i,— «—— mi - National Library of New Zealand
i,— «—— mi - National Library of New Zealand
The Bush Advocate Jliyi^l^ll, ORMO AND WAINUI DISTRICT ADI^E3IBER. — —— BAJ^ETIBEE, HAWSE'S;BAT?;..^Z,m .TUESIJAY, MARCH 25, 1890. Immm*mm*mmmmmmmmm iim\uy. "' ,■"■■'.<■<.£..:■*".'■-. y^-? , HO^EL, -;. ft* wi (DANaHRKR "" ; Vv tiwm'^':] - ''" ■■■>■■■".*'■ ;.. ■ ■ ■ " Hotels. EOYAL OAK HOTEL TAUTANE VILLAGE SETTLE" _ MENT. " "". " " "J{|:.T-A N: PENIS has the pleasure to announce to > "■. i jjiiai!-^ .■""■'!_ .; . :-. ' ' \\% ft'^>' !. >"' "■'"■ ''■'■ "'*" '' PHOPRIBtOR. "■ sottlers in the above clistricfc,:and Generally, to i}ie.Travelling thatjiis Kew Hotel i» now. open for business,and that: FIRST CLASS * ACCOMMODATIONhas beenpro! for Man and Beast^ , .,l" Liquors; pf stock* lias ;=^'siEL^B»iiGiiw&« Alterat^pnstomy #0. been laid in and patrons may rely pn&io, genwWly, upon being WELL SERVED. ■ i, ■« 15u§iness Notices. BusinessNotices. of :"'" ■.■■:. ' HOtJSE, '..■'■"' Pahiatua), to inform the Inhabitants of Danevirke that he has opened the splendid BEGS rpIHE undersigned begs to . ff^...'^T^Sig ? ACCOMMODATIOCT \ Good Stabling...Horses onHire ;); OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION, DANEVIRKE. an- WRIGHT begs to call attennounce that he is now prepared 2T» tioh to bis well-appointed BILLIARD ROOM ' "Bdarding House, at the above ' ' : -'".■.■ AT to supply every description of, address, where by attention to busiMr ALLARDICE'S ness he hopes to still merit, the MASONIC HOTEL, HOUSE BUILDING TIMBER support he Has received in the past And has fitted up the room with Rough pr Dressed, MEAI/S AND BEDS 1/, .every convenience for the , at,lowest possible prices. BOARD AND LODGING Amusement of Patrons. (^ .£l-0-0 PER WEEK. j( JOSEPH CHICKEN, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER . BOARD WITHOUT LODGING : H. CARLSOtf, 15S PER WEEK. 1 Proprifitor Mangatera Sawmill. G.W. also begs to call attention to his BAKERY -BUSINESS. Having secured the services of a First Class* "]', Baker, DANEVIRKE who has had the manageof one of the best businesses wa^house & ment in; papier, he can , confidently reWOOD WARE FACTORY. commend all his Goods as being of caßk Class,Quality. First ' " Trial Respectfully A Solicited. \ "AGENTFOR: " , L. opened i6A?Yr. has now GORDON '■■"' ' '// } 'il Imperial Fire Insurance Company f si*i.' i:V\'i-'.:^'-f/^''i-fy'' l!y'-iSU —SCONES A SPECIALTY RYAN,i.Tautane Village a Large and Varied DENIS . . with m to Stock of Furniture for the Conveni- A GoodAssortment of Small Goods Always on Hand. T. 0 A R R, ence of those about t,o furnish, and Country, than GROWN HOTEL NOESE- T the public generally. A single Wedding and Birthday Cakes to district. on the Deferred System, Payment WOOI). j/ii obtained-ytin the "Order. CIVIL ENGINEER, ";■■ ■-. ":'"■."' t-.^« MS-; ::-.* V.. of are the which advantages 'well ; 1 t>Wj< ;- e0tI), AND SHOWER AND BAIN. , , knoWn. NAPIER. i^l^MWicekt'ib " MR. RYAN also conducts a OPPOSITE THE will Store, and the same be Railway Station, Orraondville. General ;found to be WELL'STOCKED with '. ft Good Useful Assortment of MerStock of Gold ana LARGE chandise, Drapery and Boots and Silver;iJewellery always on Household Ware. r view, which will be sold cheap for ik 1 } ■ ■ ■ ■ A .. . - A'" ■ ; t wMiTvik :ssnk #te^co>mißda^» f^sm^f.^sitingithe: article ■ 0. HIGGINS ... SIDE! WHOLESALE AND KETAIL IRONMONGERS, PROPRIETOR.. Plans and Specifications prepared INSPECTION INVITED. mHE UNDERSIGNED begs to and Estimates Supplied for Local A large stock of Sashes, Doors, Verandah Brackets, announce that he has purchased Bodies,and Contractors. " ■'■ &c, &c, on hand, the aboveCOMMODIOUS HOTEL Carved and turned work a specialty. withall stock and furniture. This DOLBEL & C 0., A. L. GORDON, Hotel has theBest Accommodation COAL AND MAIN -STREET DANEVIRKE; MERCHANTS, FIRE WOOD of any house in the district. GIFFORD & 00., AND SHIPOWNERS, Good Stalling and Paddock SPIT. ShakespeareRoad, Napier, . Accommodation. DRAIN PIPES ALWAYS ON ;^akto iuT i:HE best ilw ■ : ' K\-^rfINES ANP SHBITS '""'■'.'■"■ . ■. ; .. I kb Ft p ;" THOMSON, "i^aisteblingand Paddocking o, -wv-t'ti*'. Accommodation. i '' ~ r . hj_ - -* |' - ,'" -. r , -v).^/ - "^ **** '' -p— Hors.QS a-nd ißuggies 7 i \ # on Hire at . Spirits and Wines kept in stock. 0. HIGGINS, Proprietor. Shortest Notice. -■'""■- J _ ." a '"^^6i^s^6T^ . '*. ., ■ »w,--i/wi*■ .„ :.= -*" '■ -■'■ '' . ' ' '' TAILOR ETC., THE JUNCTION HOTEL NORSEWOOD. PROPRIETOR. ,'" '** : DANNEVIRKE. riIHE Proprietor begs to return ■jyrURTON AND TTTHITE'? J. lv's thanks |p? the liberal patronage,bestowed upon him since the opening of his house, and de- | HAWKE'S BAY sires to assure the travelling public that every attention will be given FLUID. to the wants of thuae favoring him with their patronage. The Hotel is now thoroughly stooked with everythingpi thebest. Comfortable Bedrooms, a Splendid Billiard Table, . and an excellent causine enable the proprietor to most desirable accommodajoffer the tion to be found at a oountry 1 "!'i BARTHOLOkEWBENNEHY, : The woil4nown Athlete, k A N D R E W JS, X „ LEMONADE, GINGERBEER, POTASH AND . SHEEP-DIPPING CHAMPION DIPPING PREPA RATION. FIRST PRIZE at the Canterbury Agricultural aad Pastoral Society'sImportant trials, November, 1887; April to TONIC WATERS, . , &c, fire "ZEALANDEIT RANGES, 2ft 9in, 3ft, and 3ft 6in, in sizes. Requite no Setting.. <fee. COBD/ALS AND LIQUERS, HAS - * - THE' COLONIAL COOKING" RANGES, 2ft 6m, 3ft, and 3ft 6in, in sizes. For Burning Wood. Having a Fireplace which can be adjusted to take 2it lengths of wood. Hastings-Street. Napier. J. C. DAVIS, BLACKSMITH & HORSESHQER, '" Next Makotuku Hotel. CAREFULLY SHOD. HORSESOfREPAIRS All Kinds ■ ±ii<&4&oss ! ' A Trial Solicited. BARTHOLOMEW DENNEHY, JUNCTION HOTEL, GJ. ILLINGWORTH AND UNDERTAKER" # CARPENTER, JOINER, DANEVIRKE. .Danevirke. /-\GGIBEOTAX V: iNAHER. _ Estimates given and quantities made up for every class of werk. HOTEL, Jobbing at Reasonable Prices. Address: Miller's Road. ACCOMMODATION, Igfcfe'Uui Billiard Saloon Bath Room, &c. MKALS, ls;BED^,ls. — DANEVIRKE BRICKYARDS. QOUND, well-burnt BRICKS RETAIL IEON- i MONGEES. HASTINGS-STREET, always on hand at lowest ruling prices. Estimates supplied for all descrip- Work. in Time for Early Train. tions of Brick J. F, WELLS. OTNDBHSON, Propribtob. irtfakfast 4 WHOLESALE AND Settlers NAPIER, Main Street, Danevirke! V 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance* of their periodicals, the publisher may continue to send them until arrears are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect to continue to take their periodicals, from the office to which they are directed theyare.held responsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them to be discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to their former direction, they are res- '' " HPI ' ;; ? .T"' A E- 8 Every description of Windsor ' " and ' 'v Fancy Chairs. to inform the Ladies' " of Danevirke, -' and Cane-work, French Polishing. ' rounding Districts, that she lias received the FIRST CONSIGN- Repairs neatly executed on shortes ■' notice. MENT OF AUTUMN GOODS & for MILLINERY, amongst which will Large and varied Stock on hand ' selection' at Wholesale or . : "be found '■''', retail prices. LADIES- HATS and BONNETS Tp^l^ii^^l^jgjii ' ■ JAS. MARTIN, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, Danevirke. call attention WOULD lot of FANCY GOODB hehas just com- to a very superior openedup, prising :-Ladies' Russian Leather Bags, Work Boxes, Japanese Cabinets, Fancy Baskets, Shell Goods, and Brackets. Also, Dolls of every description, and a large assortment of Toys. E.P. Ware, suitable for ponsible. Wedding Presents. Fancy Clocks, The courts 6. have decided that " refusing to take periodicals from i and Jewellery of the newest designs. the office, or removing or leaving An unlimited assortment of them uncalled for, is prima facie BIRTHDAY & XMAS CARDS evidence of intended fraud.' just suitable for forwardingby the 6- Any person who receives a nextHomo Mail. newspaper and makes use of it, whether he has ordered it or not, is AN INSPECTION INVITED. held inlaw to be a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance NORSEWOOD. they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time if J. T. WILSON, Storekeeper, has been appointed Agent at they dp not wish to continue taking Norsewopd it, otherwise the publisher is authorfor the Advocate, and ised to send it in, andthe subscriber Subscribers will please call at his for their papers. will be responsible until an express Store Mr O. ERICKSEN is Agent for notice, with payment of arrears, fs ' the upper portion of the Townshsip , sent to the publishers, as before. MR '-^mzM ."■-■'■ ■' 1 Jr - Trees^ worked . o^iMaieti^p and Spy Stocks at' Sps" O^oMfl Ji extra. abiSiig, 'will l>eartho Jru&tKe3i first year 100s per^OO. rPeac^es^S Pears, Plunis, Ap^cpt^ ' " " Medlars, Nuts'; 'at' l§p:jibr 'dp&fti Gooseberries, of best\Prize ties, at 4s, os, and is:b& .pqr'^itri^S '[ doz. ;:V Easpberries Sorts, of : &c, 3s, ;'PINUSINSIGNJS, r&c,M : of the most fashionable shapes, 6 IVTEW. ZEALAND MAIL,' 12 to 18 inches,15sper 100, i^'caiges^ feathers, 20 to 3.6 inches,25sper:iop^cas« Wellington Jli fboWers, WeeklylJaj)er) ' ' ai; catt be' had ,' the . Advocate aigrettes, <"'"<</ 15. 018 ihbhes, GLOVES, &cM. &c, Stationery Depot. 20tb 26 inches, 15s^ac^iEucMes^ 24s^:Jacfe^m oases?^ CHILDREN'S HATS, PUBLISHED-Harding's 2?ss, papkedincased in^s, JUST rt^?^s TOQUES, 0 ALMANAC for 1890. Price, IF BALLEDCOST PRIO^.OM^I '' O'SHANTEFS, TAM i ;Two Shillings. On sale at Advocate ■■■ v: -*fv'-'M OfiAE^Bif'BABIES DRESSES, .: ;>■?.. : All Stationery Depot. Nursery Stws;"fgf',Lowp other. """ BOY'S TUNICS. ■"'■'■■'■ ""■ '"!'■- -':„ ■-. '--^l African Box Thorn 10s per lOOoV ;^ Lessons given in Crewel, Arrasene, "MAKOTUKU. Barberry, 10s per 1000.. #; :. """'"...";5 and wool Flowers. . J.G. having one of theJe&fc an4^ ' . largestStocks of ConiferViErui<| an&^ LADIES & CHILPREN'S . Ornamental Trees, Bhrubs7\Plants; Underclothing Ma^e to Order GENERAL STOREKEEPER and &c, eyerplaced before; the Public,^ "I ; ; WISHES . " v " ! ' . t i i ■" 1 ■ ' "■'■ ■ ; ■ a. sudden;.. DRAPER, DANEVIRKE CITYBUTCHERY i^iEORGE WARD has the VJT pleasure to announce that he has purchased this well-known business from Mr Sebley, and will continue to supply nothing but THE PEIMEST MEAT SMALL GOODS A SPECIALTY? GL WAED, CITY BUTCHERY, Main-Street, Danevirke. , invites all those who cbirtemplate^ planting this coming seasonito.visit S 3 to announce that h& has his Nurseries prior to givingoi7-''£ on hand FULL STOCKS of promising their Orders slsewiereV Town Agent -Mr J. H, § 1 BEGS Drapery, Clothing, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Emerson-streut, Naper. ? ; / ;;-= " Descriptive Catalogues inMay, time for planting and seed-sowing. .; - JOHNGODDAED,!: ; HATELOi3K NUESEEIES "■; Hawke's Bay, h.Z. ;"; PLANTING SEASON. 188^.,:'J?. GEEAT EEDUOTION IN ': " . PEICES. theTara-, GILBEED, ; " daleNursery,isofdetermined ; that Hawke's Bay Settlers" can pro- ; cure their trees cheaper *and better -■■;;■ by buying from him than by send- :: ; ' " > HJ. ing their money but of the province '.-.- > and having to pay heavy freights; &c, which add from 25 'to 75 pet PETTEEBON, J. NEW JAMS. ,k^"f \ cent to the first cost. FRUIT, Etc., NEW Etc. Experience has shown that trees V SHOEING grownin themo^st southern climate FORGE, A Choice Selection of will not clo so wellin this province" as -those locally grown.,, Over ; NoitSEWOOD. TOBACCOS AND PIPES 500,000 trees,.&c, offered at the \ following low prices : HORSES PROPERLY SHOD. In Variety, Strong Clean APPLE TEEES, ALL BLACKSMITHS' WORK At Prices that should command worked .on Blight Proof Stocks : Ready Sale. per doz; 80s per 100. 128 EXECUTED PEAES, PLUMS, and QUINCES, first-class trees.- 12s per doz AT MODERATE RATES. EOSES, Budded Trees.— 9s 'per ' Arrangements have been made for doz; 60s per 100, Trial Solicited. a Weekly Supply of CIJPEESSUS MAOEOOAEPA— " 24;t0 30in 25s 100 ) Balled,up if W.M. NEWTON "& CO. ;18 ■:,$. 24in 24s „ required aat FRESH FISH, 22 „ 18in 15s j Cost Price. HAVE JUST LANDED be delivered throughout EHUBAEB, splendidlot of roots— Which will PER"GLAMIS" AND"AUTAthe District 3s to 6s per doz. FAGABTA," FROM LONDON GOOSEBEEEIEB, fine stuff~.4s. to ' ; : " , EVERY THURSDAY. 6s per dbz. Breakfast Sets from 32/6 AFEIOANBOX THOEN~IOs per Tea Sets from 11/6 Orders promptly attended to. 1000 and all other nursery stock' Dinner Sets. 46 pees, from 27/6 " at squally low rates. .Toilet Sets from 9/6 each STATIONERY. in All the latest shapes and designs. Inspection invited. Catalogues " post and School Requisites Stationery free. Cost price only charged INSPECT OUR SHOW ROOMS. In Stock, for packing and balling up when required. Free delivery to Napier And For Sale at W.M. NEWTON & CO. Rates. and Hastings. Cheapest Possible now hold the largest and ': AGENTS: bestassorted stock of China, Agent Mr.A. for— HAYWAED, Danevirie Earthenware,.and Glassware in. Mji. ANDEEWS AND BEST QUALITY. ~ NORSEWOOD — FKESH~FISH. . . < ■ „J ; t, WE " TH. I The Big House of call for Bush ""'OUTFITTER, Nursemesff^Jf 'H^ i.66SSlHd'S LISTFQEii|^ STEA^ ING AND CHAIRFACTORY. Comprising Ginger Wine, RaspAT MODERATE PRICES. berry Vinegar, Lemon Syrup, Peppermint, Raspberry Balm, PineNote Above Address. apple Spruy, Quinine Champagne, Sarsaparilla, Bitters of all sorts, TEWART'S AGENCY, TennyColonial Wines, Maraschino, Curason Street, Napier (opposite coa, etc. . . , . Herald office). For Sale and Wanted, 'Hotels, Stores, Farms, Station NAPIER BOTTLING CELLARS, Properties, Businesses of all kinds. " 'Loans negotiated. Money difficulShakespeare Road. ties arranged and Bankruptcies Prevented. Valuations of all kinds , GI F F 0 R D, made. Producesold on commission. WINE Employers suited with all classes of AND Servants. Advertising Agency, —NAPIER— Buying, Forwarding, and Shipping Cups and Saucers from 3/6,4/6, 5/SPIRIT MERCHANT. s Agency. Address as above. the dozen Tumblers 4/6, 5/-, 7/6, 10/- the doz Agent,for Commission Agent, White and Gold China Egg Cups James Speight and Co's Dunedin A. STEWART, Late of Stewart and Gow, 1/- for 1 (]oz Ales Fancy China Qmdlo Sticks 1/-, 1/6, Merchants, Otago. 