Summer 2013 edition of the Horn of Plenty.


Summer 2013 edition of the Horn of Plenty.
Horn of Plenty
Summer ‘13
To alleviate hunger through the gathering and distribution of food while encouraging
self-sufficiency, collaboration, advocacy and education.
Summer feeding program more than doubles meals
Four year old Azul sits at a table at St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church, waiting for a lunch that she
knows will include several of her favorite foods.
A ham sandwich is carefully unwrapped. A
container of yogurt is placed to the side to be
eaten last. The string cheese never had a chance
as it was devoured immediately. And for dessert
– one huge smile from the little girl with
dancing eyes who is happy for another day
without hunger.
St. Andrew’s is one of 82 sites served by the
Summer Feeding Service Program (SFSP)
through St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance’s Kid Cafe
program. And little Azul enjoys one of nearly
5,000 meals – breakfasts, lunches and dinners -served each day this summer through a program
that doubled in size in the last two years.
Azul’s mom has a job, but like many parents in
Arizona her hours have been cut. She works only 26 hours a
week and makes just enough money to pay for the family’s
rent, electricity and the gas she needs to get to and from
work. Feeding Azul and her 11-year-old
brother, who also takes part in the
program, is more difficult than ever.
“Since my hours have been cut, it has
been hard for the family,” she said. “The
free lunch helps with the budget.”
“ Since my hours have
been cut, it has been
hard for the family.
The free lunch helps
with the budget.”
This story is repeated all over our state.
One in four of Arizona’s children – more
than 466,000 kids – is part of a struggling
family and considered ‘food insecure.’ In
the United States, only New Mexico has a higher percentage
of impoverished children. Many families have one or more
parents who are working, but it is difficult to stretch the
family budget beyond just the necessities of life.
The Kids Cafe program seeks to address the surging need of our
most vulnerable – our children. The number of children fed by
the Summer Feeding Service Program has soared from 2,300
daily meals last summer to 4,800 daily meals this summer. One
site, Western Valley Elementary School, serves 550 meals alone.
Check It Out
St. Mary’s SFSP was recognized by Arizona Department of
Education as the state’s Greatest Growth Honoree in 2012.
Of all the summer meals served across Arizona, one of every
eight was served by the World’s First Food
Kids Feeding Kids on Page 4
Summer feeding sites have expanded
beyond churches, schools and recreation
centers to include new places like family
health centers, apartment buildings and
multi-housing properties. The program
aims to feed kids in safe locations that are
easily accessible to kids who are not yet in
Some locations see lines of children – from pre-schoolers
to teenagers – waiting patiently before the doors open for
breakfast. Older children arrive with their younger brothers
and sisters in tow. And after eating their healthy breakfast,
they enjoy activities like playing dominoes or watching a
movie together.
Each Kids Cafe meal means one less hungry Arizona child –
and one more smile from another Azul.
Recent Events on Page 5
Northern Arizona News on Page 8
Board of Directors
A Letter From Our President & CEO...
Executive Officers
Troy McNemar, Chairman
McNemar Law Office, P.C.
John Demetra, Vice Chairman
Deloitte Consulting (Retired)
Vicki Copeland, M.D., Immediate Past Chairman
Adelante Healthcare
Susan Wain, Secretary
Scottsdale Insurance Company (Retired)
Marc Issacs, Treasurer
Sun Orchard, Inc.
Mary Bennett
Phoenix Memorial Hospital (Retired)
Mary Gauwitz
Kapoor Foundation/EJ Financial
Dennis Jones
M&I Bank (Retired)
Tom Kertis
U.S. Foods
Patricia King
Shamrock Foods
Stephan King
Stephan King PC
Marty Laurel
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (Retired)
Carol McElroy
Durant’s Restaurant
Bill Nord
Wells Fargo (Retired)
David Postal
Postal Law Office
Dale Rich
Albertsons Phoenix Distribution Center
Nicki Schillhahn-Amos
Fry’s Food Stores
David Schwake
Litchfield Elementary School District
Paul Swartz
Swartz Concrete Company (Retired)
Lee Wasko
Melton Real Estate & Redevelopment (Retired)
Darrel Wood
Wood, Patel & Associates, Inc.
Horn of Plenty Staff
Beverly Damore
President & CEO
[email protected]
Sarah Stuckey
Chief Communications Officer
[email protected]
Jerry Brown
Director of Public Relations
[email protected]
The email arrived on Saturday morning of
Memorial Day weekend. “Please read….
Pregnant & Hungry” the subject line read.
“Dear Beverly,” the email started: “I am almost
three months pregnant and unable to buy
food because rent for the next two weeks is
due and that leaves us only $25 for gas, nothing
else. We cannot buy food. I am desperately
searching for work, and so far, nothing…Is
there any way you could please help and spare
us some food until Tuesday with some milk,
eggs, or anything really? As a one-time
exception, will you help me, please...” And the
writer left her phone number.
time of need, I wasn’t her
family’s angel that day.
There are hundreds of
thousands of people like you
Beverly Damore – hundreds of thousands of
angels – who through your
donations, your leadership, your advice, your
time, your work, your caring compassion,
who came together in one email exchange
that allowed one family to catch a break,
even briefly, and to feel blessed.
You are reading this because you are a supporter
of St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance and are integral
players in the current success and health of
It was an easy answer – “Of course, yes, we will the food bank, securing its place not only
help you,” I wrote back. And then it was an easy in history as the world’s first, as one of the
forward to our compassionate, responsive staff world’s largest and as one of the world’s most
in the warehouse. Our general manager of our impactful food banks – you are working to
main warehouse responded to me right away secure its future so that it may continue to
– everything was taken care of.
serve for as long as the state and its hungry
residents need it.
