details - Intermodal
details - Intermodal
5. PARTNERS Conerobus - Public Company for Inter - Municipal Mobility, Via Bocconi, 35 , 60125, Ancona, ITALY Alda Bevilacqua, Responsible for bids and contracts Tel.: +39 (0)712837446 / Fax: +39 (0)712837433 E-mail: [email protected] The project is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for Pre - Accession Assistance Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Albania; Directorate of Transport Policies and Planning, Sheshi “Skenderbej” no. 5, 1001, Tirana, ALBANIA. Rovena Muzhaqi, Director Tel.: + 355 4 2380734 / Fax: + 355 4 2225196 E-mail: [email protected] Municipality of Vlora; Department of Transport, Sheshi “4 Heronjte”, 9400, Vlora, ALBANIA Ardian Musta, Director of Services and Infrastructure Tel.: +355 682094482 / Fax: +355 333222761 E-mail: [email protected] Municipality of Jesi, Piazza Indipendenza, 1, 60035, Jesi, ITALY Fulvia Ciattaglia, Adminstrative Staff Tel.: +39 (0)731 538524 / Fax: +39 (0)731 538521 E-mail: [email protected] 6. CALENDAR OF IMPORTANT DATES Mobility Days – May 2013-2014-2014 Technical Seminar, “Toward a multimodal mobility approach in the Adriatic urban areas: new solutions and possibilities for a low carbon mobility system” – Sibenik, Croatia – June 2013 Seminar, "Tourism and Urban Mobility, how to match the sustainability?" – Split, Croatia – September 2013 Technical Seminar, “Intermodality in the Adriatic, best practices and transferability” – Bari, Italy – December 2013 Workshop, “Presentation of Strategic Plans of each partner” – Vlora, Albania – June 2014 Workshop, “Developing a strategy to advertise intermodal touristic paths in the Adriatic area” – Rimini, Italy – December 2014 Conference, “Sharing project results and new strategies” – Ancona, Italy – June 2015 Final project meeting - Jesi, Italy - September 2015 The project is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for Pre - Accession Assistance Emilia Romagna Region-Department for Trade and Tourism-General Directorate for Productive Activities, Trade and Tourism-Service for Trade, Tourism & Quality of Touristic Areas, Viale A. Moro 38, 40127, Bologna, ITALY Laura Schiff, Director of Quality of Touristic Areas Tel.: +39 (0)51 527 3491 / Fax: +39 (0)51 527 4169 E-mail: [email protected] Apulia Region-Mobility Department, Via de Ruggiero 58, 70125 Bari, ITALY Vito Ferrante, Office Director Tel.: +39 (0)80 5405609 / Fax: +39 (0)80 5405614 E-mail: [email protected] City of Šibenik, Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata, 1 , 22000 Šibenik, CROATIA Petar Mišura, Head of the Department of Economy, Enterprises & Development Tel.: +385 22 431 069; +385 91 3663 022 / Fax: +385 22 431 099 E-mail: [email protected] Split-Dalmatia County, Domovinskog rata 2, 21000 Split, CROATIA. Ranko Vujcic, Department of Economy Development Tel.: +385 21 400 074 / Fax: +385 21 400 085 E-mail: [email protected] DUNEA llc, Regional Development Agency Dubrovnik Neretva County, Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, pp 358, 20000, Dubrovnik, CROATIA Zvonko Culjat, Professional Associate Tel.: +385 (0)20 31 27 14 / Fax: +385 (0)20 31 27 15 E-mail [email protected] Marche Region (Associate) -Transport Management Department, Via Tiziano, 44, 60125, Ancona, ITALY Roberta Ruggeri, Specialist Tel.: +39 (0)71 806 3447 / Fax: +39 (0)71 806 3103 E-mail: [email protected] Municipality of Ancona (Associate), Piazza XXIV Maggio 1, 60123, Ancona, ITALY Marco Cardinaletti, Poject Manager Tel.: +39 (0)712222673 / Fax: +39 (0)712222676 E-mail: [email protected] INTERMODALITY MODEL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADRIATIC LITTORAL ZONE The project is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for Pre - Accession Assistance 1. INTRODUCTION The INTERMODAL project (INTERmodality MOdel for the Development of the Adriatic Littoral zone) is co-funded by the European Commission within IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme. It will produce Strategic Plans for local intermodal mobility that will be used as a first base of shared ideas in order to re-shape Mobility Restructuring Plans for local public transport service. Project will also contribute to connect better remote areas with centres, a problem affecting all the countries involved. Partners will develop connections to remote areas especially these areas have also a turisitic potential. This solution can give new strength to the transport industry, because of economic crisis and reduction in public resources used to provide public services, a lot of tows in area are obliged to change their local public transport system in order to reduce costs. 