Banners of Thimble Clubs - Thimble Collectors International
Banners of Thimble Clubs - Thimble Collectors International
Banners of Thimble Clubs at TCI Conventions Large banner first displayed in 2002 at the Long Beach, CA convention, and continues to be displayed at every convention. Funds for this banner were donated in 2000 by the Rocky Mountain Thimblers "In memory of Avis Jackson”. (Construction by The Flag Ladies of the Gulf Coast in Nokomis, FL) Banner previously displayed at earlier conventions shown in background. No information on years or makers. If you have information regarding this banner, please contact Education Chairman. Seattle - 2006 The idea for “individual” club banners was introduced and initiated by The Seattle Thimble Society at the 2006 TCI Convention with specific size restrictions: 18”x24” in either a landscape or portrait layout. ARIZONA THIMBLERS Designed and stitched by Reba Ashmore, Green Valley, AZ, using the Arizona Thimblers’ logo as the theme. BAY AREA THIMBLE SOCIETY (BATS) Designed and stitched by Vicki Camicia of the BATS. The design is of the BATS logo, a bat looking through it's magnifying glass into a thimble for a makers mark. CAPITAL AREA THIMBLERS (CATS) Designed and constructed by Pat Rich. CHESAPEAKE BAY THIMBLERS (CBT) Designed and machine embroidered by Bitsy Cochran; sewn into a banner by Mary Agnes Mosher. DAIRYLAND THIMBLERS Primary design by Clara Sennhenn & Rachel Lent, with contributions from other club members. Jan Powell found the fabric and stitched the banner. EMPIRE STATE THIMBLE COLLECTORS (ESTC) (New York) Designed and constructed by Shirley Nasci GREAT LAKES THIMBLERS Designed and created of sateen fabric by Ulalee Boyer and Linda Babcock. Wooden half-thimbles, painted by Perdita Petersen, are glued to the map indicating areas in which the Great Lakes Thimblers reside. HAWKEYE THIMBLERS Designed and stitched by Wanda Kaufman; lettering by her granddaughter, Jordan Nidey LADY SLIPPER THIMBLERS OF MINNESOTA Designed and constructed by Vicky Hesselgrave and her daughter, Melody Shryock, incorporating the club logo. All painting was done by Melody. MICHIGAN - INDIANA THIMBLE SOCIETY (MITS) Designed and constructed of all cotton material by Mary Jo Stoll, quilted by her sister-in-law Donna, and based on the MITS logo. (The state of Michigan resembles the shape of a mitten, and both Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana have lighthouses.) NIMBLE FINGERS THIMBLE CLUB (Spokane and North Idaho) Designed and constructed by Lola Bennett and Kay Connors, with attached buttons and fabric Yo-Yos. The “Nimby” is the club mascot or logo, and the group uses a lavender theme. OHIO THIMBLE SEEKERS Stitched by Jeannine Peters using the groups’ logo as a basis for the design. The thimble has a border of buttons. PHILADELPHIA THIMBLE SOCIETY (PTS) Stitched by Mabel Rogers; based on Philadelphia Thimble Society logo. Banner is white felt with a navy appliqué of the Liberty Bell; bordered by a navy fabric showing gold, silver, and ceramic thimbles. The banner is displayed at all PTS meetings and it travels with the PTS president. PRISCILLA NUTMEGGERS Designed and constructed by Carolyn Isham and Shirley “Penny” Sawyer. In keeping with the unique name of the group, “Priscilla” is surrounded by real whole nutmegs (and thimbles) on a felt vine. THE SEATTLE THIMBLE SOCIETY Designed by Jan Stanley and constructed by Bonnie Ecker, Sondra Hirsch and Kathy T. It portrays classic images of Seattle: downtown, Mt. Rainier, forests and rain. It follows the 2006 TCI Convention theme “Under a Rain-bow of Thimbles.” THIMBLE COLLECTORS CLUB OF SOUTH AFRICA Designed by Jenny Bockel; constructed and quilted by the late Jenny White; scene hand-painted by Gili Davis THIMBLE FOOLS OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (T.O.N.I.) Designed and constructed by Nancy Taubman, using the club logo of a clown in a thimble. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THIMBLE COLLECTORS (SCTC) Designed and constructed by Helen DeRuiter; hemmed by Donna Rothman. THIMBLES ON WHEELS (TOW) Designed and constructed by Mary Craft, based upon the group’s logo. Banner “travels” to all group meetings. ~ PROTECTED MATERIAL ~ Reproducing or Copying PROHIBITED All Rights Reserved ~ End ~ Banners of Thimble Clubs PowerPoint Program 2010 (Rev. 2013) by Mary E. Craft, TCI Education Chairman