2/-, 2/0 oach (InHhds, Barrels, and Kilderkins Sots of Fancy Painted Jtiga, 3 iv a LOOK OUT FOR CHEAP~^ Andrew Usher and Co/s sot, 'J/6 FIREWOOD ! Old Vatted Glenlivet Whisky. Nice Large Set of AVhito Jugs, TRAVELING Stabling Accommodation, with l«ose boxes. DANEVIRKE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S. ' These ranges are universally pronounced the best ranges for burning coa' or wood. hostelry. MANUFACTURED. BY Speoial terms 'made for families MXr RT 0 N & WHITE, »»dious Hotel in visiting .Norsewood during the NAPIER, N.Z. ;' THBl^Sn^iTOWNSHIP summer months. Capital stabling andpaddock accommodation. Coach : from the door to Ormondvillo three DANEVIRKE, 'i times daily. Communications by his numerous post attended to. WheTfe lie expects P and try A. WRIGHT, Friends to give him a call Proprietor. ais t;Excellent SPIRITS, AND WINES"' "'" Bottler of Dunedin, English, and CAN deliver Maitai Firewood "">■'*"AND at 9s per cord anywhere in Napier Ales and Stout. ACCOMMODATION a rthur McCartney, TTENKY WILLIAMS Danevirke for CASH ONLY. SUPERIOR ' LAW RELATING TO NEWSEOR.THE -1 foet lengths 9/PAPERS. PUBLIC. ii --2 „ » 12/CaledonianHotel, 1. who do give Subscribers not Sitting andßed& SONS. express notice to the contrary are RICHARD WARNER, » Napier newly furrooms (dean, airy, and Baths, considered as wishing to continue CARTER AND CONTRACTOR and their subscriptions. aished), Hot and Cold DANEVIRKE. Onenedthisnew and Com- Mrs. Hodder, «' SOLE AGENTS: FAMILIES WAITED UPONFOR ' The New Improved Open and Close ORDERS DAILY. . Copper, andIronworkers, SODAWATER, DANEVIRKE. J Gharles JBaddeley^ V," ihe.BES&aRANDS Business Notices; ; for which theestablishment isnoted. Hastings-Street,Napier. A number in usealready in thedis trict and pronounced unqualified Manufacturers of ./Erated Waters success. , SIDEY AND BAIN, s of all sorts, including Plumbers,Tinsmiths,Tankmakers, HAND (MHfroi all ' Business Notices. Business Notices. .WRIGHT'S RESTAURANT AND MANGATERA. SAWMILL. E. S. CLARK (Late :PBl<3oE^WO'^E^la|i mi .. .... Makotuku Hush Advocate Daily Telegraph h: j;gilbeep, taeadale ntjeseey. Hawke's Bay Herald A, Eleventh Yeah ov Publi6ation. Sugden, HARDING'S 1890 ALMANAC EAST COASTDIEECTOEY GENERAL STOREKEEPER 3/- Fancy Decorated Egg- Stands Fancy Decorated Breakfast Cruets Fane}' DoooratodChoose Stands &c, MAKOTUKU. So. ENCOUKAGE LOCAL INDUBTRY. AND LOCAL GUIDE. , W. M,NEWTON & CO. A. B. THOMSEN, INVITE INSPECTION, NO ONE UPHOLSTERER, SADDLERAND PRESSED TO BUY. NORSEWOOD TOWN. Groceries at Lowest Cash Prices. "WRITE FOR OUR PRIOE LIST 17VERY Description of SADDLERY AND HARNESS "WINES— Port, Sherry,Australian. Hl Made to Order. Repairs executed WHISKY— The best in Napier, with neatness and despatch. 30/- per gallon SPRING MATTRASS MANUFACTURE A SPECIALITY. Go to W. M. NEWTON & Co's and See. — A.Come for everything in J). Thomsenis theoriginal N.B. Groceries, Wines and Spirits, introducer of the Improved Spring Ohinawaro, Earthenware, Glass- jtfattrass, Chair, and Sofa, whereby it ware &c, for best value. is rendered impossible for the springs Goods Delivered FREE to Railway to become displaced. Station. Flower Pots at very Low Prices. W.M.NEWTON & CO. TTVR. y\ A V E N P 0 RT Hastings Street, Napiek. — / NOW PUBLISHED. Please note the Address: — mHIS WOEK is now so well JL known in all parts of tho Colony as to need no description. In the forthcoming issue the department of East Ooast Sheep Eeturns, omitted last year, will be \restored, and, in all respects, the standard of previous issues will be maintained. Corrections andadditions to Directory and other local information will be thankfully received by the Publisher. Sold by Booksellers and Country Storekeepers. Post Free from the office to any New Zealand address for Two Siiillik-gs. Intending advertisers will j)leasft ' address their announcements to E. COUPLAND HAEDING, Publisher, Napier. - FEIZE ALES. Joseph Ruhtze, (of woodville) «■ WILL VISIT DANEVIRKE EVERY TTTTHITE SWAN BEEWERY, BEEWEK, WEST OLIVE WEDNESDAY NAPIEE, " ORDERS FROM THE BUSH Accompanied And may bo Consulted at BADDELEY'S HOTEL At 11 o'clock. With Remittance VVoedville Address Proprietor, Promptly Attended To. Is per pa ck Advocate Stationery Depot, PLAYING ,Cards, ■■*'.: G. H. S WA N, ... Grey Street TO BUTCHERS. " OE notice. -r ;^; MONDVILLE Subscrifcb; S whose papers were leftWTO^ Wrapping Paper For.Sale Cheap at the AdvocateOffice. "Me G«oo«'a Store. : "- vv: :" CLEAN ." v^i^l rtwrm .Tvrrsmr MAnniflfi. IR9O. . Mr:.Tavlor,haß been elected Chair"- -^ ttoedelith i^V^nndu'hci|dsin::tKe''ga'bl AiwrinATHß! tttt^tiav tially as far as. jjossibie,,keeping - inview : of course, thematerial fea-; man of the Woodville Borpugh.Licien ' Business Notices; r 'M& :^M£Moti of i- atltariaa^Styriai of Henry deTour- :iot^ aMoft;^:iijaf|ly:filied -by,&^§mhMJi tor the murder of Committee, '-'^h. *jjlejw#hk>se; : r' tHilv "in& S greatest tures that afford the like^. '^-l bv'pushiiig of pic^l^sMifcpcl tl|© l|fej:p^nra? the profitable inyestmeirt j Spmjeof.tfefforagft&i g.&ttlersihac"4 ' ' lihood for ' " over inthe Tyrol, W'pcecipic* r of the Society's funds either f<Mv unpleasant;::experiences dtiHng$ tin£ fcajised,k grpftt;Bon?ation 10 years ago. icorri»nni#bn3^yitli the;Jpp|i9l^ key, anci notably the SultAD^^jnK ;- ■F^RUAKT, 1890. qOTp fS&r JohnKiHfti^; fish or fowl. "We shall watch the Jbusfcifires. in Austria, flbwnofg a f|f yards off, and:tlfeirefore fe being OI -a letter tcL '£and of the Tociety with in-, hid fbad,-lr»s -forwarded of guilty movements found murdering: needed ho Attention frofla the,palace ■Qne;'day:sitting^ Belief Committee ii; his wife, with the object of thtfiush Fires ; gaining servants.. Tirebnly access to the court .a^reat'-oralfttz-^nk^^Sl^inl^Klilwii and it has terest, meanwhile our Which he states that he and his wif< .OS^ONimLL] possession property, of her and was was through small bronze;doorleadbest wishes for successful LAND, operESTATE, and GENERAL Refuge during had to take in a swamp MAKOTUKU, NORSEWOOD, ing from:oneA'bf septencedjtQ chain! iinpris^oment fprjjife.' £„ ation. ' the firqsf and that his wife wap Jrargt itEe|Hkfeffilik.^iad= o&this<tli«* .bfirsM f6lf6win|,ltol#' of ,He i> nepk jxd pi?; &tm/; loitfadmi Wite $ja& . .v ; ,COMMISSION: AGENT ; the. . alone hadthe key. The palace . v of his furniture and ciothes,|one stackz tion refreshment-rooms, is told by the Sultan Ghiraghan:-* was; ;thej Sultan's* of— Vo-MILE-iuSH-'DISTRiar;' _of *,0at5,,.20.chains..of fencing, dairyi* Dunadin Herald :^A"gomowbapurl^ ... 7 utensils, cojyhpuse, -three, outhouse^,, lookingcountryman ;sloiiched>iniand favourite residence, and towards,!^ ACCOUNTANT, VALUATOR&o. r^ a.-'.,. -^-:CffiNEiALLY;-, of his life, when misfortunes* ".. -'■ During thismonth of February tb "cajptand harness, and 30acres of gtess,, lureheai into -k seat -the nearest close were thickening ground himj^wM number of arrivals in the colony wa' etc. He also added that he,,,-had,jQIJafeile.., jQne<,of thel,"«nic«^yiDUri#< in* tKe liabit \6l withdrawing himself DANEvriKE. 1537, and the number- of departure "pour water-"over .his, wTfe to preventt swtiotf\ctaftattendan t sprites from public -life for many days to-; host,;m .mu^^inqtiirySpJliillSinl^^l maidens". r ihe billof fare before'him.' He 1600. Oflthe arrivals249 were from th her being frar tied to death. and, concealed within! the smQed gtiitly^amisa&,-^Mfplip United Kingdom, 587 from -Not oeked in uttti' astonishment first at. ether, would old Mdme. Arabella Poor Goddard remain deafalike to the 1 Wales, arenv South from am ."», Finding 581 [ itand-thenjaf her. : Victoria*' she did shrewd councils correspondent London; of the is,<the/ Midhat and the ; "; from Tasmania. Of the depar take this incomprehensible thing, stern admonitionsofofKhisityraht " Goon learn, in not jHus- is a private mattw.i Iciiinpt permit^^ on sales 64 a tures, 128 Were for the United King Ohristchurch Star regrets to applicaaway, finally out, he blurted V you m^tpl^M^i^i^M^l When in 'these moods sein Avni. dom, 780 for Nftw South Wales, 591 sad straits for money. Her Oi didn't come 'ere to read. I came " but you may judge; of thpirquaHty,'* pension accompanied a has his byj tion for Government Abdul PROVIDERS have the pleasure of being ablet BOOT Victoria, anji; Aziz^ Staters;' He for and 19 for -Tasmania. ,tfat. beef. CONDUCTED wife', a young Circassian and with fhigj he hall raiiedJUh*^ been refused, but Mr y?.. Jl.,Smith,': .her^tto i''~;-f-&L; announce to the inhabitants of the above districts that their effort favourite Mr A. S. B. Forater is gazettw offers to subscribe i&OQ of theBounty .^asjsoon fulfilling his destiny> girl, and by an old negro,mut^, his ■wo<^en;eonf;<tfj:the\traj-a^dl^Qgiit%their COUNTRY ORDER DEPART THEOUG-HOUT the DISTRICT. Deputy-Sheriff for Hawke's Bay,ant Funds to the testimonial whichMessrsi Norsewood wa?, gay on -Saturday constantvattendan.t, .passed day 'after -a glimpse of a confused mass of flash* resulted in i basis, have so far ; '?MEITTupon an improved and extended Deputy-Registrar of the Suprem< Chappell are organising. -It is riot soi the occasion being the raarriageVof dayshat'Jup in' tlie vtng'jEfiiißi'jni k>pe,f Jwßsniipttedfißiir: success, much greater indeed than the most sanguine mini Numerous Properties on my Books Court, as well as Clerk of the.Magis manyyears since that Madanie God- MissK-'Johanajsn 'to Mr L. Winger. \ What attta.ction the,mysteribu|courki placecould have ; £"'"-■ could have anticipated. , . trate's Court andLicensing;. Commit dardtook^lQOO in,,fo«r at; Pastor Nilsen tied the untieable knot, for htt^ramainetji ""' -fcr-a' longtime a .Majini7aaaarter-#a*n||ltt?i^^^ for Private Sale. tees. '.,,'. ;y::>/;-.?■>.: During the month of February, NOTA SINGLE DAY . : and inthe. evening thf, happy event secret.' * AIHUat was Known;'was;that ■6a^afofe!§j^o^. ". ."■■.:;.-'r:^Hi:^«: iv ■::... Christchurch. : 'to Register Open Inspection for Edison, the demon inventor^ as h< ;;:The fluctuations of [business,. In wfs furmer celebrated^lby a danca,ins ,ititbV were av^coupte of armiS'"WITTIQVi: numeroua Country Orders being received, the numbe . ; 1 Intending Investors.. increasing itougbout the month. This is most gratifying may,now be called, ;is turning kii tiis*statemaht before the Official As- the Town Hall,in which, about\.4o| chairs> -a-great tank-'of* wateryand till 'pitst floating; onlthe water abroad plank of ' wondrous abilities to a-channel whicl: signee, D. ,F. Erans, auctioneer, of,I' couples enjoyed themselves of.'-'tlie'-&$. that our ,Qpoo!s. ar,e becoming more and^ mon '■'"""" ,cypress woodj; " Moreover, when after INFORMATION ABOUT willsecure to.his memorymore curses AuckEnd^ a bankrupt; stated that in Mdnight. iov thei: Danevirke. blessings. ya.z negro returned to his. Norsewood these sesnces: than JHe has constructed s »yielded Itis rumoured that another medihim an in3884 hisbusiness ' fellows heT was seen to »be sfiiverihg which, striking Hpme clock instead of the recently likely week, cal.man from £20 to £30 per is do their level best iProperty^ijatheDißtiiot Supplied. come of from |iip^i|!Tlp(^ The returnma^li;V(§twfi|n%orßo■hour as all good old fashioned clock* but about the middle of 1887 the, to settle either at Norsewood or Or-' and exhausted, and wet to tho skin. " aJ|i^»dj- so largely |ftl^^imJ^|nj^^^i^eft^fS^lj^fe^f-Jbh^; vrood;and our!lo'c#l clu^e!entuatedi, ': should/, , Js to shout ?it. But worse mondville. suddenly began collapse lengtji qutrT-ljow, w^q to ' At itleaked business those who haye no; LOANS NEGOTIATED. than that, it may bemade to call any- through a panic in land, and it had : Meetingof Committee of Horticulr sliall sayI— but a thbusaftd pryfnig . calling hour, of the benefits of our new: system, to favour vit till any keep one at and gone/fromTba& tq w&rse ever since. turaKrSociety ,%t/;Mitjcd(luku this women werjp;eager for the discovery— resulted " that we do ai» i Agent for the lazy one gets up. There will be He'had turhe&4ia'attention witiia trial"order, when they will at once be convincedCountry to furni- 'eT'ening.' " ;.;_ ;' the''ehtr^nce to'the „ .. \^ti: that tfii^wds Buyer!» New ZealandInsubanoe Company. something veryexasperatinginhaving cay, namely, JDellver our Goods into the handsof selling, which proved a faUure \'';treasury;* The ,negro was seen, the ture tan's Atthe sittidg iji" Bankruptcy V«»- presumably'through the robf,;to dive, ■:' a piece of machinery mechanically ITlEXAOTLY THE SAMEBATESAS PAID BY.THE BEBIDENTS OP NAPIERITSELF ..first ! debtor^!liabilities --terday;a diadhargc wasgranted W Mr, yelling at one to get up outi of bed, f/fromthe in excess ofithe F C. W. BIERRE, amounted to V^J:i^,;v^hen goods are not received: according to Order, they can b<t(>) ths>bbttom>ofthe tahkf-andvwihile were Very* i»M)^Bfwtwjr '",;^deed..■? Burme«ter,Bf case]was ad- 1 to that b» froWned into and cannot assets aQnie.^ijank securities, therft; and his total were -DANEyi^JCE. appstrCntlyiw.orked DSi^^rnei;^and tiie^ money will at once be refunded if desired, but When thelDanevirke team arrived ourned owiiig to the iljfness of !Mr silence, nor v frightened by; violent other; macljine^.;f,The, :■"'; oi -\ j■orf sSl^^|i|;pos^i^^i6rr^» orders should contain 'full particulars no Lascelles. " " language. ;.I,t is prettjr, certain,'Kow- £lZ6.<.t/ tty.':;y/.^or-ld, . , . , ~" 'to'bk tii^e^but afte'r,;repeatea,divings pared, and our ;with -tlie aid: . .;. The New York . ||^i^^^a^;dM»j6'f-go^>e^ ever, that Mary Jane,) title domestic, : men hadto gopros. Mr J., Nprdlof inyites tenders for* theiieIrosS4'atlength in the centre ;" f.pe6iing:';fol3afof ffigures: obtained irbni tho State willcontrive to damageits oratorical Treapurerß ;throughout falling, cr.dsscuttipg^and'hauling at the basin a smail'roiind tower ofiron/ r; countcyj, list) : >^c' ; A fEEiCE powersbefore ithas many has compiled an estimate . Matamau Sawmills. '"'.:'[ '. '" palled As the tower slowly roseiabove ithe having found .one were' compelled "-"' 'y her ;'"''," of the 7/6,8/6, 9/( times, "■' SsplfinWßl^ehers^plain and nailed, 4/11 Women'sOordbtanßahnorals, '.']- '/ ;t and to turn are, glad -to, We : present wealth of the United States, learn that the water, th? Sultan?became morerojind Women's French CalfBalmorals,9/6,10/( The Bush Advocate. Shooting Bootß, 9/U iliSlM^nfi JSf^iled round and gaol .any All the warders excited. He ran damage bjr at Johannesfire to assistance whatever tramway the marvellous since Mr Walking Shoes, showing^ Boots,best quality, Women's Calf 8/6 increase Grants ip&n^NalleaShooting his, han<isi and burg have been discharged. The 1880. The actual wealth of hot'so great as wasat first' silpposeq, tfie basin clappipg ; Boot?,7/6 V Women t^e pdun- is' ' " ?aStrong LeatherLace oss&3&ls'^-~r/: The Advocate is published.every Tues- authorities have put up' with a good try at present is put; at'the enprmous only some 10 or 12 chains having been calling' to the mute who,being under | i^ffi|^p^" Shooting;Boots;10/6, 11/6 . 