That I expected, but I honestly didn’t expect to
hear back from our writer. But I did.
In the pages of this Horn of Plenty, you’ll read
about our ongoing efforts to improve our
Later that afternoon, she wrote: “Dear Beverly, outreach and get food directly into the hands
We cannot thank you enough for reaching out of those who need it the most (see the summer
and touching our home with food through St. feeding story on Page 1) and how proud we
Mary’s Food Bank…There are no words to describe are about increasing our produce deliveries
the amount of gratitude we feel for your kindness. deep into rural parts of the state (Page 3).
We truly needed this. May the love and
You’ll see, too, how grateful we are for the
blessings we ask for you and your family be
innovative and fun ways you, our supporters,
endless. Thank you again. Bless your heart.”
come together in the name of hungry
Arizonans to provide life’s basic need – food.
She attached a photo to the email, which
looked a bit like hues of the rainbow in some
sunshine. “P.S.” she added: “When we came
home with the food you provided for us we
looked up to the sky to say thank you and it
was so beautiful we had to take a picture. You
were an angel for us today. :)”
While it was certainly my pleasure and honor
to be our email writer’s contact in her immediate
In the words of our grateful email writer –
Thank you. And bless your hearts.
Have a safe and peaceful summer.
President & CEO
US Airways continues ‘Send Childhood Hunger Packing’ awareness campaign
Erika Sigl
US Airways teamed up with St. Mary’s Food Bank
Alliance this summer to raise awareness and challenge
action to fight childhood hunger. The summer
campaign included a fun ‘Send Hunger Flying’ paper
airplane contest on July 3 at New Pathways for Youth
in Phoenix. Thank you to US Airways and to the
organizations and individuals who donated food,
funds and time to Send Childhood Hunger Packing.
Community Relations Specialist
[email protected]
Brianna Strawn
Graphic Designer
[email protected]
Staff Contributors » Mariah Alexander, Linda
Celaya, Claudia Cucitro, Lisa Goin, Linnea
Hudson, Elizabeth Wunsch
John van Hengel
Founder Emeritus
Sprouts ‘Polar Bins’ allow
St. Mary’s to improve frozen
distributions to Northern Arizona
Distributing frozen
foods when you
live in the desert
is a challenge.
Delivering those
meals hundreds of
miles into northern
Arizona is even
more so. But
Sprouts Farmers
Market Distribution
Center has loaned
the world’s first
food bank 25
insulated coolers
that will make it
easier to distribute
perishable foods
great distances
Cox Communications Water
Bottle Challenge overflows
When a category F-5 tornado tore through the town of
Moore, OK on May 20, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance answered
the first-responder call for help with donations of emergency
food and more than 62,000 bottles of drinking water - leaving
our own shelves depleted with the long summer ahead.
Immediately stepping up to help, Cox Communications
offered help restock St. Mary’s with an important summer
commodity – water. Donating 10,000 bottles and $5,000 in
cash to get the ball rolling, Cox then issued a 62,000 Water
Bottle Challenge to its corporate partners and customers
(through a broadcast appeal) to help us replace every bottle
sent to our friends in Oklahoma.
Known as ‘polar bins’, these coolers help expand the types of
donated food that is sent daily to dozens of agency partners
in northern Arizona. Frozen meat from Phoenix can be sent
on our long-haul trailers without any temperature-change
concerns. That means a consistent supply of meats and other
frozen foods is being made available to the hungry of
Northern Arizona, in addition to the fresh fruits and
vegetables, bread and bakery goods and non-perishable
emergency food currently being delivered.
Another disaster struck in July when torrential rains and
flooding cut off electrical power and the potable water
supply to the more than 500 residents of the Havasupai
Nation near the Grand Canyon. St. Mary’s responded to the
call from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and sent a truckload of
more than 30,000 bottles of drinking water - again lowering
the food bank’s bottled water reserves.
St. Mary’s would like to thank Sprouts for helping remote
Arizona cities receive more varieties of food.
The community responded with donations to restock our
water supplies. Thank you to Cox and all the donors who
continue to donate bottled water.
Healthier Food for the Hungry
This past year St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance distributed nearly
70 million pounds of food to hungry Arizonans. And thanks
to the food bank’s Food Resourcing Team, that food is now
fresher and more nutritious than ever.
of produce – the kind of food struggling families can’t afford
at the stores and are often forced to do without in their diets
– were distributed by the food bank’s mobile pantries and
through the more than 300 partner agencies across Arizona.
Nearly one third of all the food distributed by St. Mary’s last
year came in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables – almost
all of it grown here in Arizona. More than 23 million pounds
That’s a 57 percent increase in just one year, and a direction
the food bank is committed to following for healthier,
happier clients.
Summer ‘13
Kids Feeding Kids
Four-year-old takes on hunger
Toby Sell wants to feed every hungry person in the world. He
is only 4 years old, but he isn’t about to let his young age get
in the way of his goal.
When he was only 2 years old, his mother recognized his desire
to help people. Together they started donating clothes and food
and packing emergency food boxes, but that was not enough
for Toby. He wanted to do more. He asked his mother if they
could invite every single homeless person in the world over to
their house so he could feed them his favorite food - macaroni
and cheese. That’s a big dream.
