipher hydraulic Color: Jet Black w/ Purple, Coral, Pearl - Gloss (01) sizes P, S, M Trail Wom en’s 4 Shimano Ali vio RD/FD/Shift: ut (100mm) ko loc (01) ote tte Ma rem ck, Pearl Suntour XC R, Black, Nearl y Bla alloy Fork : SR Lilac w/ White, sty le-bu tted 6061 Du ub r: do , lo n’s Co me hydraulic Fr ame: Trail Wo ondale Helix 6 Br ak es: Cann x DC 4.0 / C4 Wheelset: Ale Trail Women’s 7 Frame: Trail Women’s, double-butted 6061 alloy Fork: SR Suntour XCT (100mm) RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/M190/EF51 Easyfire Wheelset: Alex DC 5.0 / C4 Brakes: Tektro Novela cable Color: Charcoal Grey w/ White, Turquoise, Cucumber, Pearl - Matte (01) 147 ck i u o / L S ck i u o s ’ en m o Health Club. W utdoor Den’s woAm RO AD On ba CErR nN/u – – PERFORMA recreatio \ \ O lanced riding a b d n a rt fo com you mooth-riding njoy yourself more than s ’s k ic u Q e h th de le further, an the gym! Wit f tt o li e a e e fr d k ri a r, re te B fas ’ll go a little position, you ssible. po ever thought sizes S, M, T o Ouick SL W \ men’s 2 ra ift: Shimano So de s RD/FD/Sh ick Si, car bon bla ss (01) Qu : Glo rk arl Fo Pe 6061 Alloy White, Blue, 30, Op timized r: Jet Black, w/ SL Women’s , BB 700x 32c Colo ort Sp ller Fr ame: Quick Ro ick Tir es: Kenda Kw ment Xero C3 Wheelset: Ele 149 women’s n/urban – – recreatio Ouick SL Women’s 3 \ Ouick Women’s 4 \ Frame: Quick SL Women’s, Optimized 6061 Alloy Fork: Quick Si, carbon blades RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Deore/Acera/Acera Wheelset: Element Xero C3 Tires: Kenda Kwick Bitumen 700x32c Color: Jet Black, w/ White, Cucumber, Jade, Grey - Matte (01) Frame: Quick Women’s, Butted 6061 Alloy Fork: Quick, Carbon blades RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Alivio/Altus/M310 Rapidfire Wheelset: Element Xero C3 Tires: Kenda Kwick Trax, 700x32c Color: Nearly Black, w/Black, Grey - Gloss (01) // Magnesium White, w/ Silver, Linen, Turquoise - Gloss (02) Ouick Women’s 5 \ Ouick Women’s 6 \ Frame: Quick Women’s, Butted 6061 Alloy Fork: Quick, 6061 Alloy RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/Altus/M310 Rapidfire Wheelset: Cannondale C4 Tires: Kenda Kwick Trax, 700x32c Color: Dusty Lilac, w/ Violet, Grey, Silver - Matte (01) // Magnesium White, w/ Grey, Linen, Purple - Gloss (02) Frame: Quick Women’s, Butted 6061 Alloy Fork: Quick, Cromoly RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/Altus/EF51 Easyfire Wheelset: Cannondale C4 Tires: Kenda, 700x35c Color: Jet Black, w/ White, Jade, Cucumber, Grey - Gloss (01) 151 women’s n/urban – – recreatio lthea Aport . Utility. S 0c frame, its 70 d e ir p s n -i e -bik ver, mountain from pavement to dirt to o d n ta -s w lo you h its venture. Wit fork, the Althea can take d a r fo t il u b nsion Althea is 50mm suspe your face. d n a s re ti y e on knobb ...with a smil k c a b d n a l e grav Althea 2 Althea 3 Frame: Althea, Optimized 6061 Alloy Fork: SR SUNTOUR NCX, 50mm, w/ lockout, 1-1/8” RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Alivio/Altus/M310 Rapidfire Wheelset: Alex DC 4.0/C4 Brakes: Cannondale Helix 6B hydraulic Color: Dusty Lilac Metallic, w/ Black, Silver - Matte (01) Frame: Althea, Optimized 6061 Alloy Fork: SR Suntour NEX w/ lockout, 50mm, 