8/6-."':;. day, Thursday,and Saturday, and circu- deal from these people, but thereis a ; '■■ hear and when the ,----'■ water, could destroyed. not ei^SOjOOOjOOpdpls, of an ShpbtiiigBootei 14/6 some, conflideratioii Wonien'B Strong'Leather Elastic Boots lates sum increase caorse throughouttheBush districts, itis limit to all things.; Allowingprison;exhausted man rose to the s.urfaee,, on ttUsdeserye 7/11,8/6 Iml^iliStrwW&teirtightßddts; 9/6, 10/6 of 17,000,00d,06()dols since 1880. Ten It willbe seen! frotp our advertise-, 'Urgeid acc^unt^pto -i^^pp^^bf advertising, ■the best medium. Scale for him!to fjirtnerekertionsUW|ieh hoped |iH?illtt?«f WatertightBoots,'best quality,12/6 Women's LevantLaceupBoots, 7/9, 8/6 casual notices, 3s per inch first insertion; era but on parole during the evening years ago it Vas e'stitiiated that thd mentcolumns that theRev.Mrißater-1 that iirnen :,■ above the another Shoes, length appeared ,: Evening 3/6, 4/6,o/6, at the door tei&i.' 7/( or sweethearts .IJnited States :Were rich:enough to son,of Napier, whose reputaiaori as a y|^«!«tdai£;ElastiCßide;Bo6ts, 9/6 \ /Women's 2s perinch subsequentinsertions. Stand- to see their friendsqession-. Boots, 7/11, Women's Leather Slippers,2/11, 3/6 eagerness knew .yisits th(^m itie^rt,^^paji|:smm>'~surface any seems to be a con that^ the Elastidside '' buy entire Russian and TurkSultanas 3, ing 6, or 12 months out the preacher and lecturer is. well known, advertisements for ■"''" : :''/ ': -' bounds; r With 'his owa hands ihe litde effort to redeem vlaft^SatUr- / Wbinen'B Calfskin Elastic Shoes, 4/6 warder who was' human'should' have ish Empires, a gPod part of as per, arrangement,. willpreach in tlii Datie'virke Presby- no Elasticsides, 12/6, 14/6" . Women's Tennis (Shoes, b/11, 4/ir : with; tips been that aided his two companions to bridge daj?s^mißtakes. The,wiolc6fc»layed ": satisfied for the jEurope, Italy, subscription is 6s 6dper quarter; South terian Church on Sunday next, morn- with the Women's KidButton Boots,7/6 to11/6 .forThe %#Msn?|:Calf BalnforaTßobts, 9/6, 10/6 cypress plank the space besystem must Africa, charge in is accrued from the have was purely a^ Bowlep^a^■= ; year America, 1 advance the £1. and South and still , , ing 'ff and evening On Monday hewill tween the margin and the doorstep, upon quality, Women's KidLaceupBoots,9/6,10/6, 12/6 Postage Is 6d per quarterextra. Ciit best MZMffiß Balmoral BootsV been, prodigious indeed. But when money pocket They good haveJots of leftf batting nfr ;^aa |implyim^wibleV deliver < Women's GlazedKid Walking Shoes, 8/6 . of hispopular lectures,the' and,r running a,crqssj unlocked the n"l2/6 to 17/6 Shoes,,7/6, Subscribers will confer a favour by warders and prisoners took to'going were then 276,000,000d018 richer than subject one l ? , , : |it|Kn'^pilfVVftlk{ng Appendediire^ho to be announced later. scores:-i«/6,1076 9/6Tennis tower,' paperdoes notifying Manager the if the entered the and re night down town at -to drink and play littie^ddbrV Shoes, Britain, country 1 and Great the richest of 2, K|33|#>'Sirorig Leather Slippers, 3/9 Maids' 8/6. due; not come round when A dance leather place heavy will take in the turned laden with a billiards together, the thing proved jthe.Old World:; ■'[ *,<yiZY\ NORSEWOOD. s mgsM£ Oalf;Elastic Shoes, 6/6 Maids' HighlegLaceup Boots, 6/11, 7/6 The job Printing Department is fur- too much for the gaol governor. Danevirke. Town Hall on sack, clutching which he seated himIst iNNiNda. " Wstis%&upft Slippers, 2/iI Maids' Leather Elasticsides,"1 and2, 7/6 nished witha clip following assortWe the item from' a 2hi>lnkihos. complete new and " On Sunday, Dec. 'night. self in one of the arm phairs.^ Then " 0.Engelbretsen, lg^^;thi?^trbhgNailed Boots,Ito 5, 6/6 Maids' Slippefs-Goatskin,2/11 Bargh 2 p aid b Some orchards in the Palraerston machinery, whichenable *' * ment of and Home :— \> type paper " ' spread Boots, plates, toe and heel before him on the mar'blVwere : j |fep^uth"s» Strongbailed Shooting Bpots, 1 Girls' School ;y^ ;W«rard/O .; ' "' ; work of first quality to be executed at district are said t6 be returning to Bth, a tame jackdaw flew into TodV w i-i finely $ffi&£'ffiLm- -v.;-'.-~'. :■"■■".■.■■ ' . 7 t0 9,4/6 ""« large two skins of dressed leaTorkuwn, J. o Hair* per acre. 'One dington cht^rch before the time, for Confirmation at Mako- ther, their owners feTputh*^liMticsidoßoot?, Ito 5, 7/11 Girls' School Boots, do do 10 to 18, 6/6 moderate prices.J. H. CLAYTON,. these the Circassian and kins,b#Bargh ..0 riofeout..' 2 and on orchard,of four acres, produced ,£450 service, and air efforts tpget rid pf 7to 9, 4/11, 10 to 18, emptied Wfetpaths'i^prcl Shoes, ;toft 7/6 bag Girls' Sunday.Boots, the conteuts of ' the mute Proprietor. worthor fruit,chieflyapples', last year. him were fruitless. He, however, tuku. 'H. Gawon^ c Header^ IbHajTrtxd 0 " gH'Boys^BiroiJg NailedLace Boots,10 to 18, / 5/ll: V C , after bag of precious stones.- -The son, b Hayward <* .■■■:-.'.. ! :-;<*■'■"■ -W : exceedingly Elaaticsides, 4/11, 10 behavedhimself well till 9, "\*-: Girls' 7to to '®^Wtiss Calf chiefly, diamonds, emeralds, Mon^eit|i,;b.HaTwftrd J., ' fa Hayward 0 THE MAILS. Rumours are going about that the theendof morning prayer, when he On Sunday last His Lordship the jewels, 13,5/11 : seeking a fresh conrubies, shap.es,.(juali- J.olsa6i 'b BargV ". Premier intends and were of all : Bishop Waiapu of Shoes,; 10 to attended at Mako9, 4/11, top IJBpys^uhdayBoots, 7to 9, 4/6 Garforth, o MpOarGirls.'Leather 7 to of the ,tuku, ' at the next election. We took tip his perch on the hymn sizes'. Some wereiri settings 0.thyj runout.. 5 Mails are despatched daily,fromDane- stituency and adnpqisterecl Confirmation iites andevidently Ki'Bby^ElasticsideBoots, 7to 9, 4/11; 10 13, 6/11 , sang, organ, and joined in the bHayward" " 1 ..\ ■;[■ good torn (Wanganui girdles, have* some from ; ,Chrqni6le) Waipukurau, : virke : a.m. Wai" 7.30 for ; following ; 4/6, 13, 10 to to the candidates :— Misses Jp^^O;l3i s/1i:..-:V:":."..■"..■■ Girls' Kid Shoes, 7to9, Harris, '";"'. thesermon, 5/0 T. run oat out, cry,ing before. "Come from sword ,beltsr or from tiaras.There A.Englebretsen,oßad- Q. b Bargh i " Hastings, and Napier, and 3 p.m. grounds for knowing that\ Sir Harry on KidElasticsideBoots,:4yil Girls'Morocco Elasticsides, 4 to 6, 4/6, 7 pawa, on!" during the whole S. Frieberg, F. Sugden, P.Jaf man,L. was a great bundle ! Comenorth; for 12 noon for people all stations Atkinson! will not desert 'the. of fine silken deley,b Haywardi 3 bHayward Plank,E.'Fcrward,Makotuk'u*; Misses to 10, 5/6 Shoes,.4/11, 6/6, ISWomeri'B-Kid Walking /;: 6 frequently interrupted He the time< " ; ,and Tahoraite, Woodvilie, long him, towels, all.stations so to loyal deep :i ""■"■;-■■ ■■■ ■■ whohave stood embroidered with .a "■■""^■ M. Webb;>Oi;mondChrißtoffersen, Kuhtze and C. Hay-./ b ' Wiif:'r-,: ,' : "i 'y' "''■ " 4v o Baddefej, " south ; 7.80 p.m^ ,Woodville, and for unless tbey;should themselves signify rector in the earlypart of the sermon, ville; border of pearls, carbuncles, and dia. -,Packer, Miss JE. Papatu ; and fobz^t^M' o perfectly Tuesday, Thursday, but afterwards remained and a desire for a change. It is hardly *« i~ There were small agate boxes HirAndersen, oHenderinStock, and ranging Maharahara Miss A. Olsen, JSTorsewood. The monds. !^to/^-^4T^S.'pF-BTSAP Now afc 7.30 .p.m. The Weber mail probable,, left r.v'bßara 0 quiet. congregation -When' the Saturday; disclosed, which, opened, huge however, that he will be whan a son, : b Hayward afterwards gave an address, 0 -iiii"ip^f::^l^^::r-2-to 5, 1/r, 1/9, 2/6, 2/9. 4 to 6, ploaeaatDaneyirke at 7.ls a.m.Mondays, able personally to , conduct such a the church, "Jack," who evidently Bishop ruby wrapped in cotton. 0. Laraen, not out his text, Proverbs 23, 26th diamond or 1 oMcCarthy, fei^^>laiu;toes^ 2/li, 7to 9, 3/6 ; l 0 to 13, 3/11 ; 4to 6, indestrubtible andis dueback at 8 p.m. Tuesday. likes company, :left too..This bird, taking for r campaign as he did last time. There wereemeralds that hadformed ! bHayward 1 "My . V verge, give thy .heart, son me great and is with the w wljo Maids'dittd, 2, sizes 1 a favourite^ $§M&ti<stf/H?lp&i 4/6 > IP tol3, 5/6 ; 6/6. single stone a dagger-hilt, rubied each Extras l 3 BY AUCTION. let thint Colliery, Pontyayes my^ways." SALES TheDonerch near and observe parish, during children of the the |pl-3rßOlN[^ SpET, ifor;knocking downnails or doingrepairing, 2/6 pool, Monmoutb, was the scene of a summer paid frequent visits to.'the He reminded his hearers that there bigenough to havebeen cut in th> -;eaM>*jj SNAILS, quantities Total and BIDETS sold in small of a box to hold a vsrse of the io Monday,March 81.— -Bakerand Tabuteau, terrible disaster on February -6th, Wsfr ' should belove as Well as obedience, form W-^;-\ to^ suit-LEATJaERi Koran, broken fragments of ivory— purchasers. PEERLESS GLOSS, por bottle, 4d. SATIN at their Booms, Tennyson street! when an explosion occurred by which National School." so that the obedience .' DANEVIRKE. *. would be the \ ,120 lives were lost. About 400, men The Medical Record says:— The result of love. A yielding of things sword-hilts perbaps-r-encrusted ;with W. H.>Hawkin'Sj ¥ bottle, ed/^YOEROLB, per bottle,-1/-. NUBIAN Napier,propertyin JDanevirke. TftM,, 7 ' Monteith^ filbert), undoubtedly (each is due to some because we could not help them was diamonds the sizeof a F.J. Popplewell,b Monteith ;. ./ 1' i^^?lL#GK^o,.per bofcfcle, if. MAORIBLACKING, per bottle; l/T are employed at the colliery (says the influenza micro-organism (each, beads) floats 'in qf which the 98 A.HaywardMcand b J..Ql&pn chaplets He; , correspondent resignation London of the Argus), air, obedience. with.^ or carbuncle^, M. -ft SpfeTSIANB^HOES OF ALL KINDS MADE TO MEASURE. ex- rubies, oflapis, lazuli,' TUESDAY, MARCH 25. infects the human, horted themnot Henderson-, run oiit': and which ■'*'*' " give andof these some 250 descended to to God 4 hearts, their _ |||^;;^;^^';REPA£RiNG- ;Neatly:Done at the Lowest Rates. 4— : black J. pearls; system, but is generally killed in so and to love him, when their obedience and of there were marfen McCarthy, b Garjforth the bottom at 6 o'clock in the morn"'l7 ■"■! .AliL 'o^DEß;S;mußfc"'bi6 accompanied withOASB!. Pierce gales and heavy rains are .ing. Of these 160 went into Cook's doing. For influenza is but slightly would spring from love, like run out n their for holding the coffee-pot,of agate, of J. Bargh, : will be paid againreported from Australia. Baddeloy, b Monteith l^iOffrOrders:: to the^ amountof 10/- and upwards the Carriage V. ' ' vein, going to if at all contagious. , We observe that great example Jesus' Christ, who took coral, ©f amber, and- of gold, all en- C. Meadow the remainder " Symes, bMonteith ][ 05 . any Station on theLine. l§&i 'P'k.i.'vLa grippe has appeared inMcl- ,different parts of the mine. All went sotne feeling of alarm prevails lest their ,nature upon .him, and though crusted with gems. There werelinen T. ""'7" \ '■.. 't° Baddeley, , ; q not ' ■ oat ?' » ::,'.}■':■■■;,' .",'.■'■'■'''"'■ epidemic cholera, which, emptied, bags beaprecursor to when . bourns. disclosed Hobfcl " o:« 1 rich became, poor, so that he might well until 10 minutes to 9,' when a this ? I. 1 |. £ J?/ turquoises the in and each a score of as was case 1831 1847. perfectly they suffer as suffered, and willingly The long drought has now 1terrific explosion occurred, with a re0 and b Garforth ;, 1 There have been, however, plenty of submitted to apainful death because matched tin ,size, shape, and colour. P» Dixon, .„ Extras broken; and rain appears to have port so loud that it Was distinctly cholera " & " brought epidemics precedManybags a were across ■' vorA<i.«efM<j without the two A he loved Father. away. great J heard miles scene his He said that in . fallen generally over the colony. influenza, and a great1 many in- anyhow? there ,must; be jov«j or it bridge and not examined*. the; Sultan of excitement,,ensued at the pit's ing Total 62 " ''""'''' epidemics .without anassociate would b&a fluenza ' : With ithe; mouth, before upon earth, anfdithia beipg satisfied, apparently, and some time Jfrell WMi^\S(f--v:K^ V; :i I ''.':;VAll«) :at_ Hastings. ',".*■* The, », they cholera. of the that , knowledge weire micro-organisms; kta'ct. The love was'porfect in the house of our a cage could be goV into working Farmers' Club and order, " explosion haying thrown 'two diseases are,essentially different Heavenly Father. Childrenimitated gems on Which he wished to feast his tha ' Acclimatisation. are the diseases themselves. TJbe their father* because they loved them; eyes were- all poured out on toone -if [W. J.TABDXEAO HOKAOK BaKßß]' the wheels out of gear. Atlast a cage as -♥ cholera germ lives in water a^d soil, and it wa« n«t possible the skins,Iwhere they formed a-great Woodville District the bottom, returning was sent to for us to gleaming (Late Campbell & Scott), AND TABUTEAU, The proposal to form a Farmers1, the influenza germ in 'the air. The regard without with several' miners arid the that ■■■ Tennyson-street, news interest thßse'-who splendour...flashing heap of dazzli-ng Theifollowitfg'acceptanoea.Wereceived ' AUCTIONEER, WOQDVILLE. ' diseases, relation between the has 01ub Acclimatisation two Society and loved and cared for us. Thisj \ all the men in Cook's Meadow vein on Saturday night:— " was,,the motive for pur. obedUn'oe. The treasuryof the Dar-es-Saadet; at Woodville is, we think, a step in must have been killed. Theother 80 been, we believe, purely accidental. HANDICAP HTODLES. , ' Land, Stock, and General Comthe right direction. We are not i men were ultimately brought to the At the' Oamaru Police Cpurt re- God loved us yith a perfect love.: All in Stamboul, with all its wealth of at. lb. mission agent,andvaluator, 1 of iv AUCTIONEERS, precious pearl-embroidered stones, its joining cently.-a top, v ! them tne lad named Halkett was affection and love were many explorof emanations of greatly interested in the "club" 11 armour aniihelmets,1 War Cry 6 9 {LAND, ESTATE, HOUSE, AND portion of the Society, and, so far ing parties and bringing up many prosecuted for killing a,sheep onSun- God's own nature.,He pointed1 to carpets,Its inlaid furniture, and horse day given giving gem-encrusted: Loans Negotiated on Freehold 1 GENERAL COMMISSION The work of the at Maheno. Evidence was Isaac as a good example dead bodies. exof as we can see, that is likely to be ploring, party was dangerous, and that the killing was a work of neces- obedience :,wheu he ;permitted. his swords and' aigrettesrrwith its riclr Chaster XO 4 Kimberley.. 