His next big idea? Toby asked if they could sell something to
buy food for the homeless, so they came up with ‘Cupcakes
for a Cause: Feeding the Homeless.’ His 2-year-old brother,
Kyle, was inspired to join the cause and they helped to make
and decorate the cupcakes.
“The look on Toby’s face when we counted the cases of water
was amazing,” said their mother, Tonia. “He was grinning from ear
to ear. Now Kyle asked me, ‘What’s next?’”
These kids aren’t satisfied yet - they have plans
for another food drive next month! Toby told his
mother, “I want to feed every homeless person in
the world. Nothing is impossible with God.” And
Kyle isn’t about to be outdone. He told his mom, “I
will give them my bed and watermelon.”
Asking for donations in exchange for the cupcakes off
a little table on their driveway, they raised $185.
And then Toby asked, “What can we do next?” So
they came up with ‘Luau for a Cause: Water Drive.’
Inviting family and friends to their home for a pool
party, they asked everyone to bring cases of water
to donate. At the end of the day had collected 50
Keep dreaming Toby and Kyle!
Kids Feeding Kids Food Drive
collects record 33,000 meals
Seventh graders take on hunger
Two north Phoenix boys dedicated a
Saturday at the end of the school year to
collect food for St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance.
Michael and Tommy set up the food drive
as a community service program at their
school, Sonoran Trails Middle School. The
seventh graders came up with the project
on their own, and promoted it by handing
out flyers in their neighborhoods. In the end
they collected 130 pounds of food for the
hungry! Thanks Michael and Tommy!
Each May and June as the school
year winds down, elementary
and middle schools around the
Valley of the Sun band together to
collect food and funds as a part of
the annual Kids Feeding Kids Food
Drive. This year brought in more
meals than ever.
These students know that summer
is a tough time for families in
Arizona. Without breakfast and
lunch programs to count on,
some families find themselves
having to turn to the Food Bank’s
emergency food boxes to keep
their children adequately fed.
Students around the Valley help
their fellow students and families, and
both participation in the food drive
and the total meals brought in was up
significantly this year.
Fourteen elementary and middle
schools collected food and funds for
St. Mary’s through a variety of events
and fundraisers, such as dances and
game nights. The food and funds
collected allowed a whopping total
of more than 33,000 meals to be
distributed by the Food Bank and its
agency partners. This is 10,000 more
meals than last year!
Thank you to all the Valley schools and
students who helped Kids Feed Kids!
CBS 5 Pays It Forward by raising $108,000
for St. Mary’s during inaugural “Feed Our
Children” Summer Campaign
Summer is the most
difficult time for
Food Banks to meet
the needs of the
community. As the
desert heat rises, the
demand for food rises
as well - and many
regular donors to St.
Mary’s leave the Valley
for cooler climates. But thanks to a great partnership with
CBS 5’s Pay It Forward program, enough food and funds
for more than 750,000 meals were collected during the first
‘Feed Our Children Campaign.’
From May 23 to June 2, more than $108,000 in cash and
6,000 pounds of food were raised. Donations were collected
during a May 23 live CBS phone bank, at all area Safeway
stores, and a during a six-day ‘Make Hunger Disappear’
event at Arrowhead Towne Centre in Glendale.
“We know our viewers want to help,” CBS 5 Vice President
and General Manager Ed Munson said. “All we did was to
serve as the conduit to let them do what was in their hearts
to do. I continue to be amazed at their capacity to Pay It
The campaign was buoyed by $10,000 donations from
Southwest Gas Corporation, Wells Fargo and Safeway –
who also donated more than 5,000 canned food items to
build the ‘Hunger Wall’ at Arrowhead – as well as a $5,000
donation from Cox Communications. Our thanks to all our
great partners for the most successful summer public event
ever during a time of such great need!
Hunger Heroes to the rescue
Everyone needs a hero, and at St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance,
there is a special group of organizations who claim that title.
Hunger Heroes are companies, organizations or people who
donate time, funds and food to further the Food Bank’s mission
of alleviating hunger in Arizona. Hunger Heroes truly come to
the rescue in a big way.
To thank this special group, Hunger Heroes were honored at a
luncheon in May at St. Mary’s. Joining the special guests was
Mayor Greg Stanton, who spoke on the importance of battling
hunger in our state. Thank you to Mayor Stanton for joining the
fight and to all of the Hunger Heroes.
To see all the photos from the event and see a list of our
Hunger Heroes, visit our website.
Big Surf doused hunger this summer!
The world’s first waterpark and the world’s first food bank
joined forces to help feed the hungry in Arizona during a threeweek food drive in May. Each patron who brought five cans or
$5 to donate to St. Mary’s received 50% off general admission
during the first three weekends of May at Big Surf Waterpark.
“We’re thrilled to kick off our 44th season by partnering with
the original food bank, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, and to
provide to those in need,” said Bob Pena, Big Surf Waterpark’s
general manager.
Two years after St. Mary’s opened as the world’s first bank
in 1967, Big Surf Waterpark opened in Tempe. This latest
partnership between these two Arizona originals collected
enough food and funds to provide 17,182 meals! Thank you
to Big Surf and all who donated.
Summer ‘13
Food Drives
Food for Fines nets 41,528 meals
Phoenix Public Library members wiped library fines clean
by trading in cans of food during the 2013 ‘Food for Fines.’
Thousands of dollars in fines were turned into thousands
of pounds of food.
From April 13 to 27, those with library fines received a 50
cent credit for each non-perishable food item they donated.
