Kullilli People and Congie ILUA
Kullilli People and Congie ILUA
QI2014/044 Kullilli People/Congie ILUA Map and description of Agreement area Page 1 of 2 Page 1 of 1 Kullilli People and Congie ILUA Description The agreement area covers all the land and waters within that part of Lot 4 on GO51 (Congie Pastoral Holding) located within the Native Title Determination Application QUD80/2009 Kullilli People (QC2009/001), further described as that part of that lot south of the watershed between Cooper Creek and Bulloo River drainage sub‐basins. Note Data Reference and source Agreement boundary data compiled by National Native Title Tribunal based on data sourced from Department of Natural Resources and Mines Qld (July, 2014). Native Title Determination Application QUD80/2009 Kullilli People (QC2009/001) as per the amended application filed in the Federal Court on 16 May 2014. Cadastre data sourced from Department of Natural Resources and Mines Qld (February 2014). Drainage basin sub‐area data depicts a subdivision of the major drainage basins (catchment) in Queensland, Dataset sourced from supplied by Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Qld (20 Feb 2009). Reference datum Geographical coordinates have been provided by the NNTT Geospatial Services and are referenced to the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94), in decimal degrees and are based on the spatial reference data acquired from the various custodians at the time. Use of Coordinates Where coordinates are used within the description to represent cadastral or topographical boundaries or the intersection with such, they are intended as a guide only. As an outcome to the custodians of cadastral and topographic data continuously recalculating the geographic position of their data based on improved survey and data maintenance procedures, it is not possible to accurately define such a position other than by detailed ground survey. Prepared by Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal (14 July, 2014) P:\GEO_INFO\Products\QLD\ILUA\2014\QI2014_044_Kullilli_People_Congie_ILUA\Mapping\GT2014_044_revised_Map&Desc\ 20140714_QI2014_044_Description.doc EROMANGA EROMANGA RO ROAD AD INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENT 143° 143° 40' 40' E E EROUNGHOOLA EROUNGHOOLA EROUNGHOOLA EROUNGHOOLA EROUNGHOOLA 143° 143° 30' 30' E E 26° 26° 40' 40' S S D DE EVE VEL LO OP PM ME EN NTA TAL L 26° 26° 40' 40' S S R ER O OPPE O O C C Kullilli People and Congie ILUA 4GO49 1GO3 408GO58 BELOMBRE Kullilli People and Congie ILUA 408GO58 BELOMBRE Map created by: Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal (14/07/2014) Agreement boundary data compiled by NNTT. Cadastral data sourced from Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Qld (1 February, 2014). Topographic vector data is © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2003. 3GO3 ry erry lber gilb BBin ingi ek C reek Cre 4GO51 CONGIE 2GO3 Land Tenure 2GO46 Aboriginal Freehold Convertible Lease Other Lease Pastoral Lease No Window Reserve/Park ee ggii onn CCo 2GO14 4GO51 CONGIE 1GO15 4GO51 CONGIE 26° 26° 50' 50' S S 26° 26° 50' 50' S S kk eeee CCrr 5156PH870 PANJEE 447SP196201 MOUNT MARGARET Freehold and Unknown are uncoloured kk eeee CCrr CONGIE CONGIE CONGIE CONGIE CONGIE eeee nnnn a a ww tthhaa Woo W 2BLO31 NERRIGUNDAH QI2014/044 Kullilli People/Congie ILUA Map and description of Agreement area Page 2 of 2 © Commonwealth of Australia 2014 The Registrar, the National Native Title Tribunal and its staff, members and agents and the Commonwealth (collectively the Commonwealth) accept no liability and give no undertakings guarantees or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of the information provided. In return for you receiving this information you agree to release and indemnify the Commonwealth and third party data suppliers in respect of all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs arising directly or indirectly from your use of the information and the use of the information you obtained by any third party. 0 MOUNT MOUNT MARGARET MOUNT MARGARET MARGARET 5 KILOMETRES Latitude and Longitude based on Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 447SP196201 MOUNT MARGARET Non Projection Location Diagram 4GO51 CONGIE WIILL W SSO ONN 5159PH1835 TALGEBERRY 27° 27° 00' 00' S S 5159PH1835 TALGEBERRY 27° 27° 00' 00' S S EERR RRIIVV 4GO51 CONGIE Townsville Townsville Townsville Townsville Mount Isa MountIsa Isa Mount Isa Mount Isa Mount 447SP196201 MOUNT MARGARET 447SP196201 MOUNT MARGARET QUD80/2009 Kullilli People QC2009/001 2BLO31 NERRIGUNDAH 143° 143° 40' 40' E E 143° 143° 30' 30' E E 143° 143° 20' 20' E E 447SP196201 MOUNT MARGARET Cairns Cairns Cairns Cairns Filepath: P:\GEO_INFO\Products\QLD\ILUA\2014\QI2014_044_Kullilli_People_Congie_ILUA\Mapping\GT2014_044_revised_Map&Desc\20140714_QI2014_044_Tenure_A3L.wor Map Ref: 20140714_QI2014_044_Tenure_A3L.pdf Rockhampton Rockhampton Rockhampton Rockhampton Rockhampton Rockhampton BRISBANE BRISBANE BRISBANE BRISBANE BRISBANE BRISBANE
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