9 5 ■:,-,.".' v- /' , Security^ Princess " »., 912 Wairoa AGENTS, . more of a local than a district ! many were 9 $ owing to the fre- a|ty{ as in the warm weather rnjjeat father, who was an old man, to.bind chairs of Estate, of ivofy 1 inlaid with ",;;. 9* 12-^H&M Sharebrokera, , 9 5 assuredly we quent heavyinjured But Barlo^ A/fh institution. most pearls, its and, keep Saturday altar, urged the falls of the pit props, would hot from costl> clocks and'vases, andi Speculator.. 9 6 N.B. A.to him upon the , 9 4^ Surveyors and Valuators. are concerned about the formation triumph Monday. sheep magnificence'theIf had its of by young friends, which had been the the not who day loosened exbeen were that ever*tfawn 9 6 Agents Fur:— La«t Thursday in Each, Month. of an Accliuiatieation Society, as plosion. Up to the time of theclosing killed on thu Siinday the loading of about, to join the church, to give priceless toilet' set and looking glass,! ■'■*+■'- '■' ■■■ : CLtfßsH^lHOA*/? A "**_£", -' of ship Dunedin; Oamaru, lapis lazuli, a',child Sun Fire Offico London at would! themseWes to God with something of the kind has long of the mail 156 bodies had been re- the ; like whose tablehat witlrthe .-i ah 18. t|b, ■&tf>*m prepared obedience, Mr SOOTT is to hold sales. Globe Marine Insurance Co. andclaws and the piHars.ofthe' . -.',' have been delayed. The magistrate love land been wanted in the district. It is covered. InJ t^e early stem $he mirror'one mass 1 not; killing days Christianity or considered was ot . solid of Countryas required. diamonds, spirit Ngatbkbrua inTown that the" Colonial Mutual Life Assurance intended to keep the funds of the The Pahiatua Star says it is absolutely necessary, was 8 lO'^WroT to and inflicted a received through the laying on of emeralds,and carbuncles,could hardly Ohronos 8 9 Potanca -!! 612 , Society. proposed Society entirely distinct ; rumoured that a daily paper is to be uomiwal penalty. Four > ., hands by the Apostles, and ha prayed: have rivalled' the immense value of Brookfield limiput .'. 6 q 8.5 : ■^AaßNTryoii:— Nelson Hematite Paint Co. that is to say, subscriptions for the started in Woodville. In this ca6e of a like character wereinformations withdrawn, that that spirit which had never the gems heaped at the Sultan's feet. " Pyramus 8' 5- TVltuia i 6 2 ,N<iw Zealand Accident Insurance Now ZealandSheepDip(Heslop's) Acclimatisation department will not we should think rumour lioth. the policebeing satisfied that the failed the church would be received After gazing lor a time, at his riches, Arawa. v ; ? fit^ , ; /? Rutherford's Hydraulic Lime be spent . on the quarterly dinners Wanganui is_ despondent. Napier which had been decided would actcase by the young friends who now took theSultan emptied on- to the other ;. :;, LADIBS'.BRACRLET, " C^m^any as » ...;;. largest constituency of Aussingle (in upon which the members of the is the a warning. John Oo«per, for fishing upon themselves the responsibility of skin the contents, of the bag he had 7sfotual Life Association St. lb. ",'"-"" 9ti It :' |': -tr»l«Bia : Estimates prepared foi the sub- Farmers' Club intend to regale population) in the colony, in theKakanui ona Sunday,' wasalso their lives. Confirraating hymns 281, himself carried. This was liis play- Chester 11 0 Snipe *» io 7 ■'-■';s. , JSc^uitablo , Insurance Association division and sale of propeities. thing. gold dust, fined nominal It was : happened 270, 271, 349, themselves. Not that we are in An accident ina sum. and 280 were suug in a and could Emraett in the Gorge \lO 12^ TheArk i;' .9 8 not have been worth many hundred Harold 10 T^W; New Zealand. 9 Pa*.. Land Transfer and every other any way disparaging this part of on Friday night. Mr Nannestead's The following cablegram, frQtn an beautiful manner by the choir. 9 J pounds ; but the sight of it appeared $££"> jp andColonial Property description of surveys undertaken. the proposed Society; quite the carrier was returning from Paliiatua Australian paper,,did riot apparently ' '" give to theSultan delivering where he had been J i:l genuine graflour, reach New Zealand:—" The case of ;i;,i-!;lSnaj(i.ce and Assurance Coy. (Ltd.) Road surveys and specifications contrary. If farmers meettogether andhad The Treasure of the tification that the more et. ib. contemplation of Pyraraus ..9 got nearly through the Gorge Dat-bisliire v. Darbiahire and Baird impart to their 0 experiences feiSißakins andGo's*Improved' Sheep to each of works for local Waihora prepared Boards. ..7 0the priceless gems beside it. He when the lights went'out,and at one came on before Mr Justice Butt and ' Sultan. other, they can choose no more of Slinter/ ..8 0, Swivel ..7 0 WMipJ-r." "■■':■:■-. '■ : plunged his arms into the heap con- Potanga : the sharp turns, horses and brake a common jury in the Divorce Divi\ Mort^ges on Freeholdandother pleasant ";/v-/ '-■ ■■■■ method of communication went over the Gorge. The driver had sion of the High Court of Justice In the last years of the reign of tinually, carefully removing after- Sunbeam ..7? 60 Chatterbox 6 7 negotiated. Woodtille.. 6 7 ife^K.rv;- "■■■'■.-"- ■*" '.■■- securities than the festive bor^rd, winch some ribs broken, and one of the to-day. The petitioner, Mr Francis Sultan Abdul Aziz, when it was al- wards any particles that clung to his Musketeer v. 7 0 Orleahder over supplied concerning Information 6 7 " CORDIAL MANU- the Urown Lands in the Hawke's has been the time-honoured custom hoAses badly injured, and the brake Darbishire,the well-known gentleman ready notorious that the ill-fated swarthy skin. He took it up by .fiIQH WBIGHT HANDXGAV.; . >s-r t slip \ handfuls and lot it through his ,[-■. in the Old Country. At such .smashed about.— Examiner. cricketer, applied for a divorce from monarch was not answerable for his By and other Districts. -.0.v -i sUj. N.;,. .-,»,r :i \i&Xb>' fingers, watching toe dull yellow FACTORY. the farmer recounts his The Catholic Bazaar at Woodville his wife on the ground of hei* adultery actions, the busy little hive of Perote his Pengum , Meetings of the Land Board at- gatherings M U 0 Arawa ,„"*; 'in 0 shower satisfaction, intense at,cl Baird, with disappointments, George society day failures and and claimed and Turkish was every which has been very succes&sful. Mr Carlile with Mr set Chronos ;L'lO 12 -GHiitiie?''^', 9^5 tended for selectors and other?. before tj.}en. ithe would roll Princess l?n§ojing £10,000 damages. The respondent buzzing with fresh tales of H|s company of his openedthe bazaar on Friday last. 9 T«Baia. , ,^< $\ g' Applications and other business in the gwnial in the mass. Jn this w:ay Chester ..10 10 8 Speculator.. 9 9 robbedof their bitter- Mr W.Morris has disposed of his was the widow of Mr Lytton JEdward Majesty's eccentricities, of.hjs sudden ais beard brethren are transacted for selectors of Crown ness; on the other hand, too, his section in the Maharahara Sothern, the well-known actor, andis outbursts of passip,q, foig unaccount- he could amuse himself for hours. Emmett 10 7 Araioa 9 7 Block to now herself i r s ,s Lands. acting under the na.me of able freaks of generosity, his- odd 1 Such was the story ;how far it was Harold ..10 4 N.B. 9 7 told to his hearers Mr MeKenzie of Wellington. successes, as « exaggerated only Snipe those who can gauge lO 2 Pat.; "9 5 Miss Agnes Hewitt. The co-respon- fancies and dislikes, and his childish Maps of Townships, Villages I after a good dinner, are as seed " There is a fair coating of snow on dent, Mr George Baird, is a partner amusements, itfow it was told how a the powers of Levantine imagination Sedgerrick 10 0 . Begs to announce that he has taken and Rural Districts are filed for dropped upon good soil, and yield some parts of the ranges, and the sea- in the famous Gartsherrie Ironworks, slave girl, walking before her master can tell. Maiden.(Entries). inspection free of charge. abundant satisfaction. announcement of Mr W.Boyd and under his racing name, "Mr in the Harenilik, had dropped her But, true or false, the story had a Av°ha Hence we sonable factory, above and will conOterthe 1 v Fantail'! ' , Mi* Baker is prepared to make say by all means should the farmers appears in another column, Mr Boyd Abington," has recently been very taper, and that the Sultau, in sequej, When that sad tragedy was Chatterbox sudden Amiria and to give full informa- go in for their Club ; it may a supplies horse covers of the best prominent before the public in con- rage, had thro\vn her to the.ground befng enaoted in the haram at Ohira- Sunbeam Eland tinue to supply goods of the best selections tionconcerning the Crown Lands in. lot of good, and at the do least material at prices from 12s upwards. nection with the Slavin-Smith fight and .stamped her life ant mjh, his ghan, the dying Sultan, still held The kx-k ' ; MiKk«tter ' ' f ' the Hawko's Bay, Poverty Bay, will help to smooth* some of the Notice is given by Mr Hill that at the Pelican Club. Tho jury found slipper«d fret, Th,e,n, again, it was down inthe chair by the two wrestlers, Browa l>«cb 9SB Paf ' /Quality as heretofore. Orleander Wehington, and other Districts rugged knots that stud the settler's meetings of householders for the elec- for the petitioner, and assessed' j^e annp.un.pQcl that A.b.duJ .^giz had be- 1 and with his life pouring from the Waihor* stowed, the order of the Medjidieh, wounds in his arms, tagged that his that will be thrown of en for free path. But what we desired to say tion of School Committees in the daniages'at 4M* with brilliants, on his Circassian wife might be brought to enriched killing selection under the Land Act of more particularly in connection Bush districts will"be held on Moncases have been The cattle Riots in favourite wrestler Mehemet— who. him. She came, trembW and io April hour, 28. at the usual day, 7.30. dismissed in the Supreme Court. -HOP BEER A SPECIALTY. 1887. with the Acclimatisation Society p.m. ♥: ■-.-" " took, believed, afterwards it is so tears— she had fought with the £10,000 TO LEND upon Free- was thatno time must be lost if it Speaking of the Catholic commu- sinister a part in> his death-rfor suc- lers until she had. fainted -a»;,awrestBKRLnr/Mar.ch/21/ v \. hold Security, in sums to suit is intended to secure any of the At the Danevirke Police Court yes- nity of Greymouth, Mr Martin cessfully aiming a pebble at a bird on Sultan headed her a small packet the meeting of workmen in\ & At a and Ericksen, pleaded who terday, Kennedy though wing. Peter borrowers, said that it was the from the Bush this year, Such stories were in- w^iajie^d a few words.' Whether surburb oi this'city ,to dismiss Ale,.Lemonade,Soda Water, interest. at lowest current rates of revenue the as the shooting season will be upon guilty to taking a tumbler from the a small, and generally speaking con- numerable, and many of th^em rq or no this had reference to the trea- eight hours system some disorder ' of the Masonic Hotel, was sisted of the poorest people in the doubt were false. $ut $$$& iiaa un- sure has never be<»» satisfactorily counter & BAKER TABUTEAU. inanother month. There a us is occurred, and the gendarmes were &c, &c. 10s, and costs 7s, or in default community, they had spentmore than questionably m.ojMS than a grain of shown. Tha i '■'-: .;'-.'" Sufe died,the Sultana sent for. They were received certain sum raised in the Busli fined dayshard labour. The fine was £10,000 on educational and church four days with Jate.y thero i' and of these the most two ' raving wfound to be tru^ \\\ and unvarying related to mad " ascl immediately ''GuiiTosf Bits Waited UroN Daily. BIiOWNE & BARGH, every season, and the existing paid. buildings, besides contributing be- persistent rolleys " -of stones/ -and in1Teturh ' this her after Society nothing .sir '/'■'■ does littlo or for £4Q§ and £&($ a year towards the Sultan's childish .worship of his b^ther; Cherkess Hassan, avenged' they charged the .mob . with Even the Tsmple of Justice is nqt tween drawn^ %yJ',:A, ,BIRSS Proprietor. usin With a local Society return. of tb.e Government treasure and the extravagant prooMi-. his master's death and his sister's swords; injuring many'■ men ?|6all* the maintenance Authorised and Licensed from the work pf the depredator. state school system education, tions that he took to guard t ais monty niay becpine ava jjatye free A, of : suttenngs and persons gendarmes to. on tfcft tvomen. Two of the chief Hagenspn CIVIL Mr offers' a reward? of wero .SURVEYORS, ENGI' either for stocking the rivers with five shillings for pertain information which was a great thing for ahandful conceal even, ♥yher.eaDputs. conspir(\tws-+his first victim being beaten to 'death 4t aiid* others., " [Cakd. : NEERS, LAND AGENTS, Etc fish or importing game, and concerning people. The church they had re- II; sa'^d, writes'a, correspondent Hi\»sc^ Avni, the grounded. The rioting powerful ■ w.ent of " , h]s hat which War " contmues cently erected was a. credit to |ha af lh«. St. James- Gazette (Igivs t^o Minister. In this time of turmoil, ;; -a. lor the Imperial Fire In- wehope therefore to see the new astray iii a mysterious ' ' Agents md a ford, regiment tvopps m of has beeni churches' ' in"Niphf. story for what it may be, worthy that when the whole fabric of the empire |Mt Society well supported throughout while he was giving evidence, marine^ place, anc| very few surance Company. perhaps the catjie- tvithin the Zealand,' p,f the mbdern was sh>Ki6n, and Europe stood aghast "tent to the spot..; ; , M the district. Doubtless properpro"'"■'■:■ Marcnte.v.;'in Diineainj could compare with Pa,lape A Mrs Thompson, has died at Hq- cl'ral Ohirag^an, w,hich adjoins \\\ horror, the news that and solicitor, r:^ the dead " vision will-be made for the repre- bart'from :; The t'q Bolma-Bagtche, eight as,, o,f the effects of a gunshot It while tfteir convent bui^ that body of a negro, said to be the laifo jlalto^na^ffi^li^i^/ Plans and Specifications of Road sentation of the various centres, wa.s ft JhLoure' \h" S; ■"■"/.