Phoenix Public Libraries raised the maximum amount of fines
that could be erased with food from $50 to as much as $75,
resulting in a record donation to St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance.
In just two weeks, the 13 library locations collected a combined
41,528 pounds of food, which allows St. Mary’s to distribute 41,528 meals to Arizona’s hungry. The 2013 total nearly
doubled last year’s collection. Special thanks to the Phoenix Public Library for hosting this event, and all library members
who traded Food for Fines.
NALC’s Annual ‘Stamp out Hunger’ Food Drive
yields more than 2 million pounds of food
It is the largest single-day food drive in the
United States - one that food banks from
coast to coast depend on for a boost in
non-perishable food donations before the
difficult summer months. And for St. Mary’s
Food Bank Alliance, Arizona food banks
and food banks nationwide, the National
Association of Letter Carriers’ 2013 Stamp
Out Hunger Drive showed a strong
increase in participation.
More than 74.4 million pounds of food
was collected nationwide at mailboxes on
Saturday, May 11 – the second largest total
in the 21-year history of the drive. More than
2.2 million pounds of that was collected in
Arizona and more than a quarter million
pounds helped St. Mary’s keep emergency
food boxes filled this summer.
St. Mary’s would like to thank NALC branch
576, led by President Lyn Liberty, all the
letter carriers and rural letter carriers, and
everyone who left a donation by their
mailbox this year. Your generosity at this
critical time of the year left your stamp of
caring and made a huge difference for
those in need.
Sign your high school up for Project Hunger
As the school year gears up again,
high school students around the
Valley are taking on a special project –
Project Hunger.
The seventh annual high school food
drive to benefit St. Mary’s Food Bank
Alliance will pit local schools in a
competition to see who can collect the most food and funds.
Each pound of food is one meal and every dollar equals seven meals. Last
year 27 schools participated and more than 130,000 meals were collected.
Mountain Ridge High School continued their
winning streak with another first-place finish,
but runners-up were Sandra Day O’Connor
High School, Centennial High School, and
Desert Ridge High School were closer than
ever to knocking off the defending champs!
This year’s food drive will run from October
1 to November 1. To sign your school up,
contact Ernie Ortiz at 602-343-3169 or
[email protected]. Let’s take on
We remember Roger Buege
St. Mary’s Food Bank
family lost one of its
own this summer.
Development Officer
Roger Buege was a
passionate advocate
and invested St.
Mary’s team member
for only one short
year, but he made
a deep and lasting
impact on everyone
he met.
Blast from the Past
Do you recognize the man on the right? This is a photo
of John van Hengel, the founder of St. Mary’s Food Bank
Alliance and father of food banking, in the offices that were
our humble beginnings. Through his vision, we’ve gone
from distributing 250,000 meals a year to 250,000 a day!
A devoted husband
and father, Roger
truly lived and
breathed the idea
that St. Mary’s provides
more than food, it
provides hope to those in need. He went above and beyond
with our clients, always willing to spend extra time and hear
their stories. Roger will be truly missed but never forgotten,
inspiring us to give a little more of ourselves every day.
Straight Talk About Wills
If you die without a will or other such document, the state
will decide how to disburse your estate and will assign
someone to oversee its administration. If you have minor
children, the state decides who will care for them. To
bequeath assets to specific persons or make charitable
gifts, you must have a will.
It will all be done “by the book.” If you die without a will, there
will be:
Get the Horn of Plenty online!
Want to help save a tree and help the Food Bank keep costs
down? The Horn of Plenty newsletter is available on the St.
Mary’s Daily Platter Blog at You may
also email [email protected] to request the PDF
version to be sent to your email.
• No special gifts to the Food Bank or other causes you care about.
• No special gifts to people outside your family.
• No concern for your thoughts on the size of bequests.
Imagine the difficulties this may cause for your family and
friends – and the added expense for this layer of oversight
by people you never knew.
You don’t need all the answers to get started. Begin with what
you know and make changes later. It’s better to have something
in place that reflects your wishes than nothing at all.
To help you create a valid will, we offer a free Wills Guide
to assist you as you gather information. We can also provide
names of estate planning attorneys. Or, talk with trusted
friends and ask who they use. In any case, get legal assistance to ensure a valid will.
For a free Wills Guide, contact Claudia Cucitro at
602.343.3144 or [email protected] or visit our
Summer ‘13
Northern Arizona News
Inaugural Object to Hunger wine
tasting in Flagstaff a huge success
Empty Bowls Event
Supports Flagstaff
The Flagstaff Arts and
Leadership Academy
hosted their 12th annual
Empty Bowls Benefit on
May 17. Local artists and
students from across
Flagstaff created
handmade bowls and
donated them to be
sold. Each bowl purchased
helps fill someone’s
empty bowl in Northern
FALA students sold these bowls for $5-$25 and gave out
ice cream sundaes with every bowl that was bought. In
one afternoon these students were able to raise $3,000, half
of which was donated to St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance,
allowing 10,500 meals to be distributed in their community.
Thank you to Flagstaff Potter’s Guild, Northern Arizona
University, Coconino Community College, Coconino High
School, Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy and all of the
artists who created bowls.
The legal community in northern Arizona stood up to
Object to Hunger by attending the first annual wine
tasting fundraiser, You’ve Just Been Served on June 23. The
fundraising event was sold-out with150 people in attendance
on the 1899 Restaurant’s back deck.