1-1/8” RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/Altus/M310 Rapidfire Wheelset: Maddux TC5.0/C4 Brakes: Cannondale C4 V-Brake Color: Magnesium White, w/ Black, Coral - Gloss (01) // Jet Black, w/ Grey, Sparkle Silver - Gloss (02) sizes S, M, T Althea 1 /A cer a/A livio Shimano Deore RD/FD/Shift: ut ko loc w/ tte (01) ty DL 50, 50mm Cucumber - Ma : HeadShok Fat Gre y, w/ Black, 61 Alloy Fork lor: Charcoal 60 Co d c ize uli tim dra Op lix 6 hy Fr ame: Alt hea, : Cannondale He Dis c Br ak es ment Xero C3 CX Wheelset: Ele 153 s ’ en m o W re u ent. Adplyvbetter women’s n/urban – – recreatio Sim use e summer ho th d n u ro a s d ing the roa ht position, y g jo ri n p e u , s le b ic a n ic rt for p omfo . ugh the park iends, the Adventure’s c ence that is a cut above ro th g in is ru peri ith fr Whether c provide an ex sing jaunt w t u h o -r ig e it ir w p t s h a g li me or having ts and supre n e n o p m o c s luxuriou Cannondale. a ’s it … ld u o h As it s Adventure Women’s 2 Adventure Women’s 3 Frame: Adventure Women’s, double-butted 6061 Alloy Fork: RST Sofi T, 50mm RD/FD/Shift: Shimano Altus/M191/Revo Twist Brakes: V-Brake w/ Comfort Levers Cool Bits: Suspension Seatpost, tool-free adj. stem Color: Charcoal Gray w/ Tangerine, White - Matte (01) // Magnesium White w/ Lime Frost, Silver - Gloss (02) Frame: Adventure Women’s, double-butted 6061 Alloy Fork: SR Suntour CR8V, 50mm RD/FD/Shift: Shimano TX/TX/Revo Twist Brakes: V-Brake w/ Comfort Levers Cool Bits: Suspension Seatpost Color: Rosy Tomrrow w/ Silver, White - Gloss (01) // Greek Olive w/ Porcelain Blue, White - Gloss (02) sizes S, T Women’s 1 Adventure ist /M 191/Revo Tw Shimano Ali vio RD/FD/Shift: mm 35 ) , (01 on ss ail Si SL suspensi Red, Gra y - Glo White w/ Ruby rk : Ad ven tur eTr r: Ma gnesium 6061 Alloy Fo j. stem Colo double-bu tted ad , ree n’s l-f me too Wo , e tur Seatpost Fr ame: Ad ven s: Suspension ver s Cool Bit e w/ Comf ort Le Br ak es: V-Brak 155 y t i c i nal… Fel ctio n u f n i ts the funk women’s n/urban – – recreatio Pu sizes S, T Felicity ar on 3-S peed Re ift: SR AM I-Moti oy RD/FD/Sh All e - Ma tte (01) c, Blu Dis id w/ ck Rig r: Jet Bla : Felici ty rs, bell Colo 61 Alloy Fork de 60 fen d m ize nu tim mi Op ee, alu Fr ame: Felici ty, rear rack w/bung l Cool Bit s: Novela mechnica Br ak es: Tek tro d in elegant e p p ra w n o ti func m e seeking full ean step-thru design. Fro ls e e n o y n a , and urop n adventurers dern take on the classic E a rb u , rs te u mo Daily comm her than our e funk in functional. rt fu o n k o lo ts th style need et, Felicity pu M e th to t e the mark 157 M O C . E L A CANNOND ct line, produ ct u rod p r u go n regardin us oUR WEBSITE. ormatio f in , please visit For more detailed eometries ns and g specificatio BIKES TOUR DE FRANCE - STAGE 7 RIDERS SAGAN AND THE GREEN EXPRESS STEAM to VICTORY. APPAREL GEAR NEWS & EVENTS INNOVATION GREEN TEAM AT THE FRONT ALL DAY LONG. BROTHERS In ARMS, BROTHERs IN GREEN. SUPPORT FIND A DEALER REGISTER YOUR BIKE NEWSLETTER Do not use this page use revised page 158 CANNONDALE corporate offices CANNONDALE AMERICAS Cycling Sports Group, Inc. 172 Friendship Road, Bedford, Pennsylvania, 15522-6600, USA Tel: 1-800-BIKE-USA Fax: 814-623-6173 Email: custserv@ CANNONDALE EUROPE Cycling Sports Group Europe, B.V. mail: Postbus 5100 visits: Hanzepoort 27 7570 GC, Oldenzaal, Netherlands Tel: +41 61.4879380 Fax: 31-5415-14240 Email: servicedeskeurope@ CANNONDALE UK Cycling Sports Group Vantage Way, The Fulcrum, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4NU Tel: +44 (0)1202 732288 Fax: +44 (0)1202 723366 Email: sales@ CANNONDALE AUSTRALIA Cycling Sports Group Unit 8, 31-41 Bridge Road Stanmore NSW 2048 Tel: +61 (0)2 8595 4444 Fax: +61 (0) 8595 4499 Email: askus@ CANNONDALE JAPAN Namba Sumiso Building 9F, 4-19, Minami Horie 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0015, Japan Tel: 06-6110-9390 Fax: 06-6110-9361 Email: cjcustserv@ CANNONDALE CHINA Cycling Sports Group China Co., Ltd. Room 208, No. 3203, Minhang District Hongmei Road, Shanghai 201103, China Tel: 86 21 6446 8999 Fax: 86 21 6465 6570 Email: [email protected] Registered Trademarks® of the Cycling Sports Group, Inc. Cannondale, the Cannondale “C” logo, the Cannondale train station 1971 logo, Cdale, CSGXCHANGE, Fatty, Jekyll, Lefty, Scalpel, Slice, Velopods, Synapse, Trigger, Hooligan, Felicity, SuperSix. Trademarks ™ of Cycling Sports Group, Inc.: BB30, CAAD (Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design), HeadShok, Hi-MOD, Hollowgram, PowerPyramid, Quick, Q-Lab, SAVE, Si, System Integration, BallisTec Carbon, SmartFormed Alloy, ECS-TC (Enhanced Center-Stiffness, Torsion Control) System, Trigger, Zero Pivot, Lexi, Althea, Narrow is Aero, Durathon and PopTop. Coldblack® is a registered trademark of Schoeller Technologies AG and is used with their permission. Revolutional ® is a registered trademark of CARVICO S.p.A and is used with their permission. Headsweats ® is a registered trademark and is used with the owner’s permission. Cycling Sports Group Inc. manufactures clothing with proprietary technical fabrics made by specialty fabric vendors. Trademarks of those vendors are used with permission. Inc. and are used with their permission. Solo Air, RockShok, XLoc are registered trademarks of SRAM and are used with their permission. X-12 is a trademark of Syntace GmbH and is used with their permission. EVO is a trademark of Aprebic Industry Co. Ltd. and used under license. Cannondale supports pro teams. We are grateful for the past and/or current support of: Liquigas ,FSA, Mavic, SRAM (including Avid, Rockshox, Zipp), Lotto, Rudy Project, MeT, Nalini, Sidi, fi’zi:k, SRM, Speedplay, Schwalbe, Elite, ENVE, Northwave, Sci Con, Crankbrothers, Avid, Prologo,, Grip Grab, Campagnolo, Shimano. Branding from these partners, based on sponsor agreements may be seen on photos in CSG catalogs or websites. Individual athletes may display other sponsored brands, based upon their own sponsorship agreements with those brands. FOX, FOX Racing Shox and Dyad RT2 are registered trademarks of FOX Factory Specifications subject to change without notice. Photo credits: Ale DiLullo, Bettini Photo, Jake Hamm, Dan Sharp, Mattias Fredrikson, Chris Milliman, Dan Barham, Brian Hodes, Wil Matthews, Kei TSUJI, Armin M. Küstenbrück, Marius Maasewerd, Michael Cerveny, Shane Harrison, Sincere Photo, Mike Karcher, WixPix, Jérémie Reuiller. 159
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