■".' DANEVIRKE, wound infiictod by her husband while ing^ they coujd |iqt be surpassed uarble court, surround,^ by lofty Sultan's dumb attendant, had been tie still creating.di3turDa»ceJ ' Works for Local Bodies prepare^ and it should be an object of the she wass defending of licr three cjulcj. che^olany unless jjerhapjs at Tiwaru,' yalls, without \stt,dpws, and raofed borne.by an undercurrent of the Bos- tghtipg;has reßUlt&i%i\^^p|ed^#;1 rirWpi* V*& Tiroes,fc.^-; -/IJAWK^S BAY.;- . .:. , jnd all kinds of Survey worfrdpoe Society to tve»t eaoh jpotfioaiimpaj. yen from bis ill-usage, phoroug into a boath.ou.se at Tophaue md thp tvQOw iiWjbailS6& 1 |^'?^-UK-':CI '/\ F. G. W. Bierre, AUOTJOT^ISR. : i^VIRKE,- .-^ ' I'ot^viliS^wasv^tried . . i Vi:^:."- ,:,:: ;". ; District and— General. -■ --■ th^Mxiiib^ f< ■■ ■ v J)laced |fy {; -TheiEirst-iMpnth's Record ! lftl^fe;GliEAT g uo'ti ■ ; . 1^ - 1 ■ ! 1 ; SS^tn<o^ cbiarf Cricket. ; Wsssis3®^^ v. '" 1 . — "^ ; 1 . "^ :' : : 'Ssfi3^B . , - W'#[^^g:r : ■■■■'■ \Bffii*ffiiso<^/mi&/'< 1 : ■ . ■' NOTICE. cltib^ußri£ 1 ■ # ' > '"' f I '^ 1 i. - 1 . - . 1 - f - ■ "■ -"■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ '^" .. . lE^J! .. . . .° ... "■"■>:»«*■£ .. f ■' -— . ■ ■■ ■ l^^ ; . . wTi" < .. . . .. . .. .. ... .... *.. . lPtaftntk? — "'-"'- HplM^ti^^BOOT.PROVIDERS . - - ; ! STANLEY BAKER _" ,4 J . ....v. T . § Jockey Club. 1 .. .. CATTL^SALE . . . ; . ■ .. ..... . .... 7 1 British J . we;-- J 4 ... ■ # "'"' - - .. .. aitf. .. ■ ! ■ A. B # ...... ■ . ; —Belin. — I '■ ■ ■ ! ... %i>'- : > ■ 'iTa 1 IJ^rem^i^ h^arrister a^Sll ■ ; "■ '; wha'.ir«f ■ a>«ik!B.^»Tj^tt^A^Vo^W, Vj*lIM^A;Y, MAI&H 25, &sO. ; ' '"*''*;^usi^sg^^^^M 1;" ;; Public Notices. Business Notice. Boating Fatality. world' notwithstanding. 'Why did bank..bande'ditiback^ to him. In '« $e;w Advertisements. not we lead the world inthis great fact, no money passed at all. Mr ,T7»IVE JNEW/BUsftlg|J2MM ♥ ; The Emperor and Prince SHILLINGS REWARI ) T7 OR SALE, a First-class Map oi to prove a Simply beCiuse tife "pro- James is now seeking Bismarck. Bay. 10s, ,4 paid anyone giving Price, 'Ck&istOHTjte^Maroh 24. matter-? will be. to X Hawke's ?JO debt against,me on, tljes© bills. l!he position arose in New Zealand/ my hai t Apply Advocate office." 4M&, ?: w^< .''BiißLtif, -Mfirch 21. The Maggio whaleboat, fyelo^ngpr«- information as to who took iindther contract day' next was Friday.— from theR.M. Court on A' nounc<i' to the special order:the Emperor ing toMessrs Ifttzs'itopns Bros., was ,pared, in which it was represented Haqbnson. LAND, vivke and surrounding °morning LAND. early yesterday taken" out land ,41 .bought acres' of L-t-JJJ.. tbaf J5 Jbkd GREAT s unequalled ser by two yo.ung fellows nambd John An Eviction Story. .MT^rjaab© SißmaJrcik hood that he nas 'OQMMENuj^^B Ivanhoe from the at Dominion COVERS. ; * ' HOKSE ' .Says "Dagonet in the^ Referee: Bank at £1000, an acre. Mr James tftTioeß to QermaSiy;'. It 'adds, that Carter 'arict William who 30 ACRES. as V -\. '■; *BsfofflM Tfyomjson, BUSINESS ex-*Ch»ncellor will stillcontinue intended td g6;fishin^ tdwards the military friend of mme'who -is the deposit and tho price. Mr CANVAS (^dyerhmenl; when Heads and return' in 'tne f evening. home from Ireland on leave told ,fixed *$$:)4Jnfc McCALLUM'S ESTATE. ', MONG;ERIrI^!|W James was tp^ee^.^hebills. The HORSE COVERS and,his-peace policy will Thompson had a dbg with him, me the other.day an eviction story, i following I Marshall and inbnth the BEST MATEIn premises .adjoining'/ Mr SALE, TRTRTY ACRESof STOCK Hi^resignation is which returned' this 'morning with Wjhieji is too good{'to7'be- last. He were represented as buying 85"acres Are Made of RIAL, Chemist, and, will be^prepateifejtf^ Very this Desirable Property, ;Vfcsßai%td J^ally^ due;, to ,the Em- his ! i by feet badly 's6ra£cheil as if was"assisting,at one of those pain- additidn~ar'a{ '£~loo'o an acre on FIT, having frontage Are chains the BEST a of to supply FRESH FISHV threef?ltilao«^ >16£ tliat-Ministers should walking over sharp "'rocks. This ful scenes far too common of late, Heidelberg Heights. , Mr J]ames Danevirke Road, Main to Wainui. DURABLE, Are the MOST week. New Supplies 'of ge^oj&M <^ per e administranS^^ or -their faot and .the stormof Sunday night, alas, incertain portions of the dis- fixed' the price and* paid the de- And give the greatest satisfaction : This Property being in the Town H oi able FRUIT constantly' 'aJ'riyißg^ A &4ug alarm, country.* and went tressful mother was posit,, ancltit,was paid in.the usual aßar^froni^^emiQr. caused some Boundary'of Danevirke, is eminently TAKING A trial respectfully solicited.-^'~,%f^s down the harbor this afternoon to clingly wildly to her children, a way.'v "We paid his cheque in to any Coversmade in Hawke's Bay. suitable for cutting up into small Fishery Dispute. search fox* ihV missing' sections, which there is good dethe bank pa^d rMr * boa^ She little girl of 5 and a little' boy of 6, meet ours, and PRICES FROM 12s EACH, mand. for j. went outside and went round to and declaring tfcat^ ;she would not ! James I believe the1 bills wer^ Suraner, but could find no trace of be turned out into the cruel world not presented. Th.6 arrangement (Next Mr Priok's "Dissm^&B^MM TERMS EASY. held,inyariousplaces the boat or brew.' TWo other fish-, with her darlints. * Te,ars ,were fn was such'th^aC none of' the principal OILSKIN CtOTHING of FirstafaflwEUlWi^fiP Quality Class DANEVIRK&' :>tik:>^?& Only. d ing.boats* were found taking shelter theeyesof themarried constabulary, need be paid for five years. It was Pr°p° 8; kr.MSPM^^S*^ Apply BARGH, : BROWNE & rt t^itM ,*'iifnoaus' yii&ty&iy ia relation to , the under the;lee of the..high cliffs of smothered sobs of sympathy broke r'e'tiicded<b"y the <Bahk as a bona Danevirke, Tents, Covers, Rick and Tarpaulins, been in tow from the military. The captain, sale, and a dividend was paid fide Cooper, denounced Port lind were taken dißputevhas } THO^'BIJ'iW on ferries Or Ship Chandlery of Every by the tug. EdwardPleasant, who with a choking .sensation in his the strength of ity A',circular] was JOHNYOtTNGHUSBAND, Description. aa the and .^boat, passing throat, up'to reports in one went GENERAL BLACKSMITH, /^ Vf Napier. children issued calling attention to the unGreat the Maggie on Sunday,-night near' spoke a kind and comforting word divided profit and inviting the pub" {B%aration &om; ' : ", J,\ Main Street Bipa Inland.,, Heavy squalls v came to 'them, the little girl looked up, lic to join ihVundertaking." Tq L]^T ' oil,,andjußt afterwards the Maggie andin the -strongest Scotch accent ' TIRKEj. Ship Chandler and Sai_mAker, * DANEv A : FIVE ROOMED HOUSE, passed Pleasant's Alarminig boat again with howled that she wouldn'sbe takedf ' i Port Ahuriri. JJL. with Scullery .and detached her sails'up. One of the ivrp men from her "mither," 'and the, little Dairy, an acre of garden,' stocked on t^9 Maggie califd ou{;, jf'Are boy, inUnmistakable Cockney tones ' with fruit trees, etc., and an 18-acre that he' 'wasn't a-goin' to yo\i all' rip;ht'r' anav Iflea^ant^re' Horse-Shoeing a Speciality. declared adjoining, haying a barn, Paddock , London, March: 23. ' hie '%&$ ahohbre'd?' He be took from his mar. An Irish : pliedthai ' All kinds of Agricultural' , The house and A MEETINGof the Committee of piggeries, : etc., pp it. '"' ,-Im'ple' »,>'** have taken thought the Maggie was anchoring, official who was looking on roared Great surprise is expressed in XA. the Horticultural Society will garden will be let separately if re- TKTENDto repaired. lwidslic^es ments made and %tMrtlier { OFFER FORSALE Sawmill work, kc. plaol>iii'y*^tiß jjartsof the oolong. but he saw no more of her, a-jj'd'got with laughter. <( Begorra, cap- naval official circles at , the ,4^" besh«ld in the Foresters Hall,Mak6- quired. Situated on theUmutaoroa '[ : : " of Bha_ patch ground a ' __".M.S, Bbsewood a ih.iva.ity "granting At as tuku, This (TITESD-iY) EVENING Road,, and a quarter of _a mile from ' no reply when,he called ; put. The tain!" he yelled, it'smeself that's' ; -'? " one hundred ,acm, in extent has gale then increased in fury and evicted thim two orphans twenty training,"'shift $p Ne,w at Wales. 8 o'clock. South ''' ngat'fira Ma Station. ' its position. Charges from \ at Current bodily BRABAZON, Lowest Rates. purpose moved A vessel fbr J. Shanly tiie For G. Pleasant's^gear./ vparticlafs,app.ly carried away all tim«sover. It's different -Irish belief to a ' Hon. Sec. \>e the Inconstant, , whioh ~~ , ~~ on the premises, or to Mr Hans TOtere is little, doii^t j that AT ' f.'parter " "mother thaff they'vehadivry time." would only First-class Workmanship guaranteed. 1 : Jensen,MangateraiStation; £lO,ddO. to repai?. d6asi and -Tiiompson were 'drowned. Which* Was true. The'little;Scotch w6ul# Five,, Thomas, and} " JASTTHORBURN. Carter was.the eldest sen of huadrec^ "students at the (girl, thelittle Cockney,boy vfere « ' 'i NOTICE. ,uo;m^ vu "^ I,7,'and > .having University §Acis>i|[s o^Agriculfiure VI, 14, %. Block ,at Ma*ch Carter, "eignalinen occasion, t*he Heads. hired for the f^KDON^ QEGTIONS '; !The official%atement issued on Thompson was also,a wellknowh played the ,pa?t of .ther evicted St. Petersburg, hare been im. ,hu!.. .Norsewood Survey District, * G Purchased the BOOK containing297 aprw 1rood 23perches, < 'resident, andboth young<men wer,e orph'ans'tb several poor cottagers prisoned, a^miwill probably bei pkrtly DEBTSand ESTATE of WILm EY< * BADDEL cleared and fenced. For fur- LIAM DIXON, from the Official , the expelled for demanding certain, with .great " effect ' amount'^ndered, for 4he dueens- highly respected in Lyitelton. all over ' **"'" to J.T. Wilson, Assignee, I were)aboli^heljllin ther particularsapply privileges' iwhiph' hayift; to request that all County.^" fll'" !i > GENERAL Store, Norsew'dod, or to Post ' Office ■" i ;■-. *■*' ■ ;■■ \t %"■■■' ■ ' ■ * paid at once to Mr Wil.1883/ Accounts be £97 168 7d. ' BLACKSMITH, ROBERTSON, FARRIER, Etc WM. Narrow Escape of a carry Dixon, liam who will on the Sydney, March 24. : ; oi ,:■■"■ : Norsewood. ASTONISHING, D ANE-VI ABSOLUTELY RK.E , , Painting Business as usual as my What to Call Their The Zetland, from Glasgow, ] * " * Train. Bill ,' Manager. All ACCOUNTS not -2 s paid 4 about whose safety tb.ere was 9001©' Waipawa; county council. within Wives. ■" tfUl Be introduced in'1theHouse-of (Adjoining'Railway Hotel and be one month from date "Sydney,March 22, anxiety^- has Arrived'hefW HeadThe sepond Monday. Commons on sued for without further notice. Junction Hotel.) Travelling Public Bethe] , 3eiton?e wife-r-Belle. It is reported that, < < rduring <b winds were respgnfiible for the long Notice to jjia^^plfjthftTithes Bill is<*set recent ROBERT MARTIN, ' Their and Large Well-Assorted tween NORBEWOOD AND passenger rain a mail and Obpassage. Wellington. jlo get a wiftj-r^arie. r<; t t «x HORSES SHOD MONDyiLLB. , ; train at oo6mbU Had a 'narrow es- Porter's wife— Carrie. January 18th, 1890. The election of Dr. Samaurez WITH GREATEST " CARE AND' * '■ A personnoticing the flood -Jeweller's wife— Pea,r;l. r < Smith to the Primacy was officially - AlS'there is a Bridge to betaken vLordty' without cape. accepted « DESPATCH. Having position the as line, .TJttDJSOusel examined the and .announce^; fat agreed that the waters at the QathedrafrJyest6r- JljL down, ' s Lawyer's wu: Sue. and the site filled in, on MANAGER.for Mr R. Martin, I STOCK of going to,a> Hacks, 6s ;Draughts, 8s and 10s twenty sleepers hanging ' Farmer's ,wjife-— gillie.., ! , | sday.'%" ".V, ■" ". ; found ; the ; road, Pafiiell^.Cdmmiseion respectfully Ormondville Norsewood wish thank Permy *epMtsf/ithe to y completely with theballast washed ' * . {...; M^iaquiarE, Marchi24. 1 traffic, will in consequence be stopped sonalFriends and the Public for their JPugjlist's wjfe Millie. , kJhoM|L "tbeie.nteted in the1 j6urnals away AllKinds of underneath. This left a Minister's wife— Grace. Obituary---Wm. Howard Smith, ) from TUESDAY, the 25th, until kind support, and inform them that ' ' ohasni which would have had a , gambler's wife—Betty. head of the tp^ll known shipping SATURDAY, the 29th day of March, no efforts will betospared GENERAL SMITH'S WORK by me to an&Xtbßß ofLife. j^* ec , :. serious effect, so the man 'improil firm Drapety. 3lr*M Gardener's wife Bose. i iaob. .■."■ give the same satisfaction as usual. AND REPAIRS DONE The<;steamer Virent has been vised a danger signal with a kero"i GILMOUR, ,There A. 96 of WILLIAM diphtheria were cases , Musician's wife— Viola: At the Shortest Notice DDCON^ an Eerrol,seaport on tpt^lc|4'at a^ County Road Overseer. sene tin, a lighted candle, and a Painter, Etc. in Victoria last week and 25 deaths. A fat'man's wifo L&na. AND ' in Betanzos, .of .thefßay County Office, Council Danevirke, Jan. 18, 189C. arnV of red' silk handkerchief and ihus Undertaker's .wife-rNell. » were,.reported There ' 218 case* of At Reasonable Prices. Spain, andfifteen lives were lost. stopped the train, and ' a Fisherman's wife Nettie. ;^phojd,. V ;f -'' ■■".■;■■/- ;>-'. '.=■■■. -{ Waipawa; March 22nd, 1890. ' averted waipawa hosDistrict ' tertiWe catastrophe. '"'.>- ■'.■-■■'"" , Shoemaker's mfp-^Peggy. ' '^Oromjbie, publioan^.hasbeen com: pital. & IwiMzon the tfrnversity^ mitted for trialfor themanslaughter Auctioneer's wife^-Biddy. \ ." ' place 'on ,boat - . I " .■'.' vWed- Banquet \ 'Hakes K. R. Groom, Tosow!.ti& wife— Stella. ", of Eobinson, the umbrella of the to thePrince of Astronomer'^ for year a rpICKETS, available »esd^;ifl |^o:4pn.O,xford. former penetrating the skull of the X from date of issue. Price 10s, No Reasonable PriceRefusedJ GENEEAL MERCHANT, Wales. latter^ "»'^ :fj'A'\\ -/H ,i 'iM ■■'. , DANEVIRKE LICENSING DIS- may be obtained of The Editor Bush ,acAlbany, March 24. ! iSumarez Smith, .has The New Chancellor. Danevirke, up till 31st TRICT. Advocate* " n Canon Primacy, of Australia, Berlin, March 22. MARCHNext. Arrivod-r Orient steamer Austral ORMONDVILLE, in three ,At a banquet in honor;of the JAMES H. NELSON, Berlin,Ifarch. 22/ Passengers for New Zealand— Sir V^' ANNUAL ELECTION. tott^fiWes'^or'l>Sydney ', ; , ,' '; Secretary. visit of the Prince of Wales and "General von ,CapriYi conferred "Walter, Lady,andMissBuller. , always On Hand, and For, «omffHhti&? " fy son, D uke of Manchester. his the -fa -Emperor Thitrsday, Island, provisions of tike' William^ Bismarck 23. to T)URSUANT withPrince befor assumMaroh the of Sale, aLarge Assortment of " %^.