More than $10,000 was raised from ticket sales and through
the support of the following sponsors: Law offices of
McCarthy Weston; Hammond; Fresquez; Aspey; Watkins and
Diesel; Benjamin Deguire; Glazer; Mangum; Wall; Stoops
and Warden; Dianna Bratten; Hufford; Horstman; Mongini;
Parnell and Tucker and Cunningham Mott; Brennan
Masonry; Flagstaff Jean Company.
Parading to end Hunger
Thanks to the 1899 Restaurant and its staff for providing food
and service for the elegant evening, and to the committee
who organized the event – especially committee chair and
SMFBA Advisory Council member, Barry Brennan.
Last year, St. Mary’s distributed more than 13 million pounds
of food to those Northern Arizona’s residents in need of a
helping hand. Proceeds from this event greatly help with this
continued effort.
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance was proud to again
take part in the annual Fourth of July Parade through
downtown Flagstaff. Thank you to all our wonderful
Northern Arizona volunteers for marching in the
parade, and to the great people of Flagstaff who lined
the route to cheer and see all the great floats!
Volunteer Highlight
Donating time
brings joy to
a Surprise
Make a double difference when
you volunteer at St. Mary’s Food
Bank in Surprise for the Pawsitive
Community Program Hours Bank
A local job program
first brought Wendy
Hewitt through St.
Mary’s Food Bank’s doors in Surprise. Required to volunteer
a set number of hours each month to qualify for assistance,
Wendy quickly realized that there were many more positives
to volunteering to help the hungry.
Donate your volunteer
hours to the Foundation
for Service Dog Support
and help someone who
needs a service dog earn
their dog for free!
The typical costs for
the training and
education of a service
dog and the participant
are approximately
$15,000. However,
through the efforts of this Foundation, approved individuals
in need of a service dog, but unable to afford the expense,
are provided with an opportunity to ‘earn’ their service dog by
donating 250 hours of community service volunteer work.
Wendy loves the four hours she spends each day in Surprise
– so much that she introduced the experience to her family.
Son Darnell and granddaughter Imunique join Wendy most
days while they are on summer break. Wendy said that being
at home was driving the kids crazy and since neither could
find a job, volunteering provides a great way to get some
experience and even helps Darnell bank some college credit
hours for next year.
All three work to help distribute emergency food boxes in
Surprise, preparing the carts for clients and delivering not
only food, but happiness. They get a kick out of finding ways
to bring a smile to someone facing tough times – a cake for a
child celebrating a birthday, some special treats for an elderly
man who seems a bit down, or milk for a big family who will
enjoy it later that day.
Not all approved participants are able to complete these
hours, so you can help them earn their service dog by
donating your volunteer hours at St. Mary’s Food Bank in
Surprise to the program.
You’re still doing what you love to do - volunteering for St.
Mary’s Food Bank, but at the same time, you can make a
double difference by helping those at risk for hunger AND
those in need of a service dog’s assistance.
When asked what experience tugged at her own heart the most,
Wendy talked about bringing food to a young woman who was
both pregnant and homeless. As a mom herself, helping another
mother in need brought true joy and impacted both of them.
Contact Linnea or Jan at (602) 242-3663 for information on
signing up, to find out how to stretch your generosity
between two great organizations!
Thank you Wendy Hewitt for all you do for St. Mary’s, and
those who need a hand in your community.
91-year-old volunteers going strong
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance had
two of our loyal volunteers turn
91 years old this summer. Millie
Lewis and Jane Rau have both
been volunteering at our Surprise
facility for over 20 years. Happy
Birthday and thank you for your
Summer ‘13
Honor Someone Special
and feed a less fortunate family by making a donation to
the Food Bank.
In Memory of
When you make an Honor or Memorial Tribute, the Food Bank will send your honoree (or their family) a card
notifying them of your special gift. Their name(s) will also be included in a future issue of the Horn of Plenty.
We make it easy! Mail your Tribute in the enclosed envelope; visit (click on the
Tribute and Honors Donation icon to fill out online Tribute and Honor Donation forms); or call Pat
Fehlhaber at (602) 343-3149 to make your Tribute by phone.
Kenny Abrams
Joseph & Barbara Straining
Robert Bohm’s mother
Andy, Brad & Corri May
Joyce Edwards
Michael & Nancy Stone
Theresa Judson
Ronald Judson
Don Alexander
Todd & Susan May
Dr. Edward Allan Brawley
Arizona State University’s
School of Social Work
Barbara Chianelli
Dwayne Heckert
Kelly O’Donnell
Phyllis Primas
Leonard Teicher
Angel & Paz Zorita
Arlene “Kim” Ensminger
Mrs. Clarice Bielski
Sandy Kaskey
Virginia McLaughlin
Lyn Mowen
Nancy Creel
Barbara Hensel
Sharon Kane
Dr. Daniel & Sheila Lavine
Harley Everett
Phyllis J. Everett
Leslie P. Kovats
Catharyn Kovats
Margaret Muldoon
Mary Muldoon
Thomas Fairbanks
Greg and Margaret Brandon
Rudy Krahenbuhl
James & Susan Benzer
David Richmond Frost
Douglas Figueredo
James Hunsake
Art & Holly Chavez
Nils Larson
Bob & Carolyn Perkinson
Rosa Rochin
Kay Slaven
Vincent Kubas
Samuel & Maxine Ratliff
Theodore “Ted” Myers
Robert Loeb
Felicia I. Majewski
Kathy M. Munsterteiger
Kathy Van Holton
Lola Latham-Vallecorse
Marco V. Vallecorse
Joann Barlow Nelson
Lyle and Sherry Nelson
Ren E Y. Latiolais
Lois Latiolais
Robert Nersveen
Carol Knapp
Leo Gorman
Margaret Gorman
Lisa Schmidtke Lawson
Lowell Schmidtke
Nineteen Firefighters Who Died
James O. Martin, Jr.