2. GOALS, OBJECTIVES • Sharing sustainable mobility models based on intermodal transport to promote tourism in the Adriatic littoral zone • Creating an international network to promote the development of sustainable transport policies and plans to promote tourism in the Adriatic littoral zone • Improving the quality of local public transport in the Adriatic littoral zone • Contributing to the development and sustainable promotion of the Adriatic littoral zone. 3. RESULTS • Establishing a database related to transport and intemodality all over the involved areas. • Establishing of institutions consisting of main actors in local transportation sector. • Drafting of local strategic plans on intermodality. • Pilot actions to test the solutions of intermodal transport that have been developed during the project. • Cross-border dialogue on the ways that intermodality can facilitate and promote dhe tourism in the • Adriatic. 4. PROJECT ACTIVITIES WP0 - PROJECT PREPARATION Deals with preparatory activities for INTERMODAL project proposal submission. Project has been designed through partners ‘assessment of problems and challenges to be tackled. WP1 - CROSSBORDER PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION The project transnational coordination will include day-to-day management and coordination, financial management and monitoring and evaluation of the project for the overall duration (36 months). Partners will manage the project locally thus allowing LB to coordinate the transnational overall management. WP2 - COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION Project communication will ensure a continued flow of information to stakeholder involved in order to increase and maintain their interest and awareness on project. It will ensure a large response within municipalities that will be encouraged to launch and promote permanent measures that would support the theme, establish links with other networks and exchange information. The dissemination of activities will address wider public and all interested stakeholders. WP3 - COMMON METHODOLOGY FOR RESEARCH AND COLLECTION OF DATA AND FOR CBC DIALOGUE. Common activities will allow defining jointly methods for CBC dialogue and methodology for research aimed at identifying: (i) indicators for an efficient transport system, (ii) needs of urban mobility and touristic flows, (iii) best practices of intermodality. Touristic sector stakeholders will be involved. A free database will be set up to include data and research reports from partners. Data collected will be used to define strategies and pilot actions. The project is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for Pre - Accession Assistance WP4 - CBC DIALOGUE FOR THE DEFINITION OF COMMON STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE INTERMODAL URBAN MOBILITY. Drafting of local Strategic Plans on intermodality both in a restricted composition for decision making purposes by mobility boards and in meetings opened to public. Some activities will be utilized group together partners, who will discuss and develop strategies to support current initiative of intermodal PT, consider their transferability and define jointly strategies to guarantee competitiveness of systems by promoting integrated and intermodal sustain solutions, considering area touristic promotion. WP5 - PILOT ACTIONS Pilot actions will be finalized to test new intermodal mobility solutions and/or transfer of existing best practices. The latter will be identified to each territory peculiarities and needs in terms of urban mobility and tourism management and promotion emerged in WP3. WP6 - CBC NETWORKING FOR THE TOURISTIC PROMOTION OF THE ADRIATIC AREA. Partners will also dialogue and network to consider how to apply identified intermodal transport solutions to the management and promotion of tourism in the area. There will be activities to facilitate grassroots’ approval and diffusion of Strategic Plans. This will collect inputs about how to advertise in Adriatic area intermodal mobility touristic paths offered by each of locations involved.