# of Man- toasting Her Majesty Queen Vic- ing office, and declined to accept Influenza and smallpox are pre^ X The Licensing Act, 1881," and JSTEUHAUS and COZENS, of "The Local Elections Act, 1876," toria, said he was proud- to be" an the Chancellorship, unless.he valent at Singapore. *; f^%^6niVdir^ntery. GROCERIES, DRAPERY,'BREAD AND BISCUIT public notice is hereby given, that an .Admiral of the'finest fleet existing. also appointed President of Prussia ., duly perQualified BAKERS, GOME AND SEE! >"t » IlicliarSr and',beorge p&yietf,(.who [Inuring the Emperor's visit to Acting, however on the advice of Certainly the HOSIERY, IRONMONGERY, best medicine knownisSander Election of FIVE and Sons' Eucalypti Extract, Test its sons to be. members of the Licensing and his the presence at England Bismarck, Prince he withdrew his along death with eminently powerful in coughs, colds, Commitrtee for the District of Dane- PASTRY COOKS, AND CON''^we^e eentpncei to the charge of navalreview at Spithead in August objection and was appointed Chan- influenza ;the relief iseffects instantaneous. In seri- virke will be held on TUESDAY, the STATIONERY, Etc. on ineix mother ous and accidents of all kinds,be they cases, FECTIONERS. } J recpmrnended to lasthereceived therank of Hono- cellor. It is , probable that Count wounds,.-burnsj' scaldings, bruises, itis Bth April, 1890. sprains, '/&Wler, have%^n thesafestrfemedy— noswelling— *noinflammation; Admiral of the England navy Hatzfeldt will succeed Count Herr Like Agent for hereby appoint the h6ur of AnaI "^Mmi o4Wgrpund of their youth. rary surprising effects produced in croup, diph* respestfully to announce to from Her He hoped Majesty.] theria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs. noon oil TUESDAY, the Ist April, bert as ofState Secretary Hismarck quotations; . Sfcoppßrn V.l "'-'?? etc. ;diarrhoea, dysentery, diseases of 1890, as the time, and the Central the Inhabitants of Danevirke that the armies and navies of Great for Foreign Affairs. The state- ,swelljngs, Yates'Reliable Seeds ."nitfeife'«fer lZealaid butter rea- Britain the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at hossurrounding and neighbourhood Germany Chambers, vire, place and would cori Dane as the* for pitals, and medical clinics all over globe ; ment Count intended the that Waldersee ,quality, "74s fair and Gilberd's Artificial v toU'pty?;, Saunders by His Majesty, the -King of Italy: Jisaa 9Qs operate to secure the peace of the to resign owing to.a difference with patronised* ,rbwnedWith medalanddiploma at International the Nomination of Candidates for the that they willcommence business as Manures , brings > Best Australian , , office, when Nomina' and where above in premises opposite the Exhibition. Amsterdam. Trustin this approved said r :* world. the Emperor is unfounded MUST SELL, to make room for H.J. Gilberd, Taradale Nursery , 'r'l(^8 tp l'Wli. New. Zealandcheese, article, andreject all others. tions in the prescribed form must be Railway Hotel, ■ AllHawke's Bay Newspapers \d'dressed to me. On SATURDAY, FEB. 15, WM. BIERRE, A Liberal J.P. Boom MelbourneLand Advertisements, New - >* : Returning Officer. And trust by strict attention to : ♥■' Reminiscences. Danevirke, March, 1890. 22nd business, with civility to customers, "Civid;""6f Witness, the lets off j '" New Stock. aueen's Benqh has CHJiIAP; , + Easy, SALE and on r SALE AT WHOLESALE to following given (LOT the merit a share of their patronage. Terms; dis2 yarii Rothschild of SUBURBAN ' ; t otclored Messrs up The Melbourne the29th correspondent npE^pERS PRICES, of to MARCH the, 20, behind Railway Sta- JL Tivill be received for delivering the Sooiete* below fteem's to me to be what .olos» theirrelations the Daily £imes writes*under date SECTION , FLOUR, tion, n "chestnut." IfI and* LOTS 8 and 23 of WEDDING, CHRISTENING, ;Oomptojr the Americans a call ' fa;Wte\sM from Ormondyille Sawmill to March 11th:,— land was SUBURBAN SECTION 5, fronting titnber SUGAR, AND BIRfHDAY CAKES* d'Esconipte* wh'ic^ failed tVelve .don't mistake Iheard it, or some- boomed" would."How Railway Station yard and on trucks.be title fitting a Miller's Road an 4 Denmark andLonOATMEAL, and , it, years years Made to Order. jnontne ago. ; , thing like information to be had at the ago. invited. Apply; Further OATS, which are just don" Streets. Mill.; In" the* twisting of yarns'and telling fo^the disclosures made in the 'Insolvency to A!.By"^officeol this paper. WHEAT, " queer stories< there is, emphati- now being Harold, Tea, Birthday, and Picnic Parties Themillion and a half Oapeloan of Mr by .Sparks. Court Mr MAIZE, will be received till LENDERS new under the cally, nothing sun.' of Catered For. Average an for at TOWN HALL.! Applied " tr&B was confidential clerk to Mr T^iANEVIRKE; EVENING; at 8 JL Noon, 30th inst., for clearing TEA, DON'T FORGET as a trustworthy ' corres- Sparks lines, splitting and laying posts, and Charges Strictly £100 38., JChe highest tenders were However, 0. H. James, the prince of land, ■Mr mws? BO\P, pondent sendsit to me 'as* 1 positive boomers. o'clock, AssenibyiModerate, Admis- erection of about 3 miles of wire Quadrille CANDLES, may as welllet it pass : ceeding Mr JTamea is.now pro- !si,pn.;2slXadi[es free. : J. C. Dolman, fencing on Bogle's Block, Weber Sur.^;;%aitioWllSUtiiaiii6ain Germany. fact," I : criminally against .his. ?£< JAM, Etc., Etc., Etc. Canterbury, jLies»9.e. ,'/n;;;;,■■""■.■"; Springfield, a .<■-■<■■■.' vey District. Address tenders— W. HOT PIES, TEA, COFFEE, AND In ' Bogle,Baddeley's '*!The politioali situation in Ger- short clerk for embezzlement of fiends/ >>'?:> Pi-V ;. '' ago, young time a man who Hotel, r~r~ : Danevirke. Always COCOA Ready. ' Sparks' defence being thaj,he m*e(y:«oWona unefaamefls thfough-;1 had' just BEST QUALITY been appointed a J.P. had Mr are required (labor Specifications may be seen at Bad' rfIENDERS " " .oxoept;m Germany . . ALL OF THE degree, partner was in some a of $&?'EmV^ Danevirke,and Ryan's, Weber ONLY. possession of thebench for the first his employer's. Concurrently with A only)-ifou falling, crosscutting, deley's, One Trial Solicited. The only -case for hearing; and at the Mataraau Saw- Township. the' Police Court investigation ]M[r mills.hauling GbiJ&W wiUittOt vi«it IrelAnfi. time. Specifications, etc.'r to, ' be seen , that of an unfortunate was F. C, W. BIERRE, , KELLY, late of Waipawa, , ■' Cozens, drunk.'', Having heard- 'the; Sparks is passing'through 'the In- at the Mill. Apply to Neuhans { tefl^to^ias;fiecjned ,"< & c intends in Central Chambers. to start business STARTING. ; and in the latter, JONAS%bRDLO'F, invitation to visit.lreland; as he charge, and the prisoner having ; solvenoy Courthand, premises Danevirke in next to Mr MAIN -having a free he is making Matamau. .STREET. it may exasperate the —— THE';Under6igtted^e^i?fl|^S ! t . ( 1 l . 1 *^^ l j _____ WBOYD'S ( 1 1 ■ - i - ?&&1vw0& FOR 1 The .. * m. toiiragl i *^ . ( . ■ SALE.. ■ (V Subsidence of Land. LATEST NEWS. t J.AS. . ' t W.Boyd,'' __________ .__-_ -. HAWfcmS & CO ___ - ■ 1 . % '' ■ ■ HOME AND FOREIGN. . - i,i- r "^^orsalST" . < .i HAVIiSf - 1 . PRICES - ■'"" —— _, -- > * I . v t 1 l - ■ — — — - . t .. — — 1 . > ' ■ ■ ' ' . ■ ; ' ■ ' '- ■ ■ ■ i ■ ,^ . HAS ; i BEG " v 1 r " ,-" "f^A^^ ■ — '. - — ■ "< ■ 1 FOR ! FOR ,. . . . — 1 s --" 81LE ! ■.""."■" l I fear« that Ulster party. , .&ttdtlier New Disease. ! < Prior's, Chemist, and solicits the nothing;to way in self-defentee, his which, if they are true, patronage of the people of Danevirke. Worship pronounced judgment in revelations Boots madt to Order, and Repairs tone, qivoice, but with a give & pretty insight into the CHURCH, PRESBYTERIAN a solemn Nor- palpable mixing of pounds, shill- methods that existed in the boom done with Neatness and Dispatch. reported DANEVIRKE. ' ' JEh'e.4isease period. the : Mr James was a man who Prices moderate. which tttS^ltar^-'durjjig' ings, and pence with the hqurSiOf PATERSON, Napier, was never heard of before that Mr. ,sufferers appear 'in a deatn-like theday, offence of drunkenand the DISTRICT REPORTER. will preach morning at 11 a.m., however, ;ho appearance in ness with the crime of murder junoture. : Th&a, ' )d into notoriety as evening at 7 p.m., SABBBATH first, quickly blossor. ; "Twenty-four shillings ; and may A PPLICATIONS are invited for Xonaon. the reputed maker of hundreds .of 30th inst. ; and. LECTUREin Town XjL > 'The Colliers Triumphant. position of District, Reporter at Hall, ; : the Lordhavemercy on your soul!" MONDA.Y, 31st Chair taken pounds. He became at; thousands of Ormondville, and NorseMakotuku. the disposed of all the busiIs; are jubjlant at 7.30. Admission' I Having 3?he colliers " to Lecture, an M.L.Q., securing election aj; any Children, for theBusk Advocate. Appli' wood ", : at an 6d. Wsuming'Work .young justice I ptonpec^of ness tl»^,;jP?ifitod,; cost ,^ and ingratiated himself cants to state «alary required. * descended/from t the bench, andcallincreaced :rajte di,^ages. f f , Apply at once to circles amongst upper by givthe ing, \wy*j£jj&tisjjl M&ttets. the " sergeant aside asked if ing an invitation banquet at the J.H. CLAYTON, " , Danevirke. th© poor devil had any money." Masonic Hall to some 400 gentler-'The report of,Lord Hartington's cint, yer Worship,", was affairs has "Not a military " on committe Quests' had his Wor- men. Many of his BY ORDER OF THEREGISTRAR the the reply. On whicli " been received.. It condemnsstores, *■ he before,; seen him never OF THE SUPREME COURT OF Well, a rejoined: here's mollified them by..a, superb,but "■ ship" Office, depletion of the military . dinner, NEW ZEALAND, AT NAPIER, to when : dangernote', it him pound highly give 22, Napier, March 1890* five whichit considers AND AT THE REQUEST OF winch jprplfably dost ,liim,, dyery a fresh" start petih'Jrof accordance with -Section 11 of ■:O?HE MORTGAGEE. ' 'to make'■;"■■'■: ous, And suggests that a Chiet of he comes out &1500. Mi' I Spares; as ;"The Education Act, 1877," and :^-should replace the Com- with'!" have said, makes som^,astonishing ISection 3 .of..." The Amendment' Act, The Army. the of AND TABUTEAU have mander-in-Ohief CouncilofDefence statements.; c Mv James estaßlished 1885," is, hereby given that in: notice receivedinstructions sell by appointment of a Railway the Dominion Bank y and sa^lTr eachiof the undenrieritioned places a Public Auction at theirtoRooms, Reform. of thePremier presidency under the Sparks :«-" Np James practically Sieetirig 6f the Hipuseliolders is con- Tennyson-street,Napier,on is *Lbo'recommended, nominated the directors. Ithe com- vened to be held on MONDAY the 1882," says started out in "I '* The &'.O-Vt- Wants to B*tixe. pany two main was founded for the purpose 28th day of April, 1890, at the school- MONDAY, 31st MARCH, Vaile, with these Mr l§9o, Itis reported that Mr Gladstone propositions. IFirst, differential . of taking overMr James'Heidelberg, house in.each place, at half-past 7 in the evening, for the. Elecnieditatea an early retirement from rating must be abolished ; seoond, andIvanhoe properties at a statpd o'clock 2 o'clock. At tion of a School Committee for the political life. rating must also be i price. They consisted of over 1000 ensuing mileage year, purand for such other 1, 2, 3, and 4, Noi Heajly for it yet. abolished and a stage system sub'. acres and. cost Mr James £53,000, pose as may be required under Sec-' DANEVIRKE-Lota part of Suburban Section No. 40, ; Commons Mi .lathe House of stituted. How the railway men and the company was ito take the tion64 of the said Act, 1877. 2a 2r 7p,being the whole of the inreferenoe to [ £540, By asserted lands pointed loudly at order of th« Board. LfcibouchereVniotion shouted. It was OQQ. Mv James land comprised in Certificate of H.HILL, seats in that to do these things was impos- out that the bank was doing no Title, Vol. 23, Folio 177, together the abolition ofhereditary ,■■■..,.. Secretary. the House of Lords was negatived sible, and one of pur Commissioners \ business,,andhad had no trafisacwith 5-roomed House and Cottage erected thereon, the late D. fojra majority of 62. aslcedj 'Is it possible that the ) tions, and suggested thatIshould Meetings ace to be knew to join Places where "Vfifefeing Men Beprosentatives. whole railway world can be wrongIget others whom McCallum's residence. ' I , Held. In,the course ot his speech in andMr Yaile alone right?' Bui ; me andmake a purohase from the Matamau, Takapau, Ormondville, further particulars apply to Mr Gladstone what has happened?; In1837 the »r bank. Ho was to finanoe my share Norsewood, Makotuku, Dane- For the House to-day to BAKER & TABUTEAU, absolutely day brought One Mr James see more reof it. expressed a desire virke, Kumeroa, Her«*taunga, United States of America Auctioneers. Marshall, friend, a up mutual i Maunga-atua,' Woodville (Borpresentatives of the working class abolished differential rating. Int Mr -^ ,-;. and out to to; ; office,' abolished I the pointed ough.) of Commons. Britain also ..■■ 1888 Great in the House Wolseleyand the Irish Troops. , differential rating. In 1886 tht "j him that he should join in a pur- j Itis further notified that each of . Marshall ] the School Committee?! to be ap'IMjSarl ofKoseberry, referring French Chamber of Deputies pro- chase with me;inand buying some Bointed a» above shall hold its first SURGEON DENTIST, agreed join to me it after a fourteen i nounced appointment against oi Meetingimmediately after, the meetto ihe 'proposed PALMERSTON NORTH. oi days' debate. "& 1389 the Hun- of Mr James' Heidelberg land from ing of Householders on the same Lord Wo^eJey: to the position was Bank. This 126 evening,and shall thereat elect,one of the Forces in Ire- garian GoTernipent polished L the Dominion TRIPE will make periodical Ootama»der of the ,su|)s.ti^,i|ited f\ I, acres, and was to cost £85,000 odd. its members to be Chairman for the and mileage rating, thatthe opinion visits to DANEVIRKE, and "landre»|»e«Beß the de- year, .;;,.,-■■ . may b« consulted at Baddeley's time age stage system. Thufl it wijll $&s,ss>s ' i. lsjt Ja,me3 actually paid Matter's threat w,ade some w.e giiyp him a biUv Mr By order of the Board. countries have, bjr ppgrtt, Hotel. <to- fight on 'bel^aSl pt the XJlstei that these great H.HILL, The dateof next visit will be duty legislatire action, supportedimy twe > James gave Wo Seowtwy,: announced, . main CQUteiitions, w.9 tftilwaj r to tip■■p&fwtify - SECTIONS. MONDAY, 24th MAECH, ■ — tranc^^ma^^ REV.; j ■ Se'Sfaff !i ■ _ - IN . ■ ''" "' BAKER . . . "■■ J. E. Tripe, . MR h^WX f9 J*P^ '#**%Ifw'mi' 1 . GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ■ SEVERAL, Cheap, j-acres, £-acr«s, and 2^-acres. SituatedonMain road, near Railway Station, MakotukU; Complete Title. Apply to LOANS ON MORTGAGE. W. ROBINSON, Storekeeper, time to time a limited Makotuku. portion of the funds is lent SATURDAY, 29th MAECH. on first mortgage of freehold seDANEVIRKE SADDLERY curity, with option of repayment by WAREHOUSE. fixed instalments, spread over 12, 15, or 20 years. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! Haly-yearly payment for each rriHE Undersigned begs to notify Period of Loan £ s. d. jL that he has just opened up a Twelve years 6 4 7 REDUCTIONS Fifteen years 5 8 9 NEW STOCK Twenty years 4 13 8 Of Saddles, Side Saddles, Bridles, UNHEARD OF Silver Spurs, Stirrups, Bits, .Loans repayable by instalments INickel etc., which he confidently recomwherebyprincipal and interest are mends as the BEST GOODS yet both liquidated within a given time Imported IN into the District. The and on terms of a most favourable Prices will be found to-be Reasoncharacter,presentmarked advantages able, ..and Settlers requiring anyto settlers and others. thing in the above lines will be The borrower may, before the DRAPER? ONLST. liberally dealt with. expiry of the full pariod, redeem the loan, with or without notice, on ALARGESTOCKof SUNDRIES. terms which can be ascertained at this office, or at any of the offices All kinds of Harness for Saddle or of this Department, where also Trap work made and repaired to forms of application canbe obtained. order on the shortest notice. For full particulars as to loans, apply to the Head and Branch Offices and Post Offices. F. W. FRANKLAND, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER, Commissioner and Gort. Actuary. Opposite Baddeley's Hotel, * HALL, NEXT TOWN Danevirke. MONEY! MONEY 1 MONEY! ' AND CLOSING FROM - ... ... ... ... Hawkins & Co., E. A. Ransom, *^— {\ r* the Public to' know-, ,-„ that they canKave Printing^ .\ » ": eyery description executed pn ,the'*#$ ■■ TO LEND, in sums (DO\J\J to suit borrowers, at reduced rates of interest. MONTAGUE LASCELLES, Land and Estate Agent, | £QR(~\r\ Tennyson-gtrwt Napifp, Danevirke. ' l WANTED stoutest notice, ratesat ' and at'Napier the Advocate Ofiloe,-Danevirke/ ,Sup« >.V ' " >" port aBush udultry. . - " LITERATURE. !; thinks iiau.easy thing- to -conquer \ 111. |^;^Piul\oh«i4oS'sW Chapter , is as fair ai 'ias'..<ayer gladdened any man's t"his heart throbbing. , has been waiting and equally, of jcdurse,: she has exercised her privilege ,of keeping- him ;;^^aiting that length of time. When, ;- ;%t;last he sees her coming towards J2 him, ne hurries forward, and would ; ■ the world, and only time can prove ib him how hard it is even,to live. But Estellecheers him with worlds of trust and encouragement,promising always-to be>true to him andito wait patiently Biihat time of which he speaks so confidently, when he willcome and claim her for his own The' present looks so glorious in that this lighti;bf it is hartHo think" the future may be adverse?stroke of Pate, that Jove may change and grow feeble, and hope die.qut^entirely. V, | ,Af lei? af long-happy, silence Estelle — % be off with the old "'Tis best to love, (- - ; , n Before you are ori with" the new. Song —Old ' « j, t ; .Business Notiees^ Public Notices. Public Notices. ■trained^fpi;;any^.mffe«y4eient, yet;he Business;Nptices.. 7 ■ HYDE,*R;D.S;< Eng. /CHARLES VL/ SFRGffiON'DENTIST '■■''.' V<Ji^*Bu^e^^N6tteiß;^. ■■:;■;;;;" ;: V^OT^SB^ERS, " Rasmusen & Co. NOESEWOOJ) ORMONDyiLLE DRUG STOKE, tllHEfollQwingi Newspapers; ar JL ,on jSale'at Advocate gta'tiQne^ y .^irenWork<.|i|TMp|^apap^^^S ■:, 'I)epo>:,TT;-1,, . :.-\ ..../. G&ni^vbm^W.e^y\^^. . ■».*"-. I Gome and trymyNeWS^a|otf^®^p: teeth,CareiullyExtracted, Stopped, .'' /.*:,. NjsWf.Zi^aiand'tMau' ,■„;".■ XMAS NOTIFICATION. Canterbury^Times;, ,^' ,,; .? > '?'-' /Bes'tiG?e^lß^lo^ Jb^^^M]b^^«fe^^ ', . . fiaw^ieis Bay.Herald: . ,; il GjENUII^E DRUGS, PROPRIETORS of this mHE Customers Weeki.y .Cgurier. .; ; : ,«», i- ■Bdvby^hcwl^B^^lilbgliW^ TN Wishing Our . Patent Medioines,■■Proprietary ; Otago^Wfitness ..- v :' .= " »t ?^guat^teed«|id|fiia|iiiiW^ * Post Office Store. Opposite Station. / ■■ . f Eraser '80 Co. r ! say a few words to the Inhabitants of the District in regard,' to .charges ,-._, / made:by\ like/ to WOULD ' v; ;. fiAPPYNEW A,IiARGE AND, WELL YEAR, Articles, Violin Strings,. AS- ( &c.; &c. ; SORTED STOCK'-OF, J;. « ; INSuJ- ; ■t' r ; STORE hayingopened up .. <■' A MJERRY XMAS AND A ! . ■ Evening.News. ; ,,, . '. ;- * Daily- Telegraph, H k js'io >.";.; ! :con^e^l^'^'pe^^^jpg3^rpMi , Auckland Weekly, jtews v ; " ; 3s 3d:per 251b^af^0a1i|alfflK -.;:T r,;;,;-^.HvqLASTQ^,^''r' 'I * .^BqbKSELLBBjAJSnD.^TATIbNER. 10sUper 6^lgßai^;Fina|^v^s - We are aware that we ZEALAND > INTERESTED PARTIES anticipate the 25th of December by ANOE COMPANY. Soda/Whitir^idleribgSa^-^t go when we on to Baxley^4dWrt.^ea^3aMr!i|; ''.? As to the present and lateprices in & few days, but >" Raisins, inform them that we are now shewFIRE GROOEEY, Danevirke being 6d pe^fll^'Ses^a|M«p 1COMMISSION GENERAL '■ Wi- Su^C^stalis|d;Ml||rt: ing a have y66;' he answers, but I \jr AGENT KAIKORA., EXTOETIONATE, , ' ■ i] iw'allsliaVe ears, and so hedges may! plans, IEONMONGERY, ["Established 1859 ' it easy to ' MOST CHOICE SELECTION ,/ probably have ears,' and so hedges! no doubt that Ishall find ; £1,00p,600 ANE AS Capital Sardine^M speak I can the-' procure employment. Agent for ? " ;may probably be gifted with eyes Paid Up andReserve three languages, you Jknovv, and ;I c 5s v 2d mm^^^mmm^B CEOCKMBT; ; N.Z. Fire.;' and Marine 'Insuranc OF " " las'well. V £440,000 NeWe's^ooWl^^^^Cfflpi^^t Funds ;, fancy could write tolerably well Company \ Fprjjußt a few happy moments on anyI With f'Unlimited Inability of ; "N^A^iapnt'-Insawnbe'-'Comifan;„ s£d per lb j Best 01^686, coujd Is'one of the itemsin theindictment given subject. If I 9OODS, PAESfTft. C she forgets that warning of Mr get on the staff of any newspaper,' they would remind theInhabitants Shareholders.;: Reid & xGray;? Agricultural Implei, All other yrrgcerids atiedualls^w; "fOhandos's; only remembers that ' that' the late during priceirv*©i|h§s| should We are speaking and alluding to nientjMakers,Dutiedin i;^his;man loves her, and that she he says hopefully. IbelieveI ' '/ ! oils; " * SUGAR, by Zinc, Leadf!iCo|(per; Braas, and Loss of against GREAT RISE IN Insurances Fire , ) ; ;: -pr^ve a useful inenibera t f Bush Advocate; the present day, viz,, the 20th of f^lp^eshim^;Sheconfesses this novy,| { ?.. description every property may of YEEKEE, pasting^street,[ Fungus. «elle in Rents and Debts Collected the Price of samb December,..and our Store has never When * |l|^fi^n theinfluence 6f Conrad Bert- f says, proudly, k/orf^wbuldf YAENISHES, Company. opposite be effected with i his ißank of- <N*.Z., Napier. }i when you are Tradesmen's Books made up. been so Fully Stocked with such a WELLINGTON, Lphplil's presence is removed, and she great man thoseandwho angry are with PALteRSTON, ||js|^^i^f.;her own iidentity ;' and you now will be only too proud to. AND Claims Settled With Promptitude !J &. H. HAR RI S\S: LARGE AND VARIED. heri; WANGANUI, Etc., Etc., and simply asks andLiberality. I'-^^hen'f-Paul friend.; as, P aul, their, I '■■■ -\ ■■;■;.'".■'" you " tenderly,if sheloves him, sheanswers claim TOO GOODS = OTHER NTJMEWAS '; Harness Comno^iticip. will be very proud of you/ ASSORTMENT Agents : .'Yes.' / (Waterproof) 'Iknow youVill, he pER BAG, " and sweetheart,' 'Then she remembers "all, and says, 20/ROtJS TO MENTION, Danevirke F. C. W. Bierue OF r shall have In' 6bnßtant .Use /for 50 year s AND MEOHAN?€M?#EK!riST, fondly, you draws her handfrom his arm., ;' cause to be. Look her, Estelle ;IOur price at the same time was Ormondville J. J. Browne throughout the UnitedXjngdom 'K :'Paul—Paul! wecannever marry shall only write you when I,am Are prepared to SELL at W.L.Weiss Porangahau BEE BAG. kc?S.EDmBtjRGH, AND LATE^ O^ ■!" ;";■!.; r Ebonite Blacking, 6,; «.-; ,=,;-.; -.-.v 10/r H.Rhodes Woodville R. with ".' on' well. I meet getting charged with selling. also Why V he; asks,"'-"=in a startlefi any reverses, and .If We are (Waterjiropt) of course every. aN. PIERCE, Manager, ; As it contains today. We: take :' ;^-totie7"'.Uri" I;>>-' .'; ForBoots Shoes, Harness and alII; HAS COMMmOID^^A.CJia^E CUEEANTS ' , opportunity, too, of returning HastingSrStreet, Napier. :/yh }Ji you choose me for your wife, one must expect a few of those, I this WHICH black leather articles. '.'.'.■ ; sjlenee^' | nd you keep,/ V,' shall will IN'PERO¥fH6us4»Aiittii^« patrons many our Thanks to our "'AT/ :' 3^.ypjii father will disinherity you,' ,kuow the! reason and not worry Mb LEASKiiias had .tfeafly ' Customers, and for the favours we ATLAS ROLLEk MILLING : Saddle Paste, gravely"and earnestly. yearsHonie>and^l6Bi&litmi||g^Q , lbV keeping silence. ]$■ 7id.',per.. I Defy Competition because am !! ; : have received at their hands through little' Gravethat all my dear COMPANY'S FLOUR. (Waterproof) ifM^-te in his professionf tMy»%ii|lcie nfit6 would be a cruel thing to ask youtp- We will simply say thatsuch a state- the .how departing year, and we ;v; lacef;.Paul ' asliis, ' half laughing. share ensureJUccessanHmosrtifecai^cMM my troubles before you were is untrue,our Customers know again pledge ourselves to give at all J dear, even that prospect Jet Black Oil npHIS FLOUR has the peculia,r ,and operatioiii,. s ; ment ;;; o*M^i "■ "'^>'& really my f the we can times best .value in ' ' ■it.'. feature possessing of comxs^pes not very greatly alarm me. I 'No,' she says, it would not. I JL ForHarness. .: . Descriptions. ONE TRIAL WILL PROVE THE bined qualities of whiteness and i.B a. very simple matter to Goods of All ri;liave a vast amount of faith in my have Mr Leaskuses the lbcal anigfcligta as much right to share your quote a few leading articles as a ', i dFn/capabilities, and Ifancy -you strength, ana* is guaranteed to be Harness Liquid, FACT. f WITH GREATi i9tJOdEBS;tv your as successes. GENTLEMEN ONLY. disappointments catphpenny, and to stick it on to equal to any flour in the market. { willbe all the prouder of me if I ? f Tkur,^H£t r Or SelfiShming Jet. Also NitrousiOxideTG^for S, Prttoifcef m wiU ir6u^ articles whose value is unknown to j ■?carvea way for myself.' received, just let me know how you are the Customers. We have direct always PAINLESS. .EXTRAOiIONI OF not our ONE TRIAL iviLL SUFFICE. Polishing Paste, !^ut Esteliesee,does not look con-t getting on ? Ishould ,be far more way of doing business. isOur.system from the Woollen Mills,a verylarge You she has a far more Metals. . DescripEvery Cleaning DAIRY and Other For I|tinced. TEM at, yom\,silence than by '■' " Stock of those celebrated ■■ To be obtained fiom Hawkins & "personal acquaintance with poverty alanncd "^V"-" inserted.a anythingyoti fewiday«;iafeetM J'iild could write me. Co., Danevirke, and wholesale only Sold by all Saddlers, Ironmongers'» ::than her iover, and knows all its Bub Paul can be very obstinrte FAIR AND HONEST DEALING, tion of PRODUCE Bought ones have been tftke¥offc 3^ ? Tweed !"'Odisagreeableness as he cannot do, when he chooses, and he chooses And as our whole interests lie in from and' Storekeepers. WITHOUT '. >EiXTRAOttAROi: * and Sold. v arid after being poor for twenty W. H. COOPEE, NAPIEE, Manufactory : 57, Mansell-street '» OLD SETS REMOVED ' V They are quite equal to any tailoronly write when hp now. He will your encouragof life it.is not years London, \*: E. made suits you can possibly order, A T SMAI; Ii G^B "F has encoiiruging ne'jvs "to communiAGENTFOR HAWIOI'S BAY. :\ing to have to: look forward to and the Tweeds are the best that . R C. LEASK.-- ■'«?«' and alter cate, no persuasions his' We are in self-preservation bound to ..; twenty more years of comparative PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED. ' money can purchase, so please call decision. . * . Agent for FURTHER REDUCTIONS ! destitution^ She fancies undis- The only promise she can wring SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS. and see thisline before buyingyour PHILApELPHiAEXHIBITIOfI\ NORDDEUTy^^i^RpR.. Advocate, giiis^d ppyerty—the sort.which may from him is that if he is really in Another thing we would like to Holiday . Herald, Busk Evening Clothing elsewhere. A AND CLOTHING News, and Yates''Seeds. j;.claim assist ai?ce from the parish and dire distress he will as repay you, they visit will well are let her know, mention is that we have ALWAYS ;,"«the charitable— must be "far more STILLFURTHER OAKEY'S ' ' WELLINGTON^NIF] marked Very Cheap as we intendto with she is obliged (North German and this to be con-v PAID 20s iv the £, and have > easy sort REDUCED.POLISH genteel to beat than the sell them Cash. For homewards, tent. turn and for They NEVER BEEN BANKRUPT 'COMPA^'dfflgteljl|) rv rwhich must ,wear a decent coat out Estelle, In order to effect a clearance at THE CHEAPEST STORE, ■■"'■" '■■■■':'ofrdoors,eyeu though tho cupboard day at least,the light .anol gletfy expressly for th T)REPARED "A of has altogether" departed,' 'hi Accumulations SsReserve MW27T Viis empty at home. S. ,it is COMPROMISED OUR FOE CASH, part, hard to with the uncerWITH Patent Knife-Cleaning Machine* 3, npHlS^wealthy'a^d!. wett ■'■: v;-.['■I^ear,' JEstelle says, gently, .^ tainty which attends this parting. ; ImQW» MERRY XMAS GREAT SALE, India Rubber and Bluff Loathe)r X Company ;cannot let you sacrifice all your CREDITORS, , 'qampliei h&vJHfc pause They the door of Mr IS at NOW ON. ; prpgpectg and expectations for ruy Knife Boards. Knives constant! y m^^\^j^iil^%^sS}f ' TO ALL. ' Winfield's house,.he holds her hand And can only continue to do so by : "■f.-.sake.^./'--_ " "-"' with it a cleaned have brillianit Zealand Oovernttfeut done, ■.. viz., doing as we have hitherto THE NORSEWOOD Check Dress Stuff, 4£d yard polish equal to new cutlery. Packets 3? audlicensed te transactis.regi^fored tDear,' he urges. 'My darling, in his, murmuring words of tender New CHARGING REASONABLY New Prints and Ginghams, 4£d 3d each, and tinsIs,2s sd, and 4:S ness of every uescriptidnr ,■■' ;;Iassure you thatif riny father and Ifarewell > and when' she looks at him, through it is teats of unreasonAND POST OFFICE STOEE. yard did not part on-this pretext there ingpain. each. In addition to liavitig-^stabiwheid . . Sateens,10£ dyard i'? New { ' be another >vpuld forthcoming. <J cash Credit for j&ip,opO:lo m»% a OBLIGING^ OUR CUSTOMERS "J:" He:l(kssoon I come round this evening,' shall "THE COENEE STQEE." Cashmeres, double width, Is 3dand 4l&]»a^ J^,Sffi|ii."' and always hated me, and this is losses, :; says, you he tell the result of NEEDHAMS POLJLSBiNtx at that *tiA-iB for getting rid of Is6d ;.;a very,good excuse amounii wiiih the Itafaonai meeting my -'"': father. lam afraid it Flannellettes, s|d, 6£d, and 7^d '.