Joseph Ross Haitz
Henry & Margaret Haitz
Mary Laytos, Mother’s Day
Harold Laytos
Mary Norland
Thor Norland
Kathy Hanke
Charles & Sharon Green
Darrel Le De
Norma Le De
Deane Ohmstead
Kathleen Siehien
Neil Hanson
Robert & Dolores Olson
Evelyn Lewis
Clarice M. Bielski
William T. Ojala
Jeanne A. Ojala
Ian Buie
David and Barbara Baker
Robert Harrington
Kevi Harrington
Judy Lowenstein
David J. Lowenstein
Rolf Oppenlander
Kelly Diep
Skip Butler
Bruce & Judy Gans
Wilbur B. Hathaway
Barbara D. Hathaway & Family
Jayne B. Loraine
Jacques B. Loraine, Jr.
Maria Osadciw
Irene Renstrom
Angela Maria Campo
Ms. Gene Schaeffer
Robert D. Helms
Russell and Patsy Brown
Ann Helms
Anna M. Helms
Dr. Charles & Norma Helms
David, Michael, Ann and
Barbara Helms
Nancy Herron
Donald & Mary Lou Kellen
Marsha McIntosh & Belva
The Citizens State Bank of Cortez
Linda Jean Maresca
Mary Mordino
Pete & Hattie Santucci
Major Klaus-Peter Pape
Uta Murchison
Windy Abell
Kathleen Siehien
Judith M. Alico
Robert J. Alico
Aarron Alvera
Anna Britton
Frances Ashley
Susan Ashley
Julius Amsieius
Joseph & Judith Levis
Steve Avilla
Celeste Avilla
Terry and Jean Corneli
Cuda Corporation
Margaret Donner
Kathi Eguchi
Gary Henglefelt
Larry and Sandra Mayhem
Lyle and Mary Unruh
Keith Winney
Tara Nicole Balagat
Mary Balagat
Joe Balsamini
Filomena C. Young
Richard Bardon
Virginia Waroblak
Thomas Bartelme
John & Brigid Dean
Eddie Basha
Carol Elias
Karen Scates
Warren Bratcher
Cynthia Bratcher
Edward Allen Brawley
Phyllis J. Primas
Leonard Telcher, DDS
Wayne Brown
The Office of Marvin R.
Goldstein, M.D.
Charles “Charlie” Browning
The office of Marvin R.
Goldstein, M.D.
Roger Buege
Pat Fehlhaber
Lisa Goin
Sarah Stuckey
Kent Carter
Phyllis Paslay
Thresa and Norbert Christoffel
Catherine M. Christoffel
Linda Batchelor
Ronald & Denise Loback
Jim Clark
Samuel & Maxine Ratliff
Richard Billimack
Kate Roundy
Joanne Cline
Robert & Kathleen Jendrick
Leonard Bender
Richard and Barbara Cramer
James L. Combellick
M. Paul Combellick
Charles “Charlie” Bennett
Margaret Armbruster
Dona Alderson
Paul & Barbara Barnes
Roger Bushnell
Kathleen Butler
C.L. Cates
Margaret Cook
Agnes Cosgrove
Frank & Claudia Cucitro
Susan A. Ehrlich & James C. Hair
Gloria Jo Fay
Peter & Marcia Fisher
Carol Jackson
Nancy Kinney
Carol McElroy
Michele Mencuccini & Mark Voigt
Doris Milldebrandt
William E. Molloy
Wanda Pearson
Janell Rodhes
Benjamin & Carol Rosner
George & Judy Samuels
Terry & Karen Shannon
Charlotte Stuart
John & Karen Vivian
Joseph D’Addario
Jay Cope
Richard Billimack
Kate Roundy
Charles F. Davidson
The Girls
Anilbhai Desia
Friends and co-workers at Intel
FK Alderson Jr.
Rich and Judy Cromwell
Dr. Chuck Halm
Indian Seniors Association of
Dawn Koelle
Mike, Dawn, Matt, Joe &
Elizabeth Koelle
Uncle Tom & Aunt Ro Koelle
Julie Swinney
Jeanette Barton
Mary Francis Dziadul
Catherine Fuller
Arthur and Sandy Harrow
Matilda Eardley
Michael & Nancy Stone
Jim Edwards
Deanna Pozdol
Gilbert Hernandez
Elizabeth Bass
Adrien Herzberg
Richard & Judy Lederer
Marvin Patark
Barbara Hollinger
Eugene & Brenda Curin
Elsie M. Hollinger
Peter A. Marikle
Command Sgt. Major Gayle McCoy
Claudia Harper
Gladys McGrewy
Patricia Pearson
VinceAnnette McVay
Craig Ackerman
Ken McKenzie
Inge M. McKenzie
PInakini Mehta
Dr. Mike Horwitz
Joan Shapiro
David Minarik
Suzanne Spidell
Judith Ingram
Gail Ballard
Marilyn Barnett
Cynthia Hughes
Jennifer Malia
Carole Rogers
Irwin “Mitt” Mittelman
Mrs. Gene Schaeffer
Joel and Anne Jaggie’s parents
Joel and Anne Jaggie
Jerome V. Jarger
Gloria Jarger
Dr. Raymond, Bettie, and Moira
Dr. Kenneth & Margaret Welch
Alice Jioia
Michael Pfligler
Marilyn Joseph
Jan Axtell
James S. Morrow
Carol A. Desarmeaux
Jim Miller
Jim & Ignacia Marshall
David Minarik
Suzanne Spidell
Leo Mintz
Leah Mintz Appleman
Christopher Nixon
Linda Nixon
Mary Phebe Mitchell, Mother’s Day
Mora Shahan
Billy Mosher
William & Carolyn Mosher
Bill Parsons
Charles & Karen Lagergren
David Partin
Karen E. Schmidt
Ed Pease
Jennifer Fisher
Linda Piasentin
Scott and Kathleen Hansen
J.O. Phillips, birthday
Karen Wilson
Loretta L. Recht
Peggy S. Recht
William J. Reckling, Jr.
James Bennitt
Randa Roach
Ralph & Debrah Salem
George K. Reems
Mark & Betty Ogden
Jackie Reisner
Eugene & Marion Loy
Mary Rizzo
Rosemary Weiler & Family
Carmen Milagros Rodriguez
Ursula M. Rodriguez
Max and Sophie Rosenstock of
Siuox, IA
Jimmy Orama
Mr. and Mrs. Ruter
Herman Ruterd
John Ryan
Pearl Ryan
tributes: April 1st through July 12, 2013
Charles “Tony” A. Saletta, Jr.
Association of Graduates/
United States Air Force
Academy of 1965
Marjorie Haberman
Steven Jansma
Michael Leddin
Laura Link
Theresa Nagy
Jack Newkirk
Stephanie Santos
Jim and Jo Spencer
Mari Wimer
Ruth Sandler
Ronald Sandler
Martin E. Schilling
Harold & Owewta Clark
Robert & Helen White
Mary Waters
Helen Handley
Mr. & Mrs. George Weiss (Parents)
Regina Weiss
Fred West
Arlene Shulze
Jane & Larry Wich
Barbara K. Wich
Carrie P. Williams
The office of Marvin R.
Goldstein, M.D.
Daniel Winkowski
Gina Turner
Edward P. Schmit
Lillian E. Moore
John Witt
Friends and co-workers at
M+W U.S., Inc
Blanche Schneiter
Donna Eaton
Linda Buzon, Birthday
Renato & Gloria Santos
Jeff Chapman
Linda Lober
Raymond Chase, Father’s Day
Angela & Dan Hunn
Virginia Chase, Mother’s Day
Angela K. Allen
The Childress Family
Anthony Childress
Laverne Clark
Patricia W. Taggart
Glorene Clements, Birthday
Dee Olson
John & Jean Patterson
Linnea Hudson, Jan & Great
Staff at SMFBA Surprise
David & Kathleen Young
Stan Hurd, Father’s Day
Tiffany Humphryes
Joanne Ingles
Janice O’Brien
Dani Katz, Birthday
Deana Katz
Barbara Klees
Tom & Susan Wisz
Lillian Korsog, Mother’s Day
John Korsog
Linda Lanham, Birthday
Janice O’Brien
Carron Pielkiewicz, Birthday
Sharon Kane
Steve Plautz, 65th Birthday
Sandra Moed
Praising God for a great new job!
Matt Venzke
Iris Purcell
Renato & Gloria Santos
Delores Ruby, birthday
Shirley Oakley
Susan Sawyer, Mother’s Day
Christopher Robbins & children
St. Anthony’s for prayers
Rebecca Gladden
St. Jude
Wayne and Richard Berry
Patricia Kieran
Ann Davidson, Birthday
The Girls
Ann Lebed
Velma Sacks
Martha Iris Wynn
Rebecca Wynn
A. Joseph Davidson, Birthday
The Girls
Louise Leibowitz
Velma Sacks
William Louis Scotford
Anne K. Scotford
Bertie Vance
Ronald Sandler
Desert Springs School
Karen Cady
Tony Leombruno
Anthony & Nora Leombruno
Danny Scripillitti
Nanette Hutchinson
Lia Sargent Vigna
Fred R. Sargent
Joan Dufault, Mother’s Day
Mike Dufault
Jeanne Maag
Rebecca Berry
Gloria Sebastinai
Donald & Norma Dolin
Catherine Yee
James & Susan Benzer
Patt Dow, Mother’s Day
Linda Meyer
Vicky Manfreda
Jennifer Levinson
My father
Benjawan Semma
John van Hengel
Sol Jaffe
Jo Anne Evans
Richard Evans
Brad May, Father’s Day
Andrea May
Dennis Shulze
Arlene Shulze
Don Zimbrick
Harvey and Melanie Noteboom
Judy and Howard Potts
Jennifer Fink, Mother’s Day
Christine Papscun
Corri May, Birthday
Mom and Dad May
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Siegel, 70th
I.M. Feder
Al Fraser, Father’s Day
Eugene & Brenda Curin
Irene V. Molera
Rick E. Molera
Rosemary Smith, Birthday
Dolores Olsen
Vanice French, Birthday
Janice O’Brien
Gloria Mosquiera, Mother’s Day
Beth, Rich and Joshua Lasky
Bruce Spiegel, Retirement
Arnold & Carmen Berkowitz
Carol Greenwald, Birthday
Joan Micena
Max & Jaawiga Musielak
Paul Zloto
Valerie Steuer, Mother’s Day
Amber Steuer
Carolyn Grote
Phil and Kathy Zeblisky
Annie Nance, Mother’s Day
Delores Nance
Sadie Mae Storm
Bonita Steele
Hannah Marie Gwartley
Joseph & Carla Skibba
Nautilus Insurance - Agents
Committee Member
W. R. Berkley Corporation
Charitable Foundation
Speedy recovery for my friend
Elizabeth Pendrey
Elisabeth Sladen
John Wheeler
Eugene O. Smith
Juanita Herndon
Ruth Smith
Robert E. Everett Jr
Susan Kuzmik
Trina Larson
Linda Lujan
Terry and Angeline Myers
James Spybrook
David M. Spybrook
My husband, parents & relatives
Marian Stevens
Sadie Mae Storm
Bonita J. Steele
Margaret Svatora, my wife
Stanley J. Svatora
Richard Thompson
Spedito & Joanne Scarfo
In Honor of
Robert Adickes, Father’s Day
Robert & Keri Adickes
Dorothy Allen, Mother’s Day
Karen McAlister
Father David Ashbeck
Sandra J. McCally
Eric Banks, Birthday