-:", :me,'v;-':'- .-. '_\J. T. WILSON. PASTE, will be a stormy one ;but lamin the Ladies' Umbrellas, 2s 6d ■'.■'"'■l: 'Hated you?' says Estelle, in- right miumreceipts are retaijieii, in the mood just -now for meeting ;; ■"' !:l ;> Ladies' Mackintoshes, 3s lid credulously. colony. ; him, and when Chandos meets ; She Ladies' Trimmed Chemises, 1? lid thinks it very bad Chandos, can fully Insurers rely' then comes the tug of 6d pair ;; taste on anyone's part not to love TEEMINUB HOTEL, A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Ladies' Hose, 4£d and Used by Her Majesty's Servants. security of the Compainy, and,t&fc pair Children'sHose 3d handsome young fellow, and,' -war.' all claims will be settled ,'witli 'OVERNMENT LIFE INYou will be moderate, Childred's Socks, 4d,all sizes ,perhaps, sheis not far wrong. But Promp'titudjb and jCiberalit^. . " Xl "'' ,P.aul V Close to Napier Railway Station. /^1 PILLS BEECHAM'S ; says, gently. IJT SURANQE DEPARTMENT. '"th^re are some natures which can she' Colored Dress Laces, Is dozen J. F. J:AEDINE. Agent, Are ; sake, v Yes dear foi if my own Reels, :'\.".no-'morel/assimilate 'than oil and Colored Silk Is dozen admitted by Distinguished for its Simple, Rapid Baker & ;TabuteHt CHIEF ADVANTAGES. watejr, and thisis the case with Paul for no other's. But lam noUikely Millinery All Trimmed at half-cost thousands to to forget that heis. my, father," even :.; Chandos and his son. All Untrimmed Millinery at halfbe worth aGuinea premiums large Low and ' forgets Cleanly, andPermanent y if he thatlain bonuses. ; N, his son.' : R0 U L T 0 S T cost . * :^ .'My father always wishes t. ZMmit% ! Baicef $& aBox for bilious and Funds kept inNew Zealand. says, softly, !' Good-bye she P inafores, 6d, eldest,' Children's all sizes .the, says JKenelm hadi been * Paul, you will Tabuteau^Buii^ingsj .!T nervous disorders, Claims paid immediately after properties. love me always, Flannel, 9d yard Wide Paul. 'Heis a favourite with the won't Tennyson such as streetNapiern Proprietor. wind and pain proof of death. you V 'governor, and, indeed with most iLadies' Aprons, 6d, 9d, and Is in DEPUTY OFHOIAL; the headstomach, sick Scratches, Most liberal conditions. lYever Satisfac Always He lifts his hand with a solemn ASsMiIB folfes. I Dress Braids, all colors, 6d dozen almost wonder, sweetheart, ache, giddiness, fulness and Low New Zealand mortality. :;.IN'MNKRu|bY.>t a Elastic, that you did not prefer him to me. gesture. yards " Until Idio, tuy 6d a dozen swelling after meals, dizziness ' tip Economical management. tory. ■;-<■ darling, You 'p. , ■..',,. 'Iam not so stupid,' says Estelle, Black Corded Silk, 2s 6d yard ' drowsiness, and cold chills flushmore State security. " ; than life itself to me and ; Private Suites of Rooms, Sarcenet, Is yard indiguantly. Kenelm is very nice, are ings oosf sheat, loss of appetite, short- Black ;;;.}; AccotrMiiNT Dazzling Mirror Finish. . everfajl you; may 1/be^punished Curtains, Lace 2s pair Long oi course j but to compare him to ifI 6d Less of breath, costiveness, scurvy, Total Sum Assured v as I deserve.' STOCK ■''■■" Oilcloth, yard .:::;: Is 3d blotches on the skin, disturbed: Antimacassars, Well-Ventilated Bedrooms, ' 'y6u^(including Bonus AdAh!how often in the time to come 3 for* Is Agent foi tHe :i She pauseß, with a ;loqk more dreams, ditions) frightful .£7,135,243 sleep, and all White Honeycomb will those words return to one of : ; ,eloquent then words, Quilts, 3s lid NORTH GERMAN"-FiMW* nervous and trembling sensa- Fancy Total Funds (the Reputation of nearly a1 SyRANCECO.-Allciaini^et^ them, carrying acting of bitter pain Plunge npHE " Quilts, Colored 3s 6d Baths, -■/■: jFinish your M>eech, my darling,' that and ! tions, Shower etc. The first dose wholeinvested inNew the eye^ will/grtfw dim, and :; . r Fancy Colored Shawls, Is 6d with liberality and promptitu^^1' 1 heasysj iriasterfully. ; will relief in twenty give Zealand) ...£1,500,000 over Century the chucks at pale their lenaem* Collarettes,, Fancy Lace 6d each OUTER'S TEEEGBaaif^)^ V ButEstelle shakesherprettyhead, minutes. This isno ficIn addition to theabove jtfapkins/3s and looks up at him- with those brance. Table the Ld. Messages can half-dozen tion, have, for they funds, the office has as the moat reliable preparation fot Company's Code. be n< >« fc &t£?min. Fans, 2s 6d ■'■'('starry.eyes'of hers which make Paul has gone but a few steps Ladies' doneit in an thousands Annual Income " Strong tfweed, Is and Is 9d yard .'words so, unnecessary. 'Then they when' he meets G.eolTry , Winfield, of cases. Every £282,000 of over and Brilliantly MODERATE CHARGES. Ulsters, 8s 64 and 10s 6d walk pn for a space in silence, con- who stops ancl callshim by his name. Ladies' sufferer is earyoung obliged pause The mail is to Chinese;Mattting, 9d yard tent to know and feel that they are The Surplus Cash Pronestly inPolishing ,so near each other; tasting to the though, as he looks at the drinkFrilling, 3d per yard Rlack £242,556 Near; the Working Men^ " fits in 1885 were vited to try .Pelisses, 3s full the cup.of happiness which is soddened face, vvhich once was handBabies' lid one box of Brass, LTME. LIME. LIME. 0 soon to be dashed from their lips. some/ -anilkho trembling, uncertain TONTINE SAVINGS FUND Tills, and they these hands, he feels ashamed to be seen Year's there Day '..A'uer this /New SECTION. Emersoij-Stbeet, NapikeJ Remember, most of the above \ will be acknowledged to be SALE, in any quantity,- Tontine Savings Copper, -"will come to them separation, doudt, in the public thoroughfares talking System Fund lines are far below cost as price, the LIME, upFIRST-CLASS and sorrow j but now the sun is to 'this man. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. above is a boiiaficU Clearance Sale. is ..^'"H or slacked, delivered in rail- Policies are now being issued. v Tin, Have you been jfbutid' to ours V slacked ' shiniiig brightly, the keen, cold air 1 New Assurers and existing Assurway truck at Gd PER BAG at For females of all ages these Pills THE ■:.briiigßthe rare deep rases to Estelles asks Winfield, u-hri, to-day, is sober, Waipawa. W CHEAPEST ance Policy-holders will be allowed are invaluable, as a few dosea of INSPECTION INVITED. Britannia Metal, P ;and the .light in her eyes for.a wonder, and,< therefore, not in %<iheeks to join this section. them all carry gross the best of off TAILORING humours, tempers. j; is that'light wjjich never shono on ESTABLISH. 'Yes,',Paul.answers, shortly';' ' at' QUALITY GUARANTEED. All profits accruing after entering open all obstructions, and bring Platinoid, and land or s,ea,' but only iv the eyes of Radford, the section are set apart to be about all that is required. No S. G. ment ; ;; M Punctually least, just have left Miss Winfield All Orders Attended To. I arc and, those who love beloved. ' You aro my New Ycars's gift, there.' dividod among the policy-holders female should be without them. LONDON HOUSE, AH Metals of Delicate Finish, ' Ah !' remaining in the section at the end TEKMS CASH. Iv the iDisferict ! There is no medicine to be found to sweetheart,'he says,' myNew Year's Hastings Street, Napier. of 1900, when liberal returns in equal Beecham's Pills for removing ' There is a world of meaning then, in Apply to blessing.' in a lower cash are anticipated. BECAUSE^ -" :i / ' And any obstruction or irregularity of vo;ce, Heaven grant us many New the ejaculation, and "Paul looks at R. 0. MILDON, Junior, Tho of principles the Tontine and the thensays, rather If taken according to GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, j Unrivalled For Years, my love, each happier % than himinterrogatively, Brickmaker, p.EXCELLENCE & QUALITY ?■ — mode of keeping accounts are not the system. sharply given with each box directions North, '"this, Estello, are you happy V Kaikora ' Have you anything slay, ' secret, as in case of kept others Ton- they will soon restore females of all both o Late of Waipawa. Metal Dish Covers, to Mr ~ _^ Ah! the look she gives him tines advertised. Material and y to ages V sound and robust health. speaks enough, and the sigh which Winfiold Workmanship, "' Not much,? is ' The .Present Tontine will close B. COSGEOVE, is combined with excessive For a weak stomach, impaired Tea and Coffee Pots, tho reply, only parts her lips is one of deep- and 31st December 1890. on -paid digestion LO^CH^BG^'^pi this. You have a and all disorders BBEAKFAST. good the pure content. For the time being deal.of "Magic," of HARNESSMAKER, SADDLE & liver, they attention act like to-my'daugtiter'lately, Frames, and and Brass forgets untidy, scrambling the a Window she "By a thorough knowledge of can be obtained few doses will be found to work A REALLY GOOD ""' *#* Informatiom ; home, the dissolute father, and only people are beginning to talk.' Now SUltf; '' Office, and tho natural laws which tho !1 " the Haad govern at Branches op DANEVIRKE. upon the most important oporations am a straight man, and, I wonders Facia and Door Plates, am go. knowa that love has come to her, I o w digestion and also of and nutriAgencies, and from the organs of the humanmachine. They Colonial Tweed for „ love, the king andlord of all. ing to ask you a straight question. tion, and by acareful application of Travelling Agents of the Depart- strengthen the to announce that he Do loveEstelle V has you Counters, whole Also Block-Tin bring her many fair and muscular the fine properties of well-selected &c. . Life may commenced business as above, ment. It seemed to the young man a system, restore the long-lost com- cocoa, gracious hours after this, but;,, she FRANKLAND, Epps provided Mr has our F. W. plexion, bring back the keen-edge of breakfast tables with a delicatelyivill always lemember this «ne day, profanation that this, man should opposite Dennehy's Junction Hotel, and Govt. Actuary <! ippetite and arouse into action with flavoured beverage which may save "with its sparkle of sunshine and even be allowed to breathe his darl- and hopes ; by,strict attention to Commissiouer H Artistically Cut & Well Made. ZI ing's name, but he answers very business,,to merit a fair share of the }he Rosebud of health the whole Can be frost, as the happiest of them all. obtained of Storeretail — us many heavy bills. It is public patronage. Repairs executed of the human frame, by the judiciousdoctors' . Estelle,' ho says, presently, when* ([uiotly DE JONGH'S physical energy 'Mr Winfield, I " such articles use of y^R. with neatness and despatch, and love your daughrhese are Facts" admitted by Df diet that a constitution may be keepers Everywhere, in 6d and Is q V nnditto their,advaii- : they have rcceivul a pretty little am able to provide cheaper than any, other house in the (Knight of the Order of Leopold of thousands embracing all classes of tage to patronise,the Sartori- &» ■secluded spot where ho may kisa ter, and when I built up until strong her a home I society ; and one of the best guaran- gradually shall make her my trade. COLLARS A SPECIALTY. urn, pots; 2d and ld tins ; lips her. swoet without fear /of where no charge is made f Belgium, every tendency to to 3npugh resist p|unless entire^ .satisfaojtipn :ees to the nervous and debilitated lisease. Hundreds prying eyes, 'if Ileave home, I wife' Knight of the Legion of Honour) is <£. of subtle malaAgent for Herr Norberg's Cele- LIGHT BROWN COD Win f eld. laughs. given. ;. . "/, s Beecham's Pills have the largest dies are floating around us ready to and ld cardboard boxes. shall have my own way to make in ' LIVER ' ./ .r. *.-.'. "That is'a very good joke, 'Paul A short distance AWoiiTi ' sale of anypatent medicine in the ittack wherever there is a weak :" the worl<], and, knowing that ypu OIL. brated Waltzes. Why Chandos. everybody says ; «re to be my rcwarcl, I.shall work Square OH^hele^^gfQJ;\, . vorld. ?oint, We may escapemany afatal KB.— Note the Address. that you are the eldest son,-and. will s of Emerson-Street, is only and sold wholePrepared ;liko;a second Hercules." pure, palatable y Absolutely naturally shaft by keeping ourselves well sale and retail by the proprietor, !ortified with pure blood and a proInventors ;? He speaks with the large and gers- have a handsome fortune. Idon't and extraodinary efficacious THE SARTOJBIUM:- 4 ; 'MAKOTUKU HOTEL. D. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, )erly nourished frame."— Seearticle erous enthusiasm of youth, under- suppose there is any real reason in Consumption, Throat why you should not marry at once, Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is n the Civil Service Gazette. Affections and Debility and Sole Manufacturers, ; standing nothing pf the .difficulties ACCOMMODA9d each.— Sold by all Hade simply with boihng.wateiioiuiilk. '-'.lie-may have to surmount, the'driijj- if you wish it.' , of adults and I£dand2s (To he Continued.) TION FOR TRAVELLERS. Druggists and Patent Medicine >old in Jibpackets by Grocers, labelled thus: JOSEPH PICKERING & SONS, : Printed and published by th*,Proprie&r '■.. in the path,the disapyoiritmc'als children. ':....ons ' James Rum? Cv?my abhis Qesxi\ r throughout the Colonies. [ JAMES EPPS & CO V :am\ defeats from which he iriiisfc'' Sold in Dealers capsuled only Imperial Stabling. Good Printing Office, High-feWe^t,I^nevlMe— ; ;ojily i'ise the braver and N.B.— Full directions are given Sheffield,.England pints, and quarts, by all Get your Printing done at the HQMCEppAT^IQ CHEMISTS, half : &ONPQN, ENCsA*tt>, U|e ffghe*. Rearedin-liixury.uu' office of the Bush Advocate. ;±fyl Chemifits and Storekeepers. 1vith each box. J. 0. DAVIS, Pjrofjrietok< "; '! softly ' What doing, v do think of you my 'J;more remembrance of the time and ; quiet. dearest?' ' ■\ placed andshrinks back. Itis haye no^h|iiJbipie to form any I s " Senojagh here, but we are told that'. f; clasp her in his arms, but she hasI saySj / . DEAFEST/ NEW ] , .BUGAR/ .... CHRISTMAS ■ ' : -" ; . . ... ... ... ... GOODS - " 1 ■ * 1 . " v. fe* 1 ■ ; AND^MA^INE. . ... . ... " ■ . .. ■ ; . ■ ! " j % . " j, . . " . ■ Suits. . Danevirke, . ' % DRAPERY ' ■ - ■"" G. Eadford's - " K&Co, * - f . A^otuxK . " l ' ' '' ' ! 1 ' - J" . . ■<!'"" ' AND.SEARIJ^BBfiMR. ■ " " ■ ... .... fdrwarde^. ■ ... 1 FOR - ; " . " ■ 1 ■ EPPB'B~COCOA. ' BEGS . ( ."^' . lo^^ " ■ " EIRST-OLASS -