Ted Jones
Jan Becker, Mother’s Day
Bernard Becker
Bette Betes, Mother’s Day
Debby McCarthy
Melissa Francis & Darryl Bingham
Valarie Miceli
Sonya Salinas
Kathyrn Lee Hanke
Charles & Sharon Green
Judy Hartigan
Kevin & Danielle Hartigan &
the kids
Joan Heller, Birthday
Nancy & Will Heller & Family
Jennifer Henry
Gail Bradley
Dick Topping
Alice Jasmer
Dr. Marilyn Bohan, Mother’s Day
Jeff, Linda, Micaela & Moriah
Charles E. Towne
Gilbert & Deborah Christopher
Alyce Bolm, Birthday
John & Jean Patterson
Molly Holzer
Todd Holzer
Auggie Trujillo
Marguerite L. Trujillo
Michael Braude
Sharon Braude
Shirley Holzer, Mother’s Day
Todd Holzer
Joan Turner
James Bowman
Chris Brown
Donald Brown
The Honorable Robert A. Colosi
Kristen Mun
Ranae Urquijo-Bermudez
Karen Salem
Kristin Brown
Wayne Witherspoon
Charles Howey
Monica Falvey-Boley
Lou Ann Wallen
Cynthia White
W. (Dub) Button, Birthday
Velma Sacks
Patricia Heusser, Mother’s Day
Tom Heusser
Kevin & Samantha Nebrich
Mom & Dad Nebrich
Bart Nigro, 75th Birthday
Linnea Nigro
Edward Osolinski
Christine Valentyn
Pamela Theresa Palermo
Matthew Palermo
John Patterson, Birthday
Dolores Olsen
Gordon L. Pemberton
Rebecca Pemberton
Marvel Pepera
Karen McAlister
Karen Peterson, Birthday
Renato & Gloria Santos
Judith Phillips, Birthday
Eileen Barber
Gloria Santos, Birthday
Roderick & Iris Purcell
Jerry Schechtman, 80th
Larry & Sari Nims
Jim & Michael Schermann B.D.
Jacqueline L. Romeo
Jose Schurter, Father’s Day
Maryann Kinzel
Dr. Robert B. Synhorst, Father’s Day
Paul Synhorst
Linda Taylor, Mother’s Day
Jay Taylor
Lynda Thomas, Birthday
Robert F. Baldesari
Carmen Villanueva, Birthday
Renato & Gloria Santos
Whitney & Brian, Birthday
Clarice M. Bielski
Dolores Valdez, Birthday
The Girls
Marcus Ward, Birthday
Velma Sacks
Marty Ziomek, Birthday
Elizabeth Bass
The above list includes tributes received by
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance from April 1,
2013 through July 12, 2013. We apologize for
any listing that may have been inadvertently
omitted or listed incorrectly. Thank you!
Summer ‘13
2831 North 31st Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85009-1518
Phone: 602.242.FOOD
Fax: 480.393.4511
The Horn of Plenty newsletter is
published quarterly for the friends
of St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance.
Find St. Mary’s
Food Bank Alliance!
Scan this code with
your smartphone
to find out more
information about
the Food Bank.
© 2013 St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance. All rights reserved.
Summer ‘13
Speak out against hunger during
Hunger Action Month this September
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance will join Feeding America’s
network of more than 200 food banks as we unite to urge
individuals to take action in their communities during
September’s Hunger Action Month.
• Organize a brown bag lunch with co-workers and donate
your lunch money
This year’s theme is ‘Speak Out Against
Hunger.’ There are many ways that you
can get involved!
• ‘Like’ St. Mary’s on Facebook, follow us on Twitter
@stmarysfoodbank and check out our
YouTube page
St. Mary’s will host a number of special
events and here are a few ways you
can speak out against hunger during
Hunger Action Month.
• Use your social media platform and
share hunger facts with your friends
• ‘Go Orange’ on September 6th.
Orange is the hunger awareness
color so don your best orange duds
to show your support for the mission
• Make coffee at home and donate what you would have
spent at a coffee shop to the food bank
Save a Tree
• Host a food drive with your school, organization or company
• Take a tour of the food bank to learn
how we distribute millions of pounds
of food a month around Arizona
• Volunteer your time at our
warehouse or one of our special events
Visit to learn more about how to get
involved in Hunger Action Month this September and see a
full calendar of events.
Get Horn of Plenty sent to your email. Call 602.343.3163 or send your email address to [email protected] to request the online PDF.